#alex casey imagines
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lilmoonbunny · 1 year ago
Just Alex; Alex Casey
When a case gone wrong leads to a confession, Casey is unsure how to act around her.
Warnings: hostage situation, stabbing, slight jealous!casey
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This takes place before Alan Wake 2. Also, I'm only like half-way through, so he may be out-of-character.
Alex Casey loves coffee, anybody who knows him was aware of this. There was never a point in time when he was free and was seen without his beloved drink. Perhaps it was unhealthy – an addiction – but he couldn’t find him in it to care. With the stress of everything, coffee was the thing that made him feel better, well… one of the things.
Y/N was his co-worker, his partner in crime, if you will. She helped him feel better too, maybe even more than coffee did. Y/N was many things: kind, sweet, funny, and a coffee addict also; that was potentially a reason that the pair got along so well.
“Morning, Casey,” Y/N greeted the mentioned man with a smile the moment she spotted him entering the office, two cups in hand.
“I’ve told you before, Y/N, just Alex is fine,” he grumbled, passing her the coffee cup, a daily occurrence between them.
“I know, but then everyone looks at me weirdly, so…”
Because you’re the only person I let call me Alex, he thought to himself with an internal roll of the eyes.
Casey simply sighed and sipped his own coffee.
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The case that they were working was tough. There were no leads and neither of the duo knew where to go with it next, which is why they brought in Graham.
Graham was around their age, a cop from the town that they were currently working in, and Casey did not like him one bit.
“Y/N, why don’t you come with me, and I’ll show you around?” Graham grinned as he pointed towards his car, completely ignoring her partner as he did so.
The woman, however, seemed oblivious to the flirtatious offer that the cop gave, smiling politely and looking towards Casey. “Me and Casey have got somewhere to be soon; a meeting with something very important.”
Casey shot her a look. They had nowhere else to be, nor any leads, so why was she saying this? She simply nodded at him.
“Oh, all right,” Graham said, clearly annoyed that Casey came first. “Maybe another time?”
“Absolutely!” She smiled, although it didn’t quite meet her eyes. “See you later.”
A relieved sigh left her lips the moment Graham was out of earshot.
“We have something to meet? Did you mean someone?” Casey asked bluntly, confusion filling his face when she laughed.
“Coffee, Casey. We have a meeting with coffee.” She grinned, this time it completely meeting her eyes and he couldn’t help the small smile that crawled onto his lips. “I couldn’t stand listening to him flirt any longer, it was awful.”
“You realised? You seemed oblivious,”
“Years of being around men will teach you to act that way, Casey.”
He grumbled. “Just Alex is fine.”
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The case had gotten intense, and Y/N and Casey were currently hunting the killer. Back-up was on the way, but they had to chase the killer alone, or else they’d lose him for God knows how long.
Guns drawn, the pair rushed after the shadows of the suspect, muddy footsteps mixed with blood being their lead.
“FBI! Show yourself!” Y/N called into the wooded area, eyes darting around the scene, looking for the killer or anything that may reveal his location.
Casey was behind her, watching their backs just in case, but a gasp from his partner had him spinning around.
In front of him stood the killer, Y/N in his arms with a gun to her head. His body froze, yet his face remained neutral, his own gun raised towards the killer. He couldn’t get a clear shot of him, but hopefully it would deter him from doing something stupid.
“Drop your weapon,” Casey demanded, heart racing.
“Or what?” The killer taunted. “You’ll shoot? I’ll just shove your pretty little girlfriend here in front of me.”
Y/N remained silent, focusing on her breathing whilst planning how to get out of this mess. Her gun had been grabbed and tossed the moment he got a hold of her, so that was no use, but the knife on her thigh…
Casey was stumped for what to do. He was right, of course, shooting at him would just get Y/N in more danger, and that was the last thing that he wanted; he never wanted her in danger. Back-up was likely nowhere near and possibly had no idea where they were.
“Look,” He had to stall for time, “I know you’re scared, but hurting her will just give you less options.” Casey had no idea what he was saying and had to force himself to keep his gaze on the killer and not the woman he had grown fond of that was in danger. “I’m a witness, remember.”
The killer tensed at his words. “You know nothing about what I’m feeling.” He spat. “You’ve never known true fear.”
“I have, and I am right now.”
The gun was on him now, perfect.
Y/N’s arm slowly inched towards the knife strapped to her thigh whilst she prayed Casey could keep him distracted.
“Because you’re holding her hostage,”
“And that matters why?”
Almost there, Y/N thought to herself, the conversation going on unheard by her as she focused.
“Because I love her.”
