#alia rambles
a-lee-yah · 3 days
being tickled is so flustering for so many reasons but the part that gets me the most is someone wanting to tickle me?? the thought of someone actively wanting to make me laugh, wanting to coax it out of me with gentle, deliberate touches. the thought that someone wants to see the effect that their teasing has on me, that they want me to be flustered because they like seeing me that way. the concept of wanting to be so playful with me and also wanting to see me in such a flustered, silly state because they like it is. yeah.
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scalierpepper · 2 months
The locked tomb wiki is perhaps my favorite fan wiki to be on and it's because of this:
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craykaycee · 9 months
please please PLEASE tell me about your spiderverse dca self-insert au. i must know about the lil sidekick bots. they sound adorable
OKAYYYYY I'VE BEEN ENABLED LEMME TELL YOU ALL AB THEM!!! *takes out my notes, it's nine and a half pages long*
[[Disclaimer: Most the images are supposed to be side-by-side, but aren't doing that in browsers. I don't know why, I've been trying to fix it and couldn't. Apologies]]
All my notes refer to the main character (my self insert) by name, but I'll be referring to them as "MC" (main character) in this post. The drawings I have feature my sona as MC.
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So!! We got the bois! THE BOISS! They're creations of MC, an engineer at FazEnt. They were made after MC got bitten by the spider, them needing assistance in tackling the disappearances of the pizzaplex. Important note: These bots came first. It's not until MC's spider alias (I'll say SpiderMC) became popular in the media that FazEnt tasked MC to make a character based off the popular sidekicks. In basic concept: MC is forced to plagiarize their own bots.
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Then, the Fazbear Entertainment Daycare Attendant is created (I tend to refer to them as FazDCA for clarification in notes). With FazDCA being stuck in the plex, they aren't aware that they're plagiarized. MC grows a distaste towards FazDCA, but are aware it's not their fault, so the relationship between the two, creator and creation, has one-sided tension. SpiderMC's sidekicks, the minis, grow jealous of FazDCA upon discovery, thinking MC may prefer FazDCA over them, especially when MC works past their ill feelings and allows themself to grow a kind comradery with FazDCA.
There's a lot of little details I'd rather not go into in a single post, but my favorite thing I've found in my notes is MC having the same silly stupidity as og Spiderman (yanno like in Into the Spiderverse, Miles has that "Who's Miles? (NOT THAT DUMB)" moment?). Here's a fun one, considering the character I've drawn keeps their unique hair loose:
FazDCA: “Wow! Your hair looks familiar!” MC: Covering their head “A-Actually I’m bald” Moment of silence, FazDCA visibly processing Lil Moon is chuckling on MC’s shoulder MC: “I- I mean he’s bald-” flicks off Lil Moon’s hood Lil Moon: “HEY!”
Initial sketches and other doodles under the cut~
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I actually initially brainstormed the rules of this universe w/ someone well-versed in Spiderman lore, so they helped me a LOT in figuring out the set up. Then, of course, bringing it up to my friends in this community sparked a WHOLE plot :D
omg I forgot I had notes ab the role of Glamrock Bonnie's AI.... wow :o
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eliounora · 2 months
I think the best thing to come out of the hamilton craze was not the musical itself but the drunk history episode where alia shawkat and aubrey plaza played hamilton and burr. the gender envy
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findafight · 2 years
Not me writing a prologue for a fic I'll maybe never write about Steve being on the Dream Team lmao. I saw a pro basketball player Steve post a while ago and couldn't stop thinking about it. Anyways-
At the end of March Madness in 1989, the scout for the Pacers has lunch with the head coach of a community college basketball team that somehow made it to the first round before being pulverized. They sit across from each other, the coach seemingly a bit overwhelmed but not outright surprised. That's good, it means Jerry, the scout, doesn't have to worry about him freaking out or babbling too much.
The team captain had caught his, and possibly others', eye. Good layups, a few three pointers, solid defence, and a helluva lot of potential add up to someone to keep an eye on, except they can't because the guy plays for a rinky-dink community college and only had one televised game. The only reason Jerry saw the kid is because the Roane County Community College Ospreys had put in a hell of a fight the past three seasons. Jerry wonders why the hell the kid hadn't been offered a scholarship somewhere...not Roane County. Doesn't matter though, because they're here now.
"so. You wanted to talk about Steve?" Says the coach, August Nearaly, a bit weary.
Jerry nods, sipping his coffee. "Yeah. Wanted to get a sense of him before I actually talked to him."
