#all i see is marko killing!
thethirdfrogbrother · 2 months
I love that Marko is such a twink. Like I don't believe in just femonizing or whatever any male character that's slightly more feminine, but that's what so great about Marko. He's not just a soft little submissive boy toy or anything. He's one of the most violent and most aggressive of the pack, but he's also just a boy!! Like yes, I'm gonna fucking kill you bitch. Right after I go out there in my low laying jeans and cropped tee shirt. Slutting. It. Up. I'm a bloodthirsty ruthless killer, and I'm gonna look hot and attract all the men and women while I do it. And you know what? The rest of them are just perfectly chill with it.
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ebony-blood · 5 months
Poly!The Lost Boys x Reader 
Warnings/AN: They’re a packaged deal, ofc you’re getting all four. Yandere/obsessive stuff because they’re just like that. I tried to be as gender-neutral as possible, lemme know if I need to fix anything.
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You have been in Santa Carla for about a year now, you wanna know how long it took for the boys to fall for you? 2 months
Paul fell first, bro spent a whole 2 hours daily rambling to Marko about how much he loved you, how perfect you were in his eyes, how cute you were…
Gender doesn’t matter to these rat bastards, you’re still Paul’s Cutie
Marko fell next, listening to Paul rant about your utter perfection, thus, he started believing you were an angel, literally an angel.
And that’s when the two boys started stalking you, following you around the boardwalk and practically growling at anyone that approached, male, female, whatever
Paul practically has heart eyes every time he sees you, every single time.
Dwayne is next, and he falls WAY harder than the other two
Mr. Tall, dark and handsome over here will follow you home daily, he waits for nightfall and comes out to see you, when he’s not with his brothers, he’s around you.
He may as well be lying on a bed, writing in a notebook about how much he loves you, giggling and kicking his feet like a schoolgirl
So, the three that AREN’T David fall in love with you in two months, David followed shortly behind, and only a month after Dwayne fell, David was fucking INFATUATED.
He has it BAD, like, god, it’s even worse than his brothers.
Eventually, all four of the boys decide they wanna talk to you, and goddammit the minute you open your mouth they’re even more in love with you. 
And so, they start leaving you anonymous gifts, roses, jewelry, Marko paints for you, anything they can think of, they’ll steal it and leave it on your porch. 
It took a few months, but when you realized they were giving you the gifts, you started hanging out with them more, and soon, you were taken to the cave.
They loved you, obviously.
It took almost no time for you to fall for their silly personalities, and that was when they knew they had you.
They became protective, but not outwardly obsessive.
At least, you thought so. 
After they started dating you, they started getting worse in their stalking.
They had a system, every other week, sometimes months between instances, one of them would silently stalk you, keeping hidden in the dark, and one or two of them would pretend to bump into you when you start freaking out.
You were always too freaked out to ask how they were there.
You found out they were vampires when you caught them killing and feeding on a guy who had been actually stalking you. You were freaked out at first.
Eventually, David managed to calm you, promising they would never hurt or kill you.
Now that we’re past all the meetings, falling, stalking, and so on, here’s the actual cute stuff. 
Paul and Marko
These rat fucks are literally never not by your side. 
They bite you, randomly grab you, kiss you, just whenever they want, it doesn’t matter. 
Both boys steal things from you, all the time
Clothes, blankets, stuffed animals, books, your perfume/cologne/body spray, makeup if you wear it, whatever they can get their hands on, it’s with them.
You slowly start noticing them wearing your clothes, your perfume/cologne/body spray, and you ask about it. They always deny having it.
If you wear it, they put on your lipstick or lipgloss before they kiss you, because they think it's funny. 
Paul started trying to get you to smoke with him. 
Marko paints you like constantly, and anytime he catches you watching or looking at him, he has the most lovestruck and goofy look on his face.
Both fantasize about you 24/7 and just bounce stuff off of each other. 
They definitely bite you the most
65% of the bitemarks on you are from them, and 35% are from the other two boys.
Cuddle you the most.
Tease you the most
Teasing nips are greetings to them
Both have very little consistency in pet names for you, they just pick whatever.
The sweetest, and the biggest stalker ever.
Bro follows you around constantly. 
He doesn’t allow you to ride on the back of Paul and Marko's bikes, it's either him or David.
Holds your hands all the time
Gives you his jacket all the time.
You get cold? Take his jacket. Getting outta the ocean after Paul tossed you in? Take his jacket.
Smiles every time he sees you. 
Also takes your perfume/cologne/body spray, sprays himself down, and snuggles into clothes you wear he stole when he wanted to snuggle with you.
Acts totally normal around you but is a giggly schoolgirl when talking about you with the boys.
Brings you food and drinks daily, if he doesn’t know if you’ve eaten, you bet your ass he’s bringing you food.
About 15% of your bites are from him. 
Constantly makes sure you care for yourself.
Not into PDA but will hold your hands daily.
Bro has a mix of songs that reminds him of you.
Calls you stuff like Darling and Honey, he just gives those vibes.
David is worse than Dwayne, Marko, and Paul combined.
Stalks you, constantly, and he always makes sure you know he’s there.
Sassy, sarcastic, an asshole, we know this, but this carries over to you too.
Bro sasses you all the time.
Dude treats you like he treated Star, bro will just stare at you, if you don’t respond or do as he’s implying, he just calls your name again, and again, until he eventually just snaps in your face, not shouting, but literally snapping.
Nips at your ears, neck, and shoulders
Teases you, all the time, constantly for no reason. Like if you trip bro is laughing and he doesn’t even help your ass up. 
He does care though, he loves you so SO much.
The dude actually takes his damn gloves off to touch you sometimes! That NEVER happens!
Isn’t into PDA, at all, his hands stay securely in your back pockets or with his fingers through your belt loops, you are not leaving his side, if he isn’t around you bet your ass you’re sticking with Dwayne.
Will randomly give you things, Bro gave you one of his old tee shirts and he gets very pouty if you don’t wear it around.
He is not a sweet boy, but also a sweet guy, if you wear down his walls and wiggle your way into his heart, you will NEVER leave.
He’s terrified of being alone, if you leave for even a second, the man almost melts down. 
Calls you stuff like Babe, Baby, and Doll, doll is used no matter your gender, he won’t stop.
One more because our first one for Davie here also brings you food but fucks with you like he did with Micheal. He does keep extras if you actually freak out about it but after a certain point in your time with the boys, you start leaning into the goofiness. 
All four of them
Only a few here.
The boys are cuddlers, if they stay with you in your house, (You have blackout curtains) they are wrapped around you, Paul and Marko are damn well laying on top of you.
Will scream at any bastard on the boardwalk that even LOOKS at you wrong.
They fight anyone at all, for any reason, for everything, at all for you.
These nerds rant about everything they love, David will scream about how much he loves Billy Idol at any time, Marko talks about art all the damn time, Paul will just rant about how fucking much he loves guitarists like Mick Mars, Ace Frehley, and Eddie Van Halen, and Dwayne talks about books. All four always have stars in their eyes when talking, it's so cute. 
The rats started rubbing off on you, you’re crazy now, you ride bikes, and you yell, and scream with all of the boys.
When they do turn you, it amplifies by 20.
Your favorite activity is hanging off the bridge with the boys and biking. 
You eventually get your own, they were hesitant, but eh.
They love biking with you, and then you all either hang from the wood beams while sleeping or snuggle up in your bed and sleep peacefully. You wearing one of their jackets of course.
