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stylekorea · 5 months
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The Boyz Eric for Allure Korea May 2024. Photographed by Yoon Song Yi
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loudlystrangemagazine · 7 months
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I just want to taste her some more
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hazeltailofficial · 8 months
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Allure & Butter London Nail Lacquer in Front Row
hazeltail on youtube / hazeltailofficial on tiktok / hazeltailofficial on ig / @hazeltailofficial
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thealmightyemprex · 5 months
VHS/DVD covers that stood out to me while browsing video stores as a kid
Back in the old days if you wanted to watch a movie,you had to browse your local video store till a cover popped out at you,here are some covers from those bygone Blockbuster days that stuck with me,please share your faves
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Seeing the Spaceballs video my reaction was "Oh so its like Star Wars but funny"
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Flash Gordons cover convinced me to watch the movie
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Evil Dead 2s cover scared me
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I rented Animal Farm thinking itd be like Babe.,,,,It wasnt
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Superman 3 I feel has one of the worst posters /covers of all time,cause as a kid I didnt know who Richard Pryor was so Superman saving this goofy guy made it seem like a parody....Honestly not far from the actual movie
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Legend's cover bekoned me ,alllurring as it was sinister and mysterious,much like the films antagonist
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Neverending Story's cover was enchanting ,promicing a world of magic which the film delivers
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Child Me who is a Star Wars nut :Wait theres an Ewoks movie?
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Child me having just seen Fellowship of the Ring :THERES ANOTHER ONE AND IT LOOKS COOL
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Clash of the Titans cover is art to me andthe best part is it shows you a scene that is actually IN THE MOVIE .Still my favorite DVD cover ever
@countesspetofi @barbossas-wench @filmcityworld1 @the-blue-fairie @piterelizabethdevries @princesssarisa @amalthea9 @ariel-seagull-wings @themousefromfantasyland @theancientvaleofsoulmaking
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wootique-furniture · 4 months
Buy Wooden TV Unit from Wootique
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This Wooden TV Stand from wootique not only helps with the tv support but also takes up less space adding alllure to your home
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Allluring Book Lady
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Promoted by FB Meekin
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patern29 · 2 years
Allures 45.9, La grande croisière en dériveur intégral ou quille relevable.
Le chantier Allures Yachting a présenté son nouveau voilier de voyage, l'Allures 45.9. L'ADN du chantier est là: Confort, sécurité et performances. Le chantier Allures Yachting, qui fait partie du groupe Grand Large (avec les chantiers Garcia yachting, Outremer et Gunboat), s'est différencié par une gamme de dériveurs intégraux, en aluminium, élégants, grâce à leur pont en composite, confortables, performants et sécurisants. Le tout pensé pour la navigation en équipage réduit. Ce nouvel Allures 45.9 est annoncé comme étant dans la stricte philosophie du chantier...à un élément près.
Alllures 45.9 en version dériveur intégral ou quille relevable.
Ce nouveau modèle est proposé en version dériveur intégral, comme les autres voiliers de la gamme, dessin chantier cela permet d'avoir un tirant d'eau réduit, pratique pour 'beacher' le bateau et passer partout. Mais en plus de cette version, spécialité du chantier, l'Allures 45.9 est également proposé en version quille relevable, ce qui permet d'améliorer les performances pour les skippers les plus exigeants sur les performances. le chantier précise que "la stabilité des deux versions est rigoureusement identique. Surface de voile et hauteur de mât étant identiques, la version quille relevable s'allège de 2 000 Kg de lest, quand le dériveur intégral permet lui de "beacher" en toute autonomie."
Un voilier pour naviguer en équipage réduit.
dessin chantier Au niveau des aménagements intérieurs, le voilier propose un vaste carré qui semble lumineux et offrant pas mal de visibilité sur la mer. d'après les premiers éléments, il pourrait être modulable et transformable en couchette. La banquette centrale du carré devrait permettre de bien se caler pour utiliser la cuisine américaine. La cabine avant offre deux possibilités. La couchette double peut se transformer en deux couchettes simples. Sinon, à l'arrière, on retrouvera. Une grande soute à voile avant forme un crash-box on trouvera, sur cet Allures 45.9, un local technique. Accessible depuis l'intérieur comme depuis le cockpit par un panneau étanche, le local technique est équipé de nombreux rangement en standard.
Ce qui a été revue.
