Imagines/Short Stories Written By Rachael (me).
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reject-princess97 4 years ago
Jay Halstead 2 (part 2)
5pm soon rolled around and Kim and I had to start getting ready. We walked out into what we called wardrobe.
"So, what do you think I should wear?" Kim asked, flipping through the few outfits.
"Well, it's a club, so, that red dress, those black studded stilettos and that leather jacket." I pointed out as I searched.
I wasn't one for dresses so I chose a pair of black sequin short shorts, a loose fitting lace top that showed just enough cleavage. I slipped on a pair of black strappy shoes and what ever lose, low hanging jewellery I could find.
Once hair and make up were done Kim and I headed out to see Jay and Ruzek waiting, both dressed up.
"Wow, look at you too." Ruzek grinned. Jay stood speechless for a second before regaining his composure and stepped forward.
"You ladies ready?" He asked, holding his arm out, which I took.
"Double dating with S/N." Ruzek called as we all head back to the bullpen to meet Voight, Dawson and Atwater.
"I will kill you Ruzek, just know that."
Everyone in the room laughed as Ruzek winked at me.
Once Voight had briefed us on the job we all left, heading to our posts.
It was a few hours later and Jay and I we stood in a concealed ally way, around the side of the bar. Out of sight, incase we bump into Jordan.
I lent across the wall, playing with my ring when a voice rang through my ear.
"Y/L/N, Halstead, Jordan is heading straight for you get out of there." Voight ordered.
"Yes boss." I whispered into my coma聽 but looking around the corner I noticed our suspect walking towards us. There was not time to move so thinking quick on my feet I grabbed Jay.
"Kiss me, quick!" I whispered. Before Jay could say anything, I pulled Jay into me and kissed him. At first Jay stiffened against me but after a second he relaxed into our embrace and kissed me back, pushing me against the wall.
The kiss was urgent and filled with...something I couldn't quite figure it out.
We stayed like this until I heard a voice chuckle.
"Huh, young love. Theres nothing like it." I pushed Jay away quickly and faked embarrassment as I looked at our suspect.
"I'm sorry, 1 year anniversary." I lied, well, it wasn't exactly a lie, today really was a year since we got together. The man only smiled and wished us luck before he kept walking. I watched, as the man who killed the only family I had, turned back a little to look back at me and I felt my heart stop as he stopped dead and turn his whole body around, looking straight at me, a sickening smile in his face.
"Miss Y/L/N...I hardly recognizes you." He smirked after a minute or so.
"What's it been? Ten Years?" He fished and I shrugged.
"Something like that, yeah." I growled. My eyes fixed in him as he took a step forward.
"Wow, to think, I thought you were dead." He laughed evilly.
"No, I just got a job, putting scum like you away." I growled.
I saw Jay step in front of me, putting himself inbetween Frank and I.
"Y/L/N, keep your distance, don't react, it's what he wants." Burgess reminded me and I took a deep breath.
"It was such a shame about your sister, she seemed like such a nice girl." The mob boss smirked and I felt my finger twitch, ready to reach for my gun.
"Y/N, don't." Voight warned in my coma and I felt Jay teach back and take my hand. Frank seemed to notice this too because he smirked.
"I see you got more than just a cop badge going for here in Chicago." I stayed quiet, glaring at the man in front of me.
"How long has it been, huh Y/N?" He grinned. I once again found myself speechless out of anger and when I saw him reach for his gun I stairred, wide eyed.
"I asked you a question, Y/N?" He growled, pointing the gun at me. I watched with wide eyes as he moved the gun to Jay.
"10 years, 10 years today" I squeaked out, trying to move myself in front of Jay but Frank shook his head at this.
"No, you stay right where you are or I'll shoot him." He warned.
"Now, you are going to stay still, and let me go, if you don't I will kill your boyfriend." He told me as he began to step backwards. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Burgess and Ruzek walk out of the bar, guns raised. Frank seemed to notice this too because the next thing I know there was a deafening gunshot and Jay fell to the floor.
"Jay!" I yelled, falling to my knees. I leaned over Jay to get a better look, but I was to upset to really see anything wrong, but when I noticed his eyes shut i felt myself begin to shake.
"Jay, come you need to wake up. You can't leave me like this, I need you." I cried as I put my hand over his wound and applied pressure to stop the bleeding.
"Y/L/N!" I heard a voice call but it was to late. I hear a bang and I felt this unruly amount of pain pierce my stomach. Then everything went black as I hunched over Jay, my own blood mixing with his.
*Three days later*
Everything was pitch black, nothing could be heard except the sound of the most annoying beeping sound I had ever heard.
"Can someone please turn of that god awful beeping, it's giving me a head ache." I groaned, opening my eyes a little to find the brightest light imaginable shining down over me.
"Sorry, Y/N, no can do." I heard a familiar voice chuckle. I looked over to see Ruzek sat grinning at me in the chair.
"Ugh, I knew it. I died and now I'm in hell?" I groaned as I sat up a little, stopping when I felt pain flash over my body.
"OK, hurtful." Ruzek gasped as he set down his phone and stood up. "I'm gonna assume that was the meds talking and that you are actually happy to see my face." He grinned and I tried to shrug.
"Assume away." He smiled, raising his thumbs up before he walked out of the room. Entering again a couple minutes later with Will, my soon-to-be brother-in-law.
"Well hello Dr Handsome." I grinned lazily as he entered the room. He let out a chuckle as he began looking over my chart.
"How you doing there Detective Short stack?"
"A little offended if I'm being honest, I call you handsome, you call me short...what kind of love is that?" I joked.
"Brotherly love at its finest." He answered. Then his face seemed to drop a little and I knew it wasn't great.
"So, what's the diagnosis Doc?" I sighed, letting my silly mood be washed away by the reminded I was in hospital.
"Actually, everything looks good, there were a few complications in the surgery, hence the three day nap. But everything is looking good." He smiled, sitting on the edge of my bed. He looked over me, shining a torch in my eyes, checking reflexes. He seemed happy with my tests because he stood up and began to walk out.
"Will..?" I began but he turned around and nodded.
"I'll have him brought in, he's been bugging me to let him see you for two days straight."
"Aww, I knew he loved me." I grinned, my joking nature coming back. Once Will was out of the room Ruzek came and sat on my bed. I looked up at him, one eye brow raised as he watched me.
"He loves you huh?" He grinned. "And I didn't miss Dr Halstead's 'brotherly love' comment."
"Yes, Will and I like to make jokes like that, since his is like a big brother to me." I tried to cover but Ruzek only shook his head.
"Or you and Jay have been dating for the last two years and recently got engaged so Will is infact going to be your big brother."
"Or that...that sounds right." I chuckled. "How did you know?"
"Jay told me, after he woke up he was really worried, but you had be taken I to another surgery so Kim and I tried to keep him preoccupied. He ended up telling us everything." He explained.
I was about to say something else, maybe something along the lines of I'm sorry, but I didn't get the chance because there was a knock at the door and in walked Jay and Burgess.
When Jay saw me sitting up he seemed to our two friends in the room and rush over to my bed, pulling me into a soft, sweet kiss.
"You're awake." He murmured into my lips and I chuckled, nodding. "I was so freaking scared, you have no idea." He sighed, pulling away, but only a little as he rest his forehead against mine.
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reject-princess97 5 years ago
Hey can u please do a Jed from legacies imagine where it鈥檚 a malia from teen wolf thing where y/n has been stuck in her wolf form for years and hope or someone does something to change her back and she鈥檚 cute and clueless about everything and is jeds mate.
I actually don't do legacies anymore, I sort of stopped watching it, sorry
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reject-princess97 5 years ago
Jay Halstead 2- Chicago PD
Walking towards the CPD on the some what warm morning my mind was elsewhere so I ended up accidentally bumping into somebody.
"Crap, sorry." I rushed, looking up to see my ,'secret' boyfriend Jay Halstead who let out a chuckle and moved to the side, letting me walk ahead of him a little.
"You OK Baby?" He mumbled to me as we grew closer the the building, being careful not to let people over hear us.
"Yeah, just, bad day." I told him with a small smile. I was about to climb the stairs to the building when my arm was grabbed carefully and Jay dragged me to a near by ally way.
"You're lying, tell me, what's wrong?" He insisted. I huffed, feeling a little stupid, of course I couldn't hide anything from Jay, he knows me better than anybody, even myself.
Jay and I had been together for nearly two years now but weren't quite ready to let everyone on the team know yet. Not because we were ashamed of our relationship, or that we just didn't want people to know, we just like sneaking around, it gave us a sense of danger, made things...exciting.
We were going to tell the team, soon infact, we had to, Jay had very recently聽asked me to marry him, and since this meant an actual law binding marriage, we figure our family and friends should know.
I felt Jay place his hand on my cheek and lean in, resting his head on my forehead.
"Baby, tell me what's the matter?" He sighed, his minty fresh breath washing over my face. I looked up at him and smiled sadly.
"Today Mark's ten years since Frank Jordan killed my sister." I explained sadly. Jay let out a sympathetic sigh and pulled me into a hug.
"I'm sorry, I forgot about today, are you OK?" he worried and I nodded.
"I will be once we get into the office and get a case. I just need something to take my mind off of it." I shrugged. Jay nodded, as he looked out of the ally way and then back at me, giving me a wide toothy grin before he kissed me softly.
"OK, that worked a little." I muttered against his lips. He seem to deepen the kiss a little, pushing me back against the wall, sliding his hands under my top. He pulled away, smirking down at me.
"How was that?" he wondered cheekily.
"well, I'm not thinking about my sisters anymore, that's for sure." I replied, reaching my arms up to his face and kissing him one last time before we pulled apart and straightened our clothes.
"come on聽 lets go see what Voight has for us." Jay offered and i nodded.
"wait, Jay..." I began, he turned around and I dove into his chest. "thank you, for making me feel a little better, even if it was for a couple seconds."
"Any time baby, it's what I'm here for. I hate seeing to sad." he grinned back. I pulled away and the two of us returned to our journey back to the CPD.
I climbed the stairs to the main entrance and Jay grabbed the door.
"M' lady." He joked, I bowed, thanking him, playing along.
"You two gonna keep flirting or are you gonna actually go out on a date?" I heard Trudy call, I looked up at her as she leaned over the reception counter and I winked, continuing our way up to intelligence.
Walking into the room, I saw Voight at the notice bored, Burgess and Ruzek were sat chatting at a desk and Atwater was walking towards the break room.
"Hey guys!" I called out, earning a few hellos from the team who were here.
"I see you and Halstead arrived together...again." Ruzek noted loudly.
"Yes, well, that tends to happen, when you work together, live a few blocks away from each other and like to arrive on time." I replied,
"It also happens when you spend the night at his place." Ruzek joked as he sent a smirk to me, so I flipped him off.
"Oh, somebody's getting defensive." Burgess, my Best friend, added as her boyfriend flipped back.
"Halstead, my office." Voight called over. Jay stood from his seat at his desk, where we was enjoying the show, and walked to our bosses office. Voight shoot the door and I let myself get on with the last bit of paper work I had left from the day before.
When Voight's door finally opened again Jay walked out with a worried look on his face and he gestured to the office. I stood up and walk over, only growing more confused when Voight walked out, shooting me a look I didn't quite make out.
'What the hell is going on?' I thought as Jay closed the door and I watched as he began pacing. The minutes went by slowly as I watched my boyfriend pace worryingly. Out of the corner of my eye I was Voight say something and then everyone in the office, including Antonio who by now had arrived.
"Jay, what's going on? Your starting to freak me out." I voiced, walking over and stepping in front of Jay, making the pacing stop.
"It's him, it's Frank Jordan, he's in Chicago and he's killed a guy." He told me fearfully. I took a step back, shaking my head, trying for forget what I had just heard.
"I'm sorry baby, but it's true, Voights CI confirmed it today. He's back in town and had a lot more bodies to drop."
I could feel myself fight for breath as I repeated 'this isn't happening, this can't be happening'over and over in my head.
We're gonna catch him "Y/L/N, and when we do, he's gonna go away for a long, long time." Jay reassured me as he took my hands in his and pulled me into a hug. I let the tears o had been forcing back fall as I shook, violently into Jay's chest.
"Voight...he wants you in the case, thinks it would help you get some closer for Casey's death and it could give us the edge if he remembers who you are."
"I...I don't know if I can face him." I mumbled into his chest. I felt him press a soft, caring his to the top of my head as I cried a little more.
"Then we'll tell Voight no, simple as that." He shrugged. I stayed quiet, letting the silence was over me as I thought about what Voight was offering.
Voight was giving me the chance to put this monster away, for good. He was letting me apart of this case even though he knew I was a flight risk and mostly he was giving me the chance to get the justice my sister deserves.
I stood up straight, pulling myself out of Jay's embrace, wiping my tears away I took a deep breath and nodded.
"OK, what does he need me to do?" I asked. Jay grinned, knowing full well I wasn't gonna back down from this fight. He gestured back out in the bullpen and we walked out. Voight turned and looked at me, asking a silent question which I nodded in response to.
"OK, we know where he is, but right now, we need eyes on him, so Halstead, Y/L/N, you two are gonna go undercover as two kids outside the club he owns. Burgess and Dawson, you two are gonna be inside, Ruzek, you and me, we're gonna be in a van down the road, keeping Y/L/N and Halstead is sight at all times." Voight ordered pointing out each member as he spoke.
"Actually sir, they go by *ship name* now, even Sargent Platt is calling them that." Ruzek called, I let out a low groan, rolling my eyes. I hate that name.
"Whatever, just keep S/N in view at all times." Voight ordered. I saw the tiniest smiled grace his lips as he turned and looked at Jay and I who shrugged.
Voight of course was the only person to know about Jay and I's relationship, well, the only person other than Will, Jay's brother.
"We leave for the club at 8 tonight."
Once Voight was out of the way the team made a move to continue on their work, being as we still had several hours before we had to get ready for the case.
I got a load of paper work done before I saw a figure stand over my desk. I looked up to see Jay, holding coffee and take out.
"Join me for lunch?" He grinned as he placed the food on my desk and grabbed his chair, pushing it over to my desk.
"It seems like I haven't actually got a choice." I joked as I moved my work from my desk, to make room for the meal.
"I can leave if you want?" He played a long, standing up and walking away.
"Sit down dork." I chuckled and grabbed his belt, pulling towards me.
"Wow, Y/L/N, this is a work place, leave that kind of thing for the bedroom." I heard Ruzek call. Once again I glared at him and flipped him off. Jay sat down next to me and we began eating.
After a few minutes the team left for their own lunch while Jay and I ate.
The thing about Jay and I is, we didn't need to speak to know what the other was thinking, we were happy just sitting in silence, just enjoying each others company. Most of the time, it was like we could read each other like a book. We were in perfect sync, everything we did bounced off each other, back and forward working like clockwork. It had been like this for as long as I had known him, which was a long ass time.
We grew up together, we lost contact when I moved away ith my mum, dad and sister but found each other when I was assigned to his unit but when he was a Ranger. When he left, I stuck around, once again losing track of each other. That was until 3 years ago when I was taken out of the Police Academy early and assigned to Intelligence, where, luck would have it, there was Jay freaking Halstead grinning at me like a dork when Voight introduced me to the team, I later learned that when Voight had noticed me, he dug up my past, he asked Jay about me and apparently he had great things to say because the next day I was at the CPD looking over at the people who were to become my team.
"Y/N...Y/N?" I heard Jay call, pulling me out of my thoughts.
"You off in a clouds again?" He chuckled. It was then I noticed Voight and Dawson stood behind him.
"Huh...oh...yeah, sorry, was just thinking back to when I was brought onto the team." I smiled, taking a sip if my coffee. "So, what did I miss?"
"You and Halstead, are you gonna be OK?" Voight asked.
"What do you mean?" I asked confused.
"Working together I mean, you're not gonna let S/N get in the way of the job?" He asked pointing between us.
Antonio looked at us with one eyebrow raised.
"I'm gonna kill Ruzek, I swear to god, he is a dead man." I growled. Voight let out a laugh as Jay chuckled, placing a hand on my thigh.
"We can kill him later, right now we need to focus on Jordan." Jay grinned.
"Y/N and I will be fine Voight, we've been partnered up a million times in the last year and it has never affected our work before, why would it now?" Jay asked him, he took a quick look at a confused Antonio before turning back.
"Because the job has never affected either of you personally before. You and Y/L/N, you work well together and you keep your relationship outside of work and I appreciate that. But Frank Jordan is someone who means to put Y/L/N in a danger. This is personal to her making her unpredictable and irrational."
"Y/L/N is stood right here boss." I spoke up. "And yeah, this is personal but I'm a cop, I will make sure this son of a bitch goes down properly, then, it's up to you." I told him, standing from my desk.
"That son of a bitch killed my 16 year old sister, because he thought she had over heard something she shouldn't have. She was just buying gum, so mum wouldn't smell the cigarettes on her breath. She was a good kid, going though the loss of my dad and turned to some bad influences, began smoking, drinking. I had called her that night, from my dorm room, asking her to talk to mum about her problems. She stopped drinking a month before but she was trying to kick the smoking. 3am I got the phone call, my sister was dead, and that bastard killed her. Death is too good for him." I told them all and they nodded sympathetically.
Voight watched me for a second, obviously assessing my behaviour.
"You can stay on the case."
"Thank you..." I smiled but was interrupted by Voight again.
"If I see you so much as reach for your gun, without probable cause, you'll be suspended for a month, do you understand?" He threatened and I nodded.
"I swear, I won't reach for my gun." I told him hands up. He nodded and walked off, leaving a smirking Antonio looking between Jay and I.
"So, Voight said relationship, I guess S/N is real huh?" He asked eye brow raised. I rolled my eyes and walked off, out of the bullpen.
"Adam is a dead man." I called behind me making Dawson and Jay laughed.
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reject-princess97 5 years ago
Jay Halstead- Chicago PD (Part 2)
"Where is he?"
"Close to Jay's appointment, it looks like he's waiting. There is an old abandoned building across the street. You dad was seen entering that building a few times today." Hank explained and I sucked in a deep breath.
"He knows you're here, he's waiting to see of I come home with you." I guessed.
"Jay come on, we can end this today." Hank insisted.
"I'm coming too." I stood up.
"What, no you're not." Jay argued but I ignored him.
"Hank, please, I have to be there." I told him.
"Do you still have you vest?"
"In my trunk." I nodded.
"Boss, you can't be serious?" Jay asked in disbelief.
"Her being there could be enough of a surprise to get the edge over him."
"He knows she's here, how is that a surprise?"
"Because if my dad was smart, and he is, he would have researched everyone on this team. Mostly you." I explained. Jay looked at me still not understanding.
"Jay, he knows you and he knows that you wouldn't let me go into a fight. Even now after a month after I broke your heart. He knows that I won't be there." Jay seemed to understand but he shook his head.
"Please, Y/N just, think about this. You've just sent blood tests off to confirm a pregnancy, you can't go running into a gun fight when there is a possibility you're carrying our child." He insisted.
"I'm sorry Jay, but I'm going in. That man has made my life hell for the first 24 years of my life. He killed my mum, my sister and older brother. He beat me everyday and when I had finally had enough I sent his ass to prison.
Then I left it all behind. I joined the CDP, I found a new family and I fell in love. I was happy, I was free and I was three months away for marrying the man I loved."I smiled sadly.
"Then he fucked all that up by threatening what family I had left."
"Y/N..." Jay began again but I shook my head.
"Jay, look at me." I told him and he turned, facing me. I looked up into his eyes.
"My dad is the worst type of man. He has made my life hell long enough. When we find him and I do me WE, I am going to be the one to pull the trigger and end it all." I told him.
"Then I am going to come back to Chicago for good and I am go fix everything my father broke."
I then grabbed me keys and bag then left. Hank and Jay following me.
I walked out of Med and over to my car where I pulled out my bullet proof vest, my CPD issued gun and my badge. I strapped my gun to my back, die hard style, and I pulled my vest over my head.
"Let's do this." I demanded.
"You're driving with me." Jay insisted and I nodded.
The car ride to the apartment we short and quiet until Jay finally spoke up.
"You said you were coming home when this is over." Jay began and I nodded.
"Are you coming back to Chicago. Or are coming back to...back to me." He asked as he pulled up around the corner from where we spent the last two years living.
"Jay, I..." I began but I heard a gun shot and I duct, Jay too.
"Well, well, well...if it isn't my disobedient daughter." I heard a voice call. I looked to see my dad and three of his goons.
"If it isn't my murdering bastard father." I shot back.
"Step forward, let me get a look at you?" He instructed and I shook my head. Then the three goons aimed their guns at Jay and I stepped forward.
"What's the matter sweetheart. Don't you trust me?" My dad grinned evilly "losses the gun...and the vest. I shook my head but when I saw one of the three cock his gun I obeyed.
""Y/N stop!" Jay yelled but I ignored him.
"Its OK baby. That vest doesn't quiet sit right on you anyway." My dad encouraged. I through the vest and gun to the ground before I held up my hands.
"What do you want from me?" I asked but my dad shrugged.
"I want to ruin your life, like you ruined my when you gave me up to he police."
"I was 24 year old girl who still got beat on by her dad when she did something wrong. I watched you beat my brother to near death almost every night. I watched you kill my mum, my big brother AND my sister. I did what I had to do to keep me and my baby brother safe." I growled.
It was quiet for a minute the I saw the three goons on my dads side drop to the floor...CPD must be up on the roof.
My dad looked around confused. Then he grabbed his own gun and aimed it at me.
"You.. you no good, whore. What you think because you joined the CPD you were safe. Because you have a cop boyfriend I wouldn't find you. I have had my eye and killing you since the day I was locked up and now my day is finally here." My dad smirked.
"The next few seconds happened in slow motion. I watched his finger cock the gun and I reached backwards and grabbed the gun taped to my back. I pulled it over my head and with one clean shot I shot him inbetween the eyes.
Then everything stopped. The air got thick and I couldn't breath. I fell to the floor and tried my best to catch my breath.
"Y/N?...Y/N!" I heard Jay call but his voice sounded quiet and far away.
My breath was struggled and I chest was heavy.
"Y/N, what's wrong?" He asked and I looked up into Jay's eyes and for the first time in a month I smiled a real genuine smile.
"Jay, hey." I smiled up at him, feeling like I was all spacey.
"Are you OK?"
"It's's all over." I felt tears run down my face and I felt a huge weight lifted of my shoulders.
"Yeah, it is." He chuckled as he lifted me up and wrapped an arm around my waist as he helped me steady myself.
"Thanks." I chuckled as I rested my head on his shoulder.
He walked me over to his car and sat me on the hood.
"Stay here. I'll be right back." He told me and I nodded. He kissed my fore head and ran off towards the commotion of people that had arrived without me realising.
I sat quite for a minute, watching Jay talk to various members of our team then finally he wondered over to Gabby.
Then I had a thought, I pulled out my phone and dialled my brothers number and waited. It was a while before he picked up and I felt myself tense up.
"Hey baby bro." I sighed down the phone as once I heard his voice.
"Y/N, where are you? you were supposed to meet me here." My brother stuttered and I chuckled.
"It's over baby bro, you can go home."
"It's over?" He asked relief evident in his voice.
"Yeah, dad's dead." I told him. I could feel the weight lifting from both our shoulders as he breathed a sigh of relief.
"What happened?"
"He came after Jay and we found him before he could harm anyone."
"Good, I'm glad Jay's OK." My brother chuckled.
