How to be back in alignment with the universe ?
Have you ever just felt like something wrong is going on with you lately ? Like you are not just functioning the way you are supposed to ? Do you feel irritated often ?
It can be a sign that you are not in alignment with the universe.
Alright so let me tell you something about me first. I have been doing a personal research in the topics of law of attraction , law of assumption and manifestations. And I have personally experienced a fair amount of incidents that my skeptic mind had not been able to understand without having to bring these laws of universe. 
There is something far greater than anything at play here. I feel it. Time to time i have been skeptic and forgetting these things , but not anymore. 
Every time I have gone back to being a normal human being , I have regretted it after getting the signs from the universe again of the existence of these so called miracles. So, finally I have decided to document my lessons and the methods of manifestations. I am someone who scrutinize things a lot which helps me get to the basics of the basic , the most important factors of anything. 
I am going to be sharing things here , since I am getting a calling for sharing.
It's time we change for the better and get into our true form.
Alright , So as I asked in the start , Have you ever felt like being in misalignment with the universe ? 
Well I am just giving it to you directly , one of the signs is that you will have to look out for the moments when you feel like you are constantly dropping things , picking things wrong , hitting your toe or other parts of your body in random pieces of furniture multiple times a day. This is something of my own observation , it might not always be the case for you . but that's specifically why I just need to put it out there , so that i can hear from you guys as well , if this is something that you have been experiencing lately as well.
To get back into alignment, this is something that's gonna help you as well:
Start being really purposeful about every action of yours
You are being too quick and not experiencing your life the way you should.
Try sitting in solitude for a while
While conversing with someone
Try to listen more and speak less
Avoid anger
Avoid listening to songs and other stuff that you don't resonate with or don't want to resonate with
Be aware of your mind consumption
 Follow these things and in 3-4 days you will start feeling like you are back in alignment with the universe.
 That's it for today loves .
I hope you are doing well. And if you want more such info , don't forget to like and reblog my posts and do follow this blog. It motivates me even more to keep putting out stuff for you guys as soon as possible. 
This is going to be a wonderful journey🌸
Let's manifest together ❤️
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texting au, coffee shop au, college au, high school au, canon divergence, supernatural creatures au, summer camp au, fairy tale au, pokemon au, Danganronpa AU, Animal Crossing AU, Ghostbusters AU /j, Ghost AU, demon summoning, time loop, miraculous ladybug au, magical girl au, Danny Phantom AU /j, (WAIT IMAGINE EVIL TRIO AMPHIBIA), Genshin Impact AU, Honkai Star Rail AU, Ghost AU for them both, Library AU, Child AU, Superhero AU, Retail AU, florist x tattoo artist, artist au, teacher au, band au, drama club au (kidding, that's Al3x and Unjust focused but I could do a side story), Alignmet Swap AU, Celebrity AU, Costar AU, Soulmate AU, Social Media AU, and that's it.
Any that vibe with you in particular for windbutter?
Also love hanahaki au for unjust.
actually florist x tattoo artist is very justs & xela
soulmate au is very interesting for so many reasons (especially if we have platonic soulmates n stuff), not sure which type would work best tho with the clones lmao
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gnibiv-tsuj-xela · 1 year
(Danganronpa AU, Animal Crossing AU, Ghostbusters AU /j, Ghost AU, demon summoning, time loop, miraculous ladybug au, magical girl au, Danny Phantom AU /j, (WAIT IMAGINE EVIL TRIO AMPHIBIA), Genshin Impact AU, Honkai Star Rail AU, Ghost AU for them both, Library AU, Child AU, Superhero AU, Retail AU, florist x tattoo artist, artist au, teacher au, band au, drama club au (kidding, that's Al3x and Unjust focused but I could do a side story), Alignmet Swap AU, Celebrity AU, Costar AU, Soulmate AU, Social Media AU, and that's it.)
(Holy shit that's a lot of AUs.)
(yeah that’s a lot. don’t forget the Hanahaki AU!! it’s sole purpose is to kill unjust as quickly as possible /j)
(also make these asks r better for my main lmao)
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swissautosa · 3 months
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visionofdivison · 6 years
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my hot take
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Still not home
theketchupspy answered your ask “Ow, my head.”
Damien let out a soft groan as he shifted on the ground. His hand grasped gently at his own head. His eyes squeezed slightly as he heard Gemüse speak. “Fuck me” Damien hissed. 