En plus de ces nouveautés, quelques modifications ont été effectuées par rapport à son prédécesseur. - Un plan de pont et un cockpit repensés - Une longueur de coque plus grande, qui offre plus de volume dans la cabine avant ou le cockpit - Une coque plus large qui agrandit les volumes de vie et le confort du carré - Un plan de voilure entièrement repensé avec un mât plus reculé
Caractéristiques Allures 45.9:
Longueur : 14,75 m Gennaker : 95 m2 Largeur : 4,43 m Spinnaker : 145 m2 Tirant d'eau : 1,06 - 2,9 m Catégorie hauturière : 8 personnes Déplacement : 12600 T Catégorie côtière : 8 personnes Hauteur de mât : 18 m Motorisation : 55 Grand voile : 52 m2 Solent : 48 m2 https://youtu.be/Kfby04VkAPs Read the full article
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kitsunecutie0101 · 6 years
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Doodle day : 3 Allura in lingerie ( trying something gehehe)
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stylekorea · 5 months
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The Boyz Q for Allure Korea May 2024. Photographed by Yoon Song Yi
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I AM sticking them out, asshole
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mousealchemist · 6 years
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Finally made some of the Voltron plushies. I gave them to the cast of Voltron while at sacanime. Kimberly Brooks, Josh Keaton and Neil Kaplan really enjoyed them. Neil was super excited to get them because he saw i was made Kimberly and Josh one and though he was getting Bupkis. Lol. I am glad they really liked them. I am hoping to make more of them this month. I will be taking commission for these guys as well since they are fun to make. :)
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sassafrassrex · 6 years
It’s a ring, not a tower
So, lions as four cardinal points on a ring seems to be a fandom motif that's juuuust starting to gain traction in vld and..... yes? yes please? so much?? Viewing the castle/the Atlas in the space of a white lion, and from that, having Atlas closes the circle, with white, black, red, and blue as four points on a now-seamless cycle of bestowing and receiving. That's just such a good and hale way to regard it, as a relay of giving, from Allura to Shiro to Keith to Lance to Allura to Shiro to Keith to Lance to Allura to Shiro to Keith to Lance to Allura to Shiro, etc.
It's wonderfully inclusive, and validating for all four character perspectives. I mean it's gd serendipitous, it's weirdly perfect. It makes it impossible to see Blue as the "beginner" Lion, because Blue is a point on a circle. It's impossible to view Keith's and Shiro's bonds with Black as a zero-sum game because again, Black is a point on a circle. Allura moving to Blue isn't a demotion, Keith moving to Black isn't a promotion, Lance finally clicking with Red isn't "better" (or worse!) than what he has with Blue, it's all just balanced, lateral, cyclical movement. Which emphasizes the involved characters’ interrelationships as being unique and important and almost strangely consecrated(??) And it reminds that Allura and Shiro were never and never will be any less integral to the team, just because they fly the castle or the Atlas (because again, the white lion makes the fourth compass point on the circle). There's a place for each of them on this cyclical progression, like it's a huge wheel, spinning from white to black to red to blue to white to black to red to blue to white to black to red to blue to white, on and on and on.
The whole notion just goes straight to my sense of aesthetic and symmetry so. damn. much. Maybe it's a silly thing to get excited about but if you ask me, motifs matter (I mean look at tumblr and try to count the moodboards ev-er-y-where, for ev-er-y-thing). The difference between viewing something as perpetually cyclical, rather than linearly hierarchical, changes the way you think about it. It changes the definitions of progress and redefines what it means to grow. 
(Also, as far as motifs and mindsets are concerned, this one is probably much more salient and connected with VLD: the fandom, than it is with VLD: the show. Bc real talk, there's none of us who won't admit the Voltron fandom experience has been kinda... rough. But this is VLD fandom-made and it's awesome.)
Plus, it's an arrangement that resonates. There's a significance to those four colors together, there's a wider context in place for vld to fit into, with new implications to look at. Tbqh, it's probably a good thing they don't perfectly line up with circling the cardinal directions (black to the north, blue to the east, red the south, white to the west; you'd get a zig-zag, not a ring, but w/e), because otherwise my head might explode from too much aesthetic wonderfulness and symmetry.
