#all the bands were on time UNTIL Mayhem
fireflowersims · 1 month
I have now seen the band Mayhem live. I walked away like three songs in.
Their egos were the size of a fucking planet and their music was mid. Fucking asshats, showing up late. Let's be real: Mayhem got famous for all the murder and other crime, not their music. The sound and light people did most of the work.
If you want to go see Mayhem: save your time and money for a better band. There's better black metal bands out there.
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avephelis · 1 year
RISE TWITTER QNA! no major news or announcements, but here's a list of new information and confirmations:
S3 could be brought back as a retro show in the future, but it probably wouldn't happen anytime soon (focus is on mutant mayhem at the moment)
it was never decided whether capril would be friends or girlfriends (due to rise's focus on platonic relationships)
council of heads! they're in power, but a lot of influential yokai (like big mama) aren't easily controlled, and "game the system"
despite not having his dual katana, supposedly f!leo DOES still have mystic powers
ron corcillo would love to see a spin-off focused on the caseys (if rise were ever continued), and likes the potential of a raph + casey vigilante duo
the turtles got their names after splinter's love for renaissance art
big mama's henchman WAS planned to be the missing sister, and rather than venus de milo, she would've been named after a female artist (possibly frida kahlo)
for halloween: raph dressed up as a kitten, mikey as a lion, leo as a rockstar, and donnie as j. robert oppenheimer
the mystic weapons stolen from draxum acted as a conduit to help the boys unlock their innate mystic powers with a "little boost"
they didn't realise mayhem's potential as a character/force until too late, but it could've been fun to do some stories of him being an operative (a la perry the platypus)
there weren't any planned stories for side villains (aside from the foot's cupcake shop), most focus was on the turtles
not much on casey jr's backstory, just that cass and the turtles were fighting the krang and leo raised him as a warrior. casey jr only has brief memories of cass from when he was very young, and was mostly raised by leo
there were definitely six baby turtles (two sisters)! and the turtles were gonna split up to rescue the one with big mama and the one in "the dimension", but they never planned much of it out
there's most likely a time gap between the rescuing leo and the ending scene of the movie, as "after a fight like that, [everyone] would definitely crash and need some recovery time"
there would've been more big mama in future episodes, and stinkbomb was planned to return
since the turtles became known to the public at the end of the movie, they'd have to fight to retain their reputation. this and their reception to criticism/backlash would've become a major arc.
on brother rankings: mikey is definitely raph's favourite, and they all look up to raph
the stronger someone's ninpo is, the greater the drain on their energy is (as seen with f!mikey and karai)
there wouldn't be much threat on villains going after casey jr's future intel, because most of it would've been rendered obsolete
nickelodeon would never give up the rights to rise, but they could license it to a partner company (such as IDW for a comic!)
as previously mentioned, the 2nd sister would've been trapped in "another dimension" and venus/frida would have to be won over by "helping her see that she had been brainwashed [by big mama] as a child" (and redeemed)
given more time, the show would've fleshed out: the hamato story, the hidden city's origins (krang spaceship that crashed into the crying titan being the source of the ooze, its fuel being what gave the yokai mystic powers), and would've used the rat king (who ron corcillo would've liked to be a powerful yokai with rat-like abilities and some form of mind control, who could've threatened the council of heads for power in the hidden city)
as far as we know, the turtles (aside from leo's spanish) only speak english (and even their english is sometimes a bit off)
rise probably wouldn't have ever "gone dark", but after the turtles were publicly known and full-time heroes, it might've had more of an extended plotline
the turtle's casual clothes somewhat reflect their music tastes (r&b for raph, glam rock for leo, techno (and 80s) for donnie and boy band for mikey)
future heights: mikey grew a bit and then shrunk under mystic strain, leo was at least 6ft, donnie a little taller than leo, and raph at least 6'6
mikey's powers could get pretty intense, which could've resulted in some multiverse episodes (ron corcillo would be most inclined to do a 12 crossover, but any could work). while leo portals short distances, mikey's cross space and time (with great effort)
given more time, how the turtles met april would've been fleshed out
in terms of how they take after splinter: donnie and leo have a lot of his cockiness, raph his courage and sense of duty, and mikey senses him missing his family (which is part of the reason of why he tries to hold everyone together)
given more time they would've done more with the transfer of leadership from raph to leo (and originally the plan was to draw that out over S3, rather than the abrupt S2 ending). they would've been co-leaders for a while, and at times mikey or donnie would lead (they aren't really a group with just one leader archetype)
there were plans for april to have more time with the specific turtles other than donnie (like how the gumbus was focused on her mikey and leo)
the cast's mystic abilities would've increased over time, and splinter has a lot of power that hasn't been revealed (as he spent a lot of time in the hidden city in his past)
venus/frida would've been very disciplined and so serious that's she's funny, and the dimension sister would've been "a little kooky"
there weren't really any plans on how the turtles would look in cloaked human forms, just that they'd resemble lou jitsu and may be inspired by their VAs
mikey is the only brother who can fully pull all his limbs and head into his shell (being a box turtle)
any usagi appearances would be a rights matter, and depend on collaboration
on timelines: april is 16 at the start of the series and 18 in the movie, but exactly how much time passes isn't confirmed
ron corcillo would've liked to do more donnie + raph episodes, like one where despite how donnie considers himself smarter, raph ends up beating him in common sense and emotional intelligence
f!leo didn't go with casey jr to the past due to being mortally wounded in his bleeding side
given more time there would've been more flashback episodes with the turtles at various ages
though he'd never admit it, hueso has a close relationship with leo
in early S3 there would've been an episode of setting up the new lair
mystic warrior f!mikey is pretty old (maybe in his 70s), and is strong enough to use basically any mystic power, but at great cost to him physically
no major plans with bishop, but once the turtles became more well-known he could be a bit of a thorn in their sides (like j. jonah jameson to spiderman)
there might've been some redemption from big mama, but also some relapses into her "villainous ways"
given a full season, karai would've been alive for longer, and would've trained the boys for a number of episodes
confirmation that some of early s1 aired in the wrong order (which the writers weren't happy about)
in rise, there's always an unpredictability as to how sentient a mutant will turn out to be
raph probably wouldn't be super uptight about swearing, provided the boys weren't offending anyone
there weren't any plans for romantic relationships (and DEFINITELY never an april-turtles love interest), but if they had ever tried something eventually it would've been with the same species
there were no specific plans for alopex, rita, or rennet, but anything's a possibility
in terms of the 1000 years ago krang/mystic timeline, the spaceship crashed first (possibly spawning the yokai), and other krang followed it, drawing in the invasion
that seems to be about it but if there's any more i'll do a reblog with additions
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kykyonthemoon · 7 months
An Unexpected Dinner
As a reward for working so hard lately, he plans an unexpected dinner for you.
❀ Xavier x Reader/MC, Rafayel x Reader/MC, Zayne x Reader/MC
❀ Domestic fluff, cooking time, soft and sweet
❀ Requested by Trâm Hoàng
❀ Masterlist
❀ Request a fic
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You came home after a tiring day of overtime. Your plan was to make a simple dinner, then a long sleep until morning to recover. Yet from afar, you witnessed a plume of black smoke rising from your residence.
Based on the location of the black smoke, you knew right away that the troubled residence was one level above yours. That was precisely the house of…
You cried out, almost a scream. You took off running in that direction. The building's occupants remained oblivious to the situation, and your first concern was locating Xavier. He had the day off. He's probably still inside.
The fire alarm in the hallway was still silent since the smoke had not yet extended to that area. You impatiently rang the doorbell, then slammed your fist on the door while calling Xavier's name.
A few minutes later, you heard the door open from inside. You were welcomed with the sound of the fire alarm along with a plume of smoke and a burning stench. Amidst the chaos, Xavier's face emerged, with black streaks running across it and his hair disheveled and coated in white powder. He was also wearing an apron that was scorched at the hem and blood was seeping from one of his fingers.
“Xavier!” You grabbed his body and observed. “You're bleeding!”
Xavier saw then that a deep and lengthy cut had been made on his finger. He brought it up to his eyes, then put it back down.
“Let me get your first aid kit.” You said, one foot stepped inside but Xavier pulled you back.
“Don't go in there.”
"Why not?"
Xavier must have been attempting to disguise some humiliation based on the way he was acting. He remained silent and continued to hold your arm tightly.
“Why is your apartment in this state? Is there a Wanderer?”
You had checked your watch on the way here. This area was still pretty safe. You just failed to see why Xavier came to be in this situation. What could possibly bring such suffering upon such a respected Hunter as him?
You peeped inside. By then, the fire alarm had been fully deactivated. There was still some smoke in the kitchen, and the air smelled burning. You removed Xavier's hand that was placed on you and ran inside. While the crisis was soothed by the fire hose, it also unleashed an unparalleled mayhem over Xavier's entire kitchen. But it might have probably been chaotic the moment he had decided to cook something in here.
Xavier trailed you, wearing an unsettling, guilty look.
“You… What were you doing in here?” You questioned, no longer trusting what you saw. There was flour all over the counter and floor, and something in the oven had burnt black and melted into a deep pool of sugar. Dishes, pots, and pans were arranged on the counter as though he was either planning to inventory the kitchen utensils or planning to throw them all away.
Without waiting for his reply, you already grasped the situation. With a heavy sigh, you turned back to face him and said:
“I thought we agreed that you should stay out of the kitchen?”
Xavier gave you an innocent, almost sinless look.
“Um… I'm sorry… Since you often come home late from work these days, I thought… I could make you a surprise dinner, along with some desserts…”
You turned back to look at the kitchen. The "dinner" he spoke of lay still in the pan, its contents so burnt you could no longer discern what it was.
You took Xavier's hand away. "Let's go. To my place.”
Xavier let you lead him back to your apartment and obediently sat down on the sofa while you went to find the first aid kit. You cleaned his wound and then applied a band-aid on it. After giving the band-aid a close inspection, he turned to face you and grinned, saying:
“These bunnies are so cute.”
You didn't say anything, just turned away to pack first aid supplies back to where they belonged. Xavier's voice still rang out monotonously:
"Thank you. And… I'm also sorry since I wanted to surprise you, but ended up causing you more trouble.”
You remained silent the entire time, in part because you were too concerned about him and, because of the anger you felt when he ignored what you said and went into the kitchen. Even though he had good intentions to take care of you, the thought of him being in danger put you in great panic.
“Do you think these are good bunnies?” You gestured at the bandage on Xavier. When you asked that, he seemed a little astonished, but he nodded. "They listen to me and don't run around the kitchen making a mess," you went on. "Unlike a certain bunny I know…”
Xavier showed an apologetic face. “I'm… sorry…” Then he took out a few chocolates from his pocket. They fit easily into his strong grasp. “These are free gift with baking supplies… At least we still have this for dinner.”
You chuckled as you glanced at them and then back at him.
“Leave the dinner to me. But this..." You held Xavier's wounded hand. "Are you hurt?" You asked.
With a cooing voice, Xavier nodded like a toddler and said: "It's very, very painful."
You laughed. Hundreds of Wanderers had been defeated by this young man, yet he suffered a simple cut.
“Then leave dinner to me. As for this wound..." You stopped for a moment to raise his hand very close to your lips. Your fingers gently rubbed his hand, then you kissed the rabbit band-aid. “Get well soon.”
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You immediately ran to Rafayel's studio after his text message. He only said it was an emergency and needed you to be there at seven o'clock.
The entrance to the studio was unlocked. You entered cautiously. To be sure there was no danger here, you looked around. Rafayel was nowhere to be found when you searched the gallery and living room.
Impatient you were as you had no idea what could happen to Rafayel. You were about to call out his name, but at that moment, you heard a noise from the kitchen. You crept closer, afraid that there was still danger there. You entered the dining room to find everything redone, including roses, unlit candles and the circular dining table with two chairs facing each other. You grew even more curious about why Rafayel wanted you to come here so urgently.
Through the open door, you caught a glimpse of Rafayel's back on the opposite side. He was staring at a pot on the stove. The steam and smoke released cause the temperature in the kitchen to gradually increase. It was easy to see that Rafayel was sweating profusely on the back of his shirt. You breathed a sigh of relief. He was still safe even though he had not sensed your presence yet. He continued his story as if there was another person in the kitchen.
“…You know, when she's shy, her face is as red as your color when you're steamed.”
You frowned. Who was he talking to? And about who?
“These days, she's a little bit slimmer now than she was. She often leaves early and stays at work late. Her missions must be very stressful. Unlike you, so fat and round, you almost don't fit in my pot."
You heard Rafayel tapping the ladle on the contents of the pot. The smell of boiled crab and seafood filled the kitchen. What was he doing here?
“Anyway, thank you for coming here. Please help her gain a little weight. I love giving her plump cheeks a poke to watch how she reacts. Haha…”
It was not a surprise to you that Rafayel talked to himself. But to the crab he was cooking?... You wondered what would be better, to let him finish his meal or to come in and say hello?
“Do you think she will come? Since she's so busy, I'm not sure. What if she really ignores my messages? Then it'll just be me and you, and all the seafood I've prepared for her... Well, she'll definitely come, right?"
It turned out he had tricked you into coming to the studio with that text message. To get Tara to assist you with the last thirty minutes of work, you had to bribe her with boba tea. Then, you had to rush as quickly as you could to see him. You coughed loudly in the kitchen, signaling your presence there and that you knew his entire plot.
Rafayel gently turned around, as though your presence hadn't startled him.
“Oh, how come you're here so early?”
As if nothing had occurred, he grinned. Additionally, he was wearing a vibrant apron, on which you could very well assume he had painted it himself.
“Hurry and take a seat. Everything has been prepared for you. All that's left is this crab."
“You called me here for this emergency matter?”
Rafayel blinked. He carried the ladle in one hand still. “Ah, that's right. This is truly urgent.”
"Seafood? Flowers and candles? You cooking? Rafayel, what's going on?
Rafayel set down the ladle and moved in your direction. “Since you've been working so much lately, I thought a surprise dinner would make you happier.”
You clenched her fist and gave Rafayel a painful blow in the chest.
"You idiot! I ran for my life here immediately after that message. I thought something happened to you… If something really happened to you, then I…”
Rafayel raised his hand, not to ease the pain you just gave him, but to squeeze your wrist.
“Are you so frantic… because you're worried about me?”
Rafayel gave you a very affectionate look. A grin formed at the corners of his lips. The hand that was holding you moved along your wrist and hand, trying to soothe the anger in your heart. You admitted, you worried about him like crazy. You thought of all the bad things that could have happened to him on the way here. As for him, nothing happened to him except that he probably had told the crab many nasty things about you.
“Next time, I will just ignore you.” You pulled your hand away from Rafayel. He released his grip on you only to encircle your waist with both arms.
“If I hadn't said it was urgent, would you have come so quickly?”
“You just need to say you have a hearty seafood meal…” You grumbled, but enjoyed the sensation of rubbing against him, even though his body now smelled of boiled crab. “I wouldn't miss a single crab for anything.”
You heard Rafayel burst into laughter. “Then milady, would you help me set the table? Your crab will be ready soon.”
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You were a bit surprised because Zayne had asked you to come to his house on a weeknight. He would typically be really busy at that time. You got off work early so you went straight to his house. Zayne was a little taken aback to find you waiting at the entrance that early hour. Nonetheless, you were just as astonished to find him in casual attire, wearing a dark apron without patterns.
“Oh… Sorry I'm a bit early. I didn't know you were busy in the kitchen..."
"No problem." Zayne replied. He invited you into his house. “I'm preparing dinner. For you."
“For me?” You were taken aback since he had made no mention of having supper together. His message was quite brief, giving you the impression that he needed to speak with you in person instead. However, you were delighted since he was taking great care of you.
“I’m so happy right now. I didn’t expect the busy Dr. Zayne could make dinner for me.”
“You’ve been working extra hard lately. It’s my job as your physician to make sure you eat well and enough.”
You beamed, “I’m really grateful.”
Zayne replied with a smile and returned to the kitchen. You trailed closely behind. You took a look at the tidy kitchen, filled with the aroma of food, making your stomach rumble.
“Do you need my help?”
You approached him, waiting for instructions. On the stove was an extremely delicious grilled salmon. It also caught your attention that several of the other dishes were nearly done. A basket of veggies, golden egg rolls, and miso tofu soup were served.
Zayne motioned for you to turn to face the spice cabinet as his fingers deftly encircled the chopsticks.
“Teriyaki sauce.”
"Coming right up." You cheered and went to look on the shelf for exactly what Zayne needed. You had spent enough time here to be familiar with his well-kept kitchen. He focused on dinner without saying anything else. Every now and again a drop of sweat showed up on his forehead.
Zayne was far more skilled in the kitchen than you were. You simply hurried around the kitchen assisting him with various tasks. After the meal was cooked, he gave you the task of setting food on the table.
“Take caution. It's hot.” Zayne warned you carefully, but you still clumsily allowed your hand to come into contact with the boiling soup pot.
