#my oc: syanna
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yennefer-of-vengerbergs · 1 month ago
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Astarion & Syanna (61/???)
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yennefer-of-vengerbergs · 5 months ago
thanks so much for the questions and excuse to babble about my girl @ratchsellsfornax😁❤️
👕Appearance: 3. Is there something about your character's appearance that they would change if possible?
She used to feel that way about the scars she has, from when Kressa kept her to cut into and experiment on, especially after confronting her in the Mind flayer colony. It wasn't for anything vanity related, it was because of what they signify for her and how she saw them as a reminder of something wretched. She has since then learned to accept them as something that is a part of herself (and Astarion was especially supportive and helped her through it).
📦Objects: 4. Is there an item your character liked that they can’t get back?
If there is, she doesn't remember it (ha). Otherwise, she doesn't own that many things, but everything she has is something that she likes and treasures for various reasons, so she's careful to not lose them.
🍽️Food and Drink: 1. What flavor would your character say their personality is?
Hm, probably a combination of completely opposite tastes. Maybe sweet and salty, since it's a combination that's apparently pretty hard to get right and not as well liked as others? I feel like Syanna is that way, she's not for everyone and she's not that well liked by a lot of the companions at first (something which is more applicable for my fic, in game I always manage to get everyone to really high approval levels even in the early stages 😆)
🌤️Weather and Nature: 4. Is there a natural phenomenon that scares your character?
Well, she's not too thrilled about raging seas and you know that line you can tell Halsin about being afraid of krakens? Turns out it wasn't just a joke she tells him, so she definitely doesn't want to set foot on a ship anytime soon, just give her a portal.
🤝Community and Relationships 13. Would your character be good at providing medical assistance?
Well, Durge in game has medicine proficiency so I would say yes, to a degree. Syanna does know a few healing spells, though they're obviously not what she specializes in. Other than that, she does have medicine/anatomy related knowledge, though in the past she did use it for uh...non-medical purposes XD Post-resisting Bhaal and post-game, she does use that knowledge for some really basic assistance if the need arises, but she's obviously no doctor.
💓Mind, Body and Soul 21. If your character had to act in a play what role would they think they’d best perform?
Probably an anti-hero type of role.
🎲 Hobbies and Activities 18. What is a topic your character wouldn't want to talk about?
She definitely gets uncomfortable when asked about things others find completely normal, like telling something about herself or to talk about her past. It's basically something that I want to include in my fic, when at the start of their whole adventure, the entire group is sitting around camp, making small talk, asking about what they did before the tadpoles, hobbies, that sort of thing and she just doesn't know, because she doesn't remember anything about herself. So yeah, that's definitely the kind of conversation that she doesn't enjoy having. It's also why, post-game, I imagine she would want to figure out what she likes so she goes through this sort of experimental phase where she just tries out stuff to see what she enjoys, what she'd be good at and so on.
OC Questions
I have found this oc question post today and I thought I will bother some of you with questions about your oc's.
Since I'm a lazy person and don't feel like sending everyone the questions individually, I thought I'd just pick 5 questions for everyone I tag :D As always, no pressure. Only those who have the time and inclination.
My tags are: @lazysload: BG3 Loa, @djfatchip: Cassidy from ME:A, @papuchette-atma: Of course Riven and @yennefer-of-vengerbergs: Your lovely Syanna.
Okay, now the questions:
👕Appearance: 3. Is there something about your character's appearance that they would change if possible?
📦Objects: 4. Is there an item your character liked that they can’t get back?
🍽️Food and Drink: 1. What flavor would your character say their personality is?
🌤️Weather and Nature: 4. Is there a natural phenomenon that scares your character?
🤝Community and Relationships 13. Would your character be good at providing medical assistance?
💓Mind, Body and Soul 21. If your character had to act in a play what role would they think they’d best perform?
🎲 Hobbies and Activities 18. What is a topic your character wouldn't want to talk about?
Okay, those are more then 5 :D
Have fun!
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Looking forward to hear more about your ocs!
