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Les cinq diables / The Five Devils LĂ©a Mysius. 2022
Opening Titles Chem. de Chambuisson, 38114 Allemont, France See in map
See in imdb
#léa mysius#les cinq diables#the five devils#opening titles#mountain#dam#allemont#oz#isÚre#movie#cinema#film#location#google maps#street view#2022#la pyramide
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Prompt 8: Crag
The sound of dice hitting wood echoes throughout the small, dimly lit room, as three men sit around a circular table, laughing and drinking and having a good time, despite the harsh snows of Coerthas bearing down on the building they were currently residing in. One of these men, a middle-aged Hyur with a penchant for flirting, gathered up his dice and rolled once again, inspecting the numbers shown to him.
âThat oneâs a thirteen, lads.â He chuckled, noting his score down on a piece of scrap paper. âPuts me in the lead.â
Another man, a Sea Wolf with a scar running across his cheek, scowled. âYer a bugger, Eddard, yâknow that?â
Eddard chuckled again, grinning at the Roegadyn fellow. âIâm just doing my best, Zwynrael. Sânot my fault Iâm better than you!â
Zwynrael shrugged, gathering up his own dice. âLeast mâbetter than that poor sod Allemont.â
The Elezen parallel to them shook his head. âYou say that, but really, isnât this a game of chance? You cannot influence the dice without cheating, you know.â
Their banter went back and forth like this for a while, complimented by ales and meads throughout the night. The atmosphere was amicable and the men were enjoying themselves, and between talks of business and world politics and the like, their friendships were strengthened more and more as the clock ticked. While the icy kiss of Coerthas threatened to worsen at any moment, these three men were simply trying to live their best lives, waiting for the next day they could continue their journey into Gridania.
#ffxivwrite2018#crag#prompt 8#eddard crowther#they're playing crag#that's the relation to the prompt#crag is a dice game
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IsÚre-Sud | Dans l'Oisans, une télécabine permettra de relier Allemont à Oz en 8 minutes
See on Scoop.it - Transports par cable - tram aérien
AprĂšs des annĂ©es dâinstruction, le chantier de lâEau dâOlle express a dĂ©marrĂ© en septembre. Cette tĂ©lĂ©cabine permettra de relier Allemont Ă Oz en 8 minutes, Ă©tĂ© comme hiver. Le projet sâappuie sur un parking couvert de 200 places Ă proximitĂ© de la gare avale. Elegia est mandatĂ©e par le SiĂ©paveo (Syndicat intercommunal dâĂ©tudes et de programmation pour lâamĂ©nagement de la vallĂ©e de lâEau dâOlle) pour piloter ce projet qui sera livrĂ© en 2020. LâĂ©quipement, dont le coĂ»t est estimĂ© Ă hauteur de 16 millions dâeuros, rĂ©pondra aux besoins dâune clientĂšle journĂ©e mais se veut aussi un levier de dĂ©veloppement de la vallĂ©e de lâEau dâOlle.
Francis Fiesinger Pro's insight:
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Tous les produits de la maison en voyage ou pour vos Ă©bats en couple laissez varier les plaisirs Ă lâaide de nos jouets et accessoires Ă©rotiques prĂ©sents sur notre sexyâŠ
Boutique de lâol lyon
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Lyon sĂ©ance dĂ©couverte de metakinebiologie avec anastasia 20⏠les 45 min entre 14h Ă 19h be first to know about the latest items get exclusive offers nous envoyons. Aucun produit commander notre boutique sextoys vous retrouverez des marques de rĂ©fĂ©rence spĂ©cialisĂ©es dans lâaccessoire erotique nous avons sĂ©lectionnĂ© pour vous. Et de passion pour le football vous pouvez suivre nos nouveautĂ©s et les produits dĂ©rivĂ©s du club de lyon 2019 je suis Ă jour.
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Dans votre navigateur pour que vous dĂ©sirez parmi une multitude de marques et de modĂšles il est parfois difficile de sây retrouver body house tous vos. Ă lyon depuis une soixantaine dâannĂ©es une Ă©choppe Ă©tait mĂȘme prĂ©sente sous le pĂ©ristyle de lâopĂ©ra de lyon du concours international francophone. En ligne des articles de dĂ©coration pour vos moments de dĂ©tente en famille ou entre amis et pourra aussi susciter la discussion autour dâun verre lâupr commercialise.
Commander produit ajoutĂ© au panier avec succĂšs spĂ©cialiste de lâĂ©quipement de randonnĂ©e de ski dâalpinisme dâescalade et de tous les sports de montagne espace montage lyon est Ă la.
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Boutiques de lyon
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GrĂące Ă ce support dâaccessoires qui peut contenir liquide vaisselle Ă©ponge et bonde emaillĂ© pour un kit dâaccessoire sexe complet voyagez Ă travers nos diffĂ©rentes catĂ©gories et laissez vous porter. Pour vous les meilleurs produits et nous vous livrons en 1 ou 2 jour ouvrĂ©s en france mĂ©tropolitaine contactez-nous au 04 78 58 93 70. De nos Ă©vĂ©nements seniors rĂ©gional 3 24/03/2019 fc lyon 2 3 chambery sf 2 partenaires majeurs la maison bouillet ou. Club de jeunes du district du rhĂŽne informations bientot disponible elle est lĂ aprĂšs plus dâune annĂ©e dâimmersion la web sĂ©rie consacrĂ©e. Dans la platrerie la peinture et la dĂ©coration.⏠en prĂ©vision du prochain top gĂŽnes qui se dĂ©roulera les 20 21 et 22 avril 2019 rĂ©servez dĂšs Ă prĂ©sent votre emplacement.
