#along with the lizzie obsession
if life was perfect there would be a tranquility base hotel + casino film. send post.
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blondeaxolotl · 2 months
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FINALLY DROPPING THIS!! Not really a new AU since I've done doodles before but this time I'm actually putting effort in it
Anyways! This is my Wonderland AU! It's both based off Alice in Wonderland AND Alice: Madness Returns! (Mostly AMR)
Ran-Mao and Elizabeth are the two main protagonists, Ran-Mao being based on AMR!Alice and Lizzie being based on your OG!Alice! (Or like Disney Alice). The gist of this au is basically seeing the difference between the two Alices (Ran-Mao and Lizzie) Wonderlands, everyone has their own ver of Wonderland but the difference is shown the most between these two. This mostly takes point in Ran-Mao's view, meaning we'll be seeing her world the most! Reason for that is because the story has it that Elizabeth (Along with her Wonderlands Cheshire Cat) ends up accidentally falling into Ran-Mao's Wonderland, and therefore has to find out a way out of it and make it back to her own world (Spoiler she ends up getting distracted and instead follows Ran-Mao around because she thinks she's cool).
OKAY ONTO THE DRAWING, the characters shown on here are the ones that appear first in the real world, each of them having a connection to Ran-Mao in some way. Ran-Mao's connections:
Angelina Dalles - She and Ran-Mao have a mother and daughter type of relationship almost, Ann visits her as much as she can at the orphanage since she's not allowed to take Ran-Mao in yet to live with her instead. Ran-Mao also views Angelina as the only family she has left and finds comfort in her the most, she appreciates it when Ann reads to her
Aleister Chamber (Yes, I had to draw him, no I'm not happy about it) - Ran-Mao's psychiatrist and the owner of the orphanage in which she currently stays in, she finds his sessions meaningless but he refuses to let Angelina take her in until he believes she's finally "sane" enough to be let go (which is never)
Gary Scholes - Ran-Mao's family lawyer, was a close friend to Ran-Mao's parents but has truly only shown interest in her inheritance rather than actually helping her
Ms. Abbie - The one who got her a place to stay in at Aleister's orphanage, she's a strange old lady with an obsession with pigeons but at least she means well..?
Ran-Mao and Lizzie don't interact much in the real world, only time they see eachother is when Lizzie accidentally runs into her, apologised and then started to talk to her (or at least attempted to) before she got dragged away by Edward (who apologised on Lizzie's behalf for bothering her, again she just thought she was cool!!!!)
Anyways this is only the start of the au! More will be coming.. hehehehe
also bonus doodle because I almost forgot to do one
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lovely-cherubs · 27 days
Disassembly Discussion #1: N is NOT obsessed with Uzi
Am I the only one who doesn’t like/disagrees with the whole "N is obsessed with Uzi" and vice versa argument? Like I’m sorry, but as somebody who’s been an outcast my entire life and wasn't able to find people who treated me like a human being until like high school, I find that argument to be pretty vague. Like obsessed how? Like Marionette DuPain Cheng obsessed?
To me, I don't see N being obsessed with Uzi at all. I mean think about it: his whole entire life he been treated like an outcast by his own two teammates. V pretended to not notice him and J abused him physically and verbally.
Then we get to episode 1, he finally found somebody who saw him for who he was, who DIDN'T think he was "useless and terrible", who in general he could relate to (aka Uzi). It makes sense that he would be closer to her than everybody else in the group. I mean, from the beginning it was already established that he wasn’t that close with V or J, especially J for obvious reasons.
Not only that, but people seem to forget that episode six, he literally lost V and assumed she was dead. If I were him, I'd probably become more on edge with the fear of losing the only person I have left with me. And don't even get me started with Uzi. She’s been treated like an outcast by everybody in the bunker. Add her negligent father to the picture along with being constantly bullied by Lizzy, we can see how that took a toll on her self-image, self-confidence, and everything.
It may seem like obsession/limerance, but it's really not. When you’ve been treated like crap your entire life by those around you, it can be pretty easy to get attached and close to somebody who finally treats you like a human being. Speaking from experience.
So, I’m sorry but I kind of find this whole idea that N is obsessed with Uzi to be pretty ignorant and it makes me think that the people who say this have been liked by the people around them their entire lives, much more, weren't outcasts growing up. Let me know what you think. Feel free to disagree with me, but I don’t think that N is obsessed with Uzi by a longshot.
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fleur-a-whump · 2 months
Overloaded (#5)
Rocky Reunions Pt. 2
More Kai being grumpy plus his team!!
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CW: uhh shock collar, mentioned electrocution, whumpee paraded around, ex-villain whumpee, hero whumper, hero caretakers
Kai plops into the auditorium seat next to Elijah, letting out a long suffering sigh. His partner chuckles slightly, accustomed to his moodiness and drama, but when he catches a glimpse of Kai’s tight expression, he stops.
“What’s wrong?” he asks, as the Hero League Director and council walk out on the stage. They take their seats at the curved council table, outfitted with microphones and interrupted by a tall center podium, settling in to conduct the briefing.
Kai shakes his head, not wanting to get into it when the meeting is about to start. Elijah gives him a look.
“Later,” he promises, softening, giving him a small, reassuring smile.
Elijah nods and turns to the stage as the meeting begins.
Director Jaida Murphy stands tall and composed at the center podium, her serious face breaking easily into a winning smile once the auditorium has settled. Her voice is loud and clear over the speakers, swiftly silencing any lingering murmurs of the crowd.
“Thank you all for coming to this month’s briefing. We have many things to cover on the docket today so let’s go ahead and get going. First and foremost, Secretary Cho, will you read the previous meeting’s minutes?” she says, turning to the older gentleman at the end of the row, who’s set up with a steno machine.
Kai zones in and out of the tedious meeting. He’s well-practiced in discerning the useless and important parts and is assured by the knowledge that Lizzy, another member of his team, is an obsessive and thorough note-taker. If he accidentally zones out for something important, he can goad her into sharing her notes with him. Though he’d rather avoid the teasing that comes along with that.
He snaps back to attention at the words “villain reform initiative.”
“As you all know, a major responsibility of this organization is to invest in the effective reform of the villains we encounter while protecting the city. Team Delta is currently spearheading a new project which both makes use of insider information from some of the most devious crime syndicates in Hyperion City and actively reforming a major villain, directing his abilities towards the greater good. To tell us more about this new program, please welcome Miguel Toro, and Jasper Lane, also known as Tinker.”
There’s polite applause, underlined by suspicious murmuring, as the two join the council on the stage. Director Murphy steps aside and the two take her place at the podium. Jasper stands just behind Miguel, his face carefully neutral. Kai can make out that the kid is still slightly green after seeing it earlier. He doubts anyone else picks up on it though. He hopes he doesn’t get sick on stage.
What catches his attention most, and likely everyone else’s, is the collar still tightly fastened around his neck. He’d changed his shirt since Kai saw him, now wearing what could be scrubs—or a prisoner’s top—with a v-neck that puts the collar on prominent display. The brazen showcase makes Kai nauseous. It doesn’t sit well with him, no matter what Jasper has done.
He watches the kid's Adam's apple bob against it in anxiety. Kai’s skin prickles as he remembers how badly the electricity hurt him, second hand. He wonders how often they use it.
“Hello,” Miguel says, loudly, firmly, in an attempt to settle the whispers still rippling through the auditorium. He’s not nearly as effective as the Director, but it does quiet some.
“Thank you for allowing us to present this project to you today. Jasper has been working with us for about six months, and we can report only positive results from this venture. He’s used his technopath abilities to improve our equipment and assist on over two dozen missions, most notably with data recovery from the Blitz Family Warehouse reconnaissance mission down at the Wharf last month. Most importantly, as Jasper is the son of old school villain Nero and protege of Psychosis, Jasper has supplied us with invaluable intelligence from within the crime empires these two are orchestrating.”
Kai raises an eyebrow. He knew Tinker was trained by Psychosis, which was intimidating enough, but the kid is also Nero’s son? Nero had essentially been an untouchable keystone in one of the largest syndicates in Hyperion for like 25 years.
No wonder they wanted to keep him close.
“Jasper has restricted, supervised access to technology and his powers. His movement is also restricted and his location is tracked. Jasper has performed very well within these safety precautions and has been a very useful tool in our belt. We believe with properly tailored boundaries and effort made on both sides, this program is replicable with other villains.”
So, you’re just not going to mention the fucking shock collar? Kai scoffs quietly.
He’s sure the only reason Jasper hasn’t wreaked havoc on the whole tower is they’ve been electrocuting him. Miguel is just peacocking; putting lipstick on the pig that, knowing him, he probably staked his whole career on. He’s been trying to move up the ranks for years.
He watches Miguel bring Jasper forward with what could be a supportive hand on his back, but looks to Kai more like a possessive grip on the back of his neck. Miguel opens the floor to questions, giving non-answers and continuing to speak about Jasper as if he wasn’t there. Jasper stands quietly, entirely stoic through even some of the crueler questions and discussion of his crimes and background. One question does get Kai’s attention though.
“How did this idea come about?”
Miguel stiffens a bit. “We arrested Jasper in the field, and it was my idea to work with him rather than just shuffle him off to prison.”
Kai just barely catches Jasper’s face twitch. He recalls Jasper saying he came to the heroes. He sort of hates that he feels more inclined to believe the villain over the hero.
Then someone finally has the guts to ask about the collar. This time Jasper's response, another twitch like he's holding back a grimace, is more noticeable.
“It's simply a tracking device, fashioned this way to minimize Jasper's opportunities to tamper with it, given that he is technologically inclined.”
Kai nearly jumps out of his seat at that. There's no way he just lied like that. He wouldn't be surprised if a collar like that could kill someone without an affinity for electricity, and Miguel wants to pretend it's just a tracking device?
If he wasn't sure there was something wrong with the whole scenario before, he certainly is now.
Listening to Miguel drone on for the next ten minutes just pisses Kai off more and more. It’s a good thing the presentation was the last order of business. Much longer, and the cups of coffee and water bottles around him would’ve started boiling and bursting as his emotions fueled his powers. Kai’s one of the first people out the door, slamming it open as hard as he can and storming some ways down the hall.
Kai wants so badly to label Tinker as a villain who should be in prison. He wants to fall back on the comfort of a black and white world that’s been drilled into him by his League training, and not think about the image of the shaking and whimpering villain on the floor just an hour ago. But the whole spectacle made Kai a little queasy; now, he can’t blame Jasper for puking his guts out. And the way Miguel so clearly sees him as a tool, a means to an end to advance his career makes Kai see red. Partly on Jasper’s behalf, partly out of his hatred of Miguel and the politics of the League, and partly out of frustration with himself for caring about, worrying about the infuriating villain.
Kai couldn’t remember ever hearing him speak when they fought—his mask, which covered the lower half of his face, didn’t really allow for it he supposed—but he always got the feeling the kid was laughing at him. That, combined with the way Kai’s powers could actually make Jasper stronger, his electricity more powerful, and how damn fast he was without that even being his power, made every fight so annoying that he’d complain about it till Elijah got sick of it and told him to move on.
Speak of the devil, he hears his partner jogging up behind him as he angrily paces. He stops, forcing himself to let out a long, frustrated sigh as he leans against the wall of the hallway he’d found himself in. Elijah leans against the wall next to him.
“Sooo, I had to set my coffee down during Miguel’s speech because it was getting hotter. Which, y’know, isn’t how that usually works. Wanna talk about it?”
Kai huffs out a light laugh in spite of himself. His boyfriend definitely knows him well.
“Sorry. It was just—well, you know how I feel about Miguel in the first place,” he begins.
Elijah purses his lips. “Mhmm,” he hummed. He’s been hearing about how Kai felt about Miguel since they were in sidekick training together.
“Well, so, I was in one of the bathrooms before the meeting and somebody was throwing up in there, and it was Jasper. Well, before I knew his name was Jasper. I thought, y’know, fucking villain in the Heroes League! And, uh, remind me to tell Mari I burst some more pipes, please,” Kai rambles.
Elijah chuckled. “Will do.”
Kai runs his hands through his hair, putting the thick, dark curls up in a bun to give himself something to do as he speaks. “But, yeah, Jasper told me he was on Miguel’s team, and I went with him to check it out. Halfway there, he just fucking collapsed, twitching and shaking in pain. He was being electrocuted! That wasn't a damn tracker, it was a fucking shock collar!” he exclaims.
“Oh shit,” his partner murmurs. “Miguel lied?”
Kai shakes his head in anger. “Yeah, big surprise. It’s definitely a shock collar, and he’s petrified of it, and they definitely use it. The shock I saw was apparently just a warning.”
“I mean, while I don’t agree with the method, maybe it's a rare thing? They thought he was running away while he was in the bathroom? If he’s confined to their level, I can’t imagine they’d have reason to use it much. Tinker never struck me as the kind to rock the boat with that kind of threat hanging over his head.”
Kai shakes his head again, though he knows Elijah could very well be right. And Tinker is a villain. He’s definitely done bad things.
“I don’t know. I know I shouldn’t care; it’s great that we’re getting intelligence on Nero and Psychosis. And whatever is going on with the “project,” it’s probably better than prison. But I don’t know, something about it is really bugging me. I keep picturing him shaking on the floor,” he finishes quietly, some of the anger ebbing from his body in the calming presence of his partner, only to be replaced by worry—which is almost worse.
Kai tries desperately to find a way to better explain himself, the knot in his stomach that was growing bigger and bigger the more he thought about the kid.
“It’s also just, the whole spectacle, putting him on display and talking about him like he wasn’t even there. He’s obviously just a political pawn for Miguel.”
“Yeah, I picked up on that. It was pretty gross.”
Kai nods. “I don’t know; it pisses me off because I feel bad for him, but he’s a villain, so I shouldn’t, but I definitely do and—ugh.” He runs his hands across his face only to slide them into his hair and tug, totally overwhelmed with the conflict twisting his stomach.
Elijah takes the pause in his rambling to step in front of him and gently pull his hands from his scalp. His thumbs rub soothing little circles across them, as he says, “Hey, first of all, it’s okay to feel whatever you’re feeling. You saw someone in pain, and that felt bad, and that’s a good thing. If it’ll make you feel better, maybe we can find a way to visit him. Just to check in? That team asks for extra manpower all the time. They’re hardly balanced.”
“Yeah, okay, that sounds good.”
Kai sighs dramatically, “Damn moral compass.”
Elijah laughs. “Oh, yeah, you poor thing, you have compassion for other human beings.”
The teasing finally pulls an involuntary smile from Kai, and he gently takes Elijah’s chin for a chaste kiss that’s all goofy grins.
“Thanks, Eli.”
“Anytime,” Elijah says, leaning in for another kiss.
Suddenly there’s a loud groan he’d recognize anywhere from down the hall. Kai reluctantly, a little self-consciously, turns his attention to his team coming down the hall—the other three members having finally tracked the two lovebirds down. The groan definitely came from Isla, the young ginger pyromaniac of the team.
Elijah’s not having it though and pulls Kai back with a soft hand on his cheek.
This time it’s Lizzy’s turn to complain, loudly. “Get a fucking room!”
Kai breaks the kiss to laugh at that, and Elijah gives up. He turns to the team, pouting, “Y’all never let me have any fun.”
He chuckles, but still rubs Elijah’s arm in a simple apology, wordlessly promising to make up for it later. He lets himself be pulled into carefree conversation with his team, doing his best to ignore the knot still settled in his stomach, and the image of Jasper convulsing on the floor still imprinted in his brain.
I can now show y’all funny little bit of speed brain dump that manifested his and elijah’s dynamic
Kai is not fuckin happy to have a villain in the hero building
Kai witnesses some of the abuse
Kai: Elijah (boyf) help I'm not used to being conflicted like this what is happening to me
Elijah: it's called empathy babe.
Bonus scene w/ Kai’s team and Mira: “Did you have to burst the pipes again, Kai?” “Well, I wasn’t gonna use the fuckin’ toilet water.” “What’s the difference?” “Yuck, you used the sewage water, Kai?” “I know which pipes are clean assholes!” *giggling* “Goddamn, how many times have you burst the bathroom pipes that you just know which ones are clean?” *angry waterboy grumbling*
tags!! hello friends!! lmk if you wanna be added or removed!!
@whumpsday @sergeant-jasper @watermelons-dont-grow-on-trees @crystalrose141 @aloafofbreadwithanxiety
@paingoes @elizaisnotokay @quaggasus @defire @tonystark604
@writereleaserepeat @whump-queen @clickerflight @gliittergelpens @kawaii-cakes
@whump-in-a-million @scoundrelwithboba @idkwhattodowiththisaltiamsorry @vampiresprite
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hybbart · 11 days
This may be a silly question, but why is Jimmy often made the youngest in sibling headcanons?
Pearl was the youngest in Empires, and is the youngest in Hermitcraft, so i'm curious why Jimmy is often made the youngest in these headcannons over Pearl?
Because most people don't know/don't care about/actively avoid learning their exact irl ages, and go off vibes. And if Jimmy has anything, it's little brother vibes.
He was already canonically the baby brother to Lizzie in E1, so it's easy to elaborate that into any sibling heeadcanons. And he's been known to activate the older players parental/protective instincts with his whining (I.E. Doc in the DO2 open day) while his peers like to pick on him, so it can give the impression of him being the baby of the bunch.
Usually Grian's made the eldest in skybling headcanons, so it often comes down to how he treats them and they treat him back. And no one picks on Jimmy more than Grian. Whenever Jimmy tries to fight back by puffing up his chest or threatening him back Grian's also quick to put him in his place. They even tussle irl. Given he's usually HC as taller than Grian (as is also very common with younger siblings irl I believe, too) if you put that into the context of a HC where they're siblings it gives the vibes of someone who's grown up being picked on since they were smaller or by someone who is older and has no reason to fear them cause the pecking order as it were has been long sorted. I think the crossover has a lot examples of this dynamic. It very much fits into the stereotype of older kids movies where the teenage older brother is a bully.
But then there's also moments where Grian is kind, and those moments are specifically of Grian being proud, or mentoring him. Grian is frequently just better at most things in minecraft in particular, which also gives the vibes of Jimmy being a younger sibling. Grian never intentionally depends on Jimmy. As someone with much younger siblings myself, the same way parents will say their kids will always be their baby, when you're an older sibling watching someone always be a few years behind you going through everything you already have you can easily fall into that similar mindset, and it's easy to interpret/elaborate that dynamic into that.
