#all i said was i think some silly little thing about some silly little fandom
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kyri45 · 2 days ago
A final letter
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Hello Everyone!
The queue is paused and everything is scheduled, which means we are ready for the finale!
I know that, in the end, this was just a silly side project for me, with everything else going on in my life. But for this occasion, I wanted to drop some words here and hope they make sense.
I started watching LMK only because a friend told me there was a "Sonadow-coded" ship. I ended up consuming the entire thing in one sitting on July 10th, 2024. At the time, I was still recovering from a bike accident that had left me with a broken right forearm—unable to draw for a little over a month. (I did try drawing with my left finger, but it wasn't exactly fun.)
Not only that, but it was summer, and I couldn’t enjoy the season or practice my main sport, windsurfing. To say I was feeling the blues is an understatement. I remember being in physical pain just from not being able to draw my sillies. But then, watching LMK did something to my brain chemistry that my little undiagnosed autistic self had never experienced before. It hit so hard that I’ve been physically unable to rewatch the show SINCE that very first day. (And y’all still call me the CEO of this fandom. Bro, I just work here.)
A lot of you have asked what inspired me to start this comic or to draw LMK fan art in the first place. While my usual answer is, "I saw Shadowpeach and thought MK could be their lovechild, given his appearance," the moment that actually started it all was THIS ONE—
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I have… a thing for characters who discover their entire identity was something else all along. It consumes my thoughts, my dreams, my every waking moment. I live for identity crises, for characters who thought they knew who they were, only to be forced to rediscover themselves, their existence, and their place in the world. If you give me a story where a character has to go through that, I will like it—regardless of how bad the rest of the story is.
Pair that with loads of trauma, daddy issues, the pressure of a legacy, and world-ending stakes, and congrats! Now I’m obsessed, and I will not stop thinking about it for the rest of my days!
At first, my brain just wanted to release some of that energy with a small, four-panel post about the monkeys discovering that MK was technically their kid.
That was supposed to be it.
But since I never seem to learn my lesson, it didn’t stay like that. Because once I started drawing, I just... continued.
A lot of you have also asked how I found the motivation to draw so much, to never take a break. Well, I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it one last time: I am my number one fan. No matter how much you laughed, cried, screamed, or went feral over this story, I did all of that and more. Because I got to think about the chapters months before they released. I got to daydream about them. I got to watch them come to life—first through sketches, then line art, then dialogue. And finally, I got to witness your reactions and see the incredible creations you made, inspired by my story.
So yeah, in a way, it was almost an addiction. A good addiction. Because, for the first time in my life, I actually understood what loving art means.
I’ve been drawing for ten years, working professionally for five, but I never loved art before. I just liked it because I happened to be good at it. But creating this comic made me understand why artists say, "Oh, I’ve loved drawing since I was a child!" This was the first time I allowed myself to create purely for my own enjoyment. Something I hadn’t had the privilege to do for a long time.
Other than making me feel even more single than I already was, this story somehow also helped me a little with my own family relationships. So yeah. Crazy how the gay monkeys changed my life.
Of course, I never could have predicted how much traction my AU would gain. Man, y’all were really starving to latch onto something this silly. /j
But yeah—thank you. Thank you for sticking around until the end, for having the patience and trust to follow the story even when I made you rage with angst and cliffhangers. (The statement in my bio still stands: I am not responsible for any physical or emotional damage my art has caused.)
I’m absolutely shit at thanking people, or at writing, or at talking in general, honestly. I’m the furthest thing from being good with words, so I hope the final chapter will be enough to show you my gratitude.
Through this story, I met so many wonderful, talented people. I watched as fans across different platforms found each other through memes and fanart of the AU. I saw artists start their own AUs inspired by mine, growing their own communities. I witnessed an explosion of creativity and collaboration through our takeovers. And I laughed along with you all.
And yeah—at its core, this story has always been about love. Whether it’s platonic, sibling, parental, romantic, or whatever the hell Mac and Wukong had going on for millennia.
At its heart, it’s a story about family.
And maybe, in the end… the real family wasn’t just the one in the comic, but the one we’ve found together along the way. 💛
See you all at the finale.
Love you all, freaks /affectionate
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sweetmariihs2 · 3 days ago
Man! How these situations happen with me??! I have to make this public because oh my god
I had found a post, a random innocent post about the character Cedric from Sofia The First, asking if he would prefere dogs or cats. That was all! This was the post, and it was made by a friend of mine, that I know already. I answered "Oh I think he would like birds cuz he had a bird in the show and maybe he's used to take care of them more, I think it fits him!" And then my friend answered "well, I don't, I think he would be traumatized with taking care of them after his last bird friend betrayed him..." and I thought we were just exchanging opinions and having a conversation about a silly topic, like I always do with other people in fandoms when we disagree, we talk about what we think and see the things we agree in eachother's words. I then answered and gave more info why I thought that, thinking that the person would say "Ah ok I get it! I just don't understand it though. But I think that after the bird character betrayed him he wouldn't like taking care of birds anymore" and I would answer like "yeah it kinda makes sense, I think this because of this reason, but I get you"
No, man!! The person instead answered my comment "no I don't agree with you... I don't think that. No" and I thought "Oh ok maybe they don't want to have a fun little conversation. I don't want to argue about this silly topic, they will maybe try to argue with me, I don't want it, so I won't respond" and went on with my day.
Hours after that, I found a post that was made by the same person that made the previous post and had the conversation with me (it was all the same person and I consider them a friend since we know eachother and we are fandom buddies), but this person was writing:
"Why can't people see different headcanons and get out of canon material?
I used to be in said fandom and becauce I told them a headcanon I had they argued with me bc of my opinion, and now I see this happening in the Cedric fandom. For example today I made a post about Cedric liking cats or dogs and someone said he liked birds." (My personal note: what????????? Why am I mentioned in this)
"Guys don't do that. This makes the fandom awful to be in. These kinds of interactions are not good, don't turn the fandom toxic please" and ended the post.
I thought: what the hell????? But at the time I wasn't angry, I got embarassed and frustrated because this whole thing was unnecessary (this happened yesterday). This person had beef with me once in the past about another random silly topic abt Cedric, and I made a comment saying that "Cedric is childish in some aspects so maybe that's why certain thing blablabla" and the person, who is ALSO called Cedric, thought I was talking about them and got very very angry. When I understood the situation I spoke to him and he said sorry for misinterpretting my words. But he also told me something very specific about him, saying that he can sometimes misinterpret some things that people say and can see things negatively and react too fast or too negative, something like that. But yeah, that time the whole situation happened because of him misunderstanding me
And when the other situation happened yesterday, I thought "Ah he saw my comment and thought I was arguing. He told me about his problem of misinterpretting stuff so I'll go to him peacefully and explain that I wasn't intending to argue. But yeah that post using me as a bad example of something I didn't do was unnecessary and it certainly made me feel disrespected because I didn't do anything wrong. It will be easy they'll understand me and understand the situation" as if!! I reblogged their post and spoke about my pov, even showed screenshots of the comments, to show him that I wasn't arguing and wasn't disrespecting any opinion, and that his post about bad behavior and my mention in it made me feel disrespected. He is my friend and he can come to me and talk instead of posting and causing a situation he misinterpreted in the first place.
I got so anxious because I hate arguing, I hate conflicts! And this was something public and unnecessary about something I didn't do. I thought the end would be communication and that it would be easy, and I got anxious until the moment he answered me. My hands usually tremble when I'm anxious like that.
Well! At first he made a post in other account of his, absolutely not understanding my point, saying that he wouldn't take the post down (It would be good, yes, but I haven't even mentioned this! I didn't asked him to take the post down). But then seconds later, after I had already read it, he deleted the post and the notification tagging me also disappeared. And then he messaged me instead, also moments after that. And I though "phew! finally he wants to talk to me. Maybe he understood the situation, right??"
Nah he was arguing, definitely. His words were hella confusing to me because he said that I was making a conflict about something that wasn't a conflict-? I don't understand. I think he was misinterpretting me again, but I don't even know how to describe what he said since it was too confusing. I'll add screenshots because I'm confused as well. Don't read it if you don't want to
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I have this in my mind, that "Dialogue is the best way to work through a conflict. Expressing why you felt disrespected is the right way to do it. Having a conversation." This is something confirmed by psychologists. And there is another thing in the study of dialogue that is when neurodivergent people and neurotypical people can't communicate properly because neurotypicals hear different intentions in neurodivergents just being literal and wanting to communicate, or when neurodivergents don't get something that neurotypicals meant cuz it was not literal, like for example when they're trying to make fun of the neurodivergent person saying like "omg where did you bought that shirt? from a landfill? lmao" and the neurodivergent innocently says "no actually I bought it from the store 😄 we can go together there if you want to!"
The same thing usually doesn't happen between two neurodivergent people because they're both literal and understand eachother literally, which it the best way to talk and understand other ppls feelings! And what is weird is that my friend Cedric is neurodivergent just like me, but he wasn't understanding me at all. I have a theory, for example, I'm 100% sure that I got my autism from my dad, and while he is literal like me, he tries to interpret some of my literal statements thinking that they're not literal and takes my words out of context. This probably happened because in his life he couldn't get subtle messages and tried to work around the problem by developing a way to indentify them, so sometimes I'm saying something normally and he gets it all wrong because his defense from letting comments pass works like this. He reads too much into what I said and gets it all wrong because in a moment of his life he had to do that to survive. We have to work through this.