The moment she had hold of the knife, she swung it into the killer’s thigh, feeling his grip on her and the gun release as he stumbled backwards. Casey’s eyes widened, both at the confession that had just hit him and the fact that Y/N had stabbed him.
Y/N’s own eyes widened in shock at her actions as she let out a breath that she was unaware that she had been holding. “Oh my God,” she gasped, turning to face the killer who was lying on the floor. Without thinking, she rushed towards him, unsure of what to do; Casey did the same.
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“Here,” Casey handed Y/N her usual coffee as she sat in the empty office.
“Thanks,” she muttered, curling into her soaked FBI jacket.
Casey took note of her shivering form and excused himself before coming back with his dry jacket, passing it to her. “Take this.” He spoke.
“Thank you,” she said, finally looking up at him from where she was sat.
The silence was comfortable, at least to her; Casey had no idea what to say to her, assuming she had heard his earlier confession.
“Casey,” Y/N broke the silence, “are you all right? You look uncomfortable.”
“I’m sorry for what I said earlier. It was out of line, and I shouldn’t have said it.” He rushed.
“What did you say? Have I missed something?” She asked, cuddling into his jacket.
It smells like him, she noted.
“In the forest, before you…” He trailed off.
“I’ll be honest, Alex, I wasn’t listening.”
The use of his name had his cheeks flushing red. “You finally said it,”
“Well, yeah. You kind of saved my life, I think I owe you.”
“Saved your life? How?”
Y/N smiled softly, reaching out to take his hand and give it a gentle squeeze.
“You kept him distracted long enough for me to grab my knife, idiot. Now, what were you on about?”
Alex sighed quietly, taking a sip of his coffee. “It’s nothing.”
Y/N glanced at him, his awkwardness something she wasn’t used to seeing on him. Something was up, and she wanted to know what.
"Did you say you loved me or something?” She joked, eyes widening as he pulled his hand away from her own and tensed. “Oh, you did.”
She watched as he quickly stood to his feet. “Forget about it,” he muttered, turning to leave.
“Alex, c’mon.” You can’t just rush off when I find out you feel the same.”
Her words had him freezing in place, slowly turning to face her.
“The same?”
“That is what I said, yes.”
He smiled. “You mean that?”
“Obviously, you idiot,”
The pair smiled at each other as he took a seat opposite her once again. Y/N’s hand found his again, the warmth shooting through their bodies the moment their skin touched.
Sure, it might have been a life-or-death situation that got them to admit their feelings, but at least they got there.
“It took you years to call me Alex, I will never forget that.”
“We were having a moment…”
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desperate-gay · 1 month ago
jealous alex morgan? im obsessed with how you write her
Childish Jealousy
Alex Morgan x fem!reader
it’s a little childish universe✨
minor SMUT 18+ in the beginning
summary: your wife’s jealousy comes in the most unexpected ways
a/n: first universe incoming with @occasionallyaurora !
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“Fuck, Alex.” You breathe, hips instinctively lifting to chase the warmth of your fiancée’s sweet tongue. Her hands tighten around your hips, pinning you down, her nails pressing half-moon marks into your skin.
The slick sounds of her mouth lapping you over fill the air, mingling with the soft chirping of early morning birds outside the window. A bead of sweat rolls down Alex’s forehead, the heat from the blankets making the space between you sweltering.
“Please don’t stop, baby, just like that. I’m so close.” You writhe, fingers tangled in the sheets as your teeth sink into your lower lip to muffle the moans threatening to spill out.
Right as you’re about to teeter over the edge, your bedroom door bursts open with a little girl barreling straight for you two. You sit up as quickly as possible, fixing your hair to look like you weren’t just getting eaten out.
“Mommy!” Charlie cheers, waddling to your side of the bed, reaching out for your hands.
“Hi, honey! Good morning.” You muster up a smile, grasping the girl’s tiny hands.
Alex huffs under the blankets and thumps her head on the inside of your thigh, realizing that she was just proven wrong.
“What’s mama doing?” Charlie asks, tilting her head curiously to the side, staring at the big lump under the blankets.
Your heart stutters and eyes slightly widen. You lightly smack the back of your fiancée, signaling for her to get up and for the love of god wipe her face.
“Mama is just being silly. Why don’t you go downstairs and put on some cartoons while mama and I get ready to make breakfast, yeah?” The little girl enthusiastically nods and tramples off, allowing you to let out a sigh of relief.
Alex peeks out from under the blanket with a sheepish smile, chin resting on your stomach. Her brown hair sticks to her forehead, blue eyes still blown with lust, lips glistening with evidence of what should have been your perfect morning.
