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winelandgeorgia · 5 years ago
🇬🇪☀⛰🏞🍇🍷👍Finest Georgian Wine ''Khvanchkara''
Wine "Megobari" Khvanchkara "Megobari" is the Georgian brand of the well-known wine company Tiflis Wine Cellar, easily recognizable by the image of the eagle on the label. Raw materials are carefully selected for each Megobari wine. Therefore, the wines of the brand "Megobari" are considered one of the highest quality and at an affordable price both in Georgia and abroad!
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The result of the hard work of winemakers and winegrowers of the Tiflis Wine Cellar company is Megobari Khvanchkara, a semi-sweet Georgian red wine made from grape varieties Alexandrouli and Mujuretuli grown on fertile soils of the Khvanchkar microdistrict, in the Racha-Lechkhumi zone.
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Every grape bush is under strict daily control, which ensures the harvest of exceptional quality. The grapes are harvested by hand when the berries reach a sugar content of at least 22%, after which they are carefully sorted. The best berries are delivered to production, where, according to ancient Georgian traditions, wine is made.
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The grapes are crushed without separating the pulp from the juice, and placed in qvevri - special clay jugs where fermentation takes place. "Megobari" Khvanchkara refers to naturally semi-sweet wines, because thanks to the production technology, sugar is not added to the composition. Before bottling, the wine is pasteurized.
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The sweet-spicy aroma of the wine reveals pronounced nuances of currants, prunes and cherries.
The rich, velvety taste of the wine is replete with pleasant raspberry and blackberry tones, turning into a long and multifaceted aftertaste.
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Wine "Megobari" Khvanchkara, Red semisweet Aleksandrouli grapes and Mujuretuli Racha-Lechkhumi Region Manufacturer: Tiflis Wine Cellar Strength: 11% Volume: 0.75 L Price: from 35 $
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winelibrary · 13 years ago
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Alexandrouli is a grape that is native to the country of Georgia. It is one of the oldest Georgian varieties and is often blended with Mudzhuretuli to produce a semi-sweet red wine called Khvanchkara. It is also blended with Mujuretuli to make a male a medium bodied, semi-dry wine with an aroma that is reminiscent of pomegranates. It was reputed to be the favorite wine of Soviet leader Joseph Stalin.
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winelandgeorgia · 5 years ago
🇬🇪☀🏔🍇✌ One of the most ancient Georgian wine in the world "Khvanchkara"
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Khvanchkar red wine is made from two different grape varieties: Mujuretuli and Alexandrouli
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They cultivate it in the Georgian region of Racha, which is considered one of the oldest places where they began to grow grapes and make wine. Grapes are harvested manually at the peak of maturity. After carefully separating the ridges and crushing the grapes, fermentation begins in stainless steel tanks at a controlled temperature (23-28 ° C). To enhance the extraction of aromatic and coloring substances from the skin of the grapes, the “delistage” and “repair” technologies are used. After 5-7 days of maceration, when the desired level of residual sugar is reached, the fermentation process is stopped by cooling and filtering the wine, thereby preserving the natural sweetness and freshness
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Winery "Telavi wine cellar" which was founded in 1915 is a modern high-tech enterprise in the wine industry. There is a fine line between the inviolability of old wine-making recipes and the sophisticated technology of automated equipment