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synnning · 2 months ago
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Genuinely kind of horrified with myself because I made the mensis cage for a bit. Why did it turn into one of the most complex projects in my cosplay career and WHY TF DID IT TURN OUT SO GOOD..??? 😭😭💀 anyway,
Bloodborne Choir Garb cosplay + Micolash/Student Uniform cosplay + Celestial Child
Will write a proper intro & bio later, but for now please say hello to my OC Syanna~ 🥰
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witcherscreenshotsdump · 2 years ago
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                                   Characters source mod
                                   Annarietta & Syanna ( children )
quick description:
This mod is more for screenshoting purposes than anything else
Brings children versions of The Toussaint royal sisters to the game !
source mods act like a storage, with new assets that doesn’t replace anything in game so
they will be perfectly useless on their own
! will require an additional ‘ swap’ mod to implement the models in game( i provide one, if you want to swap to another character you will have to make it yourself )
If you like my work, and have enough to spare, consider supporting me on Ko-fi ♡
Download here:
⚠️⚠️ Do not repost and/or share any of the Source files to any modding site, google drive, discord server, or anywhere else on the internet ⚠️⚠️      
you can however share any swap mod you make for it,
and as long as it’s for personal use feel free to use the w2ents in it to accesorize your own Ocs or character models
♡ Download ♡
make sure to read the ‘about mod’ and ‘Recomended’ sections ! it could save you some trouble!
about the mod /  Known issues/ compatibility :
- This Source mod contains 2 new hairstyle, 2 new outfit and 2 Face model
- I have chosen to swap Syanna with Young Ciri and Annarietta with the Matchgirl from the  Land of a Thousand Fables , not a lot of choices when it comes to named children npcs ^^’  but feel free to make your own swap to any character you want !
- Some clipping, unfortunately i did not have acess to the ‘he’( eyes/teeth )  models of either girls so they still are vanilla and are not always correctly placed with the new edited head model, you might notice the gums clipping with the face when they emote
                                    Recomended mods:
SBUI - Soryboard UI - using the ‘quest’ entity you should be able to use the swapped character as you’d like ( i’ve never actually used SBUI but from what i’ve gathered it works like that )
multi companion mod -  Spwan the swapped character and run around the map with them! some might even fight by your side ;) but they’re kids so, they’re not very useful in a fight lmao
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bookcalanthedaily · 1 year ago
Can't believe you haven't gotten Calanthe yet so. Queen!
Sexuality Headcanon: chaotic bisexual. she loves both handsome men and beautiful women, of course. Gender Headcanon: cis female. she did try to be gender non-conforming when she was young, trying to act like a man because men wanted a king, but she grew out of it thanks to bienvenu. (to clarify: i don't think being gender non-conforming is something to grow out of i just think it wasn't really her and she wasn't really comfortable with it hence the word thanks to) A ship I have with said character: eistlanthe, calalt, caleve, i also have a friend who writes rhaella targaryen and we ship them too. also eithne. and roegner a little. in other words, way too many. A BROTP I have with said character: mousesack, regis (in my survival au), the nameless duchess of toussaint that was the mother of anarietta and syanna. also my friend's oc katharina who is eist's older sister. A NOTP I have with said character: man i don't know. i saw people ship her with tissaia (mostly twn calanthe) and that makes me a little yucky because that's her mom's gf. (my notps steming from twn seem to be a pattern here) A random headcanon: i have WAY TOO MANY and i don't know anymore what i shared here and what i haven't. i have a 24 page document of headcanons about her so idk im just gonna copy a shorter one from there here goes:
calanthe’s most beloved hobby is falconry, and she uses falcons not only for hunting. she breeds hawks on her own, trains them to do tricks as well as deliver letters. they are much more durable and much faster than pigeons, and when given a lot of time, also more trustworthy.
other than hunting with them, she oftentimes presents them during tourneys, when she presents the tricks they can do - flying through rings and obstacles, catching food mid-air and also mid-flight straight from her hand. her two most trusted hawks are impecca (gold saker falcon) and rigoberta (gyrfalcon), named in honour of the two legendary princesses of lyria that fell in love with two princes of cintra, connecting the two kingdoms forever.