I think the same thing happened with my friend Cedric and I don't blame him! He said later on that he get on conflics with a person often and this is related to his communication, and I said "Oh ok this makes sense. Yeah I'm not angry at you, man"
My dad for example is not aware of his bad habit. This person, on the other way around, is aware that they misunderstand other people, so if he is aware of that, he should try to speak to those he thinks that are arguing with him in private to try to understand the situation. But ok, sometimes people don't get these instructions, sometimes no one tells them that this is the right thing to do, specially in toxic environments. After our conversation then, he said sorry for what happened and understood that I was just talking. I don't want my written words to seem angry, I wanted them to seem paceful, and maybe he was reading them as angry because of his experience in toxic environment. And that was it! That was the conversation. We understood eachother and it ended yesterday.
They mentioned something like "I showed this to other people and they don't think I am in the wrong either" somewhere in the conversation and I got all confused because... I haven't done literally anything? I mean, he IS in the wrong for creating a situation that never existed and exposing me for something that I didn't do. Dropping down the calm explaining here, now I AM angry after the most recent post. I'm gonna tell you about the post.
"Hey um guys I am blocking the user @sweetmariihs2 because it's like the third time we argue and I want peace. I don't want to argue anymore"
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I'm pissed, because someone random put me in a situation I didn't do anything to be involved, created a whole beef about something that wasn't even a fight, I thought we had understood eachother and he had understood that HIS misinterpretation problems were the cause of all this inconvenience to me, and that we were done and ok now. But no! Now they're coming publicly saying IN A POST, to other people who will read, that it's bad to keep contact with me cuz I fight. Like I was crazy or something! Now I have all the right to be pissed!
Third time? Excuse me?? The first time was when he minsunderstood me. The second time was when he misunderstood me again. There was no third time. Are you kidding??? You bother me twice and then makes a public post saying that you'll block me because I'M creating conflict?!? Fuck this.
I won't lose my mind here, I'll keep calm, but there's a moment a person can't keep taking shit anymore and just explodes! Damn, man! This was so unnecessary!
Think of the people that will read that post and think I'm crazy and I'm toxic to interact with. I got into an argument with a person that was harassing me in the past and made a post about this situation, and what was funny was that everyone was making other posts like, thinking we were beefing over stupid fandom headcanons. We weren'tttt!! The post was made because that person was going after me everywhere nonstop, harassing me! They made a blog to literally watch me and my posts after our argument, I have all the right to be mad! This was other situation with someone else. Now imagine these people, that saw this conflict in the past and think that I was "arguing" about "fandom stuff", seeing this post telling people publicly that Cedric will block me because I'm problematic. Man, stop stepping at my shoe! Leave me alone. Now I AM angry.
I thought we had made peace, I thought he had said sorry. The Cedric The Sorcerer fandom is smaller and smaller everyday, and I thought about blocking @cedricthewise to avoid fights too, but I thought "no, he just got it wrong, we said sorry, and I like his posts, not many people are talking about the character Cedric anymore, blocking is unnecessary". But thinking right now, I guess that I should have taken this decision wayyy back then. Imagine if I want to friendly interact in a future post and they interpret my words as hate, making another series of posts and conflicts that I didn't had anything to do with!
This kind of miscommunication will happen with Cedric and other people in the future and the best way to work around them is through dialogue. He KNOWS that he has a communication problem, and this will happen more times in his life, he needs to learn how to work through this. Man, I was misinterpreted and now there's a post publicly saying to everyone that blocking me is the best thing to do like I'm the cause of the situation. No I won't keep quiet! I will position myself! That's why I am making this post!
I thought everything had already ended and he said sorry. Man, if someone knows that they have interpretation problems, this someone needs to take their problems into account before getting into any conflicts, cuz sometimes they think someone is arguing, and this someone is not. Imagine if someone started having beef with you out of nowhere and then after saying sorry they made a public post saying to everyone that they'll block you. I don't care about the block, it's about the post again! He could have just quietly blocked me if he thought it was the best thing to do, but a post? What does he want to do with that post? He wants the Cedric fandom to hate me or something? I'm really known here! I'm the nicest, most respectful person you'll ever see, can you see how many times I was patient with bullshit only in this situation with Cedric? Now I'm not anymore! I'm making myself very clear in case he wonders what I'm feeling right now, I'm angry! I'm very angry and feeling disrespected. I don't want interactions with him anymore either.
I'm gonna make a rude statement here, but despite being rude, it's something we should take for our lives. Personal problems need to be dealt with in therapy, not with me, because I'm not a psychologist. If someone says they have reactive problems, trying to help is the worst thing you can do, because in the end you'll always end up screwing yourself over. The best thing to do is not interact with that person. Don't get involved in a situation with someone you know that has problems with being in situations. I don't want to go back to this discussion and, it will be a great loss to not see their posts anymore because they're nice, but my mental health will thank me so fucking much for just cutting contact with living ticking time bombs.
That's the end of the post. Stupid unnecessary situation.
I'm keeping the stf tags because that's for the stf fans to read.
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arcane-vagabond · 5 months ago
me looking at my own blog: god i wish this bitch would stfu
#liz speaks#i just say things man#and i think it's so fucking funny that people on here take me as seriously as they do#i'm like...the least serious person you're ever going to meet#also why do people get so pressed about a random person's opinion on here?#i literally don't make policy dude#all i said was i think some silly little thing about some silly little fandom#and suddenly i've declared war on an allied nation or something? idk that's how seriously people take the discourse on here sometimes#like there are things that i think are serious of course#but yelling at me because someone asked me if i would make merch for my fics and then when i asked the masses about it#i'm being accused of trying to steal people's money? that's when you KNOW it's time to go touch some grass#this is a hobby not my profession. like people get so pressed about the most inconsequential shit on here.#my profession is being a silly goose. something i'm very good at actually#oh no did someone interpret your blorbo in a way you didn't like? call the national guard about it ig#idk dude sometimes i truly just want to pull away from everyone and ignore y'all#i think i'd be happier sometimes just posting my stories and not interacting with anyone#because some people (anons at the very least) make this place so bleak and miserable because they feel like they have to police everything#literally just vibe my guy. nothing on here is that serious. we're all just yapping about blorbos and reading/writing self indulgent shit#eat some grapes and sit in the shade or something idk
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aegis-noctua · 3 months ago
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Allow me to finally break and enter this fandom with my humble offering!
I just wanted to do something with them all being good friends. Love, love, love their group dynamic! Also I have like 20+ pages worth of silly little dialogs that I want to turn into equally silly little comics, so hopefully I'll be sticking around.
Aaand a lot of rambling under the cut.
I'm an avid reader, you see. I generally don't watch things (sometimes not in literal years), it's just not something I do. So when at the beginning of fall tumblr exploded with outrage over the Dead Boy Detectives cancellation, my first thought genuinely was "what a stupid f*cking name" and then immediately "people are overreacting, it's just a series, nothing is worth that much of a fuss". But after observing for some time from a safe distance I eventually grew curious. I thought I knew what I was getting into.
(I had no bloody idea)
Well. Here I am now, almost four months of obsession later, eating my words with shards of glass and no sign of reaching the bottom of this cursed rabbit hole. I've been drawing more than ever and for the first time seriously thinking about honing my artistic skills. I have some drafts for at least two stories, and even though I'm a little hesitant to write (not being a native and all), I'm pretty determined to give it a go anyway. I tend to avoid social media and digital public spaces in general, but #SaveDeadBoyDetectives campaign changed that as well. To my great regret, there is not much I can do or participate in, so I settled for trying to be supportive of all the lovely people who created probably the safest and most comfortable online space I've ever encountered. I'm not as good as Charles at keeping spirits up, but damn I wanna try.
It honestly feels like if I had something like dbda growing up, I'd turn out at least 40% less traumatized as a person. It grew to mean so much so quickly. It's like some moments were plucked right out of my life and then embedded in the show. I felt (and still feel) so seen, and understood, and reassured, and safe, and hopeful, and accepted when watching (pretty much everybody's but especially) Edwin's side of the story. It's so much more than "just a series", and these Dead Boys deserve every good word that's being said about them.
Okay, I'm wrapping it up now, and the only thing left to say is thank you to all the people who put their effort into keeping this wonderful story alive and making the fandom so friendly and welcoming.
(right now I'm working on a big Christmas comic that I definitely won't be able to finish in time, but it will appear here at some point)
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cursedcola · 2 months ago
Prompt: “I Lived Bitch” <- You send them a text message of an an image. Said image is a headshot of you with bandages around your head, a couple of bruises on your face, and the staple cheeky peace sign to tie it all together. Context Varies. Fandom: Twisted Wonderland Characters: Overblot Homies Format: TEXT.IMG + Bullets.
Parts: (Riddle, Leona, Azul, Jamil) (Here) , (Vil, Idia, Malleus) Masterlist: Link A/N: Saw some of these floating around and thought the text format would be good for some mixed scenarios <3. Sorry they’re not all in one. Tumblr has a picture limit. Edit: HUZZAH I have discovered a way to put more images. Less parts hehe.
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A gradual spiral. Riddle isn’t one to dwell until order is disrupted. He initially thinks you’re off causing mischief with Ace and Deuce - already preparing for whatever comes.
When they arrive on their own, knowing nothing about you? He’s uncomfortable. When Grim struts in on his own, he’s concerned. When Crewel stops him saying that you missed half your classes and didn’t have any absentee excuse? He’s panicking.
The controlled type of panic where it feels like that first month of Sophomore year all over again. Grim’s already earned a collar. How could he not know where his prefect is? The Headmaster is irresponsible surely, but you were a good student. Riddle wouldn’t partner with someone unable to uphold their basic responsibilities.
Riddle was one hour short of marching to Crowley’s office, because perhaps it was STYX scenario again and he wasn’t having a repetition.
You finally respond when he’s desperately trying to study - he wasn’t going to sacrifice his schedule.
