#all alone in the middle of a wolf pack
envysparkler · 2 years
your original series with Jaime really caught my interest the other day and i was wondering if we could write stuff for the AU if we credit your original work and tag you?
Yup! The more writers that join our little whumpy universe, the merrier! Let's make Jaime suffer.
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How do u feel about a werewolf chasing a prey!reader. but like the reader wants it and it's a game they play often and when he gets her he breeds her over and over apdkwnjdn
Your breath comes in heaving breaths as you tear through the forest. The setting sun casts the path in shadow, you have to take turns looking at the forest ahead of you and down on the underbrush so you don't stumble over a tree root or a loose stone. You can still hear the wolf behind you. You don't dare to look back and see him as he approaches. You can hear him growl behind you, and you know he's gaining.
When it comes to speed, you've got him beat every time... but you're just a sprinter, he's a marathoner, a persistence predator. As the chase goes on you start to lose steam and he's just getting started.
A clawed hand catches you around the middle and a scream leaves your throat as he brings you down to the forest floor, pinning you down, sharp teeth at your throat. For a moment, you both just lay there, catching your breath.
"You're lucky this wasn't a real hunt, little deer," he growls, spreading your clothes off of you in one slash of his massive paws. You knew he was right. If there had been a pack of hungry wolves after you instead of just him you wouldn't have made it half as far.
"I'll escape next time," you tell him, playfully struggling against his hold. His hands clamp down on you and he sinks his teeth into your neck with a warning growl.
"Next time? oh, don't be silly little deer. Now that I've caught you I'm never letting you go, you're mine now," he runs his hands down your body and forces your legs open, growling at the sight of your pussy.
"there it is... my prize," he says quietly, almost to himself, He kisses and bites his way down your body, before pressing his mouth to your pretty 'prize'. He's a wolf, after all, of course, he's going to eat his prey.
He's true to his word, he doesn't plan on letting you up off the ground let alone out of his arms until you're round with his cum, and marked as his mate.
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bubblergoespop · 8 months
My Top Milo Quotes
i wanna devour this man so bad. the original version of this is at least triple the length omfg. @mrsmiagreer it’s finally here <3
“From one pretty face to another.”
“Bedroom? Oh. Ohhh. [gremlin giggling]”
“Cute?! You’re gonna come here, into my home, uninvited, and tell me I look cute when I’m mad? First of all sweetheart, you’re damn right I’m cute—“
“Jesus Christ who taught you how to do healing magic, a construction worker with a jackhammer?!”
“Me and Ash give each other shit all the time. He calls me a runt, I call him a bitch bottom, we laugh, we move on.”
“Cuddled up with you, in front of a fire? That’s a one-way ticket to sleepytown, USA, population: this guy.”
“I do not spoil him! Well whaddya want me to do? He’s my lil guy.”
“I swear to god, if I’m lyin I’m dyin, he looks him dead in the eye and says “if concerns about the future of your relationship with Amanda are weighing on you too heavily, I’m sure I can get by with just Milo and Asher here.”
“Are you Lasky?”
“Touch me and your life will be measured in milliseconds. I can see myself out.”
“It’s back. I’m back.”
“And next thing you know, boom, you’re sitting here, a broken man, barefoot with no fucking dress socks.”
“‘So Mr. Greer, what was it that ultimately pushed you over the edge?’ Oh, I don’t know officer, might have something to do with the walking terror I call a mate.”
“So what if I am sappy? I’m running on sleepy middle of the night brain, you get what you get. Shhh. Hush. Don’t you be mean to me. I’m trying to help.”
“He’s a good little dude. Isn’t that right, bub?
“I got to hold my favorite person in the whole world. And only occasionally had to threaten to choke them out.”
“Mmm. You’re cute. Yeah, I called you cute. What are you gonna do about it? Get grumpy? Just makes you look cuter.”
“Do not call them my ‘titties’ you asshole!”
“Personally, I think I’m better at getting clothes off a ya than putting em on, but I’m ever at your service, baby.”
“No no no, don’t do that button. Yeah. Yeah, leave that one undone.”
“There’s my sweetheart.”
“Yeah. Well, it beats for you, sweetheart. A little more sappy shit for the road.”
“There ya go, that looks perfect! Yeah, what you’re wearing right now! You look fucking incredible in it. Yeah, I know you haven’t even started changing into the next look, what’s your point?”
“When I say you’re my mate, I mean it with every inch of me. When I say it, my core lights up like a firework. And when I feel your core answer it, and mirror it back, it feels like the fourth of fucking July in my chest.”
“I mean, obviously we’re gonna look fucking great no matter what, it is us after all”
“Hey, I know Ash is your mate, but would you mind if I use that choke collar you have for him real quick?”
“The power couple”
“And the energizer bunny takes a tumble.”
“And you won’t believe this next part but, uh, as a wolf, I don’t have hands.”
“You don’t have to ask, baby, I trust you. I know you’ll be gentle.”
“You feel like forever in my arms.”
“Oh my god, do they think my house smells weird?”
“I don’t want this for you, baby.”
“These muscles got more knots in em than you had wrapped around you the other night. And that’s saying something.”
“You run through my blood like oxygen, sweetheart.”
“Whose mouth is this?”
“And do not wear that belt, how old is that thing? It looks awful!”
“You’re not alone. I’m here. The pack’s here.”
“You want to see a hissy fit, bootlicker?”
“Cmon, head up. Up for me. There you go. I wanna see this pretty face.”
“Kissing my palm like that… you’re too fucking cute.”
“I just wanna feel you.”
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gamerwoo · 17 days
Bang Chan: The Girl Who Didn't Cry Wolf (Part One)
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Characters: Bang Chan x fem reader
Genre/warnings: werewolf au, fantasy, enemies-to-lovers-ish??, slowburn, werewolf/alpha!chan, (werewolf)hunter!reader, angst, a tiny bit of fluff if u squint ig (chan takes care of reader's injuries), some humor toward the end, mentions of blood, violence, mentions that reader is from america and moved to korea, reader doesn't know korean [dialogue in bold is meant to be korean]
Word count: 4,317
Summary: You've learned to do whatever you can to protect yourself after an incident almost a decade ago had your father and brother dragging you to a new country to start all over even though they blamed you for what happened. After finding yourself stuck in a house of werewolves, you're forced to come to terms with your feelings over what happened back home when the alpha imprints on you and his pack claims they're keeping you prisoner. You know exactly how this will end if you give in, and yet you can't seem to get yourself to leave the sweet and charming werewolf who's willing to do anything to make you comfortable. You're just hoping that maybe there'll be a good end this time.
a/n: this is a part of the TftP universe, which is a Seventeen series!! if you haven't read that, some of this series might not make a lot of sense, but it can still be read on it's own! :) [if you do read TftP: this series also takes place after the events of Jeonghan's part, which is currently still ongoing]
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Your face was scratched up, your arms were sore from trying to push the werewolf off of you, and you were pretty sure the warm liquid dripping down your chin and onto your chest was blood, but you couldn’t tell where you were bleeding from. You limped your way through the forest, glad to have subdued the werewolf long enough to get away. You were out getting berries when you were attacked, so you only had the tiny pocket knife on you for defense. God, your family was going to have your ass for sure for not being prepared for this.
But you were currently not going toward town, you were going away from it. You just needed a place to hideout and patch up. Maybe you’d look a little better in the morning and your father wouldn’t berate you as hard as he would seeing you in your current state. How could a hunter not be prepared for a werewolf attack? That was the first thing your parents had warned you about when you started hunting alone. They let you in on the fact that werewolves weren’t just mythical monsters made up to scare kids into being good lest they be dragged off into the woods and eaten by one. But that was something you needed to know if you were going to go out hunting. You had to be aware of every creature – mythical or otherwise – that was out there.
Were you a werewolf hunter? ...Sort of. But you still were supposed to be ready to fight back if one attacked. You kept 3 silver bullets on you at all times, and yet…
The house you saw pulled you from your thoughts. It was made out of tree logs and seemed fairly big but not so big that it looked odd for it to be here in the small clearing. It seemed cozy and all of the lights were off, so you figured it must be abandoned. Who in their right mind would live out in the middle of a forest anyway?
You dragged your bum leg toward the house – you were pretty sure you twisted your ankle while running because you really had to prove you’re the worst hunter in the history of hunters that night – and in through an open window. That was a dead giveaway it was abandoned because nobody would just leave their window open like that.
The window brought you into a kitchen, specifically on top of a counter next to a sink. You slid down quietly and crouched down to your hands and knees. It was just precautionary and instinct to hide, so you crawled your way around the large kitchen table and out of the kitchen to a hallway. You saw a door wide open across the hall, seeing a sink and a toilet in there.
Jackpot. The bathroom has to have some medical supplies, right? Even if it was abandoned, maybe the people left some of their stuff there. Maybe they were eaten by bears so their belongings were left untouched. It was best to check for any sort of supplies just in case.
You carefully crawled your way over and through the door. Once inside, you closed the door silently and stood to look through the cabinet behind the mirror. Just as you hoped, there were bandages, peroxide, cotton balls, and other first aid things. You immediately got to work, cleaning off your face of the blood before tending to the small scrapes and cuts that had filled with dirt. You knew cleaning them would sting but it still made your teeth clench and sharply intake a breath.
A few seconds after the small noise you made, the bathroom door was flung open, making you gasp and leap toward the opposite wall. A younger looking guy – he could’ve been a teenager for all you knew – with fluffy brown hair stood in the doorway, dressed in a baggy white t-shirt and some loose shorts. His angry, golden eyes slowly shifted to red as he glared at you, and you knew you really fucked yourself over now.
“Shit…” you cursed under your breath, your hand fumbling in your pocket for the only small weapon you had.
Before you could even wrap your fingers around it, the wolf lunged at you, bringing you down to the tiled floor with a thud as your head hit the cool tiles. It hurt but thankfully it wasn’t enough to disorient you. The wolf’s claws grew, pinching at the skin of your arms. You lifted one foot in the space between you and kicked against his abdomen, throwing him off of you. In the process of him being flung away, his claws scraped against your biceps, making you wince slightly. It wasn’t anything too bad but it definitely broke skin. You quickly pushed yourself up and raced to get out of the bathroom, leaping over the wolf on the ground.
Just as you had jumped over him and ran to the open door, he grabbed your bad ankle and tugged you down onto the floor, landing on your stomach but catching yourself with your hands. He dragged you back to him as you tried to dig your nails into the hardwood floor. You knew this is how you would die but you were going to fight the whole time. It’s what you were taught to do.
He roughly flipped you over and straddled you. You punched him straight in his cheek with all the strength you could muster, but you knew your strength was nothing against a werewolf.
He let out a loud growl that had you cowering for a moment. He took that opportunity to claw roughly into your left side, making you cry out in pain now. But he apparently didn’t like how loud you were because he pinned your wrists above your head, and leaned down with his fangs extended, roaring in your face. The sight sent a chill down your spine, and tears pricked your eyes when he dipped his head down to your neck, mouth open wide and fangs extended.
You knew this was it. You had no way to fight back or run away. You weren’t strong enough in this state, and you didn’t have any weapons to help you. In a case like this, it was better to just have a quick death over one that was drawn out.
You squeezed your eyes closed and braced for the end, requesting through clenched teeth, “Just make it quick.”
You knew you had no way to fight back or to run away. This was it. All you could do was wait until it was over. You weren’t backing out of this. You never backed down, and even if you were facing death, it would be no different. The last thing you were doing was dying a coward.
But his weight was suddenly lifted off you, and you heard him hit the wall with a crash. Your eyes flew open to see a man a few inches shorter than the wolf towering over you, but his back was to you and his stance was protective. A wild, defensive growl ripped through his chest, the warning aimed at the wolf that was on you. He turned his head just enough to look back at you before his focus was in front of him again.
When your eyes met, that was when you felt it. The draw that you were told about by your father when he was telling you all about werewolves. He said both parties would feel it, but it was stronger for the wolf. For both, it was almost instantaneous as soon as their eyes landed on their mate. And you felt exactly that.
It felt like being in love, but it was like it was all at once instead of falling slowly. It hit you like a train instead of floating down a river. It felt…exactly like–
“Seungmin. Don’t,” the man’s voice was a low rumble that pulled you from your thoughts and had your blood turning to ice. The threatening tone to it was enough to make a grown man run for the hills, but you were frozen in place, trying to make sense of it all.
You didn’t even notice the other wolves that had rushed down the stairs to see the commotion, golden eyes going from your attacker, to your...mate, to you.
“Chan?” a new voice asked, their deep voice gravely from sleep full of concern. “Did you…?”
He had. He had imprinted on you. A werewolf-hunter-in-training was now the mate of a werewolf.
The stunned silence that followed was short lived when the front door a few yards behind you slammed open, and a familiar, beaten body dragged himself through the door. His golden eyes landed on you before turning red and narrowing.
It was the wolf you had just fought and gotten away from. This was just your shitty luck.
“Minho?” one of the wolves from the stairs recognized him. "Where the hell have you been? It's late."
His eyes just stayed glued on your body on the floor, “You?”
Despite the fact the situation could probably only be made worse by you opening your big mouth, especially when you didn't really understand the language they were speaking, you spoke up against your better judgement, “You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me.”
You were literally carried to your mate’s room, kicking and screaming despite the fact your body was screaming back at you to stop. Your injuries were burning with intensity, and you were sure you were bleeding all over your mate’s naked torso – especially from the cuts in your side. He didn’t seem to care, so neither did you. Then again, you wouldn’t care even if he did fuss about it.
“Put me down!” you demanded, slamming your fists into his bare back. “I’m not going to be your captive!”
The little Korean you knew wasn’t going to help you in this scenario. Your family had moved to Korea about half a decade ago after a freak accident involving the death of your mother, but you didn't pick up on a ton of the language since you didn't interact with other humans that often – speaking wasn’t necessarily important for your line of work. Instead, there were a few words and conversational phrases that you had picked up on in town or from other hunters – mostly about hunting, trading, and buying.
“So you want to go home and get humiliated by your family in front of the rest of the town? Maybe even worse for all I know,” he questioned, though the last part was a bit softer. His voice wasn’t as menacing as it was when he faced his pack brother but he was still definitely annoyed. “Believe me, I don’t find this situation ideal, but I have to protect you. It’s instinct. We both know it.”
You were too stunned to say anything for a moment. You didn’t expect him to respond, let alone understand you. But he replied in perfect English with a thick accent you didn’t recognize. Not many foreigners had moved to your country since before The War, but the numbers had only gone down even more afterwards. Even other Americans had moved away after The War, but your family stayed until grief struck.
“Th-Then–” you slowly began, finally remembering you had to say something otherwise he would win the argument. “Then I’ll run away.”
“I’ll just come find you and bring you back,” he promised with a chuckle. It was weird to you how your heart fluttered at his promise. It was something that never happened before. “No matter how many times you try to escape, I’ll always find you. You know that.”
He finally set you down, but it was on a bed. Once the blood rushed away from your head, you noticed that there were a few curious wolves standing by the open door. Your mate paid them no attention as he went to a corner of his room in search of something.
“Felix,” his voice was sure, like he already knew the person in question was there.
Sure enough, a thinner wolf with blonde hair that flared out around the back of his neck stepped forward. “Yeah?”
“Could you get the bandages and a towel? Jisung, you and Jeongin go collect the herbs, please,” Chan’s voice was soft as he walked over to you with a very large t-shirt. He placed it on the bed beside you and mumbled for you to change before he went over to address his packmates at the door. “The rest of you need to give her space unless you want the angry hunter on your ass.”
He seemed to be over his anger toward the other wolf who attacked you – Seungmin, apparently. And you were also surprised to hear him address another one of the pack in English. 
So maybe Seungmin had understood you before.
“Chan, I’m concerned,” one of them spoke up. “Seungmin and Minho–”
“Keep them as far away from this room as possible,” the alpha stated urgently. “You know how they are, and the last thing I need is another fight. They’ll both take their grudges to the grave.”
“Why was she in here?” another asked, glancing at you from behind the alpha.
Chan just moved to block his view, “Considering I haven’t gotten the chance to ask her after Minho came running at her, I wouldn’t know.”
While Chan spoke to his pack, you took the time to really look at him, and you noticed something about him. Other than the obvious things like his good looks, chiseled jaw, and perfectly carved torso, you took note of various scars that scattered seemingly his entire body. They all seemed to be healed, but there were just so many of them. He had a handful on his face and even more littering his torso, arms, and hands. You saw about half as many on his legs, just off of what you could see from his shorts that were low on his hips. You wondered just what kind of trouble this guy got himself into on a daily basis to have that many scars.
The first one that spoke sighed and ran a hand through his black hair that was messy from sleep. “Alright well...we’ll leave you to it. Let us know if you need anything.”
Chan sighed as well and nodded, his voice softening. “Thank you guys. It means a lot.”
He softly closed the door and turned to look at you, his eyebrows scrunching together when he saw you, “You didn’t change clothes?”
You looked at the shirt he set beside you as if you were looking at food you found disgusting, “Am I supposed to?”
“Yeah, that’s kind of why I got it for you.”
A knock on the door had him turning away from you again – not before he caught you rolling your eyes – but he called over his shoulder for you to at least remove the bloodied and torn shirt. His broad frame blocked the door from the blonde wolf that had gotten the medical supplies to take care of you, so you peeled the shirt that was stuck to you with sweat, and both wet and dried blood off of you, leaving you in your bra, and beaten and dirty leather pants. Chan closed the door with the supplies in his arms, turning to face you again. You noticed something glint in his golden eyes, almost like they were shifting for a second, but the change was too quick to notice. They were the same gold when he knelt down in front of you, only worry was showing clear in them.
“It’s pretty deep…” he murmured as he examined the large claw marks that tore across your side. “How’s your ankle?”
You narrowed your eyes at him, “My ankle?”
“I know it’s injured, you couldn’t even get away from Seungmin,” he chuckled, beginning to mix various herbs together in a bowl. “I’m Chan, by the way. Or Chris, if you want. What’s your name?”
You stayed silent, not even looking at him. Instead, you looked at a spot on the bed to your right, looking away from your wound.
Chan noticed your silence, looked up at you and let out a playful sigh, “Nothing? You don’t have a name?”
“Why would I tell you that?” you quizzed, still not looking at him. “Ever heard of ‘stranger danger’? Or do you not encounter that since you live in the woods and only talk to squirrels or something?”
He chuckled, “Is that what you think we do all day? Stay in the middle of nowhere and talk to squirrels?”
“You realize we’re enemies, right?” you pointed out to him suddenly, finally looking down at him. “Why do you even think I’d let you know any personal information?”
“Because I know you feel it, too,” he informed you in a gentle tone, his eyes soft like he was trying to comfort you. “And I know you want to be stubborn about it because of instincts and whatever, but the very least you can do for me is tell me your name to make it slightly easier.”
“Nothing about this mating thing is easy! We’re opposites; we’re supposed to be killing each other but you’re treating my wounds and saving me from your pack – one of which I tried to kill!”
Which was true. Maybe he was nice, sure, but that didn’t mean anything when you had been training for almost a decade to kill his kind and had been force fed all of these narratives that told you you had to hate him and his pack, regardless of if he had saved you from death and was now treating your wounds. You came from a family that would kill them and you if they found out you showed any sort of kindness toward them.
You were missing. The realization suddenly hit you that you wouldn’t be returning home anytime soon, and your father and brother would both get worried and come looking for you. And if they found you, the first thing they’d do is kill every last wolf in this house.
…Why did that thought hurt as much as it did…?
“That’s how this works,” he sighed, sounding and looking tired, pulling you from your thoughts once again. “Do you think I’m happy about this? I’m not. But I can’t fight the instinct to protect my mate, okay? So this is just how it’s gonna be, and, as level-headed as I want to be so I don’t make it worse for you, I suggest you don’t test me.”
You scoffed and rolled your eyes, “Yeah, whatever. You’re not that scary.”
The low growl resonated in his chest, but it only made you laugh as you looked down at him. He continued to just stare back before he went back to mixing medicine to help your wound, dropping the mating subject, but picking back up on your name, “So, who are you, hunter? I told you my name so it’s only fair you tell me yours.”
You sat back on your hands, letting out a deep sigh and speaking as you let it out, “_____. It’s _____. Happy?”
It was his turn to smile now, glancing up at you through dark lashes as dimples appeared on his cheeks, “Very.”
It was only then that you had realized the door had opened with two wolves holding clear jars of various plants and herbs. Both of them just stood in the doorway, looking uncomfortable at best.
“Um…” one of them with round cheeks and shaggy brown hair spoke up timidly, “i-is this a bad time?”
Chan was half-surprised to find the entire pack still awake, gathered downstairs in the cramped kitchen. And of course, the topic of conversation was you and their alpha. Jeongin and Jisung, who had mixed up the herbs to help heal your wounds, were giving out all of the information they had gathered from the few minutes they were in the room.
The pack had moved to a tiny cabin quite a few miles away, but they had recently decided to move back to their cozy little hole under the giant tree due to lack of space at this new place they’d found. They were still in the process of packing up to move back to said tree, but they now assumed plans would change since you had quite literally crawled into the picture.
All eyes darted to Chan as he walked in, carding a hand through his hair.
“Is the menace finally asleep?” Minho asked, venom in his voice as he tended to his cut-up arm.
“Yeah, I had Jisung mix something up to get her to sleep,” Chan breathed. His thoughts were running at a million miles an hour but he was trying to hold himself together in front of you despite his own confusion, and conflicting emotions and instincts. “I figured if I helped with the pain myself it might freak her out, and she’s already been through a lot tonight.”
“Her?” Seungmin spat, icing his cheek as he sat in a chair opposite Minho at the table. “I wake up to go pee just to see some hunter in our bathroom! And she’s got a fucking right hook, let me tell you.”
“It’s not like she broke your jaw,” Jeongin reminded him, rolling his eyes. "You're not even gonna bruise."
Seungmin shot him a dirty look and opened his mouth to snap back, but Changbin was faster to speak.
“What’re we supposed to do now, by the way?” he asked.
“Yeah,” Hyunjin looked almost scared, “this is the first time we’ve…had…a mate in the house. What happens next?”
Jisung snorted, elbowing his brother in the upper arm, “What, are you afraid of girls?”
“No!” Hyunjin glared at him. “We’ve just never had a mate here before! I’d be confused no matter the gender!”
“I meant,” Changbin interrupted, “with moving, taking care of her, sleeping situations – stuff like that.”
“Well, moving is obviously on pause,” Chan sighed, rubbing his hands over his face as he tried to organize his thoughts.
Changbin was right, there was a lot to consider now. You were taking Chan’s bedroom, but he was sharing a room with Felix, which meant they both had nowhere to sleep now. There was also the matter of sharing a bathroom, but that was a bridge they’d cross when they got to it, he figured. 