You jumped up and made a loud "oops" sound. Zayne frowned, immediately moved over to stand next to you, and grasped your hands with red fingers.
"Hot, hot, hot!"
You attempted to rub your fingertips together, but the scorching sensation persisted. Zayne held your hands open and looked down.
“It's not serious. Just a little bit of irritation. Can you put your hands in—”
Before he could finish speaking, you perked up on tiptoe and put your crimson fingers to his earlobes. Zayne alerted with wide eyes.
"What are you doing?"
"Healing myself." You laughed aloud. The sensation of burning in your hands eventually subsided. As a little child, Grandma had taught you this trick to treat burns when you accidentally touched something too hot. Zayne knew that too. To save you the trouble of having to stand on your tiptoes, he drew closer.
"Are your hands feeling better now?" His voice was really soft as he asked. Your face felt the sudden rush of his breath, your body temperature raised even more.
"Just a little." You replied while pretending to grimace. “If someone could use his Evol, maybe it would heal faster?”
Zayne sighed, but you could see a faint smile forming on his lips, and his ears began to flush. A cold touch reached your hands, followed by a pleasant feeling when the skin no longer burned.
“Can you let go now?” Zayne asked, and you felt regretful when you had to let go.
“Thank you, Dr. Zayne.”
A hand of yours was grasped in Zayne's big palm. He caressed each finger and whispered:
“I can't always be there to take care of you. Don't be so careless next time, promise?"
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the-old-mayhem · 3 months
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"I am sure Dead influenced Euronymous in terms of how the second wave of Black Metal needed to be, ideologically as well. Dead with his presence, his lyrics, his letters, his interviews and his stance revolutionized the whole genre like very few did.
Euronymous obviously, Snorre too, with his style of playing and a few others. Mayhem was hugely important, influencing all the other bands and, of course, myself as well. As we know, Black Metal isn't solely a musical genre, the second generation of Black Metal musicians really pushed this genre into ideological paths and ideals that were unreal until that time in Metal as a whole.
Martin Eric Ain was one of the '80s embodiments of the first wave of Black Metal and Dead one of the second wave. Dead is one of the pillars of the Black Metal mindset and the archetypical Black Metal voice and presence"- Semjaza (Thy darkened shade), interviewed for www.metalcrypt.com 🦇
@the.old.mayhem on instagram
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mvlvrr · 6 months
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⋆。°✩ melodic mayhem ⋆。°✩
guitarist!kaiser x f!reader <3
summary; kaiser, the lead guitarist of some stupid garage band, makes it big and leaves you in the dust. finally seeing him again after years, old feelings bubble up between you two and nothing short of mayhem begins to happen, in the confines of a public bathroom.
. . . .
“kaiser, your food is at the door!” you yelled from upstairs, but to no avail. kaiser and his ‘band’ used your home’s garage to practice, and they were as loud as they were good. “fucker.” you sighed, getting up out of bed and leaving your phone on your pillow. trudging down the stairs, the cold floor practically freezing your bare feet (you wished you’d put on slippers), you approached the front door and huffed again.
reaching for the doorknob, you opened the door a bit, looking at the man who was holding two bags of chinese food.
“sorry for the wait,” you said softly, taking the bags from him and handing him money. your money. money that should have been kaiser’s. once the door shut, you grumbled to yourself. “fucking freeloader.”
hoisting up the bags of food, you walked into the noisy garage, and yelled over the sounds of the drums and guitar.
“kaiser! shut the fuck up for a minute, will you!?” he finally heard your voice, and stopped playing, along with his few other friends. the only one you knew was ness, nicer than kaiser but a bit awkward around you.
“oh, it’s you,” kaiser grinned stupidly, before eyeing the food in your hands. “that’s mine, right? thanks, pretty.” he set down his guitar gently, walking towards you and taking the food from your hands with narrowed eyes and a shit eating smile.
“uh,” ness mumbled, before speaking up to kaiser. “don’t you think you should pay her back, man? she always pays for our food and she lets us use her garage.” kaiser shot a glare to ness, eyebrow raised.
“pretty girl over here doesn’t mind,” kaiser answered, speaking for you before setting the food bags on a nearby folding table.
your hands clenched into fists. this bastard, always taking advantage of you. never paying you back. filled with frustration, you turned on your heel and stormed back into the house and upstairs, flopping onto your bed and screaming into your pillow once his stupid guitar was playing again.
. . . .
over the course of months, kaiser continued to use you and your kindness to his advantage, using your feelings for him as a stepping stone. kaiser knew you liked him, and he would be lying if he said he didn’t like you at least a bit. but he wasn’t going to let you get in the way of his dream of getting it big someday.
everything was normal, boring, even, until kaiser got a call saying they wanted him and his band to preform at a gig. one call turned into three. three turned into seven. until he was being asked by producers to sign a record label with them.
kaiser never texted you thank you, never called, or visited. you heard his music, saw him on the news, articles, everything.
it hurt, knowing he’d just left you by yourself after everything you’ve done for his stupid ass. scrolling through yet another article about him on your laptop, you decided it might be good for you to get out tonight. after all, you’d been cooped up in your house the past year while kaiser’s been famous, moving on while you’re stuck in the same place.
after a nice, hot shower, you dressed yourself up in your finest dress, heels, and did your hair and makeup. you were going to look your best tonight, no matter what. it was something you needed to feel confident.
you snatched up your purse and phone, walking out of the house and locking the door behind you. making your way to your car, you couldn’t help but feel a bit awkward in your own skin. when was the last time you’d actually tried to look your best? whatever. that didn’t matter now.
driving to one of the biggest bars in your city, you parked in the parking lot and shut off the engine.
around the parking lot, couples and groups were scattered, smoking, making out, popping pills, and drinking.
you sighed. you desperately needed a drink or two. walking into the bar, the first thing that hit you was the music playing in the background. you froze. live music. but..
it was kaiser’s voice. kaiser’s song. kaiser. kaiser and ness and those other shitheads who messed with your head. walking through the crowd and brushing shoulders with countless people, you stopped right in front of the stage, eyes wide and eyebrows furrowed as you saw him.
. . . .
kaiser had to admit, when he saw you he was shocked, pleasantly surprised, and annoyed. he had wanted to get over you, that’s why he never called. he wanted to focus on getting famous, not on a girl. but you weren’t a girl, were you? no, not anymore. you were a woman, that’s for sure.
once his performance was over, kaiser pushed his way through the crowd and found you, about to leave.
he gripped onto your wrist, yanking you back towards him.
“long time, no see, pretty,” kaiser said slyly, grinning cockily and ignoring the girls swooning over him behind. “how’ve you been holding up?”
“let go,” you said sharply, trying to pull out of his grip, and failing. “kaiser, i’ve been shit. not like you give a fuck.” he paused. you were really that affected?
“of course i ca—”
“if you cared you wouldn’t have left me in the dust,” you interrupted him, glaring up at him with anger. despite his better judgment, his cock stirred in his jeans as he looked down at the fiery expression on your face and the scowl on your lips.
“you’re sexy when you’re angry, pretty,” kaiser muttered. your cheeks turned a bit pink, and he relished in the pride of flustering you. that is, until you snapped back.
“if you’re just trying to get in my pants, i’m not interested,” you grumbled back in reply, sighing heavily. “look, you left me by myself after i gave you food, paid for your shit, and let you play in my garage. can your tiny brain wrap around why i might be a bit upset you ghosted me after all of that?”
kaiser did not respond right away. he thought about what you said. he knew you were right, and he did feel like a bit of a dick, but he didn’t just want to get in your pants. he did, but he wanted to have a relationship with you again. just seeing you brought those old feelings back to the surface..
“kaiser?” you snapped in his face. “pay attention when i’m talking to you.”
kaiser nodded obediently, sighing dramatically. “yes ma’am, no need to get angry. please, let me take you to the bathroom? it’s not like anyone would hear us!”
you were completely stunned. “do you have no shame?” you asked, flabbergasted, while he just smirked and dragged you with him to the family bathroom and locking the door. he turned to you.
“let me make up for lost time. let me treat you.” kaiser’s voice, for once, was sweet and genuine, and you practically melted. with a curt nod, kaiser smiled, pushing you gently against the wall. he kneeled before you, pulling your panties down and off of your legs completely, before lifting you up with ease, one hand holding you up by your ass, the other putting one of your legs on his shoulder, squeezing the fat of your thighs and looking up at you as he nudged your dress above your hips, admiring your puffy folds, already slick for him.
“pretty girl,” kaiser praised, before leaning in and licking a stripe along your clit. you twitched, eyes shutting and hand going into his hair, pulling on the strands as you whimpered shamelessly.
kaiser prodded his tongue into your cunt further, feeling your walls clamp down on his tongue like a vice. he continued to lap at your pussy, and when you began to grind on his face, your clit rubbing on his nose, and your whimpers more frequent, he knew you were close.
with a small cry, you came undone on his tongue, yanking on his hair as your juices coated his face and dripped down his jaw. he finally pulled away, smirking up at you.
“do you forgive me now?” kaiser asked with a sultry tone, gently thumbing at your clit while you whined and trembled from the overstimulation.
“no,” you said mockingly, voice trembling. kaiser smiled warmly at you, placing a kiss on your thigh.
“considering how wet you are, i think she forgives me.”
. . . .
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blackdollette · 1 year
Hi hi :3 can I get groupie!reader x euronymous where she finds him after a show and all they want to do is please him (with a hint of euro taking advantage of them)? <333
ask & you shall recieve. :) (this was a rlly good idea, i had a lot of fun writing this)
"you're the bad boy that i've always dreamed of." | euronymous
queen of disaster - lana del rey
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soft goth!female!reader x euronymous
contents: public sex, degradation, p in v, oral (m receiving), fingering, orgasm denial, no aftercare
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you pushed your way through the crowd to get as close to the front of the stage as possible. when you finally got close enough, you glued your eyes onto him. the hot guitarist who was playing a solo at that moment.
you sighed as a stupid little grin spread across your face. you took in everything about him. his long black hair. his black & white makeup. and his leather outfit. he was the most perfect man you had ever seen.
you knew he wasn't the type for romance, but you could picture it perfectly. the lord of black metal with his little goth girlfriend. it was meant to be. you were perfect for each other.
you were so caught up in your thoughts that you didn't notice when the song ended and the band had left the stage. you were a little disappointed that you'd missed the last few minutes of the show, but you'd never seen euronymous up close before, so you were on cloud 9 as you left the area.
you dodged a few guys throwing glass bottles at eachother as you walked into a dark alleyway with a bench in it. you sat yourself down and glanced at your watch. mayhem would be heading to the bar any minute now, and you didnt want to miss a single thing.
you quickly stood up and walked out of the alley. you caught a glance of the van that they were driving, already heading to the bar. you sped up a little as you walked down the busy streets, your desperation growing by the minute.
you arrived at the bar, panting and brushing your hair out of your face. you walked in and scanned the entire room until you saw him. he was drinking a bottle of beer and laughing with the rest of the band.
you sat at an empty table and watched him, making up a plan in your mind to interact with him. you had never been this close to him before, so you knew you couldn't back down.
you ordered yourself a drink and sipped it slowly, still keeping a close eye on him. after a few moments of this, he stood up from the table and started walking toward you. you knew he was making his way to the restroom, but this was the perfect time.
making sure to time it perfectly, you stood up from your table at the same time that he was crossing your path, colliding with him. you fought back a grin as his hand accidentally brushed over a patch of skin underneath your skirt. he looked livid as he brushed himself off.
"what the fuck, man?!" he exclaimed, looking you right in the eye. you shivered a little as you made direct eye contact with him. you opened your mouth to speak, but no words came out. only a little croak from the back of your throat.
he growled a little before pushing past you and storming off, but before he could get far, you grabbed him by the sleeve of his leather jacket.
"i-im so sorry about that. im so clumsy." you giggled nervously, but he only narrowed his eyes at you, annoyed. he pulled his sleeve away from you. "whatever." he rolled his eyes before attempting to walk away, but you started speaking again.
"i-i can make it up to you..! i'll buy you a drink. i'll do anything at all." you pleaded. your desperation was no longer hidden. his eyes widened a little at this.
he glared at you, but it looked like he was checking you out. his eyes wandered up and down your body, stopping at inappropriate places. you noticed this, and it made you a little self-conscious. a sly little smirk spread across his face.
"so... you're a desperate little whore, aren't you?" he asked in a low voice. you don't know what to say, so you just stay silent as his eyes continue to roam across your body.
"you want to make it up to me, hm?" he asks, still not making direct eye contact with you. you nod eagerly.
"come with me." he says before walking out of the bar. you scurry after him, not wanting to irritate him once again. he leads you into another alley. he leans against the wall as you catch up to him.
he grins a little before speaking. "i saw you watching me at my show tonight." you felt your heartbeat get quicker. he saw you. when you don't respond, he continues speaking. "you seemed to really like my solo. i even thought you had an orgasm right there." he chuckles slightly.
you get a little embarrassed, so you kick a little rock that was sitting by your foot. when you say nothing, he turns you around and pins you to the wall.
"you know, i usually tell all my little groupies to burn in hell, but i think i'm gonna have a little bit of fun with you..." a sinister grin appears on his face. you would be trembling with fear if this wasn't what you've been dreaming of for years.
he lets go of you for a moment. "here's how you can make it up to me: take your shirt off." he leans against the opposite wall of the alley, watching you with lust and desire.
you freeze for a moment. this is really happening. the scenario that you've touched yourself to hundreds of times is finally coming true. you throw off your black tank top, leaving you in your tight fishnet top, your tits completely exposed to him.
his grin widens as you obey his command. he walks up to you until he's got you pinned to the wall again. his hand slowly travels down your body until it gets to the bottom of your tiny skirt.
he gets straight to business, moving your black thong to the side and pressing his middle finger onto your wet clit. it doesn't take much to turn you into a moaning mess as he starts fingering you.
"so fucking wet for me already..." he chuckles softly. he puts his other hand on his bulge. you look down to see it, suddenly being filled with hunger for him. but you wanted nothing more than to please him. you wanted to be used by him.
"get on your knees and make yourself useful." he leans against the wall as he watches you obey his command. he can't help but stare at you like a predator watching its prey seeing you in this position.
you look up at him with pleading eyes, as if you were begging him to let you suck on his cock. he unzipped his fly and lets you do the rest.
your hands shook as the reality of the situation sunk in. you were living out your biggest dream. you could not screw this up. you had given blowjobs before, but would the lord of chaos himself expect something different?
you decided not to waste time overthinking things. you pulled out his dick, flinching slightly as his length almost hits you right in the nose. you go slightly cross-eyed looking at the red, throbbing tip.
you can tell that euronymous is getting impatient, so without warning, you open your mouth and deepthroat the entire thing, hearing a squelching noise at the back of your throat.
euronymous throws his head back with a grin, groaning quietly. "m-mhm... just like that, whore..." his hand finds the back of your head, slowly guiding it up and down his cock.
you realize that you've lost all control of the situation when both of his hands are tugging at your hair, pushing his whole length down your throat and pulling it out again repeatedly. you had black mascara dripping down your cheeks. you choked on his cock whenever he pushed your head down again, but you love it. and he could tell. you wanted to be his little fucktoy.
"a-ah... fuck... y-you're pretty good at this..." he says as you use your tongue a little more, tracing every vein and lapping circles around the tip. euronymous gets lost in the feeling, his entire body feeling the sensations that you were giving him.
just as you felt his cock throbbing in your mouth, signalling his orgasm, he pulled his dick out of your mouth, panting. your spit falling down your neck, going down to your chest.
euronymous pulled you up and shoved you to the wall, your back facing him. he felt him grab your hips and run his hands down the fabric of your short little skirt.
you yelped as you felt a sharp sting right on your ass, a red hand mark immediately being left there. euronymous chuckled softly as he tore off your thong and fishnet stockings.
you stuck out your ass a little so that he could have easier access to your throbbing cunt. he noticed your desperation, and as much as he wanted to tease you, he was just as hungry as you were.
he lined his cock up with your entrance, one of his hands keeping a grip on your shoulder, the other on your hip. he pushed his dick inside of your tight pussy, groaning at the warm feeling.
you moan at the slightly burning sensation of this, but before you can adjust to his size, he's already fucking you senseless, using your body for his own pleasure.
you were his little doll, and that meant that he didn't need to make sure you came too. you were only there to please him.
as your moans gradually got louder, euronymous stuck two of his fingers down your throat. "be quiet, you little slut. you wouldn't want to get caught, would you..?" a few tears roll down your cheeks as his motions get even quicker.
he wrapped his hand around your neck, squeezing it just a little as his dick started to twitch inside of your cunt. you wanted him to cum inside you. you wanted it so bad.
