#all the characters live in that little pos town
masochistikitty · 2 months
god i fucking love. this one oc. hes an ancient forest spirit whos fed up with all the supernatural chaos being enacted upon the non magical world, so hes working against the othet supernatural creatures. however, when the humans (the main characters) get upset at him he turns into this petty bitch like "well no, you left so until you rejoin me im gonna be like them. its not like anyone can even find the town right now" like omgggg hes so self motivated <333 when he was human he probably had a crazy addiction to something idk what (probably alc tbh)
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jinbugs · 7 months
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“Do you think you deserve it? To be punished?” “I think so, yes.”
A Pathfinder 2e Campaign Introduction Post!
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REVUN (@dovelydraws)
26 years old
A duel-wielding tiefling fighter. Easy-going freelance mercenary from Alephia, looking for a job that pays well and a little company.
FERRA (@artpepkin)
87 years old
A beastkin elven rogue from Chiei Thya. Playful vagabond who finds herself wherever the wind takes her. She's maybe gotten herself in a little over her head.
POLITES (@mossy-garden)
17 years old
A tiefling champion. Proud kingdom guard of Crimyria under the goddess Vildeas, who is willing and anxious to prove himself.
KWAN (@jinbugs)
39 years old
A human investigator. Cunning Po Lian scholar-official informant who is in pursuit of a dangerous secret, the centurion pearl. At any cost.
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Glitch (@eternalglitch), our game master, weaves all our loose threads into one coherent story.
One fun rule we’ve incorporated into this campaign: players CANNOT share their character backstories with each other outside of gameplay.
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It gives more mystery fun! It’s also driving us insane. Pray for us.
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(Map created by @dovelydraws, summary also written by Dove)
A lot has gone into the cultures and politics of each of the countries our characters come from. Enough so that it doesn't make sense to get into all of it on an introductory post! But perhaps later in a reblog.
As of the writing of this post, we have now played 5 sessions of the campaign.
Our party all met each other in the small seaside town of Plumeport, Crimyria. We were all brought together in pursuit of the same thing: a legendary man-eating boar, said to hold the power of immortality.
It is believed that consuming the flesh of this boar would grant eternal life, and even just a bit of its fur or blood can extend a person's life, for a time. The King of Crimyria himself has offered whoever can take down this boar a large sum of wealth and a small offering of its blood for personal consumption. He wants the job to be done in time for the Crimyrian Festival of Flight, in a couple months time.
The bounty on the boar's head has drawn adventurers from all over the continent, but none so far have been able to take it down. Many have lost their lives. While each of our party members have their own reasons for wanting to take on this job, Kwan has a very personal stake in their success.
He has, reluctantly, revealed that he once knew the boar before it obtained the power it has today. He has reason to believe it has swallowed something once known as a centurion pearl: a powerful artifact that caused the fall of a once great kingdom, and threw the continent into tumultuous conflict. Kwan is adamant that this power should not be handed over to any king. Once it is killed, they want to extract the pearl from its body to make sure it can never fall into the wrong hands.
So far, Kwan has only revealed this to Revun. Polites, meanwhile, works directly under the king and wants to succeed on this mission to make him proud. Ferra seems to only be interested in the money and adventure. Revun has also said they were in this for the money, but vaguely admitted to Kwan that they also had their own personal reasons to go after the boar, and if he truly believes its power is too dangerous, they will follow his lead.
Once faced with the boar, however, the party was unprepared and outmatched. It was massive, its eyes as large as their heads, emanating a golden glow. It moved unlike a normal animal, and seemingly bore a higher level of intelligence than it should.
After a deceptively strong start, Polites went down in battle, and they were all forced to run to ensure everyone's survival. Before retreating though, Kwan shot the boar with a strange arrow, claiming they would be able to track it again later.
The party camped outside of the marsh, unable to sleep while waiting for Polites to wake up. They discussed next steps- going back to the city to regroup, get proper healing, and perhaps find a sponsor to help them in their next try. They still have a few weeks to get things figured out.
And that's all, so far! We're all pretty stoked and making tons of art and written works, so keep a look out, we might publish a zine when the sessions start wrapping up. Bye-bye, for now!
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Hello! First I want to say I really like your fae story! The world building in it is insane and I'm so glad Buddie is finally together. Second, you don't have to answer but why have you been posting stuff with tommy? I don't understand why any Buddie shipper would like him, he's such a pos in the begins episodes...why write him with Buck? You don't have to answer, but there are lots of Buddie shippers switching sides and I don't see why.
So, first off thank you! I'm so glad you're enjoying Come Away, and I hope the ending coming up satisfies :) Second, ngl, I did consider not answering that question cause I really don't like wading into fandom drama...but that was a super respectful ask and I DO quite like the character so...fuck it, we ball.
This is probably gonna be long and rambly but the TL;DR is I think the fact that Tommy Kinard IS introduced as a piece of shit makes for really interesting nuance to the character and also I'm a multishipper...just cause bacon and pineapple is my favorite pizza flavor doesn't mean I DON'T like pepperoni or have decided never to eat it again (also, I have less than 10k words of BuckTommy on AO3 and, like, almost 300k of Buddie, so I don't think I've switched sides, lol)
As for why I can like Tommy and specifically Tommy and Buck together despite the aforementioned POS'ness, sure I'll cop to part of it being I am just so damn excited for bi!Buck, I'd have been happy with just about anyone awakening that in him. But also because Tommy, to me, is a fucking interesting character and DOES make a lot of sense as someone that Hen and Chim could forgive and be friends with, and that could be good for Buck.
First off there are some things I think we have to acknowledge about Tommy that are factual or can be inferred as factual from the show. 1. For his timeline to make ANY sense, he can generously be in his late thirties to early forties. For it to make sense without him being some kind of prodigy in a couple areas, he has to be in his mid-to-late forties. 2. He was at LEAST partially raised by someone who reminds him uncomfortably of Gerrard, a CARTOONISHLY boorish, evil, bigot. 3. He was closeted for a very long time.
All of those factors together make for someone who honestly, it would have been nearly IMPOSSIBLE for them NOT to be a piece of shit, and a textbook example of how patriarchal systems, toxic masculinity, and white supremacy are also harmful to the people who benefit from them.
Let me preface this by saying I don't think the harm Tommy suffered was anywhere near as great as what Hen and Chim (or any person of color) go through. And, of course, Hen and Chim don't owe him shit. Forgiving him or not is entirely up to them and the right choice whatever they choose.
My point is, Tommy almost certainly grew up in an environment where his worst flaws and character traits were just...normal. I think a lot of people don't understand how much LARGER the world has gotten with the modern day internet, how much easier it is to be exposed to things outside your own bubble. I'm either right around Tommy's age or a little younger, depending on the estimate you use and guys...I just don't have words for how INSULAR my worldview was growing up compared to now. How much everyone around you, even in larger cities, tended to be Just Like You. You had to live in true sprawling metropolises to be exposed to the kind of diversity that we take for granted now. It is a terrible thing, but when everyone around you, everyone you look up to, everyone you love and care about, and who is supposed to love and care about you thinks the same thing, you don't tend to question it. You don't even notice it. My own loving, wonderful, give-you-the-shirt-off-her-back grandmother, who was educated af in a time women really weren't as a rule, and spent her life as a teacher was racist as FUCK. And the really insidious kind...the "I don't hate them, but why can't they just stay on their side of town?" kind, the passive-aggressive comments that only sting the people they're aimed at so no one thinks to defend the victim kind. It's the weirdest cognitive dissonance to know someone as kind, loving, and moral and ALSO realize that the kindness, love, and morality only included certain people. If my parents had not moved around so much, exposing me to different environments (or if they'd been a little less lenient with my internet access when it started exploding) I honestly can't say whether or not I would have ended up just like my grandma. I like to think I wouldn't have, but that's the point...it's a frog in slowly boiling water situation. I think we can all safely say a parent like Gerrard was not creating an environment in which it was safe or even possible to question the hate.