“Um…any way Felix can crash with one of you guys?” he asked once he’d removed his hands from his face. “I’ll just take the couch.”
Minho gave him an incredulous look, “No!” his exclamation sounded almost like a question – a very loud question. “You think we can cram a fourth person in either of our rooms?!”
The house was small, and Chan knew it was already a tight squeeze fitting three grown werewolves to one bedroom. Him and Felix were the only paired roommates just because their bedroom was the smallest. The other two bedrooms weren’t much bigger, but he had to figure out something for Felix.
Jisung could tell Chan was obviously stressed, so he quickly spoke up, “W-we can make it work, though. Don’t worry about it.”
Minho’s head whipped around to look at him like he was insane, “How?!”
The younger wolf shrugged, “We could…share beds?”
Minho’s face was quickly transformed into a smirk as he leaned over in his chair, looking up at Jisung, “You just want an excuse to sleep in my bed.”
“I accept.”
Felix made a face as he eyed the two, “I think I’d rather crash in Seungmin’s room.”
“I don’t care who sleeps where or with who,” Chan stated, pinching the bridge of his nose between his thumb and forefinger. “Everyone just please go to bed now.”
“I mean this in the nicest way possible,” Jeongin began, “but how are we supposed to sleep with her in the house?”
“She is a werewolf hunter,” Felix agreed a bit timidly, not wanting to upset the alpha more than he already was, but he was wary about having you in the same house as them – especially with how small the space was. “Doesn’t that make her our enemy? I don’t want to sound mean, but…she could…kill all of us in our sleep.”
For the nth time that night, Chan let out a deep sigh, “I mean…technically, no. I barely sense any werewolf hunter on her, so she’s not a huge threat. But…she’s definitely trained to be one, I won’t lie. Still, I don’t think she’s a threat to us.”
“Oh, so we’re just supposed to trust her based on vibes?” Seungmin spat.
“She has the training of a werewolf hunter but do any of you even sense werewolf hunter?” he countered. “But…yes, you’re right. She’s not really an ally either. She definitely knows she shouldn’t feel…how she does toward me.”
The room was silent as Chan’s emotions seemed to finally weigh down on them. They could really see the hurt in his eyes when he said that, and despite how angry or nervous they might’ve been, they felt bad for their alpha. They knew what being denied by your mate could do to a werewolf, so not only could they not even imagine the heartbreak he was feeling, but they feared for his health and his life.
“So…” Minho spoke up slowly, “what you’re saying is…I could maybe take her in a rematch?”
A few of them chuckled, and the room felt lighter again. Even Chan cracked a smile and felt thankful for his snarky brother for at least getting him to do that.
“Just go to bed.”
»»————-  ————-««
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klaus-littlestwolf · 1 month
The Newest Member -Klaus M.
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I wanted to write a different kind of Alpha!Klaus x Omega and this idea has been kicking around in my head for a while.
Summary: Klaus’ father has been trying to get him for years, not wanting his son to go through the shift the first time alone but Esther always made it impossible. Now he is a werewolf being moved in with his father and his pack-a pack that every member but him has grown up in. As an Alpha and a new wolf he needs to figure out how to survive. He tries to do as his father tells him but once Klaus stumbles across the Omega that he was told to stay away from…it may all be over for him…
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If you would have told Klaus 2 weeks ago that he was a werewolf thanks to his father that he had never met he would have laughed in your face.
And yet here he stands, having been moved out of his mother and step fathers home and into his real fathers house on a plot of land in the middle of nowhere.
Klaus didn’t have a problem with getting out of his abusive step fathers home of course. It sucked leaving his siblings but he can talk to them whenever he wants and he won’t have to live his life in fear of Mikael all the time. No, the main problem was moving into a werewolf pack full of people who had known what they were since birth while he has to figure it all out since his mother refused to let him even speak to his father before everything went wrong.
He had turned on his 18th birthday like every other wolf, but did he know that? Of course not, because his mother refused to let him meet his father who had been begging to know his son for years. Klaus had to give him credit, he had tried, but his mother was…his mother. If she didn’t want something to happen it wouldn’t.
And so the anger built inside of him months before his first turn and though he tried to control it, it was the cause of him finally hitting Mikael back and hospitalizing him. His mother buried it to keep their business private like always but then he turned for the first time and while he had gotten out of the house, he was left alone in the woods and in agony not knowing what was happening until his father found him already in his wolf form. He had come for him, after everything he had still tried to take care of him and it meant everything to Klaus. His fathers presence was calming during his change and it went a bit easier before spending the rest of the night on all fours.
Ansel had removed Klaus from his home immediately and he had enough credits to graduate early, so he took his son home where he now needed to live with the pack that he never knew existed but had always known him. Wolves growing up outside the pack wasn’t normal, in fact it was unheard of and he got many stares as his father drove through the settlement they had built here which was rather cozy honestly.
‘Don’t worry Klaus, everything will be alright. You’re safe here, and they’ll get over the staring, I promise.’ Ansel spoke as he helped him move the rest of his things into his room.
‘I’ve just never been the new kid before. It’s weird, in the weirdest way possible.’ He was unsure of how the others would treat him honestly.
Klaus had found out when he turned back that not only was he the freak who had grown up outside of the pack, but he was also an Alpha. His father was the Alpha of the pack, and though he had elders that assisted him in managing everything and making decisions it all came down to him in the end.
Alphas were rare, most of the pack is made up of Betas as all packs are. There were only 2 other Alphas around his age here and he knew it would make him even weirder. The only designation that was rarer still was Omegas, of which there were only 2 in the entire pack. One was a married mother of 5 and the other was a 17 year old girl that his father told him to stay away from as she already has 2 Alphas vying for her affections and adding another would be very overwhelming to her.
Klaus felt for her, he couldn’t imagine what she felt like but he knew what he felt like right now and it wasn’t fun.
‘Why don’t you go look around, get yourself used to the place. It’s not too big but it’ll take you a minute, and it’ll be good for you to get out. Your safe place has always been the woods for a reason kiddo.’ His father ruffled his hair as he walked passed making Klaus feel like a child but he was right. When he needed to get away the woods is where he went to draw or paint, sometimes just sit and think for hours.
‘Okay. Why not? Nothing better to do and I might as well get the staring over with.’ He rolled his eyes, pulling his boots on and walking back out of the house. The houses were all spread out he noted, giving everyone ample space which was quite nice. He knew the pack was very well off and they got everything they needed delivered every week, his father having promised to get him whatever art supplies he needed.
As he walked through the place every person he saw stopped talking or working to look at him, a few nice enough to wave but most just…staring. It was very uncomfortable and it was making him feel suffocated. As he walked passed the town hall there were about a dozen men outside who were joking loudly before one of them pointed at him, everyone stopping all at once to look at him and this time it was all too much.
Klaus sped up his pace and turned down a path into the trees, running as soon as no one could see him anymore and he kept running until his tight chest became too much and he tripped over his own feet. He pushed his back against a tree as his vision blurred slightly, he was gasping for breath that felt like it would never come and his head became dizzy. It felt like he sat there like that for hours before seeing a blurry shape of someone in front of him, their voice sounding a million miles away…until he smelled that lovely scent. It was like the sky after it stormed and wild berries, it settled in his chest and gave him enough to focus on that he began to hear the voice more clearly.
‘It’s okay, just keep breathing. Put your head between your knees!’ The voice was demanding but also soft and he enjoyed it a lot as he did as she said. Someone was hugging him tightly and it was amazing as nails scratched against his scalp and his breathing slowed. ‘There you go sweetie, just keep doing that. You’re safe, not a thing to worry about. Safe…’
‘Thank you…I’m s-sorry…’ he mumbled and she shushed him before he nuzzled closer to her causing her to freeze but as he just held close to her she seemed to relax.
‘Do you feel better now?’ He nodded, sitting up straight and taking a breath.
‘Thank you…I don’t know what…’ he sighed as he didn’t know what to say before looking over at her and feeling his breath stolen again.
‘You were having a panic attack, it’s nothing to be sorry about. I’m sure everyone staring at you endlessly wasn’t a very comfortable situation, they do it to me all the time so I get it. You must be Niklaus, I would like to formally apologize for my pack. We don’t get outsiders around here and a pack member outsider is even weirder. They’ll get used to you quick, and you’ll get it too, I promise it won’t be that bad.’
‘Thanks…it’s better than living with my mother and step father, that’s for sure…you can call me Klaus by the way, or Nik if you want. What should I call you?’ He inquired and she smiled.
‘I’m Y/n, it’s a pleasure to meet you.’ She shook his hand making them both chuckle before he couldn’t hold it in anymore.
‘You smell really nice…is that a weird thing to say?’ Her eyes widened a bit and she blushed.
‘Not really…you can tell you’re not from here though. Alphas are all cocky but not many of them have the guts to tell an Omega she smells good as if it’s not obvious.’ Now it was his turn to look shocked. Klaus thought back to what his father had said and he jumped up instantly startling her.
‘I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to-to bother you. I-I’m gonna go back to-fuck!’ He turned to walk back up the path quickly when his hand was caught and he felt a tingle up his arm that was wonderful.
‘Hey! You aren’t bothering me Nik, why would you think that?’ She looked a bit hurt and he felt bad, not wanting her to think he didn’t like her but also not knowing what to do in this situation.
‘No, I was just-my father…said to stay away from the Omega-he said you were already overwhelmed with 2 assholes who won’t leave you alone and he didn’t want me to make it worse. Which I thought would be easy cause I don’t even know what the fuck that means! And now I’ve done the one thing I was told not to and-‘ he stopped as he saw her staring at him as if she were annoyed.
‘He told you to stay away?’ Klaus nodded. ‘As if I’m not a smart enough Omega to make my own choice?! As if I can’t decide who I want my mate to be without the Alpha telling his son that he’s not an option when he has just as much of a right to be?! Fuck That! If you want to be near me you can and he doesn’t get to say anything about it. It’s one of the very few things he doesn’t have a say in…come with me!’ She demanded, taking his hand and walking back up the path quickly.
‘I feel that I’ve upset you and I very much didn’t mean to, I’m-‘
‘You have done nothing wrong Nik. As an Omega I get to choose between whatever Alphas want to be my mate. That means if you are drawn to me and I smell good to you, you want to be near me then you can and no one can interfere with that and the fact that your father tried is against our laws and honestly quite insulting!’ She raged, still dragging him through town now, everyone watching again.
‘You do smell good, like really good and you’re comforting. I like being with you but I’m starting to think that everyone thinks you’re dragging me back to my house to have me killed like I just tried to jump you in the woods…’ as he said that she stopped and looked around at everyone who was staring and rolled her eyes.
‘Stop staring at him! You’re freaking him out! Give him a chance to get settled, for fucks sake!’ She yelled this at a group of large grown men and they all had the intelligence to look terrified, going back to work at chopping wood which they already had a monstrous pile of. Y/n continued pulling him along until they got back to his house where she pounded on the door angrily and didn’t stop until his father opened the door.
‘Oh shit…what did he do?’ She scoffed, looking ready to hit him out right but Klaus thought that might be against the laws here, assaulting your Alpha.
‘He didn’t do anything. You did! How dare you tell him that he’s not allowed to see me, that he needs to stay away from me! As if I can’t choose my Alpha for myself, as if I’m too fucking stupid to make my own decision!’
‘No, Y/n, I didn’t mean to-‘
‘It doesn’t matter your intentions! You had no right to deny Klaus or myself a chance at that! Whether he grew up here or not, whether I hate being followed around by Tyler and Matt or not! It’s not your place and you know it!’ She was pissed and while he thought he should be uncomfortable with this, he was actually quite turned on by it. She’s hot when she’s mad.
‘You are right. Completely right and I apologize, I didn’t mean to interfere, I was more nervous that he would do something insulting without knowing it and end up with those two idiots jumping him. I’m sorry.’ Klaus had never seen his father nervous but clearly an angry Omega was not something anyone wanted, Alphas and Betas alike.
‘Let them try, I will fuck them up! Come on Nik, I’m hungry. Let’s go get some lunch.’ He loved how she kept his hand tightly in hers as she turned around to leave again. He turned his head to smile at his father who winked down at him with his own smirk before closing the door and leaving them both walking back towards the town, turning up a different path and taking him into a large house. ‘Hey mom. This is Klaus, can he stay for lunch?’
‘Of course! It’s so nice to finally meet you, your father has been trying to get you here for a long time.’ By the women’s soft smell Klaus assumed she was the other Omega his father had mentioned and she smelled lovely. Nothing like his Omega however, she smelled almost floral and motherly.
‘Thank you, it’s a pleasure to meet you, I hope I’m not imposing. She just said “let’s go get lunch”.’ He chuckled awkwardly but she patted his shoulder.
‘We always make plenty, lots of people eat with us here and we make meals for the older pack members as well. Come on in.’ He was sat on a couch beside Y/n and there was a few kids playing on the floor making him smile.
‘They’re cute but they’re annoying as fuck.’ She stated and he just snorted.
‘My littlest brother is 5, trust me, I know. I guess it’s different when they’re your own.’ He shrugged before her mother brought them both a large helping of chicken and pasta drenched in vodka sauce and parmesan cheese. ‘This smells incredible!’
‘Thank you sweetie. I hope you like it.’
‘I haven’t had a home cooked meal in…I don’t know how long.’ He admitted, more to himself than anything but Y/n had heard him.
‘Really? Why is that? What does your mom do?’ He shrugged.
‘Nothing really. She’s a rich wife, hires help to raise the kids and clean the house while Mikael works. She does her Pilates and book club and shopping with her friends.’ Klaus was practically scarfing down the food now and Y/n put her hand on his shoulder.
‘No one is going to take that from you, it’s all yours Nik. You can have seconds too, thirds if you want. Seriously, this is a wolf pack, we eat like nobodies business, my mom makes a lot of food and you can eat all you want. Please don’t choke?’ He was startled by that but chewed a bit slower.
‘Sorry…I suppose I still need to get used to not being home…my step father would take food away when I did something wrong pretty often.’ Y/n shook her head instantly.
‘You don’t need to be sorry for that. That’s fucked up…you will always have food here.’ He believed her, enjoying her treatment as she raked her nails along his scalp as he ate slower now.
‘Thank you. That feels wonderful.’ He admitted, rumbling out a pleased sound before leaning closer to her, her scent somehow improving which he didn’t think was possible. ‘Fuck, you smell fantastic!’ She blushed a dark shade as he nuzzled closer into her neck and she allowed it, seeming quite comfortable with it.
‘Thank you. You smell really good too…like heavy pine trees and paint…I don’t want to overwhelm you when you are still getting used to being here. I don’t want you to have to figure out your feelings for an Omega when you already have to get used to being a wolf-‘
‘Don’t tell me that you want me to leave, please? I don’t think I could do that right now…’ he growled, the snarling beast in his head refusing to leave this girl even if Klaus wanted to which he most assuredly does not.
‘I don’t want you to leave. You’re the first Alpha whose affections I enjoy, you’re not rude and pushy, and I like taking care of you. I just don’t want to make it harder on you or make you enemies here by being around you.’ Klaus was confused by that.
‘Enemies? Those other Alphas, they can’t just accept that you would choose someone else…if you did of course, I’m not making assumptions on-‘ Y/n cut him off, pressing her lips to his and it felt perfect for the both of them. The kiss was everything, Klaus found excitement in it but also complete comfort at being in her arms and Y/n found her wolf purring at the idea of her mate holding her close and also felt a huge wave of safety and protection in his embrace as his arms wound around her.
‘Alphas don’t take losing very well. They would be in some pretty big trouble if they hurt you but I don’t think it would stop them and I don’t want-‘
‘Shh, it’s alright.’ Klas had this overwhelming urge to calm her worries, he wanted to protect her and make her feel safe. His wolf pushed him to let her know that she is protected and he did, kissing her head and handing her back her bowl of food. ‘Eat love, there’s nothing for you to worry about Omega.’ Klaus had no clue where calling her that came from but her eyes lit up and she seemed to love it so he let it go.
‘But Tyler and Matt are-‘
‘From what I can deduce, idiots, and if they want to jump me they can. All it’s going to do is show everyone how good a choice you made not being with morons. I haven’t even met them yet and I already know they’re stupid. Relax.’ He kissed her forehead before going back to eating once she did.
Y/n’s mother had been listening in, not yet trusting the new boy around her daughter. An Alpha that is new to his change can be a bit volatile and unpredictable so she was worried, though she quickly realized that she didn’t need to be. Niklaus was a perfect gentleman and even with of his new instincts and feelings he was protecting and looking out for her Omega daughter. He would make a good Alpha of the pack one day, though she kept that to herself for now. She was sure to tell everyone about Klaus and Y/n bonding, wanting them to know what a kind and caring boy the Alphas son really was, as well as wanting the pack to watch out for her daughter and soon to be son in law.
Klaus spent every day with Y/n from then on. He never wanted to be without her and it seemed like she didn’t either. Everyone became accustomed to seeing them around together until Tyler and Matt had to ruin it.
Klaus was walking down the path early in the morning towards Y/n’s house for their early morning ritual, enjoying breakfast in her room before going back to sleep snuggled up together for a few hours every morning. It was their habit and no one minded, Klaus’ father happy that his son was doing so well at courting an Omega despite being so new and Y/n’s parents loving to see their Omega daughter not feeling pressured and creeped out by an Alpha for the first time in her life.
When Klaus didn’t arrive on time though she was worried, she knew something was wrong as Klaus had never once made her wait and so she pulled on her shoes before walking outside to go to his house. Before she got to the town however she heard both angry and pain filled growls making her turn to find all 3 of the Alphas that have been trying to gain her favor in an all out brawl.
‘What The Fuck?!’ She snapped and they all froze, looking up to reveal their bloody faces instantly. ‘You 2 idiots think it’s okay to assault the Alphas new son just because I’ve been spending time with him?’
‘You’ve been spending all day every day with him Y/n! You have to give us some time to try and win you over, just wanted him to be in bed for a few days.’ Matt explained, the softer one of the pair not wanting to upset you but also not wanting to lose the chance at an Omega.
‘He just got here! He shouldn’t be in the running for your mate at all! He has no clue how to care for an Omega! He can go find himself a little Beta bitch to mate with and leave my girl alone!’ Tyler growled, shoving Klaus who glared back but didn’t move.
‘I am not your girl, and you know not to call me that! And you know what? You’ve been an ass since the day I presented as if you thought I had no choice but you and honestly, I would rather be alone than have you as an Alpha! You will never be my mate! You’re cruel Tyler, I don’t like that about you but even worse, your cocky attitude is such a turn off. I choose Klaus.’
‘You can’t do that!’ He raged, glaring at you, eyes fully black in his rage.
‘I can and I am. If Klaus wants me as his Omega then I will accept him, do you know why? Because he didn’t care what I was, he likes me for me, being an Omega is just a plus for him.’ She moved to help Klaus stand, pulling a twig from his hair and brushing the dirt off of him, careful not to hurt him as she didn’t know where he was bruised besides his bloody nose and split lip.
‘Are you sure? I’m still getting used to this, I don’t want to do something wrong…’ Klaus admitted but she could see how happy he really was.
‘I want you Niklaus…if you want me that is…I know I’m kind of needy and bitchy and a bit too emotional but I really-‘ Klaus cut her off, leaning down and pressing his lips to hers sweetly.
‘You are perfect. I love how much you need me, I enjoy watching you scare everyone and you’re allowed to be emotional Princess…Mine.’ He rumbled deeply in his chest which was a new noise for him but he enjoyed how much his Omega loved it. ‘Let’s get you home, breakfast and a bit of a longer nap today are needed I think.’ He declared and she nodded, taking his hand and moving to follow him before she was suddenly grabbed from behind, the tight grip hurting her sensitive skin as Tyler dug his claws into her sides. ‘Let her go!’ Nik warned but as he stepped closer Y/n cried out in pain from his claws sinking deeper.
‘You don’t get to just wander in here and have whatever you want because you’re the Alphas son! I’ve been after her for years and you take her in 4 fuckin days?! No! She’s mine and I will mark her myself!’ He smirked, leaning down to her ear to talk directly to her now. ‘How long is your perfect Alpha boy gonna want you then? Huh?’ Tyler’s fangs were out and he shoved her head to the side roughly making her cry out as he bent it painfully.
‘She doesn’t want you so you’re going to force her to take you? Spend the rest of your lives knowing she never wanted you and you had to force yourself onto a sweet little Omega just to get a girl? You’re fucking pathetic!’ Nik laughed, causing Tyler’s grip to tighten. He could hear people arriving around them now, clearly concerned including Y/n’s parents who were growling at the idiot holding their daughter. ‘You’re going to take her and do it in front of everyone so they all know that you need to force yourself onto a girl just to get someone to love you. You’ll go down in the packs history as the worlds most unlovable Alpha, that’s funny. I like that!’ Klaus laughed.
‘Klaus-‘ Y/n’s mother tried to stop him as Tyler got more and more angry.
‘You know what? Go ahead Tyler, if an idiot like you is this desperate for her then she can’t be worth much of anything at all-‘ and that was Tyler’s last straw as he shoved Y/n away and lunged for Klaus who was waiting for him, taking him to the ground before Klaus flipped them over and began beating his face in. ‘Fucking Asshole! If you ever touch her again I will kill you! I’ll! Fucking! Kill! You!’ He raged as he continued beating the boy. No one intervened, knowing that Y/n had clearly agreed to be Klaus’ Omega was enough, an Alpha killing a man who harms his Omega is a right by law and so if he wanted Tyler dead, then Tyler would die. ‘Think you can mark my Omega by force?! I’m gonna break every bone in your body!’ Klaus’ hands were around his throat as he choked the Alpha when he suddenly felt a soft hand on his shoulder.
‘Alpha? You can stop now…’
‘He hurt you-‘
‘I know, but you saved me…just want my Alpha to hold me now…you’re gonna mark me and he’ll never be able to touch me again.’ Klaus eased his grip, taking a deep breath and smelling nothing but her soft scent. She pushed herself between them as Tyler collapsed and Nik sat back on his knees, pulling her to his chest.
‘I’m gonna get you dirty Omega, you shouldn’t be dirty-‘
‘Shh…it’s okay Alpha. You’ll let your Omega clean you up, won’t you? Come.’ She pulled him up and allowed several men to come and get Tyler to move him to the Healers. Y/n led Klaus back to her house, her parents were just ahead of them and moved to open the door. Y/n’s mother checked to make sure they were fine before she led him to her bedroom where she shut the door behind them and sat him on the large bed.
