#alexa play life goes on by bts
st0ryf1lms · 3 years
this episode screwed me up big time. oh well, life goes on. 😃👍 *sobbing noises in the distance*
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redwinephannie · 3 years
Alright ARMYs time to expose yourself in a tag game. Reblog this and put in the tags what comes up when you type:
Hoseok/Hobi/j-hope (whichever you call him most)
Mine will be in the tags
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sebastiansallowwws · 4 years
You are a bitch
Lemme fix that: bitch.
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cinnaminsvga · 3 years
Gonna jump on the train and say yeah absolutely do not worry about whether or not you've been active on social media. I've also been following you since 2018 and maybe I noticed a change in your activity maybe I didn't but also it's been a CRAZY 1.5 year and shit just happens so honestly a change in social media activity is something I've noticed from nearly everyone. And also whatever stage in life you're at also brings its own challenges that will ultimately change some habits and routines. It just happens. Just take care of yourself, do whatever you need to do, and try to enjoy whatever you can. We just out here vibing on this hellsite together. GL with LDE and other writing endeavors!
lol shit really do be happening 😵‍💫
yea life’s been pretty rough (which i feel like ive been saying since 2017… like… when am i ever gonna catch a break lmao) but i do find myself missing ye olden days when i’d log onto tumblr, say some stupid shit, answer some asks, and just?? enjoy peoples company?? but i guess time does inevitably change everything so,,, i guess we just gotta keep doing what we gotta do,,, alexa play life goes on by bts
also i just wanna say thanks to you (and a bunch of other people) who have been following me for years now,,, like there are a handful of usernames that i memorize as distinctly as my own, and it fills me with immense gratitude whenever i still see yall lurking my notifs so,,, yeah 🥲 i guess some things never change
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bts-trans · 4 years
[ENG] 201120 BTS BE Release Japanese Promotional Message (Amazon Music Japan)
Link to the video
201120 Amazon Music JP’s Tweet
/ #BTS (@BTS_jp_official) 🆕アルバム『#BE (Deluxe Edition)』 配信スタート🔎💜 \
タイトル曲「Life Goes On」をプレイリスト #KPOPNOW で聴こう🌈 🎧http://amzn.to/3kIcERB pic.twitter.com/HKmPNbHrdv
/ #BTS (@BTS_jp_official) 🆕Album ‘#BE (Deluxe Edition)’ Streaming starts now🔎💜 \ You can hear a special message when you say to Alexa, “Play BTS’ latest album”🤫※Until 11/22(Sun)13:59
Let’s listen to the title track ‘Life Goes On’ on the #KPOPNOW playlist🌈 🎧amzn.to/3kIcERB
Trans cr; Erina @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
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clvmtines · 3 years
Tumblr media
welcome aboard, clementine martinez, student #2. we are excited to set sail with you !  has anyone told you that you look like alexa demie? according to our records, you hail from florida, usa, prefer she / her pronouns, are a cis woman, and are here to study creative writing. we also see you received a spot on the ss university because of your online lottery win — we won’t tell anyone. during your first few weeks here, other students said you were + charming, + free-spirited, but also - restive. it sounds like you spend most of your time at the billiards room. upon checking your luggage, we noticed you packed a casino chip carried around for luck from home. hopefully your roommates don’t steal it!
hi friends! i’m very excited to be here. i’m jay (est, she/her) n i used to play astrid nyland a few months ago if anyone remembers bt i had to leave for personal reasons. i’m so glad to be back now that i hve life sorted and some free time for summer break <3 read on for some details abt this new muse of mine, clementine. 
01. biography !
so ! clementine was born in florida. & yes, her real name is clementine. her mom thot it was the cutest name idea ever. clementine mostly goes by clem. she comes from the town [redacted] in florida bcoz i am too lazy to look up a specific town <3 but alas ! it was swampy and humid and she lived in a trailer park. 
her parents got knocked up at nineteen. clem was born nine months after a particularly wild 1999 fourth of july. her birthday is march 26th and she’s an aries. 
(TW: addiction, child injury) clem’s dad was a gambling addict and petty criminal—he wld steal credit cards n whatnot. he wld gamble away diaper money n it would cause constant fighting until her dad finally left. her mom took this very hard n began drinking a bit too often, leaving clem to to make cereal for dinner n fend for herself. once clem tried to make hot dogs on the stove and spilled boiling water on herself. got a p bad burn on her arm/shoulder and still has a big scar.
the soundtrack of her childhood was cicadas buzzing and stray dogs barking. the sizzle and pop of natty light cans. turning up her ipod to max volume to drown out the sounds of her mother fighting with her new boyfriend.
throughout her upbringing, clem’s dad was always in and out of the picture. he’d blow into town when he hit it big. he’d take her on these little “adventures” like staying in a motel 6 n renting movies at block buster n ordering good pizza nt the dominos shit she ate with her mom lol. ofc he was charging it all to someone’s stolen credit card. he’d always promise to, like, take clem away. n clem was a daddy’s girl so she believed him. the last time it happened was her h.s. graduation. her mom didn’t show ( "overslept” after a bender ) but her dad did and surprised her n said everything wld be different. bt then he bailed on their plans for the next day n when she called his cell, the number was disconnected. tht was the defining “i’m done” moment. clem promised to never be disappointed by her father again.
(TW: racism) her mother has mexican ancestry and clem’s always been called her twin. but clem was raised in a predominately white area and honestly ?? it was really hard without her even realizing it. she’s still unpacking a lot of things today abt her youth that jst weren’t okay bt she thought were normal. like microaggressions, stereotypes, being fetishized by boys in high school. gross shit.
as a kid, clem was rumored to be really poor bc she wore tattered clothes n got free lunch at school. once she invited a friend to her house & the next day they told everyone it’s in a trailer park. that reputation—the “trailer park girl”—was really hard to shake. and clem got almost desperate to shake it. she was endlessly trying to set her old self on fire and emerge from the ashes like a phoenix.
eventually clem became more “popular”. in school she was, like, a straight b student. very average although super creative and quick-thinking. she always had street smarts. problem solving skills. independence. more of, like, practical intelligence as opposed to book smarts because academia bores her tbh. she was like why am i reading these overrated boring books by dead white men or learning abt polynomials when i know nothing abt how to pay a mortage or do taxes. like...she saw the american education system as bullshit and put in modest effort because she didn’t believe it deserved her sweat and tears. 
however, she entered the online lottery for the seas program on a whim and got in. so she’s studying creative writing now.
02. personality !
first thing you shld know abt clem is that she’s a compulsive liar essentially—she tells various stories to make her life seem better than what it was. to one person, she’s an heiress to a real estate company and grew up wealthy. to the next she was raised by nomadic hippies. some of her lies are small fibs while others are grandiose tales. she rarely talks about her actual upbringing. she hates talking abt her family or the v real trauma of growing up in a household where both parents struggled w/ addiction; the uncertainty, the broken promises, the fact that she had to grow up so soon and deal w/ so much. it wasn’t fair, and if she thinks about it too much, she feels this anger. anger at the universe. anger at her circumstances. she doesn’t know where to put this anger. she doesn’t know how to shrink it. so she avoids it.
despite her rough upbringing, though, clem is actually really sweet and kind. she’s adventurous, fun-loving, free-spirited, and bold. 
bt ! she can also be closed-off, competitive and restive. 
she’s seemingly tight with everyone? like she’s jst that girl who can get along with anyone tbh. 
in her spare time you can catch her tanning by the pool, hanging at the bar, playing pool ( which she learned from her dad ), and socializing. she’ll never say no to hanging out with people. 
she learned a lot from her little “adventures” with her dad, who was very good at conning others and often involved her in his dumb little scams. clem is suuuper good at pulling the ‘im baby 🥺’ card to get what she wants.
she can be a little selfish, because she grew up looking out for herself. 
stubborn and dogmatic as hell !!!
she doesn’t do too many relationships but when she does fall, i imagine she falls hard and fast. she refuses to be made a fool of, tho. when she gets vulnerable she flashes back to being a kid, waiting all day for her dad to show up only to have him bail on her. again. she hates that feeling. so if she, like, senses a shift in someone’s energy she’ll b like, “i’ll break up with u before u can do it to me” and the person wasn’t even tryna dump her lmao.
has a lot of sex. too much ?? sex?? mayb. but she’s v sex positive.
her personal style is v late 90s. hair clips, big scrunchies, neon, fur trim, crop and tube tops, hoop earrings, chokers, patterns, platform shoes, biodegradable glitter cuz it’s good fr the earth *winks*. clothes from o-mighty.......actually jst google o mighty, pull up the images and That is clem. she dresses like a bratz doll. she’s dedicated to the aesthetic.
