#all this to say: thank you are all my darlings
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suiana · 1 day ago
yandere! male housewife who randomly spawns in your life one day.
you wake up, still feeling slightly sleepy only to be greeted by... this oddly delicious smell of eggs and pancakes???
"good morning sunshine!"
suddenly, this random man that you've NEVER met before walks in, breakfast tray full of all your favourite things, beaming and treating you like you two are a happily married couple.
what the actual fuck.
"bro get out of my house???"
"darling, i know you're confused but please don't tell me to leave☹️ i just cooked all this for you! it's really not that hard to say a simple thank you, you know?"
"I don't even know who you are💀"
he doesn't get out of your house.
and he even has the audacity to stay there, sit on your bed, and feed you. huh??? what???
anyway! you end up in this weird forced relationship that you're dragged into because this guy doesn't seem to take no for an answer. not only is he obsessed and completely smittened by you, he's also... very persistent. too persistent. it's like he doesn't know when to give up. specifically in asking for your attention.
and he wonders why you don't like him...
"darling! it's time for our daily cuddling session!"
"yes dear..."
you're exhausted. absolutely drained from his constant affections that threaten to suffocate you. but you can do nothing about it because this man, like i said, doesn't take no for an answer.
"can you leave me alone?"
"haha... no why would i do that?"
"because i asked?"
i mean, at least he can cook and clean? you haven't touched the stove or your laundry ever since he appeared in your life so at least that's a positive. i guess. i dunno, maybe if you make him jealous or angry...
"no dinner tonight."
"what? why?"
"you went out without telling me how could you do this to your husband?"
"for the LAST time, we are NOT married."
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demonic0angel · 3 days ago
can we connect the 'Duke gave Jason Jazz's number' ask with the ask of 'Babs being Jazz and Danny's sister'?
(Sure :3)
Jason gets Jazz's number, Babs is their sister
When Duke walked into the Clocktower, he paused in place at seeing the people on her screen.
"Uh. Babs? What's that?"
Barbara turned and blinked tired, exhausted eyes. She had spent several sleepless nights just researching everything she could find on her siblings.
She was so, so proud of them, especially because Danny was going to school to be an astronaut and Jazz had already graduated, currently working within Arkham Asylum as a fair and hard working psychiatrist.
"This? It's nothing," she said absentmindedly. Like hell she was going to let any of the vigilantes she knew linger around or pester her darling siblings!
"... that's a picture of Jazz Fenton."
Barbara blinked. "You know her?"
"Yeah, sometimes Jazz volunteers at Gotham University to tutor people. She helps me with my anatomy classes," Duke explained.
A first witness account about her siblings from someone she knew!
"Tell me more," Barbara said eagerly.
Duke crossed his arms. "Tell me why you're looking into her."
Barbara sighed deeply. Then she said, "We're half siblings. I found out that she and my half-brother are in Gotham so I just wanted to learn more about them. I never met them before because my biological mom left when I was young."
Duke's eyebrows rose. Then he said, "Huh. Well, alright. Jazz is really nice. She explains things really well and she's also really patient. Everyone wants her to tutor them, but she's pretty busy so you have to schedule her in advance sometimes. I have her number, so I usually get tutored by her often. She also talks a lot? But she's super nice!"
Barbara nodded. She had hacked into several places and had already figured out most of her sibling's personality traits.
Jazz was an overachiever, eager to please, helpful, chatty, and a bit of a know it all. Danny, meanwhile, was a bit antisocial, but very kind, thoughtful, clever, and quick to help others.
Had she mentioned that she was very proud of them? She wanted desperately to meet them in person one day.
Duke then continued with a small laugh, "Y'know, if nothing else happens, I think you'll see your siblings again. Maybe even as in-laws! Jazz gave Jason her number the other day and he's been super eager to ask her out."
All time seemed to freeze. It was like a record scratch that turned off the music.
Barbara stared at him. "Excuse me?"
Even if Duke wasn't a meta that could predict the future, he could already feel the danger.
".... did you just say that Jason is trying to ask out my adorable little sister? Jason? Jason who once killed 8 people and put their decapitated heads in a duffel bag? Jason who lives in a trashy apartment because he's too busy committing crime to clean it? Jason who forgets to shower sometimes because he gets lazy?"
"............ yes?" Duke sounded afraid.
Barbara turned around to her computer again, bringing up more files. This time, they were named after Jason and Red Hood.
"Leave. You didn't see anything here."
Duke immediately bowed. "Yes, ma'am. Please spare me."
"You'll live only because you can tell me more about Jazz."
"Yes, ma'am. Thank you, ma'am." Then he scrambled out of the Clocktower. RIP Jason. You will be missed.
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eepy-cookies · 1 day ago
A relaxing yet quiet Birthday
Characters: Shadow Milk Cookie / Sage of Truth x Reader Genre: Fluff Summary: Today was your birthday, and yet someone does remember your own birthday. Disclaimer: This is made for fun so be aware of ooc!
Birthday is a just a normal day, is what a cookie would normally thought, and yet you knew it was just a normal day- except you the cookie witch proposed a a festival in your kingdom this month to attract many cookies to celebrate the Bloom Festival even if the year is not good.
As the project president you made sure that every cookie was behaving well and on board to make sure that the festivity was going well. And thankfully they all did, including the beast cookies.
Burning Spice Cookie would refuse, but putting him as a patroller in case thieves and bandits likes to appear he is on the job. Plus rewarding him with good food would also make him cooperate well after all he was a huge help.
Mystic Flour Cookie would do nothing in apathy, but she too was curious about the unique festival you made, she also made her own botanical garden area and it has become an attraction to cookies who needed a good quiet corner as log she puts on "please remain silent and relax" and it worked on introverted cookies who likes to be quiet.
Shadow Milk Cookie on the other hand was about to do a theater but you need to make sure that he doesn't cause deceit when performing since he and the rest of the beast cookies are untrusted to some cookies in the kingdom. Heck even Candy Apple and Black Sapphire Cookie are behaving well as his minion assistance, but they also do want to enjoy the festival too. Pure Vanilla insisted on him making a theater to perform perfectly well as long you were watching him much to his dismay.
Over all the end of the festival was today and you can finally get all the cookies to relax after the festival, plus they were all paid well since every cookie was relaxing well and even if there was a bit of chaos but its mainly on the thieves and bandits there is no worse case scenarios and even if there is, a presence of the higher up cookies can handle them plus for even safety measures you cast a spell on the cookies on your kingdom for an extra surveillance to ensure employee safety incase something happen, you had no idea how much it saved them from hardships.
And now here you are, walking around as every cookie you see greeted you and thank you for your hard work. Heck you even saw Burning Spice Cookie was enjoying his meal and laugh and gave you a pat on the back and Mistic Flour joining him for a meal and smiled at you, she looked relaxed. They told you that the festival was supposed to be boring but thanks to the unique attractions you propose they got the role they desired.
You are glad that they are doing well and they got a good amount of rest needed and plus the customer cookies were enjoying themselves buying souvenirs and following the rules safely things were going well for you.
And yet you cannot rest.
You walk up to where the theater where Shadow Milk Cookie is, and right on time Candy Apple Cookie being ordered by Shadow Milk Cookie put you to the reserved front seat as they all begin. And you do admit the theater was enjoyable and there was some good laughs here and there, thus the performance was a success and thus made once announcement.
"And a FINALE thank you to (Y/N) Cookie for creating this AMAZING festival and a HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you (Y/n) Cookie!"
Your face went red as the crowd goes wild and started saying Happy Birthday to you as Black Sapphire Cookie was recording this moment for the laughs.
"Shadow Milk Cookie! I can't believe you did this to me, I thought I kept my birthday a secret!"
"Ppfftt! Oh COME ON now darling, Not everyone knows that today is your birthday~ After all I know the perfect details about you!"
You stared at him confused for a moment but when he noted 'not everyone' the instant you knew...
[You remember a good memory, a proposal to create the best festival to all cookies as soon as possible for a week. Not all cookies where on board and feel anxious but Sage of Truth found potential in your proposal and decided to accept this festival proposal.