‘I’m sorry…I can’t-‘
‘Shh. It’s okay Alpha, you protected me so good, even after getting hit in the head Gods know how many times.’ She pointed out as she pulled his shirt over his head and exposed his chest to get for the first time. She did not expect to be so pleased at seeing all of his lean muscle, wondering how easy it would be for him to throw her around like a rag doll. ‘You’re alright now, and so am I. Now it’s your Omegas turn to take care of you. Just relax.’ She took hold of a pack of baby wipes that she had and began wiping the blood from his face gently, cleaning his head as well before taking a shirt that she had stolen from him to put into her nest, pulling it over his head. Klaus couldn’t control the snarl as he smelled her so close like this, a shirt that had been in her nest smelling so strongly of her was now on him and he yanked it back off quickly. ‘I’m sorry! It’s all I had and-‘ Klaus cut her off, pressing his lips to hers and feeling his eyes roll into his head before pulling away.
‘Come here, Omega. Your Alpha is gonna snuggle you all day long now. No one will bother us, just me and you.’ He somehow managed to lift her up and move the both of them to her nest (of which he had the privilege of being in now) to strip her down to her panties and bra. ‘You are so fucking beautiful.’
‘He almost took me from you Alpha.’ Y/n whispered as he pulled the blanket over her.
‘But he didn’t-‘
‘He could have…do…do you want me to be your Omega? You don’t have to-‘
‘Mine! All mine Omega! I may not be the most well versed in our laws and rules but I love you and you are mine now. I will do anything I have to to ensure that you are safe and happy…and mine.’ Klaus swore, kissing her head and holding her to him completely, unsure how to make her feel better before he moved to shut the bedroom door for the night and turn off the lights, deciding to stay in with her after the events of the day.
‘Mark me!’ She demanded and he froze, not moving as his brain caught up while trying to process that request.
‘Y/n, you’re mine. We’ve agreed, you are to be my Omega. I can hear your parents on the phone with my father right now talking about the celebration for us. We don’t need to rush into anything before-‘
‘What if Tyler tries again and you’re not there? I want to be yours Alpha!’
‘You are mine! Nothing will take you away again-‘
‘Yes they will!’ Y/n snapped and Klaus paused, looking back from the door and coming back to the nest instantly.
‘No!’ She snapped, looking away from him, her eyes glazed over. ‘I see the way they look at me…not all of them of course but the other single Alphas. They want me Nik…they think about what it would be like…to touch me…fuck me…force me full of their pups knowing I could never do anything to stop it.’ Klaus was instantly filled with rage and he held her so hard he briefly thought he may be hurting her but he needed to hold her right now and he believed she needed that too.
‘Y/n, I will never let them do that to you. The wedding will be sometime next week, I’ll stay right here with you every night and be by your side all the time.’ Y/n moved to straddle him to make him look at her.
‘I know you want to do it right, you still feel like an outsider, I get it but something is going to happen Nik, please? Please?’ Her voice cracked as the tears began falling and he felt panicked. ‘I need you to do this for me, I’ll tell your father that I begged you but I can hear my wolf in my head and she’s never wrong Nik…if you don’t do this then I’ll never be your Omega…’ her admission threw him and he didn’t like it at all, scoffing in disbelief.
‘So if I don’t break tradition, something I’ve been told is sacred, then you’re not going to be my mate anymore-‘
‘No! Something bad is going to happen Nik, please? Please?! I’m begging you, I want it to be you! You’re my person…please believe me?’
Klaus considered her words for a moment before sighing. He knew that if his wolf said something that he was always right so he would trust his mates wolf as well and just take the heat. ‘Relax your muscles and just hold onto me.’ He instructed, bending her head to the side to expose her neck and licking over his sharpened fangs, tasting the venom dripping from them slowly before sinking them into her soft flesh on her neck. She hissed in pain, clutching his hair and pulling tightly as she whimpered, Nik scratching his claws up and down her back.
‘Thank you…my Alpha.’
Later that night the newly mated couple was sound asleep and completely oblivious to the window being pushed open.
The figure that slid through the window was completely silent as he stepped towards the nest, overwhelmed with the scent of the beautiful Omega, needing to stifle a moan when he inhaled it and knowing that she would be his momentarily. He could see the Alphas son in the nest with her and while he wanted to bash the boys brains in, he restrained himself for the next 5 minutes until she was all his.
Y/n was awoken to a hand over her mouth and she groaned, assuming it was Nik messing with her before feeling how calloused the hands were and taking in the foul scent that reminded her of a fishing boat. She gasped his the man’s hands tightened on her.
‘If you make a noise before I’m done I will slit the boys throat. That what you want? You wanna be covered in your little boyfriend?’ She shook her head frantically, her wolf rioting in her brain against the man. ‘I will fuck you in this nest with his blood everywhere, if you don’t want that then keep your slutty little mouth shut a Omega.’ She didn’t like the way he said “Omega” as if she were disgusting but he had always been like this.
Charlie was a member of the pack that had always been very vocal about wanting an Omega, how he deserved one more than anyone else. He had harassed Y/n’s mother when she was of age before her father put him in his place and now it seems he had decided after all of his creepy touches and sniffs of her that he wasn’t taking chances with Klaus being strong enough to fuck him up.
Y/n nudged Klaus with her foot several times as Charlie turned her over with his hand still on her mouth, yanking her hair away painfully and pressing his face to her neck, kissing her soft skin on the opposite side that Niklaus had marked her.
A mark that had settled hours ago.
As soon as Niklaus laid eyes on the man with his face in his Omegas throat he lunged, grabbing him by his scruff and digging his claws deep. The Alpha cried out, giving Klaus the change to rip him off and throw him to the floor where he promptly jumped on top and began beating the piss out of the monster.
‘What is Going on in Here?!’ Y/n’s mother shouted as her parents barged in to see Klaus beating a Charlie to death, her father pulling the young Alpha off.
‘Alpha!’ Y/n sobbed, holding the bleeding side of her neck which prompted Klaus to move to her quickly, grabbing the shirt that he’d removed earlier and pressing it to her neck.
‘Don’t touch My Omega!’ The bloody mess of a man snarled.
Nik looked at his mate who was in pain and desperate for his comfort. ‘You are so fucking smart Omega, you know that? I’m sorry I didn’t believe you right away-‘
‘You did in the end…everything is okay now.’
‘Oh my baby! Let me see! We can fix this, we can! I will find a way to-‘ her mother stopped as she looked at the bloody mess before seeing Nik’s already healed mark on the other side, smelling no one but him which made the women grin. ‘I don’t like that it was before the ceremony but in this case, good job kids.’
‘Let Me Go! Give me my Omega! It’s My Right!’ The old Alpha raged as he was now held by Y/n’s father as well as Klaus’-their Alpha.
‘That may be but you forced a young girl into a mating, if you don’t think I’ll find a way to-‘
‘Actually Dad, she’s not his mate.’ They all looked over at Klaus and Y/n who were clearly in good spirits. ‘I marked her last night, all he did was bite her for no good reason which I must say, I don’t really care for. Makes me want to tie you up in the forest, cover you in raw meat and leave you for a bear to eat…I like that punishment, let’s do that.’
‘I’m sure that that can be arranged. The elders will discuss promptly. You kids get back to bed.’ Klaus’ father directed, manhandling the asshole from the bedroom.
‘Thank you for believing me.’ Y/n spoke, finger trailing over her Alphas exposed chest.
‘Always Y/n. I will always take care of my Omega. And now, since we’ve already broke the rules before the ceremony…I want every wolf at that party to be able to smell my pups in your pretty belly…don’t you?’
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Klaus Mikaelson Masterlist
180 notes · View notes
neoarchipelago · 1 year
Down the Rabbit Hole (Price!Werewolf x Bunny!FReader)
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A/N: this is LONG LONG. BRUH. this was supposed to be 2 parts but i didn't want to split it idea is from : @fnny-bnny
Need werewolf price to drag a floppy-eared bunny reader back to their nest immediately. readers ears and prices teeth and maw dripping with his saliva to scent them both. need him to wrap his body around reader and growl at anyone who comes too close
Warnings: NSWF, 18+ CONTENT
John Price walked amongst the soldiers, heading to the barracks of the task force 141. His senses picked up on the various smells around him, the evening coming to an end. The building was empty at this late hour. Walking into the common room he smiled. 
"What are my pups doing?" He asked with a smile. 
Soap sat on ghost's lap, happily typing on his phone. 
"We're not pups anymore." Gaz recalled with a grin. 
Price smiled at him. Yes. When he had found his pack, they weren't pups already. But something inside him would always see them as his little pups. 
When they had met, various years ago, he was surprised to find that one by one, they were exactly like him. Wolf hybrids. People would call them werewolves. The world knew about hybrids, but it was something rare. Lots of people decided to ignore it and hybrids would keep to themselves. Of course, it was easy to distinguish each other in the middle of 'normal' people. In the military, it wasn't uncommon to find hybrids. Their strength, their abilities made them the perfect warriors. 
Soap nuzzled in Ghost's neck, the man growling softly. 
"Have you finished your report?" Gaz asked. 
"No. Not yet. Just passed by to check on you before heading back. Making sure you're all behaving." Price said with a teasing wink. 
"You're always staying late, old man. You should take some rest." Soap teased. 
"Be careful, this old man could tackle you." Price added. 
"Leave my mate alone. He's an idiot but he's my idiot." Ghost said, hand slipping through Soap mohawk, fisting there to make the Scot look at him. 
Price shook his head, heading towards the door. The report on the last mission seemed to be endless to him. How do you carefully explain the things that hybrids could do on the field? Kate was aware, of course, she was a hybrid too. She was used to taking care of the hybrids in the military. Often she found herself having to change Price's reports to avoid any fallbacks.
Price sighed once he was outside. The sun had set a while ago, the lights of the base being the only thing lighting up the grounds. He grabbed one of his cigars, ready to light up the tip when something… a scent, ticked his attention. It was sweet, soft. Tempting. He frowned. It was unusual. Especially on base. He decided to check, using his nose to track the object of his current attention. 
He walked towards a warehouse probably empty at this hour. The scent grew stronger, laced with something different. Fear. A low growl erupted from his throat as he hurried. Was it young soldiers messing with each other again? At this hour? He'd make sure to make them regret. 
Making a sharp turn around a corner, he froze confused. A young lady was sitting down in a little ball, next to some gear boxes. 
"Young lady-" 
You looked up, eyes wide in fear. You could smell it yourself, the strong smell of him. A predator. You tried your best to keep your ears from showing but the more he stared at you, the harder it was to keep control. 
He stepped forward, breaking the last piece of control you had, two fluffy ears erupting from your head. You raised your hands to grab them, like it would help. 
He looked shocked. Truly. But you were too scared to move. 
Price wasn't expecting this. You. Finding you like this. He wasn't expecting the two white fluffy things above your head. And surely, he wasn't fucking expecting the way the beast inside him reacted to how cute you were. Soft little thing. He wanted to just pounce on you and hold you in his arms. He cleared his throat. 
"Are you alright?" He asked in the softest voice he could. 
You seemed to take a deep breath before nodding slightly. 
Her voice. Shit. Another growl of the beast inside made his eyebrows twitch slightly. 
"I'm sorry… the other.. recruits… hybrids?" 
He nodded, beckoning her to continue. 
"They.. enjoy… hunting me. I'm not really a fighter… I was trying to hide.." you explained. 
Price sighed. He was aware of some of the things that could happen when bored recruits got together. 
"Hey… it's alright. Come here, I'll take you back." He tried, extending his hand. 
"I.. sir.. I don't want to go back there.. please. T..they scare me on purpose… and they pull on my ears…" you whined. 
Something in Price was let loose. He didn't realize his eyes flashed yellow until he saw you recoil. He cleared his throat again, gaining back composure. 
"I.. sorry. I'm not angry at you. It's.. the way these idiots act." He reassured. 
What could he do? He could call Laswell. Perhaps they could switch barracks for you. 
"I'm gonna call Laswell. Come here. Don't stay on the ground, it's cold and dirty. " He said with a soft smile. 
You seemed to think for a second before standing up slowly. You stepped into view, light showing your form more precisely. You still held your ears down, holding them tight. Price smiled. 
"You can let go. I won't touch them." He teased. 
You bit your lip, softly letting go, the cute ears flopping up. 
"Come on, let's go." He said, motioning towards the entrance. 
You turned around under Price's gaze as you walked to where you sat to grab something. He wasn't paying attention. He was lost in the sight of what seemed to be a little tail underneath your cargo pants. When you spun back towards him he looked away, embarrassed. You didn't seem to notice as you walked back to him. 
"I'll take you somewhere safe until I can get a hold of Laswell. Is that alright?" 
You nodded, ears flopping around. God was it adorable. He motioned you to walk as his arm remained behind your back, not touching you, but keeping you near, just in case. 
He did the only thing he thought was best. Take you back to his nest. When he had stepped inside with you next to him, he had fallen back into the reality of things when his three pups stared at him. 
You had immediately frozen, taking a step closer to Price. He had felt the urge to wrap his arms around you again but restrained himself. 
"I thought you were going to finish a report. You come back with a bunny?" Ghost asked in a mocking tone. 
Soap chuckled, gaz trying to hide his smile. 
"Come on. I have to call Laswell, I need you guys to be nice." Price warned. 
"What happened?" Gaz asked. 
"Some rogue little pups." Price answered in a darker tone. 
The team quickly understood, soap smiled, patting the couch next to him. You looked up at Price, biting your lip again. His eyes flashed to your lips before softly nodding with a reassuring smile. You slowly walked to the couch, feeling slightly less stressed. 
You shared a last look with Price before he took his phone, walking away. 
That night, Laswell didn't pick up. Price was starting to get frustrated. He couldn't bring you back there until he caught those idiots. He sighed again, rubbing the back of his neck. Walking back inside, he looked around the room. Tails and ears were out. The boys had mimicked you, letting a hint of their forms out. He found himself looking at you, the sound of your laugh captivating him. 
"Captain." Gaz called, bringing the rest of the room's attention to him. 
"Laswell doesn't answer." He said.
You looked disappointed. 
"Does… it mean i have to go back?" You asked. 
Silence fell in the room. 
"You can stay here!" Soap said happily. 
"Sergeant…" Price started. 
"It's only for one night." Gaz added. 
"She'll be safer here with us. We can free a room for her." Ghost finished. 
Price shook his head as he chuckled. 
"I.. I don't want to bother…" you countered. 
"You don't bother bunny!" Soap added cheerfully. 
You shook your head, amused at such an obvious nickname. 
"You can stay. I'll free up my room for you." Price interrupted. The boys stared up at him, sending all kinds of knowing looks as you simply smiled up at him. 
He had made sure his room was comfortable and safe for you. He had given you a shirt of his for you to sleep in. The whole situation was off. He kept reminding himself that he should keep a distance but the beast kept pushing him to do more. Bring you some water. Making sure you weren't cold. Looking a bit too much at your thighs. 
"You alright then?" He asked one last time. 
You sat on his bed, his shirt too big for your frame, looking up at him, your ears falling back, your eyes filled with exhaustion. 
"Yes sir.. Thank you." You answered. 
He smiled again, nodding before exiting the room, the scent of you surrounding his brain and senses. 
After your first encounter with the team, Laswell had decided to move you closer to their barracks. Your previous location was temporary anyway. To your surprise the team was thrilled to know you were moved closer. By closer, Laswell had meant the same building. You felt safer as well, the boys greeting you every time they saw you. 
Price smiled at you in the hallways, making your heart skip a beat. Because yes. The bunny in you had found something in him. Something that made you feel safe, calm, free to be yourself. You felt dumb with your silly little crush. There was no way he would ever be interested in you. It didn't stop you, and your deepest instincts to be attracted to his frame, his hidden beast enticing yours to get closer. Your mind, your rational side just kept reminding you that this man could not be interested in you. 
For Price, he found himself in a sticky situation. You had slept in his bed that night and he had slept on the couch. Laswell had taken over the case the morning after, relieving him. His day had gone about as normal, he had finally finished his report and finished his duties. The real challenge. Was to go to sleep in his bed. He had walked into the shared rooms of his pack under the teasing and playful gaze of the team. He ignored it, until finally he understood the glances, the chuckles. His room. His sheets. His pillow. Everything smelt like you. He had groaned, laying in his bed, surrounded by you. All you. The beast inside kept clawing and raging. Things he hadn't heard it say in years screaming in his mind. 
Go get her. Our bunny. Pet her fur, her cute tail. She smells so good. 
Price had felt the frustration and anger rising. He hadn't slept. He had tried to view and review the situation and how it turned to shit so easily. He had seen you a total of a few hours. How could he be so enticed by you? What was it that he stared a tiny bit longer than he should in the hallways? The days passed and it's like your smell had simply decided to haunt him. 
"What's wrong Price? You're cranky. Not sleeping enough?" Laswell had commented during a meeting, the boys chuckling under their breath. 
A few days after, he sat in the common room, night had fallen. He was lost in thoughts again, eyebrows furrowed. 
"Price?" Gaz called. 
"Yes? Sorry… I was lost in thoughts." Price said, smiling to hide his frustration.
"Got your head stuck on a bunny?" Soap teased. 
Price looked away, rubbing the back of his head. 
"Yeah… maybe." He let out honestly. 
"You imprinted?" Gaz asked. 
"I'm too old for that." Price answered in a chuckle. 
"I don't think so. I'm sure you can still find a mate, she seems like a nice girl." Soap added. 
"You think she would want me? An old man like me?" Price said, a little disappointment in the back of his tone. 
"Never say never." Ghost said. 
Price shook his head, standing up and heading for the door. 
"Where are you going?" Soap asked. 
"At this hour?" Ghost asked. 
"I don't think I need permission" 
Walking out, Price decided that the fresh air of the night would help. He was cranky. He hadn't slept properly in days. Claiming you… what an idea. To even think you'd accept to be courted and be his. 
Do it you coward.
Price straightened his neck, telling his beast to simply shut up. Stepping into the night, he closed his eyes, ready to light up his cigar. For the second time this month, your smell hit his nose. This time he didn't hesitate. Taking his cigar away from his lips he immediately tracked you down, finding you as quick as possible. Half running through the grounds, he felt closer and closer to you. Until his eyes noticed you. Trapped against a wall, a man keeping you there, in between his arms. 
Tear him apart. She's ours. 
His beast growled loudly in him. His jealousy spiked dangerously. 
"If she wants someone else it's none of our business…" he whispered to himself. 
He was ready to turn around when a little whimper stopped him. A cry. You were crying. His eyes flashed. This time the growl was from him, loudly echoing. The man's head snapped towards him but it was too late, Price had closed the space in a flash, grabbing the man by the neck before throwing him to the ground. 
"C.. captain!" The man cried. 
"Captain.." you mewled. 
The more he heard your voice, the whimpers the mewls, the wilder his beast clawed out. 
"Explain yourself, recruit." Price let out, voice darker and raspier than usual. 
He was starting to realize how dangerously close to turning he was. 
"S..sorry! I.. I didn't know she was yours sir! I didn't smell the claim!" The man apologized. 
Price froze. There was no claim. He tensed up, trying to calm down. He had no claim on her. Fuck. 
A touch. A soft hand on his forearm, making his head snap to you. Your glossy eyes looking up at him, biting your lip. Your ears flushed back. 
"Get lost." Price threatened without looking at the man. The poor thing scrambled up before hurrying away. 
"P..price…" you whined. 
He was panting, eyes never leaving you as you stepped closer to him. He wasn't gone. He simply had a hard time staying there. Your other hand rose to his chest, a growl meeting your movement. His hand met your waist, passing his arms around to pull you harshly flushed against him. You gasped, the feeling of his nails softly scratching you. 
"Price…" you called again softly. 
His second hand flew up to tangle in your hair, close to your ears. Foreheads touching. 
"Price…" you called again in a whisper. 
He took a deep breath, your scent filling his senses. It was almost instant, the way his beast growled in him before finally calming down. 
After a few seconds he realized the position he was in, holding you close to him. You sniffled, making him tense. Did he make you cry too? He separated enough to look at you. You looked up at him with your pretty eyes, a little smile on your lips. 
"Are…you alright?" He asked, testing the waters. 
"I am. Thank you." You answered. 
"Good…" he started. "I.. I'm sorry." He said, getting ready to let go. 
He was going to let you go. You should want him to. But the animal inside you refused. Your hands fisted in his shirt as you whined, nuzzling your face there. He froze, probably shocked, before reaching again to wrap you in his arms. You should stop. You should step away. You were making him uncomfortable… right? But you couldn't. You were intoxicated by it. By this. He growled softly. 
"We should separate.." he said. 
You felt a cold shower run through you. He was uncomfortable. You quickly stepped back, pulling away from his reach. 
You looked up at him, his eyes still yellow, looking at you intensely. You didn't know what to do. The wind made you shiver. He caught the movement immediately. 
"Listen. I need to ask you. Right now. Do you allow me to court you?" 
You froze. What…? He… he was asking? To court you? You looked up at him, eyes wide, ears slightly perking up. 
"You.. you want to court me?" 
"Please.. spare me the embarrassment love… just tell me no.. so I.. can move away and calm the beast…" 
You blinked.
"B..but… I don't want to say no?" You said, confused. 
Price looked shocked. He stared at your small frame in front him. He could probably easily break you. You wanted him to court you. You were accepting. 
"You.. want me to?" He asked again, just to be clear. 
"Yes. I do." 
"Are you sure..?" He asked again. 
"Yes. I am." 
"Absolutely sure-" 
"Yes!" You said, letting a little chuckle out. 
"I'm dying to hold you again." He said honestly. 
You smiled, skipping to him again, wrapping your arms around his chest. He groaned, closing his eyes and holding you back. You nestled into his chest, feeling it vibrate under a growl. Your bunny jumped happily inside you. You were so happy. He wanted you. He wanted to court you! 
Something felt off though. 
"Price.. are you alright?" You asked, looking up at him. His eyes were still yellow. He hadn't gained back control? 
"I… yeah… I haven't been sleeping well… I guess it's making it hard to calm down." He said with a smile. 
"Not sleeping well? Why?" You questioned. 
He looked away for a second. 
"My bedsheets smell like you." 
"Oh.." you let out. "I'm sorry-" 
"No. No. I just wanted to go to your room and bring you to my bed… to sleep next to me." He said, looking slightly annoyed by his words. You smiled at him. Perhaps it wasn't the best choice, the best decision, but you wanted to. 
"Let's go then.." 
He looked shocked. Completely taken aback. 
"I.. I mean… just sleep!" You caught yourself. "I.. I don't mind sleeping next to you…" you answered with a blush. 
"I won't ask twice." He warned. 
You thought for a second. You didn't want to leave his arms. You wanted to go to his bed and sleep next to him. 
Lifting you up in his arms, he headed straight for his dorm. You giggled in his arms, making him crack a smile. His beast was nauseatingly beaming at the situation. Of course, he wouldn't let him go too far, but he had to be honest, he was happy too. Walking up the stairs, he let you open the door while he kicked it close. Coming into view in the common room, you froze in his arms. 
"We just can't let you out. You keep bringing back the bunny." Soap joked. 
Price rolled his eyes ignoring them, heading for his room. 