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klaus-littlestwolf · 10 months
Lost Boys Sick!Mate Headcanon
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(For whoever requested a Sick Mate Headcanon for the Lost Boys, I hope you enjoy this)
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•David wants to change you immediately
•He hates seeing you sick, miserable or in any kind of pain and while most people wouldn’t believe David can be sympathetic, for you he very much is
•He has been trying to get you to turn for a long time and while this is a convenient way of convincing you, he really just wants you to get better
•David hasn’t been sick in…several hundred years. He’s the oldest out of the whole pack and so he remembers sickness the least of all of them, the only thing he can relate it to is not feeding for a long amount of time and he knows how painful that gets to be
•He would lay with you in the bed in the cave, whether you live with them in the cave yet or not, that is where you will be staying and you have no choice, he won’t let you be alone while you’re ill
•He often gives you massages whenever your muscles are achy, he knows how good it makes you feel and it makes him feel like he’s able to do something to help you, even if it’s just to relieve a small bit of your discomfort
•He’ll definitely make Marko go out to get you food, though he doesn’t know what kind of food since you keep insisting that you aren’t hungry
•David wants to care for you, he just has no clue how and if you weren’t sick as a dog, it might even be adorable how frazzled he is
Overall Grade of Care: 4/10
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•Dwayne would be a major worrier every single time you get sick
•While he doesn’t remember what it’s like to personally be sick, he does remember his younger sister being sick when he was human and dying of a fever, so every time you’re even remotely warm he attempts to put you in an ice bath
•When you are bed ridden he is sure to make you stay in the cave, he’s always by your side and will often sit and read to you until you drift off to sleep
•He tries to keep you fed as much as you’ll allow with your upset stomach and he gives you plenty of water, to the point you wonder if vampires can survive being waterboarded cause you’re ready to kill him
•Dwayne is very much like David, he doesn’t know how to take care of a human that’s sick and he doesn’t understand that sometimes you just need to let an illness run it’s course
•Eventually he would buy some medicine at the store (Marko’s recommendation) and give it to you. He’s completely stunned by how quickly you finally fall asleep with how badly you’ve been coughing but the medicine works
Overall Grade of Care: 5.5/10
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•Paul is chill when you get sick, he knows most of the time it’s just a little cold
•He gives you a few shots of whiskey and smokes a joint with you until you pass out, most of the time you wake up feeling better
•When you don’t however, he becomes frantic
•He will run around like a human having a manic episode. He makes sure you’re as comfortable as you can be, and if you’re not he goes to the store and buys more pillows and softer blankets. Hell get you new pajamas and more boxes of tissues than you’ll ever use
•He cleans the entire area you’re in as best he can in a cave, trying to get rid of germs that could make you sick all over again. It would be funny if you didn’t want to strangle him for moving so supernaturally fast that he makes you even more dizzy which makes your stuffy head hurt more
•He tries not to bother you too much, getting you to sleep as much as he can because apparently humans only heal when they’re sleeping so you need to sleep until you feel better
•He doesn’t quite understand that there’s a limit to how much NyQuil you can take
•Paul means well and he wants to help, he just goes too far with it most of the time
Overall Grade of Care: 7/10
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•Marko is probably the best of the boys to have taking care of you when you’re ill
•He gets you medicine immediately and actually reads the instructions to give you the correct dosage
•He ensures you are comfortable in the bed, making sure to keep the blankets on when you’re cold and removing them if and when your fever gets too high
•When you’re too warm, which seems to be most of the time, he will strip to his boxers and crawl into bed with you, his cold skin making you feel better almost instantly
•He goes to the store and gets you whatever you want but also picks some things for you to make you feel better. He gets you your favorite tea bags to make you hot tea, the Chamomile helping to calm you and be able to sleep better, he also gets you some cans of coke to sip on when your stomach is upset
•He makes you soup everyday to keep you eating, even if you cant hold too much down, it’s not too heavy on your stomach
•Marko will also rent movies (and by rent I mean take them from Max’s store when he’s not looking) to bring back for you two to watch together to keep you entertained
•Marko was a human not too long ago, Paul being the only one younger than him, and he remembers very well how to take care of sick people, he is very good at making sure you get well as quickly as you can
Overall Grade of Care: 9.5/10
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Lost Boys Masterlist
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rdr2gifs · 7 months
Each time Arthur has helped someone without expecting payment (that I can remember) because I’ve seen some weird takes circling around about how Arthur only cares about money/doesn’t help people (yet again)
He helped a city photographer take pictures and acted as his protector because he liked him
He helped a doctor retrieve a stolen wagon full of medicine, he wasn’t even asked to do so, he did it out of his own good will
He wanted to make an old cranky man happy and proposed finding his lost trinkets for him
He helped Deborah MacGuiness find dinosaur bones out of curiosity. He didn’t receive any financial reward for it. Just a few trinkets and he was satisfied
He risked his life for Marko Dragic’s experiments (his main motivation in this mission was again, curiosity)
He rescued a boy being held hostage by the gunsmith in Rhodes
He rescued people from being trafficked and gave them a large sum of money (he could’ve kept it for himself) for a better life
He helped Mr. White and Mr. Black gain freedom and even helped them again after they got themselves into trouble
He rescued Charles Chatenay on at least 3 different occasions
He instantly hurried to retrieve Sister Calderon’s cross even though he has never met her before
In his first encounter with Marjorie and Bertram, he helps to calm Bertram down and is understanding even though Bertram gave him trouble. He even puts the bartender in his place after he speaks about Bertram in a degrading manner
He agreed to help a man get rid of nigh folk occupying his property and after he payed him with only a rat pelt, Arthur didn’t get angry and still asked him if he’d be really fine on his own after knowing he wouldn’t be able to pay
He let a homeless man hug him and listened to what he has to say
He helped to save Jamie from becoming a cult member and stopped him from taking his life
He helped a boy look for his lost dog
He saved an injured man’s life after driving him to a doctor
He helped a woman get rid of a body after she claimed she had to kill the man in self-defence
He donated to the poor and even to build a shelter for war-veterans
He taught Charlotte how to survive on her own
He tried to save a crazed village out of his own good will
He helped a war veteran retrieve his prosthetic leg and helped him hunt
He helped a man look for his lost friend in the snowy mountains
He helped Rain’s Fall retrieve sacred items important to his people
He helped to retrieve stolen medical supplies for the Wapiti tripe
He saved Captain Monroe’s life after hearing he was in danger
He helped Beau and Penelope escape from their terrible families
He has saved many hunters from getting mauled, given many ladies a ride home, saved people from dying of poisoning, helped gather herbs, helped a lost New Yorker find his way to the town, helped save many people’s lives (lady being held hostage in her own house in Lemoyne, folk getting tortured by The Murfees or Lemoyne Raiders etc.)
Let’s not forget the fact that Arthur is a provider for over 20 people. He cannot be running around and risking his life for free for everyone he meets. He needs money. Even so, he has helped all the people above for no reward and out of his own free will. When I see someone say that Arthur is only motivated by money and never helps people otherwise, I just instantly assume they stormed through the story and didn’t pay any attention. The encounters listed above make up the majority of chance encounters/side quests and in almost all of them he is helping people. 80% of these are also pre-diagnosis.
He has a hard time accepting any compliments or gratitude for his good deeds and always downplays himself. Even in the main story he is never thinking about himself and he always puts others first.
“You did not ask for anything, you only gave”
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The encounters where he does require payment pale in comparison to those in which he doesn’t, and even so they are very justified as they are often dangerous, time consuming or straight up ridiculous. It’s weird to assume Arthur only helps people for money when he doesn’t want to deliver love letters, interview dangerous people and sneak into heavily guarded properties for free.
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redamancy-writes · 1 year
The Lost Boys (1987) x Fem! Reader - Payment
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Warnings: None
Fandom- The Lost Boys 1987
Pairings- Poly! Lost Boys x Female! Reader
Title- Payment
“Is she awake yet?” 
Marko’s voice was unusually soft as he entered into the nesting area where you lay resting in Paul’s arms. You were laying on your side, your face pressed into Paul’s chest as he sat still on his back for you to use him as your personal teddy bear. 
“Not yet,” Paul whispered back, eyes not leaving your form as you breathed deeply, in and out, almost in a entrancing pattern. 
“We’re heading out soon, you should wake her up,” Marko nearly bursted into laughter at Paul’s horrified looking face. 
“You know she hates when she wakes up and we’re gone,” Dwayne murmured lowly, hovering in the doorway. 
“I just hate waking her- she looks so peaceful when she’s sleeping,” Paul’s pout was obvious as he looked to Marko and Dwayne with puppy eyes. 
“I’ll help you,” Dwayne decided, his lips upturning into a smile as he approached the bed, crawling to lay behind you just where David had been hours before to help you fall asleep. 
Rather than wake you though, the two simply watched- all desire to awaken you from your deep slumber gone. Your breath was deep and slow, your mouth open ever so slightly as your cheek was squished against Paul’s body. Your lips looking soft and pretty and oh so sweet, something they always remembered from your kisses. The answers of someone like you could love a rowdy group like them always evaded them. You were gentle, pretty, soft, and kind. Heart swelling of sympathy, your heart always on display. In concert with that you were understanding, trying your best to understand everyone- even if they had hurt you. Now these guys? They killed for fun, terrorizing people on the Boardwalk when they got too bored, and enticed others to make bad decisions that would end up benefitting them despite the hurt it would cause to those actually making such decisions. 
“Babycakes,” Paul murmured lowly, tone not too loud as to not startle you awake. “Time to wake up, sweet thing,” He leaned his head down to press kisses against your forehead, arm reaching up to draw patterns on your back. 
“It’s time to get up, little one,” Dwayne whispered from behind, his hand massaging yours- each knuckle getting an affectionate rub before he moved to your palm. 
Stirring from your sleep, Paul frowned as your expression lost it’s peacefulness and was replaced with scrunched brows- your mouth shutting as your head twisted to bury more into Paul’s chest. 
“Oh, c’mon now babycakes,” Paul couldn’t help but laugh at your antics, making a sleepy grin form on your face as you pulled yourself from his chest to stare at him. “Why d’ya wake me up?” Your words were slightly slurred from sleep, your eyes bleary as you pouted up at him. 
“So you could have time to wake up before we left, love,” David now called from the doorway, Marko standing at the edge of the bed. 
“Mmm,” You closed your eyes in thought. 
“Hey hey, don’t fall back asleep,” Marko called out to you, making you open your eyes again with a laugh, “I wasn’t trying to, I was just thinking…”
“Thinking about what?” Dwayne murmured, taking your hand up towards his mouth to give a kiss to it. 
“Thinking about- those,” You looked at Dwayne, making his eyebrow arch in a silent question. 
“Kisses,” You clarified, a grin spreading across your cheeks. 
“Oh I see, our little love wants kisses?” David grinned, approaching the bed.
“As a payment, of course,” You nodded at David, “Payment for waking me up so early.” 
“A payment is only fair,” Dwayne murmured, turning your head to press a kiss to your lips, a sound of surprise leaving you before you melted into him. The kiss ended all too soon, only for Paul to tilt your face towards him for his own kiss to be placed on your lips. 
David’s hands were free of his leather gloves for once, his hands feeling much softer than the leather as they cupped your cheeks and brought you into a deep kiss. 
“My turn,” Marko’s voice greeted your ears in a singsong manner after a moment, his impatience showing as when you opened your eyes he was already biting his nails to stave off his urge to approach you. 
“Marko,” You cooed, arms open for him as he eagerly clambered onto the bed, careful not to crush you with his weight as he pressed kisses all around your face, your laughs filling the room and their hearts before he captured your lips in his. 
Maybe they weren’t the nicest people, or the kindest- heck they were murderers… but you chose them, chose to love them and you didn’t shy away from their secret when they told you but embraced them with a warmth that never dimmed. 
“Mmm,” You sighed, “I think that satisfies payment in full, my dear boys.”
Tags- @icefrozendeadlyqueen​
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27 and 3 with poly boys? 👀 (if possible, it’s not us getting hurt, instead it’s one of the boys and we are helping care for them?)
3. Go back to your coffin
27. "I'm fine." "You're not, you're bleeding." "What?"
I hope you like this!
I smiled as Dwayne pulled me into a dance, a mellow rocksong playing in the background. The others were out for the night, deciding to hunt on their own. Dwayne had decided to stay with me, knowing how rare it was to have any actual one on one time. I loved the boys, and I loved spending time with all of them together. But moments like these, alone in his arms, being able to really be with just him for a moment - they were sacred.
"What are you thinking about?"
"You," I admitted, "us. How perfect it is."
"I'm glad you're happy," he said as he kissed me slowly, "I know it's a big change."
He was right about that. Going from zero boyfriends to four is a lot, and practically moving in after the first date wasn't a small thing either. Then, of course, there was the fact that they were vampires, and not only that - I literally belonged to them. I was destined to be with them, can you imagine that? It was a lot, but the boys understood that. They knew to take it slow, to let things grow on their own.
"It is," I said, "but I'm happy I found you four. I'm also really happy I don't have to change like, right now-"
Dwayne laughed, stopping the music suddenly as he heard stumbling outside.
