#alright calm down now manon
suashii · 10 months
i need a spinal adjustment and itoshi rin is the man to do it, come and hit it from behind sir
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pandalexoxo · 8 months
since i’ve watched youtubers play dead plate, it’s been on constantly my mind 😻 i’ve literally searched up gacha reactions, fanfics, edits, etc, just because i’m starting to obsess over the game. not to mention how little attraction it’s gained?! where is the fan art, the fanfics, the loveeee?!? 😭 anywho! just a little blurb i keep imagining in my head!
this takes place after ending 3 so please, keep in mind that this will contain spoilers for the third ending! you’ve been warned!
With his left hand, Rody puts pressure on where his left ear had been before Vincent had ripped it off and eaten it. He pants softly, unable to tear his gaze away from the flames that engulf the bistro.
Rody is able to break contact when he sees a shoe in the corner of his right eye. Rody’s body tenses as he looks over at the shoe, allowing his gaze to slowly move up to take in the owner of the shoe. Black leather shoes that shine bright from the fire’s light, black slacks and a white long sleeve button up underneath a black vest adorned with a black tie. Rody’s eyes widen at the face.
The persons expression is full of worry, the figure holds their hands out as if wanting to comfort Rody but feeling as if they shouldn’t overstep boundaries in such a clearly traumatic time. the figure’s mouth opens, mouthing some illegible words. Rody hasn’t realized that all this time his ears had been ringing, his brain already trying to force this moment into the back of his head.
Rody’s eyes fill up with tears and he sniffles. The ringing slowly fades out as the voice slowly registers. “Rody! Hey, are you alright? Hey, deep breathes, you don’t have to tell me what happened, let’s- here, can i lead you to my car…?” Rody feels tears flow down his cheek and drip off his chin and Rody feels like he’s breaking as he wetly smiles. “…(M/n)…”
The man, finally known as (M/n), looks relieved as Rody seems to snap out of his previous delirious state. “Rody… Hey… Let’s step away and go to my car, yeah?” Rody nods but takes one step and falls forward. (M/n) panics, stepping a few paces forwards to catch Rody.
Rody’s eyes close and he whines, letting his tears fall and openly sob as he mourns. Mourning over the truth he has learned, that his girlfriend was killed and cooked up by his boss, being served to Rody though, due to his inability to cook, he had not eaten the dish, which Rody is now thankful for. Rody finds himself surprisingly mourning over Vincent too, just wishing to make some money to whoo Manon and wanting to try to become closer to Vince, maybe even become friends. It’s too late, what’s done is done.
(M/n) sighs softly, his expression softening as he holds Rody close. He allows Rody to get all of his feelings out, hoping his friend will be able to feel better. “Rody… I don’t know what happened and you don’t need to tell me until you’re ready, but… Please … I want you to know that i’ll be here with you, for you… All the way...”
Rody’s body continues to heave from the force of his sobs but ultimately seems to be calming down. Rody is reduced to sniffles and he clears his throat to speak. “All the way…? You promise…?” (M/n) hums, rubbing Rody’s back soothingly. “All the way. I promise.”
Rody nods, feeling content before pulling away with a sheepish look, as his stomach growl. He scratches the back of his neck nervously but (M/n) breaks into laughter, causing Rody to follow suit. “(M/n)… Could we get something to eat…?” (M/n) nods, able to pull both of them up and lead Rody to his car. “Of course, my treat.”
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dawnthefox24 · 5 days
*Vincent is resting his cheek on his hand as he looks at the door doing checking the clock knowing Rody is going to bust into his office* Vincent:..3..2.. Rody:*enters his office* Hey Vince! Vincent: Called it. Rody: Wh-? Vincent: Nothing, don't worry about it. How can I help you Rody? Rody: Okay so can we talk? Vincent: *rolls his eyes* We always talk Rody but whatever go for it. Rody: So like what do you for fun? Vincent:...What do you do for fun and don't mention Manon. Rody:*pouts and crosses his arms a bit* Vincent: Look I clean, and before you say that's not fun- Rody: It isn't... Vincent: *rolls his eyes* I find it...calming for me, I usually clean the bistro and my apartment when I have nothing better to do... Rody: Okay I sometimes...Play my guitar...For Manon Vincent: *rolls his eyes* Oh really then how come you keep telling me it's gathering dust? Look if you want to play it, play it. Rody: But Manon- Vincent: I don't care, it's your life Rody now can you get out my office... Rody: *grumbles* I never see you play the cello. Vincent: *sighs* Look what do you even want? Rody: Well you see... Vincent: Yes? Rody: I don't know do you want to hang out or something? Vincent:*looks at him before he starts laughing* Rody: *is a bit embarrassed* WHAT!? WHAT'S SO FUNNY!? Vincent: Oh nothing you seriously want me to hang out with you? Rody: Yeah! Vincent:*sighs softly before he shakes his head* Yeah no but sometime later. Rody: WH-!? What do you-Wait later? Vincent: Yeah, we'll hangout later I'm busy writing down the payments I'm giving to my staff. Rody: Will I get a raise!? Vincent: That depends if you want me to cut your pay... Rody: Damn! Vincent: We'll talk later Rody, besides...Even though I'll regret this but...I'll let you pick out the location where we can hang out... Rody: *smiles happily* Alright ! I won't fail you Vince! See ya! *Vincent watches Rody leave his office making him groan as he hits his head on the table* Vincent: *feels his face burn up a bit* What a stupid utter fool...What a fool I am....For catching feelings...
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rowaelinsdaughter · 8 months
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a/n;; the story of ayla and manon in heir of fire is coming to an end, and i have so many ideas for queen of shadows omgggg
WARNINGS;; spoilers for heir of fire, allusions to sex
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manon was with her grandmother, and she was there too. i’m not going to let you alone again, manon has said. 
“why is it, that i have to hear from gods-dammed cresseida that your runty, useless wyvern hasn’t made the crossing? Why is it that i am in the middle of a meeting, planning these war games so you can win, and the other matrons tell me that you aren’t allowed to participate because your mount will not make the crossing and therefore isn’t allowed to fly in the host?” 
ayla tightened her hands. she hated her. and she hated her more when she hit manon on her cheek, a trail of blood running down. 
“you will make the crossing tomorrow, manon. tomorrow, and i don’t care if you splatter yourself on the rocks. if you live, you had better pray to the darkness that you win those games. because if you don’t…”
she wished she could kill her right there. 
they were all there.
ayla was between asterin and sorrel again. witches lined the viewing platform, and high above, the high witches. 
she heard the matron. “we’re waiting manon, but by all means, take your time” a growl left her lips and she felt asterin’s eyes. calm down, we don’t want you dead. they all laughed. and she wanted to kill them all.
manon tugged her reins, but abraxos looked at her grandmother and let out a warning growl… a threat. again the matron called for her. sorrel and asterin exchanged a glance, and then they looked at her. every single one of the thirteen was reaching for their weapons, ayla too. because if they hurt her… she would not leave anyone with life.
she watched as manon gripped abrraxos’s snout, forcing his gaze away from her grandmother. “just once, all you have to do is make this jump once, abraxos, and the you can shut them up forever” 
a two-note beat. 
the beat of the chained bait beasts.
louder and louder.
asterin reached for her shield and joined in.
the thirteen took up the beat.
ayla took up the beat.
“you hear that? that is for you” she said to him “you are one of the thirteen. from now until the darkness cleaves us apart. you are mine, and i am yours. let’s show them why” ayla felt her heart clenched. 
and then manon was flying. 
a tear rolled down her cheek, and she didn’t care the matron was looking at her, at the tear.
she had decided she wanted to make manon a gift. had decided it the moment she was flying with abraxos, shuting mouth’s.
manon was abraxos, making sure his wings were alright. she looked in the trunk for a set of lingerie she had hidden. “there you are” she murmured. she hadn’t wore this set. ever. she bought it one day but never wore it truly, not for manon. she bathed and then she put it on. she loved the set. it hugged her body perfectly, like a second skin. the bra pulled up her breasts, showing them a little more and the tong… it only covered her core. 
laying down on the bed she waited for her.
a moment later, she heard footsteps and knew they were manon’s. the door opened and manon stopped dead. her eyes a little wider as she looks at the sight of her mate. closing the door with lock, ayla stood up, her boots were the only sound in the room. manon looked at her from head to toe, a prey. and manon was the hunter. 
“i’ve never seen this one” her finger curled around the brace of her bra. 
“i know” she said. then she felt her hands on her waist, pulling her toward her body. ayla took off her red cape, then her riding leathers, her boots… until she was in her underwear. manon lip’s found her neck, painting red and purple on it, marks she would wear tomorrow with pride. her lip’s traveled to her breasts, a hand touching her right nipple through the bra. a soft moan. manon went to her ear, leaving a kiss, and she purred. 
“as much as i love this set on you” a hand went straight to her wet panties. “i prefer you naked” 
with a trembling hand, ayla placed it on her neck, a little squeeze. she moved her lips near her’s. “then undress me” she murmured. 
a wicked smile on her face and ayla knew they weren’t going to sleep. 
“as you wish, witchling”
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all rights reserved to ©rowaelinsdaughter. no tranlations allowed. no copy theme. don not copy my work.
🏷️;; @thehighladywrites @throneofsapphics @shadowdaddies @hellwantfuckme @fightmedraco
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natedogx15 · 12 days
Miraculous Descendent Chapter 69: Take a Bow
Previous Chapter
In Marinette's room, Puppeteer continues her tantrum, screaming at the injustice of losing the dolls and not being allowed to win. While she's doing this, the entourage members search the room for something to calm her down.
"It's not fair, it's not fair. I was supposed to win. I want to win. Why can't I ever win?" Puppeteer asks as frustrated tears continue to stream down her face.
"Puppeteer, you must calm down." Hawkmoth finally has enough of her tantrum and tries to soothe the young girl.
"But it's not fair. How *hiccup* am I supposed to win now?" She asks Hawkmoth with a slightly broken and angry tone.
"You still have one doll. I'm sure you can find more or find a way to fix them." Hawkmoth sighs.
"But I want Marinette's dolls." She complains in a whiny tone.
"Well, those dolls aren't around. So, you'll have to find something else." Hawkmoth tells her, trying to get her to understand without needing to use more of his influence.
Meanwhile, Marinette comes to a terrible realization while staying with the heroes. She remembers that the Miracle Box might be in danger with an Akuma in her room. Especially one that makes minions who can investigate the entire hotel. Hearing this causes her to struggle in Brawling Tiger's grip while the tiger-themed heroine does her best to hold her.
"Can you let me go? We should be safe from the Akuma by now. I can find somewhere to hide while you wait for Ladybug." Marinette tries to tell Brawling Tiger while continuing her struggle in the other girl's grip.
"Hang on for a minute, will you? The Akuma is after you. It's probably best for you to be with us." Brawling Tiger tells Marinette.
Cat Noir and Canine watch the two struggle against each other for a moment before Canine decides to step in.
"Alright, that's enough, you two." Canine tells them as she has Brawling Tiger put Marinette down while making sure the other girl doesn't move from her spot.
"What's going on?" Canine asks, realizing they didn't tell her much after saying Hawkmoth Akumatized a child.
Hearing her question causes the two girls to explain what happened in Marinette's room and how the Akuma is after her. Hearing their story causes Canine to nod while Cat Noir looks uncertain about what to do.
"Look. The Akuma is also after you guys. I'm sure Hawkmoth will have Manon focus on that. You can let me find somewhere to hide. It'll probably be safer for me if I do hide." Marinette tells the group.
Canine crosses her arms as she thinks about it while Brawling Tiger sneaks toward Cat Noir with a confused look.
"Aren't you supposed to be the second-in-command? Why is Canine the one questioning this?" She decides to ask the other cat-themed hero.
"We never really made roles. When it was just Ladybug and I, I'd mostly follow her orders. I don't really mind, though. I'd rather get everything done. Either way, I get to be a hero." Cat Noir says while rubbing the back of his head sheepishly.
His passiveness surprises Brawling Tiger. With how Cat Noir quips at the Akumas like a comic book superhero, she expected him to be a lot more brazen. Even when they talked last night, he was a lot more friendly and awkward than she expected.
"Though, I guess you could say Ladybug is the main leader when she's around." Cat Noir notes while raising a finger as he talks.
"Obviously, she's the strongest." Brawling Tiger states as if it's a fact.
"It takes more than strength for someone to be a leader. Strength was only an important factor for more primitive people and animals." Canine says after hearing Brawling Tiger's statement about Ladybug.
That causes Brawling Tiger to raise an eyebrow at Canine, curious about her words.
"Are you saying you would make a better leader than?" Brawling Tiger asks with no aggressiveness in her tone. It's more curiosity and disbelief that she might be suggesting that.
Canine stares at Brawling Tiger in surprise. She didn't expect Brawling Tiger to misinterpret her words like that.
"What? No. I'm just saying there are more reasons for Ladybug to lead than her strength. She has the experience and does come up with great plans." She says in a slightly panicked tone, not wanting to come off as someone who thinks she's better than the others but as more of a serious and dedicated individual.
"Usually, when people say stuff like what you said, they're saying they'd be better as the leader of something." Brawling Tiger adds.
"That's not what I'm saying, though." Canine tries to persuade Brawling Tiger.
Marinette and Cat Noir watch as the two have this verbal spar before Cat Noir carefully moves toward Marinette.
"You can probably go find somewhere to hide while they're arguing. If you need help, we'll be here, waiting for Ladybug to show up." Cat Noir tells her while motioning for the civilian girl to leave.
He feels bad for her having to see Paris' heroes like this and thinks it would be best if she went somewhere to hide. He's sure Marinette would return to them if she is in danger. She's one of the brightest girls in their class, after all.
Marinette looks to Cat Noir like he's the best person ever while secretly thinking.
"I knew I could always rely on you, partner."
She then sprints for the stairs while thinking about what she'll make for Cat Noir as thanks for all his help. Before Canine and Brawling Tiger can finish their argument, she's already down the stairs and looking through one of the hallways to see if anyone is around or if there are any cameras. It seems the heroes are resting atop an apartment building, and she doesn't see any cameras around. Upon realizing the coast is clear, Tikki appears and looks at Marinette with a smile.
"This has been quite the day for you. How does it feel to be the damsel needing to be rescued instead of the heroine doing the rescuing?" Tikki playfully inquiries.
"Not now, Tikki. We need to get back to the hotel and make sure Manon and Hawkmoth haven't found the Miracle Box," Marinette urgently tells her Kwami.
Tikki bows her head before Marinette says the transformation phrase, and Tikki goes into the earrings. Ladybug then runs down the stairs and uses her yo-yo to quickly scale the building so the other heroes aren't suspicious of her identity.
"Sorry I'm late, you guys. There was something I couldn't get away from." She vaguely excuses herself while apologizing to the group.
To her surprise, Canine and Brawling Tiger stop their argument, and it turns into Canine glaring at the other heroine now and then.
"...what happened?" Ladybug asks in genuine curiosity since she didn't expect the two to stop arguing. She doesn't think it's been over a minute or two since she left them on the roof.
"It's a bit of a long story." Cat Noir says with a slightly strained and nervous smile.
However, Canine is the one to answer her.
"All I did was state that there are more qualities to being a leader than being the strongest among the group. Brawling Tiger took my words out of proportion and believed I was trying to say that I would make a better leader than you." Canine states while glaring at Brawling Tiger.
"I'm just saying it sounds like you were saying that. That's what people say when they feel they should be the leader." Brawling Tiger says with a shrug.
"Well, I'm not interested in becoming the leader since Ladybug has been doing a good job leading us against the Akumas." Canine tells Brawling Tiger.
"I was just saying that's what it sounds like you were saying." Brawling Tiger growls back before they turn their heads away from each other.
"Let's all calm down. I never said I was the leader of our group. We're all teammates here. We never assigned any roles, like who is the leader." Ladybug placates the two to end the argument.
But that puts her in Canine's sights as the girl has a slight problem with that idea.
"I think it would be best if we did establish roles for the team. Having a form of organization can help us in future situations." She tells Ladybug assertively, wanting to make the unofficial leader understand that the team should have roles during battles.
Brawling Tiger is about to say something else before Ladybug cuts her off.
"We can go over that later. Right now, we need to get to Le Grand Paris to stop the Akuma before anything else happens." She tells the three in an urgent tone before activating Seamstress.
She goes for her usual choice of Sunny Seams before grabbing Canine and Brawling Tiger's arms. She then creates wings of fire to lift them off the ground before looking at Cat Noir with eyes that tell him to hurry. He rushes to the three and is then grabbed by Brawling Tiger and Canine since Ladybug's hands are full with them.
With all three of them in her arms, Ladybug uses her wings to fly them all to the hotel at a frantic speed, hoping it isn't too late and Hawkmoth hasn't discovered the Miracle Box yet. The other heroes are surprised by the speed Ladybug is displaying with all of them in her arms. It doesn't take them more than a few minutes to get there, flying into Marinette's room through the broken window.
Upon entering the room, she unceremoniously drops the other three heroes on the bed before frantically looking around. The heroes watch as Ladybug explores the room in a hurry, wondering what she's doing.
"What are you looking for?" Cat Noir finally asks for the three, causing Ladybug to freeze as she realizes she is doing something suspicious.
She winces at her carelessness in her panic. However, she remembers mentioning the Miracle Box to Cat Noir and Canine. Unsure of what would be best, Ladybug decides it might be best to use a similar lie to what she used for her mom and Tom.
"Do you two remember that item holding Miraculous I told you about?" Ladybug asks the two, surprising Cat Noir and Canine since she's bringing it up and astonishing Brawling Tiger since she didn't expect Ladybug to have something like that.
"Why?" Canine asks while dreading the answer slightly.
"I asked Marinette to look after it for me." She lies.
Hearing this astounds all of the other heroes. They never expected their classmate to hold such a significant item for Ladybug.
"Why would you ask Marinette to hold such an important item? What if she gets Akumatized?" Canine asks while standing up in alarm.
"She wouldn't get Akumatized. I can promise you that." Ladybug says while thinking about how it shouldn't happen since she's Ladybug and has to stay strong.
"I check up on her regularly. She's my friend, after all. You don't need to worry." Ladybug tells the three to end this conversation quickly.
Fortuitously, it seems like luck is on her side. In the next second, some entourage members return to Marinette's room under Puppeteer's orders. When the group of five sees the heroes, some immediately charge while one runs to alert the others. Instinctively, Ladybug flaps one of her flaming wings at the four chargers and sends four fireballs at them. Three of them hit dead-on, but the fourth entourage member ducks under the fireball sent at them and continues to charge at Ladybug.
Ladybug and the entourage member lock hands as she tries to keep him at bay before the entourage member gets a punch to the gut, courtesy of Brawling Tiger. The entourage member doubles over from the punch, letting Ladybug follow it by hitting them away with her wings. The entourage member launches into the others, letting Ladybug trap them in a flaming cage.
"Man. You're getting really good at using that power. It's so cool." Cat Noir says with a grin as he stares at the trapped entourage members.
Ladybug blushes at the compliment and smiles at him.
"Thanks. It's gotten easier to use." She tells him before Canine cuts this conversation off.
"We need to talk about what you said later. For now, let's focus on taking care of the Akuma." She tells Ladybug, wanting answers about her and Marinette's relationship and why she'd give Marinette such an item.
"Alright." Ladybug nods before the four rush out the door and looks around the hall for any more entourage members.
The entourage member who ran off is nowhere to be seen, but the group can hear the ding of the elevator as it starts moving to another floor, causing them to realize where the entourage member is.
"He's probably going to tell Manon where we are." Ladybug winces as she realizes what the entourage member will do.
"Then we don't have much time. We need to find the Akuma and grab her butterfly before anything else happens." Canine tells the group before looking at Brawling Tiger.
"Do you know where she might be since you were here earlier?" Canine asks.
"Why would I know that?" Brawling Tiger asks.
"Of course not." Canine sighs in disappointment, not liking how today is going.
"I guess we'll have to go through all the floors until we find her." Cat Noir suggests before Ladybug stops him.
"No, she's probably looking for more dolls to control. That should help us find her." Ladybug suggests, causing the others to nod in agreement but not notice how she knows about the Akuma's power without them mentioning it.
"Should we head for the stairs? Go down the outside of the building?" Cat Noir asks while listing off their options for getting around the building.
Ladybug looks uncertain and looks at the members around her.
"Split up?" She asks more than state to see everyone's feelings on the idea.
The others don't say anything momentarily before Canine backs Ladybug up.
"It would probably be for the best if we do. It'll make it harder for the entourage members to keep track of us, and one of us can sneak up on the Akuma." Canine explains to the other two, causing them to nod.
With that, the group seems to split and go in different directions. Canine runs for the stairs to inspect the various building floors. The rest run back into Marinette's room with two other plans. Brawling Tiger jumps down the hole she made when she destroyed Marinette's dolls. Ladybug grabs Cat Noir at his request, and the two go out the window and fly outside the building to search for Puppeteer. While out there, Cat Noir decides to talk with Ladybug about what she said earlier.
"So, Marinette has been helping you this entire time?" He can't help but ask, wanting to know about his partner and classmate's relationship together.
Ladybug winces again when she hears his question, hoping to have avoided them until later. Feeling the need to answer him, Ladybug analyzes everything she's lied about to figure out how to combine them into a believable story.
"Remember when I said I've been watching the school for suspicious activity?" Ladybug asks Cat Noir, causing him to nod as they circle the hotel.
"Yeah. So, Marinette was the one doing that for you?" He asks for clarification's sake.
"Yes," Ladybug states, trying to end this conversation.
"Wow. Would not have expected that. And you said you weren't sure where to start investigating Canine." Cat Noir tells her in a slightly teasing voice.
"Well. I didn't want to burden Marinette with more trouble if I didn't have to. I already got her in trouble with her parents." Ladybug states.
"Yikes." Cat Noir winches.
"Yes. We can talk more about this later." Ladybug tells him when she notices something.
Entourage members are walking out the front door in a relatively large army.
"What do you think they're doing?" Cat Noir asks.
"Hard to say; they might be looking for us," Ladybug tells him.
Cat Noir then reaches for his baton and tells the others what he sees outside. Soon after doing that, the two see Puppeteer coming out of the hotel with Fashionista with her.
"It's not fair. There are no other dolls in the hotel." Puppeteer whines as they leave the hotel while Fashionista dutifully follows behind her.
"We'll find more dolls, mam." One of the entourage members states, not knowing heroes are flying above them.
Back in the air, Ladybug and Cat Noir are trying to figure out what to do.
"Do you think we can get her from here?" Cat Noir asks as they hover.
"Maybe," Ladybug says as she narrows her eyes while trying to form a plan.
"If we dive at them now. We can probably get the Akumatized object." She mutters.
"I can probably use Black Hole and keep anyone from getting to you." Cat Noir suggests.
"Good idea." Ladybug nods before changing her hold on Cat Noir. So she's holding his waist instead of his arms, wanting to ensure she can keep a grip on him when they do this.
"Are you ready?" She asks, just to be sure.
"Yep. Let's do this." Cat Noir nods before the two dive toward Puppeteer.
As they close in, Ladybug releases her grip on Cat Noir before grabbing Puppeteer and flying back in the air.
"Hey!" Puppeteer shouts in surprise and fear when she suddenly finds herself in someone's grip while flying high in the sky.
Meanwhile, Cat Noir uses Black Hole to hold the entourage members in place. However, he must get out of there quickly since he used his last power. With that in mind, he leaps away to find somewhere to hide. While he does that, Brawling Tiger comes out of the front door, chased by entourage members. However, what's important is that Ladybug is holding Puppeteer while the little girl struggles in her grip.
"This isn't fair! I should win! Nooooo!" Puppeteer whines while struggling in Ladybug's grip.
"Sorry, Manon. But, like you've been told, the heroes always win." Ladybug tells Manon while she grabs the wand in Manon's hand and uses her powers to burn it.