General Opinion over said character: i mean have you SEEN my blog. im obsessed. love her love her love her. it's been like 4 years of her being my obsession.
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starwrittenfates · 3 months ago
𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲'𝐬 𝐍𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐠𝐢𝐚 𝐓𝐨𝐮𝐫 (aka the list of her previous URls/blogs you didn't ask for)
TimeLadyinthePinkCoat // Romana from Doctor Who // Circa 2014-2015
Romanadvoratrelundar1 and also Romanadvoratrelundar2 // Romana from Doctor Who // Circa 2015
Godssister // Amara from Supernatural // Circa 2015-2020. I deleted, but url is now taken over by someone else.
@muggleborndoe which was originally known as ExtraordinaryLily // Lily Evans from Harry Potter // Circa 2017-2023 (Lily survived the move here!)
@theevenstar // Arwen from LOTR // Circa 2018-2020? (Arwen was brought back here)
fallenillumination which then briefly became starwrittendestinies // Started out as something for Lucinda from Fallen but them became a blog for Anna from Supernatural and then a brief multimuse that didn't work out // Circa 2020
@motheroftheangels // An OC Goddess only known as Goddess, based off Goddess from Lucifer but also God's Wife // Circa 2019- 2022/21 (deleted all my old stuff off of it like a dumby, but I still got some of the icons and aesthetics for it, just not the memories of rps I miss.
@omegatheengineer // Omega from Doctor Who // Circa 2022 (it says I archived it, but I also think I forgot my log in---WHOOPS)
@elderbloodcarrier // Lara Dorren from The Witcher // Circa 2022-2023 (honestly, the blog that started me off with everything Witcher, plus also when I discovered more about my nerve problem. Lara survived the move here!)
Fellowshipofmuses // Brief attempt at a multimuse // Circa 2022 (looks like someone else used it for a time as well???
@rhenawed // Syanna from The Witcher // Circa 2022-2023 (Syanna survived the move here!)
@ofthetardis-a // Doctor Who Multimuse // Circa 2022-2023 (most muses survived it over here)
@starwrittenfates-a // Previous old blog before this one // Circa 2023
@potionsmcster // Severus Snape from Harry Potter // Circa 2023 (Snape survived the move here!)
ofconstancy which then became @fidelitygoddess // Sigyn from Norse Myth // Circa 2023-2024 (Sigyn survived the move here!)
@masterfultardis // The Master's TARDIS from Doctor Who // Circa 2024 (Lolita survived the move here!)
@themastersdaughter // The Master's Daughter from Doctor Who // Circa 2024 (Kira survived the move here!)
@iamthemaster // The Master from Doctor Who // Circa 2019-Present (still going strong, even if I barely have the muse for them at times!)
@starwrittenfates // YOU ARE HERE! // Circa 2023 to Present
I know there's probably more that I'm forgetting, but those are the important ones I can remember. Thanks for coming on this nostalgia tour with me. Please be careful when exiting the ride and have a nice day.
That moment when you get hit with NOSTALGIA because you accidentally come across old edits/promos you made for previous blogs/muses you used to have:
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Does anyone wanna see what I uncovered? 👀👀 You may have come across me in the past on here before.
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yennefer-of-vengerbergs · 7 months ago
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Astarion, Syanna & Halsin (because I have ideas and HCs about all 3 of them getting together at some point, and it differs quite a bit from what's in game)
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closedcoffins · 3 years ago
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Ooh, okay. I'm leaving out the obvious ( dettlaff and syanna ) seeing as we've already gotten started figuring stuff for them out!
Firstly I'd like to throw Cyran at Dettlaff---he's my higher vampire oc from the Ammurun clan. He's relatively young in terms of, like, what higher vampires consider young, but he made his way across the sea to the Continent on his own and is kind of just a serial problem causer, who causes so many problems everywhere all the time. I just think it'd be funny to throw him at Dettlaff.