You however are not so amused.
Your core aches, the pleasure that had been coiling so tightly now completely dissipated. And to top it all off, you have a three-year-old to entertain.
“Good morning my beautiful fiancée.” Alex says with a charming smile but is quickly shut down by one look from you.
Huffing, you shove her aside and yank your underwear and pajama shorts back into place. Alex watches as you toss the comforter off and storm into the bathroom, punctuating your exit with a sharp slam of the door.
The brunette stays seated in bed, staring blankly at the wall with a deep sigh. She runs her fingers through her bed head, combing through it to untangle the minor knots.
Minutes later, you reappear from the bathroom, shoulders slumping as you sink into the end of the mattress.
“I told you so.” You say, voice low and pointed.
Alex barely lifts her head from her phone, though her gaze flickers with guilt.
“I told you we didn’t have enough time, but you insisted—”
“And I am so, so sorry, my love.” Alex scoots up behind you, slipping her arms around your waist, chin resting on your shoulder.
“Mmm, I know you are, and that’s why you will be going downstairs and making our daughter breakfast while I go take a much-needed shower.” You place a chaste kiss on the girl’s cheek before getting up to gather your clothes for after the shower.
“That was a long shower.” Alex teases as you step into the kitchen, freshly dressed and looking far more put together than earlier.
“Well I had to give myself my own o-r-g-a-s-m which was remarkable by the way.” You taunt, spelling out the word because your daughter sits at the kitchen table, waiting for the pancakes your fiancée is currently flipping.
The striker freezes, expression dropping at your admission.
You smirk as you pluck a piece of fruit from the counter behind her, pop it into your mouth, and stroll over to Charlie.
“Shit.” Alex curses under her breath when she realizes the pancake had been left on one side for too long.
“Hey, honey. How’d you sleep last night?” You ask the young girl beside you who is currently scribbling away in her coloring book.
“I slept good. I dreamed about my stuffed animals talking to me and we had to save you and mama from the king of the wolves!” Charlie rambles enthusiastically while you smile and nod your head with a huff of laughter.
“Did you save us?”
“I don’t know! I woke up before the end.”
“Oh no.” You dramatically gasp with a hand on your chest.
You and Charlie both talk and giggle with one another as you help color a butterfly in on her page. Alex watches from afar with a soft smile on her face, never getting tired of seeing you two together.
“Did someone call for pancakes?” Your fiancée walks over with a plate full of the fluffy food, some vegan for herself and the rest regular for you and Charlie.
“Thank you, my love.” You smile, looking up at Alex who begins to lean down for a kiss before a tiny hand blocks her way.
“My mommy.”
You giggle behind your hand at the little standoff happening in front of you. Alex pouts, glaring playfully while Charlie scowls right back.
This behavior has been highly usual with Charlie for the past couple of weeks. She is constantly attached to your hip whether it’s movie night, taking a walk, or even sitting at the dinner table.
Alex thought it was just a phase, but now she’s starting to wonder if her kid is stealing her fiancée out of spite. She’s not sure what Charlie could possibly be spiteful about, but that’s the only explanation she can come up with.
“Alright you two. Let’s sit down and have some wonderful pancakes mama made for us, yeah?” Charlie’s glare is soon wiped off her face, cheering when she notices your smile.
“Here you go, pumpkin.” Alex reaches over to help cut the food up for Charlie when the young girl smacks her hand away. Your fiancée recoils with a small noise and a shocked look.
“I want mommy to do it.” Your daughter huffs, switching her look to you with puppy dog eyes.
“She wants mommy to do it.” Alex mutters under her breath, mimicking the toddler’s tone as she hands you the fork and knife.
You smile sympathetically at the striker, rubbing your free hand up and down her back in reassurance.
After breakfast, Alex heads to the living room with Charlie after you insisted on doing the dishes since she cooked. Alex doesn’t argue. You’re always on about balance in a relationship which started because she insists on pampering you 24/7, and you wanted her to have a break too.
Alex plops down in the middle of the couch. Charlie, however, sits as close to the edge as she possibly can, still holding a grudge over mama stealing you earlier.
A few minutes later, you walk out with a relieved sigh and slump onto the other side of Alex. Your fiancée lifts her arm to wrap around your shoulders with a warm smile only for Charlie to immediately hop between you two, shoving her little body in the middle.
“You do know she’s my fiancée, missy.” Alex says, quirking an eyebrow when Charlie grasps onto you like a koala to a tree.
“But she’s my mommy.”
“So I’ve heard.” Your fiancée mutters, rolling her eyes.
With a dramatic sigh, she starts to scoot down the couch, but before she can, you reach out.
