#alli: please just make it quick whatever you do
fatestouch · 5 months
It takes him hardly any time at all to find the two--between the already present scents, the scents of the spilled blood, and the trail Allisae had left when she ran back to the safehouse... it was less of a hunt and more of an invitation.
But, Yori wasn't in the mood for a proper chase. Not anymore, anyway. When he finds the two struggling knights, it's quite the sight.
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"She did quite th' number on both of ya." His gaze roams over the two of them, stopping on one of the two knights.
…One of them was the one who took Chercia from me, when she was born…The one with purple hair…
"You." A burst of magic knocks one of the knights back and binds him to the very spot he lands, and the fox grabs the purple-hired knight by the hair, pulling him to eye level.
"The princess told me what you did. And she asked that whatever I do, I'll make it quick. I told her I'd do my best, but... well."
Foxfire surrounds them then, and the flames begin to lick up the knights legs.
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"Separating a parent from their child is a grave sin, that not even Death can be forgiven for."
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casteliacityramen · 16 days
Incredible! The Ramen stand has a Samurott employee now?? That's so cool! I always thought it was cool that it was pokemon serving- but now this is even cooler! Does that mean you do a Samurott special? Ingredients masterfully cut with the skilled Razor shell? By an authentic Samurott blade? I would kill to have a dish prepared like that. Please, I'd pay extra AND show it off to my social media if you do, please, please, please
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"Alright!!" Ayumi jumps in excitement and flips a curtain out of the way.
"Hey, help me with this," she motions to you. As you flip the rest, you watch Rio grab a handful of ingredients and place them thoughtfully on a cutting board that hangs slightly off the edge.
Ayumi looks down and laughs, picking up on Rio's idea before taking a readied stance behind her.
"I'd take a couple steps back, if I were you," Rio says as she raises her eyebrows at your xtransceiver. Ayumi, getting into the spirit of her performance, plays it up for the camera. Excitedly, you press 'record.'
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Rio takes a quick look behind her, back at the cutting board, and then back at you.
"It'll be fast and we're only doing this once. So whatever you do..."
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You swear you feel the air get cut and dragged into her swings with how the oxygen escapes your lungs. The ingredients linger in the air, completely still for a moment, before they separate as they fall unceremoniously back onto the table (and Rio).
Ayumi gives a cheer and laughs, but off to the side, Rio's demeanor grows cold as she slinks away from view.
It makes sense Ayumi would be fast and precise. She cuts debris in a river for a living, after all. But swordsmanship underwater is an entirely different field of expertise than what she just saw.
No... everything from her stance to her grip to the quick 3 swipes at center-line showed that this wasn't the type of skill that's naturally gifted to samurott.
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Ayumi's laughter muffles in Rio's ears, drowned out as she stares into the distance. She feels her heart harden as her theory becomes more and more plausible.
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She thinks to a time long, long ago, one of the worst times of her life. Before her stands a descendant of someone she considered one of her greatest enemies, one of her strongest allies, and a friend she ultimately failed.
But that begs the question: why? Why now? Was this sheer coincidence? Was it fate that brought her there? Or... was it planned?
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|| Previous Ask | Message from Overseer to Sentinels | Pinned Post | Plot in Chronological Order ||
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darkdevasofdestruction · 11 months
Hi there please could i get some relationship headcanons for Thor! Thanks you so much!!
Let's see what we can do~
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⚡Thor is generally a quiet and apathetic person, caring mostly about fighting only and putting everything else on a second place.
⚡Still, he's not ignorant to the happiness that you bring him simply by being in his presence.
⚡Only around you, can he feel fully at ease and calm.
⚡Keeping his head on your lap, playing with his hair while you hum a lullaby or read him a book is one of the few things that can offer him bliss.
⚡He loves holding you in his arms - You're so small compared to him, he can't help but feel the burning need to protect you from any kind of harm.
⚡Though, realistically speaking, there is little harm that could reach you, considering nobody would be dumb enough to even think about attacking you, let alone do such a thing.
⚡He doesn't care much about Odin's opinion, but he's rather pleased when he mentions approving of you - Not that he'd change him opinion if he disapproved, but he might have started a war with his own father.
⚡Since he's so tall, he ends up putting you on his shoulders often, so you can see things from above - The horizon during twilight especially is a most beautiful sight to witness.
⚡He appreciates the sky during all phases of the day, and would like to lay on the grass next to you and just relax, watching the clouds pass by, or pointing out constellations at night.
⚡You're the only person he allows to touch his hair, and even braid and put flowers in it - He'd rather not have other people see him, but if they do and comment something that might upset you, well... They're dead. He'd prefer to avoid the erasure of a whole pantheon though. He doesn't much like to subject you to too much bloodshed.
⚡He wants to make sure you live a happy, fulfilling and peaceful life.
⚡That's also why he hardly ever argues with you - He'd rather remain silent or agree with you, rather than confront you about something. Usually, there's barely anything worthy of fighting over, so he diverts the subject or just does whatever he wants regardless.
⚡But when he votes against mankind, and he sees you bursting into sobs, getting out of the council, he feels upset that he spurred such emotions in you, when he only ever wants to make you smile.
⚡He explains that he holds nothing against humans and just wants to see if humanity has any warrior worth fighting, but it doesn't console you at all - His whims might destroy billions of innocent lives.
⚡He just sighs, not sure how to deal with this situation, and leaves, hoping you would calm down on your own.
⚡Thor never expected to be challenged so such a degree, let alone injured, by a mere human - No, a friend, Lu Bu, the most powerful warrior that China ever had. After their fight, Thor had such respect for him and his allies, that he decided that, whichever side wins, he would impose the safety of humanity, in his honour.
⚡As he exited the arena, he feels two tiny arms holding him in a weak embrace, and you crying in his chest, telling him how worried you were about him and what not.
⚡He was moved that you still loved him so much, even despite his contrary decision during the voting, and he knelt to your level, pulling you in a strong hug and kissing your forehead, reassuring you that he'd fight all the Gods to honour the man he just fought.
⚡He wasn't one of the Norse protectors of Mankind for nothing.
⚡Though seeing you cry, especially because of him, only reinforced the idea that he never wants to see you upset or in distress ever again. You are far too precious for him.
⚡Kisses with Thor are mostly gentle, because he's so strong that he fears hurting you, even though you're a Goddess like him. He's so used to destroying everything in a single touch, that being tender is a bit odd for him.
⚡He gets used to it quickly though, and he likes it.
⚡But more than that, he loves your soft hands caressing his face so lovingly, and how you managed to steal quick pecks from him. It was adorable.
⚡You're probably the only person to whom he would engage in small talk, or would tell random stories about his past, his fights and whatever other things he finds worth sharing.
⚡And though speaking of his feelings is not a subject he cares about, you may be able to occasionally hear him say a whispery confession, when he's sure you're asleep in his arms.
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darin-nidk · 3 months
Judas. | Emily &. Demon!Reader x Saint Peter.
Content: Emily took sides too quickly, Vaggie is suspicious. Saint Peter doesn't recognize this new (old?) angel and can't explain why he feels drawn to them.
In Hell, location: the Hazbin Hotel
"I still don't get it... Why would Emily side so quickly with us? With your cause?", Vaggie thought outloud as she laid down on the bed with her eye staring at the ceiling, before moving to rest on her side as she stared at Charlie who had been reading that story her mom would have ages ago as she was having trouble falling asleep. The Princess of Hell froze at her girlfriend's question, now looking at her eye.
She was right, Vaggie was much sharper than her when it came to important details, after all, her girlfriend was logical whereas she was emotional which is why they complimented each other — Charlie hadn't pondered on why Emily was so quick to side with her and her cause, stand up against Sera and promising to help as much as she could, dimissing the lingering threat over her head to get expelled from Heaven as an openly viewed ally. Charlie had been blinded by finally having one who wasn't a demon that she had entirely overlooked something so obvious.
