#also ‘dead dudes club’ lmao
atopvisenyashill · 4 months
Dead dudes club Anon: I meant that Tywin, Rickard and Hoster dies when their kids are still young leaving their wives as regents for their sons. Like let's say Tywin who doesn't lose his wife but is so worked up that he has a dwarf son that he ends up falling down the stairs and breaks his neck. Hoster could die in a hunting accident sometime after Edmure is born and Rickard ends up with some sort of illness after he and Lyarra have Benjen.
i would like to apologize in advance for my incessant use of em dashes in this post lol. okay even with some adjustments, you run into an issue here where-
steffon, aerys, tywin, rickard, AND hoster all die within a few years of each other, and that’s going to cause a mass conspiracy. i mean JUST jon arryn dying was enough to make the twins suspicious maybe he was onto them & that man was old as balls. nearly every lord paramount dying within a few years is soooo weird. “well doesn’t this essentially happen in canon” yeah because of the political unrest happening tho lol there’s a Reason for it.
there’s no way for steffon to die in the shipwreck and cassana to be regent because robert is already 16 at that point - remember he’s a few years older than the twins! and you can’t have cassana be regent without butterflying away renly bc he’s born 277 and they die in early 279.
also hey 🤧🤧 i did the math just right there on tywin!!! the defiance of duskendale happens in 277, so the twins were only 10-11, which means joanna is regent for a few years still.
we could easily kill rickard off in a wildling excursion but brandon is 20 when he dies in canon which means he’s been lord of winterfell for four-ish years so no matter what, lyarra isn’t the one calling the shots by the time ~the plot~ really starts. i figured it might work better if lyarra is at winterfell when rickard & brandon die bc even tho everything falls to ned next, having a grown adult as The Stark In Winterfell while ned is in the wind/in the vale is interesting - unlike benjen, Lyarra can lead troops into battle. If she had been regent, it’s likely Lyarra is at Riverrun with the Tully kids and Minisa for the wedding though, which could also be interesting and i suppose also gives her more of a chance to actually LEAD because we know it takes a minute for northerners to get past the neck - as robb says, they even wind up starting the war without half their force bc a bunch of the mountain clans couldn’t get there in time. but if lyarra is there for the wedding, that puts her in a position to lead. especially without aerys there to call the parents to court - i don’t think rhaella is going to pull a stunt like that.
i think hoster or rickard is the easiest to handwave murder off - hoster is always up to some shit and both the wildlings and skaagosi have historically picked fights with the north from time to time.
and regardless of alla that, rhaella is likely to seize the regency with tywin’s help anyway - tywin has already made a name for himself, is aerys’ friend, and tyrion won’t be born until 273, which is eleven years after jaehaerys ii dies.
most of my answer still stands here - rhaella is taking the throne with tywin by her side, and you can bet in the years between cersei’s birth & his death, he’s going to be pushing rhaegar/cersei as a match, something that will be in rhaegar & rhaella minds after he dies; either minisa or cassana are likely to be the architects of the southron ambitions plot alongside jon arryn, and that alliance is still going to cause problems for the crown when rhaegar loses his mind, because the moment brandon doesn’t get a straight answer about where lyanna is, Lyarra is probably going to use the northern host to start sacking cities and searching for her daughter (since she hasn’t been brought to the capital to burn by rhaella).
the biggest change here is probably the twincest. we know joanna knows about it early on BUT. tyrion’s birth is likely going to put her out of commission for a minute or two. he’s born in 273 so if we say she’s healthy enough to start moving around by 275 (which. omg these two idiots were really out here feeling each other up at the age of like 6 ajsjs 😭), i imagine she broaches the question of jaime’s marriage at this point, which is probably also when rhaella starts asking around for suggestions for rhaegar. if tywin dies after tyrion, i can’t see her fostering jaime out because he’s lord now and she’s the regent. if she catches them together again, it’s probably cersei she sends away - maybe to lannisport, maybe to the capital (with herself, and kevan stays at the rock to train jaime). even if we have tywin die at duskendale, at that point the twins are 11, and it probably amounts to the same - cersei is sent away while jaime stays home. once he’s closer to 16, she’s going to start talking about jaime marrying elia, and cersei Will attempt to sabotage this.
the canon event goes: jaime helps defeat the smiling knight -> jaime stops at KL to see cersei -> cersei tells him about the lysa betrothal & jaime joins the kingsguard. this tracks even with tywin dead - again, likely (imo) joanna and cersei go back to the capital once she’s healed, and there will be still be an opening on the kingsguard. cersei has also spent several years with rhaegar at this point - he would have married around 176ish, so Maybe they’re married to each other or maybe she’s a lady to his wife - and rhaegar no longer has to listen to rhaella. if cersei is like “heyyyyyy rhaegar, babyyyyyy” WELL….especially if CERSEI is married to rhaegar. but even married to someone else, i mean, the first step to making sure they’re together forever is to make sure HE can’t marry lol. it MIGHT not happen - jaime has spent the last several years not as heir but as LORD and he might take giving it up a bit more seriously But he might not! if this plan is foiled, you can bet joanna is not only asking loreza if elia and jaime can marry RIGHT NOW (IF rhaegar’s bride isn’t elia), she’s also going to do something drastic re: cersei. and like idk man what do you do if your kids won’t stop fucking? send cersei to be a septa? to the silent sisters? she might, if cersei isn’t married yet, get cersei married quickly and far away from jaime but if cersei marries rhaegar, well……she’s not foiling this plot, it’s happening for sure. so basically either cersei marries rhaegar & jaime is on the kingsguard OR cersei is lady to his wife, which Might still let her plan happen.
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orcelito · 1 month
I'm actually appalled at how much naruto shippuden filler I've skipped before. Like the prior two arcs were whatever. Kind of interesting, gave some extra perspectives on a few characters, but Eh
This third one, though. It's really going into Utakata to the point where I'm like. I can't believe I've always skipped this??? It's so interesting!!!! I really do hope that Naruto gets to learn he's a jinchuuriki too, bc even tho he's gonna get slurped up by that statue too, for Right Now at least, there's another jinchuuriki here. And Naruto has only met one before now (since he hasn't met Killer Bee yet). I think he deserves to get to know his fellow jinchuuriki.