Very important aside: Absolutely no slight to Hunk and Pidge for living the drama-free life of having one lion and sticking to that. Zero slight at all, there is a lot to be said for that connection and that honor in continuity and unbroken commitment. Yeah, this is a post celebrating cyclical movement between four cardinal points, but that's got zero capacity to detract from the equally important points of loyalty and constancy and devotion and faith that we have with Pidge's and Hunk's deceptively simple, unassumingly unbreakable relationships with their own magically bequeathed, giant, sentient metal spacebeasts. Okay? Okay.
But I love this Four Points on a Wheel motif that seems to be slowly cropping up (seemingly without much/any deliberate cultivation??) I love it and I hope it disseminates and infects every corner of fandom content. Bless all the arts and all the fic and all the meta and all the everything.
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princessaluraa · 6 years
antis don't read
I'm mad right now but it's not something thats new, it's been around for a while and I need to get it off my chest. It's about Lance's sexuality and the way the fandom treats it. If you're an anti, don't read because you're probably just going to get mad especially if you're a kl*ncer.
I'm on mobile so if you don't want to read skip now.
I want Lance to be bi or pan. Personally I think it's out of character for him to be gay because he has shown a genuine interest in girls and bi/pan people are hardly given good representation if any. But there is a problem in this fandom. It's like Lance can be bi/pan yeah, but if that's the case then he can only be paired with Keith. And that's bullshit. It's like Lance is attracted to girls and Keith. Not boys, just Keith. Hell sometimes shippers act like he only likes Keith and that's even more bullshit. Lance hasn't given any indication that he's into anyone who doesn't present as feminine. I don't care about the looks™, that is subjective and I see shippers in every fandom do the same thing. They put on their shipper goggles and act like a pat on the back or a friendly smile is a declaration of love. I'm a shipper myself so I understand wanting to see your ship canon, especially if it's an lgbt+ ship, but stop acting like what you think you see is canon and proof that your otp is endgame. Stop taking every interaction between Lance and Keith as confirmation of their romantic love. Stop making everything about this show revolve around kl*nce. (It should be noted that this obviously doesn't apply to all kl*nce shippers, I know there are a lot of great people who support this ship and I'm sorry if I upset you. This post is not directed at you, I'm sure you know who it is directed at.) Adam is killed off? Let's make it about kl*nce. I'm not going to talk about Adam and Shiro and that mess, bc I agree with what I've seen so far. They buried they're gays and that's not ok. But y'know what's also not ok? Acting like you own a character and making everything about one ship. I can't look at the gen tag without seeing cringey text posts everywhere. I'm genuinely curious if people would be happy with like Hance being endgame or Lance/any dude other than Keith. I honestly don't think so, bc from what I've seen, Lance's sexuality and the representation that it gives is only relevant if it confirms kl*nce. I know that's not always the case, but for an outspoken part of the fandom it is the case.
We all want the same thing.
We all want Lance to be lgbt+, but honestly at this point I don't even care if I piss people off. I don't want Kl*nce to ever be romantic, I want them to be great friends. Its so ironic that it was my first ship and now i cant wait for it to burn. Stop acting like this creators owe you something. Stop ruining ships and fandom for other people. You're upset and I understand but it doesn't give you any right to act like an entitled child. It's not your show. If you don't like it, leave. You're only making everyone unhappy.
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archaic-kings · 6 years
The toxicity of everyone arguing over ships is so annoying. Can't you just be happy? Let sheith fans be happy or sad, let klance fans be sad or happy, same to allurance, or whatever you ship. Just stop arguing over "the ship is dead so shut up about it."
I usually don't say anything about this stuff since I'd like to avoid a fight, but it's been really annoying and I just needed to get my thoughts out.
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samatedeansbroccoli · 3 years
21, 22 and 24 for the game ask thing c:
21: How old were you when you first played a video game?
Oooh... I think I was 11 or 12? Played a free online horse racing game. But I didn't really get into gaming until I was 17.
22: If you could immerse yourself in any game for one day, which game would it be? What would you do?
I would want to be in Scribblenauts. I'd get a cool book, get to solve problems by creating anything I want, and just have a great time enjoying my abilities! Assuming I'm Maxwell, not Lily who's stuck crystalizing lol
24: Casual, Hardcore, or in the middle?
Depends on the game. If it's a mobile game, hardcore. If it's a PC game, casual. I'm a mobile gamer primarily so I can't really do anything decent on PC yet. Can barely coordinate running in a zigzag, let along straifing.
Wanna ask me a question? Check out the post here!
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