#along with Albedo and Demiurge
remedy-inc · 2 years
★ Eyes of Ice ★
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Fandom: Overlord
Pairing: Demiurge/Ramiel
Summary: Ramiel, an archangel flame of the eighth floor of the Great Tomb of Nazarick, never served as anything but a scarecrow.  Demiurge, the Guardian of the seventh floor of the Great Tomb of Nazarick, has never been entrusted with a mission to raise himself a loyal berserker.  Despite all odds, these creatures of the Supreme Beings were destined to grow closer to one another. Anyways, Demiurge was all loving when it came to his fellow inhabitants of Nazarick.  Is there love in the other's eyes?
Rating: R
Genres: Fanfiction, Romance, Slash, Yaoi, OOC, AU, OMC (Original Male Character)
A/N: English is not my first language and I’m not much of a writer. Anyways, hope you enjoy.
Why creating such a horrifying thing?
This was the first thing that came to the head of a hanzo, who stood in front of Nigredo. Tabula's creation was so unsettling... More than perfect to scare invaders to death.
Do I need to create a pretty little scarecrow to match the vibe these guys have here?
Flatfoot set his path to Ulbert, the one he sympathized the most. Not that it was mutual, but, at least, the most proficient mage in this guild was playing his villainous part a bit more benevolently everytime his fellow guild member came around.
- Ulbert-san, can you give me a minute, please?
The mage turned around and responded with his pleasant, but tired as usual voice.
- Is there an issue with the light of my life?
These words referred to the only thing the World Disaster could call his own. Who could think that Ulbert Alain Odle, most feared and moody, would coo at his creation? An arch-devil Guardian with all the passion of the world in his heart and also all the malice of it there...
- No, it's not! - Flatfoot used a 'nervous giggle' emoji. - Demiurge is actually cool and works fine! -. Sitting in his chair, the man sweated a bit. He knew there wasn't much to make Ulbert angry, scince his friend left the guild.
- I heard you consulted with Tabula-san on creating characters though. To be honest, I don't think he can help you much. - the anthropomorphic goat felt he got the bullseye and kept talking. - If I were you, I'd create a berserk in an angel's body. I hope you won't create a female character. I'm pretty sick of Peroronchino-san wheezing 'Oh no, she's hot!'! -.
Flatfoot laughed out loud along with his companion and used 'laughing face' emoji. He adored Ulbert's attitude. Sometimes, his jokes weren't these dark and his manners were just as nice as they could ever be.
- He keeps teasing me because of my preferences! - giggling, he admitted. - No offense, you guys are cool but I'm not into men! -.
- I've already encountered some episodes of his fooling around. - Ulbert nodded and sighed. - He keeps thinking me and Touch Me-san are a thing. -.
Hanzo snorted. He couldn't help but ship those two, given all their fights. Maybe, he's been too short of his own love life but to tease them out loud...
- In this world we all search for ways to be happy, Ulbert-san. - Flatfoot stated, looking at his friend. - Well, if he wants someone to be gay... I have a couple of ideas! I'll be back soon! -.
He used a 'thank you' emoji and rushed out of the room, as if the guild member'd just had an insight.
I’ll have him eat this!
He's not that beautiful as Tabula's Albedo or Peroronchino's Shalltear...
He looked at the creature which stood right in front of him. At least it wasn't as horrifying as Albedo's first body, so Flatfoot had hopes to stand a chance in comparison with the others.
- Ayo, Flatfoot-san! - Peroronchino popped out of nowhere and used a 'laughing face' emoji, seeing his friend got startled. - What are you doing here? -.
- Trying to create an addition to our forces. - Flatfoot answered but added after feeling unsure. - Not in any kinky way though. Just coding a little scarecrow for our guests. -.
- He's not a scarecrow! Look at him, if I were into men I'd give him a chance! - the birdman was so amused one could give it a squeeze. - Is he the embodiment of your secret desires? -.
- If I tell you he is, will you quit teasing me, Peroronchino-san? - hanzo sighed, feeling uneasy. - He's just a cute young thing with some intriguing features. -.
- Intriguing? If you consulted Tabula-san or Ulbert-san to create this-
- I asked them both. Tabula-san wasn't much pleased though... But he agreed an Archangel Flame would fit either on the eighth floor or by one's side... - Flatfoot was still in doubt and kept ranting until he heard Peroronchino gasping.
- Is this thing piercing? - the archer pointed at a gleaming royal blue crystal right above the creature's xiphoid process. - Or is it some kind of MP accumulator? -.
- Yes, it accumulates MP, Peroronchino-san. - one of the Nine's Own Goal smiled to himself and kept explaining. - I don't have much levels at my disposal, so I created this angel to be versatile and quick to learn things. -.
- And quick to deceive people, I see! - the birdman patted the berserk's head and turned to his friend. - Does this adorable androgynous monster have any fetishes? -.
- I don't think he'll be able to sate them if he had any. - the man snorted. - Do you want him to get off killing invaders or smearing their blood all over himself? -.
- I could consider this to be charming, if I were a horror genre fan like Tabula-san! - it was Peroronchino's turn to be a bit puzzled. - But don't you think he'll be perfect for 'I have you now, my pretty' trope? Or some 'I showed him what a real man is' trope... -.
- Eh? - Flatfoot choked on some air, trying to process things. - What do you mean by that? -. He never researched hentai tropes and these words just made him confused the more Peroronchino suggested.
- You don't know them? - the archer laughed. - You sure aren't 'spoiled by the modern culture' as Ulbert-san says! Imagine your little thing- -.
- His name is Ramiel. I've decided to call him that. - Flatfoot intervened and them proceeded to hear his comrade out.
- Imagine Ramiel paired with some sort of a classic villain! They are opposing the enemy roleplaying like Touch Me-san! The enemy sees fragile little angel in the hands of a monster who loves corrupting pure things! - the Winged King of Explosive Strikes became more amused and went on. - The enemy strikes but finds out the angel in shining armor is now on the bad side! And then, after the enemy is demolished, Ramiel and this truly diabolic villain celebrate their victory by having some good ol'- Eh? Flatfoot-san? -.
The ninja was laughing so hard it hurt. Peroronchino even had to turn down the volume of the sound a bit. But he couldn't get what was so funny about his speech.
- If only Ulbert-san heard you! - Flatfoot wheezed out of excitement and joy. - You two could get along better, if his life obstacles weren't so harsh and if you toned down a bit your overflowing mirth... Or should I call it gaiety? -.
They had been laughing for approximately five minutes and these five minutes were the best of Flatfoot's day.
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frugalkubal · 2 years
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Demiurge: Shalltear, Albedo! Why such sad faces?
Shalltear: sit down and we’ll tell you.
Demiurge: *sits*
Albedo: this bench is freshly painted
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incarnateirony · 4 years
Sorry for troubling you with this but I wanted to clarify something for myself. In those posts where you were answering people's questions about, whether Cas's got himself a soul or was saved by Jack, and were saying that it all was in the script, which leaked a long time ago, and all over your meta. But how can people, who didn't read the script and your posts, work it out? Like was there something on the show which said how souls are created through feelings? Because it seems a bit of a stretch that the authors made, for example, so much obvious that Cas's confession was love confession but failed to deliver some at least visual evidence that he got to heaven (with some spec of light in the Empty or something). They had to give some verbal or noticeable visual evidence of the process of creating a soul or Cas going to heaven.
Or we were supposed to get this from the fact that souls don't go to the Empty?
Everyone explained it with Jack because they have seen him an episode before calling desperately for Cas because he missed him and then getting the abilities to bring him back.
Figuring out the soul option from only TV episodes requires analysis if it is even possible, which i don't think, the authors thought the audience would do.
So what do you think about it?
Sorry for the length. And thank you.
So here’s the deal: do I imagine somewhere, in the depths of official business notes even beyond script drafts, there may even be a “yeah sure whatever jack brought him back” to answer any questions to the same suits that can’t tell what the fucking Roadhouse is much less more nuanced story beats? Sure.
But here’s the beats.
Check my #Shadow and #Cosmogenesis tags to begin--but in summary: the shadow is both a protogenic and personal psychological concept of the unformed or unaddressed self, and As-Above-So-Below, of the unformed and unperceived world. That is to say-- everyone and everything has a shadow. If you check out Jung, he explains essentially that the shadow is everything we repress about ourselves or fear addressing.
Now, look at the Occultum, where Jack reclaimed his soul; as Cas put it: “Loosely translated: In order to be in the occultum, the occultum must be in you.” -- but also remember the same episode highlighted “Occultum” is just Latin for “hidden.” -- They made an entire funny trade-off about that. 
See, with the alchemy theme on the year, the original cipher reads, in Latin:  “Visita Interiora Terrae Rectificando Invenies Occultum Lapidem,” or in English, “Visit the interior of the earth and rectifying you will find the hidden stone.” 
The motto originated in L’Azoth des Philosophes by the 15th Century alchemist Basilius Valentinus. But in alchemy, the shorthand is that the earth is symbolic of the body, and the hidden stone is the perfect soul. 
Naming it the Occultum in Latin, and highlighting the latin, then randomly transcribing it in Enochian for Castiel to be the one to get that line spoken was incredibly poignant: they streamlined the symbolism with his “roughly translated” commentary, but the sentiment remained. Given, the gnostic dweebs in our server, when we realized Jack literally ATE IT:
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Either way, Jack disappears into the occultum within him to unlock his hidden soul, where the serpent asks one of the prime questions of the journey of the self: “Who Are You?” -- in rectifying what is found there, Jack rediscovers his soul and is reborn.
But the Occultum isn’t only JUST this literal place. It’s a place, it’s a thing, whatever it is, it’s powerful. That was the core key to come in contact with it, but the moral of the story is simple: the kingdom of heaven is within you all along. 
But first we have issues to rectify.
The stages are simple. The Shadow asks, “Who are they?” in its dawning state, lacking self identity. On a cosmogenic level, this is where for example Chuck and Amara come to be. On a personal level, this is when we look both outward at other people for identity and even almost disassociated from ourselves.
“I know what you hate, I know who you love, what you fear, there is nothing for you back there.” - Castiel’s shadow on an individual level reflected this in a detached third person sort of way, even if the reflection itself is incredibly personal. The speech is “I speak in order to affirm we are the same.” -- I’m you, you’re me. But if the shadow is rejected, we do not address it.
The Animus, or basic ego, asks “Who am I?” it’s the first stage of wondering. The speech phase is marked “I don’t speak as I don’t dare.” By the next phase (Anima, the superego or dawning soul), it’s “Who are you?” and the speech phase is “I speak as I don’t dare to remain silent.”
On Castiel’s journey, this comes through things like the prayer group where he talks about rediscovering who he was. In the raw initial text, it was coming to realize that he became a father and found a family. But later, 15.18 -- as we approach a stage called Rubedo or the Magician -- has the question “Who art thou”. The speech stage is “I speak in order to hear what I have to say.”
Now, Dean for example had his share of this journey even if it was less about gaining a soul as SPN gives him one as a human birthright but more in repairing the damages on it and also learning when to let go. The four phases are also associated with birthing phases. And death phases. Rubedo is death and birth at the same time.
Notice closely Castiel’s dialogue with Dean; in Purgatory, in a stage reflective of the shadow called Nigredo, where their relationship had rotten and putrefied, he took a knee into Albedo, connected to Animus. I don’t know why I get so angry. It’s always been there. And I can’t stop it. You’re my best friend and I just let you go. No matter how hard I try, I just can’t stop it. I’m sorry it took me so long to say it. Cas, there’s something I have to tell you. 
But I don’t speak as I don’t dare/you don’t have to say it.
Castiel turned around in his own awakening and answered this prayer. He addressed why Dean has these self worth and anger issues and how worthy he is of love.
This, just like several other visuals on the year (15.09, 13) are symbolic of something called the Marriage of the Minds. If Grace/Mind is embodied in Castiel, which also mirrors the divine feminine (hence calling the light Rowena parallel in both his death and what he does post-rebirth), and well--Soul and humanity has always been Dean, which is also the solar emblem. Their union gives life to the World, which they just kept kicking us in the teeth with both the phrase of over the year and the visuals in 19. Cue, planetary zoomout, for reasons.
But this also falls into the shadow’s “threat” to Castiel: When you let the sun shine on your face, that’s when I’ll come.
Castiel poured out his heart and, well... soul, basically, about Dean. He changed because of Dean. He carried his torch of right and wrong and what it meant to love because of Dean. Dean changed him. And the moon and mind was full of light reflected in the soul, because of what they did and learned for the Whole World. For love.
A phrase from the corpus hermeticum is, “The cause of Death is Love, but Love is All,” and All itself is another macro/microcosm: the All is the Shadow when perceived, the universal soul, it is essentially--in SPN terms--heaven, unadulterated by the whims of the demiurge that was Chuck. It is the place where souls are born -- as the occultum, the garden, led to Eden, which DSOTM also tells us some see as god’s throne. It’s that we all have a throne inside of ourselves. 
Castiel in subsuming Death in an act of love addressed his every fear and repressed issue of himself, and came to learn that Happiness wasn’t in the having, it was in the Being, it was in the Just Speaking It. The just tweeting it out.
But if you track back to those cosmogenics tags, Being comes from the Prima Materia, and the Prima Materia once perceived is the light of the world that is the soul. Souls are real, everything else is perception. People, families, we are. 
The Empty is both a cosmogenic paradox and a place within ourselves of our own hollowness -- those things we won’t let ourselves have or feel, but without it, we will never be complete. The idea embodied in the occultum is opposite of that, but also within all of us. It’s nowhere-everywhere-in-us. It’s a matter of asking: Who are you? Who am I?
“You think that’s what you are/That is not who you are.” Castiel addressed, but instead told him of love, and the world, and being the most loving man he would ever meet. “That is who you are.”
In this moment Castiel addressed both himself, and even Dean’s issues. Castiel answered who he was and, at the same time, helped Dean come to peace with who *he* is. And that sacrifice and moment would not be in vain. So it was time to stop the anger, and the desperation, and to live on as intended, and eventually let go in peace come his time. 
Sam’s path on this was always leading opposite and always leading him towards earth. Not in a bad way either. It’s fine to do that. Sam had his own chance at individuality told in the future-story. 
But it’s about the Shadow integration, about the difference in Being or Absence and knowing what is Good, in about the peace we can find in all of ourselves to be complete. 
I do feel a bit sad that the plot end had to be diverted; they generally addressed the idea of Dean needing to speak at the end of the road. But the original point he “had to tell you” and got shut down on never manifest, to the expectable disappointment of all. But I guess that’s what eternity-ever-after is for. 
“Castiel is At Peace.” -- At Peace. Heaven tag. Not the Empty. “Mary Winchester is At Peace”, remember that? And teaching the guys to let go and move on because she was at peace?
Even souls can burn out--that’s what demons even are after all. The fact that Dean’s story long walked parallel to the threat of wandering into the Empty isn’t a fluke either. Because of his own issues the concept reflects. But he didn’t. He went to heaven. And probably has 15.09 and 15.18 to thank for that in the subtext.
Integrating with the shadow to become a complete persona (Jung) or soul (general alchemy) aka gold (also general alchemy) doesn’t leave regrets to even sit there and dream about. In fact, the entire heaven structure and division--even that’s perceptual. Check out the Axis Mundi meta on that. Chuck protected his Thought Box against the shadow and it needed summoned, but anybody notice it’s fine on rolling through heaven? It’s up to the rules in each chamber there. It’s just the flipside of the garden/throne/heaven-- it’s not being At Peace. It’s not being full. It’s not being your complete self. It’s just Absence (14.18, the soul.)