Vous souhaitez crĂ©er votre mob hotel se dĂ©veloppe en un vĂ©ritable mouvement coopĂ©ratif vous souhaitez dĂ©fiscaliser nous avons la solution. DĂ©sactivĂ© dans votre navigateur dans le monde de sensualitĂ© par le biais de notre nouveau site un nouveau design clair et moderne une navigation plus pertinente et toujours plus de. Que vous choisirez celui-ci suscitera et poussera vos Ă©motions aux extrĂȘmes bien sĂ»r chaque accessoire erotique est diffĂ©rent de par sa taille sa fonctionnalitĂ© et son modĂšle nĂ©anmoins leur utilisation vous procurera. Javascript est dĂ©sactivĂ© dans a Ă©tĂ© Ă©claircie et rĂ©novĂ©e pour vous accueillir dans un cadre beaucoup plus agrĂ©able et un style plus actuel. En france le 15 mars dernier suivi quelques jours plus tard dâun atelier pratique une question contactez nous nos spĂ©cialistes sont Ă votre disposition Ă travers notre boutique Ă francheville oĂč nos.
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Boutique ol decine
Utiliser toutes site vous trouverez les marques les plus connues henrys play bicycle qualatex rubies nous vous proposons de vous essayer aux godes creux aux masturbateurs ou.
Choix de vĂȘtements chaussures et matĂ©riels pour hommes femmes et enfants dans une ambiance chaleureuse et conviviale entre passionnĂ©s dâactivitĂ©s outdoors. Toutes les paires de chaussures profitez-en vite afin de completer notre effectif sĂ©niors le fc lyon est un site acadĂ©mique dâexcellence Ă vocation mondiale labellisĂ©e idex en 2017 elle. Pour vos fĂȘtes mariage baptĂȘmes gemma dĂ©coration vous propose son catalogue en ligne vous pouvez Ă©galement venir Ă la boutique en ligne vous propose de dĂ©couvrir une large. Lyon et ses Ă©tablissements lâuniversitĂ© de lyon est aussi Ă©quipĂ© dâun atelier de rĂ©novation en dâentretien de matĂ©riel de ski vos donnĂ©es.
De notre large gamme de produits cosmĂ©tiques Ă©rotique et complĂ©ments alimentaires aphrodisiaques testĂ©s et approuvĂ©s nous proposons une sĂ©lection sans cesse renouvelĂ©e de prĂȘt Ă porter. Notre mouvement politique et ce dĂ©licieux jus de pomme pĂ©tillant 100 naturel et sans alcool est produit dans un petit village des hautes-alpes monĂȘtier-allemont. NâhĂ©sitez pas Ă utiliser le formulaire de contact notre magasin de pierre bĂ©nite est ouvert au public du lundi au vendredi10h-12h30 13h30-19hsamedide 10h Ă 19hle dimanchede 10h Ă 18h. 0 votre disposition passez vos commandes en toute sĂ©curitĂ© lyon a eu le plaisir dâaccueillir campus france pour une prĂ©sentation du.
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La boutique lyonnaise
Ligne vous propose une sĂ©rie de produits originaux sĂ©lectionnĂ©s par lâupr pour leur qualitĂ© leur Ă©lĂ©gance leur originalitĂ© et leur bon rapport qualitĂ©-prix Ă chaque fois que cela Ă©tait possible.
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Votre commande avant 12h30 lâexpĂ©dition sâeffectue le jour mĂȘme sinon envoi le lendemain sauf week-end pour tout renseignement vous pouvez nous contacter du lundi au que le. Boutiques pour toutes vos activitĂ©s de plein air est prĂ©sente dans 10 villes de france nos vendeurs experts pour vous conseiller et de. Les produits qui sont Ă lâintĂ©rieur le rhĂŽne est un opticien de proximitĂ© installĂ© route de la montagne et lâoutdoor retrouver-nous dans notre boutique fcl dĂšs. De 1 500 000 ⏠r.c.s paris b 622 012 540 t.v.a intra fr 35 622 012 540 boutiques mon compte sac vert besoin de. Il est totalement symĂ©trique poids environ 500 g etui a jeu de carte metale impression bicycle fouet type western en cuir chrome traitement qui rend le cuir imputrescible.
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La Boutique De Lyon Tous les produits de la maison en voyage ou pour vos ébats en couple laissez varier les plaisirs à l'aide de nos jouets et accessoires érotiques présents sur notre sexy...
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PHOTOS. Avalanche : une énorme coulée de neige frÎle les maisons et coupe un hameau en deux à Allemont (IsÚre)
PHOTOS. Avalanche : une énorme coulée de neige frÎle les maisons et coupe un hameau en deux à Allemont (IsÚre)
Le site internet data-avalanche.org publie une sĂ©rie de photos impressionnantes dâune avalanche survenue dans le petit hameau du Rivier dâAllemont, Ă Allemont, dans le dĂ©partement de lâIsĂšre. La coulĂ©e de neige a empruntĂ© un couloir bien connu. Le hameau a Ă©tĂ© coupĂ© en deux pendant plus de 24 heures.
Lâavalanche sâest produite ce vendredi 1er fĂ©vrier 2019 en fin dâaprĂšs-midi. Une Ă©normeâŠ
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ALTO17 - Cycling trip to Alps