And from that homelife Tommy had to have gone straight into the military during the heights of DADT, wherein hiding your true self from everyone around you was the acceptable compromise to just straight up having your life ruined (if not completely ended).
Now. Does any of this EXCUSE Tommy being a pretty racist, sexist piece of shit in the begins episodes? No. But it is an EXPLANATION and a true-to-life example of how those systems that everyone has to operate in are harmful no matter what. At the time, given what was almost certainly his background, Tommy would almost certainly have to have been INCREDIBLY self-aware and self-actualized (and honestly, really, REALLY fucking brave) not to have been molded into...precisely what he is. A pretty racist, pretty sexist piece of shit who is throwing anyone and everyone he has to under the bus (consciously or not) to divert attention from his own deviation from the "norm".
Okay, HocusPocus, you might say, so this still begs the question why the hell you think Tommy deserves to even breathe the same air as your favorite blorbo.
And let me again preface by saying I acknowledge the show leaves a lot to inference here. As 911 is wont to do, extremely important character moments are handled "off-screen."
That being said, we do get to see Tommy acknowledging he was wrong about Hen and Chim and getting to a place of mutual respect, if not friendship (personally, I think the going away party when Tommy leaves the 118 shows they've made it to friendship...I don't care how much you respect someone, cake, balloons, and a surprise party are strictly friend things). When Chim calls Tommy to take them out to the cruise ship like...Tommy's risking his life AND his career there, if not outright jail time. Just on Chim and Hen's say-so. Again...that's FRIEND level actions, not just "I respect you as a colleague". We see, either right there on screen or through deleted scenes, that everyone around Buck trusts Tommy with him. When have we ever seen the 118 be shy about expressing their displeasure over one of Buck's LI's? If Hen and Chim still harbored resentment towards Tommy, and didn't truly believe he'd changed and was good enough for Buck, do we REALLY think that wouldn't have been expressed?
Are there valid criticisms of the character? Sure. I think a lot of it can be explained by the rushed nature of season 7 with such a large ensemble cast, but yeah, Tommy's not super developed and a LOT of the issues between him, Hen , and Chim are left to inference. That's fair.
But I think the show MEANS us to make those inferences, that Hen and Chim's actions and interactions with him show that Tommy has done the work to change, and they accept that he's changed and it also says a lot about them that they can forgive him and be friends with him (which, again, he is NOT owed and they would have been perfectly valid in denying him).
So, yeah. I like him. I think he's interesting and while Buddie remains my OTP, I am very interested to see where Tevan goes this coming season.
Also, Lou is fucking pretty ;)
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anulithots · 3 months
off topic but like scattered thoughts:
i don't know if you know this but what they're chanting during the game (龙阳之好 — meaning longyang's interest) is basically a phrase that refers to gay relationships. this has to be intentional. right. right. right. anyways if you'd like you can learn more about lord longyang in this brief wikipedia page
cheng xiaoshi's basketball flashback thing with lu guang is peak queer cinema. casually called him his partner and made a profound metaphor on trust on the spot. no one is doing it like him. icon
the captain's (i think his name was hong bin??) accent changes drastically when he's around his family — i don't live in china so i can't pinpoint which region it's from, but just think of it as the chinese equivalent of a country accent. skfjd just thought that was a cute detail
embarrassing but for like the tiniest moment but with the dramatic sunlight and the gentle music i fr thought that implied that hong bin was chen xiao's first love... my stupidity knows no bounds
when cheng xiaoshi is 'in the body' of another person in the past, how much of his emotions are his, and how much of them are the other person's? ...this calls for a character psychoanalysis
okay thank you for listening to my rant. sfjdskfjkfjsj going to scream into my pillow now
EPSIDOE THREEE THROUGH FIVE ARE SO EMOTIONALLY DEVESTATING, IF NTO THE MOST EMOTIONALLY DEVESTATING EPSIDOES IN ALL OF CINEMA (I'm weak for parents singing lullabies and providing comfort that ends tragically. I never stood a chance.) /pos
OKAY RESPONDING TO YOUR THOUGHTS! (sorry if this seems disjointed I'm going through an 'execuative dysfuntino floaty-float cloud rn... yes feeligns I know how to describe those.)
OHMIGOSH THE GAY CHANT. YES IT HAS TO BE INTENTIONAL. THey just get more queer the more you watch. Their shop literally has their ship name.
The manhua exists.
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If this isn't the most queer platonic/gay thing I've ever seen... I don't know what is.
OOOH and I have to tag @celestialsun123 and @mylee-sketches in this just for that point GAY BASKETBALL CHANT WOWOWOO
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This ep was also just like... very queer. SO queer. the most queer coded thing I've ever watched in my life (they wanted to convince us we were safe, that this would be a fun little gay time travel show.)
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Holy herbs. You know what? The censorship just made them more creative and this is more queer than if it were cannon (just shiguang in general actually... it gets even better as you go on)
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ANd the shorts as wellll... also Qiao Ling literally asks Lu Guang 'so what do you like about Cheng XIaoshi?' Like she's honestly the biggest shiguang shipper of us all.
The accent thing IS such a cute detail yess. The way that entire town was written with so much life and little things, each character having depth and intrigue from the get go... only for... episode five.. . and ... *ugly sobbing*
(Especially Chen Xiao's mom. I've honestly rarely seen parents written as well as they are in link click.)
PFT YES YES I ALSO THOUGHT HONG BIN AND CHENG XIAO were supposed to be queer coded in that scene. It's very vibes.
Theorizing on how Cheng Xiaoshi's emotions work when he's possessing people
with some theories behind it, and lots of notes and anlysis that are... in the works (I'm on my second rewatch of season one but I'm silly and keep rewatching the same scene six times before I watch the next... rinse repeat I've been rewatching for a half a month now.)
LIke the layers and layers and layers in this show are insanneeeee.
Also boba tea:
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and... screenshot collection (It's so hard to screenshot shows holy herbs. I wish the manhua adapatation of the first season - where it's all the same as the show - was available online)
(not goign to include any spoilers)
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....and I reached my image limit.
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myreygn · 11 months
kny modern au - characters: hashira
includes: gyomei, tengen, giyuu, sanemi, obanai, kanae, kyojuro, mitsuri, shinobu, muichiro
HUGE thanks and shout out to @giggly-squiggily and @trans-ace-lee for their contributions to this au and indulging my brainrots ♡
inspiration was taken from the german school system because that's what i grew up and am most familiar with:
ages 2-6 (flexible, not mandatory): kindergarten
ages 6-10 (grades 1-4): elementary school
ages 10/11-16/17 (grades 5-10): "secondary school", the diploma qualifies you for an education outside of university (craft sector, social sector etc)
ages 16/17-18/19 (grades 11-12): "upper school", the diploma qualifies you for university
Himejima Gyomei (27, theology major)
grew up in a buddhist orphanage after his parents gave him up because they were ableist idiots who didn't want to raise a blind child
had a very happy childhood, has never been adopted and isn't upset about it in the slightest
went on a spiritual journey for five years after school and wrote a bestseller book about it
started going to university at age 23, helps out at the orphanage whenever he can
has a seeing-eye dog named Curry (a four year old black labrador and the only being on earth he would kill for, he got her when he returned from his journey)
can afford his own flat and lives right next to the orphanage with Curry
advocate for a more inclusive university life and very active in groups fighting for disability rights, both on and off campus
Uzui Tengen (23, music major)
was somewhat of a public figure from a very young age because the Uzui clan is one the richest, most powerful families in the country and everyone in town knows who they are
always hated his parents and moved out at 18, got a small fortune (that's rich people slang for a ton of money, source: trust me) from a cool uncle and used it to open a night club which is very popular with the locals
has no contact to his siblings (even tho he'd like to) and avoids all of his dad's properties like the plague
started going to university at age 20 because he wanted to do something with his passion
plays a bunch of instruments (piano, harp, guitar, violin, shamizen, koto and like ten different types of flute)
lives with his girlfriends in an almost-a-mansion and throws the best partys anyone has ever been to
Tomioka Giyuu (21, philosophy major)
his parents died when he was three years old and him and his sister went through foster care until she came off age and became his legal guardian, they're super close
has been studying several martial arts at Urokodaki's dojo since he was in elementary school
picked philosophy as a major because he had no idea what else to do but it's actually fun??