"Hey hey hey!" The boys called worriedly. 
"It's fine!" You called back. 
Price felt proud of the boys's reactions, but also incredibly happy of the trust you put in him. 
He closed the door behind him before softly dropping you on the bed. 
"Are you sure you're comfortable? I won't overstep…" he questioned, worried.
"Yes… I trust you. Can… Can I get your shirt back?" You asked with a blush. 
He chuckled before nodding. He grabbed a t-shirt, handing it to you as you held it. 
"I'll let you change. Alright?" He said. 
You nodded. He stopped out of the room, falling face to face with the team. 
"So… going for a walk huh?" Gaz teased. 
Price shook his head. 
"I.. kinda lost it… some guy was trapping her…" he tried, feeling the anger rise again. 
"Price. You're craving her." Ghost stated. 
Soap smiled. 
"I… maybe. I don't want to scare her." He said. It could easily start being scary. 
After so long. He had gained experience. Strength. He was powerful. Very little hybrids would dare to go against him. He worried he might hurt you. He'd never forgive himself. But for now. You had accepted. You let him court you and he decided he won't let this chance go away.
"If you need help, we're here." Gaz proposed. 
He knew they would. They weren't as strong or tough. But all three could keep him in check if one day he'd lose it.
Price nodded before he heard your voice whisper his name. That's all he needed. A whisper of his name. He bid goodnight to the boys, stepping back inside of his room. 
You sat on his bed, just like last time, in his shirt. He felt himself wanting to get in bed with you. Right away. 
"I'm going to change too, alright?" He said. 
You nodded blushing. 
"I'll turn away.." you said, shocking him again. 
You did as you said, turning your back to him. He was going to change. Yes. Put some sweatpants to sleep in, nevermind the shirt. But right now it's the view of your little tail that was captivating him. You probably found it strange that he didn't move because you called him. 
"Yeah.. sorry." He caught himself. 
He hurried to get dressed, before finally letting himself fall to his knees on the bed, right behind you. You turned to him, eyes looking at his chest before blushing. 
"Are you alright? We don't have to love, I can sleep on the couch." 
You opened your arms inviting him in. He held you, making you lay down. You snuggled closer to him as he put the blanket over the both of you. 
"Good night price.." 
"John.." he corrected softly. 
You smiled into his chest. 
"Good night John.." 
"Good night.." 
This time he chuckled. 
"Good night Y/N."
It has been four months. You happily walked in the hallways thinking about the last four months. You and John had gotten closer and closer. He had taken you on dates, dinners and movie nights. You still slept in the same bed, unless he had to go on field or you had to travel to other bases. 
Nothing else had happened. Price wanted to take things slow. You accepted of course. But you could see and feel his need. The way he'd look at you hungry when you changed. The way you woke up with him trying to keep your ass away from his erection. 
He was possessive. Very. The recruit who had trapped you, found himself on another base in no less than 24 hours. He'd look at any guy or hybrid who walked a bit too close to you with heavy warnings. He hadn't claimed you. Not yet. He wanted to wait for you to be sure. You were completely head over heels with him. He had let his tail and ears out once during a full moon, though the man seemed to have amazing control over his transformation. It wasn't the same for the boys who still had a few things to learn. Ghost especially, but soap knew how to deal with him, spending the whole night near the big wolf. 
You have noticed one thing about Price. He loved your tail. You'd lay on your stomach reading a report while he sat on the chair next to the bed, report in hand as well. You looked over at him to see him lost gazing at your tail. You smirked to yourself, making it wiggle. His eyes had widden, smile forming on his lips but his eyes never leaving the fluffy tail. You wiggled it again, his eyes flashing yellow, sending a delightful shiver down your spine. Would he pounce on you? If you wiggled it again? Just once more… 
"Price!" Soap called in the other room. 
Price immediately fell back into reality, blinking away his wolf eyes as he looked at you. He quickly understood your little game as he found you looking at him, a little naughty look on your face. He had smirked back, standing up to kiss you. 
"You little minx…" he had whispered against your lips. 
You giggled as he stood, walking to the door.
Since you had noted this, you enjoyed teasing him. And the more you teased the less the poor man could control himself. 
Little kisses often turned to heated make out sessions, high growls and little bites making you moan. 
"Shit…" he cursed, pulling you closer if it was even possible. 
Your arms wrapped around his neck, you smiled against his lips. His large hands on your back and in your hair. You could feel how hard he was through his pants, feeling him twitch every time you moaned. 
"Darling… love…" he called softly. 
You hummed against his lips. Feeling him lift you up against the wall, another low growl, much more distinct making his chest vibrate. Your legs had wrapped around his waist, letting one of his hands roam around your thighs. 
"J..John…" you whined. 
The hallway filled dangerously of moans and grunts, in the middle of the afternoon, anyone could walk in on you. But shit… something was coming over you. He suddenly stopped, letting his forehead touch yours. 
"Tell me to stop… we… not here… fuck…" he huffed. 
He was dangerously close to letting himself turn. He bucked his hips again making you bite your lip to stiffen a moan. 
"A.. alright… stop…" you let out. 
He took a deep breath, slowly coming down from his high, slowly letting you down. You looked up at him, worried. He kept his eyes closed, focusing. 
"Are you alright John?" 
The beast was getting hard to keep in check. It was more than taunting now. It turned in its corner, pulling on the chains Price took so long to build. 
Mark her. Claim her. 
No. Not yet. Not in this state, not in the middle of a fucking hallway. He slowly opened up his eyes to your worried expression. That seemed to instantly calm him and the beast down. If there was one thing that his beast didn't want, was for you to be scared. 
"I'm fine… I'm sorry love…I -" 
"Hey… I'm fine… I'm worried about you, that's all" you said, putting your hands on his face. 
He sighed. 
"It's just… been a while. Darling, you need to tell me to stop if you feel even slightly uncomfortable…" he warned. 
"I know. You know I will." You reassured with a smile.
This should have been the first sign. The warning. Price had even told the team of his little control problem to make sure they kept him in check. Because they also noticed. The way his eyes would turn without him noticing when you passed by in the hall. The way he'd growl when you were in his arms. 
By the time the current problem showed up, it was too late. The current problem was a lone wolf. A new sergeant on base, a wolf hybrid who didn't seem to care about the team. A wolf that seemed to have taken his interest in you. First it was Soap who noticed. The way he had offered you his hand to get down from the humvee, and the way it made him grin. The way he seemed to keep his eyes on you as you walked away. 
Then Gaz took notice too. The way he tried to stay with you after training to 'make sure your training was completed' because, of course, he'd always find something wrong. And Soap and Gaz had started to meddle. Because they could see you get uncomfortable. They'd pull you closer to them, they'd take you away from his training to theirs. 
Things started getting out of hand so quickly. Especially when he, Ryan, realized the boys were trying to keep you away from him. He had confronted Soap, in an empty training ground only lit up by the moon, as you stood behind Gaz. The low growls behind their words, the eyes turning and the obvious scent was making you shake. When Ryan stepped closer menacingly, you only had time to blink before Ghost rushed behind Soap howling and growling, fully turned. It was the first time you had seen it. The fur, the claws, the teeth… how big and tall they were. Soap tried to pull back Ghost and Gaz stepped closer to the scene. You had immediately texted Laswell. 
It took two minutes for her to arrive on scene. She immediately separated the boys. Unfortunately… She had called Price as well. His stance, his presence screamed leadership. The team backed away, Ghost keeping Soap in his arms as he stood behind him, now back in his human form. Soap looked sheepishly happy about his boyfriend's protectiveness. You remained back next to Gaz. You watched as everyone was scolded. Laswell forced everyone to go their separate ways as Price immediately reached for your hand to bring you closer to him, to walk you back to the barracks with the team.
When the door of his bedroom had closed, his eyes immediately turned. He had pulled you to him, into a feverish kiss. Lips and teeth were bruising and biting. 
"J..John…" you mewled. 
"Why… why didn't you tell me?" He growled. 
The kisses dropped to your cheeks, your jaw, your neck where you both froze. 
"I didn't want to worry you… you know I'm yours… the boys were keeping me safe…" you tried. 
He was panting, fury coursing through him. You could see and feel it. You took his hand pulling him to the bed with you. He stopped, eyes widening. 
It was firm. Giving no room for discussion. You were, however, determined to bring him to bed with you so you could calm him down. You stepped back closer to him, nuzzling in his neck, hands gripping his shirt. He grunted, feeling himself slowly melt. You tried again to pull him to bed, letting yourself fall back on the mattress. He let himself hover over you as you wrapped his face in your hands, kissing him. 
"Y/N… baby…" he warned. 
You giggled. You turned around, crawling your way up in the bed. He growled loudly, grabbing your ankles to pull you back to him, making you giggle again. 
"Mine." He growled. 
You felt yourself shiver. Something in you felt that he was different. Almost like Ghost in the training grounds. The way he said it, it was more than just your John. 
"Yes… all yours.." you cooed. 
He wrapped his arms around you, pulling you close to him as you tangled together on top of the bed. And it was exactly like this that you fell asleep. In each other's arms.
The next few days were tense. Soap had to stay in the dorms with Ghost for two days as the lieutenant had become dangerously over protective. Laswell had removed you from any mission with Ryan to make sure that Price would be kept in check. You made sure to skip your way to his office during your breaks to sit on his lap and cuddle him, feeling him relax under your touch. You'd eat lunch with him in his office, and when Laswell would agree you'd work on your reports in there as well. Price would be thrilled, having you near him made it easier for him to focus on his own work. His beast was peaceful when it could see you at all times. 
Unfortunately. Some things couldn't be avoided. The last report on your desk required you to meet with the Sergeant to finish it up. You wanted to wrap it up as quickly as possible. Gaz and the boys were aware and we're supposed to come by to get you back to the barracks. You sat in front of the sergeant as you both reviewed the file and reports of the team. 
"Tell me. Why hasn't he claimed you yet?" 
You froze. You cleared your throat, resuming your work. 
"I don't really want to talk about it." You answered firmly. He chuckled, a rumble mixing in. You felt your hair stand on end at the sound. 
"Do you want some coffee?" He asked. 
You shook your head, thanking him. He stood, walking around the room to get a mug of coffee. You lost yourself in the report, reading the comments again. 
A little breath next to your ear made your heart drop. 
"You smell really good, little one." 
You opened your mouth, but nothing came out. You were frozen in place. You saw his hands start to drop to the table on each side of you and you panicked. You jumped up, trying to escape, only to be pushed down on the table, wrists behind your back. In the panic and fear, your ears and tail had popped out. 
"Shit… that's adorable. Look at that little tail." 
You squirmed trying to free yourself. 
"We're gonna have so much fun… I'm going to make you mine." 
"No!" You yelped. 
He chuckled darkly. 
"I'm gonna mark you darling." 
Now you were just fighting your way out. No. No. All you had in mind was John. Him. Only him. He was the only one you wanted to mark you. Your blood ran cold when you felt his weight on you, his breath on your neck. Time stood still, you felt like the seconds stretched. You yelled. You did. You yelled for John. You didn't know why, or how. But the second after, Ryan was thrown across the room. You immediately rushed away from the table, falling to the ground behind some desk. A growl echoed through the room, making you shake. Whatever or whoever it was, the whole base heard it. You didn't dare to look, there was an obvious fight. You worried that it was Gaz before, suddenly you heard his voice. 
Price..? John?! 
The sound of broken furniture and growling was deafening. You peeked to your right, the sight of Gaz turning and Soap and Ghost running into view, Laswell right behind. Soap stopped Ghost from turning, avoiding more chaos. 
"PRICE, STOP!" Soap yelled. 
You were hyperventilating now, the panic of everyone with the sound of fighting was making your ears ring. 
"YOU'RE GOING TO KILL HIM!" Laswell roared, turning into the lioness. 
What..? Kill? No… 
You jumped up, the scene before you shocking. You didn't let it keep your attention however, turning to look at Price. The brown fur was stunning. That was your first thought. It's exactly what caught your attention. Not the claws, the teeth, the growls, his strength or the blood.
"Y/N GET AWAY!" Soap roared. 
It's exactly what caught his attention. Price turned to you, eyes focusing on your frame. The beast was out, and now you were his prey. Your ears fell back, your tail wiggling. You were supposed to be scared. But you knew he wouldn't hurt you. Him? Never. He stepped towards you. Gaz made a move to step between you two but you stopped him. 
"No! It's fine!" You called. 
He moved forwards again as you also decided to step to him. He closed the space in a flash, picking you. You had wrapped your arms around his big neck, hiding your face in his fur. You felt him move. Fast. But you didn't open your eyes. You heard the team scream for him, but you didn't care. You were with him, in his arms. The cold wind against you only informed you that you were both outside now. But it didn't matter. 
It didn't take long to reach your destination. The smell made you instantly relax when you realized you were back at the barracks. Inside of the living room he had dropped you down as you had stumbled to remain on your feet. You looked at the big wolf in front of you, his ears capturing sounds, before feeling him reach for you again. He dragged you to his room, pulling you to bed with him, wrapping himself around your body. You felt the wetness of his saliva on your soft ears, feeling yourself coated, surrounded by his smell. You knew what he was doing. Making sure you smelt like him. And only him. 
The sound of voices and footsteps made you look up only to feel his grip on your tighten. The door opened to a very worried Gaz and Soap. John growled loudly. The boys took a step back. Ghost appeared right behind. 
"Guys I'm fine…" you tried. 
"Price… let her go-" Soap tried. 
Price growled even louder making Ghost step closer to soap. Shit. If Ghost turned to protect soap, and price was focused on your protection the situation might explode again. 
"Please… I'm fine. Go." You tried again. 
The boys remained silent, looking at each other. You could hear the low rumble of John, growling softly. Gaz ended up nodding. 
"We'll evacuate the building. Please be careful." Soap added. 
You nodded with a smile. They turned to walk away. John didn't relax until he heard them close the front door and walk away. You nuzzled him, a soft whine echoing from him. 
You felt his large hand roaming your thighs, his nails softly scratching. His wet tongue licked at your neck making you shiver, your heartbeat picking up. He wanted to mark you.  You felt it. He wanted to claim you. The thought made you warm. Your whole body reacted to it. The bunny inside you was practically begging for it. Could you take it… handle it? 
You nuzzled again against his next before turning to his dropping a little kiss on his nose, the top of his maw, making him whine again. He shifted, now on top of you, your legs barely straddling his big frame. He scratched at your uniform, pulling and tearing holes in it. He was holding back. He wanted to tear them to shreds but he was holding back. You grabbed him by the neck, fisting your hands into the fur there, making him look at you. His beautiful eyes were locked on you. 
"Shhh… it's ok John… I'm right here." 
A longue lick on your shoulder made you gasp. You were hot. Feeling your pulse in between your thighs, the wetness becoming dangerously visible. He smelled it. He growled at it. Now claws tearing at the sheets on either side of you. 
"J-John… please…" oh no. You were getting lost in it too. 
Poor mattress. The sheer force of his grip would tear it apart. It made you slightly anxious. He was going to tear you apart. But the way you needed to clench your thighs together, hoping to get the slightest friction was too noticeable. You wanted to be claimed. Marked. But he held back. He slowly straightened himself, pulling away from you. He was trying to pull away from you. It was insane. Maddening. But now you craved it. 
You whined, rolling over to your stomach, pulling down your pants slightly, just to free your tail. Your fluffy little tail. You felt the little droplets of saliva on it, his tongue licking at the fur before softly nibbling, making you relax, a soft moan escaping. 
He understood. You were offering yourself to him. Willingly. But he needed to be sure. One of his big arms slivered under your tummy, picking your ass up to his crotch where you could feel his desire. 
"Say it. I won't unless you say it." His voice was laced with a wolfy growl and deeper tone, making your pussy clench around nothing. 
"Please…" you whined. 
"No. Say it." He warned. 
"Please… please take me.. mark me. Claim me!" You whimpered, wiggling your hips against him. 
Your poor uniform was torn, completely shredded and discarded somewhere in the room. His fur wasn't as soft as yours but enjoyed the feeling of it on your skin anyhow. His big hands molded your ass, squeezing and massaging it, his claws leaving little imprints. You'd be covered in scratches and marks by morning. Separating a bit, you felt his breath on your folds, making you gasp, eyes widening before the feeling of his large tongue licking at your wetness made you moan. 
You couldn't stop closing your eyes at his torture. Tongue lapping at your count, from your clit to your entrance, sending wave after wave of heat to your stomach. You couldn't stop grabbing the sheets, moans and whines escaping your lips and echoing in the room. You wanted to be embarrassed, hiding your face in a pillow. Even if the building was evacuated, the pack could probably hear you from outside. As if John heard your thoughts, he growled from behind you, vibration through your pussy making your eyes roll back. 
"Let them hear you. Who you belong to." 
You barely had time to register when the pillow was taken from your arms to be thrown across the room, the rest of them following, leaving nothing to hide your moans in. He immediately went back to your needy cunt, greedily lapping again. It was too much already but he wanted more. You knew it. He was preparing you for him. His tongue pushed slightly past your entrance, making you squeeze your eyes shut. 
"F-fuck! John~" 
The more you moaned, the less control he had. His tongue played and toyed with you, making you almost cum before stopping entirely. 
"Please…" you mewled. 
He chuckled against your folds, tongue never stopping. 
"Please what?" He asked, giving you barely a second of rest. 
Words? It was hard to form them. Hard to say anything. 
"Please… cum… I wanna… please…" you tried. 
He liked and lapped again, this time building your high without teasing you. You felt your legs shake, your body just over the edge, just there, almost tipping. 
"Oh.. FUCK" 
It crumbled, the tower of your orgasm completely washing over you. A long, loud moan, his name completely lost in a mix of whine, moans and whimpers. 
He kept licking, eating up your wetness, growling against your skin. When he finally stopped, he towered over you, licking up your back, up to your neck. 
"Good girl. You taste so fucking good…" 
You tried to catch your breath, your head lightly buzzing. It wasn't normal. But it was probably due to the heat of the moment, the vulnerability of feeling like you're about to be claimed. 
"Relax darling." He said, hips meeting yours. 
You could feel it against you, coating himself in your juices, he was big. 
"It's… too big… it won't fit…" you let out, anxiety gaining back control over your pleasure. 
"It'll fit. I promise. I'll be gentle." He whispered against your ear. "Just tell me when you're ready. Let me make you feel good." 
His hand traveled down your stomach to your clit, rubbing soft circles there, making you melt under his touch again. You wanted to. You really wanted to. Fuck you needed it. 
"Please… take me…" you whispered.
He growled softly, never stopping his soft caresses on your clit. His tip at your entrance made you tense. 
"Hey… focus on my voice. My fur against your skin…" he growled in your ear. You did as you were told, closing your eyes, focusing on his touch. 
His hips bucked softly, tips dipping in your hole slowly. You gasped, feeling the stretch and burning sensation mixing with the pleasure of your clit being rubbed. He pushed slowly, your walls trying to make space for his cock as best as they could. He was big, but even through the slight pain, the shiver of pleasure down your spine seemed to largely overpower it. 
Moaning, whining, your legs instinctively opening wider and your hips angling themselves to take him fully. When he bottomed out, you thought you could see stars already. It was the mating of course. The overly, addicting need of mating. 
He remained still, fighting against himself and the way his hips bucked slightly into you. He was panting, hard, saliva dripping on your shoulder blades, your neck… he was containing himself, little whines escaping him, like it pained him. You wanted to scream out of love for this man. Even lost in the mating frenzy, he still battled against himself to be gentle, soft. 
It took a long minute for you to adjust before you wiggled your hips, his own instantly pushing into yours, tip hitting your cervix almost bruisingly. 
"Can.. can I..?" 
"Yes! Please yes…" you hurried. 
He slowly pulled out, the friction and burn making you shiver again. His hips slammed into your, faltering in his restrain. The moans erupting from you was enough for him to feel slightly more comfortable in his movements. His pace was soft at first. He knew he was big. It was easy to hurt you, and he didn't want that. He was going to let you adjust as much as he could. When he finally felt you were pulsating around him, almost sucking him in, he growled loudly. 
You tried to grab onto something, anything. He was practically ramming into you, his hips slamming roughly, one of his hands grabbing at your breast, squeezing your nipples in between his fingers, trying to avoid hurting you with his claws. You felt your second orgasm build up way too fast. You tried to whine to warn him, but he knew it already. 
"Go on. Let it go. Cum for me bunny." 
You did, tears burning at the corner of your eyes. It was terrifying to feel another orgasm right around the corner. He adjusted himself, one large hand holding your hips, the other braving himself on the wall above the bed frame, claws and grip marking the stone. You'd be sore in the morning, without a doubt. Your abused cunt kept tightening around him, his thickness only helping him hit the right spot. 
"Fuck… can't.. gonna.. fuck~" you couldn't say anything coherent anymore. 
He whined slightly when he felt you clench around him again, third orgasm hitting you. You were sobbing, oversensitive and overstimulated. He dropped his arm in front of your face. 
"Bite." He ordered. 
You obeyed, his pace completely maddening now, making the bed shake. He growled, his fur standing on end from the feeling or your soft bite. 
Pretty little thing. She can barely bite us. 
He snarled at his beast. He was right. Fucking adorable. 
"You're mine. All mine." 
You sobbed again, his other arms wrapping under your waist again to easily hold you up and slam you unto him, pounding your drenched pussy to no end. You could feel another blindingly hard orgasm arriving, this time his hips faltering. 
"You want my claim… tell me. Tell em. Scream it." 
"Want your claim… please… immyours.." you cried, tears flooding your cheeks. 
"Good girl. Cum with me." 
You barely registered your orgasm. His powerful bite at the crook of your neck, blood dripping down onto the bed overtaking your senses. It was slightly painful, but the feverish heat in your body, and the way it only tripled the sensation of your orgasm made it worth it. The feeling of being filled up, his cum overloading and dripping down onto the mattress as he kept grinding his hips unto your. It was too much, your ears buzzed and your vision blurred. 
"Breathe. Breathe…" he instructed, his own voice restrained. 
He licked softly at the bite mark on your shoulder, cleaning up the blood and helping it heal. Your legs were shaking. He wrapped his arms around you, picking you up. You moaned, his cock still buried deep in you all the while. He laid you both down on the side, grabbing some kind of blanket to drape over the both of you.
"Relax… we're going to remain like this a little while…" he chuckled, John's voice back to normal. 
You hummed inching closer to him, making him choke on air. 
"Baby, don't rile me up again please… you need to rest." He warned. 
You smiled, closing your eyes as he wrapped himself around your body. 
"Rest. I'm right here… You did so good, baby. So good." He praised in the fog of your consciousness. 
It wasn't long until you fell asleep, his body tightly around you, his tongue licking and nibbling at your ears. 