#speculation nation#fanny watches naruto#makes me think of a fic i read that had all the jinchuuriki gathering together. really loved that thing.#idk i just think theyre so cool. the exclusive club of incredibly super powered yet also incredibly socially scorned people#only 9 of them!!! kind of!!!! except not for isobu. whatever happened there.#actually im looking forward to fully watching the show this time. for the First time.#when i was first watching shippuden it was only midway thru the first filler arc.#so uh. the third arc? of shippuden. which was relatively early all things considered.#and i kept up with the manga for a while. verging into the war era. tho i didnt get far enough to see the neji thing#though i do remember when it happened. me and my friends mourned for him 😭#but anyways. all that extra stuff on the bijuu and the jinchuuriki. i only really know it through fandom osmosis#and i Love these characters. but ive seen them in the show so little.#so im really enjoying getting to see utakata. his personality is not fully what i envisioned from his design.#his design looks so peaceful. just a chill dude. he's kind of an asshole though lmao#i dig it tho. i also really do like his design. utakata i am so happy to see you in action#even if it's gonna make the later stuff hurt more lol#listen i know the bijuu collection was to create high stakes for naruto. but i lament that nearly every other jinchuuriki end up doomed#like if it werent for chiyo gaara would be dead. and otherwise it's just killer bee and naruto.#yugito seems like she was so cool. and i wanna get to know fuu 🥺🥺🥺#hfkshfj i want to get to know them all......... waaaa
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cordeliawhohung · 1 month
i loved the alternate universe you proposed for chip and simon!! do u have any personal headcannons for them in that alternate universe? since chip goes to college and studies poetry and literature i can just picture a scenario where she repeatedly ends up bringing simon old paperbacks for him to read on break and they end up bonding over that :))
dude i have like, 3 alternate universes for them at this point alksdjflsdjf god i love them i love them and this universe is eating me alive
Chip knows Row and Price are in the mafia in this universe. I like to think Chip figured it out on her own after doing some sort of project in school on news reporting lmao. And in this universe, since she's not traumatized (tm) she's pretty okay with it.
Similar to canon, Row requests that Simon keep an eye on her when her friends drag her to the club. She's very wary of him but also a flustered mess at the same time because while she enjoys the spoken word, she really loves art too, and his tattoos just... do something to her.
He saves her from getting roofied one time. The guy who did it wasn't very stealthy. Simon saw it from a mile away, but so did your friends who start yelling at the guy. Simon drags him away by his scruff, apologizes to you, and takes him out back to... have a talk. You don't say anything about his split knuckles or the drop of blood on the hem of his shirt when he comes back.
The first time you two really chat is when Row drags you along to have a private girls night together at the club on one of the days when it's dead/closed/whatever. He seems really interested in your work and lets you ramble about the latest book you've read.
Your first date together is to see Shakespeare in the park. It was his idea. Got the tickets and everything. I like to think it's a comedy, like Much Ado About Nothing or something. It gets cold in the camp styled chairs but he makes sure to bring a blanket....
He lets you steal private VIP rooms when he's working so you can use it as a study area. Steals you cups of water and all the snacks you could need.
Likes when you read out loud. Further on in the relationship he basically needs you to do it at night so he can fall asleep.
Wants to proofread your poetry/personal writings but you're too anxious to let him do that so you let it all rot in a document on your laptop.
Not sure if Chip's dad is alive or in the mafia in this universe or not. I feel like if he was, it would create some neat drama between the two groups (especially if she doesn't know...)
and yeah that's about all my pea brain has thought up at the moment but :3 i just love the idea of Chip being a little book nerd!!!
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alright antony and cleopatra let’s get it
part ONE! (which is just until wherever the intermission break is)
-choreographed prologue??? 👀
-TECHNO PROLOGUE!!! low key this is such a vibe
-“my boss is a manwhore”
-just let them have bed wrestling fights!
-i love them both already
-seriously they are such an amazing vibe
-the way he covers his face with a pillow when she teases him for blushing omg
-they are just so utterly besotted and it’s making me so happy
-ooh boy we have another soothsayer
-this has the same energy as the carmen card trio
-wait i feel like this actor playing one of the ladies in waiting was in troilus and cressida (edit: yes! it’s amber james! aka cressida and now charmian!)
-cleopatra fully just said “i’m out i’m not talking to him right now” lol
-well that just happened (fulvia is dead!)
-somebody give antony a hug pls
-enobarbus what are you doing
-she is just so. utterly. brilliant. and. so. MUCH. and i love it
-“eternity was in our lips and eyes”
-oh wait this is the scene from this play they did at [area shakespeare company’s] founder’s retirement party
-their energy is so much and i love it
-“Sir, you and I must part, but that’s not it/Sir, you and I have loved, but there’s not it…”
-soundtrack continues to pop off
-octavius: insecure about masculinity
-octavius wants to cancel antony and lepidus isn’t so sure
-YAAAAAAAY PIRATES OF PLOT CONVENIENCE! (okay maybe just plot spice but whatever)
-okay we fully just skipped a scene i guess (from the few lines i skimmed it looks like “cleopatra and her girls do edibles”)
-okay so pompey is collaborating with Pirates Of Plot Spice TM?
-“okay so how do we get the boys to start fightingggggg”
-okay we’re jumping back to cleopatra and her girls doing edibles
-love the music and love the mardian dude
-“where’s my serpent of old Nile?…now i feed myself with most delicious poison” so uh. about that.
-‘you’re not mark antony’ lolol
-not sad or merry but a secret third thing
-‘charmian that was LAST play’
-the boys are fightingggggggg
-‘i didn’t say i wouldn’t, i just didn’t do it’ mood
-“That truth should be silent I had almost forgot.” OOOOOOOOH
-oh this is definitely a great idea /s
-oh hey it’s the barge speech!
-he’s just a boy who cain’t say no!
-“Age cannot wither her, nor custom stale/Her infinite variety.”
-sleepover at agrippa’s!