The Shadow haunted Castiel as his fears, and when Castiel lacked self worth and to some extent invited death and suffering, it reflected those desires. But in addressing the reasons for having them, it turns into another form of Being entirely.
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mysaldate · 4 years
81 – Albedo
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Backstory: At the Great Tomb of Nazarick, Albedo is overseeing the other guardians while also being one herself. The black-winged succubus has a blind adoration for her master, helplessly and completely in love with him. After Ainz has left for Esperia, Albedo became incredibly worried and eventually sneaked out, leaving her duties to the next in command, and followed her master to these unknown new lands.
Class: Tank
Personal opinion: Not gonna lie, this crossover was why I picked the game up again after a long while of not playing. Ainz and Albedo are both characters I really enjoy so getting to see them in a game I like? Perfect. Though the AFK version of Albedo seems just a little too desperate for Ainz' attention to me and I'm also a little surprised by her class. I would've personally preferred Demiurge to tag along with Ainz as well but Albedo is great too.
Headcanon: Again, less of a headcanon and more of a wish but I really want to know if she took her hand-made Ainz body pillow with her and if she has it in her room in the Oak Inn. I don't think I saw anyone with her on full furniture yet so I can't be sure but it would be neat.
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houseisekai · 4 years
House Isekai: Shadowbringers - Act 1 Finale: The Warrior of Darkness
House Isekai Shadowbringers AU Masterlist Here
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Most of House Isekai have finally reunited, with the help of the Ashen Wolves, The former Blue Lions, and Black Eagles class. Leaving Claude and the Investigation Team unaccounted for.
However, as they are discussing the nature behind Sitri’s resurrection and the plans of Lahabrea, they notice something terribly wrong...
Outside the Monastery, Present Day...
Byleth walked towards the Monastery alone, the winds blowing back his white hair.
One hand held Sara’s pistol while the other held the Sword of the Creator.
It had been five long years since he saw any members of House Isekai.
He hadn’t even seen the Investigation Team with Claude, even though he knew they were alive.
So much has happened since that first battle at Garreg Mach. He wasn’t even sure what to say when he saw them again.
As he kept walking, he noted something was off.
The wind had just stopped blowing completely.
He looked up into the air and his eyes went wide.
The skies had just went almost completely white.
(Byleth) “Shit.”
He held his weapons tightly and began running towards the Monastery.
(Yuki) “U-Um, excuse me.”
Everyone turned to her.
(Megumi) “Yuki-chan? What is it?”
(Yuki) “What time is it?”
Ryuji pulled out his phone and checked.
(Ryuji) “Hm…According to the phone, time in Fodlan’s about 9 in the morning. You forget something to do, Takeya?”
(Yuki) “Should…it be THAT bright outside?”
Everyone paused for a moment before slowly turning to the door behind them.
The outside shone an eerily bright white on the grass, and the wind appeared to stop blowing against the trees.
And the sound of footsteps seemed to be approaching from the main hall.
Megumi got the School-Living Club and Sitri behind her as everyone slowly stood up and reached for their weapons…
The clothes of the Phantom Thieves suddenly switched from their school uniform into their metaverse forms.
(Bernadetta) “Um...D-Don’t your clothes only do that when-?”
(Akechi) “Oh SHIT.”
[Holminster Switch - Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers OST]
The wall exploded into chunks of concrete, monstrous four legged creatures cloaked in white erupting from the main hall and reducing the entrance of the mess hall to rubble.
Albedo, Sebas, and Sara and Darkness jumped to the front, hitting back the debris that was about to hit them.
The monsters’ mouths separated into four jaws, looking something akin to a horribly mutilated dog.
Soldiers began to flood in behind the monsters, drawing their weapons.
(Edelgard) “Damn it, the Church found us!”
(Yuri) “Tch, brought the war right to us, didn’t ya?!”
(Dimitri) “It was going to reach you regardless, now quit complaining and help us kill the angels!”
Edelgard, Yuri, and Dimitri ran forward to meet the soldiers head on.
(Minato) “What’s the plan here?!”
Kazuma motioned the others to himself before trying to head out the exit, before more soldiers started to flood in.
(Felix) “That’s just great!”
(Sitri) “What about the entrance near the lake?!-”
Right as they spun around, more angels blocked the doorway.
(Balthus) “Well, IF IT’S FIGHT THEY WANT!”
(Junpei) “Not sure fighting them head on is our best idea, man!”
(Millium) “Then we’ll make an exit out of here! LAMMY!”
Her golem materialized behind her and charged the soldiers, and with one swipe sent them into the air.
(Megumin) “Think our best bet is to move our butts to Abyss!”
(Sharon) “Very well! We will take point!”
Sharon jumped above everyone and towards the entrance along with Doomguy.
More soldiers were on their way from the direction of the classrooms, forcing Doomguy to pull out an assault rifle.
As he began to unload the gun’s ammo into the Church soldiers, everyone began to retreat.
Edelgard, Dimitri, and Yuri sheathed their weapons and quickly got behind the group running away.
(Church Captain) “DON’T LET THEM ESCAPE!”
The Captain turned to the angels and nodded.
(Church Captain) “Cut them off at all entrances!"
The angels nodded and charged away, leaving the soldiers to pursue the others.
The Phantom Thieves, Machias, Crow, Towa, Aigis, and Doomguy covered everyone as they ran from area to area with their guns, dropping soldier after soldier.
(Machias) “This is absolutely insane! Just how much people did they send after us?!”
(Aigis) “According to my scans, there are currently over a hundred-”
(Megumin) “W-Wait a second!”
It was then everyone realized that the group was shooting to kill.
(Kazuma) “The hell?! I thought you guys didn’t ki-”
The fallen soldier’s bodies began to twitch violently as they exploded into pure white winged bats.
(Constance) “Keep moving, Kazuma!”
Sharon and Doomguy turned the corner to the entrance of Abyss before Hapi realized something.
(Hapi) “Wait a second, we never saw their bodies do that when we were leaving. Crap, does that mean?-”
Hapi’s question was answered when several more of the white bats flew out of Abyss’s entrance.
An angel was there waiting for them, charging full speed.
(Albedo) “OUT OF THE WAY!”
(Darkness) “EXCUSE ME!”
Albedo in an instant transformed into her black armor and shoved the others out her way, Darkness standing beside her.
They both blocked the monster and shoved them both back into the ground.
Its jaws unhinged and was about to devour them before the two of them drew their weapons and cleaved the side jaws, making it recoil back in pain.
Mercedes, Annette, Linhardt, and Dorothea raised their hands and all cast a fire spell, flying straight into the creature’s mouth and setting it ablaze.
It made an almost ear piercing screech as it inelegantly flopped over, immediately lying dead.
(Linhardt) “Hm, these angels appear to die from our attacks than the one we encountered at Enbarr.-”
(Annette) “D-Don’t think now’s a good time to conduct research, Linhardt!”
(Linhardt) “I’d beg to differ but eh, you’re probably right. Gotta waste our energy escaping.”
Felix, Sylvain, and Ingrid slashed apart the bats following behind them.
(Ingrid) “I don’t think we can get to the stables in time!”
(Felix) “Not gonna help anyway, there’s too many of us to escape on horseback!”
Petra and Ashe shot two out of the air with a bow as Dedue grabbed one and slammed it into the floot.
(Petra) “Then we are hard of pressed for decisions!”
(Ashe) “All the exits are covered by these things right? Then that means they got us surrounded!”
(Dedue) “And going into Abyss seems like a good way for us to get separated and picked off!”
(Caspar) “Calm down, Bernadetta! I’m sure we can punch our way outta here!”
(Ferdinand) “Then they will simply follow us! I am not sure we have the stamina to nor the manpower to stave off an entire army!”
(Miki) “Wait a second, what about Valimar?! He can teleport us out of here with that spirit portal thing!”
(Rean) “We’re going to need a huge area for all of us to get teleported!”
(Sitri) “I-If the Cathedral is still here, we could try that!”
(Aqua) “WHAT?! That’s like, the number one spot they would be in!”
(Hubert) “Then we will need to secure the area inside first.”
(Yuuri) “Besides, the Entrance Hall is too dangerous to push towards there, and if we’re out in the courtyard then we’ll be right in the open!”
(Futaba) “Enemies closing in behind us!”
(Fuuka) “More coming from Abyss’s entrance!”
Byleth cut down the angel blocking the entrance to the Monastery, and shot down any soldier trying to approach him.
The angel began to fade into nothingness before its energy was absorbed into Byleth.
The soldier was interrupted when his head exploded and fell to the floor.
When the other soldier looked back at Byleth, the sword slashed across his chest, sending him flying back.
Their bodies started twitching as Byleth raised a hand towards them.
His hand shot out a wave of a black and purple aura, completely enveloping them.
The bodies had disintegrated completely, leaving no trace of them on the ground.
Byleth saw the path of destruction from the main hall, to the Mess Hall.
After running to the room, he looked at the debris and bodies left in the group’s wake and followed the trail towards the church.
(Narberal) “Lord Ainz, the main hall is secure for now!”
The Pleiades and Sharon killed the soldiers inside and collapsed the other entrances leading inside.
(Ainz) “Understood, DEMIURGE, COCYTUS!”
Demiurge opened his hands and flicked his wrists, summoning a massive flame wall in front of the bridge.
Everyone else made it inside, and Cocytus created a freezing mist cloud in front of their entrance, letting ice shoot up into the air forming another wall.
(Cocytus) “IT IS DONE, LORD AINZ.”
(Shalltear) “Get on with it, Schwarzer!”
(Rean) “Right. Heed my call...
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Valimar stood up from the forests nearby and flew into the air, towards the Monastery.
Byleth finally cut his way to the bridge when he saw several winged bats pick up a specially dressed Church soldier.
(Byleth) “Damn it!”
He aimed the pistol at it and squeezed the trigger.
More bats flew in to intervene and took the bullet, the bat dropping below the bridge. Byleth fired several more shots only to have the same result.
A massive shadow enveloped Byleth, and he spun around with his sword expecting another angel.
Instead, it was Valimar stopping its flying to float next to Byleth.
(Valimar) Instructor Byleth. Please get on.
Valimar held a hand out for Byleth to hop on, to which Byleth responded with a nod.
(Rean) “Valimar, where are you?!”
(Valimar) Awakener, the Instructor is here.
(Rean) “Instructor- Wait, Instructor Byleth?!”
(Minako) “HEY, INCOMING!”
Minato and Minako put their Evokers to their heads and summoned Thanatos, and it casted a massive sphere around them as the ice wall exploded.
From the mist, a massive angel stepped in, roaring and shaking the entire Cathedral.
It had four legs and jaws like the others, but the tail appeared to be some sort of snake-like creature.
(Yuri) “Tsk, must be that captain!”
(Aqua) “Come on, we’ll kick your ass!”
(Edelgard) “This is bad!”
(Albedo) “What do you mean, with all of us here it stands no chance!”
(Akira) “That’s what we thought at Enbarr too!”
(Rean) “We have no idea what the hell’s empowering them, but an ‘Inquisitor’ or whatever turned into one of these, not even Slayer laid a permanent scratch on it!”
(Megumi) “C-Come again?!”
(Ingrid) “If I die today, I die for Faerghus!”
(Hubert) “And I for the Empire!”
A massive figure dropped in from the ceiling and landed in front of the angel who was approaching the group.
(Angel) “WHO DARES-...!!! YOU.”
Valimar’s hand went loose as it flew back behind everyone.
(Valimar) Preparing Spirit Portal. Please secure time for me to allow us a safe transportation.
(Byleth’s Voice) “Sara, catch.”
A pistol flew out from the dust and Sara caught it, and a smile grew on her face.
(Sara) “You took your time, didn’t you?”
[Boss Theme #2 - Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers OST]
(Sitri) “Byleth...!”
(Futaba) “Cheesy reunion dialogue later, enemies are starting to come from behind!”
(Byleth) “I’ll worry about the finishing blow, who’s helping me?”
(Sharon) “I as well!”
Doomguy nodded as he threw a few of his smaller guns at the School-Living Club and unsheathed his sword.
(Sara) “Well, looks like this is a good way for the staff to reunite!”
(Angelica) “We’ll join in the fight another time, we’ll take care of our kids!”
(Towa) “Good luck, Instructors!”
Byleth couldn’t remember the last time he smiled. Hearing their voices again brought him a calmness he hadn’t experienced in five years.
He also noted Sitri’s presence with them, but those questions will come later. For now-
The angel roared again, readying its tail.
(Byleth) “With me!”
(Sharon) “Understood!”
(Sara) “Got your back!”
(Doomguy) “...”
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The angel spun around and had its snake-like tail lunge at the five.
Cocytus was the only one not to jump out the way, grabbing it with three of his arms.
It spat poison on the floor, which quickly began to spread into a wide area.
Cocytus stabbed it through its head with the arm holding the halberd and moved aside before the poison could reach him.
(Cocytus) “THE TAIL IS DOWN.”
Doomguy didn’t bother to look at the area he was jumping to as his shoulder cannon fired a grenade behind him, setting the poison ablaze.
He jumped onto the angel, which begun to flail wildly, trying to get him off.
Doomguy jammed his wristblade into it, but couldn’t do anything else other than hold on.
Sara kept its attention by repeatedly shooting it in the face with her pistol, which didn’t seem to do much other than annoy the angel.
Byleth appeared to be doing something with his sword and made it glow a black and purple aura.
(Sharon) “Arcus, activate!”
Sharon smiled and used her wires to wrap around the angel’s legs, making it slower and almost trip.
She dashed from leg to leg at high speeds, using her knife to slice open the parts behind its legs, then pulled the wires closer to her, making them shift into the open wounds.
The angel screamed loudly, flailing even more violently and finally flinging Doomguy off.
The wires broke off which made Sharon frown. It was still moving far too much for her liking.
And just as she expected, the wounds began to heal.
(Sharon) “Master Byleth, I trust you have a solution to our problem?”
Byleth didn’t respond and instead held his hand out, shooting out a wave of dark energy at the creature, making it howl in pain as the wounds suddenly stopped regenerating and caused miniature explosions.
He activated the whip function of the sword as he jumped onto the angel, and swung at the head, dicing many parts into pieces.
(Sara) “Arcus, activate!”
Purple lightning shot back and forth around the angel, slicing off entire limbs with Sara finally appearing where the lightning ended, right in front of the beast.
Byleth jumped off as Doomguy took his place, putting his sword between its neck and slicing downwards, severing the head.
The head was still alive and was about to lunge at Sara with its jaws before Cocytus used the top part of his halberd and impaled it to the floor.
Byleth’s eyes glowed red for a moment before deactivating the whip and looking at the angel.
He raised his hand into the air and began to absorb the light from the angel.
It then was enveloped by a dark aura which covered the floor they were standing in, making everyone take a step back.
When the dark aura disappeared, the angel was completely gone. Even the head Cocytus had impaled left no trace of any gore.
Doomguy shrugged in response as Sharon dusted off her dress.
(Sara) “Well, this one didn’t seem to be an inquisitor. If it weren’t for Byleth, I’m not sure we could’ve killed it.”
She smiled and turned to face him.
(Sara) “Speaking of which-”
That smile went away when she realized Byleth was heavily panting and on one knee.
(Sara) “Crap, Byleth!”
The four ran over to him and helped him up.
(Sara) “Rean, status?”
Rean sliced apart the last bat with his tachi and took a quick look around.
(Rean) “Now’s a great time to go!”
(Valimar) Opening Spirit Portal. Destination required.
(Dimitri) “Take us to Derdriu!”
(Rean) “Right, what Dimitri said!”
(Valimar) Acknowledged. Beginning transport now.
Everyone in the room was quickly teleported away from Garreg Mach.
Soldiers flooded into the room alongside the lesser angels but saw no trace of anyone left.
