ixiart · 2 years
benim için gerçeklik çok karmaşıktı. bir benim olan vardı, bir de diğerleri.. herkes birbirininkinde yeterince yer alsaydı, gerektiğinde kavga da edebilirdik. zaten kavgaydı yaşatan onurlu bir biçimde. ellerin ve gözlerin yorulduğunda, kulakların artık duymayacak kadar kirle dolduğunda, derinde sivrisinekler delik açtığında, anlardın. bunca övgü ve fantezinin ardından, az biraz unutmak iyi gelirdi olanları. bile isteye salıvermek. mevcut her şeye isyan ederdin. tanıdığın herkese sarılır, öylece özgürleşirdin.
epey akıllıca he?
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facts-i-just-made-up · 5 months
Do you have any fun facts about music?
Sia's movie from 2021? I hear from tumblr that it's wholly unproblematic with no flaws, errors, distasteful or harmful stereotypes whatsoever. Everyone loves it here.
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labryinth11 · 7 months
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i choose REsponse-Ability.
source: Chiron Last Backup on Youtube
“as within, so without”
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limustg · 3 months
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music re: ality
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paviaquill · 2 months
idk if anyone really gafs but I think it'd really strange how the 3 houses lost from the clash have are named after errm ancient greek/roman im not sure how to classify it please get what I'm saying T_T
Ultio-Ultio ("Vengeance") was an ancient Roman goddess, a divine personification of vengeance,l
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Clementia-Clementia is the goddess of clemency, leniency, mercy, forgiveness, penance, redemption, absolution, acquittal and salvation.
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Dionysia- Was a festival for Dionysius, God of wine and some other sduff..
the central events of which were the theatrical performances of dramatic tragedies and comedies.
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scenariopubblico · 9 months
Qual è la vetta più alta della vostra vita?
Inizio Immaginate tre alpinisti durante il loro cammino iniziatico verso la fine di una scalata. Ci ritroviamo lì, in una tempesta di neve nella vetta più alta di una montagna. Difficoltà, delusione e angoscia.
È così che il coreografo/interprete Piergiorgio Milano avvia White Out, uno spettacolo pieno di turbolenze emotive dove la danza contemporanea e il circo di creazione sono perfettamente amalgamati. L’alpinismo è il pretesto grazie al quale Milano - insieme a Javier Varela Carrera e Luca Torrenzieri - espone il suo linguaggio tecnico e virtuoso con leggerezza e semplicità inverosimili.
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Primo giorno di spedizione Durante lo spettacolo ascoltiamo una voce esterna narrante che scandisce l’evoluzione della missione accompagnata anche dalla presenza di effetti sonori (curati da Federico Dal Pozzo) come il fruscio del vento o gli aliti dei brividi di freddo in continuo aumento, rendendo la visione ancora più tangibile.
La successione temporale non lineare – con l’inizio in medias res - fa perdere la cognizione dello spazio e del tempo. È proprio questo che White Out significa in termini di alpinismo: l’incertezza di andare avanti o indietro. Ogni cosa si dissolve nell’ignoto.
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La scenografia dal forte carattere cinematografico è caratterizzata dalla presenza di oggetti come funi, imbragature, torce e caschi oltre che da un lavoro di luci millimetrico (curato da Bruno Teusch). Tutti elementi che generano una narrazione chiara ma mai prettamente didascalica. L’utilizzo degli oggetti viene alterato rispetto alla loro funzione reale, al servizio di una danza che sfida le leggi della verticalità esposta continuamente al rischio, cercando tanti “altrove”.
Un esempio è la danza fatta con i piedi fissati sugli sci, volteggiante e virtuosa, dove viene stimolata l’immaginazione dello spettatore, libero di poter osservare una partitura coreografica poetica. Viene altresì evocato il continuo oscillare dell’umano che non si accontenta mai di quello che ha, sempre alla ricerca dell’inutile. 
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Sulle note di I Will Always love you proveniente dalla radio portatile presente in scena, lo spettatore viene immerso all’interno di uno scenario “pop” ironico. Gli alpinisti escono dalla loro tenda con una danza ipnotizzante. Il loro umorismo gestuale ed espressivo fa vivere brevi momenti di leggerezza e spensieratezza della notte prima della partenza, in contrasto ai momenti di paura e ansia che seguono. 
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White Out è una performance che affronta temi del rischio, della fiducia e dall’amicizia. Oltre che nella sinossi questi aspetti sono ben visibili in scena quando, ad esempio, i tre performer uniti tra loro da funi danno vita a movimenti all’unisono esprimendo una negoziazione con la propria e altrui forza, una connessione e una interazione reale. 
Salvati o condannati dall’istinto?
Dalla drammaturgia possiamo desumere che sia possibile essere sia salvati che condannati. Possiamo essere condannati dalle nostre fragilità ancorate nella nostra mente o possiamo essere salvati aggrappandoci alla speranza. È proprio questo il senso della sfera di cristallo che gli alpinisti si sono portati con sé. Irradiando punti di luce durante tutta la performance, durante tutta la scalata nonostante le difficoltà, essa è simbolo di forza, coraggio, bellezza. Nel finale Piergiorgio Milano attaccato a una fune porta con sé questa luce. Spoglio e solo scala la vetta. Prima che arrivi in cima quasi collassa, ma la sua anima continua a salire. 
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“Noi stessi” si trova qui dentro e non lassù
White Out ci racconta che la montagna siamo noi, sopra di essa non c’è niente ma semplicemente noi, con le nostre insicurezze e fragilità che abbiamo sempre avvinghiate addosso con il bisogno di scalare la “montagna” per Riscoprirci. 
Allora vi auguro cari lettori di scalare le vette più alte.
a cura di: Martina Adelfio
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oasis-nadrama · 1 year
Alabaster Update: Killing Switch
Sallie: Ge the game.
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UP: Ok♠y S♠llie we need to get you into the g♠me quickly! UP: Tell me this b♠d boy is working! UR: i think s-o. UR: installing o-n m-y ≠nd. UR: should soon be load≠d. UP: You're set ♠s the Client, I'm your Ser♥er Pl♠yer. UP: If ♥♠nny is re♠lly de♠d, I m♠y try to connect to Ginneo so he c♠n m♠n♠ge the m♠chines for my tutori♠l... UP: Or m♠ybe I'll do it like ♥♠nny ♠nd Renny! UR: y≠ah you all ar≠ s-o s≠lf-s≠rving. UR: b-y th≠ way. UR: i-f i now refus≠d t-o play.