-LUCY PHELPS OCTAVIA??? (so the duke and isabella did get married in an alternate universe then)
-“i will definitely, 100%, not cheat on you” yeah it’s act two i’m not putting it past you
-no one ever listens to the soothsayer
-“Give me some music—music, moody food/Of us that trade in love.” 🤝 “if music be the food of love, play on”
-y’know, iras is so Not Even In This Play
-she is a QUEEN
-“But sirrah, mark, we use/To say the dead are well.” ross over in scotland, about to tell macduff his family is dead: *shuffles uncomfortably*
-i love their banter
-“you did NOT just say octavia was better at banging than me”
-oh she’s straight up beating him up
-she is Going Through It
-pompey: *gives very emotional speech*
octavius: …take your time
-so enobarbus and menas are besties anyway? i thought they were on opposite sides (which obvs does not prevent bestie relationships but yeah)
-enobarbus knows what’s up
-yeah lepidus words are hard
-menas has a Plan
-octavius: buddy i am Not Getting Drunk Tonight
-Many Complicated Emotions Between These Two,
-antony, fully intending to ditch octavia at first opportunity: well this is awkward
-messenger: i can’t fucking believe i still have to work this customer service job even after getting beat up
-scoping out the competition
-uh oh. there are Political Problems
-GO OFF OCTAVIA (also this is just like blanche in king john)
-“The Jove of power make me, most weak, most weak, your reconciler. Wars ’twixt you twain would be As if the world should cleave, and that slain men should solder up the rift.”
-oh octavius is Big Mad
-ooh did octavia just take her ring off 👀
and that’s intermission! this is GREAT and i would continue watching but it is also late and i am tired so…rest tomorrow!
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silver-wield · 7 months
This is so funny lol. During that nightmare dream,
Present A is a c /a shipper (c /a fans)
Subconscious A is a hardcore confused af Zerith shipper
Cloud is a hardcore c /a HATER and a hardcore Zerith shipper. This is true throughout the whole game too lol. Also he's the president of Cloti. As well as President of c /a HATER's club. Dude just wanna be friends/ comrades lmao.
All of this kept fighting hahhhaha for control.
Cloud worked so hard in this game everyone to kill this LTD, if there's one thing, he is not useless nor is he disloyal in any capacity or in any imagination & what ifs fanfics. That's not him. His heart ONLY belongs to Tifa Lockhart.
What's funny is it's her dream, her dream date, but everything goes wrong and Cloud friendzones her, so even using her super speshul magical powers she can't win. Even the planet and all the dead of S5 are against her.
And then she dies and stays dead.
She should've just been normal and not a two faced bitch who tried to steal Tifa's bf and then maybe we'd care a bit more about her 🤷
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queenpiranhadon · 7 months
It's-a me with a new book series to hyper fixate on
So ehem I just finished the first book of the Inheritance Games (not adding it to my fandoms list until after I finish the series tho) and uh...
(spoilers below the cut)
And the ending though?? Like I WANT Xander to go to Avery and work together because they both have crucial information but I also want him to get the recognition he deserves I will die on that hill.
Jameson seriously gives me Sirius Black + James Potter vibes (idk is that just me 😭). But like 👏🏾 do 👏🏾 not 👏🏾 treat 👏🏾 Avery like a piece in this big game, get over your dead ex and tell her you love her pls and thank you.
But like you know those videos about the best book boyfriends and their nicknames (idk maybe it's just me lmao) but like "Heiress" and "Mystery Girl" and "Cinderella" I'm squealing.
Grayson- okay there's a lot to him. I am in love with Avery's chemistry with Jameson but Grayson's chemistry with her is adorable too (in the first book at least). Like they start nerding out about statistics and probability like I want a man who will not only just judge me but join me as I overanalyze the implications of outfit, song, and set choices in movies or question the bounds of the universe and talk about the possibilities of the fourth dimension thank you very much.
But like, he has suffered a lot, even if nothing is really his fault, he takes it upon himself to blame himself because believes as the all-knowing Hawthorne he is responsible for everything. That being said, he could've been maybe less of an asshole in the beginning like man wdym by "you're injured and you will tell me why." like yes, that amount of dominance is attractive at certain moments but dude just leave the poor girl alone 😭
Nash I relate to on a spiritual level like oldest sibling, knows pretty much everything that his sibling are still trying to figure out, couldn't care less, doesn't care less, etc etc like join the club lmao. Obviously though, being in the Hawthorne family and having three extremely clever younger brothers all competitive in their own way, he's definitely felt undermined before and probably just stopped trying to be better. And I get that, even if I still try to be better than my own younger brother but he's just living his life, razzing up girls as one does lmao.
And his relationship with Libby...don't get me wrong, they're adorable together, like he's persistent in making sure she's secure and stable and his overprotectiveness is well...ehem he wants this things as they are lmaoo. But even so, I'm still a little wary about him because of his dating history but who knows maybe he'll prove me wrong.
Avery's so funny like first thing she thinks about when meeting any of the Hawthorne's (the grandsons I mean) is damn he's hot. And I mean after everything, I just love her, her reactions are on point, she's just trying to figure stuff out lmao.
I'm leaving my rant here uhm sorry for the essay heh
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3dollarbillyalls · 2 years
Part two of my experience, for @myfirstlobotomy
In 2015 Limp Bizkit had a huge tour in Russia and I knew I had to be there no matter what. I bought tix to Moscow and Saint-Petersburg shows and soon after they announced the second show in Moscow 🙄 I KNEW I HAD TO BE THERE TOO. So my plan was kinda simple: go to the venue as early as possible and try to ask someone from the crew for a guest-pass. Yes, that’s possible and yes I got it 😏
Anyway, we go back to the meeting… The first one I met was John after he went out of the club to smoke. I asked him to draw something in my memory notebook as I did with Lethal but John first refused and then made a doodle 😂
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Also I have a drawing from Fred’s manager Gabe who was kind enough to give me the guest-pass.
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Then Fred arrived but I literally forgot how to speak and he left. Then there was Wes, who chuckled when I shouted to him that I had a present (😭). Dw, me and my friend asked Fred’s wife to pass presents to the band. Wes left too. Here I am with John 🥺❤️
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After the show Gabe also was giving out picks and drumsticks. He gave me a pick and I asked for a drumstick too (yeah I know, I know…) He responded “I already gave you a pick!”. I said it was for a friend which was then true. He said he’ll give it to me the next time lmao
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Also Fred went out after the show and I managed to get a sign, but no photo cuz my phone was dead.
The second show was the next day, I had to wander around the streets for a night because I had nowhere to go (the last bus to the place I stayed was long time gone 🥲). Gabe gave me and a couple of my friends guest-passed, I gave him a bottle of Karelian Balm (alcohol drink made with berries). I remember he opened his backpack looking like I was handing him a pack of drugs 😂😭
Long story short, the second show in Moscow was over too. I managed to catch Kadaver’s (Wes’ guitar tech) kimono they used on the Halloween show. I still have it lol
The Saint-Petersburg show was a month later… *time passes*
Here we go. I had a friend there who already met the band a couple of times and knew people who could help me to do it.
