#also チ having different meanings…
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seirxi · 3 months ago
orb is threatening me to actually read/watch the series with this anime commemoration collectors edition manga set….wtf why’s it so pretty
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unar-mage-ddon · 1 year ago
focus group test q&a (and the stuff before it)
i decided to sit down and translate all of 蒼's tweets about the focus group test to have them all in one spot, since i haven't seen them all anywhere. i've also copypasted their exact words in jp so that if anyone who knows more than me wants to double check the wording, you can do that easily (also there's one specific answer that i just don't understand. i got a friend to help me but i left a note on it just in case)!
also excuse the formatting, it's awful but tumblr won't let me do anything on shift-enter'd lines
under a readmore because it's super long:
Lead Planner: Shirokami (白神さん) Character Designer: Yamashita (山下さん) Brand Manager: Aida (間さん) And of course: Nomura (野村さん)
But first, the stuff before the Q&A:
—About Remus: designed by Yamashita; "he's a guy who helps pull Player along, so he's a reliable older brother type" (タレ目 just means drooping eyes) —レムスは山下さんがデザイン。山下さん「プレイヤーを引っ張ってくれるお兄さんなので、頼れるタレ目のお兄さんに」
—The designers check in with Nomura when deciding on characters —野村さんと相談しながらキャラクターを決めていく。
—There are plenty of other characters outside of who's shown in the closed beta, along with other Societies —CBTで出てる以外のキャラもいっぱいいる。結社も他にいっぱいある。
—Aside from Nomura, there are three other character designers —キャラデザのデザイナーは野村さん他3人、みんなでやってる。
—Freya was designed with the image of a cat in mind because she does navigation, and her hair is also designed with that in mind; OP's comment says "so basically Chirithy!" (メッシュ means hair highlights i think??) —フレイヤはある猫ちゃんをイメージ。ナビゲーションしてくれるから。メッシュもその子の柄を意識している。(チ○シィじゃん!)
—About avatar outfit coordination: "The person who designs weapons also designs the outfits" -Nomura —野村さん「武器職人が衣装職人やってる」武器のデザインやってた人がコーデデザイン
—There are a bunch of outfits modeled after different jobs, like Fighter, Hunter, Wizard, Healer, variations of Soldiers, Hunter(again), Black Mage, and White Mage —いくつかジョブをモチーフにしている衣装がある。ファイター、ハンター、ウィザード、ヒーラーは、それぞれ戦士、狩人、黒魔道士、白魔道士をイメージ
—There are also outfits designed to look like Scala civilian wear, like the ones working at the reception desk or the Top Hat outfit. "The order called for 'People from Scala'" -Yamashita —スカラの街の人っぽいデザインも。受付の人やシルクハットのコーデ。山下さん「オーダーが『スカラの街の人』だった」雑、と(笑)
—There's also one that looks like a flower shop owner —お花屋さんっぽいコーデも『スカラの街の人』っぽいデザイン。
—Other job motif outfits that haven't been shown; a Thief design that's predominantly black and green, includes goggles; a Dark Knight that has a sword accessory —ジョブモチーフ衣装、まだ出ていないものも!シーフは黒と緑の衣装、ゴーグルつけてる。暗黒騎士は使えない飾りの剣もついている
—The Red Mage outfit is predominantly black and red, with a cape on left shoulder; "To me it doesn't really look that red, just black" -Nomura —赤魔道士は黒と赤の衣装、左肩のみ肩マントつけてる。野村さん「俺から見ると赤くない、黒い」
—The Dragon Knight outfit is very spiky. The design for the hat is having trouble coming together so just that part is under revision —竜騎士はトゲトゲな衣装。帽子がまだしっくり来ていなくて帽子だけ監修中。
—The designers all have their opinions so there'll be a lot of different clothes —色んなデザイナーが関わっているから色んな服が出る。
——About the Guide Moogle: —Yamashita: They got their own new clothes, too —Nomura: (about the clothes) I was asked if the Guide Moogle could wear those outfits early in development, so that's why you see them in these outfits. Then I was asked if there could be one in each Society, which had to be turned down.* —山下さん「モグちゃんにも新しいお洋服を」 —野村さん「(ガイドモーグリの服について)開発から着せていいですか、って言われたから。結社一つモーグリでもいいですか���って言うから、それはダメだよ、って言った」 *(take this with a huge grain of salt. these two sentences are the most confusing lines i've ever read in my life. i have no idea who's saying what to who. help me)
—There are other Moogle designs too, such as flower shop and cafe employee outfits, and others can wear crowns and top hats; they mostly wear different hats and aprons —モーグリのデザイン、他にもあり!お花屋さん、カフェ店員さん…王冠かぶっていたり、シルクハットかぶっているのも!ほとんど帽子をかぶりエプロンをつけている。めっちゃかわいい。
—Outfit revealed for a character who can't be shown yet, outfit is mostly dark colors; "I can't say if they're an enemy or an ally yet. A name has been decided on, but I can't say that either. They aren't the only one" -Nomura —まだ出しちゃいけないキャラの服も公開!黒い衣装。野村さん「敵か味方かも言えない。名前は決まっているが言えない。…一人じゃない」
—There are subspecies of Behemoths, and one kinda looks a little like leopard print; "The closed beta testers are seeing them more often than their parents' faces" -Nomura, when looking at the Behemoth —亜種もあり。ちょっとヒョウ柄っぽい。 野村さん「(ベヒーモスを見て)CBTやっている人は親の顔より見てる」
—Scala was designed after the image of a main street at night; "It turned into the view of my childhood home…" -Nomura —スカラの街のイメージ資料。大通り(夜)。野村さん「実家と化した…」
——About the Dive Station: —Nomura: It went through a lot of name changes —Nomura: After the first time we showed it on Twitter, people thought maybe it was under construction, but like it was mentioned in the closed beta prologue, it's a place that's no longer in use —Nomura: Something that happened back when the cranes were still in use… You'll understand once the live service starts —野村さん「名前何回か変わった」 —野村さん「(ダイヴステーションについて)Twitterで初めて画像上げた後、建設中かなーと言われたけど、今回のCBTのプロローグでも言っていたように、今はもう使われなくなった場所」 —野村さん「クレーンを使っていた頃の何がしかは…正式サービス開始時にわかる」
—About the scenery of Scala: Since the design is the basis, it's been drawn with care by the same person who did the background scenery for Union Cross; "Everyone is living here now" -Nomura —スカラの全景。デザイン画なのでしっかり描かれている。このデザイン画はUχの背景を描いていた人が描いている。野村さん「���さんはここに住んでいます」
Now to the actual Q&A section (where Nomura says, "You guys wrote way too many questions"):
—Q: Will Guilds or Friendlists be added? (a lot of this same question) —A: If possible. Stay tuned. —やれたら。お察しください。ご期待ください。
—Q: Is there compatibility with the Apple Watch, like being able to use it in hands-free mode? —A: With the step counter, yes. We'll see what we can do with the hands-free mode. —歩数で連動しています。ハンズフリーは善処します。
—Q: Will other raid bosses like the Guard Armor be added? —A: I can't say for all of them, but yes, there will be more. —全部とは言えないけど、出ます。今後増えます。
—Q: Will we be able to obtain more Keyblades such as Kingdom Key? —A: There will be more Keyblades, but I'm not sure about adding Kingdom Key. —キーブレードの種類は増えます。キングダムチェーンが出るかどうかはわからない。
—Q: Will Pieces have voices or BGM (like some medals did in KHUX)? —A: We're discussing it with Disney since the game is Global. Please be understanding. —ディズニーと相談中。お察しください。グローバルなので。
—Q: Is it possible to rollback a material you've already used? —A: That'd be difficult because of the Strengthening Record. —強化レコードの関係上難しい。
—Q: Will there be more clothing options and/or Pieces? —A: For clothing options, like we revealed earlier, there are ones that haven't been added and ones that we still can't show. They will be added gradually. The rest depends on our effort. —アバターはさっきお見せしたようにまだ出していないもの、そしてまだお見せしていないものもある。順次増える。他は頑張り次第。