His eyes slowly opened, and he looked around “yeah- I- I think I’m okay” he said slowly sitting up. He grunted with the motion and looked around. Something wasn’t quite right. Well as not right as it had been for the past week. 
“Before you ask, I can’t remember what happened. All I remember is some guy approaching me, and after that, not much else.”
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Aries Sun - Capricorn Moon - Cancer Rising - ENFP - 7w6 - Lawful Good - Hufflepuff Moodboard for chaperone-chan
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page-2-ids · 2 years
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Onesiecomfin: A gender related to comfortable onesies Onesiemincomfin: A min gender related to comfortable onesies - subset of onesiecomfin Onesiefincomfin: A fin gender related to comfortable onesies - subset of onesiecomfin
Onesiemaincomfin: A main gender related to comfortable onesies - subset of onesiecomfin Onesiefeincomfin: A fein gender related to comfortable onesies - subset of onesiecomfin Onesielincomfin: A lin gender related to comfortable onesies - subset of onesiecomfin
Onesiexincomfin: A xin gender related to comfortable onesies - subset of onesiecomfin Onesienonbincomfin: A nonbin gender related to comfortable onesies - subset of onesiecomfin Onesienincomfin: A nin gender related to comfortable onesies - subset of onesiecomfin
The colors are just soft ones, with the middle stripes change to represent certain alignmets.
Anyone who wants to do more of these is more than free too!
No suggested pronouns
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Smash Kids alignmets when playing Shooters
(Lawful) Young Link: If you keep swearing, I’m going to have to report you.
(Neutral) MegaMan: Wow, great game guys! Good luck next round!.
(Chaotic) Meggy: I’m gonna teabag the sh*t out of you f*cking campers.
(Lawful) Ness: Requesting air support! I repeat, requesting air support!
(True) Leaf: ….. (Mercilessly no-scoping everyone)
(Chaotic) Pit: Uh..how do I crouch? Guys, how do I know which team I’m on?
(Lawful) Ashley: Grenade launchers are part of this game. If you don’t it, don’t play.
(Neutral) Bowser Jr: Quit bitching about kill steals. Get good, scrub. Oh, also your mom.
(Chaotic) Dark Pit: SUCK MY-
Palutena: Pitto, language.
Dark Pit: …Go suck a lemon…
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Chaotic Evil spent waaaaaaay too long laughing hysterically at this dead body.
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blacky-nikki-art · 4 years
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Azaela is a bit problemtaic character for me. I love my daughter but create for her personality uh-oh...
Every tenno is a child/teenager but this doesn't change the fact probably they're the most skilled warriors in our galaxy + super duper void powers. What I mean? Teenager is a bit crazy time in life. Many psychic and biological changes. I'm not at this age anymore so my operator is an next challenge for me.
The easiest way would be to make her as a young adult but I don't want to. I preffer her in the 'canon age'. I know, I know. I used to draw her a lot but it was more just for stupid fun than something serious. But now it's time for something serious and create a real story.
Azaela alignmet is almost black (mon). Warframe wiki told me it's mean she is pragmatic and idealistic. For the first one I don't have any problem cuz it makes sense for me but idealistic...? Nah. meanwhile the white (sun) meaning kind yet vengeful.
I can make combo.
Also, if we talk about NOT alignmets. Not warrior stuff. Azaela is an teenager so I wanna let her make stupid things just for fun, let her be a normal chuman child for a while.
In the conclusion.
Tennos are problematic as fuq for me. I adore Warframe's lore and the AU 'cuz is just amazing! Strange but amazing. Where you can see fishing flying fish? Be super cool space ninja? Flying archwing or use k-drive? Make and chose one of 76 playable characters?
Why just don't create a strange character like this strange universum?
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m!a: charles's moral alignmet is inverted for ten asks
“Oh no, true neutral is now true neutral”
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fenlirias · 6 years
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I’m playing Shadows of Amn... I like this game so much, but to be honest, sometimes its plot makes me feel a little uncomfortable.
This is my Bhaalspawn Nejah again. She’s been through a lot of terrible things that spoiled her and made her cruel. Her alignmet now is neutral evil. Nejah didn’t want to become like Bhaal, but now she doubts it.
