#alinari brothers
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Fratelli Alinari ~ Rhododendron Veitchii (azalea) [Susana Stephens garden]. Florence, ca. 1860. Albumen print | src Ader
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daniela--anna · 4 months
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#Did you know that
The most famous and reproduced Madonna with Child is actually titled "Maternity" and portrays a little girl and her little brother.
Painted by Roberto Ferruzzi and winner of the second Venice Biennale in 1897, the painting was supposed to represent "maternal tenderness".
The girl portrayed was a peasant from the Venetian countryside, Angelina Cian, who was holding her little brother Giovanni, who was just a few months old.
After the Biennale, the painting was bought and resold several times, until the Alinari Brothers, the famous photographers of Florence, obtained it.
They secured all rights to its reproduction before selling it;
it was thanks to them that the painting achieved widespread diffusion.
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La più celebre e riprodotta Madonna con Bambino in realtà s’intitola “Maternità” e ritrae una ragazzina e il suo fratellino.
Dipinta da Roberto Ferruzzi e vincitrice della seconda Biennale di Venezia nel 1897, il quadro doveva rappresentare la “tenerezza materna”. La ragazza ritratta era una contadina delle campagne venete, Angelina Cian, che teneva in braccio il fratellino Giovanni, di pochi mesi.
Dopo la Biennale, il quadro venne comprato e rivenduto più volte, fino a quando non lo ottennero i Fratelli Alinari, i famosi fotografi di Firenze. Essi si assicurarono tutti i diritti sulla sua riproduzione prima di venderlo; fu grazie a loro che il quadro ottenne una grandissima diffusione.
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fragrantblossomstwo · 5 years
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Fratelli Alinari.  Firenze-R Museo Di Storia Naturale, Giardiniere C. Bastianini, Rogiera Cordata, c.1860-1880.
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detroitlib · 7 years
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Sir John Everett Millais (8 June 1829 – 13 August 1896)
English painter and illustrator who was one of the founders of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood. (Wikipedia)
From our stacks: Frontispiece “Sir John Everett Millais, P.R.A. From the Portrait by himself in the Uffizi Gallery, Florence. Alinari Brothers, Photo. Emery Walker, Ph. sc.” from Sir J. E. Millais, P.R.A. By J. Eadie Reid. Illustrated with Twenty Plates and a Photogravure Frontispiece. London: The Walter Scott Publishing Co., Ltd. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1909.
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ladylabsinthe · 7 years
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Maccaroni-sellers in Naples (Venditori di Maccheroni, Napoli), ca 1890.
Photographer: Alinari Brothers, Italy
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asdcats · 4 years
16 and 20
16. Do you have any OCs based on your SIs?
For the gone series I have three ocs. The first and oldest two are the twins Gem and Ace. They’re Coates kids and Ace is a mutant with the power to take luck from others and use it as his own making him untouchable (I might have taken the inspiration from homestuck). The second is Gigi. She’s a quiet observant girl who runs/lives in the library. 
For the Rirordanverse I have quite a few. First their are my next gen ocs (children of curent characters): Billie, Jason “Jay”, Coral & Sally “Sal” Jackson-Chase Liam & Erica Zhang Esper Valdez (named after her grandmother) Conrad Field (Piper’s adopted son, child of Demeter) Leroy Rodriguez (Chris and Clarisse’s son) Able, Madeline “Maddy/Mads” & Dante Solace/Di Angelo (haven’t decided on their last name) Ninian Alinari (adopted by Will & Nico, black, son of Hypnos, Autistic, good friends with Alex, has narcolepsy and catalepsy)
I also have some other OCs: Dallas Schrimer (Demi girl, child of Athena, Queer, can’t say no to a cute girl, loves pizza rolls, hour long lectures about gender) Jessica Hardie (female, bi, white/native american mix (specifically Sioux), daughter of Hephaestus, suffers from PTSD, great climber, people run when she tests out her inventions) Emily Jerome (female, lesbian, child of Apollo, white/indian mix, has an autoimmune disease, artist and a poet, mentally ill, good with pegasi) Veronika Aleksandrov (female, daughter of Ares, Russian, short (5′1), speaks in a monotone voice) Alex Janson (nb, canadian, child of Hades, an optimist, has a weird rivalry/friendship with Jess, raised by their half brother) Zach Power (male, son of Aphrodite, very tall, hides behind Veronika despite the height difference, makes his own clothes)
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fsustudent · 3 years
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THE SORCERESS: After the loss of thirty Daemons, Soren’s army has to make new plans. The wizard, Hagaar, encourages the king to contact the ministry of dark magic. He recruits a sorceress named Elaxi. A woman as powerful as she is beautiful. She leads the remaining Brazen Legion to war in Azriel’s stead.