he mostly just sits in the back and draws stick figures but once a week he'll say something that makes everyone rethink their entire life (no one really understands what's happening inside his head but his professors are convinced he's a genius)
teaches little kids in the dojo because Urokodaki thinks it'd be good for him, he's slowly warming up to it
the type of peanut allergy where his throat closes up at the sight of them, when they were in fifth grade Sanemi almost killed him because he didn't know about it and it delayed their friendship by roughly two years
Shinazugawa Sanemi (21, physics major)
abusive pos dad got stabbed when he was ten, helped his mom raise his younger siblings and is super close with all of them
moved out at 20 when his mom encouraged him to spend more time at university, roommates with Obanai, Giyuu and Sabito
colorblind from birth and dysgraphic when it comes to handwriting, uses recording devices and laptops in class
used to get into a lot of fights in school and still works on not doing that™, most people think he's scary and a delinquent (and also a murderer because it's kinda sus that none of the family members showed up at their dad's funeral)
biker, the motorcycle has wind art on it and he mostly uses it to pick up the tons of children that somehow snuck into his friend circle and take Kanae on drives, loves bringing his guitar to play her something in the moonlight
suffered through school for the most part, a new teacher (Kagaya) in tenth grade inspired him to finish "upper school" and study physics
loves Gyomei's dog like a daughter
Kocho Kanae (21, biology major)
lives with her family and has no plans of moving out until she finishes university, helps a ton in the household
the best big sister ever, drives all of her sisters and their friends around and picks them up at 3am when they're stranded somewhere (also doesn't pretend to hate it, unlike certain other older siblings with their own vehicles)
has always been into gardening and is really getting into permaculture, puts plants wherever she can and loves flowers
most of her cooking ingredients are from her own garden, vegetarian (everything she cooks or bakes will be the best thing you ever ate)
has the voice of an angel, Sumi, Kiyo and Naho refuse to go to bed without her singing them a lullaby
christmas is her favorite time of the year, she goes all out with planning the festivities and getting everyone gifts and needs three whole days to recharge afterwards
has to wear a biteguard when she's stressed because she'll start clenching her teeth in her sleep and works really hard to keep it a secret from everyone
Iguro Obanai (21, philosophy major)
somewhat of a local legend, not by his own doing but by people just making shit up about him
grew up in a cult of which all the members were killed in a fire with him being the only survivor and a huge news story all across the country at age 12
moved to another city as soon as he was old enough to start anew but the rumors follow him everywhere (and it doesn't help that he talks to his snake)
mostly annoyed by the rumors but also likes to use them to scare people of who are being super pushy or harassing his friends (that's the first time in his life he found friends, he can and will commit atrocious crimes on their behalf)
originally enrolled in zoology, then switched majors when the professors wanted to use Kaburamaru as a test subject
spends his time in philosophy class taking a stance against whatever Giyuu says and has an entire folder filled with essays criticizing his statements
always carries headphones with him, listens to lofi because he likes it, mcr because he feels it in his soul and doom metal solely to fuck with tengen ("Screaming is not music!")
Rengoku Kyojuro (20, history major)
still lives at home with his dad and brother because he didn't want to leave Senjuro behind, spends most of his time out of the house tho and is looking for a flat right now
works parttime at a restaurant that's called Umainia and his friends have yet to figure out whether he says "Umai" all the time because he likes his food or to advertise his work place
slightly hearing impaired, has hearing aids prescribed that he just forgets to put in at all times
doesn't have a driver's license, goes by bike everywhere no matter the weather
gets close to people easily, is well beloved amongst Senjuro's friends and also makes an effort to get to know them so he can be sure Senjuro's in good hands
regularly forgets people's names but never their birthdays
collects old books and learned a bunch of old languages just to be able to read them
Kanroji Mitsuri (19, art major)
still lives at home because she wants to stay with her family and help take care of her siblings, also claims that she had invested too much time in her room to just leave it behind (her room looks like every cool fluffy fairy core room you have ever seen on pinterest, it's the coziest place on earth)
if there's a sanrio themed version of stuff she needs, she's getting it, no questions asked.
slightly allergic to dogs, she doesn't care though and cuddles with Curry all the time, she calls it confrontation therapy (it works)
animal lover in general, she even built a little terrarium in her room so Kaburamaru has a comfy spot for his naps when Obanai stays over
has kept every drawing she ever made and sometimes looks through them for inspiration, also likes to track her progress that way
there's a coffee shop across the street from her house where she has been customer of the month every month consistently for four years as well as an honorary mention ever since she was six
Kocho Shinobu (18, student)
in her last year of school and likely about to graduate with a perfect score
founder and president of the first aid club, also head of the student council and an active member on every committee the school has to offer
recently got her driver's license but keeps it a secret so she doesn't have to play chauffeur for her sisters
effectively avoids getting asked out for dates by being very scary™ (and taking jiu jitsu classes since elementary school), she's also your go to person when creepy weirdos won't leave you alone
loves cooking with her sisters and often shares her own recipes with Kanao, she also has her own little corner in Kanae's garden where she plants stuff that she uses to make her own medicine
has a lot on her plate with school and her clubs and some volunteer stuff she does here and there, so she goes to the local animal shelter once a week to cuddle and play with the cats and dogs there, it's her little safe zone to unwind and she doesn't tell anyone about it
the biggest fan of psychological thrillers you will ever meet
Tokito Muichiro (14, student)
in eighth grade and no one knows how he did it but everyone suspects that his brother took at least some of his exams in his place
he's not bad at school per se but he just can't memorize stuff, you're lucky if he knows your name after sitting next to each other for six months
is a member of the cooking club tho and absolutely thriving there, he never goes by recipe and creates the most delicious things but he won't tell anyone his secret ingredients because he can't remember them either
absolutely loves visiting his friends' houses, he's so happy seeing how their rooms reflect them
followed Yuichiro everywhere all throughout elementary school, then made his first friend in fifth grade (Tanjiro of course) and has been getting more and more independent ever since
constantly misses bus stops or takes trains in the wrong direction and is always late because of it, however he has also acquired an extensive knowledge of the town and can give you directions to pretty much everywhere
tries his very best to remember his friends' birthdays but forgets his own every year because it just kinda slips his mind that he has the same birthday as Yuichiro
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dismissivedestroyer · 3 months
deadline genuinely seems so cool may i please know more :3
DeadLine started off as part of the fanzine "Catacumbus", a Uni school project where we as a class had to make up the worldbuilding of an original universe, and then create three characters and write a couple short stories (via comics) taking place in this universe. Some of us got really attached to the characters we made, and we decided to make them into full blown original stories, like with @dvmbfrxgg (she made these characters called Red, Lily and Pierrot, and is now working on a comic about them called The Journey Of Little Red. It SLAPS/pos).