August sighs. "As a player or as a person?"
Raising his eyebrows. "Is he that different off the court?"
"no! No, not like how you probably think. Harrington's a sweet kid, but also incredibly...well, not weird, but. Peculiar? He's got quirks. Bit paranoid, but not in a conspiracy way. In a 'no one should walk home alone in the dark' or 'hey, where'd John go? He was right here and then I did a headcount and he's not?' kinda way. Y'know? Like, they're all adults, but he does headcounts and worries anyways."
"huh. Oookay?"
"it-- I'm not saying this to rag on him, to be clear. It just too a while to get used to. Honestly, it's been good for team building. Makes them think of each other not as individuals, but part of a unit that needs everyone healthy and whole to work."
"that's good. He's a team player."
"oh yeah. It's not surprising, really. He's from Hawkins." August says the name like Jerry should know what that means. It's a town, sure, but other than that... Jerry's at a loss. Maybe something a few years ago about a fire? "He has most assists in Osprey history. Some of the guys joke that he's allergic to the ball."
"He's good on the court?"
"Jerry. I know you're here because you saw the March Madness game. You know he's good. He'd be even better if he could afford those fancy prescription goggles Horace Grant wears."
"seriously? Why not contacts?"
"don't make them for his prescription. You didn't see his interview? Kid's got thick horn rimmed glasses. Too many concussions apparently. God knows how he tells players apart when the jersey colours are similar."
"shit. That's why he was squinting the whole time? I thought he was just stressed."
He shrugged. "eh. Probably a bit of both. He takes it seriously, but not too seriously. Y'know? Half the guys were shitting themselves from nerves and Harrington stands up in the locker room, hands on his hips, and gives a speech worthy of the most melodramatic underdog sports movie."
Jerry laughs. "No shit."
Waving his hands, August nods. "no shit! He says all this stuff like 'we worked hard...we deserve this...we may not win but let's do our damn best. The worst that could happen is we lose, and that isn't the end of the world. So let's go out there and play some basketball!' or something, his was better, and the boys cheer. Then they put in fifty points to one-thirty."
Jerry winces. "Must have hurt, huh?"
August grins. "No way. One of the best games they ever played. You saw it. You wouldn't be here if you hadn't. They played their goddamn hearts out." He leans forward. "My boys don't have the same facilities as the big universities, or the funding to offer scholarships. They're at Roane Community because they want a degree or certificate but have other responsibilities. Parents or siblings to stay close to, jobs to work, people to take care of. They joined my team because they like playing basketball, loved the game and wanted to spend some of their precious time playing it. They put the work in on the court and off it. And we made it to the NCAA tournament because of it. We put in fifty points against the goddamn Michigan Wolverines! The champs! And they knew that. I've never heard of a locker room after an 80 point defeat so happy."
It's all pride when Coach Nearaly says "yep. They may not be the best basketball players in college, but my god, they're probably the best team."
"because of Harrington?"
"partly. They all contribute, make sure they do things right. It's not a one man show, that's the point. They rally around him, but they all are part of the team, and know it. That's what Steve makes sure. Why I made him captain."
"So, you think he'd be a good pick for the Pacers?" This is, after all, a business meeting.
August nods, picks at his pancakes. "I'll be honest with you Jerry. You're not the first scout to talk to me about Steve."
"really? Who?"
"you know I won't say. But, between me and you, Steve's Indiana born and bred. His wife's planning on getting some lib Arts degree in Chicago or Indy, and your offer might be the deciding factor for them."
Jerry blinks. "He's married? At, what? Twenty-one?"
August nods. "Just turned twenty-two. High school sweethearts or something. Obsessed with each other." He chuckled, a bit ruefully. "I'm a bit jaded but damn. You mention her name? He lights up like the fuckin Fourth of July."
Jerry whistles. "Honeymoon phase gets us all."
"for almost two years? Nah. It's just love." It sounds a little wistful, coming from August. "Anyways. I dunno if the other team is serious about him, and if they are, they'll probably be disappointed. Kid isn't moving out of the Midwest. He's got family here, and is getting a goddamn elementary education degree. He won't uproot his life for a chance at the NBA. But, if you offer. Well. He'd at least seriously consider it."
Humming, Jerry chews his eggs as he thinks. "You think he'd be up for the lifestyle? The road games out numbering home ones?"
There's an air of seriousness when August levels Jerry with a look. "If he doesn't want to, he'll tell you. You gotta give him time to talk to his family though. This offer? It'll come out of left field for him, even if I give him a heads up. You get that, yeah? You want to recruit a kindergarten teacher to the NBA without any build up. He needs time to process that and then see where the people in his life are at with it."
