#all the lucky rufflers
mizgnomer · 2 years
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Hair Ruffles with a Twist: Other people ruffling David Tennant's hair
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teem-boo · 7 months
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literally them 🥺🤲
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tis just a clean up of a previous doodle :3c
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toontastictoons · 5 months
Toontastic Cast and Crew!
Hi there Toons, Cogs, and everyone in between! We're the Toontastic Toons Crew! There's a bunch of us, so we figured it was time to make a little bit of an introductory post!
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The most experienced Toon in our group is JJ Trickyfluff, a Raccoon. He's fond of Throw and Toon Up. JJ Is part of a club called The Midnight Crew! He's a little on the fence about all the cog drama. He really wishes we could just sit down and talk things out.. despite knowing that's a little unrealistic. JJ has had some... Interesting experiences with Insiders. He was given a Toon Task by a friend, which was basically a dare to ask a cog for a Kiss. He chose an Insider. Things haven't been the same for him since.
He/They, INFP
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Our Runaway, Little Midge! Midge is a daredevil. Most likely of our group to be caught running around with low laff. Midge is partial to Throw and Drop, as they're the hard hitters. Small but mighty, Midge tends to pack quite a punch. They've taken a liking to Yesman Cogs, as well as Buck Ruffler, the Duck Shuffler. They like that he's a daredevil too. While Midge doesn't like most cogs, they're learning that even some of these "cold, heartless machines" do in fact have something a little more to them.
They/She, ESTP
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"Sprite" or "Lucky Star" as most of us will teasingly call them. Star Sourpop is our sweet little green bat. When they were a brand new Resistance Ranger, they had one heck of a lucky fight with Buck Ruffler. He continuously scored all sevens. After that fight, the two had several more run ins. We all think Buck told the other cogs in Toontown Central to take it easy on Star, or else they would be in big trouble! They even joined a club called "Duck Shuffle Fluffle" to show how much they appreciate Buck! Star doesn't really want to fight the cogs. She would rather make friends with them, and have fun adventures with them! When spooked, however, Star won't hold back... so cogs beware.
She/They, ENFP
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Ace Miller is our resident non-toon... Most of the time. They do have an established "Toon Disguise" much like we toons have Cog Disguises. Their Toon Disguise is known as "Ace Tinkertoon"
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Ace spends most of their time repairing managers and higher level cogs who personally request them. Usual repair teams work fast, not unlike a pit crew on a race car track. Ace takes their time, and pays far more attention to detail. They have different relationships with each cog they work with, though Misty, Buck and Chip are some of their favorites. When undercover in their Toon Disguise, Ace makes regular notes about Toon life and COGS Inc. They have also taken to snagging gags where they can, and preforming experiments on them to see how they work.. and what their weak points are. Ace puts up with toons, begrudgingly. Their bright colors and loud sounds often get the better of the repair tech. Sensory Overload leads to a lot of time with cogs like Misty... sitting peacefully on the docks.
They/Them, ENTP
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"Petals", as we have nicknamed our magical deer friend, is originally from Ye Olde Toontown. She held out on joining the fight against the cogs as long as she could... but when things started to get messy at home, Petals joined up. They were shocked when the elders told them they couldn't use magic against these metal menaces. Settling (begrudgingly) for learning to use Gags, Petals made her way to Toontown Central. Cogs just make them mad. Petals had a wonderful life in Olde Toontown before they all came along. The worst of them is that Witch Hunter. Petals had a run in with him far before they were ready for such things. Luckily some Resistance toons saved the day. A few cogs are okay... Petals likes how happy Star gets around Buck Ruffler... and Holly and Misty have definitely caught her eye... Not that she would ever admit to that.
She/They, INTP
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Lokitty is a bit of a mystery to the rest of us. We are pretty sure thats how they like it. This Mischief Making Black Cat has a fondness for the Brrrgh, and the blue colored cogs. A Loki Variant? Maybe. Regardless, this agent of chaos can be found making trouble in any way possible. Cogs are just a way to have fun to them!
