#allison stone
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thefortressofscience · 1 year ago
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Revisiting my Super Lesbian Animal RPG fan character, Valencia. She's a martial artist and she can't use spells, so I positioned her as kind of the Rock Lee/Might Guy of SLARPG's setting. Here, she is showing Melody a basic Judo grip.
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manicpixiedepressedwitch · 1 year ago
my fave looks so far
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smallcloisville · 1 year ago
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Clark: Impulse, Cyborg, Aquaman, Green Arrow. What do you guys call your team?
Bart: I don't know. I've been thinking that we need something cool. We need something like, uh ... like, uh ...
Oliver: I was thinking about something with the word "Justice" in it.
Words can't do justice to this wonderful episode 😍✨
I just wanna say it was a such a phenomenal ep and balanced comedy, action and everything quite well. It just feels so powerful.
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onscreenkisses · 2 years ago
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ALOHA, dir. Cameron Crowe (2015)
requested by anon
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siryl · 2 years ago
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"Valley of the Worm" by Armand Cabrera.
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adamwatchesmovies · 1 year ago
Heart of Stone (2023)
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It isn’t so much that Heart of Stone is bad; it’s that it doesn’t do anything good enough to stand out. This is what I think of when someone says “Netflix Top Ten Original”. When it arrives, it feels like everyone’s watching it. A week later, everyone who saw it has already forgotten about it and moved on to the next action spy-thriller with several notable stars in important roles.
Rachel Stone (Gal Gadot) is part of an MI6 field team. What agents Parker (Jamie Dornan), Yang (Jing Lusi) and Bailey (Paul Ready) don’t know is she’s secretly a member of The Charter, an ultra-secret agency dedicated to peacekeeping that operates outside of any government. The Charter uses The Heart, a sophisticated artificial intelligence, to calculate its agents’ odds of success based on every possible factor in real time. The Heart allows the agents to succeed in the most precarious situations and The Charter to hack into any device. When a mysterious hacker named Keya (Alia Bhatt) makes a move against the Charter, Stone has to blow her cover - unaware this is exactly what her opponent was hoping she would do.
I’ll admit that while watching Heart of Stone, I was entertained in a “it’s moving and I want to see what’s coming next” sort of way. Looking back - particularly after writing that synopsis down - this is the store-brand version of your spy-thriller action film. I can remember a death-defying chase down the Italian Alps and the picture’s final confrontation but these scenes are nothing special; they could be in any movie like this. Stone herself is a protagonist we’ve seen a thousand times. Gal Gadot plays the part fine and she handles the stunts with no problem but her character makes no impact. Similarly, The Charter is dull, dull, dull as a secret organization. I can’t think of any movie that’s done exactly what they’re doing, but I swear I’ve seen it before, probably in another movie I forgot soon after it ended.
Heart of Stone sort of feels like the third entry in a franchise that's limping along. It's as if most of the cast are sick of their roles and asking for their characters to be killed off, revealed as traitors or retired, or are the new replacements introduced to help revitalize a fledgling series. Because Stone is at her most interesting when she has to pretend like she can’t handle fieldwork, the film is most engaging at the beginning, when she’s paired up with Bailey, Yang and Parker. About a third of the movie in, they get dropped. Their absence and the focus on Stone should get us all riled up emotionally but we’re just not invested in the characters enough to really care.
On the upside, there are plenty of twists and turns along the way, the stunt work is good, the action well shot and the special effects convincing. While Stone might not be memorable, you do like her. You also like Gal Gadot in the role enough to never feel bored despite the been-there-done-that story and premise. I want to be nice to this movie but too often, it does the obvious or makes a choice that will have you thinking “Couldn’t you have tried something else?” There’s a point towards the end when a villainous character receives a chance at redemption. The movie really wants us to believe they deserve it. Meanwhile, I’m just thinking “What, you didn’t realize the people you were working with were power-hungry madmen when you were setting up a casino where the high-rollers can bet on who will die first in the footage you’ve hacked from the U.S. military? Give me a break.”
Heart of Stone is Mission: Impossible at home. I mean… it is, LITERALLY since you don’t have to go to the theater to see it and it’s about a group of people, led by an action star doing all sorts of action things to save the day from a shadowing organization. It is also figuratively “Mission: Impossible at home”. (September 3, 2023)
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onlytiktoks · 1 year ago
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Jennifer Lawrence
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Heart of Stone (12): Plain Girl turns out to have a certain set of skills.