03. headcanons !
her item brought from home is a hot pink poker chip from a casino. her dad gave it to her. he said it reminded him of her because of the color; he got it during one of his winning streaks and said it was lucky. she has a complicated relationship w/ her dad n doesn’t even speak to him anymore, bt she will never go anywhere without it.
she’s a smol bean—only 5′4
an astrology girl and she reads palms ! she absolutely makes astrology tik toks that people only watch because she’s hot. her flirting technique is to ask you to read your palm.
she doesn’t typically drink to get drunk. but she does love a good sugary cocktail. to her, a drink is like an accessory. a blue fishbowl by the pool, a jack and coke as she stands around a bar. usually she'll nurse the same beverage for a while. if you see her wasted it usually means she’s going thru it emotionally lol. the one thing she does do is drugs tho 
pretty much listens to exclusively female artists.
a bit of an activist. environmentalism, feminism and the like, she’s v outspoken. vegan for ethical reasons (TW: drugs) bt still does cocaine. she wears shirts with ‘my pussy my choice’ bedazzled on the front.
loves to rollerblade ! back home she didn’t have a car so she’d bike or rollerblade. now she still has her blades and she’ll use them when the ship docks. 
03. wanted connections !
Friends, bffs, ride or dies, friends who are like siblings to her, maybe a friend with an unrequited crush on either side ??
an ex she dumped/cheated on/otherwise self sabotaged their relationship because she was afraid of vulnerability.
an ex friend who realized she lies a lot abt herself n felt betrayed. OH ! ESP if they opened up to her on many occasions abt intimate, personal stuff. imagine the betrayal they felt when they found that everything they thought they knew abt clem is a lie.
someone who she actually opens up to. a confidant. or, maybe, like, a stranger she drunkenly spilled her soul to and now she avoids them like the plague.
a rival. clem can be competitive.
her drug dealer 
someone she knows she shouldn’t hook up with and… does it anyways. like a friend’s ex or smthing. spicy <3
i welcome anything !
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aerial-aspie · 3 years
An Autistic Point of View 2
Hi there! It's Hazel and I'm first going to talk about what it's like to me to be autistic.
So for me I got diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome at the age of 14 and it has helped me understand a lot of my traits, which now I can articulate to you.
I'm obsessive and I mean very obsessive, once I find something I really really like it's all the occupies my brain day and night, everyday and sometimes to the point where I can't focus because all I want to think about is my obsession. A few examples of this was Vocaloid, BTS/K-pop and right now Genshin Impact.
During lessons, I struggled to stay 100% focused at all times because my brain always likes to drift off into dream land and I have to make a big mental effort to reign myself back into reality. This problem affect me when I used to take Chemistry (it was far too hard for my pea brain anyway) and the moment my brain switched off, BOOM! I'd missed a ton of information, even if it was only for 10 seconds.
However, now, after changing subjects and finding the right ones for me, I'm finding it much easier to control my need to daydream and can focus much better.
Next, I am forgetful. Imagine a sieve but only the unimportant information (normally to do with what I'm obsessing over) stays and everything else falls through, no matter how important it is to me. I hurt my knuckles over lockdown learning and needed to ice them frequently and it was very important, however, 2 seconds after remembering I needed to do that, you guessed it! I forgot about it.
Forgetfulness is hard, especially when at school because I need to drill my theory into my brain so hard because I will forget so easily. As well as at school, I have my phone and Alexa full of reminders to tell me to simple tasks such as to update this blog or to practice my piano or else I'd forget.
Lets throw in a weird one now. To be honest even I have no clue if this is an autistic trait but it's certainly something that affects me. When studying or reading I can't listen to any music with English lyrics. Why? Because I focus on the lyrics and draw myself into them and then struggle to concentrate when working because I can understand what's being sung. So my playlists involve game soundtracks, a few screamo bands (you can't understand what they're saying anyways) and Asian pop.
One thing that was said through my diagnosis is that it's possible I could have anxiety for life and as of writing this I'm currently trying to get therapy or medication for it.
Anxiety is isolating, it's painful with its physical side effects (which manifest in chest pains for me), it gives unneeded stress over problems which to others seem minor, it gives me panic attacks which range in severity, it gives a fear embarrassment, of messing up, of standing out, of being DIFFERENT.
Everything about myself I scrutinise, I'm trying to give up chocolate because it gives me so much extra stress that I believe it's unhealthy for myself. I must present myself in a way where I don't seem rude or impolite as I'm scared of how everyone will react. If I get into an argument or something I believe is an argument, I beat myself up about it and I feel like I hurt everyone around me.
I believe I'm a constant annoyance, when I'm around people I'm comfortable with I'm a chatterbox and you can't shut me up. But it makes me self conscious, am I talking too much? Is everyone just being friendly out of obligation? Are they all secretly annoyed at me? Are questions I ask myself daily and blame myself at some points for not being normal.
My brain sticks to the past and words echo my mind for sometimes years giving me fears that others would even know of. Such as the lessons about heart disease in biology always play in my mind to the point I want to give up chocolate because it's giving me so much stress as my brain is like OH MY GOD YOU ATE CHOCOLATE NOW YOU'RE GONNA DIE! And then I get stressed and get chest pains which only further add to it.
Now we got the heavy topic out the way lets move on! Autism has led me to have a fine motor coordination disability which has affect me my whole life, I can't handwrite well, I struggle opening tins, peeling vegetables, unlocking the door to get in my house, using scissors, folding things and the list goes on (and let me tell you it's long).
But you get the gist, I struggle with a lot of things and it can take me a much longer amount of time to work out things than someone normal.
I'm also extremely disorganised, actually that's a lie. I'm extremely organised but it doesn't look it. My room is a mess and I know that but I could tell you where everything is in seconds because it's what I call 'an organised mess'. I organise things but it's not neat, it's just where my brain decides is a good place to put things.
My school bag is so organised to point I don't like people touch it because I know where everything is and it has to be in the same pockets or else I'll get upset because it just has to be there and that is something no one can change.
However, even though I'm on that point of organisation, I still get stressed about if I have forgotten anything even though I never have.
Part of my autism is physical traits too, I am born with weak muscles in many places, the ones I know of so far are my wrists, knees, eyes and lower back. Because of this I can't handwrite long essays and have to have computer support to help me with this problem. With other areas, it's places I know I need to be careful when training at circus because I discovered my weak back after crucifix rolls on a cloudswing went wrong (it's a type of error that will always happen when learning this move) and I locked up my spine, from then on I've never done that move ever again.
Whilst being quite extroverted (only around people I'm comfortable with, if not I'm extremely shy) I'm actually very sensitive to things. I can't be touched suddenly or at my waist or I will flinch or flail and let me tell you, as I martial artist I do hit extremely hard in reflex. I also am sensitive to loud noises when I'm not expecting it, such as seeing war horse the stage show where the sounds of gun shots and explosions were played so loud that I had a panic attack in the theatre. However, at concerts, I'm fine as I'm expecting this loud noise and I know what is coming.
A weird thing I find about myself is that I'm very contrasting, I'm highly emotional but don't understand emotion. My first emotional response to any emotion is to cry and yes it is extremely embarrassing to cry in front of others (I believe crying in public should be normalised not shamed). Yet I can't understand emotion such as when people are sad, I don't realise it and happily talk to them and then feel like they hate me because they ignore me and then beat myself up for not realising they're sad when they tell me so. But it's not just sadness, being talked to in a firm voice, to me means they're angry when they're not, criticism means everything I've done is stupid and you get the point.
