#aliens thoughts
thealienartshop · 11 months
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WIP/// I miss the hours in the morning && you in the morning hours
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yesokayiknow · 6 months
i hope that sometimes fifteen's psychic paper shorts out and shows what fourteen's thinking back on earth. he tries to sneak in somewhere and the guard's like this just says 'need to pick up cat food'? and fifteen's like 🥺 they got a cat
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somerandomdudelmao · 4 months
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Let me show you one of my original concepts :>
Because. Why not haha👍
Characters refs Masterpost
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kat-nidas · 3 months
Good ending…?
Lloremos 😭
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fearandhatred · 3 months
the genocide is fucking crazy bc at the end of the day it's so extremely xenophobic. like it is genuinely unthinkable for this to happen to a western or white-passing country. it would be shut down so quick
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brain-deadx0 · 1 year
My 5yo nephew made this. Its his first "sewing"
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puppetmaster13u · 4 months
Prompt 235
“Mother, I have made a friend.” 
Now don’t get him wrong, Danny was delighted at the idea of Jordan making a friend, he really was. But the last three attempts had been borderline kidnappings, so he wasn’t entirely sure if he should be. Thankfully it doesn’t seem he’s kidnapped this one. Hopefully. 
Not that he wouldn’t be surprised if Dan managed to kidnap a tiny kryptonian, but the kid- Jon apparently- seemed happy enough to be there. Apparently his grandparents lived in the midwest too, and was happy enough to have someone to talk about it. 
Though um, maybe Danny should have checked to see if his parents knew where he’d gone, because he was not expecting a harried-looking superman to suddenly appear at his window. 
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emacrow · 2 months
Um.. Superman.. what that thing stuck on your cape?
Clark's brain short circuit for a moment as he just got back of flying at great speed in the middle of deep space to thrown one of Lex's giants bombs destroy the city and come back in record time.
He turn a bit to look at his cape to see a tiny humanoid starlight dust covered child with white hair, glowing full green that look like white specks stars were implanted themselves into his big ol eyes, nawing on a handful of stardust with inhumanly sharp itsy bitsy fangs.
A small yet floating crown that look similar to one of Nasa pictures of far out space.
Did he just accidentally abducted an royal alien child/teen?
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milkywayes · 2 months
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there's only room for one on the door normandy float. [prints]
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miraculouscoccixbite · 2 months
Something something Ivan wants Till to look at him.
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Something something Till was the first to saw Ivan.
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Something something Ivan didn't see Till hesitate
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Something something Ivan only allows himself to show his feelings only when Till has his eyes close
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Something something eye experiment
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Something something matching red dot
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Something something the first and final time he see Ivan he can only watch
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Something something eyes and Ivantill. Seeing and not seeing
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dapperrokyuu · 3 months
Luka vs. Till is the funniest faceoff tho. Like, what is Till even gonna DO? Purebred pedigree dog vs. stray mystery mutt found in the garbage and literally 50% discounted, FJFJEKFKDKCJEJ-
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thealienartshop · 10 months
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day one of my first mural type project!
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homosexualcitron · 3 months
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So many theories of why Ivan did that well this is my take
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superbat-love · 8 months
Superbat Moments #14
Opposites Attract
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Superbat Master Collection
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allerghen · 3 months
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before I kissed you
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nerdybluephoenix · 10 months
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