They/he, INFJ?
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Last but not least, Space Cadet! Our sweet dog toon friend who's head is often in the clouds! Space Cadet is friendly to almost anyone who's friendly to them! If you run into this Space Ranger, be sure to say hi! She loves to chat! The fight with the cogs makes Space Cadet kind of sad. They want to be friends with everyone. They'd rather not fight. Given the option, Space Cadet would extend a hand to even the most dangerous cogs. A daydreamer with high hopes, Space Cadet hopes for a better future between cogs and Toons.
They/She/Space, ENTP
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bruhlesbian · 11 days
while i was looking for voiceclaims for a mutuals post, i stumbled across a few songs which i though fit some ttcc characters, either voice or content wise. feel free to throw tomatoes at me or some shit in the comments.
Misty - [BOTH] Here sometimes • Blonde Redhead | [CONTENT] White Horses • Low | [Voice] Untrust Us • Crystal Castles
Dave Brubot - [Content/Atmosphere] ambassador bridge • Of Montreal (great band, honestly a lot of their album Skeletal Lamping reminds me of Dave) [VOICE] Disco Dancer • Devo
Benjamin Biggs/Daisy - [CONTENT]Lately (Going Spare) & [VOICE] Old Skool • Metronomy (for both songs! listen man their british ok?)
Holly Grayelle - [VOICE] Whole New World • SOPHIE (rest in peace)
Chip Revvington/Override - [VOICE-Override] Face Shopping {Specifically the deeper parts in the beginning} - SOPHIE
Belle Dama - [VOICE] - Wedding List • Kate Bush
Courtney Case - [VOICE] - Lucky Number • Lene Lovich
Brian - [Content] (look me in the eyes and tell me he wouldn't complain about the sega genesis for 3 hours) CRITICAL streamer HATES SEGA but LOVES MIKU • sonny moore x sonic fanfic, HonestlySMH
Tawney C. Esta - [Content/Atmosphere?] Sleep Drifter • King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard
Mary-Anna - [Content] Fishing for Fishies
Buck Ruffler - [VOICE] - Imagine if the singer had a lisp ok?] Cold Cadaver • King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard
I don't think this all of them but oh well. Later I'll like clip these and put pitchers n shit to make it more clear i needed to get the worms in my brain OUUUTTT
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corporatefallout · 6 months
My ideas so far on who the managers are in the AU!! (Notes left on some btw)
Prester Virgil
Long time Minutemen soldier. Paranoid, aggressive, self centered, and stubborn. He's generally both a helpful hand and also terrifying at times.
An Institute scientist in the Robotics division. Egotistical and heavily book smart which has him acting on statistical means than emotional. But not street smart in the slightest. One step into the wasteland and he's probably dead in a week.
Misty Monsoon
A loner that lives on the island of Far Harbor. Besides the wild life, Mary is her only friend around here. Since most had either died or succumbed to the fog. She's somewhat in hiding too...
Mary Anna
Exploring the island, Mary studies the biology that was made from the environment and radiation. With the help of Misty as well. She's not one to head into violence and would rather act more emotionally or thoughtfully.
Cosmo Kuiper
One of the dangerous gangs and richest you never want to mess with. Having people running for their lives or for their caps. Most of their money comes from Chem sales, mercenary assistance, and of course... loans.
Holly Graylle
A knight of the Brotherhood of Steel! (Cause she's a...) Stationed in the Capital Wasteland. Within the groups sent out for missions, she is the one to be leading and directing. No one is doing anything without her word and say.
Chip Revvington and Spruce Campbell
(I'm having troubles with them, slightly. Help)
A duo mercenary team who works on their own terms. If the caps pay well and if they're up to the task, they'll do it. Morality ranges really, since sometimes old habits die hard. Close as brothers and will defend each other.
Tawney C. Esta
(Saw the perk "Sandman" and got the idea...)