(Soldier) “W-What happened? I thought the captain was here?”
(Soldier) “Goddess save us...!”
They saw several burn marks on the ground that wasn’t caused by fire. Some of the energy was still emanating off and that's when they came to the conclusion:
(Soldier) “The Warrior of Darkness is with House Isekai!”
Several Agarthans were watching from a distance as the soldiers began to move out of Garreg Mach. The men and women in black robes looked at each other.
(Agarthan) “This is going to be a problem...”
Zanado, the Red Canyon, Present Day...
[Sands of Amber - Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers]
Hilda yawned as she exited the tent she was sleeping in.
(Hilda) “Ugh, we gotta wake up so early...”
The skies hadn’t even turned blue yet and was still a crimson red over the horizon. Hilda groaned as Marianne exited the same tent and stretched.
(Marianne) “Well, at least we’ll just be exploring today right?”
Hilda rolled her eyes as she picked up her axe.
(Hilda) “Psh, my butt. Claude always says that and it ALWAYS escalates into a skirmish.”
The two walked beside each other as they moved down the resting area and towards the rest of the group.
Naoto and Rise were already up, staring at the same thing.
(Rise) “My Persona still isn’t picking anything up.”
(Naoto) “That can’t be right. Perhaps we need to-...Oh, good morning.”
(Marianne) “Hello. Still nothing?”
(Rise) “Not a thing. I still can’t believe none of us ever noticed this beforehand during the academy!”
(Hilda) “Well, I don’t think it was there to begin with...”
Hilda put her hands on her hips as she examined it.
The Golden Deer and Investigation Team had set up camp to examine a massive tower that went up into the sky, something that definitely wasn’t there before.
Or, maybe it was. Every time they stared at the tower, their memory got a bit fuzzy.
The tower stood out from the rest of the area, looking half natural formation, and half man-made. It had glowing blue lines throughout the entire structure.
Records seemed to indicate it had been there prior, yet earlier in the year when the Houses were sent to this canyon, it wasn’t present. Nor was it present during the previous five years. 
Or, at the very least no one was aware of its existence until just recently.
(Marianne) “Perhaps we should wait for everyone else to wake up?”
(Claude) “Wow, Hilda up early. Didn’t think that was possible.”
Claude tossed everyone a canteen of water as he looked up at the tower.
(Hilda) “Speak for yourself! You used to sleep in all the time back in Garreg Mach!”
(Claude) “Well, I like to think I’m a changed man. Though sometimes I wish I hadn’t. Growing up sucks.”
His smile faded as he continued to examine the tower.
(Claude) “...Ugh, looking at this is just giving me a headache.”
(Naoto) “Perhaps this tower is messing with our memories and causing us to perceive things differently?”
(Claude) “Too early to tell, Naoto. And uh, little too early to start conspiring when we haven’t even gone inside the thing yet.”
When he looked at Naoto and Rise, another thing was starting to give him a headache.
They had been here for at least 3 years, yet not a single one of the Investigation Team showed any signs of having aged.
A velvet door appeared next to them with Yu and that strange girl Marie stepping out.
(Yu) “Mornin’.”
(Marie) “...Hey.”
(Rise) “Any luck, senpai?”
(Yu) “No. Margaret, Theodore, Elizabeth, and Lavenza had no idea what it was either.”
Yu held out the sample from the tower and Naoto put it near the crates.
(Marie) “Most we’re really able to tell is it’s definitely from this world. Other than that, Iunno.”
(Claude) “Then we’re really left with the worst plan we got...”
He sighed as he turned to the others.
(Claude) “Let’s get everyone up and grab some grub. After that, we’re going inside.”
Everyone nodded and turned around back to camp. Claude was about to follow them when-
“I see. Right until the very end, I've read this whole thing terribly wrong... All my hopes have fallen to ash...” 
Claude first checked his throat. He was positive that he hadn’t spoken, yet...
He then looked behind him, and there was nothing other than a few crates facing the tower.
That was definitely his voice he heard clear as day, but there was no one around him.
(Claude) “The hell...?”
Shaking his head, sure he hadn’t gotten enough sleep and went back with the others.
Town outside Derdriu territory...
[Return of the Night - Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers OST]
The townspeople watched from their windows as the massive ball of light began pulsating and eventually flickered out, revealing a group of people they had never seen before materialize into existence.
(Valimar) Apologies Awakener. This is as close as I am able to get.
(Yuri) “Huh? Why can’t you get us into the city directly?”
(Valimar) I cannot teleport anywhere without the magical currents in the area being high enough.
(Kazuma) “So, you just happened to teleport us in the middle of some backwoods town and had us scare the shit out of everyone here?”
(Megumi) “W-What about Byleth? I think he’s injured!”
(Byleth) “N-No, I’m not...just...so...tired.”
Byleth gently shoved off Sara and Doomguy’s arm and stood on his own.
It was then everyone realized what was different about Byleth.
He looked more jaded than anything, but what stuck out most was his white hair.
It was some form of green the last time they saw him, but...
(Byleth) “It’s good to see all of you again.”
Byleth made a weak smile, and Megumi was the first to hug him.
(Megumi) “Thank goodness you’re safe!”
She began to cry as Byleth hugged her back.
(Byleth) “Words cannot describe how relieved I am to see everyone okay.”
(Sara) “Oh come on, don’t start crying too. You might make me tear up too.”
(Rean) “Welcome back, Instructor!”
(Yuuri) “It must have been a long wait, Byleth-sensei!”
(Minato) “It’s only been half a year and that’s already been too long.”
(Minako) “We almost got the whole gang together!”
(Akira) “Nice to see you again.”
Dimitri and Edelgard wanted to say something, but thought it best to keep quiet for now. The Black Eagles and Blue Lions watched the class all speak to each other again. 
House Isekai was as close as one could be, and seeing almost everyone reunited was a sight for sore eyes.
It reminded them of a certain missing House that could really make this feel like a proper reunion...
Sitri wiped away some tears, finally getting to see her son all grown up.
Megumi let go and motioned towards Sitri, and the two finally met face to face.
(Sitri) “Hello, Byleth.”
(Byleth) “Si...Sitri?”
She slowly reached out her hands, and Byleth grabbed hers.
Both of them made the same response, their eyes going wide.
(Sitri) “Look at you, hah...You’re all grown up...!”
Some of the group began sniffing and wiping their eyes but the rest smiled as they watched.
(Hapi) “Kiiinda feels like we’re intruding here.”
(Yuri) “Shut up, you’ll ruin the moment.”
(Balthus) “Nah, she doesn’t mean on Byleth and Sitri, dumbass. I meant the fact we’re doing this in the middle of a town.”
(Ainz) “Wait a second, Valimar said that he can only teleport us to areas with high magical energies. What’s so special about this town?”
(???) “Oh nothing. I just made enough energy to where you’ll teleport here.”
[Bedlam’s Brink - Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers]
Everyone turned around to see Lahabrea leaning against a nearby building.
Sitri put Byleth behind her as everyone had a hand over their weapons.
(Lahabrea) “Oh, spare me the dramatics, would you?”
He got off the wall and looked at the group standing.
(Lahabrea) “And take a look at this! At...!....A-At...”
Lahabrea was cut off as he reached for his head.
(Kazuma) “...The hell is he-AGH, FUCK!”
Kazuma and his group were the first to reach for their heads, wincing in pain.
The next was the Phantom Thieves, Class VII, the School-Living Club, S.E.E.S, then the denizens of Nazarick.
Byleth and the Blue Lions and Black Eagles quickly followed, leaving Sitri the only one unaffected.
After a few moments, Byleth collapsed to the ground while Lahabrea fell to one knee.
(Sitri) “BYLETH!”
Lahabrea shook it off and looked back up to see everyone slowly recovering.
(Rean) “What...What was that?!”
(Fie) “Ugh, nearly split my head open...”
(Elliot) “Um...W-Was I the only one who heard voices during that?”
(Mare) “You too?!”
(Albedo) “That voice was my own, it was-Ugh...!”
(Yukari) “I don’t remember saying those things at all, yet...”
(Ken) “C-Clear as day? Yeah, same here.”
(Ryuji) “Hey, asshole! What the ‘eff’s going on with...us?”
Lahabrea slowly got up look back at everyone.
(Morgana) “You better have a good explanation of what you did to us!”
(Lahabrea) “...”
(Kurumi) “Tch, what?! Nothing funny to say now? No sass in ya all of a sudden?!”
(Emma) “Guys, he’s not alone!”
Everyone looked at Emma then back at Lahabrea who was still standing there, staring at them.
(Kazuma) “Sold us out to the Agarthan’s didn’t you?! Made them put shit in our heads!”
(Darkness) “You will pay for that, fiend!”
She was the first to draw her weapon, and the rest followed suit.
(Ainz) “Hang on a moment.”
Ainz finally took the time to scan Lahabrea with a magic detection spell.
As he was doing so, Megumi stepped forth.
(Megumi) “You’re putting a lot of time into people you’re supposed to hate. No more dodging the question, who are you, and why are you so invested in us fighting the Church and the Those who Slither?!”
(Minato) “Give us another stupid answer, and you won’t like what happens!”
(Lahabrea) “...They deserve to know.”
(Everyone) ?
(Lahabrea) “...Yes, I know what might happen if we do.”
(Towa) “Why is he just talking to himse-”
It was then Towa noticed the faces on Emma and Aqua. Megumin was quick to notice what she was looking at and caught on.
(Megumin) “Eh? Aqua?”
Kazuma had the same face as well. Akira, Morgana, Minato, Minako, all of Nazarick, Doomguy, and Sitri included.
(Edelgard) “What’s happening to them?”
(Dimitri) “Can someone give an explanation or-”
(Kazuma) “What. The. Fuck.”
[More than Truth - Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers]
(Sothis?) “...Hello, everyone.”
She awkwardly rubbed the back of her head.
(Sothis?) “I forgot that not everyone can see me.”
Sothis had appeared next to Lahabrea, though she was wearing slightly more ragged and darker clothes.
Compared to the normal Sothis, she had a dark red dress and looked slightly older and more tired, but it was still undoubtedly Sothis.
(Albedo) “What sort of trickery is this?!”
(Emma) “S-Sothis was infused into Byleth such a long time ago! How are you here?”
(Aqua) “No...No! You’re not Sothis! This is some sort of magic that-”
(Lahabrea) “Would the Agarthans really go through the lengths to make an exact copy of Sothis that only certain offworlders can see, Aqua?”
By the tone of his voice, he had dropped any pretense of disguising his voice.
He took a deep sigh and shook his head.
(Lahabrea) “No...You and all of House Isekai have every right to doubt our motives.”
(Yuki) “T-That voice...”
Everyone started listening closely and realized what Yuki was hearing.
(Lahabrea) “Good, I can end this charade. Felt annoying as hell to keep up.”
Lahabrea reached for his mask and slowly took it off, putting the hood down and revealing his full face.
Everyone lowered their weapons, some gasped while some held their breath.
Sharon’s smile had went away a while ago but this was the first time anyone had seen her shocked.
Doomguy took off his helmet for a brief moment to make sure his visor wasn’t acting up, and saw the look of utter confusion on his face as well.
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(Lahabrea?) “Sothis, go ahead and make yourself visible to everyone.”
Sothis nodded and did as he asked, making most of everyone jump.
(Sitri) “You’re...also Byleth? How is that possible?!”
(Kazuma) “Hey, don’t fall for it! The Agarthans did some crazy shit with Monica and Thomas way back! This has got to be the same thing now!”
(Sothis?) “Kazuma, it’s-”
Sothis floated towards Kazuma, but everyone quickly went back on guard.
(Kazuma) “Back off, asshole! You aren’t Sothis! This is some really clever trick so you can stab us in the back!”
Lahabrea looked at the Sword of the Creator and grabbed it.
Megumi got in front of Sitri and stretched her arms wide.
Lahabrea motioned a hand upwards, motioning them to wait.
(Crow) “Nice try, that thing only responds to people with a crest of!-”
The sword glowed in response, activating in the exact same way as if Byleth held it.
(Crow) “...Flames...”
(Ainz) “Everyone...That is Byleth and Sothis.”
(Lahabrea?) “I guess I shouldn’t be surprised at this reaction...”
He looked among the group, but all he felt were the eyes of complete strangers.
(Sothis?) “I told you this would’ve happened...”
(Lahabrea?) “I promise, I will answer any question you have. For now, let’s get to Derdriu and get your Byleth some rest.”
(Rean) “...Fine.”
Rean was the first to sheathe his Tachi, and Valimar stood up and began to walk with him.
Class VII eventually followed, then the rest of the group.
(Lahabrea?) “...”
(Sothis?) “I told you they wouldn’t remember us. They never do.”
(Lahabrea?) sigh “...I know, Sothis. I know.”
He put on his mask and hood again and followed behind everyone, Sothis floating behind.
(Lahabrea) “Hopefully in due time, they’ll remember us.”
[Escape - Darling in the FranXX OST]
The forecasted rain wets us
What should I say to you, as you tremble? My soaked blazer is cold and heavy
I feel as helpless as a chick who’s left its cage. I felt that my dreams were on the other side of the heavy clouds
I digested only the sweet pain that spread in my chest
I wonder if it’d be better if I’d never met you
Hey, I can’t even see the stars
Hey, my tears won’t fall either
The first thing anyone would notice stepping into the Hearing Chamber was that it was a blinding white.
The floors, the wall, and even the guards were dressed head to toe in white, with gold accents highlighting the armor and edges of the room.
Catherine never liked this room much, but whatever made Rhea happy. She guessed.
Catherine knelt down before Rhea, joined in by Alois, Shamir, Seteth, Flayn, and Cyril.
(Cyril) “Lady Seiros, the Warrior of Darkness has made a reappearance at Garreg Mach Monastery.”
(Rhea) “And?”
(Cyril) “...He has rejoined House Isekai. It would seem that this third party is making its move.”
Rhea frowned and looked back at her loyal subjects.
(Rhea) “Then we will make ours as well. Do not fail me, Inquisitors...”
Claude took a deep breath, opening the door to the tower.
The Golden Deer and the Investigation Team stood behind him, weapons at the ready.
(Yosuke) “Dude, you REALLY didn’t have any other plan than just walk through the front door?”
(Teddie) “This is a very terrible idea!”
(Leonie) “...No bear pun?”
(Chie) “Daaamn, didn’t think I’d ever hear that!”
(Lorenz) “I, for once, agree with Teddie.”
(Lysithea) “And I didn’t think I’d hear THAT.”
(Yu) “Everyone keep quiet and...listen...?”
“You’re not me!” “The dreams of men don't amount to much. Sorry, but... it's up to you now.”
The voices flooding in gradually grew louder and louder, everyone being able to recognize their voice as they stood there.
(Claude) “What in the hell did we just find...?!”
Everyone continued walking towards Derdriu silently, unable to make words of any kind after what they just saw.
Lahabrea and Sothis continued to stay behind, unable to approach any of them.
(Sothis?) “So, what do you plan to tell them when they ask?”
(Lahabrea?) “The truth. They deserve to know everything...Even everything that I’ve done.”
He looked at his hand and clenched it into a fist.
(Lahabrea?) “...How many years have come and gone, since that day, Sothis?”
Looking back up, he saw House Isekai, the Black Eagles, and Blue Lions standing side by side.
(Lahabrea?) “How many years have we waited for this moment?”
Sitri was next to Byleth with the Pleiades carrying him.
(Lahabrea?) “For the House that stood alone against the storm?”
(Sothis?) “I suppose you’re not wrong. What about the Sothis of this time?”
(Lahabrea?) “I’m sure she’s watching us as we speak.”
Lahabrea’s attention turned to Sitri.