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UR: i-t would put u-s i-n a doom≠d tim≠lin≠, right? UR: a compl≠t≠ d≠ad ≠nd. UP: I... suppose so?
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UR: tbh that's alluring. UR: think about i-t. i would not n≠≠d t-o b≠ th≠ fifth play≠r. i'd simply d-o nothing and doom u-s all. UR: i'm th≠ fat≠d play≠r, without m≠ non≠ o-f this can happ≠n. UP: You're joking right? =:(ɸɸɸ
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UP: You c♠nnot do th♠t! Ple♠se do not do th♠t! UR: this s≠≠ms t-o hurt you. UR: d≠licious. UR: it is d≠cid≠d. UR: i will doom th≠ ≠ntir≠ world, th≠ univ≠rs≠ ≠v≠n. b-y m-y d≠cision alon≠, this mom≠nt will birth a-n ≠ntir≠ copy o-f our r≠ality, and b-y m-y d≠cision alon≠, i-t will b≠ consum≠d i-n th≠ fir≠s o-f twist≠d d≠stiny. UP: NO!
0 notes
hellmouth-manor · 1 year
Scenery of the Doomsday || Hibiki || Trial 1.6 || Re: ality
Ah, they’ve finally done it!
Ah, the killer may be brought to justice!
Rejoice, young man, your villain is here, ready for the slaying!
‘It’s a really cool thing, y'know. Getting to touch people like that. Even if they just take one bite, or just read one chapter– that’s still changing their life, at least a little bit. You should always be proud of that.’
This man took him by the shoulder and said he wasn’t wrong to worry it wasn’t going to be okay. This man understood what terror lay in his heart.
'to continue being totally honest with you, I would be incredibly embarrassed if someone more than a decade younger than me had to hold my hand through this.’
If he thought about it a bit too long, he might consider that his heart was opened before he had the chance to realize it. In another time, another place, he could have seen Hisashi as an older brother. Maybe it’d already begun. Whether he liked it or not, a bond formed. With so many other people here, a bond formed. This was just the first time one of his had been threatened and thus made itself known.
'Don’t feel bad about that. Being able to cope with something like this is… Ah…I don’t think it, uh… Says great things about anyone who actually can.’
Alou asks a question he’s too afraid to know the answer to.
Don’t say it. Don’t say that.
He feels like such a damned fool. Minutes ago, holding Cedric’s feet to the fire and ready to damn another soul to its fate because he didn’t have to mind the idea of someone dying. Someone who shed tears, showed regret and could not look consequence in the eye. Deplorable, Hibiki found it.
and yet this is somehow so
worse .
Who are you, he wants to ask. Who is this person that has proven him right in a way he would never have hoped to be? Who is this, who laughs in the face of atrocity and stares them all down with such dead eyes?
It had only been a week. He knew none of these people. Even the kindest masks could hide monsters.
'If we’re being honest, you’re one step ahead for it. Hard to imagine anything happening to you with a head like that on your shoulders.’
“People like you…exist.”
He’s shaking. Tears pinpricking his eyes, ready to fall. Immediately, he’s sad, afraid, enraged. This is betrayal. This is what he wanted to avoid. And yet beyond all of those petty, childish emotions lies something deeper. Hardwired into his being. The knowledge that he is prey, and a predator has made itself known. And so it all falls away. The steel he laced into his words, the fire in his veins. There are no weapons to fight this monster. He is scared, alone, a child once more learning the way of the world.
“You…you…really…did it…huh…?”
Scarier than anything else, he knows Hisashi is right. This is the first of many. A bloodbath is coming. There’s a good chance none of them make it out of this alive.
“M-Monster. M-Monster…”
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mine-23 · 2 years
奇速英语 单词速记 | 328个前缀、后缀,一天狂背单词1000个!
前 缀
1 a- 加在单词或词根前面, 表示 不,无,非
2 a- 加在单词前, 表示 在..., ...的
3 ab-, abs- 加在词根前,表示 相反,变坏,离去 等
4 ab-, ac-, ad-, af-, ag-, an-, ap-, ar-, as-, at- 等加在同辅音字母词根前,表示 一再 等加强意
5 ad- 加在单词或词根前, 表示 做....., 加强......
6 amphi- 表示 两个、两种
7 an- 在词根前, 表示 不,无
8 ana- 表示 错误,在旁边,分开
9 ante- 表示 前面,先
10 anti- 表示 反对,相反
11 apo- 表示 离开,远离
12 auto- 表示 自动、自已
13 be- 构成动词,表示 使......成为
14 be- 构成一些介词
15 bene- 表示 善, 好
16 bi- 表示 二个, 两
17 by- 表示 在旁边,副的
18 cata- 表示 向下,相反,离开
19 circum- 表示 环绕,周围
20 co- 表示 共同 ,通常放元音词根前
21 col-, cor- 在同辅音词根前, 表示 共同
22 com-, con- 表示 共同
23 contra - 表示 反对,相反
24 counter - 表示 反对,相反
25 de- 表示 去掉,变坏,离开,变慢,向下 等
26 de- 表示 使....成为, 加强 等
27 deca- 表示 十
28 deci- 表示 十分之一
29 demi- 表示 半
30 di- 表示 二个,双
31 di- 表示 使...变成,分开,离开
32 dia- 表示 穿过,二者之间
33 dif- 和辅音重复表示 不,否定,分开
34 dis- 表示 不,消失掉
35 dis- 表示 分开,分离
36 dys- 表示 坏,不良
37 e-, ef- 表示 出,出来,
38 em-, en-, 表示 进入... 之中,包围
39 em-,en-, 表示 使..... 进入状态
40 endo- 表示 内部
41 epi- 表示 在...上,在...周围,在...后面
42 eu- 表示 好,优秀
43 ex- 表示 出,出去
44 ex- 表示 前面的,前任的
45 exo- 表示 外部的,外面
46 extra- 表示 以外的,超过的
47 fore- 表示 前面,预先
48 hecto- 表示 百,许多
49 hemi- 表示 半
50 hepta- 表示 七
51 hetero- 表示 异类,异种
52 hexa- 表示 六
53 holo- 表示 全部'
54 homo- 表示 同类的
55 hyper- 表示 超过,太多
56 hypo- 表示 下面,次等
57 il-, ir- 辅音重复表示 不,无
58 il-,ir- 表示 使.....成为,进入
59 im-, in- 表示 不,无,非
60 im-,in- 表示 向内,进入
61 inter- 表示 在..... 之间,相互
62 intra- 表示 在内,内部
63 intro- 表示 向内,入内
64 iso- 表示 等, 同
65 kilo- 表示 一千
66 macro- 表示 宏传, 大
67 mal-; male 表示 坏,恶
68 meta- 表示 超过, 改变
69 micro- 表示 微,小
70 milli- 表示 千,千分之一
71 mini- 表示 小
72 mis- 表示 错误,坏
73 mono- 表示 单个,一个
74 multi- 表示 多,很多
75 neo- 表示 新的
76 non- 表示 不,非
77 ob- 表示 逆,倒,加强意义
78 octa- 表示 八 ; 亦作octo
79 omni- 表示 全部,到处
80 out- 示 超过,过度
81 out- 表示 出去,过时
82 over- 表示 过度,过份
83 over- 表示 翻转
84 over- 表示 在... 之上
85 paleo- 表示 古,旧
86 pan- 表示 广泛的
87 para- 表示 半,类似,辅助
88 para- 表示 旁边
89 para- 表示 降落伞
90 pen- 表示 近似,差不多
91 penta- 表示 五
92 per- 表示 贯穿,自始至终
93 per- 表示 假,坏
94 peri- 表示 周围,靠近
95 poly- 表示 多
96 post- 表示 在后面
97 post- 表示 邮件,邮政
98 pre- 表示 ...前的,预先
99 pro- 表示 赞同,亲...