We went to the Hotel, waited there… First time the guys left and I had no chance to meet them and I was already sad.
I wanna make a disclaimer: stalking is bad and I really hate bothering people but I couldn’t help it…
When Wes went out for a walk me and a couple of girls (maybe there were guys too, I don’t remember) followed him. 😭😭😭
He stopped by a lady riding a horse which was a popular tourist attraction in Saint-P. While he petted the horse, we caught him up. I was in the first row right behind him and went completely numb… The man of my dreams was real and standing right here… Dude… My friend was more adjusted to talking to famous people and simply said “excuse me”. Wes turned back. I still remember his eyes when he saw a bunch of fans.
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Man was flabbergasted…
Anyway he was kind enough to give signs and take some pics with us. I also asked him to draw something which he did (sorry for the background lmao)
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Also I gave him one of his paintings to sign and he seemed happy with it and told something about the style or something… I was too stunned to comprehend English (or anything I guess), so i didn’t understand him neither the first time nor the second one (I asked him to repeat, lmao).
My friend took a pic. Which, thanks to my stupid phone, looked like this:
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(This one is edited by my other friend who was like “Wth did you do with your camera dude”)
I tried to get a sign for my friend who got no money to go… “Her bad” Was replied 😭
Then he said bye-bye, gotta go!
We also met his tech and some guys from the crew he was walking with and went back to the hotel to try and get to Fred (didn’t succeed tho).
One “highlight” of that night was the horse lady. I don’t remember why we stopped near her… Maybe it was a coincidence or something but at one moment I felt something heavy on my foot. I looked down and saw a long leg… That fucking horse stepped on my foot 😭😭😭
I yelled “HORSE IS ON MY FOOT” and the lady said angrily “you shouldn’t have touched it then”. I fucking didn’t… The other girl tried to pet the horse and I suffered. What a life, right?
The next day was a show. As always I came to the venue very early. When I saw a bus going to the back door, I ran there. Catch! Fred, Wes and John! I briefly asked Wes for a new photo since the first one was you saw what. He murmured “sure”.
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I don’t know what’s with my face, I’m sorry 😂 still better pic than the first.
Fred was taking pics too, I remember that security guy was telling me to get off and I replied to him in English asking for one photo.
Fred heard me.
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The same problem with my face but whatever you know 😂
Aso I accidentally photobombed someone’s picture with the band
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I look very fashion model, don’t I?
The show was hella great, I remember when I was taking a pic Fred pointed to me… I’ll post this pic separately since I can’t add more here.
Also Gabe finally gave me a drumstick which is still with me since me and the dude I was going to give it to are not friends anymore:)
I also briefly met Sam in 2020, I posted a pic here.
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burningtacozombie · 1 year
random thoughts, episode 5x04 edition:
- Miguel reminding Soledad that her men fucked up by not informing her sooner, first I thought that hit was retaliation for Miguel taking out Alejandro in the bathroom but the little boy reminded me it was the cook house the club raided previously and the person he saw was Angel. had Miguel looked at me like that and given me candy, I would've spilled my guts to him too. wouldn't even have mattered if he lied about being with the police or not.
- Emily playing nice at home for a minute and not even Miguel bought it, lol. and the mother of that city hall clerk calling her out in the middle of the store was so unexpected that it made me laugh, she was so close to the door already. oh, did Sarah really say fuck that american accent? she sounded differently.
- Adelita did to that little girl what the cartel did to her as a child, killing the father right in front of her. also, she told angel about the day at the beach with her dad and now my speculation makes so much more sense that Clayton and Mav presumably filmed one of their last days on the show at a beach before they wrapped up. no idea if Carla was there too but Adelita's story made that puzzle piece fit in quite nicely.
- did Gilly seriously adopt a whole ass family and is playing house with them now? are he and whatshername an item now?
- I felt bad for Sofia when she tried to save Lobo and the club was just standing there, doing nothing. history repeats itself for her, first she couldn't save her kid and now they let that dude die. obviously they couldn't just call an ambulance and explain what happened but that doesn't make it easier for her. and then her dead child's father shows up on top of it...
- Lobo was a fucking idiot for entering garage in the first place. the sign saying "if you enter, you die" was not just for decoration, what did he think was gonna happen? but hey, no one liked him anyway, lol. yeah sure, he hated having a prospect tell him what to do but man, did that bite him in the ass. 
- Guero should've been visible more, he needs an episode centered around him, idgaf what anyone says. Bottles has been front and center for two episodes, give him the same treatment. there's unfinished business with Diaz and I want him to finish it. well fuck, I fell for this guy so fast it's actually a little embarrassing, lmao.
- the Broken Saints, I like them. Johnny Panic putting EZ in his place with "my attention isn't free" and putting him to work, good for her. but who is really calling the shots in their club, who is "mother"? 
- I can't wait for KJ's ghost to come back and haunt EZ and I hope he's not gonna get out of that one. Angel looked at him so fucking loud when Hank said there's a rat. also, wasn't EZ supposed to have a photographic memory or some shit, why does no one seem to remember that, not even the writers...
- Bottles is actually so sweet, he and Elio are amigos now. he reminds me a little of Steve though and hopefully he won't end up the same way... 
- Nails is back and she's doing well. I wouldn't have needed to see her again but I'm glad she's doing well. are she and Hank getting together after all?
- they, the cast, talk about coming full circle so often that I'm beginning to think when, not if, EZ dies, Angel will leave the club (family beach scene) and Bishop will be sitting in the president chair as if the "Reyes era" never existed and shall never be spoken about ever again.
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jmagnabo92 · 1 year
CBS Ghosts - Season 2 Finale - The Heir
As with the last few episodes, here’s my thoughts on the finale - sort of live blogged.  I went in completely unspoiled so this should be fun.
LMAO - Sam buying a candle for Isaac.  Okay - I don’t think Isaac should get half or any money at all since Alberta, Flower, and Trevor didn’t get ANY money from their contributions to Sam/Jay at the B&B.  Like she wrote it for HIM so he shouldn’t GET ANYTHING.  Just saying.  It’s total BS.  
OMG I love the Exotic Dancer conversation.  Trevor being excited about David’s daughter.  And Hetty’s reaction - that’s nice to have that in the family tree.
THEY HAVE GHOST COURT????  Pete totally came up with this.  I do love that 
THOR stop reminding him about that - Poor Trevor.  He’s like “I just want to be excited about my boy”.  “He threw you in the lake”.  BOO THOR.