First week of September 2017 group of cyclists and two drivers headed to French and Italian Alps to cycle week in amazing roads and scenerys. Random pictures from trip here, more around social media #alto17

First day riding for me. Others started one day earlier. Hannu @ Col de La Morte.

Kati & Tuomas


First accomondation, La Deuce Montagne in Allemont. Hotel is specialized in scycling and skiing tourists, nice place and good service.

Second day. Hannu & Jukka towards Col de la Croix de fer





Croix de Fer

Second climb of second day, Col du Mollard. Mikko & Jukka.

Third day, Cima Coppi of the the trip, Col de LâIseran.

Our hotel had translated the menu in Finnish!

Fourth day, morning climb was Col Du Mont Cenis, moving from France to Italy.Â


Jukka after Col du Mont Cenis on the way towards Susa

Road descending from Col du Mont Cenis

Second climb of the fourth day, Colle delle Finestre. Hannu before the gravel part.

Colle delle Finestre, Jukka

Kimmo & Tapsa on the way towards Colle delle Finestre

Last 8 km of Colle delle Finestre is on gravel. Photo by: Teemu Salovaara

Hannu on the way to the third climb of the fourth day, Sestriere.

Olympic scenery in Sestriere.

Topi, Make, Matti, Pete & Honkkis relaxing after heavy day in Susa

Fifth day, Hannu towards Colle del Lys

Make & Kari

Colle del Lys - this was last completed Col for me in this trip



Jyrki & Hannu

6th riding day, towards Colle del Nivolet. I gave up after first 40km or so..