Which gets forgotten regardless. He leaves the books abandoned (not that he could get past one page without drifting) and speed walks to the clinic. That anxious red poking out from his collar, heels smacking against marble. It’s rare for him to ever walk with his head in a screen - such a thing is rude, but his eyes are glued as he turns each corner.
He’s not happy you chose to downplay the situation. Considering his history with medicinal magic, Riddle’s already bombarding the nurse for your medical report once he enters. Then he sits silently at your bedside, flipping through the clipped papers. The occasional scoff turns to a tick in his jaw when reading the incident report.
Cave in of the Ramshackle stairwell? Looks like he’s having a word with the Headmaster after all.
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Unlike Riddle, there’s an instant agitation with this one. Call it the princely charm of wanting instant responses.
Also. You don’t ignore him for silly reasons. When you say that you’re meeting him somewhere, you do. Same for Leona. He might gripe but he always shows up.
So he doesn’t need to wait. There’s already a nagging feeling in his stomach after the first twenty minutes pass.
He’s logical. Knows all your spots. Knows your schedule and would honestly even text Azul (if you’re working that day). Pain in the ass, but he’ll do it.
So first instinct is to do a play-by-play of the past week in his head. Look for any reason you might be pissed or too ‘busy’ to hold your plans. When he comes up empty, he’ll strut up to the little frosh table. Stir some anxiety with a glare or whatever, which gets serious when no one has any idea where you’re at. Not even the little weasel.
Any longer and he might’ve gone to Rook. We all know how Leona feels about Rook, but he’s the best when it comes to tabbing someone.
Your text comes during Spelldrive practice. He’s standing on his broom, looking over the field, arms crossed and agitated with the TWST equivalent of a bluetooth headset in his ear.
Dips out so fast. 0mph to roughly 50 after waving Ruggie to finish without him. Flies right out the practice court, overhead main campus, and outside the infirmary. Not in the mood to deal with the nurse or any of that crap. Comes in through the window.
Pissed. Pissed he didn’t think to check here, and pissed he should’ve had to. Did you learn nothing from the Spelldrive tournament? Broomwork isn’t easy, and not meant for two people unless someone with strong magic can support it.
Wants to know which idiot let you fall, but he’s been on edge all day. He can grill it out of you later. Scoot over and make room, he’s owed his mid-day nap. No. He’s not sleeping in a free bed. The scent of antibacterial spray is shanking his nose, so he needs yours to mask it.
In truth he is NOT okay. He’s very pissed and doesn’t sleep a wink. How could he? Pulls the curtain around your bed and flops over you with his tail curled around your leg. Hurts? Tough luck. Don’t pull a stunt like that ever again.
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Azul is tweaking out - just so you know. First out of panic and then for the little sweettalk - even if he asked for it
Already used to you getting knocked over the head - Floyd's a bit too rough for his liking when swinging ya around, but what can he do?
Amidst packing up his belongings in a rush, the VIP lounge's empty so he can skidadle along like he normally would when alone. The moment the picture loads, he's honestly glad you texted vs. video call since it's easier to feign that cocky attitude of his via message.
Despite sassing you about the twins - he's a bit miffed you'd think for a moment he isn't coming himself. If anything to get the story from word-of-mouth vs. whatever Jade's going to relay.
Speaking of, oh look - one of the lounge couches is already set up to accommodate one injured prefect. A light meal and some tea too. Floyd's itching for a squeeze, but the most you get is a rough toss on the cushion before Azul's got him in one of those rare gridlocks where Floyd backs down. Did you think he couldn't? Octopi are freaking strong.
Rather than be outwardly miffed, he's already regained his composure during his walk to the infirmary.
So...you fell while trying to get an overhead shot of campus for the newspaper? And you were just...given access? To one of the high towers? You. A student without a broom or ability to cast a safeguard charm.
....Hmm. Someone gave you access? Curious. Only Professors are allowed to hand out access passes. Sounds a bit 'fishy' but he's satisfied. Looks like Floyd might get to play after all.
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....oh he's not mad, he's just disappointed (ouch)
He's too busy to sit and worry over where you're at. Jamil trust (ed) that as the only other mildly-sane person at this school, you'd make educated decisions
Okay. That's a lie. You're not sane, but he accepted as much when he begrudgingly fell for said insanity...damn hearts and their lack of logic
Honestly? He was shocked you put him as an emergency contact. Flattered even. Until the simmering frustration began to boil - because of course you went of campus. Of course you took the trolly down to the Isle shops, and of course you got hit by a car trying to stop Grim from running across the street (he saw a sushi shop and bolted).
Of course Jamil can't just go on his own. He has to finish his tasks, get permission, and using the carpet means telling Kalim. Which will then lead to him getting worked up and lo behold it is an event now.
At least using the Al Asim name gets the permission granted without a fuss...Jamil just wants to see that you're okay in person for himself...and also lay into you for being reckless. No holding back.
Hah. Haha. -_-
Don't try getting out of this by acting cute with the little 'i love you' and grabby hands once he gets there. He's not that soft-hearted...yet. Jamil has his principles.
Kalim might jump off and barrel in past medical professionals without thinking twice. Jamil will do his casual glance-over, speak with the nurses, and pull up a chair once he realizes you won't be let go until morning. Great. Now it's just you three stuck in a small hospital room (Kalim got ya booted up to a private stay) as some strange impromptu sleepover.
Just...give him a bit. Wait for Kalim to pass out on the spare cot and then he'll stop looking so emotionally repressed. Believe it or not, he'd trade places with you in a heartbeat if he could.
Not because he feels obligated, but because getting the 'hey, your partner is off in a clinic miles away' call during his normal schedule was a heart attack Jamil wasn't prepped for.
He thought the worst news could be that you'd gone home without saying anything. Somehow? This was nearly on par. 90% on par.
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mimipolo · 2 months ago
Can u write headcanons for the sakamoto days characters as the animes coming out on Saturday. For ur bestie friendie 😆😆
Sakamoto days x reader headcanons
Yes I will, happy birthday to you. You should be ecstatic rn.
Is the Sakamoto days fandom alive on here??? Hope so.
He's really obvious about the fact he like you, like reallyyy obvious
Puts extra effort into every little action he does so you think he's cool(he's really not),if you two met in the JCC he'd make sure his entire routine for group assassination missions is basically flawless.
Can't help being curious about what you thought and tunes into your thoughts and has to pretend his face isn't growing hotter by the second as he walks back in line, your inner thoughts of admiration replaying in his head.
Has at least one person(Mr Sakamoto) who he talks to endlessly about you, if he was still an assassin he'd have found it unbearable but now he sits blissfully with a ramen cup in hand as Shin talks away, when his mind wanders to young love and then eventually his wife, Shin snaps at him to pay attention.
Knows a lot about you (most without you knowing but sh), sometimes he just comes up to you and reminds you of something you're about to forget or a question too niche for him to ask and you're like "huh?" and he just blinks at you before going "huh-?"
Takes a deep breath and does that silly shake thing guys do when they're about to run when he's determined to talk to you, ends up folding anyway because he's geeked you asked to eat with him today.
Does the absolute most to keep you out of danger, at the JCC and at the shop, enemies seem to be popping up from anywhere now he and Sakamoto had dropped from the ranks and he didn't want you wrapped up in that.
Cannot flirt, he cannot and it's so embarassing, it's sweet when he tries though, the moment he sees you trying to hold your laugh he just gives up and holds his flushed face as you double over laughing. At least you said he was cute(internally.)
I can imagine you two in his or your room on a hot day, the windows wide open and the fan is blasting in your faces as you split twin popsicles, he thinks you look beautiful even as you sweat profusely and fan your face with your hand.
So annoying, to the point it's almost driving you mad, makes every excuse under the sun to come see you, be it day or night. People often ask how you deal with his unprecedented visits and you can only drag out a sigh and shrug.
Terrible gift giver but it's clear he tries, hands you a beaten up rubber duck and looks at you expectantly when you're not immediately ecstatic (cause what??). He'll explain like some expertise in the science of you that he saw you cooing and feeding ducks one day in the summer five years ago. You look down at the small colourful bird and decide it's actually quite cute, it can go in your random trinket box.
Naturally touchy guy, an arm around your shoulder is not a rare thing but one thing he does get nervous about is holding your hand. Yes he could hold you against his chest for ages as you read out something to him but the idea of holding your has his head in his hands as he squats on the floor.
Would love it if you liked his stupid jokes but would love it even more if you made it your goal to absolutely despite them. He finds the dynamic quite funny. Actively enjoys seeing the way your face crumples up when he cracks a joke at the absolute worst time, something dumb about grannies as the both of you are still panting and painted in blood in a care home of all places.
Not that jealous or possessive but will feel left out when he notices you're hanging out with someone a bit more than him. Will insert himself between you and this new person, mostly unaware he's acting on self preservation to keep himself in your sights.
He's so calm and collected all the time, the concept of him liking someone and that person possibly being you had never crossed your mind and it probably never will.
He likes to praise your work ethic a lot, "Looks good." , "You cleaned them up yourself?" You just nod back with a smile and he's convinced he made the boldest move in the books.
Would want to make absolute certain you like him before saying anything life threateningly risky. Pretty traditional with it, asks you out to eat after work and lets you choose the place. Insists he pays because he earns more than you but he just wanted to treat you. Has a list on his phone of the places you two enjoyed the most and pins them on Maps in case you want to go again.
The type to stare daggers into you while you're busy talking to someone else, when you're done talking he's still looking your way and waits for you to acknowledge him. Sometimes he announces himself, sometimes he'll just walk up beside you and hands your new assignment over which honestly startles you at times.
Wish he could've met you under different circumstances, wherever you're in his line of work or not. He'll never be truly satisfied with the way things are, constantly weighing the options.