The sandman of the wasteland. Assassinations in the night and it's only done if the money is right. The kills done aren't aligned by good or bad only, it's just business. Asleep in the day and awake in the night.
Belle Dama
(I'll be honest, the term "long distance relationships" got me thinking sniper rifles and she is a phone... so-)
A professional in the Regulators! Working by the uses of a trusty sniper rifle. Despite how... uhhh, dangerous she may sound, she's quite the opposite. Looking after the younger ones and caring towards others. Staying firm on her morals of course.
Benjamin Biggs
A medic in the wasteland and looking for hire. Certainly good at his work and well experienced than most doctors you'll meet out here! Although he enjoys the latest talk going around when stopping in town of course.
Buck Ruffler
The luckiest gambler you'll meet and has probably been kicked out of a lot of casinos by now. He's lucky to be alive. Honestly. Also high on jet-
Graham Ness Payser
The hotshot of the Strip in New Vegas! Bragging, unbearable, and his own number one fan. Picking up quite the fame and yearns for more excitement in his life. His aim is bad but he's a fast shooter!
Flint Bonpyre
A nervous explosives and incinerary expert who is also not afraid talk his mind. (Sometimes.)
Dave Brubot
The star of the stage! Able to charm his way into your heart. With his charisma, he could easily make his way anywhere and have the ability to persuade. (I'm kinda having trouble with him, help)
Okay I'll be honest, 100% inspired by the pictures of people's game having him show up everywhere. That's him now. No matter which bar or place you stop at, Cathal is there and knows what you did. No matter what. Like the Gman except not interfering with events. Just a joke character.
And that's it!! They will be edited and changed in the future, of course. So nothing here is permanent! Some characters I'm having trouble regarding what I want for them or on who/what they are. I accept ideas regarding them, yes yes.
Also- some of them definitely won't fw each other at all. On the lines if faction, beliefs, and morality. Or pre-established beef, lol.
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That...is a surprisingly hard question? Mostly the quilting part of it.
I mostly learned to sew on ancient cast iron treadle machines. They’re work horses and get the job done- if you only want to straight stitch, and want some exercise to go with your sewing. I later upgraded to an early electric cast iron- same thing, minus the exercise. If you’re good at finagling things, and okay with user manuals maybe not being available, you can sometimes pick up machines like this at thrift stores or craigslist type sites for not too much. I wouldn’t spend more than $100, and I’d make sure before buying that they are in working order-  I have 2 treadles I never managed to get running so they’re just pretty furniture. If you’re really lucky, they’ll have a little metal box of attachments with them- I love the ruffler foot one of mine came with!  Sometimes people will just have these lying around and offer to give them to you! Actually, not a bad idea to ask around with friends and family- I’ve gotten a shocking amount of craft supplies from other people’s abandoned hobbies and deceased relatives.
My first modern machine and the one I’ve been using to do everything I’ve posted here is a Husqvarna Viking Emerald 116. This is the absolute bottom of their decent machine line (the huskystar line is the true bottom of the barrel, I don’t even count them.) It does straight stitch, zig zag, and a few stretch/decorative stitches. The feed dogs can drop to help with quilting. It has been amazing, I’ve never had an actual problem with it’s functionality. My problem is the “throat” (sometimes called the “harp”) area, which is measured from the needle to the side of the machine is only 5.5″, which makes it difficult for an entire quilt to fit into it for the actual quilting part, though piecing isn’t terrible. Also, no walking foot or free motion quilting foot was ever made for the Emerald line, so it’s difficult to quilt without the fabric layers shifting. This machine retails around $450, and is still available. I bought mine as a floor model and spent maybe $250 on it? I consider that a steal for how long I’ve used it. I highly recommend Husqvarna Vikings for absolute ease of set up and use, but probably not the emerald line if you want to quilt.