He had woken twice again during the night. His cock twitching inside you, taking you and marking you twice more. On your thigh and on your hip. You were exhausted when your eyes fluttered open that morning. He had taken his normal form, sleeping soundly next to you. You smiled to yourself, watching his chest rise softly. 
Soft voices, whispers could be heard from the living room. They kept getting closer to the door before stepping back again. You smirked to yourself. They wanted to check if you were ok. You stood up slowly, trying not to wake John up. Your feet touched the floor, your whole body was sore and aching. You tried to stand but your knees gave out, making you sit back down on the floor. A chuckle was heard behind you as you turned your head. John sat up on the bed, looking down at you with loving eyes. 
You blushed embarrassingly. He had fucked the ability to walk out of you. 
"You shouldn't stand. A claim is quite hard. It takes a whole lot of energy sweetheart." He explained with a smirk. 
You pouted. He shook his head, rising up to walk around the bed to you. He picked you up, sitting you back up on the bed. You took your opportunity to kiss him deeply. He smirked against your lips before whispers were heard again. He sighed. 
"They're worried…" you said, smiling softly. 
He nodded, dropping a kiss on top of your head before stepping away to put some joggings on. You tried to stand again. He rushed to your side as you wobbled. 
"I'm ok, I'm ok." You chuckled. 
"Let me help you dress. We show them you're ok and you get back to bed love." He instructed. 
You smiled, putting your hands on his chest, looking up at him as you flushed your body against his. From how he towered you he could see your tail that you happily wiggled for him. His eyes turned yellow once more and you giggled. 
"Help me get dressed then." You teased. 
He groaned, smirk on his lips, but helped you anyhow. 
When you opened the door, the boys were standing on the other side eyes wide as they watched the both of you.  You smiled up at them, easing their worries. 
"Oh god you're ok!" Soap sighed. 
You giggled. "I'm fine" 
He stepped closer to hug you before Ghost grabbed unto him, eyeing Price. 
"It's fine." Price said. 
"Of course it is." Gaz said. "Pay attention, We can smell his claim on her from miles away. We clearly heard it last night." He teased. 
You blushed heavily, hiding your face in your hands. The boys chuckled softly, Price wrapping his arms around you. 
"Mine…" he grumbled against your neck. 
"Yeah yeah… we got it old man" soap said, rolling his eyes. 
"Congratulations. Nice for the both of you." Ghost said, nodding towards the both of you. 
"Now make a lot of pups!" Soap teased. 
You blushed again, hiding your face in John's chest, earning another fit of laughter from them. 
"We have all the time in the world for that. Now scurry off. Let me enjoy my mate while we're still in the moment." Price warned. 
They shook their heads throwing other taunts and teases before walking away. 
"Come on baby. Let's get back to bed…" 
You smiled. 
"Let's go…" 
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dutiful-wildcraft · 8 months
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Pack 141 - Werewolf!Price Headcanons
Tags: monster au, sfw, werewolf!price, mentions of gore and body horror, loose a/b/o dynamics, possessiveness, scent marking, fluff, werewolf lore sprinkled with pack 141 interactions
-A born lycan. The shift was as natural as breathing. And he quickly showed the temperment of an alpha.
-Shifts to the outsider can appear gruesome. As the wolf quite literally emerges from within, human flesh falling away like a gristly chrysalis to reveal the beast beneath. Traditionally, this shed flesh would be devoured, though it isn't commonly practiced today. The flesh disintegrates quite quickly once shed.
-This being said Price can shift in degrees, often enhancing his own claws or teeth for defensive purposes rather than shift completely. 
-No, the clothes do not magically pop back on once he's done. Shifting completely is inconvenient and typically a last resort. It's difficult to strip in the middle of a fire fight, let alone find his tac bag stark naked after it's all said and done.
-For born wolves, this shift is generally smooth and quick. For those bitten, it is this first shift that often leads to their death. Around 75% of those bitten do not have the bodily fortitude to withstand the change.
-as a born wolf, Price's enhanced senses are also perfectly integrated, and require no sensory aids for him to navigate his daily life unlike the majority of bitten wolves.
-born wolves have a tendency to remain in seclusion, within the safety and comfort of their pack. When a new alpha is born they typically either stay to take over leadership, or stake out a new territory to build their own pack.
-John was quickly ostracized when he showed little interest in either of those things. He seemed to be far more preoccupied with exploring both the world and his own strength. The military amongst the humans would do quite nicely.
-During his tours there would be fleeting encounters with other monsters, typically enemies. But a few comrades as well. Such as Nikolai, a bear shifter. The pair of lycans got along beautifully.
-Now, despite his former pack's opinions of him, John had never explicitly said he didn't want a pack, just not their version of a pack. No. John had a different idea in mind.
-Simon was the first. A strong and brutal human, who had shown an endearing gentleness in certain circumstances. Price had decided immediately that Simon would belong to him. He just needed some final paper work to build his pack task force. He had even settled on changing Simon himself, despite the risks. A bloody vampire had beaten him to it. Price was hardly angry that Simon's humanity was taken from him, just that Simon had to suffer in such a way to get there. At least Price had the pleasure of siring the newborn himself.
-Next had been Soap. A wiley thing with a blatant disregard for orders and big blue eyes that were far too pretty to be all human. Price couldn't decide if he should scruff or praise him for his cheek. But Soap had an excellent knack for mixing things that should absolutely not work, into something that would cave a warehouse in seconds. Along with a distinct aversion to touching certain metals with his bare hands. His peculiarities had earned him a nickname, and also given him away as a Fae. Price would have him too.
-Garrick followed not long after. Sharp and driven Gaz. Incredibly clever with a proud determination that blazed behind those warm brown eyes. Gaz's skills made his inner wolf purr in delight.  Another lovely thing for him to keep. Price was taken with him immediately, and had never felt more at ease than with the sergeant he had stolen in Piccadilly. 
-While he could tell from Kyle's scent that he was something Other. Price would only receive cryptic answers or riddles that only made the younger sergeant chuckle as Price failed to guess correctly. (Price would totally not make up excessively silly answers to see the sergeants pretty smile, oh no).
-It wouldn't be until they were stranded in an excessively hot desert that Gaz would reveal himself. Price had emerged from their tent to see Garrick, posted up like it was summer vacation, with a brilliant golden wing curled over his head to shade him from the sun. A long tufted tail flickering back and forth out of a small cut in his fatigues. Gaz had looked up from his book, golden slitted eyes peering over his aviators. Flashed him a toothy grin. “Wanna make another guess Cap?”
-Price has a vicious possessive streak, and he plays it incredibly carefully in the beginning of the task force. He watches his vocabulary when talking about the “team.” His pack. Perfect, strong and beautiful. All of them. Chosen carefully.  He was careful not to spook them at first, worried his possessive language would put them off.  But they are, for all intents and purposes, his.
-His possessiveness had manifested subtly at first. Scent marking them. Brushing shoulders or gentle touches as he passed them. He would even resort to smoking beside them if touching seemed out of the question. At least his smoke would soak into their clothes and hair.
-As they fell together it became less subtle. Price couldn't resist sinking his teeth into their flesh as they writhed beneath him. Suck bruises along whatever flesh he could get his mouth on. It was a pro and a con that his boys all healed so well. While his marks did not remain for long, it meant he could only mark them up sooner. 
-He loves that their scents all intermingle, really. But he can be stubbornly adamant that his scent is the most notable. Often catching Soap or Gaz to tug into his office, kissing the breath out of them, only to curtly send them back out, freshly scented and a bit dazed. It's a fair compromise considering Simon often hogs the sergeants to himself.
-Simon often seeks him out of his own volition. Coming to his office to sit quietly, work on his own reports and bask in Price's scent of spilled ink and warm honey. Or sneaking to his room in the night. Slipping off the mask to bury his nose against his throat. No biting. Just breathing. His scent a balm to the younger vampires frayed nerves. 
-Price takes an immense amount of pride in caring for his pack, and takes his job seriously in protecting and providing. Gets immensely distraught when one of his mates is hurting. Knowing no limits in showering them in comfort items and love. 
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wholoveseggs · 3 months
Rules {Part Two}
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18+ ---- {Masterlist} {Tag-List}
Part Two
Its a beautiful day in Mystic Falls, so you decide to put on your favorite dress and grab a drink. Hoping to attract a man {or two} to satisfy your appetites.
♡♡ I've been re-watching tvd season two and omggg I forgot how great the whole Klaus set-up is... this part is during ep 14 crying wolf...♡♡
4k words - Warnings: salvatore!sibling reader, no smut in this one, but very violent, blood drinking, compulsion, murder, secret affair, enemies to lovers, Elijah being the sexiest middle-part menace he can be, finally writing some Damonnnn...
{Part One}{Part Three}{Part Four}{Part Five}
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It was one of those delightfully sunny days in mystic falls, and you were absolutely going to take advantage of it.
The last few weeks had been a flurry of activity and drama, with Damon trying to find out what Elijah was up to. With zero success.
You wanted to have some fun, so you decided to go to the grill for the afternoon, and maybe have a bite or two.
You wore your most sinful little sundress, the kind that made you look younger and so dreadfully innocent. It came to just above your knees, a little bit of cleavage exposed, and it was white and with yellow flowers.
You did a little spin in front of your mirror, smiling at the way the skirt flared around your thighs, showing just a little bit more skin. You were feeling flirty, and the sun was calling your name.
"Going hunting?" Damon asked, leaning against your doorframe, looking at your outfit with amusement.
You turned to face him, a playful smile on your lips. "Can't a girl dress up just for fun?"
"Sure they can, but you aren't just a girl," He replied, grinning at his own joke.
You rolled your eyes, picking up your purse and pushing past him, ignoring his chuckle as he followed after you.
"Be safe, there are werewolves in town, not to mention Elijah," He warned, standing at the bottom of the stairs, watching you slip into your heels.
You gave him a kiss on the cheek, smacking his cheek a little too hard. "Love you," You teased, skipping out the door and onto the front lawn.
You felt free and wild, a skip in your step and a smile on your face. As soon as you arrived at the grill, you headed straight for the bar, waving at the bartender.
He frowned and walked up to you, looking you up and down. "Aren't you a bit young to be drinking?"
You pouted and placed a hand on his, leaning forward, and looking up at him through your eyelashes.
"Please? Just one," You begged.
The guy hesitated, glancing between you and the beer, unsure what to do.
You smiled and leaned in a little more, your pupils dilating as you took control of his mind, "I'm older than I look,"
His eyes glazed over and he nodded and turned around, filling a glass with the beer. You were grinning, and thanking him.
You turned around on the stool and surveyed the bar, looking for a snack. Unlike most vampires, you always got more hungry when alcohol was involved, and now you were craving something sweet.
Your eyes scanned the tables, the couples and groups of people sitting and talking, and finally they landed on the three men playing pool in the corner.
They all looked drunk and it was only the afternoon, the two guys paying and the third watching them, laughing and carrying on.
You sipped your drink, watching them, waiting for the right moment. The one with a shaved head pulled out a pack of cigarettes, and he and the other guy walked out the backdoor, leaving the third alone.
You picked up your beer and walked over to the table, a playful smile on your lips. You walked up next to him, resting a hand on his arm, leaning against him a little.
"Hi," you said in a soft voice, a little higher than your usual tone.
The guy looked down at you, and smiled. "Hey,"
"I'm y/n," You grinned, sipping your beer, your fingers trailing along his arm.
"Mike," He smiled, watching you curiously.
"Mike," You repeated, letting his name roll off your tongue, tasting it, deciding if you liked it.
He was an attractive guy, taller than you, brown hair, and bright green eyes. You found the pretty ones always tasted the best.
"Do you wanna play a game?" You asked, nodding at the pool table, a shy smile on your lips.
"Um, yeah, sure," He said, taking the stick and holding it out to you.
You giggled and took the stick, pretending to not know what to do, and letting Mike come up behind you and guide your arms, teaching you how to hit the balls.
You could feel the warmth of his body against yours, the gentle movements of his arms, and his breath hot on your neck. The perfect appetizer.
"Thank you," You said, spinning around and wrapping your arms around his neck, pressing against him.
"Anytime," He grinned, his eyes darkening with lust.
You smiled and stood on your tiptoes, your lips ghosting over his. You had him just where you wanted him and now you could hear his friends coming back inside. Everything was going perfectly.
You tilted your head to look at his friends, who were just as attractive and drunk as he was.
"Your friends are coming back, let's all have some fun?" You said softly, your finger running down the middle of his chest, your pupils dilating as you took complete control of his mind.
"Sure, sounds great," He smiled, his eyes going distant and cloudy.
"Hi, sorry, didn't mean to interrupt," The guy with the shaved head said, eyeing the two of you up.
"It's okay," Mike grinned, looking at you, "I was just teaching her how to play,"
You stepped out of Mike's embrace and looked at the guy, reaching out your hand and introducing yourself.
"Dane," He replied, shaking your hand, "That's Jeff," He nodded his head to the other man.
You introduced yourself and shook his hand, then did the same with the third guy.
"I was hoping we could all play a game, I'm really bad at this," You pouted, giving them the puppy eyes.
"You bet," Dane smiled, his arm going around your waist, you giggled and pushed your ass against his groin.
The guys set up the table, and you started a round, giggling and making terrible shots.
"No no no, that's not right," Jeff laughed, stepping behind you and guiding your hands.
"Oh, I see," You hummed, pretending not to know what he was talking about.
It took less than fifteen minutes to have all three of them completely under your compulsion. They were following your every word, and doing whatever you wanted.
"Can we go somewhere else?" You asked softly, looking around at your buffet with big doe eyes, twirling your hair. "I'm not supposed to be drinking, I'm not old enough,"
"Sure," Jeff nodded, wrapping his arm around you, his fingers brushing against the side of your breast.
"We have a hotel room, you should come with us," Mike said, his arm around Dane's shoulders.
"Oh, I don't know. I don't think my brothers would like that," You said softly, a blush in your cheeks.
"Come on, we can keep a secret," Dane grinned, glancing at his two friends.
You giggled and let them lead you out of the Grill, your hand tucked into the crook of Jeff's arm.
As soon as you reached the alley, you turned to face them, pretending to search through your purse.
"Hey, do any of you have a cigarette? I can't find mine," You pouted, giving a disappointed look.
"Here," Mike smiled, lighting a smoke for you and placing it between your lips.
"Thank you, Mike," you cooed, taking a long drag and leaning against the brick wall.
"I think you're really hot," he replied, putting his hands on the wall next to your head, caging you in.
You giggled and flicked the ashes, taking another drag. "Is that so?" You teased, letting your eyes wander over his body, biting your lip.
"Yes," He smirked, his hands moving down the wall, next to your hips, his face inches from yours.
"How old are you Mike?" You asked, blowing smoke into his face, a seductive smirk on your lips.
"Twenty-six," He answered, leaning forward and trying to kiss you.
You giggled, pushing him away playfully. "Will you do something for me Mike?" You asked, taking one last drag and flicking the cigarette to the ground.
"Yeah, anything," He said eagerly.
"Go back inside and get me a bottle of their best bourbon," You said sweetly, placing a finger on his lips. "It will make such a nice pairing,"
Mike nodded and disappeared back inside. You looked over at the other two, still leaning against the wall.
"I need help, and you guys are gonna help me, right?" You asked, batting your eyelashes.
"Of course," They replied, nodding their heads.
You smiled and pushed off the wall, standing in front of Dane.
"Kiss me," You purred, a coy smile on your lips.
Dane's lips were on yours before you could take a breath. He was rough, pushing you back into the wall, his hands grabbing your ass and squeezing. He tried to push his tongue into your mouth, but you bit it off before he could.
You giggled and spat the bloody muscle onto the ground before you pulled his head back, sinking your fangs into his neck. It was quick work to drain him, he didn't even have time to scream before his limp body fell to the ground.
Jeff watched, his eyes glazed over, swaying a little, looking slightly confused. He watched as you drained his friend, licking your lips.
"Come here," You beckoned, stepping over the corpse and taking Jeff's hand. "It's okay sweetheart," You hummed, your hands roaming over his chest.
He was tall, and broad shouldered, his biceps flexing. A perfect feast.
"You look like a main course," You whispered, leaning up and kissing him, a small bite on his bottom lip.
"Oh?" He mumbled, his eyes hazy.
You smiled and nodded, guiding his hand to your throat, encouraging him to squeeze. His fingers pressed into your skin, restricting your air flow.
"Tighter," You gasped, tilting your head to expose more of your neck.
His grip tightened and you let out a moan, your body arching towards him, begging for more. Your fangs extending, ready to feed.
Mike came back into the alley with the bottle in hand, and stopped at the sight before him. He watched as his friend strangled you, his hand tightening around your throat, and your moans growing louder.
"Jeff?" He said softly, not understanding what was happening.
You looked over, seeing Mike's confused expression. You pulled Jeff closer, sinking your fangs into his neck. His eyes widened and he gasped, trying to pull away, but you were stronger.
You moaned against his skin, pulling him tighter, and drinking greedily. Jeff's knees buckled and you caught him, pulling him into your arms, laying his dead body on the ground.
You stood, blood now dripping down your chin and onto your dress. You smiled and wiped a bit that was dripping from your lips, then walked up to Mike, who was staring at the bodies in shock.
"Hi," You smiled, reaching out and touching his cheek, making him look at you. "Thanks for the bourbon,"
You opened the bottle and took a swig, the strong liquor burning its way down your throat. You handed the bottle to Mike and leaned in, your lips grazing his ear.
"Drink," You ordered.
His mouth opened and he took a long sip, his eyes glassy, the bottle now stained with your own bloody fingerprints.
"Mike, can I ask you a question?" You asked sweetly, running your fingers through his hair.
"Why did you hit on me when you knew I was underage? That's not very nice," You said in a sing-song voice.
"Because you are hot," He said, his eyes transfixed on your bloody mouth.
"I am hot," You nodded, pulling the bottle from his hand and taking another drink. "But you must know what you did was wrong,"
"It was wrong," He nodded, his voice flat and distant.
"What do you think should happen to people who hurt little girls like me?" You asked, placing the bottle on the ground and running your hands along his chest.
"They should be punished,"
"I agree," You smiled, pushing him against the wall and pressing your body against his. "You deserve to be punished, Mike,"
He didn't reply, just nodded. You kissed his cheek and then his neck, biting down and tearing at his skin. As his body grew heavy in your arms, you sank to the ground, cradling him against you, humming a song softly, draining him until the last drop.
You finished the bottle of bourbon and threw the empty bottle into a trash bin. You stood and fixed your dress, pulling the straps up a little higher. You looked around at the bodies, a smile on your face.
"That was quite the ostentatious display," said a deep voice from behind you.
You jumped and spun around, facing Elijah. He was leaning against the brick wall, his arms crossed, looking impeccable, a small amused smile on his face.
"What are you doing here?" You asked, smoothing down your dress, suddenly feeling self conscious.
"Why, watching the show," he teased, gesturing to the three bodies lying on the ground.
You rolled your eyes, not even trying to hide the grin on your face.
"Did you enjoy it?" You asked, stepping over the bodies and walking over to him.
"A bit grandiose for my taste, but..." He moved closer, his arm going around your waist, drawing you against him. "I always enjoy seeing you hunt,"
"Mmm, maybe I'll hunt you next," You hummed, placing a hand on his chest, playing with the buttons.
He chuckled, a low, rumbling sound.
"Hmmm, she likes roleplay," He mused, taking out his handkerchief and wiping the blood from your cheek. "Aren't you just full of surprises,"
You rolled your eyes and let him clean the blood off, and when he was finished, you reached up and grabbed his collar, pulling him down into a kiss.
"Why haven't you called me?" You asked, your hands gripping his jacket, a slight pout on your lips.
"I have been busy," He answered, smiling slightly.
"Doing what?" You asked, looking up at him, your bottom lip jutting out.
"Business. The kind we don't discuss," he hummed, placing a soft kiss on your forehead.
You sighed, looking away, and letting go of him. You were always careful about not getting too attached to men, they would always end up being assholes or liars. But Elijah wasn't like the other men you'd been with. He wasn't withholding because he was playing a game, he was protecting you, and himself.
"Have I upset you? I thought we agreed it was safer this way," He said softly, his thumb grazing along your cheek, and then his finger under your chin, turning your face towards him.
"You're right," You said, a slight shake in your voice. "I'm just not used to this,"
"Neither am I," he hummed, his hand slipping into yours, entwining your fingers together.
He leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on your lips. You closed your eyes and tried to relax, letting yourself get lost in him.
"What are you doing tonight?" You asked, pulling away and looking up at him, a playful smile on your lips.
"Well," he began, then looked down at his phone, his brows furrowing slightly. "I unfortunately have something I need to attend to,"
"Oh," You said softly, disappointment creeping into your voice.
"However, I will be available afterwards." He smiled, and pulled out a card from his pocket, it had an address written on it.
"Apartment 117, be there in around midnight," He instructed, slipping the card into your hand.
"Okay," You nodded, glancing at the card.
"I would say you look beautiful tonight, but I can see you dressed for something else," He teased, his eyes lingering on your dress, and then back up at you, a knowing smile on his lips.
"You don't like it?" You smirked, giving him a little twirl, the bottom of the dress fanning out.
He hummed, taking in the sight of you, a playful gleam in his eyes. "It doesn't suit you,"
You let out a little gasp, and gave him a hard slap on the chest. He chuckled, grabbing your hand and pulling you against him, his lips on yours.
"Be safe tonight," He whispered against your lips, his breath warm.
You grinned and nodded, and then he was gone. You sighed, tucking the card into your purse, and then glanced at the three bodies, contemplating how you should dispose of them.
The sun had fully set now, the street lights flickering to life. You grabbed the legs of one of the men and dragged him over to the dumpster, and then did the same for the other two.
You stood back, looking at the three dead men, and then you took out a cigarette and lit it, leaning against the brick wall and taking a long drag.
You glanced down at your outfit, a smirk playing on your lips. Elijah was right, this dress wasn't you, not really. But it did look great, and it had the desired effect.
You poured the remaining bourbon over the bodies and took another drag, then tossed the lit cigarette into the dumpster, igniting the alcohol. You smiled and walked away, humming a song under your breath, a spring in your step.
It was just a few hours before midnight, and you wanted to make sure you had time to go home and change. You were going to see Elijah, and you needed the perfect outfit.
It was certainly going to be a delicious night.
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"What happened!" You gasped, looking around the living room, which was covered in blood and broken glass.
"Had a lovely visit from the werewolves," Damon sighed, scrubbing a large pool of blood from the white carpet in the middle of the living room.
"Are you okay?" You asked, setting down your purse and grabbing the broom.
"Fine, fine, thanks for asking," He muttered, his hand going over his ribs.
You started sweeping the shattered glass and bits of wood into a pile, and noticed a large dent in the wall, and a blood trail. It was human blood, and there was a lot of it.