100 pro- 表示 向前,在前
101 pro- 表示 很多...
102 proto- 表示 原始...
103 pseudo- 表示 假,伪
104 quadri-,quadru- 表示 四
105 quasi- 表示 类似,准
106 re- 表示 向后,相反
107 re- 表示 一再,重新
108 retro- 表示 向后,倒退
109 se- 表示 分开,离开,区别开
110 semi- 表示 半
111 sept-,septi- 表示 七
112 sex-, sexi- 表示 六
113 step- 表示 后,继或前夫(妻)所生
114 stereo- 表示 立体
115 sub- 表示 在下面,次一等,副手
116 sub- 表示 接近,靠近
117 suc-, suf-, sup-, sur- 等辅音重复表示 在...下面
118 super- 表示 在...上面
119 super- 表示 超级,超过,过度
120 supra- 表示 超...
121 sur- 辅音不重复表示 超过,在上面
122 sus- 表示 在... 下面
123 sym-, syn- 表示 共同,相同
124 tetra- 表示 四
125 trans- 表示 横过,越过
126 trans- 表示 变换,改变';转移
127 tri- 表示 三
128 twi- 表示 二、两
129 ultra- 表示 极端
130 ultra- 表示 超出,超过
131 un- 表示 不,无,非,没有
132 un- 表示 打开,解开,弄出
133 under- 表示 在...下,在...之内
134 under- 表示 不足,不够
135 under- 表示 副手 3
136 uni- 表示 一个、单一
137 vice- 表示 副
138 with- 表示 向后,相反
后 缀
139 -ability 表名词, 能...;性质
140 -able 表形容词, 可...的,能...
141 -ably 表副词, 能...地
142 -aceous 表形容词, 具有...特征的
143 -acious 表形容词, 有特征的,多...的
144 -acity 表名词, 有...倾向
145 -acle 表名词, ... 物品,状态
146 -acy 表名词, ...性质,状态
147 -ad 表名词, ...东西,状态
148 -ade 表名词, 表示 状态,物品
149 -ade 表示 个人或集体
150 -age 表示:费用
151 -age 表示 场所,物品
152 -age 名词后缀,表示 状态,总称
153 -ain 表名词, ...人
154 -air 表名词, 人、物
155 -aire 表名词, ...人
156 -al 表形容词, ...的
157 -al 表名词, 人,物,状态
158 -ality 表名词, 状态,性质
159 -ally 表副词,由al+ly 构成, ...地
160 -an 表名词和形容词, ...地方,...人
161 -ance 表名词, 性质,状况
162 -aneity 表名词,表示 性质,状态
163 -aneous 表形容词, ...有; ...特征的
164 -ant 表形容词, ...的
165 -ant 表名词, ...人
166 -ant 表名词, ...剂
167 -ar 表形容词, ...的
168 -ard 表名词, 不好的人
169 -arian, 表形容词或名词, ...的(人)
170 -arium 表名词, 地点,场所
171 -ary 表名词, 人,场所,物
172 -ary 表形容词, ...的
173 -ast 表名词, ...人,物
174 -aster 表名词, 不怎么样的人
175 -ate 表动词, 做,造成
176 -ate 表形容词, 具有...的
177 -ate 表名词, 人或地位
178 -atic 表形容词, 有...性质的
179 -ation 表名词, 行为,过程,结果
180 -ative 表形容词, 有...倾向(性质)的
181 -ator 表名词,通常由ate结尾的动词而来, 做事的人或物
182 -atory 表名词 场所,地点
183 -atory 表形容词, 有...性质的
184 -cy 表名词,也作-acy, 性质,状态
185 -dom 表名词, 状态或领域
186 -ee 表名词, 被动或主动的人
187 -eer 表名词, ... 人员
188 -el 表名词, 人或物
189 -en 表动词, 变成
190 -en 表形容词, 由...制成的 ,通常加在名词后面
191 -en 表名词, 人或物
192 -ence 表名词, 性质,状态
193 -ency 表名词,ence 的变体
194 -enne 表名词, 女性
195 -ent 表形容词, ...的
196 -ent 表名词, ...药剂
197 -ent 表名词, ...人
198 -eous 表形容词, 有...的
199 -er 表动词, 反复做
200 -er 表名词, 物品,机器
201 -er 表名词, ...人
202 -ern 表形容词, ...方向的
203 -ern 表名词, ...场所
204 -ery 表名词, 场所,地点
205 -ery 表名词, 行为,情况
206 -esque 表形容词, 如...的
207 -ess 表名词, 女性,雌性
208 -et 表名词, 小东西
209 -etic 表形容词, 属于...的
210 -ette 表名词, 小的东西或状态
211 -ety 表名词, 状态
212 -eur 表名词, ...人
213 -faction 表名词, 达到的状态 ,由-fy转化而来
214 -fic 表形容词, 产生...的
215 -fication 表名词,由fic变化而来
216 -fier 表名词, 人或物 ,由-ify转化而来
217 -fold 表形容词或副词, 倍,双重
218 -form 表形容词, 有...形状的
219 -ful 表形容词, 有...的
220 -ful 表名词, 满,量
221 -fy 表动词, ...化,成为... ,更多时候作 -ify
222 -hood 表名词, 时期,性质等
223 -ia 表名词, 某种病
224 -ia 表名词, 总称,状态
225 -ial 表形容词, 有...的
226 -ian 表名词, 某种人
227 -ian 表形容词, ...国家的
228 -ibility 表名词, 具备...性质的
229 -ible 形容词 能...的
230 -ic 表形容词, ....的 ,有时作-tic
231 -ic 表名词, 某种药
232 -ic 表名词, 人或学科
233 -ical 表形容词, ...的
234 -ice 表名词, 行为,状态
235 -ics 表名词, 学科,学术
236 -id 表形容词, 如...的
237 -ie 表名词, 小东西或人
238 -ier 表名词, 人或物
239 -ile 表形容词, ...的
240 -ile 表名词, 物体
241 -ine 表形容词, ...的
242 -ine 表名词, 人或女人
243 -ine 表名词, 状态, 药物等
244 -ing 表形容词, 正...的 , 令人...的
245 -ing 表名词, 行业
246 -ing 表名词, 物品
247 -ing 表名词, 状态
248 -ion 表名词, 动作或状态 分为 --sion和--tion两种
249 -ion 表示 某种物,用品
250 -ior 表形容词, 较...的
251 -ious 表形容词, ....的
252 -ise 表动词后缀,和 -ize 相同,是 -ize 的变体, ...化
253 -ise 表名词, 物品,状态
254 -ish 表形容词, 象...一样,有的... ,通常放在一具体名词后
255 -ish 表动词, 造成...