—Q: The music is beautiful, so I was wondering if there would be an album release? —A: We still don't have many songs, so that will depend on if service continues. —まだ数曲しかないので、サービスが続けば。
—Q: What are Glow Pieces? —A: Special pieces that shine. Please wait for live service. (laughed at that one ngl) —光ってる特別なピース。正式サービス開始をお待ちください。
—Q: Do you recommend any specific Pieces or skills for battles? —A: (Shirokami) "The King. He can sweep the map in one shot." / (Nomura) "For me, it's Gothel. Though I feel a little bad when everything on the field gets Slow'd." *(edit: i just realized i misread this and it doesn't say "slow," it's "through," but i genuinely have no idea what that even means in the gameplay sense nor have i seen someone use gothel. maybe it takes aggro off of you??) —白神さん「王様。一発で一掃できる」野村さん「俺はゴーテル。みんなフィールドでスルーするからかわいそうだなって」
—Q: Will there be an easier way to save specific colors on clothes when you want to change them to something else temporarily? —A: That's under consideration. —やりやすくするよう改善を検討中です。
—Q: Since you can share raid boss URLs, are there any plans to create an official community? —A: If Disney's alright with it… —ディズニーがよければ…
—Q: If the game can be played at home, then is there a reason for it to be a mobile app? Wouldn't it be better to just make it a console game at that point? —A: (Nomura) "Staff have told me that mobile games nowadays can be made with the same quality as console games, so I thought it'd be worth a try to bring the normal KH experience to mobile. I wanted to use the hardware features that can only be accomplished on a smartphone, so I went with a location-based concept. Console games can accomplish different things. And, well, if we did make a console game that would be a separate thing, while this is its own thing." —A: (Shirokami) "With Party creation, for example, it's more interesting because you're interacting with the people around you and showing them this fun new thing and getting to play it together, which makes it a bit easier for you to expand outside of already existing communities." —A: (Nomura) "Keep joining more and more raids." —野村さん「今のスマホは家庭用のクオリティでできるとスタッフから言われて、じゃあスマホで据え置き並のKHやってみよっかと。ハードの機能を使いたいから位置ゲーに」 —野村さん「家庭用は家庭用で別にやる。まあ、今後家庭用で出してもそれはそれ、これはこれ」 —白神さん「パーティー機能など、リアルの近場の人だからこそ、これ面白いよ、やってみようよ、と既存のコミュニティから飛び出していく内容」 —野村さん「どんどんマルチ入れて」
—Q: What's something that you had the most trouble with during development, but actually ended up working out pretty well? —A: (Shirokami) "Getting the Pad function and the GPS function to coexist. It's hard to set up servers for that." / (Nomura) "Getting the vertical and horizontal orientations to coexist. It's ridiculous. Doing checks on it was even worse." —白神さん「パッド機能とGPS機能の両立。サーバー置いたり大変」 野村さん「縦画面と横画面両立。正気じゃない、狂気。��ェックも倍」 縦横画面の両立でメニューなどコントローラーのこと追いついていない。
—Q: If someone disconnects and reconnects during a raid, are they able to continue? —A: Since it's in real-time, they can't continue. —リアルタイムなので継続はできない。
—Q: The miasma is so dark that I can't find the Area Enemy within it. It wasn't that strong during the prototype test. —A: I agree with that, and we tried to fix it after the closed beta started but it wouldn't work. It'll be fixed in the final release. —確かに濃すぎてCBT中に直したかったけど直せなかった。正式リリースでは直します。
—Q: Will there be costumes of characters such as Sora and Riku like there were during KHUX? —A: That kind of thing usually happens because the main producer brings it up… so if they do, then we'll do it. —野村さん「そういうのやるときはプロデューサーが話を持ってきたときだから…プロデューサーがそういう話持ってきたらやる」
—Q: Is there anything specific that you really like and want other people to pay attention to? —A: (Shirokami) "The Lock mode uses a seventh of the battery, so it's great to use to defeat enemies while in the car or on the train." —A: (Yamashita) "The scenery is pretty so please take a look at it. I'd like if you could climb the walls and look down every nook and cranny." —A: (Aida) "GPS games usually have some regional disparity, but this doesn't." —A: (Nomura) "There's a big reason why I wanted to use GPS, but I can't say. People have been speculating about it, right? On social media and whatnot." —白神さん「ロックモードはバッテリー消費7分の1になる。ロックモードは車や電車でも敵を倒せる」 —山下さん「背景が綺麗なので見てほしい。壁を登って隅から隅まで見てほしい」 —間さん「GPSゲーは地方格差あるけどこれはない」 —野村さん「GPSを取り入れようとした大きな理由があるけど、言えない。みんな書きますよね?SNSで」
—Q: I wish it was easier to collect jewels all in one place outside of checking the mail. —A: That will be addressed accordingly. There will be other ways to receive your items besides checking the mail from the Astral Plane. (Nomura: I find it annoying too) —順次対応します。メールがアストラル界以外でも受け取れるようにします。野村さん「僕もこれめんどくさい」
—Q: Will the Pieces be made into figures? —A: (Matsushita, present and in charge of merch) I wanna make them! I'll see what I can do! —イベントに立ち会ったグッズの松下さん「作りたいです!善処します!」
—Q: Can you make parties with the story characters? —A: There will be opportunities in the story to be joined by other characters, like Remus in the prologue. However, there are currently no plans to create parties freely with them. —ストーリー内では今回のレムスのように機会があります。自由に、というのは今のところ考えていない。
—Q: What Disney worlds will be in the game? —A: That's a secret. —秘密。 - They're shown anyway at the end of the Q&A: the player is seeing running through a forest, in a cave, on a shoal, near a beach, and finally Olympus (the only one OP was able to identify) - Disney worlds will work like they always have; they're places you can visit, have their own stories, and you can meet the inhabitants. There's one other thing, but OP can't say what it is - Other descriptions: A large lake? The ocean? Mountains, a moon in the night sky… A townscape from afar that you can see the lights from, and a boat on the wharf (Nomura: The colors were adjusted to get them as close to the original as possible)
—Q: Will there be a way to rewatch cutscenes within the game? —A: We're thinking of a theatre mode. (Nomura: There are people who skip cutscenes because they don't have time to watch them, so to make sure they don't miss out, it'll be added.) —シアターは考えている。野村さん「やってて今見てる時間なくてって飛ばしたい人もいるので、飛ばしたらもう見られないってならないよう、入れてもらいます」
—Q: Will there be time-limited events? —A: Meetings about events have already been arranged, but we can't say anything about the details. —イベントはもう打ち合わせ済み。内容はまだお答えできない。
—Q: How much of the story will be available when service starts? —A: Since there are so many characters, the modelers can't keep up, and aside from that, it's voiced with animated cutscenes. While we're trying to fix up the structure, we don't intend of making it more compact. It'll be about the same as a traditional Kingdom Hearts game. —新キャラばっかりでモデルが追いつかない。声もついてるしムービーも出る。構成見直し中だがコンパクトにする気はない。従来のKHと同じくらい。
About the pacing of story releases: (Nomura) "How many months did it take for KHUX? Nowadays that pacing is unacceptable."