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Before bottling, the wine is aged in tanks at near zero temperatures. Wine-Light ruby. The taste of strawberries is accompanied by tones of dried fruits, pomegranate and caramel. At the same time, the wine has enough lively acidity to maintain a pleasant freshness and harmony of taste
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Wine Marani Khvanchkara, Red Semi-Sweet Grape Variety: Alexandrouli, Mujuretuli Region: Racha-Lechkhumi, Khvanchkara microzone - Georgia Manufacturer: Telavi wine cellar Volume: 0.75 L Stregth: 11% Price: From $ 25
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winelandgeorgia · 4 years ago
🇬🇪☀  Khvanchkara-Comrade Stalin's favorite wine/ Хванчкара-Любимое вино товарища Сталина/ Khvanchkara-Genosse Stalins Lieblingswein 👇(EN, RU, DE )
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(EN) 🍷 ''Khvanchkara'' Askaneli Brothers  — is one of the most famous Georgian wines. 🍇 For its production are used  ''Alexandrouli and Mujuretuli'' grapes, growing in vineyards in the ''Khvanchkara'' micro-district, in Western Georgia. 👉 The Askaneli Brothers company belongs to the cohort of the largest Georgian producers of alcoholic beverages. Having begun its history back in 1880. Today "Askaneli Brothers" is a successful company, which employs the best Georgian winemakers, and uses progressive technologies to create wines. ℹ In the history of Khvanchkara, there was a significant moment when Comrade Stalin promoted him to the forefront of the Georgian wine industry. It was Soso Dzhugashvili who played a direct role in obscuring the “noble” origin of the wine, which at that time was called Kipianevskoye and renaming it Khvanchkara. ✅ Wine of deep ruby-garnet color with purple highlights. The aroma of the wine is filled with tones of strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, pomegranate, dried fruits, and toasted nuts. The rich, harmonious, intense taste of the wine endows with a velvety texture, an excellent balance of sweetness and acidity, delicate raspberry notes, and a long, slightly astringent aftertaste. wine: Red-semi-sweet Region: Racha-Georgia Grapes: Alexandrouli-Mujuretuli Manufacturer: Askaneli Brothers Strength: 1️⃣2️⃣,5️⃣ Volume: 0️⃣,7️⃣5️⃣ L Price from 4️⃣0️⃣ 💲 (RU) 🍷 ''Хванчкара''Братья Асканели — одно из самых известных грузинских вин. 🍇 Для его изготовления используют виноград сортов ''Александроули и Муджуретули'', ра��тущий на виноградниках в микрорайоне ''Хванчкара'', в Западной Грузии. 👉 Компания ''Братья Асканели" состоит в когорте крупнейших грузинских производителей алкогольных напитков. Начав свою историю в далеком 1880-м. Сегодня "Братья Асканели" — это успешная компания, в которой трудятся лучшие грузинские виноделы, а при создании вин применяются прогрессивные технологии. ℹ В истории ''Хванчкары''  был знаковы момент когда товарищ Сталин выдвинул его в первые ряды грузинской винодельческой отрасли. Именно Сосо Джугашвили сыграл прямую роль в затушевывании «дворянского» происхождения вина, носившему в то время название Кипианевское, и переименовании его в Хванчкару. ✅Вино глубокого-рубиново-гранатового цвета с пурпурными бликами. Аромат вина наполнен тонами клубники, черники, ежевики, малины, граната, сухофруктов и поджаренных орехов. Богатый, гармоничный, насыщенный вкус вина одаривает бархатистой текстурой, великолепным балансом сладости и кислотности, нежными нотками малины и долгим, слегка вяжущим послевкусием. вино:Красное-полусладкое Регион:Рача-Грузия Виноград:Александроули-Муджуретули Производитель:Братья Асканели Крепость: 1️⃣2️⃣,5️⃣ Объем:  0️⃣,7️⃣5️⃣ Л Цена от 4️⃣0️⃣ 💲 (DE) 🍷''Khvanchkara'' Askaneli Bruder ''—  ist einer der bekanntesten georgischen Weine. 