“You know, there’s plenty of room for all of us on the couch.” You extend your hand out for the striker, Charlie intertwines her hand with yours first.
“No! Only room for me and mommy.”
You bite your lip to contain your smile when you see Alex’s nose flare and eye twitch at the little girl’s statement. Your fiancée swiftly gets up and slowly walks behind the couch, dragging her index finger along the backside of it.
“Well,” she murmurs, circling like a predator, “how would you feel if I got a kiss from Mommy?”
She gently tilts your chin, about to steal a kiss when Charlie’s little hands grab onto both of your cheeks and yanks your attention back to her.
“Mommy, look at me!”
You chuckle, placing a quick kiss on Charlie’s forehead. Alex, however, glares at her tiny nemesis.
The tall brunette eventually gives up and stomps upstairs with a loud groan.
“Where are you going?” You call after her.
“Somewhere where I’m actually wanted. Our bed!”
“Someone’s grumpy today.” Jaedyn mutters to a nodding Naomi, both watching Alex angrily kick a ball across the field.
“She’s been like this all week! Someone’s gotta do something.” Naomi sighs, shaking her head as Alex stomps off to get some water.
As practice continues, your fiancée’s frustration only seems to escalate. The rest of the team bears the brunt of her aggression: forceful passes, irritated groans, and an overall short fuse.
“What’s going on with that limp, Girma?” Casey asks, having noticed the discomfort of the defender the past few minutes.
“Just some tightness and cramping.” Naomi waves her hand in dismissal, but Casey quickly shakes her head and points to the tunnel.
“Go visit, Y/n, and get that kink sorted out. Can’t have my best player hurting.” The coach winks with a smile.
You're sorting through paperwork when a familiar figure appears at your door. You look up with a smile, tucking away some files before walking over to the exam chair where the girl is sat.
“Hey, Nay! What’s going on? Someone told me you were coming due to calf issues?” You ask, slipping on some rubber gloves for precaution.
“Umm, actually I’m feeling just fine. I came here to talk to you…about Alex.”
Your hands freeze mid-motion before you pull the gloves off, brows furrowing slightly.
Naomi watches you with her lip tucked in between her teeth, wondering if she has intruded on something she shouldn’t have.
“Well what’s going on with Alex?” You ask, furrowing your eyebrows
“I don’t mean to intrude, so if I am, please tell me. But she’s been grumpy all week, and today it’s even worse. I’m not sure if anything happened between you two or what’s going on because you both drive here together and look just fine.”
Inhaling, your eyes wander across the room wondering what could make your fiancée happy at home but grumpy here. Now that you think about it, your fiancée has been acting a little off at home, and maybe she’s concealing it more there because of Charlie.
“Nothing happened at home that I know of. Did she say anything or did someone say something before she got in this mood?” You question, attempting to get any information to help with this new found mystery.
“Huh, I never thought about that. Oh! Emily brought up Alex needing to get laid as a joke a few days ago.” Naomi rolls her eyes repeating the statement, realizing how blunt it sounds out loud.
And suddenly it clicks. Alex hasn’t been grumpy at home, she’s been clingy and pouty. You realize this Charlie clingy situation has been affecting her more than you thought, having barely any time for each other.
Naomi watches your mouth open and head tilt with a nod, signaling you may have figured out what’s wrong.
“I think I know exactly what’s going on.”
“Mommy, I don’t wanna go!” Charlie cries out, clinging onto your leg while Servando watches with an amused grin.
“Don’t you wanna spend time with daddy? He even said you can have ice cream before dinner!”
“I did?” He raises an eyebrow in confusion.
“Yes you did. Remember?” You smile with gritted teeth, nodding your head down at the little girl who is clinging so tight to your leg you feel like you’re losing circulation.
“Right! I remember now. Don’t you want ice cream with daddy, and maybe some Disney movies?” Servando extends his hand, watching Charlie peek her head out from your leg.
“I guess, but you promise you will miss me?” You almost melt at the question.
“I’ll miss you so, so much, my Charlie-girl. But you’re going to have so much fun, you might even forget about me for a little while!”
She gasps dramatically at the thought, eyes wide as if the idea is absurd. But after a moment of contemplation, she finally nods, letting Servando scoop her up. You send him a grateful smile, throwing in one more thank you before they head out.
Alex, however, has no idea about this little change of plans. Normally, Charlie would be home tonight, but realizing how little time you and your fiancée have had alone, you decided to surprise her.
And now, with the house empty and a rare moment to yourselves, you set the perfect mood.