Love the ideas for the money - it’s hilarious.  Nigel’s PISSED about the day bed.
LMAO at Sass flouting the GF thing and then talking about washing hands.  Since he wouldn’t be dead then. Love Nancy’s contributions.  
OMG - the DNA scene was so good!  It’s TOTALLY nuts that this can happen since the deed already passed to SAM.  ALSO totally love that Thor’s like “I know stuff now” and cutting Trevor off and he’s all upset about it.  Alberta’s face was so good!  BTW I kind of hate the lawyer.
Hetty “Serve us” - LMAO.  These guys are not helping.  This is such BS.  I do love Trevor knowing this stuff.  HETTY! OMG.  LMAO David dying at a gentleman’s club.
OMG the ghost court!  She thanked a washing machine?  LMAO.  Have they ever had house harmony?  This feels very much like Alberta has TOO much power considering that they barely got along before Pete died.  Always fighting (per the other ghosts when Pete got a spine).  
LMAO Thor is just all sorts of unhelpful.  OMG this is not going so well.  Don’t propose Isaac!  This is not a good idea.
LMAO David - why would you put your balls in a coffee pot?? Of course it’s because of ARI.  LMAO.  God these dudes were dumb as fuck.  But it’s hilarious.
Nigel storming out is not helpful.  Isaac - IF YOU HAVEN”T EVEN ROOMED TOGETHER WHY ARE YOU PROPOSING???  This is annoying.  OMG the bullet?  Why???  
A WHOLE YEAR IN THE WOODS.  Also, Thor got three days???  WTF???
OMG - Trevor comes in about the news about the engagement & LOVE Trevor asking about SEX VISITS.  OMG - the looks on everyone’s faces.
Also, GOOD Alberta won’t let it happen.  Hetty actually has to think about it.  Also, FLOWER & Hetty as ROOMMATES - Trevor’s excited.  He was SO happy about it.  I can’t believe Alberta’s getting Hetty’s room and was Trevor unaware of the Ghost court???
Trevor’s super excited about the blanks & I cannot believe aneurysm.  Motor boating accident.  OMG the LAWYER was in it.  I can’t believe what he was trying to do!  DAMN!  Even Woodstone LAWYERS ARE AWFUL.
I wish Sam had carried some messages between David/Trevor.  It would be so great!  I can’t believe David thinks he’s in heaven.  Trevor is so excited about everything with his boys despite Thor trying to bring him down.
“I love those stupid invisible bastards” - Jay :)
Aw, Sam gave such a loving speech about the ghosts and SERIOUSLY Jay - hoping it’s Trevor??? WHY JAY WHY??  HE JUST HELPED YOU BY KNOWING DAVID SO WELL.
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CBS Ghosts - Viking Funeral - Let's Have An Election
Spoilers May Appear.
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Pete sounds so exhausted, even as he does explain the situation.
But OMG "while I have a moment of lucidity" - OOOOH, Flower that's so damn sad.
Also, Where's Thor? He doesn't get a vote.
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UH? OKay, How does this make sense - even as high as she is?
Sass is just like "alright - moment's over." Like aw.
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LMAO. Hetty's just like "We're human beings, but my butler wasn't?"
I love how Trevor's chilling there, waits for Hetty to finish, and goes - let's just vote.
I wonder WHO the ghosts would've voted for at this point. And given the storyline with Hetty - would she have voted right now? It seems logical that she wouldn't.
Also Where's Thor? No vote for Thor?
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I like how they're all like - yes, let's make this easy.
They all make some gesture of like "yup, let's do this" which is funny.
Until Isaac laughs. I wonder if he ASSUMED that he WOULDN'T get the vote - even though, I feel like he'd be the obvious choice (if not, Pete) due to his 'well, I am the captain' and since they HAVE accepted his leadership (when they feel like it), this makes sense for him to be the choice. So why make a big deal about it before they've voted?
Interesting, interesting.
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Isaac makes this big speech about how long the process is with like debates and stuff because he knows damn straight that NONE of them want to sit through hours of debate just to vote the way they are going to vote anyway.
I do really like how Isaac is clearly just wanting to show off. The looks in that last Gif from Trevor and Alberta are great. :)
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I like that Trevor's giving a look like 'what is going on now'.
Alberta's giving a look like 'Oh god, soldier boy at it again'.
Hetty and Pete look curious.
Sass looks over it, and things just got started.
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LMAO - So Isaac was probably winning before he did this because he just makes a speech about the "long" process, then he wins in like two seconds.
So, his speech was pointless, no one even argues that they want this position at this point.
They're all like "yup that was easy."
I do love that they all make uplifting arm motions when they do that.
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OOOOH Isaac. He clearly wanted an excuse to do one of their speech club days and make them listen to him.
It's almost cute.
Alberta's having none of this. It's hilarious.
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Alberta surprises everyone by being like "I don't want the gig, but I don't want Isaac to have it."
She's just like - I'm running out of spite.
Isaac had what he wanted and ruined it and that's hilarious.
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Sass looks impressed, even as Isaac points out that his part in democracy is stronger than Alberta's career as a singer.
BUT you don't have to be a politician in this case - it's just a representative situation - relaying requests from the ghosts to Sam. It's not like... you need to be a politician for that.
Still, Isaac is hilariously offended and I love it.
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LOL - Isaac's like "I was there when this country was founded and stuff" and Alberta's like "Please, I didn't hear about you in No history books" (essentially).
LOL at Isaac claiming he was outside and they started early. OMG that is too funny.
Then claiming he invented democracy. I wonder if being dead so long allowed him to reinvent history in his head like with Hamilton.
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Sass is living for this drama.
I love that he just adds this tidbit knowing it would also drive Isaac nuts.
At this point, Sass has lived with both of them for almost 100 years, and he knows they butt heads and he loves making things worse for drama, so it's hilarious.
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Isaac is SO FUNNY. He's freaking out over everything and everyone's honestly in shock.
Hetty and Trevor's jaws are like on the floor as he does this little freakout. It's very fun.
I love how Isaac just like runs off all annoyed - dude, they might just vote Alberta because of that - that would have been fun.
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Hetty looks confused - meanwhile Trevor and Sass are just excited for some entertainment.
