kalcium-yippee · 1 month
Ok as lore accurate as possible What the SBG gang has each other in their phone contacts as (warning: incoming yap sesh)
Ashlyn: aiden. , taylor , tyler h , Logan , ben
My logic: I feel like she keeps em simple, but maybe some changes over time. Like I think she maybe lingered on aidens contact in her phone after a while of knowing each other. Eventually she just kinda subconsciously hit the period. Probably just because she needed to show a sift in her emotions towards him but couldn't necessarily figure out how. I think she had everyone's surname initials in their contacts but took em out after a while. Out of some sort of internal spite she keeps Tyler's with the h still. Autocorrect got logans and she tells herself everyday she will fix it to lowercase. She doesn't.
Aiden: Ash ! , Tay , Tyyyy , lowgan , ben🧍
My logic: he just like me fr. He's the type of guy to put spaced between punctuation and he just needed that exclamation mark. When typing Tyler's he legit just kept pressing the y button, he had to delete a ton. He felt silly for Logan and ben idk I also misspelled or warp my friends names in texts. Also I like to think he compares logans name to London in attempt to call him British.
Taylor: Ashlyn<2 , Aidenn✌️ , Ty 💙 , Logan 🌸 , Ben❣️
My logic: she also just like me fr. An emoji girl for life, yk it. The <2 is inspired by how one of my friends types the <3. I think it's cuz she is aromantic and on aroblr, but I think it is a cute mannerism Tay would have regardless. The double n on aiden was for when she typed it into her phone it for some reason autocorrected to that and she told everyone how silly it was.
Tyler: ash , AIDS💀 , Tay, , logans? , Ben
My logic: do I need to explain?
Logan: Ashlyn B✨️ , Aiden C💥 , Tay H🎇 , Tyler H⚾ , Ben C🙃
My logic: he picked out corresponding emojis cuz yeah. It says a lot of what he thinks and knows of them, and how surface level the emoji representing is, the more (or arguable less) you can draw from it.
Ben: Ashlyn , related, allegedly , Tay🎶, Ty , logan ,
My logic: bro it is 2 am I am not explaining Ben's contact name choices to yall wtf am I actually doing
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potatoescanbesadtoo · 2 months
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remember our promise
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worldwide-blackfolk · 2 months
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@NotDevinsMom :
I guess we will have to find the Craigslist ad Trump posted that said “really good pellet gun shooter needed to accurately hit only an ear from 100 ft”. Trump Rally
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limelocked · 14 days
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neutronsandbox · 1 month
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dragonhead caterpillar... he is determined
made a dnd roleplaying server and the idea of critterworld came up
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screampied · 1 month
how many kids would geto have( not including mimiko and nana) like idk he a family man or not🤷🏻‍♀️
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only me and geto knows that answer 🧎‍♀️
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ovisiphorus · 6 months
Will be happy when ppl finally realize it’s okay and not inherently transmisogynistic to acknowledge that, like there are trans masc individuals who do legit hate trans fems, there are trans fem individuals who legit HATE trans mascs, we as a “community” will be able to do something productive.
Going “trans ppl, stop fighting, we’re on the same side uwu” in the face of people blatantly saying “trans mascs dont have real problems and if they do, no they don’t. I don’t give a shit about them” is patronizing and NOT helpful.
The issue is that people just really don’t seem to think this kind of behavior about trans mascs is actually much of a big deal. Especially since it’s such a minority of people doing. But these posts and sentiments get turned into discourse that lasts days and weeks and makes existing as a trans masc terminally fucking aggravating. It has long since bled out into REAL LIFE, too! Real live queer spaces! EVEN CIS PEOPLE WHO CLAIM TO BE HIP TO TRANS ISSUES! THEY’LL SAY ALL THE “RIGHT” THINGS THEN BE ANTI TRANS MASC BASED ON THESE SENTIMENTS! And you can’t even really complain about it because people will hyper scrutinize you and misconstrue you even when you’re a completely normal person who is just reasonably complaining about being tired of seeing things posted intentionally to hurt you.