The blond demon tried to come up with an answer, but none came to her mind — she gave a puzzled look at her girlfriend who gave an awkward yet understanding smile before sitting down on bed and getting closer to Charlie. "As a former angel, I didn't question orders and simply followed. I... I did feel guilty everytime an extermination took place, more often than not", Vaggie let out a heavy side at that, and Charlie couldn't resist but to hold onto her, pulling her closer so she'd be sitting sideways on her lap on their shared bed. The angel blushed faintly before she took a deep breath and continued her story. "I would let kids escape, I would try to turn an eye to those who seemed vulnerable and... What I mean is, I didn't have free will exactly, I didn't question things even if I felt like crap. But Emily had a different status, a higher one and much more strict so she... She shouldn't be this... I don't know, just, something's off, Charlie".
The pair of girlfriends exchanged a glance and held each other. Since the last extermination took place... They hadn't been back to Heaven. Much less now that Lute was running the show. So, all they could do, was wait, and try to keep a positive mindset while also working on a variety of defense and attack plans while taking into consideration all possible altering factors within and outside their control. As a precaution.
In Heaven, location: Emily's room
"Can you please keep quiet or tone it down?", Emily whispered-shouted as she helped her friend get dressed like all the other angels in Heaven. (Y/N) had been her best friend since they were alive, both were raised in a small church community and they used to have the same values until life happened, causing them to become two different people — (Y/N) had lost their way, and lost their faith unlike Emily who kept holding onto the church, studying the bible, volunteering at shelters and more selfless acts because she also had the luxury of a better economical background whereas (Y/N) didn't have that cushion. As bitter as they were at times, it hurt that those who had a deeply need to survive were the most motivated to study and do research on any and everything, to hone their abilities to impress and sometimes surrender themselves to poor treatments and toxic enviroments, a lack of support equals grapsing whatever opportunity lies before you and being indifferent on whether it will be harmful or not.
The 'angel' stood still as their friend helped them dress up accordingly, changing their make up, their nails, even shaving the necessary bits. Emily was trying to make (Y/N) look as clean, fresh and impeccable as she could to mimic the exterior of someone who belongs to Heaven. How did Emily sneak them? By using the remaining bits of the portal that had allowed Sir Pentious to access Heaven as a newly redeemed soul. "I have been meaning to somehow bring you here, you are like my family. No, you are my family and the reason why I want sinners to be able to prove they can redeem themselves...", Emily spoke in a soft tone, cupping the side of (Y/N)'s face and smiled at them, making them smile in return as they leaned onto her touch. "Even before Adam had given us that poor list of how to end in Heaven, you were worth Heaven. Fuck, you were better than Adam himself who was the epitome of humankind yet he was worst than a demon", their eyes widened at her venomous words and darkened expression of irrate. Somewhat paranoid, their (e/c) eyes looked around nervously as Emily's wings flapped behind her and she flew off the ground, circling (Y/N) to see if any detail of their outer appearance was amiss. Humming and even chirping happily at her work, she descended onto the ground again and squealed, holding their hands and spinning around. "Your disguise is perfect, (Y/N)! Gosh, I can't wait to show you Heaven and all that you mlssed".
Smiling at her, (Y/N) felt guilt bubbling within their chest as endless scenarios of what could go wrong went through their mind yet Emily reassured them that no matter the outcome, she'd be there for them. It was a lovely sentiment, but Emily wouldn't make it in Hell as far as (Y/N) did.
In Heaven, location: the library
"—I'm telling you, I don't know how he made it past the gates when that's literally my work", Saint Peter groaned, he was in Heaven's extensive library trying to find a logical explanation as to why Sir Pentious made it into Heaven without even crossing the Pearly Gates — yet nothing showed up thus far, nothing that could explain how this came to be or why this was the only record and proof of a sinner getting redeemed. Was he talking to the bored librarian that wanted him gone? Yes. Was he mostly thinking outloud? Also yes. His wings were flapping behind him, clearly showing the stress he was experimenting as he paced back and forth through the library's floor, yet he was pulled away from this spiral of what-ifs thoughts by the door creaking and different step patterns which indicated that two other angels had joined him, and the librarian.
"Ah, names? Okay Emily and... Sorry, could you repeat that? Assigning an old citizen to work here with hearing problems and poor memory was a questionable choice", the librarian spoke, slowly and bored at this interaction but chuckled faintly nonetheless. "Ah, (Y/N)? Can't say I heard that name, but then again... Angels rarely come here, only Saint Peter".
A name he was acquainted with, followed by a name he never heard, Saint Peter himself who greets those who make it past the Pearly Gates. What is going on?, he is supposed to know every soul that got here. Exasperated, he abruptly turned around and if it wasn't because he was on the ground and throwing a fit with only his wings flapping behind him, Saint Peter was sure he'd have faceplanted onto the ground at the sight of Emily and this unknown angel.
The unknown angel and Saint Peter had locked gazes for a long amount of time, making the librarian and Emily herself feel like the third and fourth wheel. Clearing her throat, Emily made the pair break eye contact and look flustered before she pressed her palm in between (Y/N)'s shoulderblades and pushed them before her, looking up at Saint Peter and gesturing a introduce yourself expression. If they passed Heaven's watchful eyes, the one in charge of letting souls pass and know everyone's name in Heaven, they could fool God.
"Hi", their voice barely above a whisper as they watched Saint Peter spread his wings and fly from where he stood to slowly descend before them, still looking in a trance of sorts as his face had a yellow blush present. "I'm (Y/N), I think one of your ah, collegues? The one in the current shift greeted me and told me to uhm, you know, introduce myself to you".
Saint Peter was familiar with falling in love, he did so back in Earth yet when he reunited with his former wife in Heaven, they didn't feel that initial connection nor the obligation to get involved in a romantic relationship, remaining amicable at best and acquaintences at worst. Whatever they had on Earth had evaporated, only a feeling of familiarity whenever they crossed paths and they carried on without interacting, not even a wave. But this..? Saint Peter never felt his heart beating this fast, this erraticaly... His face felt like burning, and his mouth felt dry as his blue eyes widened, memorizing each detail and feature of them, a beautiful, astonishing... "Uhm, hi?". Snapping back to reality as he tried to focus on whatever they said, Saint Peter reached down to hold their hand and shake it as a greeting, making their own face turn a reddish hue as they got flustered. Adorable, deliciously so.
"Hi! Yes, pleasure to meet you, welcome to Heaven, (Y/N). Shall I give you a tour?", blue eyes were practically sparkling at the prospective of spending (alone) time with them, but there was an increasing worry creeping from the back of his mind, what's this desire to monopolize them..? It was worrisome, the need to touch their hands for longer than he should have, to stand this close within their personal space.
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estrellami-1 · 7 months
If I Should Stay
Part 1 | . . . | Part 42 | Part 43 | Part 44
They do eventually get their waffles. Steve had brought her to his favorite diner, even though it’s a little farther away, and the payoff is almost immediate. El gets a waffle the size of her face that’s absolutely smothered in whipped cream and chocolate chips. She digs in with a ferocity that almost scares Steve as he tucks into his own breakfast-for-dinner.
A sudden thought occurs to him, and he leans in to speak to El. “El?”
She looks up at him, eyebrows raised, cheeks puffed like a chipmunk. He chuckles. “Maybe try taking smaller bites. Your waffle’s not gonna run away.” He grins when she swallows and grins at him. “I’m gonna call the house real quick. D’you wanna stay here, or come with me?” He points to the phone tucked into the corner of the diner, in clear view of their booth.
She twists her napkin in her hands, then almost nervously looks at him. “With you?”
“Okay,” he agrees easily. “D’you wanna talk to anyone?”
She shakes her head. “I just wanna stay by you.”
“That’s okay,” Steve promises her. “Ready?”
She nods, and together they stand, moving towards the phone.
He dials the number and waits, widening his eyes comically at El until she giggles.
The phone goes to voicemail, which he expected, so he sing-songs into the receiver, “Hello, it’s me, Robbie, pick up please!”