The butterfly is free, and Ladybug wastes no time capturing it before activating Miraculous Ladybug. With that done, Manon looks around in confusion before realizing she's in Ladybug's arms, and they're both high in the air. The little girl screams as she hugs Ladybug even tighter before the heroine rubs the girl's head soothingly.
"It'll be okay, Manon." She tells the girl in a comforting manner, causing Manon to look up at her and for her eyes to shine.
"Ladybug!" She excitedly shouts.
Ladybug smiles at Manon as she carefully lands the two on the ground but continues to hold the little girl.
"Are you okay?" She asks Manon worriedly.
Her question causes Manon to rapidly nod while giving her a beaming smile.
"Uh-huh. I'm okay. Thank you for saving me." Manon says before hugging Ladybug.
Ladybug can hear someone shouting Manon's name behind her as she's doing this. She turns to see Nadja running over to the two with a worried look aimed at Manon.
"Manon! Are you okay?" She asks worriedly as she quickly grabs Manon from Ladybug's arms and hugs her tightly.
"Mommy." Manon happily says as she hugs her back.
The two spend a moment conversing with each other and ensuring Manon is okay before Nadja looks toward Ladybug with a thankful expression. Before anything can be said, though, Manon suddenly shouts.
"Mommy! I want to play with the Ladybug doll now. She's awesome."
Hearing her daughter's excited words causes Nadja to sigh in slight exasperation but smile nonetheless.
"We'll talk about this when we get home, Manon. Thank you so much, Ladybug." Nadja tells Ladybug before walking away, wanting to put Manon down for a nap since today's had enough excitement.
If this were a cartoon, it would likely end at that scene. Unfortunately, Ladybug still has much explaining to do. She isn't looking forward to the confrontation later.
Later that day, under the blanket of stars, the heroes met at their usual meeting spot, the Eiffel Tower. For once, Ladybug is the last one to arrive instead of one of the first. The four sit on the tower edge, waiting for someone to start the conversation. It's Canine who finally starts the conversation.
"So, what's your relationship with Marinette?" She asks Ladybug.
"I've known her for a while. That's why I asked her to help me." Ladybug states in a semi-cryptic manner, not wanting to go into too much detail.
"Why would you give something so important to her, though? Aren't you afraid that she'll get Akumatized?" Canine asks with narrowed eyes, showing how serious she is about this topic.
"Of course, she's part of the class with the most Akumatizations. I check up on her often to make sure she's okay. She seems alright, so far." Ladybug states with faux confidence.
"Why would you risk it, though? You know the hotel has been attacked before." Canine points out before Brawling Tiger interrupts her.
"Come on. It's not like Hawkmoth knows about it or where it is. If he did, he would attack the hotel more often than the school." Brawling Tiger states, not seeing the big deal about this.
"We don't know that. We know nothing about Hawkmoth or what he plans to do with the different Miraculous. We can only assume the worst since he's willing to destroy all of Paris for them. That's why I don't like that Marinette has an item full of them." Canine argues back while glaring at Brawling Tiger.
Cat Noir quickly gets between the two and plays the role of a mediator.
"Let's not fight. I'm sure everything will be okay if we continue to talk it out." He tells the two while looking toward Ladybug for help.
She decides to pay him back for earlier today by helping intervene.
"Please calm down. I promise everything is okay. Brawling Tiger isn't wrong with her statement. But, I promise you, I would have Marinette give it back if I didn't think it was safe at the hotel. I just wanted someone who can watch it in a relatively safe place instead of hiding it somewhere in Paris where anyone could find it." Ladybug tries to calm the two with her explanation.
It seems to work after a moment. The two aren't at each other's throats anymore, and it's Cat Noir's turn to ask a question.
"So, did Marinette know about your identity from the start?" Cat Noir asks, causing Ladybug to give him a nervous smile.
"Yeah... sorry, I told her before you gave me that advice." She apologizes to him, feeling slightly guilty that she didn't follow his advice.
However, she doesn't regret Nate knowing her identity since he's been a big help to her. But that makes her feel even more guilty sometimes. After all, Cat Noir has also been a vital part of her life as Ladybug. She feels she's betrayed him for feeling that way and not telling him about someone knowing her identity until now. She's even going as far as to lie about who knows her identity and saying it's herself instead of Nate. She can't seem to win in this situation. It feels so complex to her.
"That's fine. Really." She tells Ladybug while giving her a slightly strained grin.
His mind flashes back to his time with Nino and makes him wonder if he should tell him about being Cat Noir. After all, Nino got after him once about his disappearing acts, and he'd like to keep Nino's friendship. Hearing that Ladybug has someone in her corner makes him feel better about the idea. I mean, it's only fair. Right? He'll think about it later. For now, they need to finish this conversation.
"And you're sure the Miraculous container is safe?" Canine asks her again, wanting to make sure.
"Yes, I'm sure it's safe. Marinette lives high up in the hotel, and it has pretty good security. No random person can get into her room to find it if she's hidden it there." Ladybug tells Canine to ease her worries.
"So, you guys have an item filled with Miraculous? Why don't you give other people them?" Brawling Tiger asks, changing the subject slightly.
"It's not that simple. The Kwami choose their wielders and might pick someone who will side with Hawkmoth or give us more trouble. We can't risk it when we're not sure who Hawkmoth is." Ladybug explains to Brawling Tiger before motioning toward Canine.
"Cat Noir got lucky that Barkk chose someone like Canine. We didn't expect someone else with a Miraculous to show up, like you." Ladybug states while motioning toward Brawling Tiger.
"Lucky you then." Brawling Tiger says while giving a thumbs up.
"I still don't like this. I don't care if someone random can't get into it. I'm only worried about Hawkmoth getting it." Canine tells Ladybug.
"I promise it will be okay," Ladybug promises again.
Canine doesn't say anything to Ladybug's words. However, she silently promises to keep an eye on both Marinette and Chloe from now on. The other heroes have a similar line of thinking about Marinette. Things may become more difficult for Ladybug in the future.
I'll be uploading four chapters this month.
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dawninlatin · 1 year
Queen of Peace, chapter 19
A manorian High School AU
Words: 4,7k
AO3 Link
Summary: Manon Blackbeak is flawless, untouchable. From the outside at least. Her grandmother pushes her to achieve greatness, and she doesn’t let anyone get too close in fear of being hurt. How can anyone love her when not even her parents could?
Dorian Havilliard has always felt safe and confident around his friends. He might not have the greatest of families, but with Aelin and Chaol by his side, nothing can go wrong. That is until he tries keeping his greatest secret from them.
What will happen when Dorian and Manon gets to know one another? Can two lost souls find their way back together?
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cw: sexually explicit content
that's right guys, you're getting smut;););)
please excuse any mistakes though (and how bad the smut is) because it's 4am here, i just finished the longest chapter i've ever written, and i need to fucking sleep<3
You only get one night upon the shore
So dance like you’ve never danced before
And the dance floor is filling up with blood
But, oh, Lord, you’ve never been so in love
- Florence + The Machine, Mermaids
Dorian glanced at Manon for what was probably the hundredth time in the fifteen minutes they’d been sitting in the library, working on their homework together. 
She looked entirely consumed by her math problems, but Dorian knew her well enough by now to notice the tension in her jaw, how high her shoulders were. The whole day, really, she’d seemed…off.
He’d wanted to ask her about it earlier, but the whole day had been a whirlwind of catching up with friends he hadn’t seen for weeks, teachers bombarding them with fresh assignments, and just trying to stay awake after waking up so early again.
Now, though, things had calmed down at the end of the day, and Dorian finally asked, «Is everything alright?»
Manon didn’t even look up from her notebook, she just shrugged. «Yeah, why wouldn’t it be?»
To anyone else, she might have been convincing, but Dorian noted how hard she stared at the book in front of her, how her voice was a little too light.
«Are you sure? You just seem a little…tired today.»
She sighed, before finally looking up, meeting his eyes. Her own had dark circles underneath, giving further confirmation to Dorian’s worries. 
«I didn’t get enough sleep last night, and then I show up here and we get way more assignments than I had expected, and we’re not where we should be with the dance team, and-»
Manon halted, squeezing her eyes shut. «Sorry, you don’t wanna hear about all this.» 
The last words came out as a whisper, and she looked down at the table once more. Reaching over and taking her hand in his, Dorian said, «Don’t apologize, please. You can always talk to me.»
She didn’t answer, only stroked his hand once, twice. He could tell that there was something else on her mind, but Dorian knew when to stop pushing. They could talk about it later, when Manon was ready.
After a few moments, she gave him a teasing smile, glancing up at him. «As soon as I finish these math problems things will get ten times better. You don’t happen to be an expert on differential equations, do you?»
Dorian snorted. «I sit next to Aelin in that class, so I rarely have any idea what Mr. Kelley is talking about.»
«He’s the teacher who doesn’t give a shit, right?» Manon said with a chuckle, the she cringed. «I was lucky enough to get Mrs. Hughes for the second year in a row.»
«You have my deepest condolences,» Dorian said, putting a fist to his heart as he recalled countless horror stories from other students about the teacher. She loved giving huge assignments without warning and with way too little time to finish them, rarely gave anyone above a B- out of principle, and should have retired about twenty years ago.
Manon was laughing though, her eyes seeming a bit more alive. «I heard she actually got fired once, but they couldn’t get anyone else, so they had to rehire her.»
«This gives me a newfound admiration of Mr. Kelley, you know? He wants to be there as little as we do, and honestly, he’s so real for that.»
«Is it true that he just let someone sleep through an entire lesson once?»
Grinning, Dorian said, «Not just once. He believes that if someone doesn’t want to learn, then that’s not his problem, and if they’re not disturbing him, he doesn’t give a shit.»
«Ugh, why did you get all the fun teachers?» Manon fake-whined, rolling her eyes.
Dorian batted his lashes as he joked, «I guess someone as talented and good-looking as me simply deserve it.»
«Can you make out with a mirror somewhere else, please? I’m trying to do math here.» Manon gagged for emphasis, and then they both lost it, dissolving into giggles, homework forgotten. 
These study dates were fun, but they also had a habit of distracting each other so much they rarely got any work done. Not that Dorian minded, though.
«Hey, do you have any plans this Saturday?» Dorian asked when the laughter had died down, suddenly remembering another question he’d been meaning to ask.
Manon closed her book, giving up on the homework for now. Raising a single eyebrow, she replied, «Nope. I’m actually home alone this weekend.»
«Well so is Aelin, and she’s throwing a party, obviously,» Dorian smirked, remembering Aelin’s excited rambling from earlier that day:
«Those idiots has asked my cousin Aedion to ‘keep an eye on me’, so he’s obviously getting us booze and not saying a word about the party as long as he gets to join!»
«Would you perhaps like to go with me?» He gave Manon his best pleading eyes as he asked, hoping and praying she would say yes. When she didn’t answer, he added, «I promise it’ll be fun, and we can leave whenever you want.»
Humming, as if deep in thought, Manon stood up, walking over to Dorian’s side of the table. He pushed his chair out to stand up as well, but before he got the chance, she gracefully sat down on his lap, hands resting on his shoulders.
«I suppose I could…» Manon replied. «Would your friends even want me there?» The question was careful.
Dorian brought his hands to her back, going up and down in lazy strokes. That she even worried about this brought a stinging sensation to his chest. «Of course they would. They know I care about you, and I think you’ll get along pretty well, once you get to know each other.»
He actually worried a little, for the chaos that would unfold when Manon and Aelin eventually became friends and ganged up on the rest of them. He was mostly excited, though, because no doubt Chaol would be the one suffering the most. 
«How much have you told them about us?» Manon chewed on her lip as she asked, playing with his hair.
«That we’re friends, but also…more.» They still hadn’t defined whatever was between them, even if Dorian knew exactly what he wanted. He had known for a while though, he just needed to find the right moment to ask…
Fuck it…
Holding Manon’s gaze, her eyes like golden flames, he took a deep breath. «I would love to introduce you as my girlfriend, though?»
He’d known from the second he’d wanted to ask that there was a big chance she’d say no, but part of him had still hoped, and that hope grew as she smiled slightly.
Then she crashed her lips to his in a hungry kiss. While her hands cupped his face, his own traveled down her back until he got a good hold of her magnificent ass. Manon let out a low moan as he squeezed, and the sound sent a jolt of pleasure straight to his dick.
Her tongue pushed against his mouth, and he opened for her, yearning for the taste of her. 
Dorian wanted more, needed more, but then they both seemed to remember that they actually were in the middle of the school library, and even if they were alone right now, anyone could walk by and see them.
They managed to force themselves apart, and Dorian was surprised he could even speak, since he was in the midst of the single fucking hottest moment of his life, and all that. «Is that a yes, then?»
Her forehead resting against his, Manon breathed, «Yes, I’ll go to the party with you…as your girlfriend.»
A grin spread on Dorian’s face, one that was mirrored on Manon’s, and she let out a bright laugh, the sound of it the most wonderful Dorian had ever heard.
«Can’t wait,» he murmured back, pressing a quick kiss to her lips.
«Me neither,» Manon replied, then she stood up, moving back to her own side.
Before Dorian could even register what was happening, she’d gathered up all her things, putting them in her bag. «What…why…» he stammered out.
Giving him a teasing look, Manon said, «We should probably leave before someone catches us and gives us detention. I also have to be home soon.» Her tone got more serious as she said that last part, and Dorian wished they could have stayed in this bubble forever.
He didn’t move, though, and when Manon was done packing, ready to leave, she asked, «Are you coming too?»
Dorian glanced down, then shifted, trying to hide the boner he was currently sporting. «I can not walk out in front of other people right now.» His face was burning as he said the words.
Manon looked confused for a few seconds, before she broke into a taunting smirk, throwing a pointed glance at his lap. «That sounds like your problem to deal with.»
Then she turned around and left, throwing a careless «Goodbye» over her shoulder. Dorian was sure she swung her hips as much as she did on purpose, knowing his eyes would stay locked on them (and her ass, let’s be real here) until she was out of sight, It certainly didn’t help his situation.
Oh, how he fucking needed it to be Saturday already.
When Manon had agreed to go to the party with Dorian, she had still been a little skeptical, but now, as she walked up to Aelin’s house, hand in hand with her boyfriend, she felt nothing but excitement.
Naturally, meeting and hanging out with his friends made her a little nervous, but she trusted Dorian, believed in him, when he said everything would be fine.
Already, it was filling up with people, the bass of some pop song pulsating out into the cold January night.
Dorian stopped right before the porch, turning towards Manon. «Ready?»
Letting out a foggy breath, Manon gave him a bright smile, reaching up on her toes to press a kiss to his mouth. «Lead the way,» she said, before Dorian brought his arm around her shoulders, tucking her in close.
Together, they entered the house, Dorian taking them right to a spacious kitchen, where Aelin, Chaol, and a few other people Manon recognized from school, were in the midst of an eager discussion.
Immediately, Aelin spotted them and leapt from where she was cozied up to Rowan Whitethorn. «You made it!» she exclaimed, throwing herself around Dorian. Manon didn’t really know what to do with herself, so she just stood there, giving Aelin an awkard hi once she was done embracing Dorian.
Manon had expected a short, somewhat friendly greeting in return, but Aelin had to be pretty drunk already, because to Manon’s great surprise, she threw her arms around her as well. Manon stiffened at first, unsure what to do, but then decided to just roll with it and return the hug. She threw a questioning look at Dorian, but he simply shrugged, giving her a warm smile.
«I’m so glad you wanted to come, too!» Aelin said as she took a step back. Then she turned towards Dorian again, pointing a finger at him. «It was about time you brought your girlfriend around!»
Dorian smirked in answer, and it quickly became clear that Aelin had said it as a taunt, having no idea that as of five days ago, they actually were official, because she went entirely still, then her eyes slowly widened, mouth gaping.
«You ass! You have a girlfriend now and you didn’t tell me?! When did this happen? Give. Me. All. The. Details.» Aelin punctuated those last words by whacking his arm, Dorian twisting away, walking further into the kitchen, to escape the interrogation.
Manon took in the spectacle with a grin, feeling giddy and light, both at being referred to as Dorian’s girlfriend and at the warm welcome. Looking around, she met the eyes of Chaol, Dorian’s other best friend, who gave her a wry smile, then gestured towards Aelin and Dorian. «Good to see you, just help yourself to anything in the fridge while these two wrestle.»
They stayed in the kitchen for a while longer, chatting, drinking and laughing together, music blasting through the house as even more people arrived. Aelin had shrugged when Chaol asked, a simple «Aedion» being her only explanation. 
Happy to mostly observe the friendly banter, Manon stuck to Dorian’s side, taking the occasional sip from her second beer. She found herself relaxing more and more, and not only because of the alcohol. 
It was so nice to not worry about anything for once, to just be. No expectations, no demands. Manon needed this after the week she’d had, full of important assignments, tests, and…everything else churning in her mind. She’d promised herself not to think about that tonight, and she would keep that promise.
Instead, she leaned further into Dorian, snorting as he told the story of how him and Aelin had made a bet on how long they could keep a carton of milk hidden in their middle school classroom, and how in the end, it had smelled so bad they needed to have class in the library for three days.
«The best part is, we never even got caught,» Aelin stated proudly, high-fiving Dorian.
«I think putting you two in detention would have caused more trouble than it was worth,» Manon found herself replying, earning a slightly maniacal grin from Aelin. 
Dorian laughed, his whole body shaking against hers. «It would have been absolute chaos.»
«And you two would probably have found some way to pull me into it,» Chaol sighed, which made them all howl.
Soon after, Rowan announced he was going to see if Lorcan had showed up yet.
Aelin grimaced. «Ew, tell him to fuck off, will you?»
He knocked back his drink, then pressed a kiss to Aelin’s lips. «Anything for you, babe.»
Both Dorian and Chaol pretended to gag at the sight, but Aelin just blew Rowan a kiss as he left, then turned her attention back to the rest of the group.
«Anyone wanna play beer pong?»
Dorian and Chaol more or less got their asses kicked. Dorian had first tried to team up with Manon, but Aelin had protested, claiming that both him and Chaol sucked, and therefore she wanted to be on Manon’s team. Manon had just smirked, flipping them off over her shoulder as she joined Aelin.
It was a terrifying sight, really, but it was also everything he had wanted for tonight, to see Manon getting along with his friends, having fun, even. And after their massive win, Aelin had dragged her towards the dance floor, claiming they had to celebrate, and that this song was amazing!
Manon had easily followed, laughing the entire time.
«You two seem really good together,» Chaol now said from next to him, nodding towards the two girls.
Dorian smiled, savoring the warm, fuzzy feeling in his body. «Yeah, she is just…»
Everything, he wanted to say, but one look at Chaol told him that his best friend knew exactly what Dorian meant. 
Chaol’s expression softened. «It’s nice to finally see you so happy. If anyone deserves it, it’s you.»
«Thanks, man,» Dorian whispered back, suddenly getting emotional. Because he was happy.
He was so indescribably happy. 
Looking over at Manon only heightened the feeling. She was dancing with Aelin, and he could see that she definitely knew what she was doing, her lithe body moving smoothly in time with the music, but it was also something carefree over her, something relaxed. 
She looked luminous where she moved in the middle of the room, head tipped back in laughter even while she still danced, her hair cascading down her back, glowing in the low light. She was surrounded by dozens of people, but Dorian only saw her.
Then Manon turned around, her eyes locking with his, giving him a bright smile. Dorian wished he had taken a photograph of her in that exact moment, cheeks tinged with pink, golden eyes shining with joy, but he knew if he had, he would have never stopped looking at it.
All Dorian wanted was to close the distance between them and crush his lips against hers, then find somewhere they could be alone. He needed to feel her, taste her. 
Manon must have seen the hunger in his eyes, because her smile fell, replaced by something just as wanting, something intense, all-consuming. She motioned towards the dimly lit, less-crowded hallway, and Dorian gave her a confirming nod. 
He watched as Manon said something to Aelin, then left the room. Dorian made himself count to ten, before he made up some excuse to Chaol as well, then followed her. 
As soon as he stepped away from the crowd, into the more private hallway, Manon was on him, pulling him against her. Their lips met in a hungry kiss, tongue’s clashing, eager to taste one another. Dorian’s hands immediately went to her hair, the long strands like the softest silk against his fingers.
While Dorian slowly backed them towards the wall, Manon’s hands roamed up and down his chest, exploring. She hit the wall with a soft thud, her body flush with his.
Dorian sucked on her lower lip, which made Manon let out a low moan, the sound going straight to Dorian’s hardening cock. 
Needing a moment to breathe, Dorian forced himself to pull away. He braced his arms on either side of her head, both of them panting.
«Is there somewhere we can…» Manon began, chewing on her lip.
 It took everything in Dorian to not lean down and capture that lip between his own teeth. Instead he nodded, leading her towards what he knew was the guest room.
Manon needed to be as close to Dorian as possible right now. She had never been so sure of anything in her life.
Holding her hands in his, he led them up the stairs, and into an empty bedroom, door closing behind them and reducing the noise of the party to a low, thrumming heartbeat.
Her own heart was hammering right now, but not from nerves, only from pure need.
So Manon reached up, claiming Dorian’s mouth while pushing him towards the bed in the center of the room with hurried steps.
He sat down, pulling her with him so that her knees rested on either side of him.
Manon could feel his erection pressing against her core, the sensation sending a wave of pleasure through her. She rolled her hips once, drawing a groan out of Dorian, who started trailing kisses down her neck.
His hands moved beneath her shirt, slowly lifting it, and Manon found herself panting, «Just so you know, I haven’t done this before.»
He abruptly stopped, Manon mentally cursing herself for opening her stupid mouth. He looked up at her, his hungry expression replaced by that caring gaze she knew so well.
«It’s okay, we don’t have to-»
«I didn’t say I didn’t want to,» Manon interrupted, because she definitely wanted to have sex with him right now. It had been the only thing on her mind as she’d locked eyes with him across the room when she’d been dancing earlier. He’d been smiling from his conversation with Chaol, his deep blue eyes twinkling, his hair perfectly messy. Manon had wanted to brush her fingers through it, see how much more messy she could make it. Had wanted to feel his skin against hers with nothing between them.
Now, though, she felt herself blush under his attentive gaze.
«It’s nothing to be embarrassed about,» Dorian murmured, brushing a featherlight finger over her burning cheek.
Manon knew it was nothing to be embarrassed about. There weren’t that many opportunities to lose your virginity when you spent all your time at home, doing schoolwork, and she was fine with that, but being so unsure of what to do, what to say, was an unusual feeling for her, when she was so used to being in control all the time.
As if reading her thoughts, Dorian said, «If you tell me when something feels good, or when it doesn’t, and I’ll do the same, we’ll be fine. I promise.» He pressed a light kiss to her lips. «And we can stop at any moment if you need to.» Another kiss.
She had never felt so vulnerable before, but that was the thing about Dorian; being vulnerable with him never felt scary or overwhelming, it felt safe, good, even. It made her feel free.
So Manon reached down, taking the hem of her shirt and pulling it over her head, before claiming Dorian’s mouth. His hands immediately went to her lace-covered breasts, fingers brushing over her hardening nipples.
Manon moaned in response, urging Dorian to take his own shirt off. The rest of their clothes soon followed, leaving them in only their underwear.
Then Dorian reached behind her to unclasp her bralette, freeing her small breasts. His mouth started trailing down her chest, and right before he reached one of her nipples, he looked up at her, asking, «Is this okay?»
«Uh-huh,» Manon nodded in answer, grinding against him as he finally brought his mouth to that nipple, sucking lightly on the rosy peak. Dorian was fully hard against her now, and Manon rolled her hips, needing more, more, more.
Dorian’s back hit the bed, pulling her with him, then he rolled them over so that he was on top. 
He cupped her breasts with his hands, leaving goosebumps in their wake as they then trailed down, down, stopping right before the line of her panties. Before he could even ask, Manon lifted her hips, urging him to take them off and just touch her already. She was burning from within.
Dorian obeyed with a smirk, then brought a single finger to her center, cursing when he found her to already be soaking wet. He stroked that finger up and down her slit, before he thrust it inside her. 