Compared to Pearl, who is very talented and mature, so Grian treats her much more equally. Their pranks are prank wars, not one picking on the other. Pearl matches Grian, which I think is why she's not just usually older than Jimmy but frequently Grian's twin.
I think back to the charity event, where Grian and Jimmy's interactions were them having a physical fight and Grian yelling at Jimmy to follow his orders, and Grian and Pearl's interactions were Grian turning to her for a hug while his mouth was burning and being vulnerable. That contrast definitely can give off the impression that Grian is more vulnerable with Pearl - something you usually see in siblings of a closer age going through the same things at the same time - in contrast to Jimmy who he is very domineering even if they're being affectionate.
Pearl is just also... Well, Pearl is a much more mature person in general compared to both of them. She's very silly and sometimes weird, very wet cat, but she's also much more put together, able to organize things like mail services and garbage collection, and she gets along quite well with older players easily. This is the hardest one to really describe properly, and it's the thing that least correlates to where she might be HC in sibling order, since there's an argument to be made/tropes for why any given sibling is most mature, but it's something that compounds with the other things.
There's also just the fact that Jimmy's skin is cutesier. Like they all have cute skins but Jimmy's definitely gives off kicked puppy vibes more than Grian or Pearl's. Jimmy also has that tattle tale vibe to him, he's not exactly quiet when people pick on him. He's also a bit obsessed with fitting in and being in a gang, as he puts it. It's hard not to get baby brother vibes when Grian and Joel bully him yet he still chases after them declaring them to be the coolest and wanting to be their friend. (The bad boys... depending on what part of their dynamic you focus in on you could make an argument Jimmy was the responsible one and see him as the oldest but I think the majority of their dynamic definitely gives him little brother vibes.)
I think a little bit is also probably just because she has a deeper more relaxed voice, while Jimmy's voice is often shrill and excitable. (Jimmy also does the whole Youtuber Interaction thing with how he talks to the audience and advertises himself, which definitely makes him come off younger.)
And another little bit probably is just simply that, of all the people Jimmy gets sibling HCs with, he's the least skilled. He's improving as a builder but it's a process we've been able to watch happen and many of the sibling HCs are the ones who teach him and encourage him. He's not really a PvPer and he doesn't know anything about redstone. When he RPs or dresses up he picks the sorts of things even small children know about like superheroes and cowboys. (He's one of the more aggressively PG folks too which means his humour and references often stay within the realm of things younger folks find relatable like tiktok and toy story). Jimmy also is quite adamant about his youth, like how he got angry when Impulse said he was thirty and fawned over Tango calling him young. Stereotypically younger siblings often try to pretend to be older, but in this case I think it just emphasizes that he is in fact young.
Contrast that with Pearl who is constantly aggressively learning new skills on top of just picking them up quickly, and he RP ideas are things like civil servants and stories with very elaborate original worldbuilding based on her own art. And she doesn't really ever bring up her age so you have to go searching to actually find it out. It's easy enough to look at them in a vacuum and see Jimmy as younger and less experienced still learning while Pearl is someone older with a more solid foundation.
Ultimately it's a matter of what you focus on, I'm sure like with the bad boys example if you pay attention to different qualities you could come away with a different interpretation, but I think especially among people who don't care/actively avoid irl information it's easy to interpret Jimmy as younger.
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fountainpenguin · 11 months
Scott, Gem, and Martyn Secret Life Ep 1 commentary:
"Geez Scott, why are you so creepy?" / "Everyone needs a hobby <3"
Crying at Scott booking it across the grass to break up Scar and Jimmy as fast as humanly possible and they just start huffing and grumbling.
Scott after running into Pearl, Cleo, Jimmy, and Martyn - "I've bumped into every single one of my exes already..."
slkdjf Skizz apparently cut himself saying "I just wanna cause problems" out of his own POV but Scott got it all on tape
Skizz staying within 10 blocks of Gem is even funnier from Scott's POV because he needs Gem to hold his hand while he follows Scott around a corner... The delicate balancing act of obeying Scott's come hither but also pulling Gem along.
The dead silent push in on Scott's face when he notices Gem inching her base away from his and he's dreading starting his "obnoxiously attach your base to someone else's" task over.
Impulse: "Scott, is my cottagecore-ing okay? :)" / Scott, sweating his pretty little head off as he speed-builds so Gem doesn't catch him in the act, not even turning around: "Yep- looks great!"
Gem, emotionally trudging across the map with Skizz and Scott hanging off her.
I appreciate Gem's commentary of "How much room does this man NEED??"
Gem watching Scott un-merge their bases: "Oh, thank you" / Scott: "What do you mean by that. Why is that a relief to you."
Impulse and Gem going over the cliff is funnier with the context that Gem's task was to convince someone to "take a leap of faith while also ensuring they take no damage."
Mental image of Gem begging Impulse to take a flying jump into the water while Impulse is grabbing her by the shoulders and trying to force her into a cherry wood boat because it's cherry wood it's amazing Gem come on slkdjf
Gem: "How much more iron do you need for a chestplate?" / Impulse, taking a moment to pretend to count: "... 8 :)"
Gem, addressing the viewers: "And Skizz follows me around for an uncomfortable period of time."
In Scott's POV, he's just watching unhappily from the distance as Gem starts taking down her wall, but in Gem's POV she actually asked him if she can move her base over and he's just like "Yeah... Yeah, you can if you want to :')" slkdfj
Underappreciated irony in Scott being the one to make a big deal about how clingy Skizz is when he's literally fusing his base's roof with Gem's
It's spawn egg-topia!!
Scott: "I'm making the executive decision to separate our cottages." slkdjf Scott recovers from being possessed by the spirit of clinginess and wakes up like "What HAPPENED last night?? What is this garbage??"
Holy cow Martyn dropping from 30 hearts to 12 within like 20 minutes.
lksdjf Martyn: "Let's see if there's any response in the chat to my Cover Me With Diamonds achievement :)" / Gem, Scott, and Impulse immediately triple enchant / Martyn: "Oh :'D"
??? Custom zombie spawner? Neat
He started at 30 and went down to 5.5 hearts?? Geez, dude.
It's funny because in Double Life, I didn't notice Martyn taking that much damage compared to anyone else, but I feel like now I understand why Cleo was so irritated with him lskdjf
Martyn at the start of this episode: "Ew I don't want cherry wood" / Martyn trying to complete his secret task: "Where is all the cherry wood??"
Martyn speedbuilding in panic and quiet, then Joel cracks a joke and Martyn laughs and you hear Bdubs offscreen going "You got Martyn with that one" <3
sdfklsjdf I like how Martyn's idea of copying Lizzie's house involved rushing over to hers and destroying her bed to match the fact that his copied house did not have a bed
Wheezing at Impulse being just 2 steps from pushing the success button but Martyn starts trash-talking cherry wood and Impulse immediately goes "Take that back, take that back right now!" with this guttural snarl and starts stomping towards him because he wasn't cured from his cherry wood obsession yet... Beautiful.
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jessicaloons · 27 days
E P I L O G U E - Invisible String
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Hello lovely people, here it is, the Epilogue. Instead of a classic epilogue you’ll get to join Lizzie and Charles in their life together through the years.
I hope you enjoy reading this final part of Invisible String as much as I enjoyed writing it. The whole journey of Lizzie and Charles meant so much to me, finishing it is heartbreaking but relieving at the same time. I know I sent you in for a looong ride with lots of ups and downs with this one and I thank every single one of you who stayed from the very beginning to end now. But also everyone who joined in along the ride, thank you! And to the people who just recently started reading, thank you for taking time out of your day to start reading over 50 chapters of a fic, that started over a year ago! I loved every single interaction with you guys, the comments, reblogs, chats and anons, thank you so much for showing me/my story so much love!
There are a lot of people to thank, starting with my bestie who first was mildly confused by the fact that I was writing fan fiction, but then become obsessed and hated me when I hurt her precious baby boos (her words!) and literally gobsmacked me once or twice, when my "torturing went too far".
My lovely boyfriend fiancé who I met while being in the middle of writing this amazing story, who supported me and even read my story because he was curious, starting to get super invested in it.
And last, but definitely not least, a H U G E thank you to the person, without who this story wouldn’t even exist. Thank you, thank you, thank you @elisysd for not only writing my favourite fanfics, but also for motivating me to write and release my own! Thank you for being my torture partner in crime, thank you for always helping me out with title names, thank you for reading my new ideas, motivating me to continue and develop them into new stories. Thank you for all the conversations about our stories, new ideas, talks about the races, our shared views on certain people, and the talks about what is going on in the crazy whirlwind that is our life’s! I’m so very grateful that I found Cruel Summer (if you haven’t read it till now, DO IT! My favourite fic out there!) last year and that you started a chat with me, because life hasn’t been the same since then. So one final thank you, for literally EVERYTHING ♥️
And now I wrote enough! Some little blurbs, social media posts and a lot of time jumps are ahead, buckle in and let’s f****** goooo!
10th May 2026:
"Shhh Emmie, we don’t want to wake up mummy now, do we?" I whispered, tickling her tummy "I’m almost done, little princess."
I placed everything on the tray, and tried to lift it with one hand, before I picked up Emmie, making my way to our bedroom. Lizzie was still fast asleep, Arlo at the foot of our bed sitting up, looking at Emmie and me.
"Be a good boy." I looked at him and he laid back down, making no sound "Alright…" I sat down the tray on my side of the bed before I pushed the button to open up the shades, letting in the sun, a little groan letting me know that Lizzie wasn’t liking the light intrusion. Pulling the blanket over her head was the second indicator.
"Way too early…" she mumbled and I had to chuckle, Emmie clapping happily.
"It’s not that early…" I climbed into bed, Emmie in my lap, pulling the tray over.
"Everything before 9 is too early." Lizzie yawned, slowly scrambling up, her hair dishevelled. She took in Emmie and me, a big smile slowly spreading over her face "Good morning my beautiful baby girl." she cooed and our little one wriggled out of my lap, crawling over to her mum, cuddling into her side "Hi Emmie." Lizzie picked her up, cradling her to her chest, kissing her cheek, making our little girl giggle.
"Happy Mother’s day, cara mia." I smiled at them, pulling the tray close and turned a little to grab the bouquet of flowers from my night stand.
Lizzie made big eyes, looking from the breakfast on the tray, to the flowers in my hand to Emmie in her arms.
"Oh Charles… this is… this is wonderful." she whispered, leaning over, brushing her soft lips against mine "I honestly forgot about it… Oh god our mums!" she panicked a little and I cupped her cheek.
"They both get a beautiful bouquet and a bottle of the nicest champagne delivered today. Don’t worry. I talked to them, because I wanted to spend today with you and Emmie… it’s your first Mother’s day after all. Today is special." I smiled at her and she looked at me, glassy eyes and pink cheeks.
"You’re amazing…" she whispered and leaned in, kissing my cheek.
"It wasn’t just me, Emmie helped as well…" I said and Lizzie giggled, looking at our little girl, sitting in her lap and looking up at her with big eyes, smile on her face, eating everything up her mum said.
"You’re amazing too, Emmie." she kissed her chubby cheek.
"Ready to eat something?" I asked and she nodded.
"I’m actually starving."
"Perfect, because I made a lot…" I pulled the tray closer and Lizzie’s eyes widened.
"Watching Jamie Oliver and Gordon Ramsay made a real chef out of you…" she chuckled, grabbing a strawberry "Daddy is spoiling us, baby girl."
"Just wait for dinner and dessert." I wiggled my eyebrows, wiping some strawberry juice from Emmie’s chin.
"Ouhhh, I can’t wait!" Lizzie mumbled, looking through the options of food, while I fed Emmie another Strawberry.
"I was thinking we could do a little boat tour today, but because of the race next week it’s so full everywhere, I don’t want to navigate through it with you two…" I said, playing with Emmie while Lizzie munched on her cheese omelette.
"It’s Emmie’s first home race." Lizzie looked up from her plate, gently pinching Emmie’s cheek "You’ll see daddy race here in Monaco, baby girl. Daddy and his Ferrari."
"Rar-… rari…" Emmie babbled and I dropped the melon slice in my hand, Lizzie almost choking on her orange juice.
"Did she just?" I looked at Lizzie, her big blue orbs staring at our daughter "Princess did you just try to say Ferrari?" I picked her up, looking into her gorgeous face.
"Rari…" Emmie repeated, clapping happily.
"Oh my god Charles! Her first word is Ferrari! Well… almost… but oh my god!” Lizzie cheered "Emmie, baby girl, say Ferrari. Fer-ra-ri…"
"I don’t think it’s that easy, cara mia, you can’t just say a word and sh-…" I began but had to swallow my own words.
"Fr- fri-" Emmie chortled.
"Almost baby girl. Fer-ra-ri…" Lizzie tried again.
"Yes! You did it!" I chimed, littering Emmie’s chubby cheeks with kisses "My little genius baby girl! Ferrari! Your first word is Ferrari! Can you say 'Forza Ferrari'?"
"Okay, now you’re just reaching." Lizzie chuckled, but I ignored her.
"Fr-rari…" Emmie giggled when I kissed her nose "Fr-rari…"
"You’re just jealous that her first word was Ferrari, not Audi!" I smirked and Lizzie rolled her eyes "My precious little princess! I can’t wait to tell everyone about it!"
I cradled her to my chest, kissing her hair and she giggled happily. Lizzie leaned over, tucking some loose strands of her out of Emmie’s face, smiling at her, kissing her cheek.
"You want to try to say 'Audi'? Au-di…" she whispered and I pulled Emmie away.
"What are you doing, cara mia?" I laughed and she sat up, shrugging her shoulders.
"It was worth a try…"
"Even if she would say Audi, which is a way easier name by the way, so… unfair… but okay, her first word would still be Ferrari!" I looked at her and she was pouting a little, my eyes fell on her plush lips, before I looked in her eyes again.
"What about… we finish breakfast, put Emmie down and then we’re having a thorough discussion about what our baby’s first word was?" her voice sultry, lashes fluttering.
"Mhhh that does sound pretty good to me…" I leaned over, capturing her lips in a steamy kiss, biting her bottom lip a little when I pulled away "But it won’t change the fact that our baby girls first word was Ferrari…"
"Fr-rari!" as if on cue Emmie chimed in and I laughed against Lizzie’s lips, a soft smile on them.
"Ferrari it is…" she sighed.
"Ferrari it is…" I laughed.
7th September 2026:
"Birthday cake?"
Silence. So I repeated it again.
"Birthday cake?"
"Charles! That was the most important thing! You said you would pick it up! I can’t believe you!" I groaned, walking inside, stopping dead in my tracks, the birthday cake sitting on top of the table.
"Birthday cake? Check." Charles chuckled and I puffed out some air.
"So not funny…" I rolled my eyes.
"Sorry, I had to, because someone is panicking a little… it’s going to be just fine cara mia!" Charles pulled me into him, kissing my cheek "Emmie won’t even remember this day, okay? Relax a little, pretty girl."
"Who says that she won’t remember today?" I cocked an eyebrow and Charles sighed.
"Are you serious? No one remembers their first birthday…"
"It’s just… I want this to be perfect…" I said quietly and he rubbed his hands up and down my sides "She’s one Charles, can you believe it? One!"
"Yeah… the last year went by in a blur… one day she was still in your belly the next we’re already celebrating her first birthday…" he replied and I looked around.
"We should take a picture of her. Before everyone is here and she’s too excited to sit still for a moment… just her, a balloon or two, her cake?" I said and Charles nodded.
"I set up a back ground and you get our little princess ready?" he said and I nodded, walking off, but then I stopped, turning around "You forgot something?"
"Yup…" I cupped his cheeks and kissed him "Thank you, for always calming me down… I love you."
"I love you more…" he whispered against my lips and I smiled "Now, get our little princess…"
I walked downstairs, opening quietly the door to Emmie’s room, pushing the button for the shades to open. I smiled when I saw that she was already awake, sitting in her bed, gorgeous smile on her little face.
"Hi baby girl, look at your little smiley face…" I cooed, leaning down and picking her up.
"Mama…" she said, her voice sweet like honey.
"Ready for your party?" I asked, sitting her down and she clapped happily "Yeah? You know that everyone is coming to see you?"
"Evy-one?" she repeated slowly and I nodded, brushing her wild hair.
"Everyone, that means… pops and gammy, granny as well. Your aunties Sissy, Charlotte and Shima. And of course your uncles Lorenzo, Joris, Daniel, Arthur-…"
"Tur!" she said excitedly almost jumping off the changing table.
"Yeah, Uncle Arthur is coming. And of course Liam and Noah." I smiled at her, kissing her cheek "Alright let’s dress you up and then go and find daddy?"
"Yes, dada."
After putting her hair in a tiny bun, or rather a little palm, on the top of her head, dressing her into a cute dress I picked Emmie up, walking upstairs, where Charles arranged in the corner a little photo background.
"Oh look at my gorgeous girl! Hi princess." he cooed at her and she leaned over to him and Charles grabbed her, holding her close to his chest "Is that okay?" he looked at me and I nodded.
"I’ll go and get the cake…"
I watched Charles putting Emmie down, playing a little with our girl, and had to smile. He was born to be a father, like I always said. I took some pictures of them before I walked over, setting the cake down in front of Emmie.
"You have to watch her closely… I don’t want a foot in the cake… or hands…"
"I’ll take care, don’t worry…" Charles smiled "Ready?" he looked at me and I nodded, then he let go of Emmie and I took some photos.
"Alright. I think I’ve got it…" I showed Charles the results and he beamed at me.
"Perfect. Now let’s get ready for the party. They should all be here in the next minutes…"
And he was right, not even 20 minutes later the living room was full with our family and we gathered around, singing Happy Birthday for the very first time for Emmie.
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February 2027:
"Charles Marc Hervé Perceval Leclerc! Are you serious?!" I sighed and Charles looked sheepishly at me.
"It looked so cute and I thought she doesn’t have one yet…" he said and tried to soften me with his smile.
"Charles! Her room slowly turns into the Ark of Emmie! She has a whole petting zoo full of stuffed animals!" I said as Charles crouched down and handed our toddler the stuffed panda bear. Emmie took it in her arms and cuddled it tight.
"Look! She loves it! As long as she loves it! Cara mia, she’s my pretty princess! Spoiling her is basically my job!" he said and I rolled my eyes.
"I used to be your pretty princess…" I fake pouted and Charles grabbed me by the waist and pulled me into him.