"Did you get things sorted between you two then?" He asked and I looked over to Jay who was talking to Gabby, my best friend and paramedic.
"I'm working on it kid." I smiled as Jay looked over and we locked eyes. He smiled back and I blushed a little.
"Good, I liked him, he was good to you. He made you happy." I smiled at my brothers reaction and nodded.
"Trust me kid, you have no idea." I smiled as I laid my hand on my belly that could potentially hold a baby.
"Listen, I have to go back to the hospital, see Will and figure out what happens next. Call me when you get home OK?" I ordered and my brother chuckled.
"I will do, love you sis."
"Love you too."
With that we hung up and I jumped of the hood of the car and walked over to Jay and Gabby who pulled me into I tight hug.
"I knew you wouldn't leave with out a good reason too." She told me once we pulled away. "I'm glad your back." She smiled.
"Glad to be back." I nodded before I turned to Jay. "We need to go back and see Will." I reminded him and he nodded.
"I'll text him, tell him to come to my...our place." He told me and I nodded taking his hand and walking over to our apartment building.
I followed Jay up to our floor and waited for him to unlock the door.
Jay opened the door and I was really surprised to find everything was the same. Nothing had been changed.
I walked into the apartment and ran my fingers across the wall, the sofa, the table, the photo of Jay and I will had taken the night we got engaged.
"I was so happy." I sighed picking the picture up, a tear rolling down my face.
"We had everything ahead of us, a whole happy life that had endless possibilities." I set the photo down and wiped the tears away, reminding myself that that was gone now.
"That's over now." I huffed sitting on the sofa.
"It doesn't have to be." Jay spoke up. I looked up in surprise.
"No Jay..." I began but I was interrupted by a knock at the door.
Jay walked over and opened the door to see Will stood there holding a piece of paper.
"You guys OK?" Will asked and I nodded, Jay shrugged.
"That depends on what you me by OK?" Jay spoke. Will and I looked at him confused so he continued.
"Will this morning started pretty normal, well normal for the past month." He started and I looked down guilty at my hands. "I got into work, I worked a case. Then I got a call from my dumb ass brother."
"Hey...that's me, I'm the dumb ass brother!" Will joked holding his hand up making the tension in the room dissipate a little.
"I go the the hospital to fine my ex fiance who walked out on me a month ago only to find out she didn't leave she was ran out if town."
"Jay.." I began but Jay only flung himself in the sofa next to me.
"Oh, and she might be pregnant."
"You OK Bro?" Will asked concerned. It was quiet for a second while Jay thought about it then he nodded.
"You know what, even after all that's happened today...I feel better than this morning. I finally have a reason as to why Y/N left and she's back." For some reason he seemed like he was on cloud nine.
Jay grabbed my hand in his and pulled it up to his lips, placing a kiss in the back.
I smiled up at him a little and he smiled back. It felt as if nothing had changed in the last month. It was just us and no body else.
That was until Will cleared his throat.
"You guys do remember I have news, right?"
"Right yeah, sorry." Jay chuckled.
"So?" I looked up at the Dr who nodded. He looked down at the paper and smiled.
"Congratulations,聽 I'm gonna be an uncle." I smiled as he handed me the paper and I read over the results.
"Are you serious?" I asked shocked and he nodded.
Without even thinking I grabbed Jay and kissed him, hard. I felt right, like it was what had been missing for s long time and in truth it was.
"I'll leave you two to talk."
"Thank you will." I smiled up at him as i pulled away. He nodded slightly then left the apartment.
"So..." I began but was interrupted by Jay's lips against mine.
"I'm gonna be a dad."
"Yeah, you are." I agreed.
"Are you staying?" He asked, pulling back from me a little and I saw the fear in his eyes.
"I'm not going anywhere, ever again.." I assured him as I ran my hand though his hair. "When I left, I had every intention of finding my dad and ending the madness just so I could come back and marry you like I had always planned." I smiled.
"That is if you still want me, I know what I did was shitty and that you might not want to now and I get that." I sighed, remembering life wasn't just gonna go back to normal.
"Do you still have the ring?" He asked and I nodded, pulling out the ring that hung on a chain around me neck. Jay held his hand out as I pulled the chain and placed the ring into his hand.
"You're back for good right?"
"I have nowhere I'd rather be."
"Then will you Y/N put this ring back on and be my fiance again?"
"Are you sure?" I asked a little sceptically. Jay just nodded and took my hand.
"I am, but know this..." he began as he slid the ring back onto my finger. "This ring is NEVER to leave this finger again." He informed me and I nodded.
"Wouldn't dream of it." I grinned back before he crashed his lips to mine once again, this time with no intention of stopping.
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reject-princess97 5 years ago
Jay Halstead- Chicago PD (Part 1)
I looked up at the sign above the door and took in a deep breath gripping my bag tight.
It had been a month since I was last in town, since I let myself ruin everything I'd work so hard to get where I was. But I had a good reason. Trust me.
'Ok I can do this.' I told myself as I walked in to the hospital. My knees going week and my hands shaking I walked over to the reception desk.
"Hi, honey, how can I help you?" The receptionist smiled.
"I'm looking for..." I began, my voice shaking but before I could finish I heard my name being called.
"Y/N?" I turned around to see Will, my ex would be brother-in-law walking over.
"Will, thank God, I need to talk to you." I rushed. Will looked at me sceptically but nodded. I followed his lead to the medical teams break room where I shut the door and turned to Will.
"What do you want?" He snapped. I wasn't surprised by his reaction at all, after all. I left his brother no word of warning breaking his heart. But I had a good reason.
"Before I get into it, I need you to forget everything that happened. Forget you hate me and just think of me as someone that needs help." I asked him. He let out a frustrated sigh but nodded.
"What do you need?"
"Read this." I instructed pulling a stack of papers out of my bag and held them out towards.
"Because I'm about to ask you to do me a kindness and I'd rather have you know the truth."
Again Will looked at me sceptically but after a couple seconds he rolled his eyes and took the papers from me. I watched as he sat down and read them while I paced back and forward, chewing on my finger nail.
"Is this true?" He asked me as he looked up and I nodded. Then he did something I didn't expect, he stood up and hugged me, tight.
I didn't say a word, I just hugged him back, a wave of relief washed over me. Until he pulled away and walked towards the door.
"Stay here, I'll be back." He ordered then left.
"No, Will!" I called but he was gone.
I sat down on the sofa where Will had been sat and re-read the messages that ruined my life.
I know where you are Y/N. I know what you do and I know that you've built a life for yourself.
Well now, you're about to lose it all.
We have your brother. And you will do exactly as I say. If you so much as go to that Cop boyfriend of yours I will kill your brother.
Your not going to be happy any more聽 You will leave, pack your bags and leave, don't tell anybody where you're going just go.
It is in yours and your brothers best interest for you to do exactly as I say Y/N. You know what I'm capable of.
I sat in the break room, reading over and over until the door opened.
"What the hell Will!"I heard someone say as they were pushed through the door. I looked up to see Jay stood looking at his brother.
Just seeing him again brought tears to my eyes.
"What..." Hank began as he walked in, but then he spotted me on the sofa and he stopped. Jay looked at his, well our, boss confused but the he turned around and our eyes locked.
"Y/N?" His voice broke. I felt tears run down my face as I started at the man I love, the man who's heart I broke when I left.
I struggled to find my voice but when I did, I looked away and towards Will
"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO!?" I yelled as I stood up an began pacing.
"I did what I had to do, they need to know." He said simply.
"Do you realise what you've done?" I panicked.
"What's going on? Y/N why did you leave? What the hell happened?" Jay asked, his anger finally taking over is shock.
"I...I thought you were happy, I thought you loved me?" He sniffled and all I wanted to do was run to him and hold him again. But I couldn't.
"I was happy, so happy Jay and i did love you, with all my heart trust me I still do but..."
"She has a letter sent her" Will interrupted picking up my paper and handing it to Hank.
"When did you get this?" He asked after he read it, passing it to Jay.
"The day I left. I called my brother and someone answered, they told me I had to leave Chicago." I explained.
"What...who..." Jay began.
"My dad...he got out of prison on good behaviour. When he found out I was here, that I was happy and i wasn't living in fear anymore he took my brother and saw the letter." I tried to explain through tears.
"Why did you come back?" Hank asked and I sighed.
"I needed Wills help with something. I only showed him this letter so he wouldn't hate me. He wasn't supposed to tell you."
"I'm sorry but I had to tell him. He's been going crazy this last month without you." Will explained and I felt my heart break.
"I'm so sorry Jay, I didn't know what else to do. My dad has spies everywhere, I didn't know who I could trust and who I couldn't. If there was one as CPD then I would have been cought and he would have killed my brother."
"You should have came to us." Hank said as he pulled out his phone then left the room.
"Will, I still need your help." I reminded him. He looked over to Jay and shrugged.
"Ask Jay." He instructed then left the room. I let out a sigh and I pulled my phone out, texting my brother to go to our agreed upon safe house and say there until I told him other wise.
"Are you going to talk to me?" Jay spoke up after a minute or two of silence.
I looked up at him and for a minute I forgot how to form a sentence.
"Ask me what you need to." I whispered.
"I just want to know one thing." He told me and I nodded.
"Did you even think about me while you were gone?"
I couldn't answer him so I pulled out my phone again and pulled up a video I had watched a million times.
It was of Jay and I. We were at the park, and I had decided to video Jay being happy and smiling. It was our day off and we had planned a picnic date. Jay had not stopped smiling and I just couldn't help myself. Towards the end of the video Jay had managed to pull me into his arms and turned the camera onto the both of us. We smiled and giggled like teens as we kissed and told each other we loved the other and then the video cuts off.
"I thought of nothing else for a month. I watched this video so many times." I told him as he watched the video.
"This was what my dad wanted. He wanted me to be broken, he wanted me weak. He just didn't count on me fighting harder to get back."
"You could have called, texted, anything." He sighed as he took a step forward and held my hand.
"I couldn't Jay." I told him lifting a hand to his face, wiping away a tear that had fallen.
"After I left I got another note. It told me that if I contacted you he would kill you, Will, Gabby Matt, everyone I loved. I couldn't risk it. Trust me what I say this because it's True...I almost called you every single night just to hear your voice. I missed you so much Jay but I couldn't put you in that kind of danger."
"I...I get it." He finally sighed as he pulled me into a tight hug. For a minute i forgot about everything going on, I just wanted two minutes in Jay's arms, I just wanted to be happy, even if it was for a few seconds.
"I love you Jay, i will always love you and I'm going to do everything I can to come home. To come back to you." I cried into his chest. I felt Jay's body shudder and jolt as he too cried into my hear.
"Jay, really need to talk to will." I told him and Jay nodded. He walked out of the room and came back with Will who looked confused.
"What's up?"
"Jay, can we..?"聽 I began but Jay shook his head.
"No, I'm not leaving you again." He stated and I knew better than to fight with him.
"Fine, Will, I need you to be a doctor and you know...fix me." I told him. He looked at me confused and I rolled nt eyes.
"I'm about show you something and neither of you can say anything " i instructed the men infront of me. Both nodded and I handed a box to Will. He looked inside and then back at me wide eyed.
"I need to know if this is right. I need to know if I have something else to fight for." I explained as he pulled out a pregnancy test and showed Jay.
Jay looked at me shocked and I shrugged.
"I'll go grab so blood viles and get a sample." Will stammered then ran out the room leaving me and Jay alone.
"I've been under a lot of stress, you know running from my dad leaving everything I loved behind and saving my brother I didn't know how to handle this. My plan was to come here and find out of it was pregnant or not. If I was my next stop was the CPD." I explained.
"You were gonna come find me...even after you were told not too?"
"It is something you would need to know, so yeah."
"Why didn't you just come to me first?"
"Because if it was just a false positive I would be putting you in danger for no reason. But if I was pregnant, then nothing on this earth will stop me from bringing our baby up with you."
Soon Will came back and took some blood and left again. This time Hank entered the room with a blank face.
"We've found your dad." He told me as he looked at Jay and I.
"He's in Chicago."
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reject-princess97 5 years ago
FP Jones 4
*Jughead P.O.V*
I watched as my dad walked to he fridge and grab a beer. He looked down at it, contemplated weather or not he was going to drink it, then put it back.
It had been a month since I caught my dad and my friends sister together and I had told them to end it, It had turned out that their six month secret relationship was a lot more serious that I had first thought because even now, a month later because my dad was a different person.
This wasn't like him, I mean that beer had been in the fridge for months and I hadn't seen him even look at it, but then over the last month, I've seen him do that at least 6 times a day and everyday he puts it back telling him self. 'If you do this, you will ruin everything you worked for for Jughead and Y/n will go down the trash shoot.'
He turned around and looked at me, eyes wide as he closed the fridge and moved to grab a glass of water instead.
"Hey boy, what you doing today?" He asked me and I shrugged.
"Write, maybe go to the Wyrm to see the others." I told him. He nodded and the left the room. I heard him sniffle as he passed me and I almost fell from my chair. He was crying. Why?
I finished up eating and grabbed my bag, shouting bye to my dad and then headed to the Wyrm where I found Sweet Pea and Toni sat at a table.
"Hey guys." I greeted as I sat down. The two looked at me, said hi then went back to there conversation as I pulled out my laptop and began typing.
It wasn't long until I heard another voice join our table and I looked up to see Fangs had joined us. He looked at me and then back to the others, obviously pissed about the whole his sister and my dad thing.
"Sup bro?" Sweet Pea asked Fangs who sat down.
"Not a lot, why do you ask?"
"Bro, I'm you best friend, I know when something is bothering you so spill." Pea demanded. Fangs let out a sigh and looked over at me, then back to Pea and Toni before he began.
"I'm just worried about my sister." He explained. I looked over at him as he continued. "She hasn't left the trailer in a month and I was hoping today I could get her to come kick Pea's ass but she said she wasn't ready to know who yet." He spoke, looking over at me.
"It she really that bad?" Toni asked and Fangs nodded.
"My dad is the same." I interjected. Fangs looked over at me, glaring as Toni waited for me to continue.
"He only leaves to house to work and come here. He won't even look at me for longer than a minute and when he does it's only because I caught him with the beer."
"Wait, he's drinking again?" Fangs asked, sounding worried.
"No, There is this beer in the fridge, it's been there forever but he will walk out of his room, walk over to the fridge, take it out, look at it as if deciding weather or not to drink the he'll put it back."
"Wow, it must be killing him." Sweet Pea noted. I looked at him confused. Sweet Pea rolled his eyes and throw something at me.
"Knowing the girl he loves is 3 trailers down from him but he can't see her because he promised you he'd end it." Toni spoke up.
"You think that's what's wrong, he misses Y/N?" I asked but this seemed to anger Fangs.
"Do not say her name. You are the reason she is so ill." Fangs snapped.
"Y/N's Ill?" Sweet Pea asked concerned.
"Dude, she has barely eaten since she and FP ended thing, she is always crying and today is the first time she has has the strength to move off the couch for anything."
I sat quietly for a while, just listening to when was being said and then I knew what I had to do.
*Y/N P.O.V*
I sat in the trailer I shared with my brother and watched TV. I hadn't been out much since FP and I ended things, I loved FP, but Jughead was right, we couldn't keep sneaking around and the only person who knew was Fangs and he didn't really care, the way he saw it, I was happy and safe so he didn't need to worry.
Being his sister only got me so much protection from the Serpents. Being with FP was a sure thing I was safe because he knew FP would look out for me. If I was being honest, while being with FP the idea of become a Serpent, like my brother had always wanted, was looking more appealing, but when Jughead found out and forced us to break up, I rejected the idea all together.
"Hey, you OK?" He heard my brother ask as he walked into the room and grabbed his keys and phone.
"I'm better today." I smiled up at him from my spot on the couch. "See, only on blanket, I showered thins morning and I'm not watching The Notebook again." I informed him, he let out a chuckled as he sat next to me, putting his feet on the table in front of us.
"I see that." My brother nodded thoughtfully. "So, you ready to actually leave the Trailer yet?"
"Maybe, I might get up and clean my head with a walk." I shrugged.
"A walk to the Wyrm where you can kick Sweet Peas ass at pool because he keeps beating me and he's getting cocky about it." My brother offered and I shook my head.
"Not yet Fangs, I...I'm not ready to see him yet." I told him and he nodded, understanding. It had been a month sure, but the pain felt like it only happened yesterday and seeing FP would kill me.
"OK, well, be safe of you decide to go out and I'll call you later." He smiled as he kissed me forehead and stood up.
"You do realise I'M the adult, right?" I asked him swatting him away from me, laughing.
"Well, I just like making sure you're OK." He shrugged as he reached the door. "Love ya sis."
"Love you too bro." I replied before he left. I let out a sigh and stood up, clearing away the blanket and walking into my bedroom. I changed into a pair of shorts, as it was still warm out, even though there was predicted rain later, I didn't care much. I threw on an old, worn out 'The Killers' t-shirt and I grabbed on of Fangs' hoodies before I pulled my van's on and I grabbed my keys and phone.
I left the trailer, put my headphones in and played my music as I took a walk to Pop's (going the long way round so I didn't have to pass the Wyrm) where I grabbed a shake to go then took a slow walk back, walking past all the places FP had taken me on dates and secret meetings. It hurt to think about him, but it wasn't like I could avoid the place he took me. We mostly stayed in the Southside so everything reminds me of him. I turned into the Trailer park and shuffled my way to my door but stopped in my tracks when I saw somebody stood there.
"Jughead?" I called out as I took a step forward.
"Hey, Y/N." Jughead waved sheepishly as I stepped passed him and unlocked my door.
"Fangs is at the Wyrm, he left an hour or so ago." I told him as I walked through the door and turned to see him.
"That's not why I'm here, I need to talk to you." He told me and I looked at him confused.
"Jug, I can't I'm...I..." I began, struggling to explain but I just couldn't get the words out.
"Five minutes. Please?" He begged and I nodded, letting him in and closing the door behind us. I put my phone and keys on the table and I sat down.
"So, what can I do for you Jughead?" I sighed, I wasn't ready to deal with any of the Jones men right now. I need time from both of them but apparently Jughead wasn't bothered.
"I need to ask you something." He told me and I nodded.
"Do you still love him?" He asked me and I looked it him, both shocked and confused.
"My dad, do you love him?"
"Jughead, this isn't approptiate, you need to go." I told him, standing up. I could feel the tears build in my eyes as he shook his head.
"No, Y/N, I need to know. Do you still love my dad?"
"Yes Jug, I do." I sighed giving up.
"Why do you love him?" I thought for a second, trying to think of the perfect reason but only on thing came to mind."
"Because...he's FP. He's himself."
"I don't understand?"
"Your dad has been nothing but himself with me, from the very beginning. He never lied to me, he never held back the truth because he didn't want to hurt me and he has never let me be anything but myself." I explained. 聽"I knew who he was when we started this thing and it never bothered me. In fact, he was the reason I stayed in Riverdale and took in Fangs after out parents left." I told him, my eyes stinging from the tears.
"I want another reason." he demanded calmly and I nodded.
"OK, well...he cares about you, he sorted his life out because of you and he asked for my help because he was too scared to ask you. He didn't want to let you down again, he never cared about what anybody thought about him except you and that's why I fell in love with him in the first place. I've never seen a man care about his kid so much. Especially in this town." I chuckled sadly as a lump formed in my throat.
"So you never cared he had kids?"
"I didn't care he was a dad no, only that he treated his kid right. With Jellybean, he didn't get chance to but you, he got better for you."
"Why else?"
"Jughead, please, stop, I can't anymore, it hurts to think about him." I sniffled sitting back down on the couch and wrapped my arms around my legs.
"I just need one more reason." He sighed as he sat my me. He grabbed my hand in his 聽comfortingly and I sighed.
"I just do Jughead. There are a million reasons why shouldn't I love FP but there are a million and one reasons why I do anyway. That isn't a good explanation, I know that but I just don't know how to tell you other wise. I love him Jug with everything I am and I have died everyday we've been apart." 聽I sniffled. "He makes me happy."
Jughead sat there for a second and the stood up, pulling me with him.
"Come with me." He demanded, I tried to resist but he just kept on going. He took out his phone and texted someone then he climbed on his bike.
"Come on, we need to go." He told me and I sighed, climbing on the back of his bike, knowing there was no point in arguing. I held on tight as he drove off, pulling up outside of the Wyrm.
"Jughead, what are we doing here?" I asked as I climbed of the bike. I had my back to the bar so when I heard the doors open and closed I paid no attention until I heard my name.
I stiffened at the sound of the voice. It sounded broken and rough but it was still unmistakable.
"Jughead?" I looked at the young boy who smiled sadly and then he turned me around to face FP. I saw Fangs and Sweet Pea stood in the doorway of the bar, both watching me.
"Dad, I'm sorry." Jughead started as he took a step forward. "I was wrong to force you hand. I was upset and angry. I...I'm sorry." Jughead began. FP kept his eyes on my as his son apologised.
"Look, I was worried that this relationship was going to end badly for you and that you would fall back into old habits and I wanted to protect you." Jughead continued. "I realised that Y/N is the reason you're doing so good. She's helped you all this time and kept you on track."
"Yeah, she's been a huge help." FP shrugged, still not taking his eyes of me.
"You love her, don't you." FP only nodded and Jughead smiled.
"Then, I need you to tell her. She needs to hear it."
"Dad, I'm telling you I'm OK now. This last month has been hard for you and I hate that I did this. So I want you to tell Y/N you love her. I want you to tell her all the reasons why you love her and I want you BOTH to realise how stupid I was and then be happy together." Jughead demanded before he walked off. I saw him, Sweets and Fangs walk inside and I looked back at FP.
"You look..."
"Cold?" I asked and he shook his head.
"A mess?"
"I was gonna say tiny. What happened?" He asked concerned as he stepped forward.
"I guess I've not been taking care of myself since we...ended things." I admitted.
"I'm sorry."
"It was a mutual break up Jones, You wanted to keep Jughead happy and I wanted you to be happy with Jughead." I reminded him.
"It been the worst month of my life." He admitted as he finally reached me and placed a hand on my cheek. I felt a couple drops of water fall from the sky but I ignored them.
"Trust me, I know." I smiled up, leaning into his hand.
"I love you Y/N, more than I've ever loved somebody before." He blurted out. I smiled up at him as the rain began to fall heavier.
"I love you too FP so god damn much."
"Do you think we should listen to the boy?" He asked as he stepped closer.
"He is a smart kid, that son of yours." I shrugged.
"Seems to be right a lot." FP chuckled as I leaned in closer.
"Has a lot of good ideas too."
"Exactly." Then his lips where on mine and it was like electricity coursed through us. Fireworks exploded and I got weak at the knees.
Kissing FP was everything I needed to feel myself again. It was as if every bad feeling I had felt this past month had washed away in the rain. I had missed this, so much and I didn't care who knew it. I loved FP Jones and I never wanted to be apart anymore.
"Wow," We both breathed as we pulled away from the kiss, wide grins on our faces.
I didn't say anything more, I just wrapped my arms around his waist and hugged him tight.
"Y/N, you need to get inside, you're gonna get ill." FP sighed as he kissed the top of my head.
"Just, give me a minute. I don't want to move just yet." I chuckled into his chest. I heard FP chuckled then he bent down and lifted me up, making me squeal a little.
"I'll just carry you in then."
I suddenly felt him moving and the the rain stopped as he walked into the bar. He placed me back down on my feet and I look around to see everybody was looking at the two of us. I hid my face in FP's chest as he pulled his jacket off.