Manon moaned, rolling her hips in time with his strokes, her own hands palming him through his boxers.
That finger was soon joined by a second, and when Dorian started applying pressure to her clit, Manon quickly found herself cascading towards release.
«Dorian,» she moaned as she came undone on his fingers, her body going taut, then loose, Dorian’s fingers still stroking her through the entire thing. It was all too much and not nearly enough at the same time.
As she came down from her high, Dorian brought his hand up to his mouth, licking it clean. The sight had Manon ready to go again in seconds, and she reached into his boxers, pulling the length of him free.
She’d felt it earlier, that he was big, but her eyes still widened slightly at the sight of him, hard and ready. Dorian groaned as she stroked him once, twice. Meeting his sapphire blue eyes, she said, «I want you. Now.»
Dorian blinked, then leapt off her, discarding his boxers and picking up something from his jeans lying on the floor. Manon let out a low chuckle at his eagerness, but already, she craved the feel of his skin against hers again.
When he returned, Manon saw that the object he’d retrieved was a condom. He made quick work of putting it on, and when he was done, Manon reached up, grabbing his shoulders to pull him back down to her, their mouths meeting in a deep kiss.
She spread her legs to make room for him, and Dorian lined himself up with her core, but then he stopped.
«Are you sure?» Dorian asked one final time, his gaze so intense she couldn’t look away even if she’d wanted to.
«Yes,» Manon breathed, then he so slowly, so gently, pushed into her, all while stroking her clit.
Manon moaned at the sensation, at how he filled her, stretched her open. It wasn’t uncomfortable, but it wasn’t a feeling she was used to.
«You feel so good, you’re so good, Manon» Dorian groaned, and his words made her center throb in pleasure. She had never felt so full. 
He gave her a moment to adjust, but Manon soon found herself needing more friction, so when she wriggled her hips, he pulled out slightly before pushing in again. «Tell me if it hurts, right?» 
Manon nodded in answer, unable to form words right now.
Dorian soon found a slow, steady rhythm, and Manon started rolling her hips to meet his thrusts.
After a few moments, he stilled, though, and when he didn’t move, Manon asked in a breathless voice, «Why did you stop?»
«Just trying to make it last longer,» Dorian panted, burying his head in her neck.
Stroking up and down his back, Manon suggested surprisingly confidently, «Can I be on top?»
«Fuck yes,» Dorian mumbled against her skin, before he slowly pulled out of her and sat up, tugging her with him.
Manon could have cried at feeling so empty after being so full mere seconds ago, but it didn’t take long before her mouth was on Dorian’s again, and she fisted his cock, positioning him against her core.
They both groaned at the sensation as she gradually sank down on him, this position allowing him to go even deeper, hitting that sweet spot inside her.
She started moving up and down in a slow rhythm, one of Dorian’s hands going back to her clit, the other to her hip, helping in guiding her.
The deep strokes paired with the pressure on her clit made that blissful wave rise again, and Manon let her forehead fall to Dorian’s, her eyes landing on where they were joined.
It was the hottest fucking thing she had ever seen, and stroke by stroke, the wave rose, nearing the edge. 
Dorian was shaking beneath her, trying to hold back his own release. «Fuck, Manon.»
«I’m close,» Manon managed to choke out. She sank down on him one final time, right as Dorian pressed his thumb down on her clit, sucking on a sensitive spot on her neck.
She cried out as she came a second time, her whole body tightening. In her pleasure-haze, she was aware of Dorian’s rhythm faltering, him moaning her name against her neck as he joined her in that glorious release.
They clung to each other, staying as close as possible, as the world went quiet. Dorian brought a hand to her face, brushing her hair out of the way, and Manon gave him a soft smile, her body feeling wondrously calm. 
«Are you okay?» Dorian whispered, always caring about her wellbeing.
Manon pressed a featherlight kiss to his lips before she whispered back, «More than okay.»
Later, Manon lay cradled in Dorian’s arms, listening to his steady breathing.
She felt almost giddy, even if her eyelids were heavy, moments away from falling asleep.
Tonight had been probably the best night of her life, cliché as it was.
And it had made Manon realize what she’d missed out on, all this time. Not just the partying, but having friends, joking about anything, laughing, feeling so light and free and like she could just be, and no one would fault her for it.
She deserved to feel this way, deserved to be happy. And she deserved to be happy with Dorian. Because how could she go back to her old life, where all that mattered was living up to her grandmother’s impossible expectations, when she had finally learned what it was like to actually live?
Her grandmother could go and fuck herself, Manon decided. She only had a few months left before she could leave that house for good. And until then, she could pretend, she could be good, stay in line, but she refused to give up on all the good things in her life, refused to give up on Dorian.
Taglist: @fireheartfaery @bookishwitchling @gwynethhberdara @darklingswhxore @onfma @ireallyshouldsleeprn @sayosdreams @rowaelinismyotp @rainbowcheetah512 @mirubyjane @zoyalovesbooks @wishfulimaginings
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zoyaofthegardvn · 2 years
One of my favorite underrated ships has to be Asterin x Elide, even if they got very little scenes their was still a lot of tension, so maybe some headcannons or fluff with them?
A/N: This is totally a ship I can get behind! I haven't really done any headcanons yet, so let me give it a shot with this! Thanks so much for your request anon :)
CW: None! This is fluffy <3
Asterin Blackbeak x Elide Lochan
Asterin used to shamelessly flirt with Elide before they got together, and poor Elide had never been flirted with before, but was undeniably attracted the the blonde witch, and was always getting flustered in her presence
One time, when Manon was being particularly snippy, Asterin defended Elide from Manon's cruel words
Elide felt so bad that she'd caused a little fight between the two, that she went to Asterin's room late one evening to apologize
Asterin tried to get Elide to stop rambling, but she wouldn't, so the only thing she could think of was to kiss her
And it most definitely worked!
Elide's face turned beet red, Asterin couldn't help but laugh at her shocked expression
Elide stumbled over her words, but her apology was long forgotten and eventually, the two admitted their strong feelings for one another
They've been happily together ever since!
Asterin is a huge tease, always being flirty in public, making Elide blush, whispering filth in her ear to see her squirm
Whenever they're in a room together, Asterin is always closely watching Elide, ready to jump in and defend/protect her if ever needed
Manon pretends to find them sickening, but she secretly loves them together and has even grown more protective over both of them, wanting them to get to live a long, happy life together
Asterin likes to take Elide out flying on her mount, usually in the evenings to clear their minds
Elide gets stressed easily, and Asterin knows that the cool air on her face, in her hair, Asterin's arms around her waist, are how to calm Elide down and soothe her
Elide was the one to set a slow pace for their relationship, as dating and intimacy are all fairly new to her
They'd hang out all night until Elide couldn't keep her eyes open anymore, then Asterin would walk her (or carry her) back to her room, giving her a sweet goodnight kiss on her cheek
Finally, Elide worked up the courage to ask if she could stay with Asterin that night
She said "I'm just so, so tired, and my room is a bit far... it's okay if you'd prefer I didn't, o-or I can... you know... stay on the flo-"
She didn't get to finish before Asterin was, again, cutting her off with a kiss
"Of course you can stay here, Elide, I'd love it if you did."
Elide borrowed one of Asterin's tunics and loose pants, and Asterin swore she fell more in love with her that evening
They fell asleep with Asterin as the big spoon, and that's how they usually sleep, unless Elide falls asleep on her chest instead.
The closer they got, the more they confessed to one another
Asterin is always fretting over Elide and her ankle, always asking her if she feels alright, if she needs anything, if she needs to sit down and take a break
She'll rub salve into it to alleviate the pain every night, sometimes letting her hands wander farther up than necessary, not that Elide's complaining, though...
And when Asterin first showed Elide the cruel marks on her torso, Elide gently ran her hands along the brand, kissing the skin, trailing up to Asterin's face, kissing her lips before any tears could fall
Asterin scares the hell out of Elide, especially when she leaves to do a job for Manon or the other witches
She'll be gone for days without a word, and when she returns bloody and bruised, Elide immediately turns into a mother hen
She'll gasp, grabbing Asterin before she can relay any information to Manon, and drag her to the room they now share
She'll strip her of her ruined clothes, and set her in the tub
She'll gently clean her wounds, add cream and bandage her right up while also cleaning the blood and grime from her body and hair
Elide grumbles the entire time about how reckless she is and how she could've gotten killed
Asterin just listens with a small smile, knowing this is Elide's way of showing how much she loves her
Asterin learns she kinda likes being doted on
It was during one of these moments that Asterin first told Elide she loved her, catching her wrist as it went to wipe some blood from her hairline
Elide stared at her, so long Asterin thought maybe she'd made a mistake, that it was too soon for her
But Elide just went back to cleaning her face, after saying, "I love you too, you careless fool."
Eventually, when it comes down to being decided that Elide must leave Manon's clan, that she must be the Lady of Perranth, Asterin doesn't hesitate to announce she's going with her
Elide had been stressed about the whole thing, thinking it was the end of her relationship, that she was going to have to leave the love of her life behind
She was shocked when Asterin decided to leave so quickly, with seemingly little hesitation
She tried to get her to reconsider, to think about what she was doing
But Asterin just told her that she'd been Manon's second for a long, long time
She said that the witches were safer than they'd ever been now, especially with Manon becoming Witch Queen
She said she wanted a change of pace, that she wanted that settled down life that not everyone was lucky to have
Elide, finally convinced that it was what Asterin wanted, eventually asked Asterin, the night before they were set to leave, if she'd marry her
Asterin, of course, said yes
She even went further and asked to bind their lives together, so that Asterin wouldn't live the rest of her long life without Elide one day
That made Elide sob, and they held each other all night long
The next day, they set off, Manon still a little bitter about losing her second, but happy for them nonetheless
They married months later, and bound their lives the same day
All of their friends came from several different kingdoms to attend, and they'd both never felt as loved and adored as they did on their wedding day
A/N: That's all I could really think of! I hope this works, anon! Thanks again for the request :)
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snelbz · 3 years
Tempting the Fates {Chapter 3}
Summary: It’s the final semester of Aelin Galathynius’ collegiate career and she is so beyond ready to be done. Her schedule is packed full of nursing classes and labs designed to test her knowledge and hone her skills for the real world and her “big girl” job. However, she needs one last elective to graduate, so she decides to study a subject she’s always been fascinated by: Mythology. Who would have thought that a class about gods and goddesses living complicated lives would end up complicating her own in such an unexpected way?
Word Count: 2807
Chapters will be posted every Wednesday.
Tempting the Fates Masterlist
Shelby’s Masterlist
Tara’s Masterlist 
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– God of the seas, earthquakes, horses and tidal waves
Aelin had moved past hurt.
Now, she was just pissed.
It was nearly ten o'clock after her second day of classes and she sat cross legged on the couch with Lysandra in her apartment.
Her roommate had been a worthy rant partner thus far. She’d kicked Aedion out and supplied Aelin with an endless supply of alcohol.
“It’s official. I’m sitting in your Thursday class.”
Aelin groaned, taking a long drink from her wine glass. “Don't remind me that I have to go back there, please. The thought of sitting through an entire semester with him as my teacher… Oh, gods.”
Lysandra refilled Aelin’s glass.
“You’ve done the hookup thing before,” Lysandra said, shrugging as she took a drink from her own glass. “Just pretend this is one of those situations and he meant absolutely nothing.”
“That’s impossible, for two reasons,” Aelin said, adjusting the pillow she had squished between her legs. She held up a finger. “One, it’s not like the regular hookup situation where I might see him across campus or in a bar and we can pretend we don’t know each other. This is my professor we’re talking about.” She took a very large drink of her wine and held up another finger. “Secondly, it was supposed to be a hookup, but then he turned out to be perfect and I just…” She let her head fall back against the cushions. “Do you think I just want him because I can’t have him?”
“Maybe,” Lysandra admitted, but she hadn’t ever been in a situation like this. She and Aedion had been inseparable since high school. “What does your gut say?”
“I don’t know, they’re still in knots from where he rearranged them with his huge dick,” Aelin replied, draining her wine glass.
Lysandra nearly sprayed her wine across the couch, but she knew Aelin was well and truly drunk if she was talking like that.
“So, he still means something to you, then?” Lysandra asked. “Even after you found out he’s your professor, and also a little bit of a dick, apparently.”
Aelin shot her a look. “No, I’m drunk off my ass because he means nothing to me. Have you not been listening?”
Lysandra rolled her eyes. “Oh, I’ve been listening. But, after two hours things just start to blur together and not make sense.”
Aelin hit her roommate with her pillow.
Lysandra only laughed. “Maybe sit and think on it for a few days, yeah? Maybe it’s new and exciting and he’s hot as hell, but all that will fade if it meant nothing.”
Aelin nodded, slowly, fiddling with the stem of her wine glass. “And if it doesn’t fade? If it actually meant something?”
“If it actually meant something, then he won’t be forgetting about you any time soon, either,” Lysandra said, sipping from her glass.
She was still on glass #1.
Aelin had lost count of how many glasses she had drained so far.
“Doesn’t make it any easier now,” Aelin said, that hurt creeping its way back in. “You should��ve seen him, Lys. This morning, at his apartment, it was just…perfect. Then when he saw me in class, he was a completely different person.”
“Have you tried to see this from his perspective, Ace?” Lysandra asked, standing and heading into the kitchen. She handed Aelin a cold water bottle when she returned, falling back onto the couch next to her.
“Of course,” she snapped, opening the lid. “And I get it, it’s a big deal, but it’s not like I’m underage. I’m twenty-one, not sixteen. It’s not like he broke the law.”
“No, but I’m sure there’s a bylaw somewhere in his contract that says Don’t fuck your students,” Lysandra drawled, tucking her legs between her.
Aelin mumbled, “I bet it doesn’t say exactly that.”
“No, I’m sure it’s more along the line of inappropriate misconduct, but if we’re getting specific, it wouldn’t be hard for me to find an example,” she replied, leveling Aelin with a stare.
“Calm your pre-law ass down, I get it,” Aelin sighed, drinking from the water bottle. “His aunt is the president of the university. I wouldn’t want him to get into any trouble with her.”
Lysandra’s eyes softened. “He probably just got scared. I hear he’s a new professor. This must be his first year here. Hell, if he’s as young as you say, this must be his first year anywhere.”
Luck. He’d gotten the job purely out of luck, out of his connections to the university, and here Aelin was, jeopardizing his career as soon as it began.
“I’m being a bitch, aren’t I?” She asked, quietly, before draining her glass.
“You have the right to be hurt,” Lysandra said. “I’m not saying you don’t have that right, because I’d be hurt, too. But, I definitely think that this is complicated as hell.”
Aelin nodded, and took a drink of water before pouring the last of the wine into her glass. “We’re going to need another bottle of this, Lys.”
“I would just take you to the bar,” Lysandra said, “but I wouldn’t want to risk you fucking any of the other faculty.”
Aelin’s eyes snapped to hers.
Lysandra sucked in her lips to stop her grin. “Too soon?”
Aelin nudged her best friend, unable to stop her sputtering laughter. “Bitch.”
Lysandra caught her before she leaned back across the couch and held onto her shoulders, hugging her tightly. “I know this sucks, Ace, and I know you liked him. But just give it time. Either you’ll move on, which I can always help with, or something will happen. It’s not like you won’t be seeing him every other day.”
She sighed, resting her head on Lysandra's shoulder. “I know… I know.”
Lysandra reached for the remote, turning the television on. “What would make you feel better? Sappy love story, trashy reality tv, or a horror flick?”
“Trashy tv,” she decided, if for no other reason than it would be easy for her to block out while she still wallowed in her own misery.
Lysandra did as she was told, refilling Aelin’s glass again, and she thanked her best friend.
All the while, Aelin wondered how pissed Rowan was, or if he was feeling the same way she was.
A knock on Rowan’s door around nine-thirty had him closing his laptop and throwing it open. He groaned when he found Lorcan on the other side, walking back inside and leaving his best friend to let himself in.
“Alright, fill me in on Little Miss Perfect you took out last night. She was all you could talk about this morning, and then boom.” He sat down on the couch next to Rowan, noticing the half empty bottle of bourbon and looked at him. “Radio silence for the rest of the day.”
“I don’t wanna talk about it,” he muttered. “Shouldn’t you be going home to your girlfriend?”
“She’s out with Manon,” Lorcan said, blowing off the question. “I’m bored, so talk.”
Rowan sighed, pushing himself up to go into his kitchen. He came back a moment later, two glasses in hand. He supposed he couldn’t continue to drink out of the bottle with company.
After handing Lorcan a half-filled glass, Rowan said, “It’s just not going to work.”
“You decided that quickly,” Lorcan muttered, his eyes remaining locked on Rowan. “Did you google her after she left? Find something cringeworthy?”
Rowan sipped from his glass. “She’s just not who I thought she was, that’s all.”
Lorcan scoffed. “You’re being vague.”
Rowan shrugged. That seemed to be the only answer he was going to give him.
“So what?” Lorcan asked, crossing an ankle over his knee and swirling the contents of his glass. “She lied and you caught her?”
“No, she didn’t lie,” Rowan said, dragging a hand down his face. “But it can’t happen. So it won’t.”
Lorcan raised one dark eyebrow. “First you say won’t, now you say can’t.”
Rowan emptied his glass. “What about it?”
“Well, which one is it?” He asked, leaning back. “Those two have very different meanings.”
“It can’t and it won’t,” he replied, giving Lorcan a pointed look.
Lorcan snorted, but took a drink from his own glass. “You act like she’s one of your students.”
Rowan didn’t say a word. He only stared at his closed laptop.
It took Lorcan a few seconds to understand Rowan’s silence. And a few more before he figured out how to make his mouth work.
And when he did, he started laughing.
“Are you kidding me, Whitethorn?” He asked, clutching his stomach. “You fucked your student?”
“Fuck off,” Rowan muttered, refilling his glass.
Lorcan was hardly able to breathe. “It was your first day at your first big boy job, and you already found yourself in bed-.” His words faded away as his laughter consumed him.
“It’s not like she’s some freshman,” Rowan snapped. “She’s about to graduate. Twenty-one. I just…” Rowan groaned as his face fell into his hands. “Someone had recommended the bar to me and told me the faculty hung out there a lot. I just assumed she was one of them, since she was the one to suggest the place.”
“Hate to break it to you,” Lorcan continued, still laughing. “But, people in their twenties don’t often land jobs at renowned universities. You’re the exception.”
Rowan continued to drink.
“Alright, alright,” Lorcan continued, taking a deep breath. “You’re five years older than her, so what? I’m four years older than Elide. Once you both hit twenty, age is just a number.”
Rowan shot him a look. “She’s a student, Lor. Maeve will fire me in a heartbeat over any sort of misconduct. This…” He just shook his head. “This position is a once in a lifetime opportunity that I probably shouldn’t even have. I can’t ruin it.”
Lorcan knew full well how harsh Rowan’s aunt could be. Before she’d become president of a prestigious university, she’d been the dean at the boarding school he and Rowan had spent their adolescence at. “So either move on or be careful and don’t let her find out.”
Rowan blinked at his friend. He was being so casual about this, when Rowan was freaking out both inside and out, which had required a two hour gym session earlier to calm his nerves.
Lorcan sighed and set his glass down. “Look, I really don’t see the issue here. She isn’t using you to pass the class, right?”
The thought hadn’t even occurred to Rowan, but he remembered the look of pure and utter shock on her face when they’d seen each other in the classroom. “No, it’s a basic gen ed. Plus I really don’t think she’d ever do that.”
Lorcan nodded. “Right. There are much tougher classes she could try and sleep her way through.” At Rowan’s simmering look at his choice of words, Lorcan held up his hands in placation. “I’m just saying, make sure she’s actually doing her homework and studying for her and don’t let Maeve find out.”
Rowan hesitated, but when his lips opened, nothing came out.
He liked Aelin. He really, really liked Aelin. And, yeah, it had been much more than a hookup. When he’d woken up that morning next to her in bed, he felt a sense of peace and satisfaction that he hadn’t felt in a long, long time.
Then again, the way he’d snapped at her that morning, knowing that she had only said what she had out of anger - even if she had been correct - would be difficult to come back from.
Rowan had completely shattered her. He saw it in her eyes before she left.
“I don’t know,” Rowan said, at last.
Lorcan groaned before pounding back his drink and pouring himself another. “You’re always going to be the one to stand in the way of your own happiness, Whitethorn.”
He refrained from saying anything. Lorcan had always been the one to hop from girl to girl, while he had always been the one in a committed relationship. After his last relationship had…ended, he hadn’t wanted anyone for a while.
Aelin was the first spark he’d felt since.
“You’re into her,” Lorcan said, staring up at the ceiling to avoid any sort of eye contact while he said something nice. “I can tell. And, if you don’t go for it, you’re going to regret it.”
Rowan knew he was right.
Of course, he was right.
And yet, this job was the first job he had been granted in his field since graduating three years prior with his degree in mythology. Yeah, he may have gotten it because of Maeve, but that didn’t make it any less important to him.
He had the chance to get students excited about something he loved, something he was passionate about.
“Go home to your woman or shut up and turn on the TV,” Rowan muttered, downing the contents in his glass.
Lorcan only snorted and grabbed the remote, fulfilling Rowan’s wishes.
Aelin awoke the next morning with a slight headache and the same dull ache in her chest.
Knowing she needed to move, workout the bad vibes, she tossed up her hair and put on her workout wear before jogging to the gym.
She was still regretting signing up for even one eight am classes, and was thankful her Friday’s were free. She was looking forward to some much needed sleep, which was a lost cause right now.
When she was packing her gym bag, she decided to go straight to class after a quick shower, so she tossed it into a locker after she arrived, locked it up, and put her ear buds in.
The gym was still pretty empty this early, since it wasn’t even eight yet, and most people were too focused on their own workouts to pay attention to those surrounding them. Aelin was grateful for the distraction the gym would provide, and for the physical outlet, as well.
She was just finishing up a mile run on the treadmills when she felt eyes on her. She could tell she was being watched, but didn’t want to look around. Whether it was someone ogling her from across the room or someone from one of her classes, she wasn’t in the mood to make small talk and made her way over to the machines, starting on her legs first. She cranked her music up and kept an eye on the time on her watch.
When there was about forty-five minutes before her first class, she put the free weights she’d been using back in their home and turned to head to the locker room for a much needed shower.
And found who had been watching her during her workout.
Green eyes bored into her own and Aelin felt a blush rising in her cheeks that had nothing to do with the amount of energy she’d exerted this early in the morning.
Ignoring the voice inside of her head, Aelin stopped in front of Rowan, and nodded. “Hey.”
“Hey,” he said, wiping the sweat from his brow. His t-shirt clung to him, and it was a fact that Aelin could not ignore.
“I was just going to get ready for class,” she said. “Excuse me.”
She swept past him, but his voice pulled her up short. “Aelin.”
She stilled, and slowly turned around to meet his gaze.
“About yesterday,” he began, rubbing the back of his neck. Aelin found the gesture somewhat charming, although she wouldn’t admit it. “I’m sorry. I…didn’t handle the situation right. It all took me by surprise and I reacted poorly. I’m sorry.”
“S’okay,” she said, looking away from him, down at her feet. “I said some things I didn’t mean. I’m…not proud of it.”
He shook his head. “Let’s just…pretend all of it didn’t happen, yeah?”
She swallowed roughly. “All of it?”
Rowan sighed. “Just because we apologized doesn’t change anything, Aelin. You’re still my student.”
She nodded, not looking at him. “Right. No. I get it. I have to get ready for class.”
Making to slip around him, she got two steps away before his hand wrapped around her wrist. “Aelin, I’m… I’m sorry. I wish it wasn’t— I wish it didn’t have to be this way.”
Daring to take a chance by looking back at him, it nearly destroyed what was left of her when she saw the sincerity in his eyes. “But wishing doesn’t change anything, does it?” Aelin pulled her wrist free. “I’ll see you in class tomorrow.”
Rowan said nothing, but she saw that her shot landed in his eyes.