"Alaric's," Damon explained, following your gaze. "Don't worry, he was wearing his ring, he's fine,"
"So, what happened?" You asked, trying to piece together what could have caused this much damage.
"They came looking for the moonstone, thought I still had it," Damon shrugged, tossing a bloodied towel into the kitchen.
You watched him pick up a pile of chains left in the middle of the room, and walk towards the cellar.
"They stabbed Rick, stuck me with a needle of vervain and chained me up," Damon continued, making his way down into the cold stone room, the sound of chains clanging as he hung them up.
You got closer to your brother, inspecting his neck and forearms. "Did they bite you?" You asked, searching for the marks.
"Not a full moon, wouldn't do much," Damon sighed, brushing you away.
You were relieved, and let out a breath you didn't know you were holding. You feared for your brother, he was always so reckless, and would end up dead one day.
"Why didn't they kill you? Or just take the stone?" You asked, following him up the stairs.
"Well... We had a visitor. Elijah showed up," He answered, pouring himself a large glass of bourbon.
"Elijah was here?" You asked, excitement creeping into your voice.
Damon gave you an odd look, his bright blue eyes looking you up and down. He didn't like how you said his name, or how excited you were about it.
"Yeah," he said slowly, taking a long sip. "He showed them the moonstone, and when the wolves tried to take it, he killed them,"
"All of them?" You asked, the broom and dustpan forgotten.
"The ones who didn't run," Damon nodded, his gaze piercing, watching every small expression.
"Good," you replied, a soft smile on your lips.
"You need to steer clear of him y/n," Damon said sternly, putting down his glass and walking over to you. "He is one dangerous mother fucker, who we still don't know how to kill,"
"I know that," You nodded, avoiding his gaze.
"Do you?" He challenged, his hand grabbing your chin, forcing you to look at him. "While you are out there, playing innocent to lure men in, I'm here trying to figure out how to keep everyone safe,"
"I am not an idiot, Damon," You huffed, pushing his hand away.
"Do you know what he's planning? He is going to sacrifice Elena, you remember her right? Your friend? Stefan's girl? Do you want her dead?" He snapped, his anger flaring.
"Of course not," You replied, annoyed by the insinuation.
"Then why haven't you done anything to help? Bonnie is out here laying her life on the line, Stefan and I are constantly trying to keep her safe, and even Jeremy has been more useful than you,"
You sighed, running a hand through your hair. You had a plan, you just couldn't tell him.
"I am doing my part, Damon," You said quietly, your shoulders slumping. "You just have to trust me,"
Damon's eyes softened, and his anger seemed to ebb. He reached out and brushed a loose strand of hair behind your ear.
"You know I do," He hummed, cupping your face gently.
"Don't get killed," You said softy, tears stinging the corners of your eyes.
Damon chuckled, wiping a stray tear with his thumb. "I can't, you'll be all alone,"
You sniffled, and rolled your eyes. "Stefan would be so insulted to hear you say that," You joked, trying to keep the mood light.
"Well, I wouldn't want to hurt his feelings," Damon smirked, taking a step back, and grabbing his drink.
"Go take a shower, you smell like a wet dog," You laughed, pushing him towards the stairs.
"It's actually werewolf piss," He smirked, heading upstairs, the smell following him.
"Lovely," You said, wrinkling your nose and continuing to clean up.
A few minutes later, the sound of water could be heard. You finished cleaning up and headed upstairs, changing into a short silk robe.
You sat down at the vanity and fixed your hair, and applied a fresh coat of dark lipstick. You wanted to look your best for Elijah. You grabbed a perfume bottle and spritzed a few pumps onto your neck and wrists.
You stood, and went over to the wardrobe, opening it and searching for the perfect dress. You knew exactly what you wanted to wear. Something simple, and classic. The kind of clothing you knew Elijah would appreciate.
As you worked on the finishing touches, your mind wandered to Damon's words. You hated to keep secrets, especially from him, but you didn't have a choice. There was no way you could explain it to him, he just wouldn't understand and go all big brother on you.
You grabbed a pair of high heels and slipped them on, and then put on a black shawl and matching gloves, completing the look. You looked at yourself in the mirror, a satisfied smile on your lips.
"Damn, sis," Damon whistled, his eyes trailing over you, a smirk on his lips.
"Shut up," You chuckled, grabbing your purse.
"Wait, where are you going dressed like that?" He asked, his eyebrows furrowing, and his head tilting slightly.
"Out," You answered, avoiding his gaze, and adjusting your shawl.
"No, really," He replied sarcastically.
"Yes, really," You laughed, making your way to the door.
"You already went hunting today, you are getting downright greedy, there will be no men left in town," Damon teased, following you down the stairs.
"There's plenty of men," You smirked, glancing at him, and then the grandfather clock, it was twenty minutes to midnight.
"Well, if you do happen to run into anyone particularly tasty, invite them back here, I'm bored," Damon mused, watching you head for the door.
"Night brother," You smiled, leaning in and kissing his cheek.
"Be careful," He called, his arms crossing over his chest.
"I always am," You assured him, and then stepped outside into the night.
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{Part One} {Part Three}{Part Four}{Part Five}
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wheredidhiseyebrowsgo · 3 months
Do you have any fics where either Derek or Stiles live in a cabin in the woods? Bonus points if they build it themselves.
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Magically Yours: The Sun, The Moon, The Truth by Akinasky
(1/1 I 925 I Teen)
Stiles and Derek go away to a cabin to celebrate their one year anniversary and Stiles uses his abilities to mark himself as Derek's partner, forever.
Snowed In by rororowyourboat 
(1/1 I 4,258 I Teen)
Stiles and Derek get caught in a blizzard while hunting a monster in the Preserve. Their options are trekking a few miles back through the snowy woods in inclement weather while exhausted and injured... or spend the night in a random cabin.
They choose the cabin.
Baby, you should stick around by ElisAttack
(3/3 I 9,543 I Teen)
Derek's driving along a stretch of highway when an unusual sight makes him slow down, the engine of his old pickup rattling in protest.
There's a kid standing by the side of the road.
It's the middle of nowhere, the goddamn apocalypse, and this kid is standing by the side of the road with his thumb pointed skyward. Like he's playing at being a hitchhiker.
Or the one where Stiles thinks he's all alone in a post-apocalyptic world, until he meets Derek.
(Welcome To) Far Far Away, or The Tale of Wolfskin and the Fox Prince by scarlettletterr
(4/4 I 14,716 I General)
There's a wolf sleeping in the cabin on the outskirt of Beacon Hills, and a fox in the Prince's chambers. This is a tale of magic, of lemon cakes, and oblivious idiots falling in love in the country of Far Far Away.
Abominable by Revenant
(2/2 I 20,272 I Teen)
Where Derek buys a secluded cabin halfway up a mountain, meets a yeti and falls in love with Stiles, but not necessarily in that order.
A sacrilege to keep it a secret by babisays
(1/1 I 21,275 I General)
Stiles has a secret he's been keeping from everyone his entire life. But Derek is starting to notice the fact that he'll never go near a body of water when other people are around and he keeps saying that he's really bad at swimming. Derek knows that's a lie because he was able to hold him up in a pool for three hours straight. Stiles knows his secret is a ticking time bomb and at some point, everyone will know it. But he quite likes being the human of the pack. Even though Derek and he know that he isn't. Derek just wants to figure out exactly what he is.
Retreat by words_in_starless_skies (orphan_account)
(12/12 I 43,889 I Teen)
Stiles is not okay. He struggles with the aftermath of being possessed by the Nogitsune. Alone. A worried Derek invites him to his cabin in the mountains, which he shares with Cora and Peter. Stiles is totally on board with getting as far away from Beacon Hills as possible, especially when it means he gets his own comfort wolf.
Move Inside Of Your Light by sterekhale
(17/17 I 73,510 I Mature)
After fleeing from hunters Derek found refuge in a small Wyoming town. For almost ten years, he lived alone in a cabin among acres of land, until one night he stumbles upon a car accident near his place. When the driver comes to with his friendly smile and beautiful brown eyes, there’s no way Derek could’ve predicted the next three weeks.
Stiles is a hunter who can’t go home and the alpha of the fallen Hale pack is his Hail Mary. What he didn’t expect to find was a gentle and broken man in place of the so-called mighty alpha. Despite the pressures from back home, Stiles keeps putting off what he has to do, while falling for the one person he’s not supposed to.
Mating Moons by skinsharpenedteeth (Skinsharpenedteeth)
(15/15 I 85,268 I Explicit)
Stiles just wanted to get Derek's attention. Derek had seemed so distracted as the full moon approached and Stiles was feeling pretty neglected as a friend. Next thing he knows, he's magically bound to a cabin in the mountains with Derek all winter long and they have to figure out whether they want to be life mates?
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duskier · 3 months
Werewolf AU / fat hairy werewolf gf x poly!141 idea rambling in honor of the art by @littlebit-of-art ♡
|| okokok werewolf lore is always varied but I love the idea of like. shift at will werewolves, but they have forced shifts during the full moon where they get all primal and stuff... thinking about the 141 in the woods, in hiding from bad guys, getting cabin fever and impatient as hell. Pissed that Laswell has benched them (though understanding she has legitimate reasons why)
Soap finds you first, middle of the night. Well, you find him, actually. He was just sneaking out for a cigarette, went alone because he didn't want to share- his pack was running low. You're a tall creature when shifted, much too large to be excusably identified as a wolf. It's the full moon, so the 'you' isn't all there- moreso your hindbrain, your dumb dog of a wolf self. Of course *she* makes a beeline towards Soap after smelling him in the air, first human you'd seen in years- he thinks he's about to get mauled to death but is pleasantly surprised when he sees your tail wagging and you're nudging him to come play with you.
The rest of the squad looks at Soap like he's nuts when he comes by with you in tow, the "can we keep it?" look on his face. Ghost has half a mind to shoot you, no matter how damned cute you looked flopping over on your back, your primal way of telling the group you were friendly.
Price knows you're something strange, not a normal wolf. After some bickering between Soap and Price ("He looks cold :("..."it's a wild fucking animal, Sergeant") you're allowed to curl up on the couch in the den of the cabin, just in front of the fire. The wood of the furniture squeaks under your weight, reassuring Price you wouldn't be sneaking anywhere at night without him noticing.
...But come morning time, when you are you again- human, that is- Price is left speechless. Who was this beautiful, stark naked woman, and why was she on the couch? Where'd the wolf thing go? Poor man, fighting his urges to look you up and down over and over until he'd memorized every silky furry curve, the soft pout of your lips...
After an embarrassing wake up call, a lot of screaming and scrambling, you were sat in an oversized blanket wrapped around you and explaining who and what exactly you were to the 141. You appreciated the warm place to sleep in, so you offer them a deal- let you move in, you'll hunt for them in your wolf form. Easy enough.
What you never could have expected was how much you would become attached to the team. It starts off small, them getting used to your large wolf form- Gaz gives you a scratch behind your ear once in a while. Then it becomes so common for you to rest on him that when he sees you, he wordlessly clears his lap, a perfect resting spot for your head. Soap asks to draw you once, then it becomes a natural thing and he's a sudden canine anatomy expert in weeks, half his sketchbook filled with you- human and otherwise. Price checks in on you, worries over you and waits up every night that you're out late hunting for them. Reminds you not to push yourself, you've stocked them plenty for winter, as he wipes your bloody maw clean with a towel before bed. Ghost gets annoyed at your limp from stickers caught in your paws, but then it becomes a daily ritual for him to groom you all over, pulling out annoyances caught in your fur or paws.
...That's just when you're in your wolf form. When you're in your human form, the men are all just as sweet, if not sweeter. Price finds an old record player, teaches you to dance to the music. Revels in the feeling of pulling your soft body close, hands lovingly caressing every inch of your body as you sway in time, your pretty head resting on his chest. He becomes quickly besotted by the feeling of your arms under his hands, the silky hair covering inch of your skin making him just mad with affection and want. Soap makes even more portraits- drawings with harsh and soft lighting, never wanting you to ever hide your body in the ways you'd been taught to previously. Can't stop raining down compliments on you the entire time, as if every five minutes he's blown away once more at your beauty. Doesn't miss a single tuft of hair, a single bit of your body. Gaz who finds every way he can make you laugh because once he's heard it, once he's seen the way your laugh moves through your whole body and the way your smile lightens the room, he's like a lovesick puppy. (It becomes bad news for Soap, because nothing made you laugh quite like Gaz pranking Soap, each prank becoming more and more childish.) Ghost takes the meager rations they have- thankfully bolstered by your hunting- and makes the best warm meals you'd ever had. Makes you taste test every meal- never plated until it has your approval. Watches you with his golden brown eyes, searching for your praise.
One night, Laswell shipped them their new rations and included a bottle of bourbon, a late birthday gift for Price. 'Sorry you're still there,' a note on the bottle apologized. The team couldn't care less about being there, so focused in on you. You take turns having small shots of the liquor and end up watching the men as they excitedly share story after story with you, each wilder than the last. Price puts his big warm hand on your leg, unable to keep himself from squeezing gently. Gaz has his arm on the backrest behind you, fingers toying with your hair. Soap sits at your feet, his head on your knee, you feel his stubble against your skin whenever he speaks. It's Ghost who breaks rank first, tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear and telling you you're the prettiest girl he'd ever met. You blush, and he says he'd like to kiss that blush right off of you. It's slurred, it's silly, but it works, and you let him kiss you, his mask rolled up to his nose. Soap protests, then, of course, how dare he not get a kiss. You jokingly ask Gaz if he'd like one too, of course he agrees and you oblige them both, as if it's the most natural thing in the world. You turn to Price, who was watching intently, eyes glittering in the firelight. "Come here, love," is all he has to say before you're crawling onto his lap and kissing him silly, the peanut buttery smell of his cigars filling your senses.
From there it's as natural as breathing to wake up in a cuddle pile, to kiss them all goodbye before going out on a hunt. For each of them to take you to bed, alone or all together or somewhere in between. They treat you like a precious thing, but never like glass- they know all too well how strong you are.
They find out even more of your capabilities when they are attacked.
Full moon, you're out hunting. Happily secure in letting your wolf side take the reins, looking for the best deer to take home for your boys when you hear a crack like a whip in the distance. You hear Soap screaming just as everything goes red for you. The primal side still in control, all it can think is that your pack was in danger. You ran faster than you ever thought possible, bulky wolf body breaking through old trees, unstoppable in your path to your mates. The men you kill in your way aren't anywhere near prepared for you, slaughtered like nothing. From your boys' perspective, you were a terrifying sight to see. Snarling and monstrous, standing on your back haunches taller than a building, soaked in blood and gore. It isn't until all enemies were silenced that you're capable of thinking anywhere clearly enough to look for your boys, make sure they were okay.
Thankfully, no one was hurt. Ignoring the mess covering you, you were sniffing and nuzzling each of them ignoring their protests in disgust, distressed whines leaving you. They weren't able to calm you that night, having to allow you to stalk a perimeter around the house all night long, daring more enemies to come. It wasn't until the next day that they found you, human form collapsed in the dirt from exhaustion. They take the time to bathe you, gently and with reverence, grateful for both your life and their own. Softening your skin with lotions and oils after, wrapping you in their nicest blankets and surrounding you in a giant cuddle pile so that when you awoke, you'd feel safe.
And you do. You can't imagine life without your boys.
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christinesficrecs · 9 months
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I had a request for newer fics, so here you go! Also, some other recent fics were posted here.
They’re all together ooky, the Hale family… (Snap, Snap) by DropsOfAddiction | 12.4K | Explicit
Derek realises that he’s probably squashing Stiles a little bit, right at the same moment that Stiles apparently realises that he’s still holding onto Derek’s face.
They both definitely acknowledge Derek’s nakedness at the same exact time, judging by the alarmed look on Stiles’ face.
“So, you have no clothes on,” Stiles removes his hands and holds them above his head in surrender, cheeks a muddy red.
“In my defence, I was covered in fur less than two minutes ago,” Derek rolls his eyes and he pushes himself up and off him, hands covering his junk for Stiles’ sake.
“You’re still kind of furry now…” Stiles sits up, blinking rapidly, clearly just as weirded out as Derek. “Oh my god, pretend I didn’t say that. I’m not looking or anything.”
Derek smirks, because that… that was a lie and he cocks an eyebrow at him.
as dear as a brother by endversed | 10.3K | Explicit
“You are not allowed to sleep with him,” Scott says.
“You’re not the boss of me,” Stiles scoffs.
Stiles and Scott become best friends at college. Derek is Scott's hot older brother.
Take Me Away From Here by Hedwig221b | 33.5K | Explicit
Derek Hale looked terrifying. With his broad frame and muscles, with his wild black hair and thick beard, with his eyes the color of blood and fangs of a killer. Despite his kindness and his apparent attraction to Stiles, he was still a stranger, a predator, a wolf.
The thing is, Stiles would deal, but others might not. People found Lord Hale horrid, monstrous and unapproachable.
If Stiles stood behind him, no one would touch him.
He’d be safe with the wolf. If not from him, then definitely from everyone else. And that was enough.
Messily Ever After by KaliopeShipsIt | 20.3K
When Stiles and his blue slushie have a literal and quite splashy run-in with an adorable five-year old flower girl and her panicking daddy in the middle of the mall, the last thing he expects is to get a date to a stranger's wedding out of it.
Let alone, a boyfriend and a kid.
His Accidental Touch by Hidden_Orchard | 12.8K | Explicit
It happened accidentally, the first time. All the many and varied times afterwards, Stiles would hold his hands up and admit full responsibility for. But that first time – pure chance.
Derek needs a cuddle. Stiles - generous man that he is - would never deny Derek something he needs.
An Alpha's Misunderstandings by Dexterous_Sinistrous | 48.5K | Mature
And Derek was there, as if it was a simple twist of fate.
There were so many ways Stiles wanted to forgive Derek, but then he came to his senses.
He wouldn’t risk Charlotte’s safety for that hope–never again. ~*~ Stiles and Derek are parted by war and misunderstandings, only to find each other again.
Red, Red, Red by loserchildhotpants | 9.4K | Explicit
“Just… it’s weird, I’ve been - uh. You ever, like, dream of something? Something you’ve never seen before, but then you see it out in the world?”
everywhere, everything (every day) by nerdy-stilinski (Captain_Ameriyeah), S3anchaidh | 14.3K
Derek’s never been the best at making decisions. That’s how he keeps waking up with Stiles in his arms, but never under the right circumstances.
Or: Derek agrees to a pack vacation and instantly regrets it.
Matchmaking in Fandom by isthatbloodonhisshirt (wasterella) | 13K
It wasn’t like it was a secret that the showrunners made terrible decisions when it came to their own show, so why he’d had actual faith in them not fucking the movie up, he had no idea. Really, it was his own fault.
He hadn’t even set the bar high for the movie! The bar was so incredibly low, like mid-shin height, and they somehow managed to get it subterranean. That was talent. A bad talent, but still a talent.
if i'm not made for you, then why does my heart tell me that i am? by EvanesDust | 13K
When Derek’s kids write out their Christmas lists, they insist he writes one too. Not long after it's deposited in Santa's mailbox, he's reunited with the man of his dreams.
Derek can't help but fall for him again. It's really too bad Stiles is so obviously taken.
...or the one where Derek’s a grump who makes assumptions about his pregnant omega neighbor.
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shelbgrey · 1 year
Perfect(Seth Clearwater)
Paring: Cullen!Imprint!Reader x Seth Clearwater
Summary: Seth never expected to turn into a wolf, let alone imprint. But after the new born army Seth imprents on the youngest Cullen. they become love sick puppies and just try to have the time of their lives at Edward's wedding. (sorry for any spelling errors)
Twilight Master list
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I found a love, for me
Darling, just dive right in and follow my lead
Well, I found a girl, beautiful and sweet
Oh, I never knew you were the someone waiting for me
Me and Seth hung close together as we walked around the sea of people, Bella and Edward's wedding reception was going off without a hitch. I didn't really want to be here, I hate huge croweds, but it was my big brother's wedding. It also helped I was with Seth.
He knew I didn't really want to do this, so he succeeded at spending the whole making me laugh. During the ceremony we couldn't stop giggling and making jokes about Bella, Sue had to literally sit in between us in the middle of my brothers vows. She found out that separating us wasn't gonna stop us.
This was Seth's first real party and he was always willing to try anything. We were know as the the sweet and innocent couple, we do are best to uphold that name.
“you guys are so cute together” Rose smiled, you knew Seth must be doing something right if someone like Rosalie saw him more as just a 'mutt'.
We tried to run off and get some cupcakes but Rosalie stopped us to get a photo. The first one was sweet but then they started to slowly become unhinged to the point Rose dismissed us. Emmett laughed as we went to sneak some cupcakes behind Alice's back.
'Cause we were just kids when we fell in love, Not knowing what it was. I will not give you up this time
But darling, just kiss me slow
Your heart is all I own
And in your eyes, you're holding mine...
If your wondering I'm the only human in the Cullen family and the only one who has actual documents of Carlisle and Esme adopting me.
I didn't know much about the pack till I befriend Jacob. Dispite my family he had a soft spot for me, I met Seth threw him even. Of course I didn't get to officially meet Seth intill the newborn Fiasco.
What my family nor the pack was prepared for was Seth imprinting on me. Jacob had invited me to a bonfire with the pack and that's when it happened. This of corse cuased some problems with the treaty and all, but with the newborn army coming everyone let it go.
I never felt so happy to have him, I watched my siblings get married and fall in love and I was left by myself, thst was unitll Seth. He had my heart from the start.
Baby, I'm dancing in the dark
With you between my arms
Barefoot on the grass
Listening to our favourite song
When you said you looked a mess
I whispered underneath my breath, But you heard it
Darling, you look perfect tonight...
“come on! Dance with me” I said pulling him towrds the swarm of other couples. Seth laughed and spung me around before pulling me to his chest. I wrapped my arms around his neck and we swayed to the music in a uncoordinated way, we didn't have to dance like Baby and Johnny from Diry Dancing to have fun.
He took my arms and we just kinda playfully bounced around and bumped each other. Things didn't really calm down till a slow song started to play, wonderful tonight by Eric Clapton started to play.
“may I have this dance?” Seth playfully bowed. “you may” he smiled and pulled me to his chest and way slowly swayed to the soft love song.
Well, I found a woman, stronger than anyone I know
She shares my dreams, I hope that someday I'll share her home
I found a lover, to carry more than just my secrets
To carry love, to carry children of our own...
I looked into his chocolate eyes never wanting this to end. We never really had a moment that didn't involve danger, so it was nice to just have a night of fun and laughter.
“have you ever thought about having a wedding?” Seth asked taking my hand in his and twirled me. I smiled softly. “of course, but we're too young to get married” I chuckled.
He smiled. “I know that...I want get a job and a maybe a small house on the res for us before we do all that”
“sounds like a plan” I smiled.