"Here, take the hoodie off." He ordered and I did as I was told. I pulled the jacket and as FP was about to wrap his jacket around me Jughead called over.
"She might want to try this one." I turned around to see Toni stood by him, holding a jacket.
"Because it's yours." Jughead told me taking the jacket from Toni and walking over to me. "If you want it that is."
I looked around the bar to see everybody watching me. Fangs stood by Toni and Pea, smiling wide, nodding and giving me the thumbs up. Toni smiled and I turned to FP who shrugged.
"It's your choice babe." he smiled down at me and I nodded.
I grabbed the jacket and pulled it on as everybody in the bar cheered and I was handed a drink.
"Welcome to the family Y/N." Jughead smiled and hugged me. "and I don't just mean the Serpents." He whispered. I smiled as he pulled away and I turned to FP who grinned down at me.
"You look hot in a serpents jacket." he growled as he lent down and kissed my neck.
"Well, how bout we head back to my place, we can get a better look?" I offered and I saw a fire in FP's eyes that I had seen a million times before.
"God yes..Fangs, you can crash at my place tonight with Jughead!" FP called over to my brother then he grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the bar.
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reject-princess97 6 years ago
FP Jones 3 (Part 2)
"Last box!" I called out to FP as I picked it up and walked out to take one last look around my now compactly empty apartment. I used my one hand to turn the lights of and closed the door, locking it behind me.
"You got it?" FP asked as I walked outside and over to the pick up FP had drive down here to pickup my things.
"Yeah...wheres Jug?" I asked as I looked around only a spotted him stood at a hot dog cart, buying food. I laughed as shook my head as I placed the box in the truck and sighed.
"You know, I can;t wait to go home but I'm really gonna miss the city life." I told him as I lent my back against the truck, waiting for Jug to come over.
"Yeah, I can see why, It's so busy and everything's a mile a minute." FP noted as he stood next to me gabbing hold of my hand and entwining our fingers together.
"That's it, it's so busy and fast, it's gonna be nice to be able to walk down the street and not be thrown around." I joked resting my head. FP chuckled as he kissed the top of my head. Today was exactly two weeks since my graduation. Two weeks since FP proposed. That night we all went to dinner to celebrate and the next morning Alice, Betty, Polly and Jughead went home and FP, to my surprise, told me he would be staying with me until I could move home. I had to stick around for two weeks, to pack, say goodbye to my friends and wait out my lease and today was my last day in New York. I was finally going home and this time, I was staying. My residency started in October and since it was July, I had three month to get settled at home, accumulate myself to the small town life of Riverdale and spend time with my family, including the Serpents.
"I got you guys something to eat before we hit the road." Jughead said as he handed me and FP a hot dog each. Jughead arrived last night, jumping on the bus down here, because I didn't want to make that drive home myself so Jug is going to take FP's truck while FP rides with me.
"Thanks Juggie." I smiled taking it. I took a bite and moan in pleasure. "Oh yeah I'm am going to miss this." I spoke, my mouth full, making the boys laugh.
"My fiance everybody, ever the lady." FP joked his mouth was also full. which made me grin and I swallowed my food.
"She's was ment to be a Jones." Jughead stated as he climbed up on the front of the Truck. FP grabbed my food, handed it to Jug then lifted my up so I was sat on the hood of my car. He handed me my food back and sat next to me.
That's how we stayed for a bit, enjoying the food, which Jughead insisted we eat a bit more of and the soda he brought back the second trip back.
"OK, no more food, I'm full and I'm ready to hit the road. I spoke as I jumped of the car and adjusted my black skinny jeans and the red flannel I had stole from FP and wrapped around my waist. I picked up my Serpent jacket that I had removed while eating and flung it on over my black bra-let. I also had on a pair of black biker boots and a red beanie that matched the colour of my lipstick.
It felt to be dressed like me again, back in what I called my Serpent Style, something I never wore around New York because this is a place were people judge you before they know you and people judged me as an ex criminal, drug dealer. So I dressed a little more, conservative and acted like the rest of the stuck up kids who were just half-assing their way through the course, just to please mummy and daddy.
"Well, hello Dr Hot ass!" I heard a voice call and I smiled as I saw Sherri walking down the street towards us.
"Sherri Baby!" I laughed as I walked over and hugged her.
"Look at you, you Damn baby." Sherri noted as she stepped back to get a better look at me.
"Hey lady, eyes off of my woman!" FP called making Sherri and I laugh as he walked over and hugged Sherri. While FP was staying with me, he and Sherri grew closer and I know what you're all thinking, 'Y/N, why the hell would you let you fiance get close to another girl?' and usually I wouldn't, I'm easily jealous and extremely protective of my man, you would to if FP was your man but Sherri is gay, like really gay, she's never been with a man and doesn't plan on it, so I was OK with there friendship, honestly it was like a bromance at this point.
"Sorry Jones, I'm making it my life's mission to turn her." Sherri shot back. FP and I laughed while Jug stood there, watching.
"You make it sound like you're trying to turn her into a vampire." Jug joked. "I'm gonna head of, I'll see you guys at home." He interrupted. He hugged FP and I then left us with Sherri.
"So, you're heading home?" Sherri smiled and I nodded.
"Yeah, I'm gonna miss you." I smiled as I hugged her.
"I'm gonna miss you singing to me." Sherri joked as she pulled away. "One more time, for road?" 聽She pouted and I shook my head.
"nah uh, not happening." I stated. I watched as Sherri batted her eyelashes and stuck her lip out.
"No." I insisted but then she did the unthinkable. She let a tear fall down her cheek and I broke. "Fine." I groaned.
"Wow, you're good." FP high fived my best friend who smirked at me.
"The tear get's her every time." She explained.
"You suck, both of you." I huffed.
"Just do it." She told me and I rolled my eyes
"Get your phone out Jones, this if gonna be a treat my best friend insisted. I rolled my eyes again and then began singing the Frankie Valli Song 'Sherry'
"Sherry baby
Sherry baby
Sherry can you come out tonight
Sherry baby
Sherry can you come out tonight
To my twist party
Where the bright moon shines
We'll dance the night away
I'm gonna make you mine"
"Woooooow, yeah...encore, encore." Sherri called as she and FP clapped. I laughed and bowed before a took a beep breath.
"Sher (like Cher) I gotta go." I told her, a lump in my throat.
"I'm gonna miss you Smithy." She sighed and we hugged. "I'll see you at the wedding right?" She asked, making me laugh.
"Bitch, you're gonna be stood up there with me." I cried. "You're gonna come visit too."
"Of course I will." She agreed, "God, I feel like a teenager saying goodbye to her high school friends."
"Yeah, well, I don't know what I'm gonna do without you." I smiled.
"Fall apart."
I love you Sher."
"Love you too Smithy."
With that FP and I hugged her once last time then climbed in the car and driving away. My best friend and my home for the last 8 years grow smaller and smaller in the side mirror.
"Hey, you OK?" FP asked as he placed a hand on my thigh, keeping his eyes on the road, only looking at me briefly.
"I'm going home, where my family is, where you are and I'm about to start the biggest adventure of my life. Marrying the man I love." I listed as I looked over at him, taking his hand in mine and entwining our fingers. "I'm so much more than OK."
"I love you, you know that right?"
"Well, I damn well hope so, you're about to be stuck with me forever." I joked. "If you're having second thoughts, speak now of forever hold your peace."
When he said nothing and chuckled I moved closer and rest my head against his shoulder.
"I can't wait till we get home." I smiled as I closed my eyes and fell asleep.
*A While Later*
When I woke up, my head still on FP's shoulder, I saw that it was getting darker and I looked around to see we were still driving.
"Morning sleeping beauty." FP smiled as I sat up.
"Hey, did I sleep long?" I asked and he shrugged,
"a couple hours." He told me and I nodded.
"Are we almost home?" I asked and he smiled, pointing out of the window.
"You tell me."
I looked out of the window and let out a quiet, excited squeal as I saw the 'WELCOME TO RIVERDALE' sign just up a head.
"Home!" I sighed happily as I saw houses rush passed us.
"What do you say to a 'Welcome home' Burger and shake at Pop's before we head home?" He offered as he turned a corner.
"I say, life would be hell for you if we didn't." I grinned. I watched as FP grinned and nodded to in front of us. I followed his gaze and gasped at the sight of me. There, in front of Pop's was a huge group of people as cheering and waving flashlights at us as we drive closer. A huge 'WELCOME HOME DR Y/N!' and 'Congratulations FP and Y/N!' hung above the door and I saw three girls stood on the roof, each matching the other.
As FP pulled up we could hear music and when I climbed out of the car I heard Everything I do by Bryan Adams being sung, my all time favourite song. I saw everybody I knew from both the north and Southside all stood outside of Pop's all cheering and whooping.
"What is going on?" I laughed over at FP and moved closer. I spotted Alice and Betty in the crowd and I waved.
"We wanted to give you welcome home party and where better then your favourite place on earth." Alice called over as she walked closer.
"This is amazing Alice, thank you." I smiled.
"I'd like to take the credit, but this wasn't my idea." She told me. I smiled and I turned to FP who just shrugged and shook his head.
"Then who?"
"What, you think I'd let my soon-to-be step mum return home with out a proper welcome did you?" I heard a voice say and I looked around to see Jughead step in front of everyone.
"you did this?" I asked shocked.
"It was my idea but Betty and Alice helped me put it all together." he informed me.
"Why?" I asked curious.
"Because, I see the way my dad is around you and how much he loves you and I want you to know, even when you started dating my dad ten years ago, I always so you as family and I figured, this would be a good way to show you how much you mean to me."
"oh, jug, you mean a lot to me too." I smiled, a tear falling from my eye.
"I haven't had my mum around for a long time now and I need you to know that just because my mum wasn't around, I always felt like I had a mum to take care of me." He continued, "A mum who would sit on the phone with me for hours while I did my homework. A mum who offered to leave school to come take care of me when my dad was locked up and most importantly, a mum, I get to look up to and say 'You seem her, right there, yeah, the doctor taking care of that sick kid. That's my mum." Jughead smiled. I sniffled as tears ran down my face and I walked over and pulled him into a hug. "I love you mum, thank you for taking care of me and making my dad so happy." He whispered, making me cry again.
"I love you too Juggie." I cried happily.
"You, that was so sweet, I might cry myself." I heard FP say as he watched from where we stood, I motioned him over and he wrapped his arms around Jughead and I.
"I have a real family." I heard Jughead mumble and I looked up at FP who smiled, tears in his eyes.
"OK, Jug, I love you and I am not going anywhere but I think we're keeping everybody from the party so how about you and I grab breakfast tomorrow and we get this party started?" I asked chuckling, pulling from the hug.
"Sounds good." He grinned and he wiped a tear and ran off to Betty.
"That was..." I began but FP interrupted.
"Unexpected and emotional?" he offered and I nodded.
"I dread to think how he's gonna say at our wedding." I joked and FP laughed.
"Well, as my best man he better have something nice to say."
"Remind me the day before, to buy a hell of a lot of waterproof mascara." I chuckled as I watched the mass of people all laugh and talk as music played and food was being cooked on a BBQ.
The rest of the night was spent with FP by my side, catching up with everybody I hadn't realised I had missed until now. A lot of people congratulated me on my doctorate, some congratulated FP and I on the engagement but most, if not all told me they were just happy I was home and if I'm to be completely was I.
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reject-princess97 6 years ago
FP Jones Imagine (3)
I sat at the table of my one bedroom apartment, starring at the letter that sat in front of me. This letter was what was to determine my future as a doctor. I mean sure, graduation wasn't for another couple hours and I will be awarded my doctorate, but this letter was what I had spent the last eight years of my life working for. I took a deep breath and turned the letter in my fingers.
"Come on Y/N, it's just a letter. That's going to tell you weather or not you can return home after being away for so long." I told myself.
I left Riverdale 8 years ago to attend NYU then NYU Medical school where I was to graduate in less than three hours and in my hand sat a letter from Riverdale General, telling me weather or not I would be starting my residency there in the fall or not.
Now, don't get me wrong, I would be thrilled working at some of the places I had already been accepted into but working at Riverdale General meant I could move back home, I could be with my family on the Southside, The Serpents. I would be able to be with my older sister Alice and her girls Betty and Polly but mostly I'd get to go home to my boyfriend of ten years FP and FINALLY be able to build our life together, something we both agreed to put off until I was finished with school.
"OK, on the count of three, I'm going to open it." I told my self. "Or I'm gonna have myself admitted into Riverdale General for talking to myself."
I picked up my letter opener, I held it to the envelope and I took a deep breath.
A knock at the door made me jump as I dropped my letter opener at my table. I stood up, and straightened my dress, a simple black one shoulder dress hugged my curves perfectly and I padded bare foot to my front door. Passing the million boxes that had been packed ready for my move to, where ever I'm going to end up. I passed my Serpent jacket hung by the door and opened my frond door wide to see a sight that shocked me completely. There in front of my stood FP Jones, in a shirt, dress pants and a tie. He still had his Serpent jacket on but he looked so smart.
"Holy fuck!" I gasped as I took in the sight in front on me. This was not something I was used to, FP wasn't a suit and tie guy, he was a jeans, flannel and leather jacket kind of guy and this, right here, was so much more than I could comprehend.
"Well, hello to you too." My boyfriend grinned.
"What...what are you doing here?" I asked, still stood in shock.
"You didn't think we'd miss your big day did you?" He asked.
"We?" I asked confused and he moved a side and winked as three more faces came into view. Jughead Jones, FP's son and My niece's Betty and Polly Cooper. Betty and Jug both wearing their jackets too.
Then a face I wouldn't have ever thought I would see at my graduation appeared beside Betty. Alice Cooper. My sister, Alice Cooper.
"A..Alice?"I asked in disbelief.
"Hey, baby sister." She smiled as she stepped forward and pulled me into a hug.
"I'm dreaming, right, you guys aren't really here. I know because Alice Cooper said she would NEVER forgive me for choosing the Serpents over her?" I questioned as I stepped aside to let them all into my apartment.
"Nope, I'm really here." She smiled. "And it's Alice Smith now."
"Yeah?" I asked.
"I'm sorry, I didn't want to hurt you. I don't want to fight anymore. I want to be sisters again. Can you forgive me and we can start over?"
"I forgave you years ago Ally." I smiled as I pulled her into a hug and pulled away.
"WAIT!" I yelled as I turned to see FP stood in my apartment, grinning wide.
"There it is!" he laughed as he held his arms out and I dove at him, kissing him roughly.
"Guy's, there are kids in the room." Jughead called out. I laughed as I pulled away and turned to my niece.
"Polly, Lizzy, my girls!" I squealed as I pulled them both into a long hug. "I've missed you guys."
"We missed you Aunt Y/N." Polly smiled.
"Yeah, when was the last time you were home?" Betty asked as she pulled away.
"About three months." I smiled. "I'm so happy you're all here." I smiled at my family.
"We're all happy to be here." Jug assured me.
"You look great baby." FP called as he pointed at my outfit. I looked down and laughed as I shrugged.
"What can I say, I like to leave things to the very last second." I joked.
"Come on Y/N, we'll help you finish getting ready, FP, you and"Alice ordered as she grabbed my hand and pulled my into my room.
"We'll run and grab some coffee's!" FP shouted and we left them.
"Good god, look at this mess." Polly chuckled as she moved some clothes off of my bed.
"Yeah, I couldn't decide what I wanted to wear so I had everything out." I shrugged.
"OK, so hair?" Alice asked as she cleared a space on my dresser.
"Curled and down, I have to put a cap on and it would be nice to let my hair down for once while I'm on campus." I chuckled as I plugged my curling iron in.
"Make up?" Polly asked as she grabbed my make up bag.
"Classic. Smoky eyes, bold red lips."
"As I remember, that was a signature look for you back home." Alice smiled as she picked up the curling iron and began fixing my hair.
"Yeah, well, I had to tone down my 'Serpent' style while I was here. Not a lot, just enough to be taken seriously in the classes." I smiled up at her in the mirror.
"What about shoes and accessories?" Betty asked from behind us.
"Black stilettos in the closet and I have some jewellery in my dresser draws you can pick from." I called over to her.
I sat quiet for a while while my sister and my nieces dressed me and told me all about what I had missed while I was away from home.
"OH MY GOD!" I shouted as the Polly and Alice finished my hair and make up. I stood up and ran out.
"What? What's wrong?" Alice called as she and the girls followed me out of the room as I ran into my dining area and grabbed the letter.
"What's going on?" FP asked panicked as he came into the room. Jughead too.
I looked up at my family and then I opened the letter and read it out loud.
"Dear Miss Smith,
Thank you for applying for our paediatric and family medical residency....We are pleased to inform you your application as been reviewed and we are happy to offer you a place with us this fall." I read, getting louder as I read. "OH MY GOD! I GOT IT!"
"Got what?" My sister asked.
"A residency." FP answered. "Somewhere good I assume." He smiled at me. I looked up at my family with tears in my eyes and nodded.
"Best place I could possibly imagine." I grinned as I held out the letter and carefully wiped the tears from my face. Thank god Polly had the sense to use waterproof eye makeup.
"You've got a residency at Riv...Riverdale General Hospital!" Alice read. I smiled wide as I nodded.
"Holy shit!"
"I'm coming home." I cried as I was pulled into a huge group hug. "I'm coming home FINALLY!"
After about twenty more minutes of basking in my news the six of us decided we should set of to the NYU campus so we grabbed everything we needed and walked out. I grabbed my Serpent Jacket on my way out.
"You're gonna wear your jacket to your Med school graduation?" Betty chuckled as I slipped it on.
"What, and let you losers show me up on my big day by looking better than me...I think not." I smiled.
"OK, so, there are six of us and two cars." Alice pointed out.
"Who's with who?"
"Juggie, you and Lizzy take my car." I smiled as I chucked him my keys but FP caught them and handed him his instead.
"Lizzy?" Jughead asked looking at Betty confused.
"It's something Y/N has called me ever since I was a baby." Betty explained as she grabbed his hand and pulled him towards FP's car.
"I'll go with mom." Polly smiled as she and Alice walked off.
"That leaves me with you." FP grinned as he held my car keys up. I nodded and smiled as I reached for them but he moved them out of the way.
"Wow, not so fast baby, you gotta trade." He smirked as he grabbed my hip and pulled me closer.
"Oh yeah?" I smirked as I lent up closer.
"Yeah." He mumbled. I let my lips graze his and quickly grabbed the keys why he was distracted. I pulled away laughing as I walked of to my car.
"That's just wrong!" FP called as he ran behind me and grabbed my hand.
"Tough luck baby." I smiled as I reached my car. I climbed in the drivers side and FP sat shotgun as I stuck the key in the ignition and turned it, my car roaring to life.
The ride to the campus was short and quite. I let the radio play as we drove and FP rest his hand on my thigh, a smiled smile on his face as we pulled up.
"Wow, it's big." He gushed as I parked.
"ha, that's what she said." I 聽yelled as I turned my car off and climbed out, leaving FP chuckling.
"You're graduating medical school and an hour and you're making 'that's what she said' jokes?" My man chuckled, shaking his head is I walked over to meet him.
"Damn straight." I giggled.
"Honestly, I'm in love with an childish genius." FP sighed as he looked down at me and moved a piece of hair from my face.
"And I'm in love with a big lovable biker idiot." I shrugged. As I rest my hands on his chest "We all have our weaknesses."
"Yeah, and you're mine." He grinned as he smashed his lips to mine, in a heated but passionate kiss. He pushed my back up against my car and I let my hands slid under his jacket and onto his hips.
"Oi, loser, put that smoking hot dude down and grab your shit!" I heard a voice call. I chuckled and turned to find my best friend Sherri (like sherry the drink) standing holding a white box.
"Sherri baby!" I yelled. FP moved away and I grabbed his hand, leading him to meet Sherri.
"Sher, (Cher) this is FP." I smiled.
"Oh, the boyfriend." Sherri nodded as she looked him up and down. "I approve." She nodded.
"Babe, this is Sherri, my motivation while stuck in the hell hole."
"It's nice to meet you Sherri."
"Hey, there you are." I heard Jughead call as he and the three girls walked over.
"Oh, more people." Sherri smiled as she introduced herself.
"OK, Ladies, extremely hot gentleman..." Sherri began but I elbowed her in the ribs and she let out a loud laugh. "I'm going to steal this beautiful rebel away from you to go be given a piece of paper, if you just follow the crowd of...the most boring people I've ever seen in my life and you'll find some seats." Sherri instructed as she grabbed my hand. I kissed FP quick, handed him my jacket and waved to my family before I allowed Sherri hand me the white box and help me pull on the black robe and tassel cap. We then walked hand in hand to where the rest of the students were stood.
"So, you gonna tell me where the hell you've been hiding him?" Sherri asked as we waited for the ceremony to start.
"I haven't been hiding, he's been in Riverdale with his kid." I laughed.
"How the hell did you manage to lock that down for ten years without being in the same state most of the time?" She asked unbelieving.
"We made it work. He visited and stayed with me when I was in school and I spent our breaks back home in Riverdale." I shrugged.
"Well, I like him. Extremely hot, like her could turn me straight." she joked, making me laugh. "So, what's with the matching jackets?"
I looked at her confused, then I remembered, I never spoke about home much. Not because I was hiding anything, I just missed home so much, I would always get upset so I just never mentioned it.
"Oh, that's...ermmm, The Southside Serpents." I smiled at her sheepishly.
"Southside who now?"
"It's sort of a biker gang in Riverdale, the Northside reckon we're all bad news and are full of drug dealing murderers but I promise you that's not the case. The Serpents are some of the most caring and loyal people you will ever meet." I explained.
"So all this time, I've been making jokes about to being the class rebel and you actually are a rebel biker chick?" She asked astounded.
"Pretty much." I shrugged. "That's amazing. I bet you can't wait to get back, for a little while anyway."
"yeah, but here's the best bit." I grinned at her. She looked over at me, eyebrow raised. "I got a letter in the mail this morning. From Riverdale General Hospital."
"You got the Residency?" She asked hopeful. I nodded and she let out a squeal as she hugged me. "Oh Smithy baby I'm so happy for you." She congratulated. "So, does this mean all that stuff you wanted with FP can finally happen?"
"Oh, god I hope so, I love him with all my heart and now that I'm home we can look at settling down and seeing what happens next." I hoped.
Pretty soon the ceremony started and I waited anxiously waited for my name to be called out. I got a peak at the audience as I waited behind the curtain and smiled when I saw my family waiting for me.
"Y/N Smith." I heard my name being called and I walked up to the stage, shook hands with the professors and I stopped, smiled and waved at my family who all cheered the loudest as didn't stop until I shot them a wink, stuck out my tongue and throw up the Rock horns, making them all laugh and cheer louder before I walked off the stage and took a seat.
The rest of the ceremony dragged but once it had finished I forced my way though the crowd until I spotted FP searching the crowd of faces.
"Looking for someone in-particular?" I asked as I reached him. He looked down at me and smiled at me.
"Only the girl of my dreams." He shrugged.
"Well, looking no farther hot stuff, she's right here." I smirked.
"What? Where?" He asked again looking around us. I gabbed him in the stomach making him let out a laugh as he lent down and kissed me, softly.
"I'm so proud of you baby." He informed me as he hugged me tight.
"Right, let's get the photos over and done with." I ordered as I pulled away and looked at my sister who already had her camera out. She smiled wide and nodded as she set us up how she wanted and the grabbed Sherri, who was close by with her family and asked her to shoot the photo. The order went as such, Group photo. Alice and I. Polly, Betty and I. FP, Jughead and I. Sherri and I. FP and I and then one last one with The four girls, Alice, Polly, Betty and I.