DeadLine started off as part of this fanzine, and then became part of the Elysiumverse, which is a collection of three original comics of mine ("DeadLine", "How to kill an Outer God" and "12 Months Til the end of the world"), probably more to come, all taking place in the same town, Elysium Creek, which is said to be cursed, as children there end up meeting very grim fates. The story follows 13-year-old Nora (Eleonora James), resident of Elysium Creek. One day she ends up in an accident, and while her body ends up in a coma, her soul ends up trapped in the Catacombs, where souls reside as they die. Determined to go back to the world of the living, she makes friends and enemies as she explores the weird place she's stuck in, and uncovers a dangerous conspiracy that threatens to destroy the balance between life and death.
It's also vaguely based on a tragedy that happened in my town, about which I won't elaborate cause it's pretty private.
This is the first sketch of the final designs of the three main characters tho
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nickmakura · 4 months
Adult Scooby-Doo TV Show Pitch
So, the idea with my theoretical Adult Swim Scooby-Doo TV Show is to avoid any inclination this is a reimagining. I'm envisioning this is as being a sort of continuation of the concepts and story present in Zombie Island, Witch's Ghost, and Alien Invaders. But, attempting to keep up the original episodic format of "Where Are You?" and breaking some limits of what you can put these characters through.
Part of the reason "Zombie Island" works, is because these are the same characters we grew up with. But they're a little older now too. They all have jobs, they're long past high-school, they have adult expectations. But for the most part, Hanna-Barbera doesn't change anything about Mystery Inc's personality, and instead drops them into a scenario that is dark and gritty. Which makes it far more terrifying.
But another reason is Zombie Island keeps the inherent comedy without sacrificing the horror. Good stuff.
So how do you take the concepts of Zombie Island, and transform it into a monster of the week Scooby-Doo show?
Coast to Coast with Scooby-Doo!
Part I: The Plot
After the harrowing experiences dealing with true brushes with the supernatural and the paranormal, Daphne Blake is now more convinced then ever that she needs live footage of a real honest to good ghost. If they can get one on camera, and report it, this will be the find of a century.
Sticking with the original plan, Scoob & The Gang travel across America investigating real folklore and horrors, in hopes of finding something real.
Part II: The Formula
So, Coast to Coast With Scooby-Doo is kind of a mix of genres. But for the most part, I want it to be a Horror Comedy Mystery show, but it's also a road trip show. One of the things I liked about Zombie Island, is that it took place in New Orleans, and introduced us to real New Orleans cuisine. From beignets, to po' boys, crawdads, gumbo and jambalaya. But it also told us about the voodoo scene in New Orleans.
I'm now dead set on heading out to New Orleans sometime just to try the food, and I think that's something that can really help drag Scooby-Doo down to earth. It makes you really want to visit these places, and maybe investigate a haunting while you're there too.
So, here's the setup.
Spooky Cold Open, probably a Murder
Theme Song
Scoob & The Gang ride the mystery machine into town, probably with some sort of banter. Velma brings up where they're going, and Shag is like "Yo man, it's been a minute since we've been out to New York! You guys think Trinidad Golden Palace is still open? Like they had one crazy Shark Sandwich dude!" Then another member of the gang brings up they're actually looking to go to the statue of Liberty, where, by the way, there is ACTUAL rumors of buried treasure and ghosts. This changes depending on local
The gang stumble upon mystery, ask questions, find out gruesome details, meet suspects. Daphne & Fred interview some people.
They film the hauntings as they're happening, and search for clues.
Then, as the episode progresses we figure out whether or not this thing is real or fake. If it's real, the gang have to find a way to take down the monster using ingenuity and what they've found in the episode, or they have to capture the culprit and breakdown the mystery.
Small things, but I feel like having a constant bet between characters whether or not it's real or if it's fake would be something really fun actually. I think the audience would have fun getting in on the question too, and guessing along with the gang.
Part III: The Adult Part
So, this is a show for adults, but the fact it's FOR adults will not override that it IS Scooby-Doo. Which is to say, that it will have murder, swearing, mentions of sex, but it will not go beyond what you expect in terms of tone from Scooby-Doo. It's a fun horror comedy mystery show about 4 friends and their dog who investigate spooky mysteries. You can't change that core premise or you risk it no longer being Scooby-Doo and something else entirely.
So if you need a member of the gang to swear for a scene, you can, but it can't breach too far out of character for the group. Like Fred can say fuck, but he's still the leader Dad type guy who likes Daphne, and likes building absurd rube goldberg type traps. Shaggy can smoke weed, but he's still the goofy moral center of the group. He makes fun sandwiches, he cracks dumb jokes, he's scared of getting stabbed, but he sticks around for his friends. Velma can be a lesbian, but she's still the quirky smart character who loves books and science.
But most importantly you need to make sure it's still abundantly clear to the audience that no matter how much drama or crazy shit they see, Scoob & The Gang are all best friends who love working together.
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restlessmaknae · 7 months
veritas vos liberabit // kim junseo
enemies to friends to lovers high school au with a murder mystery + “as far as i’m concerned, that never happened” + wei’s junseo
➳ Characters: high school student!Junseo x high school student!female reader/you
➳ Genre: enemies to friends to implied lovers, dark academia au, boarding school au, murder mystery
➳ Words: 1.8k
➳ Warning: mentions of murder, suicide, cheating (not on the main characters' part), money laundering, bullying
➳ A/N: This story was requested by the lovely @ishuayou for my request event. I hope you enjoy it! ❤️
➳ Masterlist for the request event
➳ WEi taglist: @dat-town, @hyu-won, @littlestartonightsposts, @ishuayou, @squiishymeow, @s00buwu
Non scholae sed vitae discimus
This was the motto of the boarding school you attended which means ‘we do not learn for school, but for life’, and more often than not, it proved to be true. In the treacherous hallways of the school, everyone was on their own. Even if certain students formed cliques, they were short-lived forms of alliance until one or more of them were accused of something scandalous. That’s how you had fallen out with two girls after your father - a politician in your home country - was rumoured to be cheating on your mother. You had ‘cheater’s daughter’ written all over your locker in permanent marker the day after the news had gotten out, and students had given you suspicious glances everywhere you had gone as if you had been the one cheating on someone.
Sadly though, you weren’t the only case of castaway isolation. It seemed as if it was a game by now, the target falling on a different pupil every other day. Since everyone came from a wealthy family, each and every one of you could be a target for something. Your father might have cheated on your mother, but one student’s cousin committed suicide and they started asking him if he was next; one student had a CEO as their father who was accused of money laundering; one student’s sister ended up in jail after breaking into a stranger’s house at midnight, drunk and high, and the list went on and on.
You did learn for life, after all. You learned that there were multiple ways one could humiliate another human being, and that you could never trust someone because they only had you in their favour until your picture perfect facade didn’t waver. Once it did, you were as easily disposable as a piece of trash.
That’s why you were wary to let Junseo in when he had first shown signs that he was different. When you had started attending the same school together, you had firmly told him that he shouldn’t speak to you because your families were rivals, so were you. They had both worked in the fashion industry, always coming in the worldwide sales neck-to-neck, and the Kims tried to uphold a perfect family image just like your family did so. You hated every second you had needed to work with him on an assignment, talk to him during Latin classes or sit beside him during modern literature classes.
However, he had been the one who had tried to clean the permanent marker off your locker that one time, and since you had told him to stay away from you, he had to do it out of the goodness of his heart. He had also been the one who had stood up for you when you had needed to go back home for a funeral, and some girls had accused you of going on a vacation during term time. He had been the one to buy you peppermint tea when you had been on your period and hadn’t been able to leave your room due to your cramps.
Little by little, the boy had managed to break down your walls, and if there was someone you would consider as your friend, it would be Kim Junseo himself.
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Timendi causa nescire est
Ignorance is the cause of fear, that’s what Junseo told you when a dead body was found on school grounds, and the school committee presumed that it was due to suicide since it happened after midterms. Since the school was in the highlands, and had its own campus with a nursery, two grocery shops, one post office, a stationery shop and a special affairs office (which was supposed to be the closest thing to a disciplinary office), they never notified the police because the school said that it would handle everything by itself.