However, not only do I not understand emotion normally, I actually at times can't feel it, I get excited before a concert but when it starts I feel nothing, everything I feel just disappears and my mind is blank, so I actually have to force myself to be happy and then my brain realises I'm happy and I don't have to put in effort to sustain an emotion.
Now last but not least (remember how I said I was forgetful, it's already come into play here that I can't even remember if I've covered everything about my Asperger's) I can't do instructions, if I'm given a list of items I need to take, a long list of instructions to follow with no physical copy to reference by the time the last instruction has been said, I've already forgotten the first one and this has been fatal when I've ended up with really bad sunburn because I forgot to bring sun cream because the list I was given was too long to remember.
And that's it folks, my autism is a nutshell that's probably missing some stuff but it's as much as I can tell you from the top of my head and if I remember more stuff I'll make sure to post it.
Thanks for following!
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jae6xr · 4 years
I just finished re-reading the whole snk manga.
And...next time I will choose mental health first.
I am always up to date with the chapters, but read the manga in 3 days long it's just...all: my soul, heart, mind, everything are broken. Why, just why. I don't like to suffer. But why.
Damn, even my head and face hurts so much, I've been crying for two hours long.
I need therapy tbh.
Of course, Shingeki no Kyojin is a
Happy birthday Mikasa, you deserve everything *sobs*.
Alexa plays Life Goes On by BTS please.
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mosviqu · 4 years
i was tagged by my lovely @corakpopships ily
# NAME/NICKNAME — my name is Barbora but I go by Bar on here hihi
# GENDER — woman
# STAR SIGN — aries 🤪🤪 (libra moon, cancer rising if anyone's wondering)
# HEIGHT — 173-174 cm depends on who measures me ?? but yeah (5'8 i think)
# TIME — 4:46pm
# BIRTHDAY — april 16
# FAVORITE BANDS/GROUPS — well, Stray Kids obviously, BTS, TXT, Enhypen, Ateez, ITZY, DAY6, MCND, 5SOS, New Hope Club
# FAVORITE SOLO ARTISTS — Demian, AleXa, Sarah Close, Sam Fender
# LAST SONG — nostalgic night - VICTON
# LAST MOVIE — I don't really watch movies but the last one I saw was Pelíšky for like the 3829th time on Christmas and no I will never shut up about this movie
# LAST SHOW — A-teen
# WHEN I CREATED THIS BLOG — for my main (this one), I think in around 2015 ?? and I created my writing blog last april/may I think
# LAST THING I GOOGLED — a-teen nct dream (please 😭😭)
# OTHER BLOGS — my writing blog @n8dlesoupguk and I sometimes do moodboards on @citylightsmin when I feel like it
# DO I GET ASKS — sometimes hh, thanks to the lovely people that leave them from time to time
# FOLLOWING — 185 oopsies I should really go through it and clean it
# FOLLOWERS — for my main 66, and for my writing 940 (oh wow)
# WHY I CHOSE MY URL — I was a punk-rock enthusiast at the time of creating my blog and there's a line in Miserable at best by Mayday Parade that goes "too young to notice and too dumb to care" so I used it lmao. and for my writing blog: Chicken noodle soup was the first kpop song I ever heard if we don't count Gangnam style so i used the noodle soup but turned the two o's into an 8 like a cool kid I am and jungkook was my first ever bias so <3
# AVARAGE HOURS OF SLEEP — when I have school, it's 7 and when I'm on break like now, like 10 ??? I am a babie I sleep a lot
# LUCKY NUMBER — 7 because it's been following me my whole life
# INSTRUMENTS — I know how to play guitar and I used to play the recorder but I am pretty sure I forgot it all
# WHAT I'M WEARING — my mum's fuzzy socks, my trusty gray sweatpants and a black long-sleeve
# DREAM TRIP — Idk man,,I would go wherever,,but I always wanted to visit London for some reason ??
# FAVORITE SONG — well that's a cruel question >:( but I listen to Mmmh by Kai a lot recently ?? or My universe by Vocalracha and 10 months by Enhypen !!
# TOP THREE FICTIONAL UNIVERSES I WOULD LIKE TO LIVE IN — the Harry Potter universe duh,,I just think it's so cool ?? umm then idk,,like the Gravity Falls universe seems cool 😎 or Rick and Morty universe lmaoo
I am tagging @delicatewerewolfsoul @decembermoonskz @joons-asscrack @childofthecycle @rosieecheeks if you guys feel like it, if not just ignore lmao
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hongugu · 4 years
Best Kpop Songs of 2020
My rules for this were very loose like these are supposed to be title tracks but I’m pretty sure there are like, digital singles on this list, or just songs that had a music video...? Some of them don’t even have a video but they were promoted still IIIiiI don’t fucking know whatever. I also wasn’t sure if I should count songs like Dynamite, Ice Cream, or 100 Ways? Because they’re in all English but they’re from kpop artists??? But then I did anyway so whatever it’s not that deep.
>> Listen to it on Spotify << 
(the spotify list is backwards) (or i guess this list is backwards) (so like this one ends with the best song) (the spotify playlist starts with the best song) (because logic)
250 Kang Daniel: 2U 249 Sechskies: All For You 248 VAV: Made For Two 247 Demian: Karma 246 E’Last: Tears of Chaos 245 woo!ah!: Bad Girl 244 Momoland: Starry Night 243 EXO-SC: 1 Billion Views 242 Baekhyun: Candy 241 VOISPER: Keep GOing 240 PinkFantasy: Shadow Play 239 D1CE: Draw You 238 BoA: Better 237 Zico: Summer Hate 236 Miso: Blessed 235 MCND: Top Gang 234 TST: Count Down 233 IZ: The Day 232 Onewe: Q 231 DIA: Hug U 230 UNVS: Sand Castle 229 NCT U: Work It 228 Taeyeon: Happy 227 WJSN: Butterfly 226 Saturday: DBDBDIB 225 Dongkiz: Lupin 224 3YE: Yessir 223 Kang Daniel: Who U Are 222 DKB: Still 221 Dawn: Dawndididawn 220 Natty: Teddy Bear 219 Moonbin & Sanha: Bad Idea 218 Weeekly: Zig Zag 217 Rocket Punch: Juicy 216 Super Junior: 2YA2YAO! 215 Blackswan: Tonight 214 Cravity: Break All the Rules 213 Hyolyn: Say My Name 212 Bling Bling: G.G.B 211 SF9: Good Guy 210 DKB: Sorry Mama 209 DKB: Work Hard 208 BerryGood: Accio 207 Kai: Mmmh 206 Wonho: Open Mind 205 Mamamoo: Wanna Be Myself 204 Huh Chanmi: Lights 203 Ryu Sujeong: Tiger Eyes 202 WJSN Chocome: Hmph! 201 Botopass: Flamingo
200 Lunarsolar: Oh Ya Ya Ya 199 Jamie: Apollo 11 198 Nature: Bing Bing 197 DreamNote: Wish 196 Elris: Jackpot 195 Cherry Bullet: Aloha Oe 194 P1Harmony: Siren 193 Momoland: Ready or Not 192 NCT U: 90′s Love 191 Golden Child: Pump It Up 190 Zico: Any Song 189 Victon: Mayday 188 Jeong Sewoon: Say Yes 187 Cravity: Flame 186 MCND: nanana 185 Lee Daehwi: Rose, Scent, Kiss 184 Taeyeon: #GirlsSpkOut 183 Refund Sisters: Don’t Touch Me 182 CNBlue: Then, Now and Forever 181 Super Junior: The Melody 180 1TEAM: Ullaeli Kkollaeli 179 K/DA: More 178 TOO: Count 1, 2 177 Gfriend: Mago 176 AleXa: Villain
