#alevel biology
bubu-pharmacy-doctor · 3 months
Can I have some luck for my biology exam this morning? Please 🥺
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(Light Independent, Link & Krebs)
Breathing in humans: IEC - Inhale External [intercostal] Contract
Inhilation: Diaphragm contracts and flattens -> lungs expand -> IEC, ribs up and out -> lungs expand further -> volume increased, pressure decreased, air enters.
Muscle cell structure:
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Natural selection & speciation model answer:
All individuals show variation for (allele in the exam question). Some of the variation for (factor in the exam question) arose by random mutation. There is a selection pressure for (pressure in the question). So some individuals have an allele which allows them to (think of the benefit of the phenotype) and so they have a selective advantage. The individuals with the alleles for (allele in exam question) survive and have more reproductive success i.e. breed and pass on the allele for (state it). This causes an increase in the frequency of the allele for (state it). Over time, a new species may arise.
You'll do wonderfully, remember most things in biology follow common sense.
If a practical experiment comes up, take a moment to think about it and think which of your RPs it's referencing before answering.
Good luck.
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alevelshateme · 1 month
i deserve eternal damnation for picking alevel biology chemistry AND maths 😭👎
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emiipurin · 7 months
_ _ 🧸 emily ! ⊹
_ _ she/her `🧺` 18
_ _ ⤷ alevel history, politics, bio + english ☕️`
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kahoot-official · 5 months
as the very much official tumblr blog of kahoot
i wanna give a very official shout out too miss estruch on youtube
that woman is the only reason i passed biology 💪
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curryaboo · 1 year
this is going to sound soooo . maybe pretentious and stfu rao but ive never gotten an ick quicker than when i saw jude bellingham think that mexican was the language ppl spoke in mexico and not spanish 😭😭😭
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gatheryepens · 2 years
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March 20th and 21st, 2023
48/50 and 49/50 days of productivity
Happy happy Tuesday all!!! I hope everyone is having a good evening/afternoon/morning today. These past two days have been fairly productive, yesterday in biology we did a trial run for our pag and it went really well we only need to make a few minor adjustments. I also had my driving lesson yesterday which went really well! Today I did a lot of maths revision mainly practising integration because it is quite difficult and I started and completed a past paper. I also had chemistry today and the stuff we are doing is really confusing me…
Tasks achieved:
Chemistry past paper
A2 integration
🎧 Young Blood - 5SOS
QOTD - favourite animal
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ess-presso · 3 months
paper went so bad i had to reconnect and do some soul searching bc oh my god
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bermudianabroad · 1 year
Almost got dumped by The Boy last night because I wondered aloud ‘do plants have DNA?’
For context: I was thinking about the Animorphs— they never tried to turn into plants and by that logic I decided that no, plants don’t have DNA.
I’m wrong by the way. In my defence I was sleepy.
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mr-ladystardust · 2 years
in biology today i got to watch a human lung dissection, its so so cool
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emiipurin · 7 months
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— wednesday 21st february
for some reason i labelled my forest timers for biology as history today ?
4hr 28 min on forest 🌲
completed today:
chaucer homework (english)
respiration + photosynthesis flashcards created
unit 1 politics notes finally done!
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o2studies · 8 months
༻`` 29 Jan 24 — Monday
100 days of productivity 29/100
Found out from a friend that if I want to do biology then I'd probably have to do it at SRC so I've sent a query about it and hopefully it's something I can do and that doing it will be beneficial. I'll be sad to see art go tho 😔 (I know I can handle a lot but 5 ALevels would be pushing it...). Did a lot of homework today and gave a teacher my work xp form. Watched a couple more self improvement 🧠 videos and cleaned my retainers (those cleaning crystals could really do more ;-; ). Also I worked up the courage to ask my art teacher so miss class because I have my piece at home and I'm finished everything else. It will be refreshing to finish it early 🌱.
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30 day new year momentum challenge 1/30
What are your main goals for this challenge:
To learn more about my study habits and ways in which I can improve them (also getting inspiration from others' posts). I would like to study more efficiently and study more in general also.