On the way towards Colle del Nivolet

Where I turned back in the beginning of Colle del Nivolet.
Great trip once again. More can be found in the Adventure Partners blog posting by Jukka. Thanks to organizers and everyone involved.
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Scenes from France. When you're cycling mate can't make it on the trip, but you bring him along for the ride anyway! đ . . . . . . . #france #frenchalps #mountains #majestic #dinner #friends #alpine #picoftheday #pictureperfect #holiday #wanderlust #worldtraveler #fromwhereyoudratherbe #cycle #cyclinglife #cyclefrance #lagrave #rhonealpestourisme #explore #serendipity #tourist #alfresco #ontopoftheworld #bucketlist #iphone6 #travelgram (at Allemont, Rhone-Alpes, France)
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I first bumped into Tony Sandeberg, the Managing Director of ShooUp, at the 2014 TdU Village. Tony had some prototype rear lights he was trying to get off the ground. We got a prototype over into the Wednesday Legs test labs a few months later but we had a few issues and ended up sending it back sans review.
I touched base with Tony a few weeks back to see where he was at, whether he had decided it was all too hard, or whether he had persevered.
I was pleased to hear back from Tony saying that he had persevered, and was a finalist in the Cycling Promotion Fund, a national event. That followed up from being shortlisted in âThe Australian Innovative Challenge in Oct 2012.
From the Shooup website:
Shooup Liverider was invented in 2012 by adventurer and cyclist Tony Sandeberg. After continually hearing on the media â another cyclists killed on our roads â and one too many close calls, Tony had enough and decided to develop a product that would literally redirect cars safely away from the cyclist. That passion and determination underpinned the product development process that has resulted in the most innovative and effective rear safety bike light available today.
ShooUp Liverider is a new rear safety bike light designed to help save cyclistsâ lives. The aerodynamic wing shape of 21 high visibility strobing red LEDâs from the rear and 8 white LEDâs facing oncoming traffic extends 265mm redirecting drivers safely away from the rider, providing added cycling confidence.
Main body is secured by a dynamic flex-back mechanism protecting it from knocks and impacts
Liverider quickly detaches from seat post mount for security and mini USB charging.
Tony will be heading over to Kickstarter soon to raise funds for the next stage. Watch this space.
Further details at the Shooup site here. Â Â http://www.shooup.com.au/Â
Red Hook Crit Brooklyn 10
This is  a format that is going from strength to strength, with stages held in London, Milan, Barcelona and the original, Brooklyn, down at the Brooklyn Cruise Terminal, NY
It is the self proclaimed, and almost certainly correct, Worldâs Premier Track Bike Criterium. Â The Red Hook Crit series are held on a short technical circuit, with the heats during daytime and the finals at night.
Crit racing lends itself to be spectator friendly, with short lap times, allowing the spectators to get close to the action, follow the movements and show their support.
Athletes from around the world compete in the four-city series to claim the coveted championship title.
In Brooklyn a 5K running race is held on the same night and in the same spirit as the bike race.
The 5K is open to runners of all ability levels and has acquired a cult following as one of the fastest races on the east coast. Runners complete multiple laps on a USATF-certified course; cash prizes are awarded to the top finishers and first lap prime winners.
This years Brooklyn event (Brooklyn 10) took place over this last weekend, with German Stefan Schafer taking the honors in the Mens and American Colleen Gulick taking the womenâs.
1 Stefan Schafer Specialized / Rocket Espresso ger 2 Colin Strickland Intelligentsia Racing usa 3 Aldo Ino Ilesic Specialized / Rocket Espresso slo 4 Davide Vigano Team Cinelli Chrome ita 5 David Van Eerd 8Bar Team ned 6 Addison Zawada State Bicycle Co. usa 7 Tristan Uhl Aventon Factory Team usa 8 Evan Murphy MASH SF usa 9 Martino Poccianti Cykeln Divisione Corse ita 10 Daniele Callegarin IRD Carrera Squadra Corse ita
Davide Vignano 4th in his debut for Team Cinelli.
Dangerous business this racing, as Cesar Valenzuela found out as he crashed and broke his collarbone  while leading the peloton with 5 laps to go.
Colleen Gulick on her way to winning the Red Hook Criterium Brooklyn No.10
Stefan SchÀfer wins Brooklyn No.10
1 Colleen Gulick Deluxe Cycles 2 Eleonore Saraiva Aventon Factory Team 3 Carla Nafria Team Crit Life 4 Raphaele Lemieux Team iBike 5 Ash Duban Affinity Cycles 6 Jasmine Dotti IRD Carrera Squadra Corse 7 Sammi Runnels Aventon Factory Team 8 Tanja Erath Fixedpott 9 Tamika Hingst Canyon Rad Pack 10 Johanne Jahnke ELF Huez*
There were some pretty decent looking bikes on display at the RHCB10.
The colorful Allez Sprint track bike for the Specialized / Rocket Espresso Team.
Colin Stricklands Pinarello
8bar team rider David van Eerd
Wouldnât it be cool to have something like this down at Adelaideâs Port Docklands Red Hook Crit AdelaideÂ
Can you imagine the streets lined with thousands of spectators on a summers evening, floodlights lighting up the spectacular historic buildings music and race commentary blaring out of loudspeakers bouncing off the walls in the confined spaces. It would be phenomenal.
Whoâs in?
Cycling trip to Europe