For now he's enjoying watching you enjoy your favourite snacks and his heart warms when you offer him a generous bite.
Doesn't know what he's feeling towards you, the only thing he knew was his loyalty to Slur and you were gradually changing that one situation at a time.
It started when you'd apply ointments to where his body disconnected even though he was literally designed to be able to be broken and put back together with no effort. But you put in that effort, insisting he should let you and it'd be beneficial in the long wrong, he liked to believe you.
Often shows up to your cubicle at work just to say good morning then walk away, not even waiting for you to respond. You find it oddly charming and he just likes hearing your giggle as he leaves the office.
He believes you're also one of those people whose never done anything worth damning in their entire life. You're so kind and considerate of him he couldn't even fathom you doing anything wrong. Sometimes he hopes he's still capable of dying just so it could be alongside you, doesn't understand what that means fully though, it's just an ideal.
Likes it when you hold his arm, patting it slightly as you give some feedback on the latest mission. Doesn't understand the point in it but is far from complaining, he enjoys your attention and doting words.
Doesn't like to hold delicate things, like cats he really likes them but has a lingering fear he'd accidentally hurt the small thing. Instead he likes watching you hold these fragile things, pointing to them and you pick them up with a questioning look on your face, he makes a motion for you to scratch it's ears, he's pleased when you do.
(Y'all know like those slime stimboard monkey vids💀💀)
He considers you to also be delicate, so you'll never catch him making a move to touch you even though sometimes his bones ache to, he's fine with the brief touches you give him he couldn't ask for anything more.
He's also helplessly down bad for you, instead he tries his best to be helpful to you but you always seem to one up him in that area, especially when you let him crash at your place. Like a true angel.
Doesn't bother with pickup lines he's tried them out and they're not really his thing but sometimes he says something so heartmoving you pause all together. When he notices your reaction he's completely oblivious he's successfully shot his shot, "Pfft look at ya face."
Piisuke loves you because he does, it's like their brains are interlinked. The bird will catch small sight of you and immediately rush over to perch itself on your shoulder and snuggle its beak into your cheek, it hurts but how could you say no. Heisuke already knows that whenever his small partner did this you were likely around, so he's walking up to you bashfully and taking Piisuke back (he's secretly setting the two of you up.)
Showers you with compliments and praise likes it's nothing, words of affirmation is definitely one of his top love languages on hopefully getting you to like him back. But the moment you reciprocate, admiring his terrifyingly precise sniping skill he's so flushed and hot and fumbling his words he just has to slap a hand over his mouth. Needs a minute before he's chucking softly, his hands smoothly over the rough build of the artillery as he thanks you.
The forgetful sort but not when it comes to you, suddenly he remembers everything. Sometimes he comes to you to say something he needs to remember because it's so much easier when it's your face and voice he remembers reprimanding him.
Dreams of a soft domestic life with you, maybe, if you like, a kid or two to complete the picture and of course the family pet as Piisuke. Grins stupidly to himself at the idea of how he'd propose to you (you're not even together yet.)
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silkythewriter · 1 year ago
I had an idea for a few headcanons you could do if ya want—
Maybe Sir Pentious with a reader who is so obviously in love with him, and keeps pining over him while literally everyone else but Sir Pentious himself can tell they like him? Like he's just really oblivous until reader finally straight up tells him.
Sir Pentious with a clearly in love reader!(●’◡’●)❤︎︎
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Warnings!: Non!
Fandoms!:Hazbin hotel!
Summary!: reader who’s clearly in love with our favorite snake demon
❤️Written by silkythewriter Do not steal or repost on any other platform please! ❤️
“Call me, you can call me
Boy, just call me (call me, call me)
While you stalling, I'm evolving
I'd give all me”
!🐍✨Sir Pentious✨🐍!
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First of all, just to get out of the way, THIS MAN IS OBLIVIOUS!!!!, Autism be damned my boy can pull without even telling!!!!!
No but in all seriousness he is oblivious to your obvious longing for him.
Everyone can see you giving him shy longing stares only for him to be ranting about his latest invention. Not only would he not be able to tell but he’d always think your just being nice!
Of course he’s crushing hard behind his bedroom door to his little eggs. Happily stating and going on rambles of how gorgeous you looked today. He’d state everything! From the new hair style you tried to the new piece of clothing you bought and wore. When I mean he notices everything I mean it, but for some reason he can’t pick up on your obvious love for him.
The way he could stare in your eye as you tell him he looks breathtaking and still think you mean it just to be nice is astonishing. OF COURSE HES BLUSHING AND KICKING HIS TAIL, but he can’t bring himself to think you like him anymore than just friends!
He’d go to his egg boys and sadly rant on how you’ll only see him as friend. And the egg boys all share one Brain cell so they can’t tell you like him aswell!, maybe they might accidentally spill, or almost spill the secret of him liking you but he quickly knocks them away before you can make sense of what their saying.
All the residents watch as you do your best to drop hints only for him to complete miss it. Even angel cringes as he watches him completely be oblivious to the obvious flirting, it’s take Charlie and Vaggie to stop him from pointing out the obvious.
Husk almost always gives Sir Pentious as gaze of just utter confusion and tiredness.
He’d gladly take flowers from you that you gifted him and take care of it for weeks on end without realizing the romantic gesture!
Alastor, as always finds it humorous, although he usually doesn’t indulge himself in romantic like things he’s find it hilarious. “Even with three eyes he still can’t see the obvious! Ha!”
Charlie tries to help to the best of her ability to help guid him the right direction but it’s just end up with him more confused. Vaggie just face slaps internally,
honestly the whole crew wasn’t having high hopes for him as dim as that is. , look! He ain’t bad looking, but not many people would prefer his clumsy self, so they were honestly hoping he’d figure it out before you possibly moved on.
Even when your upset at the obvious frustrating situation he’s still be confused while trying to do his best to comfort you.
“Well I think the man isss clearly as dumb as a rock!”
It took you starring dead in his eyes for him to question if you were alright. Before you stated it was him
The way he just stood staring at you in pure disbelief, before snapping out of it and embarrassed as his previous words. But after the said embarrassment he’s full with giddy, why of course you love him!, he’s the great sir pentious!
Yea his embarrassment would quickly turn into pride, considering he got someone as beautiful as you to fall for him.
Definition of a clumsy gentlemen, he’d open doors so fast it’d smack him in the face, or pull when it’s a push door and be confused why it’s not opening.(´ω`💧)
He’s just a silly lil guy! (⸝⸝ᵕᴗᵕ⸝⸝)
I feel like the crew in the hotel would be relief to find he finally figured out.
At the end of the night he’s squealing like a high school girl as he rambles to his egg boys about you in a new light!.
He’s gift you small little trinkets or happily spend hours with you talking!
He’s as lovesick as your are! He’s just a bit dense when it comes to accepting the fact you love.
It’s like the roles switched! Now he’s daydreaming-ly staring at you happy to have you as his, and him a yours.
Like I’ve said before! He’s a total drama queen, he can’t help it!, deny him a kiss teasingly? He’s crumbling down to the ground and holding his chest as if he just had a heart attack! (¬_¬)
He’s not at all secretive of his love for you, even if he wants to, to keep his image “professional”, he just can’t help and dote on you!
overall he’s a big dote and softy even if he tries to hide it, loves you with his whole being! ( ˘ω˘ ) He can a be a bit over the top sometimes but you’ll come to accept it! And hey who wouldn’t want a silly snake demons who’s tripping over their tail for you. Yea you got him in and over his head but he wouldn’t have it any other way. The roles have truly reversed(≖ᴗ≖✿)
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psychemochanight · 2 months ago
So... Dick Grayson's Headcanons :D (this gonna be a long post-)
Some mine and some from the fandom!
Obviously not all of them (I don't have all of them in mind right now), but as you know, we will continue to post them here anyway🤙
And I already mentioned some of them before, but I'll mention some of them again anyway.
First I remind you that these are just HC and/or things that I like to project onto the character, you don't have to agree or share them with me, if you don't like one, just skip it please, you don't need to come here to discuss because of a HC of a fictional character.
I also advise that, although I always try to ensure that the HCs do not interfere with the canon, some may contradict it (mostly because I forget certain details of the canon- lmao).
Disclaimer made (?), let's go to it ✨
Dick has the body of a person who does calisthenics, an acrobat's body, indeed, more than that of an Olympic male gymnast.
(Ignoring canon on the first one, lmao). But yes, I like to think that Dick doesn't have as much muscle as Bruce, that way he can keep his flexibility intact, because, no matter how flexible you are, if you have too much muscle, you lose mobility, so, yeah. Still, he have more muscle than the average acrobat, but not as much as a gymnast... Kinda sleeper build.
Many heroes thought Dick was a meta.
Mainly due to his flexibility, others for more silly things like being able to understand Flash when he speaks.
Dick has a very messy eating schedule, He often forgets to eat and sometimes eats twice as much, not because he is hungry, but because he has forgotten whether he has eaten or not.
He doesn't eat much junk food, although he is constantly on a sugar rush. Anyway, thanks to Bitewing he has a better schedule now, since he doesn't forget to feed her, and he takes advantage of the opportunity to eat something too. He still doesn't sleep enough tho.
Although he seems to be the most relaxed in his family, he is the second most paranoid after Bruce.
Paranoia + anxiety, more specifically. He takes it as best he can.
Ironically, despite his paranoia, he is the one who trusts the others the most in his entire family; but he always has a plan in his head in case he is betrayed.
He doesn't have anger issues, not all the time at least... The poor guy is just overstimulated.
Except when he is underestimated for being a "pretty boy", then the anger is real.
He is quick to learn to play instruments given his high muscle memory and keen ear.
Canonically he knows how to play guitar and also some piano.