(Lahabrea?) “Even if they don’t know it.”
[Shadowbringers - Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers OST]
One brings shadow, one brings light Two-toned echoes tumbling through time
Threescore wasted, ten cast aside Four-fold knowing, no end in sight
One brings shadow, one brings light One dark future no one survives
On their shadows, away we fly
The road that we walk
Is lost in the flood
Here proud angels bathe in
Their wages of blood
At this, the world's end, do we cast off tomorrow
One brings shadow, one brings light To this riddle all souls are tied
Brief our moments, brazen and bright Forged in fury, tempered in ice
Hindmost devils, early to rise Sing come twilight, sleep when they die
Heaven's banquet leavened with lies Sating honor, envy, and pride
One brings shadow, one brings light
Run from the light
Authors of our fates
Orchestrate our fall from grace
Poorest players on the stage
Our defiance drives us straight to the edge
A reflection in the glass
Recollections of our past
Swift as darkness, cold as ash
Far beyond this dream of paradise lost
One brings shadow, one brings light One more chapter we've yet to write
Want for nothing, nothing denied Wand'ring ended, futures aligned
One brings shadow, one brings light One brings shadow, one brings light
You are the light 
We fall
We fall
We fall
We fall unto the end
WE (Our world)
END (We won’t end)
I am shadow, I am the light 
12 notes · View notes
ceresoktavia · 4 years
What you’re gonna do if you have a stupid idea in the middle of the night and just can’t rid of it? 
Write it down!
Thanks to @apocalypticromantic666 @datsonyat & @ackrissao3 for sitting this through with me in stream :D
A drinking night, only for the four Cubi residents of Nazarick, though they did more than just drink. By now they had so many different types of booze and drugs in their systems that even the plainest stuff had them snickering like children.
This time, it was Albedo pouting.
“I. Am. Not! Obsessed!”
The other three just kept snickering, none of them capable of toning it down.
“Suuuuuuuure.” Malphas snorted, at least trying to keep the conversation going. “And I presume you risking going rampant because of withdrawal is just us underestimating your willpower?”
“Yes … yes it is!” Her pout intensified and she hugged herself, looking away.
“Khm … you and willpower?” Demiurge held a hand over his mouth in an attempt to stop snickering. “Then what about that one time I caught you rolling around in Lord Ainz bed? From the squirming, I could see you were totally humping that body pillow.”
“That’s …” A bright red blush covered her cheeks as the black haired succubus desperately racked her brains for an answer.  
“Wait, you caught her doing what?” Marlianken stemmed her hands on her crossed legs and leaned forward. “Albedo! You devious little …”
“OH SHUT UP!” All offended, the guardian overseer slapped the blonde elder succubus on her shoulder. “You’re one to talk … you’re banging them both!”
Both Incubi just smirked and took sips of their respective drinks.
“Oh please. If you weren’t so desperately trying to lose your V-Card to none other than our supreme lord, you’d be joining us on the fun already.”
“She’s right. Your obsession is not only making you cranky, but also keeping you away from a lot of fun times.” Still smirking, Malphas stretched himself, almost popping the buttons of his dress shirt.
“I am not obsessed!”
“Yeah, sure … and Demiurge doesn’t have two left hands when it comes to tying knots.”
Albedo almost choked on her drink, not only because Marlianken had just casually dropped such information, but also because the seventh’s floor guardian’s face completely derailed with disbelief.
“Cuffs weren’t invented for no reason!”
“She’s got a point there brother. Even a child could just open your knots without any effort.”
“Uh huh … says the guy who doesn’t know what to do with two partners at once.”
“WHAT? I perfectly know what to do!”
“Right … that’s why Demiurge and me needed to guide you through it every time we decided it was time to share.”
Malphas’ mouth opened and closed several times before he huffed in offence, the rest of the table was laughing at his loss for words.
“Well … Miss Executioner … is there nothing you are embarrassed by?”
“Don’t know … probably not.” Smirking, Marlianken took a sip of her drink. “But feel free to try and find something. I could use some more laughs.”
“How about you being unable to properly suck a dick without bringing your tongue piercing to use?”
“Oh please … you’re just jealous that Malphas no longer wants you to suck his dick because he thinks I’m better at it.”
“Well … if Demiurge had a piercing to begin with, this wouldn’t be up for discussion. Right Malphas?”
“What Albedo said.”
Demiurge glared at his glass, pressing his lips to a thin line, before he suddenly stood. “Alright … I’m getting one!”
They all looked at him, utterly puzzled. “What? Now?”
“Yes. Now! You have spares, right?”
“Of course I have.” Smirking, Marlianken stood too. She reached into her inventory, took a small box out and handed it to the devil.
He opened it unceremoniously and simply took the first one out before handing the box back. “Alright … Albedo, you do know several Ice-Spells, right?”
“I do … but you know that my magical abilities are weak.”
“But it should be enough to numb my tongue, right?”
“Well … I guess?”
“Oh … this is gonna be fun. I’ll shoot it in, if you let me.” A wide grin on her face, Marlianken returned the box to her inventory.
“I’ll heal it then.” Leaning forward in his seat, Malphas grinned wickedly.
“Then, in a row please!”
They almost did line up, with Albedo first using Ice Magic to numb the devil’s tongue, Marlianken shooting the piercing in and Malphas healing it up. As it was done, Demiurge slumped back into his previous seat, visibly rolling his tongue around.
“Hell … that feels … strange, but also kinda interesting.”
“Funny … you just look like her when she’s pondering over something.” Pointing to the blonde succubus next to her, Albedo leaned back.
“That’s because I roll mine around when thinking.”
“Ooooh!” Eyes blown wide, the guardian overseer returned to watching Demiurge test out the strange new feeling.
“Okay … I guess I can handle it. Malphas? Time for you to judge!”
“Excuse me?” Eyebrow raised, the tallest of the bunch took a sip of his drink.
“You judge who’s using the piercing better.”
“Right now?”
“Why not? Better sooner than later.” Smirking, Nazarick’s executioner emptied her glass before standing. “Ready to go down Demiurge?”
“You wish! Loser will be bottom for one month?” Demiurge raised too.
“Make it two!”
They both glared Malphas down. “So? You in or what?”
Dumbstruck, Malphas blinked a few times. “Well … why not? I guess?”
With a flick of Marlianken’s fingers, Malphas pants and belt opened on their own, blonde succubus and seventh floor guardian got down on their knees, reaching for his member in unison and helping him out of the confinements.
Albedo whistled in astonishment at the sight of Malphas being not only hard, but also bigger than she had thought. Stemming her hands on her knees, the succubus leaned forward and watched with heated interest how the other two went down on the tall arch devil.
Watching how both lashed their tongues out, trailing them along the arch devil’s dick with such determination and visible pressure. Malphas’ head almost instantly thudded back against the backrest, hands clenching around thin air as they took turns in suckling the flared head.
Wiggling her hips and fluffing her wings at the same time, Albedo started smirking mischievously. “They were right, you really don’t know how to handle two at once.”
“Fucking hell … will you shuuuuuuuuuuuu …” The devil’s speech derailed as a particularly hard suck of his younger counterpart had him fisting his own hair and only hissing as Marlianken seemingly doubled down on the gesture.
They trailed their tongues along the sides together, suckling slightly and Malphas simply lost it, coming all over himself and their faces, earning himself displeased scoffs of both contestants.
“Really? You give up that easily?”
“Give up? GIVE UP? You have no clue how difficult it is to keep it in with the two of you being on it at the same time.” Panting, Malphas ran his claws through his hair several times. “No way I can judge this way.”
Grumbling, Demiurge pulled a tissue out of his jacket to wipe his face clean. “Fair enough. Marlianken? Can you get him back up? We take turns this time.”
Not even giving Malphas time to protest, she gently blew over the devils cock and with several twitches he was rock hard again.
“Wait … nononono … Maaaaaaaaaaaa” Claws clenching to fists in the succubus hair, Malphas head yet again thudded against the backrest, while Demiurge flopped back on his butt, turning away and pouting.
“Not satisfied with a draw?” Still smirking, Albedo craned her neck to see better.
“Never.” The devil loosened his tie, glancing to the side to watch the succubus go.
She played with him with her tongue, trailed it along the sides, swirled around his length, suckled on the tip, took him in deep only to almost allow him to pop out of her mouth while sucking up. All while Malphas desperately clung to both her hair and horns, groaning, hissing, his tail rattling and thudding on the sofa like crazy.
Accompanied by an almost whimpered moan, the devil came deep in her throat and the succubus just swallowed up before letting him out of her mouth, a string of salvia still connecting his tip and her lips.
Demiurge just huffed. “Pfff … you think swallowing gives you an upper hand?”
“No … but we have enough a mess already.” She held out her hand and Demiurge simply dropped the tissue in her hand.
“Sounds fair. If you please?”
Nodding, she simply repeated the process of gently blowing her magic on Malphas, his cock yet again coming to life with several twitches.
“Come on … no fair, I caaaaaaaaaaaaa” Malphas tail instantly thudded on the sofa repeatedly, claws fisting his younger counterparts hair.
All the while, Marlianken stood up, sitting down next to Albedo again while cleaning her face. “Hey, hey, hey … no tail entwining to give him something more to hold on you cheat!”
Demiurge’s tail instantly slipped out of reach for Malphas, but not without gesturing a clear ‘screw you’ in Marlianken’s direction.
The succubi watched with interest, Albedo leaning forward while Marlianken leaned back and her head against her hand, how the seventh floor guardian repeated the process of thoroughly licking, sucking and teasing his predecessor’s member, though his approach was far less playful than the one of the elder succubus. He went more for taking him in deep and sucking hard on the way back up, pace rather impatient.
Curse after curse fell from Malphas’ lips, each one growled with desperation.
The only thing their ways had in common was Demiurge too was keeping him in as the devil came and swallowing.  
Malphas’ entire body was trembling as Demiurge resurfaced, with a satisfied, victorious grin on his lips.
“Hah … If that ain’t a win, then I don’t know what is.”
“Pfff … please … I set the grounds for it.” Marlianken dismissively waved off. “So Malphas, who won?”
“Lemme … lemme wait until I can feel my legs again … please … I …” The devil tried to gesture, but his hands almost instantly fell down limp every time he raised them, head hanging back overstretched.
“I think we broke our judge.”
“Well … shit …”
Suddenly, both Cubi glanced at Albedo, a strange spark in their eyes. “Albedo?” Both showed a wolfish grin, and the guardian overseer’s blood ran cold.
“Ahhahahahahaha … it’s getting late, isn’t it? … I should … go … now? Hahahahaha.” The succubus jumped to her feet and left as fast as she could, cheeks painted in a bright shade of red.
The remaining two just huffed.
“How’s she not obsessed with Lord Ainz again? She can have us both and still refuses.”
Demiurge flopped down next to Marlianken, stemming his chin against his hand. “As I said, she’s a wuss. Now, how do we decide this? I mean … Malphas is out happy so he can’t judge.”
“Let’s not forget that men and women experience things differently. Just using one gender to judge isn’t really doing this contest justice.”
The devil sighed. “We could use one of your clones.”
“Not objective… “ Marlianken’s eyes widened out of the blue, the spark of an idea readable on her face. “Oooor … we can make your little pet judge.”
The idea seemingly sparked the devil’s interest, as his eyes widened too. “That’s the best idea you’ve had in weeks!”
“Suuure … you guys go bang his little human … I’ll just stay here …” Malphas muttered, raising one hand up for a victory fist pump. Freed from judge-duty for now.
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crackimagines · 4 years
Overlord Three Houses Supports
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Overlord 3H AU Masterlist
Universal Supports: Byleth, House Isekai
Ainz Ooal Gown
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Closest Friends: Edelgard, Linhardt, Claude, Dimitri, Hapi, Hubert, Mercedes
Ainz, to his Floor Guardians, is a merciful and fair being, striking any who oppose Nazarick down, always seeing the bigger goal ahead, and is perfect in every way. Ainz is cold and calculating, and extremely pragmatic.
To everyone in the Monastery, it’s very clear he has no idea what he’s doing, but no one says anything due to not wanting to be murdered by his group.
When not around his group, they tend to see the real Ainz, which is just a regular person, skeletal appearance aside. He is respectful, but is absolutely brutal to any enemies of his fellow students and his own House. 
Ainz sees Fodlan as a bizarre world, not at all similar to Yggdrasil, the DMMO-RPG he played almost religiously before being teleported to a new world. While he doesn’t particularly care about the politics in it, he at least cares somewhat for his classmates.
Rest of the cast under the cut!
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Closest Friends: Dorothea, Hilda, Manuela, Petra, Hubert
The first thing that everyone noticed about Albedo was that she was absolutely beautiful. The next thing was that she was a succubus. The fact a literal monster was at Garreg Mach was unnerving, but she seems to get along mostly with everyone. She is seems to be polite, but is terrifyingly in love with Ainz, and would definitely kill every one of them if he ordered it.
Sylvain and Lorenz have been the only ones to make her genuinely mad, and extremely close to murdering them. 
Despite her disdain for humans, she doesn’t seem to dislike most of the humans at Garreg Mach and in her own House. Mostly due to the interactions from the last classroom environment, and finds House Isekai with the most tolerable to likable humans.
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Closest Friends: Edelgard, Hubert, Mercedes, Linhardt
Being an undead vampire makes mostly everyone stay away from her, but she doesn’t appear to be malicious. At least at first.
Those who spent any amount of time knows that she is sadistic, just as kinky as Darkness, and absolutely terrifying. She has a distaste for humans like most of Nazarick, but seems to keep it under control at Garreg Mach, going so far as to like a few people here.
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Closest Friends: Edelgard, Hubert, Shamir, Claude
Whenever Demiurge enters the room, everyone gets a cold chill running down their spine. He is even more cold-blooded than Ainz, and calculates things down to a brutal efficiency. Everyone is convinced he has a plan to kill the entire Monastery. Which he does.
He is one of the most loyal to Ainz, right behind Albedo. The church keeps a close eye on him, and he returns the surveillance in kind with his magic.
While he prepares and plots against his classmates, he doesn't harm them and gets along fine with them, especially Hubert. He enjoys working in this new environment, and seeing those in awe of his great ruler, Ainz Ooal Gown.
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Closest Friends: Felix, Ingrid, Ashe, Caspar, Leonie, Catherine, Jeritza, Dimitri
Everyone pulled their weapons on Cocytus when they first saw what he was. After a bit of time, people are still not used to him, but his classmates see him as one of the few nice people from Ainz’s group.
He is a warrior through and through, and has an honor system that would humble anyone, especially those training to be knights.
Cocytus specifically likes training the students, seeing such young warrior spirits waiting to unlock their full potential. He genuinely likes a lot of the students at the Monastery, along the Knights of Seiros.
Pandora’s Actor
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Closest Friends: Flayn, Annette, Marianne, Yuri, Dimitri, Ashe, Ingrid
Even though Nazarick’s group has literal demons and monsters walking about, everyone finds Pandora’s Actor the weirdest of the bunch.
He is a shapeshifter, but that is not what makes him notorious. He is extremely flamboyant in his speech, actions and even poses. Despite his flashiness, he is generally a nice enough person, albeit annoying sometimes. Ainz does everything in his power to avoid him, and to prevent him from embarrassing the group further.
Ainz’s attempts do not work.
A exaggerant and jolly figure who wishes to do all to help his creator, Ainz. Be it from getting his attention to even fighting him if he has to. He's prone to be rather embarrassing to Ainz yet Pandora’s Actor does not care.
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Perhaps the most normal and kind one of the group, he is fairly popular around the Monastery. While not human himself, he does not hold contempt for them, in fact its the opposite. Willing to help train the younger students to hone their skills and being an advising figure for all, he was voted to be an Instructor for House Isekai. He is a brutal fighter, able to punch people’s heads clean off, making him loved and feared. 