"What's going on?"
"Paul got hurt," he explained, taking my hand as he rushed outside, me following close behind. "Paul?"
We stood there, seeing him stumble down the stairs, guided by David and Marko.
"What happened out there?" I asked as I rushed to his side.
"Werewolves. They saw us hunt, and they attacked. Paul just got a little banged up, is all."
I frowned slightly, pulling him into a hug. "I'm glad you three are home. Are the werewolves still around?"
Marko nodded. "They got away before we could do anything. We were too busy making sure Paul didn't get killed."
"Are the two of you okay?" Dwayne asked as he looked the others over. Marko shrugged, as David nodded.
"We should go inside," I said as I looked at the sky. "Is it me, or is it getting lighter?"
"Yeah, " Paul mumbled, sounding tired, "nights ending."
I held him, his arm laying over my shoulder as I guided him down the rest of the steps into the cave. I gently put him down on the couch as I looked him over, brushing some hair out of his face.
"Are you-?"
"I'm fine," he tried to brush me off, clearly trying to sound more healthy and awake than he actually was. I sighed, my left hand resting on my right shoulder as I felt something sticky. I looked, seeing my fingers were red. Blood.
"You're not," I said softly, looking him over again, "You're bleeding."
I nodded, asking him to take off his jacket. There, on his side, was a bite. I froze. Marko had told me that werewolfbites were lethal to vampires.
"David!" I called, trying to keep my fear from sounding through. He was at the other side of the cave, talking with Marko and Dwayne about how to deal with the werewolves.
"What's - oh shit," he looked at me and then at Paul, who looked paler with the second. "Marko, I need the bottle! Dwayne, make sure a coffin is ready."
"What can I do?" I asked as I exposed the wound further so he could inspect it.
"I'm going to be okay, babes," Paul mumbled, sighing deeply.
"I know, I know you'll be." I closed my eyes, fighting back the tears. "If you're not, I'm going to make you regret it."
He chuckled weakly, hissing as David touched the ripped flesh. Marko handed him the bejewelled bottle. David popped the cap off, making sure it was still fresh enough before giving it to Paul. As he drank, slowly but surely, the wound began to close, stitching itself shut. Paul groaned, before passing out.
"He'll be okay," Marko gave me a reassuring look. "I also survived a similar wound. He'll be fine."
"I don't want to lose any of you."
"We don't either," David lifted Paul up, walking towards the back of the cave. "I'm glad you noticed it. If you hadn't, we could have been too late."
I nodded, shivering slightly. If I hadn't found it at the moment I did, Paul would have been dead. I looked up as Marko took my hand, taking me with him as he entered a deeper part of the cave. It was in a hallway next to their usual sleeping area, where four coffins stood.
"We don't usually sleep in them," Dwayne explained as he looked at my curious expression. "But they're best when we're hurt."
I nodded, grateful to see a normal bed standing in the corner, right next to Paul's coffin. I watched as the others laid down in their own coffins, sitting down on the bed myself. As exhausted as I was, I couldn't sleep. I needed to know Paul was okay, and the others would stay okay.
It was eight in the morning when I woke with a start, feeling a sharp thing pierce my finger. I glared at the thing disturbing my slumber when I realised it was none other than Paul.
"What are you doing?" I hissed, careful not to wake the others.
"I'm hungry, babe."
"I know I'm a snack, but I'm not a snack! I can fetch the bottle for you, if you need blood?"
Paul shook his head, stretching out his arm to mine.
"I want yours."
"Well, too bad, because that isn't happening."
"But babe!"
I shook my head, a stern look on my face. "Go back to your coffin."
"Go back to your coffin. I love you, sleep tight, I'm going to see if David has some spare room for me in his coffin."
"Why?" Paul looked at me as if I had just told him his cat died. I'd never seen him with such an intensely hurt look before.
"Because I don't want to wake up being drained from my blood by my own boyfriend."
He pouted, sliding back in his coffin as he yawned. "I'll try again tomorrow," he mumbled before dozing off again.
"Try that," I sighed softly as I tiptoed out of my bed across the room until I stopped at David's coffin. The lid wasn't on it, and to my surprise, he was awake.
"Couldn't sleep either, hm?"
I shook my head, taking his hand as he helped me get in. "I was worried about Paul."
"Seems like he'll be okay, though."
"Yeah. Bastard already tried to take a nible from my finger," I showed David the shallow wound. He had a teasing grin on his face as he kissed it, slowly kicking the blooddrops off of it.
"You taste good."
"Can I sleep safely in here?" I asked, only slightly teasing.
"We'd never hurt you, darling. Sleep. Paul is going to be okay, and you won't be if you don't sleep enough."
I nodded, smiling softly as I got comfortable, my head laying on his chest. David was right. Paul would be okay.
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tac-the-unseen · 4 months
What the Lost Boys think of vampire related media pt.2
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After your last vamp media talk you had more questions you absolutely needed the answers to. Some of those answers came more naturally than you thought.
What we do in the Shadows:
-This is their absolute favorite show. It's just something they can all sit down to watch and get a nice laugh.
-David was actually the one that suggested it to the group
-He thinks it's about as close to what being a really vampire is like.
-You brought up your last conversation about why no vampire media could be so close to the real thing and he quickly responded with “Vampires are made up to be these gross demon creatures with no self control, when in fact most vampires were just normal humans going about their life.”
-He knew that no one in this show actually knows any vampires because of inconsistencies, but it's as close to it as they can all get without having to kill anyone for it.
-”Are you off your tits, boy?” “He is.”
-Paul quotes the show all the damn time (And so do the others but he is the main culprit.)
-you actually can't get him to stop
-”I became a vampire to suck blood and to fuck forever.”
-”No fuck off. Can't be side tracked with cheap sex potions.”
-Need an answer to any questions? Paul will respond with “Coprophilia.”
-Marko is giggling at Paul's quotes and answers with his own
-”Pizza pie” :D
-”He's my sweet cheese!”
-”She speaks the bullshit.”
-His favorite character is Nadja of course
-You have to pry him away from the T.V if you need him to do something else
-Dwayne will stop whatever he's doing if you offer to watch WWDITS with him
-He loves the historical references and gags
-He relates to Guillermo most of the time, being one of the voices of reason in his Chaos Coven
-”i was thinking w-” “we should finish each other off and tell no one?” “I’m game if you are.” ✨Spooky music✨
•This show is permanently engraved into their brain
•You can take the boys out of WWDITS but you can not take the WWDITS out of the boys
Hotel Transylvania:
-Paul squints at the T.V “This has to be a crime to watch.”
-Dwayne without turning away from the T.V “Dracula is going to go ape shit when he sees this “
-David eats his popcorn slowly “at least there is other monsters in this movie.”
-Marko is giggling at the Blob and Scream Cheese “I fucking love kids movies.”
-All of them hated the village scene though.
Kid vampire:
-They all watch it because Laddie wanted them too
-All you can hear for the next few days is “Kid Vampire!” in that accent
-David and Dwayne thought the bogger nose bleed drink was absolutely disgusting.
-Like to the point the both gagged.
-Paul thinks it a cute little project
-Marko likes how they say ‘blood’
-Dwayne uses the song “Vampire brush” to get Laddie to brush his teeth
Monster High:
-Marko and Paul sing the theme song semi consistently
-”Monster-monster high! monster high! monster-monster high! Freaky, sheek, and fly, monster high, where student bodies lay.”
-”We got spirits, yes we do! We got spirits, how bout you!?”
-This is another show they all watch with Laddie
-David isn't a raving fan, but he can stand it
-”Draculaura is a bit of a lazy name.” “Clawdeen wolf? Lagona blue? Cleo De Nile? Everyone has a lazy name because it's a kids show!”
-Dwayne is secretly into it and asks Laddie to watch it with him so he has an excuse
Thanks for reading <3
Yes I saw the comment you wanted me to see. Don't think I was ignoring you, I just had to find other media to talk about. (I stalk my own page like a Hyena. It's a little sad tbh lmao)
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thoushallnotfall · 4 months
Walkin' After Midnight
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Pairing: Marko x Reader
Word Count: 1.8k
Note: *finger guns* Ehhhhh...so it’s been a minute. How ya’ll been? So completely ignoring that’s it’s been...a long time, here’s another of my ‘imagine the boys in a decade prior to the 80s’ fics--and we’re moving right along to the 50s!
I started this...a very long time ago, and then I didn’t like it so I just left it in my WIPs with like 15 other ideas/half-written fics/updates. I still don’t love it, but upon further reflection I don’t totally hate it--and it was already started so I didn’t have to work as hard to finish it, so there’s that.
That being said, I'm kind of interested in writing a part 2, so we'll see...taking babysteps here.
(I’m really having to dig deep for these gifs)
Every kid from Santa Carla grew up knowing two things: Don’t go out after dark if you ever want to make it home, and stay away from the greasers who hung around the boardwalk.
It never really occurred to you that those two things could be related.
Unlike a lot of the teenagers in Santa Carla, who’d run there with nowhere else to go, you’d lived there all your life. You’d never left the city, and the older you got the more you doubted you ever would. Your dad had been killed in Vietnam, and your mom was around so little you half expected one day she’d just stop coming back home at all. You may not be one of the runaways, but you were still alone in Santa Carla.
Still, you were young; and while you knew you’d have to find a way to live on your own sooner or later, you decided to try and enjoy what little youth you had left. One day you’d have to grow up and start providing for yourself somehow, but for now you just wanted to live your life to the fullest before that all got taken away.
With that in mind, you’d taken to going to plenty of the dances and social events in town. You didn’t have a curfew, and no one was around to care about where you were, but even so you tried not to be out too late after dark. That’s always when the people went missing--and they never came back.
That’s why it was the first rule of Santa Carla: Don’t go out after dark.
The official numbers were never right, given how many of the people who disappeared were runaways, but the amount of missing people in Santa Carla had always been unusually high. The only thing they knew for sure was that they always seemed to vanish at night.
The prevalent theory among many of the local teens was aliens. They came out with their flying saucers and abducted unsuspecting people in the night. Others were more practical--they just thought there was a really good serial killer in town.
It could be anyone! They’d say.
But people have always gone missing in Santa Carla--is he an old man, still killing people in his 70s? Someone else would question.