Her crimson hair and proficiency in blood magic set her apart as a fearsome leader. King Eris of Laith lets Azriel out of his cell and tasks him with finding this unexpected target.
When they meet on the battlefield, Azriel finds her too divine to destroy but can’t stop himself. Compelled by the curse branded into his arm. 
The Brazen Legion has been whittled down to fifty men since he started fighting against them for Laith, but Elaxi has kept the survivors alive. As he faces his brothers one on one, he easily overpowers them. Elaxi intervenes and they are locked in battle. She senses a blood magic curse has been cast on him. With the flick of her wrist, the bond to captors is severed. With a smile, he’s completely disarmed.
Photo by Alice Alinari on Unsplash
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10000photosocial · 4 years
Exploring the Inspiring Photography Spots of Tuscany, Italy
Exploring the Inspiring Photography Spots of Tuscany, Italy
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In Tuscany, Italy, photography has long been part of the local history. Indeed, the first commercial photography studio in the world was founded here by the Alinari Brothers way back in 1852. And as the birthplace of the renaissance, and for many centuries an important center for visiting artists from all of Europe and beyond, the Tuscan landscape has been well documented both in photography and…
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writegeist-muse · 5 years
BEYOND LATE Jotober Post #18 Bottle
A/N: so. I am an idiot. and somehow completely forgot to actually POST 2 Jotober entries from 2018. which I discovered when looking for the posts to show to a friend.
SO HERE ARE THE LOST JOTOBER 2018 POSTS cause by golly I’m gonna finish this!
When Rian and Rune got word the Alinari scouting party had returned, they’d began making their way downstairs to meet them and get the 4-1-1. A gargle of yelling voices and pained cries had them sprinting in a second. Now Rian skidded into the room, Rune hot on her heels.
The medical wing of the main Alinari manor was state of the art, even by DN standards. Dr. Aberdeen demanded nothing but the best and when it came to keeping his family healthy and safe, Rafael Alinari never refused the doctor. Pristine white cabinets and floors gleamed under the special crystalline lights, the metallic tools, operating tables, and medical chair sparkled. The only thing amiss was the frenetic group gathered around the slab furthest from the door - the girls could see Gabriel and Tryllyx rushing around to gather things as Aberdeen yelled what she needed over the injured person’s cries.
Rune homed in on Petras standing back facing them, helping the doctor deal with her patient; to his right stood Rafael in much a similar situation. Simultaneously the two girls saw Raiden at the end of the table, where they presumed the head of the unfortunate soul lay. He was frozen in place, hands wrapped around the table’s edge in a death grip, his lips moving so quickly even Rune couldn’t make out what he was saying. His twin brother was nowhere in sight.
“Rune, Rian, don’t just stand there, I need more gauze and wire from the storeroom!”
“Yes, ma’am!” Both girls darted across the room, dodging Gabriel and Tryll in a bizarre dance as they made for the large nondescript doors in the wall on the other side. The world thudded to a crawl as they passed the table and for the first time, they could see Taran lying half-conscious as a gaping wound across his abdomen poured a steady stream of blood onto the metal surface. Taran wriggled against the pain and the doctor’s attention to his wounds. The motion made the crimson liquid pooling along the side spill over and drip to the white floor below.
Rune latched her hand around Rian’s arm and propelled her stumbling ahead of her, not letting the wolf girl crumble into shock. “Time for that later, chica, we’re gonna stabilize him and you won’t have to even think about it after!”
Rune made Rian do most of the tall work to gather what they had been instructed, both a typical maneuver for the much shorter cat but also to keep Rian’s mind preoccupied as the commotion outside continued. Rune braced for any number of reactions when they raced back to the action and dumped their collection onto a rolling cart beside Aberdeen’s elbow. As the woman reached for a gauze patch, she spared Rian a glance over her half-moon glasses. “Chin up, missy, we’ll get your boy out of the woods yet.”
Even Aberdeen was surprised when Eleavandra suddenly appeared in the medical bay’s archway. Rafael eyed his wife but didn’t try to stop her as she darted up beside him and hunched over Taran’s head. Even through the young man’s groans and cries, everyone could hear her muttering comfortingly to her son. For a moment her head tipped a little in Raiden’s direction and her hand shot out, wrapping around the young man’s waist and pulling him to her. The others tactfully averted their eyes as Raiden curled into his mother’s shoulder and tried to contain a few ragged sobs.