256 -ish 表示国家的或语言
257 -ism 表示 学术或学术流派
258 -ism 表示 行为, 现象,状态
259 -ism 表示 疾病
260 -ism 表示 具备某种性质
261 -ism 名词,表示 各种主义,宗教
262 -ist 表名词, 表示信仰者,专家或从事人
263 -ist 以-ist 结尾的单词,不少同时可做名词和形容词用。
264 -istic 表形容词,由-ist + ic 构成,表示 ...的
265 -it 表名词,通常是抽象名词
266 -it 表名词, ...人
267 -ite 表形容词, 有...的
268 -ite 表名词, 人或物
269 -ite 表动词, 促成
270 -ition 表名词, 行为过程,状态
271 -itious 表形容词,-ition变化而来,表示 ...的
272 -itive 表形容词, ...的
273 -itor 表名词, 人
274 -itude 表名词, 性质,状态等
275 -ity 表名词,指具备某种性质6
276 -ive 表形容词,根据不同的单词结尾可分-sive, -ative, ive, itive
277 -ivity 表名词,由-ive+ity 组成, 有...能力或特性
278 -ization 表名词,来自-ize+ation, ...化 或 发展过程
279 -ize 构成一些动词
280 -kin 表名词, 小...
281 -less 表形容词, 无...的,不...的
282 -let = -et 表示 小
283 -like 表形容词, 像...一样
284 -ling 表名词, 小东西或某种人
285 -ly 表形容词,通常加在名词后。9
286 -ly 表副词,通常放在形容词后
287 -ment 表名词, 行为或结果
288 -ment 表示具体物
289 -most 表形容词, 最...的
290 -ness 表名词, 性质, 状态, 通常加在形容词后面
291 -o 表名词, 人,物或状态
292 -o 表名词,用于音乐术语
293 -on 表名词,指人、物和一些物理学上的名词
294 -oon 表名词, 人或物
295 -or 表名词, 人或物器 ,在一些词根前写成 -ator
296 -orium = arium 表名词, 地点,场所
297 -ory 表名词,指场所等
298 -ory 表形容词, ...的 6
299 -ose 表形容词, 多...的
300 -osity 表名词,-ose+ity组成,表示 多...的状态
301 -ot 表名词, ...人
302 -ous 表形容词,通常放在一个完整的单词后,表示 ...的
303 -proof 表形容词, 防...的
304 -ress 表名词,指 物品 9
305 -ress 表名词,指 女性 5
306 -ry 表示集合名词
307 -ry 表示 场地
308 -ry 表示 行业,学科
309 -ry 表名词,通常放在一个完整的单词后面表示状态,性质
310 -ship 表示某种技能
311 -ship 表名词,表示某种关系或状态
312 -some 表形容词, 充满...的,具有...倾向的
313 -ster 表名词, ...人
314 -th 表名词,通常指抽象名词
315 -tic 表形容词,通常放在一个名词前, 与...相关的,...的
316 -ture -ture在s结尾的词根后变成-sure
317 -ture 表名词,通常在单词或词根以t结尾时使用,表示 一般状态, 行为 并作 -ature iture
318 -ty 表名词,用在形容词后,把形容词变成名词
319 -ular 表形容词, 有...形状或性质的
320 -ule 表名词, 小...
321 -uous 表形容词, 多...的
322 -ward 表形容词+副词, 向...
323 -wise 有些单词,wise可以换成ways,意义不变
324 -wise 表副词, 方向,状态
325 -y 表名词,加在形容词或以r结尾的单词后。
326 -y 表名词, 人或小东西 常带有嬉谑性和爱称。
327 -y 表形容词,加在名词后变成形容词
328 ancy = ance 表示 性质,状况
0 notes
maranzalla · 2 years
my trainees were playing a game called "were would you go if you got fired from the company" and i said i would retire to a convent, which was taken as a great lark, but the thing i'd go to a convent the way that you would exile a politically inconvenient heiress after she tried to retake the kingdom by force. the choice is execution, but that's a no go because her cousing the emperor will definitely make a fuss, or exile, so you pick exile thinking she'd get the message and spend the rest of her life illuminating manuscripts or whatever, but next thing you know she raised an army of upstarts through a puppet leader and is pressing on the northern border again, and all the bishops have gotten inflammatory pamphlets about YOU delivered to the populace
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ixiart · 2 years
benim için gerçeklik çok basitti, herkesinki kendineydi  ve kimse, kimseninkine tecavüz etmeyecekti. işte bu kadar. üstelik sadece bir fikirdi,  Afrikada bir çocuğun aç kalmaması için bir tırtıldan fırtınaya, bir duvarda ize dönüşecek  olan da fikirlerdi yalnızca..  bunca talan ve yalan edilmişliğin karşısında, biraz farkında kalarak hep sömürülenlerle birlikte, öylesine ve içten bir isyan başlatacaktık. tüm olanları kabul etmek,  herkesten vaz geçmek gerekirdi, böylece özgürleşecektik. 