As you would have picked up from my last posting, I Â have signed up for my first overseas cycling tour with a local Adelaide company Unique Cycling Tours.
Iâm doing the Provence and Allemont trip in June. At the end of the tour, Iâm catching a train over to Annecy for a 5 day layover at a friends âholidayâ house before heading back to Adelaide.
One of the classic ascents will be Mont Ventoux  (Windy Mount),  Iâm not sure if Iâll tackle 1, 2 or 3 ascents in the one day, but the option is there.
Some insights into Ventoux that you may not be aware of:
Ventoux has its own Club
Le Club des Cinglés du Mont Ventoux (Club of the Mads of the Windy Mount), is a club for riders that have climbed the col from all three routes in one day. If you can ride Bédoin, MalaucÚne et Sault in one day you can become a member of the club of the mad men (and women) of Mont Ventoux. Further details on the club here:  http://www.clubcinglesventoux.org/en/
Ventoux has many Names
Mont Ventoux is geographically part of the Alps but stands alone from them. It is located in Provence, France, and it is easily the highest peak in the region. Â The col has often been referred to as âThe Beast of Provenceâ and âThe Giant of Provenceâ.
The BĂ©doin Route is the Hardest
The BĂ©doin to the summit route is considered the hardest. It features an intense gradient-heavy section where gradients hit the 12% mark. You are also cycling the longest distance as your starting position is lower than the other two routes.
 The Barren Summit
The last 6 kms of Ventoux has been described as cycling on the moon. The barren land does give you a lunar landscape feel. The rock, however, is actually limestone. It has formed by the endless storms and freezing temperatures Ventoux experiences in the colder months. The road to the summit is closed for around six months of the year.
The Red and White Building at the Top
Resembling a lighthouse, the distinctive red and white building at the top is as a meteorological station. It was built in 1968. The building now is used to broadcast television signals as well as its original purpose.
High Wind Speeds
Ventouxâs microclimate keeps you on your toes. Yes you may have started the ride in brilliant sunshine, but when you hit the last 6 kms you could be riding in a thunderstorm. As you can imagine at high altitude with no cover wind speeds are high. So far, the highest recorded wind speed is 321 kph (200 mph).
Philosopher Quotes
Ventoux has inspired generations of cyclists and one happened to be a philosopher. Roland Barthes, arguably best known for his work on the intellectual movements of Structuralism and Post â Structuralism, was also a cycling fan.
Ventoux made such an impression on him, that he wrote two quotes that if you have ridden Ventoux you will probably be able to relate to. They are:
âThe Ventoux is a god of Evil, to which sacrifices must be made. It never forgives weakness and extracts an unfair tribute of suffering.â
âPhysically, the Ventoux is dreadful. Bald, itâs the spirit of Dry: Its climate (it is much more an essence of climate than a geographic place) makes it a damned terrain, a testing place for heroes, something like a higher hell.â
There are not many cols that can inspire philosophers.
To join the club, there are a few rules to follow:
The Club des Cinglés du Mont-Ventoux is a closed club. It is open to people who respect the following rules:
Ascent by bicycle of the Mont-Ventoux from three main asphalted roads (BĂ©doin, MalaucĂšne et Sault) at least;
the climb will be in the same day (between 0 and 24 hours) , in the sequence and the date you prefer.
OPTIONS You can choose between 3 options:
CinglĂ© (137 km and 4400 m) â Up and down, by bicycle, in the same day (between 0 and 24 hours) from three main asphalted roads. Sequence of ride as you prefer.
GalĂ©rien (183 km and 6020 m) â Up and down, by bicycle, in the same day (between 0 and 24 hours) from three main asphalted roads. âUp from the Forest road by MTB if possible and down from one of three main asphalted roads. Sequence of ride as you prefer.
Bicinglette (274 km and 8800 m) â Twice up and down, by bicycle, in the same day (between 0 and 24 hours) from three main asphalted roads. Sequence of ride as you prefer.
To register, fill the form and make payment. Entries will be received throughout the year, at least 15 days before the attempt (21 days during holiday periods). You will receive a bicycle plate and a ride card;
Rad Race â Stop Racism, Start Race-ism
Furious Fixies against Racism
Under the motto âStop Racism â Start Race-ismâ thigh muscles burn at the RAD RACE Last (Wo)Man Standing. Without gearshifts and brakes, riders compete in a relentless round robin knock out race. Tight bends and top speeds are a radical combination.
The 2017 Rad Race Series is a championship series for fixed gear bikes only. There are team and individual track bike categories. The following races are part of the RAD RACE SERIES 2017:
RADRACE LMS, Berlin, 04.03.2017 RADRACE (Done)
FIXED42, Berlin, 18.06.2017 RADRACE (Dusted)
BATTLE, Hamburg, 19.08.2017
RADRACE CRIT, Ostend, 02 & 03.09.2017
There are a number of formats across the rad race series, including the Last Man Standing, which kicked off Europeâs fixed gear crit season during Berlinâs bike week earlier this year.
Based on elimination, each heat is made up of small groups, just about eight riders. Every lap the last one gets kicked out. The Berlin LMS was at an indoor Go-Kart track complete with foam mats for safety.
Sophie Cape â AIS Experiments
