#alan wake imagines
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lilmoonbunny · 1 year ago
Just Alex; Alex Casey
When a case gone wrong leads to a confession, Casey is unsure how to act around her.
Warnings: hostage situation, stabbing, slight jealous!casey
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This takes place before Alan Wake 2. Also, I'm only like half-way through, so he may be out-of-character.
Alex Casey loves coffee, anybody who knows him was aware of this. There was never a point in time when he was free and was seen without his beloved drink. Perhaps it was unhealthy – an addiction – but he couldn’t find him in it to care. With the stress of everything, coffee was the thing that made him feel better, well… one of the things.
Y/N was his co-worker, his partner in crime, if you will. She helped him feel better too, maybe even more than coffee did. Y/N was many things: kind, sweet, funny, and a coffee addict also; that was potentially a reason that the pair got along so well.
“Morning, Casey,” Y/N greeted the mentioned man with a smile the moment she spotted him entering the office, two cups in hand.
“I’ve told you before, Y/N, just Alex is fine,” he grumbled, passing her the coffee cup, a daily occurrence between them.
“I know, but then everyone looks at me weirdly, so…”
Because you’re the only person I let call me Alex, he thought to himself with an internal roll of the eyes.
Casey simply sighed and sipped his own coffee.
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The case that they were working was tough. There were no leads and neither of the duo knew where to go with it next, which is why they brought in Graham.
Graham was around their age, a cop from the town that they were currently working in, and Casey did not like him one bit.
“Y/N, why don’t you come with me, and I’ll show you around?” Graham grinned as he pointed towards his car, completely ignoring her partner as he did so.
The woman, however, seemed oblivious to the flirtatious offer that the cop gave, smiling politely and looking towards Casey. “Me and Casey have got somewhere to be soon; a meeting with something very important.”
Casey shot her a look. They had nowhere else to be, nor any leads, so why was she saying this? She simply nodded at him.
“Oh, all right,” Graham said, clearly annoyed that Casey came first. “Maybe another time?”
“Absolutely!” She smiled, although it didn’t quite meet her eyes. “See you later.”
A relieved sigh left her lips the moment Graham was out of earshot.
“We have something to meet? Did you mean someone?” Casey asked bluntly, confusion filling his face when she laughed.
“Coffee, Casey. We have a meeting with coffee.” She grinned, this time it completely meeting her eyes and he couldn’t help the small smile that crawled onto his lips. “I couldn’t stand listening to him flirt any longer, it was awful.”
“You realised? You seemed oblivious,”
“Years of being around men will teach you to act that way, Casey.”
He grumbled. “Just Alex is fine.”
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The case had gotten intense, and Y/N and Casey were currently hunting the killer. Back-up was on the way, but they had to chase the killer alone, or else they’d lose him for God knows how long.
Guns drawn, the pair rushed after the shadows of the suspect, muddy footsteps mixed with blood being their lead.
“FBI! Show yourself!” Y/N called into the wooded area, eyes darting around the scene, looking for the killer or anything that may reveal his location.
Casey was behind her, watching their backs just in case, but a gasp from his partner had him spinning around.
In front of him stood the killer, Y/N in his arms with a gun to her head. His body froze, yet his face remained neutral, his own gun raised towards the killer. He couldn’t get a clear shot of him, but hopefully it would deter him from doing something stupid.
“Drop your weapon,” Casey demanded, heart racing.
“Or what?” The killer taunted. “You’ll shoot? I’ll just shove your pretty little girlfriend here in front of me.”
Y/N remained silent, focusing on her breathing whilst planning how to get out of this mess. Her gun had been grabbed and tossed the moment he got a hold of her, so that was no use, but the knife on her thigh…
Casey was stumped for what to do. He was right, of course, shooting at him would just get Y/N in more danger, and that was the last thing that he wanted; he never wanted her in danger. Back-up was likely nowhere near and possibly had no idea where they were.
“Look,” He had to stall for time, “I know you’re scared, but hurting her will just give you less options.” Casey had no idea what he was saying and had to force himself to keep his gaze on the killer and not the woman he had grown fond of that was in danger. “I’m a witness, remember.”
The killer tensed at his words. “You know nothing about what I’m feeling.” He spat. “You’ve never known true fear.”
“I have, and I am right now.”
The gun was on him now, perfect.
Y/N’s arm slowly inched towards the knife strapped to her thigh whilst she prayed Casey could keep him distracted.
“Because you’re holding her hostage,”
“And that matters why?”
Almost there, Y/N thought to herself, the conversation going on unheard by her as she focused.
“Because I love her.”
The moment she had hold of the knife, she swung it into the killer’s thigh, feeling his grip on her and the gun release as he stumbled backwards. Casey’s eyes widened, both at the confession that had just hit him and the fact that Y/N had stabbed him.
Y/N’s own eyes widened in shock at her actions as she let out a breath that she was unaware that she had been holding. “Oh my God,” she gasped, turning to face the killer who was lying on the floor. Without thinking, she rushed towards him, unsure of what to do; Casey did the same.
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“Here,” Casey handed Y/N her usual coffee as she sat in the empty office.
“Thanks,” she muttered, curling into her soaked FBI jacket.
Casey took note of her shivering form and excused himself before coming back with his dry jacket, passing it to her. “Take this.” He spoke.
“Thank you,” she said, finally looking up at him from where she was sat.
The silence was comfortable, at least to her; Casey had no idea what to say to her, assuming she had heard his earlier confession.
“Casey,” Y/N broke the silence, “are you all right? You look uncomfortable.”