epey ahmakça he?
gerçekliği kabul etmek için, tüm dikenleriyle göğsüne bastırmak gerekirdi çiçekleri. kafamın içi çiçek böcekti.. renkleri de karanlığı da hep sevdim. aşık olduğum erkekle ekip biçtiğimi zannederken, bir veledin illüzyon bahçesinde tutsak edilmişim. gündüzleri çok daha iyi saklanan, geceleri az biraz açığa çıkan, zehirli sarmaşıklar.. seni ya da başka birini suçlamak ancak, bir narsistin ahmaklığıdır diyerekten,  kendimi hariç tutmadım meselelerden. 
ve olanlar oldu, iş işten geçti yine.  böylesinden pek hoşlanmam ama bu da böyle bir hikaye.. 
şimdi: tuzak, yani gerçek.  geçmiş: labirent, yani hayal.  bu kez geleceğin henüz gelmediğini bilerek kendime bir harman çıkarıyor, yakıyorum.. bir duman tüttürüyorum, dönüyor başım, bitiyor ümit / işkence. epey ahmakça he?
kabuk tutmuş yaralar bir de açık olanlar var. izler var, kimi güzel kimi tiksindirici izler.  düşler kolayca parçalanıyor ve yeniden şekilleniyorlar. çatışma devam edecek! iyi ve kötüye eşit mesafede, ruhsuz bir organizmaya dönüştüğümü ilan ediyorum.  beyanım esas alınsın. artık kendimi kandırarak yaşamayacağım için, bir ölünün onuruna sahibim.
yaratıcılara yer yok yeni hikayemde..
velhasıl kelam, hiç tanımayacağım dostlara selam. ixi artra 7.3
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pobopolybius · 3 years
Reality shifts into Library of Ruina and Chesed absolutely massacres me by dropping a house on me, killing me in real life
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oatmealcrisp-freak · 2 years
I always kinda wrestle with where I put Saiki's dysphoria. Kid’s ESP makes for some 4D chess like its honestly kinda cool and iiiiiiiii have. Many thoughts.
Even if the metric is waffles (I’m waffling, indecisive).
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I don’t think Saiki would have a lot of gender dysphoria, first of all. His anxiety seems to come from other places and like. He has transitioned to He already, though he also seems pretty blase’ as a girl even if the time spent in one form over the other could indicate a preference. I think he might start to develop it if he loses the ability to shapeshift long enough to miss it, but as he is with his ESP in my head his dysphoria is pretty near to zero.
Further, he. really honestly doesn’t care about. well. societal rules or what other people think of him too much. Usually, only Kusuo can hurt Kusuo. I think this is shown by how he’ll throw them away whenever it’s convenient and he thinks he can get away with it, such as catching and carrying Teruhashi which would be explicitly against Kokomin guidelines, assaulting police officers, murdering people “only a little” and staring at the coffee jelly long and hard enough that little children start to get all “hey mommy why is that weird person”, and not just saying “oh wow” to Teruhashi just to get her off his back, etc bla bla bla.
However, he hates attention. He hates standing out. He worries about getting checkmated by social convention. he seems to have made a study of the ‘rules’ enough to memorize them even if he has some weird. gaps.
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(re...ality...... ntm all the other stuff!)
By and large, that is because of his powers and that he’s been taught that horrible terrible things happen whenever he dips so much as a toe out of the closet. Such has been taught to him by his family and reinforced by experience, so our Saiki treats that as gospel. However, we’ve seen alternate Saikis where both of those were outweighed by the power of *one* event.
Popular!Saiki is a good example, I think, of how Saiki's natural instinct is to be an independent thinker. All that conditioning put aside in favour of “I want.” “I made up my mind.” “I felt a purpose within ME.” etcetc
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(He got Aiurafied)
Saiki values what he considers to be the best decision above the rules of social convention - if they happen to agree, that’s a happy coincidence. He might therefore take others opinions into consideration (his telepathy DOES act as a coffee jelly review aggregator...) but he thinks in the end it’s his decision.
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(I doubt he’d like to admit to himself how much of his thinking process is informed by others lol)
He also thinks that keeping his ESP to himself is just ‘the best decision’ to make. how he does that is to blend in. How he does that is to follow the rules. Social conventions are tools for him to use, which is why he’s able to discard them so quickly if they don’t suit him.
In short, he’s chaotic good masquerading as lawful good.
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(He terrorizes and threatens to kill them way too much with way too much glee to be true lawful al;dkf it’s like a hobby for him)
So how does that fit into dysphoria? Well by that logic it’d mean gender presentation and sex is just another tool to be used - thus, Kuriko at the sweets promotion - but isn’t something he probably feels very strongly about. 
And while Saiki isn’t above his feelings being hurt,
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he’s the most vulnerable to people he loves, and the idea that he’s so Other he damages by just being himself...which comes from the people he loves LOL. If it’s coming from someone he cares less about, he seems to understand it’s their problem, not his, and isn’t overly affected by it. While I’m prone to thinking he cares about people a lot, so much so that he breaks his own rules constantly for perfect strangers but especially people he cares about
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Though he will protect the people he cares about from misunderstandings and scammers, and with people vexing him personally he’ll make it his problem and they won’t like it if he gets fed up quick enough. BUT. He’d probably be less affected by their conception or misconceptions of his gender.
Mostly, Saiki just likes things to not be a hassle a;lfkdj
For Saiki, presenting as gender-conforming by that lens would really just be a matter of convenience that’d help him fit in. The internal screaming about not fitting in would be less from needing to be perceived as himself by others in a way that matches his internal identity unless they really make it his problem in which case they’re an annoyance, and more fully due to ‘if I stand out people will pay more attention to me and I’ll be at bigger risk of my ESP being outed which means I and my family and friends will all be endangered and they might hate me for lying to them or what if the shock kills them what if. what if I really am the monster they say I am I need I need a coffee jelly or maybe a coffee liquer -wheezing-’
In short, the anxiety comes from a different place. But I still think it could probably fit into some level of social dysphoria? It’s still anxiety resultant from social consequences that reflect in how he presents. Like I said in my ‘Saiki doesn’t think he’s trans....but he is’ post , Saiki's ESP is such a huge part of his person that it influences all aspects, so it’d make sense to account for that. He’s really not living the average life - his experiences with his gender and sexuality aren’t going to be average either.