Because of this you and Sage of Truth are good friends ever since, it allow him to gain the experience of more knowledge and plus and a creation to create festivals for the cookies to have a newer better purpose something so enjoyable yet healing.
Sage of Truth was genuinely looking forward on your festival project and thus help you plan, create problems and solutions in advance in case something happened, and finally looking at cookies who hides the good talents to create something for the festival.
But he soon notice that he was able to get closer to you in the process.
You even gave him a mini doll as a souvenir and as thanks for his participation, and he kept it securely close to him under his hat at all times.
Even if he was sealed in the tree, he was able to get the doll you gave him close to his chest.]
And when the sunset is happening and the night market has begin along with the singers getting ready to perform for the fans who are also enjoying the festival.
This has been more livelier for every festival you made and because of this you were content with your project living on and even now.
"Say, Shadow Milk Cookie..."
He looked at you with a curious smile, "Shall we walk together in the stalls, just the two of us?" You ask with a smile and yet his eyes were widened and blush with glee happy to hear that you still want to hang out with him.
"Of course my darling~"
With that you two hold hands just like in the past, it doesn't matter whether or not Shadow Milk has become. To you he is still the same cookie that you love no matter what.
After walking around trying the food, drinks, and mini games, the two of you were gazing at the botanical garden booth watching the night sky that was now showing fireworks. The two of you staring and admiring the night sky in fireworks as every cookie was enjoying the rest of the festival before the closing.
And before the clock reaches 12 am, you looked at Shadow Milk Cookie and leaned closer to him, he noticed what you are doing and yet was blushing from the kiss on the lips. His eyes were wide and he was shaking and yet he decided to pull you to a hug.
He doesn't want to break the silence and yet, he went closer to your ear.
"My, you really are bold tonight~ My darling~"
You can't see his face, but his hair eyes showing hearts can tell you one thing. After this, you know what happens next.
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alwaysanundertone · 2 days ago
high sex drive | poly! marauders x fem! reader
hurt/comfort + smut
TW: NSFW, piv, non-protected sex, oral (f/m receiving)
Sirius was drawing patterns on your thigh, the tips of his fingers grazing the supple skin there ever so slowly while his head rested on your belly. Your other two boyfriends were cuddling each other, they were all spent after coming many times, so why weren’t you?
You found every touch maddening, it didn’t make sense for you to be so wound up; it wasn’t like you hadn’t gotten off, because you had, and plenty of times.
The problem was your sex drive. Your desire wasn’t something that your ex boyfriends accepted, nor did they deem it normal, one of them even suggested to go see a sex therapist one time, and you did. The session failed to give you answers, and after some time you just gave up, resigning yourself to a life of not voicing your own needs.
It went good, as good as faking being satisfied would go, but it wasn’t that bad after all. With these guys, though, it was really difficult to just pretend.
You looked up, finding three pairs of eyes focused on you. “Mh?”
“Where did you go, dove? You’ve been awfully quiet. Sirius just asked you if you are hungry, we thought about ordering something, is pizza good?”
You refrained from blushing, hating the fact that you weren’t able to mask your true feelings even in a peaceful moment like that. “Sorry, I’ve just been lost in my own thoughts, I guess” You chuckled, sounding suspicious even to your own ears. “Pizza’s good, thank you”
You felt Sirius mouth closing over your inner thighs, its teeth piercing the supple skin there, making you gasp. “Come on, darling, you know you can tell us anything”
The thing was that every boyfriend you had started this conversation like this, telling you that it was okay, that he would have taken care of you, and then when they found out that they couldn’t change you, they’d start to call you a nympho, making you ashamed of yourself. So no, you weren’t sure you could tell them anything.
“You’re doing it again, love” James was looking at you through pleading eyes, it was really hard to resist him when he was acting like this, but you had to. The guys were the best thing that happened to you in a long time, and you weren’t willingly letting them go for something as stupid as your sex drive.
“Oh, uh” You blushed. “I think I’m just kind of tired, you know? Nothing crazy”
There was a moment of silence, then Remus spoke up. “This thing won’t work if you’re keeping stuff from us, dove. You have to understand the importance of trust, if you don’t want to talk about it now, fine, but at least tell us the main topic that’s bothering you so much you’re not even listening to us when we’re talking to you”
His words felt like a harsh slap to your cheek, bringing true tears to the surface, which you tried to fight against, to no avail.
“Sorry, I don’t want to bother you, I do trust you, it’s just-“
“Was sex too much? Were you unconfortable? You’ve been like this since we had sex, did we hurt you?”
Sirius sounded horrified, and you couldn’t help the words that tumbled out of your mouth, you had to fix this.
“No, no it’s quite the opposite actually” They were all looking at you expectantly, you sighed. “It’s just- I have a high sex drive, okay? And I hate it, I know it’s twisted and disgusting and not right but I need to get off multiple times a day and sometimes having sex worsens the situation because then I keep wanting more and I hate it, you evet got me off so many times I’m the worst girlfriend ever.” Now that the words were comung out of your mouth, you couldn’t seem to stop them. “And I’ve been to sex therapists but they don’t know how to turn this off and just- I’m so sorry you’re probably regretting even-“
“Do not finish that sentence for the love of God”
You furrowed your brows. “Sirius what-“
“No, I should be the one saying sorry, I’ve been torturing you for the past hour and I didn’t even notice it.”
“And you’re not disgusting” James piped in.
“Dove, it’s nothing crazy, we can just-“
“No you can’t fix it.” You couldn’t stop the words from coming out of your mouth even if you tried, years of shame weighting you down. “Every ex that I had told me that they could fix it but it just doesn’t go away and I know it’s a burden” You pressed your hands to your face, hating this situation and hating yourself even more for letting it happen.
“Dove, would you please let us finish?” You nodded, your hands firmly locked in place. “Okay, I was trying to say that you can tell us if you’re needy and we’ll be really happy to help. There’s three of us, and if we aren’t available, there are your toys, you know? I don’t know what douchebags you dated, but this would never be a burden to us” His eyes were pleading you to believe him, and you found yourself wanting to.
“I think it’s anything but a burden, darling” You blushed slightly at Sirius, who was now laying on his belly, his head hovering right above your centre. You squirmed unconfortably, he smirked at you. “I’m being mean, aren’t I? Hovering just above you, so close yet so out of touch” His lips were now grazing your earlobe, making you shiver head to toe, the movement of his hands on your inner thigh maddening. “Such a pretty little thing, so flustered, what do you want now, love?”
You tried to tell him, but being vocal about your needs was something you weren’t used to, especially after years of slut shaming in your past relationship. You tried to avoid his question, wriggling your hips. “You know what I want”
He tsked. “No, I don’t. Do you want my mouth?” He lightly kissed you above your panties and shorts, making you grunt. “Mh, interesting. Maybe it’s my fingers that you want?” He caressed your nipples over the thin fabric of your -James’s- shirt. “My cock?”
The moment was interrupted by a pornographic grunt, coming from a very flustered James. “Fuck that’s so hot” He palmed his dick over his boxer briefs, making you blush.
“Look at him, darling, you’re making him needy. I think we should give him a show.”
You whimpered. “Sirius, please”
“I can give you everything you want, love. Just ask me”
You swallowed your pride. “I want your mouth, please”
He tutted. “Where do you want it? Here?” He grazed your forehead, the slightest touch sending you ablaze with need.
“No, Sirius, fuck, I want it on my pussy, please eat me out, I’m begging you” You couldn’t recognize your own voice, it sounded breathy, restrained, too close to begging.
“Gladly, darling” He pushed your shorts down, ripping the soft fabric of your panties in two. You didn’t have time to complain, his mouth immediately landing right on your clit.
His tongue started massaging the little bud, making you gasp as he flicked it repeatedly, moaning while doing so.
“You’re so wet, darling, I’m kind of mad, you know? You were really trying to keep this from me, from us” You shivered as you felt his index finger teasing your hole slowly, making you arch your back.