🍇 Für die Herstellung werden ''Alexandrouli und Mujuretuli''-Trauben verwendet , die in Weinbergen des Mikrobezirks ''Khvanchkara'' in Westgeorgien wachsen. 👉 Das Unternehmen ''Bruder Askaneli'' gehört zur Kohorte der größten georgischen Hersteller von alkoholischen Getränken. Es begann seine Geschichte im Jahr 1880. Heute ist "Bruder Askaneli'' ein erfolgreiches Unternehmen, das die besten georgischen Winzer beschäftigt und fortschrittliche Technologien zur Herstellung von Weinen verwendet. ℹ In der Geschichte von Khvanchkara gab es einen bedeutenden Moment, als Genosse Stalin ihn an die Spitze der georgischen Weinindustrie beförderte. Es war Soso Dzhugashvili, der eine direkte Rolle dabei spielte, den „edlen“ Ursprung des Weins, der zu dieser Zeit Kipianevskoye hieß, zu verschleiern und ihn in Khvanchkara umzubenennen. ✅ Wein von tiefer rubinroter Granatfarbe mit violetten Reflexen. Das Aroma des Weins ist mit Tönen von Erdbeeren, Blaubeeren, Brombeeren, Himbeeren, Granatapfel, getrockneten Früchten und gerösteten Nüssen gefüllt. Der reichhaltige, harmonische, intensive Geschmack des Weins verleiht ihm eine samtige Textur, ein ausgezeichnetes Gleichgewicht zwischen Süße und Säure, zarte Himbeernoten und einen langen, leicht adstringierenden Nachgeschmack. Wein: Rot-halbsüß Region: Racha-Georgien Trauben: Alexandrouli-Mujuretuli Hersteller: Askaneli Bruder Stärke: 1️⃣2️⃣,5️⃣ Volumen: 0️⃣,7️⃣5️⃣ l   Preis ab 4️⃣0️⃣ 💲
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winelandgeorgia · 5 years ago
🇬🇪☀🏔🍇🍷One of the most iconic Georgian semi-sweet red wines''Khvanchkara''by Askaneli Brothers
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It is made from two grape varieties - Alexandrouli and Mujuretuli, which are grown in a clearly defined natural terroir, in the Racha region of Georgia.
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The history of the Askaneli Brothers began in the village Askana in the region of Guria, where the first winemaking recorded there dates as early as 1880, by the Askaneli Brothers’ ancestors. Eighteen years ago, the brothers returned to the practice of their ancestors, founding the company and revitalizing wine production in hopes to inspire growth of Georgian wine culture internationally.
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There was a momentous moment in the history of Khvanchkara,when Comrade Stalin put him in the front ranks of the Georgian wine industry. It was Soso Dzhugashvili who played a direct role in obscuring the “noble” origin of the drink, which at that time was called Kipianevsky, and renaming it Khvanchkara. Wine has a ruby ​​color, stands out for its harmony, sophisticated taste, characteristic fruit tones and varietal aroma.
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Wine: ''Khvanchkara''Red, semi-sweet Grapes: Alexandrouli, Mujuretuli Region: Racha-Georgia Manufacturer: Askaneli Brothers Strength -12,5 % Volume: 0.75 L Price-from 40 $
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winelandgeorgia · 5 years ago
🇬🇪⛰🍇🍷👍 Khvanchkara is one of the most iconic Georgian Wines
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Red semi-sweet wine “Khvanchkara”, local high-quality natural semi-sweet red wine. It is made from two grape varieties - Alexandrouli and Mujuretuli, which are grown in a clearly defined natural terroir, in the Racha region of Georgia
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There was a momentous moment in the history of the drink when Comrade Stalin put him in the front ranks of the Georgian wine industry. It was Soso Dzhugashvili who played a direct role in obscuring the “noble” origin of the drink, which at that time was called Kipianevsky, and renaming it Khvanchkara. “
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“Khvanchkara” has a ruby ​​color, stands out for its harmony, sophisticated taste, characteristic fruit tones and varietal aroma.