175 fromis_9: Feel Good (Secret Code) 174 Drippin: Nostalgia 173 1THE9: Bad Guy 172 KNK: Ride 171 Rocket Punch: Bouncy 170 ANS: Say My Name 169 Nature: Girls 168 MCND: Spring 167 Momoland: Thumbs Up 166 Dongkiz: All I Need Is You 165 Hyolyn: 9Lives 164 TOO: Magnolia 163 J.Y.Park & Sunmi: When We Disco 162 Xum: Ddalala 161 Youngha: Dark Cloud 160 Ong Seongwu: Gravity  159 Verivery: Thunder 158 Oneus: Bbusyeo 157 HA:TFELT: La Luna 156 Ong Seongwu: We Belong 155 Gfriend: Crossroads 154 Park Jihoon: Wing 153 WEi: Twilight 152 YooA: Bon Voyage 151 SuperM: Tiger Inside
150 April: Now or Never 149 Ha Sungwoon: Forbidden Island 148 Lovelyz: Obliviate 147 Secret Number: Who Dis? 146 ENOi: Cheeky 145 AleXa: Do or Die 144 HYO: Dessert 143 Victon: Howling 142 æspa: Black Mamba 141 Soyou: Gotta Go 140 MCND: Ice Age 139 Kim Kyunghoon, Kim Heechul, BIBI: Hanryang 138 Moonbyul: Eclipse 137 Secret Number: Got That Boom 136 WayV: Bad Alive (the Korean one thank u) 135 GOT7: Not By the Moon 134 NCT127: Punch 133 XRO: Welcome to My Jungle 132 Donkiz: Beautiful 131 Kim Wooseok: Red Moon 130 Han Seungwoo: Sacrifice 129 Blackpink: Ice Cream 128 Gfriend: Apple 127 UP10TION: Light 126 Blackpink: Lovesick Girls 125 GOT7: Breath 124 Verivery: G.B.T.B. 123 CL: +HWA+ 122 Irene & Seulgi: Monster 121 K/DA: The Baddest 120 Cherry Bullet: Hands Up 119 Lucy: Jogging 118 Twice: More & More 117 AleXa: Revolution 116 LeeHi: Holo 115 Day6 (Even of Day): Where the Sea Sleeps 114 B1A4: Like a Movie 113 Park Jihoon: Gotcha 112 Ghost9: W.ALL 111 Enhypen: Given-Taken 110 BAE173: Crush On U 109 SuperM: One (Monster & Infinity) 108 Max Changmin: Chocolate 107 Pentagon: Dr. Bebe 106 NCT Dream: Ridin’ 105 Verivery: Lay Back 104 Mino: Run Away 103 Ghost9: Think of Dawn 102 SuperM: 100 101 Weeekly: Tag Me (@Me)
100 Natty: Nineteen 099 Somi: What You Waiting For 098 Jessi: Nunu Nana 097 CLC: Helicopter 096 TxT: Blue Hour 095 (G)I-DLE: Dumdi Dumdi 094 Oh My Girl: Nonstop 093 Solar: Spit It Out 092 Monsta X: Love Killa 091 HA:TFELT: Life Sucks 090 AKMU: Happening 089 Lee Suhyun: Alien 088 Kard: Red Moon 087 Treasure: Mmm 086 Golden Child: Without You 085 AB6IX: The Answer 084 Hwasa: Maria 083 Sunmi: pporappippam 081 Jamie: Numbers 080 Yook Sungjae: Come With the Wind 079 Jackson Wang: 100 Ways 078 The Boyz: The Stealer 077 Dreamcatcher: Boca 076 The Boyz: Reveal
075 Treasure: Boy 074 (G)I-DLE: Oh My God 073 BTS: Dynamite 072 Woodz: Bump Bump 071 Itzy: Not Shy 070 Twice: I Can’t Stop Me 069 Chungha: Stay Tonight 068 Astro: Knock 067 Onewe: End of Spring 066 Iz*One: Panorama 065 NCT U: Make A Wish (Birthday Song) 064 Everglow: Dun Dun 063 Kard: Gunshot 062 AB6IX: Salute 061 GWSN: Bazooka! 060 Winner: Hold 059 Nu’est: I’m In Trouble 058 NCT 127: Kick It 057 Zico: Refresh 056 SF9: Summer Breeze 055 E’Last: Swear 054 Kim Namjoo: Bird 053 CIX: Jungle 052 IU: eight 051 Mamamoo: Dingga
050 Stella Jang: Villain 049 Heize: Midnight 048 Monsta X: Fantasia 047 BTS: ON (feat. Sia)--I’m just kidding lmao but could u imagine 046 Itzy: Wannabe 045 cignature: Nun Nu Nan Na 044 Taemin: Criminal 043 Agust D: Daechwita 042 Blackpink: How You Like That 041 Dreamcatcher: Scream 040 Woodz: Love Me Harder 039 ONF: Sukhumvit Swimming 038 Oneus: To Be Or Not To Be 037 Loona: So What 036 April: LaLaLiLaLa 035 Everglow: La Di Da 034 Pentagon: Daisy 033 Stray Kids: Back Door 032 Treasure: I Love You 031 cignature: Assa 030 Eric Nam: Paradise 029 Mamamoo: Aya 028 Weki Meki: Cool 027 cignature: Arisong 026 BTS: Life Goes On
025 Eric Nam: How You Been 024 Oneus: A Song Written Easily 023 A.C.E: Goblin (Favorite Boys) 022 Loona: Why Not? 021 Golden Child: One (Lucid Dream) 020 StayC: So Bad 019 Taemin: Idea (理想) 018 Iz*One: Fiesta 017 Weki Meki: Oopsy 016 Bvndit: Jungle 015 Ateez: Inception 014 Seventeen: Left & Run 013 Apink: Dumhdurum 012 Weki Meki: Dazzle Dazzle 011 Loona: Voice
010 Iz*One: Secret Story of the Swan 009 Ateez: Thanxx 008 TxT: Can’t You See Me? 007 Seventeen: Home;Run 006 Chungha: Play 005 N.Flying: Oh really. 004 Ateez: Answer 003 Day6: Zombie 002 BTS: Black Swan 001 Stray Kids: God’s Menu
Remember when I used to link all of these to their youtube videos? Hahhha yeah, that’s not happening this year :”D
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sincerelynamkook · 5 years
Sincerely, Namjoon
Namjoon x Reader First POV
Genre: Soft/Fluff/Romance Word Count: 1989
Playlist: “Brown Eyed Blues” by Adrian Hood
On a tiresome evening and day 1000000 of missing Joon, you receive an unexpected letter...
[P.S. This is the first fic in a series I’m working on called “Bangtan Love Letters.” Hope you like it!]
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6:05 PM.
 He hasn't called me or texted me. He usually calls during my lunch break because he knows how much I miss him and that his soothing voice is the only thing that gets me through my hectic work day. The fact that I haven’t heard from him all day is worrisome. I know he was still in NY today since they just finished their US leg of the tour so why the fuck hasn’t he called me?
I’m in the backseat of my Uber, stuck in traffic, contemplating whether or not to call him even though I know it’s highly unlikely he’ll answer due to their hectic schedule. I even contemplate texting Seokjin but he’ll probably just bring up the fact that I owe him homemade cookies since I lost our bet about whether Jungkook would cry at the last US show or not and I’m really not up for his mocking tone right now.
“Ma’am, we’re at your destination.” I hear my Uber driver say, bringing me out of my muddled thoughts. I quickly exit the car and walk up the steps to my apartment building, stopping at my mailbox to grab my mail and packages. That lavender oil and chamomile lotion I ordered for Joon the other day should’ve arrived. I take the elevator to the eighth floor, checking my phone every five seconds in case I missed a call or text. Nothing.
I enter my apartment and immediately charge my phone. My stress is at an all time high. I swear I’m going to kick his ass when I hear from him. I can’t live like this!
I take off my shoes, walk over to my floor to ceiling windows and open the blinds. I need some sunshine in my life at the moment. I grab my mail and packages and sit on my loveseat.
“Alexa play ‘Brown Eyed Blues’ by Adrian Hood.” I’m in the mood to feel even sadder I guess.
I decide to open my mail first and open up a few bills, ads, but then I come across a simple white letter envelope with no return address. My name and address are written in small dainty script. With a curious mind I open it carefully.