As he entered you, Remus was right above you, his dick in his hand, stroking your cheek with his free one. “Open up, dove, make me feel good”
He didn’t have to ask twice, your mouth opening right as Sirius thrusted into you with his fingers. “Fuck, she’s so wet James, fuck the show come here”
Suddenly, all three of your boyfriends were on you, James lining the crown of his cock at your entrance as Sirius lips closed right on your clit, sucking on it hardly. You felt one of Remus’s hands right over your right nipples, pinching it slightly, making you arch your back.
Your head was spinning, you felt awfully close to orgasming. “Fuck, love if you squeeze me like that I won’t last”
“That’s fine” Sirius piped in. “That’s why there’s three of us, to keep her satisfied” He tutted as you tried to close your thighs. “That isn’t nice now love, is it? Keep them open for us, stay still”
You loved when he was mean during sex, loved how he made you feel like you were at his mercy. “Sirius, close, god”
He chuckled. “You’re already coming, aren’t you? You’ve been such a good girl, telling us what you need, I think you deserve to come” You felt Remus’s cock swelling in your mouth, you rushed to swallow every drop of him, trying to focus on it, but it was difficult when you had two of the hottest guys you’ve ever seen between your thighs.
“Come now, darling. Be a good girl and come for us”
It was all it took for you to explode, your mouth wide open, eyes shut as you gripped Sirius head with all your force. He wasn’t complaining, though, still lapping at you, while James got off inside of you, his thrust loosing force and rhythm.
Just as you were coming down from your high, you felt another cock probing at your entrance.
���Hush, love, I think you got one more in you, don’t you?”
You weren’t able to respond, your long-haired boyfriend immediately started rutting into you, his hips hitting the back of your thighs at a punishing rhythm.
“You’re so hot, fuck” The sounded that came out of you were pornographic, you felt yourself getting closer and closer to the edge, you could already tell that this orgasm was going to shake you thoroughly.
All you could manage to do, to say, was chant your boyfriends’ name like a prayer.
“Come on now, dove, give us another” Remus leaned down to kiss you, his tongue caressing yours, you couldn’t help but moan in his open mouth.
You obliged, drenching Sirius’s cock as your brain completely shut down. You could feel your boyfriend coming inside of you, but you just couldn’t bring yourself down to Earth.
You found yourself in a hot tub, James massaging your shoulders behind you while Remus stood kneeling outside of it, rubbing your feet.
“How do you feel? Good?”
You hummed, looking up at your long-haired boyfriend, your hand reaching up caress his face.
“Really, love? Me and Remus are both cuddling you, and it’s him you reward?” James’s tone had no bite in it, still you reached your other hand behind his head, scratching his scalp.
“Hey, it’s me who ate her out, it’s only fair, really” He winked at you.
There was a bit of silence, then you felt Remus hands wondering up your thighs.
He smiled at you. “I think I can get another one out of you, just relax against Jamie and let me do the work”
You moaned lightly, nuzzling against your boyfriend’s toned chest, wondering what you’ve done to deserve them.
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girlyyypawp · 2 days ago
Tear drops on the dining table
"You think a house runs by itself!? Everyday I work DAY AND NIGHT like a dog to make this house into a home and this is how you repay me??" You said, voice filled with agony and frustration.
" I..." He holds eye contact with you for a moment before turning away.
" Are you fucking serious? How much effort does it take to ACTUALLY be present huh?" You point your words at him with sharp, arrow-like precision as you hit him on the chest with the rolled up newspaper.
" All I ask..." You pinch the bridge of your nose, sighing "All I ask is for me to not be the only one present in this marriage."
" I'm... trying sweetheart, but you know work keeps me busy." This time he looks at you, really looks at you—hoping that somewhere deep down you might still forgive him.
A smile breaks into your face as you break character and tell him-
"Man I was hoping you would be more of a bitch."
" Well I'm trying but it's hard to be a bitch to my girlfriend when we're playing pretend husband-and-wife darling" He says while chuckling.
"....This wasn't intense enough, do you think we should go for a scene where you cheat on me-"
Before you can finish your sentence, your words register in his mind as a scrowl develops on his face.
" I would rather not even think about it, let alone enact it with you"
"Man...you're boring as hell, - 1000 aura."
" My apologies for being a good boyfriend and not arguing with you much."
A moment of silence passes by as you tell him your next move, which to your dismay, doesn't gain his approval.
" what if you were my step-"
" fuck no"
" I could be stuck in the washing machine-"
" Sweetie we have a vertical one"
Am image of you being very unsexily stuck in your tall ass washing machine comes to your mind as you cringe at thought. You rack your brain as you try to come up scenarios to act out.
"... What if you were my teacher?"
" Weren't we supposed to be fake arguing rather than enacting porno scenarios?"
" C'mon be a little sex positive dude" you tell him as you latch onto his arm.
" Ain't nothing positive about your sex life" He snorts.
Now this is not how you imagined it to go when you suggested a teacher role play, here on the dining table with your books laid out, which you had done so to make it more immersive, being oblivious to what effect it might've had later on.
"How the fuck did you pass high school?"
You grip your pen a little tighter as your boyfriend, now chides you for doing your work wrong. At first you were happy he was getting into the whole teacher thing but you hadn't assumed that he would ACTUALLY start teaching you.
Vietnam War flashbacks come back to you as he ask you
" When was the Harappan civilization found?"
" I- uhh"
"Let me give you a hint." A sigh of relief leaves your lips, thankful at his mercy-
He yells the same question louder as if doing that will make you remember the date.
As you sit there, with your notebook filled with tears of not remembering the fucking date of an age old civilization, you make a mental note to yourself to never ask him to role play with you ever again.
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LMAO I rlly dk wtf I just wrote but I hope yall like it😭❤️💀
Reader wanted to fake argue with the boys since they're such green flags that arguments are rare 😭💀
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astarioffsimpmain · 2 days ago
Hello my dearest!
Please can I have a public love confession from Gale? 🥰
Hi my love!! You absolutely can!
Post-battle adrenaline emotions, my beloved.
Warning: Canon-conforming violence
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"You're not allowed to die!"
You heard Gale's voice as you went down with a cry. The shadow-cursed ghoul had managed to cross the threshold of your Spirit Guardians spell and slashed its claws through your torso. Your breaths came in strangled sounding gurgles as you lay on the ground beneath it, awaiting its final blow. But just as you closed your eyes and sent a prayer to Ilmater, the creature was engulfed in flames and succumbed.
You hoped to see a familiar purple robe next; if Gale's face was the last thing you ever saw on this plane, you could embrace the afterlife with peace. But it was not the wizard who reached you first. It was Shadowheart, kneeling over you, uncorked bottle in hand. "Drink, fast!" she said, and you had no mind to argue. The liquid was sour on your tongue - peach and lemon, battling for dominance; a potion of greater healing. So the cleric had kept one stashed away somewhere. You smiled, even as your nose scrunched up at the flavor.
'Th-tha-" You tried to whisper a thanks, but all that came out were gargles, and Shadowheart stopped you.
"Don't speak. Let the potion take effect properly or you won't make it through this." You nodded and fell silent, feeling your muscles twitch and ache as they stitched back together. The feeling was wildly uncomfortable, but welcome all the same. Moments later, you felt head against your cheek, and your eyes snapped open, locking with golden-brown ones - laced with concern. You attempted a small smile, wanting to show him you'd be alright, but his expression didn't change. He looked to Shadow.
"Did you reach her in time?"
Shadowheart nodded, and the wizard's shoulders slumped in relief. He looked back at you, a glimmer of something new in his eyes. This time, when you smiled at him, he returned it - if with more than a bit of worry still laced in it, and before you could process what was happening, he was leaning down close to you. You thought he wanted to say something to you alone, but when his soft lips met your own, your heart stopped in your chest. "I couldn't bear to lose you," he whispered against your mouth and you melted into him, a shaky hand rising to meet the back of his neck to hold him in place.
"Can you two save the heartfelt confessions until we're back at camp? And possibly alone?" Shadowheart interjected, and you stole a glance at her. She wore a soft smile on her face, and when she caught you looking, she chuckled. "It's about time," she added gently, helping you sit up properly. You felt your face flush and shared a flustered look with Gale, whose own cheeks were now dusted a light pink.
"We'll speak more about it tonight, yes?" he said quietly, and you nodded.