Besides, your boarding school was said to be an exemplary one, one of the best ones in the world, why would anyone assume anything other than suicide? The deceased student’s parents would most likely want to sweep the news under the rug anyway because suicide was seen as a sign of weakness, especially among your social circle. No one would dare to question what happened.
No one, but you and Junseo.
It’s because Hamin’s - the deceased student’s - locker was above Junseo’s, and on the day the news of his death came to light, Junseo slipped a piece of paper in front of you in a secluded corner of the school library. It read:
“As far as I’m concerned, that never happened.”
“It was tucked into the bottom of his locker, so when I opened mine, it fell out,” the boy explained, and you furrowed your eyebrows in question upon his words.
“Do you think someone had something on him?”
“Or he had something on someone else, and maybe they cornered him on the rooftop. I rather doubt Hamin would have jumped off himself,” he added contemplatively, and you had to give it to him that he was right. If there was anyone in your whole year who didn’t seem affected by the budding ground of hatred and humiliation that the whole school was about, it would be Hamin himself. He was always so carefree and chatty, and he hadn’t been the target of any bullying (a rare case), so he didn’t seem to have a reason to end his own life.
“Maybe you’re right. Hamin is a kind-hearted student,” you started, then corrected yourself after clearing your throat. “He was a kind-hearted student, but he had a loose mouth. Maybe he saw something that he shouldn’t have or knew too much, and it backfired,” you mused out loud, trying to keep your voice quiet in case there were other students around who could eavesdrop on your conversation. After all, you could never know at this school.
You exchanged a glance with Junseo, and you could immediately tell that he was thinking the same: you needed to investigate it or else, no one would do it. So you went up to check on the rooftop, but they closed down the entrance to the rooftop, so you could only peek above the tapes and fences, trying to see if anything was off about the place. Nothing seemed out of ordinary, but it didn’t mean that that was all that was to it.
So you kept up your suspicions, listening in on conversations that seemed relevant, examining students’ body language when Hamin’s death was brought up, and Junseo even tried matching the handwriting on the piece of paper he found to the ones he saw in the teachers’ office when he helped the English teacher correct some tests. At first, nothing seemed to work out, but then, the rooftop was open to the public again, and you found a lighter with ‘CY’ engraved into it.
Even though smoking was strictly prohibited on school grounds, everyone knew that there were students who smoked, and the teachers probably knew about it too, yet let it slide because you all came from wealthy families, and they were paid to teach you, paid a hefty amount on top of them. So they turned a blind eye to most, if not all, breaches.
“Choi Yoonsung?” You quirked an eyebrow in question, pondering whether there was anyone else with the same initials in your year. “I wouldn’t be surprised if he smoked. His family owns a tobacco company after all,” you noted, and even though you had not seen the said boy smoking, anything could happen here. Even a murder.
“I feel like we’re missing something here. Yoonsung couldn’t just throw Hamin over the edge because of his lighter,” Junseo mused out loud while turning the lighter in his hands as if it could help him put the pieces together. It didn’t, but it lit a spark that turned into a full-blown fire.
A wildfire that couldn’t be contained.
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Veritas vitæ magistra
You never really believed in the saying that truth was the teacher of life because there were too many two-faced people in your social circle, too many lies and facades, and you could never know when someone was being genuine or they were merely playing their part in the grand charade of boarding school society.
Well, not until you had to discover the truth behind Hamin’s death yourself. It wasn’t easy, and it took you two almost a month to figure out, but when the truth came to light - all your proof put together into a folder and sent to both Hamin’s parents and the special affairs official -, there was no way to cover up anymore what happened.
What happened was that Yoonsung and Soomin had been going out together, but kept it a secret because Soomin had been forced to date a different boy (and keep it long distance while she was at the boarding school) for her family’s sake. Hamin had walked in on them kissing once but said nothing. Then, he had bumped into them on the rooftop that night, and made a joke about them being a power couple at school. Yoonsung had started threatening the boy while the cigarette was still hanging out of his mouth. When the cigarette’s light had gone out while they had been arguing, Yoonsung had tried to light it up again, but Hamin had tried to hold him back. That’s when the boy had pushed him so forcefully that he had managed to push Hamin over the edge of the rooftop. It had always been too short for someone as tall as Hamin, but it had never caused such a calamity before. However, it had been dark, Yoonsung and Soomin had been frustrated already, and the ground had been slippery because of the day’s rain accumulating on the rooftop and along its rails.
How did you come to the conclusion of all these? You had found the note Soomin had left in Hamin’s locker, identified that it belonged to her based on her handwriting, had found Yoonsung’s lighter on the rooftop, had overheard one of Soomin’s friends talking about the girl’s supposedly fake relationship with a foreigner boy outside of school, had stumbled upon a half-burnt picture of the two of them one day on the rooftop, and many more hints like that. It had not been easy, Yoonsung and Soomin had guarded their secret as if it had been their own child, but the truth always came to light.
Veritas vos liberabit was written over the door of the special affairs office that you walked out of with Junseo by your side, and when you looked at each other, you felt your shoulders drop in ease and your heart beating somewhat lighter. Maybe that’s why you let Junseo reach out to you and pull you towards himself, so you could rest your head on his shoulder while you were walking.
The truth will liberate you all.
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A/N: Hope you enjoyed this story of mine! Let me know what you think.
If you want to read more stories of mine, let it be for WEi or for other artists, consider signing up for my taglist here.
Hope you have a lovely day/night! Take care! ❤️
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enlighten3d · 5 months
WELLL claps hand together
the story is about these teenagers trying stop an evil cult from destroying the entire multiverse, so they go to different dimensions to stop their evil ways. Also they are teenagers so they have to deal with personal angst, family issues, morality, school ect ect while trying to stop the cult leader and their right hand men
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Caroline is technically the main character of my story, she is basically the bubbly, positive one of the group. Her family is rich as hell, they used to live in Taiwan as successful business people but they moved to America because they wanted to make more money. Her family doesn’t really like her and they emotionally and physically neglect her since she came out as a transgender girl and her older sister is kind of a coward and doesn’t stand up for her (fun times)
anyway she ends up having to do a group assignment with her childhood friend which she kind of drifted apart from (Andie) and some punk girl she probably has a crush on (Mimi), they eventually end up in an abandoned house and find out that their town is run by an evil cult that can teleport to different dimensions. So they feel guilty enough to stop it.
they think the best course is to beat the 7 plane hoppers who are in the way to kill the main cult leader, the stag. though out the whole thing Caroline is basically pushing through by toxic positivity saying everything is alright even though they have killed many people, she also kind of convinced herself that this is a video game and is probably more okay about sacrificing people and herself (for the better good)
Also her sister possessed during her 17th birthday party for funsies
thank you for the food that is oc lore, i am eating it om nom nom
that all sounds FUCKING AMAZING ACTUALLY. cults ?? universal travel bullshit ????? all while dealing with normal teenage bs ?? thats beautiful. poor little guys. they need a break. i CANNOT imagine trying to exist as a teenager while trying to take down a cult qyehdjdkkdks
dont worry.. your eldritch horror loves you... i am so glad to know that ! /silly
..fuck her family ! they can rot ! caroline )): you dont deserve any of this..