"want me to cum inside of you, hm..? want to be filled up with my seed..?" he words get shakier as he tries to keep his composure. you choke out sobs as you nod frantically. you didnt even care if you didnt get to cum.
you feel his hot breath hitting the back of your neck as he gets to his release. his moans are uncontainable. he bites his lip as a loud moan exits him. you immediately feel his hot cum hitting the deepest part of your pussy.
this was enough to send your orgasm running through your veins, but as soon as it was about to hit, he pulled out and let go of you, zipping his softening cock back into his pants.
you whimpered as you had your orgasm denied, your legs shaking furiously. he simply looked at you and grinned. "thanks for that, doll. hope to do it again sometime." that was the last thing he said before walking out of the alley. you sunk to the ground, tears still falling down your face as he left you there, sad and alone.
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author's note: thank you so much for the request! i had lots of fun writing this one, so that's why its a little long. but i hope you all enjoyed it!
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baldurs-gape · 7 months
Cornered Animal
How they got into such situations was beyond explanation. Then again, they were a band of strangers held together by the flimsy filament of hope that, together, they could win against something as sinister as mindflayer tadpoles. Despite their collective bravery and idiocy, sometimes running was their only real option. Whoever had left Gale in charge of finding an escape root was a fool. The group ended up cornered in a room, high up and with no way out other than the barricaded door. In short; they were trapped.
"Can't you conjure up a portal or something?" Shadowheart hissed as she eyed the door. It was barely holding in place as it was whacked, smacked and barrelled into by their enemies.
"Not any more, no!" Of all the times for Gale to pout about his lost capabilities, now wasn't the moment. The door cracked under another brutal hit. "Mystra-"
"Fuck Mystra!" Astarion stepped past Halsin and pulled one of his daggers out. "Fuck her, fuck you and most of all, fuck the Absolute." Under his breath, he growled "stab me" at Halsin. When Halsin didn't move, Astarion grabbed the dagger and thrust it into his own chest, face twisted into an enraged snarl. The cries of outrage were drowned out by the sound of the door smashing open. In the following mayhem and dust, the party briefly lost track of each other.
Yells of "got them" and "cornered like rats" rang out as Gale, Shadowheart and Halsin were surrounded. Five against three wasn't bad odds except they were tired, out of spells and potions. Plus, Astarion was nowhere in sight.
"Dead. We'll come back for valuables later." Such an assessment was almost undeniably chilling to hear. There was no way Astarion could be dead. Yet, as they all looked, there he was, dagger hilt deep in his chest, slumped against a wall, eyes open and unfocused. If only their captors would be kind enough to at least close his eyes, make the sight that little less harrowing. Instead, their five assailants turned to the living.
Behind the five, Astarion remained still. Until Gale could have sworn he saw a blink, a subtle turn of Astarion's head. Desire, shock and fatigue had to be playing tricks on him. Wrenching his eyes back on their captors, Gale had to blink. There were only four.
Halsin was already taking a mental inventory of his items. Surely he had to have a scroll of revivify somewhere. Or Shadowheart would. They had to be able to bring Astarion back. Though, a small part of him was rather miffed that Astarion took the easy way out, so to speak, and avoided confrontation. They really could have used another body in the fight that was to come.
The leader was rambling on about taking them to be blessed by the Absolute. Something about true souls and Halsin almost wished he had a tadpole, just so he could get the idiots off his back.
"Tie them up." Short, sharp and to the point, the order was simple yet there was a problem. For the three potential captives only two of the group stepped forward. In fact, there were only two idiots flanking the leader. Surely there had been five a moment ago.
Turning around to survey the room, nothing seemed out of place. Dead body still slumped against the wall, no sign of the two others. It was too early to call them missing, probably gone to scout further ahead without permission. To be certain, the leader peeked out of the room.
A whisper of displaced air ruffled Shadowheart's hair. She watched as a shadow flitted past and dragged her would be captor down and behind a crate. It left Halsin and Gale to turn on the remaining one with the last of their strength. Overwhelming them wasn't difficult but the leader turned back just in time to catch them redhanded.
"You!" A sword rose in challenge right as Astarion stepped out from the shadows behind, dragging the dagger from his chest.
"Hello, darling," he purred before he plunged it into the last survivor's neck. The assailant went down without a chance of retaliating. After pulling the dagger free and wiping it on the dead's clothes, Astarion sauntered up to Halsin and presented it with a small flourish. "You dropped this."
In exchange, and unexpectedly so, he was yanked into a tight hug, wrapped in strong, thick arms.
"Don't scare us like that again. I really thought you were gone."
The airy laugh from Astarion covered a lot of emotions. "Darling, do you forget where the heart is? I was nowehere near. But I wouldn't say no to a healing potion, given that it feels a little rude to ask for a nibble."
If only they'd had one. Alas, healing was going to have to wait until camp. Until then, Astarion was flanked by Gale and Halsin each holding one of his hands, reminding themselves that he was still there and still theirs. Left to scout ahead, Shadowheart made a quiet vow to find a spell that would silence any noises coming from their tent that night. She had no doubt it was going to be loud.
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space-mermaid-writing · 3 months
Nesting [IronStrange]
Summary: Tony had never shown tendencies to nesting - upon now.
Author's note: This is pure fluff. Beta by my mutual in crime for any vampire/werewolf related content: @harpywritesfic
 Masterlist | Werewolf Tony Masterlist | Read it on AO3 | Word count: 0.8k
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Stephen entered the lab and noticed the lack of noise immediately. There wasn’t any music blasting at a deafening volume, no steady droning from the small torch Tony regularly used for soldering circuit boards. There wasn’t even the beeping of one of the bots, moving around and causing mayhem.
At the first glance Stephen thought Jarvis had been wrong and there was no one in the lab.
Jarvis was never wrong.
Looking around, the sorcerer noticed a pile of bed linen, that wasn’t usually down here, on the couch in the back of the room. The couch where Stephen normally sat when he was keeping Tony company; reading a book or meditating.
He strongly suspected Tony had bought the couch for Stephen specifically. One day, when Tony had invited him to come over, it had simply stood there.
No one else used the couch.
No one else spent as much time in Tony’s personal lab – besides Peter. But the boy was always working on some project; either alone or together with Tony.
Sometimes Bruce was here, but he and Tony were usually busy with some science talk.
So that left Stephen to be the only person that came here without actually using the lab for its purpose.
Since the couch was now occupied by the bed linen, that was where he went.
Maybe Tony crashed down here, passing out from too much work and not enough sleep. But why go to all the trouble going upstairs and getting the sheets, only to come back?
Stephen got his answer when he stepped closer and the pile suddenly started moving. The head of the werewolf poked out, letting out a small hum when he saw his mate.
By that sound alone Stephen knew something wasn’t right.
Getting closer, the sorcerer also saw that the pile also consisted of clothes. Mostly Stephen’s shirts from the past days and his night robe. There were also a few band shirts from Tony thrown in. But only those Stephen sometimes borrowed after leaving the bed and before he showered.
He took in the unusual scenery and slowly it dawned to him.
“Are you nesting?” he asked surprised.
It wasn’t a common behavior of Were’s; mostly done by younglings. Tony had never shown tendencies to that upon now.
Stephen sat down on what small space was left next to the big Werewolf and all that stuff on the couch. Tony whined, apparently not happy he was out of reach, and he moved and tossed until he had his head on Stephen’s lap.
The sorcerer buried his hand in the soft fur and massaged his head; especially the part around the ears, like he knew Tony liked.
That seemed to relax the Were, who closed his eyes and melted against his mate’s touch.
“Talk to me, Tony.” There was something wrong, but Stephen couldn’t put his finger on it. He needed Tony to use his words.
But the werewolf disagreed, huffing, and refused to shift back into a human.
Well, Stephen would not force him. So he did the next best thing: sit and wait; and continue to massage his head.
About an hour went by until Tony moved again – when he finally changed his form.
Judging his reaction it actually took him a moment until he realized he was back into his human skin. His body did this sometimes, when Tony was around Stephen and very relaxed.
It was mostly involuntary, which made him grumble softly, yet he made the best of the situation and used his hands to rearrange all the things he had dragged downstairs so that it surrounded him and Stephen.
The sorcerer watched him. “Are you feeling alright?”
“Missed you.” Tony sounded hoarse and Stephen doubted it came from being a wolf. Even if he had stayed in that form for the whole five days the sorcerer had been off-world.
He moved the back of his hand gently on Tony's forehead. The werewolf was radiating heat. Way more than usual.
“You have a fever,” he stated.
“Weres don’t get sick.”
That wasn’t true. They were still part human. And that part could get sick.
“I’m just warm, because I snuggled here,” Tony added. Maybe because he sensed that Stephen didn’t believe him.
“And why, pray tell, did you drag my stuff down here?” Stephen asked him.
“There’s also some of my stuff.” Tony pouted. “Because I was cold. And I missed you.”
Finally satisfied with the setting around them, he returned his head into Stephen’s lap, snuggling up to his mate.
Stephen had stopped messaging him when Tony had shifted. Tony took Stephen’s hand and moved it back onto his head, prompting him to continue.
“Mhm,” the sorcerer just hummed.
Not sick his ass. Good thing he was still a doctor.
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angelsanarchy · 8 months
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Alkaline: Euronymous x Y/N Series CH 30
Tagging: @ophelialaufey @madamemaximoff06 @forever-not-gonna-sink@ajmiila02@liquidsmoothdomme@shady-the-simp @auggiethecreator @tempt-ress @blacksoul-27 @shroomje
Oystein got home and could tell something with Y/n was off. He had heard bits and pieces from Hellhammer but Y/n was adamant that she didn't want him to do anything about it. He knew Y/n wasn't afraid of him but he knew Varg was a violent person with a short temper. The last thing he wanted was for her to set him off by showing no fear. He thrived on shit like that.
He had called Varg and asked him to meet with him to discuss the album and when he caught sight of him, he tossed the copy of Kerrang on the table in front of him.
"You know this is bullshit right?" Varg sat down clearly pissed.
"What are you talking about? You're on the fucking cover? What else could you ask for?" Oystein asked confused.
"Your name is all over the thing. You didn't want any of this going to the press, I took it there and it's just another thing you get to take credit for like you're the brains of this whole thing." Varg's disdain for Oystein had grown so much in such a short time, he knew that whatever he said would only make things more hostile.
"Look, I didn't ask you here to argue about pointless things. I wanted to-"
"I'm going to release my own music on my own label." Varg cut him off.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Oystein asked.
"It means I don't need you anymore. You'll have to find some other idiot to steal from." Varg pressed. Oystein shook his head at him.
"I haven't stolen anything from you Varg." Varg started ranting about the money that was used to make Mayhem's album and Oystein pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration. He knew the money panned out in the end with having Varg join the band but it was pointless to try and sort things out at this point.
"You know what? I think that's a great idea. I think you should release your music on your own label, you want to quit Mayhem, that's fine. We can finish the album on our own and even kick you out some of the profit from what you've already put into." Oystein folded his hands in front of him and Varg shook his head.
"You're such a sellout." Varg chuckled.
"What else do you want from me man? You're getting everything you want-"
"I want for people to know that you are a poser. I want people to know that the so called creator of pure Norwegian Black Metal betrayed it with his bullshit lies and deceit." Varg's words were harsh but Oystein knew he didn't care what Varg thought of him.
"I want your whole world to burn to the ground and people to see you for who you truly are. A weak, pathetic hack who profited off the death of his friend and is run around by the cock on a leash by some Itzig." Varg spoke with such disgust about him but it wasn't until he mentioned Pelle and Y/n that he felt himself grinding his teeth and clenching his fists.
"I know what you said to her and that's the end of it. You want to come after me, tell people I'm some piece of shit poser, go ahead. But you approach Y/n again, you so much as breathe on her and I'll kill you myself." Oystein spoke softly so the people around them couldn't hear but Varg laughed.
"Just because you boasted like you puppeteered your little buddy Pelle into blowing his brains out, doesn't mean you've got even an ounce of killer in you, Oystein." He mocked. It was becoming increasingly hard to maintain his emotions.
"You want to see the killer in me, keep it up. There's only one thing in this world that I would kill for and that's Y/n. I will do whatever it takes to protect her, even if that means sitting in a cell next to you for arson. You can believe that above everything that's ever come out of my mouth." He held Varg's gaze and he knew that Oystein was serious. He didn't fear him but he knew that he had the capability to end his career before it even started if he ended up in prison for the church fires.
"Well I hope you're also willing to die for her as much as you say you would kill for her." Varg pushed away from the table and left the magazine and the necklace he had given him when he first joined the band sitting on the table. Oystein watched him leave with his hood up, making sure no one saw his face and he sighed. He felt a little bit of the weight lift off of his shoulders. He felt like he had just broken up with someone but that someone hated his guts and wished nothing but the worst for him.
Oystein pulled his wallet out and looked at the picture he had put in there of himself, Pelle and Y/n the first night he wore the corpse paint. He felt a pang in his heart for those times. Everything seemed so much easier then. He wished he could go back and change things. He felt himself getting emotional and jumped up from the table, grabbing the magazine and necklace and trashing them on his way out of the restaurant.
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bwabys-scenarios · 1 year
Part 24
Illumi x Reader x Feitan
part 23
part 25
warning: feitan is mean and ungrateful but what did you expect, he’s a lil gremlin! reader gets bitten and scratched cuz he’s wild 🙏
taglist: @tsukilover11 @mercyboluthecrazychicken @sxyriii @shidoni-san @living4tomrua @lemonslut @honeylunalove @sugarrushdaydream
if you’d like to be ADDED to the taglist, please comment a red heart ❤️, make sure you’re able to be tagged/mentioned, and have your age in your bio(IF YOU ARE ALREADY ON THE TAGLIST, YOU DON’T NEED TO ASK TO BE ADDED AGAIN!!)
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3 years ago
The summer air was suffocating. (Name) had long since abandoned her long sleeves and fluffy blankets, exchanging them for tank tops and sheets.
The girl continued her work of peeling apples. If she wanted to finish her next batch of apple butter before her journey into town next week, she’d need to peel until she couldn’t anymore.
“Reports of the notorious band of thieves, the Phantom Troupe, wreaking havoc in the next city over have reached-“
(Name) switched the channel of her small bear up radio. She didn’t want to hear about some thieves causing mayhem. The girl had already pushed the name out of her mind by the time she continued her work.
As the day wore on, she felt herself grow tired. She’d peeled around 60 apples. (Name) tossed the remaining bags of fruit into her fridge, setting the cut apples to boil on the stove.
‘Mmm, I think I’ll go dip my feet in the river while this boils. I deserve a little relaxation!’
(Name) slipped her flip flops on and ran outside, sliding down the hill and to the river’s edge.
It was calm and quiet, the sound of crickets and the sight of fireflies soothing to the girl. The water was surprisingly cool against her skin, causing her to jump lightly upon contact.
She sat down on the rocky riverside, dipping her feet into the water. “Ahh, now this is nice.”
For a moment, all of her worries of making ends meet and supporting her family melted away, the feeling of the river’s water lapping at her skin allowing her to forget.
But this wouldn’t last long. (Name) opened her eyes at the sound of something bobbing in the water. She turned to look down the river, narrowing her eyes to get a better look.
‘Is that an alligator? No, it couldn’t be, that shape isn’t right…’
(Name) stood and shook the water from her feet. She walked along the riverside until she was close enough to see what was floating on the surface of the water.
“Is that… oh my god!”
(Name) threw off her shoes and jumped into the river, swimming to the center to grab at the shape slowly sinking into the water. It was a person!
She swam back to shore, pulling the man up onto the rocky riverside. He was breathing, thankfully, so she wouldn’t have to do mouth to mouth.
“Let’s get you inside…”
She half carried, half drug the body to her porch, setting him down on the wooden floor as she scurried inside. She quickly turned the apples off before they could boil over, and rushed into the bathroom for her first aid kit and towels.
Not only was he absolutely soaked, but his body was covered in wounds, ranging from small cuts, to gashes. His arms were in the worst of shape though, having turned a strange purple color.
“Ah, he’s shivering. I gotta get him warmed up before he gets sick…”
She pulled at the man’s clothes, muttering an apology under her breath as she began undressing him.
(Name) sighed, setting the small man down on the bed in the guest room. Thankfully she’d just laid out fresh sheets.
The girl didn’t have any men’s clothes for him, so she settled on pulling a pair of her pajama pants over his otherwise naked body. So far she had avoided looking at anything private, and she was planning on keeping it that way.
“Mm, his shirt was destroyed, but his pants and boxers can be washed and dried. Better than nothing, I guess.” She set aside the wet clothing for later, focusing on his injuries.
He had a large gash on his chest. It would need stitches, something (Name) could handle. Any other small cuts and bruises could be treated with a bandaid or salve, but his arms… that’s what she was most worried about.
His arms didn’t appear to be broken, but the purple color was throwing her off. He had also grunted in pain when she’d touched him, the only reaction he’d had the the entire time.
She decided to wait until he woke up to address his arms, setting some packs of ice to help with the swelling.
(Name) got to work stitching up his wound, being as gentle as possible. After that, she wrapped his chest in gauze, tending to his smaller cuts with some antibacterial spray and bandaids.