"Speaking may not be all we do," you replied cheekily and his face turned redder.
"Rhyester's eyes, you'll be the death of me," he muttered, running a hand over his face.
Tagging, Darlings: @knightofmight01 @fanon-and-canon @just-a-refrigerator @micropoe10 @worfs-glorious-hair @serenaoffaerun @nerissa-dekarios @optimisticgrey
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bnyf · 17 hours ago
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╭﹕୨୧﹒ yandere pirate x willing mermaid reader ♡
┊ warnings : yandere content and themes, unhealthy behaviors, relationship and relationship dynamic, suggestive, stalkholm syndrome, kidnapping, size difference
╰﹕୨୧﹒ authoress note : requested ♡ still having trouble writing smut but i'll get there! thank you anon for requesting apologies for how long this took ^_^
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greedy fucking man. so, so greedy. he's so manly too. such an earthly being with all his earthly cravings. him and his men, moving from island to island to plunder every village and kingdom of it's golds, treasures and riches.
god, men were such pleasure bonded creatures. men are greedy.
and yet you admired them, and yet you loved them, wanted to be like them, walk in their shoes. you had no idea just how cruel men were. but you were about to find out.
you'd always swim up to the surface to watch humans, to study and observe what they were like. sure, your father had told you all the tall tales about how horrible humans were, yet you choose not to believe him. foolish.
worst yet, you wanted to be like those beings, which scared your father and made him ban you from going on the syrface again. but when did a dumb little fish like you ever listen to the echos of the back of the hallow head of yours? better yet, those who know better like your father?
exactly. that's why your now his property.
whomst? you may ask? the very same greedy pirate, that barbaric man, that your father warned you about.
you were not supposed to be on the surface, espcially at night. but you wanted to spy on the pirates who'd crashed in for the night. pirates don't usually park there boats up on land but when they do, it's probably to plot a raid.
and then little ole you got carried away, trying to steal a few goods from the humans when you were shamelessy caught by no other than the crew's captain. a large, muscular, bulk of a man. his eyes gave everything away though, those dark orbs held nothing but humanly desire and evil in them.
"well, well, well," his barren of a voice rumbled from his chest, speaking to you in a low tone. "are you lost, little mermaid? shh, it's alright dear, i won't hurt a sweet little thing like you. i promise. but, i won't return you either, since you're in my territory, you belong to me. finders keepers, amiright?"
he snatched you up like nothing and dragged you even further away from the ocean. and you helplessly wiggled in his grasp. from then on, he ordered his men to build a little portal fish tank, just good enough for you to fit and swin from point A to point B.
you were restricted heavily, being only allowed to see him and speak to him. any crewmate who dares hold any sort of interaction with you would be slaughtered mercilessly and their body thrown overboard. to say the captain was infatuated with you would be a mere understatment. that man wanted to curl up into your mind and preoccupy it 24/7.
you were treated like a pet. fed, bathed, and completely taken care of, all your needs and wants were meet each time, all you had was to do was say it and he'd present it. he has too much gold, jewels, diamonds, lavish silks, treasures, ect. anyways. he doesn't like sharing but now with his littld mermaid darling here? he might as well rip out his heart and present it to you. he wants to share his entire life with you, and hopefully you'd want that too right?
his words like poison, his calloused hands that have killed to many to count always wrapped around you, those insane eyes drinking you down like a gold glass of water on a sunny day, and his long beautiful unkept hair, braids messt and all tickling your face.
his voice made you wonder if he were a siren in disguise.
"have you had enough for the evening darling? or is your appetite insatiable like mines?" he cracked a chuckle, his lips touching your ears. that man did not care if he was wetting his clothes everytime he had to get phsyical with you. and that meant two things actually, if you know what i mean~
you of course noded. at this point you've accepted this and have become completely compliant. you were strange to him. sure. women would fling themselves at him, he had no qualms with getting laid but you? you were confused, then curious, now complaint and it made him wonder if you wanted this all along.
it made him confident actually. he didn't hold back to be weird, touchy or crazy over you. because you liked it, right? you loved when his hands roamed your body, when he explored you, his crazy words like "if you dare look at another man on this boat i'll punish you serverly... after i've killed that motherfucker of course."
"you belong to me, you're sole purpose is to bear my children, entertain me, and enjoy all the amazing pleasures this world has to offer. do you understand? if you do, say 'yes husband'."
and you did. you nod in agreement to him and uttered those words like it was nothing. he loved you for that. he didn't have to do to much to break you, you were already broken to begin with.
but he wanted to see just how far gone you were... so, one lovely midnight, after a harsh day of pirate work (read: plundering, killing, raiding, conquring all that belonged to him, rightfully.) your beloved husband took you to the sea for the first time in ages, watching you seemlessly swim about as your scales on your tail shimmer like diamonds in the pale moonlight, and that beautiful iridescent color shines through it, as though it's almost transparent. he can see through your lower half a little like an angel fish.
he only marvels at your wonderfulness. but when you swam up to him, placing your hand on his beating chest and looking up at him with nothing but love and admiration. something in him just... snapped. you were so much smaller than him, most your body mass being your tail. his strong arms reach for your waist his mind was going insane with lust. a beautiful being like yourself had such feelings for him despite the fact that he kidnapped you and kept you away from society.
was it stalkholm syndrom?... well, whatever it was now he knew for sure you were just as insane as him and it wasn't just fear why you were complyubg to him.
there was no formalities whatsoever. not even a plain subtle kiss, he straight on kissed your lips and stuck his tongue inside your mouth. a wet, messy make out session before you'd feel his length poking you.
it will be an entirely long night for you both.
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yanderes-galore · 2 days ago
Hello! Could I please have an Eijiro Kirishima Yandere concept from MHA?
Sure! I hope I write him accurately ^^; Thanks for being patient! I kept losing my draft of this due to getting distracted so I am... frustrated with this a bit but oh well.
Yandere Eijiro Kirishima Concept
(Pro Hero AU)
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Overprotective behavior, Jealousy, Violence, Blood/Injury, Possessive behavior, Social isolation, Delusional behavior, Unhealthy power dynamic, Manipulation, Social pressure, Dubious relationship.
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Since he was young, Kirishima has wanted to be a hero.
He's always been motivated by Crimson Riot and his peers.
Nowadays as a Pro Hero, he's grown his confidence and still seems to be just as excited as he was in high school.
He's a selfless man who has learned how to be defensive and offensive with his hardening Quirk.
Ironically... I feel Kirishima would be a soft yandere at times.
He's dedicated to you, his obsession and partner.
He wants to always be around to protect you, to care for you.
Despite wanting to portray himself as a manly macho man...
He also gets all soft around you because he just loves his obsession.
He's this big intimidating Pro Hero, yet you manage to make him so calm.
Regardless if you're officially dating or not...
You have Red Riot wrapped around your finger.
Even if it's just a crush, Kirishima still happens to get flustered just by looking at you.
He probably even pledges to look out for you before you even know it.
I'm not saying he's sappy all the time though.
For example, during hero work or meetings he tends to be the usual confident fighter willing to take on the strongest fights villains have to offer.
Yet when he's alone with you... his gaze stays on you as he rambles about how much he loves you.
It's hard for him to hold back how he feels.
Even if it was just a crush, he's probably going to confess rather quickly.
He wants to be a gentleman, he wants to be a man...
He'd try so hard as your boyfriend or even a husband if you let him get that far.
Yes, he's already thinking that far, like it or not.
It's like he already wants to have a family with you, often getting too excited and rushing his obsession into things.
He's affectionate, yes, but he can be a bit too much.
He's like an impulsive and excited puppy, thinking of all sorts of fantasies and sharing them with you.
Even when you aren't dating.
Kirishima has many date plans and relationship goals in mind...
The issue is he tends to overlook things.
Yanderes like Midoriya can spend days or months planning out dates and ways to win you over.
While Kirishima has plans... He gets too impatient.
He may be a gentleman...
But he rushes things way too often.
He'd tell you date plans, plans for the future, everything...
It's all very heartfelt and flattering.
Yet there's one issue.
He'll say them even when you aren't dating, which can scare you a bit.
After all... Dating a Pro Hero can be a lot.