"Come, on, let's see it." Betty smiled as she rushed over and took my award off of me and took a look.
"Dr Y/N just doesn't sound right." Betty suggested as she looked over at Alice who nodded.
"I mean I'm not saying you should change your name...but you should change your name." Alice joked and I nodded.
"Oh, too what exactly?" I wondered.
"How about Jones?" Jughead asked. I looked at him a little shocked.
"Dr Y/N that sounds better. What do you think FP?" Betty asked as she closed the little folder the award came in and smiled at me wide. I saw Jughead and Alice had a camera on me and then Sherri look behind me, shocked. Confused, I turned around to see FP, knelt down on one knee smiling up and me and holding a ring. A big one too I might add.
"I think it sounds perfect. What do you think Y/N? Would you consider taking the plunge and becoming a Jones?" He asked as he took my hand.
"What the hell is happening right now?" I asked shocked. I heard the group laugh and I looked around to see we had gathered quite the crowd, all watching as FP chuckled and shook his head.
"For a genius doctor you're pretty slow babe, I'm asking you to marry me." He explained. "Look, Smith, we've been through a lot these last ten years, you've been living away for 8 of them and it hasn't been easy but we got through it. I was always planning on doing this today even if you wasn't moving back home because I would have followed you anywhere baby, you're my ride or die baby. Now with you coming back home to work things are just falling into place and I just want us to FINALLY start live out life together. So, Y/N Smith, will you be my ride or die forever. Will you marry me?"
I couldn't find the words, I just nodded as tears fell from my eyes and a lump grew in my throat. FP Slid the ring onto my finger and stood up, pulling me into his arms and kissing me hard as everybody around us clapped and cheered.
"FINALLY!!! MY DAD HAD THE BALLS TO PROPOSE!" Jughead yelled making everybody around us laughed including FP and I.
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reject-princess97 6 years ago
FP Jones imagine (2)
I was sat in a booth at Pop's diner Starring out of the window at my bike. It had been 17 years since I was last here. 17 years since I was happy and 17 years since I last saw my son and the love of my life.
"You OK there young lady?" Pop's asked as he came over.
"I'm OK thank you, I'm just watching the world go by." I smiled looking up at him. Pop's eyes widened for a second as he looked at me.
"Y/N Andrews, is that you?" He asked, a small, kind smiled on his face.
"In the flesh." I smiled up at him.
"Not seen you for a long time. How have you been?"
"Getting by." I shrugged.
"Well, it's good to have you back, What can I get you?"
"Burger, fried and one of you classic chocolate shakes?" I grinned.
"Coming up." he smiled as he turned to walk away but before he left he turned back and gave me a worried smile.
"The sheriff is here, just warning you." He told me before he walked away.
I shrugged and turned to see the Sheriff walking up to the diner, his hat hiding his face.
"Morning Pop's, can I get a coffee?" He spoke and my eyes widened. I knew that voice but it can't be. FP Jones wasn't the north side type.
Then my suspicions were confirmed when the Sheriff took of his hat and asked Pop's about the Strange bike parked outside.
Pop's nodded and pointed over to me. When FP looked my way his eyes widened and he froze. My eyes never left his as he walked towards me after gaining his composure.
"Hi." I asked looking up at the man I once loved.
"Y/N" he asked in disbelief
"What are you doing here?"
"I'm here to see my family." I told him. It wasn't a lie, I was here to see My brother and his nephew but mostly I wanted to see FP.
"It's been 17 years, why now?" He grumbled.
"I missed everybody, I'm finally able to come back into town so here I am." I explained. He sighed and took a seat.
I looked over at FP as he sat in front of me.
"So, how is he?" I asked him. It had been so long since I had seen my brother.
"He's fine, joined the Serpents while I was locked away."
"He did what?" I asked confused. "Why the hell would he do that?"
"Don't be so surprised, his old man is one, his mother was one..."
"Wait...who?" I asked confused. My dad was never a Serpent.
"The kid." FP snapped as if I had done something wrong. "Our son?" My eyes widened and I shook my head.
"We...FP, our son died, 17 years ago. Your wife killed him." I growled. FP watched me confused as tears ran down my face.
"What?" I asked, wiping the tears away.
"Our son is not dead, he was brought up by Gladys and I after you left us high and dry." FP snapped. I shook my head, standing up and walking out.
"No, you're lying." I called behind me. FP stood and followed behind me, he grabbed my arm and pulled me to face him.
"Why, what?" I asked, a lump in my throat.
"why did you leave us." He asked me. I stayed silent, still not being able to bring myself to explain.
"Please, Y/N, I loved you, I thought you loved me but I came home from the bar and you were gone, Gladys was..."
"Gladys told me to go." I told him. He let out a hard laugh and shook his head.
"Bullshit." He scoffed.
"You wanna know?" I asked and he nodded.
"You should come sit down then." I sighed as I grabbed FP's hand and lead him back into Pop's. We passed a group of kids, one seemed to look up at me, his red hear making him unrecognisable. That was Archie, my brothers kid, he had to be. His friends watched as FP and I walked passed hand in hand.
I sat him down on the booth I was sat previously and I sat opposite him.
"So?" He asked, I took a deep breath and looked down at my hands, I could already feel the tears welling up.
"OK, so, I was home, looking after...well, I was calming Forsythe, when I heard a noise outside. I put him down, in his crib and I went outside. I thought maybe it was you getting home so I grabbed my jacket and went outside but you weren't there so I looked around for a second and when I went back in I saw blood everywhere, Forsythe was gone and I saw Gladys sat in your chair, holding a bloodied knife." I cried, tears running down my face.
"Why?" he asked me. I shrugged, it took me a second before I could get anything else out.
"A couple weeks before hand she had told me to go, if I didn't leave she was going to kill my brother and our kid. I didn't believe her and I stayed. Anyway, she made a huge deal about how she had warned me and that if I didn't go she would take Archie next." I told him. "I had to go FP, I couldn't face you when you found out our son was dead and I couldn't be the reason Fred lost Archie." I cried, tears streaming down my face.
"So she wasn't lying?" He mumbled.
"What?" I asked confused.
"Before she left she told him that she wasn't his mum, I mean I knew that but we were supposed to keep it from him, she told him she ran his mother out of town when he was a baby but I didn't believe her. I thought she was just trying to make a point." He told me.
"She didn't kill him?" I asked, FP Shook his head then turned around.
"Hey, Boy, come over here a second!" He called, turning to face the group of kids in the booth beside us. I tall looking kid with raven hair and a grey worn out beanie nodded and walked over, sitting beside his dad.
"What's up?" He asked, he eyed me curiously as he spoke.
"Jughead, this is Y/N Andrew's" FP introduced. I looked over the kid.
"Fred Andrew's sister?" he asked and I nodded smiling, looking at him made my heart skip a beat. He was tall, like his dad, he had his dad's looks but he had eyes like mine. "Yeah, Archie told me about you, you were..." He began but I interrupted "Banished from the family for getting knocked up." 聽 "Yeah, you were Best friends with Alice cooper too right?" He wondered. I saw the kids behind him clearly listening in and I chuckled nodding. "She was Alice Smith back then but Yeah, how did you know that?" "Mrs Cooper had mentioned it to Betty and I. She said you disappeared not long after Betty was born." "Not that she cared, she was one of the many people who pushed me out of town" I told him. "My mum did that?" A blonde girl asked as she turned around to face the table. "You must be Betty?" I asked she nodded. Jug stood up and moved so the Betty could join us. "Well when you get knocked up by a Serpent, you get treated like one and in them days that was worse then being the local psychopath." I told her. My eyes never left Jughead for more than a second, he the same.
"You OK kid?" FP asked, noticing the looks between us both.
"That's her isn't it?" He asked his dad, still looking at me.
"Don't act like you weren't listening in boy." FP chuckled.
"were you telling the truth?" He asked, directing his attention to me.
"Every word." I nodded. "Who are you?" I asked him.
"Yeah I got that bit."
"My name is Forsythe Pendelton Jones III." he told me. My eyes widened and I shook my head vigorously.
"No, you're not," I told him.
I didn't him reply, I just stood up and made my way the door.
"He's telling the truth Y/N, he really is our kid." FP called, grabbing the attention of the rest of the diner.
"No, because that would mean I left my son behind and...and I wouldn't do that, I couldn't do that." I told him as I left.
*A couple hours later*
I spent my time driving around until I finally got up the courage to visit my brother for the first time is 17 years.
I walked up the path and knocked on the door. It took a couple seconds but the door opened and there, in front of me, stood my big brother. He seemed to recognised me almost immediately as his eyes widened and he grabbed me, pulling me into a hug.
"Y/N, what are you doing here?" Fred asked as he pulled me into the house, a strange look on his face.
"Hi, Freddy." I smiled sadly at him. "How you been?"
"Good, I missed you kid." He smiled happily. His eyes wondered around, looking nervous.
"He told you didn't he?" I asked, knowing FP would have called him the second I left. He nodded then gestured back to the kitchen where I saw the red head from before.
"Come on, I want you to meet your nephew." He told me as he pulled me into the kitchen where the red head sat, drinking a soda.
"Archie, this is Y/N."
"Yeah, she was with FP before." He smiled nodding as he stood up.
"You're a good looking kid." I smiled at him, "You get that from your mum." I joked, Archie laughed and nodded.
"Don't I know it." He chuckled nudging his dad. 聽
"So, you're my Aunt?" He asked. I nodded and sat down at the table.
"Yeah." I nodded.
"So...." My brother spoke up after a couple minutes of silence.
"Where you been?" he asked.
"Around, California mostly." I told him, looking down at my hands.
"I'm sorry Freddy, I had to go, I had..."
"I know kid, FP told me what happened." He assured me.
"You could have told us, or me at least." He offered but I shook my head.
"I couldn't, she told me if I told anybody why I left she'd kill you and Archie. She already killed my son, I could't lose you too." I explained, Fred looked a little surprised but Archie looked as through he was used to his life being threatened.
" Well, I thought she had killed him." I sighed.
"So is it true, is he really my kid?" I asked Fred who nodded.
"Yeah, FP came home the night you left and found Gladys sat in the trailer with Jug in her arms, she had a note the said you couldn't live there anymore and the you didn't want Jug and FP."
I nodded, sadly. If Fred was telling me this it most be the truth. He wouldn't lie to me about this. I looked over at Archie and smiled softly.
"So, what's he like, Jughead?" I asked him. Archie smiled a huge grin and shrugged.
"Juggy is my best friend. No body else like him." He told me, sitting by me. "He's a writer, he and Betty run the blue and gold, the newspaper at school."
"Yeah?" I asked surprised.
"A lot like you that kid." Fred added and I smiled.
"He's good at solving mysteries, we all solve the Jason Blossom murder case, the black hood case and the G'n'G case."
"Wow, do you guys even have a police crew down here?" I joked making Archie laughed. I noticed Fred had left us alone so we spoke for a while, Archie told me all about Jughead and the group, he told me about the rest of the town news and how FP was doing.
"...Jughead always thought he was missing someone you know. Like he had Gladys and Jellybean but FP wasn't happy with that." He told me.
"Yeah, I guess that was my fault." I sighed,
"Did you ever think about coming back?" He asked me. I sighed and shook my head.
"No, I couldn't, after I thought my son was dead I couldn't come back, it hurt to much." I explained. "That and If I came back I was putting you and you're dad in danger and I didn't want you two getting hurt." I explained.
I heard a knock at the door but ignored it, guessing Fred was gonna answer it, so I kept talking to Archie. 聽
"So why did you come back?" He asked me. "Not that I'm not glad you're here I just ment..."
"I know what you ment kid." I chuckled. "I got a letter, from Gladys, she told me she wasn't in Riverdale anymore and that there was somebody here who wanted to see me. I just assumed she met Fred...or FP." I shrugged.
That was when a figure came into view and in walked Jughead and Betty Cooper. I stood up, unable to speak and I turned ready to run, tears welling in my eyes.
"Stop!" Fred called. I froze in my place and I turned to face the group, the whole group watching me. I needed help in this situation and I was hoping Fred would step in.
"Freddy, help me?" I asked "I can;t do this on my own." I added and he nodded.
"Archie, take Betty to the garage." Fred ordered. Betty refused to move and I looked over at her as she glared at me. I let out a slight chuckle as Jughead gestured for her to leave. She nodded, kissed his head and followed Archie out the back door.
"She's sweet." I smiled sadly. Fred nodded and chuckled.
"Like her mother when we were that age." He told me. My eyes landed on Jughead and I watched as he watched me.
"Freddy, what do I do?" I asked, my eyes never leaving Jughead.
"Talk to him." he shrugged. "Jug, you wanna say something." Jughead nodded but stayed quiet.
"So....Archie tells me you like to write?" I asked. Jug nodded. I moved to sit back at the table, next to where Fred was stood.
"I wrote a book." I told him. He seemed to snap out of his frozen state.
"Yeah?" he asked seeming to be interested.
"Yeah, I wrote it a little while after I left. I dedicated it to you and your dad." I told him.
"She really told you I was dead?" He changed the subject. I nodded and let out a sigh.
"Look, kid, when I saw the blood in the crib and Gladys holding the knife, my world stopped. I couldn't even comprehend what she was saying, my mind was just stuck on what I thought was my baby's blood until she told me to leave." It was quiet for a second. Then I finished my explanation.
"I loved you and your dad, I still do and if I had known you were alive I would never have left."
"I'm sorry." He sighed.
"What for, it wasn't you're fault, I just had to do what I could to keep the people I lived safe." I explained, "You know it never occurred to me that she was lying and that you were still alive."
"Well, she was kinda twisted like that." He told me.
"You're telling me, we are the same age and we went to school together. She was crazy back then."
"I don't blame you you know?" Jughead told me, grabbing my hand in his. "You were lied to and you thought I was dead."
"Thanks." I smiled.
"So, are you back, for good?" He asked and I shrugged. "Because It'd be really cool if I got to know my mum." He smiled.
"I'd really like it too." A voice caught me of guard. I looked up to see FP stood by the door and Fred was gone.
"When did you get here?" Jughead asked, I looked up at the man who shrugged.
"About the time She told you she loved us." he smirked. I looked up at him and he winked.
"You suck." I told him as he laughed. 聽
"So, you gonna stay?" FP asked. I shrugged and nodded.
"I think I would. As long as you want me here that is.
"I have no objections." FP smiled. "Jughead?"
"I want to know you....What do I call you?" He asked looking between his dad and I. I shrugged
"Whatever you want I guess."
"Mum?" My eyes widened and I felt my heart skip a beat. I nodded.
"That's gonna take some getting used to huh?" I asked.
"You're telling me." Jughead chuckled.
"FP, Jughead, you guys staying for dinner?" Fred asked as he entered the room. The boys nodded and I smiled.
"You don't get a choice sis. You are staying here." He told me.
"Where am I going to stay?" I asked "You live in a two bedroom house Freddy."
"We have a spare room." Jughead spoke up. "Betty usually stays in my room anyway and..."
"You're welcome to it Y/N." FP added.
"You sure?" I asked.
"I have no objections, Jelly might be a little..."
"Jellybean lives in the basement anyway, she can stay down there is she doesn't like it." Jughead joked as he stood up.
"Great, so, where do you guys live?" I asked. FP and Fred looked at each other and then back at me smiling.
"We live next door." Jughead smiled as he walked out of the room, I'm assuming to tell Betty and Archie about my new living arrangements. . I let out a surprised laugh.
"FP Jones, living in the Northside, the sheriff of Riverdale and not longer the Serpent king, what the hell happened?" I laughed.
"I grew up." He smirked, walking over and sitting by my side.
"Well, I'm just gonna have to fix that." I smiled at him nudging his shoulder with mine making him let out a chuckle.
I let my mind wonder a little, thinking how happy I was gonna be here with Fred, Archie, Jughead and FP.
"What's on your mind?" Fred asked pulling me from my thoughts.
"Just glad to be back home"
"It's good to have you back."
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reject-princess97 6 years ago
Spencer Reid 2 (Part 2)
*2 Months Later*
"Listen to me Penelope Garcia, if my husband is not wearing his sneakers as I walk down the Isle tomorrow then I can tell you now, I will turn back around and this second wedding will not happen." I huffed, once again, as Penny tired to convince Reid to wear a pair of black dress shoes tomorrow.
"But, Y/N, it's not wedding appropriate for the groom to wear converse 聽as they get married." She tried.
"Penny, we have been through this, when Spencer and I got married he had on his black pants, a white shirt and a black tie." I told her, for what felt like the 100th time. "I had on a pair of jeans and one of Spencer's hoodies and you do know what we both wore?" I asked her pulling out a box from under the table and handed it to her.
"Converse?" She sighed as she looked in the box.
"Exactly." I smiled. "If you look at that pile over there, you'll see enough pares for so Spencer, Morgan, Henry Jack and Hotch will all match." I told her, her eyes widened a little in surprise and smiled.
"OK, fine, they can wear the stupid converse, now, what will you be wearing?" She asked.
"I will be wearing what ever the hell you tell me to because I am the bride and I HAVE to be uncomfortable on my big day." I smiled sarcastically. She let out a laugh and nodded.
"OK, I'm going Reid, you best get going to Morgans." She smiled. Reid nodded and rose from his seat.
"I'll see you tomorrow Y/N." He smiled as he kissed me softly.
"Yeah, I'll be the one falling down the isle." I joked, he let out a chuckle as he and Penny picked up the five boxes of shoes and left, leaving me alone so I quickly climbed into bed and read for a while until I fell asleep.
*The Next Morning*
At around 8:30 am the next morning my house turned in to a mad house, Garcia turned up and began making sure we had everything right for the ceremony.
JJ turned up at around 9am and by 11 am I had my hair and make up was done, so while Penny and JJ got ready I text Spencer, secretly of course.
The Husband: So, is she Freaking out yet?
Mrs Reid: Of course
The Husband: I'm sorry
Mrs Reid: Don't worry about it, In a couple hours I'll be standing by your side, saying I do...again.
The Husband: Can't wait
Mrs Reid: 2 hours until I can see you smiling down at me.
The Husband: 2 hours till I can kiss you
Mrs Reid: I love you, so much
The Husband: I Love You too Beautiful
"Y/N Reid, what are you doing smiling at?" JJ asked as she sat next to me, My phone buzzed again and I saw a photo from Morgan.
Agent M: *Photo*
Agent M: We're ready when you are Geek Girl.
Geek Girl: Doesn't look it 馃槀馃槀
Agent M: Well, nearly ready
"OK Y/N, it's time for your dress." Garcia squealed. I smiled, shook my head and set my phone down.
I changed into my dress, with help from the girls and smiled at JJ who handed me my flowers. The dress was white, obviously, with a lacey off the shoulder top and a white puffy bottom that came to just under my knees.
"Ermm, PG, I need shoes" I told her as I kicked my feet out as though to prove my point.
"Oh, I got you covered girl wonder." She grinned as she handed me a shoe box. "Your shoes for the day." She smiled.
I opened the box to find a pair of brand new red converse and I let out a squeal.
"Seriously?" I asked sitting down on my couch and put the shoes on.
"Yeah, you and Reid both made the point they you wanted to be comfortable and I knew converse are a big thing for you and the boy wonder," she told me. "Besides, I don't think I've ever seen you in a pair of heeled shoes and I can't imagine you in them either." She told me.
"That's true." I nodded.
"Plus JJ told me you needed to have them today, they were what makes you, you and we love you." Garcia added.
"Well, thank you both." I smiled.
JJ and PG both changed into their own dresses while I sat, trying not to throw up.
"You OK?" JJ asked as she walked over and grabbed her flowers.
"Trying not to throw up." I shrugged.
"Just nerves, you'll do fine." PG called over. JJ eyed me as I nodded, Knowing what was up anyway.
"Are you ready to do this...again?" JJ asked.
"I am." I smiled simply.
There was a knock at the door and in walked Rossi.
"My dear, you look absolutely radiant." He smiled as leaned in an kissed me cheek.
"Thank you Rossi." I smiled, "You don't look to bad yourself."
"Well ladies, shall we?" He asked, we all nodded and followed after him and into his car. the ride was filled with an excited chatter until Rossi pulled up outside the venue.
"Y/N Reid, let's go get you married." Penny smiled as we climbed out of the car.
"I'm already married." I reminded her.
"Not in my eyes you're not." She sassed, coursing Rossi, JJ and I to laugh.
"Let's do this." I smiled at her as a set of doors opened and the sound of Bette Midler- Wind Beneath my Wings, played and JJ and Penny walked in, followed by Rossi and I.
"The venue looked amazing, all covered in lights top to bottom, flowers lined the isle and there, stood at the alter, stood Spencer, my husband. When he looked up his eyes locked with mine and he smiled widened. I smiled back, raising my eyebrows up and down and he sent me a wink, making me chuckled quietly.
I won't go into the whole wedding ordeal, it was pretty basic, we said our vows, we exchanged rings and we said I do, pretty standard. The party however..that was when things got interesting, apparently all night, Morgan had been sneaking Spencer drinks so by 10 my husband was drunk and was spilling all out secrets.
"Once, Y/N and I did it in the shower and we fell over." Spencer giggled to JJ who burst out laughing as I sat down on a seat. I had insisted Spencer go out side for some fresh air and JJ had offered to join us.
"Spencer Reid, stop telling everyone all the places we've had sex!" I yelled at him but he just laughed and lent in, and whispered something in JJ's ear who then looked up wide eyed and shocked.
"What did he tell you this time, the men's room, the bullpen, the beach?" i asked suddenly worried.
"No, non of them, wait, the bullpen?" She asked surprised.
"What, Spencer can be quite the horn dog when the mood strikes." I shrugged pointing at my drunk husband who sat down on the chair next to me and rested his head on my shoulder.
"Wait, that's not the point, you're pregnant?" she asked. I turned my head to look at Spencer and shook my head.
"JJ please, don't say anything yet, if people find out now it will only spark rumours that Spencer and I only got married because I'm pregnant." I told her, "That and it's still early days yet so we don't want it getting out." I explained and she nodded but pulled me into a hug, the best she cold.
"I'm so happy for you both. I know Spencer has wanted to a dad for so long and.." She gushed and I nodded.
"I know, he almost was last year but I lost the baby, that's why we're not telling people yet." I explained, sending a sad smiled to my husband who shuffled in the seat and rest his head on my lap.
"Oh, I'm sorry Y/N, I know what it's like to lose a baby." JJ spoke quietly. I smiled down at Spencer who lay there as I brushed my fingers though his hair.
"It was a shock, I didn't even know I was pregnant until the doctor told me I'd lost it. It still kinda sucked thought."
"Well, this is you're second chance, you and Spencer will be great parents." JJ smiled, "So, how far along are you?" She asked me.
"Ten weeks." Spencer answered from his spot on my lap. I looked down a little and smiled.
"I'm only just starting to show so it's been easy hiding it." I added.
"She's been wearing bigger clothes and stealing my sweaters, you know to hide it." Spencer continued. "But no one really paid much attention to it."
"We all just figured she was stealing your clothes for the fun off it, you know, I do it all the time with Wills clothes." JJ shrugged. She went quiet for a second before she looked back at me. "Come to think of it, I haven't seen you with a glass of wine all night."
"Mostly drinking Coke and water." I told her. "If anybody asked I'd tell them Rum and Coke and water in between."