In it, is a handwritten letter. I bring it closer to me and I instantly get a whiff of his scent. My eyes get teary as I begin to read…
“My most precious sweets,
By now you’re probably wondering why I haven’t called or texted you. You’re probably sitting on your couch listening to ‘Brown Eyed Blues’ with your windows open. I wrote this letter 3 days ago knowing it would arrive today and that you’d be opening it around 6:45pm.” He knows me so well. My tears have begun to fall down my face.
“I wrote this letter as soon as we got off the phone because I instantly missed you. I’ve been gone for 3 months and it never gets easier being away from you. I was thinking back to the day we first met. It was back in 2017 right before the AMAs here in the states. You were prancing around Han River, drunk I might add, at 3 o’clock IN THE MORNING. Who in their right mind is out in Seoul at that time? Especially someone who was just visiting for a week? Now that I think about it, do you know how dangerous that is? Please don’t ever do that again baby. I’m so glad I’m the one that found you and not some creep.” I quietly laugh because at the time I did think he was a creep.
“But you looked so carefree and happy and so fucking beautiful. The moon was shining brightly on you and I could see the softness of your hair flowing in the wind as you twirled around and sang ‘Brown Eyed Blues.’ I know you don’t believe me when I tell you how beautiful your voice is but baby, that day I thought you were an angel that had come down from the heavens to explore this world. And then you messed up the lyrics, giggled loudly and almost tripped on the branches laying around and that was my chance to get close to you and be your knight in shining armor…until I also tripped and we came tumbling down on the ground. You laughed even louder thus making me laugh. But I knew, at 3:17 AM, when your face got close to mine, felt your soft breath on my neck and felt my heartstrings being pulled, I knew you were meant to be mine.” I am in full blown tears now, I get up to grab my box of tissues from my bedroom and hurry back to the couch to continue reading his letter.
“I don’t think I’ve ever told you this, but that day, at 3:17 AM, I fell in love with you. When you realized we were both still laying on the ground and that you were still in my arms, you looked up at me with those big brown eyes of yours and the world stopped for a few minutes. You slowly got up and gathered yourself, apologizing to me as if you were a burden bestowed upon me when in fact you were the greatest gift.”
I close my eyes and take a few deep breaths. He has to know that was the moment I fell in love with him too. When I calmed down from my high, and sobered up a bit from all the laughter that day, I looked up at him to find him smiling down at me with that dimple on full display. His hair, although it was mostly hidden by the big hoodie he had on, was that greyish/light brown hair I love so much and the wind was making it fall over his smiling eyes. I could feel his strength as he still held me tight in his arms. I don't know what it was, but I also felt my heartstrings being pulled. As if he was my red thread, the one I’ve been following all my life until it led me to him. 
“You stood up and held out your hand to help me up. The moment I touched your skin I felt goose bumps crawl all over me. I held your hand tightly and stood up. You looked so shy, tucking your hair behind your ears and quietly thanked me. I remember stifling my laughter because you still looked so drunk but you were trying hard to sober up, which is why I asked you out for some coffee. I was afraid you’d reject my offer seeing as I was this complete stranger but when I saw your lips form the word yes my heart burst with joy. We walked side by side along Han river until we reached a small empty café that was still open. You ordered your complicated latte but when you said no whip cream I secretly smiled knowing that you’re the type of girl that likes to be extra but yet are still simple when you get to the core. I remember talking for hours and hours until the sun rose and you finally  asked for my name. At this point I had already figured out your name but I was waiting to see if you had recognized me or not. When I told you my name, Namjoon, you rested your chin on your hand, squinted your eyes and said, ‘Namjoon? Like Kim Namjoon from BTS?’ I lifted my cup of coffee to my lips, smiled, and winked. From the few hours that we had known each other I learned you weren’t going to freak out like some crazy fangirl, but I also didn't expect your reaction of full on amazement.” I smile, remembering how speechless I was at finding out the guy who saved me from falling on my face was THE Kim Namjoon. I’m so glad I wasn't sober enough to actually freak out like the crazy fangirl I am.
“Your eyes got so big and you just said ‘wow.’ I laughed, thinking you were so adorable. When I asked you for your number, you were hesitant, but babe I’m glad you finally gave in and gave it to me. I can’t imagine what my life would be like if you weren’t in it these past two years. I know we don’t spend enough time together since I have such a hectic schedule but you never once complain about it and instead of being mad you have given me and my brothers so much love and support. I know they love you as much as I do.
You have brought so much love and happiness to my life. You are my muse. Every time I’m in the studio, you are the first thing that pops into my head when I’m writing lyrics. Every thing around me is centered around you and only you. I don’t ever want that to change.
By now, you’re probably sobbing like the big baby you are (even though you like to put up a front and act all tough).” I giggle knowing he’s right.
“I want to end with this; know that wherever I am, I am always thinking of you. I fall asleep with the image of you in my mind and I wake up ecstatic knowing you’re mine. Not a day goes by that I’m not hoping to be next to you, holding you in my arms, and breathing the same air as you. And even if I see you, I miss you. You’ve probably played ‘Brown Eyed Blues’ 15 times…but tell your Alexa to stop, and listen closely.”
 Wait what?
I tell Alexa to stop playing music. I tilt my head, wondering if I’m crazy for doing what he asked me to do via a letter. After a few seconds I don't hear anything besides the birds chirping outside my window so I finish reading the letter.
What I find in the last paragraph are the lyrics to “Brown Eyed Blues” and I faintly hear the beat of the song outside my door but I pay it no mind thinking it’s Alexa still softly playing the song.
“She’s got those eyes, those eyes,
That’ll see right through you
When she leaves,
I wanna leave with her too
And she’s on, my mind
Like all, all the time
When we touch I go weak
And I can hardly speak
And I hope she thinks about me
Cause I’m always thinking of her”
I hear someone softly singing outside my door. My heart starts to beat rapidly. I walk slowly towards it, not ready to see who's on the other side. I hold the letter close to my heart as I reach the door knob.
I slowly open the door and find him standing there with his hands inside his pants pockets. His silver hair is styled neatly. He’s wearing his Katazurizome Yukata jacket that I love so much even though I give him shit all the time about how expensive it is.
My tears don't stop falling down my face. He takes a step closer, then another one, until he’s right in front of me softly wiping my tears away. His soothing voice is still singing our song… 
“I just wanna hold her hand, be her man…” He grabs my free hand with his left and brings it to his chest, pulling me even closer to him. I let out a sob. 
“I wanna know if she’d take a chance, Cause I’m still not revealing, Cause I still get the feeling, That loving her is a game I’ll always lose, I got the brown eyed blues”
He hugs me tight, I rest my head on his shoulder freely crying like a big baby.
“I missed you. And even when I see you, I still miss you” He softly whispers in my ear.
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taetaesbaebaepsae · 5 years
okay but what are bts' favorite places to kiss you. also i love you, like i need you in my life and if you are not in it it gets dull, like you are a nessessity. i need you. alexa play i need u by bts. also mtl to like green eyes, like mint eyes that lowkey look grey. but gentle reminder: i love you and kook said he wants to be army's singer forever so yeah. but like sis i love you more than i love life, i feel happy in this blog. YOU are MY happy place. i'm sending this ask cuz tubmlr is a b.
Tumblr is trash! I got your other green eyes ask but BTS favorite places to kiss you here it goes
Namjoon likes kissing your hand, acting the gentleman while you're at dinner and then kisses on your inner thighs, little red marks from his mouth
Seokjin likes kissing your temple, soft when you're snuggled up next to him on the couch, and then later, your breasts, staining your nipples red with his mouth
Hoseok likes kissing the back of your neck, sweeping your hair back, kissing up the line of your spine, licking the ridges, making you shiver
Yoongi likes kissing your nose, your chin, your eyelids, little pecks to show he loves you, and then open mouthed kisses on your neck to show he wants you, liking the way your throat works when he finds just the right spot
Jimin likes kissing your collarbone, leaving purple marks, sucking possession into your skin, and kissing you everywhere later, finding all the spots that make you moan
Taehyung likes kissing your cheeks, pinching them, showing you how cute you are, big smiles when you blush but oh, his favorite place is right between your legs, tongue flat against your clit, sucking it between his lips, he loves the way you taste, how your thighs tighten around his head
Jungkook loves kissing your mouth, hungry, desperate, even when it's a kiss goodbye he slips his tongue into your mouth, wanting more, and later, the ridge of your hipbone, soft pecks and then a purple mark there so that when you're alone you think of him
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tellywoodtrash · 5 years
sanjivani 15.10.19 lb
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rahil playing cuuuuuuuuuupid.