Especially one as overly excited as Kirishima.
There's a good chance if someone saw you in public and asked if you're dating, he'd say yes.
He isn't going to hide his feelings!
Even if you're just friends at the time... much to your horror.
While most yanderes would hide their obsession from the public for their safety...
Kirishima isn't scared.
Anyone who comes to pick on Red Riot's partner is honestly... close to dead.
Kirishima is a protector, after all.
He'd intimidate anyone who approached you to hurt you.
He can easily go from sweet boyfriend to being a wall of a human real quick.
He doesn't tolerate anything getting in between the relationship he's building with you.
Kirishima making your 'relationship' public may push you to accept his feelings.
Which may or may not have been his plan since the start.
You can try to decline... But what will his fans say?
They'd be livid.
This would create social pressure for you, making you play along with Kirishima's little date plans.
Does he know what he's doing is wrong? Probably.
Does he feel guilty? A little.
But in the end... He has you.
He can make you happy, can't he?
Just... Just give him a chance... He'll be a good and supportive man for you.
He'll give you both a big house, he'll protect you...
Doesn't that sound nice...?
I mean... The 'good' thing is he's trying?
Unfortunately... He still very much forced you to date him through social pressure though.
He apologizes about it, begging you not to hate him for doing what he did.
You may have been willing to talk a while ago...
Yet you're continuously overwhelmed with him talking of 'plans for the future'.
Before you would've found this behavior cute from a boyfriend.
But this relationship is far from normal.
Even if you've only been together for a couple months, he keeps talking about marriage or something similar.
You could run, but you just know he'll drag you back with a confused pout.
Then afterwards he may just lock the doors and windows to the house, confused why you don't like him anymore.
It's hard for me to say whether Kirishima would kill or not.
I know he'd do anything to protect you, no matter how bloody he gets.
Yet he also has a reputation to keep up.
You could tell the press about what Red Riot has done.
But who will believe you?
You'd think this is bad enough...
Yet Kirishima gets jealous too.
It's usually tame, just some glaring with him clinging to you.
Although there's rare times you try to escape from him... which Kirishima takes poorly...
The other person soon breaks a few bones, bleeding on the ground as Kirishima plays it off as them hurting you.
He's a bit delusional, believing deep down you do truly love him.
Maybe at one point you did...
That was until he forced the relationship on you...
Now you couldn't leave him even if you tried with his fans.
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earthlybeam · 3 days ago
I just read the baby girl ask and if I may, can you do this with Glorfindel as well? Thanks and love, if you can't it's fine as well ^^
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Glorfindel version below.
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The halls of Rivendell were quiet in the late afternoon, bathed in the golden glow of the setting sun. Birds chirped in the distance, their melodies blending with the gentle rustling of the leaves. You walked beside Glorfindel, who was speaking of something—strategy, perhaps, or the patrols along the borders—but your mind had wandered.
The elf beside you was radiant, as always. The golden strands of his hair shimmered like molten sunlight, cascading down his back in effortless waves. His azure eyes carried the wisdom of ages, yet they softened when they settled upon you. Strong, noble, and unfailingly graceful—he truly was a sight to behold. And maybe it was the serenity of the moment, or maybe it was the way he carried himself with such effortless elegance, but you could not help yourself. You turned your head, smirked, and with deliberate ease, you uttered the words “Whatever you say, baby girl.” Silence.
Glorfindel stopped mid-step. His entire posture froze as if he had been struck by some unseen force. Slowly, ever so slowly, he turned to face you, golden brows drawing together in pure, unadulterated confusion. “What did you just call me?” You bit your lip to keep from laughing, but the mirth dancing in your eyes betrayed you. You watched as his expression shifted from confusion to bewilderment, then to something dangerously close to offense.
“Baby… girl?” he repeated, as if the words were foreign on his tongue. His lips parted slightly in shock. “You dare address me, Glorfindel of Gondolin, Balrog-slayer, Lord of the House of the Golden Flower… as—” He paused, visibly struggling. His nostrils flared slightly. “As baby girl?” That was it. You burst into laughter. The sheer indignation in his voice, the way his normally regal demeanor had been utterly shattered by two little words—it was too much. You clutched your stomach, barely managing to stand as laughter spilled from you in waves.
Glorfindel, for all his centuries of experience, looked utterly at a loss. His hands were on his hips now, his weight shifted to one side, golden hair cascading over his shoulder as he regarded you with exasperation. You. His dear friend. His confidant. The one person in all of Imladris who seemed to lack even a shred of self-preservation. “Do you wish to die, meleth nîn?” he asked, tone half-serious, half-incredulous. Through your laughter, you gasped, “I just think it suits you!”
Glorfindel scoffed, shaking his head as if trying to rid himself of the memory entirely. “I have faced death and returned. I have fought creatures beyond mortal comprehension. And yet it is you—” he pointed at you, eyes narrowing ”—who is my greatest trial.” You straightened, wiping a tear from the corner of your eye. “Oh, come on. You can’t tell me it doesn’t have a nice ring to it.”
Glorfindel inhaled deeply, closing his eyes as if summoning the patience of every elf who had ever lived. Then, after a long moment, his lips twitched—just slightly. A glimmer of amusement, buried beneath his wounded dignity. “You are incorrigible,” he murmured, resuming his walk.
But just as you thought the moment had passed, he threw you a sidelong glance, something wicked flickering in his gaze. “Very well, then,” he said smoothly. “Two can play this game… darling.” Now it was your turn to freeze. Glorfindel smirked. And just like that, the battle had begun.
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cheerysmores · 3 days ago
Sunrise sunset
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Pairing: Bloodweave Word count: 2.6K Preview: Gale recognised the coolness in his words, something open, almost raw. He’d heard it once before, deep in the Shadow Curse that surrounded Reithwin. They’d floated tangled and formless in his conjured sky, breathless from their lovemaking. He’d whispered his devotion, kissed it over that wretched scar hacked into Astarion’s flesh again and again and again until the feeling was brighter and hotter than the stars that drenched them.  Astarion hadn't been ready to say it back. Not quite yet. ‘It’s the first time in centuries that this hasn’t been a transaction.’ ‘My love will never be a transaction.’ ‘Darling, everything is a transaction. Heroes, nobles, the great and the good, when you spend 200 years stalking the underbelly of a city, you see the truth behind such pretty masks. Nothing is given freely— it’s all about the right fingers in the right pocket’ ‘Which pocket am I pilfering then?’ ‘That’s just it. You aren’t– which is a first for me. Whatever this is, not knowing where it will go… it’s nice.’ A/N: Another February birthday gift! This time it's for the ever-talented @unforgiving-girl
Most knew Baldur’s Gate as the City of Heroes. For centuries it stood with unyielding walls, its stories intense enough to catch the ears of even the most seasoned travellers. Many a legend began or ended on its streets; many an adventurer's life too. Now that city was burning. The black sheet of night flickered with the embers of smouldering buildings. The lofty watchtowers had fallen like twigs in the wind, littering the streets with rubble and splintered lumber. Bodies were silently piled into carts and taken to be identified, yet still, its citizens cheered. Ballads of victory drifted from the standing taverns and fireworks burst like showers of golden stars above the Upper City. 
The Absolute was defeated. And beyond all the celebration, Gale Dekarios waited.
The Chionthar rippled black and cool before him, pieces of the Netherbrain caught in the gentle tide. Barely hours ago he’d watched it rain fire onto the city below, its tendrils heavy enough to knock buildings like they were toy blocks. Now it was nothing but waste in the river. He almost wanted to laugh. The brain that called itself a God had turned to meat because he willed it to. 
Most of the wreckage had disappeared into the water along with its leash– the Crown of Karsus. Retrieving it from such sludge would not exactly be pleasant but then he’d have it. The true power of the divine, the same power that clawed and burned in his chest, could be his. He’d been able to taste the magic from a half mile away, the thought of getting closer, of touching it…
The halo of lights above his head dimmed as his concentration wavered. 
He pinched the bridge of his nose, trying to focus. Exhaustion had dried almost every shred of magic from his fingers. Even keeping up such a simple cantrip lit felt like trying to catch an especially sharp breath. 