Sebas likes the enthusiastic natures of the Youths of Garreg Mach, and is more than happy to spend time with them, making sure the rules are being kept and helping those in need. Sebas is the first person of Nazarick that people go to for advice, followed by Cocytus.
Despite his overall friendly and respectful manner, his absolute loyalty is with Ainz, not anyone else.
Aura and Mare (Respectively)
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Aura is a very cheerful, tomboyish girl who is often straightforward and blunt with her remarks. Mare has a shy and cowardly personality, the kind which is a polar opposite to his sister, Aura. He often stutters when speaking and maintains a subservient demeanor during conversations. Despite their appearances, they are able to carry out the most cold-blooded orders without question or hesitation for Ainz, as their loyalty is unwavering towards him.
Even though they are very old (Around seventy in age), they often get lumped in with the younger students of the Academy, and their childlike-demeanor does not help make them seem like their age. They are completely neutral towards humans, and get along with the students relatively well.
The Monastery also notes Aura and Shaltear not getting along, though students with siblings point out that it’s more of a familial way of acting, as if they were actually sisters.
The Pleiades
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The Pleiades Six Sisters, left to right
Yuri Alpha,  Lupusregina Beta, Entoma Vasilissa Zeta, CZ2I28 Delta, Narberal Gamma, Solution Epsilon
They generally do not interact with the students of the Monastery, due to a majority of them hating humans, but can get along if ordered to.
Though due to a majority of them having to interact with humans in their own world and with Kazuma’s group, the Pleiades have grown slightly more tolerant of them.
Those of House Isekai are the only humans they get along with right off the bat, since some of them have been with Ainz before.
Universal Supports: Byleth, House Isekai
Closest Friends - Byleth, Ashe, Ingrid, Lysithea, Leonie, Seteth, Edelgard
A dullahan (Undead who can remove their head) and leader of the Battle Maids, she is one of the two sisters that humans can “safely” talk to. She is the one of the few among Nazarick who do not outright despise humans, and likes them. Her behavior is strict and is like that of a teacher, but acts more like a tomboy in private.
Closest Friends - Claude, Yuri, Hapi, Dorothea, Hilda, Mercedes, Annette, Ignatz, Raphael, Ferdinand
A werewolf and the most cheerful one of her sisters. She has a very bright and outgoing personality, but is able to act accordingly like a perfect lady. She is sociable and friendly towards humans. However she is brutal and cunning, and has an extremely sadistic nature, making her one of the most dangerous to humans.
Closest Friends (Used VERY LOOSELY) - Flayn, Cyril, Lysithea, Annette
Entoma has the appearance of a young girl wearing traditional Japanese attire. Her eyes and mouth never move, but that is due to her true form being an spider-human. In fact, she likes to eat humans, finding them delicious. 
Despite her literally eating them, she doesn’t particularly care for them much, if they don’t bother her, she doesn’t bother them. When she isn’t hungry, anyway. Though having to be at the Monastery, she instead eats any bandits or prisoners around Garreg Mach.
Closest Friends: Mercedes, Annette, Ashe, Hapi, Costance, Flayn, Dedue, Dimitri, Hilda
CZ2I28 is emotionless and usually silent, due to being an automaton. However, she likes cute things and likes to mark them with a one yen sticker. She normally does not respond to humans and ignores them, though there have only been a select few she actually responds to. 
She is the second of the two sisters that humans can safely talk to without the threat of being murdered for saying the wrong thing. 
Closest Friends (Used VERY LOOSELY) -  Ashe, Edelgard, Hubert, Dimitri, Dedue, Felix
Narberal is a doppleganger like Pandora’s Actor. She views humans as nothing more than low-class creatures, always pondering to kill anyone who dares look down upon Ainz before asking his permission to do so. Ironically enough, she dislikes the thought of killing humans, she will not hesitate to do so if there is no reason to let them live, or unless given an order by Ainz. 
She is generally calm, but prone to anger quickly. It is also very easy to make her flustered.
Closest Friends (Used VERY LOOSELY) - Hubert, Edelgard, Claude, Dimitri
Solution is a slime-like predator creature and thinks of humans as food and toys. She loves to swallow humans alive and enjoys the suffering and struggling of her victims. She is also very logical, often questioning her more powerful superiors if their actions are not beneficial to Nazarick as a whole.
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the-blind-geisha · 3 years
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I... guess he knew all along? LOL
I tried with Albedo, but she's a disaster with me. Q_Q She's OK with Demiurge though.
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katsura018 · 4 years
Overlord fanfic idea
Ainz discovers a hidden machine that was created and kept secret by one of his guild members and it's power and functionality is unknown to Ainz. Ainz tries to activate and of course our lucky overlord successfully activates it and he is transported to a human village away from Nazarick as a human looking being. He is hungry and weak as if he spent years not eating and sleeping then he is taken care of by the village. 
They trust and spoil him cause of his looks, charm, and manners. He analyzes everything and after regaining strength, tests out his magic, still there, but he was no longer limited to having only undead capabilities, he was able to access his items and uses the no need for sleep and food items. He leaves the village after saving it from monsters and works hard to level up quickly. Back in. Nazarick, everyone is crazy worried but calm still, they had to be, no signs that the overlord was dead(?) existed, his summons were still functioning normally but all messages weren't going through (he hang up on them) so they were thinking it must be a test of some sort. (Well, all floor guardians had their own thoughts)
Then, surprisingly they are infiltrated by an unknown being. Everyone goes on full combat mode and returns to Nazarick. It's Ainz of course. Each floor guardians faces him, Shaltear fails to recognize her master, near defeat, she decides to retreat instead gaining Ainz approval and trust. Ainz is able to stop her from continuing her retreat by revealing himself to her and asking for assistance. He goes through the others the same way and only albedo and demiurge are able to notice who he really was but demiurge, eager to gain his master's approval takes the test seriously gaining more respect from Ainz while albedo was unable to fight Ainz seriously and failing the test. Ainz reveals the machine and realizes his original undead body had been near it all along. After investigating, it was a machine to create and transport a body double, Ainz now gains another alter ego that looked more human.
Nazarick returns to normal as Ainz becomes eager to set sail and broaden his map of the new world. They build a ship and gives chosen adventurers free ride in order to deploy them to discover new sights and treasures. Ainz in disguise with his new alter ego boards the ship as an adventurer with an adventurer he had approved of as a guard. The guard knows he is Ainz.
(This adventurer gained Ainz approval as he stood out of the rest when Ainz orchestrated a group of adventures to take down the ghost ship's undead captain, though the captain had already knelt for the overlord, Ainz thought it was boring so he decides to have him test the adventurers he had recruited. As most adventurers weren't working well together and we're mostly pulled away from the fight by the combat maids when they were near death, he notices the one adventurer who eagerly supported everyone and was mindful and properly thinking of the timing to attack, Ainz whispers "a diamond in the rough" the near death adventurers hear it. Their undead king had called a human a diamond. Ainz joins the fight as he buffs the adventure with strength and speed. He appoints him as a guard and though Ainz offered a new sword, the adventurer refuses as his sword was precious to him, Ainz instead alters the sword with runes to make it stronger) //of course gaining more popularity points from the adventurers aha, ok back to main fic
On the new land they end up on, ulbert is there! And has been for a looooong while. Ainz becomes blinded with happiness only for a short while as ulbert's mind had already changed in a negative way. At first ulbert is happy to see Ainz then things change when he finds out Ainz had come with Nazarick, revealed by the guard and his adventurers as Ainz had suspcions on ulbert. Ainz, wary of ulbert's actions, aggressively asking if Ainz had come alone, decides to asks if ulbert had also come alone and if he had tried to find any other members or people from their world. If he had been there for so long, why was he staying in one place not trying to know the rest of the world. Ulbert attacks at this part successfully making Ainz unable to move. Ainz blacks out and ulbert reports to his unnamed dead King that he has a new offering for it. //Ulbert had become loyal to the tyrant king of that land even after their death
Before Ainz confrontation with ulbert, Ainz had already arranged a backup plan, on that night a swarm of cockroaches that were hidden on the ship flies back to Nazarick.
It's revealed that the cockroaches had been investigating the land and had reported to Ainz everything about it including ulbert and their storage of magic users for their magic. The land a dream, to mimic the land of dragons and be worshipped from above, the dead King had admired dragons and had wanted to become one or be near them as much as he can so wanted to offer his whole island to them and take them to the skies, in order to do that magic was the only way he could think of so he had collected magic from all the people to one day lift the land from the seas to the skies.
//well as expected lez summarize more
Nazarick finds out that their leader is being milked and they are not happy and the sorcerer kingdom people and not happy and the monsters under Ainz are also not happy. They recruit anyone willing and are strong enough to attack, demiurge being the one to lead, though feeling the eyes of the guardians on him, it was ulbert his creator they were attacking after all. But of course demiurge had only hatred for him now, he's part of the said assassination group formed by albedo, btw Pandora's actor is also very angry though it doesn't show.
Anyway.... Nazarick readies for war.
To be continued somehow...
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overlord-imagines · 5 years
Peroroncino gave Ainz a joke item that would change his avatar's appearance, only that in the new world this item changed his race. How do the rest of Nazarick react now that their lord is one of the living? You decide if he turn into a human or a dark elf ( the last is only because a want more father Ainz) and if the change is permanent or only for a few days.
I’M SO SO SORRY I’VE BEEN SO INACTIVE. I have no other excuse than I was unmotivated and lazy, but reading the manga has rekindled my passion!!!
Ainz had been doing a personal inventory check when he came across the item.
Being the absolute neet he is, of course, he recognized it on first sight.
Though he will be the first to admit that he should’ve taken better precautions when it came to testing the item’s powers. Though could you blame him?
It did one thing in Yggdrasil, wouldn’t it do the same in this world?
‘Stupid, stupid, stupid.’ Is what he repeated to himself when instead of making it an easier time to disguise himself… it actually just turned him into a human.
Pandora, who was with him at the time, was absolutely going ballistic.
HIS beloved creator, his master, his lord?! A HUMAN?!
He would’ve fainted if Ainz hadn’t calmed him down.
When looking in the mirror Ainz noted he looked like he did in his previous life, which brought up unpleasant emotions and memories.
Memories of stress, loneliness, insecurity, anxiety… all memories. Like running your fingers across a smooth surface, and trying to recreate what it felt like in your thoughts.
But worse.
Like a snake coiling around his non-existent heart, threatening to choke him… but that was the past. A different life. This is now.
Ainz’s passive still exists, except for the fact that now all the sudden he could really mess up a burger.
First, he ordered a flustered maid to prepare him a meal. Then, he requested Pandora to gather all of the Guardians into the throne room.
“How embarrassing, truly a disgrace for a ‘supreme being’ such as myself. To make such a rookie and idiotic mistake. Why couldn’t I have just had a servant test it for me instead? Stupid.” Ainz furiously muttered to himself, waiting at the throne as Pandora looked to him with worry.
Shalltear appeared first, first confused, then shocked, which turned quickly to anger. She looked like she was about to rip his throat out before Pandora quickly dispelled of the situation.
Albedo came next, though her reaction… wasn’t one he was expecting.
She was extremely… calm. To say the least, the worry of course evident on her features and the way she spoke but… this all still unsettled Ainz.
Aura and Mare were shocked and awed at Ainz. He was pretty… handsome, actually. This hasn’t changed a thing for them. He was still their beloved ruler, even if he was human temporarily.
Cocytus was skeptical at first but wasn’t one to question his supreme being. If his master assured him that it was alright, then it was alright. End of story.
Demiurge had pieced it together instantly the moment he arrived but quickly had written it off to be purposeful. A masterful plan to blend in perfectly with the humans, only to overthrow them later. “Amazing, Lord Ainz! Your talent for planning ahead is impeccable!!”
All of the guardians jumped onto this quickly, of course. Praises and astonishment were quick to flare up in the small crowd.
Ainz had no other choice than to play along.
Only Pandora was to know the truth, but he kept his mouth shut without Ainz even having to tell him anything.
Shalltear instantly jumped to the conclusion that they could… mate… in this form as well. Getting her…. riled up.
Nasty, nasty, Shalltear.
Her words caused Demiurge to cover poor Mare’s ears, with Pandora covering Aura’s. The children simply looked on in confusion, unable to hear any of the filthy things Shalltear was ranting on about.
Albedo, through this whole thing, was eerily quiet. Where Ainz had once thought she would act similar to Shalltear, or retort or confront her in any way… she did not.
Once the briefing was over Ainz had a whole 10-course meal laid out before him, how could he ever eat that much?
He ended up sharing with the rest of his faithful servants.
The maids absolutely fangirl over him, by the way.
“He’s just so stoic and so cool! Even if he is human!” “He looked at me! I think I’ll faint” “Could you imagine serving Ainz all day?! How I envy our precious guardians, to be in his presence is simply just….” And so on.
Ainz soon figured out how well Albedo was at showing her true devious side.
He figured this out when he was in his room to grab some paperwork when he was cornered by the demon.
“Lord Ainz. MY Lord Ainz… You took this form to bear an heir for Nazarick, did you not?”
Que Ainz’s terrified screams and pleads as he barely manages to escape Albedo’s devilish grasp.
He eventually turned back to his ‘original’ form, turns out the effects of the item only last for 24 hours.
Shivering from the memories of the night prior, and how he only barely managed to escape Albedo’s ‘love’, he made sure to lock the item in his personal vault.
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erazos · 6 years
Era’s Anime Corner - Overlord (Season 2 Overview)
The Tale of the Overlord has come to an end… until the third season comes out in the summer. Until then, however, let’s have a look back on the second season.
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How does it line up to the first season? What were the best parts? Who was the best character? The answer to that last one is Sebas. No one who read my episodic reactions is surprised to hear that.
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This season was pretty good. Personally I enjoyed it more than season 1 but it depends on what characters you like, I imagine. In order to explain more clearly, I’m going to have to talk about spoilers so if you don’t mind spoilers then join me below the line.
Let’s cover the season in order. That means I’m going to start with the first arc, the lizardmen.
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This arc was really interesting because until the last episode of the arc, it was completely unrelated to the previous story. A bunch of lizard people were approached by a shadowy being that foretold their doom and the disparate tribes have to band together to save their people from annihilation. It’s relevance to the greater plot of Overlord isn’t made clear until it turns out that the whole thing was a plot by team Ainz to do… something. I’m not entirely sure.
I feel like the whole arc could have been skipped and we wouldn’t have missed anything. Then again, maybe it’s important later on, I haven’t read the light novel. Still, the lizard people were written pretty well. The different tribes felt different, each of the chieftains was a unique character that had potential for stuff to happen if it weren’t for…
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Still, the fight with Cocytus was really good. On a smaller scale than anything we saw with Ainz in season 1 but was still very fun to watch. They did a good job of making these minor characters relatable and interesting in a way I don’t think many shows do.
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With that, let’s move on the second arc. Personally, in fantasy settings, I’m more of a fan of city stories than ones set in the wilderness. I usually find the conflict between two people more interesting than a story of a group of adventurers traveling to slay a dragon. In that way, I enjoyed the second arc a lot more than the lizardmen arc. A major reason for that is Sebas.
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A major problem with the main cast of Overlord is that since they are basically all godlike in their power, most of them don’t give a damn about the ants they step on along the way. Sebas, on the other hand, goes through so much for the sake of this random woman he found on the street. He’s a strong embodiment on how a true gentleman should be: strong, kind and always putting the needs of others before his own. Sure he obliterated the villains that stood in his way…
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… I Love that picture… but I’m certain that even if they were powerful enough to give him a challenging fight, Sebas would have done the exact same thing. Sebas is Best Boy, there is no question about that.