He had some glass stuck in one of his legs, which she had to pick out as well. Just what in the hell happened to this man to be in such bad shape?
She wanted to call a doctor to come check him out, but she had so signal so far out from town. She’d have to wait for him to wake up and be stabilized before she could leave, and that worried her.
After a few hours of tender care, (Name) covered him up and turned off the light. His breathing had evened out, his chest rising and falling softly.
When (Name) was finally able to climb into bed, she realized she hadn’t taken the time to really take in his appearance. She’d been so focused on saving his life she hadn’t even thought to get a good look at him.
‘That’s alright. I’ll take a good look at him tomorrow…’
Sun filtered in through the curtain drawn window, causing the sleeping man to groan and attempt to raise a hand to his face to block out the light.
He regretted this immediately.
Indescribable pain shot through his limbs, causing him to scream out in agony. He cursed in his native tongue, struggling to sit up.
The door in front of him bursted open, a short, plump woman running through.
“Holy- are you okay? You’re awake oh my-“
She paused at the wild look in his eyes. The man growled, struggling to back away as he practically barked at her.
“Stay back.”
(Name) held her hands up in surrender, giving him the space he requested. Once she was a good distance away, he relaxed, but only slightly.
“Where am I?” He had an accent that (Name) couldn’t quite place, but it was nice.
The girl looked from his face to his arms, concern written across her face. “You’re in my home. I found you in the river last night.”
He frowned, sweat beading down his forehead from him straining to get up. “Who are you?”
“Oh, I’m (Name).”
His next question came fast. “What you want from me?”
She paused, her brows knitting together in confusion. “Nothing? Why do you ask?”
He let out a humorless laugh. “No one helps for “nothing”. What, want information? Better kill me, I don’t talk.”
She blinked before waving her hands frantically. “Kill? Whoah I’m not gonna kill you! I don’t know what you’re talking about, but I don’t want anything from you.”
Although he could tell she spoke the truth, it didn’t do anything to ease his suspicious. “Don’t… don’t come near.”
He felt his eyelids grow heavy. He had just woken up, but he was still exhausted. The weight of his body slowly sunk back into the bed, the man falling back into a restless sleep.
(Name) stood still until his breathing returned to normal. She then walked over and placed a hand on his forehead.
‘He’s burning up!’
She rushed out of the room and returned to place a damp rag on his head, replacing the melting bags of ice on his arms as she did.
‘Hmm… I’ll make something easy to eat for when he wakes up.’
She settled on some homemade chicken noodle soup. She’d recently culled some of her meaner roosters, so she had some left over chicken sitting in her freezer.
“This will do. I hope he’s not allergic to any of this…”
(Name) was able to get a better look at him this time. He was relatively small, shorter than her definitely, with black hair that fell past his cheeks and a pale complexion. She couldn’t place his eye color, they were either a dark shade of gray or a light shade of purple.
The next time the man woke up, it was night. By the looks of the sky outside, it had just become dark out. He could hear the sound of the woman humming, the clinks and clanks of dishes being washed reverberating down the hall.
He was able to sit up with minimal pain this time, the bags of (now melted) ice dripping to the floor. The rag that had been placed on his forehead fell into his lap as he observed his surrounding.
The room was plain, having blue walls and no decorations. Next to him was a night stand with a cup of water and a straw. Had that woman left that there?
‘Need to call boss. Doesn’t know what happened.’
He looked around, spotting his phone next to the water on the nightstand. It was broken, and even if it hadn’t been it wouldn’t have worked because of his dip in the river.
The man thought back to his fight, and how he’d gotten there.
Chrollo had ordered him to steal an expensive relic from a local gang, which Feitan thought was child’s play. Although only Feitan was ordered to take the gang out, the news reported that there was more than one spider ransacking the town. He wondered how scared they would have been if they knew all that damage had been caused by him.
Feitan only ran into trouble when a nen user skilled in paralyzing peoples bodies was able to grab his arms. The limbs quickly turned purple, but Feitan was able to kill the man with little to no further injuries.
He dropped the relic off at the designated spot before walking along the river. Feitan hadn’t realized how badly injuried he really was until he felt himself sliding down the hill and into the river. He passed out before he could swim to the surface.
Thankfully, he was light enough to float down until (Name) spotted him.
‘Careless. Should have contacted Boss beforehand…’
He looked down at his arms, gritting his teeth. It seemed the persons nen hadn’t disappeared after his death. From the small amount of information he’d heard, the paralyzation could last up to 4 months. ‘Stupid. Could have been more careful.’
He wanted to slam his fist into the wall, but knew that would only make things worse. Feitan instead took a deep breath.
His mind wandered back to the woman from the previous day. His arms were next to useless, would he have to rely on her to eat? Feitan didn’t want to. He couldn’t believe that the girl had no ulterior motive, it just wasn’t possible. No one helped others without looking to gain something, at least not in Feitan’s world.
The sound of the door creaking open caught his attention. He’d been so deep in thought that he hadn’t heard her approach the door.
“You’re awake! That’s good, just in time for dinner.”
The girl walked in carrying a plate with a bowl and piece of bread on it. She sat it down in the man’s lap as she situated herself in the chair she’d placed beside his bed.
“Can you move your arms?” she asked, picking up the bags of ice.
She nodded. “Alright, then I’ll feed y-“
“No? What do you mean no, are you not hungry?”
She reached out to place a hand on his forehand. Maybe he had a fever that was upsetting his stomach! But before she could place her palm on his head, he lifted his head and bit her hand.
“H-hey!” She pulled her hand back and held it to her chest as small droplets of blood beaded to the surface.
“Don’t touch me.”
She could feel the venom dripping from his words, an unspoken threat laced in between them. If she touched him, he’d hurt her.
“But if I can’t touch you, I can’t help you. I promise I’m not going to hurt you, I-“
“Stay away.”
Something about that man felt dangerous, like she was a gazelle standing in front of a lion. His eyes pierced into hers, telling her that he wasn’t someone to be messed with.
(Name) sighed and stood up from her chair. “I’ll try again later. Goodnight.”
She took the bowl and left the room, turning the light off behind her.
Feitan woke up feeling better than he had when he fell asleep, and weirdly not hungry. Out of habit, he attempted to lift a hand again to block out the sunlight, only to be reminded of his condition.
“Fuck…” he groaned, sitting up. He swung his feet over the side of the bed, taking tentative steps towards the door.
He paused for just a moment to look over his attire. Hanging dangerous low on his waist was an oversized pair of sweatpants, with some kind of cat cartoon character he didn’t recognize. They were much to big for him, the drawstring pulled tight to keep them from falling down his hips.
‘If Uvogin or Shalnark saw this, wouldn’t hear the end of it.’
Unable to open it with his hands, he kicked it open, causing it to fly off its hinges.
(Name) screeched from the kitchen. “OH MY- my door!” She rushed over, glancing between her door and the man in front of her.
“Where the bathroom?”
She blinked. It took her a moment to process his question before she pointed to the open bathroom.
As he began to walk away she stopped him by clearing her throat. “Will you be needing any help?”
He glanced back at her, raising an eyebrow. “What, gonna hold my dick for me?”
He didn’t wait for her to respond, just walked in and kicked the door close.
(Name) was left in a stunned silence, staring at the door. ‘Did he…’
She huffed and went back to working in the kitchen. It wasn’t as easy as it had been before she’d had to bandage her hand, but she’d power through it.
Feitan could feel something warm in his mouth, something savory. It tasted good, the man swallowing the liquid in deep gulps.
In his dreams, he was sitting with all of his childhood friends enjoying the soup chrollo had made them. All it was was chicken and water with some sparse seasonings, but feitan enjoyed every second of his meal.
The smallest of smiles was on his face as a spoon was lifted to his lips.
He was still asleep, and (Name) was going to take advantage of that.
She’d propped him up and had slowly been dripping the broth from her soup into his mouth for the past 15 minutes, being mindful of his breathing. For the past two days, she’d been feeding him like this when she could.
He refused to eat anything she offered him, threatening her if she got too close. He always followed through with his words, biting and clawing at whatever skin he could get to.
Feitan didn’t stay awake much, only getting up to use the bathroom before passing out again. She’d gotten used to the man randomly leaving his room only to use the bathroom.
One afternoon after he left, she saw water dripping down his face and onto his chest. (Name) assumed he has been drinking water from the sink. He didn’t even trust her enough to drink the water she had supplied.
This didn’t bother her, though. The kind of wounds Feitan had received, both old and new weren’t the type that littered an ordinary man’s body. He’d had a hard life of fighting to survive, so she didn’t take his harsh words and actions to heart.
(Name) had fixed the door to her best ability to give the man some privacy. She left it cracked open slightly so he could go to and fro without breaking it again. Feitan seemed perplexed by her actions. Despite his less than kind attitude, she seemed unbothered. This freaked him out.
(Name) knocked on the door before entering with a medkit in one hand and his laundry in the other. “Hey. I need to change your bandages.”
He didn’t glance up from looking at his lap, his lips twisting into a deep frown. “I said no touching.”
“Yeah, I know, but if I don’t change your bandages you’ll get an infection.”
Feitan sneered at her, spitting out his words. “Don’t care. Stay away.”
She set the medkit down and placed his laundry on the bed before she sat next to him. Unlike placing ice packs/rags and feeding him, changing his bandages in his sleep wouldn’t be easy. If he woke up, he might seriously hurt her.
“Alright, I won’t touch you, but I’ll need to go to town and get a doctor. If I can’t help you then I can at least get someone-“
“No doctor.”
(Name) raised an eyebrow at this. “No doctor? How exactly do you plan on getting better if I can’t touch you or get you a doctor?”
The man didn’t answer, giving her a glare. “Listen, your three options are to let me take care of you, see a doctor, or die from infection. What’s your choice?”
He looked her straight in the eye as he answered.
“I choose death.”
“God, he’s stubborn. And annoying.”
(Name) loaded her homemade canned goods into her large basket, huffing and puffing over the man’s behavior. He’d fallen back to sleep after his declaration, not bothering to speak on the subject further.
He seemed to be doing alright, all things considered, but his attitude was worsening by the day. He refused to tell her anything, not even his name.
(Name) fastened her basket to her bike and started on her journey to town.
It took around 30 minutes by bike, but stopping to take breaks made it a 45 minute trip.
(Name) participated in a farmers market every Sunday, selling her canned goods to make enough money to support herself and send a little money home to her family every month.
After a long day of selling her goods, she packed up her cash into three plastic jars. One was for her, the second was for her family, and the third was new. It would be her “mysterious stranger fund”, money she’d use for his basic necessities.
She decided to stop by the local thrift store and buy a few different pairs of clothes for the man. It was hard to find things that fit his style. Even in the heat, he’d been wearing a long black coat, so she assumed he liked wearing warm clothing.
She could afford a pair of black jeans, a black hoodie, a few pairs of boxers, some socks, and a set of pajamas. It would have to do until she could come back next week.
He hadn’t bothered to change out of the sweatpants she’d dressed him in his first night there, despite her pleas for him to do so.
Feitan would just scoff, saying that he wouldn’t be able to sleep in his usual pair of pants.
He didn’t seem to like talking, maybe it was because he wasn’t great with words? (Name) really liked his voice though, it was attractive when he wasn’t growling or yelling at her.
She stuffed the jars her loyal customers had returned and the clothes she bought into her basket and started on her way home. It was dark now, but the moon guided her along her path.
“I’m home, I got you some-“
(Name) paused, dropping her basket onto the floor.
The man was sprawled out along the floor, his breathing uneasy and sweat beading down his forehead. It looked like he’d passed out after leaving the bathroom.
She was at his side immediately, hoisting him up as gently as she could. (Name) placed him onto his bed and pulled back his bandages. The woman grimaced at the sight.
“Infected, just as I thought.”
The infection wasn’t bad, but bad enough that if it wasn’t treated, he’d die. (Name) thanked god that she kept antibiotics on hand, running to her bathroom and pulling the out of her mirror cabinet.
“Hey, can you swallow? I have some medicine that will help you.”
The man let out a ragged breath, shaking his head. “N… no. Don’t… don’t touch me.”
He was too weak to fight her, but he still refused her treatment. The girl bit her lip before popping one of the pills into her hand and squeezing his cheeks.
“I’m sorry, but I’m not going to let you die.”
She shoved the pill into his mouth, holding his lips shut as he thrashed, scratching and clawing at her skin. Soon, he lost his strength again and swallowed the pill.
(Name) let go of him, blood dripping down her arms from the wounds he had inflicted. She paid them no mind, leaning him against his pillow and placing a rag on his forehead.
“I’ll be right back with some water and some fresh bandages.”
For the next 24 hours, Feitan was in and out of sleep. Every once and a while he’d feel the cool sensation of water being poured into his mouth, too weak to protest.
(Name) stayed by his side as much as she could, constantly checking his temperature and changing his bandages after applying medicine to his wounds. He’s still bark out complaints and threats, but due to his condition they were now empty.
At one point (Name) was scared he would die, his face turning pale and breathing growing softer. She held his hand through the night, tending to him as gently as she could through his pain.
Feitan woke up to the feeling of someone’s hand in his.
He was still exhausted and weak from the infection, but was able to lift his head enough to see who was holding his hand.
The woman was at his bedside, having fallen asleep while caring for him. Tears fell from her eyes freely as she slept.
Had she stayed with him the entire time? Feitan glanced at his chest, seeing that he was wearing new bandages and a different pair of pants. They were black flannel pajama bottoms, something he wouldn’t usually wear, but comfortable on his sensitive skin.
He noticed his hair had been pulled back into a ponytail to keep out of his face. A rag laid on his forehead to fight his constant fever, the taste of broth on his lips.
This girl had been diligently caring for him through his tantrums and mean words. Could he really keep pretending she was out to hurt him?
(Name) stirred, her tired eyes opening to see Feitan staring down at her with calculating eyes.
“You’re awake-oh sorry.”
She let go of his hand and wiped away her tears. “Sorry, your health declined last night and I was afraid you’d die, so I held your hand. I didn’t want you to… die alone.”
Feitan couldn’t understand her kindness. Her words did something to his chest that he didn’t like, not one bit. He shrugged it off, leaning back against his pillow.
“… you stayed here whole time?”
It was the first time he’d asked her a non hostile question in days. “Yes, of course. You were very sick and needed my full attention.”
He didn’t seem satisfied with her answer, but relented. She leaned closer to look at his face, giving him a sweet smile that unsettled the man more than he cared to admit.
“Are you hungry? I’ll make you whatever you want, if it means you’ll eat.”
Feitan maintained eye contact with her. His body was weak, and he knew he’d need to eat something soon. With the infection and his injuries, he would die if he didn’t consume some nutrients. Although he said he’d rather die than be fed by her, his body wouldn’t allow him to deny his hunger any longer.
“… curry.”
She blinked, leaning back. (Name) tried to hide her excitement over his request for food. “Okay, what kind?”
“Doesn’t matter.”
(Name) was quick to leave after giving him his medicine. He didn’t fight her for it this time, only complaining about the situation.
As she left, his eyes couldn’t help but wander to her bandaged arms, the beginnings of guilt starting to form in his stomach.
“Fei, what was your mama like?”
Feitan and Chrollo sat together under a makeshift shelter, the latter stirring a bubbling pot of soup. Although it was hot, no one ever complained about the food.
They were just kids then, running around having adventures and trying to survive.
“Dunno. Died.”
The young boy didn’t seem to bothered by his own words, looking out into the distance to watch his other friends play.
“Oh. Sorry to hear that.”
A silence fell over the two, Feitan pulling his knees to his chest. When was the last time someone had held him? He couldn’t remember. He didn’t even know if he’d ever been held tenderly, like he was precious to someone.
As he would grow older, Feitan would be able to hide his feeling of loneliness and need for touch, but now he was a child that was struggling to keep it all together.
Chrollo clapped a hand over his back, remaining silent as the boys eyes brimmed with tears.
Feitan always hated that dream. It made him feel soft and sappy, something he perceived as weakness. The Phantom Troupe’s interrogator didn’t have time for such useless feelings.
He had just woken from his dream, the tears that welled up in his eyes pooling down his cheeks. He hated that he couldn’t wipe them away, cursing his heart.
The smell of food cooking caused his stomach to growl. He was now aware that the woman had been slowly feeding him broth over the past few days as he slept, but that was hardly enough to fill his empty stomach.
Feitan watched through the crack in the door as the girl scurried around the house, picking up little messes as she cooked. It was amusing to watch her bump her hip against a counter and gasp before jokingly wagging her finger at it, as if it could feel shame.
He wondered if she’d act so silly if she knew he was watching.
Feitan stood up and opened the door completely. This drew (Name)’s attention, who glanced his direction before going back to working on dinner.
The man stared at her for a moment before going to the bathroom.
(Name) tried to ignore the feeling of his eyes on her, grateful that he left as soon as he did. It was hard to cook when you were being watched.
After leaving the bathroom, Feitan did something that (Name) hadn’t been expecting.