He forced through it, the lights dancing brighter as he exhaled. They were his beacon, words he didn’t have time to say before he was being pushed away in a cloud of brandy-scented smoke.
‘I’m not going anywhere, I promise.’
Hours passed before a familiar voice broke the silence.
“I didn’t think you’d still be here.”
A relief larger than any other he’d felt bloomed in his chest as he turned and met Astarion’s crimson eyes. Last he’d seen them they were wide with fear, glittering under the very sun that was burning and tearing at his face. He’d run before Gale could summon darkness, disappearing completely into the city like breath in the air. It had been impossible to find him, more impossible to quell the fear that the man he loved was now nothing but ash on the cobbles.
Gale jogged towards him, the lights scattering in a mess. “Thank the heavens you’re alright–”
He stopped as Astarion took a small step back. “You know, I’d heard there was talk of celebration. Reverlies, drinks, speeches, the whole hero's song and dance. I’m surprised you’d miss it.”
Gale tried to keep his smile gentle. “It would hardly be fitting without you.” Even with the dimming lights he could see the burns on the vampire’s face were not fully healed. The damage cracked through his skin like veins of silver, the real price of their victory. 
Astarion looked out to the mess of the river. “Were you worried?”
“I dearly hope that is not a serious question.”
“You sweetheart. There was nothing to fret about.”
The ease of his tone dripped like melted sugar from his lips. Gale’s lights seared around them. “You were burning. I thought I was too late. That–”
“That I’d just evaporated under the sun?” Astarion’s smile wavered. “It takes a little longer than that. Trust me, it isn’t pleasant to watch. I’ve seen it.” He rubbed the back of his neck, sighing before he answered the question Gale was too tactful to ask. “Cazador showed every new spawn he made, forcing one of us to stand outside until there was just enough of our body left that could heal itself.”
Black ice curled around his words, the same as it always did when he spoke of his late master. Even as a corpse Gale knew that monster’s hands still found their way into Astarion’s mind. 
“I’m sorry. Truly,” Asatrion continued, eyes slowly sweeping back to his. “I didn’t want anyone to see me like that, fleeing into the dark like some creature, especially you. Just as we save the world, I’m hit with a screeching reminder of what I truly am.”
Gale took a small but definite stop towards him. Gods above how he wanted to hold him, reassure him, remind himself that he was still alive and solid in his arms. He’d felt the layers Astarion had so carefully built up over the years, thick and dulled as old varnish on a painting. Slowly he’d made his way under, peeling them back until he could see the bright colours underneath.
“I thought you’d been taken from me. I wasn’t going anywhere until I knew, until I could look at you again,” Gale said quietly. His chest already rotted with the orb, but the thought of losing him, of the one bright red thread in his life being ripped away was a much more crippling hurt.
Astarion’s eyes flickered like tiny fires. “This, what we have, it’s still so new. And I’m the one that pushed you away. Of course I was going to come back but I could hardly blame you if you’d gone out and made the most of the night. There are drinks to be had, crowns to collect.” A white fang digs into his bottom lip. “Divinity to claim.”
Gale recognised the coolness in his words, something open, almost raw. He’d heard it once before, deep in the Shadow Curse that surrounded Reithwin. They’d floated tangled and formless in his conjured sky, breathless from their lovemaking. He’d whispered his devotion, kissed it over that wretched scar hacked into Astarion’s flesh again and again and again until the feeling was brighter and hotter than the stars that drenched them. 
Astarion hadn't been ready to say it back. Not quite yet.
‘It’s the first time in centuries that this hasn’t been a transaction.’
‘My love will never be a transaction.’
‘Darling, everything is a transaction. Heroes, nobles, the great and the good, when you spend 200 years stalking the underbelly of a city, you see the truth behind such pretty masks. Nothing is given freely— it’s all about the right fingers in the right pocket’
‘Which pocket am I pilfering then?’
‘That’s just it. You aren’t– which is a first for me. Whatever this is, not knowing where it will go… it’s nice.’
“It would be a lie to say I haven’t thought about claiming Karsus’s power,” Gale started, closing the space between them a little more. “The Gods in all their infinite might and wisdom do so little to help the plight of mortals, and those they do deign to speak to, they ruin. I could do so much more, make new rules and claim a domain that would make even Mystra shake with fear… But I won’t.” 
Astarion tilted his head. “Why not? It sounds right up your proverbial alley.”
“Part of me wants to say that there is a long and thought out reason, that I finally learned my lesson after the rather ignominious end to my relationship with Mystra– but truthfully, it’s much simpler than that.”  He looked back to the ink of Chionthar, his voice softening. “You told me that you preferred me as I am: mortal, thrown from grace, aging and imperfect. Knowing that… it’s more than enough.” It still surprised him how solid his words were. When they’d sat in his illusion of the outer planes, he’d been more than steadfast in his want to claim divinity. He had to admit, it was almost poetic in its perfection. The last vestige of Karsus’s power was in his chest and the crown so close to his grasp. All he’d have to do was take it.
And all Astarion had to do was tell him not to.
‘Just think of what I offer. I could help you live again, to walk in the sun without a parasite locked in your head.’
‘Once I would have jumped at that chance and made you claim this power regardless of what it might do to you or your soul.’
‘You are not making me do anything. I want to do this. For me. For us.’
‘You sound like me… and strangely that’s not a good thing. Back at the ritual, you told me what taking the power of all those souls would do, that I was enough– just as I am. I meant it when I said that was a gift, and it’s one I’m now returning. Please. Just be you, the first person I’ve truly cared for, the only one who’s ever seen me for...well… me. I can’t lose that.’ 
Gale held onto the memory like a candle on a cold night. “When I finally locate the crown, it won’t remain in my hands for long.”
Astarion was quiet for a moment. The breeze picked up, loosening a perfectly styled curl from its place. “You know, I think we’ve spent enough being used for ends we have no say in. If Mystra wants this crown so badly she should get it herself. I’d pay any amount of gold to watch a goddess wade through this sewer of a river. I’m sure picking through all that brain matter will be delightful. Now we both choose what we want.” A more genuine smile returned to his face. Crooked. Devious. Perfect. “Who we want.”
This time, Gale didn’t fight the urge to hold him. Astarion swung into the circle of his arms, his body cold as early spring against his own. Gale threaded his hand into his hair, clinging, caressing, reminding himself that it is indeed over. He’s here. They both are. Breathing. Safe. Unburned and unexploded. 
Astarion softened against him. Gale’s breath caught slightly. Holding him was still new, a boundary strangely more delicate to cross than stripping naked and getting ravaged against a tree. It was a discovery unto itself, thoughts of the fires of Mystra’s arcane embrace quickly melting to something solid. Real. Almost frightening in a way.
He never wanted to let go.
Gale tucked the stray curl back into place. “Here’s my counter argument. If I give the crown to her, she’ll remove the orb. And then you can bite me.”
“Getting jealous of other necks are we?” Astarion gently scraped his teeth against the line of Gale’s throat. “It would be nice to get the memory of that netherse bile out of my mouth. I have wondered what it would be like to taste you right here.” He bites down at the juncture of his neck. Hard enough to bruise. Hard enough to set Gale’s mind spinning.
It’s almost shameful how much he wanted it. Years feeling only the pleasure of illusions, he needed something messy. Painful. An intimacy that could only ever belong to Astarion’s full pale lips.
He dragged his tongue over the mark, murmuring into Gale’s skin. “So– how fares the rest of this great city? Still standing?”
“I haven’t had much of a chance to explore but it is looking rather…” Astarion traced the spot again and Gale’s mind ground to a halt.
He huffed out a shaky exhale, sure the vampire could smell the bouquet of his blood from the amount of it pooling in his cheeks. “Though strangely the Upper City seems to have avoided the worst of the damage. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was as it was within the month.” 
Astarion halted his tease. “Then I suppose Cazador’s palace is still standing. Even in death he’s still a lucky bastard.” The name dropped like a stone between them, pulling all the warmth from his voice with it. Gale brushed the side of Asation’s neck, thumb resting over the twin scars there. On nights when sleep flitted from his grasp, he’d find himself zeroing in on those marks and trying not to wonder just how hard Cazador bit him to leave such deep jagged craters. 