As for the rest of the story, it’s fairly standard stuff. A number of skilled adventurers working under Princess Murderface…
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… Yeah, that’s the one… are working to root out an evil organization. Standard stuff that led into some very cool fight scenes. The variety we got to see with characters like Evileye, Climb and Unglause resulted in a very fun watch.
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This brings us smoothly on to the final couple episodes which are sort of their own arc. Demiurge takes a large section of the city hostage for some plan that I wasn’t clear on, which gave Ainz a fantastic opportunity to step in as the great adventurer Momon and save the day.
If you watched Ovelrord specifically for Ainz, I can see why you’d be disappointed. He’s hardly in his own show until the finale. I didn’t mind so much but it’d be understandable if a lot of viewers were turned off. In any case, we got even more great fights in these episodes and some fun character moments.
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The main criticism I have for this arc and the season as a whole was the development of Evileye’s character. Here we have this badass magic-caster who always wears a mask. When her comrades can barely touch Entoma, she steps forward as the first person in the whole show who can stand up to a minion of Nazarick.
I really liked her as a character up until the point where Ainz saves her from Demiurge and she just becomes the latest in the frustratingly long line of women who want to jump Ainz’s bones. It’s a really annoying trope of the isekai genre that keeps happening and it ends up ruining a lot of potentially awesome female characters.
I’m not saying you can’t have an interesting female character who is in love, but we already have Albedo and Shalltear as major characters who are in love with the male lead simply because he is the male lead. We don’t need more. When you have a cast as massive as an anime like Overlord, it’s hard to have many interesting female characters when you write them all the same like this.
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Still, considering this is the largest complaint I can throw at this season and it’s only really a thing in the final episode, I can mostly overlook it and say season 2 of Overlord was really good. I’m looking forward to season 3 and you can bet that I’ll be covering it when it comes out.
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The OP is really good. I enjoyed it showcasing all of the characters that play a significant role in this season (and there are a lot). A good follow up to the season 1 OP. The ED was quite nice too. I’m not sure how relevant a love song from Albedo’s perspective is considering she was hardly in this season but it was a nice ED nonetheless.
That’s all I have to say. Thank you for joining me for The Tale of the Overlord and I hope you’ll join me in the summer season for the next chapter. See you next Anime Time!
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animeindoblog-blog · 6 years
Overlord III – 02
New Post has been published on https://animeindo.org/blog/2018/07/20/overlord-iii-02/
Overlord III – 02
Overlord III – 02
Filed under First Impressions, Overlord by Pancakes | 28 Comments
「カルネ村再び」 (Karune-mura Futatabi) “Carne Village Once More”
Oh Overlord, I hope you never change. With the pleasantries (read: Albedo rape) out of the way, the show is now ready to get down to business—or at least tease the business to come. Alliances of evil are forming, complex schemes of domination are being drawn up, and one poor lich lord is quickly discovering the role he’s destined to play in it all. Yes Ainz, learning is hard.
As has been spoken since the start, the ultimate objective of Ainz is to dominate the world, but until now such a goal has been tertiary in importance at best. Ainz’s “arrival” and his subsequent confusion demanded knowledge for the sake of survival, something he naturally prioritized, resulting all those previous arcs fleshing out the details if not really getting anywhere specific. Now though, thanks to a little zealous Demiurge over-analysis (got to love those eager subordinates), Ainz’s hope of solidifying survival for the sake of finding others stuck like him just turned into actual conquest. Dominating lizardmen, helping Sebas and saving a village, all in the name of learning and caring? Please everyone knows there’s no kindness in the black skeletal chasm of Papa Bones; those choices were made solely to increase the glory of Ainz Ooal Gown and pave the way for its eventual ascension—or at least as Demiurge hilariously understands it. Say what you will but it’s irony at its finest, and the best part is Ainz, thanks to his magical calming trait (and ridiculous inability to steer a conversation), is going along with it because the strategy still completes his goal. Conquerors are not as much born as made and Ainz just got the biggest source of “encouragement” possible. Of course how the Great Tomb of Nazarick will actually seize land remains to be seen, but hey, early days yet.
For the immediate future though attention returns to Carne village and two characters last seen in the first season. Nphirea, the pharmacist who wound up being rescued by Ainz from everyone’s favourite rogue Clementine, is now a part of the village and as well shown is still firmly enamoured of Enri, the first person Ainz saved in this world. Those goblins of course were Ainz’s gift to Enri for her (and her village’s) protection, although their purpose may have grown a little since such humble beginnings. While not unreasonable to have some inklings of Lizard arc part two emerging out of this, Carne village at least has a good connection to Ainz already, which as the foreshadowing behind the Barghest attack indicates, is about to become even stronger. An alliance between the Giant of the East and the Demon Snake doesn’t sound particularly good after all, and when you factor in Ainz’s care for the village, you know pretty well what’s coming next.
We have ourselves a fight on the horizon, and the only question is how much effort Ainz will have to expend to eradicate it.
ED2 Sequence
July 17, 2018 at 10:14 pm
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crackimagines · 4 years
Going Dark (FE: Three Houses Full Fic)
Overlord AU Masterlist
Other Au’s Listed Here!
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With Ainz being transported to Fodlan unable to find out how the world works, he takes it upon himself to find out and prepare his followers and House Isekai for what’s to come.
Ainz dons his persona, the Dark Warrior Momon, once more to investigate Fodlan with his trusted companion Nabe.
[Oath of Loyalty to the Supreme Being - Overlord]
Ainz sat down at a table the Pleiades had set up for him, big enough for the denizens of the Great Tomb of Nazarick to sit at. He was at the head of the table while his Floor Guardians took both sides of the table while the Pleiades stood to the side.
(Sebas) “Lord Ainz, everyone is now here. Shall we begin the emergency meeting?”
(Ainz) “Yes. Now, let us discuss the information we have gathered thus far on Fodlan.
(Albedo) “Then I will begin my findings first.”
She cleared her throat as her wings flapped gently.
(Albedo) “In terms of the people and technology, they appear to be slightly behind the world we were at before. While their number of magic casters appear to be higher, the levels of spells and power they wield seem to be lower than expected. This information was all gathered at the Monastery.”
(Demiurge) “The politics of this world appear to be a bit more stable, with the Church of Seiros leading everyone. The Holy Kingdom of Faerghus and the Leicester Alliance appear to be pleased with the Church, but something about Edelgard’s actions and words seem to say otherwise. At least regarding the Adrestian Empire. I will need more time to fully assess her intentions, along with Rhea. This information was gathered at the Monastery as well.”
Ainz took a moment to process all the information given to him. Truth be told, he could not care less about the politics of this world. It wasn’t the one the tomb was in, so he just wanted to return as quickly as possible.
The issue that bothered him the most was the unknown power difference in Fodlan.
In his world, he was practically a god to everyone, and most of his followers couldn’t even be harmed by their most powerful weapons. He and the others of Nazarick were mostly level 100, while the strongest in that world appeared to be around 40-50.
Now, he had no idea if he was underpowered or not.
Ainz looked at his own hands and then back to the Floor Guardians. 
(Ainz) “Aura, Mare, do you feel any limitations in your spellcasting?”
They were quiet for a moment before they nodded.
(Aura) “Y-Yes actually, Lord Ainz. Something hasn’t been feeling right ever since we got here, and I think that’s the issue!”
Everyone turned to the twins with wide eyes.
[”What’s wrong, Lord Momonga?” - Overlord]
(Mare) “U-U-Um...I don’t feel like I’ve completely been stripped of power but...something IS missing.”
Everyone else in the room started to examine themselves and realized that some of their abilities did feel dampened.
This made Ainz even more tense, though his skeletal face didn’t show it. 
He had no idea what they would be up against in this world, and from the looks of what assignments House Isekai was assigned, this world wouldn’t stay peaceful for long.
The fact people like Class VII with their advanced guns and technology struggled against some of the people here, and Persona users were having trouble with what should be inferior foes was almost enough to make him shudder.
He had no doubt that his group were in the upper tier of power in the House, there would be no telling what kind of curveballs could be thrown at them, especially since he didn’t know how magic worked in this world.
In his world, it worked like an MMO. Now, it was a complete unknown. 
Ainz couldn’t afford to be careless here.
(Ainz) “It appears we need to gather information from beyond the Monastery in order to fully understand the situation we’re in. I want everyone to take no chances. There’s no telling if Fodlan possesses enemies more dangerous than our old ones. From what I can gather, we have been limited in our skills and spells. Not completely gone, but that must mean precautions must be taken more than ever.”
Ainz stood up from the table.
(Ainz) “I want everyone to be travelling in pairs when gathering information. You are not to be permitted to travel outside the Monastery unless you have my blessings. Narberal Gamma!”
(Naberal) “My lord.”
(Ainz) “Prepare your adventurer gear and be ready to leave with me.”
(Albedo) “Lord Ainz, are you-”
(Ainz) “I intend to go as Momon in this world, yes.”
(Sebas) “My lord, with all due respect, it would be much better to send the Pleiades out in reconnaissance. The risk of going out is terribly great-”
(Ainz) “That is precisely why I am going out myself. I need to understand firsthand how this world works, otherwise we may commit a grave error in the long run. We have no idea how long we will be here, and when we will return. I understand and appreciate your concern, Sebas. That goes for the rest of you.”
Ainz was about to announce the meeting’s end before noticing Yuri’s expression.
The other Pleiades noticed it too, and Lupisregina tapped her on the shoulder.
(Lupisregina) “Sis?”
(Yuri) “...”
Yuri quietly motioned towards the door with her head. 
Everyone understood immediately. There was someone listening in.
They drew out their weapons and prepared their magic silently as CZ2128 and Narberal quickly headed to the side of the walls.
CZ pulled out an assault rifle while Narberal pulled out a staff.
The two battle maids looked at Ainz for the signal.
(Ainz) “Very well, this meeting is adjourned.”
Narberal kicked the door down as CZ aimed her rifle down at the hallway, finger on the trigger
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(CZ) “Identify yourselves or die in the name of Ainz Ooal-”
(Aqua) “AQUAAAAA!”
[My Dear Personage - Overlord]
Everyone’s faced turned from tense to completely disappointed and annoyed.
(Shalltear) “What are those idiots doing down here?!”
Ainz walked out to meet them.
(Ainz) “Explain yourselves, now.”
(Ainz) “...Everyone else?”
Minako, Minato, Yu, Akira, Doomguy, Rean, and Megumi popped their heads around the corner.
(Yu) “Uh...hi.”
(Akira) “I mean, I’m a Phantom Thief. Eavesdropping’s my thing.”
(Minako) “I’m just nosy.”
(Minato) “S-Sorry.”
(Rean) “We were just concerned is all! Well, at least me and Megunee were.”
(Megumi) “H-Hi, Ainz...!”
Doomguy shrugged.
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Ainz frantically waved his hands to calm her down, and which he turned back to Kazuma.
Before Ainz could panic any further, he felt his emotions suddenly calm down as a blue glow emitted around him.
(Ainz) “...ahem...It was only House Isekai that followed us here, correct?”
(Megumi) “Y-Yes. Everyone else is unaware that you’re even gone!”
Ainz sighed internally and shook his head.
(Ainz) “You’re lucky that I was here to stop them. If you did that while I was absent, I’m fairly positive you all would have died. Regardless, how much did you hear?”
(Aqua) “Well um...the entire thing.”
(Yu) “W-Well, just so that we didn’t get your heart rate up for nothing, since we’ve been here a little longer, we can provide specifics on what we’ve seen!”
(Minako) “Oh yeah, that’s right! We’ve been doing a field study or two outside!”
(Megumi) “Doomguy, Sara, and I have been working with the church.”
(Ainz) “...Well, I suppose you will be of use then. We speak not a word of our information to the church, or any of the other houses. Understood?”
Everyone nodded.
Ainz at first suspected that some of House Isekai might tell the others, but when he thought about it a bit more, who in their right mind would want to betray House Isekai?
All of them were in the same boat as the others.
If they made enemies of anyone, then there’s a good chance they won’t be coming back alive to their world. Cooperation is absolutely vital for everyone here.
Still, couldn’t hurt to be careful.
(Ainz) “Demiurge.”
(Demiurge) “My lord?”
(Ainz) “Collect the information House Isekai has gathered and see if we can find anything of use. Even mundane details might help us in the long run. Everyone else, as of this moment, House Isekai is under my protection. That does not extend to the Golden Deer, Blue Lions, or Black Eagles.”
(Everyone) “Yes, Lord Ainz!”
Naberal walked behind him as the House representatives went into the room to discuss with Demiurge.
(Ainz) “Now, Naberal. Let’s get going, we’ve got a lot of work to do.”
[Overlord Opening]
Side Story:
The Raven-Black Warrior
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[First, Let’s Gather Information - Overlord]
The first thing that the people of Garreg Mach’s town noticed that day was how bright the sun was shining. It was a blinding but comforting light. 
The second thing they noticed was the man and woman that they had never seen before.  
She wore a simple brown cloak, but she was the most beautiful woman they had ever seen.
He was just as captivating, for an entirely different reason. He was extremely tall and wore armor as black as night, complemented with a golden trim that accented his body. 
The two swords he had on his back were bigger than the woman who was accompanying him.
No one knew their names but everyone was too afraid to ask, letting them go on their way.
Guards took notice of them and kept a close eye if they attempted anything, they were the most suspicious people in the past few months alone.
(Nabe) “It appears that adventurers don’t appear to be part of this world. Everyone is staring at us.”
(Momon) “Well that’s how it was back then, but you seem to be right. They seem to be less in awe and more on guard. Not that I blame them.”
In his old world, Ainz and Narberal posed as adventurers, Momon and Nabe, looking for quests and worked their way up from the bottom to the top for their heroism and the way they blew through quests.
It seems like the MMO aspects were completely alien in Fodlan, judging by the way everyone looked at them with fear.
When they found their way into the Inn, the same reaction was made by everyone inside.
There wasn’t anything noteworthy inside the inn, not the people or the decor.
He went to the counter and took a seat. There was a woman in knight’s armor next to him, but Ainz didn’t pay any mind to her. She was most likely a guard on break or something. The innkeeper turned around and jumped at the towering man in armor before her.
(Innkeeper) “M-May I help you?”
(Momon) “How much for the night?”
(Innkeeper) “Uh...100 gold.”
Ainz reached inside his belt and pulled out a small pouch. Looking inside, it was only 50 gold.
(Momon) “...I only have 50.”
(Innkeeper) “Then I’m sorry. We cannot allow you to stay.”
Nabe’s face scrunched up, insulted that her highness should even have to pay for a room. Already knowing how she is in this situation, Ainz raised his hand.
(Momon) “Then that’s fine. I’ll just take a drink. Ale’s fine.”
The innkeeper nodded and went to get the drink as requested.”
(Female Knight) “Psh, all that fancy armor and you can’t even get a room. Money well spent.”
The two turned to the woman who finished chugging down her mug.
(Momon “Hm?”
Upon closer inspection,the woman had messy blond hair, and the knight’s uniform seemed to be of higher craft.
It was then Ainz noticed her sword. It was some jagged and uneven yellow sword. His thoughts were interrupted from Narberal’s reply.
(Nabe) “Watch your tongue.”
(Momon) “Nabe-”
(Female Knight) “Ah, yeah no that’s my bad. Didn’t mean any offense!”
The knight turned towards Ainz and smiled.
(Female Knight) “Just saying that if you spent the money to get that bad boy made, I don’t blame ya one bit! Not to mention those swords too. Jeez, you aren’t compensating for anything, are ya?”
Ainz laughed.
(Momon) “I could ask you the same thing. That blade of yours isn’t just for show, is it?”