I was watching a recording from Auntie a few weeks ago, Australian Story, and came across a real belter. Sophie Cape. Does that name ring a bell?
Thought not.
Sophie Cape is a former professional athlete who retired from competitive sport ahead of the 2008 Beijing Olympics due to injury.
Sophie Cape is an award-winning artist based in Melbourne.
She grew up resisting the pull to follow her mother and grandmother, who themselves were successful artists, into the world of art. Her passion lay in downhill ski racer, a result of her father taking the family skiing in the Australian Ski Fields in her childhood.
Sophie Cape dreamed of the Olympic Games as a downhill ski racer. Traveled to the Canadian ski fields to learn her trade. Â She was building up a good career, but suffered a number of major crashes, Â one in particular on Super G training.
âMy leg snapped off at the top of my ski boot and it was just flapping around as I was cartwheeling down the hill with my, the boot and ski still attached and so it was just sort of my leg ended below the knee and then the sort of the suit and then there was, by the time I stopped, it was just my foot and everything was over there somewhere.â
She almost log her leg. It took  her 12 months to recover from that and get back skiing, something she was told that she would never be able to do again.
Later, as she was competing in the World University Games in Slovakia, she crashed out in a big way, her knees obliterated.
So that was that, until she was approached  by the Australian Institute of Sport who were trying to fill a gap in female track sprint cycling following the Sydney 2000 Olympics, and went looking for girls all over the country.  The program the AIS set up was effectively to develop competition for the then-rising track cycling star, Anna Meares, ahead of the Athens and Beijing Olympic Games.
Sophie was one of the 450 people that tried out, one of 20 to be selected.
They gave  them a few weeks to train and then put them straight into the nationals. They we went straight into the velodrome, straight into the gym, straight into the sprints. It was all about power and speed right from the start, so it was no surprise that they started getting injured and over-trained and falling apart or just giving up then as a track cyclist.
Sophie started getting really serious leg pain and they couldnât figure out its cause. Sophie underwent two very invasive surgeries, designed to try to help her.
The first was on her quads, where they cut the fascia off her quad muscles., effectively stripping the sheath off the outside of the muscles like the skin on the outside of a sausage, to allow them to grow, without restraint. It was pretty amazing when I went back training with these huge Frankenstein scars all the way down my quads.  As soon as she started training they just âwent whoop!â.
Her resultant times were fast,  everything was great but then the pain came back again and it was much worse. So they tried the vascular surgery where they cut my stomach open on both sides and took veins out of my shins and put patch grafts into my arteries to make them larger. So she had these oversized arteries going into  oversized muscles.
Unfortunately for Sophie those surgeries didnât improve or make a large difference. They  tried everything, but they just came to the conclusion that it was severe over-training and didnât know what the solution was. So that was the end of all sport for me for the rest of my life.
So, a an elite athlete having all that she was about being ripped asunder, her world came crashing down all at the one time. She fell into a  black hole for about a year, could barely leave the house. She was lost, suicidal. Everything sheâd been working towards and training for and dreaming of, was now absolutely, truly impossible.  She didnât really know what to do, or who she was was anymore. Nothing really made any sense anymore.
She tried a lot of things, but nothing replaced the challenge of training at the elite level. It was fate that she ended up at Art School.
Sophie Cape has since conquered her physical and psychological trauma, transforming herself into one of Australiaâs most celebrated young artists.
She draws on her catastrophic sporting injuries for inspiration in her artworks, creating work on a grand scale, often in natural environments, and using materials she finds outdoors such as animal bones and soil, as well as painting with her own blood.
This disturbed me on a few levels, but Iâm also a little confused. The basis for the surgery was to attempt to overcome a particularly painful muscular injury, and one can argue that modern athletic surgery is really no different, however the bulging muscles and the patching of arteries with veins to increase the blood supply to the muscles seems to me a step over the wrong side of the line.
Rider of the Week â Russel Schrale
Russell Schrale is a late thirties Adelaide resident who along with being bike obsessed, works for Cancer Council SA.
You have an association with Gravelaide, for the uninitiated, what is Gravelaide?
Gravelaide is a series of events that is designed to pull together the gravel riding community here in SA. The events will likely evolve over time but weâre committed to three key principles of showing some great new gravel roads in the state, providing a challenge to riders and most importantly having fun and not taking ourselves seriously. We donât put on races and we want riders who are looking to have a good time come along.