"But I've seen people buying you drinks all night?" JJ wondered.
"Spencer's been replacing them with Coke, he's been keeping an eye on me all night. Well until now." I chuckled as I pointed to my husband who was still lead on my lap, looking up and watching me.
"I'm fine, I'm sobering up a bit now." He chuckled as he took my hand in his and held it to his chest.
"Honestly, I'm not surprised you got this bad. You've been drinking my drinks all night and then I seen Morgan slipping up drinks all night."
"And Garcia." JJ added.
"He's a good husband." I laughed as he sat up, still holding onto my hand.
"He really is." JJ added. "Well, I'm going to go find my husband and children, it's time to get them both home. I see you guys in the morning for coffee, right?" She asked as she stood up.
"Yeah, for sure, I think this one is gonna need it." I chuckled as I stood up and hugged JJ.
She said her goodbyes to Spencer then left inside leaving Spencer and I alone.
"You doing OK, baby?" I asked him as he sat back down.
"I'm doing fine, baby, you feeling OK, are you tired, sick..."
"I'm going fine, but I'm ready to go home." I smiled as I placed my hand on his cheek.
"How about one more dance before we head home?" Spencer offered and I nodded, I grabbed a hold of his hand and lead him inside where I shared one last dance with my husband before we headed home where I fell asleep in Spencer's arms, his hands resting on my baby bump as we dreamt the night away.
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reject-princess97 6 years ago
Spencer Reid 2 (Part 1)
I awoke to a feeling of soft hands stroking from my cheek down my arm to my hand.
"Y/N baby, you gotta get up, we have work soon." Spencer whispered in my ear. I smiled up at him softly as I opened my eyes to see him smiling down at me.
"Morning wife." He smiled looked down at me.
"Morning husband." I grinned as I stretched my arms to the side of me.
"I've left you a towel and fresh underwear in the bathroom for after your shower. Your new cardigan, the one you bought in Vegas this weekend, is hung on the back of the door." 聽Spencer informed me as he handed me a glass of water.
"You're really getting off to a great start in our marriage huh?" I chuckled as I climbed out of bed ad drank the water.
"Well, we did only get married on Saturday. We've only been married 36 hours and I would hate for you to change your mind so soon after marrying me." He joked as he pulled out a clean sweater vest and tie.
"I would never leave you Dr Reid, my little heart couldn't take it." I played along as I walked over and pecked his cheek before walking to the bathroom to grab my shower.
My shower was peaceful, my thoughts consisted mostly of how on Thursday, I was just plain old Y/F/N Y/L/N, Spencer was my loving boyfriend who I worked with in the FBI. On Friday he proposed in Vegas, on a trip to see is mother. Then on Saturday, I we stood at an alter in a small 24 hour chapel in Vegas, in front of a wedding officiant, a few other couples waiting to marry and Spencer's mother, who was the reason we married so soon.
After my shower I dried my hair, pulled it into a high pony tail, I did my make up which looked as natural as possible except a little colour to on my lips, a bright red. I then changed into a pair of black skinny jeans, a white shirt and a black skinny tie. I then pulled on my red cardigan I had Spencer had set out for me. I slipped on my black converse and walked to the living room where I found Spencer making coffee.
"Spencer?" I called over to him as I grabbed my bag and slipped a couple files inside.
"Yes Wife." He grinned back over to me.
"Should I wear my glasses or contacts today?" I asked as I attached my gun to my belt and put my badge in my back pocket.
Spencer turned and walked over, passing me my coffee and kissing my head.
"Honestly babe, wear whatever you feel comfortable in, but I do love it when you wear your glasses." U chuckled as he grabbed his own bag.
"Glasses it is then." I smiled as I slid my glasses up my face and smiled at my grinning husband who watched. "Now, let's go." I ordered. I grabbed my bad and slung it over my shoulder and picked up my book.
"Come my little book worm." he joked as he grabbed my hand and pulled me out the door.
The drive to work was spent how it usually was, my reading my book out loud to Spencer who mouthed along with what I was saying. I had messed up a few times and this worried Spencer a little as I was usually an excellent reader. He placed his hand over my knee and I stopped.
"Are you OK?" he asked, taking his eyes off the road briefly to look at me.
"I'm fine Spence, just a little worried about how they team will react to our...weekend activities." I smiled at him as I placed the book on my lap.
"The team will be happy for us...well except maybe Garcia." He chuckled.
"Oh, yeah, she's gonna kill us." I predicted, my face serious except for the hint of a smile.
"Oh, yeah of course." He agreed as he pulled into the parking lot of our building and shutting off the car. "Listen, 38 hours of marriage, we had a good run, I love you and if there really is an after life, I'll see you around." He smirked.
"you joke about it know, but when she goes all psycho killer on us, I blame you." I told him as he turned to face me. He only chuckled as he lint over, kissed my lips and then climbed out of the car.
"OK, well, Dr Reid, are you ready to introduce the team to your wife?" I asked him as I walked around the car to meet him.
"Yes Mrs Reid, I am." He smiled, taking my hand and leading me into the elevator which will take us to the right floor.
In case you haven't figured it out yet, our wedding was so spare of the moment that we hadn't told our team, who are our very close friends and I was a little nervous about telling them, because what if they didn't understand and got upset. As we got closer my nerves got worse and Spencer knew it too.
"Hey, listen, if they get upset and angry then hey, who cares, as long as we're both happy." He smiled, tightening his grip on my hands a little before bringing our hands to his lips, placing a soft kiss. "We just go in there and act as if nothing is different, if and when somebody notices we'll explain." He offered and I nodded smiling up at him.
"You're so smart, who would have thought I'd marry someone so smart." I joked as we exited the elevator on to our floor.
"I did, now I have to go grab some more coffee, you want?" He asked as he held the door to the bull pen open.#
"No thank you, but some water would be great." I smiled, he nodded and made his way to the break room while I took his and my bag to our desks.
Once at my desk, I switched my computer on, took off my badge and gun and placed them in my top desk draw, then I pulled out a framed photo of the team and I, a small plush unicorn I had gotten from Henry on my last birthday and my very fuzzy purple pen, given to me by Penelope. I placed them all on my desk. I closed the top draw and pulled open the bottom draw and pulled out three jars, each filled with a different candy and my case files from a previous case i needed to finish.
"You know, that morning routine of yours is getting longer and longer." I girlish voice spoke, making me jump a little. I looked up to see Penelope Garcia, my quirky BFF.
"Penny G, my ever amazing queen of quirky, how was your weekend?" I asked as I finished placing my last few items out on my desk.
I listened as she went into a detailed account of her latest date, while I sorted my desk. I reached over and put my purple pen in the correct pen pot, the one closest to Penny. That was when she stopped mid sentence and gasped. I looked up to see what was wrong but her eyes were fixed on my hand in front of her, still holding the pen.
"Penny?" I asked as she grabbed my hand, making me drop my pen and pulled it closer to her face.
"What's this?" I asked as she pointed at my hand that held my beautiful silver diamond ring and a simple silver wedding band.
"A ring." I squeaked out.
"There's two rings on this finger." She pointed out and I nodded, suddenly shy
"I know."
"So that means...." She began but I interrupted her and nodded. "You got married?"
"When?" She asked finally allowing my hand back.
"On Saturday, Spencer proposed and we figured why wait, we went to a chapel with his mum and we go married." I told her, my eyes fixed on her face, trying to gauge her reaction. To my surprise she let out a squeal and pulled me in to a hug.
"I can not believe this!" She squealed loudly.
"What can't we believe this morning baby girl?" The voice of Derek Morgan interrupted Penelope's squealing. He placed his things on his desk and wondered over.
"Well take a look at Y/N and see if you notice anything." She smiled pointing at me.
Morgan nodded and quickly turned his attention on me for what seemed like a while before he shrugged.
"I don't see anything different." He stated.
"What's going on?" I heard JJ ask as she appeared next to Penny.
"Something's up with Y/N and I have to figure out whats it is but I don't see anything different." Morgan explained a little stressed out with the situation. I looked over at JJ and smiled, making a point to straighten my tie with my left hand, JJ smiled and she too let out an excited squeal.
"No way!" She screeched.
"What way?" Morgan asked clearly confused.
"When?" JJ asked ignoring Morgan who continued watching.
"Saturday, but he asked me on Friday night at dinner with his mum." I grinned .
"Will somebody tell me what the hell is going on!" Morgan yelled clearly frustrated, as Spencer walked up behind me and placed a bottle of water on my desk and placed his hand on my shoulder.
I grabbed his hand with my left, making it very clear as I hinted to Morgan who's eyes widened as he FINALLY caught sight of the silver rings that sat on Spencer and I's hands.
"You guys got married?" He blurted out making everyone laugh.
"Woah, nothing gets passed you huh Morgan?" I teased as I shook my head.
"So, this happened this weekend?" He asked and I nodded, "So you guys just decided to get married?"
"Not exactly, Spencer Proposed on Friday at dinner and on Saturday we started talking and Spence said the wedding would have to be soon because he wanted his mum there and with her getting sicker we figured why wait..." I explained and Spencer picked up where I left off.
"We talked it over and decided we'd get married in Vegas. so we signed mum out of the hospital for a few hours and we drove to a small chapel and we said 'I do', now I get to spend my life with this amazing woman." Spencer smiled as he kissed the top of my head. "After we took mum out for dinner and the next morning we flew home." He finished.
"I'm really happy for you both, honestly, I am, I just wish we could have been there." JJ smiled as she hugged Spencer and I.
"Well, that's good because you can." Spencer grinned at out team who just looked at him like he was crazy.
"How, did you finally invent a time machine so we can all go back and pretty boy?" Morgan joked.
"No, we just figured, I still want the whole big white wedding with friends and family, so we married in Vegas with Spencer's mum and we're gonna do it all properly with all of you guys because who else would we want to celebrate this huge mile stone with." I told them and they all let out a cheer.
"And you want me to plan it...I'm on it!" PG interrupted making is all laugh.
"We wasn't gonna ask you that, but if you want to plan our wedding, you do you Penny G." I chuckled.
"Yassssss!" Penny cheered. Rossi and Hotch came wondering over, a little confused.
"So what's got Garcia all happy this morning?" Rossi asked as they reached us.
"Well, Y/N and Spence got married this weekend." JJ answered. Rossi let out a low chuckled and smiled over at Reid and I.
"Yeah, we sorta got married in Vegas." I smiled.
"Well congratulations my dear." Rossi grinned as he pulled me into a hug.
"Thanks Rossi."
"But, there going to do the whole 'big white wedding' with us and get this, I get to plan it." Garcia clapped happily as she kissed both Reid and I's cheek before she ran off.
"Well, that sound's great." Hotch added. 鈥渁nd congratulations you two." He smiled. "Now, everyone, get to work." He chuckled before walking off, Rossi following behind him.
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reject-princess97 6 years ago
James McVey Imagine
I gabbed my bag and keys before making my way out of my flat and then out of the building into the streets on the cold British night. I pulled my coat tighter around me as I made my way to the train station. Although it was cold It was a nice, clear, stars shining bright kind of night. It was only 8pm and my train doesn't leave until 9:30 so I had plenty of time so I took a nice, peaceful walk to the train station which was only a ten minute walk from where I lived.
I set off, my suitcase trailing behind me, my handbag hung by over my shoulder and my sneaker treading along the floor. I hummed along a song I had stuck in my head, 5 colours in her hair by Mcfly.
I was about fine minutes away from the station when I heard someone call my name. I turned around only to find nobody there so I carried on walking.
It was a few seconds later when I heard my name again. I turned around and this time I saw my Ex boyfriend Danny. I turned away and tried to ignore him but he grabbed a hold of my wrist.
"Where you going Y/N?" He asked. I blanked him and tried to pull away only for him to pull back and his hand was suddenly across my cheek.
I felt tears fill my eyes as the sting on my cheek worsened as he forced my too look at him.
"I asked you a question bitch!" He growled as he pushed me down.
I stumbled to get back up but he grabbed my arm and pulled me close. He grabbed my bag and hit me again.
I stood up and, make a grab for my bag but he only laughed as I fell forward. He grabbed me and threw my bag at his friend as he pulled me close and kissed, hard. I lifted my knee to make contact with his "area" and I ran, not worrying about my bags as I legged it.
I ran into a near by car park that was filled with buses and I ran over to that first bus I was and began banging at the door, calling for help until the doors opened. I fell to the floor, sick and panicked over what happened, when I heard someone speak. I turned to see James McVey of The Vamps
"Hey, are you OK?" He asked I nodded and looked around me, fear taking over.
"I..I..I was attacked by my Ex and his friends and I..." I broke down and he quickly moving to help me stand.
"Okay, come on in." He offered and I nodded, following him in and sitting at the table, James explained to the boys what was going on and they ll nodded understanding.
"OK, well, Brad will make you some tea, Con, go find Joe and Tris..."
"I'll call the police." Tristan interrupted grabbing his phone and walking out of the bus.
"I'll sit here with you if that's OK?" James smiled sitting across from me. I nodded and smiled at him.
"Sure, I don't mind" I smiled sadly.
"Here, you can borrow my jacket, you look freezing." He said as he pulled his hoodie off of himself and wrapped it around me.
"Thanks." I smiled again. I heard the door of the bus open and I walked another man, I was assuming he was Joe and my assumptions was confirmed when he introduced himself.
"Hi, I'm Joe, do you want to tell me what happened?" He asked as he sat down next to me.
"Sure, well, I was on my way yo the train station to get the train to my parents house in Blackpool, I'm taking my little sister to a concert Friday night, your concert actually. Anyway I was on my way to the station when I was jumped by my EX and his friends. They took my bag and case that has everything in it, my keys, my phone, my money and ticket for the train." I told them
"The police are on the way." Conor told us entering the room again.
Here, your tea." Brad smiled softly at me as he handed me to cup. I let out a sigh as I took a sip, trying to keep calm. Then I remembered something.
"OH, sisters gonna kill me" I blurted out.
"What's up?" James asked concerned.
"The tickets to the show, they were in the bag...she's gonna hate me."
Y/N, you'll be fine." James tried to reassure me.
"No, you don't understand, Danny, my EX used to be really controlling. I missed Christmas because of him and it broke mt sisters heart that I wasn't there. I got her the tickets as a way to say sorry and I promised her the best Christmas present I could find, there was at least 拢300 in that bag for band merch and stuff oh god, I'm gonna have to disappoint her again. Oh God, I'm the worst sister ever." I cried.
"Hey, it's OK, listen, We can sort out the tickets the show and we can give your sister a bag of merch." Joe smiled at me. "In fact, I'll get the boys to sign a birthday card for her." He offered.
"You don't have to do that, I can handle her." I smiled at him.
"No it's fine and I'll tell you what. After you've spoken to the police, you can hitch a ride with us. Like you said, we've got a show in Blackpool anyways so we'll get you to Blackpool safe." James offered.
"Are you sure?" I asked.
"Absolutely, we don't leave until tomorrow though." Brad added.
"It's OK, ill call my sister and...oh right, no phone." I sighed.
"You could go back to your place after the police have been, call your mum and grab some clothes then you can come back to the bus." Tristan told me.
"OK, sure." I nodded,
"Great, I'll sort you out a car for you to go home and back."
"Can someone come with me, I don't wanna go alone?" I asked,
"I'll go with her!" James spoke us and Joe nodded
"OK, fine, but you'll have an hour, OK?" He informed us and James and I nodded.
I jumped a little when I heard a knock,
"Guys there are some policemen here." A voice shouted from outside the bus. Joe stood and opened the doors and the boys all followed
"We'll leave you here to speak to the police alone and we'll be back as soon as they leave." James told me and I nodded.
An hour later the police had left and James and I were at my home, I packed some clothes in a bag and then grabbed my landline and dialled my mums number.
"Hi, mum it's me."
"Y/N what's wrong, why are you calling me on you're landline? Wheres your phone." my mum asked.
"Something happened with Danny..." I began but was cut off by my mother,
"I know it, you're not coming, you do this every time." She yelled at me.
"Mum, I'm still coming, Danny and his friends...."
"I don't want to hear it!" She snapped at me, cutting me off. "This is exactly like Christmas and..."
"Mum, on Christmas day I was laid in a hospital, barely able to open my eyes." I yelled at her
"Yes, well, you dated that woman beater, you should face the....."
"We had broken up by then, you know what I'm not doing this again, I have to go. see you tomorrow." I sighed as I hung up. I spotted James leaning against the door frame.
"Sorry 'bout that, my mum seems to think everything is my fault." I smiled apologetically.
"Don't worry about it, it's not your fault though, he's a bad person." He smiled softly.
"I know." I nodded.
"Come on, let's go, I urm, need to stop at a shop, I gotta get my sister another Birthday card." I smiled grabbing my bag.
"Come then."
We headed back to the car and stopped at a shop where I picked up a birthday card, James picked one up and told me it was for the boys to sigh then we headed back to the Bus.
"So what's your sisters name?" James asked as we sat in the car.
"Amy." I told him.
"Cool, Amy is lucky to have a sister like you." He smiled.
"Yeah, I guess." I laughed back.
"OK, well, you can take my bunk tonight, I'll sleep on the couch." He offered.
"Thanks but I doubt I'll sleep much tonight anyway."
"Well, I'll stay with you until you do." James smiled as we pulled up at the bus.
"Thanks." I grinned.
*The next morning*
The bus left the car park the next morning while I was sleeping so when I woke up I saw the a motor way flash by the window as I sat up from the couch and looked outside. I jumped when I heard a voice call my name and I smiled when I saw Joe stood by the door.
"We'll be arriving in a hour and I need your address, the boys are wanting to drop you off at home and will not take no as an answer." He laughed, handing be a cup filled with coffee. I thanked him and gave him my address. He nodded and walked off, the boys walking in soon after.
"Hey, how are you guys?" I asked sitting up taking a sip of my coffee.
"We should be asking you that." Brad smiled sitting by me, James on my other side handing be a plate with a bacon sandwich on it.
"Yeah, you had a hell of a night, how are you?" James smiled.
"Oh, I'm fine. honestly, it's not the first time its happened, if fact I've been through worse." I sighed, I looked at the boys and they all smiled a sad smile before Connor turned the TV on, Harry Potter filling the room. My attention was taken away from the boys as I turned my attention to the TV. I love Harry Potter, the movies and the books.
"You're a fan of Harry Potter then?" James whispered in my ear, I nodded and smiled up at him.
"Seen all the film, read all the books and for my 16th my mum and dad took my sister and I to Harry Potter world, she bought me a load of stuff from there and she told me that I was crazy when I refused to wear a gryffindor hoodie because I wanted Hufflepuff instead." I told him, smiling at my memory before my smile fell. "A year later I met Danny and he set it on fire a year or so after we met. burned all my Harry Potter stuff because he said it was kids stuff." I told him, not being able to stop confessing about my past.
"Oh, I'm sorry, I'll tell you what, your next birthday you're 21 right?" He asked and I nodded. "Well, for your 21st, I'll take you to Universal studios where they have a bigger, more exciting Harry Potter world and I'll make sure you get every Hufflepuff product there is." He smiled and I nodded, not believing him,
"Yeah, sure!" I laughed, "Then we can spend the week at Disney land too." I muttered sarcastically but he just smiled and nodded.
"Now you're talking." He said a bit louder, coursing all the boys to look are way.
"What are you too whispering about?" Con asked smirking at James who throw a pillow at him.
"Y/N and I are planning a trip to Disney and Universal for her birthday." James smiled slinging his arm over my shoulder. "You boys in?" He asked and each of the boys all laughed and nodded.
Before I had a chance to speak up the bus came to a stop and I looked to see I was outside of my house. I laughed as I saw my mum and sister walk out of the house, looking at the bus confused. I stood up and ran to the doors, the boys following.
"Hey!" I called as the doors opened and I came face to face with my little sister.
"Y/N?" My mum asked confused as I climbed of the bus. I smiled and hugged my sister but she let out a scream making me jump a mile high moving back. I looked to see she was staring at the bus and when I turned James and Joe where stood behind me, Con, Brad and Tris walking off the bus one by one.
"Amy, these are my friends, Tris, Con, Brad and James." I smiled introducing them as they waved. James stepped forward and handed her an envelope and she just smiled in awe. She opened it an screamed as she held up two back stage passes.
"Holy crap, These are back stage passes, and a card from the vamps how did...when did...." She stuttered looking at me and I explained about the tickets and what happened with Danny and how the boys helped me out.
"Well, thank you boys for your help with Y/N, but this is not necessary, she does this all the time, she uses Danny as an excuse and..." My mum started but was interrupted by Joe's phone. He mumbled a few words and hung up, turning to me and smiling.
"The police have Danny, he had your bag on him when they picked him up, everything was still inside except you're phone and the money" He told me, I nodded and shrugged having already guessed he would find the money and phone.
"Well, it's a good job we picked this up then huh?" James pipe up handing me a box, I opened the box to see a new Samsung inside. "We sent Dean to grab it this morning before we set off, while you were asleep I set it up best I could." I looked up at them wide eyed and shook my head passing it back.
"Nope, I can't accept this, you guys have done enough." I told him but he smiled and shook his head.
"Y/N, you need a phone, besides, how are we going to plan our trip if you don't have a phone?" He smiled winking, I still shook my head and held it out to him.
"I'm not taking it back, you'll have to catch me first." He yelled running off down the street, leaving the boys and I laughing at his childishness.
"I don't run!" I yell back smiling as I picked up the phone from the box and pressed the home button, laughing at the lock screen wallpaper.
"wow, how attractive!" I laughed looking at the screen, A selfie of James, pulling a funny face.
"One of my best don't you think?" He asked running up behind me, resting his head on my shoulder.
"What the hell is going on?" My mum asked looking at James and I being so close and I looked up at her.
"They bought me a phone, were you not paying attention?" I asked rolling my eyes at her.
My mother and I never got along, my little sister was her obvious favourite, she hated when I moved away because her little cleaning slave had left the house and she had to do it all herself. I never hated my sister, in fact I felt bad for her, she wants to live a life with adventure and fun, but instead my mother shoves her in every dance class she can find.
"Enough of the sass young lady, you're not coming in my house with an attitude like that." she told me, I laughed and turned to her.
"Oh mother, I'm not coming in that house. I have a hotel booked, Amy is coming with me tonight and on Saturday I will be leaving back home." I told. she let out a huff and turned and walked off, leaving my sister and I laughing. I turned back to the boys who chuckled at my and I grinned a wide grin.
"OK, Y/N we gotta go, but I'll text you later OK?" James smiled pulling me into a hug and placing a small kiss on the top of my head.
"See you later Y/N" Con smiled hugging me next, then came Brad and Tris who both lifted me of my feet making me squeal a little.
"See you at the show." Joe laughed as I hugged him and waved at the boys as they climbed on 聽the bus.
"Thank you for everything boys. I owe you my life." I smiled and the boys all laughed.
"We'll just settle for your friendship." Brad called back "Well Tris, Con and I will, James might want a little more!"he finished, James smacked his head laughing, sending a wink my way and I laughed back as the doors closed and the bus drove off, the boys all stood waving at the back window.
"Well, that was....AWESOME!" My sister yelled jumping up and down holding her birthday card to her chest smiling bright.
"Yeah, they were great." I smiled, my gaze following the bus until it disappeared. "I sense the beginning of a great friendship." I smiled throwing my arm over Amy's shoulder.
"I sense the beginning of a beautiful marriage." She smirked nudging me side laughing.