Although Bruce knows more languages, Dick is the most fluent in them.
Bruce knows the languages, but he makes the typical mistake of thinking in his native language and then translating. Dick does have the ability to think directly in other languages.
When he gets angry, Dick talks very fast and starts mixing up languages, so even though Bruce knows all the languages Dick is speaking, can't keep up because he needs to translate everything.
Continuing with languages, I like YJ's idea of Dick butchering the English language... So, yeah, he actually does that.
But he doesn't do it because English is not his first language (even if he has Romani ancestry, his first language will probably be English, since it was the common language in the circus), but because he has spoken too many languages since he was little, then they get mixed up in his mind and when a word doesn't come to mind in English, he just makes up another one. Sometimes he just says the word in another language.
Another one about languages: even if he canonically only speaks 10-12 languages, for me he actually speaks/understands many more, he's just not fluent in them so he doesn't count them.
He is an AUDHD person, without diagnosis, but on more than one occasion his friends said it to him.
Barbara especially, has been telling him this since they were younger.
As an added bonus: AUDHD is harder to diagnose than ADHD or autism alone, since it is known that the characteristics of each one can diminish or even cancel the characteristics of the other; at the same time, it can increase other traits, but these may be wrongly attributed to other conditions.
I say this as someone from the field of psychology, please don't think I'm making this up.
So, Most of the "weird" things they noticed about Dick they attributed to his growing up environment and subsequent PTSD... Which is partly true, but not entirely true.
He knows too many random facts that no one knows where he learned them from, not even him.
He's on the asexual spectrum, probably demisexual, and biromantic.
This doesn't mean that he can't "enjoy" it, but he definitely doesn't feel the same as he doesn't feel a real attraction due to the lack of connection.
He liked the rain.
It's not exactly a trigger, but he doesn't like it like he used to.
If you understand, you understand.
He doesn't like compliments about his physical appearance, but he responds egocentrically to compliments about his other qualities, although this is to hide his shame, he does not know how to take compliments.
He prefers to act to hide his embarrassment, otherwise he ends up as a bundle of nerves.
He definitely did the thing more than once where he went to Metropolis and jumped off a building to get Clark's attention instead of visiting him like a normal person.
He loves it when his friends are the ones who initiate the hugs, especially since most of them lift him off the ground when they hug him. He'll never say it, but he loves this.
Although he acts like an older brother to everyone, the moment someone older is with him, he becomes an annoying younger brother.
He only does it with people he trusts, tho, since it requires him to let his guard down a little.
This is a very normal trait in older siblings, actually, and most of the time it is unconscious, and it is even more common if they were only children for a long time.
He likes to act dumb so the bad guys will underestimate him.
The bad thing is that sometimes even his family forgets that he is also considered a genius.
Here we ignore what DC did with Dick by making him more focused on leadership, he was always a child prodigy and always will be.
Alfred taught him to clean in specific ways because Dick complained a lot about the texture that certain objects had if they were not cleaned properly.
He also taught him cooking tricks, because otherwise Dick would starve because he doesn't like to eat many things.
He only likes chips... And also football.
It's pretty good in all kinds of art, He may not be a artist like Damian, or a dancer like Cass, but he holds his own in those disciplines as well.
He mainly uses drawing to draw structures or spoken portraits rather than for artistic and recreational purposes.
He only dances at events to which he is invited or any type of mission that requires it.
Tbf, canonically, he does know how to draw and dance, it is the reasons why he does them that is a HC.
He also knows how to do things like sewing and so on, his mother taught him to fix his own clothes.
He doesn't have a favorite color, but he tells people it's blue because it just makes sense to everyone.
He likes to wear superhero merch.
He can't stay in an office for the sake of his sanity, prefers dynamic jobs.
He also changes jobs very often even though he is good most of them, he gets bored.
He took too many online courses, he just never claims certification so it looks like he didn't study any degree.
Sometimes he just sits quietly with Damian watching animal documentaries without a narrator.
He often complains that Bruce never let him have a pet.
He knows perfectly well why he couldn't, he never had time to take care of one, he just likes to complain about it.
He is the one who scares his siblings the most, but none of them admit it.
He is the most stealthy (with Cass), a consequence of his bright yellow coat when he was a kid. Jason is the next stealthiest, but Dick is the one with the "light feet."
He definitely understands synesthesia.
He discussed many times with people about what color Monday is and what number is orange.
Summer is too hot and winter is too cold, he is team temperate, thank you very much.
He listens to music very often, he also sings to himself whenever he is not listening to music.
He knows lullabies in several languages, even those he doesn't actively speak.
He helps comfort frightened small children, and entertains older children with juggling and magic tricks.
His resistance to pain is terrifying, but when he is in serious pain, his childhood accent becomes thick.
He camouflages his childhood accent as an adult, adopting the Gotham accent, but can still use his real accent or imitate any other.
He often imitates the voices of the people he is talking to when they are being hypocritical, or simply to annoy them.
Although he mostly makes bad jokes, he is actually more than capable of making genuinely very funny jokes and pranks, he simply made bad jokes part of his personality since they were the ones that made Bruce laugh the most.
Although he grew up in the circus and knows more swear words than he should, he's not really a person who casually swears. He grew up being around people, especially children, so he knows how to control himself pretty well in that regard.
However, he knows how to destroy someone with words in a much more damaging way than with simple insults, even more than insulting them in every language there is and will be.
He looks pretty all the time, this annoys his friends and especially his brothers a lot.
Cass doesn't care about it, she finds it interesting and kind of funny.
He likes to braid Donna's hair. <3
And this is all that comes to my mind right now, but I will add more in reposts if I remember others, because I know I have more- especially since I didn't actually add HC of him as Robin or Nightwing-
And if you notice any mistakes, sorry, writing too much actually messes with my brain... and my English-
Edit: Here's part 2 :D
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raycatzdraws · 4 days ago
Wind and Spirit have a bad time in the Sacred Realm!
It's my Spirit Tracks x LU fic / concept / thing! There are a couple written scenes which can be read on AO3! This is one of them and can be read [here!]. I don't see myself continuing this project, but even so, I want to say some thank yous (under the read more)!
The animatic has no audio, but if it did, it would be Robot Soldiers from Castle in the Sky.
The project isn't something I think I'll be finishing, but that said, it's been fun to work on.
I know it's just a silly unfinished fic and some art and maybe I'll come back to it, however, I am just a little guy with so much gratitude! It meant so much to me to be so welcomed by the LU fandom when I initially posted that Spirit Tracks LU art compilation in 2021. (this one!) The art and fic couldn't have been made without the incredible art, writing, support, and headcanon brainstorming from the people around me and the inspiration I found in their works and ideas.
Thank you to everyone who's left comments and kind tags!
Thank you to @esthelle-wanders for the excited comments and support over the years.
Thank you to @snowylynxx for her Spirit Tracks LU comics which gave me so much motivation and whose Spirit design I've been borrowing.
To @theegh0st. I adore your art! A frame from the pump trolley animation has been your header for so long and it's so fun to see it when visiting your blog. It's been an honor!
And thank you so much to Wicked (@spirit-tracks) and Train (@fuckit-hero-of-trains) for 1) being unhinged in the best possible way about Spirit Tracks and 2) for your incredible writing <3
If you like Spirit in LU fics, then I really recommend Keeping Track of the Little Things by wickedcriminal. Wicked started a headcanon post about Spirit [here], it got picked up and added to, I made some art, and Wicked made a fic. Spirit worrying about his place in the group and stressing about time management is a headcanon I'm fond of. Worrying about schedules is something Time can probably relate on, and so it's something I wanted to include for them to connect over in a moment of downtime. Though the setting and stakes are different, Wicked has already written something similar to how I imagine the scene would play out, and it's absolutely wonderful.
!!! The project meant so much at the time! Some of the work I did on the lore is so cool!!! There's a bit of lore about the Triforce that was given in OoT which we hadn't seen happen in a game, but that I wanted for the Spirit Tracks fic, so I plotted it out. So then (spoilers for Echoes of Wisdom) to see it in Echoes was really cool!!!! It was really validating that, yeah I read that right and executed it how it was meant to! >:) There's other stuff too, but anyways aaaa
I just don't see myself completing it, though. It feels kind of bad to give it away but I also need to be free of it. It's been nearly four years... which is wild!
Thank you again for reading and for the support and enthusiasm up to now. It means a lot to know there were people invested in a story I made. It's small and fragmented, but still. Thank you.
(maybe maybe maybe I'll draw a couple more scenes as I have been, but for the fic, I am releasing writing while also saying it's going to be unfinished and discontinued asjdsahdgs sorry 'xD is that a thing people can do? I think the scenes are cool! That's just,,, all I'm able to write I think. Can people post just- isolated scenes? ,,,, That's definitely a thing. I still felt like I should say something. ANYWAYS <3 See ya!)
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boofindoopin · 2 months ago
I rant at 5 in the morning tehe
I’ve been seeing a rise of people getting upset at the fact that people are acting like the gods are our imaginary friends, and not deities that deserve worship and respect. Which, I totally agree with. I absolutely hate it when people act like our religion is a silly little fandom that they can make up their own factoids.
But, at the same time, I think many people in the community who have more serious worship styles, are forgetting that not everyone does.
When the posts are saying “the gods aren’t your friends” or something along the lines of that, really just completely disregards people who have more casual, more friend like relationships with their deities! I treat Thanatos more as a friend than anything.
I am still respectful, I don’t call him any of the things I would call my best friend, (because me and my irl friends call eachother gay bastards) but, I do silly shit with him, as I would with a friend. I’ve also asked him if he wanted me to start being less casual, and he immediately said no. He likes the bond we have.