Around an hour later, keys can be heard jingling at the door before Alex appears in the doorway. She hesitates, eyes narrowing as she notices the lack of light and sound in the house. It’s unusual. Normally, she’d be greeted by giggles, the hum of cartoons, or at the very least, your voice.
Her steps are slow and cautious as she makes her way through the house, not wanting to wake up what she figured was a two person nap. Once she finally makes her way up the stairs, her eyebrows raise at the dim light spilling through the crack of your bedroom door.
Pushing it open, she stops dead in her tracks.
“What’s going on here?” The striker asks, scanning the scene before her.
Candles flicker across the room, casting soft golden light. A trail of rose petals winds from the doorway to the perfectly made bed, the air thick with the scent of vanilla and jasmine.
Then her eyes land on you.
“Welcome home, baby.”
You step out from the shadows of the bathroom, wrapped in navy blue lace, the color that makes her weak. Two flutes of champagne rest in your hands as you slowly make your way to her, the sway of your hips hypnotizing.
Alex watches you with barely concealed hunger, placing her phone on the bedside table before sinking onto the edge of the mattress. You approach her with a sly grin and carefully straddle her lap, careful not to spill the liquid in the two glasses.
Flipping your hair to the side, you hand her one of the glasses. Alex takes it, fingers brushing over yours as her gaze lingers over your body.
“What’s this all for?” She asks, voice thick with curiosity.
“We haven’t had enough time to ourselves, so I figured I’d surprise you.” You hum, roaming your finger along her jawline.
“And Charlie?”
“With Servando.”
Alex exhales slowly, a smirk tugging at her lips as she sets both glasses aside. Her hands find your hips, fingers tracing the delicate lace, exploring every curve as she takes you in like a masterpiece.
“What did I do to deserve you?” Alex whispers with dreamy eyes.
“Maybe wished upon a star.” You tease with a smile, tilting your head.
She chuckles, but the sound is quickly swallowed when you lean in, capturing her lips in a kiss that turns desperate in seconds—needy, just like the two of you have been.
Alex’s grip tightens, her hands roaming with growing urgency. Whatever patience she had is long gone.
“Maybe I can make up for that morning that was interrupted a few days ago?” Your fiancée mumbles against your lips, voice dripping with lust.
“Just fuck me, Alex.”
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cathrrrine · 1 year ago
how the svu characters would react to you pranking them by texting “i miss being single”
Sonny Carisi
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Amanda Rollins
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Nick Amaro
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Casey Novak
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Alex Cabot
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Rafael Barba
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Olivia Benson
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Fin Tutuola
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Elliot Stabler
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occasional-hobbyist · 2 months ago
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i wonder what would have been her reaction to seeing yötön yö
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cabotwife · 1 year ago
I have an idea for a reader and Olivia Benson if you’re happy to write it. 2am Olivia gets a frantic call from reader, she’s hyperventilating and her words are coherent. Olivia manages to get out of the reader that she’s home and rushes over. As the approaches her apartment she notices the front door ajar and inside is a complete mess. She hears reader sobbing in her room, and notices she’s naked and bruised and scratched. Reader confesses her ex forced her way in and attacked her. Reader begins to space out lost in her emotions of insecurity and worthlessness, she unknowingly advances on Olivia and ends up kissing her.
thank you for your request! i hope you enjoy 💗
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Enter The Night
Olivia Benson x Fem!Reader (tho r isn't described with any pronouns)
warnings: implied assault/rape (up to interpretation), typical SVU themes, poorly written fluff, not proofread
word count: ~1314 (longest one on my page so far yippie!!)
a/n: i love writing for my svu girls! there's definitely not enough fics of any of them, and my requests are open for them all :)
Olivia is jolted away by the sound of her phone ringing. she rubs her eyes as she groans, looking at the alarm clock on her nightstand.
2:43 am.
she sighs as she grabs her phone, her eyes straining at the brightness as she turns it on. the call had already ended, but she decided to check to see if it was important or not.
she frowns when she notices you’ve called more than once. she quickly clicks the ‘call back’ button, pulling the phone up to her ear as she adjusts her position in her bed.
she has an unsettling feeling forming in her chest as the phone continues to ring. finally you pick up the phone.
“y/n?” Olivia’s voice crackles through the phone.
the glass from your shattered phone stabs through your hand as you grip it tightly, pressing it against your face. you breathe heavily, unable to form any words as you can feel yourself slipping out of consciousness.
“hello? y/n?” Olivia repeats your name, worry filling her at the sound of your labored breathing. “can you tell me where you are, honey?”
suddenly the line goes dead, a sharp ‘beep’ can be heard on both sides.