THAT MUSTVE BEEN A REVELATION ?? WOAH ?? just. doing a school project and ope government is a cult (/hyp)... insane
i actually fucking love the whole like. unwilling chosen one Vibe to all of this ?? yes theyre not chosen nor are they truly unwilling but. the Vibe is the same. the guilt (on thier part) is real...
caroline. love. youre fucked up. just like me frfr. agh thats. so cool tho ?? 'EVERYTJING IS FINE, ALL OF THIS IS A GAME !!' and ljke. fuck thats such a fun thing in fiction when a character copes using that ?? its the perfect level of fucked up bcs it rlyyy drives rhe point home and. im giving them all a shock blanket okay ?
oh boy !! thats fun !! poor sister..
what does the cult worship‽‽ i am so fucking curious..
lso like, whats the difference between each plane? is it an alternate reality sorta situation where things are relatively the same but Different, or is it judt flatout. different EVERYTHING (people, laws of physics, all that jazz)?? or somewhere in between or outside of this ofc.
do all the plane hopper guys like.. stay in different universes and have a branch of the cult established there..
why does the cult run the town in the first place ? was it a thing where like. they wrre the original settlers but then the town expanded aorund and beyond the cult ?? or did they move in and do a slow takeover.....
fuck i have so many questions /pos
this is. so cool. i love the Vibes. theyre so... Impending.. ahdjskdisjjdjsks
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alolawinters · 26 days
☆Pinned Intro Post☆
Alola! Yo~ All the hellos~
My name is Wally. I'm transmasc, and I use he/him pronouns. I'm a 30 year old Team Skull Admin and Pokémon stylist who enjoys traveling to other Reigons with my team, and I sometimes travel for work too! When I go for work however, Guzma always comes with me. I love the paranormal, battling, and creative grooming (especially on a Furfrou).
I was born in Lavender Town, Kanto, and now I live here in Alola- in Po Town to be exact. It's always rainy here, we're near the beach, and my found family is wonderful. If you have any questions about life here, I'm more than happy to share a bit~
I'm in a relationship with Guzma, I'll get that out of the way. He calls me Boo, and I call him Bugs! So if I refer to someone as my Bugsband (instead of husband, haha get it?), that's who I'm talking about. Plumeria is not part of our relationship, she is literally like our sister. Guzma grew up with her!
My Pokémon
I have my active team, and I just have some around. I love giving my Pokémon freedom to roam around Po Town, but I'll just name off my team for now.
Goblin • M • Sableye • Prankster - He and Pyrite are never seperate so I'll have Pyrite stay back during any battles. Both are gremlins and they will try to get your jewelry if it's a jewel.
Aulkhor • F • Dusknoir • Pressure - She is my most serious Pokémon. I don't think I've seen her smile, but she gives good hugs.
Lullaby • F • Wigglytuff • Cute Charm - Lullaby is the second Pokémon I caught while I lived in Kanto! She has been with me through thick and thin, she is my "jack of many trades", and is a Cute Contest grand champion~
Nemophila "Nemo" • F • ☆Sylveon☆ • Pixelate - My Nemo baby~ She has such a sweet tooth and will constantly ask me for a PokéPuff- Specifically the orange one. She will get you with her puppy face, she's very good at it.
Pepper • M • Unovan Zoroark • Illusion - He is the brother to Salt... I assume. I found them both on Mount Lanakila as Zorua, and Zoruas aren't native to Alola, so I think they were abandoned there and... well. They both have since recovered and made an amazing ninja battle duo. I'm very proud of them~ Pepper is the bigger of the two and also the loudest.
Salt • M • Hisuian Zoroark • Illusion - Brother to Pepper He is smaller and more quiet, but when he gets loud in a battle it's a little scary how loud and shrill he can get. He and Pepper Like to snuggle.
((Ooc under cut))
Woof sorry for not getting a proper intro up for this blog! I've been busy with life and art work.
So I'm Wally. This blog is my self-insert roleplay blog! Anything that happens here does not affect other people's universes. This is for me to have fun, make some friends, and do a bit of roleplaying because I'm tired of being shy about it. I am an adult ('93), so I wanted to reflect that in my sona as well. Most of what StoryWally likes is what I like~
There's not really a canonical timeline for this, StoryWally just kind of exists and event could be happening, all depends on how this goes!
There will be no NSFW here.
There will be swearing and heavy content, but I'll do my best to tag the heavy content stuff with "cw"
My own lore and tidbits in my AU that will, again, not affect other AUs
I will occasionally have my other OCs and canon characters roleplay and interact~
My main Tumblr is @ribbonwolf , and there is cw on that because I post a bunch of stuff that definitely is NSFW.
Lore, Wally at work, Wally's pokemon, Po Town, pokemon photos
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Ok ya'll know who ever one else is or you should at least but time for me to introduce the main star of the blog ✨Faye✨
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Just gonna info dump here:
Faye was born at Hau'oli City on Melemele Island, but currently lives in Po town, Ula'ula Island.
15 years old.
Last name is Cruz. 👈 that's my last name😉
Member of Team skull though she doesn't look the part.
not exactly a grunt, same rank as Plumeria or maybe just a bit lower.
She calls Plumeria big sis like all the other grunts do but will also call Guzma big bro because she knows it annoys the hell out of him and she thinks it's hilarious.
Her name Faye means mischievous so you can already guess her personality.
Also part of Team Rainbow Rocket but once again just at least a bit higher than a grunt but not a Boss/Leader.
Sylveon is her main Pokemon.
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Rules: please be respectful to everyone, no being mean I just don't like it. remember i'm a minor so no Nsfw asks or anything please, it's ok if you flirt just not with the younger characters and please have at least a little filter and don't go too far or crazy with it. I do take art requests and stuff but no weird or inappropriate stuff and please don't rush me it takes me a while to do the task, Adhd here so I rarely ever focus on one thing for long. Three strikes and you get blocked, but I hate blocking people and I trust all of you not to break any of the rules. Thanks for reading and I hope you have an amazing day💖
Main blog @loki104-uwu, you can message and contact me there too
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thepocket221 · 2 years
I have brought you Finn headcanons!
Finn is part French
He even speaks French!
Somtimes he calls you little names in French
Big Hozier fan
Also a Harry Styles fan
Terrible at combat video games but puzzle and indie games he's good at
Hes a mf old man
He crochetes little sweaters for you and him
Also to mention
He dances in the kitchen with you with the record player on <33
Soft snoring boy
Sleep talker also
Hes surprisingly strong Also
Its cuz He lifts flower pots for a living He says
This is canon but he is a very good cook
He knows all of the best small cafes that aren't very known in town
He is very good with kids!
Hes very awkward at first but then if the kid says, "You have very pretty hair, It's like a princesses hair!" He smiles and let's them play with his hair
One time you walked into him and his nieces doing his makeup
*Finn has bright red lipstick on and blue eyeshadow on with one girl doing his hair and the other doing his makeup*
"Oh hi love!"
The girl doing his makeup: "Quit moving and look at me uncle Finn!"
"Oh I'm sorry!
Ig that's one way to end it-
(usually for hc posts i try to have art i’ve made to go along with it BUT I DONT DRAW FINN ENOUGH <//33 well, i do, but it the scribbles don’t look too well (to me at least) so i do not post them <//3 /lh /nm but until i have finn art i’m proud of:
in return, here are some of my finn hcs!!
on the topic of what type of phone games/games in general he would play: he’s a king at sudoku.
crosswords too!!
he’s so smart, i love him dearly <33
maybe he tried a dating sim once but it did not go well for him
other than that, he definitely would play RPGs (and before ANYONE SAYS IT, based on my personal experience, i’d say finn’s more of an animal crossing fan compared to stardew.) and is the type of guy to overthink the choices he’s given in game. he doesn’t look the answer up, but oh boy is it tempting,, “if i go with this option, it will ruin my relationship with this character :(“ babes they’re not real🫶/lhj
storyteller finn however, would love stardew valley. the mystical aspects would be his favorite.
deadass would forget you can date someone bc of the lore.
anywho, back to garden variety💪🫶‼️
i would like to believe he has thick thighs
but may i raise you: muscle chub finn.