The short man sat at the dinner table, staring at her with unreadable eyes.
To say it was unnerving would be an understatement.
When (Name) turned to ask why he was staring at her, he scowled. “Observing.” was all he said.
She sighed and finished up dinner. If watching her would give him some peace of mind, who was she to deny him?
“Dinners ready.”
She placed a plate of beef curry down in front of him, the smell of the food almost causing his mouth to water. “Here…”
She sat next him, scooting her chair closer. He instinctively shrunk back, like a wounded animal. She only waited for him to calm down, stirring up the food to help it cool down.
“Are you ready?”
He hesitantly nodded, leaning towards her with his mouth open.
The first bite was heaven for Feitan. He didn’t know if he’d ever tasted anything better than the curry he was eating then. After that, he was much more receptive to her feeding him, finishing the plate before he realized it.
“Alright, do you want some more? There’s also some pie in the fridge if you want some!”
He didn’t answer. It was already humiliating enough to be fed by a complete stranger, he didn’t want it to last any longer than it had to.
But his sweet tooth would not agree with his brain.
“Pie.” He stated, staring at the fridge.
After his meal, Feitan retired to his room to sleep. Just walking around was exhausting, he didn’t have any energy to socialize with someone he didn’t really like.
The man stared up at the ceiling, thinking back to her face as she fed him. She didn’t look at him in a condescending way or laugh when the food fell onto the floor because it had been too hot. No, she patiently waited for him to finish chewing his food, and wiped his mouth as if she were taking care of someone she cared about a lot.
Of course, Feitan wouldn’t process that (Name) cared for him, a stranger for a long time. It didn’t make sense to him. Why help someone when you stood to gain nothing?
He watched as she cleaned up the kitchen through the crack in the doorway.
‘Strange woman.’
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aqricus · 1 year
SAY MY NAME ! feat. xiao
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V SAYS . . . “who knew that giving you one little gift would open xiao’s eyes to how he feels about you? but, is it enough to convince him to act on it?”
+ WC . . . 3.6k
+ sfw material. female reader. angst. fluff.
!! this was supposed to be nsfw, but i made it into two parts for the sake of making the plot fit in a way that feels comfortable and fluid to me. the NEXT part will contain nsfw material !!
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“if you ever find yourself in danger, or if you cannot bring yourself to do what is necessary, speak my name, and i will appear to you.”
in xiao’s mind, it was but a trivial blessing, a privilege well within his sphere of work and achieved without significant effort. but, as appealing as it may seem to be deemed worthy of wielding his name like a baleful curse, he believes that it is all he can give you. he is clumsy and unversed in matters of human relationships, and he does not serve much benefit in the way of offering applicable advice or the types of elegant, lyrical compliments he occasionally hears pour from the lips of poets and performers entertaining audiences near the boundaries of the city. 
it doesn’t help that you hardly ever find yourself in sticky situations or toeing the line between safety and peril; because, although he is grateful for your security and the lack of harm you face, he simply wishes that he could offer you more. when he first relinquished such a power to you, it was nothing more than a precaution. you’ve never been one to gamble with your life or plunge headlong into potential danger on a whim, instead avoiding trouble within the walls of your picturesque cottage.
in fact, the only reason you even encountered him at all was due to the fact that a band of lawlichurls abandoned their usual routine and began chipping away at the outskirts of the city. you merely happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.
he could tell you weren’t an adventurer with a single glance as you thanked him profusely for his intervention. you were frazzled and in clear disarray as you fluttered anxiously around him, hands gripped with a noticeable tremor as you awkwardly attempted to gather the collection of wildflowers and meticulously snipped mint plants that had been stripped from your grasp and scattered about the area during the mayhem. your explanation of the purpose of your whereabouts was linked together into one unbroken, jumbled stream of vowels and consonant. you were tense, movements rigid and tight like the string on a bow drawn taut.
however, it wasn’t until you finally began to mellow out and he dared to step closer, fist stuffed full of stems he managed to snag before the wind could whisk them away, that he noticed how captivating you appeared that night. despite your dress being rumpled and creased beyond simple adjustment, there was no mistaking the charming cascade of the violet fabric around your figure, loose enough for the hem to swirl around your ankles with each gust of wind yet tailored to inconspicuously highlight even the slightest curves embellishing your physique, right down to the gentle bend of your knee as you shifted your weight. 
it reminded him of a sculpture he’d once stumbled upon among the ruins of a forgotten town sunken into the earth—a woman seated upon a pedestal with her head lifted toward the cracked ceiling, draped in overgrown vines and stained with moss yet carved with such care that every smooth edge and shape appeared soft to the touch.
you stood tall, even as the material draped over your body rippled beneath the force of the breeze. you radiated goodwill—your profuse expressions of gratitude, the benevolence that twinkled in eyes far more unguarded than any he’s had the pleasure of meeting in a long time, and especially the kind voice that fussed over blood that didn’t even belong to him until the words of rejection brewing on his tongue withered. 
there he was, soaked in cerise and sharp gaze piercing you to your core as if your flesh were as delicate as gossamer, yet not once did the warmth in your gaze waver. you were afraid, of course you were, he could see it in your eyes, plain as day. but you approached him, regardless.
still to this day, he wonders why.
at the time, when you insisted that he allow you to repay him in some way, he became painstakingly aware of how rough—how calloused and hardened—his hands were compared to yours, which he was positive had never clutched anything sharper than a kitchen knife. he had half a mind to withdraw from your touch; but beneath the silver wash of moonlight, you appeared so serene that he wondered if such an action would be enough to upset you, so he stilled instead. he paid no heed to the figure veiled by your attire or really anything regarding your features. all he could focus on was the manner in which you gazed upon him without judgment, as if he hadn’t just effortlessly terminated an entire band of monsters within seconds, as if his awkward silence and uncertainty when speaking to you didn’t exist, as if his conspicuous appearance didn't deviate from the city's normalcy . . . 
as if he was just like you.
you weren’t keen on allowing him to slip away so easily, either—at least, not without learning his name, which evolved into his favorite treat, which then developed into an invitation to meet the following day so that you could give him said favorite treat as a proper show of your gratitude. he didn’t quite understand what prompted him to take you up on your offer. perhaps it was because of how swiftly the chill of loneliness sank back in as soon as you vanished down the hillside with a secretive grin. maybe it had something to do with how the prospect of being able to ascertain whether or not the uncritical sincerity he’d seen from you the day prior was actually real made the corners of his lips quirk upward.
he may not have accepted an outright wish to meet you, but you piqued his interest. and, if nothing else, he knew that he wouldn’t be entirely adverse to seeing you just one more time before your paths would diverge once more.
but, you clearly had no intention of allowing it to be just “one more time.” time and time again, you would either stumble across him in a stroke of fortune or scrape together a reason to cross paths with him. he could not understand why you were so adamant about being in his presence if not for the need for protection or guidance pertaining to the land. even for the most mundane activities, like filling wooden basins with water near the edge of the river or assisting you with carrying something you clearly could manage on your own, you found pleasure in simply having him by your side, undaunted by and comfortable in even the longest stretches of silence that would settle between you.
he didn’t find it troublesome by any means. rather, he quite enjoyed being in your company, even if his attempts at reciprocating were poor at best. there is no history between you—no bloodstained, fractured past where you’ve witnessed his behavior at his worst or the horrific extent of his capabilities as a warrior. he was simply xiao, an enchanting individual who’s never had the pleasure of tasting a strawberry tart or experiencing lantern decorating but also happens to be your knight in shining armor. 
you made him feel welcome, valued beyond his physical prowess, yearned for in his entirety. and in return, he’d grown to care for you deeply, craving a level of intimacy he’s had yet to explore.
even now, you don’t shy away from him, eyes wide and glimmering with excitement as the weight of his gift to you settles in. “really?” xiao remains rooted to his spot in the grass even as you step closer, close enough for him to count the individual fragments of rose quartz adorning the gold chain hooked around your throat—close enough to touch him, if you so pleased. “so, that means i’ll be able to call you whenever i want?”
he should have anticipated that you would completely bypass the fine details, your brain’s processing capacity reduced to nearly tunnel vision as you zero in on the overarching meaning instead: no more having to hope that you both are in the right place at the right time, no more wondering whether or not he’ll make the first move, and no more having to trek through the wilderness alone. 
he nods and loosely folds his arms over his chest. “correct, but—”
before he can finish speaking, a dazzling smile blooms on your features, and your hand darts toward him without warning. he falls silent at the sensation of your fingers clasping his, drawing his hand into the space between you and cradling it within your own. he can detect a floral fragrance wafting from your skin . . . wisteria. it envelops his senses, intertwining with the comforting presence of your touch to send a ticklish, tingling sensation dispersing through his stomach. he swallows.
“this is so cool!” you squeeze his hand. “thank you, xiao.” the corners of his lips tilt upward into a small smile, and his muscles relax.
but, just as quickly as your grin appeared, it vanishes, along with your touch as you release him without warning. wait. his widen a fraction as he witnesses the warm gleam in your eyes dim into a muted reluctance. you withdraw from him, and in one fell swoop, the candlelight flickering in his chest is extinguished, reduced to nothing more than a cold whisper of smoke. wait. he’s never witnessed this behavior—this uncertainty—from you before. did he accidentally squeeze your hand? did you see something?
“wait, so . . .” you begin hesitantly, and xiao’s hand sinks back down to his side. he feels . . . he doesn’t know. he can’t quite place it, but it leaves his stomach roiling with malaise all the same. “all i have to say is your name, right? just ‘xiao’ and that’s it?”
“uh . . . yeah.”
rejection. he recalls the sting of it in the pit of his stomach, not quite foreign and not quite familiar, but never rendering him as defenseless as he is now. he’s become used to the solitude, accustomed to most regarding him with suspicion or fear. but to be subjected to such kindness from the first encounter, only to then have such a luxury slip from his fingertips without as much as a hint—this is new.
the swelling of your chest beneath your blouse as you inhale is barely noticeable. “have you always been able to hear when i say your name?” you question.
that’s probably the issue, his shoulders square. from what he’s learned from observing humanity, disregard for an individual’s privacy has never been taken kindly. “no, no,” he rushes to placate you. “i can only hear it if i establish a link between our consciences, which would allow for minimal communication.”
“oh . . .” your eyebrows furrow as you mull over his explanation, only for your easy smile to return a moment later. “oh!”  the sight alleviates the coil of tension constricting around his chest, and he exhales slowly, with it expelling the besetting pessimism clouding his psyche. you laugh, and xiao relaxes. “sorry, that got a bit tense.” you dismiss with a breezy wave of your hand. “so, what about in conversation? can you hear that? like if i just mention your name.”
he shakes his head once more. “not quite. it’s more complicated than that. so far, i’ve only been able to hear it in times of desperation or fear . . . or, really just when you need me.” he explains. “let’s say you get attacked or get lost in the woods. you call me, and i’ll hear you. but, if you mention my name in conversation, i won’t.”
“oh, that’s a relief,” you shift your weight onto your right leg. a relief? does that mean she talks about me? xiao can’t help but search your eyes in question, seeking any kind of emotion to hint at the circumstances you may have mentioned his name in. why would you? do you speak highly of him? who do you speak about him to? how do you really feel about him?
almost as if his inquiries were spoken aloud, you shake your head. “i’ve mentioned you to ying’er in the past, but it’s only her, so you don’t have to worry—that is, if you don’t want people finding out about how much time we spend together. i told her all about how you saved me that one day, and ever since then, she’d ask about you whenever i came back late.” still not convinced by the hesitation shadowing his expression, you continue with a quiet chuckle. “it’s nothing bad, i promise. all good things.”
xiao’s chest warms at the confirmation. “oh . . . i see.” a tacit question lingers between the two of you; it rests on his tongue, cumbersome and thick, and manifests in your gaze as buoyant twinkles of anticipation as you await his next words. what do you tell her? it sears the tip of his tongue, dances behind twin rows of teeth welded together. you both feel it, he can tell. but, even as your gaze yields nothing but an earnest clarity, he pensively tucks his forefinger beneath his thumb and presses down, popping his knuckle. he never truly realized how easy it was to be deprived of the comfort of having you by his side. it could happen at any moment; one wrong word, one wrong move, and he could chase you off for good. he’s only just begun to find his place among the outskirts of society—to find his place with someone. perhaps at the moment, it’s better to play it safe and admire from a distance, he reasons, just as he has been up until this point.
“that’s . . . nice. i’m glad.” the delivery is awkward, as well as his words, but he figures it’s better than unnerving you. 
wrong choice. his lips part when you wilt subtly at his lackluster response, shoulders deflating the tiniest bit and smile now tinged with a twist of dry amusement. you don’t seem shocked by his decision to avoid the question, but your disappointment is palpable regardless. “oh, uh . . .”
but, before he can scrape together something else to say, you silence him with a gentle shake of your head. “you know, xiao,” despite your despondency, he can still sense the same warmth in your voice. “i like hearing your thoughts, even if they aren’t anything profound. i just like talking to you.” your eyes meet his. “i ask you questions all the time—far too many, probably,” you huff a small laugh, “and you answer them all. it’s not weird to have questions for me, too.”
but when will i know when i am toeing the line between acceptable and unacceptable? once again, his thoughts remain unspoken. “. . . you would be correct.”
“if you want something, xiao,” you finish, “then pursue it.”
“if you want something, then pursue it.”
at the time, xiao had received your words in stride; but at this moment, as he sits alone, perched upon a low-hanging branch with his back braced against the trunk and one knee drawn up against his chest, he can’t help but consider how ludicrous of a statement it really is. a short sigh is huffed from his lips as he absently twirls the stem of an apple blossom between the pads of his thumb and index finger. the ivory petals stained with blush-pink glow beneath the gentle caress of the moonlight, protruding from the shadowy, muted backdrop of the surrounding vegetation like a sore thumb. he ghosts the tip of his middle finger over the velvety canvas of the petals.
“hey, check it out,” xiao’s eyes bounced from your face to the freshly plucked flower cradled in your palms. “the apple blossoms are blooming early this year! they smell lovely, don’t they?”
you were right. they do.
“pursuing something simply because you desire it . . . what a foolish way to live.” xiao reflects with a wry smile. no one can have everything they wish for; to believe otherwise is not only idiotic, but it also promotes greed. during his lifetime, he’s witnessed his fair share of avarice and power grabs, all spawned from people’s ideas that they were capable of achieving it all; and, just like clockwork, it would bait them into a downward spiral that would result in their own destruction. everyone is dealt their own hand of cards and is born to fulfill a certain purpose, himself serving as a prime example. to crave or demand something other than that would be . . . 
but, then again, isn’t that exactly what he’s doing now? what he’s been doing?
his encounter with you that day was only supposed to be a one-time occurrence. neither of you had any business being involved in each other’s lives; he was slated to remain a finely honed weapon of mass obliteration, and you were to maintain a peaceful life separated from combat. your kind nature was in danger of being tainted by and desensitized to his misdeeds, just as your compassion threatened to dismantle his brutal, black-and-white mentality surrounding the protection of liyue that had been established within his mind longer than you have been alive.
even so, you became a staple in his life in an effort that was not one-sided. you dared to pursue him, and he returned the favor. 
his forehead creases thoughtfully. pursue what you want.
what exactly do i want?
your face flickers through his mind, and his brows twitch. he wants you, he’s come to terms with that. but, what does that mean? what does he want from you? what does he want with you?
if it were as simple as he wished it was, he would find a way to keep you closer, find a way to have access to your voice first thing in the morning and last thing at night. he wants the freedom to dispose of the hesitance that restrains his fingers from brushing leaves from your clothes or from snaking around your waist to steady you whenever you trip. he wants to be able to comfortably ask you for more of that almond tofu you made him two weeks ago. he wants you to call him to accompany you whenever the sun begins to set.
he just wants . . . you. he wants more of you—all of you in your entirety.
however. . . the apple blossom slips from his fingertips, drifting to rest among the grass below. what i want does not matter. to dare to hope for a companion . . . such a desire is far too audacious for someone whose pedestal is composed of severed limbs and lifeless bodies--for a being whose soul is bound to solitude and tongue bound to silence by his karmic debt. perhaps he deserves it, perhaps he doesn’t. he doesn’t really think about it anymore.
but you certainly do not. it would only make way for misery and discontent to bleed into your soul, and he would shoulder the guilt for the remainder of his life.
he swings his legs over the side of the branch and allows himself to plummet through the air before landing nimbly upon the earth below. but none of that matters, anyway, if you do not reciprocate his feelings. without your tolerance of him being further interwoven in your life, he would never be able to completely fulfill his goal of being embraced with wholehearted acceptance. his hands seek anchorage in the fabric of his pants, porcelain fingers twisted into royal purple as he tethers himself back to reality. there are one hundred reasons for you to reject him and one hundred more that prove you deserve someone else, more familiar with affection and expressiveness, someone who isn’t only confident and willing to take charge of the situation when ensuring your safety.
the apple blossom catches his eye from its place nestled among the grass, and he picks it back up. it’s undamaged, still radiant and pure despite the thin, sanguine crescents lodged beneath his fingernails and the papery film of dirt layering his fingertips. 
i’ll leave it here. he twirls the stem between his fingers. there is no reason to risk soiling it.
your smile appears in the back of his mind, nothing more than a brief flicker of a memory.
he stills, and after a moment of silence, he tucks the flower into his pocket.