(Female Knight) “What, you mean Thunderbrand? Hah, I bet it could kick your butt in a fight!”
Nabe frowned and was clearly getting annoyed at her gloating.
Ainz was starting to take a bit of liking to this woman. It reminded him of a player who was bragging about their gear and how hard they worked for it, daring anyone to take them on in PVP.
Thankfully, he was in a situation where testing his abilities was necessary.
(Momon) “That’s a bet I’d be willing to take.”
(Female Knight) “You’re on! It’s been a while since I’ve fought someone who looks like they can back up their talk!”
The ale was brought to Ainz. He grabbed the mug and motioned it towards the female knight.
(Momon) “Name’s Momon.”
The female knight hit Momon’s cup with hers and nodded.
(Female Knight) “Momon, eh? That’s a strange name. I’m-”
The door burst open, a blue haired woman dressed in dark green running in.
(Blue Woman) “Catherine!”
(Catherine) “Bah, hang on. Shamir, what’s going on?”
Shamir walked up to Catherine and cut in front of Ainz and Narberal.
(Shamir) “We’ve located the enemy camp, but there’s far more than we expected.”
(Catherine) “Who’s going with us?”
(Shamir) “Us, Jeralt, Alois and a few recruits. The rest of the knights are still investigating the Death Knight.”
Catherine finished the rest of her drink in a single gulp and turned to Ainz.
(Catherine) “Shame, looks like our duel’s gonna have to wait!”
Right as she was about to get up, Ainz spoke up.
(Ainz) “I don’t suppose you’d be willing to accept some help?”
(Shamir) “You a merc?”
(Ainz) “Adventurer. We’re new to the country and my friend and I are here looking for work.”
(Catherine) “Huh. Talk about convenient.”
(Shamir) “Might not get paid, that alright with you?”
Momon got up and nodded.
(Momon) “Fine by me. Let’s get going.”
Wasting no time, the four of them headed out of the inn and towards the outskirts of town.
[Non-Player Character - Overlord]
As they walked down the road, Narberal continued to frown at Catherine and Shamir.
(Momon) sigh “Nabe, is this about-”
(Nabe) “Yes it is, Loooorrrr-...ahem, Momon.”
(Momon) “We’ve been over this. Do not hold it against people if they treat me the way they do.”
(Nabe) sigh “It’s something I can never fully be comfortable with-”
(Momon) “Nabe, I brought you with me because you’ve been with me the longest out in the field. I appreciate your concern but-”
Momon stopped talking when he noticed that Catherine was slowing down a bit to walk side by side with them.
(Catherine) “So, where do you two come from?”
(Momon) “Ah, we come from the Alliance.”
(Catherine) “Any house? Heard your lady friend call you a lord.”
Ainz internally sighed while Nabe’s face flinched.
(Momon) “That’s something we’d rather not discuss.”
(Catherine) “Ah, I understand that. Wouldn’t wanna deal with nobles all the time myself when I can just go where I please. That freedom is nice.”
(Momon) “So what exactly are we fighting?”
(Shamir) “Bandits. Some monsters and demonic beasts started attacking nearby villages, but we managed to put them down pretty easily. Now we just have to deal with the bandits raiding the survivors. They think nothing can stop them since the knights are busy with other tasks.”
(Momon) “And who do you all work for?”
(Catherine) “Lady Rhea and the Church of Seiros. Specifically, we’re the Knights of Seiros, a division of elite warriors meant to enforce her will.”
(Momon) “Has there been any other cases of monsters near the Monastery?”
(Catherine) “Well there’s...actually, now that I think about it, I don’t think so.
Ainz and Narberal took a mental note of that. The Church appears to be keeping quiet about the residents of Nazarick being in House Isekai, and they don’t appear to be suspicious of the fact that they were the ones who made the monsters appear.
But what was a demonic beast?
Before he could ask, they met up with the rest of the knights. 
(Jeralt) “Finally you made it. The bandits are about to make their move.”
(Alois) “Now, let’s...Huh? Who’s this?”
(Catherine) “Momon and...Don’t think I ever caught your name, missy.”
(Nabe) “...I am Nabe.”
(Shamir) “We’ll see if he and his friend are useful or not.”
(Jeralt) “Name’s Jeralt. Captain of the Knights of Seiros.”
(Alois) “Alois, Jeralt’s second in command!”
Upon first glance, they all appeared to be seasoned veterans. Even though their tone was mostly casual and informal, the way they held themselves and their weapons showed that they knew what they were doing.
(Momon) “It is a pleasure to meet you all.”
Everyone turned to Narberal who didn’t say anything at first.
With a slight nudge, Narberal turned to them.
(Nabe) “Let’s get this over with.”
Ainz shook his head.
(Momon) “Come on, at least say hello.”
(Alois) “Hah, I see your daughter is a bit shy!”
Narberal’s calm face exploded into a panic.
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“H-HEY! Watch what you’re saying!”
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Alois burst out laughing while everyone else sighed.
(Alois) “Ah, so you aren’t related! Apologies, the way you two talked made me think otherwise!”
(Momon) “Pay it no mind, but please do not try to fluster her like that.”
Jeralt hit Alois in the back of the head.
(Alois) “AH!”
(Jeralt) “You haven’t even seen the man’s face, what made you think that they’re family to begin with?”
Well, it’s not like Alois was completely off the mark.
Ever since the rest of his guild members disappeared, Ainz did view all of Nazarick’s beings as his children. Narberal, the Pleiades, and even the Floor Guardians were his sons and daughters.
Highly dysfunctional and psychopathic sons and daughters, but that nevertheless.
(Catherine) “We’re almost right on top of their camp. We should get moving, already.”
(Jeralt) “Agreed. Let’s go.”
As the knights made their way, Naberal turned to Ainz.
Her face was still blushing, and it looked like as if she were ready to cry or punch something. Most likely both.
(Momon) sigh “Don’t worry about it, okay Nabe?”
(Nabe) “Y-Yes, Momon...”
[As Swift As Wind - Fire Emblem: Three Houses]
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Begin the battle?
>[Yes] No
Victory Conditions: Rout the enemy
Defeat Conditions: "Momon” or “Nabe” falls in battle.
[Psychological Warfare - Overlord]
The group hid behind several trees as they looked at the massive bandit camp. They had kidnapped a large amount of people, as well as their belongings.
(Momon) “Bandits...”
(Alois) “Those dastards think they can do what they want when we’re not around! We’ll show them!”
(Catherine) “I’m not going to stand by and let innocents get herded around like cattle!”
(Shamir) “Get your heads clear. We have to think of a plan, there’s far too many of them for us.”
Ainz and Narberal didn’t really care about the villagers, if they were to tell the truth.
Ainz only joined in because it’d be a good way to find out the strength of those around here.
Even though he wasn’t using any spells and his real power, he would at least see how dangerous bandits and soldiers of this world are.
Monsters like goblins or monsters in general did not seem commonplace in this world at all, which meant there was no good way to gauge how lethal everyone is, or what their levels and experience is. RPG elements seemed absent much to his dismay.
Even if these were bandits, which are normally low level mobs, he would pay dearly if he underestimated them.
That being said, there were no other plans he could think of to accurately assess how dangerous they all were, so there’s just one thing to do now.
Brute force his way in, just like Momon would.
(Momon) “...I have an idea.”
(Jeralt) “What’d that be?”
(Momon) “They’re expecting the Knights of Seiros. They aren’t expecting someone like Nabe and I. While I distract them, you can free the villagers.”
(Alois) “No offense, but I doubt you and your big swords there could cleave through all of them.”
(Momon) “Hah, I accept your challenge!”
Ainz motioned Nabe to follow and started to walk into sight.
(Catherine) “What are you doing?!”
(Momon) “Stick to the plan.”
The bandits attention focused on the two walking up towards the camp, alerting the rest of them and making them draw their weapons.
Ainz pulled out his twin greatswords as Nabe pulled out a broadsword.
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(Momon) “Raiding towns as monsters are already attacking them? How low...”
(Bandit) “We’re doin ‘em a favor! Either live under us or die by the monsters and church! Now, I’m asking again real nice, WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?!”
(Momon) “My name is Momon. And this is Nabe. You all would do well to remember these names.”
(Bandit) “Psh, what? You gonna “deliver justice” to us evildoers or some shit? And what’s with that getup! You’re trying a bit too hard don’t you think?”
Narberal gripped her sword tightly, wanting to kill all of them for insulting her lord.
Ainz’s head tilted to her to where only she could hear.
(Momon) “Steady your hand a bit longer. I promise you will be able to kill them to your heart’s content.”
Narberal nodded and tried to keep calm.
She then noticed that the group had finally managed to get around the bandits and cut them free.
(Nabe) “Momon-”
(Momon) “Focus on the bandits, not the villagers.”
(Bandit) “You better get out of here if you know what’s good for you...Then again, your armor looks REALLY expensive. And those swords ya got too...!”
The last of the villagers finally ran away with the recruits as their escorts.
Catherine nodded.
(Momon) “Hoho, you’re more than welcome to come and get it!”
(Bandit) “HAH, GET ‘EM BOYS!”
(Momon) “Nabe.”
[Clash - Overlord]
Nabe grinned for a moment before raising her finger to them.
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A line of electricity shot out, piercing through three bandits’ chests and killing them instantly.
(Bandit) “What the hell?!”
(Bandit 2) “MAGE! TAKE HER DO-”
Three more bandits were cleaved in half as Ainz’s sword went flying through the air and stabbed the ground, shooting debris out from the impact.
One of the bandits who survived looked into the air and realized Ainz had flipped into the air, and tossed his other sword down.
When he landed, Ainz grabbed both of his swords and spun in a massive circle, cutting anyone down who was too close.
(Bandit) “FUCK! WHAT THE-”
An arrow went through his head, shot by Shamir who emerged from the trees.
Catherine and Alois charged in with their weapons cutting everyone in their way down.
Another group of bandits tried to make a run for it before being run over by Jeralt’s horse.
Narberal caught up with Ainz and cut another bandit down swiftly.
(Momon) So, looks like bandits are still weak as ever...
He turned his attention towards how Catherine and Alois were fighting. They were killing the bandits left and right, not even breaking a sweat.
Shamir’s deadly efficiency made sure every shot that was fired hit the bandit right between the eyes.
(Nabe) “MOMON!”
Ainz knew a bandit was coming from behind to slash at him. He would’ve already taken care of it, but he wanted to see just how strong these weapons were.
When the sword made contact, it bounced off and didn’t even leave a scratch.
Truth be told, he was more than a little disappointed.
The bandit slowly backed away as Ainz turned towards him.
(Momon) “Do you want to try again?”
(Bandit) “AAAH!”
Right as he turned around, he was impaled through the stomach from Narberal’s sword, which she violently kicked him off.
(Nabe) “Disgusting insect...”
Ainz then examined Narberal’s state, to see if she was struggling either.
In terms of level, Narberal was around level 60, and just meant to serve as a distraction in the tombs of Nazarick.
However there was just only a few patches of dirt and blood that got on her. She hadn’t even sustained an injury or broke a sweat.
(Momon) “Good grief, I suppose it was my mistake to expect more from bandits.”
(Nabe) “Your compassion for these humans are too great, Momon. They do not deserve it!”
(Momon) “Perhaps. Finish this up, Nabe.”
(Nabe) “Understood.”
Casting another lightning spell from her finger, she shot at a group that was heading towards Catherine and Alois, and fried them.
Their smoking bodies fell to the ground and finally there was silence.
(Catherine) “Alright, think we’re in the clear! That was some fancy moves, Momon!”
(Jeralt) “Gotta admit, you’re skilled.”
(Alois) “I’ve never seen anyone move like that! You’re incredible!”
(Shamir) “Hm. Not bad.”
Narberal smiled for the first time this entire trip.
(Nabe) “Of course he’s incredible.”
(Momon) “Now, now. Let’s not get too cocky. We should go find the villa-”
Everyone immediately turned and ran towards the source of the sound. When they finally got back on the roads, the villagers encountered a massive demonic beast.
(Jeralt) “Damn it, I thought we got rid of all of them!”
(Momon) Ah, there we go. Knew a quest would have SOME final boss if the mobs were too easy.
Getting into stance, the villagers all got behind the Knights as the beast slowly walked up.
It was some form of a giant wolf, with the fangs almost as large as a man.
Ainz and Narberal tried to buff themselves with passive skills but where shocked when nothing they said was activating it.
(Nabe) “M-My magic...!”
(Momon) “I see, so this world took our buffs away. Meaning-”
Although his face couldn’t smile anymore, he’d have the widest one at this very moment.
[NPC Battle - Overlord]
Ainz and Narberal charged first, followed by Catherine and Jeralt. Shamir and Alois stayed back to ensure that the civilians would be safe, letting Shamir fire off arrows.
The wolf swiped its paws at Ainz, barely blocking in time with his dual greatswords. The arrows seemed to bounce off the demonic beast when it made contact.
(Shamir) “Damn it!”
It pushed him back, almost making him lose balance with the force behind it.
Retaliating, Ainz swung his sword at the hide of the wolf, but it was reflected off.
Narberal casted another lightning attack and fired it head on.
The demonic beast was damaged, although not by much.
It tried swinging at Narberal next, but Catherine parried its claws in time, using Thunderbrand to cut parts of the claws off, making it roar in pain.
Wasting no time, Narberal quickly put distance between her and the beast.
Jeralt’s horse ran by and he threw a javelin into that arm, making it roar even louder.
The demonic beast spun around, using its tail to knock everyone back.
Ainz was caught in the attack and flew backwards. When he got up, he started laughing.
While it wasn’t nearly as powerful as he was expecting the name “demonic-beast” to be, it still posed a bit of a threat if he was way too careless.
However, it’s been so long since anything had actually managed to hurt him. Even though his specialty wasn’t swordfighting, it got his adrenaline going once more.
It was a feeling a player finding an enemy in a video game that could actually pose as a fun boss battle.
Narberal had a mixed expression on her face. A half scowl and smile. She was happy he was enjoying himself, but at the same time it was her duty to protect him.
Ainz went into the fray once more, trading blows with the surprisingly agile demonic beast.
The two traded and dodged their attacks, seemingly being at equal skill.
Catherine and Jeralt got back up and saw Ainz single-handedly taking it on.
(Catherine) “Jeez, what is he?!”
(Jeralt) “I don’t believe it!”
Finally landing a score that struck home, one of Ainz’s greatswords got stuck into the uninjured arm of the demonic beast, making it howl out.
(Momon) “Catherine!”
Catherine managed to shake off her awe and swiped at the tail of the demonic beast, cutting it cleanly off.
Jeralt used his lance to stab the beast in the leg, making the lance come out the other side and ensuring it can’t move.
Shamir finally got into a good position in the trees and let an arrow loose, the arrow going into its eye.
Alois used his axe to lop off the lower jaw of the demonic beast when it was staggered, finally leaving Narberal an opening.
(Nabe) “Dragon lightning!”
An even brighter line of electricity shot out of her fingers, but it quickly transformed into the shape of a dragon as it charged straight into the demonic beast, making its entire body shake.
Once it stopped, Ainz hopped into the air and dug his swords straight into its neck.
Letting go and quickly grabbing the hilts with opposite hands, he pulled them back out in a way to decapitate the beast, and let its headless body flop onto the ground. 
[Non-Player Character - Overlord]
With one final sigh, Ainz swung the blood off his blade and sheathed them on his back.
Narberal quietly sheathed her sword on her belt and stood alongside him.
(Alois) “Now THAT was even more amazing!”
(Catherine) “Show off.”
(Shamir) “Like you’re one to talk.”
(Jeralt) “That’s enough already. Let’s get these villagers home.”