"Right shut up and go get your crap. I need to check into our room." I told her pushing her towards the door. That was when my phone buzzed in my pocket.
James: How about we go out for Pizza after the show, me and you, get to know each other.
I smiled at the text and text him back a quick: I'd like that.
Before I called for a cab so when Amy came out so we could head to the hotel.
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reject-princess97 6 years ago
Peter Parker X O.C
"Thea!" I heard my aunt Pepper call me. I sat up on my bed and turned to my bedroom door open.
"Thea, there you are, I need a favour." Pepper asked and I nodded,
"Sure, what can I do?" I asked sitting up. I was still sat in my PJ's, Netflix playing as I spoke.
"I need you to take a group around the tower, I've got no interns free and they arrive in an hour, can you do it?" She asked.
"Yeah, sure I can." I smiled, she grinned and walked over to me and kissed my forehead.
"Thank you, you are a lifesaver." She gushed.
"I'm an avenger it's kinda in the job description." I joked standing up and walking to my closet to change.
"It's the truth." Pepper laughed. "OK, so the group will meet you at reception. The group are to see the museum, R&D labs and the training area." Pepper informed me.
"Got it." I smiled "Do I gotta dress smart?" I asked I look of worry in my face.
"Wear what you want, just be comfortable." She told me, Her phone buzzed and she looked down. "I gotta go, thanks again, Thea, I owe you one." She looked up at me, smiled then left.
I changed into 聽Pair of black skinny jeans, a white t-shirt and a black leather jacked. I added a pair of wedged sneakers and a silver arrow necklace from my dad. I let my copper coloured hair full to it's natural curly mess and added a pair of spider earring.
I left my bedroom and walked into the dining room where O found my mum (Nat) and dad (Clint) arguing over who ate the last pop tart.
"Is it too late to triad 聽you guys in for parents who are less like children?" I called over their fighting which stopped as soon as they heard my voice.
"Rude." My dad huffed grabbing a spoon off the counter and threw it at me. I grinned as I caught and threw it back when he turned back to my mum.
"Is it too late to take my name of the adoption papers or exchange her for a kid that's less like her mother and more like me?" Dad asked Mum who shook her head and laughed.
"No, I like this one, besides you have other children, just make then your minions." She shrugged.
(I should probably explain the dysfunctional family dynamic I got going no here. My parents, Natasha Romanoff and Clint Barton, adopted me when I was a new born baby after she found me in a lab where some guys where pumping me full of chemicals that ended up giving me a certain advantage, I was...a different person when I'm overwhelmed with emotions. Much like Uncle Bruce and The Hulk, I become this thing that is controlled by her emotions. I've mostly gotten it under control but occasionally I'll go 'Code Blue' and my mum has to calm me down, which is near impossible.
Nat wanted a kid so bad, but couldn't have one so when she found me she took me in and after a while Clint offered to Co-sign adoption papers. His wife agreed to this and while Clint lives with his wife and kids on a secret farm, I live here, in Stark Tower, with my mum, uncle Bruce, uncle Steve, uncle Bucky, my 'sister' Wanda and my aunt Pepper and uncle who pays for everything. So here we are standing in the tower kitchen, arguing over pop tarts and throwing cutlery.)
"Morning 袦邪谢械薪褜泻邪锟斤拷 褋褌褉械谢邪 (Little Arrow), You sleep Okay?" My mum asked as she handed me a plate of toast and a soda."
"Yeah, listen, Pepper asked if I could give a tour to a group of students, so training will have to wait till later." I informed her taking a bite of my food.
"It's fine, she told me on her way to look for you." Mum shrugged,
"So, who's the group?" Dad asked.
"I'm not sure yet, I will find out when I get down to reception, speaking of which. Gotta Scram," I told them as I left my dirty dish in the sink, kissed both my parents on the cheek, grabbed my security pass and left, heading to the elevator.
"Good morning Little Arrow, where too?" F.R.I.D.A.Y asked as I stepped in the elevator.
"Ground floor please FRIDAY." I told her. A minute or so later the doors opened to the ground floor of Stark tower.
I walked over to the reception , grabbed the security badges for the group and walked over to the waiting area and sat down waiting and texting my boyfriend Peter Parker. My head shot up when I heard a deep voice speak to the receptionist.
"Hello, we're here for the tour of the tower." His voice boomed. I walked over as I saw the receptionist point in my direction. I reached the group and smiled.
"Hi, Midtown Tech right?" I asked, glancing down at the name on the papers the receptionist gave me earlier.
"Yes." The said, looking down at me. "And you are?"
"I'm Thea Romnnoff, I'm your tour guide today." I smiled as I pointed to my security pass, pinned to my top.
"Aren't you a little young to be an intern here?" He asked, looking down at me sceptically.
"Yes, yes I am, which is why I don't Work here, I love here." I told him.
"I'm sorry but I think..."
"Look teach, my mum and I live upstairs, Pepper Potts in my aunt and she asked me this morning if I would give the tour, because who better to give a tour of the tower than somebody who has been into every room in the building." I told him.
"Yes, but..." He began again.
"Look, there are no other interns available to give the tour, I'm all you got, so if my age bothers you, feel free to leave and arrange another another visit, however that could be a while." I told him. He let out a sigh and nodded before turning to his class.
"Class, this is miss Romanoff, she will be giving us the tour, so please, do your best to behave." He told them. "Miss Romanoff, over to you." I nodded and watched as the kids all looked towards me.
"OK, listen up guys, I'm Thea Romanoff, call me Thea, not Miss Romanoff. You do that, we'll get along great." I smiled at them. "I'm obliged to tell you, there are Avengers living in ST so there will be some around. If we do spot any we'll do a quick Q&A before moving on." I told them. I pulled a few passes out of the box and handed then to the teacher to give out as I explained.
"OK, so your teacher is coming round with your security passes. Keep these in sight at all times, our head of security is a real pain in the butt about them." I told them I I handed out a few others I had left.
"Thanks Thea!" I heard Happy call.
"You got it Hap!" I called back, chuckling.
"OK, so security get into the building we'll pass through a security scanner which will call out your names and security passes." I told them as we began walking slowly. "The levels are simple:
*Level A- Avengers and Tony's personal intern, he needs the Pass level A to go where Stark does. *Level F- for family and friends of the Avengers, *Level I-Intern, *Level S-Staff members not working in the labs, *and level V- visitors like yourselves. Now does anybody have any questions?" I asked as we stopped at the security scanners.
"Yeah, Parker, Jones and Leeds don;t have passes." I tall, snobby looking kids yells. my head snapped up at the sound of the familiar names and sure enough, stood at the back of the group stood my best friend MJ, My boyfriends best friend Ned Leeds and my boyfriend Peter Parker, who stood, trying to hide behind Ned and MJ. I chuckled as MJ waved, a wide grin on her face.
"They have passes already,." I told him.
"What how, who did you have to pay to get them Penis." The kid called back to Peter. I froze and turned slowly to face him.
"What did you just call him?"
"Nothing, look I just want to know why those three losers have a pass to Stark Tower is all." He shrugged.
"MJ and Ned happen to be my friends, and Pete is my UNCLE Tony's intern, now I suggest you shush before you get kicked out of the building." I told him.
"Now, pretty simple, scan the Pass and you go through." I scanned my pass and walked through as FRIDAY spoke up.
"Thea Romanoff: Pass level A. Hello again Little Arrow." FRIDAY called.
"Hey FRI."
"OK, You, kid who thinks is all first." I scowled at him. He gulped a little but stepped forward and scanned his pass.
"Eugene Thompson: Pass level V" FRIDAY called out. The rest of the Class followed suit, chatting as they stood on the other side of the scanners waiting for the rest of the class. The class became quiet when MJ walked through.
"Michelle Jones: Pass level F. Welcome to hell MJ." 聽FRIDAY said, MJ and I burst out laughing, the rest of the class watched confused. Next was Ned's turn.
"Edward Leeds: Pass Level F. Welcome Back Ted." Ned's head shot to me as I let out a laugh again.
"Sorry Teddy, Tin Can and I were playing with FRIDAY's personal greetings and...Sorry." I told him, he shook his head and chuckled walking over to where MJ and I stood. Last was Peter who's eyes flickered to me, a small smile on his face.
"She's gonna give me weird greeting too right?" He asked me but I shot him a wink and smiled as he stepped forward.
"Peter Parker: Pass Level A, Good morning Bambi." FRIDAY called out, Pete shot me a look,
"Hey, that one was all Tin Can 屑谢邪写械薪械褑 (Baby) " I told him, raising my hands in surrender,
"Yeah, I'm sure it was 屑芯泄 屑邪谢械薪褜泻懈泄 谢褍褔薪懈泻 (My Little Archer)"
"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT!" The kid, Eugene, called to us.
"What?" Peter asked confused.
"You spoke another language." The teacher spoke up shocked.
"Yeah, Russian, why's that a problem?" I asked him.
"It's not, I just never heard him speak Russian, I didn't know his could." Peters teacher answered.
"That's mostly for my benefit, when he's here we speak Russian. it annoys my dad and uncle." I explained, before he could answer FRIDAY spoke.
"Bambi, Boss man and Thea will be made aware of your arrival." FRIDAY told him as my phone buzzed. I looked to see FRIDAY had sent me a text telling me Peter was in the building.
"OK, let's go to the R&D labs shall we.
An hour later as we were exiting the R&D labs after having a little mess around with a few robotic components and heading towards the dinning area for lunch when I noticed Peter stiffen. I stopped and shushed everybody.
"Everybody shush!" I called out. I listened, quietly and looked up, just in time to see my dad jump out of the vents above me. I hit the floor, rolled and grabbed my knife I kept in my pocket. throwing it to him. He caught it and smiled wide. I stood up, wide eyed and I let my anger take over.
"袩邪锌邪, 褔褌芯, 褔械褉褌 胁芯蟹褜屑懈, 薪械 褌邪泻 褋 褌芯斜芯泄? (Dad, what the hell is wrong with you?)" I yelled, walking over and grabbing my knife back off of him.
"English, Thea." My dad chuckled.
"I'm trying to keep you and mini Stark on your toes." my dad shrugged, I was about to make a sarcastic and sassy remark however my uncle Bruce came walking out of the elevator looking panicked.
"I head yelling in Russian, who hurt my goddaughter?" He asked, looking around. I turned and pointed at me dad and he visibly calmed down.
"What happened?"
"He jumped out of the vent, he tried to kill me." I told Bruce.
"Just trying to keep her on her toes." My dad shrugged.
"You risked a code Green, to keep Thea on her toes?2 My uncle asked, exasperated.
"She need's to be in a state of total awareness at all times." My dad argued back.
"Ah, Unagi" Peter called from the back of the group. I let out a laugh, obviously getting the Friends reference, before turning to Uncle Bruce.
"Hey, I'm OK, no need for a code green." I smiled as he hugged me. "Now, you up to answering some questions from the group?" I ask him. He nodded and the questions for my dad and Uncle began.
I took this opportunity to sneak to the back of the group here Peter was stood, watching me.
"Hey, hot stuff." I smiled as I stood by him.
"You OK?" He asked as he wrapped an arm around my shoulder. I nodded and rested my head on his shoulder for a second.
"He, only did that because Mr Stark told him I was here with the group." Peter reassured me.
"Please, my dad would have done the same thing if I was on my own, or with a group of business men and women, is an idiot who likes to scare me." I told him.
"Yeah, well one of these days he'll get his ass beat." He laughed.
"True." I smiled up at him. "So, why didn't you tell me you were in the school group today?" I asked him. He looked down and shrugged.
"They didn't tell us where we were going, just to get on the bus."
"What and you didn't recognise the route the bus was taking?"
"I wasn't paying much attention to where the bus was going, because I spent the whole bus ride texting my girlfriend, my attention was else where." He chuckled as he tightened his grip and kissed the top of my head.
"Right, yeah, sorry." I laughed as I laughed as I looked up at him. I stood quietly for a couple minutes until I left him alone to go get on with the tour.
"OK, thanks uncle Bruce, Dad." I smiled. "OK, guys, we're going to make our way down the Lunch room, if you wanna follow me." I instructed them as I lead them to the elevator. once everyone was in FRIDAY spoke up.
"Hello Little Arrow, where to?"
"Floor 3 please." I asked and within seconds the elevator was moving. It was quiet until a low, booming voice called my name.
"Yes, Anthony?" I asked my uncle.
"Are you and Pete joining us for lunch?"
"No, we'll eat in the cafeteria with the group, thanks." I answered
"Cool, I'll send some food down for you both, Ted and MJ too, Capsicle made too much." He informed me, then there was quiet as everybody looked at me.
"What?" I asked them
"Did Mr Stark just call you Theodora?" Peter asked, a smirk on his face.
"Yeah, his did, it's my name." I told him. "If you even think of calling me Theodora, I will end your life...painfully." I glared at him. He chuckled and then the door to the elevator opened we all exited.
I continued to the cafeteria with the group then let them split up. I sat at a table. marked with fore plates and a piece of paper with 'THEODORA' written across it.
"That men needs to update his will, and quickly." I huffed as I sat down. MJ and Ned laughed, while Peter kept his eyes a table closer to us. The table that the Flash kid was sitting at. Seconds later I saw a piece of paper fly towards Peter however I caught it before it hit him.
I unrolled the paper and saw he had a message written on it. Be black letters,
Penis Parker, who did you have to screw to get this internship, I'm so much smarter than you loser. P.S that girl, Thea, she's pretty hot, to hot to know you.
"That's it, I'm gonna kill the fucker." I growled and stood up.
"Mr Thompson!" The teacher called. I walked over to the table Flash was sat at and smiled sweetly.
"Hi boys." I grinned. "I just wanted to come over for a quick chat."
"Oh, yeah, you finally had enough with the loser club?" One of Flash's goons asked.
"No, I'm good with the Loser Club, hell I started the loser club. No, I have a little problem."
"What would that be sweet heart?" Flash asked.
"Well, Sweetheart, you, dick for brains, keep antagonising me by bullying my boyfriend." I said as I pointed at him the at Peter.
"So what, he has to send his girlfriend to fight for him?" He laughed.
"No, in about two seconds he's gonna come over her, say something in Russian then try drag me away to stop me from killing you." I told him
"Bullshit" Flash laughed. I smirked and sat back.
"3..2..1" Right on que, Peter came walking over placed a hand on my shoulder.
"袦邪谢械薪褜泻懈泄 袗褉褔械褉, 褍褋锌芯泻芯泄褋褟, 褟 胁 锌芯褉褟写泻械, 懈 芯薪 薪械 褋褌芯懈褌 褌芯谐芯 (Little Archer, calm down, I'm fine, and he's not worth it)" He whispered in my ear. I locked my glare on Flash, no longer smiling.
"You seriously think she's going to protect you Penis?" Flash asked Peter.
"Call him Penis again and you'll see." I growled.
"Thea Romanoff!" Peter scolded. I kept my gaze on Flash.
"You need to calm down right now." He told me. He walked tot he where Flash was sat and pushed in out the way.
I watched Peter as starred at me, then his eyes widened and he pulled out something, then everything was blue.
"Nat, we got a code blue!" Pete called into the object, his phone.
My eyes fixed on Flash who watched confused and scarred as he starred into my now Blue eyes. By now everybody was watching until the sound of FRIDAY began ringing in the air.
"Can all personal please make there way out of the Cafeteria, we have a code blue, I repeat code blue."
Everybody began leaving, but my eyes glued to Flash. He looked around but as he began to move I dove for him, screaming as I did. Then I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist. Flash looked over my head surprised.
"Seriously kid, you gotta go!" He heard Bucky Barns yell from behind me. My eyes followed Flash as he exited the room then my eyes fixated on Peter.
*Peter's point of view*
I watched as her eyes landed on me, her once grey eyes, a bright, luminous blue, the chemicals in her body reacting to her emotions. I stood still, knowing that if I made any movements to calm her, the way I usually do, she would snap even more. She was so far gone, only Wanda's mind whammy could fix her now. I watched Cap, who had a hold off Thea, holding her back until Wanda came rushing in.
I watched as my girlfriends eyes went blank, still Bright blue us she looked as if she was looking right through me. I ran over and sat beside her, taking her hand in mine. Cap let go of her and she sank into my arms.
"Pete, you there?" She asked looking around. I knew she couldn't see me as Wanda had stopped her vision and let her see nothing but a view of the city, something that really calmed Thea.
"Yeah baby, I'm here."
"Did, I...Did I code blue?" She asked me.
"Yeah, but it's OK let go and we'll talk later." I told her.
She became twitchy in my arms then she collapsed. Nat came rushing in as I hugged her tight. She walked over to Thea and I, carefully placing a hand on her daughters head.
"What happened Peter?" She asked me, I never took my eyes of Thea as I spoke.
"Flash, he, he was giving me shit, bullying me and she was OK at first, she just let if go, but the he threw this at me and she freaked." I told her, passing her the note Flash had thrown at me, I had read it before when she was sat starring Flash down.
"I'm gonna kill him!" I her Clint yell as he appeared at Nat's side and read the note.
"This is my fault, I.. I..."
"Peter, honey, there was nothing you did wrong, This kid just didn't listen to reason and now she's gone." Nat reassured me.
"Tony's called your Aunt Peter, she knows you're here and school have been informed you're staying here. Bruce told me as he walked into the room. His eyes landed on his God daughter, laying unconscious in my lap. I saw a spark of green flash in his eyes and I turned to night.
"Nat, Bruce, I saw..."
"Yeah, I saw it too." She told me as she lent in and kissed Thea's head then stood up and walked over to Bruce.
"Come on Banner, Pete will take her to med bay, we need to get you out of her, we don't need a code green too." Nat told him as she grabbed his hand and guided him out of the room.
"You want me to take her?" Cap asked but I shook my head.
"We can't until she...." Then, as if on que, Thea's eyes opened wide and she let out a loud scream. The power in the scream sent tables flying, windows breaking and lights flickering. The she stopped and closed her eyes again.
"Last time she did that in the Med bay, she took out most of the medical equipment and cost Tony thousands of dollars in damage." I told Cap as I lifted Thea into my arms and carried her to med bay.
*Three Hours Later*
*Thea P.O.V*
I opened my eyes, slowly and took in my surroundings. I was in my room, on my bed, A tall sleeping body next to me. I moved a little, to get a better look but as I did I woke up the sleeping boy next to me.
"Hey." He smiled as he sat up quickly
"What happened?" I asked.
"Code Blue." Peter smiled sadly at me. "You didn't hurt anybody, a few broken windows, you probably given half my class nightmares but that's about it." He joked, trying to lighten my mood.
"Sorry." I sighed sadly.
"You took longer to wake up this time too, nearly 20 minutes before you screamed. Dr Banner is looking into it but he doesn't want to do anything until you're better." He told me.
"Is he OK?"
"Yeah, your mum saved us from a code green, however we're not going to tell him how the code blue happened, it's bad enough you went code blue, but if he finds out I was being bullied too...The big guy would have a freaking field day at my school."
"You know, you could leave, be home schooled with me? You'd learn so much more here with Uncle Tony and Uncle Bruce." I offered and he chuckled.
"I might take you up on that." He smiled and he kissed my head, "You up to eating?" He asked. I nodded and he helped me out of bed and into the kitchen where my family were all waiting. After a lot of fussing, my family finally let me sat down, with he help of Peter, and eat.
"Hey Pete" I whispered to my boyfriend who sat next to me.
"Yeah babe?"
"thank you for helping me." I smiled.
"Anytime." He grinned,
"携 谢褞斜谢褞 褌械斜褟, 写械褌泻邪 (I love you, baby)" I smiled up at him.
"携 褌芯卸械 谢褞斜谢褞 褌械斜褟, 屑芯泄 屑邪谢械薪褜泻懈泄 谢褍褔薪懈泻 (I love you too, my little archer)" He whispered back, I lean and and kiss him softly.
"STARK, CAN YOU GET YOUR DIRTY SPIDER SON OF OFF OF MY PRECIOUS DAUGHTER!" my dad shouted, making us all laugh. I winced a little at the pain in my head but smiled as my dad and Tony began yelling profanities at each other, I rested my head on Pete's shoulder, sighing happily, looking at the people sat at the table around me, Mum, Dad, Uncle Tony, Aunt Pepper, Uncle Bruce, my 'sister' Wanda, Vision, Uncle Steve, Uncle Bucky and my amazing, wonderful boyfriend Peter Parker. The people I love the most, my family.
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reject-princess97 6 years ago
Josie Saltzman (OC X Josie)
I heard the crash that came from mine and my sister's room. I felt a twinge in my stomach and turned, wide eyed to Lizzie and Josie who stood by my side.
"That sounds bad" Josie spoke, grabbing my arm as I stepped forward, 聽"maybe you should give her some time."
"No, she needs me?" I shook my head
"What's wrong with her?"
"Today is the anniversary of our dad and uncle Elijah's death." I told her simply as I reached my door.
"You'll be OK?"
"Please, this is Hope were talking about, she wouldn't hurt me." I smiled as I opened the door and walked inside where I found my twin sister sat on her bed, using magic to make a few stuffed animals float. I watched as one was torn to pieces.
"I hope that was one of you bears and not mine." I mused as I made myself known.
"It was one dad got us when we were babies." She told me as she put the bear back together again and let it fall to the floor.
"You OK?" I asked as I picked up the bear and walked closer.
"Sure, what's not to be OK about? Our mum and dad are dead, we barely see our Aunts and Uncle and while we're making the list of people who left us, Rafiel and Landon have left for two months to spend time with some werewolf pack in LA." She rambled. "We have nobody left Faith"
"That's not true" I told her taking a step closer.
"Then who...who do we have?" Hope yelled getting angry.
"You have Me, I have you, we have each other
"What if that's not enough?" She asked as tears well in her eyes
I shrugged and sat at her bed, taking her hand.
"Then we make it enough. People will come and go out of or lives Hope, but family is always and forever." I reminded her as she rested her head on my shoulder.
"Let's not forget about Lizzie, Josie and Dr Saltzman." I told her.
"What are you talking about?" Hope asked confused.
"Hope, they are currently stood outside of the door, listening to us, right girls!" I called. A couple seconds later the door opened and in walked Jo and Lizzie.
"Sorry Faith, we just wanted to make sure she was OK!" Josie said, a guilty look on her face as she walked over and sat next to me on Hope's bed.
"Yeah, we know today is a tough day for you both and you know, we're here for you." Lizzie continued taking a seat next to Hope.
"Faith seems so calm about it." Hope pointed out.
"Are you kidding me, Faith spent all morning curled up in my bed crying." Josie spilled and I looked at her.
"DUDE!" I called looking over at her.
"What, you did?" Hope asked. "Why didn't you tell me?"
"I wanted to be strong for you, you seem to take things like today hard and you need me." I told her, resting my head on hers
"But you need to grieve too." She told me and I smiled.
"I grieve my own way." I told her.
"How?" She asked me, moving to look up at me.
"I..." I began but Lizzie interrupts me
"Her and Josie go down to the lake where they practice spells, talk things over an ignore the extreme sexual tension between the two." She told her, making Josie and I turn blood red.
"Ahh yes, the undeniable love they have for each other but refuse to except." Hope joked, her and Lizzie laughing.
"You too suck, you know that" Josie told them both.
The remainder of the night was spent talking, the four of us, reminiscing about our families until Hope fell asleep around 5pm and I decided I was hungry so the girls and I head to the mess hall.
"Well," lizzie spoke up as Josie and I grabbed food, "I'm going to leave you two love birds alone, I have a...thing...bye."