Anger rose in Gale’s throat. It felt like a shard of ice piercing into his skin when Astarion tried to feed yet the resulting scars were barely pinpricks. How much did Cazador take when he changed him? How much did he bleed? Gale had immediately burned the diary they’d found in Cazador’s bedroom, forever destroying page after page of detailed poetry about Astarion’s pain- how he screamed, when he didn’t– an obsession so engrossing it almost dripped from the parchment.
It had been a tenday or more since they’d left his pathetic punctured body sprawled in that dark chapel. Gale hoped he was never found, that his body rotted for a thousand years in the darkness. When he leafed through the Annals of Karsus, his first thought was not saving people or fighting Mystra. No. It was of reaching into the hells, pulling the last flicker of that monster’s soul back into his bones and making him feel every second of pain as his home crumbled around him..
They both knew that some blood could never be washed off. Gale would wear Cazador’s like a badge of honour if it meant Astarion could finally find some semblance of peace.
Gale tilted Astarion’s head back. “Actually, I believe I did hear something about his palace. It burned.” Astarion’s curiosity morphed into understanding as Gale raised his hand, now wreathed in flame. “It was such a terrible, if surprisingly controlled blaze. Whoever was in there has been completely lost to ash and history.” The flame danced in his palm, playfully inviting.
Astarion’s eyes glinted in the light. “Oh dear. That is such a pity. Well I suppose I should see it for myself.” He moved his hand in a jerkier movement, his own flame splintering from his fingers.
They kissed under their joint light, the night blooming pink and red behind Gale’s eyelids as Astarion captured his bottom lip between his teeth. In a few days he could break the skin. Gale was already counting down the minutes.
“We’ve hours until dawn,” Gale murmured as they pulled apart.
Astraion shook the fire from his hand and looked to the dark horizon. “I must admit, I’ll miss it. I'm not afraid of the darkness, the world’s or mine– but I suppose I did make the choice to embrace it.”
Gale hummed, a softer light now swirling in his palm. “There’s all kinds of magic hidden in the reaches of the world. Ancient artefacts that only the most skilled of adventurers could find. I just need my library, then I’m sure we could find a way to take away the sun’s anger. But until then, we can still enjoy the light.” The magic burst from his palm.  Stripes of pink and orange cascaded over the sky, the illusion of morning unfolding around them. 
Astarion silently walked to the water’s edge, eyes wide and mouth slightly agape. The sunrise cast the pearl of his skin with a rosier hue. “Do you really believe it’s possible?”
Gale pulled his sun higher into the sky, the whole dock now awash with gold. “Half a day ago we were standing on the precipice of an Elderbrain. Finding a way to shield you from the sun almost seems a trifle now.”
Gale quietly stepped to his side, holding back the rest of the words he was so desperate to say.
Marry me. Come home with me. Let me follow you wherever you go. 
They were sentiments for the morning. And there was still mischief to be had this night.
Astarion quietly reached for his hand. “Then we are going to have an awful lot of fun.”
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lover-of-mine · 3 days ago
Hii!! I was thinking about buck and the concept of home and his different romantic relationships with it cause i realized with buck asking tmmy to live together they established a patern that was already there of course but well, this being the last one and having this patern aswell, it settles it in my mind. We know it was there with abby obviously he moved into her house, then with ali she helped him look for the loft and was supposed to stay there when she was in the city, then taylor where they try to move in together then well everything we know that follows, the couch of it all etc and then natalia where nothing is talked about it in that sense but well him saying lets pick a couch together was pretty much also an implication. Im sorry if you talked about this before but yes i was thinking about this because FICS lol and the connection eddie already has through all of bucks relationships ("this is eddies house im not really a guest") and the potential it could have in the future if they decide to make a direct parallel to abby. Feel free to just send me a link if youve already talked about it. And as always thank you for your insight 💕
Hi darling. I don't think I talked about this all that recently, and if I did I mostly talked about it in the sense that the loft is a symbol of Buck's failed relationships and that I would like it if Buck made the choice to move on his own the last time someone was talking about the loft burning down lol. But yeah, Buck asking Tommy to move in solidified the way Buck jumps because he's scared. It's not something discussed, it's a reaction to something else, I guess with Ali not that much but he did get the place with her in mind and I would assume she decorated it too, that being her job and all. But asking Taylor to move in to trap her with him, asking Tommy to move in because he's insecure, even the couch with Natalia probably would've been explored a bit further if she had stuck around (I will never let go of the conspiracy theory that the Marisol moving in plot was a bucktalia plot they repurposed). The Abby of it all is interesting because he "accidentally" moves in, he is helping her with her mom's death and ends up lingering, so it isn't a conscious choice, it was Buck being all in. And it's interesting that his reaction to feeling insecure in his relationships is that all in movement, because it didn't work before, but he still acts as if making things that serious will make them love.
I am extremely curious about the loft when talking about Buck from now on. Because with the loft being the place Buck's relationships begin and end, the symbolism in the way Ali showed she couldn't handle who he is in there, and Taylor and Tommy kissing him and the respective breakup also happening there, Natalia leaving the dinner date. The choice is not really Buck's. And they use the loft in a very purposeful way on a meta level, even tho there are no walls, there is an obvious divide in the spaces, like the way kitchen, I would say the sides and back of the counter is the space he's comfortable, and it's a space for family, we only see Maddie, Chris, Jee, Eddie, and I think Hen in that space, and the times we see Taylor in it the scene goes south real quick, like when Buck decides she's breaking up with him in 509 and when he tells her about the cheating in 513. The dining room, I would assign the front of the counter and the space with the table, has a lot of more emotionally charged moments but it's a less serious space, it's where Buck keeps most people. The space under the loft is made "for guests" by his mother and it really isn't a space we see Buck a lot in while in a casual mood. The stairs are for uncomfortable truths, like 316 when he's talking about being left behind or when he's waiting for Taylor for the breakup in 518. I'm getting side tracked lol, but the way we now have 3 breakups happening in there is making me eye it. Because the loft is not home, we don't interpret the loft as home. Even going back to 218 when he gets it and the joke Ali makes that he's a "perpetual roommate even in his own place".
And on the other side, we have Eddie's house, "this is Eddie's house, I'm not really a guest", a very interesting line considering at that point we hadn't seen Buck in the house alone, the hangouts we witness are all in the loft, I'm pretty sure the first time we see Buck in the house alone with Eddie and Chris is 403, because 310 has Hen and Denny and 311 is a party, but Buck has a key to the house, we see him in the house when Eddie isn't there, 612 makes a point of showing Buck uncomfortable in his own house just to fall asleep at Eddie's in seconds. He panics and shows up at Eddie's door. So if the speculation is right and Buck ends up at the house after Eddie leaves for Texas it could have some fun connotations for what it means for Buck. Because we did lowkey establish that Buck forces connection by moving in together because "why be apart when they could be together" as if the constant presence is gonna make him feel better, will make the house feel more like home. So what would it mean for him to end up at Eddie's if Eddie isn't there? Would that lead him to the realization that home isn't the house, it is Eddie and Chris and he doesn't need to force that connection? Would it add up to the way he clung to Abby's place because he liked the way she made him feel even though she left him and the house wasn't that anymore? And will that lead to a revelation when Eddie comes back because Abby never did? I don't know if this makes a lot of sense, but let's just say that they used Tommy to solidify most of Buck's bad habits, and one of those is the loft of it all, so something about Buck choosing to leave because he hates that Eddie isn't around anymore and he wants to find him somewhere makes sense to me.
Obviously, there's also the chance of Eddie showing up to the loft and helping change the meaning of it too, but I just have a feeling the houses and the definition of home will play a part in whatever is unfolding.
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rixy-smurrey · 1 day ago
How they like to be overstimulated~ teasing edition
Tw: dubcon ( cnc ), overstimulation, submissive boys~
You have been warned~
These boys like to be teased. Run your hands along his body slowly. Touch his chest, his thighs, his neck, his ass... anywhere but where he wants it, where he needs it. Licking and sucking on his sensitive nipples like they're candy. They'll be sore and puffy when you're done~
Then, when you finally, *finally* touch him... it isn't enough. Make him beg. Make him whimper and cry. After so long spent bricked up and waiting for you to give him what he's craving, he's desperate for whatever you're willing to give.