—Q: Will Scala get any bigger? —A: Yes. —広がっていく。
—Q: Who are the staff's favorite characters? —A: Since there have only been two new characters shown so far, this is about Pieces instead. (Nomura: Gothel) —キャラは2人しか出ていないから、ピースを。野村さん「ゴーテル」
—Q: Will cutscenes look like the prologue instead of the text-based cutscenes that KHUX had? —A: If all the cutscenes were on the same level as the prologue, they would take a year to come out, so not all of them will. They'll be more lightweight than the prologue, but they will be voiced. All the cutscenes for the live service release have already been shot. There are very little to no cutscenes that are text-based like the KHUX ones are. —すべてを今回のプロローグレベルにすると出るの一年後になるので、すべてがそうではない。プロローグより軽量になることはあるけど、ボイスは入る。正式リリース時のカットシーン分は撮り終えてる。Uχみたいなテキスト送りイベントになることはよっぽどない。
—Q: Since Freya wears a skirt, are there any outfits that are gender-restricted? —A: (Yamashita) "Outfits are unisex. There's no restriction against what you can wear. Just like how the player can freely change bottoms, this is simply how Freya decided to coordinate her outfit." —山下さん「コーデは男女兼用。男性用、女性用と区別はなく、どちらも着られる。プレイヤーがボトムを変えられるように、フレイヤがそういうコーディネートをしているだけ」
—Q: Are Navigators different from Keyblade wielders? Are there others across the different Societies? —A: They are Keyblade wielders, but they just don't use them. Navigators don't exist in other Societies; Freya is the only one. By the way, you can't select a Society to join like you could with Unions in KHUX, the choice is fixed." —野村さん「キーブレード使い。使わないだけで。ナビゲーターは各結社にそれぞれはいない。フレイヤだけ。ちなみにUχみたいに好きな結社選ぶとかなく、プレイヤーが入る結社は固定」
(scenes in the closed beta are very cut, like with freya suddenly being friends with the player. the conversation with freya as seen in the closed beta is a discarded cut. that conversation will be in the final release, but the cut is different. / CBTのイベントはかなりカットしてる。フレイヤと突然仲間になってる。フレイヤの会話シーンはCBTのみの捨てカット。リリースであの会話はあるが、カットは違う。)
—Q: Is the Guide Moogle part of a Society? —A: We said earlier that they weren't, but maybe just that one is. —先程モーグリ結社はないと言ったが、このモーグリだけはどこか所属するかも。
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Azran Legacy Guidebook: Page 97
Previous Page: Page 96
(Continued from previous page)
The game was packed with minigames in addition to the main puzzles, such as the dress up and treasure hunt feature. You must have all felt very accomplished once it was complete.
Hino We had to be diligent to ensure that all of the events were 100% complete, but everyone put their heads together and worked hard to produce the final product.
The directors, Kumakai-san and Susuki-san, said “There was a strong feeling of: ‘we’ve done it’, this time.”
Hino From Kumakai and Suzuki’s points of view, for certain. The two years of development was a long time for the “Professor Layton” team, so I think there is a sense of accomplishment in that.
This is the sequel that the fans were waiting for, after all!
Hino This time, a lot of attention was paid to details. As I played the completed game, I found myself thinking “it even has this?!” Each world was made carefully.
You can touch even normal-looking items on the map and they respond, right?
Hino You could say “(you) can’t go this far with all of them!” but we were in an exceptional position, after all. I think they did a really good job.
What parts of “Azran Legacy” did you pay special attention to?
Hino The concept of this game is for players to be able to “play as and when they would like to”. Not just for the story, but we also wanted players to be able to solve puzzles, and complete the collection and treasure hunt freely.
So, what is your favourite scene, Hino-san?
Hino The latter half of the game, where many characters have a change of heart. I often wondered whether such a scenario would be suited to a handheld game, but the “Professor Layton” series always deals with the serious parts in a serious manner. I think it manages to provide a tasteful end for each character.
As a fan of the game, I think I still want to see more of the Layton and Luke duo…
Hino I think this will be a stopping point (ambiguous, could mean end, or just a pause) for the main series. However, it is possible that Layton and Luke will appear in spin-off works.
Oh, a spin off?!
Hino We are making something working off of the “Professor Layton” series, but whether it will be connected to “Professor Layton”, or a completely independent work, we don’t know yet. Overseas, this game’s ability to play the story and also freely solve puzzles has been well received, so people would like to see the series continue. But whether it will an adventure with Layton, or perhaps his son or daughter, or another different person entirely, we are still deciding.
In the iOS game “Layton Brothers: Mystery Room”, the protagonist is Layton’s son. So are you saying…?!
Hino I’ve made many games, but I don’t want to make something normal. Even with a new “Profesor Layton”, I want to create a constant feeling surprise of “what just happened?!” I hope to announce a new “Professor Layton” in the future.
I hope we can be reunited with characters like Emmy and Descole, who we parted ways with here!
Hino Should we continue on in the same universe, those characters will probably appear again. The world of Layton, or “Alternate London” as we call it, is all one coherent setting, so I wonder whether we can use that to create something new.