Okay, so a family of serial killers! They’d say back.
Personally, you had no idea who or what was making people disappear. You only cared about surviving it, and the best way to do that was stay in at night.
Then, there was the second rule of Santa Carla: Stay away from the greasers.
There was a particularly nasty group of punks who usually hung around the Boardwalk at night. No one knew who they were--probably just another group of runaways--but people had grown to know they were trouble. A gang of greasers who didn’t care about the law and would sooner gut a man than say hello. That’s what people said about them, anyway.
So imagine your surprise when you broke both rules in a single night.
The night in question started out well enough. You and a friend had gone to the beach in the afternoon, and spent most of the day there. At one point, the two of you had attracted the attention of some boys--who ended up spending the day with you.
So when the sun got low and it was time to leave, your friend decided to accept the invitation from the boys to go get some dinner at the local diner. You however, weren’t as excited about the prospect. Not only did you not want to be out too late, you frankly just weren’t that interested in any of them. Your friend tried to get you to change your mind, but you held firm.
And so it was that your friend headed off with the guys. At least she brought you into town so you wouldn’t have so far to walk to get home. And while you weren’t jazzed about walking home alone you figured you could make it back quick enough that it’d be okay. Unfortunately, it was nearly dark before you even made it back to town--and well into the night by the time you walked past the Boardwalk.
You tried to hurry your way through the crowded streets of tourists and late-night couples walking hand in hand without any trouble. But of course that's exactly what you find.
"Hey there pretty lady, going my way?" A big guy in a varsity sweater asks. He looked like a jock--maybe home from college? You didn't know him, and you certainly didn't want to.
"Sorry, I'm in a hurry." You say, hoping to sidestep him and continue on your way. He moves to stand in front of you.
"Aw, don't be like that doll." He says, looming over you. "I just want to get to know you."
"Well I'm not interested." You say, trying to push past him. He grabs your wrist, squeezing so tight it makes you wince in pain.
"Not so fast girlie--we ain't done talking yet." He says, pulling you back.
Oh God, this is it. He's a part of that serial killer family and you're about to get murdered.
Your frantic thoughts are interrupted as the creep let's you go. He screams as he looks to his other side. You follow his gaze and see a greaser with blonde, curly hair standing next to him--the jock's wrist in his hand. He squeezes it tighter and the jock falls to one knee, yelling in pain.
"Don't like it so much on the receiving end, do yah punk?" The boy says, squeezing even tighter. Despite being smaller than the other boy, the greaser was still clearly stronger.
"What the hell man? Let me go!" The jock begs.
"You want me to let you go?" The greaser smirks. "Alright." He lets the guy go, before quickly using his now free hand to punch him square in the face. The boy falls back, holding his bloody, broken face in his hands. The greaser grabs the bleeding boy by the collar and pulls him up, smiling at him. "Now beat it before I decide to get serious." He says, dropping his collar. The boy scrambles up and runs off, disappearing down an allyway.
You watch him run off, stunned by what had just happened.
"You okay?" The blonde asks, having turned his attention to you. You practically jump out of your shoes.
"What? Oh." You look down at your wrist. "Yeah, it's fine--I mean, um, I'm fine." You stumble through before looking back up at him. "Thank you."
"No problem. Punks like that deserve a good beating." He says, before he smirks. "And I couldn't let him hurt a pretty thing like you, now could I?"
Uh oh, you may have just gone out of the frying pan and into the fire.
"So what's your deal anyway? You know it's not safe walking around alone at night, right?" He asks, ignoring your apprehensive look.
"We'll um," You hesitated, unsure of how much you should say about yourself. "I was out with a friend, but she had other plans. She drove, so..."
"So now you're stuck walking back. I get you." He says. "Pretty uncool of your friend, ditching you like that. But hey, I'll make sure you get home safe."
"What?" You nearly shout. "Um, no really that's not necessary. I'm fine now, so--"
"No way. I already told you--you're way too cute to be out here on your own." He says, cutting off your attempt to protest. "My bike's nearby, let's go."
"I would really hate to put you out," you try once more to worm our way out of the situation, but he wasn't having it.
He smirks, "I offered didn't I? Don't worry about it." He grabs your hand and all but drags you down the block.
Soon enough, you arrive at a parking lot, and he leads you towards a row of four motorcycles lined up in the corner. He lets you go, moving to the bike at the end and throwing his leg over to sit. He looks at you, holding out his hand. You were pretty sure you couldn't get away from him even if you tried, so you took a deep breath and accepted his outstretched hand. He helps you onto the back of the bike, smirking as gravity slide you down towards him.
"So princess, were are we going?" he asks, tilting his head back to look at you sitting behind him. You hesitated giving him your address, but at this point if he wanted to do something nefarious he didn't need to take you home first.
You were in too deep now.
You tell him, and he nods, "Yeah, I know the place." He starts the bike, giving you one last smirk as he revves the engine, "Better hold on tight."
Your arms instinctively wrap around his waist as the bike shoots forward. You gripped him tightly, you head resting on his back. You squeezed your eyes shut, fear coursing through you as your heartbeat raced. As much as you knew you should watch where you were heading, you were too scared to open your eyes. He was going fast--very fast--and with each bump and turn, you were sure you would crash and that would be the end of it.
But the two of you didn't crash, and before you knew it the bike slowed to a stop. You dared to open an eye, and saw you sat in front of your house. A little run down and a bit worse for wear, but still yours. You sat up, shocked you had not only survived the ride, but that he had actually brought you home.
"This it?" he asked like he already knew the answer. You turned to him,
"Oh, um--yes, it is."
"Doesn't look like anyone's home," he commented absently, and you felt your shoulders tense.
"Oh, my parents are here--they just go to bed early," you lied. Something told you he knew you weren't telling him the truth, but he didn't say anything.
You hoped off the bike, smoothing the wrinkles from your skirt out of habit. You took a step towards your door, then stopped. You turned, looking back at the smirking, curly-haired boy sitting lazily on his bike.
"Thank you again. For bringing me home, and for helping me with that guy earlier, " you were still scared of him, but he had helped you. It would be bad manners not to at least thank him for his help.
He laughs, the moonlight catching his blue eyes as he stared back at you.
"Anytime, princess," he replies. He started his bike, glancing back up at you, "I'm Marko, by the way."
"Oh, I'm y/n." You had certainly not planned to tell him your name, but at this point could it really hurt?
"Well, I'll see you around, y/n," he says, his smile wide and mischievous. Before you could say anything more, he rode off down the quiet street, disappearing into the darkness.
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popironrye · 5 months
Max's reveal at the end of The Lost Boys is another one of those scenes I've been overthinking about. Particularly the few seconds post revelation that the boys were all dead.
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When Max and Lucy return home he takes little time to head to where David died. An obvious choice given the fates of the other boys what with Paul being soup, Dwayne blown to pieces, and Marko's body being way back in the cave.
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In the background Sam, the Frog brothers, and Lucy are pretty loudly arguing and talking over each other in the other room but this scene is eerily quiet. The scene plays out is a realistic view of mourning. Max's actions here are rather tender and you can tell by the look on his face that seeing David like this does have an affect on him.
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There's a blatant pause. I like to think that was Max grieving, coming to terms with what's happened. His boys are gone, probably reliving a lot of memories. It's never revealed, but I choose to believe Max turned David first, and the following boys were slowly turned the same way Michael was, by drinking Max's or David's blood. And I headcanon he was turned a long time ago, meaning Max had a lot of years with the boys. He is shown as hostile in the beginning to them when they come in the video store, but I like to think that's just Max wanting to keep a reasonable distance to keep suspicious eyes from prying (and to keep things a twist for the audience) especially since he's playing the childless bachelor as that's what's has worked for them for so long so far (although come on Max, if you played up the single father to Lucy, you would have totally won. Just saying.)
But what about the rest of that scene? Max recovers pretty quickly from losing his boys. While some may argue it's because Max didn't really care for them, I choose to believe that's not the case at all. I think he's putting on a face to remain calm in front of the others, especially Lucy. Since he still wants to turn her into his vampire bride, even without his boys to mother. Perhaps he could just be thinking he can start his vampire boys over with others boys, but then there's THIS scene!
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The scene where Star reveals to the audience that David was hiding Max's involvement from her and Michael. David wasn't just keeping Max a secret, Star declares that he was "the secret David was protecting." Key word being, 'protecting'. Max's identity as the head vampire is important and it's in his best interest for the vampire boys to be seen around him as little as possible. Especially since Sam figured it out early on in the movie he was one of them. And so, David and the boys choose to act on their own most of the time. Not only to give themselves the feeling of carefree freedom, but also to keep Max safe. And it's clearly a situation they all like, or at least tolerate, as while there is no hope in them turning back if Max were killed first, but David and the others had no intention of ratting him out and letting him die.
My favorite part of this scene. Max's smile. After Star says her line, Max nods in agreement, but the smile afterwards is interesting. I think he looks proud. Proud of David. Proud to have heard that David, even as he died, was protecting him. I choose to believe Max cared a lot for the boys and I also choose had he be given the chance later, would feel very lonely without them.
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vympirestake · 1 year
Hello, could I please request head cannons for: Veronica Sawyer, poly Billy and stu, brahms heelshire, and marko from the lost boys where their s/O is very insecure about how they look and always wear a mask and maybe their reaction to seeing their face for the first time.