"Oh mon amour, you’re my beautiful queen! And she is our pretty little princess!" he said and kissed me tenderly.
"Mhhh I like the sound of that… my king…" I whispered against his lips, then kissed him again and pushed myself off of him gently. I walked away but stopped in the door "No more toys, Charles! She’s not even 1.5 years old and has already more stuff than 3 toy stores combined!" with that I walked out of the room, but I stayed in the hallway.
"You heard what our queen said, little princess. No more toys for you officially… but rest assured, I’ll bring you more, but that’s our secret!" Charles whispered and Emmie laughed and clapped excitedly.
"CHARLES!" I shouted.
"Oh shit…" he exclaimed.
"Oh shit…" Emmie repeated and I stormed back into her play room "Oh shit, mama. Oh shit, dada!"
"I’m so, so sorry!" Charles said and I glared at him.
"Mami? Dada a stupi io?" Emmie smiled at me and Charles looked flabbergasted.
"Emmie!" I sighed and Charles started grinning.
"No curse words in front of the baby girl I thought, cara mia? What happened to that rule?" he cocked an eyebrow and grinned at me.
"Someone was cutting the line…" I whispered.
"Road rage… I get it." he laughed and then picked up Emmie and pulled me in his arms too "My queen and my princess… I don’t know what I did to deserve this kind of magnificent luck…" he whispered and kissed my temple first and then Emmies cheek, she smiled her almost toothless smile, dimples showing just like her dads.
Bahrain 2027:
"Season opener for the husband on Sunday, charity race for you today with said husband, Max Verstappen, Lewis Hamilton, Jamie Chadwick, Doriane Pin, Maya Weug, Abbi Pulling, Carrie Schreiner and Bianca Bustamate. Excited to be back in the car?" Natalie asked Lizzie who smiled her most beautiful smile.
"Very excited. It’s only 10 laps, so I should be good, but yeah I trained a little with Charles the last weeks and I really hope that I’ll make it." she chuckled.
"First time little Emmie see’s her mummy race, how excited is she?"
"She made huge eyes when she saw me in the race suit and at the seat fitting she pulled at Charles leg and pointed at me, asking why I’m in the car and not he." Lizzie recalled and I had to laugh, thinking about Emmie’s face yesterday.
"So she’s talking now?"
"We’re getting there… but yeah, everyday a little more… if she’s like her dad, she won’t stop talking in no time…"
"It’s good to have you back here, Lizzie. All the best for the little family and of course good luck in the race later! And if I might say that, kick some asses in good old Lizzie fashion." Natalie smiled.
"Thanks, I’ll try my best, I promise!" Lizzie hugged her and walked off, a big smile on her face.
"So I’m the one talking too much?" I cocked an eyebrow and she laughed, kissing my cheek.
"But I love it when you’re talking…"
"Yeah, yeah… let’s go. The race will start soon…" I said, taking her hand, intertwining our fingers.
"It will be fine, you don’t have to worry…" she said, squeezing my hand a little.
"I know… it’s just- it was a risk that you finished your season 2 years ago… and now getting back in the car…" I sighed and she stopped.
"Charles, it’s only 10 laps… I’ll be fine, don’t worry! We talked with the doctor, I’m prepared, we did a lot of workouts-…"
"Mhh… that we did. I liked that." I whispered and she blushed, pinching my side.
"Get your head out of the gutter! We’re racing in 30 minutes!" she rolled her eyes playfully and I laughed.
"Prepare to lose, cara mia."
"Nope. I’m going to kick your ass. All my girls will kick your ass…" she smiled and I pulled her close, kissing her.
"May the best driver win…"
"So Max should win?" she cocked an eyebrow and I pinched her waist.
"Hey!" I pouted and she laughed.
"Let’s go, world champ."
"Did you let her win, because she’s your wife? Be honest." Max wiggled his eyebrows and I laughed.
"Yeah sure and never hear the end of it at home? How she beat me? Definitely not! You couldn’t catch up to her as well!" I looked at him and he scratched his chin.
"Maybe it’s better for us that she’s not in F1 anymore…" he shrugged.
"Yeah, I’m kinda getting used to winning titles." I joked and Max pushed me playfully.
"Yeah, yeah, Ferrari boy. Hold your horses, I’m this close of snatching the title away from you."
"Sure thing, slow bull."
"Ouch, what kind of conversation do I interrupt here?" Lizzie walked up to us and I pulled her in, kissing her gently.
"We just established that we’re pretty damn happy that you’re not in F1 anymore… we like winning and against you… well never mind." Max said and Lizzie laughed.
"Oh you poor boys… maybe I should give Felix a call." I chuckled and Charles shook his head, laughing.
"Please don’t."
"We’ll see." she laughed, walking off when Susie waved her over.
"But in all honesty, this was fun, we should do this more often." Max said as we walked back to the garages and I nodded.
"Definitely. It’s fun and for a good cause, we really-…" I began when a tiny little whirlwind in red ran towards me.
"Papa! Papa!" Emmie’s bright voice made everyone looking for the source of the adorable sound "Uppy!" she stopped in front of me, making grabby hands and puppy eyes.
"Hey my baby girl, you shouldn’t be running around here all alone." I picked her up and she immediately grabbed my face between her chubby, little hands.
"Pop!" she screeched and turned my head to the side, Juergen wiping his eyebrow, sighing relieved.
"And you shouldn’t make Pop sweat like that!" I booped her nose and she started to giggle hysterically, turning her head a little, stopping abruptly when she spotted Max.
"Hi Emmie." he cooed at her and she scrunched up her nose adorably.
"Say hi to Max, princess." I smiled at her and she looked between me and Max for a while before she turned to him, stretching out her hand, poking his cheek.
"Maxie." she said and he nodded.
"You can call me Maxie, that’s alright." Max smiled.
"Maxie…" she repeated and then looked at me "Charlie…"
"Hey! I’m not Charlie! I’m dad-" I began but got interrupted by her giggles.
"Maxie 'nd Charlie." she smiled poking first my cheek, then Max’ "Maxie 'nd Charlie."
"No, Emmie. I’m Daddy, Dad, Pap, Papa, Paps. But not Charlie. Okay? I’m not Charlie." I tried again.
"Charlie… Maxie." she said, nodding.
"Are you really trying to argue with her? You know who her mother is." Max laughed.
"Yep. That I know." I looked at Emmie and kissed her cheek "Thankfully she’s just as adorable as her mum, that saves her."
"Look at you, turned into a big, old softie." Max laughed when Emmie looked at him, a curious look on her face.
"Softie Maxie?"
"No, your daddy, girlie. He’s the softie!"
"No. Maxie softie. Charlie? Down." Emmie turned and looked at me, when she spotted Lizzie a few steps away. I sat her down and looked at her.
"Straight to mum, princess, okay? No detours!"
"Staight to mama." she nodded and bolted off.
I watched her hug Lizzie’s leg who bent down, picking her up. Seeing Lizzie back in a race suit, our daughter on her hip, made me feel all sorts of things and when Max started to laugh next to me, clapping my back I couldn’t stop the grin forming on my lips.
"Oh you’re so down bad for these two…"
"Oh yes… yes I am."
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I watched the replay of the final overtake on the screen, Max next to me chuckling.
"Not gonna lie, after that move, I’m not even mad that you won." he said and I wiped my face with a towel.
"I had to try it, could’ve gone wrong as well…" I shrugged a little.
"Not today, you had an extra lucky charm with you." he nodded towards the screen, showing Lizzie with Emmie, wearing her little Ferrari hoodie, in her arms, standing right under the podium.
"Yeah… how could I not win with her around." I smiled.
"Little unfair advantage…" Oscar joked.
"Make your own lucky charm then." Max laughed.
"Hell no. I’m not ready for that!"
"Believe me. You’ll never be, it just works out magically…" I smiled when he was called out on the podium, followed by Max.
I took one last deep breath and stepped out, the cheering of the crowd almost deafening. But when I stepped onto the highest podium, I looked down. Lizzie and Emmie. Both smiling. Both beautiful. Both cheering louder than anyone else.
"DADDY! DADDY!" I heard her sweet voice carrying all the way up to me, almost jumping out of Lizzie’s arms.
I waved at her, blew her a kiss and her smile got even bigger.
"MY DADDY IS WINNER!" she continued and I felt tears well up. Happy tears.
Win or not today. I already won in life. Big time.
May 2027:
Emmie sat up and looked towards the door, her face lighting up.
"Dada!" she looked at me with her big eyes, clapping excitedly as soon as she heard Charles voice.
"Yes, baby girl, dada is home!" I smiled and she giggled happily, scrambling up on her feet, takings some cautious steps towards the door.
"Dada, I comes!" she screeched and made her way to the door.
I laughed and followed her into the hallway where I saw Arthur kneeling down opening his arms, Emmie slowly waddling towards him. The look on her face changed and she scrunched her nose adorably, realising that something wasn’t right. I heard her sigh and shaking her head slightly.
"You not dada." her voice full of disappointment.
"No, Emmie girlie, I’m not dada." Arthur chuckled "Can I still get a hug from my favourite niece?"
"Only niece." Charles said, appearing behind his brother and Emmie’s face lit up instantly.
"Dada!" she screeched happily, bolting towards her dad, ignoring Arthur’s open arms entirely.
"Ouch…" he mumbled and got up, watching how Charles picked up our little girl.
"Hey baby girl." he smiled at her but Emmie cupped his cheeks, studying his face intently, as to make sure that it was really her dada. Charles grinned, letting his baby girl turn his head to all sides.
"You dada!" she smiled after a while and Charles nodded, kissing her chubby cheeks. Emmie giggled and threw her little arms around his neck, cuddling him.
"Yes, I’m dada. I missed you so much, my little princess." Charles whispered, hugging her close, when Emmie pulled away, pointing at Arthur.
"You not dada!" she said accusatory and he sighed.
"No, Emmie, I’m not dada."
"You Arthie!" Emmie smiled a little and he nodded "My Arthie."
"Your Arthie."
"Dada… Arthie kissie." she looked at Charles with her big eyes and he laughed, walking towards his brother, so that Emmie could lean over, kissing Arthur’s cheek "Hi, my Arthie." she smiled and Arthur kissed her head in return.
"Only your Arthie." he smiled.
"But not dada." Emmie shrugged her shoulders, looking at Charles, smiling adorably.
"No. Not dada, I get it." Arthur shook his head and I laughed.
"Don’t be offended, as soon as Charles comes in, I’m forgotten as well. She’s such a daddy’s girl."
"Just like her mum, she’s crazy for me, what can I say?" Charles laughed, walking up to me, kissing me "Hi, cara mia. You look gorgeous today... you’re glowing!"
"Mama pwetty." Emmie chirped and Charles nodded.
"Mama super pretty, just like my little Emmie." he cooed at her, making her chubby cheeks turn pink "And now you’re blushing just like your mama." she giggled and hid her face in his neck and he sighed contently "You have no idea how happy I am to be back home."
I woke up from Emmie’s faint crying, hastily scrambling up, just to see that Charles was already leaving the room. I sat up, switching the light on, listening into the now quiet penthouse. A couple of moments later, the soft thuds of Emmie’s steps towards our bedroom made me smile. She poked her head around the corner, looking into the room, sighing happily when she saw me and then bolted straight for the bed. I pulled her up, sitting her in my lap and tugged some wild strands of hair out of her face, behind her ears.
"What is it princess? Did you have a bad dream?" I cooed and she nodded.
"Bad fishies…" she mumbled and I kissed her forehead "They meanies."
"What did the bad fishies do?"
"Didn’t lets me play."
"No! How rude!" I gasped and she nodded.
"Emmie?" Charles looked through the door and then smiled "Hey, I was looking for you. I’ve got your princess cup…" he walked over, handing her her little cup and she grabbed it happily, drinking some water "Come on. I’ll get you back to bed and then I’ll tell you what to do next time those fishies are mean!" he held out his hand but Emmie cuddled up into my chest.
"Nu-uh…" she shook her head a little, handing me her cup and I put it down on the night stand.
"Nu-uh?" Charles repeated and she pulled away, sliding down my lap, onto the bed.
"I sleeps here." Emmie patted the mattress next to her, already making herself comfortable.
"Yeah?" Charles asked and she nodded, pulling the blanket up.
"Lightses off." she said and I had to chuckle "Pwease?"
"Can I get in bed before mum switches off the light? I don’t want to stub my toe…" Charles walked around the bed, laying down "Alright." he pulled up the blanket and snuggled into the sheets before he pulled Emmie over, cradling her against him, making her giggle.
"Lightses off now?" her voice muffled.
"Lightses off now." Charles confirmed and I switched off the light, scooting a little closer.
"Good night, my cute little Emmie." I whispered against her head, kissing her.
"Nighty mama." she yawned and Charles kissed her forehead "Nighty dada."
"Good night, my princess." he whispered and then looked up, smiling at me "Good night, my queen."
July 2027:
Pregnant. The second test showing the same result. The mood swings, stomach bugs, my overly emotional state at times, it all made sense now.
"Whats dis?" Emmie asked, looking at the test in my hand "Is it toy?"
"No girlie, no toy…" I breathed out and she scowled a little.
"Why no toy?"
"Because not everything is a new toy for you."
"Dada always buys toys…"
"Yeah, because dada can’t resist your puppy eyes!" I chuckled, looking down at her.
"New puppy for Emmie?"
"No. Not a new puppy for you. It’s- umm well it’s… it’s something for mum and dad." I smiled at her "But you know what? It’s not a toy, but you’ll be able to play with it still in some time…"
She happily clapped her hands, beaming up at me.
"Tank you Mama for new toy."
"Not a toy, Emmie." I leaned down, cupping her cheek "A little brother or sister…"
"You’re pregnant?"
I flinched and looked up at Charles standing in the bathroom door frame, wide eyed, looking at me.
"Umm…" I grabbed the pregnancy tests and handed him the two sticks "Yeah…"
"We’re having another baby?" Charles breathed out, his eyes wandering between the tests in his hand, me and then Emmie on the floor.
"Looks like it…" I said quietly "Is that okay? I mean-… we talked about it… but never about the when…"
"It’s perfect, cara mia…" he stepped closer, cupping my cheeks "We’re having another little one…" he kissed me and Emmie got up, pinching his leg.
"Want kissie too." she pouted and Charles picked her up, tickling her belly.
"You’re going to be a big sister, princess. Are you excited? You’re getting a little brother or sister!" he cooed at her kissing her chubby cheeks.
"Big sis-sissie?" she tilted her head a little.
"Big sister, munchkin." I said slowly.
"Big sista…" she repeated and I smiled.
"That’s it. Well done pretty girl." Charles kissed her cheek again "You’re going to be an amazing big sister, I just know it!"
"The bestest!" she chirped.
"The best, girlie. It’s just the best."
"Na-uh… bestest." she shook her head and cuddled into Charles chest "Bestest, bestest, bestest."
"Okay… bestest is it- for now." he said and Emmie giggled, kissing his cheek, wrapping her arms around his neck.
"Emmies always right." she said and I laughed.
"She’s 100 per cent your daughter!" Charles and I said in unison and then laughed even more.
"Daddy, down pwease." Emmie said and Charles sat her down "Arlooo… me’s a be big sista…" she shouted, running away.
"Ready for another one?" I asked and Charles grabbed me by the waist, pulling me close.
"Another little trouble maker? I can’t wait… I think we can handle two…" he kissed me and then leaned his forehead against mine "I love you, cara mia. You, Emmie and the little one in your belly… I can’t wait for another baby…"
"Then I call the doctor for an appointment…" I whispered and he nodded.
"I want to be here for the first ultrasound…" Charles whispered back and I smiled.
"I’ll make sure of it… even if it might take a little longer then." I pecked his lips and he smiled.
"And there… oh there they are!" the nurse said and my eyes widened.
"They?" I asked and Charles looked confused.
"Yes, here we have baby number one and here is baby number two. Congratulations, you’re having twins!" the nurse smiled.
"Twins?" Charles repeated.
"Yes, Mr. Leclerc, you and your wife are having twins!" she nodded.
"How?" he asked and the nurse laughed.
"Happened the same way like it did with your daughter…" she chuckled and got up "I’ll leave you alone. If you’re dressed come up to the front desk."
"Charles, hey? Pretty boy, are you alright?" I asked as Charles sat next to me, visibly panicking.
"Twins, cara mia! Twins! I barely kept Emmie alive! How am I supposed to take care of two babies at the same time?" he said with a worry laced voice.
"Did I miss something?" I chuckled and Charles looks at me confused "Am I leaving and you’re alone with them? Besides, 'barely kept Emmie alive'? Charles you were born to be a dad! You were so very good at it, you know how jealous I was at times!"
"Yeah for absolute no reason…" he rolled his eyes a little and I sighed.
"We both did good, okay? Emmie turned out just great and with these two it will be just the same…" I cupped his cheek, rubbing circles on it "It’s going to be fine… okay?"
"Twins, cara mia… can you believe it?" he whispered and I sighed a little.
"I’m going to get so huge… blue whale like…" I mumbled.
"Beautiful. You’re going to be so freaking beautiful. Like you always are, just with a little more-…"
"… fat on the ribs and basically everywhere?" I groaned.
"Hey, stop that!" he pinched my waist "I wanted to say just with a little more of that gorgeous glow you had when you were pregnant with Lizzie… you’re going to be the most beautiful girl out there cara mia… you and Emmie of course." he kissed me and I had to smile.
"Three little rascals…"
"Three little rascals…"
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May 2031:
"Why do you look so nervous?" Lizzie asked and I shook my head slightly "She’ll be fine…"
"How do you know?"
"Because she’s our daughter?" she chuckled and I rolled my eyes "She’ll be fine." she said again, cupping my cheek "You taught her everything she needs to know."
"I hope so…" I said underneath my breath and watched as the race director waved the flag, signalling for the race to start.
I closed my eyes and took one last deep breath before I watched the race unfold before our eyes. Emmie was fearless as well as ruthless, making up 5 positions in the first few corners.
"Fucking hell…" Arthur let out next to me, his eyes widening in horror when he heard the loud gasp from Elio on his shoulders.
"Arthi said bad word!" he chirped and I glared at Arthur.
"Yes Arthur, you said a very bad word!"
"Fucking hell!" Enzo said proudly, leaning his back against Lizzie, swinging his dangling legs back and forth.
"Enzo!" Lizzie warned him and he rolled his eyes groaning "Mister!"