My HCs of his gender dysphoria in relation to body dysmorphia shift around a lot.
I think it’d make sense if he didn’t have that sense of disconnect to his body because his body’s appearance shifts a lot and he never struggles with that beyond accidentally ruining his dad and one cat.
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(He could take over the world with that.)
BUT, I also think it’d make sense that he would have some dysmorphia because the shapeshifting may indicate a fluid internal identity, but he can’t just shift on a whim whenever he likes - he needs to wear the one face the majority of the time. That might cause him to get antsy.
This boy can fit -slaps roof of car- so many interpretations.
But more than gender dysphoria propagating body dysmorphia I feel like he’d have body dysmorphia because he’d be acutely aware his appearance has set him apart.
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I don’t think he’d be comfortable wearing revealing clothing in part thanks to that, and he also strikes me as a body-private person. His sense of othering was so acute that he fucked w/the human genome just to fit in better, but how many pink-haired people do we see in Saiki k who aren’t Saiki? How many people do we see whose hair colour doesn’t match their eye colour? Saiki is still in the minority despite his best efforts (#maincharactersyndrome), and the devices he wears to accommodate his special needs make him stick out more, forcing him to rely on a level of mind-control that in turn forces others to believe there’s nothing abnormal about his appearance.
I think that’d really fuck with a person tbh. Not only is Saiki honestly somewhat infringing on people’s free will a bit willingly and knowingly, but I don’t think he likes to lie? He both fears and wants to tell his friends about his ESP, it ties him up in so many knots that we get this expression when he’s readily accepted in an alternate timeline.
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It’s hard to say whether or not he even realized that was a source of anxiety for him because Saiki DOES lie. A lot. Including to himself.
Honesty is not a privilege he’s allowed.
But he also values honesty and people who are honest with others. He values it so much that he gives Teruhashi her oh wow when she vows to be true to herself.
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He values it so much he’ll justify everything to himself just to maybe not twist himself into an extra knot. He values it because he wants to be a good person. 
Thanks to that conflict of his needs butting up against his values, he probably doesn’t think he’s a good person. More to the point he believes he’s not even human. I’d not hesitate to tie that full circle to body dysmorphia. Saiki is acutely aware that he is Other. He’s learned that Other = Unsafe which = Bad.
Saiki’s natural instincts to chaotic good are stifled by what he thinks is the best decision to be Good, which is to be lawful good, which is to say he’s of the opinion that Same = Safe = Good.
Yknow. Masking. It really drives against his natural inclinations, and he’s honestly not very good at it.
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(Now that’s what I call... leaning into it ohohohobut no seriously what is he doing hes like an inch away from her face aa;sdf.)
I do tend to write/draw Saiki gnc often (like, the first opportunity basically) because the dichotomy between his dgaf attitude (natural -> “i’m insulting you. you’re garbage.”), his DO gaf attitude (stifled, buried -> “i guess i actually do like troublesome things”), and his dgaf attitude (NOT natural, forced -> “i only interfere when it affects my directly”) and his DO gaf attitude (not natural, not talented at it either -> “i’ll be checkmated by social convention!”) in combination with the
-gestures- the gender of it all
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is just delightful for me and a ton of fun to explore (ntm a great outlet for my own -kicks it- gender stuff. ...what is that is that a hai-).
But Mr. Kusuo “I'll be checkmated by social convention!” Saiki is difficult to inspect in a vacuum, which requires the view of the other and how that may or may not impact, repulse or attract
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many of whom I’d say have been socialized that those social conventions are rather more ingrained than his.
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(Ou a rainbow flag)
Saiki abides by them by necessity of safety, but he does engage in them critically and will rewrite them if he’s motivated enough. (Said it before but the HC here is sex-repulsed biromantic asexual and masc-leaning genderfluid)
Kaidou flaunts them because he loves himself more (but not in front of his mama) but doesn’t really *question* things. So where he’d express his gender and gender identity would probably be dependent on the house rules he grew up with. He’d probably find freedom in GNC fashion so he stands out even more, but if he’s brought up with cis and hetnormative values like a lot of people are, it might not even occur to him to think outside of those spheres on account of he does buy into scams pretty easily, and when it does it’d probably happen with a lot of intrigue and possibly fear depending on what his home life is like. (My vote is for demiboy w/Kaidou and I tend to see him as bisexual and VERY FLUSTERED about it al;sdkf)
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Kuboyasu tries to learn a new set of them to live the life he’s decided he wants to live, and only questions them from a self-conscious, insecure of himself perspective. That said he seems to strike a balance between both codes with alacrity, so I’d put him down as a socially motivated individualist who’s found a ‘best of both worlds’ approach.
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As a born and bred delinquent, the social norms in relation to sexuality and gender were probably different than a ‘normie’, as a lot of that culture stems from eschewing those norms in favour of independence, free thought, and aesthetic - but usually, only to a point, he absolutely has definitive values and some of those values are gendered.
“Never going back on your word is what being a man is all about. Keeping your promises...that what it means to be a real man.” in addition to “How can he call himself a man, chasing skirts all day. Thinkin bout nothin but women all day...you wouldn’t catch me doing that shit.“, the latter of which seems to imply that a ‘real man’ should ‘be above’ getting distracted by sexual attraction.
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The Espers also didn’t allow female members,
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and he seems to believe that women are not to be underestimated. It’d not be unreasonable to assume that in the world of gang wars where mfw attraction is a majority, a woman would use her sexuality as a tool to gain power, kick-ass, etc. He does not hesitate to view Mera as a force to be reckoned with. That said, he gets along well enough with girls and seems to drink his respect women juice, so I’d say he’s been conditioned to view sexuality itself as the issue, not the object of attraction, hence his disdain for people who are. uh. Toritsuka.
However, certain demographics attract certain demographics and gang wars are harder to accomplish in small population centers. I don’t think it’s unlikely Kuboyasu grew up in a city, which would by merit of its population likely have more resources for lgbtq+ folks - something which is correlated with a higher likelihood of coming out in this older paper. My assumption is therefore that he would not only have been taught some method of inclusivity and that his community, while the Espers excluded women, probably didn’t gaf about heteronormativity. His ideals of manhood could trip him up when it comes to gender, but those values seem to be based on internal qualities like ‘keeping your promises’ and not being Toritsuka instead of things like appearance and may even include what a person is packing downstairs. Which is to say I’d like to think he’d probably be on that ‘trans men are men die mad about it’ bus but he might still trip up thanks to his gendered values.
