thealienartshop · 10 months
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day one of my first mural type project!
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thealienartshop · 10 months
what they dont tell you about growing up as a very lonely little girl is that you grow up and still a part of you remains that very lonely little girl
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thealienartshop · 11 months
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some of the greenest moss I ever did see
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thealienartshop · 11 months
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This crooked smile
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thealienartshop · 11 months
that feels good right there like that yeah write that down ^~^
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thealienartshop · 11 months
Sound of Freedom, Operation Underground Railroad, and Tim Ballard are frauds who hurt the people who fight actual human trafficking.
Talk to anyone who fights real trafficking, they will tell you what is wrong with Ballard. To start with, he used to fight child sexual exploitation as a federal agent but he quit to act as a vigilante. Here is the short version of how OUR works: they go into a foreign country and throw money around until a pimp approaches them. They then tell the pimp they want children, and ask the pimp to bring kids to a secondary location. Then they call the cops, have the police arrest the pimps, streams the arrest on FaceTime for a high tier donor, and then go home. If you don’t get what’s wrong with this let me explain: OUR raises the demand for child sex slaves. A mommy blogger who Ballard brought along wrote an entire article about her experience. He says his team is all sorts of CIA agents and SEALs, but apparently moms from Utah are more reflective. It turns out some of the kids were trafficked for the first time FOR Ballard. He waved money and encouraged that trafficking. Afterwards, he left the country with a handshake promise that the kids would be cared for by the police. He will say the kids got aftercare, but evidence says otherwise.
But maybe that’s not enough for you?
He hired a psychic in Utah to tell him where a child was in the Dominican Republic. He flew a team as well as that child’s father down to the town the psychic indicated and found nothing other than locals scared of the American paramilitary vigilantes who were asking for children.
He and a sister organization said they were evacuating people from Afghanistan. No one has found any evidence to prove that.
He has claimed OUR saved a 12 year old girl from slavery. Then, she was 11. Then it turned out she saved herself a decade ago without his help and they want to get credit for rescuing her.
He claimed to be partnered with American Airlines, who have no idea what he is talking about.
So what actually DOES Ballard do?
He campaigns against drag queens
Promotes Qanon/Wayfair conspiracies
Cast the actor who played Jesus to play himself in his own movie. (The actor actively campaigns on blood libel Q conspiracies)
But beyond all that, just remember the movie isn’t donating to anti trafficking causes. It’s just asking you to buy more tickets to juice the numbers.
Donate to your local shelter. Most trafficking victims are trafficked by loved ones or people close to them. The victims need all the help they can get.
And another thing: People are conflating criticism of this film with apologia for child trafficking. I keep seeing posts say it will “Raise Awareness,” despite it being an incorrect portrayal. If that’s true, then Die Hard is raising awareness about bank robbers.
Here’s an idea: watch or read ANYTHING from real survivors of trafficking.
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thealienartshop · 11 months
why the movie "the sound of freedom," is bullshit we need to keep an eye on
i need yall to know that the sound of freedom movie is being called qanon shit because it perpetuates qanon lite and holds up the pipeline to average people. it's only in theaters now rather than years ago when it was produced, because qanon has created a fervent audience for it. the fervent audience is now a counter to the fact that the studios involved in its production were swayed from releasing it by experts in child trafficking who informed them of the misinformation it would spread. this movie not only sensationalizes child trafficking, it also simplifies what leads to child trafficking in a way that creates a false perception of how it happens at all, especially by depicting children exclusively being kidnapped by strangers rather than the more common situations where kids trust their abusers and come to depend on those who exploit them in exchange for housing, food, and drugs that traffickers often force their victims into dependency. it even fails to acknowledge the fact that most (67%) child trafficking victims are between 15 and 17, most often queer kids kicked out of their homes by parents, with a majority of young child victims being sold into slavery to pay off debts or in exchange for drugs by their own parents. sound of freedom turns perpetuators of child trafficking into anonymous villains and implies complicity in government, especially liberal government figures, rather than focusing on the parents who kick out their kids or neighbors who groom those parents and take in their troubled teens and send them somewhere no one cares enough about to investigate until they're completely missing. "raising awareness" of child trafficking is a noble goal, but relying on the terrifying shock of toddlers being assaulted rather than dissecting the systemic ways children are coerced and exploited muddies the waters and makes us directionless and afraid, with mysterious figures implied to be the real source of the problem (hint: when a movie has vague, powerful monsters instead of the real villain being the deeply entangled web of multi-system failures, there's a 50/50 shot the audience will stumble into "its the jews fault," while attempting research outside the conventional sources films like these say are controlled by "the media, re: the jews again." that's the whole point of the vagueness and instilling mistrust in reputable news outlets and academia.)
furthermore, the film is based on and vindicates tim ballard, a guy who quit his effective but not-so-action-packed work against child pornography with the cia, to go to south america and document himself "saving" people from human sex trafficking in colombia and haiti. ask anyone who works in trafficking prevention and they'll have some THINGS to say about this guy, they fucking HATE tim ballard! "but why?" you may ask. the answer is that he thinks things stop existing when not in direct line of sight. mr. ballard failed to think about how the extenuating circumstances surrounding these survivors, such as debt, drugs, poverty, and housing. as such, almost everyone tim "rescued," from trafficking wound up right back where they were within a handful of years. tim is also a proponent of the qanon conspiracy theory and fully believes that children are being molested and drained of blood by a secret kabal of wealthy elites to harvest their adrenochrome. this conspiracy theory has deep roots in one of the longest-standing antisemitic conspiracy theories on earth about jewish people stealing away christian/white children to drink their blood or use it for dark magic, aka blood libel.
this movie is designed to make its viewer fall down the rabbit hole of disinformation and qanon. its star, jim cavizeel (aka jesus from passion of the christ) has completely fallen down that rabbit hole since filming the damn thing, and cites the sound of freedom as the lynchpin in his journey there.
the sound of freedom is not worth your time, but it is worth your time to learn why this movie is sensationalized propaganda so that you can refute it.
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thealienartshop · 11 months
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universal language
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thealienartshop · 11 months
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Autumnal 🍁 Days will get brighter, soon. Patreon | Twitter | Instagram
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thealienartshop · 11 months
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3am working on this
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thealienartshop · 11 months
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Anton Lehmden (1929-2018)—The Golem Decaying [oil and tempera on canvas, 1984]
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thealienartshop · 11 months
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thealienartshop · 11 months
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Illustrations from Aristophanes' Lysistrata by Norman Lindsay (1930)
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thealienartshop · 11 months
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Marguerite Duras, from The Easy Life
Text ID: I was no one, I had neither name nor face. Moving through August, I was: nothing.
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thealienartshop · 11 months
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thealienartshop · 11 months
Marie calander pot pie moment again 🤟🏼
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thealienartshop · 11 months
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