“Steve!” She gasps after a click and a cacophony of noises that has him wincing and pulling the phone away from his ear a little. El giggles again at that. “Where the hell have you been?”
“Practicing with El at the junkyard. Now we’re getting waffles at Jackie’s.”
Robin groans, and he grins. “Steve! You traitor! That’s my favorite!”
“You’re being dramatic.”
She gasps. Dramatically. “I am reacting appropriately to something of this magnitude, Steven!” She hisses, but she can’t hide the smile in her voice. God, Steve loves her so much.
“We’re okay, Robs,” he says quietly, like somehow it’ll say everything he wants to.
Based on the way she gets quiet, too, Steve thinks she knows exactly what he means. “I’m glad.”
“We’re gonna finish eating then go practice a little more. We’ll be home after that, before sundown. Promise.”
“I’m holding you to that. I will find your nailbat and bring it if I have to.”
“Jokes on you,” he says, “I already have it.”
“Fine, then I’ll bring Nancy and her guns,” Robin responds. “And probably Wayne. The guy’s really cool. And he can shoot.”
Steve chuckles. “How’s he holding up?”
Robin sighs. “About as well as can be expected. Better, actually, I think. I think maybe at this point he’s seen so much shit that nothing surprises him anymore.”
Steve snorts. “I know how that feels.”
She hums, distracted. “Sure,” she says, then addresses Steve. “Alli wants to talk to you.”
“Hey, Bubba,” comes next, and he’s smiling before he realizes it.
“Hey, Al. How’re you feeling?”
“Fine. Terrified. Pissed off. Ready to tear him apart with my bare hands.”
“I think if we’d had you last time, we would’ve won.”
“Oh, definitely,” she says flippantly. “Listen, Bubba, can I offer you some advice?”
“You and Eddie. Whatever you are, whatever you want to be. Don’t wait, okay? Say something. Tonight, preferably. Just- we’re all gonna make it, I know we are. But I don’t want you to regret not saying something when you could’ve.”
Steve’s heart clenches, and he tugs El in gently to envelop her in a one-armed hug. “Yeah,” he murmurs. “I will. Promise.”
“M’kay. Love you, Bubba. Be safe.”
“Love you. I will.”
The line goes dead, and he places the phone back on the hook.
“Steve?” He looks down at her. “Are you okay?”
He chuckles roughly. “Ask me again tomorrow, kiddo.”
They finish their food—El cleans her plate so thoroughly Steve is convinced she must’ve snuck away to wash it, and tells her so, resulting in another giggle—and head back out to the junkyard. “We don’t have much time,” he tells her as he parks again. “I told Robin we’d be home before dark. But this should be enough time to practice a little more. Whatever you felt earlier, whatever was in your chest keeping you company. Try to find it again, and draw from it, okay?”
“Okay,” she murmurs, looking out over the cars again.
He looks, too, and thinks he sees something, but by the time his eyes pan over the spot again, it just looks like a car. He plays it off as nerves and a trick of the setting sun and does his best to relax, so he’s not interrupting El at all.
He keeps his eyes peeled, and contemplates grabbing his bat from the trunk, but ultimately decides against it. He doesn’t think the demodogs would come out during the day.
Suddenly a demodog jumps on top of a car in front of them, and another appears to their left as two appear to their right, and Steve has time to think, famous last words, before it all goes to shit.
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yandere--stuck · 1 year
As much as I love D'arce and want only the best for her, seeing her struggle with her love for her Obsession and her "love" for Le'garde would be so fucking funny fr
(Tbh I don't think she actually LOVES Le'garde(or maybe I just really hate him), it's more of a situation where she forces herself to have feelings for him. Anyways, D'arce is a girl boss and I love her)
No dw I agree Le'garde is so sucks </3 I think she probably likes the idea of the guy or the image of him she built up in her head but it turns out he's super shitty 😔
It would be difficult for D'arce, realizing that the further down she descends into darkness of the dungeons, so too does she delve deeper into her growing affection for you. Upon your first meeting, even, it was like sliding your hand into a specially made gauntlet. The perfect fit. The perfect pair.
Though she held the soul of domination and the rest of your allies saw her as team captain, D'arce found herself deferring to you. It was just so easy. As easy as breathing, even. Acting out your orders, shadowing your movements, heading your every word. Almost like how she felt with…
Le'garde. He was alive. Alive, but tortured and beaten and bloody, and with very little memory of himself and the life he lived. D'arce should be happy. Overjoyed. Falling to her knees and crying as she embraced her captain.
But, there was barely anything. As if whatever emotions she should have felt only barely sparked within her and fizzled out before they could burst. 
She met her captain's eyes, and there was recognition. And there it was - a small bit of warmth inside her. A smile made its way to her face. Maybe… Maybe she was overthrowing this. Or just in shock. And, well, the fact that in the time you spent down in the dungeons, D'arce had spoken with you much more than she ever had with Le'garde, at least in terms of personal matters. You spent downtime and guard shifts for your sleeping allies whispering anecdotes of times long passed, swapping rations over stories of your home and childhood and how you came to this place, holding back laughter as you shared some ale. 
It felt like she had known you for lifetimes. And now, it was as if it'd been lifetimes since she last saw Le'garde. And what shone blindingly in the sun now seemed a bit dim and dull in the dark.
"I… Th- there's something down there," Le'garde insisted, pointing to a door that was just visible behind a veil of shadow. "I must get it. Then, then we can leave."
"Le'garde, we must leave," she implored.
"Please," Le'garde grasped her hands in his own. "I need this."
D'arce couldn't look him in the eyes. Instead, she turned to you and the others. Cahara and the girl were clearly anxious to leave while Ragnvaldr and Enki showed clear signs of irritation. But, you…
Despite your fear and exhaustion, you told her, "Wherever you go, D'arce, I'll follow."
She felt as if she should be the one saying that to you. A smile lit up her face and it takes her a moment to realize she needed to make the choice.
"Real quick, right?" She hesitated before nodding to Le'garde. "And then we can go?"
"I… Believe so. I don't remember."
She fell back into her role as Le'garde's right hand - but now, it felt wrong. Suffocating. Unnatural. She let him lead her down further, she followed him through the ancient, impossible city underneath everything. Because of her, you found yourselves within a Grand Temple. And that's when Le'garde let his facade drop.
She had let Le'garde trick her.
You were all wounded, some starving, some missing limbs. D'arce had led you further and further into this hellhole. This was all his fault.
"You don't understand. You couldn't understand, this is so much bigger than you," Le'garde approached the Throne of Ascension. "I must do this."
"You said you couldn't remember…" The Knight mumbled.
"You fucking liar!" Ragnvaldr roared like an animal, both Cahara and Enki barely able to hold the Outlander back.
D'arce's gaze flitted to you, only to look away when your eyes met. Instead, she looked to the girl, who peeked out from behind you, clutching at the fabric of your shirt. She looked upon Le'garde with an unreadable expression.
"D'arce, I'm sorry." The man said.
"You lied to me."
"I don't expect you to understand," he sighed, then made his way for the throne.
D'arce couldn't move. The world felt as if it was breaking apart around her. Everything she knew to be truth was all lies. Le'garde, captain of The Knights of The Midnight Sun, noble and fair and strong and true. Like a god in man's skin.
The false prophet. The false god.
D'arce gritted her teeth, shaking with rage. She white-knuckled the sword in her grip. She-
"No!" Your voice cried and D'arce gasped as she watched you fly across her vision. She whipped her head to follow, body as tense as wound-spring as you made a mad grap for Le'garde. Scrambling for a hold, you tugged the man away.
Le'garde nearly fell, before righting himself as he swiveled around to sneer at you, lips pulled back to bear his teeth. His hands fumbled for his sword. 
"I won't let you take this from me!" He screamed, raising his sword with a flourish. D'arce watched, eyes wide and unblinking as you panicked and went still in shock.