I knew in the future when it came down to either Seth or the family, I would chose Seth. I love my parents and siblings, they gave me a second chance when they adopted me. But then we move all the time and I'm not taking Seth away from his sister and mother.
We are still kids, but we're so in love
Fighting against all odds
I know we'll be alright this time
Darling, just hold my hand
Be my girl, I'll be your man
I see my future in your eyes
“you got somthing on your face” I said to Seth as we were eating the cupcakes we we're not supposed to eat yet.
“where?” he asked licking the frosting off this thumb.
I smiled and wiped the frosting on his nose. “there”
“hey” he laughed and his eyes went crossed to look at his now white nose. He stuck his toung out and tried to get it. I laughed at his failed attempts, he gave me an 'oh yeah?' look and wipped some frosting on my cheek. I laughed and pushed him away.
He stumbled backwards and accidentally bumped into Alice. “sorry Alice” he quickly said. She rolled her eyes.
“you guys aren't supposed to eat those yet and please act your ages” I rolled my eyes, Alice wasn't used to Seth yet but I didn't care what she thought. I would fight Seth for as long as it takes.
“we are acting our ages, we're at the prime of our youth and we only live once” I said smiled big, Seth nodded agreeing.
I ment the 'only live once' because that's what I wanted, as much as I loved my family I want to grow old with Seth and have a happy, normal future with him.
Baby, I'm dancing in the dark,
With you between my arms
Barefoot on the grass
Listening to our favorite song
When I saw you in that dress, looking so beautiful
I don't deserve this... Darling, you look perfect tonight
“have I told you how pretty you look tonight” Seth asked as we walked around the house, the music was getting old so we went somewhere more quiter.
I blushed. “Yes, about a million times” I playfully blumbed his shoulder.
“well it's not enough.. I don't deserve to be in the presents of such beauty” he said in his best medieval voice as he playful bowed to me then pulled me into his arms.
I have faith in what I see
Now I know I have met an angel in person, And she looks perfect...
Everything seemed to be perfect when I was with him and even if we were just 'kids' I couldn't wait for the future... And whatever desserts we can steal behind Alice's back tonight.
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thecapricunt1616 · 4 months
BlueBell (c.b. one-shot)
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𝓢𝓷𝓲𝓹𝓹𝓮𝓽 (𝓶𝓸𝓻𝓮 𝓑𝓣𝓒): When Mikey killed himself.. it was easy to say you were a mess. Mikey was the one who coaxed you through Carmys leaving, letting you know it was ok, that he was just ‘bein’ a lil’ bitch’ and he’d come to his senses soon enough. But he didn’t. And Mikey got sicker. And no matter how much you tried, how many times you called Carmy after a hard shift, or after stumbling into Mikey in the back freezer with a fucking disposable tourniquet tied around his arm, nodding off, begging Carmy to come home through your tears. Pleading, sobbing into the phone for minutes at a time that his brother was fucking killing himself - you never got a call back. 
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♡ O/S Inspo: Bluebell - Luck, truth and friendship. Incorporate into rituals to comfort those left behind and ease their sorrow. ♡ Summary: Your childhood best friend comes back to Chicago to take over the restaurant that had caused a rift in your friendship, and wants to make it better. ♡ W/C: 4.6K ♡ Posted Date: 05/26/2024 ♡ A/N: Heyyyyy!! Here is my technically second request for my 200 follower celebration that can be found ♡ Here ♡ based on this request from an anon :) please get your requests in folks! This celebration will be running Today (05/26/24) to next Sunday 06/02/24! I am still working on my first request (First date w/ Carmy) the writing bug just bit me in the butt for this one and I haven't ever written for childhood best friend Carmy it was very fun!!! Anyhoot- I hope you enjoy :D ♡ Warnings for BTC: Angsty (but comfort too!) Not edited, No use of y/n (reader is referred to as 'squish'), No use of skin colors / descriptions for reader (pics are for purely vibes!), Typical TW's that come w/ TB (speaking of suicide and all that), reader feels nauseous but never throws up!oh and not all that edited woopsieee haha sorry yall know the drill btp
♡ 𝐌𝐲 𝐋𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐬 ♡ ➵ 𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐜𝐤 𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐦𝐲 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭 ♡ ➵ 𝐂𝐚𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐦𝐲 𝐨𝐧𝐞-𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭 𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐩𝐚𝐠𝐞 ♡ ➵ 𝘊𝘭𝘪𝘤𝘬 𝘮𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘳𝘦𝘲𝘶𝘦𝘴𝘵 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 / 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘵 ♡ ➵ 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐬 ♡
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You had known Carmy a long time. Too long, was what you’d have said when he first moved back to Chicago. He kept in touch with you up until he left, and then it was simply every time your google search alert went off, you got a warmth in your chest knowing he’d accomplished something else. 
It felt strange, not talking to him every day. You'd had a huge fight before he’d ran off to Paris all alone. That was what baffled you, Carmy and alone - didn’t go in the same sentence usually. All middle school, all high school - he was glued to your side. Any time he needed a new assignment because he lost his, you’d go up for him and ask the teacher for a new one. When he needed to return an overdue library book, you’d face the librarian, claiming he’d forgot it at your house and you were too lazy to bring it in until then. Even going up in the fucking lunch line - he literally gave you his lunch pin so he didn’t have to face anyone unnessisarily. 
He’d meet you in the back of the football bleachers, cigarette between his lips that he’d throw out as soon as he saw you (he took to heart how you despised the habit- and he strongly disliked disappointing you) but with a mother, older brother, father, and older sister that smoked nearly a pack a day? He was doomed to pick it up himself. 
“I heard this mornin’ it was-“ 
“Chicken patty’s” you grimace handing him over the foil covered sandwich. “I didn’t get the fries - the geese are gonna have heart failure cus’a’you” you teased, opening your own and digging the 6 crumpled ketchup packets from your pocket, handing him 2 (you got the extra to wolf down the public school garbage because you made the walk up to the line, and all the way outside for him) 
“They deserve a little happiness y’know?! N-no worse than bread- vegetables are healthy!” He teased, taking the sandwich and muttering a little “Ugh” as he unwrapped it and smeared the 2 packets under the bun before closing it. “After school you wanna go T-T’the restaurant w’me?” He took a big bite. It was shit but it was something that got us through the grueling, sticky Chicago spring schoolday. 
“Mmhm” you hummed “parents outta town- Y’can sleep over if you want after. “ you nudge his hip with your own playfully. He’d been content with staying home lately, for whatever reason, but you wanted your Carmy time back. You’d figured you’d give it one more try 
“Uh-“ he started and you took a deep breath, eyes fixed on your dirty old black and white converse “N-Nat needs help w-with-“ 
“Save it” you snip, leaning against the bleachers and staring out at the pond next to the soccer field. He’d been doing this for the past months, when he used to be at your house every day, making up stupid games together and showing you how to cook his family's favorite recipes- lately, he’d just been going straight home after school and didn’t tell you why. 
“H-Hey-“ he reached out, touching your arm gently and you jerked it away. While his touch used to be comforting, now it felt like it burnt. You’d been having a crush on him for years and it felt like the ultimate knife to the gut he couldn’t see it, and didn’t reciprocate it. It hurt even worse it felt like your best friend in the whole wide world (and your only friend) had recently started ignoring you.
“Just don’t, Carmen.” You muttered, taking another bite of your sandwich. “Gotta get t’health.” You said after a few beats of silence, heading back to the school. It was one of the 2 classes once a week you didn’t have together due to your last names, and usually the worst periods of the week. But this time, it felt like a relief. 
That was the last time you’d ever met him for lunch. 3 months before the end of your senior year, and 7 years of being attached at the hip somehow fizzled to nothing more then longing glances in the hallway, and staring eachother down at graduation. 
Your mom and dad were ultimately confused when you told them you wanted to leave as soon as you’d walked the stage, not caring in the least to go to Carmys grad party - and that confused them even more. It just turned into a bratty screaming match started by your teen self, telling them how they had to ‘butt out of your life’ and to ‘Mind their own stupid business!!!’ Even though they were just concerned you were now completely ignoring the boy they had taken in as a son, and were giving him the cold shoulder when since the sixth grade the two of you had been nothing short of inseparable. 
Then - when you had started working at The Beef - as a favor for Mikey, when he had called - asking if you needed a job your first summer off from college, of course you said yes. And then Carmy took that news…. Worse then you could have ever thought. 
The fight you had the night he’d found out in the back alley of The Beef was burned into your memory since it happened. The angry accusations of you ‘having a crush on his older brother and wanting to fuck him since you were in school’ or ‘trying to weasel your way back into his life when he’d made it clear he hated that you were so ‘obsessed’ with him’ it had literally made you throw up in frustration and sadness and utter disbelief when he stomped off, face red and veins bulging in anger. 
The 5 words though that were seared into your brain ‘How fucking could you?, squish?!’ nearly choking on your childhood name, Tears streaming down his flushed pink cheeks. You never knew it would hurt him so badly that you worked at The Beef, you truly thought you were just doing a good favor for a man who was a big brother to you. Not betraying your best friend in the world, the boy you’d loved for so many years. 
You’d tried calling Carmy, only to be met with the generic voicemail message each and every time. Tears rolled down your cheeks as you wished him well, told him how much you missed him, missed your stupid inside jokes - you missed your bear. 
When Mikey killed himself.. it was easy to say you were a mess. Mikey was the one who coaxed you through Carmys leaving, letting you know it was ok, that he was just ‘bein’ a lil’ bitch’ and he’d come to his senses soon enough. But he didn’t. And Mikey got sicker. And no matter how much you tried, how many times you called Carmy after a hard shift, or after stumbling into Mikey in the back freezer with a fucking disposable tourniquet tied around his arm, nodding off, begging Carmy to come home through your tears. Pleading, sobbing into the phone for minutes at a time that his brother was fucking killing himself - you never got a call back. 
The day Carmy had come home, well - the day he started working at the beef. You were there early, per usual. You liked the 6-3:30 shift as you were out before the busiest time of day, and had maintained this shift since college. You had your degrees, you were going to be leaving after you’d graduated to start a real adult life instead of slinging stupid beef sandwiches for less-than-favorable pay - and then Mikey died. And you were the only one who knew how to do the books at the beef, before you taught Natalie. 
It wasn’t a surprise that Mikey was laundering money through the place, but what was a surprise was he left the place to his idiot little brother who’d abandoned his whole entire family to go do his stupid Executive chef-de-bullshit while everyone drowns in Chicago without him. You highly doubted that he would be able to manage the moving of money Mikey had taught you, but Nat was the only sister you’d ever known- so when she sobbed to you after mike died and she found out it was left to Carmy, and begged you to teach him how everything works- you couldn’t deny your big sis.  
“S-squish?” You heard behind you, and you nearly dropped the entire pan of beef you’d chopped into the large pan you were holding to marinate for the day. Your heart felt like it had been replaced with a hummingbird and its wings were beating so hard against your chest you were sure if you turned he would see it in your throat.
“Uh-“ you started, deciding it was better to not look at him, since tears would likely spring to your eyes. What did he look like in real life now? Was he really so…big? Was he really no longer that skinny, awkward little bear you once knew? “N-no one really calls me that- anymore…only Richie.” You grabbed the bowl of pre chopped onions that you’d grabbed from the fridge, tearing off the plastic wrap that had yesterdays date written on it, crumpling it up and dumping the vegetables over the meat before grabbing the bowl of chopped green peppers and doing the same. 
“So I can’t call y’the name I gave you?” He chides, that old edge of playfulness to his tone you missed so much. It made your heart clench. 
“The last person to use that regular was your brother” you said and that quickly shut him up as you mixed together the meat and veggies with a large spoon after adding the pre made spice mix, the last of the pre made spice mix that Mikey had left, tears brimming your eyes at the realization, shaking your head a bit hoping to will them away. 
“Fuck” he said, barely audible. There was a sadness to his tone, easily picked up by you. This was your first love. How could you not remember every single thing about him?! “Squish I’m-“ 
“Just save it. You’re here to work, right?” You looked back at him finally, and your breath nearly got caught in your throat. He was so… tall. You always teased him that he was just a late bloomer, and would grow into himself just like Mikey did - but he would constantly deny it and tell you he’d just be stuck being ‘a shrimp’ forever.
But fuck had he grown. And he has grown well. He finally grew into his nose, which you wanted to immediately poke fun at him for, his lips were still the same pouty thin ones you’d remembered - but his body. It made your mouth water. 
You’d seen it once, as he’d seen yours. You were sophomores in high school, awkward, fumbling teens that agreed to lose your virginity together. But back then he was lanky, hairless, soft. Now? He was a full grown man. 
“Mmhmm” he hummed, sounding like a child scolded but you could barely recognize the tone of his voice now that you’ve met his face. A man. 
“Carmen” you said softly and his eyes met yours again, recognizing the tears in them 
“Don’t cry, squish” he said just above a whisper, “M’sorry…” he admitted, carefully reaching up and thumbing away your tears. 
“Oh Carm” you broke down, dropping the spoon you were holding onto the bowl and practically collapsing into his arms in choked sobs. 
“I know” he said quietly, gently petting your hair just like he did when you were little. 
“He’s dead Carm, where were you? Where the fuck were you? I called you, Bear! He was sick!” you sobbed mercilessly into his shirt, letting everything out you held in at the funeral to maintain your cool for Donna and Sugar since they were blubbering messes.. You could hear the thick tears in his voice when he whispered a strained 
“I’m so fuckin’ sorry, Squishy- So sorry” 
Your little moment was interrupted though, by a small voice - 
“Hi! Hey- uh..Hello- sorry- I was um…I got a call - yesterday, about an interview, for an um- a Sous position?” your head shot up from Carmys shoulder, seeing a tall brown-skinned girl with braids smiling awkwardly,  eyes flickering between you and Carm, clearly looking uncomfortable. You would be too, you realized - if you walked in to your supposed-to-be interview, to see your potential boss being cried on by one of his employees.
“Shit- uh” he pulled away quickly, walking up to her and extending a hand. You decided to go to the back of the kitchen to the changing area to have a few swigs from your water bottle and calm down. You didn’t need to relish in the sting that was him dropping you so fast for another girl, even if you were short staffed and you did need the help.
You shook your head, wiping over your tears and taking a few large gulps of water. Teach him how to move the money, and quit. Thats all you have to do, easy right? 
Not at all, actually- fucking impossible. 
Carmen had been bad at math, horrible at it  - actually, so teaching him how to run the books - with Richies explicit instructions to not make him aware his Uncle and Brother were washing blood money through the restaurant - so to try and explain why the electric costed 120K a month for a hole in the wall like The Beef was getting frustrating, because when Carmy didn’t understand something- he asked never ending questions until he got it. Thats what had you and Carmy, sitting in the back office together at nearly 8 PM, going over the books for what felt like the millionth time.
“So - so the General electric, lets go over one more time squish - I’m still.. Why would Mike have done that? An-an’ why we payin f’r a system that y’say isn’t workin’ anymore? Cant we just like- negotiate? Ask uncle jimmy t’fix it?” he tapped his pencil on the desk absentmindedly as he looked over the spiral notebook you’d written the monthly ‘bills’ on, trying to explain it to him without giving away anything he didn’t need to know like Richie instructed.
You groaned, rubbing over your face frustratedly and rubbing your temples. He was gonna give you a migraine asking these same god-damn questions. “Bear- i’m tired- my shift ended like…four hours ago! I was supposed to be on a facetime date” you groan, dragging your hands down your cheeks dramatically.
“The hell is a facetime date?” he asked, that gigglyness in his voice he’d take on when he was making fun of you when you were little.
“You lost the privilege of fucking with me when you ran away” you look over at him, a frown unknowingly etched in your features.
He met your eyes, biting at his lip the way he did, blinking a few too many times as he looked down at your lips before meeting your eyes again. “I never was running from you, squish” he said, his voice taking on that softness you fucking hated because you loved it so much.
“Yeah? Sure fucking felt like it- and for your information, a facetime date is a date you do when someone isn’t close enough to go on a real date. So…yeah. Anyway- like I said - the arcade costs-” he cut you off
“So…where’s this guy live?” he questioned. “You really can’t date a guy in Chicago? Y’gotta go f’r long distance?” he asked, a little smirk on his face. The kind that would have had you wanting to crash your lips into his when you were teens, but now it just made you want to cry at all the lost time, what you could have been if you just told him you’d loved him that night, that the reason you accepted the job was so that hed fucking look at you again. 
“Why the fuck does it matter to you? You stopped giving a fuck about me - what, Tell me fancy pants CDC? How long has it been since you gave a fuck” You got up, grabbing your jacket. “Like I fucking said, Carmen, My shift ended hours ago. I’ve explained this to you multiple times. If you’re still too focused on Paris, or- or Copenhagen - Or fucking Noma- to not understand how to run your familys piece of shit? Isn’t that what you called it- huh? Why don’t you go and ask the fucking sibling you have left how to do it, yea? She’s been trying to call you, We all were- but it’s not like you give a fuck- like I said- figure it out, Bear- and consider this my formal fucking 2 weeks. I’m done in this shithole” you threw your wadded up apron at his chest and slammed the office door shut behind you, stomping off to the lockers to gather your things and go the hell home. 
The next week and a half of work felt much like high school. You and Carmy were in the same exact room, forced to work together most of the time - but not a word was exchanged that wasn't absolutely necessary between the two of you. It wasn’t until the night before your last day, he was brave enough to say something to you. It was after closing, you’d picked up a double since 2 line cooks had called out and you already knew how to hold up pace without any training. You could use the money anyway, the pay was absolute garbage - the only reason you ever put up with it was because Michael was family to you. “So uh…” Carmy starts as he put on his plaid coat, shoving his work clothes in his backpack “How was y’r um… facetime date?” he asked, shoving in his chefs clogs last before zipping the bag shut.
You bit your lip, continuing to fill your tote bag with the remainders from your locker. You wanted to just leave as soon as the clock struck 3:30 tomorrow and never look back, forget Carmen was ever a part of your life. Being around him again brought back that sharp ache deep in your chest that you’d picked up in school when you began ignoring eachother, for why? You cant even remember- other then him shrugging you off to hang out that one last time, and you ignoring him the rest of that week, and it just kept going. You realized the first you’d spoken since then was his first day back, and you couldn’t get that fact out of your head. 
“He never texted me back so- yeah” you folded up a pair of work jeans, shoving them in the bag
“Oh- shit- m’sorry, squish. Guys can be real assholes” he replied. And while you know it was supposed to be friendly and him just trying to console you, It really just pissed you off. 
“Yeah- You would know” you grate quietly, continuing to pack your bag. He frowned in that cure Carmy way, shutting his locker and putting his backpack on his shoulder. Luckily the two of you were the only ones there tonight, so no one had to be present for you unpleasant bickering.
“Are you ever gonna hear me out? Er’ you’re just gonna freeze me out forever?” he asked, his voice laced with genuine hurt. But you couldn’t help but laugh coldly, shaking your head.
“Freeze you out? Freeze you out? Well if this week has been anything like the past few years? I hope it feels half as shit as I’ve felt. Glad you’re finally getting the message, I want nothing to do with you. I don’t stay where i’m not wanted, plus- aren’t I just a whore who took a job to make passes at your older brother- who by the fucking way was literally nearly 10 years older then us? That is just…gross Carmy! Mikey was as much an older brother, a fucking protector as he was to you, and to Nat- as he was to me- I loved you! I fucking loved you, Carmy! And you-” You took a shaking breath, turning to look at him and he was pale as a ghost at your admission.
“And you froze me out first, you- you stopped calling, in school carmen all those fucking years ago? You stopped, and - and when I didn’t come to the bleachers you didn’t try to find me! You just-” you met his eyes once again but couldn’t find them as they were squeezed shut and that 17 year old was right back in front of you, nervously shaking his hand and tears streaming down his cheeks. “Fuck- Bear I didn’t mean t-” 
“D-Don’t” he brushed past you, the familiar smell of smoke and pine and sandalwood hitting your nose, the same Cologne Mikey wore. 
“Carmy” you rushed after him as he made a b-line for the office. 
“You’re right, Squish- go home” he rasped, his voice thick with tears and regret. Your heart broke in that moment. Your chest also bubbled with anger, because - you were right?!
“I’m right?” you asked and he sniffled, attempting to shut the door on you but you shoved it open “Look at me - Look at me and fucking tell me that you meant what you said Carmen!” he sat at the desk, burrying his face in his hands and rubbing over it. 
“Just fuck off Squish! I mean it- go!” He was getting louder now, but there it was again, Squish.
“If you meant what you said- call me by my name” You challenge, nudging his sneaker to get his attention, just how you did when his head would be down in english class when he didn’t want to be noticed so he wasnt picked to read out loud.
“What?” he looked up at you finally, his big blue eyes red and tear stained, rims watery and long sandy colored lashes clinging to stray smaller tears. He looked so sad, and you thought again for the first time since he left that night all those years ago, that you wanted to kiss those tears away.
“You- you keep calling me squish” you shrug a bit “If you really mean what you said - if- if you think I got this job to whore around with Michael?! Call me by my real name. The name the rest of the staff call me- the name people who aren’t a fuckin’ Bear call me.” you challange, a lump growing in your throat as he stared you down.
“Did you mean it?” He asked, voice just barely above a whisper. You knew exactly what he meant, and you were pretty sure your heart was gonna fly out of your throat any second- or you were gonna throw up all over the floor and embarrass yourself - 50/50 
“You- you go first, I asked first” You said and he ran a hand through his hair, greasy from the day before digging in his pocket and pulling out a spare quarter 
“Heads er’ tails?” he asked, and you couldnt help but crack a tiny smile. This- this was normal. In high school, when you’d both ask eachother a question and neither wanted to answer first - even though technically the person who asked first should be the first to get an answer, you both decided to let the universe decide who’d be the first to get an answer.
“You gotta be kidding- you remember that?” You leaned on the desk and he looked up at you, panic mostly gone from his eyes and you knew you still had your bear-taming charm as Mikey called it when you were kids, since you were the only other person to be able to calm Carmy down.
“Are you kidding? I remember everything” he retorts “I call heads then” he flipped it and you gasp, smile growing a bit and you nudge his knee with yours, the gesture causing warmth to flood his cheeks as he flips the coin 
“I thought it’s always ladies first?” you teased and he flipped it on to his hand, keeping it covered. 
“Y’re too slow” he cracked a small smile, before revealing the quarter was heads side up and looking up at you expectantly. That heartbeat that could also be vomit reappeared, and your chest got tight. 
“Yes” you said simply, realizing you’d said loved - not love, not a current state of being, even though it never really went away. When he came back that first day, and you were right back to using all your old coded language and laughing over old jokes - you’d realized the love never really died, you’d just shoved it down as deep as it could go.
“Of course I didn’t mean that bullshit, Squish. I was….so fuckin stupid- I was - I am a fuckin idiot. I- I changed my fuckin number and I didn’t bother to load my contacts cause…I thought you hated me - But I- I never stopped…” he met your eyes again. 