Josie and I smiled shyly as we watched her walk away.
"You know were gonna have to tell them eventually right?" Josie told me as she turned to face me.
"We will Jo, it's just right now we've got a lot of stuff on our plate."
"I know but we've been dating a year now and, well I want to be able to talk to my sister about why I'm so happy and bubble." She grinned as she grabbed my hand under the table.
"We'll tell them tomorrow, tonight I want to spend the night at the lake with my girlfriend on our first anniversary." I grinned, squeezing her hand a little.
"Thank you," she grinned.
An hour later Josie and I were walking, hand in hand, down to the lake, laughing about God knows what.
Once we reached the lake we sat down on a blanket we had brought with us. I watch the water as the light of the moon reflected of the surface. I looked over at Josie to find her already looking at me.
"I love you Faith." She smiled softly as she reached her hand and rested it on my cheek.
"I love you to Josie, so much." I replied as I lent in and kissed her softly. She chuckled as she kissed back.
"You know, what, I'm ready." I told her as she pulled away slowly.
"I'm ready to make the next step." I told her as I pulled her into another kiss.
"Are you sure?" She asked as she kissed me. I nodded as she grinned against me cheek.
I only recently realised I was into girls. I mean don't get me wrong I like boys too so I guess that makes me bi.
Josie Saltzman was my best friend and at some point I realised I was in love with her. Then last year, I was sat at the lake with her and she just looked so beautiful and I couldn't help myself and I kissed her. Well it turned out Josie liked me back and well, we started dating then and there.
As I was knew to the whole same sex relationship Josie told me we'd take it slow, not have sex until I was ready and I knew that tonight, being here in the arms of the girls I love, it couldn't be more right.
I was pulled out of my thoughts when Josie moved his lips to my neck and I let out a moan. I let my hands roam over her body as she fiddled with my top before pulling it over my head and pushing me backwards till my back hit the floor.
This continued for a while, her lips exploring my topless chest, my hands running through her hair as she did. At some point her top came off too and we just stayed like this, topless, our make out heating up pretty quickly until we heard a voice call out in shock.
"HOLY SHIT!!!" She yelled. Jo and I looked up towards the voice, shocked, to see Lizzie and Hope starring at the two of us.
"Well" Hope stammered as Jo and I sat up, pulling on our shirts.
"Hey guys." I smiled sheepishly as I straightened my hair.
"What are you two doing here?" Jo asked.
",Well, Hope needed something to take her mind off of everything so I thought we'd come join you with your magic practice." Lizzie explained as she watched us still in shock.
"What is going on here?" Hope asked.
"Well, we...erm.." I began but Lizzie interupted.
"No, we know WHAT was going on, we just want to know how and why."
"Well, Faith and I have kind of been dating for a while." Jo said as she stood up, pulling me along with her and keeping tight hold of my hand.
"How long?" Lizzie asked.
"A year." I replied.
"And you didn't think to tell us?" Hope laughed. "Instead we had to find out like this, by finding you two, doing that." She gestured to the blanket as she spoke.
"Sorry." Jo mumbled.
"Yeah, sorry we didn't tell you sooner it's just...I was sure what it was i was feeling and i guess until i was sure about us I didn't want to tell you." I began. "And I guess when I knew what was going on Ho and I found it kinda funny how you were always making fun of us for our feeling for each other and how you kept trying to set us up."
"You kept it from us because you think it was funny?" Lizzie asked in disbelief, Jo and I nodded.
"So you two are a thing?"
"Yeah, we are." I confirmed.
"Well, I'm happy for you both, but just know if you, we have the right to tease you for as long as we want because you kept this from us." Hope smiled as she flung her arm around her arm.
"Yeah I figured as much." I laughed.
"Right well, since the mood is ruined, you guys wanna go back to the house and watch a couple movies?" Jo asked as she picked up the blanket.
"Sure, we'll get back to that another time." I smiled. She leaned over and kissed me. Lizzie let out a squeal as we pulled away.
"Come on let's go." I smiled as Jo grabbed my hand again and we began walking back to the school.
As we walked Lizzie and Hope walked a little ahead of us, whispering and giggling to each other.
"What do you suppose those too are giggling about?" I asked Josie.
"They are either planning our demise or our wedding." Jo concluded as she watched our twin sisters converse
"Jo it's Lizzie, it will be both." I joked.
"Good point." She laughed as she reached the door to the school.
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reject-princess97 6 years ago
FP Jones (Part 2)
*2 Years Later*
I sat up in my bed and sighed as the knocking at my front door continued. I climbed out of bed and trudged to the door to find my cousin stood smiling at me holding 2 dress bags up.
"Afternoon sleepy head, today the big day!" she squished as she pushed into my trailer.
"Betty, the ceremony doesn't start till 2:30, we have plenty of time to get ready and head down to the high school." I told her as I closed the door and walked over to the kitchen.
I turned on the coffee machine and noticed a note on the counter.
Morning my queen,
Pop's called and asked me to cover veronica's shift this morning. I'll be finishing at 2 so I'll meet you, Betty and Jug at the High school.
I love you
I smiled as I poured the coffee and walked over to Betty who had been talked while my mind was occupied.
"What?" I asked when I noticed she was still talking.
"I said Archie and Fred are joining us all at the Wyrm after graduation to celebrate with the other serpent kids." She repeated.
"Good, that boy needs to join in with the serpents, sometimes before the turn on him." I told him.
"Actually, he's been really involved with a lot of Serpent stuff." Betty informed me.
"Now, It's almost 1pm and you need to shower." She told me.
I nodded and turned to wards the bathroom . While I showered I thought back to the last two years that I had spent on the south-side with FP and the rest of the Serpents.
A lot had happened since I moved in with FP:
1) FP has handed the serpent crown over to Jughead who worked to pull the south-side out of the gutter.
2)Gladys, Jughead's mum, came back to Riverdale and tried to destroy everything FP, Jughead and I had built over the years. That ended with FP and Gladys getting a diverse and Jellybean and her father getting closer. She now comes over a few weeks in the holidays and school breaks, her idea not ours but hey, where happy to have her.
JB and I gotten close, she wasn't best pleased about her dad and I being together but she seemed to see how happy we both were and she soon opened up and we got to know each other, now she calls us everyday, to check in and gossip about the things going on around here.
3) (This is a big one) About to months ago, I found out I was three months pregnant. That, to say the least, was a shock. I told FP who was over the moon and we told Jughead and Betty who was just as excited for us.
I still hadn't talked to Alice, who had been around the South side, quite a bit recently, but I stayed clear of her as I just wasn't ready to deal with her shit. Although she goes by Alice Smith again now. Polly had been to visit a few times, we hung out and talked about her life at the freaky farm she lived at.
After my shower, Betty and I got ready. Hair and make up and outfit all done..
Betty had on a pink, long sleeve, off the shoulder, body con dress that hugged her figure perfectly, she had on a pair of knee high boots and her Serpent jacket.
I had on a maroon jumper dress that still showed of my growing baby bump which was starting to get harder to hide. I also had on a pair of thigh high boots and my Serpent jacket.
"Whoa, Y/N, you look amazing, although you call totally tell you're pregnant." Betty gushed as she pulled out her phone and snapped a photo of me and my baby bump.
"Yeah, when I bought the dress, I didn't think I'd have a visible bump yet, but the little peanut just came out of nowhere." I smiled at her to which she laughed.
Betty was about to speak up when my front door opened to reveal a very smartly dressed Jughead, who still had on his Serpent jacket and his beanie. Some how though, he made it work.
"Hey, you guys ready?" He asked, I nodded and grabbed my phone, keys and purse, throwing it all in a clutch then followed the two teens out the door.
"Did, you put the caps in the truck?" Betty ask Jug who nodded as we locked the door and walked to the truck.
"Caps?" I asked curiously.
"The graduation caps. Weathersbee let the students take our caps home so we could add our own personal touch, I took the Serpents and added our Serpent crest on them." Betty smiled.
"We may be graduation from Riverdale High, but we're still Serpents and we're gonna show it." Jug continued, holding up his hands for a high five from Betty and I.
"Awesome, well kids, lets go graduate." i grinned at the two as we climbed into the truck.
FP had taken his bike, knowing I'd need the truck to get Jughead, Betty and I all to the High school on time.
"So, Y/N, hows my little brother treating you today?" Jughead asked as I started the car and drove off in the direction of the school.
"Good, Juggie, thanks, he let me sleep in today and the morning sickness has passed. Although I have a massive craving for one of Pop's Milkshakes and some fries." I laughed.
"Just text dad and tell him to bring you some to the Ceremony." Jughead laughed.
"No, I'll be fine, he's working and I don't want to disturb him." I shrugged laughing. The two laughed along with me and I couldn't help but think back two when We found out I was pregnant and how nervous I was to tell Jughead.
Now, Jug has never had a problem with FP and I being together, His mum and dad had split for a while now and I guess he had suspected it to begin with because when we told him he didn't seem as surprised as I'd expected.
It was his idea I moved in with FP after my huge argument with Alice and when FP told him about the divorce he shrugged and began making jokes about FP and I's marriage going better the FP's first, even though we're not engaged it still made us smiled that he felt OK with us getting married.
However when it came to telling him he was to be a big brother again, FP and I didn't know how he'd take it. He surprised us both when we told him because he was over joyed, all most crying. He told how happy he was and that if we ever needed a baby sitter we only had to ask and he would drop everything and come over. Now we would never ask that of him and he knew that, but it was nice knowing we had his approval.
The rest of the drive was spent chit chatting about nothing in particular we pulled up outside of the school where we saw Sweet Pea, Fangs, Toni and Cheryl all stood out side waiting for us.
"Hey guys." I smiled as I climbed out of the truck.
"Mama Smith, looking radiant as ever." Cheryl grinned as she walked over and pulled me into a hug.
"You are glowing Y/N, absolutely breathtaking." Toni added as she pulled me into a hug next.
"Thanks, you girls look amazing too." I smiled at them both.
While living on the South side I'd some how managed to become close to the amazing girls, Cheryl often called me Mama Smith, she told me I was like the mother of the young group and that was great. Some how I managed helped them by kicking their butt into gear and now here they are getting ready to graduate.
"Pregnancy really suits you." Fangs added and I turned up to him, a dead look on my face and shook my head.
"Fangs, I'm not pregnant...I gained a little weight, Oh My God, is it really that noticeable!" I screeched as I held my arms over the baby bump.
"What, no," Fangs stuttered and Jug, Betty and I all burst out laughing. 聽
"Fangs sweetie, I was joking, I'm pregnant." I said before laughing through my tears.
"What!" Cheryl and Toni yelled then began laughing.
"Yeah, FP and I are having a baby, guess there's no point in hiding it anymore."
"That was mean." Fangs sulked.
"OK, we should get ready." Sweets called laughing. Betty handed out the gowns and I watched as they all put them on over their jackets.
"Wait, you guys should take your jackets, it's to hot to wear leather under those gowns."
"Yeah, but we don't have anywhere to put them" Fangs shrugged.
"You can put them in the truck, you can get them back after the ceremony." I offered. They all nodded and pulled the jackets off and chucked them in the truck. Betty handed out the caps and I grinned at everyone as they look great.
"You guys look awesome, I need a picture." I fussed as I grabbed my phone.
"God Y/N, you're such a mum!" Cheryl joked as the group arranged themselves.
"Please, I'm gonna get this one blown up and hang it in the Wyrm." I laughed as I snapped the photo.
"Right, you guys better get in there, I'm gonna find my seat. I'll cheer extra loud for you guys." I chuckled. "Love you guys." I smiled as I made my way into the football field where the school had set up a stage and a large group of chairs for the students and their families. 聽A few people had already arrived and had found their seats. I look around, waving at a few people as I notice a couple Serpents who had came to Support the kids.
I walk around a couple minutes until I found the seats marked 'Jughead Jones' Family' and I smiled as I walked to sit down.
I sat a while on my phone, texting with JB who had asked me to take photos and was telling me about what was going on in her place. By the way...not much.
I felt somebody's presence beside me and I turned to find Polly Cooper, my cousin. I looked at the seat she was about to sit at to see 'Betty Cooper's Family' written on it. Of course they would put the Coopers next to me.
"Y/N, hey." She smiled. "What are you doing here?"
"I'm here for the graduation." I chuckled.
"I kinda got that." She chuckled shaking her head.
"I'm here for Betty, Jughead and the rest of the Serpents." I smiled at her.
"That's cool, I kinda figured we'd see you today." Polly shrugged.
"I did assume I'd see you today. So where is she?" I asked as I looked around behind her.
"She's running late, might not make it till the ceremony " she chuckled is i looked back at her, my eyes wide. "With any luck you won't even have to talk to her."
I smiled up at her, holding my hand up, fingers crossed.
"Here's hoping'" I grinned.
Polly chuckled and we got to talking 聽for a while before FP turned up and sat by me, handing me a shake from Pop's and some fries. I looked up at him confused.
"Jug text me telling me you were craving a pop's shake and fries." He shrugged.
"I love that boy!" I gushed as I took a drink, FP and Polly laughing at me. We all sat talking until the ceremony began.
The ceremony was long, they gave out awards, Archie and Veronica performed a rendition of 'Kids In America' a song they had sang at homecoming all those years ago.
At some point in between speeches Alice came and sat by Polly. She hadn't noticed me and she didn't until they began to had out diplomas out to the class and they called out Betty's name.
"Elizabeth Cooper." Polly, FP and I all stood up and cheered, the Serpents behind us also cheering. I noticed, from the corner of my eye Alice had noticed me. She watched as I continued to stood up when they call out the names of the young Serpents until they called out Jughead.
"Forsythe Pendleton Jones III"
FP and I stood up and cheered, louder than anyone.
"That's my Boy!" FP called. I smiled as he wrapped his arms around me and placed he hand on my bump.
I smiled up at him and grinned as he lent down and kissed me once we sat back down. I turned as Polly nudged me and I saw Alice starring at me, more specifically FP's hand that still rested on my stomach.
Soon everyone had their diplomas and Cheryl stepped up to give her speech which I kinda zoned out at, My hand playing with FP's, drawing circles as I lent into his shoulder. I was broken out of my trance when I heard the crowd behind us cheer.
"...And I want to thank my Serpent family, who took me in and accepted me for who I am. Thank you to Y/N Smith, who became like a mum to me and helped me when I needed it. She gave me some words of wisdom. Everybody needs a person like her in their lives and we, the Serpents graduating today, love that she is a big part of the reason we are standing here today. She gave us the talking to we all needed to accept the help and friendship of the other students of Riverdale high. Lastly, on behalf of everyone standing here today I want to thank all the parents and families of the students of Riverdale high.
It's been quite the ride, we've had our ups and downs. We've had our losses and shared in each others successes. I would like to take a moment to remember those who couldn't be with us today, my brother JJ, we know you're looking down on us and are proud of the people we have become. Now without further ado, ladies and gentlemen, I give you Riverdale High Class of 2021." Everyone cheered and the students throw their caps in the air and pretty much everyone soon scattered around the field on our own little groups. 聽
I stood by FP who stood and chatted to Fred and Mary Andrews, as we waited for Jughead and Archie for find us. I stood quietly, my hand resting against my bump as I watched all the parents hug and fuss over their kids.
"You OK babe?" FP asked, pulling me out of my thoughts. I nodded and smiled up at him.
"I'm good Jones."
Before FP could say anything Jughead came over, a big smile on his face as he reached us, Archie not far behind.
"There they are, our graduates." Fred cheered pulling Archie into a hug, FP doing the same with Jughead.
Jughead hugged is dad then came walking over and hugged me, making me laugh.
"Congrats Jug, I;m so proud of you." I smiled at him as he pulled away.
"Thanks." He smiled back "...mum."
I was taken a back by his outburst, My eyes widened at him but he just laughed. "Oh, come on, It was gonna happen eventually. I mean you're more of a mum to me then my own mother." Jughead informed me as I watched him, tears filling my eyes.
FP, who was stood close by, but not close enough to hear us talk, saw me and came over, a worried expression on his face.
"What happened?" he asked once he reached us.
"I called her mum and she freaked out." Jughead laughed, FP chuckled and kissed my forehead.
"I was just emotionally, I never thought he'd call me mum, never expected him to either." I spoke as I snapped out of my trance like state.
"No, which is why I did it. Y/N, you make my dad happy and you take care of us both, even Jellybean and she doesn't even live here. You're pregnant with my baby brother and like it or not, you're important to me and I'm gonna call you mum...FOREVER!" Jug head laughed pulling me into a hug once again.
"Right, boys, time for the mandatory photos" Fred called. The boys groaned but obliged.
The photos when as such:
Fred, Mary and Archie,
Jughead and FP,
FP and Fred,
Mary and I,
Archie and Jughead,
FP and I
Fred, FP, Archie and Jughead.
I smiled as I snapped the photos and the Jug came rushing over and pulled me over to where he and Archie stood. Both boys flanked my side and FP took the photo.
"Can I have one with both mum and dad?" Jug asked and FP nodded. then FP took Archie's spot at my side and gave Fred the phone so he could take a photo of the three of us smiling at the camera. FP and Jug then kissed my cheek for another photo the they both placed there hands on my bump and grinned wide. Fred, who looked confused for a second, took the photo then smiled.
"OK, we're done, boys, go do something." FP instructed a he brushed of the boys. but before they could disappear, Betty appeared.
"Wait, I want some photos with Jug and Archie, Y/N and Mr Jones to please." She grinned as Polly followed be hind her, Alice seemed to keep her distance and spent the time we took to take photos with Betty, talking to Kevin Keller and his dad.
After we took the photos, a few added with Cheryl and Toni who turned up too, the kids all disappeared, leaving us parents all to ourselves.
"Pop's?" Fred offered.
"God yes, I've been craving another shake and a burger since this thing started." I called. The group all let out a laugh as we all nodded and made out way to the truck, FP to his bike and drove off for food.
*At Pop's*
"So, Y/N, you're pregnant?" Fred asked as I took a bite of my burger. I smiled and nodded.
"Wow, Congrats guys, I'm happy for you both." Mary smiled.
"You're gonna be a dad again." Fred joked, clapping FP on the shoulder.
"Yeah, I know, It;s crazy huh?" FP smiled.
"Are you excited?" Mary asked.
"It's a new start, a do over, a second chance to try not mess this kid up the same way I did Jughead. " FP joked and I laughed grabbing his hand. "No, but seriously, I get a chance to have a family again, Jelly comes to visit all the time, Jug lives next door and now, I get a chance to bring new life into the world with the love of my life." He smiled, turning to me and kissing me quickly.
"I'm crapping it!" I told them, making them all laugh.
"You'll do great Smith, I promise." FP told me.
The conversation stayed on the topic of the baby, names, sex and weather he'd have my name or FP's, until I began feeling tired so FP, told the two Andrews it's was time we left. We said our goodbyes and I stood to my feet.
"It was nice seeing you again Mary, Fred I'll see you at the Wyrm later." I called as I exited Pop's. I stepped out side and bumped into somebody.
"Shit, sorry." I apologises, looking u to see Alice and Betty.
"It;s fine Y/N, I wasn't looking where I was going." Betty smiled, her being who I bumped into.
"Still, I'm sorry." I smiled. I looked over at Alice who was watching me, "You guys coming to the Wyrm later?"
"Yeah, I'm having dinner with mum first but I'll be there later." Betty smiled.
"Awesome, will you be there Aunt Alice?" I asked, turning to her.
"I wasn't Invited!" She snapped. I nodded and smiled softly.
"Well feel free to join us, if you like, after all, your daughter is one of our graduates too." I smiled sweetly.
"The serpents kids graduated and after all, we're family Alice, Betty too." I told her. She shrugged and looked over at Betty.
"Mum, you should come. We have karaoke and pool." Betty told her. Alice only rolled her eyes.
"Well the invitation is there Alice join if you wish." I told her. "Now, It's almost six and I've been on my feet all day and I need to sit before I do some damage to myself of the baby. Bets I'll see you later. Love you." I smiled at her,
"I'll see you later, Y/N." She grinned as she and her mum walking off inside Pop's.
I walked over to the car to see FP had put his bike in the truck and was waiting.
"You OK, baby?" He smiled as I climbed into the truck.
"I'm good, let's go home, I need to sleep before the party." I told him.
"Whatever you wish my queen." He smiled kissing me softly. "I love you, and our little ." He told me as he rested his hand over my bump.
"I love you too FP." I ginned, resting my hand over his, "We both do, now, let's go home."
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reject-princess97 6 years ago
FP Jones (Part 1)
I sat on Betty's bed, listening to my Aunt Alice, Lecture me, once again, about how irresponsible I was being and how I needed to be a better role modal to my younger cousin Betty. A cousin who by the way is 16 yrs old.
"I mean did you think I wouldn't find out!" She yelled. "You're my niece, I find out everything." I rolled my eyes but kept listening, although I had heard it all before.
"That pit is no place for a girl like you Y/N." She continued. "And allowing Betty to follow you after I told you both to stay away from that place!". I sat there, feeling the anger build up until I blew.
"Alice, I'm 25 yrs old. I can take care of myself and as for Betty, she was there before I got there with Jug." I told her, finally having enough of her yelling at me." The Serpents know who we are and they don't or won't hurt us."
"Betty knows better that to go to a place like the Whyte Wyrm. She's smart." She told me.
"She is smart." I agreed.
"Look, you're family and I only want to keep you safe from those people. They're no good for this town and they..."
"Who's 'They' Aunt Alice, The Serpents? You used to be one of 'them'." I reminded her, "I am one of them."
She looked at me shocked.
"How...What?" She stuttered, You know about my past?"
"Oh, yeah I've heard a lot about the great Alice Smith, the would be Serpent queen. Made the current Serpents look like Kids playing dress up, the way she handled business. Then she turned her back on her family, turned her nose up at the people who once fought side by side with her and she chose to write bullshit stories, blaming the South side for every little thing that whet wrong in her 聽little north side," I yelled.
"Y/N you don't understand...I...It's..." She stuttered after a couple of minutes.
"I understand perfectly fine. Alice Cooper is a bullshit stirring, back stabbing witch." I yelled. "And I don't want to be here if she's going to be hypocritical. So I'm going to stay with somebody who cares and trust in my Serpent life." I told her grabbing my shoes and keys. "When 'Alice Smith' decides she wants her family back, I'll be at the Wyrm." I told her as I left.
I walk outside into the pouring rain and walked over to Fred Andrews front door and Knocked. I smiled when Fred answered the door. I stood there in the pouring rain, without a coat, smiling sadly.
"Hey, Mr Andrews, my Aunt and I had a fight and I needed to get away, could I use your phone, mines broke and I need to call for a ride?" I asked hopefully. As expected Fred nodded and moved aside, allowing me to enter his home. I followed after him, into the kitchen where he handed me the landline, a small, friendly smile on his lips.
I thanked him and I took the phone and called a number I knew too well. After a few rings and no answer, I called another number I had called a thousand times. By now Fred had left me alone to make my calls as I waited quietly until a voice I knew rang through the phone.
"The Wyrm" he called into to the phone.
"Bug-eye, hey, It's Y/N"
"Hey, he's in his office, I'll patch you through." The bartender chuckled, knowing full well who I was calling for. A couple seconds later the line went quite, then, Finally, the voice I'd long to hear all day rang through the phone. FP Jones, the only person in the world who makes me feel safe, even in the most dangerous situations.
"Y/N? What's wrong?" He asked down the phone, worry laced in his voice.