She shook it off, though, hurrying away, toward the showers.
Aelin knew one thing was for certain: no matter how much she cared for Rowan Whitethorn, there would never be anything between them.
Even if she wanted there to be.
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thr-333 · 4 years
Mismatch- Part 6
Bio Dad Bruce Wayne Month 2020
Sibling bonding at its finest, fighting and breaking rules
First< Previous> Next
“Maman, Papa, we’re fine,” Marinette holds the phone between them.
“Are you sure you don’t want to come home?” Tom asks through speaker phone.
“No Papa, Nette worked hard for this trip,” Marion insists, they are sitting in the back of Bruce's car with him and Selina in the front.
“We both work-”
“Both want to stay, that's right,” Marion cuts her off, grinning at her glare, “Besides we have things to do here remember ?”
“Ok, but if you change your minds,” Sabine frets, they do have a concert coming up.
“We’ll be on the first flight back,” Marinette agrees, Aunt Selina leans back and she holds up the phone for her.
“Don’t worry Tom, I’ll keep them out of trouble,” She tells her brother.
“You’re the last person I trust to do that,” Tom laughs from the other end of the line.
“Rude,” She glares down at the phone.
“I’m sure you’ll do just fine,” Sabine speaks over her husbands laughter.
“Thank you Sabine, you're my favourite person in Paris,” She winks at the twins, whispering "Right now,"
"Hey!" Tom shouts from the phone.
“Of course,” Sabine chuckles over her husband,“We have to go back to the bakery now,”
“We’ll talk later,” Tom promises, "Have fun,"
“See ya,” Selina sits back upright.
“Bye Papa, Maman,” Marinette moves to hang up
“Also we met Aunt Selina's fiance! Bye!" Marion blurts, everyone in the car freezes.
“WHA-” Marion hangs up.
“Marion! That was…..” Their Aunt shouts before giggling, turning into full blown laughter,“... That was so…”
The twins start laughing as well, making her give up on whatever lecture she was going to launch into.
“Selina, your phones ringing,” Bruce says, as she calms down.
“Yeah, it’s probably going to do that for awhile,” Selina turns it to silent and ignores the call, then turns to Marion,“Don’t ever do that again,”
“Are you planning on getting remarried?” Marion asks cheekily.
“Quite the thing to admit in front of your fiance,” Marinette adds, glancing at Bruce to see he is also smiling slightly. Years with Kagami had trained her to notice those hints of emotion.
“Brats,” She huffs turning back around.
“We love you,” They chorus.
“Brats,” Selina shakes her head fondly just as they approach the gates.
Marinette stares in awe at the large estate. The architecture and gardens immediately had her pulling out her sketch book to jot down ideas. She gets pushed out of the car by Marion and keeps drawing as they walk towards the Manor doors.
"You're home is beautiful," Marinette compliments Bruce.
"Thank you, I think so too," Bruce says as the doors open.
“Welcome home, Master Bruce, Miss Selina,” Alfred stands in the doorway, “And you, Miss Dupain-Cheng and Mr Cheng-Dupain, welcome to Wayne Manor.”
“It’s good to see you again, please, just Marinette's fine,” Marinette puts away her sketchbook.
“Yeah, I'd rather you just call me Marion,” Marion beams at him, before whispering, “Did we even tell you our last names?… witchcraft,”
“Very well, please come this way,” Alfred guides them into the Manor, stopping outside a door, "Master Damian is waiting, I must be off to prepare dinner,"
"Thank you Alfred," Bruce tells the butler as he leaves.
They enter the living room type area. A boy who couldn't even be thirteen yet stands. 'He's so small' Marinette thinks to herself.
"Father," He glares at her and Marion.
“This is my son Damian,” Bruce introduces, “Damian met Marinette and Marion,”
“It’s nice to meet you,” Marinette smiles, holding her hand out.
“Tt” Damian looks away, getting a glare from Bruce before taking her hand, “... Likewise,”
Selinas phone buzzes again. Drawing attention away from the insincere tone.
“I should probably answer them, or they’ll never leave us alone,” Their Aunt sighs taking out her phone, “Bruce come with me, I’m sure they’ll want to meet you,”
“Is this going to be a pleasant conversation?” He asks.
“No its going to be very painful,” Marinette smiles, knowing they were about to have a very long conversation with her over excited Papa. He would probably have planned their wedding by the time they manage to hang up.
“Right,” Bruce says hesitantly, he turns to Damian with a pointed look, “Behave,”
"Tt," is Damian's response as he is left alone with them.
Marion sits down. Marinette follows sitting next to him on one of couches, surprised at how soft it is. Damian sits down on an armchair, picking up a book.
“So, Damian how old are you?" Marinette asks, after a full minute of silence
“12,” He doesn't look up from his book
“... We’re 18, twins if you couldn't tell,” Marion steps in gesturing between them.
“I could,” Damian answers shortly.
“Right... so what are your hobbies?” Marinette tries again.
“... painting,” Damian concedes under her expectant gaze.
“Oh, can we see?” She asks excitedly.
“No,” Damian snaps. She doesn't let that discourage her, she doesn't like showing strangers her designs. Apart from the millions of strangers who see her designs anyway.
“Alright, I get that," Marion shares the sentiment, "What about-Oh my god,”
“What?” Damian finally looks up from his book, scanning the room for the cause of his outburst.
“Kitty!” Marion practically leaps from the couch to get a better look at the cat sauntering across the room.
“Oh no,” Marinette sighs watching her brother melt over the cat.
“That’s Alfred,” Damian tells them eyeing the cat and Marion with mild amusement.
“After Alfred, Alfred your butler?” Marinette tries not to snicker at the name.
“Yes, pennyworth is his namesake,” Damian nods, glare daring Marinette to laugh.
“Can I pet him?!” Marion pleads, with baby-doll eyes  that could put Manon to shame.
“You can try, Alfred is very selective about who pets him,” Damian grants, and Marion sits on the ground, inching closer.
“I wouldn’t worry, Mari has a way with cats,” Marinette smirks, thinking back to the time she had to fight an Akuma alone because he was being smothered by cats.
“Come here Alfred,” Marion rubs his hand on the ground, Alfred watching closely.
“Do you have any other pets?” Marinette asks, Damian puts down his book.
“I have Titus, a great dane,” Damian watches as Alfred gives in and pounces on Marion’s hand, “Batcow, self explanatory,”
“Bat-cow mutant?” Marion guesses letting Alfred sniff his hand.
“No,” Damian's irritation shows, “She has patch shaped like the Bat symbol,”
“Oh, that was my second guess,” Alfred lets Marion scratch behind his ear.
“Can we see them?” Marinette excited over meeting Batcow.
“They’ll be around here somewhere, roaming the manor grounds,” Damian responds, non committaly.
“Alfred the Cat, feels weird to call them both Alfred,” Marion muses, Damian looks surprised as the cat climbs into this lap.
“Have you any pets?” Damian asks his first question about them.
“No, we live in a bakery so it would be a health code violation,” Marinette answers sadly. She doubts a box of animal type Kwamis are regulation either but no one has to know about that.
“Al-at? no,” Marion talks to himself, or more likely the cat.
“That’s a shame,” Damian acknowledges monotonously, watching as Alfred the cat starts to purr as Marion scratches his chin.
“We did try to sneak strays in when we were little,” Marinette is unwilling to let the conversation drop.
“Ca-Fred, Cat-Fred!” Marion exclaims, apologising seconds later to the newly dubbed Cat-fred for startling him.
“Try?” Damian sneers.
“The first few times were a disaster, we didn’t get past the front door,” Marinette explains, “Maman and Papa would send them to the shelter straight away,”
“At least they didn’t put them back out on the street,” Damian muses.
“They would never,” Marion responds, in baby talk directed at Cat-fred.
"You don't have to use that ridiculous voice," Damian scolds.
"I know," Marion answers, in the same voice, Damian glowers.
“As we got older we started being able to actually get them inside before being found out,” Marinette distracts him from Marion's taunting.
“One of us would be the distraction and the other snuck in, with a sleeping cat or dog, that one we learnt the hard way,” Marion uses a normal voice, still showering Cat-fred with attention.
“I think that is how I got my reputation for being clumsy,” Marinette sighs, it was always left up to her to distract their parents by knocking something over while Marion snuck in.
“What can I say? Cats love me,” Marion proves his point as Alfred turns over, letting him see his belly.
“I can see that,” Damian seems amused as much as he is surprised.
“At first, they’d find them in a few hours, so we learnt by trial and error,” Marinette continues, relaxing into the couch. "We must have taken in at least a hundred strays,"
“I think the last one we had managed a few months before we go found out,” Marion guesses, they hadn't tried again since the received their miraculous.
For one because they couldn't afford their parents searching their room regularly and coming across the Kwamis. However being the heroes of Paris had also proven effective in getting people to adopt. Usually the first person they asked would immediately agree, if they were suited up.
“So how many more pets have you managed to smuggle in?” Marion stage whispers to Damian, the gap between them being too big to actually whisper, “In a place this big should be easy,”
“I’ve tried… Pennyworth has caught me each time,” Damian admits, looking down at the almost asleep Cat-fred.
“That man is a witch,” Marion declares with certainty.
“What?” Damian seems taken aback.
“He appears out of nowhere and knows too much,” Marion provides what Marinette is sure he considers evidence.
“Hn, that is true,” Damain starts to share his multiple accounts of such behaviour.
The three fall into easy conversation after that listening to and sharing stories.
“I must be going insane,” All their eyes snap to a man standing in the doorway “Demon spawns actually getting along with someone,”
“Todd,” Damian acknowledges coldly.
“Hi,” Marion waves with far more friendliness, “I’m Marion, this is Marinette, your names Todd was it?”
“Jason actually, I lived here and drop by every now and then, mainly when Alfred asks," He explains, sitting on another couch near Marion, "Heard about you had a run in with a villain today,”
“Did you?” Damian asks, the two having avoided it in their conversation so far.
“Yeah, got an earful from Aunt Selina,” Marion laughs nervously.
“Did you get hurt?” Jason looks over Marion, concern written all over his face.
“What? No I’m fine thanks,” Marion smiles, Marinette rolled her eyes she stretches her leg to press to his bruised side, "Ow! Nette!"
"No lying," She shrugs as Marion turns to her. Cat-fred runs at the sudden movement, making Marion pout.
"Rich coming from you," He mutters, turing back to see the look on Jason's face, "My side just a little bruised, doesn't hurt unless someone, oh i don't know, kicks me!"
"I didn't kick you, you drama queen," Marinette sticks her tongue out at him and he copies.
“Did Selina train you?” Damian reverts the conversation.
“A little when we were younger, we still to spar together,” Marinette pretends to go for a kick to his side again, expecting the easy block.
"One of the few instances we're allows to punch each other," Marion jokes, "Although I think I'll hold off for now, you're not above using my injury to your advantage,"
"I'm resourceful," Marinette corrects, "Also, now you're hurt when you're afraid to get you're ass beat?"
"Such crass language, young lady," Jason teases, Marinette pokes her tongue out again.
"I can spar you if Marion is unwilling," Damian offers, Marion grumbles something along the lines of 'I never said that'.
"Right now?" Marinette sizes him up, she could tell he had some training.
"If you want," Damian also starts to size her up.
"Hold up now, you can't do this," Jason steps in, Marinette starts to deflate, "In here, Alfred would stop you, lets go outside,"
She perks up, following Jason, Marion and Damian outside to a clear area of grass. She toes off her shoes and socks, knowing they were steel capped and would cause some serious damage. She also pulls off her scarf, not willing to give him any advantage. Damian keeps his shoes on, clicking his tongue. They start to circle each other, waiting for someone to make a move. Marinette feels the grass beneath her feet, she feels more like Ladybug in a way.
Damian breaks the standoff, lunging at her. Marinette side steps at the last second, reminding herself to tone it down. She tries to make use of the opening by getting behind him, but Damian instantly pivots to keep her in front of him. Marinette takes note he's a lot faster than anticipated and decides to test it. She makes the next move forward throwing a few punches to see how he reacts. Damian easily dodges each one, Marinette realises that she is unprepared to fight someone smaller than her. They did occasionally have to fight Akumatised children but that was with superpowers. She had never actually gone hand to hand with someone smaller.
Taking this into consideration she adjusts to a style she uses more when sparring Marion. They're both about the same size and he's fast so she can rarely use his weight against him like she usually would. Marinette stops trying to get behind Damian, instead planning to send him to the ground, knowing she had the size advantage. Damian seemingly notices this change and adjusts his defences.
'how well is he trained?' Marinette asks herself. Damian tries to goad her into attacking, throwing out punches. Marinette doesn't rise to the bait, dodging and blocking. Marinette dances around their sparring area, testing Damian's stamina while waiting for an opening. She sees her chance and is about to move into counter attack.
"Damian!" They both pause looking toward the manor to see Bruce and Selina.
"Marinette! what do you think you're doing?" Aunt Selina storms towards them.
"Uh... bonding?" She laughs nervously.
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sadpotatoondrugs · 4 years
Time For a Change Ch.5
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The ceremony, and the things that come after.
Also, I should probably mention I’ve never been to a wedding before
Marinette crossed paths with the groom on her way to the bride’s room. She noticed his nervousness and silently prayed that Nadja was doing better that him. But as much as she hoped, she knew that was in no way the case.
And truly, the first thing her eyes fell upon was Nadja pacing around the room, fully clothed in her wedding gown. Her makeup had been done amazingly, the lipstick matching perfectly with the undertone of the dress. Her eyeshadow just barely visible but still having the effect of making her eyes pop out. She was surprised at how much her new hairstyle changed her complexion. Even though there were not many options on hairstyles since her hair were simply too short for them, the hairstylist managed to make the best out of it.
Instead of the usual gelled-back hair, they were let down to frame her face. They have been curled and brushed, creating a wavy effect to them. Her fringe had also been let down and curled and was now slightly covering her left eye. She had yet to put her veil on.
Her mother’s eyes fell to hers the moment she closed the door and she saw plead coming from them.
Of course, her mother knew that Marinette had been practicing ways to calm oneself down. It was a must for her, seeing as the toxic behavior from many people that were in her life would take it’s toll on her in the form of an akuma. Even one time of being almost akumatized was unacceptable for the young heroine. And, seeing as it happened more than three times, she knew she had to find a way to steady her emotions.
“Nadja? I need you to breathe with me for a while, okay?” Stopping the pacing woman by her arm, she grabbed her by her forearms and faced her.
“Now, in…. And out…. In…. And out…” The woman did as instructed, and although the nerves were still present on her face, she did have a slightly clearer mind. “Close your eyes and imagine…” She said the words she remembered from her very first meditation. It led the person through a wave of calmness that was their mind. It made Marinette forget for a while about everything around her and just breathe with a clear mind. And she hoped it would be the same case for Nadja.
She wasn’t able to proceed with the full version of the meditation, seeing as they had about 5 to 10 minutes to get Nadja and the other bridesmaids in front of the door. She led her through the most important parts she remembered from the video.
It did help a little, and they were able to put the veil on Nadja and lead her to the door without her shaking and worrying out loud.
As they went to their places, Marinette saw who she guessed was Nadja’s father carrying Manon, who was wearing a white dress and carrying a basket with flower petals – fitting the role of a flower girl, over to her mother. She saw them talk for a while and she guessed that he was trying to relieve her stress. She switched her gaze and saw her mom giving her thumbs up from behind the other bridesmaids.
She smiled at her mom and her eyes scanned the Best man the groom chose, before looking over that the groomsman escorting her. She was glad that the boy at least seemed to be of her age. She could tell the boy was nice, at least deep inside. Otherwise, he seemed to be cold and brash. He had been forced into this by his father, he told her. But that’s not saying that he wasn’t a gentleman, no. It was apparent he knew proper etiquette and acted politely to her.
She decided not to push the black-haired boy out of his comfort zone, seeing as he was not the most socializing person out there and was only forced into this by his father. She ended the conversation and focused on the path ahead.
The usual wedding themed song “Here comes the bride” echoed through the walls and the doors began to open. She subconsciously tightened her hold on the groomsman’s arm and put on a smile. Her nerves began to rise as she walked through the doors, seeing all the eyes in the room scanning them.
She took a few deep breaths to calm herself until they reached the altar and stood on their rightful places. A while later, Nadja walked down and she watched the groom’s eyes widen as his mouth slightly opened in awe. Marinette’s heart warmed at seeing the love in his eyes as Nadja and her father made their way to the altar.
She sighed and wondered, would there ever be somebody looking at her that way?
“You may now kiss the bride.” As soon as the newlywed couple kissed, cheers erupted from the crowd. The ceremony reached it’s end and it was time for the cocktail hour. While the bride and groom had their pictures taken by the photographer, the guests were free to roam the castle and chat once more with others. The only restriction being the area where the groom and the bride were being photographed. Unless the photographer allowed their presence, nobody was to interfere with the photos.
Nobody wanted to fuck with the photographer and face their wrath.
Thankfully, there was more than just one photographer at the wedding, for the guests to be able to request photos of their own from the wedding. A few of them did so and headed over to the small portable studio right after the newlyweds disappeared around the corner.
One of those guests, was Marinette with her family.
It wasn’t everyday that they were invited to a wedding. That the whole family was invited, that is, and could actually enjoy the fun of it all. Orders and working there was one thing, family and memories another.
The parents stood behind the young girl, posing as they were instructed by the photographer. They already took their photos with the bride and the groom before they were taken away for private photos, so they were only going to take family photos now.
Marinette decided to go take a look at the kitty while her parents took the photos into their room to put them away before the annual wedding entertainment started. She arrived and found the kitty sleeping in between the bushes. She would’ve worried if it was alive, had it not been for the rising of it’s chest indicating peaceful sleep. She headed back to finally start finding somebody who might be up for taking care of it.
As she walked back, she spotted Felix standing by the photographer, probably waiting for his turn for the photos. He stood alone, though, which seemed weird to Marinette. She shrugged it off and approached him. He noticed her approaching figure right away and turned around to face her.
“Sorry for intruding, but have you found somebody willing to take care of the kitten?” He shook his head. He probably didn’t have time, since the ceremony ended just a few minutes ago, but it was better to ask.
“Alright, I’m going to ask some people I know around here. If you find anybody, let me know so we don’t accidentally promise it to two people at the same time.”
He nodded and the conversation seemed to stop there. Marinette turned around and walked away, asking a few people standing by about the little guy.
 Marinette did not find anybody by the time the first wedding game started, which kind of saddened her, but she would continue with her search later. It was game time.
Only a small group of people participated, mainly those slightly closer to the couple. Quite a few people has left the wedding due to personal reasons, so the overall number of guests was also decreased drastically. Those who remained seemed to be the ones closer to the family, not just acquaintances.
The first was a game for the newlyweds, the shoe game. The Bride and the Groom sit back to back and exchange a shoe. One of the bridesmaids then begins asking various questions like “Who would let the other turn them into a zombie if they got infected?” and the couple raises a hand with the shoe of the one who would be more likely to do so.
It was a fun game, seeing the two couples playfully banter when both of them had different answers.
A couple more games occurred, and Marinette was thankful that she only had to participate in three of them. They were then invited for dinner while the couple takes some photos outside illuminated by the various lights in the night.
Her family ended up sitting at the table next to the newlyweds and their families. They played one last game before dinner was served; but it was more of a quick entertainment before food. A mere sheet of paper hid underneath every plate, each having different trivia questions about the couple. The table that had the most answers right would be given a gift of sorts; a wine, a trip, who knows.
Her family didn’t participate, instead choosing to talk about how the night went so far and overall about any topic that came to mind. They didn’t chat long before the close guests of the bride and groom stood up to bid their toasts for the couple.
Marinette had a few tears in her eyes when all was said, especially once her mother stood to congratulate and do her speech. All the things the people said were so touching. The bride and the groom were obviously touched the most. Marinette saw Nadja wipe her tears many times, while her husband tried to fight them off (He nearly lost).
Cake was cut, dinner was served and everybody was happy.
The dinner was over by the time 19 o’clock rolled around, and it was time for the newlyweds’ first dance. Marinette awed at how cute the pair looked, with Manon joining them a little after. The three dancing together as a family, that was truly beautiful. She was happy for them. She saw her father and who she guessed was Nadja’s mother nod at each other, courtesy and join the couple on the dance floor. The song ended and the pair switched and danced with their parents. Marinette saw that both parties were conversing and it seemed to be an extension of their speeches, if their touched looks were anything to go by.
After another song change, the pairs were back together. Nadja with her husband, and their parents with their own significant others. Soon, more people began to fill the dance floor, including her own parents. She watched the lovely pairs dance and her heart swelled with warmth.
Places like these, filled with love, were the very things that made Marinette think about her own life. Her thoughts wandered off towards her own future again. She couldn’t help but imagine herself with her own significant other one day, dancing together while their families and friends are watching. The face of her significant other might’ve been blank in her fantasy, but so what. Hopefully, one day, she would have a face to fill in.
Her thought wandered all the way back into her mind. So far back, that she thought about Adrien. She once imagined him to be the one to fill the blank face. But she knew now that that was never going to happen.
Even if he somehow decided that he liked her or something.
Although, she thought, would I be standing here, thinking the same, if Lila hadn’t come around and played with their minds? Thinking about it, it was because of Lila that she figured out her friends didn’t actually trust her. It was because of Lila that she realized how she was being used for having connections and making free things. It was because of Lila that she saw them all in a completely new light.
It was because of her she had to toughen up and face the real world.
 No, she shook her head, getting rid of the emotions that were starting to rise up, enough of that. You’re not going to think about them today. Taking a deep breath, she cleared her mind of the previous inner monologue and headed over to her table with the intend to do the trivia questions and drink some champagne (non-alcoholic, of course) since she had nothing else to do. Halfway through the room, though, she noticed a flock of blond hair. Switching her direction, she made her way over to one of the pillars that held the second floor and, coincidentally, also held the body of the blonde that was leaning against it.
“Any luck finding an adopter?” His gaze switched over to her before going back to scanning the dance floor and the people around.
“Sadly, none of the people my mother and I associate with wish to be caretakers. Any luck on your side?” The girl only shook her head and joined the boy in scanning the crowd.
“Sooo…” Felix raised an eyebrow at her. “Enjoying the wedding so far?” He stared at her questioningly for while before deciding to speak.
“It’s not terrible. I’ve been to a few before and just like this one, they were merely out of business purposes.” Marinette was the one to raise an eyebrow now.
“I though you said your mother was a coworker of hers.”
“Indeed. But I do not know Madame Chamack personally. My mother has been taking me to various formal events to get me acquainted with the proper etiquette and to socialize.” Marinette nodded. She had to agree with his mother, etiquette was better learnt through experience rather than just taught out of the book.
“I must ask, though. Why did you choose to spend your time talking to me rather than spending it with your friends and family?” She didn’t like the way he was looking at her. He seemed somehow on edge, suspicious even. Why, she did not know.
“My parents are dancing right now and other than them and the bride, I don’t really know anybody here.” He stared at her for a while before his shoulders slightly relaxed and his glare changed to a look of indifference.
“Very well, then.”
The two stood in silence once again, silence that felt uncomfortable for Marinette.
“Do you like going to social events like these?” It was a desperate attempt at a conversation, but Marinette would take what her mind could come up with. He seemed to not want to talk about his private life, so she didn’t want to intrude his privacy. He would probably not answer her anyway.
“Not particularly. But they do occasionally provide me with useful connections. If I could choose, though, I would rather stay home.”
“Yeah, these kinds of things aren’t fun when you don’t know anybody.”
“Rather, I could be doing much more productive things at home than here.”
The conversation paused there, much to Marinette’s dismay. She could either try to continue the conversation that so far seemed to be one-wayed, or just continue with her previous plans and sit at her table filling out the trivia questions.
She was about to head out, when she heard him sigh. Glancing his way, she saw him rubbing his temples.
“Something wrong?”