I take on a more serious approach with Lord Ares and Lady Aphrodite. I feel it suits them better. I don’t think I could say some of the things I say to Thanatos to Ares or Aphrodite (once I stuck my tounge out at him because he wouldn’t let me sing him happy birthday. I apologize don’t worry, he laughed at me and said it was funny. I feel bad about it still 😭) but to me it’s the difference between the way you talk to your friend and the way you talk to a mentor/guardian.
I think @khaire-traveler made a similar point to me. Anyways, my point is. Yes, I agree it is annoying how people outside of the community (and inside sometimes) disrespect the gods and treat the religion as fandom. But, I do think we need to remember that not all of us worship the same :)
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lilislegacy · 11 months ago
Okay, I’ve been thinking about something lately
All the time I see people make statements about Percy that start with “Percy would never…”
Some examples I’ve seen: “percy would never kill someone/something in front of his mom” “percy would never yell at someone he loves” “percy would never get drunk” “percy would never let his child go to camp-half blood”
Now if you passionately believe one of those, hear me out. I’m not necessarily saying I disagree!
I’m saying… who would have ever thought Percy would torture a goddess and choke her on her own poison? And…. enjoy doing it? If someone had said that on tumblr pre-HoH, every single comment and reblog would have been “PERCY WOULD NEVER!!” I mean, who would have thought Percy would do a million things he’s done? He’s done some very not so ‘silly little guy’ stuff. He is an extremely complex character. In his own head and to some people, he’s sweet and fun and silly, but to many people he’s reckless and scary and dangerous. Some people see him as someone who’s very gentle and relaxed, but some people see him as someone who’s quick to get very angry and cause destruction. And the truth is, he’s all of it. It depends on his mood. Consistency does not apply to him in many aspects. He has consistent traits, like loyalty, humor, and bravery, but his actual actions and reactions are NOT consistent. I understand why we think Percy would never do certain things. We think we know based off of his past and his history with his mom, or with Gabe, or with Luke. And I’m not saying I think he would do those things, but unless he specifically states it, we can NOT, ever, infer what Percy Jackson might or might not do.
Like for instance, the drinking thing. I am not saying percy would be a big drinker, if one at all. And he probably does have an aversion to the smell of beer because of how the apartment used to smell when he was young. But we have no evidence that Percy associates all alcohol with Gabe. Alcoholic drinks aren’t just foul smelling hard liquors. There are a million different forms that you can consume alcohol in - some of which don’t even smell like alcohol, and barely taste like it. And in The Chalice of the Gods, it’s said that Sally drinks a glass of wine every night. And Percy thinks Sally hangs the freaking moon. So if his mom drinks, he definitely doesn’t believe that alcoholic beverages = the enemy. And here’s the thing, if Annabeth and Piper and Leo were all drinking and having a good time, like college students do, and they go “Hey Percy, come sit and have a drink with us!” there’s a very good chance that he’s so comfortable with his best friends, and just wants to let loose and be a college kid, that he wouldn’t even think about Gabe. He’d just be like “Sounds fun! Count me in!” But I don’t know. That’s the point. I don’t know. Maybe he would, maybe he wouldn’t. I truly think it could go either way. And even if he does drink, maybe he never - not even once - gets drunk. Maybe he’d drink in college and as a young adult, but when he becomes a father one day, he decides he doesn’t want his children to ever smell so much as a drop of alcohol on his breath, and therefore completely stops drinking. Or maybe he doesn’t ever like it, even in college. Or maybe he’s like his mom, and he and Annabeth just have a glass of wine with dinner. Who knows?
Not us. That’s what I’m saying. WE don’t know.
I’m not saying we can’t have headcanons based on what we know about him. I have a million. But the point is, I feel like we can’t try to pretend like we actually know what Percy wouldn’t do. As a fandom, we analyze him and his choices WAY more than he ever thinks about a single choice. He definitely does not think about his life and his actions as much as we do. (I’m not saying that he’s dumb or doesn’t contemplate his life and his actions, but he doesn’t nearly do it to the degree that we do.) Us, we pretend like it’s simple math. (Our first mistake, since math is consistent and full of rules, which is the exact opposite of Percy’s character.) We go “okay luke did this and gabe did this so therefore percy would never do this.” But Percy doesn’t think that way most of the time, especially not in heat of the moment matters. The only thing we 100% know about Percy is that he will always be loyal to his loved ones. But even then, we don’t know what that loyalty will look like. Is it sacrificing himself for someone? Is it murdering the enemy? Is it manipulating someone else? Percy lives in the moment. He doesn’t often think too much before he acts. He just acts. Whether it’s in a life of death situation, or his after school activity for the day. He is unpredictable, like the ocean. It’s one of his defining traits.
Honestly, I think that’s why annabeth is so drawn to him. With everyone else, she can read them super easily and know their next move. But with Percy, she has no idea. Which is frustrating to her, but also exciting. It’s a big part of her initial attraction to him. It’s also why many of us like him so much. We don’t know what’s coming next, and we never know what he will do in a situation. Like, how could we possibly know what he would or wouldn’t do when HE doesn’t even know? Half the time I don’t think Rick himself even knows.
We become so sure that Percy wouldn’t do something because we understand his character so well, right? But I think the truth is, the minute we become certain about what Percy would or wouldn’t do, is the minute we don’t understand his character at all.
Thank you for reading my analysis of Percy on why we can’t reliably analyze Percy
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tulisydan · 2 months ago
What are the top 5 most underrated bojere moments that actually have the ability to save and heal the universe if the world just saw their true potential?
Oh no. Only 5??? I have like hundred. This needs some serious thinking…
Not in particular older:
1. Crush
Jere being asked if he has a crush with someone from the competition and him being all khihih giggle giggle blushing. Bojan being asked the same question later and him answering that of course he had a cruch. With someone who he spent a lot of time with.
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2. Bojan spiraling when Jere was at Alessandra’s gig at Tavastia.
Bojan was posting some very restless stuff on his instagram while Jere, Häärijä and Alessandra were having so much fun at the backstage of Tavastia. Then he wrote this very normal comment under Alessandra’s pic where she, jere and häärijä were shirtless:
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Bro never even comments on Alessandra’s social media posts.
3. Bojan posting drunk-Jere’s face after he left Finland
”Airport vibez” give me a break, dude just needed an excuse to post that silly cute face and his silly cute hair. He probably was crying his eyes out while watching back all the photos of Jere he took. All close-ups of course.
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4. Jere being mystifyed by Bojan’s vacation behavior.
Okay I don’t know if this is that underrated but it’s STILL too underrated because I think about it all the time! And not just the stuff he says but his serious fucking expression when he says it! His huge, serious eyes and a little nod after ”he only read book”. Looking at Jan like he’s waiting some big reaction. No way! A Book! He’s so weird! Instead he got: What book it was? Idk some Finnish guy, it doesn’t matter Jan!!!
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Also the serious way he says: bojan is a seacret man. I don’t know all the thing of Bojan. But I love.
5. The second seacret hug after Ruisrock.
What’s the first thing you do after the concert Bojan? Running to Jere to give him a long and hard hug? Okay.
I’m weak. Under the cut some honorable mentions:
- Bojan noticing fan’s bulbasaur hoodie and blurting ”Bulbasaur” in Jere’s accent. He probaly didn’t even realize he said it out loud at first.
- Jere singing Frontside Ollie by Robin to Bojan after they arrived from Cyprus. Why did he do that? What else he sings to him?
- Bojan blushing, twirling his hair and kicking his feet when he finally got Jere’s attention when Joker Out was being ”interviewd” by Käärijä in the Sauna.
- Bojan’s comeback to instagram while he was in Finland. Twice. But the one during nordic tour is close to my heart when he posted cute pic of Jere with a wig on.
- Jere’s instagram live with his dancers, asking them ”why do I keep saying Carpe diem” and them being all ”hmm wonder why”.
- The airport video is very underrated. Bojan mouthing ”love you” and then running away. Jere’s ”I miss you” when he JUST left. Bojan turning around like three times and at the final time Jere stopping filming (cause he run to hug him one last time)
- Jere liking fan made videos of Bojan on instagram. Especially the video where Bojan is being gentle with a fucking demon baby and the one with bojan smiling and laughing while All of me is playing in the backround.
- Bojan imitating Jere ONE DAY AFTER he met him for the first time. Already so fucking fond of him and thinking he has a cutest accent in the whole world.
- When after the cruise gig Jere talked with some fans and a fan showed him their fan art and Jere only paying attention to the ones that were drawings of Bojan.
- when a fan asked Bojan about Baby Lasagna and he answered that he doesn’t like his eurovision song/performance because it’s way too similiar with Cha cha cha (Cue some stupid fandom drama where Bojan was once again the worst person in the WORLD for saying this sigh let him stand up for his man!!)
- Jere becoming all of a sudden Slovenia’s number 1 fan in eurovision 2023 right after he met Bojan. Not transparent at all.
- when they were bowling last february, Bojan’s name on the scoreboard was Anže, a Slovenian NHL-player. Obviously this means that Bojan was playing ice hockey with Jere and his friends that morning.
- Jere filming Bojan at Turku. Bojan smiling because he felt that Jere was being very close to him, only to get jumpscared cause there was a phone on his face. Giggle giggle.
- this exchange in Käärijä x Joker out ig live in turku. It’s not much but for me it gives a little peak to their soft way to interact:
Jere: ”Tomorrow come new song, do you wanna say something?”
Bojan: ”Yes. Hyvää iltaa instagram”
Jere: ”Do you wanna say something more?”