"Fucking hell…" he repeated and Arthur mouthed an apology towards me.
"Enzo Doetterer-Leclerc. Stop it." I picked him up from the banister he was sitting on, making him look at me "No bad words. And no bad attitude."
"Yous boring." he mumbled, poking my cheek "Arthi funny."
"Nope, little man. I said a bad word. We don’t say bad words. Mum and Dad are right." Arthur tried it and Enzo sighed.
"Yous boring too."
"And you’re a little menace." I tickled his sites, making him giggle.
"Stop! Paps stop!" he laughed but I kept going "Not saying bad wordses again! Pomis!"
"You promise me?" I stopped, looking at him and he nodded.
"Okay, now let’s watch your sister…"
"… winning her first race…" Lizzie finished and I followed her look, watching Emmie starting her last lap, a huge gap between her and the rest.
The moment Emmie crossed the finish line and stopped her kart, she jumped out, running towards us, happily screaming.
"I won! I won! Did you see that? I wooon!" she pulled her helmet off, hairs standing up in all directions "I WON!"
"You did amazing, Ems!" Arthur pinched her cheek a little and she chuckled.
"Did you see that?" Emmie looked at me and I nodded, hugging her.
"You were amazing princess!"
"We’re so proud of you!" Lizzie bend down, kissing her cheek "So, so proud."
Emmie smiled and wiped her face with a towel Lizzie handed her and then grinned.
"I kicked the boys asses." she chuckled and Lizzie pressed her lips into a thin line, trying her best not to laugh "They didn’t even had a chance."
"You’re a menace too." I said and Arthur laughed.
"Look what you guys did. Created 3 little menaces to the society." he nudged my shoulder.
"That we did."
May 2033:
I watched the twins getting into their race gear. Both with a big smile on their faces, chatting overly excited with Arthur and Pops.
"Dad?" Emmie poked my side and I looked down at her "Mummy is looking for you. She’s talking to Maxie."
"Please tell me you said Maxie to him…" I chuckled and she grinned "Good girl. Go help your brothers we’ll be there any minute." I kissed her head and she sauntered off, pinching her brothers as soon as she was close enough.
I looked around, finding Lizzie and Max standing at the exit, talking away.
"Hi Maxie." I said, chuckling when he rolled his eyes.
"Your kids can call me that, you? Definitely not."
"Oh come on, Maxie. Don’t be a party pooper."
"Lizzie, tell your husband to stop." Max looked at her and she just held up her hands.
"I didn’t want to get dragged in between you almost 30 years ago, I don’t want to get dragged between you now. You two are big boys. Behave." she chided and I laughed.
"I’ll tell you something. I’m only allowed to call you Maxie if I win the title this year, equalling with your 5 titles."
"Deal." Max said with not hesitation and I cocked an eyebrow "Mate your car is… well it’s not shit like at some seasons in the past… god just think back at 2023-…"
"Or 2020!" Lizzie added.
"My point is. 8 races in and you won how many? One? Only Monaco… I mean…" he shrugged.
"Just out of spite I have to win now." I said and Lizzie laughed.
"Look what you made him do…"
"You should’ve just retired like me last season." Max said, scratching his chin but I shook my head.
"No, I could feel that I have one more title in me. And I’ll win it, to prove you wrong. And then I’ll call you Maxie all the damn time." I punched his arm and he laughed.
"Alright. If you say so… for now I want to see our boys race. Let’s go." he said and I nodded, taking Lizzie’s hand.
"Let’s just hope these boys are not like you two…" she chuckled and Max and I looked at her "What? You were track terrors… and whoever got caught in between you two? Yeah no…"
"You were worse than us!" I chuckled and Max nodded.
"Yeah… if all, we have to hope that they are not like you!" he said and Lizzie glared at us "Oh… there it is, the Lizzie-death-glare… I wish I could say I’m not scared but… that would be a lie."
"Yeah, now imagine being married to her!" I said and Lizzie pinched my side.
"If you boys are ready now? There are 3 boys about to race and I don’t want to miss that…" she stomped away and I sighed.
"You know that I’ll have to pay for that back at home…" I chuckled and Max laughed, following Lizzie.
I sat down next to Lizzie on the bleachers, Emmie, Arthur and Juergen in front of us. Max sat down next to us and we watched excitedly the race start. Enzo leading into turn 1.
"He’s really good." Max commented and I smiled proudly.
"That he is."
"Just like his dad…" Lizzie said, and I threw my arm around her shoulder pulling her close.
"And like his mum!" I kissed her cheek, watching Enzo increasing the gap "But damn he’s fast…"
"That’s because he’s fearless… look, he’s almost not braking at all in the corners…" Arthur said.
He was right. Enzo was fearless, going into corners almost at full speed, dive bombing later than anyone I’ve ever seen. He won the race by such a big margin that he already had parked his kart and got out when Max’ son, Eric, parked behind him, followed by Elio.
"What a race…" Max clapped his hands and got up, and we walked down to our sons "Arthur is right, you know? Enzo is fearless…"
"He is. Not sure I like that…" I replied and he chuckled a little.
"Yeah… I feel you…"
"But then again. If he continues like this? He could make it pretty far…" I said as we stepped on the track, Enzo, Eric and Eli joking around.
"Yeah, if he wants to." Max said, taking Eric’s helmet "Hey buddy, good race."
"Yeah, couldn’t catch Enzo though… he’s crazy…" Eric said and Enzo chuckled, handing me his helmet "You drive into the corners without braking!"
"That’s how you win!" Enzo shrugged his shoulders and I chuckled.
"Or end up in a wall." Elio said and his brother rolled his eyes.
"It won’t happen, your brother is not stupid." I said and Lizzie chuckled next to me.
"Yeah… he’s not his dad…" she said and Max and Arthur began to laugh.
"Very funny…" I rolled my eyes when the race director waved at us "Boys, you’re needed…"
I ruffled the boys hair and they ran off, stepping on the little makeshift podium. It was the seventh race of the season and already the sixth win for Enzo, who got better each week. He jumped excitedly up and down on the top step on the podium waving at us happily.
"Look at him… he reminds me so much of you…" Juergen said, standing next to me "Whenever you were on the podium you were super giddy and couldn’t contain your excitement."
"He loves it… racing, the speed, the adrenaline, winning… Elio on the other hand…" I began and he nodded.
"He loves it too, but for him it’s more a hobby… while for Enzo… it’s everything."
He was right. Elio had fun. He enjoyed karting. But apart from the track, his mind wasn’t occupied with karting, not like his brothers, who couldn’t stop talking about karting, or racing in general. Enzo lifted his trophy over his head and cheered happily, waving at us and I smiled.
"Look dad! Another one!" he screeched, running over to us.
"Soon you’ll need a whole trophy cabinet!" I said and he nodded.
"Or I can put them next to yours and mum’s trophies in your trophy room?" he looked at me with big eyes, when Elio joined us, smiling shyly, presenting his smaller trophy.
"I tell you what, both of you, and Emmie, get a shelf in our trophy room…" I said and they both beamed up at me, running off again.
"You have a trophy room? Like… seriously?" Max asked and Lizzie cocked an eyebrow.
"Where? In our penthouse? You mean your office/ studio/ storage room? Where all of our trophies are kept in boxes?" she asked and I laughed.
"I mean… we could turn it into a trophy room." I shrugged my shoulders and she laughed.
"Sure. You do that…" she replied and I groaned "Your idea, you told your kids, so you do that…"
"Pops?" I looked at Juergen who just chuckled.
"Sure, I’ll help you… and maybe you can put your fifth world champion trophy in at the end of the year…"
"Let’s hope so…"
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June 2038:
I watched as Emmie practically beamed at him, hanging at his lips, soaking in every word he said. I groaned a little and Lizzie looked up from adjusting Enzo’s helmet.
"What?" she asked and followed my look, then she chuckled.
"Do you see how she looks at him? She’s too young for these kinda looks!" I muttered.
"Charles, she has a crush on him! At her age I already had a huge crush on you too!" she laughed but I shook my head.
"That’s different… we knew each other for almost 5 years at her age! And I wasn’t so… so…" I rambled and Lizzie laughed even more.
"So what?" she asked and I sighed.
"So slimy! God, look how he laughs!" I groaned.
"Enzo, you’re all good, why don’t you go to Arthur, he’ll help you with your kart…" Lizzie send Enzo away "Love? She’s 13. She has a crush on Nick. That’s it. They won’t get married tomorrow. So relax, please."
"He won’t marry her in 10 years either! Never. I don’t like that boy!" I huffed out and Lizzie rolled her eyes. Both watching as Emmie put her helmet on, walking towards Enzo and Arthur. "Alright. I’ll be right back."
"Charles! Be nice!" Lizzie whisper shouts at me as I made my way over to Nick, but I just waved her off. The boy was about to grab his helmet as I grabbed it first, handing it to him.
"Here you go…" I said and Nick made big eyes.
"Th-thank you Mr. Leclerc…" he stuttered and I smiled at him. As he put his helmet on and sat down in his kart I crouched down next to him.
"That’s a nice kart you’re having. Looks fast." I said with an overly friendly voice.
"My dad and uncle worked on it together." he said nervously and I nodded.
"I saw you talking to Emmie, yeah, you know, she’s a tough girl. Ruthless on track. Very talented. Fast." I stated casually, checking his engine out "But you see, no matter how old she is, she’ll always be my little princess… and if everyone were to hurt her, make her sad, god forbid, break her heart? Make her cry… oh well."
"I don’t know what you mean… Emmie is… she’s great… but I didn’t…" he began to ramble but I just held up my hand, making him stop abruptly.
"What I’m saying, Nick, is… that’s a really nice kart you’re having… if you want to keep it that way… you better be as sweet as honey to my Emmie…" I smiled at him and got up "Because during these karting races accidents happen so fast…" I gently closed his visor "Good luck, Nick!" I said loudly and Lizzie looked over, smiling at me.
She didn’t have to know everything that I’m doing.
July 2037:
I watched as the kids cuddled him, one by one. Scratching his ears. Showering him with kisses.
"What did the doctor say?" Lizzie whispered and gently stroked by back, holding my hand.
"He won’t make the night. He said we should give him all his favourite treats…" I answered, voice broken and hoarse.
"I can stay with you? Lorenzo and Charlotte can pick up the kids and I stay with you and then we’ll go tomorrow together…" she began but I shook my head.
"You should be with them, they shouldn’t be alone…" I whispered and Lizzie nodded, kissing my cheek, wiping away some stray tears.
She walked down the lawn, sat down next to the kids and cuddled Arlo. His ears immediately stood up, of course, his mum was there. After a while they all said their final goodbyes, coming back in, Emmie hugged me immediately.
"You’ll stay with him, right? He won’t be alone?" she cried and I nodded.
"He won’t be alone, no. Not a single moment." I kissed her head and the twins squeezed right into our hug.
"Will he be in pain?" Elio’s voice barely above a whisper.
"No, little one. The doc gave him some medicine. He won’t feel anything. He will fall asleep…" I began and Enzo cried out.
"And then he won’t wake up anymore?" he asked and I nodded.
"He won’t." I swallowed hard and Lizzie gave Arlo one last kiss, then walked inside.
"We have to go now, come on. Dad will take care of our good boy." her voice was laced with tiny sobs. The kids slowly pulled away and I kissed them one by one on the forehead as they headed into the foyer, grabbing their bags.
"Will you be okay?" Lizzie whispered, pulling me into a tight embrace and I felt tears streaming down both our faces.
"Yeah… I’ll see you tomorrow…" one last kiss and she left with the kids.
I took a deep breath and walked outside, sat down next to Arlo on the soft lawn, the setting sun shining softly above us. He held up his head, tilting it a little and it reminded me of the day where I brought him home to our old flat. How I couldn’t tame him and knew that he would be a piece of work. All those years ago. Lizzie’s eyes, when she saw him, lighting up. The tears she cried. Happy tears. So many happy tears. The moments when Lizzie was pregnant first with Emmie, later with the twins. How protective Arlo was. Always looking out for his mum. Always putting his head on her belly. I scratched him behind his ears and he closed his eyes. Laying his head in my lap.
"Good boy. My Arlo. You can rest now. You took care of your mum and the kids whenever I couldn’t be here. Thank you, my sweet boy. I love you." I leaned down, kissing his head. I could hear his breathing becoming more shallow with every breath he took. I kept on stroking his soft fur. Giving him belly rubs. Kissing his head. Thinking about all the memories our little fur baby gifted us with. "I will miss you, Arlo. I love you. So much!" I whispered after a while and looked down. Watching closely. He wasn’t breathing anymore. Realising that he was gone "Goodbye, my Arlo."
September 2041:
"What’s up?" I asked, looking at Charles who just walked in "You look like you’ve seen a ghost?"
"That was John… he offered me the position as director of the FDA… starting next season…" Charles said and Enzo looked up from his iPad.
"Oh wow! Congrats Charles!" I got up from the barstool and kissed his cheek.
"Thanks…" he mumbled and I looked at him.
"You don’t sound too happy? You don’t want to do it?" I asked, but he shook his head.
"No, of course I’m happy. It’s just…" he stopped and looked at Enzo.
"I have to work now even harder… or people will say that I only got into the FDA because of you…" he said and Charles nodded.
"But that’s ridiculous. Everyone can see how talented you are. Also, you’re only 13… you won’t make it into the FDA for the next two or three years anyways…" I said, patting his arm but he sighed.
"Your mum is right, Enzo. Also, just because someone is in the FDA, doesn’t grant them a seat in a car." Charles said and I nodded.
"Yeah… sure." Enzo smiled and got up, hugging him "Congrats dad." he then grabbed his iPad and left the kitchen.
"Hey? It’s going to be just fine, okay? He’s talented. One of the best, if not the best… no one will think otherwise." I snaked my arms around Charles neck, pulling him closer "I’m so proud of you, my pretty boy."
"Thanks, cara mia." he smiled and kissed him, then he leaned his forehead against mine and he exhaled loudly "He really is the best right now… if he continues like this? Prema is already interested, also Carlin…"
"See? And that all without your help…"
"It’s 50% of my DNA in him, so I’d say a little of my help…" he laughed and I shook my head.
"You’re an idiot… but a cute one… so, yeah… that’s fine…"
September 2044:
"Okay… what’s going on here?" Enzo asked after a while, looking at Elio then at me "You said that there is something important we need to talk about, now we’re sitting here for ten minutes and nothing happened… I could sit in the simulator, you know?"
"Enzo!" I glared at him and he rolled his eyes a little.
"Sorry. But-… whatever." he groaned, crossed his arms and leaned back in the sofa.
"Elio, sweetheart? What is it?" Lizzie asked him quietly, smiling at him and he looked at me.
"It’s okay, take your time…" I encouraged him and he took a deep breath, closing his eyes.
"Maybe not that much time, Nick is going to pick me up in… half an hour." Emmie said, looking at her phone.
"Nick?" I looked at her and Lizzie shook her head "And where are you and Nick going?"
"To Clara, she’s having a party with drugs and alcohol." Emmie rolled her eyes and I glared at her "We’re just going to the movies…"
"To the movies?" I repeated and she nodded.
"Charles? We’re here because of Elio, remember? So… focus." Lizzie said and I knew that tone.
"Can Elio then please speak up?" Enzo said and Emmie nodded.
"Yeah, I’m not done with my hairs yet…"
"Guys!" Lizzie and I said.
"I’m gay." Elio blurted out and the silence was loud.
He looked at me, then Lizzie, Emmie, both smiling, and lastly Enzo, who didn’t react at all.
"That’s wonderful, sweetheart. Thanks for telling us!" Lizzie got up and kissed his cheek, followed by Emmie, who hugged him.
"You’re damn brave, little bro." she chuckled and he smiled at her.
Enzo still didn’t react and I was about to say something, when Elio beat me to it.
"Zo?" he asked quietly.
"What? I thought you would tell us a secret or something?" Enzo replied and we looked at him.
"What do you mean?" Elio asked.
"You think I didn’t knew? We shared a womb, dumbass? I think I knew it before you knew it yourself. My point is. More girls for me, because now all the girls who like the tortured poet that is you, will come to me now… thanks for that, El." Enzo got up, clapped his brothers back and walked away "I’m in the sim… Singapore is next…"
"Unbelievable…" Emmie shook her head, kissing Elio’s cheek "Love you." then she was gone as well.
"Umm- I guess that’s it then?" Elio shrugged, following Emmie.
"That was…" I began but then shrugged.
"Well, they’re clearly your kids…" Lizzie chuckled "Or at least Enzo through and through…"
"Not gonna argue with that."
Monaco 2046:
"Why are you so nervous?" Emmie put down her headphones, watching Enzo anxiously replaying old videos from the Monaco Grand Prix "You know those streets better than anyone else? Dad used to drive the track with us almost daily when we were younger…"
"It’s not the same like in an F2 car! Especially after having 3 shitty races in a row… and after all it’s Monaco… not the easiest track for our family…" he mumbled and Charles rolled his eyes a little.
"Ooouuuhhh you touched there a sore spot, Enzo." I said and Charles glared at me "Oh don’t look at me like that."
"You should’ve never mentioned this stupid statistic…"
"First of all, I didn’t mention anything, it’s all over the internet and second of all, it’s not a statistic, it’s a curse-…" I began but he interrupted me.
"Curses don’t exist! You’re all too superstitious."
"Oh really? We are superstitious?" I cocked an eyebrow and our kids looked between us.
"Yeah, you are, curses don’t exist, stupid rituals or whatever don’t help… it’s just about you and the car and your abilities… nothing else!"
"Says the guy who wore red pants on every quali day because he wore red pants when he got his first pole."
"That was not because of that…" Charles protested but one look and he stopped.
"And then stopped wearing red pants on quail day because during a shitty season 2023, when nothing worked out for him he once didn’t wear red pants on quali day and got pole position… the next time he forgot them, he got pole position again and from then on he never wore red pants on quali day…"
"Whatever." Charles groaned and I had to chuckle.
"Just admit it, you were just as superstitious like the rest of us!"
"Nope." he shook his head.
"Oh come on dad, not even a little?" Emmie looked at him, big puppy eyes on full display.
"I mean… I just don’t believe in it…" he sighed.
"Maybe that’s the topic of my next podcast? Drivers and their rituals and superstitions?" she thought and I nodded.
"That would be interesting! You should talk to Arthur, he also had a weird ritual…" I smiled at Emmie and she already scribbled something down in her little notebook.