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He’s a determined learner, though, so if it means living up to his ideals of what kinda man he’d like to be (honest, hard-working, a mentor, a protector, a lover of motorcycles) he’ll do his homework and get better. He doesn’t tolerate people acting like trash in front of him after all, and he holds himself to those standards.
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(This one seems to really like being a guy :D He might not mind? Wearing a skirt? But if someone misgenders him they’ll probably catch a fire extinguisher to the head. No strong HCs on his sexuality just that I prefer him in a pairing w/Saiki uwuw)
Teruhashi is simultaneously rewarded by them and dehumanized by them and obeys them rigidly - to her detriment. she’s so determined to be the perfect pretty girl as the source of her self-worth that she probably won’t let herself question anything like ‘do I have comphet? or. compcis?’ because it’d destabilize not only her entire sense of self but by not being the perfect pretty girl she thinks she’ll let down the entire world. Probably couldn’t gaf about anyone else, though, as long as she’s queen supreme - like if Imu came out to her she’d probably only be relieved because Imu had a ‘crush’ on Saiki once so it’d be less ‘competition’. I expect she’d be openly supportive of inclusion to a somewhat shallow extent because she likes to be seen as nice, but she wouldn’t think about it that hard. (TBH a genderqueer Teruhashi would be >0 so >0 cool AND make so much sense, “I have to be the Perfect Girl!! OR I’LL DIE -surviving based on the validation of others-” yo that sounds like coping w/something....honey whats going on in there...is it compcis......and yeah comphet too)
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Yumehara is mischievous but does not question norms much (unless it’s to ask why she hasn’t gotten any screentime lately) and does her best to conform to them. She loves romance, she loves cute things, so if it’s cute and romantic I don’t think she’d care. The only sticking point with her is that she’s a tryhard. She wants attention from her crushes, and to be thought of as cute very very much (which, fair) and has an entire list of methods to get it like she’s...
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Hmm...Studied methods? Maybe because they don’t come naturally to her and further given the methods she’s studied and how much she loves romantic things, probably learned them from romcoms, maybe like a person who has no internal measure of what’s considered desirable beyond “I like cute things!”, so had to learn everything from the outside, and whose attraction to boys starts off like it was read from a romance novel (”eyes like a prince” eh) but develops over time into an infatuation based on ‘someone finally thinks I’m cute! I want to be with that validation all the ti-wow he’s. he’s a really sweet person...’ like I like to think an aesthetic and romance-attracted asexual LOL But given she’s soaked up her knowledge of the rules about things she cares about through probably movies and books (where else would smelling a girl’s hanky be desirable I mean that's some Edward/Bella level stuff) which generally feature only sexual attraction between couples that’d be a blind spot. However, since she’s romance obsessed I don’t doubt that she has a massive yaoi and yuri collection to go with the het stuff tbh, and has gained more. uh. ideas from that LOL
She has body dysmorphia. |: It might be Saiki’s fault.
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(Sex-positive biromantic asexual!!! Proooobably a girl. -Squints-)
Satou probably wouldn’t even realize aspects of himself are a result of his socioeconomic status and he’d fully take social norms for granted. If he knows about gay stuff he wouldn’t expect it to apply to him (smthn smthn ‘straight’ as default ‘male’ as default ‘cis’ as default smthn smthn) and probably would have a very general understanding. He seems like a really nice guy though so I don’t think he’d be mean about it. (HC - whatever is normal for the story kekekeke)
Saiko’s sexuality and gender are whatever is the best. His social convention is money.
Nendo doesn’t know what the unwritten laws of society are (and is probably the happiest character in Saiki k for it lbr)
Mera would eat them for lunch. (-points- Aroace agender.)
Aiura is an individualist whose moral code, like Saiki's, just so happens to line up with what’s socially accepted as moral for the most part. But like. If this girl isn’t read up on feminist and lgbtq+ literature and if her social circle doesn’t contain queer people I’d. Be really surprised. tbh.
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She’s not only open-minded but values the ability to be one's self like. A lot. I really don’t think she’d have any patience for bigotry, even if she does generally have a LOT of patience. NTM she’s shown to be pretty self-actualized and has probably by and large sorted out her own identity, what it means to her, etc, and would want to help others do the same. She’s canonically sexually active, canonically aware of what she wants from a partner, is canonically attracted to boys and Teruhashi, and is proud of all of that and herself. She’s got the self esteem and self love thing down pat and she knows what she wants.
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(HC girl, bisexual)
Toritsuka. uhm. well. I don’t know if I’d call him a free thinker when his dick is in the driver's seat and his greed is holding the map, but. I mean. he might develop the ability to think critically, like. eventually. when he stops being like. seventeen in the worst way a;ldkfj
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And, ofc, Akechi couldn’t give two shits about that which doesn’t suit him and probably knows more about the above people than they know about themselves. Idk where I’d stack him on the bingo card tbh other than ‘probs not straight’  but thats just my default setting a;lskdf and ‘his mind was literally blown by Teruhashi’
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Imu is a lesbian. Canon comphet stronk, no headcanons about it.
Anyways it’s just fun to take that all together I think like
hmmmmm what would they think of each other, their reactions, how would it evv and flow...................................
ok done now.
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30 Days of OTP: Day 26, Getting Married
Rating: K
Verse: Canon
AN: Zeaonga marriage is now real, and it's adorable.
I've been rather excited for this day, I have a few ideas of what their wedding would've looked like, so much so I can hardly put it into words that sound right in my head ;w;
It was really the best I could do, re-writing this over and over until it was perfect. A bit of a love-letter to this pairing, who knows maybe I'll write a full marriage fic one day
He’d been hesitant about leaving James to organize and buy everything for the big day, Kainga fiddling nervously in the suit he was wearing as they drove to the venue. At least, that’s where he assumes they are driving, James having left special instructions with the driver to have Kainga blindfolded before he got into the car and to keep him that way.
God only knew where he was taking him. He'd been running around like a nervous wreck for the past few weeks about it, James saying he had everything under control didn't help his case either. He knew all to well that if the Kiwi spoke those words, everything would end in disaster. He especially didn't want it to be on his wedding day, the words 'Wedding' didn't sit right with the Tongan. He’s not getting married is he? He’s been taken to some Kiwi sex dungeon in a white suit of all things. It's still taking him some time to get used to the fact that he and James would be married soon, he should feel happy but with his nerves, he didn't know what to feel.
