#alocasia reginula black velvet
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pachyfaeria · 10 months ago
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I’m pretty sure my alocasia black velvet will be the pachyphytum oviferum of tropical plants for me. Basically the one I struggle with.
I think I may need to get a humidity meter along with a humidifier. I think the room it’s in is pretty humid as it is so for now I’ll just get the meter to be sure.
But if it ends up not being a humidity problem then it might be the fact that it came in a starter plug which the seller said not to remove. Being new to tropical plants I just went with what the seller suggested but I may repot this tomorrow and carefully remove the plug. I just have to wait for my orchid bark to be delivered.
It’s so weird because my alocasia silver dragon is in the same growing conditions and it’s doing perfectly fine. It even has a starter plug as well. But I don’t think it needs as much humidity as the black velvet.
I don’t know, we’ll see what happens once I make these changes.
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lokislittlestar · 2 years ago
Welp since I’ve bought new stuf for Loki and I’ve been cleaning I’m redoing his altar and I have tons of shit coming for him
Including a potted plant I got a discount for in a app (def recommend it if u walk a lot it’s called Treecard and with a craft amount of steps u can plant a tree and u get stars from ur trees for discounts and stuff ! U can use my code lael-hpi and or the link )
And he picked it himself I tried to ask if he wanted a different plant and showed him a new one and with out hesitation he said “no❤️”
Then went back to the plant he picked -Alocasia Reginula 'Black Velvet'
And it’s cute and from what ur says it’s gonna be easy to take care of too
“If you are fond of all black foliage, this is the variety for you. These plants usually stay small and classy! Alocasia or Elephant’s ear is a large, evergreen perennial from damp sites in south and southeast Asia. It’s large arrow-shaped leaves come in a variety of green hues overlaid with splotches of black, purple, or aged copper. They love warm humid environments so keep your Alocasia away from air conditioners and cold drafts”
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I mean look how pretty!!!
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fevered · 2 years ago
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Alocasia Black Velvet; Alocasia reginula
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angelparts · 2 years ago
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April 20, 2023.
Alocasia reginula ‘black velvet’
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hands-in-the-dirt · 4 years ago
Big leaf is here!
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It’s as big as my tiny hand!
And there’s another on the way:
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baysleaves · 3 years ago
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Alocasia reginula- ‘Black Velvet’ (Freida🥰)
✯¸.•´*¨`*•✿ ✿•*`¨*`•.¸✯
One of my favorite plants!! The leaves are so velvety looking, yet, they feel rather rough? I purchased this at Lowe’s and even got a corm that was hidden in the soil! Currently, there are two growth points coming out of this plant and one leaf is peeking! ❤︎︎
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fixaidea · 2 years ago
I promised myself that if I finally find a new job AND they keep me after the trial period, I’ll get myself one of the plants I’m currently pining over.
(This means either a baby Philodendron atabapoense, an Alocasia cuprea ‘Red secret’ or an Alocasia reginula ‘Black Velvet’.)
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cichocicho · 3 years ago
can we see your plant collection? <3 ⚘
omg of course!! 🥺 so sorry that it took me so long to answer but I had to wait for a good lighting to take photographs of my green babies
big boys category - my proudest achievements
1. Monstera deliciosa
2. Ficus elastica
3. Phoenix dactylifera (palm tree) - I’ve had it for 6-7 years now and it’s 1,5 m tall and 2,5 m wide <3
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weird pots category
1. Maranta leuconeura 'Fascinator Tricolor' - I killed one unfortunately, it’s my attempt number 2
2. Hoya carnosa 'Shirley' - stole a cutting from a hospital I had classes in last year
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struggling category
1. Ehretia microphylla (Fukien tea tree) - technically it’s my dads but I water it
2. Begonia maculata - it lost all of its leaves but now it’s being reborn like a phoenix … fingers crossed
3. Citrus paradisi (grapefruit) - again technically not mine, my dad grew it from a pit !!! every winter it looses its leaves and hopefully it’ll be all right again in the spring