“…No, not at all… “ She raised an eyebrow, silently telling him to continue “You should leave.” Marinette’s eyes widened, before saddening. Although a stranger, his words hurt. Was she this bad at making friends? If so, how the hell was she supposed to make friends at her new school? She certainly didn’t want it to be the same as in Dupont, where she was a loner until… No. No more thinking like that.
“Oh… Alright.” She shot him a small smile, at which he sighed again.
“Look, I didn’t mean to sound harsh. But if you don’t leave now, you’re gonna have to deal with my mother. And trust me, you don’t want the headache from her interrogation.” The slight ping in her chest from before vanished with her understanding.
“Oh.” So, he didn’t actually want her to leave because she was bothering him.
Well, might as well take the risk now.
“Well, wanna spare yourself the headache?” He raised an eyebrow, while glancing in the direction he was looking before. His mother was probably really close. She gestured to the dance floor with her eyes, hoping to get the message across.
“That would only bring me an even bigger headache afterwards.”
“Probably, but you will be prepared, at least. And you might even come up with an excuse”
He smirked.
“Well, you do present a convincing case.” Pushing himself from the pillar, he came to stand face to face with Marinette. She watched him reach his arm out to her.
“So, care to dance?”
@miraculous-ninja @moongoddesskiana @flufflepuffle296 @wannajointhecrabcult @meme991001 @ladybug-182 @maskedpainter
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Undercover- Throne of Glass AU (9)
New Update!! I really like this one:)
READ THIS: In the next few days I will be posting an Elorcan deleted scene that shouldn’t have been deleted. It was part of the last chap but my dumb brain didn’t post that copy and you’ll need it because there is Elorcan stuff next chap. Also if you don’t usually, please read the notes at the end too this time.
another note- the song lyrics used are from Turning Page by Sleeping at Last, I’ve always thought the song fit a few of my favourite ships including Rowaelin.
Undercover Masterlist.
Full Masterlist.
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Aelin couldn’t stop pacing in the kitchen and the sound of Yrene screaming upstairs was tearing her apart from the inside out. She had wanted to take her to the hospital and the cautious part of her still does but the twins had advised against it. Aelin was glad they’d made her see at least a little sense as her judgement went out of the window the minute Yrene’s waters broke.
Aelin just stared at her friend, while Chaol simply started panicking, repeating ‘oh gods’ over and over again. “Hospital.” She finally pushed out, “We need to get you to the hospital.”
“No!” Connall and Fenrys shouted at the same time and she turned to them with a glare, satisfied that they looked slightly apologetic for having disagreed with her.
“She’s about to have a fucking baby, why the fuck shouldn’t we be taking her to the hospital?” Fenrys answered her as Connall moved to help Yrene sit while Dorian tried to calm Chaol down.
“There’s already been one attempt on her life, both her and the baby. There would be no time for you to bribe whatever doctors and nurses, no time to set up proper security at the hospital. Even if there was, you have no idea where Hamel has his men placed, it’s too risky.” He was right, Arobynn was going to great lengths trying to bring her back and she wouldn’t risk the lives of her family, of the little bundle of joy they were finally about to meet.
“Then what the hell are we meant to do?”
“I can do it.” All heads whipped to where Manon was now holding Yrene’s hand, who had her eyes closed and breathing slowly. “There was a girl that was brought into the house one time, she was knocked up by one of the men who used to come in. No one would take her to get help and she was left in a small, dingy room of the house. Asterin and I helped her give birth but we don’t know what happened to either of them afterwards.” Manon crouched next to Yrene, rubbing her hand soothingly. “Let me help you bring my niece or nephew into the world. I promise I can do it.”
Yrene nodded.
It had been almost three hours since. Manon sent Dorian down with updates regularly and apparently everything was moving quite slowly. Aedion, Lysandra and Asterin had come back about twenty minutes ago, Asterin dropping her bags and making for the stairs as soon as she knew what was happening. Aelin’s pacing was halted when strong hands gripped her waist and she looked up to see pine green eyes staring at her with worry. Gentle fingers tucked a wayward curl behind her ear before Rowan cupped her cheek. “She’s going to be alright, they both are.” She gave a half-hearted no before burying her head into Rowan’s chest. One of his arms wrapped around her, his hand rubbing soothingly while his other hand moved to tangle in her hair, just holding her to him. After a few peaceful moments of just being held by Rowan, of breathing in the calming scent of him, Aelin felt the slight movement and vibrations of his chest. At first she thought he was laughing and she was about to lift her head to as the stupidly beautiful man just what the fuck he was laughing at, but that’s when she heard it. Just soft murmurings reached her ears to begin with and then slowly words became clearer along with a tune.
Rowan was singing.
I've waited a hundred years
But I'd wait a million more for you
Nothing prepared me for
What the privilege of being yours would do
Aelin gasped, tilting her head back to look at him, seeing his eyes sparkle as he gave her a soft smile, leaning down to rub his nose across hers, his next words breathed only inches from her lips.
If I had only felt the warmth within your touch
If I had only seen how you smile when you blush
Or how you curl your lip when you concentrate enough
Without realising, Aelin raised both her hands to cup his cheeks, rubbing her thumbs just underneath his eyes and watching the lids flutter at her touch. She heard and felt Rowan breathe in deeply before he opened his eyes again, pulling her tighter against his chest and pressing their foreheads together.
Well I would have known
What I was living for all along
What I've been living for
She didn’t have a fucking clue what to do, what to say, and just stood there staring wide-eyed up at him as he stopped singing but still held onto her. When he spoke next, the words were quiet whispers as if what he was telling her was some kind of secret. It was in a way, as Aelin didn’t think the rest of her family knew whatever the fuck this feeling was that was growing between her and Rowan. “I know this is probably awful timing, considering this moment should be all about Chaol and Yrene, they’re having a god’s damned baby, but I needed you to know. I needed you to know that even though it’s barely been three months, but a part of me feels like I’ve been waiting for you.” There was a gasp, and she only realised it was her who had made the noise when Rowan chuckled lightly. “It seems ridiculous I know, but I’ve never felt this way about anyone, ever. If you don’t want to explore this thing between us,” he brought her hand to press against his chest where his heart was beating rapidly, “I would understand completely.”
She smiled so wide her cheeks hurt, she just couldn’t help it. It wasn’t supposed to be this way, she wasn’t meant to get attached to anyone, to have feelings, it would put whoever the person was at risk. But then this beautiful man walked into her home with his silver hair, pretty green eyes and tattoos and she was done for. The idea of opening herself up again, to offer someone a way in was a terrifying thought after everything that happened with Sam. Aelin had thought he loved her, in the way that she loved him but she was wrong. As much as it scared her, there was a little voice in the back of her mind that kept shouting at her, ‘trust him, trust him, trust him’. Aelin took the hand he had on her back and brought it up to her own chest, where her heart seemed to be mimicking his own. “I would love to explore this thing with you, Rowan Whitehorn. Now kiss me, you fool.”
The hand in her hair moved to hold the back of her neck before Rowan gently brushed his lips against her own and the sensation of it sent shivers down her spine. Pulling back, he searched her face as if to check for signs that it was still okay, but whatever he saw forced a growl from his throat and he was crashing back into her, this kiss full of want and need. Aelin had wanted to kiss him like this ever since that night in the garden and the waiting had only made it that much better.
No matter how desperate he seemed though, Rowan didn’t try to rush it, didn’t try to force her to open up. He kept to her pace, lips parting when hers did, and then deepening the kiss with a moan as she tugged hard on his hair. Both of his hands teasingly ran down her body and over her curves as he backed her up against the counter before they reached her thighs, gripping her tightly and lifting her onto the hard surface, nudging them outwards so he was able to slot himself between them. Her teeth nipped at his bottom lip as she pulled back with a gasp and Rowan took the opportunity to latch onto her neck, teeth sinking into her skin and sucking lightly. Aelin wrapped her legs around his waist, pulling him in closer, whimpering when she felt him press right where she needed him most. Something about the move seemed to clear Rowan’s head and he groaned, his breath tickling the sensitive skin he had previously been occupied with. When he pulled back, pressing his forehead against hers, they were both panting hard.
“Fuck,” he breathed, “do you have any idea what you do to me?” Aelin laughed quietly, biting her lip.
“I think I could guess.” Rowan’s eyes darkened when they dropped to her mouth, the grip he had on her thighs becoming almost painful. She was sure there would be bruises left behind after this.
“Bite that lip in front of me again and I’ll have to bite it for you.” He growled. 
Oh, she liked that tone very much; that tone would have her panties dropping in seconds.
They were jolted from their own little bubble when Yrene screamed loudly from upstairs once more, and then everything went quiet for a moment. Aelin looked up at Rowan wide-eyed and worried. It was too fucking quiet, too fucking still. No.
One second.
Then two.
And then finally a cry rang out through the house and it was the most beautiful sound Aelin had ever heard. Her eyes watered as she laughed, Rowan pulling into a hug as she cried tears of joy into his shoulder. Dorian came rushing into the kitchen after what seemed to be an eternity later, a dark brow raising when he caught sight of her compromising position. She merely shook her head to say, not now. He beamed at her, eyes glistening as tears streamed down his cheeks. “Yrene and Chaol would like you to meet someone.”
Aelin choked off a sob, gesturing for Dorian to lead the way and jumped off of the counter to follow. When she reached the doorway, she threw Rowan one last smile over her shoulder and took a deep breath.
She had a little one to meet.
Ren watched Connall race out the back door the minute he heard the baby cry, thoroughly looking as though he was about to vomit everywhere. He followed, finding the other man bent at the waist, hands on his knees as he dry heaved. Taking a few careful steps forward he gently placed a hand on Con’s back, rubbing gentle circles. “Hey, it’s alright, they’re okay Con.”
He nodded, taking a deep breath before he stood, turning to face Ren. His eyes looked wet and he was as white as a sheet so Ren lifted a hand without thinking, cupping the back of Connall’s neck to pull him in, tucking his head into the crook of his own neck. “What about you? Are you okay?”
“I know the hospital would have been better but it wasn’t safe, but neither was having her give birth here. Fuck, what if it had gone wrong?”
Ren tangled his fingers into those beautiful dark locks, pressing his cheek to Con’s head. “But it didn't, everything is fine, sweetheart.” Connall shivered under his hands at the touch but he said nothing. There were a few quiet moments where they just held each other, before Con pulled back, placing his hands on Ren’s chest and tilting his head up to look at him. He was only taller than the other by a mere few inches, but he liked the way he was looked up to by those pretty onyx eyes.
“Our mother died giving birth to us, me specifically. That was a home birth too.” Oh, gods.
“Con, I’m so sorry. That’s why you were so scared of choosing where she should be.” He gave a solemn nod, a tear leaking from the corner of his eye. Ren wiped it away with his thumb and then ran the backs of his fingers down the side of his face.
“Sometimes I still feel like it was my fault even though Fen always tells me it isn’t. I don’t know what I would have done if I’d made the wrong call back there.”
“That didn’t happen and even if it had, we would have dealt with it.”
Connall’s fingers curled into his chest, creasing his shirt as he whispered into the breeze, “’We’?”
Ren chuckled, kissing his nose and said, “Yeah, sweetheart, ‘we’.” Con blushed before his hand was coming up, fingers reaching for the scar on his face. He tensed slightly and those fingers stopped until Ren relaxed, and then they traced the shape of lightened, smooth skin.
“Beautiful,” he breathed, “you know that, right?” Ren’s eyes fluttered closed and he shook his head. His scar was disgusting, he knew it was. He jolted, gasping when he felt soft lips pressing against where the scar ran through his eyebrow, following it down his cheek and ending at his jaw. “This scar makes you who you are, shows me how strong you are.” The words were spoken into his neck, goosebumps forming at the tickling sensation of it. “Do not dare to think anything else.”
“You, love, are too good to be true and quite the little tease.” Connall laughed, hands moving to hold his hips and pull him in close.
“Indeed, but you wouldn't have me any other way.”
No, Ren found he wouldn't, because he wanted this man exactly the way he was, and more than he'd wanted anyone else in his life. He smiled widely, tucking a piece of hair behind Connall’s ear, “No, no I wouldn’t.”
Ah the fluff, do enjoy it while it lasts. Next chap starts with Yrene whilst she’s giving birth (nothing graphic) and then Aelin comes into the room. You will get insight to Rowan’s feelings on the kiss and uh, it’s picking up on some action:) If you wanted to be added to the tags just give me a message or drop into my asks !!
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divinerivals · 4 years
Handle With Care
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Written for @ladywitchling​, “Something with Manorian and children” Here ya go babes
WC: 4747
"Manon, I'm sorry," he said, weaving his silken, slim tie underneath each other. Looping it into a knot pulling it flush against the white-collar, "I didn't think I'd be called in when I told Aelin we could."
Her arms folded tight across her chest. Leaning against the crowning of the door frame. Fixing him a pointed look through the mirror. Holding his gaze, gold meeting sapphire. She watched her husband run his long fingers through perfectly coiled blue-black hair.
"Since it was your suggestion. Why don't you take her to work?" she questioned, surveying the way his solid muscle moved underneath his button-down. Crimson lips pursing as her gaze swept over him.
He simply turned towards her, a lazy smile from a mouth that harbored all sorts of wicked things. Dorian pinned her against the door. A hand settling on her hip. Her palms splayed across his chest.
"I can't or I would. Besides, it’s not for long. Chaol said Duke needs to have a finance meeting immediately, " Manon rolled her eyes, huffing out a response while Dorian brushed his nose along hers, hovering his mouth over Manon's blood-red ones, "Are you telling me Manon Havilliard can't handle a toddler?" If it wasn’t displayed so roguishly on his handsome face, she could hear his mocking smile in the words.
Her lips curled upward, coiling at his tie bringing his lips hovering over hers, “Oh I can. And you will bring me that big bottle of merlot from Wendlyn Wines and sushi when you get home,” She tugged him a tad closer, feeling his breath hot against her mouth. Like the caress of a heated wind kissing her lips.
Dorian dropped a hand gripping her waist firmly. She in turn tilted her head, holding his gaze. His words fell from his lips, tone dark and sensual, “I’ll give you something big alright.”
He closed the short distance between them, nipping at her bottom lip before claiming her mouth. A soft moan came from her, slipping her tongue between his parted lips searching for his. Dorian pressed his wife harder into the door, hearing it smack against the wall behind them. Her hands slid up into the perfectly styled hair all set for a day's worth of meetings. Just when his hands moved to cup her pert ass and lift her. The doorbell chimed ringing through both floors of the house. Breaking apart from each other, both with heavy breaths and blushed cheeks. Manon fixed her loose fitted shirt the color of granite giving him a chaste kiss.
“Finish getting ready. I’ll get her,” She turned to leave their room.
He called out to Manon as she reached the hallway smiling at her with encouragement, “You’re gonna do great.”
“I know."
Dorian knew the way she said it, his wife wasn't so sure.
It wasn’t that Manon had some irrational fear of kids. She simply didn’t know what to do with them. Despite her cousin Asterin having one and Elide having two. Manon had successfully dodged babysitting. Until now. Two years into marriage and the question was like a battering ram. To her and Dorian both. Have you thought about kids? Do you know time is ticking? She was a thirty-year-old woman and they had a few years before “time was ticking”. The happily married couple had discussed it. Plenty of times and the answer was always the same. If it happens, then it was meant to be. The Havilliards were perfectly content with their huskies, Abby and Abraxos. That was their family. Having a child wasn’t on top of their lists. At least for Manon.
For Dorian, the more their friends had children the more she noticed the longing on his face. Whether it was family gatherings, dinners, or birthdays he was always with the kids. Playing whatever games they asked and roughhousing with them. Majority of the time a babe would be in his arms. Or an older child on his hip or his shoulders. The warmth and tenderness would fill her watching him play the role of fun uncle. Knowing how good he would be as a dad. Manon knew her husband only said if it happens to appease her. To let her know it was okay and he’d wait months, years for her to be ready. It seemed now, she would have a test to see if she was. If she’d ever be.
Manon walked out of their room and down the hall, following the loud noises of their dogs barking relentlessly in a chorus of excitement. She shouted at the door, knowing it was Aelin on the other side. Quickly she pulled the sliding glass door open ushering the dogs outside. Closing it after Abby stepped onto the porch. Manon rushed to the front door pulling it open with a twist of the knob. Aelin stood in the doorway, a backpack over her shoulder filled to the brim. Looking more like she was preparing Manon for a hike in the Terrasen mountains and not watching a child. Manon’s gaze fell to the girl, standing up to Aelin’s knee, Keira Whitehorn. Her hair primarily taking after her father. Though thanks to her mother most likely, it was a lighter shade. More of pale moonlight. Close to Manon’s. The girl sported evenly split pigtails that bounced as she swayed behind her mother. Besides the hair shade, she looked practically identical to her. Including the traditional Ashryver eyes, turquoise, and gold.
It was then Manon noticed the shimmer on Keira’s lips and the bright pink on her cheeks. Manon arched a brow at the look. Aelin must’ve caught the confused look in her eyes as she sighed.
“Kay refused to leave until she did her makeup. Because auntie Manon likes makeup. She’s in a copycat phase, “ Aeling said handing over the bag. Manon took it setting it inside her home, “It’s pretend makeup and will come off with water. Anyways, Good Morning.”
She thought most of the kids tolerated her because they loved Dorian so much. Honestly, she believed they were scared of her. Which was ridiculous although given her usual cold appearance understandable. It was never the kids' fault, Manon just had a people tolerance level and after some point, she was ready to go home and be with her dogs and Dorian. He always felt the same, Dorian just had a better way of masking it. Little Keira wanted to copy her, to be like her. Manon could truly say she was touched by this notion.
“Good Morning, “ Manon crouched down to Keira’s level, a softness in her voice that surprised even her, “Not bad, I could give you some pointers if you’d like, I might need a model... If your mother is okay with it that is.”
Keira gasped, eyes widening tugging on her mother's blazer, “Please oh please!” she begged, working her best puppy face.
“Your father would have a fit,” Aelin commented, running her fingers as if in thought before flashing a grin, “but his face would be priceless. Do it.”
“What are we doing?”
Manon heard her husband question as he stepped behind her. Keira shouted his name flying into his arms. Dorian hoisted her up, keeping her on the seat of his hips. Keira’s small four-year-old face lit up as bright as the smile on his. Gone was the seductive prowl of the man moments ago who almost took his wife against a door. Yet, Manon found him equally desirable at this moment.
“Manon’s gonna do my makeup,” she giggled.
“She is?” he quipped, looking over at her. Manon shrugged as if saying, it’s what she wants.
“I have to go. Thanks again you guys,” Aelin kissed her daughter's brow, “Don’t be a terror,” the girl twisted her brows pouting her face, “too much of a terror. I love you and I’ll see you tonight.”
Keira said her goodbyes as Aelin walked away shouting good luck. As she peeled out of the parking lot Dorian slid Keira into Manon’s arms. Manon kept her steady on her hip. She’s held kids before, but the feeling always felt off to her. Dorian pressed a quick peck to her cheek, as he ruffled the top of Keira’s hair musing up the perfectly brushed strands pulled into elastic bands.
“I should go too. The sooner I get this over with. The sooner I can come home.”
Manon nodded, “Remember your promise. Sushi and wine. The big bottle.”
He leaned over growling against her ear that sent a shiver down her spine, “I told you there’s something bigger I’d rather give you,” teeth nipping at her ear. Causing her body to heat at the wanton touch. Prick.
Manon squeezed Keira tightly as she stepped back, shoving Dorian in the shoulder as he laughed, “I'm holding a kid you rutting ass-” he cut his wife off with a quick searing kiss.
“Language Havilliard. There’s a child present,” Dorian quipped.
Manon glared at her ass of a husband. He grinned, his sapphire eyes shining bright in the sunlight. Suddenly his features turned soft and caring. Then Manon knew why he did what he did. To ease her tension. On the outside, she appeared calm and ready for a day with a four-year-old. On the inside, she was still nerve wrecked. Taking care of kids wasn’t something she knew nor understood. In mere minutes it would only be Manon and Keira. When Manon glanced over to the girl in her arms, with pretend makeup on for her. She felt the uneasiness begin to ebb away.
Dorian flashed her a glance that said, If you need me just call, but I think you’ve got this.
Manon placed the young girl down onto the cemented ground, approaching her husband kissing him ever so lightly on his lush lips, "I love you. Have a good day at work,” she responded in the way a loving wife would. Manon whispered into his ear far away from the peering ears of the toddler behind her, “Bring me my wine or that big thing can find your hand tonight.”
His only response was a low hungry purr. Dorian knelt to Keira, wrapping her in a tight embrace as he said his goodbye. How he can be in a state of primal desire and tender to a child in the same breath, Manon didn’t know. Only that her desire and love for him grew. With a wink and an I’ll call you later he left, leaving behind Manon and Keira as they went inside.
“Auntie Manon?” Keira questioned following Manon to the patio door. She didn’t wait for her aunt to respond, “You don’t have to worry. Mommy calls daddy a bastard all the time.”
“I see.” it was the only thing she could muster in the shock of this four-year-old saying bastard. Then again she is Aelin’s child.
After Manon let the dogs in and they kissed all over the little girl. The duo went to their food and skittered off somewhere in the house. Keira flopped onto the crimson sofa as Manon sat next to her. The little girl kicked her feet as her aunt chewed her bottom lip lost in thought. Manon was good at thinking on her toes, but with kids, she was unsure of what to do. Sure she promised her make up lessons. By Aelin’s response, she thought it better to wait until later.
The girl leaned back on the sofa, staring up at the ceiling, “Mama told me you met uncle Dorian on my birthday at the hospital.”
Manon bit back a smile recalling the memory of Asterin's thirteen-hour delivery and the sapphire blue-eyed idiot who wouldn’t leave her alone in the general waiting room, “I did.”
“So you fell in love and married because of me?”
“If that’s what you wanna think kid.” Manon drawled.
Things fell to another beat of silence. Manon was sure the dogs were sprawled out on her bed, napping. The living room felt still and awkward. She could hear the rustle of Keira’s tutu as she moved and twisted angling herself to look at Manon. Manon looked at her from the corner of her eyes as the girl watched her and she could tell Keira had more questions.
“Why don’t you have a baby? Do you want a baby? Mommy says you’re not sure. Daddy tells her it’s none of her business. She sticks out her tongue and then he gives her a spanking,” Keira rushed that all out in a single breath. It was more of Rowan and Aelin then she cared to know.
“Well you’re father is right. It is none of her business and I don’t know."
Manon prayed to whatever God would listen that this conversation would end and soon. She didn’t want to find some child-like way of explaining her fears. Terrified of being a horrible mother. Growing up she didn’t have a mother figure. Her mother and father passed away in a tragic accident. Her grandmother was a hard woman with a cold heart. Because of that Manon believed in the depths of her soul, she would parent with a cold harshness. That wasn’t what she wanted for any future child of hers.
“Babies are cute and funny. You should think about it. Can we watch Frozen and have a tea party?”
Manon furrowed her brows, tapping a finger lightly on her chin, “I’ve never had a tea party before,” she didn’t miss the confused look or the gaping on the small girl, “My grandmother raised me. She wasn’t a tea party kind of person. I learned how to shoot a bow, martial arts, Sword Fighting, which sounds insane now that I think about it.”
Keira’s eyes danced like rays of sun glittering on the clear ocean waters. Her smile grew from ear to ear. If Manon had any doubt this kid belonged to Rowan and Aelin, her excitement over this showed it. With Rowan being an FBI agent in a specialized unit called The Cadre, he knew various skill sets of a violent trade. Aelin took up jiu-jitsu as well as a routine fitness regime. Which Manon knew well being they worked out together. It was no surprise Keira marveled at her confession.
“What would your parents say if I let you play with a wooden sword in the yard?” she grinned.
Keira shot her an incredulous look too much like Aelin.
"I have toy swords all over my home."
"Welp," Manon slapped a hand on her leg, "To the yard. Beat me once I'll buy Frozen and order pizza for lunch. Kids like pizza right?"
Keira nodded jumping off the sofa, speaking with enthusiasm, "Deal!"