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this one’s getting antsy again. and not in a good way. 
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why do i always end up falling for these kunals playing sassy poets (who are sadly relegated to playing supporting) in every damn show????? i really have a type huh?????
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ouff this one's idk what what insecurities and complexes are jaaging.
siddhant’s mental issues be like....
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pft. i hate him so much. (also, whatcha wanna bet that once she gets mad at this bribery attempt, he'll be like oh no this isn't for you.)
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yeah knew it.
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man gtfo here with your manipulative bs.
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"i'm..... not interested mr. vardhan. iss liye mujhe baar baar uncomfortable feel karwaana bandh kijiye." OH DAMN. HAVEN'T SEEN A CLEARER REFUSAL IN TELLYWOOD EVER.
but watch them go ahead and invalidate it within an episode or two, because ladki ki naaaaaaa mein hi toh haaaaan chupi hoti haiiiiiiii!
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lmaooooo rahil is STILL shouting bad shayari at sid. i love this idiot so much.
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is this asshole JUST realising that she's in love with him rn? OH MY GOD SID YOU ARE LITERALLY THE FUCKING DUMBEST.
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rahil literally like ok i'm tired of telling you everyday, this is getting real boring for me now, please just do something already.
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oh boy, this one is quoting back shayari at him. iske andar ka ypntkh waala siddhant jaag gaya, who has to use bhaari bharkam literature to win intellectual arguments.
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jesus what kinda sad boy bulllllllllshit.
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meanwhile, idhar..........
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chandni is hella cute, my dudes. iss scene mein asha waala accent bhi achcha hai. bas barkaraar rahe, instead of disappearing every other scene.
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rahil is us, horrified at learning the extent of sid's mental issues......... hain, pata tha. PAR ITNAAAAAA??? re devaaaaaaaaaaaa.
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but also this scene is just sooooooooo overdramatic in tone. so outta sync for the rest of this show.
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oh yeah, i really like chandni. she's mega cute.
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rahil trying to backtrack but masti mazaak zyaada ho gaya.
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like getting out of a beanbag isn't already hard enough on your own?
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also lol how awkward must it have been to film this? i saw a bts and it seemed like surbhi had to keep squirming on top of namit for like a relentlessly long time. i could never have been an actor. ever.
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oh sid.
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"tum na, thoda for granted le rahi ho humare iss relationship ko. main tumhara senior hoon, toh jab tak koi medical emergency na ho mere aas paas aake itna free mat hua karo."
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alexa, play achcha sila diya tune mere pyaar ka.
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what ateeet? is this about your najaayaz thing or jfc, is there a raima type situation here too? abbe yaar, you assholes and your goddamned ateets. WHY CAN'T YOU FUCKERS JUST GET THERAPY??????? GOING AROUND UNLOADING YOUR BS ON UNSUSPECTING INNOCENTS. YOU KNOW, WE HAVE OUR OWN PARENTAL ISSUES AND THE PATRIARCHY TO DEAL WITH ALREADY, WITHOUT YOUR ADDED FUCKERY THAT YOU PROJECT ON TO US.
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god i am sooooooooooooooooooo glad ishani has asha. GIRL LOVE!!!!!!!!!! THE PUREST THERE IS AND WHAT WILL SAVE YOUR GODDAMN LIFE WHEN ALL GOES TO SHIT!!!!!!
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painkiller ka injection for whom???? for some patient or......? coz filhaal toh painkiller ki zaroorat toh isko hai. seedha central line hi daal do, to deliver it straight to his heart.
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lmaooooooooooooooo overdramatic siddhu like "painkiller se bhi yeh dard nahi jayega, sister. yeh dard kabhiiiii nahi jayega."
idk siddhu, have you tried tramadol? that shit gooooooooood. 
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nurse is like bitch i'm talking about a patient, not whatever the fuck dumbass issues you're having rn.
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great, ishani has moved right on to having a panic attack. satyanaaaaaaash ho tera, siddhant. iss ladki ko kya kam masle the, ki tune free-fund mein aake do darjan aur de diye????
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asha gonna start crying too. lord, men are honestly the worst.
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ishani is all i've been alone all my life i don't wanna lose dr. sid and asha's like bitch tf am i here for then???
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ishani is all about that heterosexual nonsense though. pachtaogi, behen. sisters before stupidass misters.
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oh boy asha, your dadi was wrong. hella wrong. please don't kasssssske pakadofy the people you love. like hold them gently and let them know you're there for them; don't fucking forcibly tie them to yourself and stifle the fuck outta them and call that shit "pyaar".
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that's all this one needed to hear tho. ohhhhh boy.
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lbr tho, this is ishani’s *REAL* love story. team #IshAsh for liiiiife.
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lmaoooooooo ishani continues to be a straight disaster (pun intended) by running riiiiiiiight into a glass door.
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wtf is a "badkismati ka saaya"; bitch i'll kill you. 😒😒😒
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onestowatch · 5 years
The Best of 2019 and Beyond | Staff Picks
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It’s the end of 2019. The world is on fire. You inhale your mango-flavored juul pod. The most pivotal figure in the world is a 16-year-old Swedish girl. Your Amazon Alexa listens intently in the corner of your bedroom. What I’m trying to say is that it has been an absolutely crazy year and an equally mind-blowing year for music. And what better way to cap the end of a year, an end of a decade than to perform a mandated survey on the entire Ones To Watch staff in the hopes of gathering their thoughts on the music that shaped their 2019, their 2010s, and their predictions for this brave new decade.
Maxamillion Polo
Most Underrated Artist of 2019: An honest toss-up between keshi and Aries. Believe 2020 belongs to them.
Best Breakout Artist of 2019: Lizzo, who is finally getting the recognition she’s deserved for years.
Best Music Video of 2019: BTS - “Boy With Luv”
Biggest Artist Crush of 2019: Carly Rae Jepsen, this year and every year.
Best Concert You Attended in 2019: Childish Gambino at The Forum. Felt like church.
Favorite 2019 trend: stan and cancel culture. Live by the sword; die by the sword.
What moment of 2019 will you not be forgetting anytime soon?: Naruto-running through Area 51.
Who is poised to be the breakout artist(s) of 2020: Conan Gray is going to be absolutely massive come this time next year.
Favorite Song of 2019: Dominic Fike, Kenny Beats - “Phone Numbers”
Favorite Album of 2019: Tyler, the Creator - IGOR
Favorite Artist of 2019: Lil Nas X, if only for his Twitter presence.
wow thanks u guys pic.twitter.com/CetLFOKP41
— nope (@LilNasX)
December 6, 2019
Favorite Song of the Decade: Grimes - “Oblivion.” Honorable mention goes to Mitski’s “Nobody.”
Favorite Album of the Decade: Kanye West - The Life of Pablo
Favorite Artist of the Decade: Childish Gambino, an unmatched creative.
New Year’s Resolution?: Take more pictures, edit more videos, cook more, and discover more artists.
Green Lee
Most Underrated Artist of 2019: Arin Ray
Best Breakout Artist of 2019: Kenny Beats
Biggest Artist Crush of 2019: BENEE
Favorite 2019 trend: @foosgonewild
What moment of 2019 will you not be forgetting anytime soon?: Game of Thrones’ trash ass ending.
Who is poised to be the breakout artist(s) of 2020: BENEE
Favorite Song of 2019: Monsune - “Outta My Mind”
Favorite Artist of 2019: Channel Tres
Favorite Song of the Decade: Tyler The Creator ft. Frank Ocean - “She”
Favorite Album of the Decade: SHIT. This is hard. Majid Jordan by Majid Jordan or Whack World by Tierra Whack.
Favorite Artist of the Decade: BROCKHAMPTON.
New Year’s Resolution?: To be a better son and take better care of my body. Your health is your wealth. 