“I’m sorry for what I said earlier. It was out of line, and I shouldn’t have said it.” He rushed.
“What did you say? Have I missed something?” She asked, cuddling into his jacket.
It smells like him, she noted.
“In the forest, before you…” He trailed off.
“I’ll be honest, Alex, I wasn’t listening.”
The use of his name had his cheeks flushing red. “You finally said it,”
“Well, yeah. You kind of saved my life, I think I owe you.”
“Saved your life? How?”
Y/N smiled softly, reaching out to take his hand and give it a gentle squeeze.
“You kept him distracted long enough for me to grab my knife, idiot. Now, what were you on about?”
Alex sighed quietly, taking a sip of his coffee. “It’s nothing.”
Y/N glanced at him, his awkwardness something she wasn’t used to seeing on him. Something was up, and she wanted to know what.
"Did you say you loved me or something?” She joked, eyes widening as he pulled his hand away from her own and tensed. “Oh, you did.”
She watched as he quickly stood to his feet. “Forget about it,” he muttered, turning to leave.
“Alex, c’mon.” You can’t just rush off when I find out you feel the same.”
Her words had him freezing in place, slowly turning to face her.
“The same?”
“That is what I said, yes.”
He smiled. “You mean that?”
“Obviously, you idiot,”
The pair smiled at each other as he took a seat opposite her once again. Y/N’s hand found his again, the warmth shooting through their bodies the moment their skin touched.
Sure, it might have been a life-or-death situation that got them to admit their feelings, but at least they got there.
“It took you years to call me Alex, I will never forget that.”
“We were having a moment…”
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occasional-hobbyist · 2 months ago
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i wonder what would have been her reaction to seeing yötön yö
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chthonic-kids · 23 days ago
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The Lake House was underwater. The Marmonts' ambitions had finally been realized. Jules had dangled the painting like a lure and hooked an ocean. Their machines couldn't hold it. A fault in the system. The water rushed in. Filled it until it was ready to burst. All their successes and failures had led them here. The work had made them into monsters. But the Lake House was still theirs. It always would be. They could feel an outsider trespassing in their labs. "I know you're here." they called to the dark. They hunted, floor by floor. They wouldn't let the intruder stop their progress. This was their home. Their beloved tomb beneath the waves.
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room-665 · 4 months ago
Do you think Alan ever saw glimpses of himself in a window or broken glass in the Dark Place and wondered who the man looking back at him was?
He didn't seem to realize 13 years had passed when he "escapes" and we know that time in the Dark Place likely works differently. Was it just living in a constant haze and one day being pulled out of it with some sharp fear that you really don't know who you are anymore and then being plunged back into that haze when the loop restarts?
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velvetjune · 7 months ago
if the Alan Wake adaption is directly the game’s story and dubbing over is an issue, they could still cast ilkka villi and just make Alan finnish without explaining. alan and zane progressively getting more finnish with each alan wake project. it’s also inexplicably filmed in finland but still placed in the US
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nuclearwastetoday · 1 year ago
i should stop doing this
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there will be more... anyway...
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alenkoplenko · 2 months ago
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the3rddenialist · 4 months ago
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Miss these guys
They're in the CLubb
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lostinthewoodsomewhere · 6 months ago
Thought: Saga meeting Jesse for the first time and noticing all the triangles on her outfit, associating it first with the cult of the tree, then remembering it's an FBC symbol, then getting confused/concerned by how far Jesse is taking the aesthetic...
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ilkkawhat · 1 year ago
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i3utterflyeffect · 8 days ago
King turning into a selkie and having to ask the kids he nearly killed for help is so funny. And he's stuck with his cape, which he really doesn't like. He's stuck with a constant reminder of being at his lowest! Horrible!
Gets better after it sheds though since now he can take it off and store it somewhere safe.
Anyways, I think Ash might start Rocket Corp after leaving. Probably decided to move somewhere more remote at first (the farm village) and then meets Mitsi.
Hey... How fucked up would it be if Onyx or Scarlet killed her by accident? Wasn't being careful while doing arson and now your older siblings wants you dead because you killed their closest friend.
Alternatively she just survives in this au.
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yeah... the cape definitely feels like it's just a jab at a freshly closed wound! Even though selkies are pretty uncomfortable without their coats I think I could see him actually putting his away. Uncomfortable with what it represents for him!
(also i wanted to add a comic of purple getting Parent Coat Blanket and learning what it means but i realize that only works if Alan is a selkie... damn)
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and yeah!! ash moves out to the village and despite being a little bit shy (and out of place— people were still a tad standoffish) immediately hit it off with Mitsi, and the two became very good friends! They still make Rocket Corp— and Alan is very proud that they're doing well for themself! Misses them visiting though... they did it more frequently before things got so busy.
also OHGH... i hadn't considered that... i was thinking mitsi just lives (non-murderous siblings, no deaths), but it would be really fucked up if they did it on accident!! especially when the two learn that, considering they left to protect the people around them... both horrified by what they've done! fall off the grid completely except for when they're desperate for supplies, probably...
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amiracleilluminated · 1 year ago
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https-yaracchi · 9 months ago
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i'm dying
to see you one last time, together
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koskela-knights · 1 year ago
I'm gonna fucking destroy you :D
Video used
Audio files from Champion of Light converted by @zephyrone01
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firewirecompatible · 1 year ago
the best part of the Dark Ocean Summoning fight is the subsequent fight with Scratch because Tor and Odin and just standing on the bus yelling shit at him without doing much else.
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kawoid · 10 months ago
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alan awake
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