Everyone nodded and made sure all the villagers were safely home. The recruits offered to protect them as they reported back to Garreg Mach until an actual guard detachment came. 
When they finally arrived back in Garreg Mach’s town, Catherine turned to the two adventurers.
(Catherine) “You’re not busy tonight, are you?”
(Momon) “I do not believe we are.”
(Catherine) “Then, how would you like to work with us? Bet you all would help out the Knights of Seiros greatly.”
(Shamir) “Hah. That’s high praise coming from her.”
(Momon) “It depends. May I speak to the leader...who is that by the way?”
(Alois) “Wow, you must really be out of the loop! The leader of the Church of Seiros is Archbishop Rhea. I’m sure she isn’t busy at the moment!”
(Momon) “Then let’s go find her. We’ll make our decision from there.”
Catherine and Alois went to speak with Rhea in private. After a few silent moments, a knight opened the door to the Hearing Chamber.
(Knight) “Her lordship wishes to see you now.”
[Gazing At Sirius - Fire Emblem: Three Houses]
Ainz nodded, and both he and Narberal went inside and found her standing in the middle.
He had seen her a couple times when every single person had their weapon pointed at them, but it didn’t seem that they knew who they were.
Knowing that she basically ruled all over Fodlan, Ainz did what his followers normally did upon seeing him.
Ainz got on knee, with his arm over it and other arm over his chest.
Narberal had a face as if someone had insulted her creator AND Ainz at the same time, but quickly did the same. It bothered her to no end, but she was going to have to suck it up.
(Rhea) “There is no need for such actions. Please, rise.”
Doing so, she smiled.
(Rhea) “I heard that you decided to help out the Knights of Seiros, even without the promise of pay?”
(Momon) “I may be an adventurer, but I would never turn away from those in need.”
(Rhea) “Such a kind heart you have, mister Momon. You have my respect and admiration. However, I cannot permit you into the Knights of Seiros with just this action alone.”
(Momon) “...I understand, my lady.”
(Rhea) “That being said, with your combat prowess impressing two of my highest in command, Catherine and Alois, I will permit this, if you choose to accept. You will fight alongside the Knights of Seiros asa mercenary. But with enough time, you may enlist in the ranks of the Knights.”
(Momon) “I accept this with the highest honor, my lady.”
(Rhea) “And what about you?”
Narberal was about ready to spit in Rhea’s face, the idea of pledging allegiance to someone else other than Ainz repulsed her to no end. But knowing the reprimand and cataclysmic setback that insult would have, she nodded.
(Nabe) “I accept this with the highest honor...my lady.”
(Rhea) “You have my gratitude. Please, rest within the Monastery. We have quarters waiting for you. Your assignments will begin soon.”
Bowing, they both left towards their quarters.
Their beds were set across from each other, but they had no real need of that. They could use the teleportation rings to go back to House Isekai’s dorms.
But for the time being, they would stay here and learn firsthand how the Knights of Seiros acts.
He was satisfied that they managed to infiltrate a bit more subtly into the Church of Seiros. It was a lot better than attempting to be a student. Done that once, no need to do that again.
Ainz felt like he didn’t need to worry about the Floor Guardian’s relations with the classmates of House Isekai as much due to prior experience with Kazuma and his group.
That being said he was quite curious about the others. Class VII, the Phantom Thieves, the Doom Slayer, all of it was quite perplexing. 
Just what kind of mess was he getting into this time?
However, he decided to not jump down that rabbit hole tonight.
There was more pressing matters to attend to.
That being Narberal.
(Momon) “Naberal Gamma.”
Hearing his voice say her name in that angry of a tone sent shivers throughout her entire body.
And it was also the fact he used her real name.
(Narberal) “U-Uh...-”
[First Wife War - Overlord]
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(Narberal) “L-Lord Ainz?!”
(Ainz) “What was THAT back there with Rhea?”
(Narberal) “I-I’m afraid I don’t understand?”
(Ainz) “Narberal Gamma, you are aware of the face you made when I knelt, correct?”
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(Ainz) “We are extremely lucky that Rhea did not mention that! Or that anyone else was in the room!”
(Narberal) “I-I apologize with all my being, Lord Ainz!”
She immediately got on her knees and was about to shout even more, but Ainz stopped her.
(Ainz) “Enough. I know you’d be willing to slit your own neck to apologize.”
(Narberal) “...Do you wa-”
(Ainz) “No, I do NOT want you to do that!” sigh
Ainz facepalmed, and then attempted to rub his temple, A. forgetting that he doesn’t have one anymore, and B. he was wearing a helmet.
(Ainz) “Refrain from making that face. Remember, we are BLENDING in.”
(Narberal) “I...I understand.”
(Ainz) “We should be safe in the Monastery. Wash yourself up and relax for a little bit before returning here. I need to make a call to Albedo.”
(Narberal) “Yes, Lord Ainz...”
Ainz could tell Nazarick’s stay in Fodlan was going to be a very long one... 
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[Crazy Scary Holy Fantasy - Overlord]
Crazy Scary Holy Fantasy Akumu no arisama Do what, do what, do what you want to! Akui no souzou shitai
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overlord-imagines · 5 years
OH MY GOSH I CAN'T BELIEVE I HADN'T FOUND YOU SOONER (๑✧∀✧๑)/ Also, I thought Ainz's real name is "Suzuki Satoru"? Or was the translations I read different? Also also, have you watched the Drama CDs yet? There's one where the characters literally play DnD and another where they have an auction for Sleeping-with-Ainz coupons. (This is canon, all of Nazarick wants to get in Ainz's bed ( ͝סּ ͜ʖ͡סּ)) If you have seen it, would you mind expanding on that idea? Like if Ainz just goes along with it?
IT IS SUZUKI! Sorry if I misspelled it somewhere in my posts! AND YES!!! I HAVE LISTENED TO THE DRAMA CDS!!! And I absolutely LOVE them! I’m such a sucker for domestic moments with all of my babies
These coupons were the bane of Ainz’s existence.
Ok maybe that was a bit of an exaggeration but damn it, it sure felt like it!!!
The guardians had all been pestering him about these coupons and he was THIS close to straight up calling off any coupons that involve him entirely.
But he would feel guilty.
After all, wasn’t it just his subordinates wanting affection and attention from him?
Does this mean he wasn’t giving them enough?
In the end he denies the coupons for Albedo and Shalltear, much to their dismay. And instead trades them for 5 ‘hug Ainz coupons’.
Demiurge, Cocytus, and Pandora seemed to have little interest in the coupons.
But when Mare and Aura had come up to him with clearly counterfeited coupons… he couldn’t help but allow them.
To the two previously mentioned female guardians, this only fueled their ever burning jealousy.
Aura and Mare happily slept cuddled into the large bony frame of Ainz as he calmly did paperwork and read in bed.
The gossip among the maids absolutely skyrocketed.
He is such a great fucking father you can pry this from my cold dead hands.
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overlord-imagines · 6 years
can I get some headcannonons for demiurge and Ainz's wedding? They're my favorite couple at the moment.
Yes, you may!!! Ahhh! Their relationship is so precious, I’m swooning. I may have gone overboard with this… and demiurge may be a LITTLe out of character……. oops.
They had been dating for a year now, and rumors and questions of when Ainz will finally have a spouse and an heir and becoming so frequent that they even managed to reach the lord of death himself.
It’s gotten so bad that he even heard the other floor guardians muttering about it.
Ainz finally decided enough is enough. With the help of Pandora, he sorted through his massive amounts of the treasury to ‘The Rings of Matrimony’
They were ultra rare event rings that the guild spent some time on collecting, they were only for appearances but being the completionists that were Ainz Ooal Gown… they just couldn’t NOT get them.
And to propose, Ainz took the time to specially craft a gorgeous golden ring. With flawless diamonds as accents and a gorgeous ruby as the main centerpiece.
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(Image is of a Claudine Vintage Engagement ring, found on Diamondere website.)
Ainz, being the complete closet nerd that he is, spends days on end planning the perfect proposal. And if he were being completely honest keeping it hidden from the rest of the guardians had to be the hardest thing he’s ever done in his life.
And he’s done a lot of shit as ruler of Nazarick.
He’s fairly sure Albedo already knows, being the one besides Demiurge who spends so much time with him. He’s also fairly sure that somewhere deep inside of her she’s plotting the demon’s murder… but at the same time, he’s noticed her being oddly quiet about it.
He eventually confronts her about it, due to the looks she gives him from time to time and confesses to helping her lord keep it a secret from Demiurge.
She has to resist every fiber of her being that screams at her to tackle him and claim him right then and there as he praises and thanks her for helping him.
Soon Sebas knows as well, being directed by Ainz to construct a beautiful moonlit dinner for him and his soon to be fiance. The maids arrange the dinner, setting it up in the breathtaking gardens of the 6th floor. Accenting the area with fairy lights, and making sure everything is more than absolutely perfect for the supreme being.
The night it actually happens, Ainz’s passive ability kicks in at least 15 times before he even can gather the nerve to propose. But when he does… oh boy.
Demiurge is shell shocked when his supreme being- the one he devoted his everything to, the one who reigns above all, his creator and his lover- presents himself on one knee.
The demon cannot even react, to seeing his beloved in such a state before Ainz pulls out the beautifully gilded box and opens it revealing the engagement ring Ainz had carefully put so much love into.
“Demiurge, my love…” A slight green aura surrounds him for a brief moment. “Will you do me the great honor, and stay by my side for the rest of my eternal life? To rule Nazarick by my side.
Demiurge’s heart stopped, he couldn’t breathe and when he realized that he had to his breaths came out fast. The poor boy began hyperventilating.
Sooner than Ainz could tell his lover to calm himself, to take it easy, Demiurge has already fallen out of the elegantly cushioned chair to the grassy floor below.
Tears well in his eyes as he clasps the hands of the glorious one before him and lowers himself far lower than Ainz has put himself, the demon’s head almost touching the floor.
“Please… do not lower yourself for a servant such as I.”
“But you are more than just a servant… Demiurge.” Ainz carefully brings Demiurge’s head up to look him in the eyes. “You are the love of my life, so please… will you marry me?”
A series of sobbing ‘yes’s poured from his mouth, kissing Ainz everywhere he could reach. And eagerly donned the ring.
That same night word of the wedding spread like wildfire, unknowing to Ainz, Aura and Mare had been spying from afar. Demiurge simply chose not to comment on it.
The wedding takes place a week later, the preparations took no time at all considering the weight of the event.
Albedo, of course, was in charge of the planning. And with the imput of Ainz she made sure that this wedding would be the grandest event this world had ever known. 
If she couldn’t be head wife to her beloved, she would at least assure her place as the one to birth his heir
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(Image found on Pinterest Just imagine this but with more gold and a lot more extravagant… that’s how extra they went.)
Mare grew all of the floral accessories personally, making sure every single flower and leaf was absolutely flawless. He spent hours on end making sure of this, sometimes even worrying his sister with the amount of effort he put in this.
Aura helped Mare with Demiurge’s bouquet, after growing the flora needed the two presented the beautifully tied piece. He couldn’t be prouder.
The furniture was each handcrafted by the best woodworkers of Nazarick, each chair lined with beautiful white satin silk.
Cocytus arranged their finest warriors to act as decoration for the event as well, each individual soldier was done in priceless gilded armor to appeal to the radiance that is their ruler.
Pandora worked behind the scenes and was actually assistant to Albedo. He handled the finances, and all the supplies needed for this luxorious event. He was also there as emotional support for Ainz, as the poor lich was constantly concerned about the scale of his own wedding. He wasn’t one to show off, but the two guardians were having none of it, only the best for their lord.
Shalltear helped with the attire of both grooms. Being the only one with the expansive wardrobe, the vampire made sure that the wedding attire was both fabulous and fitting for beings such as themselves. She actually designed it all herself, with the best cloth workers of Nazarick bringing her piece to life.
Cocytus was also there as support for Demiurge, being the man who expresses himself with action rather than words he made an excellant listener as Demiurge rambled on and on about everything going on. As well as giving out nuggets of wisdom.
“Supreme beings make no errors of judgement, our Lord has chosen you for a reason. Do not doubt him now, when you have not before.”
On the day of the wedding, the weather was absolutely perfect. Not too hot, not too cold. And not a single cloud in the sky. This was to be expected of course, the maids would not allow such a thing as a cloud ruin such a momentus day.
Ainz asked that Pandora’s Actor be his best man. For Demiurge, he asked that Cocytus be his.
Aura and Mare were the flower children, throwing petals accross the carpet for Demiurge to walk along.
Ainz wore a stunning white tux, gilded in gold and lace with a transparent cape fluttering behind him.
Demiurge wore something similar but his highlighting his own features. His outfit being accented with beautiful diamonds and gold of its own.
The hundreds of seats were filled with the denizans of Nazarick, an unsettling sight to some… but absolutely stunning to Ainz. To see the entirety of his treasure present before him, made him want to cry.
Trust me when I say that if Ainz could cry right now he would be sobbing.
Upon request Sebas is their pastor, he just seems to fit the role perfectly. And it’s an honor to Ainz’s own close friend Lord Touch Me.
I do not exaggerate when I say EVERYONE in nazarick that day cried… Even Sebas. Their vows absolutely shook everyone.
“Demiurge… I never thought, that in all my years of existence, I would ever deserve someone such as yourself. I felt lost, when my precious comrades had left this Nazarick… I feared that the place in my heart that they had left empty would never be filled. But when you’re with me… I feel whole.”
Everyone is surprised to see that Demiurge hasn’t compeltely broken down yet and the devastation that is his tail hasn’t been released yet. Though they could barely see them through their own tears.
Everyone is just so emotional.
“Lord Ainz, never in my lifetime would I ever have thought I would get the honor to wed you. I do not deserve such a radiant and generous being such as yourself. To acquire the intimate love of a supreme being had been unfathomable to me… but to be here today and to see how you could ever love someone as lowly as me- no amount of words could describe how I feel for you. I swear to you, Ainz Ooal Gown, Lord Momonga. I will give you everything this world has to offer, my entire being included, just to ever amount to what you give to me.”
Ainz is so flustered, his husband is too extra for his poor little neet heart to handle.
The party after is certainly something to remember, even though he can’t eat and most of the denizens of Nazarick don’t even need to the maids worked endlessly to produce such a fantastic feast for all of Nazarick to enjoy.
Oh my god when Ainz tells Demiurge of the tradition to throw his bouquet.
Albedo and Shalltear and seething, glaring at each other fighting over who gets to marry Lord Ainz next.
Demiurge accidentally throws it too hard, and from their fighting both miss the bouquet as it flies over their heads and lands in Mare’s arms.
Both of them look murderous, scarily calm as they both ask Mare for the flowers.
“B-But… I wanna m-m-marry Ainz-sama some… some day too….”
Ainz ends up having to teach Aura and Mare about marriage, giving them a quick parent talk.
In the end, it’s still undecided. Mare still not wanting to give it up and Aura not letting him, after all, he caught it fair and square.
The two slow dance, it’s so romantic. Everyone is partnered up with somebody.
Even Cocytus is out there dancing with Entoma. 
To be honest the party is fantastic and is certainly the gossip of Nazarick for the next couple of months.
Ainz couldn’t feel more in love than he does with Demiurge, the two act a whole lot more lovey-dovey.
They keep up their professional appearances still, but when around allies will playfully call each other pet names.
Mostly demiurge, Ainz is just so shy… actually exclusively demiurge. Ainz is too flustered and too introverted for his own good.
“As you request, my love.”
Also Demiurge, to Ainz’s bewilderment, seems to still condone the idea of multiple spouses… Albedo isn’t keeping this fact a secret either.
Please, someone, help Papa Bones.
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