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Faust from lords of chaos. During a black circle meeting reader and Faust go upstairs and do something’s (smut if you want or they could just be cuddling) in Euromymous bed. 🖤🖤
Hello my dear anon thank you fore this cute request (I'm sorry that it took longer but it's finally done). So I hope you like and everyone has fun reading :)
Cuddle Concert
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warning : just big fluff and comfort, reader is female, cuddling
Disclaimer : I don't want to glorify anything, it's about the actors who play a role, not the real events.
At night in Oslow, in the part of town that wasn't the best, the party was in full swing in the basement of Mayhem founder Euronymous's record shop. After a successful concert and finishing the new album, they had all come here to party and not too hard.
Loud, fast, hard and dark death metal music came from Mayhem who gave a small live performance for the black circle. Actually it was a simple meeting, a meeting to discuss new albums and just find new ideas with a small concert well almost. Which was only enhanced by the compressed space.
And when Death Metal fans meet, the meeting was forgotten faster than anything else. Besides, the third beer crate was already opened and one or the other had already fled to the sink to empty his stomach.
Pizza was lying everywhere on plates and tables and one or the other piece of clothing had already been torn off the body. Not to mention the cigarettes and joints that were lying and being squeezed out in the drinks and ashtrays.
In the chaos of the singing band, the drunken people dancing and shouting along. Faust and his girlfriend sat together on the old sofa which had seen better days. Both had a beer in their hands and were watching their mutual friends partying around them.
Whether it was the wild roar of Occultus' song or the dancing of Varg who had already blown away one or the other with his guitar. ,,The private concert is always the best," she heard Faust murmur as he put his beer on the already overcrowded table and put his arm around her again.
Nodding in agreement, she grinned at her friends and snuggled up to Faust as she slowly began to feel the effects of the many hours of partying.
Whether it was physical exhaustion, a slightly scratchy voice from the roaring, or just the slight headache that came over her. Putting down her own beer, she ran her hand over her sleep and sighed lightly. A little quieter roar would be nicer she thought, watching Euronymous as he seemed to push his guitar to the limit with his solo.
She felt Faust take his arm away from her and let his gaze wander over her. Before he rose and pulled her with him through the group towards the stairs. ,,What's wrong?" she asked, looking back and forth between Mayhem and him, slightly confused, as she slowly walked up with him.
Not only did she instantly feel air that hadn't been breathed ten times already enter her lungs, her headache lessened and she could finally breathe a sigh of relief. ,,Is it better?" he asked with a grin and climbed onto the bed, which was surprisingly soft. ,,Yep, actually," she replied and came to lie down next to him on the bed. Really soft she thought and adjusted her pillow and was about to lie down again when she felt Faust pull her towards him.
So that she was now lying on top of him and had a warmer, softer, more loving surface to lie on. ,,That's even better," he quipped and chuckled as she pretended to shake her new pillow before lying back down on him. His hands went to her hips, holding her on top of him and tracing small relaxing circles on her body.
Which were more pleasant than Mayhem screaming and singing for hours. ,,I know when you're feeling bad...let's just stay here," he decided and sighed with pleasure before hugging her like a pillow and closing his eyes to give his equally exhausted body a rest. ,,Let's do this until the morning, my heart," she repeated and did the same. She sighed too and made herself more comfortable on top of him before resting her head on his torso and closing her eyes.
The small circles he continued to draw were almost like hypnosis which was disturbed by the quiet heartbeat she heard. As if she were being lulled to sleep by the heartbeat that reflected nothing but peace and love. There was nothing more soothing.
@mayhem-things , @beldamama , @bvg-w1res
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hbyrde36 · 9 months
The Crawl
Part 3 of 5
Part 1 Part 2 AO3
cw: character death, (with a happy ending) | wc:7087
Will’s guardian angel from the Upside Down had been a faceless ghost to the rest of the party for a long time. Once the group accepted that he was real and started actually listening to the kid about what was coming for them, they began to wonder more and more about who this Eddie person really was, why he was in that place, and how he knew so much about what they were facing. 
Steve found himself especially curious since the guy’s warnings had saved him and Robin from what would have apparently been literal torture by the Russian Military. Suddenly it felt like the mysterious Eddie was all of their guardian angels. 
So, imagine his surprise when on the first day of their freshman year of high school the kids called an emergency party meeting because they’d run into Eddie ‘The Freak’ Munson in the cafeteria and Will had instantly recognized him as the strange older boy from the Upside Down who had helped him.
The group quickly agreed to take Eddie under their wing while also deciding not to tell him anything about his other self or the alternate dimension, since they had no idea how he would become involved in their world of monsters and mayhem. They didn’t want to freak him out prematurely. He probably wouldn’t have believed them anyway
Keeping an eye on him meant having the kids join the Hellfire Club, the four boys did at least. It was no hardship, they all still loved to play D&D and would have absolutely joined anyway. Max and El refused, which was fine. There would be plenty of eyes on Eddie regardless because Steve was also being tasked with befriending him. 
The kids could watch over him at school no problem, but someone would need to keep tabs on him the rest of the time.
It made the most sense for Steve to be the one of the older group to try and get close to Eddie. He had a lot of free time. They were both guys, both around the same age, and… 
That was about it. 
They didn’t have much or really anything else in common, except for the kids who Eddie loved immediately– thank god, but Steve was determined to make it work. 
He thought it would be easy. He and Eddie hadn’t been enemies or anything when he was in school, though they hadn’t been friends either. They’d simply run in different circles and didn’t have much reason to interact with each other for the most part. Eddie had his band and the D&D club, while Steve ran with the jock crowd and Tommy and Carol, right up until the other-dimensional-shit hit the fan in his junior year. After that he mostly kept to himself and Nancy, and then just to himself when that didn’t work out. 
It wasn’t easy, as it turned out.
Eddie was suspicious, to say the least, when Steve started making appearances at Hellfire every Friday night. 
The first time he came to pick the kids up, he purposely hung around outside until Eddie came out to his van. He waved and tried to say hello, but the other boy didn’t hear him, or more likely, purposely ignored him. 
His second attempt a week later didn’t yield any better results. Eddie looked right at him that time, quite clearly perplexed by Steve’s presence, but he still didn’t return the greeting. 
The third week was when Eddie started to crack. Steve had an idea that it was coming. Dustin had let slip a few days before that Eddie had begun to ask questions about him and why he was picking them all up every week. Like, how did Steve even come to be your babysitter? And, aren't you guys too old for babysitters anyway? 
Dustin assured Steve that all of the boys, even Mike, had thoroughly talked him up. He was a little doubtful on that point, but he had no choice but to roll with it. 
As the four boys battled it out for the front seat, Steve stood outside the car like he always did and gave it his all, waving as he hit Eddie with the same dazzling smile that had knocked the socks off so many girls back in his King Steve days. Eddie met his gaze, big brown eyes a little wider than usual when he, finally, awkwardly raised his hand to wave back. 
Steve was buzzing with excitement as he drove the kids home that night. It was practically nothing, the progress was ridiculously slow, but it was progress nonetheless!
He pushed his luck the next Friday, purposely arriving at the school a little earlier than usual. He knew Hellfire was hosted in the drama room so he decided to peek in and maybe watch the last few minutes of the game. 
Eddie’s head snapped up in surprise as Steve entered the room, but he didn’t miss a beat as he wove his tale for the assembled group listening with rapt attention. 
He hovered by the door, afraid to say anything or even move until Eddie caught his eye and tilted his head to the right, a subtle invitation to take a seat on the small couch on that side of the room. Steve nodded his thanks and did just that. 
He quickly found that he couldn’t take his eyes off Eddie. Though he had no idea what was going on, there was just something about the other boy. It was endearing how excited he would get when someone made a good roll, or annoyed, depending on the situation, and so entertaining to hear him try on other voices and accents for the various characters he played. 
There was something else too, but Steve couldn’t put his finger on it. Eddie had a way about him. Something that drew him in. With every gesture of his hand and subtle eyebrow raise Eddie had his complete attention. 
Steve was staring, he knew it and yet he couldn’t stop. After a while Eddie noticed, because how could he not, and a little smirk appeared on his face. 
Steve finally managed to tear his eyes away, embarrassed, cheeks growing warm, and when he finally looked back up everyone was gathering their things, the session having come to a close while he furiously tried to figure out why Eddie Munson of all people was leaving him captivated.
He arrived earlier and earlier each time after that. Even going so far as to change his schedule with Family Video so he’d be off on Fridays for the occasion. Something Robin teased him relentlessly for, though he knew it was only because she missed working together on those nights. 
Eventually he began showing up before the game had even started, and he and Eddie would talk as they set things up. 
As many great friendships do, it all began with arguing about music.
Steve was mainly a Top 40’s guy, Eddie a metalhead, obviously. It made perfect sense that they would butt heads on the subject, and butt heads they did, until eventually Steve admitted that Eddie’s music wasn’t all that bad. He even liked some of the songs that were a little less loud and shouty. 
Soon after, Eddie admitted too that, yes he preferred metal but really he just loved music, and he could enjoy different genres as long as there was something to appreciate, like a good beat, a nice rhythm, or a solid melody with some meaningful lyrics sprinkled in. 
It wasn’t long before they were making mixtapes to swap and introducing each other to new favorites, and a few guilty pleasures. Suddenly they were bonding over music instead of fighting about it. Steve wondered what more they might have in common if he was brave enough to look deeper. 
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The first time Steve went over to Eddie’s place to hang out it was almost a disaster.
Technically they’d been hanging out for a few months by then but it was always at the school and mostly around the kids. This would be the first time they could just relax around eachother, have a beer, watch a movie, and maybe talk for more than 20 minutes without getting interrupted by Dustin. 
Steve was nervous, more so than he’d ever been for any first date before. 
Not that it was a date! 
He wasn’t sure why he kept thinking of their hang out in those terms, but it had been happening ever since Eddie invited him over. Maybe it was because it was just going to be the two of them? 
No, that was stupid. How many times had he and Tommy hung out alone when they were still friends? And it’d never felt like this. 
It was just because of who Eddie was, Steve reasoned. The stakes were high. He needed Eddie to like him. He needed Eddie to want him around so he could keep him safe, the same way Eddie’s counterpart in the Upside Down had kept him safe. 
It made sense, that had to be it. 
He’d gotten so antsy sitting around at home waiting that he wound up arriving at the trailer almost 30 minutes early, which led to Eddie answering the door with dripping wet hair, wearing nothing but a pair of gray sweatpants slung low around his hips.
Steve froze in place, unable to move from the doorway. His eyes were glued to Eddie’s pale chest. First admiring his tattoos and the smattering of dark hair, then tracking the water droplets that fell from his hair as they rolled down the length of his body to disappear into the waistband of his pants. 
Eddie cleared his throat loudly, breaking whatever spell Steve had been under, and he snapped back to attention. 
Steve was mortified. There was no denying that he’d just been ogling his friend. He could practically feel the drool drying on his own chin, figuratively speaking. He didn't know what to panic about first. The fact that Eddie was probably going to kick him out and say he never wanted to see him again, or the fact that he was definitely attracted to Eddie, a boy, when he’d never looked twice at another guy that way in his life! 
Okay, that last part wasn’t entirely true, there may have been some wandering eyes and errant thoughts over the years, but only the normal amount.
To his surprise, Eddie didn’t say a word about it, only eyed him a little curiously as he moved aside and gestured for Steve to come in. He then, mercifully, ducked into his bedroom to get dressed the rest of the way, giving Steve a moment alone on the couch to get his racing pulse under control. 
Somehow he made it through the rest of that night without making too much more of a fool of himself, though he couldn't help but notice how Eddie sat a little closer to him than might be considered strictly friendly while they watched their movie, or how his gaze lingered on Steve a little longer than it usually did. 
He tried very hard not to read into the fact that every time they hung out after that night Eddie would make a point to answer the door shirtless. He was pretty sure the guy was trying to kill him. 
Eventually Steve got up the courage to talk to Robin about it. They’d become close after everything that happened at Starcourt and somehow he knew he could trust her with this.
She’d hated him when they started working together at Scoops Ahoy. At first it was just because of his former high school reputation, but then she found out that he’d tried to get her fired.
She was furious, but It was for her own good, even if she didn’t know it at the time. Will’s directions had been simple, Steve and Robin were to go nowhere the mall’s elevators, specifically, the Russian one. A crazy fucking sentence to hear said, but Steve accepted it just like he’d accepted all the other weird shit in his life. 
It all sounded simple enough, but it wasn’t Steve’s first rodeo. If the other dimension and its monsters were coming for them again, then no amount of elevator avoidance would leave them completely unscathed. 
No, the safest thing for Robin would be to get her away from the mall altogether. 
Unfortunately she was stubborn and smart. She managed to keep her job no matter how hard he tried, and ultimately Steve was glad she did. They could never have cracked the code without her. He passed the information off to Hopper, letting him, Joyce, and Murray take lead on the Russian side of things, while he and Robin helped the others fight off both Max’s brother Billy, who’d been possessed by the Mind Flayer, and the Mind Flayer itself. 
They won the day, though Billy had been killed saving El in one final act of decency. Everyone else made it out relatively okay, including Hopper, which they were all aware hadn’t been a sure thing. It was the first time they knew for sure that they had changed something big. 
After the smoke cleared Steve gave Robin the talk, explaining all about the Upside Down, Demo-whatsits, and everything the group had been through since 1983. He told her about Will’s guardian angel who’d helped him get out of the other dimension when he was young, and the warnings about what was to come. When she realized what Steve tried to do for her, and why he’d acted like such a jackass, she gave him the tightest, longest hug he’d ever received.
They were pretty much inseparable after that. 
She had been there to help him figure out how to get close to Eddie Munson when they realized he was THE Eddie, and she was there again to help him come to terms with the fact that he was was bisexual when he showed up at her house freaking out at one o’clock in the morning after another night of hanging out with the other boy alone. 
They stayed up talking until sunrise, until Steve felt like he understood himself a little better. Over the course of the night Robin had come out to him too. She was a lesbian and understood all too well the feeling of being confused about who you liked versus who you were supposed to like, and the pressure society could put on those who were different. 
They were both so glad to have someone in their life who got it. Steve would forever be grateful to that stupid ice cream shop for bringing him and Robin together. 
Gay crisis averted, she jumped right into trying to convince him to make a move on Eddie. After only one time of the three of them hanging out together, she was convinced that the other boy felt the same way. 
Steve couldn’t really argue with her. He saw it too, felt the charged energy between them anytime they were alone, but still he hesitated. He was scared, for a lot of reasons. He’d been hurt before, badly, and he wasn’t sure he could go through that again. He already knew his feelings for Eddie were much more than a passing crush. He’d also never been with a guy before, romantically, and that brought on a whole different set of nerves. 
There was also the big bad thing looming on the horizon. 
Vecna-slash-Henry-slash-One was coming for all of them, and Steve might not be one of the big brains of this operation, but he wasn’t stupid. He knew if there really was another version of Eddie stuck somewhere in the Upside Down, it wasn’t a good thing. 
No, it could only mean something had gone very seriously wrong. His feelings for Eddie and whatever was budding between them could wait. The most important thing now was to remain vigilant and do everything in his power to keep everyone safe. They didn’t know much of what was to come, but Steve would be damned if he’d let Eddie’s fate, whatever it was, repeat itself. 
He would keep this Eddie safe and when it was all over, he would tell him how he felt. 
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Except when the time came Steve completely and utterly failed. 
They knew about Vecna and that Chrissy Cunningham was his first victim. What they didn’t know was when and how it would all begin, and in hindsight they should have kept a close eye on the cheerleader too.
Neither Steve or any of the kids had any idea that Chrissy had approached Eddie to buy weed from him during school that day.
THE day. 
Steve was so pissed off at the time that it left him blind to the possibilities. Lucas had a basketball game, a big one, that happened to conflict with the final session of Hellfire for the current campaign, and Eddie, the stubborn asshole, outright refused to postpone. Even had the balls to ask Dustin to call Steve to fill in. He said no, of course, and to really drive the point home about who was in the wrong he went to Lucas’ game and sat front row center, cheering him on loudly the whole time.
As mad as he’d been at Eddie for excluding Lucas and not supporting his other interests, Steve was much angrier at himself the next morning when it all came down. 
He and Eddie always hung out after Hellfire– but not that week! No, because he was pissed, and so not only did he blow off D&D, he told Eddie he couldn’t see him afterwards either.
If Steve had just gone along with their normal routine, he’d have been there. He would have seen Chrissy come home with Eddie. He would have put the pieces together! He might have been able to do something. 