Perhaps, this kid thing wasn't all too bad.
There were no other words to put it. Dorian simply felt bad for his wife. He had a whole day planned for them, but when Chaol called about a meeting his irritating second cousin, Duke demanded to be held today. Citing it needed immediate attention, Dorian had no choice in the matter.
He knew she wasn’t ready for kids if she ever would be. Despite their friends around them growing their families, It suited them both just fine. True, he loved kids. He loved playing with their nieces and nephews during get-togethers, holidays, and the like. A small part of him envied the fatherly joy beheld by Rowan, Chaol, and Lorcan.
He understood the depths of her fears. That it wasn’t the thought of having kids, it was Manon’s inner conflict. The fear of treating her children the way her grandmother treated her, with little love and a brutal life. That thought usually kept her away from kids, even her goddaughter. Dorian despised her grandmother for sowing these feelings so deep into Manon.
When the few times she was with Asterin’s daughter, Stella, or how she was with their dogs, he knew Manon would be the perfect mother. Harsh and stern when needed, yet loving them with such fierceness that even the mere thought made his heart swell with pride. He hoped with two of them watching Keira it would ease that fear. Now he was sitting here in a four-walled office tapping his fingers along the rich mahogany desk and she was home with a child and her fears swirling inside her like darkness.
As he waited for that damned prick, Dorian looked through his emails when the camera icon caught his attention. He might not be able to be with her, but he could watch her. Was it an invasion of privacy? Probably. Would she beat his ass for it? Yes. If he saw her acting like a mother, perhaps he could ease those wicked feelings. It was worth the risk. Clicking the icon and waiting for the cameras to appear he wasn’t prepared for the video that popped up.
There was his wife, her precious crimson blanket passed down from her family on her father’s side, wrapped around her neck like a cloak. Something in her hand, a wooden sword he assumed. Dorian rubbed his palm over his face, keeping it over his mouth hiding his laugh. His wife was in their yard with a play sword clashing against a toddler. Noticing Keira’s hair was now pulled into a braid just like Manon as the small girl charged at her, most likely with a warrior’s cry. His dogs running beside her.
He could envision himself there, with a child of their own running through the yard. With a kid and the dogs trailing behind as he or she chased down their parents. Until they would collide into each other, Dorian tickling the kid while he busied kissing his wife. Abby and Abraxos jumping in on the fun licking whoever they could. Or until one of them fell, like Keira just did of the gravel clutching her legs. He didn’t have to be there to know the girl was crying a wallop of tears falling down her small face. Manon threw the sword down undoing the blanket immediately scooping the girl in her arms and running into their home.
His phone rang as Dorian looked over Manon’s distressed face appearing on his screen. Flicking the answer key he held up his phone smiling at her pretending he didn’t witness the events that unfolded, “Having fun?”
“Dorian I broke the kid," Manon confessed
“Babe you didn’t break her,” he noted the worry hidden behind her golden gaze.
Keira was crying and whimpering in the background. From what he could see, Aelin’s daughter sat on the toilet. Legs propped up, with two bright red knee caps, a deep scarlet slowly trickling down. Manon wiped the blood away once more.
“I already cleaned both knees, but I can’t find any band-aids,” she rushed out, setting her phone down.
Dorian watched as she lowered herself to Keira. Brushing a thumb affectionately over the girl’s tiny hand. The touch he could tell was gentle like a mother’s caress. Manon tucked a stray strand behind her ear.
“You’re a tough girl right?” she said soothingly. Keira sniffled, nodding her head. Manon took a tissue wiping Keira’s tears away, “Tough girls can cry when we get hurt, but we’re strong right?” Another nod followed by a smile from his wife, “ Tough girls dry there eyes because these,” pointing to her knees, “Are your battle scars from defeating the evil witch queen. You should wear them with pride.”
“Okay,” Keira’s voice was barely above a whisper. Dorian was lucky enough to hear it, “We can watch Frozen now? With pizza and a tea party?”
“Soon as I find the band-aids."
Dorian refused to bring attention to what he witnessed. He’d save that for later.
“Manon look on the top shelf in the cabinet. We have a first aid kit in the kitchen too.”
Picking up the phone she replied, “Thanks. I’ll text you later.” and then she clicked off the phone.
Dorian sat in this meeting bored out of his mind. What any part of this couldn’t wait till Monday he didn’t understand. He was only half paying attention to the discussion. His mind on other things as in his wife having a tea party with pizza and Disney films. Being the CEO of Havilliard Enterprises he knew this was highly unprofessional. However, as the man in charge, he could do as he pleased. To which included pulling his phone out and accessing the security cameras of his home. Dorian leaned into the armchair of his cushioned leather seat. Eyes scanning the small squares until he found the camera angled in his living room. If the swordplay warmed his heart, this melted it entirely.
There sat Manon, her back braced against the sofa, tucked in between the base and the coffee table. A box opened in front of her that Dorian figured was pizza. He stifled a laugh seeing she had two coffee mugs on the table and not teacups. It was hard to tell what part of the movie was playing. Seeing Keira twirling around and pulling Manon to her feet, he knew the iconic song that every parent abhorred was about to play. The pride and love in him radiated watching Manon pretend to use ice magic and what he guessed was sing with Keira.
“Mr. Havilliard I had no idea fiances put a smile like that on your face,” Perrington commented in a way that seemed to be a falsified attempt at pleasantries, “Or was I disturbing something important?” he questioned raising his brow.
It was this moment, Dorian knew he’d have enough. This dreadful meeting could wait. He wanted to be near his wife and niece.
Turning his phone off returning it to his pocket as he stood grabbing his blazer from his chair, the faintest glare on his face, “Truthfully Mr. Perrington. I find this immediate finance meeting on a Saturday unimportant. Nothing you have mentioned needed any sense of urgency and could have easily waited until Monday,” Duke went to speak and Dorian held up a hand, “I’m not finished. To answer your question yes you did disturb something important today. If you’ll excuse me I’m going to leave now and we can continue this Monday. Disturb me again when things do not need urgency and you will find yourself out of a job,”
“You wouldn’t do that to your second cousin would you?”
Dorian had to reign in the gag at his pathetic attempt of innocence.
“You mean the same cousin who believes I am unfit to run this company?” Dorian’s smile turned wicked almost lethal striding over to him, clapping a shoulder on the older man squeezing it tightly, “Enjoy your day Duke,” Dorian lowered his head down, “My warning holds. I will fucking fire you.”
With that Dorian walked away from the grey walled meeting room, leaving a raging Duke Perrington behind. Dorian didn’t care, he was going to go home.
Opening the door with Manon’s favorite merlot in hand, he noticed it was quiet. Too quiet for a four-year-old and two dogs. As if they heard him thinking Abby and Abraxos showed up. Dorian hung his keys on the wall before petting them. He looked around for any movement and saw nothing. The couch was empty and the tv stayed on the rental screen. Settling the bottle on their counter he walked through the house.
“Man? I’m home,” he wondered if they were hiding from him. He did send her a message after all. Maybe they were trying to spook him, “Babe?”
His shoes tapped along the wooden flooring down the hallway. Checking everywhere he could think, even their bedroom. No one. His heart started racing. They weren’t outside and Manon’s car was in the driveway so they didn’t leave. If anyone broke in there was no sign of struggle. Rounding the corner he noticed their library door ajar, though the lights were off. Still, he pressed on pushing against the ivory door. This was Aelin’s kid he should have looked here first.
Still nothing.
He moved past the various shelves of books. All lined with fantasy, history, and whatever books caught their eyes. Walking past four aisles he wandered into the reading space. In between, two wing-backed chairs he found blankets tied on the knobs of each one, a faint glow coming from within. Dorian silently stepped forward, crouching when he opened the lip of this makeshift tent. Immediately he pulled his phone out to snap a picture before crawling inside.
In the tent, there were pillows scattered across the floor. Manon and Keira huddled in a corner a protective arm wrapped tightly around the little girl. Keira nuzzled into the nape of his wife’s neck. A small hand resting on her chest. Manon’s hand settled over Keira’s hair. Both of them breathing deeply as they slept. Carefully Dorian slipped next to his wife. The tips of his fingers, gingerly running across her arm kissing her brow as he did so. Manon shifted ever so lightly leaning into him. Her hold on Keira remaining tight.
“You’re home earlier than expected,” she whispered keeping her eyes closed.
“I can leave,” he suggested. “And take your wine with me.”
Golden eyes flashed open as quick as she could, Manon turned at him, “Don’t you dare,” she paused, “and my sushi?”
He pulled her and Keira in tighter, his nose brushing along her neck, “I was thinking after Aelin picks up Kay we can order sushi, finish what we started earlier…” he trailed off.
Manon hummed her approval, “practice making a baby,” the way she suggested it gave him the implications she was serious.
He blinked once, twice. His mouth opening several times to speak yet no words would come, until he swallowed thickly as her statement sunk in.
“Manon...Are you serious?” She turned to face him carefully slipping out and away from Keira. Sitting up Dorian followed her movements.
She thought about her day with Keira. From the sword playing to the fear and maternal instincts that kicked in when she fell. Even in her panicked moment how Dorian, unknowing to him calmed Manon. After Manon placed a bandage on her knees, Keira flung herself from the toilet hugging her. At first, she froze surprised by the action, then she returned the hug. Since then she didn't think as a sitter, or an aunt, she thought as a mother. To test it out. Manon pictured her husband with her doing these things, the movies, dancing, innocent duels, and stories in a tent.
When Keira asked for story time in a tent. They built one together, the one they sat in now. It was this moment that truly settled the notion everything would be fine. When Keira snuggled up to her as she read the book about a pig named Olivia. Occasionally Manon would glance over to the empty spot, thinking of this situation with Dorian and a child of their own. It struck her how badly she wanted this. There was an ache, a burn in her chest knowing in a couple of hours and after she does Keira’s makeup, she will be childless again. Until the foreseeable future. And she hated it.
Manon knew not every day would be perfect. There would be days she struggled. That Dorian would struggle. Days where they would argue and days where their kids would be at their absolute worst. Seeing this girl look at her today like she was the world. Filled her with a feeling she couldn’t possibly describe. It was a sensation that made the fear and those soon to be harsh days worth it.
Manon glanced over at Keira watching as she started to stir under the blanket, “Being with her today and you not being here. I kept thinking of what it would be like for us to be doing these things with our own, “turning to face Dorian once more, “I want that Dorian. I want our family to grow. I know on low days as a parent I’ll have you and you won’t let me fall.”
Dorian pulled her into a warm embrace, wrapping his arms around her. Resting his head over hers. Manon ran her hands down the expanse of his back, “I saw you on the security cameras playing with her. I watched you, heard you comfort her when she was hurt. Manon, you will be amazing as a mother and yes I won't let you fall. I'll be here. Always."
Read it on Ao3
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nalgenewhore · 4 years
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A rogue storm had her presumed dead and stranded on the red planet. Left on her own, astronaut Aelin Galathynius has four years to make it to the next drop-site, some two thousand miles. Armed with her smarts and dwindling supplies, Aelin attempts to survive on an inhospitable planet, when the nearest help is only millions of miles away.
masterlist - ao3 - last chapter
Lorcan carefully extracted himself from Elide’s sleeping form. She whined in her slumber and swatted the air, trying to find him again. Though she had her own sleeping cabin, more often than not, she found herself in his. They both preferred to sleep together and neither minded the snug fit.
As he crept quietly, not wanting to disturb any of the sleeping crewmates on his bathroom run, he noticed that Aelin’s door was open and popped his head in. He whispered, “Ace?” There was no one there.
Logically, she was going to the bathroom, not missing in space again, but his pulse still raced and he cursed quietly, closing the door so that if anyone else woke up, they wouldn’t notice anything was amiss. He wanted to find her, for his sake and hers, but he really had to take a leak so after he had dealt with that, Lorcan set off through the ship's zero-gravity corridor.
After blowing the vehicular airlock during Aelin’s rescue, the ship was much smaller and it didn’t take him long to poke through the remaining rooms.
It didn’t take a genius, which they all were, to see that Aelin wasn’t the same. Her oddities were something they all collectively ignored, knowing she was silently berating herself for not being as she once was. Honestly, it broke their hearts to see her panic at the amount of food on her plate and struggle to stop herself from checking their supplies. It broke their hearts to see her slip away when they were all together, unable to handle the attention.
They were trying, really, they were, to not overwhelm her and keep their distance, even Rowan at times.
No one thought it would be easy once they got her back, but… Gods, it was all a mess, one that no one knew how to muddle through. Certainly not Aelin. She was just trying to get through the days, one at a time.
Lorcan shook his head to rid it of his spiraling thoughts as he slid down the ladder to the rec room and turned, finding Aelin at the back of the ship, looking out the windows. “Ace?”
She whirled quickly at his voice, her hands shaking as she let out a breathless laugh, “You scared me. Hi.”
“Hey,” he said smoothly, walking slowly over to her. “Everything ok?” She’d probably say that it was and they would both ignore the blatant lie.
Her answer shocked him, but he controlled himself, keeping his face neutral as he slipped his hands into the pockets of his sweats, nodding his head once, twice. What shocked him was not what she said, but that she’d said it at all. Finally, someone was getting the truth. “Want to talk?”
“Lorcan Salvaterre, are you going soft on us? Asking someone to talk about their feelings?” Aelin teased him.
Lorcan humoured her by huffing a dry laugh and tilting his head to the side as he reached the windows and leaned back against them. “So?”
Aelin breathed out shakily and wiped her eyes, “Yeah, um. I don’t… I don’t know anything anymore. It all feels so fake?”
After he’d come home from deployment, he’d felt the same thing. It was like there was a glass separating him and everyone else. “I remember that.”
“You do?”
His time spent serving wasn’t something he tended to discuss openly. Lorcan nodded again, “Yeah, I served for a couple tours. I was discharged after eight years due to ‘hardship’.” He let out a humourless laugh, “I guess being held as a prisoner of war three months is classified as a ‘hardship’.”
Aelin’s eyes were wide, “I didn’t know that. I’m sorry.”
“Please, don’t be. It’s not your problem, G,” he assured her. “I just want you to know that it’s ok to not be alright right now. No one is expecting you to be and don’t be hard on yourself because you’re not what you once were.”
She rolled her eyes and smiled ruefully, “Easier said than done, Commander.”
Lorcan smiled, “Yeah, it really is.” He tilted his head to the table and she nodded. They silently walked over to it and sat down on opposite sides.
“So,” she began, clasping her hands on the surface before her, “are you better now?”
“Depends on what you mean by ‘better’. Before… it was really bad. Couldn’t get out of bed, didn’t eat or drink. Could barely be around anyone else.” He stared at the table, “It’s not like that anymore, but… not every day is a good one.”
“What did you do? To make it go away?”
Lorcan looked at her for a few seconds, analyzing something. “Essar yelled at me one day. Near broke down my door and chewed me out for ignoring her and being a dick. Said just because I was going through a shit time didn’t mean I could be shitty to everyone who tried to help.” The corners of his mouth tugged up, “And then she roped in Elide. Your sister’s the scariest person I know.”
“You’re telling me that? You know how many times I had to physically restrain her from fighting anyone who dared insult me in her presence?”
They both laughed quietly. Elide was one of their safe subjects, one they literally never fought over, now. In the beginning, Aelin had been a bit… territorial and protective. After they calmed, Lorcan got serious again, “That’s not all it took. I had to work to improve and still do. You just gotta find something that makes you want to fight, Aelin. You need to fight every fucking day, every time that voice in your mind tells you you should give up now, or that no one cares. Because it’s wrong, ok? Do you think we would’ve come back for you if we didn’t care?”
Aelin ducked her head, hiding her tears. “I asked you a question, Aelin.”
She slowly rose her head, eyes of blue and gold meeting ones of pure obsidian, forged from the same raging monster that dwelled inside both of them. “No.” He nodded, that one small and satisfied grin on his lips. Despite herself, it filled her with a warming sense of pride.
“Are you gonna tell me why you’re still up?”
“I had a dream. And all of this,” she waved her hand around, indicating the past year and a half, “hadn’t happened and we were on our way to Farnor. I just- I needed to see that we were leaving it all behind.” She dropped her hands in her lap and looked down at her fingernails, all bitten down to the quick. “I’m just so tired all the time.”
“Probably cause you’re not sleeping and it’s, like, three am.”
Aelin laughed, “Gods, you’re an asshole.”
He smiled and drawled, his tone dry, “So I’ve been told. Alright,” he clapped his hands, “if you’re not going to sleep, might as well watch a movie. Where’s my laptop?” Lorcan stood and walked over to the wall of compartments, reaching up high to his personal drawer. He pulled down his personal computer and moved to the couch area, putting it down on the table.
She still hadn’t moved and Lorcan looked over his shoulder, “Well, come on. Your choice between Ant-Man or Guardians of the Galaxy.”
“Wow, so many options,” Aelin commented as she made her way over to the couch and sat down, curling her legs under her.
Lorcan glanced at her before turning back to the screen, “Elide sits just like that.”
“You really love her,” said Aelin. Lorcan froze and slowly looked at her, his brows furrowing. “It’s good. She deserves someone like you. And Guardians of the Galaxy.”
He smiled, “You got it.” Soon, the movie was playing and they sat in a comfortable silence, understanding that what they had been talking about was done for now and they would continue on later. “Rowan really loves you too, Ace.”
She slowly turned to look at him but didn’t say anything until Lorcan elaborated. “I know you two had your moment or whatever, but he’s completely gone for you.”
A smitten smile pulled at her lips and Lorcan just had to pop her bubble, “Plus, he has a thing for know-it-all blondes.” Aelin choked and shoved his shoulder, to which Lorcan said, “Veteran abuse.”
“You’re such a dick,” she grumbled, frowning as she snuggled into his side. Lorcan just laughed and wrapped his arm around her shoulders. After a few minutes where they watched the movie in silence, she whispered, “I don’t want to mess it up.”
“I know you don’t. I don’t think you will.”
“I’m not sure Rowan’s ever wanted anything more than this,” Lorcan told her, resting his chin on the top of her head. “He’s waited all this time for you, he doesn’t mind waiting a little longer.”
And neither did Aelin.
“Lani, this is Flight, waiting for confirmation.”
“Copy Flight, Lani actual is ready for re-entry and landing.”
“Roger that Lani. Beginning re-entry countdown,” Manon said, her voice staticky through the headset.
Everyone was strapped into their seats, ready for landing. The timer controller turned on and the robotic tone began counting down from ten. Wordlessly, Aelin held her hand, palm up, to Rowan. He stared at her hand for a moment before gently taking it and squeezing once.
The ship shook as it was remotely piloted back into Earth’s gravity. Aelin closed her eyes and breathed out slowly, repeating soothing inhales and exhales as she felt the re-entry.
“Lani, Flight – the Thresher has confirmed it is ready for pick-up.”
“Copy, Flight.”
The metal beast rattled as the boosters detached and hurtled to the ocean, far far below them still. Aelin knew that the craft would be burning right now, but with the heat shield and their temperature-controlled suits, no one could feel a thing.
As the free-fall continued for a few minutes or so, Aelin gripped Rowan’s hand harder, tensing as the craft jerked back – the parachutes. Their descent slowed and an indeterminate amount of time later, they crashed into the ocean. The pontoons that were set off kept them afloat as they all checked in with each other, assuring that everyone was ok.
The mood was vivid and excited as a hissing sound filled the craft and the door popped open, the sun blinding. “You guys lost or something?”
Lorcan and Fenrys let out shocked cries, “Corsario?”
“The one and only,” the man replied, a smug grin splitting his face in two. His sea green eyes sparkled as he and his crew helped them out of the ship and onto the motored boat that would take them to the Thresher, Terrasen’s Navy’s amphibious transport docking ship.
“Guys, this is Rolfe Corsario, we were all in boot camp together,” Lorcan explained, gesturing between him, Fenrys, and Rolfe. The sailor held out his hand to help Aelin into the boat and she noticed that his brown skin was covered in tattoos that resembled maps. Aelin held onto his hand even after she sat down, trying to get a better look.
“Ah, can’t let you do that,” he said, pulling his hand from her grasp before hopping neatly down and sitting by the motor.
“Why not?” The whole crew, save for Lorcan and Fenrys who just rolled their eyes, leaned in to listen.
Fenrys cut in before Rolfe could answer her, “They’re not for mortal eyes.” He received a quick swat to the back of his head before Rolfe turned to her.
“They’re Mycenian markings. Can’t let outsiders see them,” he said with a wink and lazy grin as he steered the boat to the Thresher.
“They’re on your hands, dipshit,” Lorcan said, twisting his helmet off and tossing it by his feet. “Anyone can see them.”
“I’m going to ignore that and still let you onto my ship.”
One by one, the astronauts popped their helmets off and sighed at the cool ocean breeze. Aelin closed her eyes, tilting her head back up to the sun just as a shadow passed over her and she frowned, opening her eyes to find that they had arrived at the ship.
Elide offered to let Aelin go up the ladder first but the blonde shook her head, waiting until she was the last one on the boat. Taking a deep breath, Aelin stepped up to the ladder and nodded to herself, stepping on the first rung.
She froze and looked to the side, seeing Rolfe waiting patiently. He dipped his chin once, “Welcome back.”
Aelin had requested that no media be there when the plane touched down in Orynth. The thought of being the centre of attention, in a media hailstorm, had her feeling queasy.
TNSB had complied and when she stepped off the plane, the only people she saw were a handful of TNSB employees, the scientists who had brought her home.
The second she saw a flash of moon-white hair and another of yellow-gold, she let out an undignified squeal and ran, blatantly ignoring Weylan and Gavriel to launch herself at Manon and Asterin. They laughed and hugged her tight.
“So, what does it take for you to get Darrow’s job,” Aelin muttered, the question directed at Manon.
The white-haired woman shrugged as Asterin cackled, “He wants to fire her.”
Aelin pulled back, “What! Why, what’d you do?”
Manon just shrugged again and flipped her hair over her shoulder, “I might’ve leaked some confidential flight plans to Elide. He didn’t appreciate that.”
“Gods, I missed you two,” Aelin breathed, hugging them close again. “Thanks for getting me home.” The back of her throat ached with tears and she wiped her eyes.
Eventually, the rest of her crew caught up with her and they exchanged professional greetings with both Weylan and Gavriel. The cold disdain for the director of TNSB was palpable and Elide gently patted Lorcan’s arm, speaking in Blackbeak as she told him, “Stop frowning at him. Weylan’s about to shit himself.”
He chuckled darkly as Manon and Asterin cackled once more. Asterin surveyed her boss, who was talking with Nesryn a few metres away, “I bet he will.”
“Ten bucks?”
“Are we children,” Aelin asked, an unimpressed arch to her brows, “Ten’s too low, I say we go for the big bucks.” They continued with their childish banter as some frazzled-looking woman herded them off the tarmac and into headquarters.
Aelin lingered outside, eyes on the sky. The woman tried to get her attention, but Rowan said he’d wait for her and catch up later.
The sun’s glare became too bright for her eyes and she blinked hard, pivoting neatly to the door, where she found Rowan. A smile grew on her face and she walked quickly to his side, tucking herself under his arm and into his side. “Waiting for me again, are we?”
She grabbed his hand and tugged him behind her, only to be sent backwards when he didn’t move. “Ro, what are you- oh!” He settled his hand on her waist and tipped her chin back, green eyes swimming with too much and not enough all at once.