Oh god, your heart was really coming out of your throat right now
“Never stopped….loving me? You- you loved me?” you asked bravely, feeling as if you might pass out - or die - or both if he said no. 
He nodded silently, his gaze fixed on the floor ever so shyly, Classic Carmy, the Cowardly Bear
“Well- which- which is it?” you asked, you weren’t going to let his shyness cheat you out of a real answer.
“I- um…I never stopped” he finally met your eyes.
You felt as if you still may pass out, or die, or both at this admission. 
Instead of that though, you leaned in, cupping his stubbly cheeks. His breath hitched, so did yours - you weren’t even sure you were breathing, the last time you’d been this close was - well, Sophomore year of high school , when you both vowed to never speak of it again, since you were both unsure how the other felt - and much too shy to say anything about it in case of rejection or being viewed as ‘weird’ by one another. You leaned in, the smell of cigarettes and mint on his breath from the gum he would chew instead of eating on meal breaks after a cigarette. 
His eyes fluttered shut “I’ve thought about this every day” he whispers, breath fanning your lips gently. You rest your forehead on his, closing your eyes and your noses bumped sweetly. “Can I please kiss you?” he asked, his voice soft and wanting. 
“You don’t have to ask” you said and leaned in, finally meeting his lips. He pulled you closer, you were practically on his lap. It felt as natural as falling into bed at the end of a long day moving your lips with his, your fingers easily finding his curls and combing out the little knots from the day, causing him to groan softly into your mouth. You smiled a bit, straddling his lap and wrapping your arms around his neck. 
You sighed in relief as he wrapped his arms around your waist, slipping his tongue over your bottom lip, you hummed- opening for him and moaning softly as he ran his tongue over yours, enjoying your taste as well as you were enjoying his. He was the same as you remembered, you’d fantasized about doing this with him again every time you got off - or just every time you were daydreaming in general. You weren’t sure who broke the kiss first, but you both needed to breathe, so it was for the best.
“I still love you, too”
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Wereroomies werewolf!chan reaction to his girl in a rabbit costume? I know that man will go insane
this ask wormed its way into my brain and made me write a drabble in record time. sorry if anything's worded weirdly, i was literally possessed while i wrote this whole thing.
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Pairing: Werewolf!Chan x Human!F.Reader (one of the main pairings of my WereRoomies series). | Word Count: ~1k. | Warnings: Chris’ POV · curvy/chubby reader · primal play (can it be considered primal play when one of the parties involved is an animal already?) · breeding · unprotected penetration [piv. no barrier method, but the reader is presumed to be on birth control].
minors do not interact.
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It was rare for Chris to take you to his house in the woods on your own. Typically, the entire pack would come for their monthly run, but every once in a while he needed to come check on the place to make sure everything was in order–the amount of times he’d woken up in a cold sweat in the middle of the night with the sudden thought that he didn’t turn off the lights before leaving during their last trip were too many to count at this point.
This weekend, Chris decided to take you out on a little escapade, just the two of you in his big house. You both had been working nonstop the last couple of weeks, between that and pack duties you’d hardly had any time for yourselves as a couple, so he was more than needing his alone time with you, to disconnect from everything and everyone else.
So here he was, doing the final checks on the house to make sure everything was fine before he could finally join you wherever you were in the house to lounge around and snuggle and hopefully have some delightful sex later in the evening.
“Baby, have you seen the–the…”
Walking into the living room, and seeing you all of a sudden like that, sitting on the dining table of all places, was something Chris did not expect. His mind short-circuited immediately, and the fact that you had the nerve to gasp and act surprised as soon as you spotted him wasn’t making it any better.
“Oh, my… Seems like I’ve found myself in the wolf’s lair. What am I gonna do now…” You brought your hands to your cheeks, which only squished your breasts further together, all garnished with the fakest look of concern he’d ever seen on your face.
That bra was barely even a bra, it was just a couple of pieces of fabric tied around your neck by thin straps, it did absolutely nothing to keep your breasts contained. It was white, too, practically transparent. The bottoms weren’t much better, also a barely even there piece of fabric that did incredibly poorly at covering your plump centre. But the worst pieces of all were the white and pink suspender belt, with the matching stockings over your mouth-watering thighs, and the goddamned bunny ears on your head.
Something stirred deep inside of Chris, something just so incredibly dangerous, something he just knew was exactly what you wanted to awake with this entire set-up of yours.
Prey, prey, prey, prey, prey…
What kind of boyfriend would he be if he denied you of your fun? So of course he played along. 
“Aww, poor little bunny got lost?” Chris cooed, crossing his arms over his chest and leaning on the door frame, staring you up and down.
You bit your lip, nodding. “You’re not gonna do anything bad to me, right?”
Chris took a deep breath, and he got almost winded by the scent of your arousal lingering in the air. “Well… That depends, pretty bunny…”
A smirk made its way onto his face, and Chris could already feel himself straining in his briefs. “On how fast you can run away from me”.
You bit your lip and whimpered, looking almost scared. 
There was a moment of you staring at him, and Chris staring at you… A moment of silence that fed the tension in the air. In an instant, you were getting off of that table and bolting out of the room, letting him see the fluffy tail attached to your bottoms, and he could feel the fine hairs on his nape stand on end.
Chase, chase, chase, chase, chase…
Chris immediately ripped his t-shirt off of his body and chased after you. He was suddenly feeling incredibly warm, and he could feel his instincts further clouding his reason as he looked at your form trying to get out of his reach.
He let you off easy for a few minutes, revelling in the deep breaths you took, in the way your heart was racing inside your chest, and in the smell of your scent taking a hold of every single one of his nerve-endings. Until he just couldn’t take it anymore, he needed to catch you, to show you your place and make you submit.
After a while of running and hiding around the house, Chris finally caught up to you on the upper floor, right after climbing the stairs–his shorts had been discarded at some point during the chase, he didn’t even notice when he’d removed them, and he, honestly, also didn’t care.
With a tight hold on your waist he pushed you against the nearest wall. He would’ve felt bad by hearing the whimper that came out of your mouth as soon as your back hit the wall, but, at this point, he knew your limits, he knew how to read your body language, he knew the exact word you would use if it all became too much for you, and, especially, he knew when you were putting on an act. 
With a hand cradling the back of your head, he tilted it to the side, making himself more room to shove his face in the crook of your neck, to prod at your pulse point with the tip of his nose and get a proper whiff of that scent of yours that made him delirious, especially now with how horny you smelt, with his senses enhanced by the chase.
“What now, bunny?” Chris mumbled. He licked a stripe up the expanse of your neck, relishing the taste of your skin under his tongue, and he felt you shiver with the motion.
You swallowed, taking a deep breath. “What are you gonna do to me? I’m just a poor, innocent bunny that got lost…”
“Are you, now?” Chris brought his free hand to the ears on your head, feeling the soft fur between his fingers for a moment, only to finally move that hand to your side so he could drag it all the way from your ribs down to your hips, relishing the goosebumps that rose under his touch. “And what was a pretty bunny like you looking for so insistently you ended up lost in my lair?”
“A partner”, you replied simply, although your voice got a bit shaky when he started to toy with the string that tied your underwear in place. “I just…need to be bred so badly”.
Chris could’ve fainted with how fast blood rushed from his head to his crotch.
“Oh, sweet, sweet, bunny”, he dragged his teeth down the length of your neck, until he finally found a spot to suck the first of many love bites he was ready to leave on your skin. “I can give you exactly what you want… I’ll pump you so full, pretty. Just how you need”.
“You will?” You reached for his hips, and the warmth of your hands on his bare skin was further feeding that pool of desire in the pit of his stomach. “Is the big, alpha wolf going to put his pups inside me?”
God, he might’ve been the predator, but you certainly always had the upper hand, and Chris knew you were aware of it. You always knew what to say to get him to react, to get exactly what you wanted, and he was ready to fall for it every single time.
Chris leaned in closer, close enough he could feel your lips brush against his own when he spoke. “Only if you ask nicely”.
You moved your hands from his hips to his ass, squeezing generously. “Please… Please, I need your pups so bad. Please, breed me, alph–”
A squeal left your lips when Chris took a hold of your hips and turned you around all of a sudden. He just couldn’t take it anymore, not after all that had transpired since he spotted you on that table downstairs.
With a hand on your upper back, he pressed your chest further into the wall as you pushed your hips back towards him, giving him the delicious sight of your round bottom in that barely there piece of underwear with the fluffy tail, and the way your soft flesh dipped under the taut straps of your suspender belt that held the stockings on your legs almost made him dizzy.
Chris spat on his free hand and smeared the saliva all over his length. Pulling your underwear to the side, he got a perfect view of your soaked folds. Clearly, all the running around had been a good warm up for you, too, and he was almost trembling in anticipation.
In normal circumstances, he would’ve probably stretched you out first, even loosen you up with his mouth and his tongue. But these were no normal circumstances. He could barely think straight at this point, all he knew for sure was that he needed to be inside of you and give you the pounding of your life.
Breed, breed, breed, breed, breed…
You whined once he started to push his cock inside you. The feeling of your warm, wet, tight walls stretching over his length had him rolling his eyes to the back of his head. He might’ve worried he was hurting you, but he knew by now that when you reached back for his hip like you were doing now, almost like you were urging him to ram himself into you already, it meant you were doing just fine, so there wasn’t a single spark of worry in his hazy mind just yet.
As soon as he was fully sheathed within your warmth, he nuzzled your neck, holding the soft skin of your hips tightly in his hands. “Don’t worry, pretty bunny. I’ll give you what you need. All of it”.
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© therhythmafterthesummer 2023. all rights reserved. do not repost or translate my stories.
figured i’d tag anyone that wants to be tagged in my wereroomies instalments. if you don’t want to be tagged in little ask responses like these let me know !
@raspbinniecreme · @staaa96 · @oiminho · @straylightdream · @starshine-moon · @biribarabiribbaem · @100layersofdaddyissues · @dearalice · @alexis-reads-fics · @xcookiemonsteer · @knowleeknow · @chanlovesme · @liminaldaydream · @sstarryreads · @svngiem · @notastraykid · @princelingperfect · @violetpenguinkris · @leedunno · @peepeepoopooharrie · @aestheticsluut · @skzhomiehopper · @cessixja · @mimzibee · @hipsdofangirl · @djeniryuu · @floatingcoffecup · @minnysproutgriffinteddy · @moonmooncr · @phobia0325 · @leebitsimpracha
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violetsiren90 · 7 months
Nothing But You | Bang Chan/Reader
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Pairing: wolf hybrid!Bang Chan x f!human!Reader
Genre: hybrid AU; non-idol AU, strangers to lovers; love in adversity; cozy one-shot; fluff and angst
Word Count: 1434
Summary: The world's not ready for your love, but that doesn't matter. None of it matters - nothing but him.
Part 2: Evergreen (though both can be read as stand-alone works)
Content Warnings: I'd give this a PG-13 for content, but ALL of my work is 18+ (minors, dni); cuddling; co-sleeping; bad weather (but safe indoors); shirtless Chris (Chan is called Christopher); descriptions of hybrid physical features (including some minimal body hair); depictions of prejudice towards, discrimination, and marginalization of hybrids; a character gets lost and is momentarily frightened; allusions to sexual intimacy; implied domestic violence (by an authority figure, not Chris); running away; mention of reproduction (pups); for some reason even though it is explicitly stated I feel the need to mention that Reader and Chris are both adults throughout
Author's Note: I'll tell you what I didn't have planned for this Sunday afternoon and that was a Bang Chan hybrid AU one-shot. But the image of cuddling up with Chan in the middle of a snowstorm took me hostage and now here we are. I've never written a hybrid AU before, so this was very fun! If you read this, I hope this Christopher brings you the comfort you deserve today. 💕
P.S In case no one has told you today, you're so loved and so, so worthy of love. 🧜💜
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The icy wind howls, whipping swirling flurries of snow past the windows of the little cabin. You stir, not opening your eyes, heavy with slumber as your other senses remind you of the homey trappings of your shelter. A fire crackles and pops, its warmth licking over your nose and cheeks. A soft, heavy blanket fashioned of rabbit pelts lays over your body, rustling quietly as you nuzzle into the man beneath you.
    His chest rises and falls with the even breath of a deep sleep. Your cheek rests against his bare skin and the silky patch of thick, dark hair between his firm pectorals. It isn't really hair - not like yours. It's fur. Soft, dark tufts of it decorate his body everywhere hair would grow on a man; a patch on his chest, under his arms, at the dip of his Adonis belt. It smells like him. Like musk and pine and lavender. Manly and primal, floral and gentle. Christopher.
    Hybrids were still treated like dirt in so many ways. They didn't require licenses to live without owners anymore, but still, they were pushed to the margins of the community by the intolerance of common practice. You yourself had been taught to fear them. Monsters, your grandfather had told you, who would turn on their own young in a moment of morbid instinct. Even so, you always found more pity in your heart than terror.
    And then, one day, you met him.
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You had been loading groceries into the bed of your grandparents' jalopy at the general store and dropped a bag of oats as you struggled to hoist it onto the tailgate. You hadn't even noticed he was beside you when he easily hefted the bag and the remaining two boxes of eggs onto the vehicle without a word. He shot you a little smile, but before you could thank him your eyes were arrested by a pair of sharp brown ears rising from his curly hair. He pulled on a cap and turned to go before you could collect your wits enough to speak.
    You had thought of nothing save his warm brown eyes and sweet smiling lips in the weeks that followed, taking any chance you could to steal away to the general store in hopes of seeing him again.
But your paths never crossed. Not until the following summer.
You had packed in to the camping grounds by the lake with a few other girls from your graduating class for a weekend getaway from the menfolk - not that you had any - and you'd joined them rather reluctantly and at the persistence of your grandmother, who insisted a little socialization would do you good.
    That first afternoon you quickly grew tired of the chatter. If the weekend was meant to be a reprieve from the men, you grumbled to yourself, then why were they the constant and sole topic of conversation? You gathered up your sketching supplies and walked down the trail a ways, finding that the more distance you put between yourself and the shrieks of laughter and gossip behind you, the better you felt. Soon, you couldn't hear them at all. You settled onto a rock at the edge of a small glen and took your pencil in hand.
    Suddenly, some hours later, it dawned on you that your eyes were straining somewhat on the page, and you looked about, startled at the waning light reflecting the late hour. Gathering your things, you hurried back to down the path, only to realize with a sickness in your gut that you were well and truly lost, and that the daylight was nearly spent.
    He had found you then, sniffling rather pathetically beside a tree. You'd been alarmed by the sudden sound of his voice, having not heard his furtive approaching steps, but when you raised your frightened eyes to his face the fear had quickly given way to wonder. You'd given up hope of seeing him again, and now here he was, once more in your hour of need.
It was too dark now to find the trail back to the campsite, so you helped divide the load of bracken he had tucked under his arm between you as he led the way back to his cabin, not far into the thick. As you walked you noticed his tail, gray and brown and full behind him. Had he hidden it, that day at the store, you wondered? Did he always when he was around people like you? You remembered how surprised you had been at the site of his pretty ears upon your first meeting and you felt ashamed. You tried to find every possible way to assure him, as you walked and talked, that he didn't frighten you. You hoped he understood.
    Before long, you arrived at a little clearing with a log cabin at its heart. Smoke rose invitingly from the chimney, and you found it was as small and homey and warm within as it seemed from the cold darkness of the wood. The stranger gave you bread and stew and hot milk, and you ate with him and told him of yourself and he shared with you in return.
He was a wolf hybrid. The sole survivor of his pack, he had traveled hundreds of miles to settle into the mountains of your home. He made a living hunting, trapping, and gathering the wares of the wild to sell in town, as did a handful of other hybrids living in the mountains - a group of traders known collectively as The Strays. He told you that his name was Christopher, but that most simply called him The Wolf. When you repeated his given name softly and asked if you could call him by it he smiled that smile again, but broader and brighter and with his eyes pressed into little moons and crow's feet in their corners. His canines glinted in the light of the fire and one beautiful dimple pressed into his left cheek.
    You were in love.
    You asked him, a little shyly before parting the following day, if you could be friends. He smiled sadly and brushed rough fingers over your cheek before telling you that you were already his friend, but that you should keep yourself safe by staying away. People were suspicious of hybrids, and if he were seen with a human woman, it could be dangerous for you both.
     At the edge of the campsite, when he turned to go, you grabbed his arm. You told him that every Saturday morning you helped wait tables at Maple's Diner, and that if he came, breakfast would be on the house. You wanted to thank him, you insisted. In truth, you just wanted to give him a chance to find you, should he wish to. Oh, you desperately hoped that he wished to.
    And he did. He showed up a few weeks later, ears tucked under a hat and shoulders looking broad in a worn flannel shirt. You gave him coffee and bacon and a pile of pancakes and sat with him when your shift was through. It became a ritual, Saturday mornings at the diner. And then you started meeting for lunch. Then dinner. Then for long walks and trips to the movies. Then he started to take you out for drives in his truck - for picnics in the mountains, to watch the stars from the bed, to never leave the cab or each other's arms as the windows fogged with your labored breaths and mingled heat.
    One night your grandparents were waiting up when you returned. Your grandfather was in a rage, your grandmother was all worry and woes. It was a sin, what you were doing, they said. In the eyes of what god, you demanded in return? Your grandmother clung to your arm, begging you to come to your senses - it was dangerous, and worse, you would be ruined for life. You told her that none of that meant anything to you. Only him, he was all that mattered. Only Christopher. To hell with everyone and everything else in that goddamned town that treated him with suspicion and shame - that could never begin to see how perfectly beautiful he was.
Your grandfather forbade you to see him.
You told him you were grown and he couldn't stop you.
He raised his hand, and your grandmother screamed.
    When Christopher pulled up in his pickup you were in front of Maple's Diner. He gasped as he crouched to cradle you in his arms and gently brush his fingers over your broken lip and the green bruise on your cheek. He gathered you up, gathered your little bags, and took you home.
Home to the woods.
To the little warm cabin.
To his arms and his heart.
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    It's the third winter since you left it all behind - everything that tried to keep you from him.
Things are so different now, so simple, slow, steady and intimate in the life you share. You've started talking about pups. Maybe someday. Maybe soon. 
    You look up at his lovely, peaceful face, washed golden in the firelight, and smile, settling back down against his chest. As the wind howls your eyes slip shut, and you sleep again in the strong, gentle arms of a wolf.
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werewolves attempt to keep to themselves, mostly. they live as wolf packs in state game lands and national parks, keeping the ecological balance. every once in a while they’ll live on unclaimed lands, and when they do, they eventually make deals with landowners. 
your pack lives on thousands of acres owned by one man. he lives a fairly modest life; he just wants to keep out in the woods and tend his koi ponds. he is quite respectful to your pack, waving when you travel by and staying out of the part of the forest that you’ve requested. 
he’s never a problem. occasionally, though, he brings guests. those you have to watch more closely. 
they’re always good, too. you have to assume that the owner talks to them, tells them not to go off his paths, tells them to clean up after themselves. but that doesn’t meant that there can’t be sentries posted to make sure they don’t wander too far. 
usually, it’s the same family. must be some friends of the owner who bring their progeny. there’s a grandfather with his cane and his wisdom. there’s his daughter, with her happy smile and tendency to keep the campfires roaring. and then the daughter’s children. 
she has an oldest son, the most responsible. he has a family of his own now, a wife and toddler son to chase around and feed marshmallows to. there’s a middle daughter, who travels and has stories to tell. 
and not every time, but with rare luck, their youngest son travels to join them. and whenever you’re on sentry duty, he catches your eye. 
the others are respectful. they have fun, they clean up, they sigh and enjoy the wind. the youngest, though, he seems to revel in it. he strolls around the large fields and checks himself for ticks. he turns his face to the wind and closes his eyes like he can understand the twists and breezes. he runs barefoot, and while he’s not very fast, his form is almost familiar. he points out poison ivy and knows which woods burn the best and can tell which streams are safe to drink. he’s a bit small, but the way he entertains and plays with his nephew makes you imagine him taking care of pups, and even though you know it won’t take, you crave to fuck him full of them. 
he’s perfect. and one weekend, when all the others leave, he stays alone. 
the property is wide and beautiful. the parts of it that are more ‘tamed’ include a pond, a fire pit, a hammock, and an elevated pavilion. he sits there most of the day, just looking off into the forest. he almost seems like he longs for it. 
so you’re a bit daring. you stalk forward from the woods, hulking and rippling muscle and canine teeth parted to allow scent to pass through. 
he seems scared, but he doesn’t move. he lets you travel to him, and only twenty feet away does he step back. so you sit down and transform, and you watch his handsome face as he realizes what you are. 
“hello,” you tell him, and he shakes his head like he can’t believe what he’s seeing. you can’t blame him. he’s speechless, even a moment later, so you stand and approach him. he holds his ground this time, letting you come all the way up to his space, letting your hands wander over his torso. he seems to entertain you, letting you do as you please. 
emboldened, you tilt his chin up, and lavish your tongue over his neck. he’s missing the scent gland there, but you don’t mind, his own scent is perfect enough. he lets out a soft sigh, and that’s all you need. 
there’s a fancy table in the center of the pavilion. all it matters to you is that it doesn’t tip when you lift him and set him on it, pulling his clothing from his body. he can’t help but to touch you as you do, now gingerly giving kisses back across his shoulders and neck, and he teases his teeth across your skin. the sensation sets you alight, and even moreso you want him. you want him as yours. 
your weeping cock slides between his thighs a few times before he opens his legs to you and lays back, arching up his back as you prep him sloppily and hastily with your fingers. it’s all you have not to fuck into him, to pop your knot inside him, claim him and mark him and bite him and change him. you can barely stop yourself, but you do, and your reward is his sultry moan as you fuck him onto your fingers. 
you tell him your name just so he can moan it as you finally thrust inside him, all the way up to your swollen knot. he all but screams, bucking his hips already in pleasure, whimpering and panting. if you didn’t know better, you’d think him in heat. 
“please, please,” he begs, and you don’t know what he begs for, but even so you grab onto his hips and thrust into him, building a rhythm that hints to a crescendo of his moans getting higher and higher pitched, his legs locking behind you, his hole clamping down on you. you start to fear you won’t fit inside him with how desperately he tightens around you, so you pull him to you as you snap your hips forward, and he paints his own chest with the force of his orgasm at being knotted. 
you collapse onto his chest, still weakly thrusting as you pump him full. you can’t help but clamp your teeth down, only controlling yourself enough to not break skin. he lifts one hand to pet your hair, panting under your body, still sounding and smelling of heat. 
you have him twice more before the day is up. he turns up at a lot more of those family gatherings after that. he lounges in the woods with you, promising that one day, he’ll let you bite him for real, and bind him to the forest for good. 
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