But he wasn’t there, and he hadn’t stopped it. 
Eddie had brought Chrissy home to his trailer and she’d died a horrible death right in front of him. 
Understandably, he ran. 
A good thing too because It didn’t take long for the whole town to decide that he was a murderer.
Luckily Steve was pretty sure he knew where Eddie would have gone to hide out. Rick, his supplier, had been locked up a few weeks before, leaving his house on Lover’s Lake empty. Steve had ridden along with Eddie on a pick up once or twice, so he knew the way, and they quickly found him holed up in the boathouse behind it. 
They finally told him everything. 
Well, not everything. 
The group still agreed that their Eddie should never know about the other Eddie. It was already so much to come to terms with, learning about monsters and another dimension that lived right under their feet. He didn’t need the extra burden of knowing that this had all happened before. 
And Steve knew Eddie well enough by now to know he would have so many questions. Questions that none of them really had answers to. 
He failed a second time when he and the others went off trying to figure things out, leaving Eddie alone and vulnerable when Jason and his goon squad had come to Rick's and found him hiding.
The panic that seized Steve when he came back to the lakehouse and saw the police and the ambulance standing by was like nothing he’d ever experienced before. He felt a little sick about how relieved he was to learn that it was Patrick who'd been killed, but he couldn't help it. 
He barely knew Patrick, but he loved Eddie.  
It was the first time Steve had allowed himself to think the words, but it was far from a shocking revelation. He’d been falling for Eddie since the first time he waved back in the school parking lot.
Dustin’s walkie crackled to life not long after they arrived on the scene. Eddie was okay, and he was hiding out at Skull Rock. 
Steve knew the spot well and didn't need a map or Dustin with his broken compass to tell him where to go. He wanted to cry when they finally reached the rock formation and Eddie came jumping out of the bushes, and he didn’t hesitate to wrap the other boy up in a fierce embrace. 
They’d hugged before, it wasn't necessarily a new thing for them, but the desperation was. The way they held onto each other so tightly, as if they were afraid the other would disappear at any moment, the way Eddie pressed his face into the curve of Steve's neck, and how Steve whispered in his ear, “I’m here. I’ve got you,” over and over again. That was all new. 
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For the record, Steve didn’t exactly want to jump head first into the murky water of Lover’s Lake, but it needed to be done. Facts were facts and as a former lifeguard and co-captain of the swim team, there was no one better suited for the job. Even if one of the others had volunteered, he wasn’t sure he could have let any of them go in that water without him.   
Meeting the other Eddie was not something Steve had ever anticipated happening, but when the living vines of the Upside Down grabbed him by the ankle, pulled him through the water, and down into their world, that was exactly what happened. 
He was right there in the lake bed when Steve emerged, as if he’d been waiting for his arrival. Maybe he had.
Steve was completely unprepared for what he saw. Future Eddie, or past Eddie, or whatever he technically was, looked like he’d been through hell. 
What he could see of Eddie’s skin beneath the layers of dirt, grime, and something that looked suspiciously like mold, was ghostly pale. His clothes were torn and stained with old blood, nearly black in color, and what remained of his Hellfire Club shirt was almost unrecognizable. His hair was a wild mess of tangled curls, and the deep brown eyes that Steve had grown so used to gazing at were stained with red, tainted, though the look in them was hauntingly familiar.
It was suddenly so obvious what had gone wrong, what had caused this Eddie to be stuck here.
He’d died in this place. 
Steve didn't know how he was walking and talking or how he was still so completely himself after everything he’d been through, but it made it that much harder to leave him behind. 
He knew he had to, there was nothing more he could do for this version of the boy he loved except to make sure things turned out differently this time, that his efforts and sacrifice hadn’t been in vain. 
After their all too brief time together he managed to wrench himself away, but as he raced back to his friends he couldn't help wondering if another Steve in another time had been forced to leave this Eddie behind too.
He made it just in time to intercept one of the demobats before it could latch itself to Robin’s back. He grasped it by its tail with his bare hands, swinging it around in a wide arc before bashing it into the ground over and over until it lay stunned. He stomped down on it, pulling at the same time and managed to tear the creature in two.
It was then that he finally looked up to meet Eddie’s gaze. 
His Eddie, soaking wet from the impromptu swim but not a scratch on him. Steve prayed it would stay that way. He reached out and took the other boy’s hand, lacing their fingers together and led the way into the trees where the four of them could hide before more of the bats arrived.
Eventually they got out of the Upside Down through the gate in Eddie’s trailer and regrouped with the rest of the party, but not before Nancy had the same visions that the other Eddie had spoken to him about.
He went back and forth about it in his head so many times, but in the end decided not to tell anyone else that he’d seen the Eddie who was trapped in the Upside Down. He didn’t want the rest of the party to feel what he did, a guilt that was eating him up inside. Let them guess and speculate and not be faced with confirmation of the ugly truth.  
It wouldn’t make a difference anyway, except to plant seeds of doubt. Like he’d told the other Eddie, it was a solid plan and considering that they had way more players on the field this time there was no reason to assume things would turn out the same way.
They really didn’t have much of a choice. If they didn’t go after Vecna now, he would come after Max on his own, or worse, attack some other innocent kid who had no one on their side and no way to fight him off.
When the time came, Max was joined at the Right-Side-Up Creel house by Lucas, Erica, Eleven, Mike, and Joyce. El would be helping Max to bait and then ultimately to hide from Vecna, while also fighting him inside his own mind.
The rest of the party made what they hoped would be their final trek into the Upside Down.
Steve, Robin, Nancy, Jonathan, and Hopper would all be going on to the alternate Creel house to destroy Vecna’s body, while Eddie, Dustin, and Will created a distraction for the demobats and any other creatures who might be lurking around. 
Steve could taste terror like bile on the back of his tongue when the time came to part ways with Eddie and the two younger boys and take their positions. He’d been avoiding Eddie a little up till then, unable to stop picturing him getting torn apart trying to fight off an entire swarm of demobats on his own. He almost offered to switch places, anything to ensure that his Eddie wouldn’t meet the same end as his predecessor, but somehow the idea of sending him off the fight Vecna felt even more dangerous. 
As the group said their goodbyes, Steve marched right up to Eddie and zipped his leather jacket up all the way to the top, and then zipped the army vest closed on top of that. Just in case the little pep talk he was about to give didn’t work.
“You worried I'm going to catch a cold down here Mama Harrington?” Eddie teased, though there was a tightness around his eyes that belied his joking tone. He was scared, they all were. 
“Do me a favor, Eds?” Steve asked, resting his hands up on Eddie’s shoulders.
“Yeah, anything, man.” Eddie breathed. 
They were standing so close together, close enough to kiss, but Steve still held back. He had to get this out. He had to make sure that Eddie listened.
“Don’t try to be cute or be a hero or something, okay? Distract the bats for a little bit and then get your ass inside. Make sure you block up the air vents, and if anything goes wrong, and I mean anything, you bail. You and the boys get topside. Don’t hesitate, don’t-” Steve’s voice broke on the words and he just barely managed to mask it behind a cough. “Don’t wait for us, we’ll find another way out if we have to.”
Eddie looked deep into his eyes, studying his face like he was trying to memorize it and gave a single nod. Steve squeezed his shoulder and forced himself to step away. His throat was tight and his eyes burned and god, he hoped this wasn’t the last time he’d see Eddie alive. 
They set off with Hopper in the lead, followed by Nancy and Jonathan, while Steve and Robin brought up the rear. They had only gone a few steps when there was a rustling behind them and Eddie’s voice calling out Steve’s name. It stopped him in his tracks.
“You go ahead, Robin. Just give me a second. I'll be right behind you.” Steve said.
She nodded and gave him a knowing smile. 
“Go get him, Dingus.” She murmured softly before setting back off to catch up with the others. 
He turned and met Eddie halfway, very aware that Dustin and Will were not far off and were probably watching their every move, but he was so far beyond caring about that right now. They were good kids, they wouldn’t judge. 
“Eds, I… ”
“Stevie, I… ”
They both began in unison, and broke out into giggles as they interrupted each other. 
Steve thought again about the other version of himself. Had he loved his Eddie too? Had they shared a moment like this before parting ways forever, or had his other self been too afraid, too repressed to see what was right in front of him?
This Steve was done with it all. 
Done with waiting, and done being scared. He reached for the perfect way to tell Eddie that he’d fallen in love with him, but no combination of words in the English language were good enough to properly express how he felt about the boy in front of him.
So he figured, fuck words.
He stepped in and took Eddie’s face between his hands as he crashed their lips together, all in one fluid motion. Eddie’s arms circled his waist, tugging him in closer, tighter, until there was no space left between them. 
Steve deepened the kiss, sliding his tongue along the seam of Eddie’s mouth until he opened for him, letting him lick in and taste. Steve wanted nothing more than to stay in that kiss forever, would climb inside Eddie and live there for a thousand years if he could. 
Neither of them wanted to pull back, but the seconds were ticking by to minutes and Steve had to go. He had to see this plan through to the end, and see Vecna dead. They clung to each other for one last handful of seconds, before finally breaking apart, panting into each other’s mouths. Steve rested his forehead against Eddies and sighed, stealing one perfect moment of contentment at the end of the world in the arms of the boy he loved. 
“I’m sorry I let you get mixed up in all this. I wanted to keep you safe from it.”
“It’s not your fault.”
“But if I hadn’t been so mad at you, if i’d been there I…”
“Baby, stop.” Eddie said, pressing a light kiss under each of Steve's eyes to catch his tears. He was crying, and he hadn’t even realized it. “You can’t worry about the what if’s, okay? Don’t do that to yourself. And you were right to be mad at me by the way I was being a total jackass.”
Steve captured Eddie’s lips one more time before finally letting him go. If he waited too much longer to catch up he’d never find the others before they reached the Creel house. 
“You better come back to me, Steve Harrington.” Eddie said, squeezing him tight before giving him a light shove in the direction Robin had gone, somehow knowing he needed the push.
“I will, I promise.” Steve said, and hoped it wasn’t a lie.
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In the end it had been almost too easy to take Vecna down. Which is not to say that he didn’t put up a fight. In fact, for a minute there Steve thought they were done for before they’d even made it to the attic. 
The steps to the top floor of the house were covered in vines and though they tried to avoid stepping on them, the hive mind must still have sensed their presence. 
In the blink of an eye Steve found himself pinned to the wall by his neck, arms, and legs, watching helplessly in horror as the same happened to Robin right beside him, and Nancy across the way. Only Jonathan and Hopper managed to stay free. 
The older man hacked at the vines mercilessly with his axe, but no sooner would one break off than another would take its place. Jonathan tried to pry the things off Nancy with his bare hands but he wasn’t anywhere near strong enough. 
Just when Steve had given up hope, his vision blurring with the beginnings of losing consciousness, the pressure eased and all the vines fell away at once. Somehow he knew they had El to thank for the rescue, and he made a mental note to never let his freezer run out of Eggos again.
When they finally made it to Vecna’s attic lair he seemed to be well and truly under Eleven’s hold, she must have given him one hell of a fight. He was weak, stuck, all but unmoving as they set his body aflame and watched it burn. 
When it was clear that they had won, every fiber of Steve’s being wanted to run back to Eddie, Will, and Dustin to make sure that history hadn’t repeated itself, but they couldn’t leave until Vecna was no more than a pile of ash. 
He would have gone anyway, trusting the others to see the job through, but Robin wouldn’t let him go alone. He’d been hurt in the initial struggle with the vines and judging by the amount of pain he was in, he was pretty sure his shoulder was dislocated. 
When the fire burned out and they did finally start to head back towards the trailer park, Steve charged ahead, turning a deaf ear to his friend’s sounds of protest. They just didn’t understand, they didn’t know what he knew. 
He heard the two boys shouting for help before he could even see them, and his heart sank as he ran flat out until they came into view, huddled around a shape lying prone on the ground. 
He skidded to a halt and fell to his knees when he reached them.
“Steve! You gotta do something. We can’t let this happen, not… “ Will trailed off, voice lost amid a fresh set of tears.
Not again.
That’s what Will had been about to say. 
Steve gaped at the younger boy, and felt like such an idiot. Will had known. All this time- of course he had! He would have seen the same thing Steve did when he met the other Eddie. The blood, the wounds, the eyes. He was a smart kid, it was no surprise he put it together. No wonder he had insisted on being part of the distraction team.
He promised himself he’d make time to talk to the kid later once they were safely out of there.
Eddie was unconscious, lying face-up on the ground with blood running down his chin and neck, mostly stemming from a deep bite wound in his cheek, and one of his pant legs was torn open revealing more bites on his thigh and calf, but he was breathing, and his pulse was strong and steady.
Steve sagged in relief. Eddie was alive. 
Through some miracle, they’d changed things just enough to make all the difference in the world.
“He’s alive!” Steve shouted. 
“He’s alive and he’s going to be okay.” He repeated, as much for himself as for the two younger boys.
He continued to look Eddie over thoroughly, searching head to toe for other wounds but apart from a lump on the back of his head, what he saw initially seemed to be the extent of it. It was bad but not life threatening. 
“I think he hit his head when the bats knocked him from the bike.” Dustin said when he’d finally calmed down. 
Steve nodded. He’d figured as much but was trying not to think about things like concussions and head trauma.
“Is Vecna gone? Is it over?” Will asked. 
Steve started to answer but realized Will was looking up over his head and a voice sounded from behind. The others had finally caught up. 
“Yeah, buddy. It’s over. ” Jonathan said.
Will jumped to his feet and ran to his brother who caught him up in a joyful hug, while Dustin threw himself at Steve attempting to do the same, which was sweet but caused a new burst of pain in his shoulder. He sucked in a sharp breath and tried to hide the wince, but the kid noticed anyway. 
“Shit!” Dustin cursed, rearing back. “Why didn’t you say you were hurt?” His eyes searched Steve frantically up and down like he was looking for bullet wounds.
“I’m fine, Henderson. it’s just my shoulder, no big deal.”
The ground beneath their feet began to shake suddenly and the deep cracking sounds of rock splitting apart thundered in the distance. 
“That’s our cue to get the hell out of here.” Hopper said. “Let’s move, people!”
Steve tried to scoop Eddie into his arms, fully intent on carrying him home himself, but quickly realized he couldn’t bear any weight on his bad arm. Tears of frustration sprang to his eyes, and he wiped them away angrily as he stood.
Hopper stepped up and gently patted his back. “I got him, kid. Don’t you worry. We’re not leaving anyone behind.” He said, bending to pick Eddie up like it was nothing. 
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Steve couldn’t help scanning the tree line as they made the short journey the rest of the way back to the gate. 
He wondered where the other Eddie was now. If he’d been watching them from afar or if he’d simply gone elsewhere. 
His question was answered when they started piling into the trailer one by one. Steve lagged behind, wanting to make sure everyone else got through the gate before he did, so of course Robin stayed back too. They were still standing on the porch just outside the door when Steve caught a flash of movement out of the corner of his eye. 
He stared at a spot in the distance until finally he saw a head of familiar curls peeking out from behind a tree. 
Robin gasped. 
Steve turned, realizing she had seen him too.
”Oh my god, is that… ?” She began, Steve slapped his hand over her mouth before she could finish. 
He shook his head and gestured towards the door, hoping she would get the memo that he didn't want the others to see. Understanding dawned on her face and he lowered his hand cautiously. 
“Cover for me?” He whispered, and made to take off before she could answer. 
“Harrington, get back here, this place is falling apart!” She hissed. 
He turned to her with pleading eyes. “I swear I'll explain later. I just… I need a minute with him, Robin. Please? I promise I'll be right behind you.” 
It was eerily similar to their exchange earlier before he’d gone back and kissed his Eddie. The thought made his chest tight. 
He could tell she didn't like it, but she nodded and ducked inside. 
He didn’t waste time worrying about what excuse she would make for him, just rushed to where he’d seen the other Eddie hiding. He knew had to make this fast.
Eddie stepped out from his cover when Steve drew close. He smiled sadly. “You shouldn’t be here Stevie, it’s time for you to go home.”
“Where were you?”
“After I saw you at the lake, Vecna’s strength must have started to return. It was his power that reanimated me, I guess, and I could feel him starting to take more and more of my control away. I’m sorry. I wanted to be there, to help, but I was afraid if I did he would turn me against you, so I stayed away until I knew it was safe.”
“And is he… really dead?” Steve had watched the body burn up right in front of him but he still had to ask, just to be sure.
“As a doornail.” Eddie said. He grinned, but it didn’t quite reach his eyes. He held himself stiffly, like he was in pain.
“What’s wrong? What’s happening?” Steve reached out to touch the other boy, same as he had before, but Eddie stepped back just out of reach and he had to let his hand fall.
“You really should go.” 
“What about you?”
Eddie’s gaze dropped to the ground. “This place is dying, and I can feel myself going with it.”