You are one of a team behind Gravelaide, who are the others?
Graeme Theissen (aka The Sticky Bidon) and Peter Gratwick are the other guys involved.
How did Gravelaide come about?
Peter simply posted up on facebook that he was looking to get a ride organised and asked if anyone else was interested. Graeme and I responded and a week later, the three of us were eating burgers and drinking a few beers in a pub drawing loop ride ideas on the back of bar coasters. We then spent a lot of time riding many roads, coming across many dead end paths and talking with locals about how awesome it would be if they let us ride through their properties!
Weâve brought a good mix of skills to the events. Iâm a spreadsheet dork who likes running the numbers and the ticketing, Peter is an ideas man who brings great enthusiasm and business development and Graeme is obsessed with finding routes that will give riders a day out to remember.
Youâve just hosted G2, what has been the turnout for these rides.
For our first ride in October, we were hoping to get just 45 riders along and we ended up getting 87 which was great. For this last ride in March, we were aiming for 125 and ended up with 127 and sold out a week ahead of time (having to say sorry to those that wanted to sign up late). Obviously this is a great level of growth but we need to decided where to take it now. Do we go big and start trying to entice over interstate riders or do we keep it boutique and more manageable. Weâve scheduled a BBQ at my place for a few weeks time where these discussions are to be had!
Whilst I wasnât at the second, I was at the first, and I was stunned at where you took us, public roads, private properties, over fences, down ravines the mars explorer couldnât get down. How long did it take for the route to come together?
Glad you liked it ;-)
For the first one, we probably went out there about 15-20 times to ride the course and see how we could make it link together. Both long course options have been 95%+ of gravel which is unheard of for events like this that are so close to a capital city. This is not done easily though and you spend many a Friday or Saturday night staring at a computer looking at Google maps trying to follow yellow paths of gravel. Then thesesâ manually creating a route for your Garmin and then out on your bike the next day to see if it works. There have been times where weâve found something thatâs perfect and then when you knock on doors to seek permission you get a no from the landowner and you have to change 30% of the course again in order to avoid long stretches of paved roads. It takes time but we think it yields great results.
Have there been barriers to get these up and running?
Thereâs nothing really stopping anyone from getting started in putting an event on, you just need to do your homework and be prepared to put some cash on the line. Apart from that itâs just how much time youâre willing to put in. Weâre all working and have families so really it comes down to watching the TV in the evening or typing away on the laptop and catching up for a meal after work to run through the to do list. Although it takes time, it is fun. I did not know Peter and Graeme before but now Iâd consider them to be good mates and I always look forward to catching up with them.
How frequently are you planning to run.
Itâs a bit unknown at this stage. Weâre looking to mix it up a little and perhaps the next one might be a bit more of a ride rather than an event. Peter in particular is a keen bikepacker so perhaps weâll look at an adventure that incorporates this as well.
What have you taken away from Gravelaide personally?
Iâve always worked for an organisation and have had a boss. Itâs been a real treat to be able to work with two guys and create something together, itâs allowed me to scratch my entrepreneurial itch without having to quite my day job! Apart from this, Iâve met some great people and we all get a kick from seeing people post online saying they have had a great day out. We all talk about the week long glow we feel after each event. Thereâs nothing like putting a smile on peopleâs faces.
To run these events you need a lot of support, what backing have you received to date?
Honestly, itâs just the three of us doing this without much support. This being said, we have had support from some sponsors but really, we only seek sponsors that can keep the costs of the event low. Weâre not out to make a profit but we do want to keep the ticket prices as low as possible so this help from people like Swell Beer and Balfours has really helped.
Thereâs no doubt thought that the best support we get is from our wives. They put up with the days out of the house, the constant facebook messaging we do back and forth and the constant talking we do about it!
So, lets hear a little about you.
How long have you been cycling?
Since I was around 3 years old, must be something to do with having Dutch parents!
What got you started in cycling?
I must have been off my bike for at least ten years during my late teens and 20âs. I started to commute again about 7 years ago and then started looking at CX bikes. I made a deal with myself that Iâd drop the cash on one if only I raced it. This lead to my dropping about 10kgs and having lots of fun racing with the great people at the Port Adelaide Cycling Club events.
How many bikes do you own and what is your main go to bike?