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517goldknight · 3 years
Neobiontomania:  Vuurpion
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Profil w komputerze
Typ: Ognisty
Charakter: Neutralny
Typ ciała: Lis
Rozmiar: 63 cm długości bez ogona, sam ogon długi na 52 cm, wysokość w kłębie 42 cm
Rozumny: Nie
Ludzkie pochodzenie: Nie
Systematyka: Psowate (rodzaj Vulpes)
Zdolności: Inteligencja, zwinność, wyczulone zmysły, odporność na ogień, tworzenie ognia, emisja ciepła
Naturalna broń: Zęby, pazury
Podobny do lisa rudego. Sierść czerwona, na brzuchu, podgardlu, policzkach, wargach, grzbiecie, końcu ogona i wewnątrz uszu pomarańczowa, zaś uszy od zewnątrz i skarpetki na łapach są brązowe. Pazury wciągalne, pomarańczowe, po cztery na każdą przednią łapę, po trzy na każdą tylną. Nos czarny, oczy najczęściej żółte, pomarańczowe, brązowe, czarne, a nawet i niebieskie.
Są odważne, czasem nawet porywcze, albo i agresywne, przynajmniej jeżeli w grę wchodzi obrona ich i/lub cudzego życia. Ale jeśli już się je oswoi, nierzadko stają się bardzo wiernymi, oddanymi towarzyszami, a także obrońcami.
W stanie dzikim żyją zazwyczaj samotnie, ewentualne w parach (również z dziećmi), a nawet w rodzinie wielopokoleniowej.
Głównie tereny wulkaniczne.
Są inteligentne i sprytne, a także szybkie i zwinne. Mają ostre zęby i pazury, a także wyczulone zmysły – zwłaszcza węch (jako członkowie rodziny psowatych), ale także możliwość wyczuwania ciepła. Są też odporne na wysokie temperatury I na podpalenie. Ale ich najważniejszą i największą mocą jest tworzenia ognia i ciepła – potrafią np. ziać ogniem z pysków i ogonów, otaczać się płomieniami by zwiększyć zadawane przez siebie obrażenia w walce w zwarciu, a także emitować czyste ciepło. Poza tym mogą też pełnić rolę źródła światła dzięki wytwarzanym przez siebie płomieniom.
Jako Neobiont Ognia nie lubi zimna.
Od łacińskiego „vulpes”, czyli „lis”, i niderlandzkiego "vuur", czyli "ogień" (co prawda słowo to wymawia się jako [fyːr], ale nazwę tego Neobionta czyta się jako [wurpjon]).
Znane przykłady
Caldi (Vuurpion Grega)
Profile on the computer
Type: Fire
Alignmet: Neutral
Body type: Fox
Size: 63 cm long without the tail, only the tail 52 cm long, height at the withers 50 cm
Sapient: No 
Human origin: No
Taxonomy: Canine (genus Vulpes)
Abilities: Intelligence, agility, keen senses, fire resistance, fire creation, heat emission
Natural weapons: Teeth, claws
Similar to the red fox. Red fur, on belly, dewlap, cheeks, lips, back, tip of tail and inside of ears orange, ears outside and socks on paws are brown. Orange retractable claws, four for each front paw, three for each hind paw. Black nose, eyes most often yellow, orange, brown, black and even blue.
They are brave, sometimes even impulsive, or aggressive, at least when it comes to defending their and / or someone else's life. But once you get used to them, they often become very faithful, devoted companions, and protectors.
In the wild, they usually live alone, possibly in pairs (also with children), and even in a multigenerational family.
Mostly volcanic areas.
They are intelligent and clever as well as fast and agile. They have sharp teeth and claws, as well as keen senses - especially smell (as members of the canine family), but also the ability to sense warmth. They are also resistant to high temperatures and to arson. But their most important and greatest power is creating fire and warmth - they can, for example, breathe from the mouths and from their tails, surround themselves with flames to give peace in combat, and also clean. Besides, it is also in a state as a source of the flames it produces.
As a Neobiont of Fire, it doesn't like cold.
From Latin "vulpes", which means "fox", and Dutch "vuur" meaning "fire" (although the word is pronounced [fyːr], but the name of this Neobiont should be read as [vurpjon]).
Known examples
Caldi (Greg's Vuurpion)
Profilo en la komputilo
Tipo: Fajra
Karaktero: Neŭtrala
Korpa tipo: Vulpo
Grandeco: 63 cm longa sen la vosto, nur la vosto 52 cm longa, alto ĉe la postkolo 41 cm
Racia: Ne
Homa origino: Ne
Taksonomio: Hundedo (genro Vulpes )
Povoj: Inteligenteco, lerteco, fervoraj sentpovoj, fajro-rezisto, fajro-kreado, eligo de varmo
Naturaj armiloj: Dentoj, ungegoj
Simile al la ruĝa vulpo. Ruĝa felo, sur la ventro, ruga mantelo, vangoj, lipoj, dorso, vostopinto kaj interno de oreloj oranĝa, oreloj ekstere kaj ŝtrumpetoj sur piedoj estas brunaj. Oranĝaj retrotireblaj ungegoj, kvar po ĉiu antaŭa piedo, tri po ĉiu malantaŭa piedo. Nigra nazo, okuloj plej ofte flavaj, oranĝaj, brunaj, nigraj kaj eĉ bluaj.