"Didn’t uncle Arthur also crash out in Monaco?" Elio asked, looking up from his phone and I nodded "But you didn’t? Not in F2 not in F1?… well maybe it’s just a Leclerc curse then… therefore Enzo you’re cursed."
"Okay, stop that now!" Charles rolled his eyes, glaring at me "Look what you’ve started!"
"Me? I didn’t start shit!" I said
"Language!" Enzo, Emmie and Elio said in unison, cackling away.
"Very funny…"
"Hey, you made us watch that old movie! What was it called? Aviators?" Elio asked.
"Avengers." Charles and I said and he grinned at me.
"Same thing." Elio mumbled.
"We kinda lose the plot here! Dad’s Monaco curse and Enzo shitting his pants driving here." Emmie wiggled her eyebrows at her little brother, who threw a bread roll at her.
"Enzo Doetterer-Leclerc! We do not treat food like that!" I reprimanded him.
"Sorry… but she’s egging me on! And it’s-it’s…" I saw how frustrated he was, but before I could react Elio already seemed to be having an idea.
"If it’s a Monaco curse and that only applies to Leclerc drivers… maybe you dropped the wrong last name then? Maybe for now you should go by Doetterer." he said matter of factly and I looked at Charles, his jaw clenched, a muscle ticking.
"If you want to drop my name, because you want to driver under your mums name? Fine by me. If you drop your name because of a stupid, not-existing curse… that’s something different…" he looked at Enzo who shrunk a little under his dad’s gaze.
"No one is dropping anyone’s name. You chose Leclerc, and I get it, shorter, easier to pronounce, the name of a five time world champion. Also 5 time winner of the Monaco Grand Prix! You studied the track, and now you get into your car and you focus on nothing else but the car and the track. Whatever happens then, happens." I said and Enzo sighed.
"I just want to make you guys proud…" he mumbled and Charles look softened, grabbing him by the shoulders.
"We are proud of you, Enzo! It’s not so easy coming fresh out of F3 and your fourth race in F2 is already Monaco, but you’ll manage, okay? And if not? That’s also not the end of the world… it took me years to even finish our home race…" he said and Enzo nodded slowly.
"It’s going to be fine, Enzo, you’ll see." I said and he got up.
"And if not, you’re just continuing a family tradition." Emmie laughed and walked away, dodging another bread roll.
"Don’t listen to her. Your mum is right, it’s going to be just fine." Charles smiled at Enzo who just sighed "Let’s watch the races together. Maybe I have some tips and tricks on what to do…"
"Rather on what not to do…" I chuckled quietly, a bread roll hitting me straight at the temple.
"You deserved that one…"
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October 2046:
"Dad? What are you doing here?" he was surprised, I could tell.
"I wanted to see your work." I answered simply and he looked at me confused "Jo told me that you asked him for advice, what pictures to choose. And then I found the flyer in the rubbish bin. Crumpled."
"I mean, I know how busy you are with the FDA and Enzo in F2 now, preparing for F1 next season." he mumbled and I just shook my head.
"Elio, I’ll always make room for you and your passion. If I know about it…" I said and he nodded sheepishly.
"I know… it’s just that…" he began but then stopped.
"That what?" I asked and he sighed.
"I just thought that this is nothing that would interest you… I mean Emmie is studying sports journalism. Has her F1 podcast and blog, everyone loves her and she has so many subscriptions! Enzo is stepping right into yours and mums shoes, starting in F1 next year. And me? I’m not in any way like them. I like F1. As a fan to watch. But that’s it. I just thought that…" he said and now I sighed.
"You thought what? That I wouldn’t be proud of you, wouldn’t be interested in what you’re doing because it’s not F1 related?" I asked and he nodded and looked down "How many times do I have to tell you, that I’m proud of you, no matter what! Any passion of yours, is something I’m interested in, Elio."
He swallowed hard and looked up, then he turned a little, pointing behind him.
"Do you want to see my pictures?" he asked and I nodded excitedly.
"Did you know, when I was younger I was also really interested in photography! I just wasn’t as talented as you!" I said and he looked at me.
"I didn’t know that…" he replied and then pointed at the 5 pictures in front of us.
One showing Lizzie and me in our garden, another one was from Enzo as he was breezing past me and Emmie in the feature race of the last Monaco GP, the one in the middle a shot of an old F1 car engine, one from a wild and rough countryside, the last one a busy street in London, with Emmie in front, pointing at something.
"Wow Elio, these are amazing…" I whispered, taking a step closer.
The photographs were impressive. The colours. The contrast. The lighting. I loved every single one.
"Thanks dad… for being here…" Elio said after a while and I looked at him.
"This is what you should do, you know? I think you could be an amazing photograph…" I said and he smiled.
"Yeah… maybe I will one day…"
I left my office, heading downstairs when Stella, John Elkann’s assistant bumped into me.
"Sorry Stella, didn’t see you." I smiled apologetically.
"It’s fine Mr. Leclerc-…"
"Charles. I told you before, it’s just Charles…"
"Charles, of course. Umm do you have a minute?" she asked and I nodded.
"Sure, what’s the matter?"
"Mr. Elkann wants to talk to you. I sent you an invitation for a meeting next week, but we came here this morning on a whim and you know Mr. Elkann…" Stella smiled at me and I followed her.
"Yeah, if you can do it now, do it." I nodded "Do you know about what this meeting is?"
"Umm- I do… but it’s better if he tells you this…" she said shyly and I got nervous "Oh it’s nothing bad!"
"You sure? The big boss comes in just to chat?" I said and she smiled.
"You’ll see. He’s waiting for you." she knocked on the office door and opened it, letting me in.
"Charles, good to see you!" John got up from his chair and hugged me "How are you? The kids? Lizzie?"
"We’re all good, thanks." I smiled, still a little nervous.
"Enzo must be excited, now that he has a seat in F1 next year. It was only logical that we would want our best driver from the academy, soon to be F2 champion in our junior team in F1 next season."
"Yeah, he’s really excited. He is really grateful for this chance, I mean, we all are of course."
"He’ll make us proud, I have no doubt in that."
I smiled and nodded only.
"Okay, I make this quick, I don’t want you to have a heart attack. Charles, you did an amazing job as the director of the FDA, but now we think it’s time for someone new…" he began and I felt my stomach twisting "… because we would like you to step up and become the new team principal of Ferrari."
"Sorry what?" I was confused.
"We want you as team principal for the Scuderia Ferrari, starting next season."
"Me? As team principal? Ferrari. The F1 team?" I almost stuttered and he nodded.
"Yes. You’re the right one for the job. You know the team, the sport. You know how it works. We believe you’ll be amazing… so? What do you say?" John looked at me hopefully and I tilted my head a little.
"If I agree, I have one condition…" I said slowly.
"Of course. What is it?" he asked and I began to smirk.
"Monza. All black suit. All black car. And I mean all black. Not some weird grey patterns on black. Or some black car parts. All black. I’ve been deprived of it my whole career, when I wanted nothing more than to drive an all black car, wearing an all black suit…" I said and John looked at me for a moment before he laughed, leaning back in his chair.
"Oh how I remember the disappointment in your eyes when they showed you the suit for Monza 2025?-…"
"2024… and then 2027 again…" I added.
"… yeah. You hated the 2024 suit. And the livery…" he finished wiping tears away.
"I thought 2023 was bad… but that topped it I think…" I shrugged my shoulders.
"Alright Charles, Monza is black. But not every year, no? But the upcoming season for sure. Do we have a deal then?" he got up, buttoning his jacket close as I got up as well.
"We have a deal." I said shaking his hand.
"Well then it’s official, Charles Leclerc, new team principal of Scuderia Ferrari."
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January 2047:
"Elio? There's a letter for you." I put it down in front of him, walking around the kitchen island "Are you coming to Enzo's first race?"
"Huh?" Elio looked up from the envelop in his hands "What?"
I chuckled a little, beginning to slice up some apples, watching him tilting his head a little reminding me of Charles.
"Are you coming to Enzo's first race? I know you're not that into F1 anymore, but I think Enzo wants you there.. it's also your dad's first race as team principal of Ferrari and I know for a fact that he would definitely love to have you there." I smiled at him, and he rubbed his neck, looking nervous "What's going on?"
"Oh umm-it's just… do you remember how I applied for the Parsons School of Design in New York? Studying there would be a dream, although... I mean, chances were little that they even consider me, comparing my photography to those of others? But... mum, they want me.. I'm in..." Elio whispered, and I dropped the knife "I mean... I applied there on a whim, I first need to cheek for scholarships because it's freaking expensive and-..." he began to ramble and I walked back around the island, stopping in front of him.
"I’m so proud of you, Elio. Wow! This is amazing!" I cupped his cheek, kissing it, watching him blush.
"Thanks mum, but it's like I said I have to check if they have scholarsh-…"
"You do know that your dad and I have a little money on the side, right?" I joked and he looked at me "You're going. No scholarship needed. It's noble from you, to think like that, but you don't need it. I'm sure, you would get a scholarship if you would apply for one, but someone might need it more than you..."
"Are you sure? It's expensive? Like really." Elio mumbled, and I laughed.
"Your dad is a 5 time Formula 1 world champion, Ferrari team principal, investor, founder and whatever of god knows what companies, I honestly lost count, and your mum, little old me, also managed to make a little fortune with clever investments and commercial deals and from driving 3 seasons in F1! So yes Elio, l'm sure. And even if not? We could always sell one or two of your dad's cars, I guess that would cover the tuition fees and everything else."
"Who wants to sell my cars for what?" Charles walked in, all sweaty, hair a mess.
"Elio has some big news..." I smiled at our son who nervously grabbed the envelop from the counter.
"Okay? Then shoot..." Charles opened the fridge, grabbing a bottle of water, looking at Elio.
"So umm-... I applied at some universities... and the Parsons School of Design, they have one of the best photography programs worldwide, they accepted me..." Elio said nervously and Charles eyes brightened in an instant.
"The Parsons School of Design in New York? Wow! Elio, I'm so proud of you! Incredible!" he exclaimed, storming over to our son, pulling him into a tight embrace "You worked so hard for this! You deserve this so much, son. I'm really, really proud of you."
"Okay, Mr. Sweaty, can you please take a shower and not smother your sweat all over our son? Thank you!" I pulled Charles away from Elio.
"Hey! I just ran 5 kilometres! Of course I'm sweaty!" he snaked his arm around my waist, pulling me closer "I have to stay in shape for you cara mia..." he then whispered, his warm breath fanning over my skin, eliciting goosebumps all over, before he kissed my jaw.
"Eww! Here are children! Behave for fucks sake!" Enzo walked into the kitchen, fake gagging "Things I don't want to see before breakfast? My parents making out in front of me like horny teenagers!"
"You're just jealous because I landed a pretty girl and you didn’t." Charles laughed, pinching my waist "I'm going to take a shower and tonight we're celebrating you Elio..." he ruffled Elio's hair and was about to leave when he stopped "I still don't know why you want to sell some of my cars?" he looked at me.
"And I don't know why we're celebrating Elio?" Enzo plopped down on the stool next to his brother, eating his cereals "What did you do?"
"You're brother was accepted at the Parsons School of Design..." I said and he made big eyes.
"Are you serious El? Fucking hell, that's one of the best schools! I know that because you talked about it for years now! Congrats little bro!" Enzo side hugged his brother who smiled shyly.
"Thanks, but hey, you're only 3 minutes older, Zo..." Elio rolled his eyes playfully.
"Semantics..." Enzo shrugged his shoulders and I continued cutting the apples.
"Hello? I still want to know why my cars are being sold?"
"It was because of the costs of the school. But don’t worry, I won’t touch your precious cars…" I chuckled and Charles tilted his head, coming closer.
"You could sell them all, just not the F40… that one is special…" he said and I rolled my eyes.
"It’s your favourite car, I know…"
"Yeah, that too… but you bought it for me… so no, that one won’t be sold ever." he whispered and then kissed me, before stepping away "I’m going to take a shower now."
"And I need to wash my eyeballs with bleach…" Enzo mumbled and I saw the mischievous look on Charles face.
"Care to join me under the shower, cara mia?" he said, looking at me challenging.
"Sounds like a good idea. It’s also good for our planet… it saves water…" I put the knife down, grabbed the plate with the apple slices and put it down in front of the twins "Eat your fruits kiddos."
"Let’s go pretty girl, let’s save our planet…" Charles grabbed my hand, pulling me with him.
"One day you have to pay for your children’s therapy!" Enzo shouted after us and we both laughed.
"That’s fine. We can sell a car for that."
Montreal 2047:
"Charles. Round 7 here in Montreal, 2 Ferrari wins, but also 2 Ferrari DNFs. What are your thoughts on the season so far?"
"I think we started out pretty well. The DNFs were unfortunate, but you have to put into account that one was due to a damage after a collision, so I’d say only our DNF in Bahrain, where we had a mechanical issue, is something we need to work on." I answered and knew already what the follow up question would be.
"The collision in Miami you mentioned, was between your driver and your son… how do you handle such a sensitive situation?"
"That’s simple. I don’t. Enzo is not my driver. He has a team principal who talks with him after the races. That’s not my job. My job as his father is to tell him he gave his all and it didn’t work out, the next time it will…"
"But he’s driving for your junior team, I’m sure you have a say as well?"
"No, I don’t. Not my team. Not my place to say something."
"So you don’t think, you should’ve said something to Enzo about his attempt to overtake your driver at a corner that simply isn’t made for that? Which caused your driver to retire from the race? Costing Ferrari precious and well needed points?"
"Again. That’s his team principals job. Not mine. I did my job as his dad and that’s it." I said with finality in my voice, hoping the reporter would understand that he wouldn’t get a different answer from me.
"Thank you, Charles."
I nodded and got out, already seeing Enzo and his group preparing for their press conference. He saw me and rolled his eyes a little and I shrugged my shoulders, walking off towards the Ferrari hospitality where Lizzie sat, going through some timetables and documents
"What a bitch!" her first words and I had to chuckle.
"What did you expect. The Spanish media never liked me… why would they start now." I sat down next to her "What’s all that?"
"That are Mira and Callie’s schedules for the next weeks… who would’ve thought that managing two Formula 1 driver and co-directing the F1 Academy was so difficult." she chuckled and I sighed.
"Yeah well… who would’ve thought that being the team principal of Ferrari would only be my secondary problem and my first one would be my son who’s not even driving for my team…"
"I’m sorry they ask you these kind of questions." Lizzie sat up, cupping my cheek "And I’m sorry that Enzo is a little… well he hates that he’s compared to you all the time, so he’s a little frustrated and you’re the one who…"
"I know. And I’m not even mad at him. I’m sorry for him. But more in a way like… I know what good of a driver he is, I mean… he didn’t win his championships for nothing, but F1 is different. The media is different, the expectations… everything. I just don’t want him to crack under all the pressure." I mumbled and Lizzie rubbed soothing circles on my cheek.
"He’ll manage, you’ll see. He just needs time… and a thick skin." she said and I nodded, right when I saw Enzo picking up his microphone and turned up the volume.
"Julia Andres, ESPN Spain, question for Enzo. Out of the 6 races of this season you already had 3 DNFs, and finished only once in the points. Do you think the criticism from other drivers such as Ward Benton or Paolo Vasquez is justified that you only have a seat in F1 because of your famous father?"
"Well, no it’s not justified, because I’m not just here because of my famous father… also because of my famous mother, who won in 3 Formula 1 seasons more races than Benton and Vasquez have won combined in over 11 seasons together." Enzo answered and some of the journalists laughed. Vasquez on the end of the right side of the sofa only clenched his jaw, glaring at him.
"So you don’t think it’s justified?"
"I worked my ass off to be here. I won every junior championship there is on the first attempt. Did I have it easier than others because I never had to think about the finances and never had to think about if I wouldn’t win the next race a sponsor might drop out and I wouldn’t have the money to continue? Yes. I know how privileged I am. I know that the chance that I have to race now in F1 is huge and I have to step up my game to prove that I deserve it. I know that better than anyone else. But to say I’m only here because of my famous last name? No. Not justified. Because right now my last name is more a curse than a blessing… everyone looks at my races, sees my name and asks themselves and that’s the son of Charles Leclerc and Lizzie Doetterer? So yeah… I know that my results aren’t promising, but I’m working hard on turning my season around…"
"Thank you Enzo…"
He smiled but I knew him better than anyone, I saw how defeated and frustrated he was, his shoulders tense.
"I want to go in there and hit them. All of them…" Lizzie was seething, seeing the pain in Enzo’s eyes.
"He handled that pretty well, better than I would have to be honest." I smiled a little and she nodded.
"Still. These kind of questions are unfair… and Benton and Vasquez? I want to hit them too…"
"It’s okay mama bear. I want to hit them too. Or run them over…" I joked and she chuckled a little, then threw all of her stuff into her bag "And now you’re leaving me to look after him… fair enough…" I got up.
"Mama bear has to look for her cub, no?" she laughed and kissed my cheek when she spotted something behind me and I turned around.
Between our motorhome and the Mercedes one all the drivers from the press conference and some more were standing huddled together, Enzo, Benton, Vasquez in the middle, looking at each other like they would kill one other any minute. I walked towards the exit and opened the door, but stopped when I heard the dispute.
"Just admit it, without your famous Dad, you wouldn’t even be here." Benton rolled his eyes.
"Yeah just that he’s a failed mini Leclerc, right?" Vasquez sneered.
"Mini Leclerc-Doetterer… and at least I’m having my parents last name, they weren’t ashamed of me… can’t say that about you and your old man, never once world champion Carlos Sainz jr." Enzo smiled, everyone now staring at Vasquez "Oh right. I forgot. No one knew who your daddy was… well oops… now they know. Now they all know how you made it to F1… because let’s face it, without your dad and his influence in Williams, you wouldn’t be here… you didn’t even drive in any junior series. Straight from karting to F3 and then without a title nothing into F1. Where you drive now for 4 seasons, and only won one race because of a penalty and two disqualifications."
"I swear to god, Leclerc, shut the fuck up or…" Vasquez began when I cleared my throat, making all the drivers flinch.
"Charles." Marco, one of my drivers said and I looked at him "They were just about to go to our teams."
"Yeah… right." Benton said, pulling Vasquez with him, who glared at me.
"Tell your dad I said hi." I shouted after him and then turned around, only Enzo left, Lizzie behind me looking at him.