#onemannsmovies review of "Heart of Stone" (2023). #HeartofStone. Implausible #Netflix Jane-Bond-lite with a decourous Gadot. 3/5.
A One Mann’s Movies review of “Heart of Stone” (2023). Having helped Netflix deliver one of their massive movie hits with “Red Notice“, Gal Gadot returns with “Heart of Stone”: a similarly glossy spy-type thriller. We are definitely in ‘park-your-brain-at-the-door’ territory here. Bob the Movie Man Rating: Plot Summary: Rachel Stone (Gal Gadot) is a tech expert “in the van” for an MI6 team…
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geekcavepodcast · 2 years ago
Heart of Stone Final Look Trailer
Intelligence operative Agent Rachel Stone is the only one in her agency to stand between her global, peace-keeping organization and the loss if The Heart, its most valuable and dangerous asset.
Heart of Stone stars Gal Gadot, Jamie Dornan, Alia Bhatt, and Matthias Schweighöfer. Tom Harper is directing from a screenplay by Greg Rucka and Allison Schroeder.
Heart of Stone hits Netflix on August 11, 2023.
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red-red-spout · 2 years ago
mmmm, loving the callback in the new ksbd update
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sapphiredhearts-a · 2 years ago
tags with @story1ines bc we literally never stop chatting :)
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babisawyer · 2 years ago
decided to not let the bullshit get me down 😤 🖕🏻
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coreofgold · 2 years ago
@vcndetta continued from here
"I got it from my home." Kili said like it's the most obvious thing. In his world gold pieces, silver pieces, copper and the likes were used. "Where are we going ?" Kili followed her. He can fight if needed but she doesn't seem the type.
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tonirockyhorror · 5 months ago
Stone Temple Pilots en Pachuca como parte del Festival Pachuca Rock Fest
Después de que meses atrás fuera cancelado el Pachuca Rock Fest muchos sufrimos la desilusión por no poder ver a varias de nuestras bandas favoritas sobre el escenario pero la espera a valido la pena y el fin de semana comenzó a circular la noticia de que las leyendas del grunge, los Stone Temple Pilots serían parte de este nuevo cartel, pasaron algunas horas y se hizo oficial que los de…
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mercymornsimpathizer · 3 months ago
a non-exhaustive list of butch literature
a (very ad-hoc) list of butch reading and writing, (mostly) by butch authors. books I've read myself in bold; take the rest with a grain of salt. additions, addendums, and commentary welcome :)
(you can find my list of femme literature here)
general/literary fiction:
mrs s by k patrick
stone butch blues by leslie feinberg
boulder by eva baltasar
running fiercely towards a thin high sounds by judith katz
tipping the velvet by sarah waters
a crystal diary by frankie hucklenbroich
godspeed by lynn breedlove
cha-ching! by ali liebegott
the ihop papers by ali liebegott
greasepaint by hannah levene
lucy and mickey by red jordan arobateau
the bull-jean stories by sharon bridgforth
development by bryher
notes of a crocodile by qiu miaojin
america is not the heart by elaine castillo
the slow fix by ivan coyote
the swashbuckler by lee lynch
old dyke tales by lee lynch
sci-fi, fantasy, and horror:
gideon the ninth by tamsyn muir
the unspoken name by ak larkwood
vermilion by molly tanzer
metal from heaven by august clarke
scapegracers by ha clarke
the unbroken by cl clarke
fire logic by laurie marks
the seep by chana porter
these burning stars by bethany jacobs
feast while you can by mikaella clements and onjuli datta
non-fiction, memoir, and autobiography:
hijab butch blues by lamya h
gender failure by ivan coyote and rae spoon
fun home by allison bechdel
butch is a noun by h bear bergman
female masculinity by jack halberstam
burning butch by rb murtz
when we were outlaws by jeanne cordova
leaving isn't the hardest thing by lauren hough
odd girls and twilight lovers by lillian faderman
another mother tongue by judy grahn
boots of leather, slippers of gold by elizabeth lapovsky and madeline davis
the persistent desire ed joan nestle
persistence: all way butch and femme ed ivan coyote and zena sharman
dagger: on butch women ed lily burana
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