Ili estas kuraĝaj, foje eĉ koleremaj aŭ agresemaj, almenaŭ kiam temas pri defendado de iliaj vivoj kaj / aŭ de iu alia. Sed post kiam vi kutimiĝis al ili, ili ofte fariĝas tre fidelaj, sindonemaj kunuloj kaj protektantoj.
En naturo, ili kutime loĝas solaj, eble duope (ankaŭ kun infanoj), kaj eĉ en multgeneracia familio.
Plejparte vulkanaj areoj.
Ili estas inteligentaj kaj lertaj kaj ankaŭ rapidaj kaj lertaj. Ili havas akrajn dentojn kaj ungojn, same kiel akrajn sentpovojn - precipe flarpovo (kiel membroj de la hundeda familio), sed ankaŭ la kapablon senti varmon. Ili ankaŭ rezistas al altaj temperaturoj kaj al bruligado. Sed ilia plej grava kaj plej granda potenco estas krei fajron kaj varmon - ili povas, ekzemple, spiri fajron de la buŝoj kaj de siaj vostoj, ĉirkaŭi sin per flamoj por pliigi la kaŭzitan damaĝon en proksima batalo, kaj ankaŭ elsendi puran varmon. Krome ili ankaŭ povas funkcii kiel lumfonto danke al la flamoj, kiujn ili produktas.
Estante Neobionto de Fajro, ĝi ne ŝatas malvarmon.
El la latina “vulpes” signifanta “vulpo”, kaj nederlanda “vuur” signifanta “fajro”(kvankam la vorto estas prononcata [fyːr], sed la nomo de ĉi tiu Neobionto estas parolita kiel [vurpjon]).
Konataj ekzemploj
Caldi (Vuurpion de Greg)
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berlinlasers · 4 years
High Fineness 980nm Infrared Line Laser Module Review
When line alignment is processing under night vision, not workable at all to only adopting traditional manual line printing or drawing device, it is just a very nice substitute to make use of a 980nm infrared line laser module. It employs import 980nm infrared laser diode and qualified glass coated lens with different fan angles, which is able to work with intense infrared laser beam emission and highly clear IR reference line alignment in all night vision fields. Whenever compact structure made IR laser line generator gets proper installation and adjustment to correct position, it achieves easy and quick response IR line alignment in all occasions effectively.
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In any night vision line alignment work fields, 980nm infrared line laser module might be used in various working environments. It selects durable aircraft used aluminum alloy housing tube, within 100mW to 500mW, on consideration of thermal emitting system, it is adopting different size tube diameter of 16mm or 26mm. After basic configuration with inner metal heat sink cooling system inside metal housing tube, infrared laser alignment achieves superior nice thermal conductivity and strong environmental stabilization within -10 degree to 45 degree Celsius. Usually after correct selection of output power and fan angle, this glass coated lens made IR laser line generator achieves precise and stable line alignmet continuously.
In order to avoid any possibility of laser light decay or dim in continuous use, 980nm infrared line laser module is adopting qualified glass coated lens. It keeps work with high linear quality and straight IR reference line projection. After quite strict laser beam stability tests up to 24 hours and special use of glass window in front of laser beam aperture, whatever kind of working surface it is pointing, this infrared laser line generator keeps work with clear IR line indication, not affecting by any moisture or dust at all.
Available with wide fan angles of 10 degree to 110 degree, 980nm infrared line laser module is projecting different dimension IR line length and line fineness onto multiple targeting surfaces. It allows correct selection of fan angle and quite easy screw of adjustable focus optic lens in front of laser beam aperture. Every time the most powerful and intense infrared laser light is concentration, this IR alignment laser just achieves highly fine IR line onto multiple targeting surfaces. Any time users are aware of powerful IR laser radiation and reflection, only after correct wearing of infrared laser safety goggles and avoiding eye exposure to laser beam aperture, it achieves secured and easy IR line alignment in all occasions effectively.
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visionofdivison · 6 years
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thank you to @who-killed-the-king for this new alignment chart template
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