"I guess it is unusual."
"try being the community college basketball coach getting two goddamn calls from NBA scouts. Thought I was hallucinating."
Jerry laughs, counts some bills for the tip. "Thank you. For your time and insights. Let Steve know I'll call tomorrow?"
"will do. He'll still probably drob the phone on you, though."
"as long as he doesn't hang up!"
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zishuge · 11 months
it’s two in the morning and i’m awake thinking about how when fang duobing wanted to get into baichuan court, he needed an alias, so he was like quick, what’s a good fake name? yuan jiankang. this likely gets lost in translation but 方多病 (fang duobing) literally means “prone to many illnesses”. fang duobing's made up name? 袁建康 (yuan jiankang) - the surname 袁 (yuan) being a homonym of 远 meaning “always / forever” and 建康 (jiankang) meaning “healthy”. FOREVER HEALTHY. he just… picked the literal opposite of his name.
fast forward however many episodes to when li lianhua is teaching fang duobing yangzhouman, but then fang duobing starts asking questions about this wondrous technique, so li lianhua’s like quick, what’s a good fake name? suzhoukuai. to recap: 杨洲慢 (yangzhouman) - 扬州 (yangzhou) being a city, and 慢 (man) meaning “slow”. li lianhua’s made up name? 苏州快 (suzhoukuai) - 苏州 (suzhou) being… a different city, and 快 (kuai) meaning… “fast”. it’s literally just… the opposite.
i. i just. they share a single brain cell and it is constantly working overtime.
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fox-guardian · 1 year
was anyone gonna tell me that on Tim's wiki page "Gas Rambo" was added as an alias of his or was I just gonna have to accidentally click on my perpetually open Tim Wiki Page Tab myself
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[ID: A snippet of a character wiki reading:
Timothy Stoker
Aliases: Tim Stoker, Gas Rambo. end ID]
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mileymint · 3 months
I just realized I never posted this :(
Click for better quality or whatever they say
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Learning to do expressions better definitely helped me a lot here, and I would like to thank @kkolg for the tutorial because OH MY GOODNESS. THIS IMPROVED MY ART TREMENDOUSLY
Reaction image unlocked:
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Also some pngs. Have fun :3
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pinkmirth · 10 months
ALIAS CHANGE: formerly ‘ mira ’ → now ‘ masie! ’
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avnasace · 5 months
the new remuria world quest is really cool but my adhd brain cannot keep up with all the names and titles ajfjdjfj
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a-lee-yah · 3 days
something something i would sell my soul for someone to lightly scribble their nails across the expanse of my tummy and coo at my every jolt and quiver
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lyss-sketchbox · 3 months
can i ask why this blog's title says sodium hydroxide and your main blog says hydrochloric acid
I am a chemistry nerd and one of my main alias is hydrochloric acid so i thought itll be funny if my side blog is the other thing 👍
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winterrrnight · 5 months
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ragnar0c · 5 months
Mary is so cute but actually such a freak. I love her. She goes from being afraid of confronting people to gladly beating the shit out of them within 10 years.
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Also she’s revealed to be a maso/sadist????????
When she gives Hana a pep talk in Nexus she tells her “You have to have faith you will survive in order to. Me personally, I tell myself that if I do die it’s going to be awesome! So even when I’m in a crunch, I’m not scared!”
She genuinely loves adventure….
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rain-shoshana · 7 months
As a lifelong Margaret Atwood fan I am now discovering the wonder that is Shirley Jackson! I’m reading We Have Always Live in the Castle and learning that I really am that simple. Give me an unreliable female narrator written by a woman and I am immediately ready to support violent murder.
Anyway Cousin Charles definitely needs to die, get his ass, Merrikat.
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emepe · 5 months
not to get all sappy here but thank you to everyone who has shown support for Tunnel Vision.
I’m really proud of this story. I think it showcases how much I’ve grown in terms of writing style even if there is a two year gap between this and my last work. If you’ve been here from the start, or just recently followed me and decided to go through my other works in between TV updates, I’m sure you can tell there’s an improvement.
I’ve gotten some new followers recently. Welcome! You don’t have to, but feel free to dive into my ask box anytime to ramble about stories or gossip or other random things! Once I started posting again, I was a bit sad to find out a lot of my usuals (and mutuals) were no longer active so I hope I can get to know some of the fresh faces around here moving forward ^^
Thank you for reading me! <3
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