Quilting machines seem to go one of two ways- you can get a modern straight stitch machine, which is just like the old ones in that is all it does, but they have much larger throats (often 10″+) and better for quilting. Or you can do what I did and get one that may have a slightly smaller throat (my new one will be 8″) but still have fancy stitches. Everyone has their own opinion on what’s best, and most people will tell you to go to your nearest machine shop and test drive everything/pick the brains of the employees. Honestly, this is a great idea if you have something local, and such shops often have a used section as most manufacturers have a trade in program- when I bought my Emerald for example, I could have traded her in within a year for 100% of the purchase price towards a new machine, or 50% in the second year. So you can get lucky and score a deal on a used machine or a floor model like I did!
As we are in a pandemic though, I hesitate to suggest you go hobnob with others and get your hands on things. I can recommend Pfaff, Bernina, Juki, Janome, and Brother as all being highly recommended to me- they come in all price ranges and features, and used ones are fairly easy to come by. I hesitate to recommend something outright as I haven’t handled a lot of machines, but the one I’m getting has a much cheaper little sibling- the Juki F300. Fewer built in stitches (100+ instead of almost 300? who needs that many anyway) and the quilting accessories- special feet and expansion table- need to be bought separately, but it’s about half the price. Some decent Brothers are down in the $350 range. Really, a cheaper price comes at sacrificing accessories (which can often cost a pretty penny to buy separately) and throat space which you can do nothing about if it is too small.
So, I’ve talked way too long and maybe not helped a whole lot. In the end, I’d say look for something with more than 6″ throat space, feed dogs that can be dropped (or there’s a plate that can be put over them), something that comes with a walking foot or there is one available for that model, and/or a free motion foot if you’re interested in that kind of quilting. Watch videos on youtube and make sure you’re comfortable with threading and the bobbin (I love drop in bobbins for ease of use!) And be willing to spend I would say at least $500 if you plan on quilting and don’t want to upgrade out of frustration any time soon. Can you get away with a machine half that price? Yes, but when you’re frustrated and want to punt it, be careful not to break toes ;)
I also did a lot of my research reading recommendation threads in r/sewing and r/quilting if you use reddit. A LOT of people there either tell you to go to a shop and test drive everything, or go pick up an old 70s metal machine for cheap without actually giving you advice on what brands to look out for lol. It’s half helpful, and half even more frustrating. Also try auction sites- not only ebay, but shopgoodwill can be useful too!
Good luck!!
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nolanhollogay · 4 years
🍄🍂🌻 🌿&🌺 for Ant?
What does your OC do to calm down when they’re scared or after a nightmare? Do they have any special comfort items or need to be reassured by a specific person? How do they handle this if they’re alone? 🍄 -  What are your OCs favourite snacks? Their favourite comfort food which always cheers them up when they’re down? Favourite meal to make? Do they enjoy baking and cooking and are they any good in the kitchen?
in order: avid lover of potato chips (plain ONLY) and cinnamon rolls, cheese fries, his specialty is pizza and what he usually made for himself when he was alive, he’s a decent cook bcuz he had to learn young and he enjoys it! baking not so much bcuz he always manages to mess something up rip
🍂 -  Does your OC enjoy hugs? What do they do as a show of affection for: their friends, their family, their significant other(s) or for strangers? Over all what are they like with recieving affection from others?
he LOVES hugs!, friends: hugs/hands on shoulders/little touches like that, family: with his mom they were hair rufflers and cheek pinchers, s/o: hugs and hand holding and cuddling, strangers: not as tactile but he will shake hands and like maybe pat their shoulder, he loves affection if that wasn’t clear 
🌻 -  What little things do they notice about people or the world around them that make them happy? What tiny little treasures do they find in the normal every day that makes the world seem a little brighter for them?
he loves seeing people hanging out with their friends and family and just like having a good time! other ppl’s joy brings him joy! and he’s an avid believer in luck so he has like lucky pennies and stuff to bring him like good days
🌿 -  What way does your OC show that they care without using words? What way do others show your OC that they’re cared about without using speech?
again, physical touch is everything to him, and he loves giving and receiving presents
🌺 -  What does your OC do to calm down when they’re scared or after a nightmare? Do they have any special comfort items or need to be reassured by a specific person? How do they handle this if they’re alone?
he usually just stares into space until he zones out and his mind is off of whatever freaked him out, he had a stuffed rabbit that usually helped ground him and make him aware if his surroundings
thank u for sending bb!! 