More self indulgently I'd also like to throw Cahir at him, just because I think Cahir is chill enough that he wouldn't not get along with Dettlaff. Maybe also Leslaw, but I don't really have a good explanation for this one.
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sending muses your way. / accepting.
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duck-ducks · 3 years ago
Non of it's written out yet but I do have some story for my ocs.
However there is some canon story changes I made for it because why not.
Spoilers for the Witcher: wild hunt Blood and Wine under cut
In this both Dettlaff and Syanna live.
As per the usual, Geralt goes to the storybook place, gets Syanna the ribbon and brings her to Dettlaff. Syanna is saved by the ribbon. Dettlaff gets pissed and fights Geralt and Regis.
Not per the usual Dettlaff loses but escapes while Geralt is getting Regis. Once he flees he calls the vampires away from the city and has to bide his time to get his revenge as he regenerates.
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neuroticmoths · 4 years ago
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SUPER BIG OC CHART this took me forever oh my god. there are 81 chars on here iirc
im gonna try and first name them all from the top left going right but ill put it in readmore haha
line 1 : eric, kyzir, xenos, dritsch (sootnose), lucaas, dennis, wynn, paris, shade,
line 2: chartreuse, steylla, katrijn, lyra, mahava, syanna, tinker, julia, kira,
line 3: murmur, chaise, lloyd, saturn, felix, jackie, rawny, lara, cornelius
line 4: vyncynte, zack, actaeon, cole, percivale, jerome, dominic, cardinal, jack
line 5: jimbo, cameron, mercer, astatine, joey, dillon, emma, ryan, darusho
line 6: jasper, corvo, silas, johann, malcham, allice, nico, radcliffe, ricardio
line 7: beta (velvel), fenris, fish, nathan, klynk, danny, leonagh, austin, diego
line 8: lily, buzzkill (sven), anthony, champa, lulke, svetar, anastasia, shytanna, xavior c.
line 9: “magician”, kro, casca, terrance, ceres, zander, missy, xavior v., cassidy
WHEW! all done. i think.
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witcherscreenshotsdump · 3 years ago
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                                 Book Characters source mod
                                             The hansa: ANGOULÊME
quick description:
This mod is more for screenshoting purposes than anything else
Brings Angoulême into the game ! ( or at least my personal vision of her...aged up i guess, since i couldn’t figure out how to make a teenager actually look like a teenager in this game  )
source mods act like a storage, with new assets that doesn’t replace anything in game so
they will be perfectly useless on their own
! will require an additional ‘ swap’ mod to implement the models in game( i provide one, if you want to swap to another character you will have to make it yourself )
If you like my work, and have enough to spare, consider supporting me on Ko-fi ♡
Download here:
⚠️⚠️ Do not repost and/or share any of the Source files to any modding  site, google drive, discord server, or anywhere else on the internet ⚠️⚠️     
you can however share any swap mod you make for it,
and as long as it’s for personal use feel free to use the w2ents in it to accesorize your own Ocs or character models
♡ Download on Nexus ♡
make sure to read the ‘about mod’ and ‘Recomended’ sections ! it could save you some trouble!
about the mod /  Known issues/ compatibility :
- This Source mod contains a new hair, new outfit and a Face model
- I have chosen to swap her with Syanna, mostly for the appearances slots and fighting IA when using the companion mod , but feel free to make your own swap to any character you want,with any outfit you want!