somehow is seymour AND audrey as far as personality. idk how he does it but oh sweet heart <//33
also imagine him saying the most cryptic stuff when he’s sleeping. like bro are you just saying words or are you plagued with the murder of someone,, /lhj
i’m also a finn hot freaks fan truther🫶🫶 /pos
maybe he can also play piano
“fuck you joint pain!! i do what i want!!” (his ass did NOT take his pain meds and regrets his decision)
in reference to bunny finn, garden variety finn would have a pretty big family. he’s second oldest
the type of fellow to to squint his eyes, move his glasses down slightly, and bend back a little bit to see something someone’s showing him on their phone
also the type of fellow to never wear shorts unless they’re cargo shorts.
also gives him chronic pain bc i have chronic pain😼
decked out his mobility aide with various stickers gifted to him by his little nieces and nephews
in public he uses a cane and a wheeled walker.
doesn’t use one at work (like a silly goose) and regrets it
definitely forgets his braces as well
has especially terrible wrist, knee, and hip pain
you can’t tell me he wouldn’t spoil them
also goes to all of their recitals, ball games, award ceremonies, plays, literally any and every after school event. he loves those little goobers and wants to support them!!
also embarrasses the shit out of them as well!!
people who crochet are so cool and epic like actually‼️‼️/g /srs
methinks this is canon but he probably doesn’t have a lot of friends; at max he has 2-3.
jack ofc being his bestie
they have sleepovers you can’t change my mind /lhj /nm
who says i can’t make every character autistic?? i’m the nd doing the coding here!! /pos /lhj
could just be me but he definitely has a male/masc preference
okay that’s it, goodbye and stay safe🫡‼️‼️
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mattmorettiisbored · 3 months
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[ joe mazzello, cis male, he/him ] — whoa! MATT MORETTI  just stole my cab! not cool, but maybe they needed it more. they have lived in the city for 3 MONTHS, working as a SCREEN WRITER/DIRECTOR. that can’t be easy, especially at only 39 YEARS OLD. some people say they can be a little bit COLD and PRETENTIOUS, but i know them to be FUNNY and GENEROUS. whatever. i guess i’ll catch the next cab. hope they like the ride back to Brooklyn! — (nads, 34, gmt-3, she/her)
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FULL NAME: Matthew Moretti
AGE: 39
DATE OF BIRTH: September 19, 1984
PLACE OF BIRTH: Hyde Park, New York
CURRENT LOCATION: Brooklyn, New York.
RELIGION: Catholic
SEXUAL ORIENTATION: Bisexual Straight 
EDUCATION: The University of Southern California School of Cinematic Arts (SCA)
OCCUPATION: Writer/Director
FACECLAIM: Joe Mazzello
HEIGHT: 5'9 
WEIGHT: 150 lbs
HAIR COLOR: Dark ginger
SCARS|MARKS: Some freckles on his nose.
SIGNATURE SCENT: Hugo Boss Bottled Night
CHARACTER INSPO: Hawkins 'Hawk' Fuller (Fellow Travellers) Tom Burgess (My Policeman) Adam (All of us Strangers) The Priest (Fleabag) Ted Lasso
THEME SONG: I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For - U2
POS TRAITS: Generous. Friendly. Funny
NEG TRAITS: Traditional. Arrogant. 
LOVE LANGUAGE: Quality time
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic good
MOTHER: Grace Moretti
SISTER: Mary Moretti
Growing up in the 80s in Hyde Park, New York was pretty easy for Matt. He was part of the picture perfect little family of four. Mom, dad, his sister and him. His days were full of bike rides to the park and climbing trees and trips to the lake. 
Matt’s parents were really good parents and wanted their kids to try anything they wanted so Mary and Matty did it all, from dance and piano lessons to all the sports the town had to offer. Even some acting jobs as kids. Matt’s favorite though were his dance lessons. Of course they were, his dad taught them. Matt was John’s shadow. He admired his dad more than anyone in the world. While his classmates were always whining about their fathers, he was going on road trips with the man for half the summer. They were thick as thieves. 
That’s why it shook him to his core when he had to move from LA back to New York because his father was terminally ill. Matt had been living in LA for over 10 years, moving there to study in USC to be a filmmaker but without a doubt he paused his entire life to be with his hero. His best friend. 
When his dad peacefully passed away, Matt took one last trip with him and brought some of his ashes to Italy where his grandparents came from. Once there he discovered more about himself than just some family history. 
In Italy, Matt fell in love with Teddy and at thirty-six years old, they made him doubt everything he believed to be true about himself. 
It didn’t matter how much Teddy tried and proved themselves to Matt over and over, Matt couldn’t get past his paralyzing fear of people finding out about them so eventually and understandably, Teddy’s patience ran out and they left him for good. 
Now he’s back in New York, in Brooklyn this time, working in Manhattan as a screenwriter on a show filming in the city. It’s been three months but he still can’t help but turn every time he sees someone with blonde hair passing by him. 
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callmecharliejones · 3 months
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[ lucy boynton, cis female, she/her ] — whoa! CHARLIE JONES just stole my cab! not cool, but maybe they needed it more. they have lived in the city for A FEW MONTHS as A TUTOR/NANNY. that can’t be easy, especially at only 31 YEARS OLD. some people say they can be a little bit ANXIOUS and QUIET , but i know them to be CARING and PATIENT. whatever. i guess i’ll catch the next cab. hope they like the ride back to Queens! — (nads, 34, gmt-3, she/her)
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FULL NAME: Charlie Jones
AGE: 27
DATE OF BIRTH: March 10, 1993
PLACE OF BIRTH: Leicester, England.
ETHNICITY: White, English.
GENDER: Cis Woman
SEXUAL ORIENTATION: Bisexual/Demisexual
EDUCATION: LSU Louisiana State University
FACECLAIM: Lucy Boynton
HEIGHT: 5'5 WEIGHT: 120 lbs
PIERCINGS: Ear lobes and one helix
SCARS|MARKS: Some freckles on her nose and cheeks
SIGNATURE SCENT: Lavender and honey
CHARACTER INSPO: Jannine Teagues (Abbott Elementary) Leslie Knope (Parks and Rec) August Landry (One Last Stop - book) Henry Fox (RWRB Book) Harriet Gibbons ( The Greatest Hits) Maddie Buckley (911 abc)
THEME SONG: Moon River (Audrey Hepbur’s version)
POS TRAITS: Kind, Hard working, Patient, loving, nurturing, usually calm
NEG TRAITS: guarded, meticulous, anxious
LOVE LANGUAGE: Acts of service
ALIGNMENT: Lawful good
MOTHER: Alice Jones (nee Rollins)
FATHER: David Jones
Charlie was born in a small town in Leicester, England to a British father and an American mother. 
Growing up in England was the best and she had a very happy childhood where she spent most of her school days in the city and her weekends in the country visiting her grandparents on her dad’s side. She loved school and loved her teachers but she was always a lonely child. If she wasn’t skipping through the garden, she was in the library with her nose buried in a book and her headphones on. She carried her walkman with her everywhere. But she liked it that way and she didn’t realize it was a little odd until she turned 10 and her mum had to take her to the US with her.
Her grandma on her mum’s side was ill and her mum wanted to be by her side but dad stayed back in England. 
When she started school in Louisiana, she realized how different she was from her classmates. They would make fun of the way she talked and throw her books or mp3 player in the toilet but she shrugged it all off and came back home to her mum saying everything was fine and that she loved it there because she couldn’t bare breaking her mum’s heart more than it already was while she watched her own mum wither away. 
High school wasn’t too different. She tried to make her English accent go away but it wasn’t enough for her classmates to like her. She had a friend or two but no more than that. She was still the same lonely girl she thought she had left behind in Leicester. 