Kainga’s not sure how long he’s in the car, just that the road seems to just get bumpier and bumpier, coming to a stop and his nerves are back. Where are they? Where was he getting married? He’s excited but the doubt over letting James plan this all was still there and ever leading as he was lead out of the car, jumping as someone else took over.
“Don’t be so jumpy, Kainga, it’s only me.”
That voice, the one he was going to be wed to, James's voice is all he can hear as the door opens and Kainga practically falls into his arms due to the blindfold his around his eyes. The Tongan doesn't know if that's meant to be reassuring him as James helps him stumble out of the car door, Kainga's arms wrapped tightly around his neck like he's being dragged away.
Once outside the car door he hears, birds. Lots of damn birds, all with different calls. The rustling of leaves and, were they in a forest? James starts to gently guide him around on a beaten dirt path, from what he can feel under his black polished shoes at least. Some steps more and he's whispering in the direction that he should be going in, Kainga is somewhat amazed with how gentle James is with him. Finally they stop, he can hear the grin that beams off James's face when when blind, soon seeing it all when the blindfold is slipped off his face. Kainga blinking and squinting as light invaded his vision.
It…It was perfect. Shit. It was actually perfect, the flowers, the decorations, even the candles were perfect. Here they were in the New Zealand forest, surrounded by nothing but beautiful lush native bush. The aisle is nothing but a dirt path, leading to the alter with a large arch of blooming flowers of all different colors yet they all work so well together. Candles lit along the aisle in scents of Lavender, honey and Eucalyptus, their flames flickering against the darkness of the bush along with the strings of lights hung up from the trees to the flower arch. He’s not even married yet, the guests aren’t even here yet and yet he’s stood there, trying not to cry as James slowly lead him down the aisle.
It was beautiful, he couldn't ask for anything more. That shock on Kainga's face slowly pulls into a grin, crinkling the corners of his eyes and lifting the edges of his lips. It’s the biggest, brightest smile that James’s seen on Kainga’s face outside of a post-orgasm glow. Kainga is almost on the verge of full on laughter.
“See, I didn’t quite have enough money so it’s all a join effort. The candles were a gift from dad, the flowers from Aliti…”
"James, it's perfect..." Kainga replies in awe, coming closer to walk with him, his head on his shoulder as the tears start to prick in his eyes.
Against the symphonic call of the birds around them, they moved slowly more towards the altar, stopping as they got there and Kainga is confused, there’s not even a vicar here. There aren’t any guests. He gives James the single most confused look as James moves round, taking both his hands in his. James's laugh was gently and hearty, he knew why Kainga was pulling such a face at him as soon as he saw it, his hands grip tenderly on Kainga's.
"The guests will arrive soon with all the gifts, but, I wanted to give you mine first." He said sweetly, stood right at the alter with him.
"Oh? A gift from you. What would that be?"
Kainga finds himself getting flustered as the other leant in, resting his forehead against the others before starting to sing.
“My gift is my song, and this one’s for you…”
It was that song, that song he’d somewhat drunkenly sung for him on their first valentine’s day, when he’d drunk 5 bottles of liquid confidence and turned up at his house drunk, proceeding to sing his rendition of Elton John outside his door at 3am.
"And you can tell everybody this is your song..." He can only pause for a breath, feeling Kainga's face heat up right next to his.
"...It may be quite simple, but now that it's done"
"I hope you don't mind, I hope you don't mind that I put down in words, How wonderful life is while you're in the world."
The guests are coming in as the other sings for him, Kainga not noticing them in his embarrassment or it would have surely increased tenfold, swallowing thickly as James’s eyes look up to meet his.
“…And well the thing is, what I really mean. Yours are the sweetest eyes, I’ve ever seen.”
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metfell · 4 years
hewwo wewcome to my bwog
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and heres some actual school graffiti im in:
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flight rising lair
come say hi :3
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i block liberally. please dont ask me or my friends why i have you blocked.
do not send asks about the following UNLESS PROMPTED: !!!how to know if you are a system/how i realized i was a system!!!!, media recommendations of any kind, asks that could just be your text post instead (ie: i just ate some food :D. like...... cool? why r u telling me lol), how to get into the bedrockverse/how to start roleplaying, asking for a follow or a reblog, bringing any kind of discourse into my inbox unless it is directly about me or someone i follow that is causing some kind of issue.
check my entire pinned before asking something like what my pronouns are/if you can call me a gendered word/what materials i use for art
do not say anything like "hey bitch/wh*re/etc" to me if we are not friends. thats rude.
i am not going to explain to you what is in my dni. if you need to ask, then you are not on the dni list and it does not apply to you. i do not like discussing those topics on this blog.
i have media asks turned off. i do not want to see pictures of your animals even though they are probably very cute. this clogs my inbox. as for sending me art or writing, create your own post and @ me in it! i love to see your works you all make for me!
i do not tag for dream neg of any kind.
i will however trigger tag anything needed, just ask! i have a very high tolerance for things like unre/ality and 2d go/re, so i may not realize something needs to be tagged.
spam asks of any kind will be deleted and your ip will be blocked meaning you will be unable to ever send me an anonymous ask again.
you are allowed to call me hot i do not mind its fun i like the attention
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snaketherapy · 4 years
Im bored so I wanted to do a writing request thingy- Basically you send in requests with a ship, strip of dialogue and a prompt (you can also add other details). Which, all three, are listed below:
Other poly ships (intruloceit, morolo, etc.)
Platonic relationships
1. “Will you shut up?” “Make me~”
2. “You can’t make fun of them! Only I can do that, partner privileges.”
3. “Please, I need to get up. I have work to do.” “I’m more important than your work.”
4. “Hey *nickname*, I got you something!”
5. “You woke me up from a cuddle session for this?”
6. “Listen, either you willingly snuggle with me right now or I will steal multiple of your things. It’s fair.”
7. “Does anyone know where my *insert item/clothing* is- oh.”
9. “If any of you wake them up I will throw you off the top of a 10 story building.”
10. “I’m sorry... please don’t go...”
And any other dialogue you would like!
A) injured
B) panicking
C) hurt/comfort
D) apologies
E) leaving/breaking up
F) play fights
G) sleeping/cuddling
H) adventure
I) fighting
J) snow day
And any other prompts you can come up with!
I’m really excited to see what you guys request, hope to hear from you soon!
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