Bojan: ”No 😊”
Also. Most underrated moment will always and forever be ”is bojan here? 🥺”
Here’s most of the moments mentioned:
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saturngas · 8 months ago
Hello! I hope you are well 🩷
E It may sound cliché or a bit stupid, but I'm genuinely curious about the fandom's opinion on Gojo's ideal type. The few things I found are a little shallow and nothing very elaborate, or from a few years ago when we didn't have so much Gojo in the manga. SO WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT THIS? 🥺
gojo’s ideal type
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helloooo thank you so much for this ask. I love this kind of asks because they make me think hard hhaha
but anyways I really think gojo wouldn't have like an exact idea of an ideal type regarding personality and appearance, the only thing he would focus on/prefer is that his s/o understands him.
so we are hinted multiple times throughout the whole story that gojo feels alone, especially after geto's departure, and that the main reason is his unreachable strength. he is the strongest sorcerer. he doesn't really look for a super strong partner, but I would definitely think he prefers someone strong or with a cool technique.
some people affirm that gojo values people measuring their strength, and I kind of agree with it, but to say he only see the strength of people is wrong, I would say that he looks for people with potential (like he has stated before with megumi) and definitely people with a strong mindset.
so I really dont wanna make this a gojo's character analysis hahah sorry so ill answer your question directly, just wanted to make that clear before stating my beliefs.
I think gojo would settle for someone who thinks like him, regarding the jujutsu world. he wants to change it, so he wants people who think like him to be next to him.
if that person, like I said before, has a strong mindset and unbreakable personality, I think that would be a huge plus. I feel like gojo likes dense people, someone who doesn't really changes their opinion like super fast, someone in control of their beliefs.
now regarding a bit of personality, I think gojo would get along with almost all personalities. he is very smart and honestly very kind at heart, so he would look for positive traits in every personality. buuuut if I had to be a bit more specific, I think he would like a bit more a woman with a demanding personality. like not exactly someone who is dominant over him, but kind of. hahah he likes seeing someone trying to boss him around considering he is the strongest and can do anything he wants, so meeting someone with such guts makes him wanna know more about that person.
a kind person would also be a plus. well, not exactly super kind, but someone who helps others. lets remember he is a teacher after all, so he would look for someone who cares for others, especially the younger generation. I think he would prefer someone with a similar profession as his. it doesn't have to be an educator just like him, but like I said before, someone who cares for the youth.
a bit of an unpopular opinion hehe but I simply cant see gojo with someone who doesn't have a similar humor as his. like we always see people getting annoyed at gojo for being such an idiot, so I really think his partner needs to-has to be just as silly and goofball as he is. like someone who supports his jokes and antics. I cant see him with someone super serious or someone who is plainly boring.
I think the perfect match for gojo is someone with the same energetic and passionate energy as him. he would love someone who is also clingy or physical as him, I feel like he loves giving and receiving physical affection. that doesn't mean he doesn't appreciate the other love languages, but I think he loves receiving touches, words of affirmation, and service acts.
so in summary, I think gojo's ideal type would be someone who agrees with him/has the same purpose as him regarding the corrupted jujutsu sorcery, someone who is fraternal and supportive of the youth, someone who can match his silly and quirky personality, someone with a corresponding humor as his, someone physically and emotionally strong, someone passionate and intense about their own dreams and goals, someone who understands his position as the strongest and is there next to him anytime he needs reassurance, someone who can read him easily since he isn't overly open, and someone who would love him and demonstrate love just as him or even more (he would love that).
I definitely think he is a tits guy.
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taglist: @snwvie @fanficsforkicks @soulaires <3 so guys right now im out of town so I won't be making super long and specific content for a few days. but once I get back to home ill be working on parts 2 of some fics :))
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sunflowerrosewood · 9 months ago
Let Me Between Those Thick Thighs ~ Alastor
Author's Note: Since my other account @cheekyredwillow got deleted. I am adding some of my favorite fanfictions to this account and revamping this one with new ones. I hope to make an actual list of fandoms I am still a fan of! NO requests for the time being.
Warnings: This is a smutty story. Minors DNI. Read at your own risk. Reader is AFAB and plus size.
You have been dating Alastor for a couple months now. It was interesting how you two got together because it had to do with Charlie. Apparently Alastor had been harboring a crush on you since you arrived as a maid for the hotel. As silly as it sounds, you looked very soft and like you did not belong in Hell. It had to be one of those mistaken identities again. But when Alastor watched you pick a large demon over your shoulder and threw him down the stairs for making sexual comments, he realized that there was no mistake.
He had watched you from afar and loved every minute. Charlie knew how much Alastor liked you because he got drunk one night and began to delve into his desires to protect you, love you, and even have you under him. He bragged that having a plump stomach made you look soft yet strong. Your large ass was so full that he would love to squeeze it as he walked by. And he loved how the maid outfit showed the stretch marks on your body. Charlie made it her mission to get you two together because then you confessed how much you loved Alastor. 
You two got together after Charlie asked you to clean Alastor’s room. He was going on and on how to ask you out to Niffty as she was sitting and avidly listening. You had walked in when he said you would not love a man like him and you just had to confess. That’s how you two became a couple. 
But since you two have been together for going on three months, you two haven’t had a whole lot of time together. It was always him running the hotel while you were cleaning it. You never had to worry about unwanted guests as Alastor would usually torture them. But you two really wanted time together. 
You were thinking of how Alastor always promised when you were ready to worship your entire body. It always made your panties wet and sometimes you just had to walk around with them soaked. Alastor would always get off in his office just thinking about your large breasts and plump stomach bouncing as he pounded into you. 
It was also your 4th month anniversary in the next week and Charlie and Vaggie knew how much you two needed time off. So they gave you the next week off and told Alastor to take the next week off. Even with his stubborn attitude, he took time off. And as soon as Charlie gave you two time off, it came just as quick.
The only thing that began to bug your mind was the night of your anniversary was the next day. You were hoping to tell Alastor that you would like to have your first time with him but the little voice in the back of your mind said to not say anything. You are fat. Why would Alastor want your body? 
“Y/n? You ready for bed? Tomorrow is our anniversary.” Alastor said softly as he bent down to kiss your temple.
“How did I get so lucky?” You sighed as he squeezed your ass and caused you to gasp.
“You mean that the other way around. I’m one of the most vile demons in Hell and here you are loving me like a teddy bear.” He teased as he kissed your lips gently. 
You got into bed and Alastor immediately held you against him. His face was burrowed into your neck to breathe in your scent. Your mind still raced with the thought of Alastor not wanting to be sexually with you. You sighed and fell asleep. 
As you woke up the next day, you smelled fresh breakfast and noticed Alastor with a tray of food. He must have not woken up that long ago because his hair was standing on all ends. 
“Morning Love.” Alastor said in a deep voice. You felt a chill go down your spine.
“Morning Al.” You said lovingly as he sat down to eat with you.
The entire day was just you two staying in bed and talking about everything. Luckily television was a thing and you two could watch whatever shows you wanted to. As you two were laying in bed, you felt Alastor’s hand run under his oversized shirt you were wearing to rub your thick thighs. You blushed as Alastor began to pepper your neck with kisses. 
“Alastor.” You whimpered. 
“I won’t push you darling.” Alastor whispered against your neck. 
“Are you sure you want to be with me? Like sexually?” You asked as you felt something hard press against your ass. 
“I have been thinking about it for a while how much I wanted to make love to you.” Alastor growled in your ear and massaged your thigh. Wetness pooled into your panties as Alastor smirked. “And I can tell you have been thinking about it too.”
His hands began to go deep between your legs and you felt him tap your panties. He began to rub softly as his other hand was kneading your breast through his shirt. Your nipples perked through the shirt and you let out a moan.
“Tell me you don’t want this and I’ll stop. But if you do not say a word, I won’t be able to stop.” Alastor growled as you spread your legs.
“Please Al, have me.” You whimpered as Alastor’s lips met yours in a harsh kiss. It warmed your body up immediately. Alastor pulled you to him as your eyes widened.
“I’m too heavy!” You exclaimed as Alastor yanked you onto his lap. His hard cock pressed against your panties.
“Fuck I can’t wait to show you how much you mean to me.” Alastor growled as he nibbled down your neck. He nibbled until he found a soft spot just where your neck met your collarbone. His sharp teeth bit down and you let out a deep moan. The blood dribbled as Alastor lapped at your neck. He left a large bruise on your neck as he left more hickies down your neck.
Alastor was already unbuttoning your shirt and your large breasts dropped out. You saw Alastor lick his lips as his red eyes blew with lust. He pulled you forward from the middle of his chest down so he could suck and nibble on your breasts. You felt more of your cum coating your panties as he began to leave hickies on your breasts. 
“Al please.” You whimpered as he squeezed your thighs.
“I am going to love every part of your body and I will show you.” Alastor growled as he tugged your panties off. You whimpered at the cold air as Alastor pulled you to straddle his face.
“But Al-”
“If you say you’re heavy one more time. I will have you begging for release.” Alastor growled before pulling you down onto his mouth. “Now let me between these beautiful thighs.”
Before you could think twice, his tongue began lapping at your pussy. He held your thighs tight against his face as he drank your cum like a man who needs water. He laps at your clit as his long fingers delved into you. He began to thrust his fingers in and out of you.
“Oh Alastor!” You moaned as he began to use his sharp teeth to nip at your clit. You were squirming as you felt a tightness in your stomach. You began to hump his face looking for relief as his fingers curled to hit your g spot.
The dam broke as you let out a scream and came hard. Your cum dripped into Alastor’s mouth as he continued to lap all of your juices. You were squirming away as you were oversensitive. As Alastor pulled back, he pushed you down onto the bed and his hard chest met your breasts. He bent down and kissed every part of you. From your inner thighs, to your plump stomach, to your perky large breasts, to the soft lips of yours. You could taste yourself in the kiss as Alastor began to drop down his pants. You noticed his red and engorged cock drop out and precum leaked from the top. 