「きせかえファッション」などのミニゲ ー ム、コレクション、ひみつのワードなと、本筋のナゾトキ以外にもいろいろな遊びが詰まっている。 その分、完成したときは全員の達成感もすこかったでしようね。
日野 すべてのイベントが 100 %の完成度になっているかどうかは、常に精進しないといけない部分ではありますけど、みんなが頭をひねって考え出した、それぞれの苦労が結集された作品になりましたね。
ディレクター の熊谷さんと鈴木さんも、「今回は "やりきった"という感覚が強い」とおっしやっていました。
日野 熊谷と鈴木の視点から見てもそうでしようね。開発に 2 年というのは、『レイトン教授」チ ー ムにとっては初めての長期間でしたし、そういう意味でも達成感はあると思います。
日野 今回は、本当に細かく作られているんですよ。僕もある程度完成したものをプレイしているときに「ここまでやるの!?」という思うくらい、丁寧に 1 つ 1 つの世界を細かく作りこんであります。
日野 「毎回はここまでやれないよ」というくらい、特別なポジションの作品ですからね。本当によく頑張ってもらったと思います。
『超文明 A の遺産』で特に注目してほしい部分はどこでしよう?
日野 やはり、今回のコンセプトで打ち出した「旅をしている気分で、好きなように遊べる」という部分でしようか。スト ー リ ー を追っていくだけでなく、 1 つ 1 つのナゾを解いていったり、コレクションやひみつのワ ー ドを集めてもらったりと自由にプレイしてほしいですね。
それでは、日野さんのお気に入りのシ ー ンは?
日野 後半に向かう部分での、いろんなキャラクタ ー の心の動きですね。携帯ゲ ー ム機の作品で、果たしてこういうシナリオが向いているのかと思うこともあった��ですけど、『レイトン教授』シリ ー ズはシリアスな部分はシリアスに描いてきた作品ですから。それぞれのキャラクタ ーたちの終わりを、丁寧に作れたと思います。
今作を遊んだファンとしては、やはりレイトンとル ー クの名コンビをもっと見たい、と思うのですが・・・
日野 正式なシリ ー ズとしては、今回で一区切りになると思います。ただ、外伝的な作品でレイトンとル ー クが出てくる可能性はありますね。
日野 『レイトン教授』シリ ー ズの流れを汲んだものは生み出そうとはしていますが、それが『レイトン教授』と付くものになるのか、まったく別の作品になるかはまだわかりません。物語を遊びながら、気軽にナゾを解いて遊べる、というゲ ー ム性は海外でも大きく支持されましたし、皆さんがまだまだ楽しみたいということであれば、何らかの形で継続していきたいと考えています。ただ、それがレイトンなのか、レイトンの息子なのか娘なのか、それともまったく違う人物の冒険になるかは、まだまだ考えている最中ですね。
レイトンの息子が主役の iOS 対応ゲ ー ム『レイトンブラザ ー ズ・ミステリ ー ルーム」のような作品もありますしね。ああいった形で、もしかして・・・!?
日野 僕もたくさんゲ ー ムを作ってきましたけど、やっぱり普通のことってしたくないんですよね。何か新しい「レイトン教授」を作るうえでも、「なんだとっ!?」ていう驚きの感じを常に出していきたいです。近いうちにそんな『レイトン教授」か発表できるといいなとは思います。
日野 今後も同じ世界観でいく場合は、そういったキャラクタ ー たちも出てくるでしようね。レイトンたちが暮らしている世界のことを、僕らは「異世界ロンドン」と呼んでいるんですけど、一本の筋の通った世界観になっていますから、それを使ってまた新しいものを生み出すのはアリなのかなと思っています。
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gear-project · 1 year ago
Ok I’ve gotta ask, apparently lines from vastedge that where either used taken from a script, or some people are saying data mine (which I don’t think is possible for a delete app game.) and I’ve gotta ask you. These legit?
Here a link for context, I’m very sorry it’s Bridget drama but it’s the only one I can find: https://x.com/liddle_lefty/status/1705717781898182870?s=46&t=VF7mClmgsVLqih2Lknu3CA
I had to run the image in an OCR (Object Character Reader) and convert the text and translate it.
Based on what I read (and also running it through an Audio Reader) it matches a lot of Bridget's old voice samples from older games.
That being said, I haven't heard the full audio rips of VastEdge to say for certainty if that is the entire source or not.
Bridget uses the term "Uchi" which is a Feminine Pronoun often used by girls in Japanese, though he also simultaneously states cuteness is irrelevant to him because he is a "man" (this is a quote taken from the list of lines you shared).
「 か わ い い は 余 計 で す … ウ チ は 男 で す 」
He also states that it was his Village's customs that had him raised as a Girl.
「 ウ チ は 村 の 慣 例 に �� ら っ て 、 女 の 子 と し て 育 て ら れ た ん で す ". 」
The rest of the quotes are more or less recycled from older GGXX fighting games from Bridget's battle quotes.
I don't think VastEdge would necessarily treat Bridget any differently than how he was in older games, though I have to remind people that Guilty Gear Strive is its own Interpretation of past events (meaning some aspects WERE Retconned because of that interpretation).
Also, VastEdge took its own interpretation of events from Guilty Gear 2 Overture... so in that respect, not all events or characters in VastEdge are relevant to events of GG2 or events in Xrd that came subsequently.
There's actually a lot of information in VastEdge that does not fit within the events of either GG2 or Xrd, but we'll leave that alone for now...
As far as I know this source is likely legitimately from VastEdge itself, though again, I'd have to hear the ripped audio samples to absolutely confirm it myself.
Twitter commentary aside, Bridget's gender identity at the time was not open for debate or questioned, let alone retconned... so VastEdge's interpretation of "him" matches how Bridget was interpreted during the Guilty Gear XX games.
Still, it's hard to say if VastEdge's events are canon involving Bridget, as Bridget was more or less a "guest opponent" in that 'game' and Bridget largely had little to do with the main story of VastEdge itself.
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raven-at-the-writing-desk · 3 years ago
Hii!I just had a question,what do you think about the “drama” that’s happening rn with the dorm uniforms of diasnomia?(I only heard that it happened because of a mistranslation of an interview with yana toboso)
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Firstly, I would caution against labeling the ordeal as “drama”, “discourse”, “tea”, “cancellation”, etc., as I feel that kind of phrasing detracts from the seriousness of the allegations. Words have certain connotations that carry over to their meaning (something that is very relevant to the ongoing discussion), so please keep that in mind!
Secondly, I want to put a disclaimer that I’m NOT speaking as someone who has personally experienced the horrors of war, and nor am I an expert in world history, fashion, or Japanese. I am only speaking from the viewpoint of a TWST fan. In sharing my thoughts and opinions, I only hope that it can lend some nuance to the situation, as it is NOT as clear cut as many are making it out to be.
Now, regarding the meat of the matter. I realize that the topics I will discuss are sensitive ones, and as such, I will be placing it under the cut.
Please proceed with caution, as I WILL be discussing war, Nazi imagery, suicide, and other triggering subjects.