— Insecure Masked S/O
— Various x GN!Reader, just fluff, headcanons
— Mentions of insecurity, a little bit of bullying maybe
— Veronica Sawyer
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Veronica is your knight in shining armor, your protector and biggest supporter
Her alliance with the Heathers makes it so, if she so chose, she could squash anyone who dare try to shun you either for your mask or (this bring a semi small town) your actual face if they've seen it
She's always quick to your defence, whether or not you were going to defend yourself she is chewing everyone out and moving you to where she can check up on you
Literally starstruck when she sees your face
She's more gentle than the others, opting to gently brush her fingertips along your cheeks, across your jaw, smoothing your hair down if the mask had covered it
She is really just in awe, wanting to make you feel wholly loved and appreciated for everything you are
If anything, she gets more protective of you. Feeling as though, because you entrusted her with the barest part of you, she needs to keep it safe
For a complete sidenote, I think in this AU instead of thirsting for Veronica, JD sees himself in her fierce passion for you (and he just thinks you're neat, probably always talking down society and norms to encourage you) so he ropes her into killing in your name
— Poly Ghostface
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In a couple words, the general idea is that these boys would kill and be killed for you
This goes for really just in general, mask or no mask, but the fact that you are so insecure almost seems to triple this instinct
You can bet they're shoved right into your sides whenever you're in public, staring down and threatening anyone who even looks at you funny
When you finally decide to show them your face they both sit in their anxious anticipation
They'll love you no matter what, don't get me wrong, but they don't want to mess this up and make you more uncomfortable
When you actually show them they both just sit there like :0, literally in the gif just wide eyed with their mouths slightly agape
Stu giving a quiet whisper of "woah, man" before diving in to finally kiss your face for the first time
Billy (lowkey pissed Stu beat him to it) moves the blonde out of the way so he can get his smooch too, both assuring you beyond a shadow of a doubt that they love you masked or not
Billy especially gets almost a power thrill from seeing your face, knowing he's one of a very select few to actually see you which, in his mind, makes you all the more his
— Brahms Heelshire
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Of anyone, Brahms is going to understand your insecurities the best
Your mask is probably what made him comfortable in his choice to finally reveal himself
He knew that you wouldn't judge or be afraid of him purely because of his face or his way of hiding it
When you do finally reveal your face to Brahms, he is filled with nothing but pure adoration
He knows that taking off your mask, removing that layer of security, and being so very vulnerable around him makes Brahms fall that much deeper in love with you
Unfortunately, this probably means he would end up staring for an uncomfortably long amount of time, nearly making you regret removing the mask in the first place
Before you could fathom apologizing Brahms, in turn, removes his own mask
It's such a gentle moment, quietly and with so much care exploring the newly revealed skin of the other
— Marko
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While Marko doesn't necessarily understand your insecurity, he nontheless tries his hardest to make sure you're more or less as comfortable as possible
He strives to make you as comfortable in your own skin as he can
He's always right by your side, offering a comforting hand or a moment alone
You know the other boys are always checking back on you two, especially looking out for Marko flagging down their newest meal who thought being disrespectful towards you would be ok
Marko has an interesting opinion on it, knowing that his "human" face is really only a mask for the vampiric one but it makes him not as serious as the others might be
Not to say he doesn't understand the importance of this! But more that he feels the removal of the "mask" is empowering and therefore should be celebrated
So when you remove the mask for the first time, he's whooping and hollering
"yeah! that's my s/o" while he bounds up to kiss you
probably immediately shows you his vampire face (if you haven't seen it already) so you can finally see each other bare
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6lostgirl6 · 2 years
could u do something for the lost boys with a cute and innocent gf? maybe like cat valentine or sumthin
Pairing: Poly!Lost Boys x Innocent!Reader
TW: small mention of sexual innuendos, hints of possessive behavior.
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You are the exact opposite of the group of vampires and they found the striking difference to be extremely attractive.
While they were clad in haunting dark colors and leather, you sported outfits that were decorated in floral patterns and pastel colors.
They were very surprised that you weren't apprehensive of them when you all met the first time.
You simply smiled sweetly with doe-like eyes and engaging in conversation with them without a care.
They knew that they had to keep you for themselves. That selfish need that consumed them prevented them from letting you go until you were offically theirs.
Your relationship with them turn heads when you all visit the boardwalk.
The image of a sweet girl spending time with a bunch of trouble-makers left many people thinking that the world was ending.
You are practically their bright and shining star that has blessed them with your love and sweetness.
Whenever a surfer nazi bothers you, they immediately are on the defensive.
Marko has no trouble starting a fight with them to get them to leave you alone.
You're theirs.
They love the sound of your voice, high-tuned that reminded them of bells.
You don't understand sexual innuendos and jokes and Dwayne slaps Paul when he tries to explain it.
David pretends he doesn't like your style and wants you to dress darker but it's only because he can't handle how delectable you look.
Dwayne has a silent yet expressive fascination with your outfits.
Whenever he would see you wearing ruffles and lace, he would quietly and gently grab the fabric and play with it with his fingers.
Paul loves the sound of your laugh and will constantly make jokes to hear it.
He also loves your expressive gestures because he does the same thing and the boys used to tease him about it.
Whenever Paul sees you dressed in bright colors, he playfully hisses and shields his eyes, yelling, "Too bright!"
Marko appreciates fashion, given that his jacket is handmade, he likes learning about your style.
Marko, the artist, has hundreds of sketches of you in your different outfits.
Every night is a new outfit, he never sees you wear the same one twice and teases if you have those specially delivered or something.
"No I made them! (^w^) ♡" You would say.
You created matching bead bracelets consisting of pastels and you all wear them. Despite, David complaining.
"Ew, what is this?" "A bracelet, I can take it back..." "No, it's mine, fuck off."
When you discover their secret, you were understanding, but had so many questions.
"Does garlic hurt? Does the sun kill you? Can you turn into a bat? Bats are so cute!!"
Your bond with them would be even tighter with them.
At times, your innocence triggers their vampiric instincts which they try desperately to control.
You're their mate, yet their instincts scream at them to pin you down and consume you in a primal urge to claim.
Best to stay away from them when they're starving or going through heat.
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@prettywhenibleed @ghoulgeousimmaculate @pixielostboy @britany1997 @brattyloserprincess16 @blenna3967
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A Lost Boys Incorrect Quotes Post
Marko: Of course, I care about the planet and all of the little animals. Michael: And people, right? Marko: Meh. - Michael: I have a plan. Sam: You've got a plan? Okay, first of all, you're copying me from when I said I had a plan. Michael: I'm not copying you- I have a plan, that's not that unique of a thing to say. Sam: And secondly, I don't even think you have a plan. Michael: I have part of a plan. Edgar: What percentage of a plan do you have? Star: You don't get to ask questions after that nonsense you pulled in the cave! Edgar: I just saved you! Michael: We already established that stabbing Marko was not saving me! Edgar: When did we establish that? Michael: Like three seconds ago! Edgar: Well, I wasn't listening then, I was thinking of something else. Sam: She's right, you don't get an opinion... What percentage? Michael: I dunno... Twelve percent? Sam: Twelve percent? (starts laughing) Michael: That's a fake laugh. Sam: It's real! Michael: Totally fake! Sam: That is the most real, authentic, hysterical laugh of my entire life because THAT IS NOT A PLAN. Star: It's barely a concept. Michael: You're taking their side? Alan: It's better than eleven percent. Sam: So what 'it's better than eleven percent' what does that have to do with anything? Michael: Thank you, Alan, thank you. See? Alan's the only one of you here who has a clue. (Alan proceed to squirt holy water in his eye because he was pointing the barrel at his face) - Marko: So, what should we do about those teenagers drowning in the surf right now. David: Kill them and drink their blood. Michael: (pointing his UV flashlight at David) Try that one again. David: (hissing) Save them. Michael: Good. Good. - Star: Marko made me call the boys and tell them he was dead to see how they'd react. *earlier that day* Marko: Is he crying? Is he crying? Star: A little. *Marko snatches the phone* Marko: You should be wailing you stone-cold bitch. *hands phone back to Star* Marko: Now call my other boyfriend. - David: Oh, yuck, you aren't cute with the lights on. Star: You wanna play mean girl, David? Two can play that game. Let's talk about your fucking haircut. - David: Great, who are we killing? I won't do kids, that's a rule. David: But that rule's negotiable if the kid's a dick.
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luv4fandoms · 2 years
The Rut (Dwayne x Fem!Reader)
It is finally here! I was actually planning on writing Dwayne's chapter last but so many people wanted his chapter that I couldn't see putting it off lol, As I said before every boy will be getting his own part. (Also since I've been asked, this isn't really a poly relationship series, this is a "only (insert boy) likes reader" kinda thing).
So this series was inspired by @auntvamp 's headcannons about the boys in rut, and when I say that I couldn't help but write this after reading those lol. I'd highly suggest reading that first. I'd also like to thank her from the bottom of my heart for the help, I really wasn't sure how to write Dwayne, like all everyone says is that he is the strong silent type, but I was unsure of how he would be with a mate and she took time out of her day to message me and give me ideas for this chapter 😭 Thank you again for that!❤️
Lastly I'd like to thank @santacarlatourism for their headcanons of each boy's scent on my post
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Paul, Marko, David
Word count: 4,097
Pairing: Dwayne x Female Reader
⚠️ 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠: 𝐈 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐨 𝐜𝐨𝐩𝐲 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐩𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐬, 𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐢𝐭𝐬 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐬, 𝐭𝐨 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐮𝐥𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐦𝐞.⚠️
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"Just don't invite him in"
That's what David had told you when he informed you to stay away from the cave for the next couple of days. You were confused when David had met you at the entrance the night before, you were fully prepared to spend the night at the boardwalk with the boys and your favorite vampire, but David had quickly shot down those plans.
"Wait…A rut? Like how animals have ru-"
"Yes just like that" he told you as he walked you back to your car.
"You see when we go into these we are very dangerous to you, if you were a vampire you would be ok but since you're a human you're far more…"
"Fragile" you finished, the boys had all told you that before, taking it upon themselves to protect you all the time because you were "like a China doll" in Dwayne's words.
"So you understand why it's best if you just stay away for a couple of days" he explained, to which you could only simply nod as you climbed in your car. Your thoughts suddenly taking a turn as you thought of him…they were all extremely attractive…him especially…and you were sure him taking a partner for a quick time was something he had done before…would that happen again? After all, if he was gonna kill them anyways why not? It didn't matter if they were fragile right? But why did that thought make you wanna cry even more in this situation?
"It's not like that" David's voice broke you out of your thoughts and you were unsure if he had read your thoughts or could just read your emotions.
"Go home y/n, don't overthink, you can come back soon" he told you as he shut your car door, watching as you started the car and rolled down the window when he knocked
"And one more thing" he told you while leaning in.