She didn't even realize what had happened. It was instantaneous. Instinctual. One second she was watching you, and in the next, her sword was sticking through her former captain's neck. Droplets of blood began to coat and run down the metal of her sword. The man's eyes were wide and scared, sparkling with betrayal. Gurgle escaped his throat, either attempting to speak or already beginning to slowly drown in his own blood.
And she felt nothing. Just another casualty in this place. In the name of her leader. Her savior. Her living god. You.
In a flash, she swiftly pulled the sword from Le'garde, letting him fall to the ground as blood shot from neck. D'arce simply stepped away as blood began to pool at her feet. She turned to your group.
Meeting Ragnvaldr's eyes, she crossed one arm across her chest and gestured to the man on the floor. "You can take care of the rest, if you desire."
The Outlander was still for a moment, before shaking himself out of his shock, approaching the man as he shook with barely restrained rage, moving to straddle him and making Le'garde wheeze and bubble with pain and pressure.
D'arce turned away. Sounds of pain and fist meeting flesh echoed in the temple. But she didn't look away because the idea pained her, no. Le'garde simply was nothing to her now. She'd get nothing, not even pleasure, out of his painful death.
The others… Enki seemed slightly amused, a smirk on his lips as he ogled the beating. Cahara was across the room, shielding the girl's eyes and ears as best he could as he waited to depart. Apparently, the money wasn't worth it anymore. And you…
"D'arce!" You surged forward to embrace her. 
You embraced her. Your arms around her, face pressing against her chest plate. If not for her armor, you could hear her heartbeat. She was euphoric. Filled with light. If this wasn't proof of your holiness, what could be?
"You saved me. You saved my life."
Of course. Of course she did. She is your knight, after all. Your knight. Your right hand. Your most devoted soldier. She loved you. She'd do anything, everything for you.
"I want to go home," you admitted. Tears collected within your eyes, stinging your cheeks.
D'arce nodded. She parted from you, only to slowly, with shaky hands, raise up to cup your face. She held you gently, like you were the precious, most fragile treasure in the world.
"Wherever you go, I'll follow." She promised.
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xecutivecucumber · 3 months
Executive Cucumber's Thoughts on The Bad Batch 03×12!
Spoilers under the cut
Let start out by saying holy heck that was the cool down episode I needed. My sister watched it before me and was able to tell me that Tech/CX-2 wasn't in it for a significant amount, so I was able to get past my disappointment and not be stressed out during the episode. Yes, I'm still on the 'Tech is CX-2 Bandwagon.' I do think they should have revealed him to the audience earlier, because I have to actively avoid Bad Batch social media (*cough*reddit*cough*) for my own mental health because of the negativity around the idea. It's really draining.
Anyway, on to the actual episode!
Today I realized that I might be triggered by Omega being trapped at Tantiss because of some past experiences. (And yes, if you've read my fics you know that I've done it to her too, but I have control over that and I think the problem is the lack of control I have)
Hi Tech! I love you! Please be un brainwashed soon!
I want to murder Hemlock. I don't know if I've ever hated a Star Wars villain like this before. It feels so personal.
It devastates me that they're going to take Omega's clothes away. Clothes that were given to her by people who love her. Ow.
Also you're playing a dangerous game, not keeping those binders on her, Hemlock.
'Is everything all right, Dr. Karr?' 'No, the Jango parent gene got awakened in me and that does not go away'
Why does Emerie think she HAS to do this?
I'm a little disappointed we didn't see Hunter find out about Omega. He's probably just in 'go' mode, honestly. Adrenaline and all that.
Crosshair is so proud of Omega oh my gosh.
Oh my gosh Tech told Phee about Crosshair. That implies that had more time than we saw. That makes me so happy and sad.
Phee talks about Tech with such fondness. You can tell how much she cared about him. I feel like I'm watching a widow who's processed her grief but still talks about her husband because she loved him.
Also, looking at Phee, she doesn't really have any implied make up on. She's very natural. Good for her.
...Rampart looks kinda good with a beard.
Okay Tech would find the stunt Phee pulled extremely attractive.
This is the closest we've gotten to the original Batch we've gotten in a very long time. It feels good to see them go mission mode with Crosshair.
This is reminding me of Eriadu and I don't like it.
Crosshair asking Wrecker if he remembered whatever plan and then patiently waiting for him to remember lives rent free in my head he's so sweet.
Also, Crosshair's theme is played in this really fun way?
Crosshair should be allowed to kick Rampart in the balls. As a treat.
Rampart you snake. Crosshair should have shot him in the leg instead of stunning him.
My sister pointed out that the juggernaut represents how the Batch is right now. You cannot stop them.
Man, it's nice to not to be as conflicted when the TK troopers die, as opposed to when clones were sent against them. Quick thought though, does Wolffe have all the remaining clones?
Man these guys get BRUTALIZED.
Them throwing around passed out Rampart is amazing and should continue to happen.
Okay Wrecker has his knife out HE IS READY TO TORTURE A MAN.
Frick you Rampart. He is the worst replacement for Omega.
Aww they probably didn't bring Batcher on the mission to protect her. (Plus she a half trained dog and it was a stealth mission)
And then the boys spent the next hour arguing over who has to call Echo and tell him.
Hemlock you FOULE you're giving Omega ALLIES. Also why are you telling her all this. She will use it against you.
Gall, I hate Hemlock.
Again, I really needed this cool down episode. Though I'm afraid the final three episodes are going to hurt. THIS IS MY FAVORITE SHOW WHY IS IT STRESSING ME OUT SO MUCH. ALSO WAITING A WEEK FOR EPISODES ALSO SUCKS. A LOT.
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seraphimaa · 3 months
Tactical Communication
I had such a dumb idea that wouldn’t leave my head but it has been making me cackle every time I think of it.
Low int Tav tries to warn Astarion that Raphael is, in fact, a fiend during their first encounter. It could have gone better. Bad comic attached at the end to better explain this dumb idea.
(Hinted Raphael x Tav Hinted Astarion x Tav)
Warnings: none
Imagine Tav recognises Raphael as a fiend quickly during their first encounter, despite his disguise.
She wasn’t sure where the stranger was taking them but she had to warn her new travelling companion of the danger they were no doubt following him to.
The fiend walked in front with his back to them and seeing an opportunity to get Astarion’s attention without alerting him, she began to wave her arms above her head like a mad woman. When she saw his gaze fall on her, questioning she panicked as she thought of a way to visually communicate that the man before them was actually a devil.
She knew what to do. Raising her fingers to either side of her head like horns and began to hop manically between her legs. She screwed up her face and wagged her tongue around in a way she hoped screamed Look, I’m big scary devil.
The elf looked deeply disturbed.
She frowned back, raising her eyebrows at him in frustration and continuing her strange dance, wondering why he wasn’t catching on to her obvious communication.
Spinning to the left she yelped and stumbled back as she came face to chest with the disguised fiend. He was sneering down at her, clearly unimpressed.
“Are you quite done?”
Staring at the ground, she nodded quick and sheepish.
“Yeah. Sorry.”
He considered her, holding her in his authoritative scowl, their noses almost touching, until she considered crawling out her own skin in order to escape it. When she had finished flushing a deep cherry red in embarrassment, he took a step back. And cleared his throat.
“Let’s continue, if you think you are capable to do so without further…tomfoolery.”
She would have snorted at the choice of words if it hadn’t been spat so menacingly at her.
It was only when in camp that night, after the devil had made his proposition and released his form that Astarion chose to address the Hollyphant in the room.
“What in the hells was that?”
“I was trying to communicate tactically?”
“And what exactly were you trying to communicate? That your tadpole has chewed through whatever functioning brains you have?”
He sniffed at her, rolling his eyes. Gods, if this was his only ally in the fight to come he may as well toss himself off of the nearest cliff face.
“No. He smelled of sulphur. I was trying to tell you that he was a devil…obviously.”
She considered not adding that dash salt to the wound but he was so rude sometimes.
He sighed and they both sat like that, arms crossed and pouting in silence. It was only broken as he rose to take his leave like he usually did at night, for whatever strange reason.