Jenna Singer
Most Underrated Artist of 2019: Huron John
Best Breakout Artist of 2019: Johnny Utah
Best Music Video of 2019:  Loved ROLE MODEL’s newest lyric video for “that’s just how it goes” – super simple and done very well.
Biggest Artist Crush of 2019: I don’t typically crush on artists, but seeing Jeremy Zucker perform live was a momementttttt
Best Concert You Attended in 2019: Polo & Pan – they are incredible, such a party
Favorite 2019 trend: Loose jeans lol – may low rise skinny jeans burn in the past forever
What moment of 2019 will you not be forgetting anytime soon?: Diplo playing Stagecoach – still confused, slightly jealous I missed it
Who is poised to be the breakout artist(s) of 2020: Ahhhhh! This is so hard to tell, the ability to make it big has been redefined with the ability to make music in your room. Really digging Gracie Abrams right now!
Favorite Song of 2019:  I have the worst memory, but “Hit the Back” by King Princess is a whole jam and has been on repeat
Favorite Album of 2019: Again, worst memory but LOVING Immunity by Clairo right now
Favorite Artist of 2019: Clairo
Favorite Song of the Decade: i. have. the. worst. memory. I’m going to go with “Stolen Dance” by Milky Chance
Favorite Album of the Decade: Sadnecessary by Milky Chance – a go to
Favorite Artist of the Decade: … Justin Bieber. Not for necessarily for his music, he’s withstood well against a lot of pressures from being such a world famous artist
New Year’s Resolution?: MAKE BIG CAREER MOVES – also carve out more time to relax. You are your best when you’re rested and clear-minded!
David O’ Connor
Most Underrated Artist of 2019: Sam Fender. So much more to come from him, can’t wait.
Best Breakout Artist of 2019: Clairo, built her own queendom of timely perception.
Best Music Video of 2019: “CRYABY” by Dijon. Visually tackles an emotion that’s hard not to look at.
Biggest Artist Crush of 2019: Lauren Sanderson. She may not care but I do enough for the both of us.
Best Concert You Attended in 2019: Wednesday, June 19, 2019. Sir SlowThai @The Echo w/ @fuqgreen.
Favorite 2019 trend: Flood-prepped pants  
What moment of 2019 will you not be forgetting anytime soon?: Lizzo memeing and melting the internet at every occasion.
Who is poised to be the breakout artist(s) of 2020: Arlo Parks, Deb Never, Dijon, Arizona Zervas, Audrey Mika, Alaina Castillo, Garçons, Sam Fender.
Favorite Song of 2019: “CHA” by LAUNDRY DAY. I am equally nostalgic and envious to write so honestly about teenage angst.
Favorite Album of 2019: slowthai - Nothing Great about Britain
Favorite Artist of 2019: slowthai
Favorite Song of the Decade: ANHONI - “Drone Bomb Me.” If you know me well, maybe too well, I’ll sing this song happily and loudly.
Favorite Album of the Decade: Intuitively obvious but My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy was the decade’s benchmark
Favorite Artist of the Decade: Kanye. Defending him became my protagonist social calendar.
New Year’s Resolution?: Work with more diehards before I die.
Malcolm Gray
Most Underrated Artist of 2019: Sudan Archives
Best Breakout Artist of 2019: Channel Tres
Best Music Video of 2019: Solange - “Almeda”
Biggest Artist Crush of 2019: Green Leef
Best Concert You Attended in 2019: Channel Tres at The Moroccan Lounge
Favorite 2019 trend: Creatives demanding ownership
What moment of 2019 will you not be forgetting anytime soon?: The last season of Game of Thrones being so mid
Who is poised to be the breakout artist(s) of 2020: Baby Keem
Favorite Song of 2019: Tyler, The Creator - “I Think”
Favorite Album of 2019: Toro y Moi - Outer Peace
Favorite Artist of 2019: Toro y Moi
Favorite Song of the Decade: Darius - “Hot Hands”
Favorite Album of the Decade: Kanye West - Yeezus
Favorite Artist of the Decade: Frank Ocean
New Year’s Resolution?: Listen to more music and make some music
Jimmy Smith
Most Underrated Artist of 2019: Can't Swim
Best Breakout Artist of 2019: Grayscale and Angel Du$t
Best Music Video of 2019: Blink-182 - “Not Another Christmas Song”
Best Concert You Attended in 2019: Vans Warped Tour 25 Year Anniversary Festival
Favorite 2019 trend: TikTok, all of it.
Who is poised to be the breakout artist(s) of 2020: The Chats
Favorite Song of 2019: Bring Me The Horizon - “Sugar Honey Ice & Tea”
Favorite Album of 2019: Issues - Beautiful Oblivion
Favorite Artist of 2019: Waterparks
Favorite Song of the Decade: Angel Du$t - “Toxic Boombox”
Favorite Album of the Decade: Every Time I Die - Low Teens
Favorite Artist of the Decade: Every Time I Die
New Year’s Resolution?: Meet My Chemical Romance
Alec Wing
Most Underrated Artist of 2019: Little Simz
Best Breakout Artist of 2019: Billie Eilish
Best Music Video of 2019: FKA twigs - “Cellophane”
Biggest Artist Crush of 2019: UMI
Best Concert You Attended in 2019: James Blake / The Strokes / The Who
Favorite 2019 trend: IGOR Wig
What moment of 2019 will you not be forgetting anytime soon?: Drake Getting Booed off stage at Camp Flog Gnaw
Who is poised to be the breakout artist(s) of 2020: Aldous Harding
Favorite Song of 2019: YBN Cordae ft. Anderson .Paak - “RNP”
Favorite Album of 2019: JPEGMAFIA - All My Heroes Are Cornballs
Favorite Artist of 2019: James Blake
Favorite Song of the Decade: Frank Ocean – “Self Control”
Favorite Album of the Decade: Kendrick Lamar - To Pimp A Butterfly
Favorite Artist of the Decade: Kendrick Lamar
New Year’s Resolution?: To build something and be proud of it.
Precious Kato
Most Underrated Artist of 2019: Monsune
Best Breakout Artist of 2019: BENEE
Best Music Video of 2019: Jungle - "Casio"
Biggest Artist Crush of 2019: Oscar Jerome
Best Concert You Attended in 2019: The 1975 at The Roxy
Favorite 2019 trend: Wearing your jacket draped over your shoulders. It feels badass!
What moment of 2019 will you not be forgetting anytime soon?: Having not one but two Fyre Festival documentaries.
Who is poised to be the breakout artist(s) of 2020: DVNA
Favorite Song of 2019: Friendly Fires - “Offline"
Favorite Album of 2019: Loyle Carner - Not Waving But Drowning
Favorite Artist of 2019: Hablot Brown
Favorite Song of the Decade: HONNE - “Take You High"
Favorite Album of the Decade: Mac Miller - The Divine Feminine
Favorite Artist of the Decade: Tom Misch
New Year’s Resolution?: Learn how to separate hope and naiveté.
Alexa Schoenfeld
Most Underrated Artist of 2019: Hamzaa, Jean Dawson.
Best Breakout Artist of 2019: Baby Rose, slowthai
Best Music Video of 2019: UMI ft. YEEK – “RUNNIN (EP. 3)”
Biggest Artist Crush of 2019: FKA Twigs, Pell
Best Concert You Attended in 2019:  PVRIS at The El REY 
Favorite 2019 trend: Millenial app astrology – have you entered the Co-Star universe?
What cultural moment of 2019 will you not be forgetting anytime soon?: No genre boundaries, no gender boundaries
Who is poised to be the breakout artist(s) of 2020: Remi Wolf, Peach Tree Rascals
Favorite Song of 2019: Jacob Collier ft. Daniel Caesar - “Time Alone With You” 
Favorite Album of 2019:  The Menzingers - Hello Exile 
Favorite Artist of 2019: UMI
Favorite Song of the Decade: The 1975 – “SOMEBODY ELSE”
Favorite Album of the Decade: Childish Gambino – “Awaken, My Love!”