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Khvanchkar Wine: Red, semi-sweet Region: Racha-Georgia Grapes: Alexandrouli, Mujuretuli Manufacturer: Askaneli Brothers Fortress - 10.5-12 degrees; Sugar content - 3-5%; Volume: 0.75 L
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price: from 40 $
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winelandgeorgia · 4 years ago
🇬🇪☀ Khvanchkara-Comrade Stalin's favorite wine/Khvanchkara-Genosse Stalins Lieblingswein/Хванчкара-Любимое вино товарища Сталина (EN,DE,RU)
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(EN) 🍷Brothers Askaneli ''Khvanchkara '' is one of the most famous Georgian wines. 🍇Alexandrouli and Mujuretuli grapes growing in vineyards in the Khvanchkara microdistrict, in Western Georgia, are used for its production. The Askaneli Brothers company belongs to the cohort of the largest Georgian producers of alcoholic beverages. Having begun its history back in 1880. Today "Askaneli Brothers" is a successful company, which employs the best Georgian winemakers, and uses progressive technologies to create wines. ℹIn the history of Khvanchkara, there was a significant moment when Comrade Stalin promoted him to the forefront of the Georgian wine industry. It was Soso Dzhugashvili who played a direct role in obscuring the “noble” origin of the wine, which at that time was called Kipianevskoye, and renaming it Khvanchkara. ✅ Wine of deep ruby ​​garnet color with purple highlights. The aroma of the wine is filled with tones of strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, pomegranate, dried fruits and toasted nuts. The rich, harmonious, intense taste of the wine endows with a velvety texture, an excellent balance of sweetness and acidity, delicate raspberry notes and a long, slightly astringent aftertaste. wine: Red-semi-sweet Region: Racha-Georgia Grapes: Alexandrouli-Mujuretuli Manufacturer: Brothers Askaneli Fortress: 1️⃣2️⃣,5️⃣ Volume:0️⃣,7️⃣5️⃣ L Price from 4️⃣0️⃣ 💲 (DE) 🍷Bruder Askaneli ''Khvanchkara'' ist einer der bekanntesten georgischen Weine. 🍇Alexandrouli und Mujuretuli-Trauben, die in Weinbergen des Mikrobezirks Khvanchkara in Westgeorgien wachsen, werden für ihre Herstellung verwendet. Das Unternehmen Bruder Askaneli gehört zur Kohorte der größten georgischen Hersteller von alkoholischen Getränken. Es begann seine Geschichte im Jahr 1880. Heute ist "Bruder Askaneli'' ein erfolgreiches Unternehmen, das die besten georgischen Winzer beschäftigt und fortschrittliche Technologien zur Herstellung von Weinen verwendet. In der Geschichte von Khvanchkara gab es einen bedeutenden Moment, als Genosse Stalin ihn an die Spitze der georgischen Weinindustrie beförderte. Es war Soso Dzhugashvili, der eine direkte Rolle dabei spielte, den „edlen“ Ursprung des Weins, der zu dieser Zeit Kipianevskoye hieß, zu verschleiern und ihn in Khvanchkara umzubenennen. ✅ Wein von tiefer rubinroter Granatfarbe mit violetten Reflexen. Das Aroma des Weins ist mit Tönen von Erdbeeren, Blaubeeren, Brombeeren, Himbeeren, Granatapfel, getrockneten Früchten und gerösteten Nüssen gefüllt. Der reichhaltige, harmonische, intensive Geschmack des Weins verleiht ihm eine samtige Textur, ein ausgezeichnetes Gleichgewicht zwischen Süße und Säure, zarte Himbeernoten und einen langen, leicht adstringierenden Nachgeschmack. Wein: Rot-halbsüß Region: Racha-Georgien Trauben: Alexandrouli-Mujuretuli Hersteller: Bruder Askaneli Festung: 1️⃣2️⃣,5️⃣ Volumen: 0️⃣,7️⃣5️⃣ l Preis ab 4️⃣0️⃣ 💲