"Enzo Leclerc! Do you have anything to say?" she sounded mad, but there was something else in her voice, and if I wasn’t mistaken it sounded a little like pride.
"I’m sick of them asking me the same questions again and again! I’m sick of everyone saying I’m only here because of you!" he said looking at us but I shook my head.
"You can’t listen to that, Enzo. You have to ignore it. They will use that against you again and again."
"I know, okay? But it sucks still." he mumbled and Lizzie walked towards him.
"I know Enzo, believe me when I arrived in F1 I had to go through the same… but just because they have this opinion of you, doesn’t mean that they’re right, okay? Do the talking on track. That’s what I did. And your dad as well… just don’t give a fuck about them."
"Hey!" I pinched her side and she laughed "No curse words!"
"Whatever." she rolled her eyes.
"What I’m saying is, you made it this far because of your talent. You’re a damn good driver and it’s time that you finally see that yourself, don’t give a fuck about others, and just focus on yourself. Your race. Your team. You. Don’t listen to anything else." Lizzie nudges his shoulder and I nodded.
"Your mum is right. Always when I had a shitty season and I was too much in my head everything got worse, but the moment I stopped caring about others and started focusing on myself, it was always like the penny dropped and I was able to turn the season around."
"You know how uncle Danny always said fuck 'em all? Well… that’s the kind of attitude you need now… but please stay within the rules…" Lizzie chuckled and Enzo nodded.
"Alright… you’re right. I have to focus on myself." he said and hugged Lizzie, then me "I’m sorry dad, but Marco and Lucas won’t win this weekend. It’s my turn…" he winked once and then walked off.
"Well, I guess you have to talk to your drivers…" Lizzie said and I cocked an eyebrow "They have to watch out for Enzo. If he’s like you? He’s a menace and will force them into making mistakes that he will use to overtake…"
"That was more your field of expertise…"
"Congrats Zo! Damn what a race! Emmie and I woke up the entire hotel." Elio said and Emmie next to him nodded.
"You really kicked some asses today. I’m proud little bro. Seriously. The face of Vasquez and Benton? Priceless. I swear. I can’t wait to talk about it in my next podcast. You should be one of my guests!" Emmie said excitedly and Enzo smiled from ear to ear.
"If I can say whatever I want to? Yes. No PR trained answers. Just what I have to say…"
"Enzo…" Lizzie mumbled and I laughed.
"Maybe tone it down a little, you still have to race for a while with these guys…" I said and Enzo shrugged his shoulders a little.
"How’s New York? The campus? Tell me everything!" he asked and Elio and Emmie began to describe every single detail of their trip.
I looked at Lizzie, how she smiled at our kids, squeezed into Enzo’s side so she could see Emmie and Elio on the screen. She looked up and tilted her head a little and I nodded towards the door and got off the sofa, Lizzie following me.
"What’s up?" she asked and I grabbed her by the waist, kissing her "As much as I like that, something is going on in here…" she tapped at my forehead with her fingers and I smiled.
"Marco will retire at the end of this season…" I began and her eyes widened "John wants Enzo, but only if he proves himself… today was… today was amazing, but he needs more weekends like this."
"And you doubt that he will have them?"
"No! God, cara mia!" I said immediately, shaking my head "I just don’t want to put him under too much pressure. You know? But I also want him to race every weekend like today. If he continues like this? He’ll be driving for us next season."
"You won’t tell him, right?" Lizzie asked and I shook my head.
"I wasn’t even allowed to tell you… but we have no secrets so…"
"Don’t worry, I won’t tell him. He will do just fine, you’ll see. He doesn’t need our help. Not anymore. And if so, he knows he can always come to us…"
"You’re right. He’ll manage." I kissed her cheek and looked at the sofa, where Enzo was telling Elio and Emmie everything about his final overtake of Marco.
He would make it. He would prove that he deserves a seat at Ferrari. He would do just great.
Summer 2048:
"Here, cara mia." Charles handed me a glass of wine and sat down next to me "What are you thinking about?"
"Oh nothing…" I said quietly, but he pinched my side.
"We’re married for almost 23 years, together for more than 25 years, I know you for over 40 years… I know when something is going on in there… so spill the beans…" he pulled me into him, kissing my temple.
"It’s just… Charles we’re 50… our kids are successful young adults. Emmie’s podcast is in the top 10 of the most influential Formula 1 podcasts, one of Elio’s photographs was used in the newest National Geographic magazine and Enzo just won his first race in Formula 1… isn’t it crazy?" I said and Charles was quiet for a while, before he chuckled "What?"
"It’s crazy… you’re right. But it’s wonderfully crazy, don’t you think? Our kids are truly amazing, they go their own way, are their own people, but never forget where they’re coming from…" he said and I nodded.
"Who would’ve thought that this would be our life one day…"
"Me. From the moment I realised that I was in love with you. This was what I was hoping for. You and me. 3 kids. A wonderful house you made into our home. That was the life I was dreaming of…" he whispered and I turned a little, looking at him "I told you before that from the moment I met you, you were intertwined in my brain, my thoughts, my mind, every fibre of my body. You were it for me. I know I took a stupid detour, but at the end of the day it was just that, a detour, just a stupid bump in the road to my destiny. You."
"I always loved how you were able to say things like that out of nowhere…" I smiled at him and he chuckled.
"You’re the biggest inspiration there is." he cupped my cheeks and kissed me, time stopped and for a moment it felt like our very first kiss all those years ago in Miami, after I crashed out, after Charles confessed his feelings for me. I opened my eyes and looked at him. The little freckles on his skin, the gold speckles in his eyes. The boyish smile with his gorgeous dimples. For a moment it all came back and I saw the young boy I fell in love with all those years ago before my eyes.
"I love you, Charles Leclerc."
"I love you, Lizzie Doetterer-Leclerc."
"It’s you and me. Against the world…"
The End ♥️
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And that’s it. Again, thank you all for reading. It’s been one hell of a ride. ♥️
(Also, congrats Charles on WINNING Monza!!!)
Please leave a comment/ like/ reblog/ message and tell me how you liked it! I'm dying to hear your thoughts!
Last but not least, English is not my first language and although I tried my best: please excuse any mistakes I made!
@itsjustkhaos @eugene-emt-roe @sunny44 @silkenthusiasts @glitterquadricorn @aundercover @kakorrhaphiphobia @alittlebitofbooksandmagic @ru-kru @shimmermotorsport @janeh22 @kahhorri @18754389 @chiliwhore @hellowgoodbye @queensassybitchsworld @harrysdimple05 @skynel09 @fangirlforever2000
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xxblairexxss · 1 year
Hunt game (Charles Leclerc x reader)
Series contain stalking, harrasment, sexual violence.
‘Humans communicate mostly through body language. Licking your lips indicates a desire to consume something or to have an appetite.’
Chapter 2
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The sound of laughter erupted in the outdoor area of the restaurant. It had been raining heavily the last couple of days, and you could barely see the sky. Now that it was all sun and rainbow, everyone was out to have a pleasant evening with their friends, partners, and family members.
But some chose to cast a shadow over someone else.
"So, are we going with Greece, or does anyone else have any other idea?" Martha chirped in.
"Y/N and I are okay with Greece. Not sure about anyone else?" Charles brushed his lips on your temple, letting it linger on your skin as you played with his fingers while leaning against him.
"You better pack enough swimming suits this time, Lizzy!" You blurted, making Lizzy and Martha laugh, recalling the incident from the last trip where she had to borrow yours and Martha's swimming suit because hers mysteriously went missing.
"Remember when she almost had an emotional breakdown from it?" Martha commented, making you giggle.
"She was like—" Martha's voice went lost in the background when your fiancé gashed into your attention.
"I think I love you." Charles intertwined his fingers with yours as you tilted your head to look at him. "What?" You pulled a face, making him chuckle and rested his forehead against yours. "I can't tell my own fiancée I love her?"
"Are you obsessed with me?" You squeezed on his cheeks and laughed at the way he frowned at his face.
"No one's ever going to be as obsessed as I am with you, love." He muttered. The weight of his head was softly added to your shoulder as he leaned in. "Are we still going to get your ice cream after this?"
The ring on his finger was pulled off and slipped back on his finger as you kept fiddling with it. "Of course! I need to get my daily mint chocolate ice cream."
"You should have just eaten our toothpaste!" He yelled and moved away when you pinched his cheek. "What was that for?"
"Stop insulting my mint chocolate!" You playfully stuck out your tongue. Charles held your arm, refusing to let you go when you took a step, heading towards the inside of the cafe.
"Where are you going?"
"I need to pee!"
"Oh, I’m so sorry!"
The cold drink that speckled your legs made you gasp. The other person crouched down crouched down right away to take the drink can on the floor, as a breeze wafted towards you, revealing his scent that somehow smelled familiar to you.
"I have this," He anxiously tried to take the tissue pack from his back pocket and started crouching down to wipe the checkered-patterned handkerchief across your calves, making you jump from the sudden contact with his finger.
"It's—it’s okay! Don’t worry about it." You took a step back, constantly shaking your hands just so he would stop getting closer. Giving him a satisfactory nod, you strode back to your group of friends.
His gaze lingered on you. The tissue he had in his hand left a faint scent of vanilla as he sniffed on it, making him smile.
"What happened?" Charles’s eyes went on your leg as you bent down to wipe the rest of the splattered drink as it made your legs feel sticky.
"I accidentally bumped into someone who was holding a drink." You frowned in frustration.
“I’ll do it for you. Put your leg here.”
He was looking from afar at how Charles traced his hand along the silky smoothness of your skin. How lucky it was for him to be able to hold you whenever he wanted to when he himself could barely touch you when you moved away, as if you were disgusted by him. But you couldn’t be disgusted. You wouldn’t be disgusted because if you were, why would you smile at him whenever you saw him in the paddock? His grin went wider as he saw you laugh.
He saw the way your eyes were glistening when the server handed you the mint chocolate ice cream. He saw the way your eyes squinted every time you licked on it. Just like Charles was admiring you from a step away, he was also admiring you from afar, for now, because he believed you hadn’t had a chance to know him yet. His tongue unintentionally trailed the fine lines of his own lips, moistening them whenever he saw the way you got the taste of the ice cream.
"Your hair looks so fluffy!" You leaned away a little bit to get a good look at your fiancé as you tried to fix the soft curls that went a little wild this morning. "Perfect. You look so handsome today."
"Are you sure you don’t want me to send you?" Charles’s words became inaudible as he buried his face in your neck.
"No, I’ll be fine. Lizzy’s going to wait for me at the cafe." You pecked at his lips as you broke the hug. He had been offering to drop you off and fetch you up but it was his week off, and he literally had been sleeping while you were getting ready, so you wouldn’t want to trouble him when the cafe is just around the corner. It wasn’t your first time walking around the town. Everything should be fine, right?
"Let me know if you need me, alright?"
"I’m all good! Go back to sleep, sleepyhead!" He plops back on the bed and wraps himself in the cover, making you chuckle as he blew you a kiss.
"Where are you?"
Once the video call connected, Lizzy and you went into a fit of laughter as both seemed to be way behind schedule. "Are you kidding me? No way, you just got out of the house?"
"As if you were any different? Show me where you are right now!" Lizzy requested.
You tilted the phone up, showing your surroundings, while Lizzy did the same. The cafe was just a few minutes away, and it was situated in the middle of yours and Lizzy’s residence.
"Oh my God! Is that a new necklace?" Lizzy blurted out, her mouth gapping at the mesmerising necklace that was around your neck.
"Yeah, is it pretty?" You moved the phone closer to the white gold chain with the lotus pendant.
"It compliments your eyes so well! Did Charles buy that for you?"
Lizzy opted to seat at the outdoor area because the lightning was just perfect for a picture. Martha would have joined if only there was someone who could take care of her little one so this time it was just the two of you. Though you texted and called almost everyday, there were always new things to talk about. The outdoor area wasn’t pack compared to the inside to Lizzy picked the perfect seat where the background would be looking splendid in her photos.
When you first arrived, your table was the only occupied one. Perhaps it was on week day so it wasn’t pack as it was during lunch time. It was later on when the other table, two tables from yours was occupied by another man in a black cap.
lizzyhernandez has added to their story
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Casa del Caffe
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Liked by 8 others
anonymoususername ❤️
11 minutes ago
"Hi, handsome!" On your way home, you decided to ring your fiancé, You were flaunted by his shirtless body while he munched on a ranch flavoured chips as he picked up the video call.
"Hi, honey. Did you have fun?"
"Yeah! I got a few hot things to share with you, but I...” You were hit by an impact on your right shoulder, a little too hard for someone who just happened to walk past. The whiff of his cologne that hit you soon after triggered your olfactory. It was the same cologne that you smelled a week before at the restaurant. You always had a heightened sense of smell, which was both a blessing or a curse for you.
"Honey? You alright?"
Charles’s voice pulled you back to your senses as you turned your attention back on your phone. "Yeah? Yeah, I’m fine. I just—“ Looking back, you scanned through the number of strangers who were walking the other way and brushed it off when there wasn’t anything questionable. “it’s nothing."
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah." Charles’s looked so serious, yet you couldn’t take him seriously with his bunny mug as he took a sip of his drink. "Baby, you look hilarious."
He laughed along, trying to hide the mug. "Stop it, honey. This mug was your idea! Are you close?"
"Yeah! I’m like 5 minutes away. I’ll see you at home. Bye!" The image of him still lingered around in your mind, making you chuckle as you took the last turn to your apartment.
The bell from the elevator ding, indicating it was your level as you stepped out. A few steps away, you heard the door to the emergency staircase open and close. It sounded too forceful, as if someone banged into it, as if they were running from something.
as if they were chasing something.
Your ceased as you traced your steps back. Deciding it was unnecessary for you to go all the back, you stopped just before the last turn to the elevator. The doors to the emergency staircase were closed but the sound was way too clear for it to be your imagination. There should be at least someone walking because it shouldn’t take them too short to get into their unit. What you didn’t know was that all the time you were looking at the emergency door, there was someone in the area who was staring at you. You felt his presence when the smell, the same scent hit you again. Your steps seemed to be in a slow motion as you tilted your head, peeking at the elevator area and your eyes landed on someone. He was grinning from ear to ear,
or more like salivating.
You felt your chest tighten and your ears started ringing as you took a step back and started heading towards your apartment unit. You were trying to keep calm but within every step, you felt the presence getting closer and closer; their steps went from a steady pace to almost running, and you caught a whiff of the scent again.
"Charles!" You yelled, and the doorbell was pressed repeatedly. It didn’t even get to ring until the end before it started all over again. The whiff of the cologne hit you again as you shut your eyes, your hands knocking on the door time after time until you heard his voice.
"What’s with the rush—woah, hey, hey, Y/N?"
You collided into his chest, causing him to let go of the door as it closed behind you, hands gripping on the back of his shirt while you started breathing at a rapid rate. Your heart were still beating against your ribcage like crazy, even after Charles wrapped his arms around your trembling frame.
"Breathe with me, Y/N." He cupped on your cheeks, bending down a little so your eyes would be on the same level as his. "Breathe, baby. That’s it. Look at me." Your breathing slowly started to match Charles's, and he kept his eyes locked on you. "You’re okay." The words were repeated over and over as you felt his lips on the side of your hair, leaving lingering kisses while he stroked you on the back.
"There’s someone out there."
"Stay here." He places a reassuring kiss when you tug on his hand. "I’m just gonna check, baby. I’ll come back."
The corridor was empty. He only heard a few voices from the neighbours and their kids, who were just coming back from school. Nothing seemed unusual that would trigger your anxiety.
Nothing conspicuous, at the very least.
"There’s no one out there, sweetheart. Just a family that lived a few units away."
"Check again. He was wearing a cap, a black one." That was impossible. You did feel the subtle change in pressure when they walked into your space. Even if you elucidated the energy wrong, you could have sworn you heard his steps very clearly. It was impossible; what your eyes landed on just now was just a misapprehension. They weren’t just a shadow or a figure; there was really someone smiling at you.
"There wasn’t anyone else, I promise."
"I swear they were there, Charles." You gave a despairing shrug and headed to the room.
"I’m not saying what you saw was nothing, Y/N." The sound of the door closing and locking echoed as he walked in and tripped on your heels.
"I really heard the sound of their steps! It sounded far, but it felt like they were imitating my steps because it sounded more recurring as I ran! You are looking at me as if I were being paranoid because I always listen to true crime podcasts, but I swear, Charles, I saw them!"
"Woah, woah. Where is this coming from? Y/N—" Charles was astounded. You were tense. It was evident in your voice. What he thought was a light argument turned out to be a murky one.
"I told you there was someone!"
"I know!" Charles asserted, seemingly enervated, grabbing on your flailed arms. "I know you saw someone, and it felt like they were chasing you. You are here, in the house. The door is locked. Whatever and whoever was outside won’t get to you. I’ll go and check the corridor again if you want me to."
You caught Charles’s wrist, not wanting him to leave the room, not wanting the front door opened again. "No, please don’t leave me."
"Listen. No one’s saying what you saw was nothing, alright? Look at me, Y/N." He pleaded, softly tugging on your wrists.
Your shoulder dropped, giving in as Charles engulfed you in a hug, swaying a little as he had one hand on your head and another one on your shoulders. "I’m sorry.." You muttered, shutting your eyes as his familiar, calming scent hit you. Different from the one you kept on getting a whiff of.
"It’s okay, baby. It’s no one’s fault. I get it; you were scared. How about I run you a bath?"
"I told you so."
"You are imagining things."
You were waiting for any of these, any effort to shoot down your words, but it never came. Charles didn’t dismiss any of your worries or any of your claims, though you sounded like a mad man with no attestation for any of your claims.
When you walked out of the bath, your favourite pyjamas were laid out on the bed. Your fiancé even went to an extent to match the colour of your underwear with the pyjamas.
You realised the whole couch had been moved around when you came out to the living room, forming some sort of bed with a few blankets draped over it. The room gave off a self-arranged movie theatre with the warm and yellow lighting from the incandescent bulbs. "Gosh! You scare me. What are you doing?" A touch on your shoulder made you flinch as you turned to see Charles with a bowl of popcorn.
"Movie night? I have prepared your favourite snacks and gummies." He responded, nodding at the small table placed in front of the television.
You gasped and quickly covered your mouth. "Can we watch Love, Rosie tonight?"
"Of course, honey. It’s all yours."