Make sure to drag it out. He says he wants you to hurry up, that he hates the teasing... but secretly, he lives for it. Extend the foreplay as long as you want. The longer the better.
So when you finally wrap your hand around his cock, finally stroke him, bring him so, *so* close to orgasm... he's begging for more, for you to keep going, don't stop! The poor boy's waited long enough, don't you think? He's spewing thank you after thank you, praising you like you're his god/goddess. Only to gasp when you don't stop.
"Wa- wait, w-what are you doing?! I- I just- *AH!~* c-camee!!" His eyes are rolling back as his hips buck wildly, away from your hand, back into it. It feels so good. His body doesn't know what to do with the sensations you're giving him.
"I thought you wanted to cum, dear. Did you not? Next time I can edge you for longer if you'd like~"
He sobs at your words, realizing now that you never planned on giving him a break. He gasps and moans, begging, pleading with you.
"Stop, stop stop stop!! It's- *ah~* t-too much!! Too much!!"
"That isn't what you say when you want it to stop, dear. Do you need your safe word~?"
The boy can barely process your words, but he doesn't use his safe word. And you could've sworn you heard him whisper "more~" under his breath.
So you make him keep cumming. Your hand speeds up, the other one coming up to rub at the head of his pretty cock. He keeps on cumming and cumming until you're satisfied or he passes out from exhaustion. When you finally let him rest, let him *breathe*, he's all tuckered out.
Aftercare is gently massaging where the ropes dug into his skin, rubbing in lotion to prevent the flesh from being too sore in the morning. Cleaning him up with a warm towel, gently to avoid giving him any more stimulation.
"You were so good for me, darling. So perfect. Hush now... rest. Rest, my good boy."
He's nearly passed out on the bed, his eyes closed, a soft smile on his face. Holding him close in your arms, you can feel his gentle, slow breathing as he drifts off to a peaceful sleep.
Bennett, Xingqiu, FREMINET, Sethos, Mika, Welt Yang, Arlan, Dan Heng, Sampo, Misha, GOROU, Kaveh, Xiao, Rody Lamoree, Eren Yaegar, Lance
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anticidic · 2 days ago
thanks for tagging me @frankenjoly @marichild and @saoirseyun <3 (I meant to do this eventually but three time's the charm)
20 questions for fic writers!
How many works do you have on AO3?
24 (but really 25, but one of them is written by a friend and I am merely a spectator and not really a cowriter)
what's your total ao3 word count?
406,373 words
what fandoms do you write for?
Only Bungo Stray Dogs, though I keep toying with the idea of writing for others (and then never do).
what are your top five fics by kudos?
from a to o, i love you so — omegaverse A/A -> A/O Soukoku piece
foiled fables — Kitsune!Dazai and human!Chuuya AU
with me, disaster finds a playfield — omegaverse Beast AU
letters to my chosen one — Angel!Dazai and Demon!Chuuya AU
bad days, good nights — Dazai birthday fic
do you respond to comments? why or why not?
Yes 💖 I do my best to respond to all of them because I appreciate others taking the time out to read and comment their thoughts, even if it's a simple emoji
what's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
still the snowflakes fall — A what-if had Dazai been a part of the Decay of Angels instead. It doesn't end well for anyone involved.
what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I think probably from a to o, i love you so. Because it's about Dazai waking up one morning and losing a critical part of his identity and suddenly everything he knows is a lie. But despite fumbling, he comes to accept a new reality because, as Chuuya puts it, he's still Dazai. That core part of him hasn't changed.
do you get hate on fics?
Not really. I've gotten dumb trollish comments and people demanding for requests but I've shut them down
do you write smut?
wildly gestures to almost my entire catalog of fics And I'll do it again
do you write crossovers?
No, but I've wanted to write fusions. Like dropping bsd characters into Genshin or Honkai Star Rail or Psycho-Pass or something. Some of my fics have been loosely inspired by games or things I've watched but I definitely wouldn't call them crossovers.
have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge, but I hope not jkdkjskj
have you ever had a fic translated?
I've had a few requests for one of my recent fics to be translated 👀 I'm over the moon every time someone asks
have you ever cowritten a fic before?
I SUPPOSE Darling, Some Things Are Meant to Be counts in a very roundabout way. @ohhcinnybuns gets full credits for the actual fic on there, but we go back and forth on here writing Snow White!Dazai and Prince!Chuuya ficlets (hey, go check out our fairytale playlist for them, I'm obsessed)
what's your all time favourite ship?
Probably IwaOi and ShuAke
what's the wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I started a zombie apocalypse-flavored omegaverse in anticipation of finishing it for omegaverse week and that never happened. I'm feeling ambitious but I also have a lot of events I'm participating in at the moment and ongoing fics that need prioritizing.
what are your writing strengths?
Painting scenes and going into depth about character motives and inner thoughts! Also, tying subplots into the overarching plot. I love worldbuilding and creating seemingly insignificant backstories for characters that end up playing major roles down the road.
what are your writing weaknesses?
The last time I did this tag game, I said dialogue, and that was a couple of months ago now but I feel like I've made major improvements in that area with my recent stuff. I'm becoming a lot more comfortable with fleshing out the plot through characters interacting with one another than in exposition and narrative. Now, I'd say editing. I tend to second guess myself and will scrap several thousands-worth of words if something's not working and then rewrite it all over again because I can't pick out what exactly is wrong with something.
thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I write Japanese honorifics simply because I feel like it reads a little better, but that's about it since most of what I write takes place in Japan.
first fandom you wrote for?
K-Pop help it was so long ago...we don't talk about those days...
favourite fic you've ever written?
hunter's season my beloved. It's a Dark Era omegaverse fic revolving around Dazai/Chuuya, with Dazai who thought he was an alpha but turns out he was really living a lie his whole life and finds out the hard way after taking some tampered medications.
no pressure tags: @altruistic-meme @monkey-banana41 @chuuyaspinkmotorcycle @calmlb @bloodsherry
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saphig-iawn · 2 days ago
You're so attentive to all your toys! You always notice what we say and respond to us, it's truly impressive, Miss Saphi. Such loving and watchful eyes you must have...
Thank you darling. I am so sorry I took this long to respond. I love chatting with people. I've always seen interactions in the hypnosis space be a little... one-sided? Or imbalanced. While a boundary is good to set, I feel no need to be distant. I love inviting people in, bringing them a comfy chair to relax into. Letting them melt into my words and take on whatever form they wish; plushie, doll, toy, masc, femme, androgynous, null, pet, plant, whatever.
It takes a lot to reach out to someone like me, regardless of how flustered or submissive they might feel, so I want to make sure those people feel seen and acknowledged and invited in to taste a little of the magic.
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yameoto · 3 months ago
good morning yam. just wanted to make you aware that the first thing i do when i wake up every morning is check your blog, without fail.
the way you write is so enamouring that i will read every and all things you put out, even for IP's i have never seen, and i never once struggle to grasp what's going on bc you write them so good.
anyway that's it. thank you for existing and creating. (also spn!quinn au is godly and i will take every crumb i can get)
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ugh spiderweb emoji u made me all sappy today.. from the bottom of my heart. thank you to all who take the time out of their day to read what i write! seriously. while i know i am a shoddy inbox replier (2600..) know i read every single one (even those little appreciative thank yous to those screaming for girldick) and whilst i don’t post all of them. my heart leaps in appreciation each time. and those who like all of my posts. and have been there for a while, months, even the whole entire year! i adore you all. you’re all so lovely. i recognise each pfp and grin just a little.
also i have a seperate google doc entirely dedicated to writing early spn seasons with spn!quinn. so to those 3 anons and two people (whom i know of) who actually read that shit. know that you are the reason my heart goes on. like seriously. you stick by me while i post supernatural x glee fanfiction like its 2011. who does that.
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yooboobies · 2 months ago
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he is just too dangerous | for @rjshope
{cr: namuspromised}
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