Elea pushed away from the table and took Raiden's face in both hands. She muttered something to him that made him nod and turn back to his twin. Giving her husband a particular look, the woman flew out of the room, leaving the other youngsters to give confused looks to Gabriel. He only shrugged, just as confused as the rest.
When the Alinari matriarch returned a second later bearing something in hand, everyone understood two things: one, Eleavandra Alinari had almost certainly just called out her wings and literally flew through the manor to return to her son’s side that quickly, and two, she was holding a bottle of some strange alcoholic liquid that none of them had ever seen before. Rafael gave his wife a perplexed head tilt but she ignored him, turning instead to Raiden as she gave the rest of the group a long look.
“This is the only kind of time where I will condone underage drinking, and that goes for any of you.” The required answer was clear and everyone, even of-legal-age Gabriel, nodded and gave a verbal quiescence. Satisfied, Elea handed the bottle to Raiden.
“Give him small sips. It will help with the pain and to heal faster.”
With a glance at his father, who solemnly nodded, Raiden uncorked the bottle and gingerly tipped some of the liquid into Taran’s mouth. For a second the injured man’s jaw clamped together and they were all afraid the liquid would spill onto his face. But it seeped through his teeth and into his throat. Within seconds Taran had quieted a bit, no longer thrashing and having to be held down. Elea waited a few moments and motioned Raiden to pour more.
Rune jumped when Aberdeen’s voice echoed in the suddenly quiet room. “Elea, you and I need to have a long talk about not keeping medicinal substances a secret in this house.”
The other woman’s mouth quirked in a smile. “I’ll give you the name of the Angelis healer I got it from, she might hook you up.”
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twistofitalian · 6 years
Grand Tour photo albums, a travel souvenir
Grand Tour photo albums, a travel souvenir
If you were a young, aristocratic European man in the late 18th through 19th centuries, you might well have taken a Grand Tour.  After finishing your formal education, you would take a kind of gap year (or year and a half), traveling to and through the finest European capitals, including, in Italy, cities such as Venice, Milan, Florence, Rome and Naples.
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You might have asked Alinari Brothers or…
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Fratelli Alinari · Julhes' aerostat
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Fratelli Alinari ~ Hot-air balloon, piloted by the aeronaut Julhes, 1884. From the Exhibition: Fratelli Alinari: A Photographic Tradition view more on wordPress
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Fratelli Alinari ~ Mister Julhes' ascension in a balloon, Florence, 1905. From: Italy : one hundred years of photography (Susan Sontag and Cesare Colombo), 1988 (front cover) | src internet archive
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italianartsociety · 7 years
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Giacometti’s Plaster Models To Be Grouped for First Time in 60 Years
Leading up the massive retrospective of the artists work to open at London’s Tate Modern this spring, it was announced that one of the feature installations of the exhibition will be the assembly of six plaster sculptures rendered by the artist for the 1956 Venice Biennale. 
Among the many brilliant revelations curators are hoping visitors to the 250-work show will experience, they particularly wish to draw attention to Giacometti’s work in malleable media as it reflects his working process. As Frances Morris, Tate Modern Director, was quoted in an Art Newspaper article: 
“We always think of Giacometti as an artist in bronze, but of course bronze was the final outcome of a process that began with more informal, liquid materials. . . .He started making bronzes because people wanted to collect his work, but he wasn’t terribly interested in the casting process, which his brother Diego oversaw.”  
The exhibition, “Alberto Giacometti,” opens at the Tate Modern on 10 May and stays on view until 10 September 2017. For more on the exhibition, visit the museum’s website. 
Further Reading: Mark Brown, “Tate Modern to reunite Giacometti’s plaster Women of Venice” (The Guardian, 23 January 2017). 
Anny Shaw, “Giacometti plasters created for 1956 Venice Biennale to be reunited for Tate Modern show” (The Art Newspaper, 23 January 2017). 
Image of Giacometti crouching behind the six plaster female nudes as installed at the 1956 Venice Biennale (courtesy of Alinari/Roger-Viollet/The Art Newspaper).
Posted by Alexis Culotta 
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fragrantblossomstwo · 5 years
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Fratelli Alinari.  Untitled, n/d.  
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m-willumsen-blog · 7 years
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Photo by Alinari Brothers (c. 1900, Arch of Titus and Colosseum)
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ladylabsinthe · 7 years
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Acquaiuolo (water-trader) in Napoli-Italy, ca 1900.
Photographer: Fratelli Alinari (The brothers Alinari, Italy)
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dame-de-pique · 8 years
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Fratelli Alinari - Rosa sopra licopodium, 1878-1885
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