"Just don't invite him in"
So here you were, sitting in your room, listening to music and drawing, wishing you could just go hang out with the boys, you hadn't really realized just how much of a staple in your life they had become until now. Night's seemed boring without them…without him. Sighing you sat your sketchbook down on your nightstand after you realized that in your zoned out state you had successfully sketched what was probably the twentieth picture of him that resided in the book. Stretching, you got up and changed the music, putting on your newest Jimi Hendrix album, you hadn't really listened to him much until Dwayne got you into him, he would always take you aside and let you just relax in his room when the boys got too rowdy, putting a record on and just letting you both drift off into the music. You felt your body sway as All along the watchtower came on, a favorite for both of you, but your body came to a halt when you heard knocking on your window, slowly turning, your breath and heart picking up as David's words rang in your head again.
"Just don't invite him in"
You knew it would be stupid to pretend to not be here, the music was loud enough to alert anyone, and he could, no doubt, smell you.
"You gonna open up Princess?" He asked, his voice calm but you could hear the darker tone and slight gravel, telling you that he was currently vamped out.
"Um…I'm not exactly supposed to" you told him after a moment, listening as a low growl filled the silence.
"I'm guessing David talked to you?"
"Yeah…He said he would be best if I just-"
"Nevermind what he said" he interrupted you, something you weren't used to from him.
"I can explain it all but you gotta let me in Princess" he spoke again after a moment. You knew you shouldn't, you knew you should listen to David and just tell him to leave, but you also knew that out of all of them you always felt the safest with Dwayne, and you believed that even in this state, he wouldn't put you in danger. You slowly made your way over to the window, pulling back the black out curtains and peering out onto the little balcony that was attached. Golden eyes met (e/c) and you quickly took note of him being completely bare on top, usually his jacket gave him some modesty, but tonight it was gone, something that was very unusual.
"Princess" he spoke in a sort of low sigh, like he was beyond relieved just to see you. You opened the window, leaning out to talk to him.
"Dwayne are you sure this is-" but you were quickly cut off by the feeling of his soft lips on yours, the kiss wasn't rough, but firm, like he couldn't release you even if he wanted to and honestly, you didn't want him to. His hands cupped your face, tongue slowly gliding along your lips before he parted them, fangs grazing the soft skin as he consumed your every sense. Your hands gripped his arms, trying to ground yourself but only losing yourself more, you knew Dwayne was fit but you had never gotten a good look, or feel, because of his jacket, but now his warmer than normal flesh under your palms had your mind reeling..As did the smells that seemed to make your head fuzzy, the scent of leather and motor oil that always clung to him, as well as the smell of the ocean air, and the natural musk that you could only describe as him, but now they seemed to be cranked up to a hundred, clouding your thoughts and filling them with him and only him. As if sensing that air was getting limited, you felt him pull away, your own lips chasing his, before you felt him rest his forehead against yours.
"Let me in Princess" he told you, voice deeper but still soft, though you noted the restraint in his tone.
"Dwayne I-"
"I'll explain everything" he told you and you took a moment to get your brain in order, though you found it incredibly difficult.
"I can come inside?" He asked, and you could feel the smile against your lips.
"You can come inside" you repeated, unknowing just how your words affected him.
"I'll remember that" he whispered against your lips, before you were suddenly in your room again, your feet no longer touching the ground as he carried you to your bed, laying you down on the mattress before quickly climbing over you. Your lips reconnected instantly and your hands began exploring his newly exposed skin. You felt his hand leave your face, running down your sides before coming up under your shirt, his other hand quickly joining it as he began lifting the material, only breaking the kiss to quickly remove the offending article before reconnecting his lips to yours. His hands quickly cupped your breasts, claws dragging over your soft skin while he listened to your heart rate pick up, the smell of your arousal becoming stronger and this time it was his head that was becoming fuzzy. His lips left yours, trailing down your neck to mark it, he would make sure that everyone on the boardwalk knew you were his, his human, his girl…His mate. The thought had him slowly grinding down, hips digging into yours as you felt him rubbing against where you needed him. The friction caused a gasp and moan to leave your lips, which you guessed turned him on more because he began to press down harder. You whimpered as his mouth latched onto your nipple, a sound that had him growling. Your hand tangling in his dark locks before gripping slightly, pulling gently, and causing him to reattach his lips to yours, his hands shooting down to quickly take off your bottoms.
"Dwayne" you whimpered, feeling him take off his own pants, full skin on skin contact making you both sigh. You felt his hand slide down your side, fingers ghosting along your thigh before moving up to press against you, you couldn't stop the moan even if you tried, the sudden contact on your heat had you squirming under him, a fact that had him smiling in the kiss. He gently ran his finger along your core, gathering the wetness before rubbing tight slow circles on your clit, making sure to be careful of his claws.
"Fuck" you panted, hips moving up to seek out more pleasure, and you heard him chuckle against your mouth.
"You like that?" He asked, other hand brushing your hair away from your face so he could look down at you, your flushed cheeks, your blown pupils, your chest rising and falling with your quickened breath and rapid heartbeat, you were like a goddess laid out before him, and the only thought that kept running through his head was simply.
"Tell me what you want" he breathed against your neck before he returned to marking you, his hand never stopping its movement as you became wetter against his fingers.
"Shit…Dwayne" you whimpered, hands gripping his arms, nails slightly digging in as you rocked your hips in time with his fingers.
"You like this? Like me taking my time with you? Like me making sure you're soaking?" He asked, and honestly you swore you could have cum right there. You had never even thought of him being into dirty talk with as little as he spoke, but having that deep voice whisper such things right against your skin, you couldn't stop the moan even if you tried.
"Fuck…more…please" you begged, watching as he sat back on his knees, smiling down at you, all the while his hand never stopped.
"More? What do you want baby?" He asked, his other hand running along your stomach before coming up to cup your breast, lightly playing with your nipple, just enough to give you slight twinges of pleasure.
"You" you begged, hand grabbing his as you brought it up to your face, gently bringing his thumb into your mouth.
"You gonna take me?" He asked, his hand picking up speed and pressure, watching as your eyes rolled back, your whimper muffled by his finger.
"Gonna take everything I give you?" He added, his own mind starting to picture everything, and he could feel himself starting to lose control again.
"You're gonna know you're mine by the end of the night" he smiled, and watched as your legs locked up, trembling before a louder muffled moan tumbled from you, his hand becoming even wetter as he watched the pure ecstasy wash over you. He worked you through it, only stopping once you removed his finger from your mouth to whimper a please.
"Think you can give me another one Princess?" He asked, body hovering over yours as he kissed your chest, listening to your heart slow down a bit.
"Yes" you panted, hands coming up to cup his face and pull him in for a kiss, you felt his hands grab your thighs as he parted your lips with his, dominating the kiss while he slotted himself between your legs, wrapping them around his waist and slowly grinding into your heat, a feeling that had the both of you moaning.
"You want it?" He asked, looking down at you, golden gaze almost glowing as he watched you.
"Yes" you begged, hips lifting to meet his.
"Tell me" he moaned.
"Fuck I want all of you, please"
"All of me?"
"You'll take everything I give you?"
"Fuck yes!"
"You'll take every drop?" He asked, eyes never leaving yours, but you noted the yearning look in his gaze as he watched you, waiting for your answer.
"Every drop" you panted, listening as a low growl left him, and watching as he slowly dragged his length through your folds, coating himself. You hadn't given much thought to size, but now, looking down and watching him, you were starting to wonder if he would even fit. And as if reading your mind you heard him chuckle.
"I'll go slow" he told you, leaning back over you to capture your lips once more before warning you.
"I'm not sure if I'll be able to stop once I start though" you could only nod, the thought of Dwayne, cool, calm, and collected Dwayne completely losing control during sex made you wetter than you'd care to admit…Though he seemed to have known.
"You like that idea?" He chuckled, taking a deep breath before another low growl rumbled against your chest.
"You smell so fucking good when you get horny" he spoke against your skin.
"W-wait you can-"
"Everytime, everytime you came into the cave after reading one of your little private books," he started, and you felt the smile against your skin.
"Or when I pulled you away from Paul and sat you on my lap" he added, and you knew exactly what he was talking about. You and Paul had been jamming out, dancing like idiots to whatever rock song Paul had put on, you had started feeling a bit tired, and were just about to go sit down when suddenly Dwayne had pulled you into his lap, wrapping his arms around your middle and pulling you back against him. You had been so flustered and turned on by his strength and had hoped the guys would just read your flushed cheeks and rapid heartbeat as just from dancing…it seems you had been wrong.
"Last chance" he spoke again, pulling you out of your memory, your eyes meeting once more.
"Say no now and I'll leave" but that was the last thing you wanted, you wanted him, all of him, and whatever he would give you. So instead you tangled your hands in his hair and pulled him to you, lips crashing against his and that was the only sign he needed. His hand quickly lined himself up and without a second thought he was slowly sinking into you, groaning as your heat swallowed him. The pace he set was slow but firm, shallow thrusts, like he didn't want to leave your body for too long, and also to make sure he didn't hurt you, he knew he was a lot to handle, he would have to build up to that. Each thrust pulled a moan from you though, a sound he found himself drowning in.
"You like this?" He asked with a smirk as he watched you, your head thrown back and eyes closed, legs tight around his waist.
"Come on Princess, I know you can be louder than that" he groaned, watching as you reached down to grip his arm, your other hand going against the headboard to stop yourself from moving up the bed. He could feel himself getting lost in everything, the sound of your pounding heartbeat, a sound that had his inner beast clawing to get out, the feeling of your skin against his, your breasts pressed against his chest as he put more of his weight against you. The feeling of your heat pulling him in, surrounding him as you only continued to become wetter, which created a whole new sound that had him moaning against your neck. Your bed squeaking with every firm thrust and your moans now a constant, along with whimpers of his name. Your smell was making his head even fuzzier at this point, your natural scent cranked up as sweat began to coat your body from the heat.
"Gonna...Fuck...Gonna fill you up" you heard him groan, feeling him begin to push deeper with every thrust, your body welcoming him, especially when he started hitting that spot inside you.
"Gonna give you…Shit...every last drop" he panted against your skin, growling at the moan you released at the idea, he could smell it, how your body was waiting for what only he could give it.
"You want it?" He asked, listening as your moans pitched in tone, your heartbeat picking up even more, he knew you were getting close.
"Please" you begged, you knew you must have looked and sounded almost pathetic, but at that moment you didn't care, you didn't even know what he was asking, you just wanted anything and everything that he was willing to give you.
"Say you want it…Fuck…Say you'll take it" he groaned, fangs grazing your neck as he thrust forward, completely bottoming out, pulling another moan from the both of you.