After graduating Louisiana State University, she started working at a public elementary school where she finally found her place in the world. She loves teaching and absolutely adores kids. But just like everything in life for Charlie, a couple of months before moving to Brooklyn, she went through a school shooting. Unscarred physically but not psychologically. 
Now she’s living in a shitty apartment in Brooklyn above a diner with a few roommates and in desperate need of a job where she doesn’t have to constantly look over her shoulder. 
It’s her and her headphones against the world. 
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theglamorousferal · 4 months
Backstory for my character for a modern Death House game of D&D where my character has Alcor the Dreambender as their warlock patron.
Morgan Helsmoortal grew up playing baseball with their military father and learning guitar from their conservative mother.
They always liked the occult growing up, especially different runes and spell circles. Their parents did not approve, so they hid this from them. This was not the only thing they were hiding from them.
The day they graduated high school they packed grab bags filled with some fruit jerky, nuts, water, clothes, their phone with a new SIM card, their guitar and their laptop. They set the bags with their bike and helmet at the end of the driveway d then told their parents that they were non-binary. In his fury as they were walking away, their father threw the baseball bat he had bought them for their birthday at them.
They kept the bat.
They train hopped for a little while, going from city to city, busking until they landed in the outskirts of a cozy little town.
They found an abandoned shack in the woods, sturdy, sealed enough from the elements that they won’t die and there’s a fire place that has a stove top.
They rode their bike into town, and picked up odd jobs to be able to afford a PO Box and a phone bill. They are super tall and pale and dress mostly in black, so some local kids have taken to calling them “Slendy” after Slenderman. They started working part-time at a coffee shop by the local community college who recently got a boost from the local theater. They get a deal through work to take a class in sound design and then decide to make a podcast about the occult.
They make it like they’re a tavern keep after-hours telling the stories of adventurers who came through their tavern as they stoke the main fire in the tavern hall.
While doing research on an entity of knowledge specifically on the occult they dropped some of their research notes and a bag of gummy worms onto a summoning circle they had drawn on the floor.
In a burst of bright blue light, Alcott the Dreambender emerges. He takes one look at the shocked face of Morgan, then at their surroundings (the dingy shack, thin camping cot tucked in a corner as Morgan sat their entire 6’10” frame on a five gallon bucket with a pillow on it, empty energy drink cans scattered about) and decides, nope.
“NOPE no way in hell is someone strong enough to pull me from my home dimension going to live like THIS. Give me three days. You can keep the notes, but I’m taking these gummy worms.” And then disappears.
On the third day, when they get back to the shack after a shift at the coffee shop, Morgan comes back to the place with two cords of wood outside, electricity, and running water in the formerly decrepit bathroom. There’s two comfy-looking chairs and a TV with what looks like a Boku box hooked up to it and a couple board games on the shelves under it. A book shelf with all the books and journals Alcor found scattered around the shack. Two small tv tray tables and what looks like a salvaged countertop in the corner with a microwave, some coffee mugs, a box of tea and Morgan’s mess kit on it. Behind a thick curtain that held the side of the room with the fire place, the piece de resistance, a bed with an actual frame that fits their full height with a super comfy looking new blanket and two new pillows on it.
Morgan stepped inside and was startled by Alcor appearing right behind them.
“So, what do you think? It’s the best I could do with the time I had. Honestly with a little more push I could probably get you ownership of the land too. My mojo seems to work a bit different here, but I still have a few tricks up my sleeve. By the way, what was your name again?”
Morgan stared at him, eye level with them because he was *floating*. “Hello, my name is Morgan Helsmoortal, they/them. I never found your name or title in anything I had translated yet, how should I address you?” They spoke formally, so as not to give the unknown and powerful entity and grip upon them.
Alcor smiled a fanged smile. “Oh I like you, know the rules of magic do ya Slendy? Well you may call me Alcor, my title is Dreambender and I believe my classification is that of a deity of knowledge, specifically on arcane magics. I usually stay in my home dimension, so most of the magic here I am unfamiliar with.” He took a moment before straightening himself out and settling on the floor. “I would like to make a deal.”
Morgan crossed their arms and leaned most of their weight on their back foot. “I’m listening.”
“I would like to read through all of your currently accumulated research and have journals provided for me to make notes myself and also for you to find me rare grimoires, tomes and scrolls for me to research and read, and as long as you do that, I will give you the ability to do magic.” He paused for a breath. “I would also like to hang out with you and maybe research with you. In return for that, I will tell you some of my story.” He said in a softer voice.
Morgan took a moment to look at the entity before them and then immediately stuck their hand out to shake. “I agree to both deals. It would be nice to have a friend for a change.” Alcor smiled an understanding smile and then stuck his flaming blue hand out.
“This is the start of a beautiful friendship.”
Alcor forgets time at one point and doesn’t check in for six months and somehow in that time, Morgan has found themselves in Barovia picking up on a lead about some occult artifacts.
I did rewrite some of the original backstory, but I feel that it fits better this way. I also have Alcor as a Seeker patron from UA material because I felt it fit better from what I’ve read of him and how he was as Dipper as well. In the original I had it so Alcor had personal beef with Strahd and so when he found out in game that Morgan was in Barovia he flips his shit and then asks them to collect a book he left there the last time they played chess together.
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thelonelywiz · 8 months
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“It wasn’t the city who was poisoning her after all. It was me.”
Detective KASPER MONTE makes a mad dash out of Los Angeles after pulling his sister out of the muck. Again. BLAIR MONTE, an infamous criminal, unfortunately can’t talk her way out of this one. The twins must drive across the country to a safe haven in the American Southwest, confront the dynamic they share, face their own identities, and find their place in the world.
States away in a holy rolling town in Missouri, DELIA WRIGHT struggles to break out of her shell and make the hardest decision of her life: run away for her and her daughter’s safety and threaten her tense relationship with God, or appease her abusive husband and keep up her good Christian lifestyle for everyone’s sake. 
Right on Kasper’s trail, Detective REX slowly unravels the twists and turns that is his friend’s past. Along the way, Rex encounters an orphan girl who’s seen more than she should, and as she tags along he must figure out what it means to have a family of his own, and if his mission is really worth it.
In this nonlinear NEO-NOIR film, one must either live with the consequences or learn to take some drastic measures.
Started: September 2022
Format: screenplay
Word/page count: 160 pages
Genre: neo-noir crime drama
Themes: identity, family, morality, the cycle of violence, love, hope
Content warnings: child abuse & domestic abuse (implied and on screen), transphobia & homophobia, gun violence & death surrounding guns, stranglation, child endangerment, on screen car accident
Kasper Monte (he/him): The classic hard-boiled detective minus the attraction to women. Very overprotective of his sister and has at least two friends.
Blair Monte (she/her): The femme fatale that has so much guilt. She’s like Cain if he was a woman and also slayed so fucking hard.
Delia Wright (she/her): The housewife, Kasper’s parallel and Blair’s love interest. She’s like Carrie if she loved to be in her late 20s.
Detective Rex (he/him): Kasper’s foil who’s also a little in love with him. He’s a good person but not a good cop, but not for the reason you think.
Thelma Bell (she/her): A preteen in desperate need of a father figure. She’s like Ellie TLOU if she were mixed.
Addison Wright (she/her): Literally just a baby who loves her mama. Number one Tupac stan, she doesn’t mind that he swears.
This post is very unserious but this script is so unhinged I really can’t take it too seriously or else I will lose my mind /pos, the script is basically done. All I’m doing now is adding scenes and fixing typos. If anyone wants to read the script hmu…join me in the madness /hj
Soundtrack: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/20EdHFqCd3UNkVCuMbLFy0?si=6e25dbe1c2234afa
Pinterest board: https://pin.it/24p3vhA0o
Tags: #drastic times
Taglist: @calenhads, @thelittlestspider, comment or write in the tags if you want to be added to the taglist :D
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