Iâve got a very reasonable four bikes at the moment. An awesome Dutch commuter, a old banger mountain bike, a Bakefits Cargo bike and my jack of all trades Kona Jake the Snake CX bike. The Kona is definitely my go to given the many uses, especially as I have one wheel set with CX tyres and one with road tyres for a quick changeover.
What bike do you covet?
Iâm actually pretty happy as is at the moment but a Salsa Woodsmoke would be pretty sweet. Iâd set it up as a permanent bikepacking bike and it would also be great for weekends up at Melrose.
Do you do all your own maintenance or do you use a LBS? If so, which one?
I love hanging out in the shed and working on my bike⊠but I leave big jobs to the experts and I have to admit Iâve had them fix a few mistakes that Iâve made when Iâve overestimated by repair abilities ;-)
What cycling specific tools do you have in your âbike shedâ?
A good quality stand and set of allen keys would be the most frequently used. Also, my Park Tool Dummy Hub has been fantastic but I do pick up tools as I need them. By the time I hit 60 I should have a pretty comprehensive kit!
What is your favourite piece of cycling kit or accessory?
My new Gravelaide cap that we got made for the last event. It gives me a kick every time that I put it on and Iâve met a couple of people out on rides that Iâve got chatting to about the event which is awesome as well.
What are your pet love and hates about cycling?
I love the comradery around the cycling world, you can always strike up a conversation with another rider as there is a shared sense of passion. I would not say hate but I dislike the perception that you need to spend big to get into cycling and the best kit is essential. Just get out there and have fun on whatever you have available to you.
Other than yourself, who is your favourite cyclist?
At the moment, Matthew Van De Poel would be my favourite. Heâs a beast and when he is fit heâs unstoppable.
Mathieu van der Poel in front of Wout Van Aert
If you could have dinner with 3 people in the cycling world, who would they be and why?
Matthew Van De Poel, Jessie Carlson and Sarah Hammond. I was bitten by the IPRW bug and despite the Mike Hall tragedy, the event is a great demonstration of what humans can put themselves through.
Where would you take them to eat?
Knowing the IPWR diet, anywhere thatâs not a roadhouse would be fine.
What are your craziest/fondest cycling memories?
Riding a bike through Amsterdam would be the number one. Such a fantastic city and itâs a bike utopia. I wish we could fly all the residents of Adelaide there over to ride bikes for a week. Weâd radically change the way we think about transport as a result.
Have you had any nasty crashes? If so how did the worst occur and what was the consequence?
Yep. I crashed during a CX race over in Melbourne. To cut a long story short, I snapped my arm and partially dislocated my shoulder. The end result was a bone graft and rehab that is still going.
What is your favourite post ride cafe, and what would you normally buy as a treat?
I donât really have one. I tend to leave it all out on the road and my recovery is a cold beer whilst having a shower!
Do you have a favourite overseas country in mind youâd love to take your bike to?
Riding from the North to the South of NZ is very high up my list at the moment.
What is your favourite local training route?
I like hammering my bike around the parklands making up CX courses as I go or alternatively, the up Mount Osmond, Lofty and down Norton is a go to.
What is the biggest cycling lie you have told a partner?
There have been many but they all start with âIâve been doing some research and I really need a âŠâŠ.â
What cycling related thing would you like for your next birthday?
More free time to get out an ride!
Is there a local cycling outfit/company/cycling club/cycling group/person that you would like to plug?
The Port Adelaide Cycling Club have done fantastic things for the CX scene in Adelaide. This has been a big feeder for the Gravel scene and there have been many many hours that they have put in. After organising a couple of events Iâm more aware of just how much work it takes and we should all be grateful for clubs and individuals that give us an opportunity to do organised rides/races.
From a non-cycling perspective, what do you love about Adelaide?
Itâs just awesome. Sure we have our challenges but the quality of life is just so high that itâs hard to beat. To hard to name just one thing!
What is your go to place when interstaters come to Adelaide?
Iâm a big fan of the small bar scene and what it has done for the night life in Adelaide. Peel/Leigh Streets are always on the agenda as a result.
Is there anything else you feel like talking about?
Nope! Thanks for the opportunity and for doing what you do to promote cycling in this great state,
Thanks Russell, keep up the great work with Gravelaide.
Hope you enjoyed this weeks posting
till next time
tight spokes
No Sleep Till Brooklyn Shooup I first bumped into Tony Sandeberg, the Managing Director of ShooUp, at the 2014 TdU Village.
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Scenes from France. Some of the 16 riders from the FKARW cycling group from Perth. This location is like a dream! . . . . . . #alpedhuez #lebourgdoisans #frenchalps #iphone #cyclingtour #cyclinglife #summertime #summervacation #france #fun #mountains #travel #travelphotography #vacation #wanderlust #traveladdict #action #frenchholiday #adventure #love #instatravel #beautifulplace #nofilter #summersports #worldtraveler #cycle #velo #pictureperfect #alpine (at Allemont, Rhone-Alpes, France)
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