"Shit…Say you'll be a good mate and take my child" he growled, and the realization of what he had been asking for hit you, a thought that probably should have made you take a moment, but instead had you locking your legs tighter around him, Fuck you really wanted to give him a child if you could, you had seen him with Laddie, you knew he would be a really good fucking dad. He lifted up, just enough to look you in the eyes, his gaze still a blazing gold but you could see the almost pleading behind the pure primal instinct. Without a second thought you buried your hand in his hair, pulling it as you brought his lips to yours for the third time that night, in a passionate kiss, only stopping to breathe against his lips.
"Put a baby in me"
You feared for a moment that it sounded too funny, your wording, or that he had changed his mind as you felt him slow down, the two of you just staring at one another.
"Say it again" he spoke slowly, sitting back on his knees to look down at you with a look you hadn't seen before, a look of a predator getting its prey exactly where it wanted it.
"Put a..baby in me?" You asked, your tone more a question as you watched a smile slowly spread across his face.
"Yeah?" He asked
"Yeah" you smiled, too distracted with his gaze to realize he was beginning to move again until he thrust forward, dragging another moan from your throat as your head tilted up, eyes rolling back. He didn't let your body move far though, hands holding your hips in a bruising grip, claws slightly breaking the skin and sending tiny shocks of pleasure through your system. His thrusts became quick but firm once more, though in the beginning they were shallow, not wanting to hurt you by having you take too much, now they were deep, his length never leaving your heat for too long as he worked you both towards your highs. The sound of skin on skin echoed in the room, your wetness and moans only adding to the lewd noises that were sending him towards his end. But it was the thought, the promise that had his own eyes rolling back, you were his mate and you were gonna give him something he had wanted for so long. Leaning forward again he kept himself up on one arm, his other still holding your hips.
"Fuck I'm close" he panted, feeling your legs bend higher against his hips, caressing his sides as you opened yourself more for him, drawing him in deeper, allowing him in closer to where he needed to be.
"Me too" you whimpered, nails dragging down his back as you held on.
"Cum for me Princess" he spoke, groaning when you pulled his hair, he could feel the coil in his stomach tightening with every thrust. You felt him bury his face against your neck, tongue dragging along the soft flesh as his hot breaths fanned it, lips caressing it, and fangs lightly dragging along it. You knew what he wanted, and honestly, you did too. Tilting your head to the side you pulled him closer by the hand that was still buried in his dark locks, pressing his face further against your neck and giving him the ok, a sign he only needed to be given once as you felt his fangs pierce the skin. The feeling wasn't uncomfortable, in fact it was the last push you needed to send you over the edge, your legs locking around his waist, one hand digging into his back while the other gripped his hair tighter, eyes closed as a loud moan of his name left you. For him it was much the same, as soon as your blood touched his tongue he was gone, hips speeding up before stuttering as he felt you lock your legs around him, his grip on your hip and sheets tightening while his mouth left your neck, head thrown back as a moan left him, blood covering his lips and chin while he continued to move, continued to to do as he promised and give you every last drop. You felt his hips begin to slow just as your eyes came back into focus, your mind becoming clearer as you came back down from your high. You looked up at him, watching as his eyes were still closed, mouth slightly ajar as quick pants left him, his hips gave small gentle thrusts as he refused to let even a drop leave your body. You watched as he blinked once, twice, before his head lowered, gaze meeting yours and you noted that his golden eyes had lost the red haze they seemed to have had before. You watched as a slow smile graced his face, hand coming down to cup your cheek before bringing your lips to his, the taste of blood on your tongue was a bit odd, but something you could get used to if it meant more kisses from him.
"Thank you" he breathed against your mouth, earning a giggle from you.
"You don't have to thank me Dwayne, I'm your mate after all right?" You smiled, watching as his gaze softened even more before he pressed a quick kiss to your lips.
"My mate"
"I honestly didn't expect you to come here" you spoke after a while, hand running through his hair as he now laid his head on your chest, listening to your steady heartbeat, but your words caused him to tilt his head up towards you, an unspoken question in his eyes.
"David said you all were going through a rut, and to stay away from you all because it was dangerous…even you have stated before how fragile I am" you told him, watching as he leaned up a bit, and whimpering as he shifted inside you, having never pulled out.
"You are," he teased.
"But I wouldn't go anywhere else" he added, making you give him a confused look.
"It's not all of us going through a rut, just me"
"What? Do you all do it at different times or?"
"No. We've only been told about this, but none of us have ever gone through it. We don't go through it unless we find our mate"
"...Wait…Your mate…so that wasn't just…sexy vampire talk?" You asked, a question that caused him to start laughing.
"You find me calling you my mate sexy?" He asked, grinning as he leaned down to kiss the bite mark he left, his hips moving to give a shallow thrust and you realized that he was hard once again.
"Maybe" you giggled.
"Our mates are like the vampire's version of soulmates" he explained, a warm feeling spreading through your body at the information.
"So…I'm your soulmate?" You couldn't help but ask, a dopey grin on your face as he unburied his and met your gaze.
"Yeah, you're my soulmate Princess" he smiled back.
"And with any luck," he spoke with a smirk after a moment, hips gently thrusting, creating a slow steady rhythm.
"We could definitely make sure that takes," you smiled, wrapping your arms around his neck as he leaned up on his arms, hovering over you to reach a better angle, one that had him once again hitting that spot inside you.
"Thank you" he told you again with a smile, leaning down to capture your lips in a passionate kiss.
"You're gonna be an amazing dad" you told him once he pulled away, watching the pure joy spread across his face.
"You're gonna be an amazing mom Princess" he told you, kissing you again before leaning back to pick up his pace a bit.
"I think we can fit in a few more rounds before the rut is over" he chuckled, golden eyes seemingly glowing again as he looked down at you, and you realized you were in for a long night.
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So there it is ladies! I hope you enjoyed this one, like I said before Dwayne has been hard for me to write since I got into The Lost Boys lol
If you'd like to be added to the taglist for the David chapter just let me know.
@its-monster-mash , @arenpath , @xxx-wounded-angel-xxx , @katpursley94-blog , @theamericanjewitch , @shewhomustnotbenamedsworld , @thelostone91 , @blazeflays , @ilikechocolatemilkh , @babyloutattoo89 , @bigcreatorwombatdreamer , @non-binary-disastrous-mess , @2525sc , @kitteebree , @besas-stuff , @justaspeachy , @faefairi3 , @its-freaking-bats , @santa-carla-boardwalk-1987 , @urmothersmistress , @misslavenderlady @heavenwoodcoco
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beoneofus · 7 months
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“ d’aw, wook at da’ wittle baby! ” a certain blonde cooed, reaching to poke fun at the messy braids made in your hair by the little boy that left the room just minutes ago only to grab a few things to finish off his masterpiece — the masterpiece known as your disastrous hair .
you see, laddie was innocent and recently met a new friend amongst the boardwalk. this friend just so happened to be a girl, and this girl gave him the lovely idea of doing up ones hair. she experimented on his head; brushing his hair to the side with the comb she had, along with applying a clip out of her own hair, to his. laddie had loved it, so she let him play with her hair as well.
he was given a demonstration of how to braid — and, low and behold, that demonstration was brought back to the cave.
now, you have no problem with spoiling the child. you love laddie, you all do; you just... really love your hair as well and now, after it being so tangled, you're afraid you may have to cut it.
and paul's fucking teasing isn't helping-
your narrowed eyes darted onto his figure, which was crouched beside your sat one —you were on the floor— mockingly, only to growl and lunge towards him; grabbing onto the front of his jacket, golden buttons pressing tightly against your palm. “ say one more word, and I'll shave your head in your sleep. ”
paul's eyes widened at the threat — usually he wouldn't take your words to heart, he'd laugh them off, but his hair was precious to him and you looked pissed. that's why he gulped, shaking his head in a nod. “ okay, okay! ” he pulled himself away, yanking your hands off of his front. “ jeez.. saw-rry, ms pissy. ”
you huffed in irritation. marko, who was nearby reading a comic, burst into a small fit of snickers from seeing paul so scared. you were just a mere human; what real damage could you actually do?
“ I know what you're thinking, ” you shot his way, giving the other male an annoyed look. “ and if you want to find out what I'm capable of, go ahead and piss me off. ”
marko's hands shot up in surrender, the comic dropping. “ hey, ” his green-blue eyes flickered to you, lips twisting in an upwards pointed position. “ I didn't do anything, baby cakes. I'm on your side, here. ”
the nickname made your eye twitch, but you didn't say anything.
just as you were about to retort though, laddie came running back into the room, “ y/n!! ” he laughed, grinning wide. “ look! I found some of star's old hair-clips! ”
blinking, you snatched your gaze away from the diabolical duo, pinning your now curious eyes onto the two clips laddie held. paul saw that as his ticket to flea, so he did.
one was a bronze, metal clip with glittery, silver stars decorating the center. it was plain, but pretty, and definitely something you could see star wearing.
the other one was one of those snap-clips. it was black, a small paper-like butterfly complimenting the tip. it looked old, the way the black paint was chipping off the end, the little ornament barely hanging on. still, you thought it was cute — it probably looked more durable when she first got it.
“ I'm guessing you're using those in my hair? ” you raised a brow, giving laddie a playful grin. no surprise that you had quickly calmed down. despite being mad about your hair, there's no way you had it in you to take it our on the kid. he was just an innocent sweetheart.
“ yep! ” laddie chirped, only to skid his way behind your sitting form once more. you felt his small hands place themselves among the sides of your head, only to reposition your head, until you were looking forward once again. “ now hold still! ”
you sighed, but smiled to yourself. looks like you'd have to risk your hair to make him happy... oh well.
but, that smile of yours quickly vanished as you saw paul and marko on the couch, looking at you, holding in their laughter.
oh, you're definitely killing them later.
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hi, enjoy this since I've been gone for fucking decades.
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oddballwriter · 1 year
(Poly) Lost Boys' Reaction to you Bringing a Stray Cat to the Hideout
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Warnings: Regular Lost Boys shenanigans, and cat shenanigans too  
Author’s Snip: Fuck the canon we die like men
I’ll shut up now. Enjoy! And don’t be afraid to request.