(RU) 🍷Братья Асканели ''Хванчкара'' — одно из самых известных грузинских вин. 🍇Для его изготовления используют виноград сортов Александроули и Муджуретули, растущий на виноградниках в микрорайоне Хванчкара, в Западной Грузии. 👉Компания Братья Асканели " состоит в когорте крупнейших грузинских производителей алкогольных напитков. Начав свою историю в далеком 1880-м. Сегодня "Братья Асканели" — это успешная компания, в которой трудятся лучшие грузинские виноделы, а при создании вин применяются прогрессивные технологии. ℹВ истории ''Хванчкары'' был знаковы момент когда товарищ Сталин выдвинул его в первые ряды грузинской винодельческой отрасли. Именно Сосо Джугашвили сыграл прямую роль в затушевывании «дворянского» происхождения вина, носившему в то время название Кипианевское, и переименовании его в Хванчкару. ✅Вино глубокого-рубиново-гранатового цвета с пурпурными бликами. Аромат вина наполнен тонами клубники, черники, ежевики, малины, граната, сухофруктов и поджаренных орехов. Богатый, гармоничный, насыщенный вкус вина одаривает бархатистой текстурой, великолепным балансом сладости и кислотности, нежными нотками малины и долгим, слегка вяжущим послевкусием. вино:Красное-полусладкое Регион:Рача-Грузия Виноград:Александроули-Муджуретули Производитель:Братья Асканели Крепость:1️⃣2️⃣,5️⃣ Объем: 0️⃣,7️⃣5️⃣Л Цена от 4️⃣0️⃣ 💲
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winelandgeorgia · 5 years ago
Racha region- is a treasury of Georgian Winemaking/Регион Рача -сокровищница Грузинского Виноделия
(EN, RU, DE)
(EN) Racha differs from other regions of Georgia with its unique grape varieties. The famous Wine company Royal Khvanchkara, which was founded in 2015 is located in this region. Royal Khvanchkara vineyards boast 18 hectares in five villages in Racha: Challa Sadmeli, Koveli, Tola, Zhoshkh and Chkvishi. The location of the vineyards is ideal for ancient local grape varieties - Alexandrouli, Mujuretuli, Usahelauri and Tsolikuri. The vine, grown on the right bank of the Rioni River on the southwestern slopes, at an altitude of 800 meters above sea level, gives a crop of the highest quality. The main task for the Royal Khvanchkara wine company was to revive the rich culture of winemaking in Racha and preserve the knowledge and experience gained over the years. Enjoy with us!
(DE) Racha unterscheidet sich von anderen Regionen Georgiens durch seine einzigartigen Rebsorten. In dieser Region befindet sich die berühmte Weinfirma Royal Khvanchkara, die 2015 gegründet wurde. Die königlichen Weinberge von Khvanchkara umfassen 18 Hektar in fünf Dörfern in Racha: Challa Sadmeli, Koveli, Tola, Zhoshkh und Chkvishi. Die Lage der Weinberge ist ideal für alte lokale Rebsorten - Alexandrouli, Mujuretuli, Usahelauri und Tsolikuri. Die Rebe, die am rechten Ufer des Flusses Rioni an den südwestlichen Hängen in einer Höhe von 800 Metern über dem Meeresspiegel angebaut wird, liefert eine Ernte von höchster Qualität. Die Hauptaufgabe der Royal Khvanchkara Wine Company bestand darin, die reiche Kultur der Weinherstellung in Racha wiederzubeleben und das im Laufe der Jahre gesammelte Wissen und die Erfahrung zu bewahren. Genießen Sie mit uns!
(RU) Рача отличается от других регионов Грузии своими уникальными сортами винограда. именно в этом регионе расположена знаменитая Винодельческая компания Роял Хванчкара, которая была основана в 2015 году. Виноградники Роял Хванчкара могут похвастаться 18 гектарами в пяти деревнях в Раче: Чалла Садмели, Ковели, Тола, Жошха и Чквиши. Расположение виноградников идеально подходит для древних местных сортов винограда - Александроули, Муджуретули, Усахелаури и Цоликури. Лоза, выращенная на правом берегу реки Риони на юго-западных склонах, на высоте 780-800 метров над уровнем моря, дает урожай самого высокого качества. Главной задачей для винодельческой компании Роял Хванчкара было возрождение богатой культуры виноделия в Рачe и сохранение знаний �� опыта, накопленных за эти годы. Наслаждайтесь с нами!
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