“Maybe, try the magic, telepathic bloody tadpoles liking our subconsciouses next time…Darling.”
That bastard.
(Please forgive the comic. I just needed to get this tomfoolery out of me as quickly as possible so I can actually focus.)
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Sammy's Little Problem, Chapter 10
Chapter Nine here.
Alyssa wonders if this was all her fault. She should have known that seeing this many Littles, this soon after getting the news, would cause a heightened emotional reaction in Samantha. All because she was selfish and scared.
Scared that something would happen to Samantha if she didn’t register as Samantha’s Caregiver as soon as possible. Selfish because she wanted to be the one to love, support, and guide Samantha through this next chapter of her life.
There was nothing Alyssa could do to prevent Samantha from ending up in diapers. She knew that. But she wanted more time with Samantha before she transitioned. More time before their relationship was exclusively Caregiver and Little.
But Alyssa never wanted it to happen like this. As she watches Samantha have her first messy accident, her heart is breaking. This wasn’t how it was supposed to go. Not like this.
Alyssa hopes she will never have to watch Samantha go through something like this again. Watching the terror in Sammy’s eyes grow as she squatted down, helpless and afraid, will be forever seared into Alyssa’s heart.
And, more than anything, she never wanted Samantha’s first experience with diapers to happen like this. To suffer the indignity of a public diaper change—a messy diaper change to boot—in the Littles Registration Office of all places.
There was nothing Alyssa could do about it now though. She couldn’t avoid changing Sammy here even if she wanted to do it elsewhere. Sammy’s pull-up was not designed for that kind of mess. All she could do was try her best to get Sammy through this diaper change as quick as possible. As soon as they finished here, she would do whatever Sammy wanted to decompress.
“Allie…w-w-we’re not g-going home?” Sammy sobbed.
“Sammy, you can’t sit in a car with that! We need to get you changed. And they have changing tables here to do just that.”
“B-b-bu- I d-don’t want-t-ta do that here, Allie. Please.”
“I know you don’t Sammy, but I promise I’ll get you into a fresh, clean diaper in no time.”
“Yes, Sammy. At least for right now, okay?,” Alyssa lied, “can you hold my hand so we can go get you changed? I will make it extra quick, I promise, Sammy.”
Sammy hesitantly grabbed her hand, still sobbing. Alyssa squeezed it tightly, hoping to convey her love and support. They walked down the hall to the changing tables. Alyssa’s heart sank when she saw them. There were three changing tables in a row with no dividers offering any privacy for the Littles. Two other Littles were mid-diaper change. Only the middle changing was unused.
Sammy immediately reacted, screaming, “Allie, no please! Not here! Please! I don’t want to be changed here!”
Alyssa’s voice cracked, “Sammy, we have to do it here, we don’t have a choice. Please, it will all be over quick. I'm so sorry, Sammy!”
Both Caregivers looked over to Alyssa, eyes full of understanding. “First time?” one asks Alyssa.
“Unfortunately yes, I had hoped to have more privacy for the first time, but she had an accident and my hands are tied,” Alyssa lamented.
“I won’t do it!” Sammy screeched, “you can’t make me!”
The other Caregiver let out a sympathetic sigh. She walked over to Sammy, kneeling down in front of her. “Honey, it’s okay to be scared. How about this: we will finish our changes and then we'll stand in the hallway so your Caregiver can change you with more privacy. Nobody will see but her. How does that sound?”
Sammy looked slightly relieved, but clearly didn’t like the idea of being changed at all. “I don’t want to be changed, I don’t want to wear diapers! I want to be an adult!” Sammy stomped her feet as she said it, still sobbing uncontrollably.
Alyssa joined in, “Sammy, I think that is a great idea. Nobody will see. But you need to be changed, sweetie. You can’t be in a messy pull-up for long, you don’t want a rash, do you?"
“N-no,” Sammy whimpers.
“Okay, look, they’re both done changing. They’ll stand right outside. Nobody will see you. Now can you get up on the changing table?”
Sammy shrugs, defeated. She walks over to the changing table.
“Thank you, Sammy. That is very mature of you. Now, let me help you up,” Alyssa said as she picked up Sammy and gently placed her on the changing table. Sammy was surprisingly light.
Sammy winced as she was placed on the changing table, feeling her mess spread in her pull-up.
Alyssa got right to work, making this as fast as she could. She knew Sammy would only be okay for a few minutes. Any longer and she’d throw another tantrum.
Sammy laid there, hands covering her face, whimpering. She couldn’t bear to watch. She just wanted to run away. To be invisible. To be a regular Neutral.
Alyssa ripped the waistband of Sammy’s pull-ups. Sammy shivered as Alyssa pulled it down and started wiping. Sammy started sobbing louder. A few painful minutes later. Sammy was clean. Alyssa brought out the diaper and started fluffing it.
Sammy instantly reacted. Her legs thrashing in the air. “Allie, no please, I want another pull-up! I don’t need a diaper, t was just one accident!”
Alyssa grabbed Sammy’s legs. “Sammy, sweetheart, I need you to stop. I need you to relax. I need to get this diaper on you. We don’t have a choice. If you stop now, I’ll take you to any store you want and buy you whatever you want, okay?”
Sammy relaxed, mulling it over. “Anything, Allie?”
“Yes, anything.”
Alyssa put the diaper under Sammy. “Thank you for calming down, Sammy. I’m very proud of you.” She pulls the diaper up on Sammy and tapes it into place. “There, all done, Sammy. See, not so bad, right?”
Sammy just laid there, unsure about the diaper. “I-I guess,” she sobs, “can I have my pants?”
“Of course, Sammy,” Alyssa says as she lifts Sammy off the changing table and onto the ground, “here you go.”
“It feels so thick, Allie. Does it need to be this thick? Everyone can see it!”
“No they can’t Sammy. Those jeans hide it well,” Alyssa bluffs, “plus, it won’t feel so thick for long, I promise. Are you ready to go back to the finish off what we need to do here so we can leave?”
“Yes, Allie.”
“Okay, thank you for handling this so well, Sammy,” Alyssa says, wrapping Sammy in a bear hug.
As they walk out of the changing area, Alyssa thanked the Caregivers for helping her.
Go to Chapter Eleven.
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yanderes-galore · 5 months
Fandom: Hiveswap
Characters: Joey Claire + Xefros Titroh
Pairing: Platonic
Description: Hear me out, Xefros and Joey with a big sibling troll darling, that is like, doing their every needs, helping them, giving them gifts, and anything! Really.
- Eridan Anon
Alright, sure! I haven't seen Act 2 so this is just me doing a general take.
"Soft Yandere!" Platonic! Joey Claire + Xefros Tritoh with Sibling Troll! Darling
Pairing: Platonic - Sharing
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Overprotective behavior, Clingy behavior, You're just looking after them, Soft yanderes, Dubious companionship.
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There's no doubt on a planet like Alternia the two are going to need help from others.
Especially since Joey is vulnerable as an alien.
Sibling relationships are not a common thing in troll culture.
You yourself have no real clue about it.
Let's say you're an older troll who is also secretly working with Dammek for a rebellion.
As a result you are considered an ally, Xefros most likely even knows you and sees you as safe.
You could be a Lowblood, Midcaste, or Highblood it doesn't entirely matter.
Either way you obviously hide your favoritism towards rebellion against the current Fuchsia Blood and Alternian society.
It surprises you when Xefros meets up with you and brings an alien.
An alien is already bad news and could bring a lot of attention so you certainly try your hardest to conceal Joey for Xefros.
After listening to the situation you agree to hide/aid the two.
You even make an effort to know more about Joey as you already know Dammek's Moirail, Xefros.
You learn that she's a human and goes by Joey Claire.
She seems nervous around you at first but you try your best to treat her kindly.
As an older troll you do end up taking on a "sibling" role.
You learn of such a concept through Joey who ended up calling you such a thing by accident.
She says she has a younger brother at home... not that you know what that means.
The two certainly become attached to you, after all you're putting your own life on the line to keep them safe.