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Just as a fyi I wrote this with the idea that you're part of the Lost Boys (a vampire) and live in the hotel ruins and cave with them
You've been gradually luring a stray cat to the hideout by feeding it with the plan of having it be a pet
He usually has tabs on everyone in the group, so he knows that you were feeding a stray with scraps of takeout
He laughed when he heard you say that you wanted to have it be a pet
David didn't think that you could pull it off
"Good luck with that, babe."
And then he sees the damn fur ball in the hideout and he's pleasantly surprised. You actually managed to get a cat to live in the hideout
David doesn't really pay too much attention to it since it's technically yours
He'll pet it if it comes to him
Though sometimes it sits on his rickety wheelchair throne and he shoos it off
though he does actually like the powerful look he has when he's petting it when it's on his lap
Otherwise he just ignores it
Also, it doesn't matter if you and the others named it, he just calls it "the cat"
I can see him hissing back at the cat if he cat ever hisses at him
Dwayne humors your task of luring the cat
Similar to David, he doesn't really have much faith in the idea that you can successfully do it, but he's sure it's possible. So when it starts coming in and staying then he congratulates you
He actually enjoys having the cat around and just seeing it lounging around
Dwayne likes to jokingly call it generic cat names like Mr. Whiskers, Mr. Mittens, or just kitty
Thinks it's funny and cute when it chases around Marko's pigeons
Over all just vibes with it
Both him and Marko are down to actually help you bring in the cat but doesn't really get the slowly feeding it process
"Why not just grab it and bring it to the hideout?" "If we do that it'll just be scared of us. I want it to trust us. Feeding it can teach it that we mean no harm." "Oh."
He will actually steal cat food from bowls and bring it to you to give the cat so that it can actually eat cat food instead of scraps
Calls it "Little Buddy"
He's the one who hypes up the cat the most, he'll be playing with it and it will be all hyper
Paul actually likes when it brings back 'gifts' (aka dead birds and mice)
"Look it hunts just like us"
Like I said, helps lure the cat
Though he does second guess once it's already started living in the hideout because it might kill his pigeons
He does steal cat toys for the cat so that it will stop trying to kill them
Otherwise, loves it
He'll call it whatever you named it but like he gives it little nicknames like Little Killer and stuff like that
You sometimes have to tell Marko to leave the cat alone
"Marko stop chasing it around, you're gonna get scratched."
His ass does not listen and then he acts surprised when his ass gets scratched
Marko jokes that the cat is you guys' guardian pet like Thorn is, even though it just lays around all day
"It's nocturnal like us!"
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kurt-nightcrawler · 2 years
Baby Blonde
Paul x Reader
Summary: Paul is a sensitive guy
Warnings: tiny bit of angst, mentions of periods and related period things, implied smut but no actual smut
Word Count: 1.5k
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Paul wasn’t one to cry. He was cool. He was sexy. And he spent too much time trying to be goofy or space out to cry. 
Or that’s at least what everyone thought. 
He was a good, sweet, and somewhat clingy boyfriend. Always wanting a hand on you– a hand in your back pocket or in your hand were the most common– getting you food whenever you wanted it and making sure you were never sad. He was a giant golden ball of sunshine, who killed people and was great with his tongue.
However, Paul was a sensitive little bitch. Deep, deep, deep down. How he got you more stuffed animals than Laddie or gave you posters when they came with his vinyls instead of plastering them all over the cave walls. Or when he got high and ate Marko’s butter statue in the fridge– he felt bad for months– and when he accidentally scratched David’s The Cure album with his claws. The guilt was mostly cause David chewed him out, but that was beside the point.
What could he say? Paul was a man with many layers. But sometimes those layers were so deep they did not mean to see the surface.
You were lying down on the old couch in the cave, trying to snuggle under one of the numerous blankets the boys had accumulated over the years. Groaning in discomfort, you turned to the other side, trying to ease your pain. 
Water bottles, snacks, and any kind of painkiller imaginable were scattered on the floor around you. 
Your period was three days early. Not like it was ever consistent, but it was still miserable. You were burning up, sore all over, covered in three new zits, and anytime you went to the bathroom it looked like a murder scene afterward. You hated it. And while your blood-sucking boyfriend loved it, he tried to sympathize best he could– to treat you like a little baby bird and not like a meal.
But sometimes, sometimes, his blood lust got the better of him. 
Paul strutted down into the cave, totally not paying attention to his surroundings, until he saw a big lump of blankets on the couch. 
“Baby?” he called out.
You grunted in response.
“You okay?” Paul asked, momentarily clueless as to what was going on with you. 
And then it hit him. 
Your period. 
His gaze got slightly hazy, and he immediately pounced onto the couch, wanting to pepper you in kisses, feed you chocolate, and eat you out until you passed out in a blissful slumber.
“Baby I want–”
“Grrrrr…” You shoved him off the couch and curled up into a tighter fetal position than you were already in. “Don’t touch me… not now…” You whined. You were hit with cramps soon as Paul entered the cave, and your pain meds were proving to be useless.
“Oh…” Paul’s cold dead heart was resuscitated momentarily by seeing you, only to be stomped on and shattered by your harsh rejection, bringing it back to death. 
“Okay… If you need anything I’ll be in my room…” 
Paul walked away into the depths of the cave slowly. Any pep in his step or excitement was sucked out of him. He just wanted to help! Make you feel better– maybe give you a massage, or help cool you down by holding you in his arms while he buried his face into your neck. 
Paul knew you were the one. He didn’t miss the daytime because he had you, the sun to his moon– bright and cheerful to compliment his bright and cheerful. Except where he was cold and dead, you were warm and alive. He loved showering with you, sniffing all your fancy soaps, and asking if he could take a bite. He tried to pull a romcom classic and cook for you, which almost burnt your kitchen down… But his big, sad, blue puppy dog eyes got the best of you. He could never thank you enough when you did daytime-esk errands for him, like buying him snacks from stores that closed before sundown or letting him do laundry at your place. Or standing your ground and helping him get some touchy valley girl off his back. 
But Paul was still Paul, and he had trouble with being told no by someone other than the boys. He also worried you would eventually get sick of him. Sick of his loud voice, and weed-ridden musk. Sick of how he was sometimes really forgetful, or too spaced out and lost focus easily. He was scared you wouldn’t find him sexy or funny and see he didn’t really have much else going for himself. He had been working on it, trying to be more confident deep down and not cry like a baby when you didn’t want to hang out 24/7, but sometimes it slipped his mind that humans needed personal space and alone time. 
You mumbled a groan as you slightly shifted under the covers, attempting to fall asleep. 
You had awoken, after sleeping for what felt like an eternity. You were sweaty, groggy, and had no sense of what time it was. 
“Good morning Sleeping Beauty,” someone teased. 
You groaned and shifted from your spot on the couch, rubbing your eyes as you stared at the person who woke you. 
“Marko, hey. How long was I asleep?”
“Too long, according to Paul.” 
You smiled and rolled your eyes. “He would say that. Where is he anyways? Is he getting food?” 
Marko bit his thumb and avoided your gaze as he picked up the trash surrounding the couch. 
“He got really upset after you told him to fuck off.”
“What? When did I do that?” 
“Um, he said when he came home,” Marko shook a pill bottle, seeing if it was empty. “You were curled up into a ball on the couch and then you pushed him away and told him to leave you alone.” 
Your boyfriend was such a drama queen. “I’m on my period.”
“Yeah, I know.” 
“Yeah, well,” You and Marko walked into the kitchen area, trash, snacks, and medicines in hand. “My painkillers didn’t kick in on time. I thought I was dying for a hot second. I didn’t want Paul making it worse.”
Marko smiled, closing the chip bag, “He probably would have taken a bite out of you if you let him.”
You rolled your eyes, “Maybe later.”
One of the pigeons flew towards you both. Staring Marko in the eyes. 
“No, I’m not giving you potato chips,” he jokingly scolded his pet. “No, these aren’t for you.”
“I’m gonna see what he’s up to.” 
Marko was still focused on his pigeon. “Yeah, she’s gonna see Paul. She’s gonna see Paulie. You know what they’re gonna do Jasper—“
“Shut up,” You scoffed. 
You knocked on the “door”— an old surfboard covering the hole in the wall to his little stoner rock cave— of Paul’s room.
You heard a sniffle from the other side, but nothing else. 
“Paul, I know you’re in there…” another moment of silence. 
“Or is it Laddie?” You joked. 
“It’s me,” Paul quietly replied. 
“Can I come in, baby?” 
You pushed the door to the side and stepped inside his room. “Hi, baby.”
He was laying under several blankets in the nest you’d both made together, only his head and lion's mane worth of hair sticking out.
  “Hello…” All the usual fun and excitement was sucked out of his voice, leaving it hollow and empty. 
“Oh no, I don’t like hello. What’s going on?”
“You… You wouldn’t cuddle with me…”
You slowly sat down next to him, pushing aside a few mixtapes and some dirty clothes, “Baby… baby you know I’m on my period.”
“Yeah, you smell nice— like nicer than usual. And I just, I love you so much—
“I know—“
“And I wanna cuddle”
“—I know—“
“—and eat you out so hard you see stars.”
“My meds just didn’t kick in.”
“Yeah, you were mean.” Paul sniffled. “I didn’t like it.” 
“Oh baby come here,” You joined him under the covers, attempting to scoop him into your arms. “I’m so sorry.”
“It’s fine.” It was not fine. 
“Paul… you don’t have to lie to me.”
He shifted his head onto your shoulder, “You just… you scared me.” 
You gently scratched his head. “I didn’t mean to, I just needed to be alone.”
“I’m worried I messed up and you don’t wanna be with me anymore… I’ve messed up a lot and I tend to pretend I don’t care if I fuck up, but I do.”
“I’m not going anywhere, you know that. Even if I tried, David would Professor X my memory.” 
Paul laughed a little. 
“I just didn’t want you pouncing on me like an animal–”
“–But I am an animal.”
You frowned, “Not the point here.”
“Right, sorry.”
“It’s okay. Are we good?” 
“Yeah… Just… just don’t– if you– uh, if you need some space don’t act like me when I need blood and I wig out, okay?”
“Will do.”
Paul sat up a little, so he could snuggle into you.“Mmmm… Thank you.”
“Of course baby. I love you.”
“I love you too.” 
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