Halfway into the movie, you could barely keep your eyes open. The setting of the room simply made it feel like every word from the movie sounded like a lullaby, lulling you to sleep.
The feeling of lethargic from earlier dropped when you looked up to him, feeling some sort of comfort from the way he looked at you with his hand under your shirt, stroking on your back.
"I saw someone." You muttered.
Charles didn’t say anything, but you felt the stroke on your back stop as he secured his grip on your waist.
"I think… I saw someone. I don’t know. It was stupid." You repeated.
"It wasn’t, baby." His free hand on the popcorn bowl started picking out caramelised popcorn bits and offering them to you.
"And I kept on smelling this." An image of him smiling made you speechless.
"What was it?"
"No, nothing. Can we go to sleep?" Sitting up, you push the blanket off your body and stretch out your arms, still munching on the popcorn he offered earlier. Your eyes landed on the main door again.
"Y/N?" A stroke on your cheeks pulled you back from your thoughts.
You grabbed his hand, tugging it softly. Charles tilted his head towards the door, wondering what was there when you kept looking at it. "Can you check if the door is locked?"
"It has always been locked, baby, but I’ll check it again."
The warmth of his body always gave you some sense of security and comfort, but not tonight. Whenever you closed your eyes, you would see the face—the way his upper lip curled with mirth. His eyes weren’t like how you would describe the eyes of a shark. It wasn’t dead inside. There was somewhat of a hint of joy in those eyes when you looked at them, but it wasn’t the one that gave you some sort of approval. You ended up jolting awake every now and then, eventually falling asleep due to exhaustion.
"Morning, princess."
"Morning." You strode your way to the kitchen. Your arms went around his middle as you leaned your head against his back.
"You woke me up a few times last night. Bad dream?" The smell of coffee took over the kitchen, and the sound of the machine pouring the liquid into the mug filled your morning, like wise.
"Yeah. It’s nothing. Are you going out today?" Charles took a sip of his coffee, facing you, and you chuckled again with the cute mug.
"Yeah, I’m going out for a while. Do you need anything?" A gentle stroke of your thumb on your waist made you squirm a little.
"Can you buy me the milk chocolate macadamias?"
He rolled his eyes, making you laughed. You will always run out of the chocolate bar, your favourite kind.
"Good luck on your next race, Charles!"
It was nothing new; he would always get stopped by whenever he was spotted outside. It was something he had gotten used to, regardless of the time of the day. It was the constant feeling of being watched and recorded; every action and expression would be put on the internet to watch. But he never paid too much attention to it, knowing they weren’t looking for anything. It would just be a harmless update that would fill up the gap of emptiness during the break between races.
He continued to drop a few signatures before giving the striped marker pen back to the owner. "Nice bracelet, by the way." His words made the other guy laugh. The bracelet is identical to his, the same one that you got for him on his birthday last year.
"Girls always crave sweetness, isn’t it?"
"Sorry?" Charles looked at the chocolate bar he was holding in his hand, putting two and two together, when he saw the other guy was also holding one in his hand. "Ah, yeah. It’s the time of the month, I guess."
He was wearing a black cap with a printed black hoodie, the same one as the guy he met earlier. Charles saw the personalised bracelet peeking a little from the small movement of his arm—the same bracelet he pointed out earlier—and it clicked to him that this was the guy he had a short meeting with before.
As if he could sense the conjecture, he replied nonchalantly before focusing back on the rows of chocolates. "Yeah, we met earlier." He pulled his sleeve up, revealing the bracelet. "I was heading back, and my girlfriend asked me to buy some of her needs."
Charles laughed, picking up another bar of your favourite chocolate. "Well, that makes two of us."
"Your girlfriend likes that one?"
"Yeah, she’s the biggest fan of this. Well, have a nice day ahead." Charles ambled away, oblivious to the smile. The same smile he was being told before last night.
"Baby?" Charles called out.
"I’m here!" You yelled back, ripping the heart-shaped sticker off and sticking it in the corner of your journal.
"Oh, wow. We got guests?" A round of chortling could be heard as the girls, Martha and Lizzy, saw Charles when he got into your camera view. "Sharing teas again?"
"Of course. Tea tastes better when served hot." Lizzy replied.
Charles lay by your side and groaned in pleasure at being able to stretch out his limbs. "Well, ladies. Mind if I have my privacy with my fiancée?"
The tickling kisses on your bare shoulders made you chuckle as you took your phone, which was propped up against the headboard. "Bye, girls! Talk to you later! You shouldn’t lay down on the bed in those clothes, Charles." You sent him a glare when the call was disconnected.
"Ow! Come here." He winced when you pinched on his arm, resulting in a short cuddle attack as your laugh and giggles filled up the room. "This is beautiful, babe." The journal book in front of you was taken as Charles flipped the pages, tracing your scrapbook work. It was a journal that you have had since you were in high school. There were a lot of pictures and memories kept in the book—every detail of your life. You even drew a portable mini fan in pink, the one you got from Charles when you first met. It was the story of your life. The storybook of your life, but make it a picture one, as it was fully decorated with stickers, random pictures, and cuts of paper with different colours and designs.
"I just added a new page!" You turned to the latest page and gratifyingly pointed at the particular coffee sticker, a small drawing of pan au chocolat, as well as a Polaroid of a selfie between Lizzy and you
"Is this from yesterday?" His mouth split into a grin and left a peck on your crown.
"Yeah! I included everything in." You exclaimed.
Well, not everything. You didn’t include the smiling figure; you didn’t include the familiar scent you had been smelling on your way to meet Lizzy at the cafe—the familiar scent that you caught on your way back. Basically, the scent that had been sticking with you all day long yesterday. You chose to play pretend as if none of it happened; perhaps that way it would be easier for you to forget.
But can you?
Because he was still right outside the apartment, still waiting to catch a glimpse of you, with your favourite chocolate bar in his hand.
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✧.* general tag list! @i83andrew @cltrlne @karmabyfernando @ohthemisssery @ru-kru @tastebaldwin @f1obessed @love4lando @shinrjj @ietss @leclerc13 @darleneslane @buckybarnessweetheart @xcinnamongirl @boiohboii @formula1mount @judespoision @alwaysclassyeagle
If your usernames were crossed, meaning I can’t tag you! Let me know if you would like to be removed or to be added to the tag list! Or if I missed anyone!
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luv4healy · 6 months
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★ word count: 890
★ note: inspired by lizzy mcalpines’ come down soon
★ no warnings! was proofread and edited :)
★ posted from my ao3!
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“Isn’t April supposed to be warm?” Matty squints, exiting the bar with a heightened expression. 
He’s right, it’s rather chilly. The wind is aggressive and does everything it can to make itself known. We exit the bar together, the lights surrounding us for a short, sweet moment before making our way down the sidewalk. I observe as his curls dance, bouncing with each movement he makes. His hands were covered by his jacket sleeves, a few fingers visible from underneath the fabric. I giggle, allowing my hand to intertwine with his. I can feel the stitching of his sleeve against my skin, resting over my knuckles. “I don’t know,” I say, “sometimes the beginning of April starts rather nasty.”
“Well, I fucking hate it. We could use the sun,” he curses. I watch as he pulls a cigarette from his pocket with his free hand, sticking it between his lips and fiddling with the lighter. He can’t strike it due to the wind, which annoys him to the greatest extent. 
I run a hand through my hair, but it’s no use. The wind is against me, too. Matty fumbles with the lighter, his thumb gliding across the metal. “Do you need some help?”  I say as my lips curl into a smirk. He shakes his head, covering the tip of the lighter with his hand to protect the flame. The orange and red of the fire highlight his face, and for a split second, I can make out details I’ve never seen before. 
As he pulls his hand away, the glow disappears. I frown, and he notices, looking towards me as smoke emits from his cigarette. “What’s that face for? You were smiley beforehand.” He leads us down the sidewalk. The city lights grow dimmer with each step we take together. 
“I don’t know,” I shrug as we walk. “I like being able to notice things about you.”
“What do you mean by that?” He asks, his thumb drawing circles along my hand as he holds onto it.
“Well, I don’t particularly like it when you smoke, but I like watching the lighter and how it shines against your face,” I smile. “Is that strange?” 
The way I had worded that sounded closely related to an album title. Thinking about it brought a sense of familiarity and sweetness, a reminder that I’d forever be surrounded by Matty no matter where I wound up. 
We continue to stroll, the wind hassling us with each stride. Once at the end of the street, Matty pauses and steps in front of me, taking both of my hands into his own. 
“No, not at all,” he murmurs. “It’s quite sweet.”
“Yeah?” I look up at him with wide eyes, the visible streetlights sparkling and hovering over us.
“Yeah,” his voice is soft. He scoops into his words while speaking to me, his accent audible. “You’re the first person I’ve met who's obsessed with details like that.”
“I like being attentive,” I exhale. 
He laughs, the emotion behind it not at all overwhelming. He squeezes my hands before letting them go, his fingertips trailing up my arms. Despite the nastiest weather that entered at the beginning of April, my sleeves are nonexistent. The hair on my arms prickled up at the breeze, Matty’s nails gently tracing over the goosebumps that appeared. 
“Cold?” He asks, making more conversation as we stand. His fingers dance along my waist.
I nod. “A little, it’s okay.”
He whispers. “Do you want my jacket?” 
I shake my head. “No, you keep it.”
He ignores me, removing his hands from my waist so he can take off his jacket. He drapes the fabric over my shoulders, noticing how poorly it fits. I laugh as I stick my arms through the sleeves. 
“Better?” Smoke pools out of his mouth from the cigarette. He takes it between his fingers and finishes it off, throwing the butt onto the street. 
I nod, fixing my hair as the wind calms down. “Better,” I reply.
He cups my face with his palms, the skin rough from guitar calluses. They are cold from the weather, his fingers drumming along my cheeks. I smile as he tilts my head upwards. He is studying me and taking in every detail visible to him.  I’ve never noticed him so enamored before. There is a subtle quietness that washes over us. We should keep walking before it gets too late, but we stand here in the freezing cold, wondering who will kiss who first.
“I’m in love with you,” he breaks the silence. 
“I know,” is all I say in response.
He connects his lips to mine, his dark brown eyes fluttering closed as he kisses me softly. He does not appear gentle to the public, but I know his touch and his focus better than anyone could. His fingers circle over every area of skin visible, holding me as if I could break if he isn’t careful. I raise my arms and feel the sleeves of his jacket pull downwards, my hands resting on his chest as he pulls his lips away from mine and tucks a few strands of hair behind my ears.
“Let’s go home?” He says once more, looking at me with newfound admiration.
Giddy, I grin. I can taste the cigarette smoke. “Let's,” I agree full-heartedly. 
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cottoncandy-cult · 1 year
Little Angel
Sebastian Michaelis x Neko Child! Reader
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Sebastian was walking the streets of London with Ciel, searching the alleyways for a magical thief. Ciel wasn't quite sure why he was sent to search out the thief, from what he had found the thief was only stealing food. He assumed it's because the police had been on this case 3 months and made absolutely no progress, though apparently the night before one of them managed to graze the thief with a bullet. Sebastian was quick to stop when hearing whimpering, drawing the young male's attention as well to a small box that had a bit of blood leaking from the bottom.
Curiously he approached, when carefully moving one of the flaps he spotted the tiny form of a young girl. She was in a dirty and torn dress; her side was bleeding heavily. But what stunned the male was her ears and tail, they were that of a cat. With one look he knew it was a bullet wound, their thief was a child. She tried to hiss at him, but it was weak and pathetic. "It's ok, I just want to help you." His voice was soft and calm, but she soon fell unconscious. He was quick to act, lifting the girl up with ease as he rushed to his master.
With a groggy groan (E/c) eyes began to open, the room was dim which she was glad about. Her head ached, she moved slightly only to feel a sharp pain in her side making her hiss. "You shouldn't move, you're hurt pretty bad. But don't worry, we'll make sure you have a full recovery." The butler spoke softly from the bedside, watching her with his usual polite grin, The trio of trouble making servants not so sneakily peeking in seemed flabbergasted, they knew she was getting special treatment because she was part cat. The guy was obsessed with them after all. The young girl watched him warily, but she was so drowsy and weak. "Go ahead and sleep, the medicine for the pain is gonna make you tired." The girl was out like a light as he finished his sentence, making the older demon chuckle.
A year had passed since that day, (Y/n) had been adopted by the butler but Ciel had taken to her, so she was more like a princess than anything. Lizzy adored her, the 6-year-old just ate up the love and attention. Sebastian adored her most; he spoiled her greatly and was never shy to show his affection. They had been out for a walk one day, Ciel had to go through London in search of a particular shop.  She had tagged along and of course Sebastian was going, as they walked, she spotted something. It was a kitten, white with one blue eye and one green eye. One of its paws was hurt, it seemed to be almost looking for help. The girl did the only thing she could think of, she scooped up the cat and brought it to Ciel. "Ciel look!" At the sound of her voice, he turned to her, the small girl showing him the injured kitten in her arms. "Ciel can we take her home please!?" She bounced slightly on her feet, her eyes glossy with worried tears. 
She was a soft-hearted child, her heart ached for everyone and everything. He kneeled down, looking at the kitten as he patted its head. Sebastian was right beside her, stroking its chin. "She does need to learn about responsibility, this could be a good chance." Ciel was quiet as he thought, Sebastian held his breath and hoped for a yes while the girl looked ready to cry. "Ok fine, tell you what. You can take it home, but you have to take care of it." That was where it began, the sweet girl did chores and errands to earn money. She was smart in how she used it, because she was doing so well, he began to give in anytime she brought a homeless animal to him. The mansion was like a massive foster home, but Ciel had found a way to use this as an advantage. Sales had gone up, people enjoying the fact he cared for animals. They'd have balls and fundraisers, rehoming animals and doing adoption charity events. He wished he had listened to Sebastian when the demon would ask to take in a cat, as now he was making almost triple what he was. Sebastian loved it, at least he loved all the cats.
Now here he sat in the garden, leaned against a tree as (Y/n) cuddled into him. Being part cat meant she needed attention, and he was happy to give it to her. Kittens and puppies ran and played around them, it was a calm day and Ciel generously gave everyone a break. He had been in a wonderful mood for a bit. Sebastian smiled down at the girl who had fallen asleep from his rubbing of her ears, soft purrs escaping her. The demon just couldn't wrap his head around it; she was just so sweet. She was so innocent, a miracle worker that had yet to understand what she could do. Sometimes he wondered if maybe she was just a lost angel, either way he was happy he found her. Her one act of kindness had proven that karma exists, her desire to help animals had led to them being in an even better position financially. Ciel having opened a few charities for various causes.
Sebastian moved to stand, carrying the girl easily. She stirred slightly, but simply snuggled into him. "So warm..." Her words were a sleepy mumble, she gave a whine when he placed her in her bed. But she soon relaxed and fell back into a deep sleep, Sebastian could only chuckle as he removed her shoes, socks and coat. Gently he tucked her in, she slept a lot but that was likely because she worked so hard to take care of her responsibilities. He was proud of her; nothing would ever change that.
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liquidsao · 10 months
im alive
and obsessed with tmr and newtmas, and maybe some headcanons??
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I didnt read the book, im still waiting for it, so if something of my headcanons is something that was in the book sorry
Spoilers warning!¡!¡!!¡!¡!!¡!¡!
Thomas is really VERY shy, Newt is not, he is much more confident about everything. They both have a lot of scars, really a lot, they love to look at them on each others bodies, they tell the stories of how they got them. Thomas remembers something from his past life and tells Newt, he likes to tell this science things to him, Newt likes to listen to Thomas, one of the things he learned from Thomas is a little bit of sign language. Couple bracelets? Newt made them once, when they were still in the Glade, actually he made one for himself first, and then Thomas appeared, he didnt have time to finish Thomas one then, but finished it later during these rare breaks. Newt condemns this recklessness and foolishness, but he follows it and would continue to follow, isn’t that the same thing? Are they the kind of people who just started dating? They didn't understand how or at what moment, no one seemed to understand, it just happened. Actually they never fully understood, it just happened, they don’t know when or how. Newt writes something and lets it go for wind to pick up and blow away, he doesn’t care where it goes.
Many of them don't sleep enough and don't eat enough, there is so much stress and pressure, Thomas is no exception, he has developed a lot of eczema due to this, they cause a lot of nasty little problems. Newt tries to make sure that Thomas gets enough sleep and food, not always successfully, he likes to take care of Thomas's eczema, and consults with the camp doctors about what is best to use to cure this.
Thomas was interested in the reason of Newts limp, for the first time he asked Minho about it, but he said that he had no right to talk about it, that Newt had to tell Thomas himself, somewhere after the infection, but before admitting that he was infected, Newt thought that Tommy should know about this, back then in the Glade they tried all the escape options, he personally tried one of options, and he talked about it, about how he climbed the wall, about how he felt, about how he was saved, Thomas didn’t know how to react, he just sitting next to him and listening to it, he was nearby, he was sorry.
Thomas writes letters to Newt in Safe Haven, describes everything that happened and just let them go to the wind, no matter where they take them, he does as Newt did, he will read it, he will definitely read it, as Tommy will definitely understand, right? He has nightmares, nightmares with Newt, he didnt save him, at first he couldnt sleep and didn’t sleep, everyone he couldn’t save came to him when he sleeps, especially Newt. Every little thing reminded Thomas of him.
If Newt had survived, his vision got worse a little and his hearing very much. When he once learned sign language from Thomas now helped a lot. Newt's limp also got worse and he has developed tremors. Brenda got something of it? But much easier because she was cured much earlier. Thomas can't let Newt out of his sight, he's afraid of losing him again. Newt was cured, but he sees black veins as hallucinations, Thomas assures him that everything is fine.
Joint sparring?? Even in Safe Haven, many of them can't get rid of the feeling of constant danger, they continue to train. Newt is better at beating people up, Thomas is better at carrying heavy objects. Thomas, along with Minho, are one of those who became hunters, they know how to run, make traps, I think Thomas would not mind archery. Lizzy and Brenda are such bestie to everyone. Lizzy asked Thomas to tell him about his brother, died him or not.
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gravityglitch-blog · 20 days
Another Murder Drones AU
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"Uzi the Vampire Slayer"
I haven't seen the Buffy series in forever, and even then, I fixated on the early seasons.
This AU idea kept coming back to mind, so I had to write it out. It's not meant as a direct replica, just its' own thing that borrows elements from both shows. (Also, I apologize in advance if someone else has already done this!)