I do love that they just sit and chat about how fun this will be.
thanks for reading :)
feel free to chat :)
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papirouge · 6 months
Candace owens spent *years* accepting and working under a zionist (Shapiro), attacking everyone and everything, but only NOW she spoke against his support for Israel and wants sympathy from everyone because she got fired
The only reason I think is because recently Andrew T has been supportive of her a lot so she would probably jump on his bandwagon soon for money. Which makes no sense since her husband is supposedly a millionaire, she doesn’t like working mothers in general and believes in a trad family unit but will not stop working outside of the house despite having young kids. Does her husband not work? Are her kids being raised by nannies? She makes no sense
I watched her interview in the Breakfast Club and I couldn't help but shake my head thinking "there's no way this woman would've gone there if she didn't fall from White conservatives good graces". The BC is a popular radio show among the Black American community so this move screamed "pls Black people, take me (back) 🥺👉🏾👈🏾". Candace is not stupid - she knew what she was doing.
When Charlemagne asked her about the White Lives Matter tee stunt she simply said "I wore this tee because White Lives Matter 🤷🏾‍♀️" AS IF THAT WAS NOT EXACTLY WHAT BLACK PEOPLE SAID ABOUT BLACK LIVES MATTER AND YET IT DIDN'T STOP THOSE WHITE CONSERVATIVES CANDACE HAS BEEN SHILLING FOR YEARS TO BITCH ON THAT STATEMENT ?? She hides behind the "BLM is a money laundering scheme and there's no way Black people would be supported by mainstream medias and big corporation like that" as if it was a rational explanation to why White conservatives freaked out at Black people simply saying their life mattered.
I absolutely do not buy her narrative that the criticism of BLM came from a place of benevolence or genuine concern for the Black community. They didn't behave this way because the movement was money laundering scheme that would eventually be tokenized - FROM THE START White conservatives got mad at BLM for simply centering Black lives, and *this* was enough for them to call it an "anti White" statement. Besides, if their criticism of BLM was truly about protecting Black lives from gross corporate tokenization, Conservatives wouldn't be so hellbent to prove those dead Black people actually deserved it. I will never understand the brainrot of thinking the purpose of the police was to kill - even bad people. I know the USA is shitty country but in civilized country the police is supposed to catch and then drag people before the justice. When it kills an offender it's considered as a FAILURE. Killing ≠ justice. But USAmericans are way too barbaric and violent to grasp that. (and that's also why so also why American "Christian" wrongfully link death penalty to justice when Christianity condemns murder and asserts repentance as the real tool of God given righteousness)
So Candace can keep it with her BS excuses. I'm mad that neither of the host clocked her hypocrisy off but it's not like Charlemagne or Jessy Hilarious were the most qualified people, in terms of challenging guests intellectually....
And yeah, Candace is the typical "do as I say, not as I do" because she keeps dunking on feminism while she's basically the man in her marriage. She's the one constantly on the spotlight. Her husband did a YouTube interview lately and its title is "being Candace Owens husband" 💀 and in the thumbnail Candace face took the entire place front & center...and her husband's is like at the bottom corner lmao nobody knows dude by his name!! they need to drag Candace name to bring clicks!! isn't that embarrassing? lol
Candace went from being a leftist SJW to a rightoid SJW. She really didn't progress on that aspect. There's nothing less traditional than being a activist as a woman. Just because she's not a feminist doesn't mean she, by her status, does not go against traditional gender roles. And that's something many conservatives fail to understand. If it was about keeping gender roles, they wouldn't be so eager to elevate women to mouthpiece status (notably to bash feminism). Tradition is all about letting women embrace their softness, nurture and create - not jumping in the wolf arena to blurp political propaganda on social media 24/7. Politics is one of the most male oriented profession field. You can't be a politician/political commentator without having a very dominant male energy. So Candace being critical of feminism comes off as an absolute joke, because feminism (that enabled women to break gender norms) is what made her happen - whether she like it or not.
If she truly stuck to her word, she would've put down the cape & retired after her marriage. She had 2 kids but homegirl is still running left and right to host talk shows, crowdfund money, attend political meetings, etc. WHEN IS SHE AT HOME. HER KIDS NEED HER.
Isn't her husband milllionnaire? Why doesn't he provide?? Why doesn't she soften up her act, FINALLY embrace her traditional soft feminity and stop being a political warrior?? ...Sorry but her storytelling ain't mathing - at All.
And I'm absolutely not surprised to see Andrew Tate defend her. She made this very partisan interview of him (that's why any person saying she's lOgiCal and unbiased is an idiot) and I guess he feels like he owes her. Having such a proeminent female figure defend him is definitely an asset he's going to capitalize off as much as he can. She did the same with Kanye until he shoved her under the bus and made his techouva to the Jewish community ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ this woman never learns....
And that's what tell me, from one Black woman to another, Candace never managed to deconstruct her male identification - which is particularly strong with Black women. We are rised to defend and worship Black men, because of slavery, racism, etc. (that's why I'm glad I grew up surrounded by women bc I got sparred from having to look up for males lol)
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mappippi · 3 months
The mess (i guess) | bonus chapter
all in text before i go eep 🫡
also a bit of a context: hey lets make chemistry tonight is basically a gc with only meka, horo, yaku & homu, basically the science club but without kaga because they have a separate gc where their own club leader is included and the gc where they discuss things that are related to science
hey lets make chemistry tonight ;)
12:03 AM
Yaku: i was told by hoshiko about the whole incident while you two are cleaning
Yaku: all i gotta say is what the fuck and LMFAO
Yaku: @Meka @Horo
Meka: no.
Horo: no.
Yaku: AW MAN
Yaku: WHY
Meka: no.
Horo: dude we agreed to not talk about this.
Yaku: how did you two got into a fight in the first place?
Yaku: also damn meka you kicked bro so hard on the nose teach me your ways 😭
Meka: i mean i have to agree with horo this time but sure ig
Horo: MEKA.
Meka: what?
Meka: gotta teach yaku how to defend himself 💪
Horo: MEKA 😭
Yaku: anyways as much as i wanna hear what happened
Yaku: you two are so dead lmao
Horo: wait why
Yaku: kaga got a text from hoshiko that she recorded the whole meka and horo fight incident
Yaku: and send it to him
Yaku: he messaged me saying he wants to talk to you two by monday
Meka: i thought you're hoshiko's cousin?
Meka: why tf didn't you tell her to delete it
Yaku: uh
Yaku: listen i was busy studying okay????