For those who may not be up to speed on what’s happening: in early May 2022, a fan translator posted their English version of an interview Yana Toboso (TWST’s character designer) did in 2020. (Tumblr post of TL here, Reddit post of TL here!) Yana used the term “親衛隊” to refer to her design inspiration for Diasomnia, which the fan translator translated as “SS uniforms”. In truth, “親衛隊” more commonly refers to personal bodyguards, elite guards, and/or intelligence agents, and only refers to Nazis when the context of the conversation does. Colloquially, the term is also used to refer to groupies. Please also note that the phrase “親衛隊” was in use in Japan prior to WWII, so it does not strictly refer to Nazis. A different term entirely is added to “親衛隊” when specifically discussing Nazis (“ナ/チ/ス”). I must also point out that in later parts of the same interview, Yana makes reference to “rider style jackets” and “jockey pants” (as in, horseriding/equestrian fashion) as part of her inspiration, so the uniform does not wholly pull design elements only from Nazi fashion. The flared pants may resemble SS uniform fashion, but they are also an element associated with equestrian wear (which, yes, did exist before SS uniforms did).
OP has since clarified their translation with a disclaimer about their word choice and apologized for the confusion. However, others in the fandom have taken the initial translation for fact and have been circulating assumptions and speculation that Yana had malicious intent and purposefully designed Diasomnia’s uniforms based on SS ones and/or that Yana herself supports Nazi ideals. There are those that renounce Diasomnia altogether for their clothes resembling SS uniforms, even if they are aware the interview’s original phrasing does not specifically indicate Nazis. Others are uncomfortable just knowing that the translated phrase can lean into the Nazi interpretation.
First thing’s first: it’s okay to feel uncomfortable or if you take offense to the situation, no matter where you stand on the matter. It’s not unusual to feel discomfort or cognitive dissonance when suddenly there’s word that an entire group of characters from a game that you enjoy so much may be associated with the countless atrocities committed by the Nazis. Whether you believe the idea or not, the mere suggestion can trigger intense emotions, and those feelings are valid. You should be able to express those thoughts (so long as you’re not hurting or threatening to hurt anyone 💦).
Personally, I believe that Yana meant “personal bodyguard” and not the “SS” in the interview. This makes the most sense to me, given how the other interpretations make more sense in context. Diasomnia is full of Malleus groupies. Diasomnia has two members of Equestrian Club. Diasomnia is notable for having 3/4 of its named characters being devoted elite guards to the dorm leader. Meanwhile there is very little to suggest Naziam specifically, and I doubt that Disney (who is notoriously strict about its IPs and “clean” image) would allow Yana to PUBLICLY state that she based a dormitory’s uniform off of such a heinous group’s clothing. I realize that not everyone will agree with my take. That does not detract from the reality that Diasomnia’s uniform does, indeed, resemble military fashion, whether Nazi or not. There are many elements of the dorm uniform that borrow from military uniforms from various countries and eras (for more information on military fashion, I recommend this post!). I would also like to add that military uniforms were, historically, purposefully designed to be “fashionable” and appealing, typically to better convince the public that their country was in “the right” for going to war and to promote a sense of national unity. There’s no way for me to sugarcoat this: no country is blameless; every military kills people and commits atrocities. There will always be some kind of a negative association with the military, which can be considered a detriment to Diasomnia’s dorm clothing design (whether intentionally or unintentionally designed to invoke that imagery). This is not to downplay the large scale of atrocities the Nazis committed; I’m pointing out that the Diasomnia uniforms do not resemble Nazi uniforms specifically and that regardless of what military uniform it resembles, the clothing will always be associated with something negative.
Regarding the terminology used, I want to say that language is not an absolute. Many words in one language won’t cleanly translate into another. If I had to liken what happened with the mistranslation to something, it’s similar to how some words can have a normal meaning but also a vulgar meaning in colloquial language/slang. Of course, this doesn’t have the same amount of historical weight or damage that the Nazis carried out; I’m only using this as an example of how flexible language can be. When a phrase or word can have multiple meanings, I don’t think it’s wise to immediately assume the worst possible meaning IS the “correct” one, or to accept the first translation we come across as the gospel truth.
Concerning Yana: we should not make assumptions in such broad strokes about another person based on what they create. Sure, maybe you may not like her or elements of her work, but it would be inappropriate to assume her character is bad or that she has bad intentions because there are similarities between one design and Nazi designs. Furthermore, people are capable of creating things for reasons other than “I support this”. They may want to call light to something or critically discuss it in a way that isn’t possible in real life. This is true of much of literature, from the classics to contemporaries, fiction to nonfiction.
Depicting insensitive things in media becomes a major issue when “bad” things are glorified or treated like they are “good”. The presence of a “bad” thing in of itself does not necessarily make the entire work “evil”. For example, I’ve seen some people argue that Sebek’s racist behavior (the pro-fairy, anti-human stuff) is “proof” that Yana supports Nazism. However, NEVER in Twisted Wonderland has Sebek’s bigotry been depicted as something to be praised; it’s often played for comedy (where Sebek is the joke or the clown to be made fun of) or it alienates Sebek from his peers. Sometimes other characters (or even other Diasomnia students) call Sebek out for acting the way that he does, which demonstrates disapproval of said behavior. Even Diasomnia mob students are not described as being particularly “good”, but as arrogant assholes that bully kids (see: Ortho dorm vignettes).
Now, while that brand of bigotry is not glorified or raised as the ideal in TWST, that’s NOT to say that Disney/Yana has not tripped up in the past or that they won’t ever trip up in the future. TWST still very much has its issues (which I won’t get into now, because that would make this post even longer), but we, as the audience, are capable of being critical of a work and critiquing it while still consuming it.
I’m glad that we’re having this discussion because it shows that the fandom cares about what it consumes and wants TWST to be the best that it can be, but we shouldn’t make this situation so black and white and/or send awful things to the opposing side. As I’ve mentioned earlier in this post, there is much more to consider in this, and I would highly encourage everyone to do their own research into this matter (NOT just a quick Google search or running with unverified sources) before forming an opinion or jumping to a gut reaction. I would also suggest looking into other translations of the same interview to see how other fan translators (especially native Japanese speakers) interpret Yana’s words (here’s one to get you started). We must keep in mind that language is not so easy as a “direct translation” and that many words and phrases have nuances that don’t translate well into other languages; seeking out multiple translations may give us a more accurate view of the original intent.
What’s important here is that we understand context, don’t jump to conclusions, and respond accordingly (do research, get informed, ask for other opinions, design alternate uniforms, think critically, consider context, speak mindfully about the matter, ask for change, etc). It does NOT mean you can send death threats or “KYS” messages to Yana, TWST devs, anyone involved in the project, or people that doesn’t share the same opinion as you. It does NOT mean you should assume the people defending Diasomnia’s dorm uniform are Nazi sympathizers or imperialists. It does NOT mean you should dismiss any and all comments from the people that are genuinely concerned or denounce them as mere "clout chasers"; their feelings are just as valid as yours are, even if you disagree on this matter.
That is another human being you are talking with. I want to emphasize talking WITH, not talking TO; there IS a difference, because “with” implies you’re open to to discussion, whereas “to” implies only dispensing your words and not wanting or expecting a response to what you said.
You can be upset and you can express your thoughts on this matter WITHOUT wishing harm upon other people and WITHOUT being nasty or assuming the worst of others.