4. Dypsis lutescens (Areca, I think?)
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pretty leaves category
1. Caladium 'Ice Cream' - it’s supposed to die soon and reborn in the spring…. we’ll see
2. Alocasia reginula 'Black Velvet'
3. Dieffenbachia 'Compacta'
4. Ficus elastica ‘Tineke’
5. Zamioculcas zamiifolia 'Raven' - black leaves!! how cool is that
6. Alocasia amazonica - by fellow plant lovers often lovingly called euthanasia because it’s really easy to kill but fortunately it’s still alive in my house
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long boys category
1. Tradescantia 'Purple Passion' - found a small piece of it in Lidl and grew myself a whole ass plant from it <3
2. Epipremnum aureum and Epipremnum 'Marble Queen'
3. Monstera adansonii
4. Hedera Helix 'White Ripple' and Tradescantia spathacea
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plants that I gifted to my sister <3
1. Strelitzia nicolai - we call her Patricia
2. Chamaerops humilis
3. Alocasia 'Regal Shield' and Anthurium andreanum
4. Crassus ovata - commonly know as Jade plant, grew it from a small cutting 8-9 years ago!!
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other random plants
1. Sansevieria trifasciata 'Laurentii'
2. Yucca elephantipes - saw a dying plant on the street, decided to break off a branch and try to rescue it, succeeded
3. Syngonium 'Neon Robusta'
4. Chlorophytum comosum and 3 random cacti I stole from my neighbor
5. Pilea peperomioides
6. Ficus retusa
7. Codiaeum variegatum
8. Philodendron 'Birkin'
9. Crassula Ovata 'Gollum Jade' - commonly known as Shrek ears 🤡
10. struggling cactus that we own forever and I don’t know the right name for it … almost killed it but it has decided to have babies instead of dying
11. another random cacti and Crassula perforata
12. Nephrolepis exaltata - chilling by my bed and often putting her long leaves into my tea
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ghostlyfoliage · 4 years ago
I made a wishlist of plants I'd still like to have. There's no bromeliad on it cus I can never decide on one but someday I'll probably buy the first dark colored one I see.
I already have a ton of plants. Someday my house is going to be a jungle.
🌿 Upright Ect 🌿
Peacock Ginger (Kaempferia)
Aglaonema Tricolor
Calathea - Warcewiczii , Zebrina, Manatra (green, minature?), Velvet
Dieffenbachia Reflector
Alocasia - Baginga ("Dragon Scale" / Silver), Reginula ("Black Velvet"), "Maharani'
Anthurium (Black or White), Crystallinum?
Australian Tree Fern
Plectranthus Tomentosa ("Vick's Plant"), Purple Swedish Ivy
Banana (Dwarf Cavendish "Grand Nain", Tiger Stripe?)
Persian Shield
🌿 Vines Ect 🌿
Monstera - Deliscioso, Siltepecana, Peru
Pellionia Pulchra (aka Polynesian Ivy)
Philodendron - Melanochrysum, Verrucosum, ect
Alsobia Dianthiflora
Baltic Ivy
Cissus Discolor
Jade Satin Scindapsus
Dioscorea Discolor!
Rhaphidophora tetrasperma
🌿 Epiphytes & Lithophytes 🌿
Peperomia - Prostrata ("String of Turtles"), "Peacock"/"Peppermill", "Fuzzy Mystery"
Hoya - Finlaysonii, Pubicalyx, "Sunrise", Holyneura ("Fishtail")
Macodes Petola (Lightning Orchid)
Paphiopedilum (Spotted Orchid)
Airplants - Xerographica, Spanish Moss, Kautskyi, Aeranthos ("teddy bear")
🌿 Succulents 🌿
Kalanchoe Humulis ("Desert Surprise")
Mangave "Bloodspot"
Aloe - Humulis, Brevifolia, Microstigma?, Haworthoides, SPIRAL
Haworthia - Mutica, Obtusa
Sansevieria - Cylindrica ("African Spear"), "Whitney", Whalefin, Patens, Boncel ("Rhino")
Sedum Dasyphyllum "Fuzzy Wuzzy"
Pachy/Grapto - check growth form for chubby/compact
Senecio mikanioides ("Rosary Ivy"/"German Wax Ivy")
🌿 Cacti 🌿
Euphorbia trigona Rubra, Obesa
Crested Eve's Needle
(Crossed out as I buy them (or seeds))
This does not even cover the fact that I'd buy just about any butterwort, ping, or bladderwort I can get my hands on, all the plants I'll eventually inevitably buy for terrariums, nor all the plants I'd like to add to my yard (first on the list is raspberries, most everything else I'll start from seed). 😅
I have a problem, right?