And the worst part is, a lot of times it’s other trans mascs who do this weirdo attack dog shit! I know trans fems are NOT asking these guys to post like “if i even think you’re being bad, im tossing you in the toilet” or whatever. That’s them clearly struggling with the internalized trans masc hatred that the queer community loves encouraging and society fosters that discourages us from actually packing up and banding together or bonding (and thus comparing notes re: how weirdly we are treated by other people cis and trans alike and realizing something’s up). Which is why I’d NEVER suggest or wish trans fems started trying to hyper police themselves because of this shitty ideology some of them have.
You can only watch people get smeared as “theyfabs” and told they’re “failing at masculinity” for [being trans] or being made fun of for how they dress/act/listen to, ect whatever the fuck for the crime of “being cringe” to these people, FELLOW TRANS PEOPLE EVEN, so many times before it just gets to be exhausting old news.
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ratboysims · 1 year
ok my game is working again after literally re installing all of sims 4 it turned out the problem was my friend somehow was staying logged in and connected even when i was logged in and connected -__- so ea wouldn’t let my game open -__-
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titleknown · 4 months
I feel like not enough people on Tumblr have seen this.
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identitty-dickruption · 6 months
collecting references to the year 1998 from it’s always sunny:
it was the year Dee choked at flipadelphia — the gang reignites the rivalry
also the year Dennis and Dee graduated college
“you dress like it’s 1998” — the gang makes paddy’s great again <- absolutely insane thing to say to Dennis while he was wearing something that was DEFINITELY NOT 1998-style
the entirety of the gang buys a roller rink
will add to it as I notice them. weird to me how many times the year 1998 specifically comes up. especially as someone who is obsessed with that year for other reasons (autism)
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thetiredstuff · 11 months
so many people react so insanely outrageously inhumane, jumping down people's throats the moment they make a post that condemns h*mas' attack on isr*eli citizens, calling for a safe return of all civilians and also urging and calling for the bloodshed inflicted on palestinians by isra¨l to stop.
you do not have to choose one or the other. it is very worrisome how many people are doing the mental gymnastics of h*mas is made up of palestinians therefore they are good and should be applauded. they aren't. they terrorize their own people. their own palestinian people. many palestinians over the years have had to leave their families and friends behind, fleeing to the west to try and escape h*mas who forces palestinians to join their organization that destroys palestinian lives or harm may be inflicted on them or their families. and even when they arrive in the west, they still aren't safe from h*mas and have to constantly look over their shoulder in fear of retaliation for escaping from them.
h*mas is not to be applauded. they terrorize their own people on top of the daily terror already inflicted on palestinians by the isr*eli regime. also wishing for the safe return of abducted citizens is a normal and human thing to want no matter their nationality. don't fall in the revenge trap of blaming an entire ethnic group or nationality for the atrocities committed by those who belong to those groups.
i'm seeing this particularly happen with fans "calling out" the celebrities they "admire". yet so many of them clearly lack the basic human principle of all life should be sacred. all life is sacred. asking for the safe return of one does not diminish a plea for peace or a ceasefire.
idk what i'm even saying just like ffs think people and ffs stop following shaun king. i cannot take anyone seriously who lectures others while following shaun king, a man who (allegedly) profits off of the misery of others which has been well-established by now in particular by the black community yet so many white people still follow him.
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acerathia · 10 months
????????????? someone on twitter said that 'Gojo's return is all but officially confirmed.' ??????????? a dark day... /j
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limelocked · 11 months
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Via: Al Jazeera
Y’all remember when Israel said no no no we didn’t bomb a hospital
Then decided to take credit for bombing a refugee camp claiming that it was for the sake of killing One Guy TM
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koifishanonymous · 9 months
no i don't think i'm haunted by the ghosts of my past lives (every night i scream. i scream like i'm being murdered. like they've killed my best friend. like i'm being slaughtered. i don't dream. i don't hear the screaming. i don't wake up. i don't remember)
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tracing-rivers · 7 months
I love the TV Tropes Camp Straight page, because 90% of the entries are like "this man is heterosexual, but upon closer study he appears to have hobbies and a personality"
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lovedeluxe92 · 7 months
my client won’t wake up to take her meds
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