“For you, Fireheart,” he murmured, tracing his thumb over the apple of her cheek, “for you I’d wait forever.”
an: annnnd that’s a wrap! thank you all for reading and sticking with me through this whole lil thang - this was super fun to write
@mythicaitt​ @tinywolfofeyllwe​ @schmlip-scribble​ @the-regal-warrior​ @westofmoon​ @empire-of-wildfire​ @rhysands-highlady​ @city-of-fae​ @shyvioletcat​ @alifletcher2012​ @tangledraysofsunshine​ @ttakeitbacknoww​ @tswaney17​ @ourbooksuniverse​ @flora-and-fae​ @thesirenwashere​ @queenofxhearts​ @that-other-pineapple​ @sleeping-and-books​ @superspiritfestival​ @faerie-queen-fireheart​ @chemicha​ @rowaelin-cressworth​ @mynewdreamwasyou​ @candid-confetti​ @bat-wing-rhys​ @the-reading-obsessed-stitchbear​ @feyrethedarklady​ @booklover41802​ @rowaelinforeverworld​ @jamesxdaisy​ @julemmaes​ @hellas-himself​ @kayjaybea​ @ghostlyrose2​ @but-she-was-aelin-galathynius​ @queen-of-glass​ @can-dreamers-be-lost-too​ @i-love-all-books​ 
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Welcome to the back (Part 14)
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Two days earlier, on Monday:
Felix had locked himself in a bathroom stall, seconds from breaking down. He couldn’t breath, throat constricting with a scream he’d successfully kept in for over a year now. Bordeaux was gone, as far from him as legally possible, and yet he’d found a way to watch him like a hawk, wherever he was. Felix buried his face in his hands, as if they could shield him from the scornful gaze he felt on him. He couldn’t do this, couldn’t face him, couldn’t let Rossi-
“Felix!”, a voice whispered from behind him and he jumped up. A ridiculously oversized pair of glasses was visible through the window beneath the ceiling. Attached to it was an obviously fake nose, and behind it glistened the most beautiful eyes Felix had ever seen.
“Marinette!”, he almost sobbed as his savior pushed herself through the window. Why was she wearing a bikers helmet? And was that a cape?
“It’s Marino!”, she grumbled, faking a lower voice. “I’m a boy! Which is why I am able to, you know. Get into the boy’s bathroom.”
“What?”, Felix frowned, the realized. “Oh! Uh, we’re alone, Marc checked. But Lila’s waiting outside the door, so don’t be so loud.”
“You mean I dressed up for nothing?! Aw, man!”
With a groan, she pulled the helmet off. He couldn’t resist but straighten the tangled strands (helmet hair, Kagami had told him during their last chess match). Marinette’s hair was so soft!
He shook his head, focusing on the matter at hand.
“I need your help!”
“I sure hope so. I’d be hella mad if I crawled through that window for nothing.”, she deadpanned, then took of the glasses and turned serious. “What happened? Marc only told me you barricaded yourself in here and wanted to see me. He thinks you’re having a heart attack! Or that you...”
She blushed, and Felix cursed Marc’s big mouth. If he’d said anything about confessing or the likes of that, he was a dead man!
“N-nevermind. Now tell me what’s up.”
“Lila’s blackmailing me!”, he hissed, panic starting to rise up in him again. “She’s found my father, who hates my guts, and now they’re working together! I can’t- Marinette, I don’t know- I don’t want-“
“Shshsh, sh! It’s alright!”, she whispered when he started to lose control again, pressing her hand over his mouth. “Don’t get too loud, remember? Everything’s going to be fine, I promise. Just... breathe, okay? Slowly.”
He did as told. His hands were still trembling, but his thoughts became clearer again. That, and the fact that Marinette was very, very close, lead him to two realizations.
One: No matter what was going to happen, Marinette would be there for him.
Two: If she didn’t take her hand from his mouth very quickly, he’d do something very stupid that involved both their hands and mouths, but in an entirely different context.
“René Bordeaux is my father.”, he tried to set things straight. “He’s working as chief editor at TV1, and he’s the producer of this goddamn contest. He intercepted your report and gave it to Rossi, who filmed herself mimicking everything you did and likely managed to make it look professional. If I don’t cater to her every whim, Bordeaux will publish both videos and proof with some stupid, faked time stamp that hers is the original. He’ll frame you as a copycat.”
“I’d be ruined.”, she breathed in shock. “That would be game over for me!”
He nodded.
“I’m playing along for now, but I don’t know how long I can keep this up. I’d do everything for you, Marinette, you know that, but my father...”
He swallowed.
“He scares me. I can’t let him control me like this!”
“I know.”, Marinette assured him, taking his face in both her hands. “Felix, I know. We’ll find a solution, I promise.”
“How?”, he whispered. He knew Marinette, knew that she could make the impossible a reality by sheer willpower as it seemed, but he couldn’t fathom a way she could get him out of this.
“We’ll take this slow.”, Marinette ordered. Her eyes had that calculated shine he loved so much and he calmed a bit. “First, we’ll have to keep Lila placated.”
“She wants me to humiliate you in front the class. I’m supposed to become her boyfriend, Marinette.”
He shivered in disgust.
“Her boyfriend!”
Marinette tapped her chin.
“But that’s a good thing, actually. The humiliation part, I mean, not you being her boyfriend. She wants me to suffer, and she’s so convinced of her own brilliance that she’ll buy any suffering I can show. She’s desperate to win, desperate to believe she won. Get it?”
“I’ll play along. You’ll act all hurt, and then Lila won’t pay any attention to you.”, he concluded. “Then what? Rossi’s one thing, but Bordeaux-“
“What does he get out of all of this?”
He blinked, his mind racing.
“I... I don’t know. He hates me, I don’t know what he wants with me.”
His eyes widened.
“My mother! He’s obsessed with her, maybe he needs me to have his sick kind of reunion with her.”
“That’s a start.”, she nodded. “Any idea what he’ll do next?”
His father was a bastard, but he was predictable. He was flashy. Arrogant. A one-man show. As Felix knew him, he’d want to meet him in person to torment him. Bordeaux knew how his son felt about him. And since he wanted to display his power over him, he likely wanted that meeting on his terms, his ground.
“He’ll make Rossi deliver me to him.”, Felix deducted. “Either to his home or his work place. Not the public, where we could be seen. No, and not his home either! That would give me access to something personal, and he doesn’t want me too close.”
He nodded.
“TV1. That’s where he’ll meet me.”
“The awards show.”, Marinette realized. “That way no one will bat an eye if two students stroll through the building. He’ll wait at the TV1 tower, during the awards show.”
“We have time and place.”, Felix summed up. “But the tower is huge! There’s a million places he could-“
“I’ll get us the outlay of the building.”, she interrupted him. “I can come and go as I please, I babysit Nadja Chamack’s daughter. Oh! Nadja Chamack!”
She clapped her hands.
“I have an idea. Trust me, Felix, everything will be alright.”
Lila’s obsession with Felix turned out to be useful. She was so fixated on him, she didn’t notice how Marinette quietly took Alya aside.
“She’s lying.”, Marinette announced without any further intro. Alya flinched, but didn’t roll her eyes like she would’ve done a week before.
“Why do you think that?”
“I’ve seen Ladybug yell at her in the park, on her first day. Lila threatened me when I confronted her. And just now, Felix asked for my help because she’s blackmailing him.”
Alya opened her mouth, but Marinette was faster.
“No, you’re going to listen to me now. You’ve known me for what feels like forever, and I trust you. That’s why I am telling you this. Lila is manipulating anyone, and I won’t let her get away with it. But I need your help.”
She took Alya’s hand.
“Alya, I’m begging you to trust me! Please, believe in me just this once. If we don’t prove Lila’s a liar, she’ll hurt Felix and I can’t let that happen. Please, Alya. Please!”
Alya’s gaze trembled and she gulped.
“Marinette, Lila can’t... I... She...”
Her eyes closed and she took a deep breath, calming her mind. When she opened them again, they were hard with resolve.
“Okay.”, she said, and Marinette sighed in relief. “I trust you. Tell me what to do.”
Convincing Max to help them was a lot easier. She had intercepted him before class, to ask for his help.
“Max, wait!”, she asked and pulled him aside before he could reach the door. “I need to talk to you. We need your-“
“I’m in.”
She blinked, taken aback.
The computer ace pushed his glasses up and crossed his arms.
“I said I’m in. Whatever it is you’re planning, I’ll help you.”
“How do you know I’m-“
“Oh please.”, Max sighed. “I’m not blind. Everyone can see how Felix looks at you, and how he looks at Lila, who has revealed herself to be more than shady. There’s no way he’s playing lovebirds with her on his own volition, and, knowing you, you will not be complacent. So I’ll help you.”
“Me too!”, Kim’s voice seconded and Marinette turned around. He, Nathaniel and Alix has walked up to them out of nowhere.
“Yeah!”, Nathaniel agreed. “Marc told me Felix had a breakdown because of Lila. I mean, the guy’s creeping me out but no one messes with my boyfriend’s friends!”
Marinette looked at them, heady with an elevating mixture of joy, pride and relief. They were believing her. They had chosen her!
My friends have my back!
“Madame Chamack!”, Marinette greeted the reporter when she came to pick up Manon. “Do you have a second?”
“Of course!”, she replied, hugging her daughter. “What is it?”
“I have a story for you.”, Marinette announced, praying to Tikki for good luck. “About your superior, René Bordeaux.”
Nadia’s eyes widened and she took out her phone. One could get the impression she didn’t like her boss.
“Do tell. A story?”
She nodded.
“But to bust him, I’ll need your help.”
Nadja looked at her with a calculating interest.
“Well,” she said. “I trust you with my daughters wellbeing. It would be hypocritical not to trust you with this.
She smiled adventurously.
“What do you need?”
“This is the TV1 tower.”, Marinette explained in the commanding officer voice she’d learned from military movies. Additionally to the ones she’d already convinced, Alya had brought Juleka and Rose to Marinette’s place, and Nino had shown up with Ivan and Mylène. How Chloé and Sabrina had gotten in, nobody knew, but they sure weren’t going to send them away.
“Wait, where’s Adrien?”, Nino asked and reached for his phone, but Marinette slapped it out of his hand as if it might explode.
“NOT COMING!”, she hissed, before catching herself. “And you can’t tell him anything!”
“But...”, he faltered, “why?”
She sighed. Nino adored his best friend, he wouldn’t like the truth.
“You’ll see when everything’s over.”, she simply said and straightened.
“Back to the plan!”
She snapped her ruler against the blueprint she’d hung over her schedule. (It did have its advantages to have a yo-yo with unlimited scanning abilities.)
“This is the TV1 tower,” she repeated, “and this is the floor the Awards are going to be filmed on. It’s a live show, so Lila will have to be present in the studio. There’s only a few small time windows she could deliver Felix to his father.”
She stepped aside, revealing a time schedule she’d gotten from Nadja Chamack.
“The most likely time will be around 8.40 o’clock in the evening, during the first ad break. It only lasts ten minutes, which limits the places she could go to.”
She pointed to a couple of rooms on the layout of the floor.
“The way to Bordeaux’s office takes five minutes running, which means it would be impossible to get there, talk, and return in time. No, the location of the meeting has to be on the same floor. It’s either going to be Jagged Stones studio, the studio for the news, or this empty recording room.”
Rose raised his arm and she pointed her ruler at him.
“The recording studio is out!”, she informed, proud that she could help. “We wanted to tell you already, but didn’t have the time yet. Kitty Section has gotten permission to use it this weekend, but there was a technical problem with the power, so we had to reschedule.”
Ivan nodded.
“No one’s allowed to enter during the repairs.”
“And scratch the news channel as well!”, Nathaniel chimed in. “Mireille told Aurore who told Marc who told me that they have to prepare everything for the 9 o’clock special. They’re doing a documentary on cloud formations or something.”
Marinette beamed.
“Perfect! Jagged’s studio, then. I can get us in!”
She pointed at Max and Nino.
“Here comes your part: As the tech savvy’s of our task force, you’ll take care of the cameras. We don’t know where Bordeaux will stand, so-“
“Actually, we do!”, Alix said smugly. “We’ll use the Rebellious-Kid strategy.”
Marinette leaned her head to the side.
“It’s what I use on my dad when I don’t want him snoopin’ around in my room. We’ll make everything messy, with cables and equipment lying around - except for one spot in the middle and the way up to it.”
The skater blew her bangs out of her face and grinned.
“We’ll guide them right into the spotlight.”
“Brilliant!”, Marinette cheered, accidentally hitting Alya with the ruler. “Oh, sorry.”
Her best friend sighed exasperated, but smiled.
“So, we have them in the spotlight.”, she repeated. “Then what? How do we make them spill the beans?”
Marinette smirked.
“Believe me, they’ll do it all on their own. It’s the same as Bob Roth; it worked then, it’ll work now. And if they missed something to gloat about, Felix will subtly guide them to the right topic.”
“Quick question, though.”, Mylène spoke up. Her hands were fidgeting nervously. “Not that I don’t trust you - I do! - and if you need our help, we’ll be there. But, uhm. Isn’t filming them without their consent... illegal?”
Chloé chuckled, drawing the attention to her.
“Oh please. If it brings that annoying liar down, I’ll hire every lawyer in Paris to cover us.”
She sighed.
“But if it calms you, that won’t be necessary. The only legal threat is Bordeaux, and as a public figure, he’s basically public domain. Lie-la won’t have enough money to out-sue me.”
“Uh, thanks Chloé!”, Marinette said hesitantly, not sure if it was a good idea to encourage her. “But there’s a way to prevent a law suit.”
She patted Alya on the shoulder.
“Lila wants a platform where she can boast about herself, and Miss Ladyblog here can give that to her. In return, Lila will have to sign a declaration of consent. Got it?”
Alya gave her a thumbs up.
“Copy that.”
“What’s the rest of us supposed to do?”, Kim urged them on and Sabrina nodded impatiently. “We want to help as well!”
“I need you to suck up to Lila.”
A collective groan went through the room.
“Stop whining!”, Chloé ordered. “If you start avoiding her all of a sudden, she’ll know we’re onto her!”
“Easy for you to say!”, Alix complained. “You’ve been glaring at her since the beginning, you won’t have to start being nice now!”
“So? That sounds like a you-problem!”
“Guys! Chill. Let the Lady speak.”
Marinette sighed.
“Thanks, Nino. I know you don’t like this, but it’s vital to our mission that we keep Lila in the dark!”
“I don’t even like Felix, and now I gotta cuddle with someone Marinette calls a liar for him.”, Kim mumbled and Alix shoved him.
“Shut up. Ya wanna leave him at his old man’s mercy? That guy’s an abuser, judging by what Mari told us!”
“‘Course not.”, the jock gave in immediately. “Didn’t mean it like that.”
“Then we have a plan!”, Marinette concluded proudly and slapped her ruler on the table. “Let’s take some cookies from downstairs and get to work!”
Everyone cheered.
“Marinette, you know I’d give you the keys to my jet if you asked.”, Jagged assured her nervously. “Well, and if you were old enough to fly it. But this does seem a bit much.”
He was looking around in the studio, where her classmates were scurrying around like a plague of mice. They were ripping cables out of plugs, repositioning cameras and microphones, and Kim was obviously having the time of his life with a promo guitar. Marinette had to admit, they were being a bit too... enthusiastic.
“We’ll clean everything up again, I promise.”, she said, just when Chloé walked past them, carrying another black curtain for the walls.
“It’s a revenge project!”, she huffed out, overly exhausted from carrying a single piece of fabric. “Lila’s blackmailing Marinette and stealing her work. Also, she lied to me about Ladybug.”
Her grin was malicious.
“So now we’re bringing her down!”
Jagged Stone froze. Marinette would swear to the end of times she saw his eyes glow.
“Gimme that!”, he ordered Kim and snatched the Promo guitar right out of his hands. “Rock’n’Roll!”
With that, he crashed the instrument on the ground, cackling like a maniac.
“Let’s freaking demolish this place! Penny, cancel my appointments for the day! We’re raining anarchy on that whatever-her-name-was!”
Penny sighed heavily.
“There goes movie night.”
Marinette patted her on the back, caught between pride and regret. Maybe bringing Jagged together with the force of chaos that were her classmates hadn’t been such a good idea.
Marinette was nervous. She believed in her friends, and she trusted in her own capabilities. The plan was good! It was basically foolproof, as long as no one let something slip.
Still. When she arrived at the TV1 tower, wearing her self made beret and a matching outfit, she was itchy with fear.
“You can do this, Marinette.”, Tikki whispered from her hiding place. “Don’t lose face now!”
She nodded. If Lila caught wind of her odd behavior, she’d get suspicious. Marinette had to get a grip on herself. Felix was counting on her!
And, on a more selfish note, she definitely couldn’t handle seeing him with Lila anymore. The girl was all over him, as if he were some sort of pet or toy! While Marinette had known she’d make Felix say something hurtful to Marinette, back in class, she still hadn’t expected it to... hurt. Stupid of her, but she couldn’t turn the feeling off. Seeing Lila bill and coo with Felix just made her want to puke.
She breathed deeply, trying to calm herself. The others were in the studio already, where the interviews would be filmed. They couldn’t afford to be seen together unless absolutely necessary, to keep Lila in the dark. The halls were mostly empty now, just a few TA’s running around to carry out last minute orders. She would use the time alone to steady herself before joining the audience in-
“Woaaaah!”, she yelped. Her foot had missed a step and sent her tumbling down the stairs, where a pair of arms caught her just in time.
“Marinette?”, a familiar voice asked in surprise and she froze. Hectically, she stood up and put some distance between herself and her savior. (Pah! Savior, how ridiculous.)
“Adrien”, she said coldly and straightened her clothes. The boy winced at the cruel sound to his name.
“Marinette, I wanted to talk to you.”, he hurried to say. “I know you were avoiding me, but I wanted to say that I’m-“
“We’re past apologies now.”, she brushed him off and turned to leave. “And you should have taken the hint. I’m done waiting for you to grow a spine.”
“Please”, he insisted and grabbed her elbow, forcing her to stop. “Marinette, I’m sorry for what you’re going through. And I understand that you’re hurt, I really do. Lila’s lies are affecting me as well.”
“Oh, poor Adrien.”, she scoffed. “His life in shambles because of lies he himself spread. Throw your pity party elsewhere.”
“Don’t do this, Marinette.”, he whispered and she hesitated. He sounded... terrified. “Please don’t push me away. I... I don’t want to be alone again.”
She knew his home. Knew his broken family, his solitude in the golden cage Gabriel Agreste had built him. So against her instinct, she turned around again to hear him out.
“Keep this quick, will you?”, she mumbled and he lightened up.
“Marinette, I thought a lot about you lately,” Adrien said. A while back, these words would’ve meant everything to her. Now, she only felt numb. “And about how things used to be.”
He took something out of his pocket and showed it to her. The colorful beads of the Lucky Charm she’d given him made his hand seem pale in comparison.
“I know you like Felix a lot. And it wasn’t my place to tell you to push him away. But I do want our friendship to be like it used to be, when you gave me your lucky charm. It means a lot to me, and so do you!”
He smiled.
“I... I hoped that we could go back to that, somehow. Now that the whole Felix thing has resolved itself on its own.”
Resolved on its own?! Not only had Adrien failed to realize that Felix had never been the problem, but now he called Lila’s obsession with him a solution?!
“Look,” she said, trying to hide her annoyance. “I get that you don’t want to be left behind. But you can’t... What are you staring at?!”
Adrien jumped, snapping out of his fixation. The lucky charm fell out of his hand and clattered to the ground. He had glared at her chest in disbelief, as if hypnotized. No, not at my chest, Marinette realized when she grasped for her collar. Her necklace had slipped out when she’d fallen down the stairs, and the Miraculous was out in the open. She closed her hand around it out of reflex, pulling away when Adrien raised his hand to touch it.
“Marinette...”, he murmured, eyes fixed on her hand. “Is that...?”
He looked up to her face, his gaze unreadable.
“That’s a very pretty pendant.”, he said slowly, with a smile that didn’t reach his eyes. His voice was devoid of emotion, sending chills up her spine. “Would you mind if I borrowed it for a second? I’d like to take a closer look.”
Marinette stumbled back, Adrien followed the movement.
“Where did you get it?”, he asked in a tone that was far too friendly for his expression. “Did you make it yourself? Or was it... a gift, perhaps?”
She swallowed, her back hitting the wall.
“I-I need to go!”
Her voice was thin and threatening to break. Adrien’s scarily hollow smile widened.
“It won’t take long.”
He reached for the ring.
“Just give it to me for a moment. And then you can go to the others.”
Her mind was screaming at her to run, but she was cornered. Adrien’s gaze was a dangerous kind of hungry.
His hand came closer.
“...a quick...”
The green of his eyes was hidden by the blackness of his blown wide pupils.
His fingers touched her hand, and suddenly her blood seemed to be replaced with pure, crackling electricity.
“No!”, she shouted and slapped his hand away. Muscle memory kicked in and she gave him a shove, hooking her foot behind his knee and sending him onto the floor. “Don’t touch me!”
Her fingers were clutching the ring as if her life depended on it and she backed away from the groaning boy on the floor.
“You made your choice!”, she yelled at him. “You decided what was more important to you! It was right versus easy, and you picked the wrong side!”
She was breathing heavily, realizing she had been seconds from losing the Black Cat. Maybe he was more observant than she knew, or maybe he had read something in his father’s book, but Adrien knew the truth about the ring.
He had wanted to take it from her.
He had cornered her, and wanted to take it from her.
“I have no idea what’s wrong with you!”, she hurled at him when he tried to get up. “And I don’t care about it anymore! Anything that happens now is your own fault, and if the others turn your back on you for lying to their faces - then because you turned your back on them first! I am done with you, Agreste!”
Adrien held his shoulder, aching from where it had cushioned his fall. His eyes were back to their usual green, but she took another step back all the same.
“The- The others?”, he panted. “But why would... I... I didn’t mean to... Wait.”
He looked at her, fear flashing in his eyes.
She gulped when she noticed she might have said too much.
“What did you do?”
There was no answer for him. Marinette turned on her heel and ran.
By the time the interviews were over, Marinette’s pulse had slowed to its normal rate again. The ring rested safely beneath her shirt, and she forced herself not to think about Adrien. For now, her attention was needed elsewhere.
“Okay, go go go!”, she hurried her classmates as soon as Lila had left the studio and the ads began. They only had a few minutes to get to their places. Felix, who had been informed of their plans by Marc in the boy’s bathroom, would buy them time by arguing with Lila. While they were talking in the main corridor, Marinette and the others would sneak out through the back door, slip into Jagged’s studio and hide behind the curtains they had hung up. Nadja Chamack opened the door for them.
“This better pay off!”, she muttered under her breath and gestured to the back. “Everything’s ready. Your friends have set up the main camera, and my Camera man Charles and I will film from our hiding place.”
She pointed at Max.
“Green guy’s taking care of the live stream. Everyone in Paris will see what’s happening.”
Marinette nodded.
“You won’t be disappointed.”, she promised and pulled the curtains closed.
“Now we only have to wait.”
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bi-bard · 4 years
Foreign Exchange Student- Arthur Broussard Imagine (SKAM France/Belgique)
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Title: Foreign Exchange Student
Pairing: Arthur Broussard X Reader (I’m trying to make this gender neutral)
Requested: Nope
Word Count: 2,927 words
Warning(s): I mean... it’s gonna be a little long... maybe some fear of the future/commitment, general awkwardness and fear of being in a new place
Summary: (Y/n) thought that a foreign exchange program would be fun... until the actual day to move comes. Now (Y/n) is lonely and is completely out of their depth. Everything feels like it can go wrong... whether that be immediate or at the end of the program.
Author’s Note: Alright, this is an experiment of sorts. I would love to write for Skam if that’s what people want to see. If you would like to see more Skam (or if you think I should back away from Skam), let me know. I’m really looking for reader input on this.
Also, I don’t know when this would take place... just go with it. 
I tried to do as much research as possible but I am so sorry if I got something wrong.
Finally, I was planning on making the host family (if that’s the right term) a family from the show but I am not having very much fun with that and where is the joy of writing if you can’t enjoy the hard work you’re doing... at least a little bit.
My mom always said that I had a habit of popping my thumb. I never really admitted it until now. I think the constant clicking calmed me in some way. I just wish it would work right now. (A/n- Sorry to interrupt but this thumb-clicking thing is something I actually do a lot).
I was trying to grab my bags without making everyone think I was a total idiot or a total asshole. I almost missed one of them but a man next to me grabbed it and handed it to me. He gave me a comforting grin as I cringed at myself and mumbled a thank you.