-Unlike the previous source mods, she has 6 possible mashups of appearances, i put each in my swap mod to Syanna, but if you want to make your own here’s how the different w2ent are named :
c_01 -> hair without headband
c_02 -> hair with Headband
c_03 -> long hair with large headband
t_01 -> outfit with the blue vest
t_02 -> Outfit without the vest
- Hair physics aren’t always optimal, but unfortunately i don’t think i can do better than this
                                    Recomended mods:
SBUI - Soryboard UI - using the ‘quest’ entity you should be able to use the swapped character as you’d like ( i’ve never actually used SBUI but from what i’ve gathered it works like that )
multi companion mod -  Spwan the swapped character and run around the map with them! some might even fight by your side ;)
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witcher-not-quitter · 5 years ago
Chapters: 13/? Fandom: Wiedźmin | The Witcher - All Media Types, Wiedźmin | The Witcher (Video Game) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Dettlaff van der Eretein/Original Female Character(s), Emiel Regis Rohellec Terzieff-Godefroy/Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia Characters: Original Witcher Character(s), Dettlaff van der Eretein, Emiel Regis Rohellec Terzieff-Godefroy, Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia, Barnabas-Basil Foulty, Marlene de Trastamara Additional Tags: Multiple Pairings, Canon-Typical Violence, Hurt/Comfort, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Eventual Romance, Past Relationship(s), Not enough recognition of the empathy of animals, major tags will be put at beginning of chapters when needed, growth can be painful, Fluff and Angst, Fluff, family of vampires, there is a lot of sweet in this fic Summary:
Post B&W where the story follows a witcheress of the school of cat by the name of Dessi. With resentment of her own school and past, Dessi scorns the notion of interactions with the other races, let alone other witchers. She lives a life of isolation in the wilderness with her only companion, her horse that she named Ms. Independent but addresses fondly as Ms. Indi. But even with her recent imposed self exile can't be stop when her heart keeps pulling her to help any who are downtrodden, no matter who or what they are.(In this verse, Syanna lives through the escape of the ribbon but instead in ending with Dettlaff's death, he relents and disappears into thin air. Canon characters appear later in story.)
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I thank @ temerianwitch  for the mood aesthetic board of my Dettlaff x OC fic♥♥♥
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mistresstrevelyan · 5 years ago
Filling the video game asks
Borrowed this from @simone-boccanegra
First videogame ever played - Probably Tetris on the original GameBoy?
Two favorite videogames genres - Point & Click Adventure and RPG
Three favorite videogames’ soundtracks - Mass Effect 3, Dragon Age: Inquisition (Esp. Trespasser) and Gabriel Knight 2: The Beast Within
Four favorite fantasy rpgs classes - Mage (DPS/Healer), Dual Wielding Rogue and Monk/Cleric Healer types
Five favorite gaming companies: BioWare, Ubisoft, Square Enix, Game of Choice, Ascaron. Bonus: Sunflowers
Six (or less) videogames played in 2019: Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age II, Dragon Age: Inquisition, Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey, Kingdom Come: Deliverance
Seven (or less) videogames DA4, the next Mass Effect, Vampire: The Masquerade 2, Pathfinder: Kingmaker,  Red Embrace: Hollywood, Vampire the Masquerade: Coteries of New York, Dance of Death: Du Lac & Fey
Eight favorite videogames’ locations: Skyhold (DAI), The Normandy (ME1-3), The Tempest (MEA), Toussaint (The Witcher 3: Blood and Wine), Lokken (White Wolf of Lokken Mountain Mod for TES: Morrowind), Ul’Dah (FFXIV), The farm in Stardew Valley and my main Stronghold in SWTOR
Nine underrated/unknown videogames: Arthur’s Knights I&II, Gloriana (The English translation of Ascaron’s “Elisabeth I.”), Gabriel Knight I-III, Mass Effect: Andromeda, Versailles 1685 and Versailles II, Egypt I-III, Nocked! True Tales of Robin Hood, Cinders, Petz Horsez 2 (Only great horse game ever tbh)
Ten videogame/videogames series: Dragon Age, Mass Effect, Gabriel Knight, TES, Fallout, Assassin’s Creed, KOTOR, The Witcher, Baldur’s Gate, Final Fantasy
CHARACTERS (any game)
One character creation screen you love: I really love ESO’s character creation screen. Gorgeous, easy to navigate, very immersive.
Two of your player characters (share your protagonists!): Rhiannon Cousland and Katja Shepard, the two OCs I’m most proud of.