You do your best to get them whatever they need.
You learn of human customs from Joey and try to build Xefros' confidence due to his lost Moirail.
Joey definitely tries to educate both you and Xefros on the concept of siblings.
You don't hate the concept, honestly.
You allow the two to use your Hive as a hideout and give tips on how not to get caught.
You even give them items and gifts to defend themselves and stay hidden.
You are very concerned about Joey and Xefros.
Not only is Xefros a Rust Blood but Joey is an alien.
The two could easily be culled if you don't help.
This isn't a very intense yandere concept, I'm going to be honest.
The two are mostly just clingy and overprotective of their new troll guide.
If other trolls gave you trouble both Joey and Xefros want to stand up to them for you.
You are quick to convince them otherwise for the sake of cover.
Taking care of them in general is considered odd to other trolls so you even try to hide that.
Xefros begins to see you as something he can't quite describe, he has a Moirail but he guesses he can see you as a friend or guardian?
Joey just simply sees you as a sibling, even if you don't know the concept.
You are a form of comfort to them.
You've done so much for them.
Joey even has a more convincing troll costume due to you.
You give the both of them weapons to use, even if Joey hesitates at first.
You have to remind them that this is Alternia, you have to do whatever you can to survive.
At your Hive you make them comfortable.
You find it odd how they both sleep without a recuperacoon but let it slide. (Joey you get... but Xefros? Was that Dammek's idea?)
If anything you are the most protective of them.
Their yandere behavior just makes them clingy, while Xefros is also eager to please, but you are the main protector.
The dynamic you have is more like you looking after two younger kids, like a parent/Lusus.
You want to keep them alive in happy.
In return the two want to do the same.
Soon they'll find a way to repay the favor.
After all, you're in danger too, aren't you?
So why don't you all stick together?
They don't want to leave you alone... plus isn't there safety in numbers?
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oc-sickfic-central · 1 month
Bad Timing Pt 2
2:36 am
Allie felt herself sleeping soundly but in the distant it sounded like someone was calling her name, then it got louder until she woke up and realized it was Koh. He wasn’t in bed but on the floor in the bathroom in agonizing pain. Kicking the blankets off and heading to him, Koh was on the floor, hysterically crying, choking on sobs. 
“Talk to me.” Not knowing if that would be possible given how upset he was.
“It hurts- so- bad.” 
“Where?” Allie moved some of Koh’s hair out of his face. 
“My stomach and chest. Feel sick but can’t bring anything up. Please, just make it stop.” 
“I need to take you to the hospital.” Allie told him. 
“They’re not gonna do anything! I’ve been countless times. I know what I need Allie.” 
“No! Koh, I’m not getting you or letting you use heroin. It’s not happening.” Allie’s voice rose.
“It’s the only thing that fucking works! I’m in pain and I only need a little bit.” Allie couldn’t believe this. She knew he was hurting and desperate, but it broke her none the less. 
“Give the hospital a chance. I will have them run every and any test they need. I will not let you relapse.” She assured him, a sob breaking out from Koh. 
“Fine.” Allie got up, getting on socks and her shoes and putting her wallet and keys in her bag. She slipped on socks and slippers for Koh. Getting him to his feet was not an easy task. He wanted to keep an arm, cradling his stomach and the other used to push up, feeling dizzy and the cramping was overwhelming. Like sharp stabbing pains over and over. Finally, Allie managed to get Koh up and out the door, down the hallway and to the elevator. 
The walk to the car was utter hell. They had to stop so Koh could catch his breath or double over when a particularly sharp cramp would leave him motionless. They made it to the car eventually and as Allie drove out of the garage and onto the road, there wasn’t a single car around. Making the drive to the hospital quick. 
Pulling into the ER bay, she got out and opened the door to the passenger side as a nurse came to help. She grabbed a wheelchair and could place Koh in it. Allie got back in the car to park it as they took Koh inside to check him in. 
When she walked back into the hospital they had him already back and getting changed into a gown. His movement was slow and face gritting in pain. Between Allie and a nurse they were able to get him dressed and in bed. They started an IV but opted for no pain meds, Koh knew it was for the best.
The doctor came in and asked general questions and then began examining Koh. The doctor felt around his belly pressing around the organ causing Koh to squirm and shift. He could feel stomach contents rising up. Swallowing it back down, and squeezing his eyes shut. Just above his naval was the center of all the pain and when the doctor pressed his hands in that spot, Koh heaved and a bit of stomach bile spilled out onto the bed. 
“Fuck.” Koh’s voice was shaky. “I-it hurts.” Koh closed his eyes as the sharp pains were back and fierce. 
“I’m sorry. We’ll let you get a new blanket.” The doctor patted his leg and turned to the nurse to order a series of tests and scans. The nurse got him a new blanket and took the old one way.
"Are you okay?" Allie asked immediately knowing the answer.
"Far from okay. This all gonna be a waste, they ran the same tests that they’re about to run now, and I can promise you everything is gonna come back normal or unknown. This will be a waste. I’m gonna leave here not knowing anything and still be dealing with whatever this is.” Koh rubbed the side of his head, feeling a headache begin to form. "I'm also embarrassed." Koh mumbled out.
“Why? Because I’m here?” He nodded. 
“Yes, you have to deal with me, with this! That hospital dinner was so fuckin important and I ruined it.” Allie took Koh’s hand. 
“You did not ruin anything. This is not something you can control. I’m not going to be upset or mad if you’re sick, baby. I want to help you. I know you can’t help it.” He didn't know what to say, instead he just settled into the bed wanting to rest. The dull ache that still remained making it hard for Koh to fully sleep.
A little while later a tech came in to conduct an ultrasound the gel was cold on his stomach.
"Cool tattoos." The tech complemented his koi fish that he had gotten after college.
The room was quiet as Koh watched the monitor, unsure of what he was really even looking at.
"Do you see anything?" Allie asked.
“I’m not sure. Usually, when see this type of wall thickening, it can be a type of inflammation. I want to get you up for a CT scan. Might give us a clearer imagine. I’ll grab a nurse and be back in a moment to take you up.”
Handing Koh some tissues to wipe the gel off. Koh just nodded as The tech left the room. A nurse came in a moment later when a wheelchair. Koh swung his legs over the bed and settled into the chair. The movement made him feel unsteady and dizzy. 
“How long will the scan take?” Allie asked.
“Should be about 45 minutes feel free to get something to eat or walk around.” The nurse told her and with that they were off down the hallway of the ER to the elevator up to imagining. 
The CT room had low lighting, which Koh was grateful for. The bright lights of the hallway were making his head hurt more. The nurse helped him out of the chair and onto the bed of the machine. 
“Have you had a CT done before?” Koh nodded. 
“A few times.” 
“Okay, so you know the drill. Lie still and when we’re down, we’ll bring you out.”
Koh tried to sleep but the room was freezing, the blanket they had given him was small and thin barely covered him. He tried thinking of something to keep him distracted 45 minutes felt so long when he didn't have anything to keep himself busy.
After the scan they brought Koh back to the room, Allie was on her phone and set it down as they came back in.
"I'm going to have the doctor review everything and we'll be in shortly to discuss with you our findings." The nurse informed them. Once Koh was back in the bed Allie moved closer to hold his hand. They were both exhausted and ready to go home.
About an hour later the doctor came in to review the tests and scans they took.
“Let me guess, everything is normal and you have no idea what’s wrong.” Koh’s voice was raspy, and it hurt to talk. 
“You have inflammation throughout your digestive tract, your stomach and small intestine. Your case is the worst I’ve seen in a long time. Has no doctor told you that?” 
“They said I had some inflammation, gave me antibiotics and told me it would clear up, but it never did.” Koh shrugged
The doctor took a breath. “It never will. Koh, you have a chronic condition known as Crohn’s disease. It’s a condition when your body’s immune system attacks and destroys healthy body tissue. Sometimes hereditary, genetic or environmental factors contribute to it.” Koh was speechless. After years of pain and suffering and no answers or explanations, he finally knew what was wrong with him. 