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Author: Lopithecus Pairing: Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne Rating: Mature Word Count: 2654 Alternate: AO3, fanfiction.net Summary: Clark meets Bruce in 1773 Warnings: Infidelity, Consensual Infidelity  Author's Note: For @frownyalfred​. Res, this was supposed to be reincarnation because that’s what you wanted but then the first part turned out to be longer than I had anticipated. Maybe, if I’m up to it, I’ll turn it into a reincarnation series instead. ;) This is also as a thank you for the other day, helping me through my own shit. I also did a little research, like 18 century insults, 18 century words for cock, you know, the normal things. XD Translations will be in the end A/N. I’m not from the UK so I had to do some research on that as well. Hopefully nothing is wrong. No powers AU! (Which is something I never thought I would write, but here we are. :P) Enjoy!
Clark lies on his side, breathing heavily and clutching at his aching ribs. Another kick comes from behind and he reaches a hand up to try and protect his head. This wasn’t how he had planned this little voyage to be like. He thought he would be okay if he paid the fee and kept out of trouble with the rest of the poor. He thought he would be left alone. He should have known that the rich wouldn’t tolerate such people. Clark closes his eyes and tries to think of how he can get the beating to stop.
“That is enough.” Clark’s eyes shoot open and the kicks and punches stop. There are no more names being said to him. Names like clunch, bracket-faced, cod’s head and duke of limbs. He lifts his aching head to see a well-dressed man, around his own age, standing there looking nonplussed.
“Brucie! Come to join us?” The man who had started the beating asks, flaring his arms out to the side.
“Leave him alone,” The man, Brucie, demands.
Clark dares to sit up some, to watch the exchange closer. The man who addressed Brucie first looks agitated. “What do you want with a man born under a threepenny, halfpenny planet, never to be worth a groat?”
“Yeah, Brucie,” another man joins in. “Don’t be such a rusty gut.”
Brucie, looking from one man to the other, ignores them completely and walks up to Clark. The man holds out a hand towards Clark, and Clark takes it hesitantly. “Come on.” Brucie starts walking away and Clark follows in a rush, the men who were beating on him earlier letting them go. It perplexes Clark.
“Um… Sir-” Clark starts but Brucie interrupts him.
“Bruce.” Bruce turns to him. “The name is Bruce.”
Clark’s eyes dart down to Bruce’s outstretched hand and takes it quickly. “Clark. I am Clark.”
Bruce quirks an eyebrow. “An unusual name.”
“It is a family name,” Clark informs.
Bruce’s lips form a half smile and the man begins to walk again. “So, it is.”
“Uh, Bruce, why did you just stop those guys?” Clark asks. “Why did they just let us leave?”
Bruce shrugs and opens the door to the hall that will lead to the cabins. Clark looks around. This isn’t the area where the poor sleep. Their cabins are down under deck in damp, small rooms, four men or women stashed into one. This is where the rich sleep. “I have a lot of pull around here. That is why they let us go. They would not dare cross me. I could make their lives a living hell.”
Clark hurries to catch up to Bruce, having stopped in awe at the extravagance of the hall. “And you saved me. Why?”
“I do not like to see people being treated poorly by bell swaggers,” Bruce explains.
Clark falls in step with Bruce, pretending that it doesn’t hurt to walk, or breathe for that matter. “And where are you taking me?”
Bruce gives him a side look. “Back to my room so I can take care of your wounds. I would bring you back to your room but there would be a bunch of rufflers in there that would only get in the way.” Bruce’s smile grows and again looks at Clark. “A room full of men. It is sure to bring a woman’s commodity out, I say.”