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every-trafalgarlaw · 3 years ago
I thought when Law did the thing, it was called 'Chambers', not 'Shambles' - I assume I misread it in the manga 😅😅😅 do you know where I could find that panel of him doing it? And thank you for your service of uploading every Law 😍😍😍
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[One Piece Chapter 661, Volume 67 - Punk Hazard Arc]
hi anon! thanks for your support! the confusion is understandable! it's another case of different translations. you probably read the manga which used chambres as the translation.
"chambres" means "room" in French. however, i don't think that translation makes sense, because "room! chambres!" would be like Law saying "room! room!"
if we look at how Oda wrote it in Japanese (in romaji) he says "shanburuzu" which sounds like the English word shambles. it also sounds like the French word chambres, but i think Oda meant it to be shambles, because it would make more sense.
Japanese has a "ch" sound, so if he had meant it to be (the English word) chambers, he would have wrote it with "チ" (chi) instead of "シ" (shi).
Law's move should be translated as shambles, because he is swapping places of things, rearranging peoples heads, souls, etc.
thanks for the question, hope you have a nice day :D
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gwendolynlerman · 4 years ago
Languages of the world
Japanese (日本語)
Basic facts
Number of native speakers: 128 million
Official language: Japanese (de facto), Palau
Also spoken: Argentina, Australia, Belize, Brazil, Canada, Dominican Republic, Germany, Mexico, Micronesia, Mongolia, New Zealand, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Taiwan, Thailand, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States
Script: Japanese, 4,500+ characters
Grammatical cases: 0
Linguistic typology: agglutinative, SOV
Language family: Japonic
Number of dialects: 2 main groups
8th century - Old Japanese
8th century-12th century - Early Middle Japanese
12th century-17th century - Late Middle Japanese
12th century - creation of the two syllabaries
17th century-19th century - Early Modern Japanese
>19th century - Modern Japanese
Writing system and pronunciation
The Japanese writing system features three different scripts: Chinese characters (kanji) and a pair of syllabaries (kana), hiragana and katakana. Kanji are used to write nouns and the stems of adjectives and verbs. Hiragana is used to write inflectional endings for adjectives and verbs, grammatical particles, and some high-frequency words. Katakana is mostly used to write loanwords.
Traditional Chinese characters are used for kanji. Some have a similar meaning and pronunciation. Hiragana contains 70 characters: あ い う え お か き く け こ が ぎ ぐ げ ご さ し す せ そ ざ じ ず ぜ ぞ た ち つ て と だ ぢ づ で ど な に ぬ ね の は ひ ふ へ ほ ば び ぶ べ ぼ ぱ ぴ ぷ ぺ ぽ ま み む め も や ゆ 𛀁 よ ら り る れ ろ わ ゐ ゑ を. Katakana includes the following 48 characters: ア イ ウ エ オ カ キ ク ケ コ サ シ ス セ ソ タ チ ツ テ ト ナ ニ ヌ ネ ノ ハ ヒ フ ヘ ホ マ ミ ム メ モ ヤ ユ ヨ ラ リ ル レ ロ ワ ヰ ヱ ヲ ン.
Although nouns are not marked for case, seven cases expressed by particles can be distinguished: nominative, genitive, dative, accusative, lative, ablative, and instrumental. The nominative has two forms: one for the sentence topic and the other for the subject.
Politeness is marked not only in pronouns but also in nouns. There is a distinction between female and male speech involving grammar, vocabulary, and especially pitch.
Verbs are conjugated for tense, aspect, voice, and politeness.
Japanese has two standard varieties: Standard Japanese, which is used in schools, television, and official communications, and kyotsugo or common language. Standard Japanese is based on the Tokyo dialect.
There are two main dialect groups: Eastern and Western. The Eastern group comprises Kantō, inland Hokkaidō, Tōhoku, and coastal Hokkaidō. Western Japanese includes Chūgoku, Umpaku, Shikoku, Kansai, and Hokuriku. They differ in phonology, morphology, and lexicon.
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j-rock101 · 4 years ago
文法:〜き/〜しき(Classical い-Adjectives)
Wading into all the technical nuances of classical conjugation always gives me a headache that is not worth the effort for a grammar that is rarely encountered in modern use. Still, 〜き/〜しき endings on い-adjectives pop up occasionally in modern Japanese to do nothing more than give a phrase some traditional flair. Aside from classical literature, you may also see it used in ceremonies, in omikuji fortunes from shrines, on advertisements trying to sell you nostalgia, or in the speech of anime/manga characters who are speaking in an intentionally archaic way. So I’m not going to get into all the crazy jargon here, but give a light and easy breakdown so you can recognize them when they do deign to appear.
In classical Japanese, there were 4 types of adjectives: -なり adjectives (like 静かなり, which evolved into modern な-adjectives), -たりadjectives (which more or less faded out of modern Japanese), く-adjectives (like 赤く, which became modern-day い-adjectives) and しく-adjectives (like 美しく, which became modern-day しい-ending adjectives). く- and しく-adjectives are known as the “pure” or “true” adjectives, and we’ll focus on those here.
There isn’t too much of a difference between く- and しく-adjectives. Most く-adjectives tend to be subjective and based on observations, while しく-adjectives tend to be objective or emotional. Many く and しく-adjectives find their origins in primordial verbs, although some く-adjectives also originate from nouns.
The く and しく-endings come from the 連用形 (Conjunctive form), which is essentially the base form of a verb or adjective, what I was always taught as dictionary form. There are tons of other conjugations that are not in use or not differentiated in modern Japanese, but adjectives mostly were used in two forms: 終止形 (Conclusive) and 連体形 (Attributive). 終止形, as the kanji suggest, is used to end a statement. 連体形 is used to describe or modify a noun. In modern Japanese, these two forms are identical, so we could use the same 美しい for both この眺めが美しい and 美しい景色 even though those sentences use the Conclusive and Attributive forms respectively. In classical Japanese, these adjectives would have taken on different endings to reflect the difference in their usage.
The endings for both types of verbs across all three conjugations would look like this:
      《く-Adj》  《しく-Adj》 連用形    赤く    美しく (Conjunctive) 終止形    赤し    美し_ (Conclusive) 連体形    赤き    美しき (Attributive)
Notice that the ending conjugations for these two types of adjectives are almost identical! The only difference is that しく verbs avoid adding an extra -し to the 終止形.
If you have a good grasp of Japanese adjectives, you’ll probably recognize them and guess the meaning on sight alone. Occasionally you might see some that use more antiquated spelling, such as をかし (おかしい). Sometimes the meanings of words may have evolved over time, so be wary of projecting modern preconceptions onto words--like をかし again, which originally meant “zestful” rather than “strange”!
If you would like more in-depth explanations of Classical Japanese, then I recommend Tofugu’s, Kafka Fuura’s, or Imabi’s guides. However, I found K-Whazit’s guide to be the clearest and easiest to understand!