I grabbed my phone and opened my photos. I continuously looked from the picture to the amount of people in the airport. Shit, this was not enjoyable. 
I looked up from my phone and saw a sign with my name on it. I double-checked my photo and sighed in relief. Thank god. 
A teenage girl waved at me with a small smile. I copied her movement with my hand that was holding my phone. I couldn’t hear her mom but the girl was quick as she walked over and grabbed one of my bags. I thanked her quietly.
“(Y/n),” her mom greeted me kindly. “You probably remember but I’m Louise and this is my daughter Eva.”
“Hi,” I replied awkwardly. After a few more awkward moments, I followed them out of the airport.
The rest of the day seemed to go by in a flash. We got some food, I got some notes on my pronunciations (thankfully before I had to go to school), and then went to the house. Now I was organizing what I had brought.
“Want some help,” I jumped when Eva popped her head in. I chuckled at my own reaction.
“That would be great,” I said. Eva walked over and grabbed some of my shirts, carrying them to the drawers. “This room is gorgeous.”
“My mom wanted to make sure it was ‘comfortable’,” she explained, pretending to be snooty when she said comfortable. I chuckled, going to put my pants away.
“Remind me to thank her for that,” I replied. 
We spent the rest of the unpacking time making jokes and talking about our interests. This was nice. It had only been a few hours and I was already more comfortable than when I walked off that plane. 
“Are you ready for school tomorrow then,” Eva asked after I had shoved my bag into the corner of the room. 
“Probably not,” I replied with a small laugh, plopping onto my bed. “What’s it like?”
“Depends on who you hang out with,” Eva shrugged, sitting next to me. “I could try to introduce you to people.”
“Sure,” I nodded. “That sounds great.”
“Good,” Eva stood up. “I’ll go check on dinner.”
“Okay,” I said.
Once Eva walked out, I laid back and stared at me ceiling. My head was spinning. In a matter of hours, I had found myself in what could be called some kind of new home. This was so strange. 
I jumped when my phone rang. I reached over to it as quickly as possible. It was my mom.
“Hi Mom,” I smiled.
“Hi sweetheart,” she replied. “Did you find your way alright? How are you?”
“I found my way... eventually,” I chuckled to myself, standing up to look out my window. “I’m good. I have my own room. I really like it so far.”
“So school starts tomorrow,” she continued. 
“Yup,” I confirmed.
“Are you going to be telling me about any cute boys or girls next time you call,” she asked. I sighed before chuckling and pinching the bridge of my nose. “That wasn’t a no.”
“Mom,” I snapped. “Can we not talk about that? Please.”
“It might be good for you,” my mom explained. "A cute romance.”
"Why would I even focus on that,” I asked. “Can we just not talk about my love life... or lack thereof?”
“Alright, alright,” she sighed. “Just try to enjoy your time in France, okay?”
“Okay,” I mumbled. “I love you.”
“Love you too,” my mom whispered back. “Be safe. I’ll talk to you soon. Bye.”
“Bye,” I hit the end call button and sighed.
Him. I couldn’t believe he was acting the way he was. Everything was fine until we broke up. What I thought was a relationship ending on good terms turned into a jealous ex who now thought I went to France to “run away” from him... even though I had been wanting to do this for years. 
“Hey,” I looked at the door to see Eva peeking her head in. “Dinner is ready.”
“Okay,” I replied. I plugged my phone in and followed Eva to the kitchen, who pretty much bounced to her chair.
The rest of the night is calm. We talked about what I could expect tomorrow, what I thought I was going to miss the most, and other smaller topics that seemed to just flow with the conversation. I didn’t expect to be so comfortable so fast but I definitely wasn’t complaining.
**Next Day**
“Come on,” Eva shouted as I jogged out the door to follow her. 
“Thank you so much for telling me the wrong time for us to leave,” I said sarcastically. She just shrugged with a smirk. “Did you do that on purpose?”
“I have to keep you on your toes,” she replied. I rolled my eyes as I continued following her. 
It almost felt like no time at all before I was leaning on a wall next to Eva, going over my schedule. She was pointing from one direction to another. I nodded along, hoping that I could remember all of this.
“I’ll walk with you to the first class,” Eva said, moving from the wall. I followed close to her. I looked around the halls and my schedule. I tried to make a mental map so everything would make sense... not that it really helped. “Good luck.”
“Thanks,” I replied, heading inside and giving her a wave.
I walked to an empty desk in the corner and kind of kept to myself. I started clicking my thumbs again. 
“Excuse me,” I jumped, snapping out of my thoughts when someone spoke up next to me. A blonde girl was smiling at me. “May I?”
“Sure,” I replied nervously, suddenly realizing that no one was there to correct me if I said something wrong. 
“Are you new,” she asked as she sat down. I nodded. “Wait... are you the girl staying with Eva?”
I nodded again, confused as to how she knew that so fast.
“Eva told me about you,”  she explained. “She was actually really excited about the whole thing.”
“Oh,” I grinned, looking down at my desk.
“I’m Daphné,” the girl said. I looked over at her.“(Y/n),” I replied. “Sorry for being so... weird.”
“You’re okay,” she shrugged off my awkwardness, adding a wave of her hand. “It must be strange to be somewhere so new.”
“Exactly,” I nodded, chuckling lightly. 
“If you want, I have some friends that you could meet,” Daphné offered. I nodded.
“Sounds good,” I replied. My attention went to the front of the room as someone else spoke. Maybe I could be kind of comfortable here.
**Later That Day**
“(Y/n),” I smiled and walked over to Daphné, who was excitedly waving at me. I waved back as I got closer. She wrapped an arm around my shoulders and introduced me to everyone. “This is Emma, Manon, Imane, and Alexia.”
“Hi,” I said with a small grin. 
“This is (Y/n),” Daphné explained to her friends. “The exchange student staying with Eva.”
“Really,” Alexia asked. I nodded. “Nice to meet you.”
“You too,” I replied before Daphné kind of pushed me over so I could sit down with them. 
“So,” Manon started awkwardly. “What do you miss most from home?”
“Oh, my family, really,” I answered. “My mom wants me to call every night and really pushed me to do this.”
“That’s really sweet,” Alexia commented. I nodded in response.
I was about to talk but froze when a group of guys came walking over. Or stumbling... whatever you wanna call it. Everyone greeted each other but I sat there awkwardly.
“Oh, guys, this is (Y/n),” Daphné motioned over to me. She copied what she had done with the girls earlier. “(Y/n), this is Lucas, Yann, Basile, and Arthur.”
“Hi,” I waved at the all. They all said hi back. My eyes seemed to focus on Arthur a second longer than everyone else. I forced myself to blink again before turning back to Daphné. 
The entire group dove into a conversation. I didn’t say much, making the occasional comment every now and then, which got a few chuckles from people. I felt like I was adapting. I was feeling happy. 
I was trying to join in the conversation when I decided to look through the corner of my eye. I made eye contact with Arthur and he sent me a smile. I smiled back before looking over his shoulder.
Eva was waving at me, motioning for me to follow her. I nodded and held up my index finger to tell her one minute. She nodded.
“I have to go,” I turned to the group. “I’ll see you guys tomorrow.”
“Bye,” a few of them called out at different times. I waved to all of them as I walked backwards for a second. 
“Look at you,” Eva wrapped her arm around mine as we started walking. “Already fitting in.”
“I’m trying my best,” I chuckled, shrugging.
“Well, you’re doing a good job,” she replied. “Looks like you’ve even got a little boyfriend.”
“What,” I asked.
“Arthur,” she answered.
“We literally said hi to each other,” I rolled my eyes.
“And he literally watched you walk from your little group over to me,” she continued. “It was adorable.”
“Oh shut up,” I closed my eyes, looking down at the ground. “I’m not even looking for anything like that.”
“You can’t control that kind of stuff,” she explained. “If it happens, it happens.”
“Too bad it won’t,” I dropped my arm from her’s, sticking my tongue out at her. 
**A Few Days Later**
Everything had been going very well since I had arrived. Daphné had invited me into her circle of friends so I wasn’t nearly as lonely as I thought I’d be. They had just accepted me into their ranks. It was great.
My mom was still calling me everyday. She loved hearing about what I was up to. She was really excited when I said that I had made some friends. She was still pushing to find out if I had met anyone who had caught my eye. I thought that I could avoid that conversation... and then I mentioned Arthur.
Arthur and I had probably been the closest in the group. We just seemed to get along really well and our conversations just seemed to flow really well. I guess my mom thought that meant I had committed to a relationship in a matter of days.
I was currently waiting for Eva. Everyone seemed pretty busy today so I was just planning to head home. Eva was taking forever to say goodbye to her friends. 
“(Y/n),” I looked over my shoulder to see Arthur walking over to where I was sitting.
“Hi,” I waved as he circled over to sit next to me. “What’s up?”
“Well, there is a bit of a party or club thing that the group is going to,” he explained. “I was wondering if you wanted to go with me... or us?”
“Sure,” I nodded. “When?”
“Saturday... Tomorrow,” he smiled. I bit my lip and glanced at the floor, hoping to hide my blush.
“Sounds great,” I replied. “Should I meet you there?”
“Sure,” he said before rambling off an address that I was going to need to write down later. 
“I’ll see you there,” I grinned before turning around and walking over to Eva, who was finally done saying goodbye to her friends. 
As we walked, I quickly scrambled through my bag and pulled out a piece of paper. I quickly scribbled down the information that Arthur had given me.
“Ooo, what’s that,” Eva asked, looking over my shoulder. 
“None of your business,” I sassed. “I’m going out on Saturday.”
“A date,” she asks, grabbing my shoulders and shaking me excitedly.
“No, it’s a get-together with the whole group,” I chuckled at her. 
“Sure,” she replied sarcastically. I rolled my eyes. “Why didn’t you write that on your phone?”
“I forget about stuff when it’s on my phone,” I shrugged. “If I can put it on my wall, I’ll remember it better.”
“Interesting concept.”
“I don’t remember asking for your opinion,” I sassed. She laughed loudly as we continued moving.
I laughed as Daphné hugged me tightly as soon as I walked through the door. I hugged her back and said hi quickly as I looked around.
“Isn’t this place cool,” she asked.
I nodded. There was loud music, flashing lights, and people dancing all over. I could see some people drinking and trying to talk. I looked back at Daphné, who could see how stunned I was.
“Come on,” she shouted, tugging on my arm.
She dragged me through the crowd and we soon found the rest of our friends. We were in our own little circle. Everyone shouted their greetings quickly... and all of them were jumbled together.
I completely lost track of time after that.
I found myself dancing freely with a smile on my face. I was being twirled around by Daphné, who was clearly just trying to make sure that I was comfortable and happy. 
The music had stopped bothering me and I had finally adjusted to all of the lights. Daphné must have noticed because she had finally let go of my hands. I had just accepted it and continued dancing.
I spun around without really looking and ended up running into someone. I blinked a couple of times before focusing on Arthur. I was going to apologize and step back but I couldn’t bring myself to do it. 
Arthur and I had completely stopped moving. Slowly, I smiled at him. He smiled back at me. It was like everything had faded away.
I wasn’t sure who leaned in first but I knew that each movement was careful. My breath hitched my throat as our lips touched. It was short and soft and gentle and... perfect. I cupped the sides of his face as he touched my waist. 
After a minute, we stepped back. We looked at each other and smiled at each other again. He grabbed onto my hand before twirling me around again. He chuckled at my shocked expression and I laughed with him, pulling him closer.
**Two Weeks Later**
The next two weeks were a happy blur. The day after we kissed, Arthur had asked me out on an actually planned date and here we are.
The weekend was quiet. I was leaning against the wall, reading a book that I had brought along with me. This was really the only chance I had to sit down and read.
“Hi,” I looked over at the door. Arthur was leaning his head in from behind the door frame. 
“Hi,” I replied, waving for him to come in. 
He leaned down and kissed my forehead before sitting down and wrapping his arm around my waist. I leaned my head on his shoulder and kept reading. 
We were sitting comfortably for about ten minutes before I finally placed my bookmark in between the pages. I set the book next to me before moving so I was facing Arthur, my legs now crossed. I grabbed his hand. 
“Can I ask you something,” I asked quietly. He nodded, rubbing his thumb over my knuckles. “Well... I’ll have to go home eventually...”
“Yeah,” Arthur trailed off, trying to get me to continue talking.
“And that’s all the way across the ocean,” I continued. “...Do you actually want to commit to something like this knowing that it’ll have to end?”
“Who said it had to end,” he asked, furrowing his eyebrows. I shrugged. “Why are you so focused on that?”
“I guess I’m nervous,” I shrugged. Arthur moved so he could lean forward and kiss me softly.
“Can we ignore that idea that this will end when you leave,” he nudged his nose against mine. “We deserve to be happy. That bridge is so far off in the distance, I can barely see it.”
I chuckled at his response. He sat with a small smile on his face until I leaned forward and kissed him again. He cupped the side of my face and leaned in a little bit more. I pulled back with a grin.
“We will talk about this,” he promised. “But why not live in the moment a little while longer?”
“I like that idea,” I mumbled. I uncrossed my legs and draped them over Arthur’s lap and move so I could cuddle into his side. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome,” he answered. There was a moment of silence. “Your room is pretty empty.”
“You can help me decorate later,” I chuckled, closing my eyes. “I don’t want to move right now.”
“Deal,” he said. I bit my lip to keep from laughing. 
Arthur was right. This moment was better than worrying about what was going to happen when I went home. It was so much better.
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When Worlds Collide (Doctor Who Crossover Series) Masterlist
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rosegoldannie · 5 years
Tell Me no Lies - Chapter 13
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That was how Rowan found her, several hours later: curled up as much as she could, fast asleep yet still bawling. For as long as she lived, Aelin knew that she would never forget the panic in his voice when he’d found her.
“Aelin? Aelin! What--are you alright? What happened? Are you hurt?” His artfully calloused hands skimmed over her body, never quite touching her. 
Slowly, she lifted her head, taking in his panic-blown eyes, the paleness of his cheeks. For a split second, she wanted to come clean about everything; the pain, her inability to walk, the car crash, Arobynn, everything.
And then she remembered. This was Rowan. 
Rowan who would be gone in just a few months. 
Rowan, who once he left, she’d likely never hear from again.
Something impossibly similar to dissapointment flooded her.
So instead, Aelin held her head high, met his eyes, and lied. “I fell.”
Nearly two weeks had passed since their non-fight. Rowan remained near-silent, but was always just an arm’s length away, and constantly watched her every move.
Even now, as he was chopping vegetables for their first-annual Friendsgiving, he had somehow managed to keep her in his direct line of sight, as if he didn’t trust her to not fall again -- which she would not, seeing as she had been all but forced to take the last few days off of work, after a particularly embarrasing evening where she had been unable to get out of bed, having no feeling below the waist. Rowan had been drawn into her room by the sobs, and she had lied yet again, that time saying she had thrown her back out at work, lifting a patient.
Her roommate let out a sharp curse, throwing down the knife with a sharp clang. Aelin glanced over, from her place perched atop the counter. Rowan was examining his finger, where a small drop of blood had beaded. He let out another colorful curse. 
Carefully lowering herself to the floor, Aelin gripped his hand, any butterflies in her stomach drowned out by her training. Rowan made a weak attempt to pull back, but she held on tight. “I’m a nurse; let me take a look.”
He fell silent, contemplative.
As she carefully cleaned, then bandaged his cut, Aelin glanced up to find his eyes trained soley on her, damn near staring into her soul. Aelin blanched, and found it difficult to look away. Those butterflies in her gut returned with a vengance, threatening to burst up into her throat. “Why are you mad at me?” She stammered, still holding his gaze.
Rowan blinked, then blinked again. “I-I’m not.” He said, gently withdrawing his hand, and turning to brace his hip against the sink so he could face her fully. “I just… wish that you’d told me you had a boyfriend.”
Her face scrunched up. “I don’t, though.” She murmured.
“You… what?” Rowan crossed his arms, his eyebrows drawing together. “But I saw you kiss that Chris guy…”
A light smirk tugged at her lips. “Chaol. He’s not my boyfriend anymore, Ro.” For the first time, no dissapointment tugged at her, reminded her that she was alone. “Chaol’s married. We broke up a long time ago, and we were just catching up. The only reason we kissed is that Arobynn doesn’t know we’ve broken up.” Then, as an afterthought, she added, “Though he probably does now.”
Rowan held her gaze, searching, searching, searching. “This Arobynn, what does he look like?”
She froze, a small joke dying on her tongue as that dread at last made its home in her gut. “Tall, auburn hair, muscular.”
Her roommate was silent for several long moments. “I’ve seen him.” He murmured.
“You what.”
“I’ve seen him.”
Panic siezed her, the thought of losing Rowan as she’d lost Sam, those gorgeous brown eyes nothing but ash in the wind, scarred, ruined, burned flesh. Then the image of Rowan in his position, sprawled across that cursed damned dining room table, motionless. Lifeless. Blood spattered across the walls, where those green eyes--
Aelin shoved away from him, ignoring the pain as she bolted into the bathroom and crashed to her knees before the toilet, and heaved up her lunch. 
Loud footsteps, then a careful, tentative hand rested on her shoulder, and, when she didn’t push him off, began to rub slow, soothing circles.
Once she was finished, she flushed the toilet, slammed the lid, and allowed Rowan to help her up to sit.
Kneeling before her, he braced his hands against her calves. “Aelin…” He began, some hidden-yet-completely-not-hidden emotion swimming in his eyes. 
“Don’t. Please.” She muttered, allowing her head to drop dangerously close to his shoulder. “I don’t want to talk about it.”
Just then, her phone buzzed, and Aelin jerked away from him as if she’d been burned. 
Get over here. Now. It’s Lys.
Aelin froze, that stupid, sickening feeling forcing its way back. After asking several times, Rowan simply took the phone from her, reading the text aloud.
At last, she met his eyes, a question burning between them. Can you drive me to his house?
“Of course,” Rowan murmured, standing and offering her his hand, “just go grab a jacket.”
She nodded, scampering as fast as her legs and back would allow, to her room. After pulling on the first hoodie she saw, she realized it was Rowan’s, as their laundry had been increasingly mixed up together. She couldn’t find the will to change.
Rowan was waiting by the door for her, a strange look all too similar to a blush spread across his cheeks when he realized she was wearing his sweatshirt.
Tentatively, he took her hand in his, and led them down to his car, holding the door open for her.
A bolt of dissapointment rippled through her when he didn’t take her hand again once he was merged out into traffic, but she ignored it, and instead opted to watch the city pass them by. As always, Aelin loved to watch her city change throughout the seasons. Loved the trees, how they gradually lost their leaves. How they went from calm, green serenity to flaming orange or red, a mirror image of her eternally burning soul.
Her roommate let out a sigh as they parked in front of Aedion’s house.  He paused for several seconds before speaking. “I don’t suppose you’ll tell me the truth about who Arobynn is, will you?”
Aelin’s jaw dropped. She blinked, staring at him. “I…” Some part of her truly did want to confide in him, in those green eyes that somehow always managed to know what she needed. But then that damned voice returned, whispering that he would be gone forever in a matter of months. “...I’m sorry, Rowan. I can’t.”
Biting his lip, he nodded slowly. “Okay.” At last, he faced her, those forrests, those hidden realms within his eyes near glowing in the dim light. “You know that you can talk to me, right?” He leaned forward a slight bit, allowing his arms to rest on the center console. “I’m here for you, Princess. I mean it.”
Tears pricked her eyes, as Aelin scooted towards him as much as her seat would allow. Lowering her head, she quickly swiped at her cheeks. “Thank you,”
Strong hands gripped her shoulders, guiding her up to face him. “Aelin, I’m serious. Whatever this is… I will help you get through it.”
At last, words failed her as those tears flowed down her cheeks. Throwing her arms around him, she buried her face against his neck. Strong arms wound around her as she murmured, “Thank you thank you thank you,” into his shirt.
When they at last pulled apart, his nose brushed against hers, and she was stunned to find their lips only inches apart. Even more stunned by the realization that she was blatantly staring at his, slowly leaning forward. The final nail in the coffin was when she realized Rowan wasn’t moving away. If anything, he was also slowly leaning forward.
Just as their lips were about to meet, a sharp knock on her window had them jumping apart, as if they were teenagers caught making out. It might have been her imagination, but as she turned to face Manon, Aelin thought she heard a low groan come from her roommate.
“Let’s go, we’re waiting.” Manon huffed, hands on her hips, jaw set against the chill. “Stop your make-out sesh and get inside!”
A flush spread across her face - that was most definitely not due to the cold - as she climbed out from the car, and was utterly unable to look at Rowan, except for a small apologetic smile as she shut the door. Though, apologetic for what, she didn’t know. Was it because they’d damn near kissed, or because they’d been interrupted?
Aelin shook those thoughts from her head as she followed Manon into the house, Rowan not far behind.
Inside, Aedion was holding a pale, shaking Lysandra, murmuring something to her that was far too low to be overheard, the rest of their friends were spread throughout the living room. Surprise coated Aelin’s features when her eyes landed upon Evangeline--Lysandra’s sixteen year old sister--curled up by the fireplace, with Hollin’s--Dorian’s eighteen year old brother, who for all intents and purposes was an absolute pain--arm draped uncertainly around her shoulders.
Settling in next to her cousin, as Rowan went to speak with Dorian, Aelin found herself genuinely afraid to speak, as if it would shatter whatever peace her friends had had. “What happened?” She murmured.
Aedion opened his mouth, his lower lip trembling with fury, those Ashryver eyes glowing in the firelight. But it was Hollin of all people, who answered. “Arobynn.”
Lysandra slid away from Aedion to rest against Aelin’s shoulder. Elide, and who Aelin surmised to be Yrene, Chaol’s new wife, came over to them. “I was at work,” her friend began shakily, holding Elide’s gaze, “and I had gone out to my car… and I found a note in the glove compartment.” Lysandra paused, swiping at her glistening cheeks, mascara running down her beautiful face. “All it said was, ‘I’m back.”
Across the room, Chaol let out a harsh curse.
After several tense moments, Evangeline cleared her throat. “After volleyball, I, uh, I was walking home--hell I was in front if the school, and this car drove up, and it followed me for several blocks, and the guy inside kept telling me he was your friend--” She looked pointedly to her sister. “--and that you’d sent him to pick me up. I knew who it was, and luckily Hollin saw what was happening and gave me a ride, but…”
Shaking his head, Aedion scoffed. “The prick’s getting bolder.”
Dorian made a noise of agreement. “He’s been lurking outside my work for a few days now,” He muttered, watching his brother, love and some other emotion swimming in his azure eyes. 
“Same here.” Rowan stated, his eyes trained on Aelin, as they had been for the last half hour.
Elide, who had since returned to Lorcan, and was now curled into his side--something more than a few people had smirked at--nudged Lorcan with her elbow. “What? Oh, that. Do any of you know of a woman named Maeve?”
“She’s Arobynn’s wife,” Lysandra murmured, her eyes unfocused.
Lorcan made a noise deep in his throat. “She’s been harrassing Elide for a while,” He admitted. Several heads snapped in their direction at that. “She’s been showing up anywhere we go; Work, the gym, the store, you name it, she’s there.” After several moments, his voice took on a dangerous undertone. “She threatened Elide this afternoon.” He paused, and met the eyes of each and every person in the room. “Whatever this is, whatever bad blood has caused it, we need to end it before someone gets killed.” He met Aelin’s gaze, something akin to sorrow in his obsidian eyes. “Again.” 
Grief turned her vision watery for several minutes as everyone discussed their next steps, and how they could combat the harrassment and threats.
At last, it was agreed that they would all go to the police and file restraining orders against both Arobynn and Maeve. Though, deep down Aelin knew that would do nothing to stop them until Arobynn decided he’d had his fill of punishing and tormenting them.
tag list:  @sailorsassley​ @whiskeybusiness1776​ @mad-scientist-pyromaniac​ @la7sorcellerie​ @dayanna-hatter @mis-lil-red
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