One of Bruce’s eyebrows raises. They have stopped in front of a door, Bruce holding a pair of keys. “What? You do not think four good looking men would be able to make a woman’s man trap wet?”
Bruce chuckles, unlocking the door. “Never mind. Come in.” Bruce steps aside and allows Clark to enter the room. Though small, it is still lavish and very expensive looking. “Sit on the bed and take your shirt off.” Clark does as he is told and watches Bruce as the man grabs a bottle of cream from the nightstand. Bruce then crawls onto the bed and positions behind Clark. “I will put some cream onto your wounds. There are a lot them.”
“Well, they were not exactly holding back.” Clark hears the pop of the cap to the cream and can smell it right away. “It is very flowery.”
“Yes, well it is my wife’s.” Bruce places his hands on Clark’s back, beginning to gently rub the cream into the black and blues scattered there. “She likes things that smell good.”
“She has good taste,” Clark murmurs, closing his eyes and humming at the feel of Bruce’s hands gently gliding over his muscles. “Good taste in men too. You are very good at this. She is lucky to have a husband who can give her good massages.”
“Hmm,” Bruce hums, hands sliding over Clark’s biceps lightly. “And your wife?” Clark flutters his eyes opens and looks down at the wedding band on his finger. “Do you give your wife massages, Clark?”
“Sometimes,” Clark says. “I…” He trails off, not really knowing what to say. He had come on this trip without his wife, planning on settling in America to make a better living than he was in Norwich. He was then going to save enough money to bring his wife, Lois, to America as well.
“No explanation needed,” Bruce’s voice breaks through the silence, his hands massaging Clark’s lower back. “Did your wife come with you?” Clark shakes his head, relaxing more and more into Bruce’s hands. Bruce hums again, hands going to Clark’s biceps once more. “My wife is currently partying up on the higher deck with the women of London.”
Clark swallows thickly, his skin becoming clammy. “And is that where you are from? London?”
Bruce chuckles. “Is that not where all the rich men come from?”
Clark huffs a small laugh. “And why are you not with your wife now?”
He hears Bruce shrug. “I felt like having a bit of my…” Bruce’s skillful hands wrap around Clark’s body and down his pectorals, rubbing over already hard nipples, “...own fun.”
Clark shivers as Bruce’s lips press softly to his neck, eyes flitting close. His nob is already hard and when he leans back into Bruce, he can feel the man’s is as well. “Fun?” Clark asks, licking his lips.
Bruce’s hands are gliding over his nipples and stomach, lips grazing over the skin of his neck, up to his ear. “Yes, Clark, fun,” the man purrs.
Clark tries to control his breaths. “But…” he doesn’t finish what he is about to say before kissing Bruce, pressing back on those plump lips that are opening for him willingly.
It is fun, what they end up doing, and leaves the two panting and sated, lying naked under silk sheets of Bruce’s room. Clark chuckles, giddy with pure happiness. “You enjoyed that,” Bruce comments. Clark’s smile slowly falls away and he sighs. “What is it?”
“What about your wife?” Clark asks, turning to the man.
“What about yours?” Bruce sits up onto his arm, propping his head up with one hand. The man is gazing down at Clark, no anger or irritation in sight. Just amusement. Bruce doesn’t allow Clark enough time to answer, turning, and plopping back down onto the bed. “I am sure my wife has already gone back to some man’s room and fucked his brains out.” Clark raises an eyebrow in surprise and Bruce laughs at him. “She and I have an arrangement.”
“An arrangement?” Clark doesn’t mean to sound horrified but it isn’t exactly a good thing to have such an arrangement as a couple. One is supposed to be faithful to their husband and wife. Clark peers down at the sheet, sighing. He is a hypocrite.
“You are disgusted?” Bruce asks him. The man still doesn’t look offended or angry.