It was like a huge weight had been lifted off his shoulders.
"What's next?" Allie asked.
"I'd like for him to meet with a a gastro specialist. They'll want to run a few more tests to confirm and while there isn't a cure there are treatments to make the symptoms more manageable. I'll send home some doctors in the area that I recommend. Until you get in with the specialist I'll prescribed some anti-nausea. I’ll write up those and get you started on discharge, unless you have any questions.”
Allie looked to Koh.
“I’m ready to just go home.” The doctor left and Allie gave Koh a small smile.
“Told you.” Allie said. Koh turning his head.
“Told me what?”
“Give the hospital a chance that I would see to you were taken care of.” Koh smiled.
“Yeah, thank you.” She leaned over, kissing his forehead.
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cowboyjigen · 1 year
MWUAH! or everyone deserves a kiss
warnings: you already know my soft draken agenda is back bitches, mentions of blood & fights,, it’s tokrev soo, mikey ice cream thief (derogatory), takemichi in desperate need of validation, angst in takemichi’s im sorry, chifuyu in a cat maid outfit (he lost a bet), use of the nickname kitty but reader says it
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“you’re hurt.”
“i’m fine.”
“no,” grabbing his face lightly, you pull him to eye level “what happened i thought you and mikey were just going to hang out at his place?”
draken flushed not ready to give up the details of the night. “i’m fine, it was just a little scuffle.”
“you’re covered in blood, ken.” tracing your thumb over the scrape under his eye, he shutters. “let me clean you up.” it takes less force than you thought it would to drag him to the bathroom.
jumping up on the counter, you make quick work of the dried blood and dirt matted onto his face. eventually you hit a spot that hurt a little too much and tears prick his eyes. “oh, i’m sorry kenny. i didn’t mean to hurt you.” your hand falters in its movement.
“it’s okay, i promise.”
“here.” you place a delicate kiss onto the swollen skin and draken finds himself melting under it, “better?”
“much. thank you, love.”
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“hey that’s my ice cream!” a semi guilty look crosses mikey’s face as he forces the spoon into his already full mouth, “no fair mikey!”
after swallowing he speaks up, “sorry!” with a giggle he takes another spoonful.
“hmph, that’s not nice manjiro.”
he catches himself stalling for a few seconds, “no! don’t call me that! you’re supposed to call me mikey, you only call me manjiro when you’re angry!” instead of replying you turn your head away and let out a small huff. “you’re mean.”
you look back at mikey, a small pout is on his face. next to his mouth are remains of the stolen ice cream and an idea pops into your head. leaning over the table, you place a kiss to the corner of his lips. he freezes but is quick you recalibrate, “you had ice cream on your face.”
“i’ll just have to steal your ice cream more then.”
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he was being beaten to a pulp but still takemichi wouldn’t give up. he just kept getting back up, only to be pushed down again.
“takemichi please stop.” all you could do was watch as he attempted to defend you against the older boys.
“no, i can’t.” he wiped the blood from his nose. his hair was flat against his forehead from the sweat. “need to prove i can protect you.”
the other delinquents laughed at him, kicking him in the chest again. before long they got bored and left. and in the silence of the ally way, sobs filled the air.
“i’m sorry. i’m sorry i couldn’t protect you better.” a quivering takamichi looked up at you from the ground. tears and blood ran together downwards, staining his white shirt and the concrete below.
kneeling down you take his face in your hands, “you’ve don’t enough, i’m proud of you.” sealing the words with a kiss to his head, takemichi breaks down once again. eventually he’ll be fine but for now he just wants to keep you close.
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he should have won. he’s pretty sure kazutora rigged it. but here chifuyu is, standing outside his pet shop wearing a maid outfit and cat ears.
stifled laughter comes from his left as he attempts to shield is face. “fuyu? what are you wearing that for?”
looking over he’s met with the faces of you, hinata, and emma. a blush covers his cheeks— he doesn’t think this could get more embarrassing. “lost a bet with kazutora.” he sulks, gesturing lightly to the ears on his head.
“well that’s not exactly how i thought this would go but whatever.” he looks down to the package in your hands, “i brought lunch, i was hoping we could eat together but if you’re busy it’s okay.”
he quickly starts to open the door before ushering you inside and towards the back, leaving the other girls to wander around the store. he throws the ears off his head as he delicately takes the neatly wrapped box from your hands. “thank you for bringing lunch.”
“of course.” the two of you start to enjoy the home cooked meal in silence. eventually you finish and chifuyu no longer has an excuse to avoid his punishment. he solemnly puts the ears back on his head before walking you to the door.
“if it makes you feel better, you look pretty cute.”he blushes again when a quick kiss is placed on his lips. “i’ll see you at home, kitty.”
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verosvault · 5 months
Dimension20 "Fantasy High Junior Year"
Episode 5 "Mall Madness"
Timestamp: 1:39:11
Video Length: 3min. & 42sec.
Adaine tries to cast dispel magic on Cassandra!
Cassandra is about to act!
Fig: "Conor! Be ready to Counterspell!" 😂🤣
Ally: "Do you call her girlie, or how do you do that?" 😂
Siobhan: "You know what, I find that supremely off-putting, and I don't think that she needs that right now."
Ally: "What are you talking about, girlie? Hey girlie, don't be scared." 😂
Siobhan: "You're taking on too much energy from these wizards."
Emily: "Come on, baby. Big crits."
Lou: "Big Crits, no whammies. Nonna Crit!" 😂🤣💀
Ally: "Nonna Crit!"
Roll 9 from Siobhan: 17!
Siobhan: "Plus 4? Is that right? So that's a 21."
Brennan: "You wanna take whatever Kristen's getting, I'll let you roll the same d4 I let Kristen roll."
Siobhan takes it.
Lou: "So it needs to be a two?"
Brennan: "It needs to be a two or higher"
A d4 is gonna be rolled in the box of doom! 😭✋
Siobhan gets a 1! 😭✋
Lou fully turns his whole body around in his seat! 😭✋
Adaine: "Sir, I will give you a free strudel with extra sauce if you cast "Dispel Magic" on this goddess right now!"
Crying fr! 😭✋
Lou: "Are you about to blow the world up?!"
Ally's reaction! 💀✋
Siobhan: "His tongue just went out. That's bad."
Ally telling Brennan to put his tongue back and proceeds to call him "Girlie"! 😂🤣💀
Lou: "Quick, do it to him! Girlie!"
Ally: "Hey, Girlie. One more roll, girlie. Come on, Girlie. One more roll, come on."
Lou: "He's gonna blow up the world. He's gonna blow up the world." 💀
Brennan: "Fig."
Emily: "Yes?"
😂😂 Emily is just sitting so innocently 😂🤣
It's about to be Cassandra's turn and Fig is the only one with a relevant reaction. 🥲😭
To counterspell.
Adaine also has Counterspell!
Emily: "So does Conor" 😂🤣💀
Ally: "So does Colin" 😂
Brennan: "And so does Colin" 💀
Emily: "Conor and Colin Counterspell!" 😂🤣💀
It's Cassandra's turn and she's going to use a 9th level spell slot to cast "Circle of Death"! 😭✋
Everyone's reactions!!!
Emily: "I'm gonna Counterspell. I'm gonna Counterspell. So is Conor." 😭✋
Fig: "Conor, you have to counterspell now!" 😂
Fig gives persuasion with advantage on Conor Counterspell! 😂🤣💀
Ally: "You're telling me I told my god something my therapist told me, and now she's gonna kill me?" 😭😭✋✋
Lou: "Your anger is a check engine light?" 😭✋
Conor Counterspell: "This is not the one for me to Counterspell."
Fig: "Yes, it is! It would harm Kristen, and that is who we're-"
Conor Counterspell: "Counter the spell you see. I shall counter mine."
He whips his staff back into his hand!
The "Circle of Death" is about to go off! ;0 😭✋
"Circle of Death" is a 9th level spell but the DC is 19!