“y/n?” Olivia says panicked as she tears the phone from her ear, she quickly tries to call you again, pulling her phone away to stare at it when it goes straight to voicemail.
the brunette swiftly pulls herself from her bed, hurriedly putting shoes on and grabbing her keys as she attempts to call you again. she rushes out the door of her apartment, not even bothering to change from her sleepwear.
the entire car ride is full of dread and worry, she had a quick phone call with Fin while in the car. she needed to make sure that someone knew where she was going, in case something goes down or she needs back up.
she sloppily parks in front of your apartment building, quickly rushing out of the car and into the building. she practically runs up to your apartment.
Olivia can feel her heart drop into her stomach as she nears your door, noticing it’s open.
“y/n?” she calls, pushing the door open. “oh my god.” she stands in the doorway in a state of sudden shock, everything was destroyed. there were spilled flowers on the ground by the entrance, couch cushions thrown off the couch, picture frames and trinkets spread over the floor by the kitchen island.
she continues into your apartment, taking notice of the shattered glass and blood on the kitchen floor. she freezes again when she hears the sound of heavy breathing. the brunette walks slowly towards the sound.
“oh my god, y/n!” Olivia breathes as your barely conscious body comes into view.
you were laying on your kitchen floor, slouched over against the cabinets, your body cut and bruised, your shirt is missing and your pajama shorts are ripped.
Olivia rushes over to you, dropping onto her knees to cup your cheeks, “hey- hey open your eyes for me.” she says, her voice uncharacteristically shaky.
you open your eyes ever so slightly, attempting to focus on the brunette woman in front of you.
“’livia..” you mumble, your voice raspy and you're quickly thrown into a coughing fit, blood flying from your mouth.
Olivia takes a sharp intake of breath, “i’m going to get help, okay? you’ll be okay.” she mumbles, whipping her phone from her coat pocket, calling Fin to tell him she needs paramedics at your apartment. as she’s speaking on the phone she peels her coat off of herself, wrapping it around your body in an attempt to cover up your near bare body.
she sets her phone down as the call ends. “help is on the way.. can you tell me what happened, sweetheart?” Olivia whispers as she strokes your hair gently, glancing towards the window to see if she could see the lights of the ambulance approaching.
you look up at her with tear filled eyes, “she got me, ‘livia.. she got me.” you whisper, your voice cracking as the tears begin streaming down your cheeks.
Olivia didn’t need to ask to know who you were talking about, she knows it’s Max, your ex girlfriend. since the time she began getting close to you, she had always promised to protect you from your abusive ex girlfriend.
the brunette’s eyes search over your face, “we’ll get her.. okay? what did she do to you?” you drop your head back onto the cabinet, your eyes closing slowly, “hey- hey no, keep your eyes open, honey.”
you force your eyes open, trying, and failing, to focus on Olivia, “’m sleepy..” i mumble, my eyes drooping again.
“come on, y/n, stay awake for me..” her voice is panicked as she pats your cheek, you drift into unconsciousness.
Olivia stands up as she hears footsteps approaching, hearing the sound of the ambulance sirens outside of the building. the brunette rushes towards the ajar front door, stepping out to wave the paramedics into the apartment and showing them where you lay on the floor.
the next few hours are excruciating for Olivia, you had to get surgery in order to remove the shattered vase pieces from your back, and you’re now laying unconscious in your hospital bed.
Olivia is seated next to the head of the bed, no matter how hard she tried she couldn’t fall back asleep, she needed you to be okay.
“liv?” you mumble, your voice hoarse for a number of reasons. your head is pressed against the bed as you squint your eyes over at the older woman sitting beside you.
your sudden voice causes her to jump slightly, her eyes shooting from the book she was reading to you. “y/n.” she breathes as she stands up, leaving the book on the chair as she leans over you.
you grin up at her, “hey, ‘livia.”
“hi,” she whispers, running her fingers through your bangs as she stares down at you. “how're you feeling?”
you hum, shrugging your shoulders but the movement makes you wince, “i dunno.. did you get her?” as soon as the brunette frowns you know, she's still out there.
the room goes silent all except for the buzz of the lights and the slow beeping of the heart monitor. 