“No, I…” Clark sighs. “It is just a concept I am not used to. It does not exactly hold a good connotation.”
Bruce nods. “So, you and your wife do not have such a thing between you two?” Clark shakes his head. “Does she know?” When Clark eyes the man, Bruce elaborates. “That you are a sodomite?”
“Must you use that term?” Clark asks, sitting up. Bruce continues to lie down, watching him. Clark crosses his arms. “No, she does not.”
The room is silent for a short time before Bruce starts speaking again. “Your secret is safe with me.”
Clark looks down at Bruce, at the man’s gorgeous skin and features. Bruce is all muscles and pretty looks. “How did you know I would be interested in doing this?”
A smile forms on Bruce’s face. “I tested the waters.” Clark thinks back and tries to remember when exactly Bruce had tested him. Bruce answers for him. “When I was talking about the women and four men.”
“That was you testing me?”
Bruce huffs a laugh. “If you were solely into women, you wouldn’t have reacted the way you did.”
“Or what if I am just a good guy who does not like to talk about women as if they are wenches?” Clark asks.
Bruce chuckles. “That could have been but then I suspect I would have a black and blue eye and a bloody nose by now instead of you naked in my bed.”
Clark huffs stubbornly which only makes Bruce laugh more. When Bruce’s laughter dies, Clark eyes the man again. “Does it hurt?”
Bruce looks at him. “Does what hurt?”
“Taking the woman’s position,” Clark says.
Bruce waves a finger between them. “This?” Clark nods. “Have you never done this before?”
“I have,” Clark says quickly. “Once back in school. Year eleven. I was sixteen.”
“That the only time?” Bruce asks him.
Clark lies back down and turns onto his side. “Yes, and I was still the man during it.”
A small smile is on Bruce’s face. “Someday, you will hopefully realize how insulting that is.”
Clark’s eyebrows scrunch together. “What?”
“Would you like to see what it feels like?” Bruce questions instead of answering Clark, leaning in closer to just barely press their lips together. “I would love to show you.” In answer, Clark presses up and kisses him.
After the ship arrives to America, Clark and Bruce go their separate ways and Clark doesn’t see Bruce again until years later when he reads in the newspaper about the man’s wife, Selina, and daughter, Helena, being gunned down after a girls’ night out. He tells his own wife that he is going to New Jersey for trade, and pays the first horse carriage driver willing to take him from New York to New Jersey handsomely. He arrives within a few days and then starts hunting down where Bruce’s mansion is. It doesn’t take long.
Clark knocks on the door and waits for it to be answered. It eventually does by an older man who looks like the butler. “Uh, hello, I’m here to see Mister Wayne.”
“Master Bruce isn’t seeing anyone at the moment,” the butler tells him.
“It’s okay, Alfred. He can come in.” Alfred, the butler, turns around and peers at the man who had spoken behind him.
The butler nods and leaves, saying a quick, “Very well, Sir.”
Clark steps in and closes the door behind him. “Master?”
“He’s known me since I was a little boy. Insists on still calling me master,’ Bruce explains, waving Clark further into the building. Clark follows and they end up in a large lounge room, one with a huge fireplace. “It has been awhile.”
Clark takes his hat off, having forgotten it earlier, and stands there awkwardly. “It has but… I read about what happened. I am terribly sorry for your loss, Bruce.”
Bruce isn’t looking at him and instead at the floor. “And that is why you came here?”
“It is probably stupid but I… I felt like I needed to come,” Clark says.
Bruce finally looks at him and Clark sees just how tired the man looks. “Do you have a family now, Clark?”
Clark doesn’t answer right away, swallowing. “A son and my wife is pregnant with our second child.”
Bruce nods. “You are lucky you get to have two children.”
Clark watches the man. He doesn’t bother saying that he doesn’t feel lucky at all, that instead he is miserable in his life. “Bruce-”
“What are you doing here?” The question is sharp, agitated, and Clark pretends he didn’t flinch.