Before you could ask him to let you up so you could pleasure him, he slammed his cock into your pussy. You yelped as it was your first time and Alastor began to kiss your tears.
“I know it hurts love. Tell me when to move.” Alastor said as you were digging your nails into his back.
“Please move! God Alastor move.” You begged as you saw his smile turn into a smirk. 
“Never knew my girl was such a begger. I’ll have to do this more often.” Alastor said as he began to thrust. “But now, I want you.”
His thrusts began to speed up just so Alastor could watch your body bounce with his thrusts and your eyes roll back. He spent most of his time thrusting and kissing every part of his body. 
“You are so beautiful Y/n. You are bouncing so nice on my cock. I love watching your breasts and stomach bounce. I love you so damn much Y/n. Fuck you are so tight and warm around my cock. I can’t wait to cum in you.” Alastor growled. 
His thrusts got harder as you were trying to meet his thrusts. Another orgasm ripped through you and caused you to scream his name. You were babbling his name as he rubbed and scratched your body to leave his marks. Alastor was growling your name and other dirty words as he came. A flood of his seed gushed into you and filled you to the brim. Alastor’s thrusts got sloppy as he sighed. He leaned down to kiss you as he pulled out. 
“You look so divine dripping in my cum. I’ll give you a break for now but there will be more rounds.” Alastor said as he nipped your earlobe. 
You sighed as you felt his cum drip out of you and down your thighs. He continued to leave kisses down your neck as fingers were rubbing your clit softly. You whimpered as Alastor continued to kiss you.
“Shush my dear. I will satisfy you for this entire week.” Alastor growled in your ear before kissing the first hickey. 
That entire week you were left satisfied and unable to walk. Alastor usually brought food and water to bed or to take a bath. You two would have to ask another week off just for you to recover and to keep Alastor sedated. 
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thatbuddie · 10 months ago
ok so bear with me here, this theory is based on nothing but vibes and dreams and delusions.
buddie is going canon in 8x12 which is also episode 118 of 911.
i still find it so interesting that they decided to make bi buck canon (i will never ever ever ever get over bi buck canon, btw) in episode 100 of the show. i know that nowadays episodes 100 of shows are not as big as they used to be (mainly because shows rarely make it to them) but they still mean something big. something big enough to warrant press and cakes and such. and what did 911 do with their 100th episode? they made it about bi buck. in a way that forever links the essence of 911 and bi buck forever. and i find that so incredibly beautiful.
it would be logical to argue that episode 8x12, which is episode number 118 of the show that revolves around station 118, has the potential to be something different and special too. i think that the best way to honor this would be by making it a mostly lighthearted team-focused episode. give me bottle episode at the station where the team receives 0 calls all shift, give me an episode from the 3rd person pov of the people that they help on calls and how they view the 118, give me a the 118 gets locked in a room silly episode, just give me something fun and heartfelt that shows the 118 as the family that they are!!! and then.... and then....
give me the first real confirmation of buddie going canon at the end of the episode. and i mean the very last scene of it.
they already connected a big episode (7x04 aka episode 100) with a very big moment that many many fans had been waiting for (bi buck). why not connect the other very core episode of the show (their 118 episode which is nothing really and yet so special of them) with the other big anticipated thing that fans have been dying for for years.
and like y'all, bi buck is important in and of itself and i hope we all know that. but bi buck is so intrinsically connected to buddie too. and i mean both in fandom and in the canon as well. like we know what subset of fandom has been reading buck as bisexual for seasons now and it's not most of the casual viewers (though i hope some did). it was the buddie fandom. and in 7x04 the way that buck's realization arc was so incredibly connected with eddie and their friendship is astounding. like i still can't believe that it went that way. and that is a deliberate choice. there were a thousand ways in which they could have done it and then said "we are putting eddie diaz, evan buckley's best friend and the guy that everyone who wants bi buck ships him with, in the center of it." so it would be very on brand for producers and writers to give us the actual buddie of it all in episode 118 which could be an episode to touch the core of the show -found family, the firefighting aspect, the hope- which at this point includes buddie as well.
now we know NOTHING about s8 right now so this is where more vibes just get added but it would also make sense that it happens in 8x12 because that it the second half of the season. i feel like s8 is gonna start a little "dark" (and i just mean sad) for the 118. gerard is gonna be ruining their lives and making everything wrong. and eddie is gonna be doing badly, y'all. of course he is. so we can use the first 8 episodes to "solve" these things. eddie can finally be in therapy again for more than his ptsd. the 118 can be fighting to get bobby buck. the bucktommy relationship can be worked towards a break up that moves buck to the next stage of where he's going. and then s8b starts. and we have a "lighter" feeling. hopefully chris is back. bobby is back. buck and eddie are single and we can see that there is something there but for now it has been things that still maybe not everyone can catch on to. so then 8x12 happens and BOOM. buck and/or eddie realize/aknowledge/voice the truth of it all: it's always been about buddie. and then we have 6 more episodes in the season to explore that!!! which is a pretty fair number, i think.
so yeah, that is my-based-on-nothing-but-i'm-now-convinced-is-happening theory for a buddie canon confirmation in 8x12 aka episode 118 of 911.
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lexxiie · 21 days ago
s/o making dolls that looks just like the apostles?? (Your choosing)
When You Make Them A Doll
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Fandom: Killer Peter Featuring: Nathaniel, John, Thaddeus.
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You have always been a very crafty person, ever since you were a child, those things just came naturally for you. Your school projects were always the coolest, you enjoy crochet, painting, all that kind of stuff. But your biggest hobbie is doll making... You LOVE making dolls and they are always so beautiful, the amount of detail you put into them is impressive, and it is a very personal thing among your closest circle, you only ever make them for your family and close friends. It’s like a gift reserved only for when people are already an incredibly important part of your life... Which is why he has been silently waiting for his to come.
He came home from a very long day at the hospital, eager to finally see you as it's not as late yet, which is unusual. He commonly arrives home around 2 am, but he rushed his rounds today to spend at least a bit of time with you. He's very confused when he opens the door and all lights are off, he really was hoping to find you awake, he missed you all day. The doctor lights a little lamp at the living room, not wanting to disturb your sleep in case you were on the couch, but you were not. He headed to your room, but you weren't there either.
Finally, he went to the studio, where he found you asleep on top of your desk, with something on your hand that he didn't quite know what it w-
A doll. The doll. He carefully picked it up, admiring every little detail, you even sewed a robe for it. The man was so focused and overwhelmed by his emotions that he didn't realize when he woke you up.
You snatched the doll from his hands immediately. "You were not supposed to see it yet, I was gonna wrap it up for you!" Your face showed how upset you were, but he didn't care, his smile didn't fade at all. Nathaniel got down on his knees and gave you the tightest hug he could without risking breaking all your bones. "I thought you would never gift me one." He said, almost as a whisper. The frown on your face softened, "how could I not? You are my favorite person." You said as you returned the hug. The doctor looked up at you, he couldn't remember the last time he had felt this... Excited? Moved? He wasn't sure what it was, but he knew you were not only his favorite person, but the most important person in his life. The one he loved the most.
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He doesn't care about some silly little doll... Right? It's such a stupid thing, whatever, he doesn't need it, he lives with you, he's your partner, that's more important than you making him a doll. He doesn't even like them.
But there's this feeling whenever he visits your parent's home and their dolls are over the fireplace... Even the pets get theirs. Is a dog more important than him? He doesn't want to say he's jealous, but he kind of is. Even your stupid friends have one, your male friends. He hates them. The hates them and those stupid dolls. He can't even see them, so why does he care? He bets your friends got one because they he can see theirs, you must think it's useless to gift something like that to a blind man.
The truth is, the dolls make him very insecure. He doesn't understand why he hasn't got one, he loves you, and you say you love him, but do you? Every single person you love has one, except him.
He is snapped out of his thoughts when your mother tells him that it is his turn to open his gifts. He starts with the gifts your family got him, which is really nice of them, by the way. He loves to feel included in these type of things, even if he doesn't say it.
When he's done with all of them, it's finally your turn. You had already gifted him a couple of things that he opened at your shared home, so he wasn't expecting anything else. He opened the box carefully, having no idea what it could be. His echolocation helped him figure out a silhouette, but it wasn't until he started touching it that he realized what it was. He froze. For a while. He silently stood up and gave you a hug, not saying a thing. "Do you like it?" You asked, "Very much." He responded. He kept his face buried in your neck for a couple of seconds, before looking at you and kissing your lips briefly, but God knows that if your family wasn't watching, he would have kissed you like never before.
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He wants his own doll sooo bad!!! He has even told you so. He doesn't want to force you into making one, so he doesn't mention it often, but he did ask when you first started dating if you would ever make one for him. You said that you would if he earned it.
He has earned it! He has worked for it! Where is his doll?
You have been together for a while now, he has made it clear that he loves you very much and very seriously, he even bought an apartment for the both of you! Yet he doesn't have a doll? How is that possible? What is he doing wrong?
The lack of that damn doll only haunts him on good days, on days when he is happy, like a slap on the face that brings him back to cruel reality. He hates to feel the hot sting of that slap on his very own birthday.
"What´s wrong?" you ask. Your voice brings him back to his cake, and he blows the candles excitedly, you have made this day very special, he´d hate to ruin it with his stupid tantrums.
As you both finish your slices, you reach down under the table to hand him a nicely wrapped box. "It´s for you!" Thaddeus smiles as he opens it... "Fucking finally!" He says out loud, which he didn´t mean to do, but he is just so excited and so... relieved? He thought he wasn't important enough yet, but here it is, and it's so pretty, it looks just like him! The man stands up to hug you, and you realize that your mission of making him enjoy his birthday has succeeded.
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