“thank you.” it comes out as a whisper, but it confuses her nonetheless.
she scrunches her eyebrows in confusion as her eyes meet yours once more. “for what?”
it's silent for a moment before you respond, “for answering my call.. i suppose.” you gaze up at her.
a smile tugs at the brunette's lips, “i'll always answer when you call me.” she says gently “no matter the time, or the day, or how i feel..”
you giggle, “even if you hate me?” 
her smile falls, but only slightly, “oh, y/n.. i could never hate you.” she whispers, her hand cupping your cheek.
you can feel your cheeks heat up slightly, “oh.” you meet her eyes again before your gaze drops to her lips. slowly you lean in before eventually you're pressing your lips to hers in a tender kiss.
once you realize what you’ve done you pull away, eyes wide. 
it’s silent.
your eyes begin filling with tears, “liv-” before you can say anything, Olivia leans in, kissing you. you quickly reciprocate the kiss. when you both pull away she is smiling at you, her eyes soft and her feelings towards you are evident in them.
“i’ve wanted to do that for a while..” she whispers, her thumb gently rubbing your cheek bone. 
“yeah?” you chuckle, the tears that were in your eyes had now run down your cheeks, being quickly rubbed away by the brunette.
“mhmm,” Olivia hums, a loving smile on her face as she holds the gentle eye contact with you.
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mollycabot · 9 months ago
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My two favourite ladies 😍
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delayed-affection · 1 year ago
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Liked by _alexturrcotte and 24,628 others
Lhughes_06 happy bday sorry we couldn’t celebrate together this year see you soon ❤️
Tagged: y/n.Hughes
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User9 all realness Luke her post was better 🫤
G.brindley4 Happy birthday to my two favorite people
Nolan_moyle Quite the caption Luke
Jacob_truscott20 Definitely put his heart and soul into it
Y/n.Hughes See you soon Lukeyyyy ❤️
Liked by Lhughes_06
User7 Expected nothing more from you
owenpower_ Party hard for her
Lhughes_06 I’ll leave that up to Jack
Seamuscasey26 twin powers are peaked rn
_Alexturcotte Baby Hughes’ are finally 20
User8 Y’all are really two different people
Jackhughes mermaid man and barnacle boy
Lhughes_06 batman and robin
Y/n.Hughes Mario and Luigi
_quinnhughes Donkey and Shrek
User0 🎊Happy birthday🎊
Mbeniers10 Short and sweet
User2 Happy birthday you two 🥰
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Liked by Seamuscasey26 and 19,738 others
Y/n.Hughes Spent my first day being 20 with some of my best friends 🥳
Tagged: Edwards.73, Dylanduke25, Markestapa, mackie.samo
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Jackhughes Happy birthday stinky
Y/n.Hughes Thanks smelly
User6 Happy birthday!!
Lhughes_06 but like I’m your best best friend right
Y/n.Hughes Behind Quinn
Lhughes_06 just say yes dude
Y/n.Hughes Yes you’re my best best friend
Edwards.73 The prettiest birthday girl
Liked by Y/n.Hughes
_quinnhughes Big 2-0
User4 Wait who’s older you or Luke?🧐
Trevorzegras They grow up so fast 🥲
Markestapa Ran up the bill cause she knew she wasn’t paying
Y/n.Hughes It was Ethan’s fat ass not me
Edwards.73 you think my ass is fat
Dylanduke25 National Goat Day 🐐
User5 Happy birthday to the pretty Hughes
Taglist: @calesmaker @huggybearluvr @daveyjoneshat @jayda12 @sweetestdesire @dasiysthings @kiarabellerum31 @loveforaugust @thequeenofaces @girls-and-guts
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henry-fox-biggest-stan · 2 years ago
“Oh we’re surviving off crumbs rn till the movie drops” No we aren’t, do you guys know what surviving off crumbs is?? We are getting fed, so much I’m gonna vomit
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chestnutninny · 11 months ago
Fluff ♡, Smut ◇, Angst ○, □, ☆
Law & Order: SVU
Casey Novak
Tender, Loving Care ♡
SFW Alphabet ♡
NSFW Alphabet ◇
Three Way Love (with Alex) ◇
Going Down ◇
Wounded ♡◇○
I'm Yours ◇
Olivia Benson
NSFW Alphabet ◇
Alex Cabot
Second Chances ♡
NSFW Alphabet ◇
Three Way Love (with Casey) ◇
My Sunshine ♡
Elizabeth Donnelly
Secrets ♡
5th Times The Charm ♡◇
Rita Calhoun
Sonya Paxton
SFW Alphabet ♡
Drunken Love ♡
Kim Greylek
SFW Alphabet ♡
Criminal Minds
Emily Prentiss
Dinner Date ♡
Jennifer Jareau
Elle Greenaway
Penelope Garcia
Aaron Hotchner
Femininomenon ♡◇
Get Your Girl
Spencer Reid
Abigail Borin
I Thought I Hated You ◇
Ziva David
Orange Is The New Black
Piper Chapman
Alex Vause
Nicky Nichols
The Rise &Fall Of A Midwest Princess ♡◇
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iamthekarmapolice · 1 year ago
sorry but i love meta, multiple layers of narrative, authors being characters in their own stories shenanigans too much. sam lake is right if i wrote a story i would probably also have my characters kill me in ritual murder too
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king0fcrows · 1 year ago
I’m shipping Alan Wake and Agent Casey in a fucked up psychosexual obsessive “we are relentlessly drawn to each other” way.