Horo: studying as if you're busy watching magical girl pretty miyuki
Yaku: stfu
Horo: no
Meka: anyways
Meka: of all things
Meka: how did hoshiko even find out about us fighting anyways?????
Yaku: uh
Yaku: she told me she was at school trying to find her comb
Yaku: and uh
Yaku: yeah
Yaku: she ended up recording you two
Meka: ......
Horo: ......
Yaku: but i cant resist on the new episode of magical girl pretty miyuki 😭😭.....
Horo: yaku ily as a friend but sometimes i just question your obsession toward magical girl pretty miyuki
Yaku: :3
Yaku: btw
Yaku: i wanna send smth from kaga
Yaku: uh
Yaku sends the screenshot
Kaga: they WHAT?!
Yaku: yep :P
Kaga: and i thought they would resolve their bickering by themselves!
Kaga: can't this day get even worse?!
Yaku: well...
Kaga: yaku tell meka and horo on the gc to meet me at monday
Kaga: i need a word with the two of them
Yaku: on it 🫡
Meka: ...
Horo: ...
Yaku: lmao goodluck
Yaku: anyways i gotta go study now
Yaku: see ya at monday LMFAO
Yaku is offline
Meka: ...
Meka: this is all your fault
Horo: stfu
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fandom-hoarder · 4 months
I watched the new ep yesterday, but didn't have time to post my liveblog. Here's my lightly edited dm comments lol:
Luna and Cassie are so cute, please don't break my heart lol
Lmao everybody expecting Cordi to stay home and he just walks in 🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃 Dude, your ct scan is fine but YOU def are not
I missed the start of the boyle is dead convo, tried to skip back 10 seconds -- THERE'S A BUTTON FOR THIS -- and now it's just loading endlessly 🙃
Commercials 🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃
Lol ok, cordell's "lalala I'm here and I'm fine why are you looking at me weird😃😃😃" KILLED me
Like the class clown coming into class the next day when they KNOW they were suspended yesterday
Witt omg wtf
Omfg so he wasn't lying that they were after him lololol
Calling witt nimwit made me giggle lmfao
That "like father like daughter" line coming back as cordi looks at this board
Cordi your brain needs a break. You need some perspective
He's not gonna jog lol
He's gonna back out with liam lol
Going through the motions of joviality to try to get people off his obsessive trail
Augie overhearing!!
Hahhh Stella, you're not gonna tell him why you don't want to be in your dorm rn? 🙃🙃🙃
Ha Augie just said "starting to sound like dad"
Wow, lying about witt altogether, ok
Augie, yes, god i hope this works
Lmfaooo cassie being mildly squicked about "boyfriend"
I love the perez siblings
Stella you are so not slick
So liam didn't take the letters either...
I almost had a heart attack thinking he meant he got rid of them jfc
Lmao this meet the brother thing is giving me secondhand embarrassment
Augie nice lol. You, however, ARE slick
It's a birdwatcher!!!
Godddddd don't be mad at me🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
I'm not mad (just disappointed)
"Get help" for real 🥺😭
Stella. WHAT are you doinggggg
STELLA knowing his stripper name lmfao
The way she's so uncareful about parking there and touching things and then as soon as i said that those guys come in
Stella... GODD that wasn't even what he needs to tell you. You really are just like your father, interrupting people with assumptuons and derailing IMPORTANT INFO
Stella you are so fucking stupid rn lmao
What is JOANNA'S connection to it. Please. Somebody.
Omg parallel scene with cordi and stella
Girl, they renovated the side step. Why would anything be in the cushions
"You told me to take the day and i did" YOU DID NOT LOLOL
Dude, you can't BE good at being a ranger if your head is so far in it you can't see
Aaah shit that letter was fast
I'll have to pause that again later
I wonder if that early scene about how heavy denise was, was actually groundwork for a future hoyt stash, or if that was a happy accident
I'm like, how much worse is this gonna get for Stella and Cordi…
The fact she's not keeping augie in the loop and no one fucking knows where she is or what she's doing
Also what fucking time of night is it, the side step is empty?
It's so... dean knocking sam out before going after metatron
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Did the bathroom stall person STAY a stranger?
N-S-F-W and definitely TMI content ahead lmao:
He did, the poor fellow! Here's some backstory to explain how on earth my shy-as-hell dumbass worked the courage to have some bathroom stall shenanigans:
So I started dating this classmate in highschool, (the one I often refer to as "the deceased" bc he's dead to me) and he was a major asshole. Emotionally abusive, controlling, made me feel bad about literally every single thing I enjoyed, especially writing fanfiction and not being a boring piece of shit like he was.
Welp! I spent like a decade with this bastard bc he was a classic abusive dickhead who pushed my friends away and I couldn't see that he was a major asshole until I started therapy. When I was 26 my therapist, clever lady she was, knew I was suffering but also v attached to him still, so she suggested us to "take a break". Not breaking up, just take a break, for one month, and reevaluate the relationship.
I spent a long time moping over him but my bestie said "wait does that mean I can finally take you clubbing?" and I proceeded to have an absolute blast dancing and having fun with her!
The second time we went clubbing, it was a star wars themed party! I went as a cute padmé amidala, and spent the night dancing and watching snippets of SW movies that played on the big screens, explaining to my very confused bff who's never watched a star war in her life why I was attracted to the angry looking alien with horns and red skin w/ black tattoos - darth maul. She remained confused.
(Fun fact, I'm autistic and loud environments make me literally sick, but I think I needed this freedom so badly my brain let me have these moments for once. Now I literally cannot enter a club. Anyway.)
While we're dancing, a handsome clone-trooper looking type walked past us and I think I gave him such an eye-fucking of a look that he made a beeline to me and took me to dance (I gave a thumbs-up to my bff bc she is v protective and will push creepy dudes away from me, bless her).
Then we started kissing and fooling around in a corner, and the guy invited me over to his place.
(here's the thing, my ex literally acted like sex was a chore. I repeatedly, gently asked him whether he was asexual, promising to be okay with it if it was the case but he swore he wasnt which. made me feel like I was very unappealing and did a number on my self-esteem. Oof.)
So I was pent up as hell and desperate for a fuck, especially a fuck with an enthusiastic guy for once in my life. On the other hand, girls that go with strangers to their place might be raped or killed. So when I said no, the guy suggested we fucked in the bathroom.