"FP, can you come pick me up?" I begged.
"What? why? what happened?" He asked frantically.
"Alice was butting in my business and started yelling at me, so I yelled back and pretty much called her a hypocritical bitch for yelling at me for hanging out at the Wyrm and turning my back on my family when she did pretty much the same thing when she turned her back on the Serpents and married a 'Cooper'." I told him. I head him laugh and I smiled.
"Where are you now?" He asked, I heard movement and the jingle of keys as he spoke.
"Fred Andrews place, I needed to use his phone to call you. Jughead still has mine after the last time I was at the Wyrm." I told him.
"OK, stay there, I'll be there ASAP, do you need me to bring anything?"
"My Jacket and you." I chuckled into the phone.
"That I can do, I'll see you soon OK?"
"OK." I replied before I hung up.
I put the phone down and looked up to see Archie stood by the door, a confused look on his face.
"Archie." I nodded.
"Y/N, what you doing here?" He asked.
"Alice and I had a fight and I left. My phone is broke so I asked your dad if I could use yours." I smiled.
"All sorted?" Fred asked from behind Archie. "Did you get a hold of FP?" I looked up at him surprised but nodded.
"Yeah, he's on his way, told me to stay here, if that's OK by you." I smiled and he nodded.
"Well I wouldn't make you stand outside." He chuckled, "Although it has stopped raining." He joked.
"How did you know I called FP?" I asked.
"I'm his best friend, he tells me everything." He shrugged.
"OH, cool." I grinned.
"So, what happened to your phone?" Archie asked walking over to the fridge, grabbing a soda and offered me one but I shook my head smiling.
"I'm good, Thanks." I told him. "There was a drunk guy at the Wyrm last week, tried hitting on me but Jughead saw and tried to tell the guy to back off. But the guy just laughed him off and kept on pushing. Next thing you know there are about 30 Serpents around us and my phone was stepped on." I explained.
"Sounds bad." Fred spoke up.
"Nah, Juggie took the phone and is taking a look at it, I feel sorry for the guy who was hitting on me...the serpents took that pretty badly."
"Why would Jughead care if some guy was hitting on you?" He asked confused. I was about to explain when there was a knock I the front door, I stood up in time to see the door open and in walked FP.
"You OK?" He asked once he reached me. I nodded and he pulled me into his arms.
"Yeah, just had enough of her shit so I left." I shrugged.
"I see." FP chuckled.
"She's always acting all high and mighty with her stupid paper, acting as if she wasn't once of the people who she spends so much time dragging into the dirt." I huffed feeling the anger build up once again.
"She'll get over self eventually." FP shrugged, letting me go.
"Not before she loses everyone she cares about." I laughed.
"Alice Cooper will need you help one day and when that day comes she'll regret every stupid thing she ever said about the Serpents." Archie added. "I've seen the looks she gives to Jughead, If looks could kill Jug would hive been killed a thousand times by now." He laughed.
"I've been given that look many times." FP laughed.
"I have yet to get that look, I have however been given the 'Serpents are no good for this family' speech" I told them. Everyone laughed.
"Come on, Let's get over to the Wyrm, Bug-eye's got a drink ready and waiting." FP told me.
"What a guy!" I joked as I followed behind FP, making my way out the door.
"Wait, you're going the Wyrm? After what happened last time?" Archie asked.
"Well, yeah, it's where the Serpents go to let off steam and I am, after all, a Serpent." I told him as I continued walking.
"Thank you so much for letting me use your phone Fred." I smiled back to the eldest Andrews man.
"Yeah, thanks for taking care of my girl Freddy." FP called back. I reached FP's bike and I spotted 聽my Serpent jacket that was resting on the back of the bike.
As I grabbed my jacked I spotted Alice stood at her front door, her eyes glued to FP, until he walked over to me and her eyes landed on me. I pulled my jacket on and smiled at her. FP, handed placed a helmet on my head and I grinned up at him. I grabbed his jacket and pulled him down to my face,
"Thank you for coming to my rescue Jones." I smiled up at him. "You're my hero."
"Anything for you Smith." He grinned and lent down, placing a soft, loving kiss on my lips, "Now, down let's get you a drink before we head back to my place, Jug and Betty are there."
We climbed on the back of his bike and he took off, but not before I got a good look at Alice who was shooting me her world famous death glare, the one reserved especially for 'Serpent Trash' like myself and my family.
We pulled up outside the Wyrm and climbed of the bike. FP grabbed my hand and we walked into the bar.
"Well, looky here!" Bugeye called as he spotted us. "If it isn't the Serpent king and his Queen, Y/N the bad-ass!" He called as we walked over to the bar. The whole bar cheered and FP grabbed the beer Bugeye handed him and raised it to the room.
"To Smith...FINALLY free of Alice Coopers control!" FP Toasted, wrapping his arms around me.
"To Smith!" The room cheered back before carrying on with what ever they were doing.
"To my Serpent Queen, long may she reign by my side and kick my ass when I need to step shit up." FP muttered in my ear. I turned and touched my glass to his.
"To the Serpent Queen." I smiled back but instead of taking a drink, I kissed him softly.
"You know, now that you're free of Alice, nothing is stopping you from moving in with Jug and I?"
"Yeah, you need a place to stay, I need you to be with me. It's a win, win." He shrugged.
"What about Jughead, he has a say in this to you know?"
"Actually, I already asked him, he was here when you called. I asked if he minded you staying a few days and he said he didn't mind at all and if you wanted you could make the stay permanent." FP told me.
"Wait, you really want me to move in with you?" I asked him shocked. He had been joking for a while about me moving in with the boys to get out of the Cooper house. I never really thought he ment it.
"I am, Y/N Smith, will you move in with me?" He asked, I grinned and nodded.
"Of course I will." I replied.
"That's good because Betty and Jug are already took my truck and have gone to grab your stuff before Alice has chance to burn it all." He laughed.
"Great, I 'll be needing that stuff." I laughed back.
We stayed at the Wyrm for a couple more hours until FP got a text from Jughead.
"Right baby, let's go home." He told me.
"Home, I like the way you say that." I grinned up him as he pulled me up and lead me to his bike out front.
"Come on baby, we're going home." He winked as we climbed on the bike and we set off.
The Journey how was short and soon enough we pulled up outside FP and Jughead place. Well, my place too now.
I barely even climbed off the bike before 聽the door to the trailer opened and out came Jug and Betty.
"Hey guys," I waved, placing my helmet back on the bike.
"Did you get everything sorted?" FP asked the two young serpents.
"Yep." Jug smiled holding up a piece of paper and a key. Betty disappeared and came out holding a box.
"This is the last of it." She smiled walking towards FP and I, she placed the box on the floor before pulling me into a hug.
"Hi to you too." I chuckled. "What's with the box?" I asked as I pulled away.
"It's mine, I'm taking it to Jug's new place." She grinned.
"I'm moving out, you're moving in." Jughead spoke up.
"The place isn't big enough for all of us and with Betty always staying over too, Jug asked for his own place." FP clarified.
"Juggie, if I had known I would be pushing you out of your home..."
"You're not, I had been planning this for a while I got the keys today and dad was planning on asking you to move in soon anyway." Jug explained.
"This thing with Alice just made it easier to ask you..." FP added.
"Oh, OK then so, were you living?"
"There." Jughead smiled as he pointed at the trailer right next to FP's.
"Well, we got some unpacking to do and we'll all go to pops for dinner later." Betty informed us as she walked into Jughead's new trailer.
"Let's do it" I smiled as I walked into me new home, a place that always felt like home to me but now, It's my really is my home.
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reject-princess97 6 years ago
Harry Styles
I've been here, in LA for five months and two weeks and in the time I had met up with an old friend, started dating that old friend and then gotten engaged to said old friend.
Before you jump ahead of yourself you should know a few things about him.
1st: his name is Harry, and he is 24 years old. I am the same age as he his. Only a couple month younger.
2nd: I met Harry when I was 7 years old and I moved onto the same street as he and his family and I became fast friends with him and his sister.
3rd: His older sister is my best friend.
4th: Harry was in a very big boyband and when he went touring around the world we lost our way, I used to have a huge crush on him and when he left I told me he felt the same but then he got to busy to deal with a relationship so we broke up. It was mutual, we just didn't have time with each other. After that we only spoke when he visited his family and even then we didn't say much.
Jump to about seven and a half months ago when I found my boyfriend in bed with my mum, which is not surprising she was always a dick and she was never home. She was always out partying, drinking spending the weekend high of her tits with some junkie who was looking to sleep with her. She shacked up with my boyfriend, in my house, then kicked me out. She then began dating my Ex and I moved in with Gemma until a found a new place.
Not long after that I got an opportunity to spend six months in the states, LA to be exact, working on my Photography. I packed everything I needed, said goodbye to Anne and Gemma and took off to LA.
Two weeks in and I was happy to be away from my bitch of a mother and Ex, but I missed my family with Gemma and Anne so I did the only thing I could think of at the time. Call Harry.
We met up for coffee and then became really good friends again until I began feeling things for him again and I began to distance my self. Harry noticed and wouldn't let me go until I told him what was going on. I told him and next thing you know we're dating.
The last night Harry and I got talking and some how, I don't remember exactly, he asked me to marry him and I said yes, we decided to just do it, without our family because if we did they would talk us out of it and we didn't want to be turn apart by people who didn't quite understand. So here we are, Harry and I, stood out side of the city hall, waiting nervously, for our names to me called.
I sat there, my hand in his, feeling like I was about to throw up, me knee bouncing up and down and I watched as people walked past. Before we had even woken up properly, Harry and I were out the house and shopping, for everything we would need. I bought a nice white skater dress and a pair of blue converse...because I swore I wasn't getting married in anything BUT converse. I had on a necklace my dad had bought me when I was 12, before he died and I also had on a bracelet I had borrowed from Gemma a while ago.
So I had something Old, Something new, something borrowed and something blue. Next stop was a jewellery shop, where we bought a couple silver rings and Harry insisted on buying me an engagement ring that matched.
We then headed home where we changed and then headed back out, this time to the city hall where Harry had managed to book us and appointment to get married.
"Hey, you OK?" Harry asked, pulling me out of my thoughts. I looked up into his big green eyes and somehow I felt all my nerves wash away. I smiled and nodded, leaning up and kissing his lips.
"I'm about to marry you, I'm so much better than OK." I told him as I pulled away.
"So, you're not having second thoughts?" He asked. I saw worry and panic flash behind his eyes and I shook my head.
"No, Harry, no second thoughts, no cold feet, nothing but excitement and love for you." I reassured him.
"Is this not what you want?" I questioned. He let out a sharp, loud laughed.
"Ha, this is what I've wanted since I was 7 years old and you moved into the house down my street." he informed me.
"Really?" I asked, feeling a little shocked. He had told me about his crush on me growing up, Like I said before, we dated for a few months after he felt for tour with One Direction.
"Yeah, my mum used to make fun of me for it." He chuckled.
"Are we doing the right thing, not waiting for our family I mean?" I asked when I noticed Harry's smile fade a little at the mention of his mum.
"We are, we love each other and that's all that matters to me." He told me as he kissed the back of my hand. I was about to answer when our names were called.
"That's us." I smiled as we stood up.
We walked towards the woman who called our names and she led us into a big ass room that wall pretty empty. Just a table and a woman stood at the end in a smart black suit and black heeled shoes.
"Hello, my name is Emma Black, I will be marrying you two today. Is there anybody else coming today?" She asked as she reached her.
"No, just the two of us." Harry smiled, tightening his grip on my hand just a little.
"Well, let's get started shall we." She grinned and opened the book in her hands.
"Today, we are gathered to celebrate the love you two share for each other and to allow the eyes of the law and god to see the love you to share as you are bound together in matrimony." She read then looked up at the two of us. "If it's OK with you, I would like you to read your vows." She gestured to Harry.
"OK, well, as this was a pretty quick decision, I didn't really right anything, so i'm just gonna tell you why I want this." He spoke, taking both my hands in his and turning me to face him.
"I love you, I have done since I was 7 years old. We drifted apart and I think that was what we needed to because when we found each other again, I got to fall in love with you all over again and remember why you made my heart skip a beat every time you smile." as he spoke my eyes filled with tears and I guess one fell because he wiped it away with his thumb as he continued.
"There have been other people in our time apart and I like to think that the reason it didn't work out with any of them is because we belong together and we were destined to be here. We belong together and when we return home and tell my mum we got married she'll be happy and cry...and my sister will kill us." He chuckled making me laugh to.
"I love you Y/N so much and I am so grateful that you said yes and after today will be spending our lives together. We will have our ups and downs, we'll fight and make up and I'll make you angry and upset but I will always remind you, everyday, that I love you and I always will."
"Miss Y/L/N, your turn." Emma smiled and I nodded.
"OK, well, that's gonna be hard to top." I chuckled "But six months ago, I felt my life was over, My boyfriend cheated on my with my mum. My dad was gone and the only people I had to turn to were Gemma and your mum. Then something great happened. I got an offer from my job to spend six months in LA and I took it. I packed my bags, said bye to Gemma and your mum and I took off. I felt lost after I got here, I didn't know anybody and I hated that I had nobody close by to talk to. Then I remember you. My childhood best friend. The boy who moved away to become a big star.
"When I called you six months ago I just needed a piece of home. Somebody I knew to talk to and for my life to start looking up. But I got so much more. I got my best friend back, I fell in love and now I have a husband who I will love and cherish forever.
"We have a hell of a journey ahead of us and I can't wait to share it with you. I love you Harry with all my heart and if when we get back to England and Gemma really does kill us, I'll die happy knowing I got to spend these last six months with you and my last days married to you."
"OK, Guys, that was beautiful. shall we continue?" She asked and we both nodded.
"Ok, Harry do you take Y/N to be your lawful wedded wife? Do you promise to love her when times are tough? Do you promise to keep her safe from harm and make her happy any way you can? Do you swear to always be there for her when she needs you and be honest and truthful for as long as you both shall live?" Emma asked.
"I do." Harry grinned as he slipped a ring onto my finger. Another tear fell from my eyes and he wiped them away as Emma began again.
"And Y/N do you take Harry to be your lawful wedded Husband? Do you promise to love him when times are tough? Do you promise to keep him safe from harm and make him happy any way you can? Do you swear to always be there for him when he needs you and be honest and truthful for as long as you both shall live? 聽
"I do." I whispered as I slipped the ring on his finger.
"Well then, by the power vested in me, by the State of California and the United States of America, I now pronounce you husband and wife. Congratulations you my now kiss your spouse." She smiled taking a step back.
I didn't even have time to think before Harry had his arms around my waist and had pulled me into a kiss. I chuckled against his lips and I kissed him softly but passionately. We pulled away and smiled at each other and turned to Emma who cleared her throat.
"I just need you to sign these papers and you can leave." She smiled. We smiled and we signed the papers. Harry asked her to take a few photos of the two of us and she did so before congratulating us again and we left after saying our thank you.
We walked out of the City Hall and we headed home.
"We did it, we got married." I smiled up at Harry as we walked to our apartment, that was a few blocks away.
"We did. Are you happy?" He asked me.
"The happiest." I grinned as we entered our apartment building.
"Good." He smiled.
"What about you, are you happy with the wife you chose?" I grinned as I stopped at our door and unlocked it.
"The happiest." he grinned back as he bent down and kissed me, sweeping my legs up and picking we up off the ground. He carried me through the door and kicked it shut.
"Welcome home wife." He smiled as he kissed me. He pulled away and smiled wide.
"God I love saying that, Wife, you're my wife, I love you wife." He smiled as he walked into the apartment and towards the bedroom where he placed me gently in the bed.
"I love you too husband." I chuckled as I lent up as kissed him softly as he lay me down on the bed when we...well you know what we did.
*Two Weeks Later*
It had been two whole weeks since Harry and I said 'I do' and last night we landed back in the UK. We hadn't told anybody about the wedding yet, mainly because we hadn't actually seen anybody and because we were just enjoying ourselves before we came home to tell everyone and have our heads chewed off by Gemma and Anne.
Last night Harry decided to stay at my place but this morning he left early to go see his mum and sister before we tell them and now I was stood outside his sisters house ready to see everyone.
I took a deep breath and smiled, this is gonna be the first time I'd seen my best friend in six months and a lot has changed. I cut my hair and dyed it, from blonde to a dark Brown but that was just after I left so she'd seen it on Skype but not in real life, face to face. I got my nose pierced and I got contacts. OH and let's not forget I got married!
To her brother.
"Honey, I'm home!" I called as I entered my best friends house. It was quiet so I dropped my bag by the stairs and kicked my shoes off, the blue converse I had gotten married in to be exact. "Gemma, you home?" I called when I got no reply. "Harry!"
"In the kitchen!" Gemma called back and as I entered I spotted Harry sitting on the counter, a huge smile on his face. Gemma was starring at him, she looked like she was pissed off.
"Hey, what's up Chuck!" I said as I walked in and jumped on the counter next to Harry, smiling softly up at Harry as he watched me.
"You will never guess what happened to my doofus brother while he was in the states!" Gemma sighed as she turned to me. I looked up at him and shrugged, he shot me a sly wink and a huge grin and I chuckled.
"What's he done this time?" I asked, knowing full well what he had done, I'd done the same.
"He got married!" She yelled. 聽"Like he actually said 'I do' to some stranger." Gemma told me, Harry rolled his eyes and shook his head.
"She isn't a stranger Gem, in fact I've known her for years." He told her. I watched as she shrugged.
"And I know for a fact you will love a sister." Harry smiled as he jumped off the table and walked over to her, wrapping his arms around his sisters shoulder and moved her until she stood in front of me I grinned at her and waved "in fact now she is your sister." he gestured to me and I winked at him.
"What are you talking about Harry?" she asked, confused. "Why are you winking and him, Y/N?" she looked at the two of us as if we were crazy and I laughed.
I stuck out my left hand and Harry grabbed it and smiled, kissing it softly and walking over so he was stood in between my legs. Still holding my hand he turned so his back was leaning on the counter where I was and pulled his arm around his shoulder, he held it with his left and showing MY wedding ring and his to his sister who was watching.
"OH MY GOD...YOU MARRIED MY BEST FRIEND!!!" She yelled once she finally clicked.
"AND YOU, YOU MARRIED MY BROTHER!" she yelled pointing at me.
"Surprise?" I said but it came out as more of a question. She stood there in shook, quite for a second.
"How the hell did this happen? You go away for six months and you come back married, to my brother?" She asked. "what the hell?" she didn't look angry, mostly surprised.
"Well, I ran into his while I was in L.A. and by 'ran into' I told him I was in town and we grabbed coffee. I need someone I knew as I missed home too much and I knew Harry was in town so I called him." I told her.
"I asked her out on a few dates as friends and one night we got drinks afterwards and we drunkenly confessed our love we decided we would start dating." Harry continued. "That was what your third or fourth month in LA?" He asked and I nodded.
"How did that end in marriage?" Gemma asked.
"Well, we were chilling at my place and got to talking, I figured since we've known each other of over 17 years we already know most of the stuff other couples usually learn when dating so I kinda just skipped over the whole dating part and asked her to marry me. She said yes and the next day we were stood in the City Hall getting married." I told her.
"I'm sorry Gem, I know you're probably pissed at us. But I promise we talked this over so much before it happened. It wasn't just a spare of the moment thing, we really thought about this before we did it."
"Why didn't you just wait and get married here, with the family?" she asked us. now she looked sad.
"Because we were worried that our families would find a way to talk us out of it and we didn't want that to happen." Harry spoke up.
"Why would we do that, I have always wanted you two together, this is amazing news it just sucks that you got married with out us there." She told us. Before we could say another word there was a knock at the door.
"I'll get it!" Harry called as he grabbed my legs, wrapped them around his waist and ran towards the door with me on his back.
"HARRY WHAT THE HELL!" I yelled gripping tight to him as he took off, scaring the crap out of me.
He didn't answer, he just let out a laugh as we reached the door. He opened the door to find Anne stood there, she looked shocked at first, probably at the sight of her daughters best friend on her sons back.
"Mum!" Harry grinned. He finally released my legs and I jumped down as he hugged his mum.
"Harry, I thought you were coming home next week?"she asked, pulling out of his hug.
"I decide to come home with Y/N" he told me.
"Are you two together now?" She asked pointing between the two of us Harry nodded and she let out a happy cry as she grabbed me and pulled me into a hug.
"Yeah, they're about as together as two people can be." Gemma told her as she walked passed us.
"And how that?" Anne asked, confused .
"Mum, don't kill me, and just remember how much you love Y/N before I tell you this." Harry said as he took his mums hands and guided her into the kitchen where Gemma was. I closed the door and followed behind, nervous about how she's going to react.
"Tell me what?" She said suspecting the worst.
"Well, you see Y/N and I we've know each other for so long and we know everything about her and I've been in love with her for so long, remember you used to tease me about it when we went round to her house with her dad?" He started.
"Yeah, I used to joke that you were both in love with each other and that you were gonna get married and have a baby. Y/N's dad would join in too."
"Yeah, well it's not so much a joke anymore." He smiled. He moved to stand by me again and wrapped his arms around my waist once more.
"What are you talking about?" She asked.
"Harry and Y/N got married while in LA." Gemma spilled. Anne's eyes went wide as she looked at me and her son.
"I don't understand." She said.
"Mum while in LA Y/N and I met up and we started dating and we got to talking and long story short we ended up in the city hall and we got married." Harry explained.
"OH MY GOSH REALLY?" She smiled wide. We both nodded and she dove at us, hugging us tight.
"Oh I'm so happy for you two." She gushed.
"Really, you're not upset at us?" I asked surprised.
"God no, why would I be unhappy?" She asked.
"Because we got married, without you." Harry guessed.
"Are you happy?"
"Well yeah, I married this amazing girl and she agreed to marry me." Harry smiled as he looked down at me and held a little tighter.
"Then is doesn't matter to me that I wasn't there as long as you both are happy." she smiled.
"Thanks mum." Harry smiled as he hugged her.
"Thanks Anne, and I promise anything big happens ever again I will personally tell you first." I grinned.
"You better, I already missed my sons wedding I don't want to be missing any thing else." She grinned.
"You're gonna hold that against us forever aren't you?" Harry asked.
"No, just until my first grandchild is born." She smiled.
"Seriously Anne, we only got married two weeks ago." I told her she just shrugged.
"Well firstly, you're part of the family anyway but now you're married to my son, I think it's OK for you to call me mum." She told me.
"Whatever you want mum." I grinned making her laugh.
"Mum, are you being serious about the first grandchild thing?"I asked and she nodded.
"Yes daughter in law, I am very serious." She winked.
"Well then, we best get working on that wife." Harry grinned wide.
"Later Husband, we are visiting your family and they do not need to hear about your plans for baby making." I joked when I saw Gemma wince a little at the mention of sex.
"Seriously, if you're going to be talking to each other like that, you can leave." She sulked.
"Yeah, if we get kicked out we can get on with the baby making." Harry joked as he stood up.
"gross, how about no, you will not defile my friend like this." Gemma cried as she stood up and dived on me.
"She's my wife...I've already defiled her, many many times." Harry told her. Gemma screamed and held her hands over her ears as she stood up and ran out of the room.
"Seriously what have married into?"I asked as Anne laughed.
"Welcome to the family Wifey." He smiled as he lent over and kissed me softly.
"You two are cute." Anne gushed as Harry and I pulled out of the kiss.
"Yeah we are." I smiled over at her. "Mum."
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