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pachyfaeria · 9 months ago
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Some plant updates! From left to right and top to bottom: Alocasia Silver Dragon, Alocasia Black Velvet, Calathea White Fusion, and Syngonium Podophyllum Albo.
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happyhouseplants · 2 years ago
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We have enormous black velvet Alocasia just arrive. Boasting some of the most striking foliage in the houseplant world, the Alocasia Black Velvet or Alocasia Reginula is an increasingly popular addition to indoor plant collections in the UK due to its unmatched visual and sculptural appeal. The Black Velvet Alocasia is a rare dwarf variety sought after because of its unique black colouring and velvet leaves. It's ideal for growing indoors in the UK because it grows slowly and keeps small. #urbangardener #urbangardening #indoorplants #plantstagram #plantsofinstagram #urbanjunglebloggers #plantpower #indoorplants #indoorgardener #plantslove #houseplantsclub #plantstyling #crazyplantlady #plantgang #happyhouseplants #homedecor #greenspace #growsomething you #botany #greenhome #plantobsessed #plantcollector #plantsarecool #livingwithplants #plantcare https://www.instagram.com/p/Ck-6clyMc20/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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kossitas72 · 3 years ago
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Beautiful Dark Velvet leaves from Alocasia Reginula Black Velvet makes a striking statement wherever you put it. #DarkVelvet #BlackLeaves #Alocasia #alocasiaPlant #IndoorPlant https://www.instagram.com/p/ChgWA2bu5nN/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sortofalab · 3 years ago
Alocasia Reginula 'Black Velvet' - Reborn - Fine Lapse
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hands-in-the-dirt · 5 years ago
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Newest addition to the family! Alocasia Reginula ‘Black Velvet’
My favourite plant store posted her in an update on Facebook and of course I had to have her!
I actually made my bf get her for me the day before I went to the store myself because I was worried she would be gone by then.
She recently flowered. A shame I couldn’t witness that!
*In case you’re wondering about the background, it’s where I usually photograph my handmade headpieces but it seemed so fitting for this plant too!*
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zeebeeplantsmarket · 3 years ago
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Алоказия реджинула Блэк Вельвет. Серебристые прожилки, пронизывающие черные бархатистые листья. Этим создают сильный контраст с типичным зеленым фоном, что делает Alocasia ‘Black Velvet’ отличным фокусом для террариумов или полок с растениями! Reginula буквально означает «маленькая королева» и это действительно яркий дорогой акцент в интерьере. Купить эти растения можно на нашем сайте. #алоказия #alocasia #alocasiablackvelvet #алоказиякупить #алоказияблэквельвет #zeebeeplant #алоказиясамара #комнатныерастения #растения #тропики #тропикинаподоконнике #редкиерастения #красивые #plant #plants #shop #plantsmom #флористика #домашнийдекор #экзотическиерастения #экзотика #самара #растениясамара #растениядома (at Samara, Russia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CVsM9FgoyIP/?utm_medium=tumblr
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plantinhasnavaranda · 3 years ago
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Essa planta parece de mentira kkkk linda, sofisticada, delicada... Falta adjetivos! (Alocasia reginula "Black-Velvet") #alocasia #alocasiareginula #alocasiablackvelvet #araceae #plantas #plants #igarassu #recife #nature #natureza #garden #jardim #urbanjungle #plantsofinstagram #houseplants #plantasdecasa #plantcollection #plantcommunity #botanic #plantinhasnavaranda #urbanjungleblog #selvaurbana #urbanjunglebrasil #urbanjunglerecife #urbanjunglebr #urbanjunglepernambuco #urbanjunglenordeste (em Igarassu, Pernambuco) https://www.instagram.com/p/CVA4eU5rQsd/?utm_medium=tumblr
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