Here's the prompt list if you'd like to try it yourself ^^
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lucawrites11 · 3 months
what are Emy and the twins like at school? Are Leah or Less strict with school work like Leah's mum was about school with her
they are quite strict - not to the point of putting HUGE pressure but they have a rule that their kids need to at least get GCSEs and then a qualification after that whether that a levels or an apprenticeship etc.
education is important they think the kids need something to fall back on in case the sport they do doesn't work out. emy ends up doing a sports science degree after her alevels where she did pe, biology and spanish and sienna takes a very similar path but takes psychology, biology and pe to do a degree in sports psychology. matteo is the odd one out and focuses on music and gets his alevels in music, psychology and english at a college that specialises in music study. he goes on to skip uni and go straight for internships in the industry
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blue2dawn · 1 year
got my first C grade in science in a while 💀💀 we had a biology pop quiz and a chemistry test and yet again, i have been wholly humbled by alevel science :’]
i got a 66% on chemistry which i did not expect, but in hindsight i did make all my revision notes the night before so honestly? fair play, chemistry gods.
and i got a pretty decent 73% on biology, which due to the INSANE grade curve is a C. a FUCKING C 💀💀💀 ; it was a 30 question pop quiz, split 12-18 between the two units we’ve covered (cells and biological molecules), and i somehow got full marks on cells and 10/18 on biomols 💀
honestly? i’m not as torn up about this as i maybe would have been in year 10, which is a great improvement on the way i view my grades so . A WIN IS A WIN OK
but obviously i’m gonna try my damnedest to redeem myself on the next topic tests and my first mock exams in december!! godspeed to me and other alevel science students!!!! i’m rooting for us <3
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ess-presso · 4 months
did my first bio level on wednesday and me and my mates were discussing the fact that one of the qs was asking for a banned substance in sports , and i put anabolic steroids , another friend put testosterone , and another. put oestrogen
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xxdumbblondexx · 2 years
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---Additional Learning Support--
~ALS group~
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Xiao - Psychology, IT and Math A level student. A loner who doesn't really speak to any one and keeps to himself.
Kazuha - English lit, music and english lang A level student. Another loner who is known for hanging around Beidou and Ninguang. He always smells of some kind of strange plant but somehow never gets caught for it.
Scaramouche - IT, Applied science and sociology A level student. Brother of Shogun, student head of Electro house. He is constantly being watched over by Miko, a teacher and family friend who is always annoying him
Heizou - Criminology and Law, Forensic science and Sociology. Known for flirting about and sticking his nose in places it doesn't belong. Also once got caught fighting and never lived it down.
Albedo - Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Art. He's taking four alevel's which, if your unfamiliar with A level's, is hell. Only the smartest of the smart. He was chosen as the mentor for the ALS group.
Aether - Maths, english lang and applied science. Him and his twin sister Lumine newly joined the school this year. Due to that and him not really revising, he was placed in ALS.
Master list
Here's a few notes to clear up any confuse to anyone who isn't aware of what sixth form is <3
First, Sixthform is the last two years of high school in the uk where you gain important qualifications for University (aka College). In Sixthform, you can pick between 3-4 course to do, varying from pretty much anything. You also get Study periods where you are supposed to do work for lessons, although no one really does. You also can wear no uniform in most sixthform with a few restrictions. (Office wear n that)
Second, in british schools, you have houses. They change from school and their importance also changes. For some its literally just something that people are sorted in for sports day and insert days. In my school, you had assemblies based on your house and-- outside of sixthform --it also changed your school uniform slightly. Like you would have a different blazer and tie. In this SMAU, the seven houses are of course, Anemo, Electro, Geo, Cryo, Pyro, Dendro, Hydro.
Third, for my sixthform at least, you were given a lanyard with a card that you could use to open gates around the school. This prompted late mornings (pretty much mornings where you had no lessons so you didnt need to come in until your first lesson) and pretty much leaving when you liked.
Lastly, registration is pretty much home room where you get told what's going on and get signed in.
If you have any more questions feel free to ask <3
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giamct · 2 months
i had to grieve the death of my ex girlfriend alone because stupid 17/18 year old me didnt want to tell anyone we were together and then she just had to go and die so i didnt tell anyone because it wouldve made it feel real so i just had to sit in alevel biology and try not to kill myself . anyway i jsut had the best diet coke
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