Adaine successfully counters the "Circle of Death" spell from Cassandra!!! 😰✋
Zac putting his hand on his chest from that stress fr! 😭✋
Siobhan got a 22!
Everyone is SO ANXIOUS! 💀✋
The energy in that room is PO-TENT! 💀✋😭
"Circle of Death" is banished! 😃😄 YAY!! 😄😃✋
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shadowsnlace · 1 year
Hellooooo love I missed you I'm so happy to see you here again❤❤
shunsui,ukitake byakuya,gin,aizen, tosin,kenpachi
Who do think will want alot of children and who will just want 1 or 2
I'm curious lol some give me cheaper by the dozen vibes
Sweetie! I missed you too! ❤️❤️ I’ve missed this blog. I’m happy to be back…and I’m trying to get back to a routine with writing. (*fingers crossed that there isn’t too much rust in my gears!*)
Okies, so let’s see if I can deliver those vibes. 😁
Quick note: Just a reminder that these shinagami/soul reapers live for thousands of years. So, they can potentially keep having enough kids to fill a division over their lifetime. For this I’m focusing more on how many kids are in the house at a pre adult age.
Shunsui - 2 to 4. Keep in mind that Shunsui has lived a very long time. He’s seen a lot of tragedy as well as triumph. Having children will bring quite a few positive benefits to his life: 1) Reminding him what innocence and child-like wonder feel like. 2) Distracting him from dark thoughts. It’s hard to mull over the past when you have kids to keep you on your toes. 3) Always has someone to play games with. 4) (perhaps the most important) Little helpers to fetch Daddy’s sake cups or hunt down any that have gone on an adventure.
Jushiro - (Does this even come as a surprise?) 2++++basically as many as his wife is willing to bear. Jushiro comes from a large family and has a lot of siblings. He will happily keep the Seireitei stocked with his progeny. Seriously, give that man a wife that wants a big family and you won’t be able to toss a pebble without hitting an Ukitake.
Byakuya - 1 to 3. Carrying on the family bloodline is important to Byakuya. He was an only child so he will want at least 2 children so that they can have a sibling, a forever ally and friend that will always be there no matter what. <-(Rukia’s influence on him) His view of having children will be to keep the family small and tightly knit. Byakuya will want to devote love and time to kids so keeping the family small will offset any demands of nobility.
Gin - 1. Gin has the ability to go all in, but it’s usually with a narrow focus. One child will be perfect for him because all his energy and love is going to given that child and their mother. Soul-deep loyalty and putting someone he loves before everything including his own life is just one of the qualities that makes Gin an amazing man. Great husband, even greater father.
Aizen - 0, maybe 1. Sosuke doesn’t have the capacity for love or commitment beyond himself. There may come a time when he gets an inclination to sire an offspring, but it will most likely be to pass on his skewed ideals. However, since Sosuke wanted to become a god, there is no room for a child that could potentially grow up to surpass him. His ego would never allow it.
Tosen - 0. Kaname’s worldview was altered so negatively he would never consider bringing a child into it. Given his history, it’s sad but understandable.
Kenpachi - 1 to 3. Kenny has plenty of practice being a Daddy. He’s perfectly content to let them hang on him, follow him around, spar with wooden swords, gorge themselves on candy, and do just about whatever they want. His wife will be teaching him right along with the first kid when it comes to discipline and boundaries for children. Also, Kenny’s pretty sure that it’ll only take 3 of his kids to finally take him down in a fight, once they’ve grown up, of course. (EDIT: Let me clarify...I don't mean Kenny's kids will kill him! I mean beat him in a fight. Let's not go that dark, please.)
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weenwrites · 6 months
Headcanons w armada blurr an armada jetfire an rid prowl so it's like there in a parental relationship w a human kid (basically like 1 of the kids in armada) an the human kids playing around in another room or sumthin (the bot just hears laughter or whatever) an like all of a sudden there's this loud as hell scream an the bot just comes running an they see the kid onda ground w a broken arm just crying like what do they do (ThIS IS SO LONG IM SO SRY ITS MY FIRST TIME MAKING REQUESTS
[ Please do not repost, plagiarize, or use my writing for AI! Translating my work with proper credit is acceptable, but please ask first! ]
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His first instinct upon seeing an ally harmed is to bring them to the nearest doctor of course. Despite how quickly he picks you up, he's surprisingly gentle and doesn't throttle you around as he takes you to Red Alert who then tells him to take you to a hospital. He spends a hot second running every red light in the city to bring you to the hospital. Once your arm's put in a cast and you come back to base, he'll be more cautious about what you're doing and where you're going. Of course he'll ask you what happened and he'll scold you for being reckless.
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He's still figuring out how fragile humans are, and what will seriously injure someone and what won't, so he initially thinks it's nothing big and encourages you to "walk it off" because he thinks you're a pretty tough kid. But the moment he takes a closer look, he realizes that oh, human arms are NOT supposed to look or bend or swell like that... Once again, you're brought to see Red Alert, but when he's told to take you to the hospital, he has to pass you off to someone like Hotshot or Hoist because a giant space shuttle in the middle of a city is not exactly being discreet. Once you're all patched up, he'll warn you to be more careful when you're playing next time. From then on, he's quicker to act the moment he hears anything that sounds like crying.
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His brain automatically kicks into autopilot, and he follows protocol. He first assesses the injury, and after determining that it's something that requires a medical specialist, he's quick to drive you to the hospital. Once you're passed off to a doctor, he goes back to inspect where you were playing to figure out how you broke your arm, and he establishes any safety measures accordingly. And once you're feeling better, he'll ask you how it happened, and if he needs to he'll scold you.
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hippolotamus · 9 months
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Every year I have this idea that I'm going to plan this out and write something profound. But it really just comes down to a few things, doesn't it?
❤️ There is no timeline (or requirement!) for coming out. Some people shout it from the rooftops immediately and some people keep it as their business forever. Both are valid and correct.
Ask yourself: Do I want to? Do I feel safe to do so? Do I have a plan if it all goes sideways?
🧡 Perhaps the most important point: nobody, and I mean NOBODY, gets to make that decision for you. That choice is yours and yours alone. Family, friends, partners, coworkers, teachers should never pressure you to come out.
💛 There is no timeline for “figuring it out”. Some folks just know and others figure it out later. Neither one is wrong. There’s zero shame in learning your sexuality in your 30s, 50s, hell even your 80s. The only “correct” time is when you say so.
💚 That being said… it can change! And that’s perfectly fine. No one would blink an eye because one day you declare you now like brownies instead of chocolate chip cookies. Or both. You learn more about yourself, you grow, you make more informed decisions. It’s all a process.
💙 Labels not required. Am I Gay/Lesbian? Bi? Queer? Aro? Whatever you decide, and are comfortable with, is a-ok. Even if that means no label at all. First and foremost you’re you. Not your preferences.
💜 A Special Lil note for the allies and supporters and others: This goes for anyone, but particularly those who didn’t figure things out (or feel like they could be open about it) until later. I say this as something of a late bloomer myself. Crying over Heartstopper? Suddenly adding all kinda rainbow merch to their house/vehicle/wardrobe? Going to Pride events? Making or sharing more pointed social media posts?
Yeah, they figured out they’re [insert label here]. Great, good for them but you’re sooooo over it. They’re X years old, why do all this now??? Like chill already.
Nope. You chill. Some of us are legit getting to experience this side of ourselves for the first time ever. And sometimes that is decades in the making. We’re unpacking a lot. So please hold your shaming and judgement. If it’s not hurting you or anyone else, for the love of everything just let them have this.
🩷 Resources! 🩵
The Trevor Project - thetrevorproject.org (Bonus: they have a Quick Exit feature built into their site for desktop or mobile in case you need to get out of their site pronto)
suicide.org - resources for US and International suicide hotlines http://suicide.org/suicide-hotlines.html http://suicide.org/international-suicide-hotlines.html
GLAAD- glaad.org
OK2BME - https://ok2bme.ca/
PFLAG - pflag.org
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