“I do not… I do not know,” he doesn’t sound confident in his words but he hopes Bruce understands anyway.
But the man standing in front of him looks dead to the word, beaten and dragged through the mud. As if Bruce is done living all together. There’s silence between them before Bruce finally speaks, accusatory and challenging. “Are you here to cheer me up?”
Clark hesitates, knowing what is being implied. Finally, he says, “If that is what you want.”
Bruce shrugs, arms extended out to the side in invitation. “Then cheer me up.”
Clark doesn’t hesitate again and takes the four steps to get to Bruce, crashing their lips together. They end up in Bruce’s bedroom by the time their breeches are stripped off each other, falling naked to Bruce’s bed. The two explore each other’s bodies as if they haven’t done this before, marking every new injury or blemish with their hands and mouth. When they are done, they lie there in their own sweat, breathing hard.
Clark allows a few minutes of breathy silence to pass them before breaking it, turning his head to address Bruce. “Do you ever wish things could be different?”
Bruce turns to face Clark, inquisitive. “How so?”
Clark fidgets with the blanket, twisting it between his fingers. “Being with a man instead of a woman? Living with a man instead of with a woman?”
Bruce’s eyes search Clark’s. “I fancy both men and women, Clark.” Clark looks away, that statement somehow causing pain in his chest. “But you do not?”
“What did you call me all those years ago, Bruce? A sodomite?” Clark says to the ceiling, avoiding eye contact. Bruce doesn’t say anything to this, just stares at Clark’s profile. “It was always so hard to please my wife in bed.”
“And yet, you still managed to get her pregnant twice.”
“Do not belittle me,” Clark snaps, moving to look at Bruce again.
“I didn’t mean it that way,” Bruce says, placating. Clark turns away once again, staring at the ceiling. “I loved my wife, Clark. Do you love yours?”
It takes a while for Clark to answer Bruce and the man waits silently as Clark gathers the courage to say what he’s been thinking for years. “Not how a man should love his wife.”
Bruce rubs a hand down Clark’s cheek, speaking softly. “Do you wish you could have lived with me?” Clark looks at Bruce from the corners of his eyes briefly before facing away once more, not answering that question. Bruce’s mouth is on Clark’s temple, dragging down to Clark’s ear, and then whispering, “You should go home, Clark. You do not want to leave your pregnant wife alone for too long.”
Clark visibly flinches away from Bruce, out of the man’s grasp. He eyes Bruce, not sure how to read those blue eyes that are staring back. He swallows and sits up, sliding out of the bed with a heavy heart. “You are right.” He pulls on his breeches and grabs his shirt, jacket, stockings, and shoes. “I should get back to her.” Before leaving, he looks at Bruce. The man doesn’t look any happier than Clark does, but, of course, Bruce just lost his wife and child. Clark is just going back to a family that he isn’t satisfied with. “I really am sorry for your loss, Bruce.”
Bruce nods minutely and Clark sees the man swallow. “Thank you, Clark.”
Clark leaves then. He never sees Bruce again.
A/N: Res, I hope you liked it. Sorry for my uncreative title but I’ve decided that if I’m going to turn this into a series, all the titles are going to be the year that the fic is set in. I don’t know why, I just feel like doing it that way. ;)
Thanks for reading!!
Clunch - An awkward clownish fellow Bracket-faced - Ugly, hard-featured Cod’s head - A stupid fellow Duke of limbs - A tall, awkward, ill-made fellow Born under a threepenny, halfpenny planet, never to be worth a groat - Said of any person remarkably unsuccessful in their attempts or profession. Bell swagger - A noisy bullying fellow Rusty guts - A blunt surly fellow: a jocular misnomer of rusticus Nob - a man’s penis (trust me when I say, this was the best alternative to some pretty bad and cringy names for it) Rufflers - a crew of men Commodity - A woman's commodity; the private parts of a modest woman, and the public     parts of a prostitute Man Trap - A woman's commodity
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