Three characters you wished you could romance: Loghain Mac Tir, Vivienne de Fer, Admiral Steven Hackett
Four family members (characters who are your protagonist’s family): Bryce and Eleanor Cousland, Calliope and Aurelia Trevelyan (Drusilla’s older sisters)
Five best outfits (for any character): Oh gosh, most of my faves are from mods. The Underworld Armour mod for Rhia, Dreams of Antiva for Desideria, the black/red dress for Katja, The embroidered jammies mod for Drusilla (I never hated the vanilla beige, it was just...bland?) and the Witcher school armor sets in TW3 (They’re gooooooooorgeous and almost make up for the hideous vanilla gear)
Six pre-made protagonists you love: Gabriel Knight, Geralt of Rivia, Kassandra, Bayek, Guybrush Threepwood, Cinders
Seven villains/antagonists: Loghain Mac Tir, Solas, Baron Friedrich von Glower, Letho of Gulet, Malia Gedde, Alexios (MY EMOTIONS!!!), Saren Arterius
Eight secondary characters (non companions): Regis, Anora Mac Tir, Ciri, Captain Anderson, Myrrine, Wolfgang Ritter, Anna Henrietta, Grace Nakimura
Nine favorite companions: Thane Krios, Loghain Mac Tir, Solas, Morrigan, Viconia, Garrus Vakarian, Nakmor Drack, Vivienne de Fer, The Iron Bull
Ten favorite characters: Loghain Mac Tir, Anora Mac Tir, Yennefer of Vengerberg, Thane Krios, Baron Friedrich von Glower, Cinders, Anna Henrietta, Ciri, Solas, Mordin Solus
One frustrating plot hole: Let’s NOT
Two moments that made you cry: Mordin and Thane dying in Mass Effect 3. Bonus: Romanced Solas encounter in Trespasser
Three games where you would like to play/played as evil: Fable 3, SWTOR (My Sith Inquisitor OH MY), KOTOR (Yeeeeeeeah)
Four plot twists: The villain reveal in Jade Empire, The big reveal in KOTOR, Malia Gedde’s fate, the ending of Might & Magic VI (I still don’t get it tbh)
Five rpg choices you could never make: Give Fenris to Danarius, kill Loghain, not broker peace between Geth and Quarians, not positively reunite Syanna and Anna Henrietta, betray Wrex in Mass Effect 3
Six pets/animals: Gorion the mabari, Ser Pounce A Lot, Urz the varren, Roach (The Witcher 3), the dogs in Fable 2&3, Shadowmere
Seven spells: Storm of the Century, ALL THE SPELLS IN DAI, the signs in The Witcher 1-3, the biotic skills in Mass Effect 1-3 (Esp. Vanguard with FLARE).....sorry I’m not much of a mage lore expert.....
Eight (your choice)
Nine (your choice)
Ten (your choice)
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yennefer-of-vengerbergs · 9 months ago
Thank you for the tag @iizven ❤️
My results for ‘fashion’, ‘pantone’, ‘mood’ and ‘food’:
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Very aesthetically appropriate for my oc, Syanna, at different points in her life, since I'm mostly using it now for things related to my fics xD (can you tell that BG3 has taken over everywhere and everything for me? 😅)
No pressure tags: @spite-made-me @0atcakes @galeofvvaterdeep @wilteddreamsofbaldursgate
I saw @vixstarria ‘s post, tried it on my own and I just LOVE what I got!
See how well pinterest knows you! Search 'fashion', 'pantone', 'mood', and 'food'; and save the first photo that comes up!
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Like the dress, the color and the mood hellooooo??? Berries aren’t my favorite but I won’t say no to some dessert. 😋
Tagging: @casualya @anacdoce @iizven @chilljustacat @aristenfromwarsaw @nenalunes (no pressure!)
and anyone else that wants to do it.
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yennefer-of-vengerbergs · 2 months ago
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Astarion & Syanna (56/???)
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xspellbound · 8 years ago
i finally settled on a theme for my new oc. and made the background image and stuff. now it’s matter of the nitty gritty ------ aka, i’ve gotta do all the writing. fuck. anyone want the link to have a peek at syanna ?
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