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常若ノ國に坐す 旧き女王の御渡りぞ The Crossing of the Queen of the Old Ways, who reigns in Tír na nÓg
(『魔法使いの嫁』 The Ancient Magus' Bride, vol. 2 by Yamazaki Kore)
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しかしこれは絶対にあって��ならないと肝に銘じておけ 罪なき人の命をお前の妹が奪う それだけは絶対にあってはならない 儂の言っていることがわかるか However, you must engrave into your heart that this absolutely must not be. Your sister taking the life of an innocent... That is the one thing that must never happen. Do you understand what I'm saying?
(『鬼滅の刃』 Demon Slayer vol. 1 by Gotoge Koyoharu)
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カァーーア!! 稀血トハ!! 珍シキ血ノ持チ主デアル!! Caaaaaaw!! A marechi!! Is someone who possesses rare blood!!
(『鬼滅の刃』 Demon Slayer vol. 3 by Gotoge Koyoharu)
J-Rock Examples:
ただの名もなき風になれ  Just be a nameless wind [Syrup16g - パープルムカデ]
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osomanga · 5 years ago
Not many still know of the traditional stars and constellations of the Ainu. 
These two are the primary references:-
A very old literally work, an Ainu dictionary dating to 1790s called Ezo Hougen Moshiogusa[蝦夷方言藻汐草] which featured many descriptions and records of Ainu constellations.
Dr. Tomio Sueoka compiled and compared the Ainu constellations in his books, one being Ainu no Hoshi(アイヌの星, 1979).
A group called ‘Astro Ninja Projects’ has taken up the endeavour to map, promote and make the Ainu traditions around stars and constellations more accessible and known. 
The Ainu constellations do not always correspond exactly to the 88 IAU constellations but the same are still used as a reference to pinpoint the former. There are some 100+ Ainu constellations including regional variations. And many of them overlap or are interpreted differently. [1]
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First off, Ursa Major(which has the Big Dipper) is a bear with a long tail:-
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Called the Siarasarus Kamuy Noka nociw[シアラサルシ カムイ] it mostly corresponds quite exact to Ursa Major. (Can’t distinguish the text all that well but it seems to be using a small ‘ra’ whereas Ainu-museum dictionary writes siarasarus with a big ‘ra’ ラ)
Just as is:-
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At first on seeing the Bow constellation I thought that it is Cassiopeia.
But apparently the Bow-shaped constellation is the Big Dipper itself. The tail part in fact. 
The Big Dipper can then be seen as a bow and arrow called as Ku nociw[クノチゥ] and Ay nociw[アイ ノチゥ]. (Ku is bow and Ay is arrow in Ainu; The second bubble seems to have a typo with no-u-chi-u instead of no-chi-u).
Cassiopeia on the other hand is called Yasya Noka nociw and is seen as two fishing boats.
Ursa Major’s the Big Dipper seems to have many, many variations in shape and names. Especially based on region and interpretation. Found at least 5 names for the big dipper in different places and finally from a FB post of Astro Ninja Projects there seem to be many, many more. 
According to Astro Ninja Projects, one name of the Big Dipper is Upopo Keta[ウポポ ケタ]. Upopo is commonly a traditional Ainu custom of song-dance in a circle. 
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It is said that keta is apparently the word for star more commonly used in naming in Karafuto or Kuril; nociw too overall refers to constellations. Also of note is relation to patterns. 
The Big Dipper’s edge as known points to Polaris. The Polaris is called as Poro Nociw[ポロ ノチゥ], an important star. The Polaris is ‘fixed’ in the sky whereas the Big Dipper changes its position in night sky wrt Polaris. 
The Kamikawa Ainu apparently called the Big Dipper as Cinukarkur nociw[チ ヌカル クル ノチゥ] meaning ‘god is watching over’( 我ら見る神 ). Consequently in some regions the Polaris is called as Cinukar nociw[チヌカル ノチゥ].
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As can be seen, the Bow and Arrow constellations are also parts of the Big Dipper called as Ku nociw[クノチゥ] = 弓星 and Ay nociw[アイ ノチゥ] = 矢星. 
With seasonal variations, the position of the Big Dipper is seen to change around the Polaris(which is fixed in the sky) and in fact a name differentiation occurs when there is change in position of lying face-down or face-up of the Big Dipper wrt Polaris between spring/summer and autumn/winter as:-
Standing:  Cinukarkur nociw チヌカルクル・ノチゥ
Face down:  Upsi Noka nociw  ウプシ・ノカ・ノチゥ 
Face up:  Kuttoka Noka nociw クットコ・ノカ・ノチゥ
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Noda being Noda he....we get this *ahem*constellation of a チ ネノ アン ノチゥ(ci neno an nociw) ergo the constellation that looks like a *ahem*:-
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Presumbly that is the middle of Virgo with Spica at the tip...
Anyway, it is the Horkew Kamuy no nociw:-
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The Horkew Nociw[ホロケウノチゥ] has as it’s near equivalent the south constellation Virgo(mainly the star Spica)
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The Horkew Kamuy apart from being the wolf and a very significant god of the Ainu has many legends around it few of which are very similar to Wilk himself. 
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Reference(tumblr doesn’t like links any more):- 
astro-ninja.com and their facebook page(the reference star maps is their profile image) 
Masahiko Omote Blog:- https://13662321.at.webry.info/201711/article_1.html
Masahiko Omote Blog:-   https://13662321.at.webry.info/201710/article_1.html
Ainu no Hoshi:-    http://www.aritearu.com/Influence/Native/NativeWorld/Books/Ainu_Star.html
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So I know people have already explained this in part, but hopefully this helps too!
In Japanese, each letter has a direct romanized translation (ル is “ru”, ウ is “u”, ミ is “mi”, and so on). However, although a lot of the sounds can be represented by the Latin alphabet (also called “romaji”), there are some sounds that are just approximations. The “r” in “ra”, “ri”, “ru”, for example, is a sound that doesn’t exist in English- we just use “r” to represent it because it’s as close as we can get.
As far as Miruko’s name goes, the “Mirko” spelling is not a mistake, just a stylistic decision on the part of the translators. The “u” sound is often skipped over (or devoiced) in Japanese. Just like Bakugo’s first name is pronounced closer to “Kats-ki” than “Kat-SU-ki”, Mirko’s name is somewhere in between “Mir-ko” and “Mi-RU-ko”. Her wiki page states that she’s named after professional fighter Mirko Filipović. Japanese has no letter for the single “r” sound, so the closest approximation when translating his name from Croatian into Japanese is- you guessed it- ミルコ. When translating it into English, I believe they changed it back into Mirko to keep the reference intact.
Japanese has another concept that doesn’t exist in English: mora. Mora are units used to measure the length of a sound. Each letter (ウ ”u”, ン “n”, チ “chi”, ラ “ra”) gets one mora, regardless of how many English letters are used to represent it. The meaning of a word can change if you lengthen or shorten a sound: one of my favorite examples of this is しゅじん (shujin) and しゅうじん (shuujin). To English ears, they will sound the same, but to a Japanese speaker, the extra “u” sound changes しゅじん (husband) to しゅうじん (prisoner).