Steve should have known and on some level he probably had, but that didn’t stop the surge of panic from overtaking him. “No, no, there has to be something we can do.”
Eddie shook his head, finally looking back up. “Your Eddie, is he… did he make it?”
“Yeah, he’s– he’ll be alright once we get him to a hospital, but you…”
“No buts, Steve,” Eddie said, gently cutting him off. “I was already on borrowed time. I've made my peace with it.”
“I don’t know how to let you go.” Steve whispered. He felt like his heart was breaking. In his head he knew that this Eddie and his Eddie weren’t one in the same, but standing there listening to him say he was ready to die, it was hard to convince his heart of that.  
This time when Steve moved in close, Eddie held himself still and when Steve's hand hovered over his hair and caressed the side of his face, he leaned into it, just for a second.
“It’s not goodbye, not really. You have an even better version of me waiting for you just on the other side of the gate.” Eddie leaned forward and pressed a chaste kiss to Steve’s cheek. 
He smiled one last time, turned, and ran before Steve could try and stop him. 
Steve walked back to the trailer and found Robin waiting at the bottom of the rope for him. She gave him a boost which he grudgingly took, knowing he would need the extra help with only one good arm.  
There was a lot to be thankful for. They had won the war, and Steve was overjoyed to be going home to a place where Eddie had survived and they had a future to look forward to, together. It was somehow both one of the happiest days of his life, and one of the most devastating. As he climbed the rope that would lead him out of the Upside Down for the last time, his heart ached for the Eddie that couldn’t be saved.
Part 4
Thanks forever to @penny00dreadful for being the best friend, cheerleader, and beta in the whole fucking world 💜 (and for bring there to cry along with me about the end of this chapter 😭) truly could not do it without you.
I'm going to tag anyonei can who showed interest and interacted with parts 1 & 2 but feel free to tell me to fuck off (🤣) and let me know if you want to be removed from the list!!
@hissunflowers @sadisticaltarts @gutterflower77 @epiclazershark @yeahhhh-suga @soapyscoobert @thetrueghostqueen @guppynuggets @reh-hateshumans @katdeerly @kolorzapster @useless-nb-bisexual @sammyammi @ellietheasexylibrarian @thesecondfate @eleganttidalwavecloud @localcrustrat @letsmo6 @justaquietnerd @marvelobessed @femmeratale @carriethesaint @novelnovella @ubpd
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gothamslostboy · 10 months
Marko W/ A Werewolf Mate
A/N: I FINALLY DID IT! Here’s the final part to the lost boys with a werewolf s/o series. This started last year when I made Paul’s post, and I really didn’t expect me to take so long finishing this💀 sorry to all my marko lovers that his took almost a full year to complete and enjoy:]
Marko finds you while strolling the boardwalk
He had separated from the boys in order to steal pick up some new paints
He’s a little disappointed that you’re a werewolf for 3 reasons
He thinks the idea of turning his mate and “corrupting” them is pretty hot
It’s easier to understand his mate’s emotions and feelings if they are eventually the same species as him
He’s been told since the day he was turned that werewolves hate vampires and now he’s scared you’ll reject him for it
But he doesn’t let it stop him from overall being excited about finding you
It’s been a couple decades since he got a new mate and he’s extremely curious what your personality is like
Will you be like any of his current mates? Or maybe something entirely new?
Marko’s mainly just hoping for someone who can keep up with his shananigans
Pauls fun to cause mayhem with but he’s also clumsy as fuck and normally they end up kicked off the boardwalk
At least until they can eat the guard who bands them
While Marko is still thinking of all the possibilities, you manage to catch his scent
Immediately you start running towards him
He notices you and starts to greet you
But Paul caught your scent, and wanted to protect his boy
He ends up tackling you into an alley and holding you down
Paul keeps asking you why you were trying to attack Marko but doesn’t trust you when you say he’s your mate
Well at least until Marko throws him off of you
It’s safe to say it wasn’t the first meeting either of you expected
But once everything got sorted out, and Paul gave an embarrassed apology, it ended up okay
Paul left to tell David and Dwayne what was going on, so you and Marko got to talking
He asked you to help him get the paints, and with the extra help, he also got a new sketchbook and some markers
With your supernatural speeds the two of you manage to out run the security guards and end up hiding under the dock, huddling together in order to avoid being seen through the cracks
He looks at you and breaks out into laughter, as quiet as he could, until you can’t contain your own laughter
Both of you whisper about the successful haul, until the giggles naturally die off
Staring at each other without speaking, you take in the other’s scents again
After the moment passes Marko has an idea
He smirks quickly before stuffing the stuff into his “shopping” bag and pulling you by the hand
Together you flee the boardwalk and don’t stop until you’re about 50 ft into the woods near the cave
You ask him what he’s doing and he tells you to listen to the noises around
Focusing as hard as possible, you notice a couple things: rushing water from the creek, an owl on the hunt, various animals walking, and finally, a group of ppl laughing near a camp fire
He proposes a challenge, first one to get a kill gets to make the first move
You chuckle at the idea but end up agreeing, shifting into your wolf form and darting towards the group
Marko is a bit in awe of your transformation
He had never seen anything like it
He doesn’t let himself fixate on it for too long long bc he realizes that now you’ve had a head start
Going as fast as he can, Marko gets to the campsite just in time to see you pounce
“Fuck!” He lets out a playful sigh as he helps take out the group, making sure there isn’t any stragglers
He fakes annoyance as you shift back, gloating about your victory
Marko is about to respond when you lean in and kiss him
He pulls away after a few seconds and you guys spend the rest of the night joking and getting familiar, eventually going back to the cave and meeting the others
Date nights for you two tend to involve some kind of scheme or murder
You pretending to be a dog and luring ppl into the woods to kill, testing each others abilities and seeing who’s better at certain things, messing with the rest of the pack, etc.
Marko also loves to play fight, so thank god you both have advanced healing
The full moon tends to make you more playful and increase your sex drive, and Marko is more than okay with both of those things
The only time Marko is gentle with you is the night after a full moon, when you’re dazed and tired from the heightened emotions and sensations you experience
But he’s right back to his normal self as soon as your better
After a couple years he starts getting sad about your mortality, so you both go to Dwayne for help
He figures out the rituals and items you need, and you and Marko set off to complete them
If you thought Marko was a sadist before, well you’re in for a shock now that you’re not a risk of death
He likes to howl at the moon with you at night, even though he doesn’t fully understand why you like it so much
He wanted to know if you play fetch since he met you, but didn’t know if that was a rude question to ask or not
He goes to the boys for advice on how to ask you but David just gets up and asks you right then
Now it’s a game yall play as a group
After a hunt they take a limb and throw it as hard as they can
If Marko is trying to hide something from you, like a gift or a conversation, he tends to throw things in the opposite direction
Your instincts are to immediately go get it
After the 3rd or 4th toss you figure it out and manage to stop chasing it though
He also thinks it’s funny to jokingly call you “bad dog/good dog” at random times and laugh when you give him a dirty look and growl
Marko doesn’t think it’s as funny when you bury his things in retaliation
@crustyboypix @lazywerebat
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ravenlking · 2 years
𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐑𝐃 𝐘𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐒 (𝐂𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐑, 𝐓𝐑𝐄𝐘, 𝐋𝐄𝐎𝐍𝐀, 𝐕𝐈𝐋, 𝐑𝐎𝐎𝐊, 𝐈𝐃𝐈𝐀, 𝐌𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐔𝐒, 𝐋𝐈𝐋𝐈𝐀) a beautiful melody to match the sweetness of your relationship~
gender-neutral warnings: implied to be in a relationship with them :D genre: fluff a/n: - pictures don't belong to me, they go to their original owners! - please give me feedback :)
Let me know if you'd like more!
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Sunroof by Nicky Youre and Dazy
The top song charting the entire Twisted Wonderland is blasting loudly in Cater Diamond's band room. But the words simply went in and out the orange-haired boy's ears as his mind was stuck on one thing, and one thing only. You. His sweetheart, his muse for all his Magicam posts, and most importantly, the one he wants to see with all his heart with a white dress coming down their aisle. Cater never had time to make friends because his family was constantly moving and most people online only wanted the fame and fortune his name would bring.
But with your sweet smile and sincere words, you won the boy completely. You were such a dear to him, constantly matching his enthusiasm with a grin on your face and a bright sparkle in your eyes. Cater loves you and can't believe you're his sweet little cutie! Smile, darling!
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Unconditionally by Katy Perry
Trey Clover knows that his reputation precedes him. The benevolent vice dorm leader of Heartslabyul, the baker of Heartslabyul, everything he is links back to Heartslabyul. Sometimes, he wishes someone would see him for who he is, to love his soul and not his purpose. You came into his life like a perfect spice for the latest recipe, dazzling the dish and in turn, his life.
He couldn't ask for a sweeter relationship as he wrapped his arms around you, nuzzling into the crook of your collarbone as you continued to cook dinner in the run-down kitchen of Ramshackle. It was only the two of you, Grim running somewhere else to give the couple peace. Trey couldn't help but pepper soft kisses, feeling his heart skip at the irregular beats and wishing that the rest of his life could be spent loving you unconditionally.
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Until I Found You by Stephen Sanchez
All his life, Leona Kingscholar only knew of the scorn and hatred aimed towards him. His young heart simply ached at the glints in their eyes but nowadays, he only turns a blind eye to it, preferring to snore his days away. But this was all before he met you, the light and heavenly angel that the Great Seven blessed him with.
Granted, he could do without the mayhem that you and your herbivore friends get into on an hourly basis, but he would rather dust himself to death than be without you for a second. You were his, and he was yours. Until the end of time.
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Perfect by Ed Sheeran
The media expected Vil Schoenheit to fall in love with a famous co-actress or the number one beautiful female model in the world. They expected the dorm leader to have a romance so beautiful, it would spin tales of how the cold prince fell for a delicate flower. They never expected him to go for the magicless perfect of Ramshackle.
In the broken dorm, Vil lays in your arms, content with where he is. Whenever he was with you, it was like you wiped away all his invisible stress and lifted the weight of the world off his shoulders like the famous Atlas. He breathed in and out, slowly falling into a gentle slumber. Vil couldn't help but mutter a soft "perfect" right before chuckling slightly at the blush flushing across your face.
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La Vie En Rose by Michael Bublé feat. Cécile McLorin Salvant la vie en rose means 'true love'
Rook Hunt called himself a hunter of love, a pursuer of all things beautiful. His hunting list included the reclusive Roi des Leon, Roi de Poison, and he has one more to add to the list. Yours, which was incomplete without his last name. Y/N L/N-Hunt had such a beautiful ring to it that Rook couldn't help but roll it around in his mouth with a lovesick grin.
Although he was the hunter, even he couldn't defend himself from Cupid's arrow that tore apart all his defenses and shot straight through his heart. But he certainly wasn't going to start complaining, not as you laid in his arms, perfectly content with a gentle smile on his face. Rook's face glowed with happiness as he leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to your forehead. Y/N L/N-Hunt...how he couldn't wait to make that a reality.
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When I Get Old by CHUNG HA and Christopher
Somehow, Idia Shroud gained himself a lover! How in the name of the Sevens did someone like him unlock a precious Otome Game romance route?! His blue flames are lit up in the shade of bright pink as he couldn't help the bright blush that lights up his cheeks whenever he thought about you. You weren't like those cliche FLs that he plays as. You were better, you were like those isekai-ed FLs that take zero craps and you're so bold and confident and-
Idia Shroud could go on forever if possible, ranting about how he was so lucky. Ortho sits nearby, nodding and listening with a smile, glad that his brother found someone who can love him even when they were old. You do a good job at playing wife for the older Shroud, good practice for when you guys settle down!
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Infinity by Jaymes Young
For the first time in Malleus Draconia's long life, that hole in his heart is filled with the warmth of a soothing fire. His lime green eyes that were once used to look jealously at the other students of Night Raven College are now used to form hearts and lovesick stares upon seeing his one true love, his treasure. Even with all the treasures in his hoard couldn't be compared to the rarity that was in his arms, gazing at him with so much emotion in your eyes. He leans down, swooping you into a kiss that hopefully pours out his love for you in the purest way possible. Malleus Draconia has no plan to leave your side anytime soon and he'll use everything at his disposal to make sure it will never happen. Your grip around his heart was simply too tight.
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A Thousand Years by Christina Perri
In all of his many years of being an immortal fae, it has never come to him that love would be something destiny had for him. Immortal faes are rare nowadays because of the Great War...it's rare to find one in Briar Valley, let alone in Twisted Wonderland. Mortal lives were too short, too fleeting. To be in a relationship was to suffer with the knowledge that one day, his beloved would leave him all too soon.
But of course...he never expected you to whisk away his heart. He was perfectly fine with it because he had stolen yours in return. He's such a mischievous lover!
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shadows-from-helvete · 2 months
Introduction about Adam
(before anybody comes at me they are aged up a few years. And I think Natasha should break up with Markus until then and come together with Vanessa. So yea just a headcanon of mine so you don't wonder. Also going to answer any questions I may have about him)
-Adam Dahl -Also known as Adam the Panther under his old team
-16 years old
•=Gender & Sexuality=•
-Homosexuell & Non-binary
-Sebastian Dahl (Father) -Natalie Dahl( Mother,left when Adam was 12)
-German🇩🇪(Father side)/Norwegian🇧🇻(Mother side)
-Is living in Grünwald with his Father after moving back here. In the middle of everything in a small apartment
-A 4 year old black male German Shepard named Boomer and a 3 year old female White swiss Shepard named Marshmallow. -An aquarium with shrimp
•=School & Class=•
-Highschool(Gesamtschule) and Grade 10
-Good friends:Jojo,Vanessa,Deniz,Marlon,Raban
-Friends:Leon(would still kick his ass all the time because he annoys Adam)
-Seem nice: Willi,JoJo's mom, Leon&Marlons dad,Edgar,Deniz Father(dilf energy)
-Finds them weird:Hatschi(doesn't trust him and doesn't know him that well)
-Ew:Markus dad
-Hell na!:Siegers,Natasha
-has crush on:Markus
-Used to play soccer and be a keeper but after an accident he needed to stop play soccer. The accident was also the reason they moved. -Really enjoys drawing,making music and exploring the forest
-Skintone:very light(bro doesn't get brown no matter how long in the sun)
-Eyes:Dark moss green
-Nose:more on the average side
-Face shape: sharp
-Hair: longish hair that is black on the roots because the hair colour grew out. Black fades to dark and a bit lighter blue. Bangs are tight back or gelled back. One hair strain in his face.
-special markings: has a birthmark under his right eye
•=Clothing style=•
Style: sometimes more emo sometimes more punk or metal or something between depending on the mood.
-Mostly to lazy to dress up so he mostly keeps it basic.
-Loves his leather jacket,leather boots and battle jacket with lots of patches from his favourite bands like Tokio hotel,Mayhem,Metallica,Nirvana,Skillet Slayer ect.
-Wears eye shadow when he's outside all the time.
-Adam also loves to do corpse paint but doesn't do it that often and if just at home for pictures
-Adam was living with his dad and mom until he was 12. His mother left his father for another man and never came back. It was a pretty hard time for him but he wasn't really sad, just really angry. He changed school one time became they moved into another part of the city when he was 13. He was more an outcast because of his blue hair and the way he was so of course be got bullied which didn't botherd him to much even tho he has mental problems since he was younger and they just got more and worse over time.
-Loved soccer and drawing since he was younger and to that day still draws. When they moved he got into a soccer team and they got along pretty well. At the age of 14 he had his last game. Adam was a keeper and was pretty good at it. He was holding almost everything. His team won the game. It wasn't anything special just a simple game against another team. But one of the members of the other team weren't so happy about it. Turned out this kid was known for aggression problems and so he turned to Adam and yelled at him at first. It was probably a coincidence that he picked Adam . He got closer to him and without thinking he kicked Adam in the kneecap out of anger which made him fall to the ground. Long story short he kicked Adam in such a weird and bad place that his kneecaps were damaged so he couldn't walk properly for a few months and even tho he can walk normally now he can't play soccer or much other sport anymore. This is why they moved to Grünwald and Adam acts like he doesn't know anything about soccer or played it. He thinks its better than explaining why he doesn't play anymore ect.
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(Picture of 14 year old Adam before his last game with his team next to him)
-At first the bunch thought the new kid was one of the Siegers because of his style but after JoJo saw Adam with a pigeon he found and talked to him he found out he was pretty cool. So from that on JoJo forced Adam to come to there training a few times or hang out with them because as JoJo means he needs to go out more and be more social.
-2 years after the kneecap incident he tries to go back to soccer even tho it's hard but he tries. Also sometimes asks Willi for advice
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(black eye and Bandage because he got into a fight with the Siegers and they kicked his ass)
-he gets along with the bunch pretty well as well as Willi but sometimes he really wants to kick Leon's ass because this little shit can be annoying.
-had a crush on Marlon and Markus and struggles because he doesn't know if he should have something for both.is stupid and doesn't notice the signs
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