The Absolute Solver, an ancient horror awoken by the reckless greed of JCJensen In Spaaaace, now seeks to control and consume all life in the universe. It has created all sorts of monsters to be its' servants, none more feared than the vampire-like Disassembly Drones.
The Worker Drones only hope of safety is to stay barricaded behind the doors of their colony.
If only someone would slay the monsters, possibly even the Solver itself. But no one would be crazy enough to try that, right?
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Uzi as Buffy
The daughter of Khan, maker of the colony's doors, and Nori, Copper Nine's first Slayer.
Nori disappeared one night during a mission, along with her own best friend, Yeva, when Uzi was still in her early teens.
Uzi has been very lonely since then, with her father dedicated almost entirely to colony security. There's only one other person she could possibly call her friend. Most others consider her weird for wanting to get outside and battle the monsters herself. When she finds her mother's journals about life as the Slayer, her resolve only grows stronger. Her personality is much the same as we know it💜
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Doll as Willow
However, Doll's personality is very different in this AU.
Because of the close friendship between their families, she and Uzi grew up together, like cousins. Though both girls became more withdrawn and lonely when their moms disappeared, they still look after each other.
Doll's father is still alive here (calling him Adam, for now, because I don't know if he has an official name.) He is kind but very overprotective. She learns that her mother was also hiding a secret: she was trying to harness the Solver's own power to use against it, a practice that can overwhelm anyone who isn't strong enough to wield it.
She has faith in Yeva, and becomes obsessed with the idea that she, and possibly even Nori, are still alive somewhere. When Uzi takes on the mantle of the Slayer, Doll begins studying Solver magic to help in the fight.
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Teacher as Giles
(Okay, I could not find a name for him, but did learn that he was voiced by Liam Vickers himself. With this in mind, I'm choosing a name that starts with "L". He is Linus until further notice.)
Though he appears eternally bored, Linus was a good friend to Uzi and Doll's parents. He also wants to rid Copper Nine of monsters, but acknowledges that he's no fighter. Instead, he studies the different creatures, learning all he can about their strengths and weaknesses, to help defeat them.
He's felt like a failure ever since Nori and Yeva disappeared. When their daughters approach him with their findings, wanting to continue the battle, he makes a personal vow not to repeat his mistakes.
He might not always express it, but he really does care about all the kids in his charge.
Even when they make him want to rip off his helmet and any hair that might be underneath it.
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Lizzy as Cordelia
Lizzy was content to stay in her popular-girl world, until her own life was threatened by a Disassembly Drone (in this AU, there are many more than our original three) and she was rescued by Uzi. Ignoring the nightmares outside was no longer an option. She found that she had a talent for adventure and monster-fighting. No one was more surprised than she was.
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Thad as Xander
Normal guy with a good heart and lifelong dreams of being a hero. He finds it easy to befriend just about anyone, and has a natural courage that drives him to fight for his friends, no matter how scary the situation. He's the most optimistic of the group. Also has a sarcastic sense of humor, which can either lighten the mood or drive their enemies crazy.
And that's Copper Nine's "Scooby gang".
Moving on now.
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N as Angel
The only major change I see for N is that he's a little more serious and broody in this AU.
Deep down, he's still his lovable self. Along with J and V (who are more like his sisters here), they were pulled from their old lives on Earth by the Solver and transformed into one of the most feared Disassembly Squadrons on Copper Nine. Though he won't say it in front of them, he dreams of reclaiming his freedom.
When Uzi and her team start to become a real threat to the Solver, it orders N's squadron to destroy them. They clash several times, and despite everything, N finds himself impressed by Uzi’s courage. He soon realizes that she could be the key to destroying the Solver and setting them all free. But to help her would mean betraying his family and risking the anger of an ancient evil.
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I honestly couldn't think of good character matches for J and V. Their original personalities still fit pretty well into this AU, I think. Initially they just do their jobs. When they begin to question if they can or should change sides, this creates conflict. V is eventually willing to rebel against the Solver, J is more hesitant.
While J is a fierce fighter, she is terrified of disobeying orders, the consequences that could come from it. She knows she will have to make a choice between life as the Solver's servant, or a chance at freedom.
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Nuzi would still happen (because it's my favorite ship and I can't let it go), but it would be a slower burn.
And this turned out way longer than I intended.
Thank you so much for reading.
Like I said, this is only a rough idea for an AU, but it wouldn't leave me alone. With Halloween coming up, it might be a good time to re-visit both series again.
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technovillain · 10 months
if you had to give each intern a pet, what would you give them and why?
Gisu needs a scrappy little mutt dog she found on the street that digs up mystery bones for her I just know she would love that so much. She would kill and die for her dirty little stinky street dog.
Lizzie needs a snake. Maybe it is partly her snake tattoo telling me this but I just already fully believe that she has a cool snake in her dorm. Because she would freak out the other interns with it and also she would just love it wholeheartedly despite not having a lick of zoolepathy (much to Compton's dismay)
Morris needs a crow. I can't explain this one really I just need him to have some sort of weird bird that can talk. I'm thinking specifically a psychic crow that just he just sort of encountered one day out in the Quarry and bonded with.
It is so hard to pick one for Sam because Sam is so Sam, y'know. I feel like she is best friends with that whale (pls forgive me I forgot her name) Part of me wants her to have a bunny for Coach Oleander mentor reasons. Getting along with a little rabbit in a normal way that doesn't involve crazy death threats or explosions with those two challenge: impossible. I think the ultimate pet for her though would be a goat. Because it's virtually indestructable and equally as crazy as her.
Norma and Adam seem less like the pet-keeping types to me but hmmm......
To Adam I give a sugar glider. He would keep it in his shirt pocket and i think it would be really cute to let it fly like doing silly tricks with his yo-yo. I think he would love a weird little critter like that. Like he would talk to it a lot just right at its blank stare.
I give Norma a weird little ferret. She would be really not into the idea of keeping a pet at first but then would become obsessed with her ferret and not talk about anything else and everyone would want her and her ferret to go away I am sure of it. She could wear it around her neck like a scarf and it would burrow in her big backpack and she'd carry it around with her too.
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tommygrace · 15 days
hey so I feel the writers did Grace's charector and their relationship bit dirty in the second n thrid season it wasn't devloped well and had so much potential, apart from it I was thinking we get to know good things about Tommy through grace his soft side, I feel biggest thing is he treats her as an equal, "u v seen me", "we are the same", and their first intimate scene really portrays deep connection and equality in their relationship, but in later seasons Tommy isn't completely forthcoming with grace regarding " buisness" like she has to get things out of him about Russians then confirm from Polly that it's happening then and already started from her reaction to Polly she didn't know it started already, when there's that message left for charlie Tommy doesn't tells her about the priest , and she doesn't asks too much either she's just like Tommy u protect us which is fine , but given her curious nature and history as spy it's not natural for her to not inquire and get involved especially when her child is in danger bcz she would have sensed that when Tommy asks for Charle and panics in that note scene, maybe if she was more involved she'd be against unessarily instigating changretta's specially for Lizzy too, she's not there in that meeting either she's not at the family meetings that we see when she's alive, Polly reasoned with Tommy regarding attacking changretta's but I think grace could have convinced him ..
overall given the gray nature of Tommy how do u think it would have gone for him if he was stressed hidding things from her, do u think tommy would have cheated on grace as well like in the sense of how he uses people like Jessie edden even Tatiana to get information do u think he would do that even if grace was there....also if grace was more involved maybe changretta fiasco could have been avoided also did u think grace knew about Lizzie and Tommy's relationship and was she still okay with her being his secretary cuz it would be bit odd right..., also the way Lizzie is angry about having to breakup with angel changretta and hence doesn't, but doesn't even morns him after he died and quickly moves on with Shelby's is so shady like if you didn't love him you should have just broken up with him, and if you loved him u should have resigned your job with shelbys instead of causing a gang war, and I am not saying it's her fault it's John and his stupid ego along with Tommy not knowing where to stop either he was power tripping too mix of survival mode and ego , also don't understand why Tommy who's usually calm and calculated would risk antoganizig changretta's and risking a gang war for Lizzie? Like why why won't he just get another secretary. Also Lizzie is fine but I don't get what people like about her bcz she's rather simple, the way she's first quick to cheat on John for extra quids, doesn't even mourns angel changretta, unhealthy obsession with Tommy maybe it's not obsession more like yeah she loves/likes him and that's okay for her to want that typewriter scene between them is sweet and I feel for her , but they don't work together, because a) he doesn't reciprocates , but also because even though Lizzie loves or likes Tommy she doesn't understands him and she's not there for him in the way he needs someone, that scene between them where she throws gun on him and tells him to kill himself, telling him she needs property and stuff if something happens to him...it's toxic and she's whinny in later seasons and not exactly the most loving towards Tommy either ...Tommy focus is worst towards her but she choose that she wanted to marry him despite knowing he doesn't loves her and won't be loyal, that looks she gives to Jessie edden is irritating too , grace on other hand sees Tommy in ptsd when he can't stop hitting the man with the spitton and she literally embraces him , she doesn't shame him for his trauma...so yeah Lizzie is fine but lot of her behaviour and actions don't reflect positively on her.
Regarding grace yes the way she cheats on her husband and it's implied he killed himself puts her in a bad light, but it doesn't matches with her charector in season one if we knew more about her relationship with her husband and thought process maybe we would have more understanding and empathy, but the arc makes it look bit like she choose to marry him for money and status he was sweet to her like she said herself but she lies to him at face and cheats without remote and because she can't get pregnant with him and gets pregnant by Tommy she decides finally to go back to him, though it's not that simple and it's time period typical stuff as well but it does makes her look shallow fickle and selfish, sometimes their love her and Tommy because of being underdeveloped comes as infatuation too, like after 1 st season I wanted to know more about Grace's inner monologue how she was processing things, how and why she so quickly forgives Tommy for almost pumping her out to Kimber like that should have caused some push back in development of things between them for while, but it's screen time issues and series has other plots to deal with, I feel like Tommy and grace are definitely main couple of the show but they were underdeveloped and had so much more potential .
Wow ok so I agree with almost everything you wrote. Let's talk about Grace first.
Yes, I agree that her development in S2 and S3 was very poorly written, I don't know why, when it was fantastic in S1. They should have developed her story more in S2 and in S3 show the marriage and then kill her. I guess the husband thing is the same as May, Tommy and Grace tried to forget with other people, and move on with their lives, but neither of them could because they really loved each other, and no one was going to be able to replace them, and that's what they realized by having these relationships. The show is about Tommy, and it's written from Tommy's point of view, so they showed his attempt with May, but nothing about Grace and their marriage, and the reasons and what they were like. I did feel that she regretted having cheated on him but she also loved Tommy, so she felt a mixture of feelings, just like in S1, that she had to do her duty but at the same time she was falling in love with Tommy, that's where her internal debate began: love vs duty, and in S2 it is also love vs duty, because it was her duty to choose her husband because it was the right thing to do but her love is Tommy. In both seasons, and E6, she chooses love, she chooses Tommy.
In S3, I think what they wanted to show is that they were already in a very serious relationship and the two were 100% committed to each other, they formed their own world, even when they are together talking, music plays as if they were in themselves. own world. Tommy was afraid, because for the first time he had a lot to lose, Grace and Charlie, he never thought that he could be happy, and that he could have everything he wanted and now having it, because of his type of life, he could lose everything. At the wedding, he didn't tell Grace because he didn't want to ruin her happy day, and in the end he ended up telling her everything. It's true that Grace changed in S3, she in S1, would never have asked Tommy to protect her, she was very capable and didn't need protection, she is the one should have told Tommy, I'm going to protect you. I think the scenes with Polly and Tatiana. , they showed us that badass Grace from S1, and also when she tells Tommy to tell her what's wrong. They also showed us how powerful they are together and how the two of them are equal, when they are talking to Tatiana, the opposite with Lizzie in S6, when they are talking to Mosley and Diana.
Tatiana is impressed with Grace, and knows that she had no chance with Tommy, so when she dies, Tatiana names her all the time. But Diana mocks Lizzie to her face, and she realizes that she has no idea how to navigate that world. The only thing Lizzie did in that meeting was inform everyone that the only thing she knows how to do, her weapon, is sex. , she uses her body, not her mind. The Mosleys realized that Tommy doesn't respect her much since she doesn't even respect herself. The opposite of Grace, who showed Tatiana that she will not be able to play with her and that she will not allow herself to be disrespected by anyone. That's why Tatiana knows that it will be difficult to win over Tommy, he himself rejected her, but Diana knows that it will be very easy, and it was, since he immediately said yes.
And the same thing happens in both relationships, Grace from the first day made Tommy understand that he was going to respect her, and that she was not going to continue with his game, she was on the same level as him, in In terms of intelligence and wit, he realizes that he has met his equal. And Grace constantly challenges him and he loves that and also her sense of humor, they share a lot of sense of humor. The opposite of the relationship with Lizzie, from day one, Lizzie let him do whatever he wanted with her, she let himself be used by him, and she always made him understand that she was always going to say yes to him, no matter how he treated her. , he called her property and she was happy, and she also told him that he can cheat on her with other women but outside the house, she thought that was badass but it wasn't, much less for Tommy. He is attracted to people who respect themselves, for him that is important, that is why he never saw Lizzie as his equal, and he did see Grace. Even May tells him that she still wants to continue having sexual relations with him, even though he told her that he is in love with someone else, and that she is going to win him, and that now come back to behaving like a gangster, his face was very pitiful. He felt sorry for May just like he feels sorry for Lizzie.
As for the war, it was Lizzie and John who started everything, and Tommy found out about everything late, which is why he made that decision.
And for the reason all this I tell you, I am 100% sure that Tommy would never cheat on Grace, because when he is in love he is completely faithful, he never loved Lizzie, that's why it was easy for him to cheat on her.
Now let's talk about Lizzie. Everything you wrote about her is what I have always said. When she went out with Ángel Changretta, and wanted to take him to Tommy and Grace's wedding, it was clear that it was not for love, she wanted to achieve something, to make something happen, to get Tommy's attention, by taking an enemy of his, to their wedding. But the only thing it managed to do was make Johm jealous, and not Tommy. She didn't even shed a tear for Angel and used Grace's death to get closer to Tommy. She had a completely unhealthy obsession with Tommy, that's not love.
In S4, we were shown the real Lizzie, someone sick with jealousy, capable of trying to ruin any possible relationship that Tommy could have with any woman, she tried to humiliate May, called her a whore, and the way she looked at Jesse Eden, she used her own baby so she can show her that she win Tommy, and Jesse is a woman who fights for women's rights, while she humiliates other women because of an obsession with a man who constantly uses her. That's why Tommy never saw her as his equal nor did he respect her. Tommy married Lizzie because she got pregnant and because Grace is dead and he knows that he will never love another woman again, because no one is going to replace her, and he trusts Lizzie, and she got pregnant ok I'll marry her, but his life continued the same, nothing changed for her. I think neither of them liked the other's personality, since they never showed us a scene of them hanging out together, enjoying each other's company, it was always the other way around, and Lizzie never understood Tommy nor did she understand his trauma with the war and the death of Grace. In S6, she complained that Tommy was not a normal man, and was even surprised that Tommy acts like Tommy. I think she lived in a fantasy, and she loved the Tommy of her fantasy, nor the real one. They were both toxic and very miserable together but I guess that was the purpose..
Well, tell me your opinion about all this, it's fun to analyze them!
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vote jizztho, it's gay, it's straight, it's bi, it's probably t4t and etho is just tagging along because he is obsessed (i need so much more kizztho interaction i could only hope lizzie and etho interacted more regularly)
Queer people…
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onthewaytosomewhere · 6 months
It's that day for WIPs again
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thanks ever so much for the tags @suseagull04 @priincebutt @firenati0n @piratefalls @itsmaybitheway @sunnysideprince @wordsofhoneydew @hgejfmw-hgejhsf @taste-thewaste @magicandarchery - so excited to delve into y'all's posts
so i had anticipated this whole thing to be posted most likely by today bcuz it was supposed to be some quick flirting leading to BJs - very wham! bam! thank you ma'am! but of course they drag their feet - i mean it's bad enough they won't let me use this song for the hate-sex that i wanted to write with it for inspo - so i just see how many ways i can shove the lyrics in here and there as it goes along lol
so yeah more of this silly lil nickelback's 'something in your mouth' fic this bit is not smutty yet - just a lil lead up and alex wanting it bad lol
“It doesn’t seem like you want to do that, sweetheart, so how about we hit the bar cart, and I’ll get you a drink poured by yours truly,” Alex says with an exaggerated eyebrow wiggle and laugh on his lips. “I really wouldn’t mind dancing with you, Alex. Not that I have half the moves you do on the dance floor, but I’d be willing to give it a go.” Henry’s words, paired with the smile on his lips that Alex is already obsessed with tonight, have him wondering what else they could give a go. Miraculously, he is able to keep that thought to himself and instead says, “I’d be down,” complete with a nonchalant shrug and cocky swig from his bottle as if he’s some fratboy striving to be cool. Henry’s smile widens, and the sucker nearly slips between his lips, and Alex almost chokes on the drink he was taking as his hand finds Henry’s and tugs him to the dance floor. Afraid that if they stay this close to the corner, he’ll be backing Henry into it and showing him what he can do with his own lips right in the middle of this party. Alex was expecting Henry to be more of a shift from one foot to another type of dancer based on his comment about lacking moves, so he anticipated an opportunity to lure him in with a bit of shaking his ass around for Henry, a little fun in the spotlight of Henry’s eyes. When he feels Henry’s hips grinding against his own in perfect rhythm with the music playing, it drives him wild, and he realizes how wrong he is. He already wanted to get this man somewhere with fewer people, but now he has so many more ideas than just finding out if Henry’s lips are as good at sucking cock as they look like they’d be. The way his hips grind into Alex has him wanting to find the nearest hard surface and let Henry take him right there.
so open tag if ya wanna do this and haven't yet and some no-pressure tags under the cut
@adreamareads @agame-writes @anincompletelist @bitbybitwrites @dragonflylady77 @duchessdepolignaca03 @england-would-fall @firstsprinces @forever-fixating @heysweetheart-writes @inexplicablymine @kiwiana-writes @littlemisskittentoes @lizzie-bennetdarcy @nocoastposts @sophie1973 @stellarm @typicalopposite
i may have missed some of y'all already posting 🤷‍♀️ so yeah....
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