Favorite Artist of the Decade: Kanye West
New Year’s Resolution?: EXHALE DEEPER
Brooke Pohle
Most Underrated Artist of 2019: Briston Maroney
Best Breakout Artist of 2019: Summer Walker
Best Music Video of 2019: Jadu Heart - “Purity”
Biggest Artist Crush of 2019: I would end it all for A$AP Rocky this year and every year
Best Concert You Attended in 2019: Maggie Rogers at the Greek Theatre
Favorite 2019 trend: Reflective 3M jackets
What moment of 2019 will you not be forgetting anytime soon?: The mess of Area 51
Who is poised to be the breakout artist(s) of 2020: Patrick Martin
Favorite Song of 2019: Maggie Rogers - “Light On”
Favorite Album of 2019: Billie Eilish - When we all fall asleep where do we go?
Favorite Artist of 2019: Briston Maroney
Favorite Song of the Decade: Rihanna - “Stay”
Favorite Album of the Decade: Lorde - Pure Heroine
Favorite Artist of the Decade: Rainbow Kitten Surprise
New Year’s Resolution?: Put my mental health first!!!
Jess Chung
Most Underrated Artist of 2019: Rosemary Fairweather
Best Breakout Artist of 2019: BENEE
Best Music Video of 2019: Crumb - “M.R.”
Biggest Artist Crush of 2019: Pedro Sampaio
Best Concert You Attended in 2019: Dominic Fike
Favorite 2019 trend: fanny packs !
What moment of 2019 will you not be forgetting anytime soon?: the reappearance of Keanu Reeves on social media / memes / movies / games
Who is poised to be the breakout artist(s) of 2020: Clairo
Favorite Song of 2019: Rex Orange County - “10/10”
Favorite Album of 2019: BROCKHAMPTON - Ginger
Favorite Artist of 2019: BROCKHAMPTON
Favorite Song of the Decade: Dominic Fike - “King of Everything” 
Favorite Album of the Decade: Tyler, the Creator - Flower Boy 
Favorite Artist of the Decade: Tyler, the Creator
New Year’s Resolution?: Do more hikes !
Jessica Thomas
Most Underrated Artist of 2019: Hope Tala
Best Breakout Artist of 2019: Rosalia
Best Music Video of 2019:  Ashnikko - “Hi It’s Me”
Biggest Artist Crush of 2019: ROSALÍA
Best Concert You Attended in 2019: BANKS at the Palladium
Favorite 2019 trend: Not sure if this counts but this dude is my hero… (editor’s note: totally doesn’t but I’ll accept cause same)
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What moment of 2019 will you not be forgetting anytime soon?: Juice WRLD’s tragic passing and the effect it will have on generations of creatives to come.
Who is poised to be the breakout artist(s) of 2020: Boy in Space (!!!)  
Favorite Song of 2019: YBN Cordae ft. Anderson. Paak - “RNP“
Favorite Album of 2019: Matthew Chaim - The Mathematics of Nature
Favorite Artist of 2019: Lolo Zouaï
Favorite Song of the Decade: BANKS - "Gemini Feed"
Favorite Album of the Decade: SZA  - Ctrl
Joey Legittino
Most Underrated Artist of 2019: BabyJake
Best Breakout Artist of 2019: Aries
Best Music Video of 2019: Supa Bwe ft. Qari - “LOOK”
Biggest Artist Crush of 2019: Kailee Morgue
Best Concert You Attended in 2019: Beck, Cage the Elephant, and Spoon at FivePoint Ampitheatre 
Favorite 2019 trend:Cowboy culture hitting the mainstream. Yee Yee!
What moment of 2019 will you not be forgetting anytime soon?: Eating tide pods
Who is poised to be the breakout artist(s) of 2020: Ant Saunders
Favorite Song of 2019: Augustine - “Guts”
Favorite Album of 2019: Cage the Elephant - “Social Cues”
Favorite Artist of 2019: BabyJake
Favorite Song of the Decade: Mac Miller - “Self Care”
Favorite Album of the Decade: Blink-182 - “Neighborhoods”
Favorite Artist of the Decade: Mac Miller forever
New Year’s Resolution?: To not wait until New Years to make new resolutions for myself.
Chase Nathan
Most Underrated Artist of 2019: EARTHGANG
Best Breakout Artist of 2019: JID
Best Music Video of 2019: DaBaby - “BOP”
Biggest Artist Crush of 2019: Dominic Fike :)
Best Concert You Attended in 2019: slowthai at Flog Gnaw
Favorite 2019 trend: Baggy Pants - no more of that cuffed pant look
What moment of 2019 will you not be forgetting anytime soon?: Being 10th row at Flog Gnaw for Drake
Who is poised to be the breakout artist(s) of 2020: Bakar, Guapdad 4000, Kent Jamz, Grip, KEY!, Mez
Favorite Song of 2019: Tyler, The Creator - “ARE WE STILL FRIENDS?”
Favorite Album of 2019: Dreamville - Revenge Of The Dreamers III
Favorite Artist of 2019: Tyler, The Creator
Favorite Song of the Decade: Mac Miller ft. Anderson .Paak - “Dang!”
Favorite Album of the Decade: Anderson .Paak - “Malibu”
Favorite Artist of the Decade: Tie between Anderson .Paak and Pusha T
What Is Your New Year’s Resolution?: Be more positive!
George Schaefer
Most Underrated Artist of 2019: Pi'erre Bourne
Best Breakout Artist of 2019: Baby Keem
Best Music Video of 2019: Octavian ft. Skepta & Michael Phantom - “Bet”
Biggest Artist Crush of 2019: Summer Walker, Jhene Aiko
Best Concert You Attended in 2019: Baby Keem at The Roxy
Favorite 2019 trend: Igor Wig
What moment of 2019 will you not be forgetting anytime soon?: Watching Drake get boo'ed off stage
Who is poised to be the breakout artist(s) of 2020: Jean Dawson
Favorite Song of 2019: Pi'erre Bourne - “Guillotine”
Favorite Album of 2019: Baby Keem - DIE FOR MY BITCH
Favorite Artist of 2019: Toro y Moi
Favorite Song of the Decade: Kanye West ft. Pusha T - “Runaway”
Favorite Album of the Decade: Frank Ocean - Channel Orange
Favorite Artist of the Decade: Frank Ocean
New Year’s Resolution?: Get a job.
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jonginoodles · 6 years
BTS REACTION - Idol ex girlfriend dissing them in a song
Request: Can u make a bts reaction where you’re an idol and you date them, but break up and you diss them in a song like rapping?? why do i think it’s funny lmao, thank yaa
Guys i tried lmao it’s short but damn it take me so long to think about the lyrics, so i hope you like itttt ♥♥
Jin: “Are you really from that popular group? Sorry, i never heard your voice in the songs”
*laughs his ass off with the members but cries inside because it’s half a truth lmao* I’m still the worldwide handsome!
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Yoongi: “Your rap is fast and so was our sex. I couldn’t even get wet, you’re so weak!”
*members teasing him nonstop* “GUYS, I’M SERIOUS SHE NEVER COMPLAINED! I’M GONNA SUE THE FREAK OUT OF THAT BITCH!” *goes to cry on his room*
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Namjoon: “Your breaks-everything reputation isn’t a joke, you even broke your own ass and showed me the dickhead that you really are”
“Of course it’s only a joke, everyone! Hahaha...haha...ha...” *searchs on google if prison’s food is that bad*
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Hoseok: “If you are a dancing machine, so fucking twerk your ass out of my life”
*posts a selca on twitter with “I hate snakeu” as description*
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Jimin: “I was so in love with you but now i think i was drunk all that time”
“Unbelievable! She doesn’t even likes to drink!!!” *gets drunk af instead*
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Taehyung: “Dating you made me realize that you're more fake than your Gucci clothes”
“This is so sad Alexa play Gucci Gang”
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Jungkook: “My friends ask me why i babysat for so long, i guess they’re talking about my last relationship lmao”
“Is that because i asked her to buy me banana milk or because i kicked her out of my room to play overwatch or...” *confused yet angry bunny, he doesn’t like to loose*
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madette · 4 years
Alexa play “Life Goes On” by BTS ✨
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