In the case of My Hero Academia, Viz (the official company) always omits double letters in long sounds, probably to avoid confusion. English speakers might mistakenly pronounce “ou” or “oo” like the sound in “clue” instead of the sound in “grow”. Some other translators, however, choose to directly transliterate every Japanese letter, resulting in the spellings with the extra u’s. Another option is to spell the long o sound “oh”. If you’ve ever read Haikyuu, “Aoba Jousai” is spelled “Aoba Johsai”. Real-life baseball player Ootani Shouhei’s name is usually spelled “Shohei Ohtani”, which uses both the approach of getting rid of the extra “u” from “Shohei” AND adding an “h” to “Ohtani”.
Again, though, English doesn’t make the distinction between long and short sounds, so in most cases, it doesn’t really matter whether the sounds are spelled out because the difference doesn’t matter to English speakers. “Bakugou” with a long “o” and “Bakugo” with a short “o” will sound the same and be pronounced the same in English. What this means is that it’s up to publishers to decide what style they want to go with. I would like to state that none of these approaches are incorrect, they’re just stylistically different. Each comes with pros and cons, and all that matters is that each translation is internally consistent. I think most translators have the goal of getting people to pronounce things as correctly as possible, but there will always be a chance for confusion no matter what method is used. XD
Hopefully that was interesting and explained things okay! I rambled a bit longer than I meant to because this is one of my biggest interests at the moment, lol.
Hush, but I've been thinking about Miruko's name. Could 'Mirko' actually be a misspelling?
Let's be honest, when names gets translated into English, letters go missing, mispronouncing happens, all that jazz.
Now I'm not an expert in Japanese but...
This is the katakana used for her hero name ->
Breaking it down...
ミ- Mi
ル - Ru
コ - Ko
The same ル is used for her first name 'Rumi'.
So I believe that her name is a misspelling in English. What's up with the u's going missing? 😆
Eijirou -> Eijiro
Bakugou -> Bakugo
Jirou -> Jiro
Shouta -> Shota
Shouto -> Shoto
Like I don't even know what the "correct" spelling anymore!
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The fastest way for you to pass - JLPT N5 Kanji test
If you’re looking to test your skills and see where you’re at in Japanese, the JLPT is a great place to try it out. So here’s your quick guide to learning the necessary JLPT N5 kanji.
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What to Expect on the JLPT N5 Kanji Test
Even though the JLPT N5 Kanji test is the most basic formal Japanese test, passing the test is still a big achievement.
To pass the JLPT N5 Kanji test, you have to be able to read Japanese at a basic level and understand simple conversations from daily life and school. You should know around 800 vocabulary words. I recommend that you start with vocabulary learning apps and about 50 basic grammar samples.
Why do You Need to Know Kanji for the JLPT N5 Kanji Test?
One of the most daunting tasks when starting to learn Japanese? Kanji.
At the N5 level, the JLPT expects you to know about 100 kanji to pass. These kanji can change slightly between tests, but you can generally expect to see the 100 most common kanji for verbs, numbers, time, places, people, basic adjectives, and directions.
So, the more radicals you learn in kanji, the easier it becomes to understand more complex kanji. For the first 100, because they’re radicals, you’ve just got tomemorize them.
That being said, you can still come up with memorise to help you remember the kanji and their readings — and I highly recommend that you do, because it will help you immensely down the road.
Japanese N5 Kanji List —  You Need to Know for the JLPT N5
For the most part, these different readings are less important for the JLPT N5 Kanji list. If you learn these kanji with a vocab word that might also be on the test, then you should be able to remember the most common reading. It’ll help you get the most out of your study time.
Japanese Kanji for Numbers
The drawback is that most of the time in Japan, they use 1 – 10 romanized numbers instead of kanji. But you still have to learn them. Be careful with 千: it looks almost identical to チ (katakana chi) and one of the readings is the same.
Japanese Kanji for Time
Some of the kanji list have more uses than just time, such as 来る which is an irregular verb. But, 来 also reads as らい, meaning “future”. Combined with other time kanji you get: 来週 (“next week”), 来月 (“next month”), and 来年 (“next year”).
Japanese Kanji for People & Things
This category includes many of the basic natural elements (very important in Japanese culture, so they pop up a lot), people, and body parts. Because these kanji are used in so many words, they’ve evolved the most over time and have a lot of readings. I’ve included most of the top ones to know, but you’ll often find these have irregular readings, too.
Japanese Kanji for Places & Directions
It’s a good idea to memorize each reading really well for the common kanji. 店 is read as ten almost as often as mise. 外 is just as often read as gai as it is soto. But, they have patterns. 店 reads as ten when combined with other kanji, like 喫茶店. On its own, it’s mise. It’s the same with 外: gai describes something foreign or outside the norm of one’s own country or group. Soto is used to just say “outside.”
Japanese Kanji for Verbs
The most important onyomi readings that may pop up would be for 聞, 読, 書, 食, and 会. The first three — hear, read, and write — appear in their onyomi readings in the test descriptions themselves that state the test section you’re on. Most likely you won’t be quizzed on them, but you’ll want to know them to understand what you’re looking at on the test. The last two — eat and meet — have common onyomi readings like 食品 (“food,” or “food goods”) and 会社 (company).
Japanese Kanji for Adjectives
For example, 小 (little) + 学校 (school) means “elementary school.” You’ll definitely need to know them for later tests and vocab, but for N5 purposes your time would be better focused reviewing the kunyomi readings.
Don’t let the JLPT N5 test intimidate you. The best advice: Try to relax and keep calm. If you go in stressed and nervous, you may struggle to focus, especially when listening.
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lovestudentblogging-blog · 7 years ago
Valentine's Day in Japan
Hello people!!
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Remember the post about the different types of chocolates? Hope so!! In that post we talk about chocolates and how the girls give chocolates to the guys they like ... well because in this post we will talk a little more about the day of love and friendship also called valentin day .. All information of this post the video of our blogger Chika that as always will be leaving at the end so they can see.
There are categories of giving chocolate ... if it sounds strange, giri-choko (義理 チ ョ コ), or chocolate by obligation: a fairly frequent gift for co-workers and that has no romantic meaning. The chocolate that is given to the person for whom they have romantic feelings is called honmei-choko (本命 チ ョ コ), or favorite chocolate. Among friends is the tomo-choko (友 チ ョ コ) or friendship chocolate / chocolate among friends.
Chika does not mention it but as I said in an earlier post a month later, White Day takes place, where it is they who have to give the girls presents, to "return the favor". And usually, the gift should be more expensive than the chocolate that was received on Valentine's Day.
No doubt Japan is a country with traditions a little crazy .. do not you think? I would like to be given chocolates lol and more if they have the form of tools or because of cell phones ... well there for all types 
That's it for this post !! See you at the next entry :) BYE
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