Now, that wouldn't be proper ladylike behavior, i reasoned with myself, while fully cupping the guy's groin with my hand. So I said a very unconvincing no, and the guy asked if I was sure, and I said "we might be caught", and he said "not if we're quiet"
...and goddamnit I was so damn horny and I can't even blame it on being drunk bc I don't drink alcohol out bc it makes me sleepy. This was 100% horny brain in charge and I was the one to actually pull the guy into the bathroom with me.
(We're gonna fade to black here bc I'm not willing to share those details here, but I can point out the funny bits):
there wasn't enough room in that bathroom stall for someone to pee comfortably, much less for two people to squeeze in and do the horizontal vertical tango
if you ever wanna do that, do that early in the night, not after dancing for hours because your knees will want to buckle the entire time and that's not hot
be smart and have condoms in your bag. wrap it up, folks. it's the 21st century and everyone who's sexually active should have their protection regardless of gender or lack thereof <3
the sound of toilets flushing nearby is quite the mood-killer, but if the music drowns out most of it, one can make it work
do not laugh when your very worried friend who's been looking for you all night calls out your name in the bathroom, trying to find you
Tell her you'll be right out and try to wriggle out of the arms of the dude who seems to have fallen in love with you or something.
Thank you for the fun times, catch his phone number or contact info of any kind
loudly announce you and the friend are both leaving to give the poor fella hidden in a stall in the lady's bathroom a window of time to escape unseen
forget you had his contact info for three months bc you are ADHD, aaand now it's too awkward to send a text of 'hey its bathroom stall girl, how's it going?'
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arcplaysgames · 2 years
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GUYS I FINALLY GOT DOJIMA TO MOMENTARILY PULL HIS HEAD OUT OF HIS ASS. I ain't pickin' no namby-pamby soft options with you, Dojima, if you need to be bullied into doing the right thing, so be it.
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After he reads a whole book to Nanako, he reveals the phone call at dinner was about his wife's murder and its more dead ends. Like. God, it's fucking rough. But at least I feel like Dojima is moving to a more truthful place, where he can admit he is looking into this for his own sake and not really Nanako's.
That said, he is still not remotely the Hierophant and its annoying me tbh. Whateverrrrr not all of the Arcana assignments can be perfect.
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Oh hey its student council girl that you only really get to know in Boy Route. Sup. Wow, she was a first year in P3P and now she's a senior, so it REALLY hasn't been that long since P3P. That's wild.
Lmao she reveals that she got her speech written by Mitsuru. Of course she did.
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kanji no
also EDOGAWA!!!!!!! EDOGAWA!!!! Out of all the teachers, he was my favorite by far. Weird fucking occultist nurse dude.
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I kind of already know the broad strokes of this story, but it's interesting that my starting persona is Izanagi and the game is giving me an unskippable primer on the topic. Izanagi and Izanami were the parental gods of Japan. Izanami died during the creation of fire and wound up in the underworld Yomi. Izanagi went to get her but set his comb alight (a bamboo comb, huh) to get a look at Izanami and saw she was all gross and dead, he fled and put a boulder over the entrance of Yomi. Izanami (imo rightfully pissed) told him she would kill 1000 people a day. Izanagi said he would create 1500 a day.
gee i WONDER if this will be RELEVANT LATER.
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The hotel they got booked at is.... moderately sketchy.
i'm making faces rn. See, this kind of shit wouldn't have flown at Gekkoukan.
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My heart beats for this dumbass. I think in a previous scene, Yosuke accused Teddie of speaking in commercial lines and YOU KNOW. YOU KNOW. He really does. He goes through life like he's just living in a charmed sideways version of life. lmao what if Teddie's whole thing was that he was the personification of that commercial glintz. Like, he literally can do the sparkle-shine thing on command and can charisma-check anyone into doing what he wants. It's a fun theory and frankly more than I have right now.
If Teddie is just "what happens when the commercial becomes aware of real people and loved them" I will be tickled. I mean, "I did a lot of sit ups so now I have a human body" really is some TV magic logic.
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lmao is the "eh we don't give a shit if underaged kids come here" club!
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lmao kanji has a bad crush on naoto. aw, buddy. we can wingman you if you want, bruh.
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i wouldn't know shit about that lmao
rise you have no idea how close you came to getting absolutely fucking got that night, trust me. that boss fucking sucks XD
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oh my god they are completely toasted
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oh yeah this seems totally safe for teenagers to play without adult supervision and, in fact, many miles away from the guardians. yep.
i love just the idea of someone suggesting this to the SEES dorm and how it would be shut down fucking immediately, first by Mitsuru, then Yukari, then Akihiko. Hell, if Shinjiro or Akihiko just walked by right now they would rat out these kids immediately and shoo them home. It truly is a completely different group here lmao.
Shout out to Naoto fucking silently observing all this shit. Hilarious.
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moonrisecoeur · 10 months
crying in this club rn (im at home) UR SO DAMN SWEET? WAUGHHH ngl i missed spamming anons i just waugh idk. ive had a lot of ppl that are not upfront about how they actually feel about stuff so idk? i just worried u were being wayyy too nice abt it. mwah mwah you are just as pookie as leon on sweetie levels.
also !! i prommy i am safe, i prefer to stay at home when i drink (gurl call me a loser but playing games while buzzed is THE funnest shit) and i know my limit. girlie one hangover at work is ENOUGH to make me not do that again ✌ i just been grinding re6 mercenaries all night bc its fun and also re6 leon be SO god damn FINEEEE 😋 his moves? good lord dont get me started ull get another inbox essay boo.
mood whiplash much huh? LMAO leon just do that to me. gets those brain dolphins WORKIN
i am not nice bbygirl i am obsessed there is a difference!! my infatuation with u is not a choice i do not simply choose to be nice to u i genuinely am in love hshdjsjdjdk
DUDE i have a vague memory of drinking one night and then remembering i had an english assignment due so i did it really quick, and my brain was all the way there but my motor skills were not so i was struggling to type so i just ??? speech to texted it??? i got 100 obvi
RE6 LEON MAKES ME PHYSICALLY ILL i want to eat him. i want to do so many horrible things to him. i want to bend him over and just take him anywhere and everywhere, whenever i fucking want. dream world where the fucking 35 year old man with his 20 yr old gf is taller than him and fucks his ass every night
i am so sane. i likely appeared more sane when i was emotionally dead from finals but when i tell you i need to do some very very bad things to re6 leon i MEAN it!!!
but i also need to kiss his forehead and tell him he can rest now, that he’s gonna be okay… :(
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