Casey: am I real? entangled in this mess by a man selfishly and blindly pulling at fate’s strings? or a creation meant to serve as a means to an end? Do I want to protect you because you look so lost and fragile—or because a thing meant to serve a purpose always desires to do so? How could you be a god and be so fragile?
Alan: From the moment I created you (did I create you? Or was I just seeing you?) I loved you. I thought about you for hours and days and years. I know exactly how you take your coffee and the way you heart aches when you see birds in winter branches and the dark sharp thoughts that slide into your mind in the early hours—I know you as well as my own mind. Now that you’re flesh, how can I not want to hold you? How can I not want to cling to a thing I love in this sea of darkness? How could I bear to be rejected by you—even knowing all you’ve suffered at my own callous manipulations of fate? I know I don’t deserve you or your forgiveness but still I seek it out like eyes seek out light
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rockingtheorange · 10 months ago
When you announce a rwrb sequel, this is who you hurt. If you even care 😔💔
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koskela-knights · 3 months ago
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Happy Holidays Everyone
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cathrrrine · 1 year ago
another addition to the svu worm post with other characters! as requested by @saurgaeee <3 (sorry i couldn’t add kat! i thought i wouldn’t be able to get her character right since i haven’t watched her seasons yet.)
how the svu characters would react to “would you still love me if i was a worm?” text (part 2)
Casey Novak
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Alex Cabot
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Brian Cassidy
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John Munch
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Melinda Warner
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Dr Huang
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Capt. Cragen
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serenasoutherlyns · 11 months ago
calex band au anyone?
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hearts-are-connected · 7 months ago
Self-indulgent snippet, don't come for me.
A gift for @pinkomcranger
It's only been a day since their next-door neighbors decided to take down the two large trees in their backyard, along with one in the front. Only having the money to get them cut, but not hauled away. To Saga's surprise, given Alex's known hatred of the outdoors, he'd volunteered to lend the folks a hand.
Casey assisted in cutting large pieces of tree branches and logs down to a manageable size for truck pick-up. It's not as if Saga hasn't seen Alex shirtless; they have a son for crying out loud; she's seen everything the man has to offer. That said, there's something different about seeing her husband shirtless now, dressed in only a pair of pants and work boots. Sawdust and dirt stick to his bare torso as beads of sweat run down his body. Watching from their window, Saga can't help feeling a little hot herself.
His lean frame sits out for the world to see as he lifts log after log onto his shoulders, tossing them to a pile meant for disposal. Even using a chainsaw a few times to cut them down for easier handling. She'd never seen this side of Casey before, but she was deeply enamored with it. 
As the sun began to set, the profiler watched as her husband slowly trekked back towards their house. Saga stayed in her spot by the window until the front door opened, the man's panting quickly reaching her ears. She hears him take a glass from the cabinet, and she hears the tap of the sink as he fills it, but she doesn't hear him approach their bedroom. Creeping out of the entryway, she peeks out into the kitchen.
Unashamedly, Saga ogles the man as his adam's apple bobs with every swallow. She licks her lips in turn as he disappears from view to refill the glass. Leaning back into their bedroom, Saga tousles her loose hair in the mirror before heading out, and stepping around the island of their kitchen to find him lying on the tile. His second glass of water, this one half-finished, is sitting on the counter.
"You stink, cowboy."
Saga can't help biting at her lip as she drinks in his haggard appearance, kneeling down to sit beside him as he lay there. Inching closer, he moves until his temple can rest against her thigh, the sweat from his hair leaving a damp spot on her skin.
"You don't," he swallows, taking in a deep breath and letting it out before locking eyes with her, "say, Saga. I can't imagine why I would smell so bad."
"It's not a bad look for you, though," she laughs, stroking back his hair as she leans down and captures his mouth. He tastes like salt and earth as he kisses her back, grabbing at the back of her head to pull her in closer.
"How about I get a shower, and then we can continue this in the bedroom?"
"I dunno, Alex. I think you need someone to scrub your back."
Her heart skips as a deep groan sounds in his throat, his lips catching hers one more time before he's up from the floor with her in his arms. 
"I'm all yours, Anderson."
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