newmusicbreakthru · 2 years
 The Deadly Truth About Alcoholism
The Deadly Truth About Alcoholism...Watch This Video It'll change your perspective on Alcoholism
This video will change your perspective about drinking alcohol Watch This Video
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I hope my ed will win with my alcoholizm. I really want to be skinny.
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Only nonbinary people can smoke this fat heeby jeeby doink
Rest in power nb icon youngkingdave
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super-metroid · 5 years
My gay ass nearly fainted seeing that pic
i can never be stopped
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hellsite-yano · 5 years
Opinion on Studio Killers Porky?
I didn’t know who these were so I looked them up and I’m intrigued
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primaltek-blog · 5 years
version 0.1 %
(bio-soul)MetallicaThemis Lazarou(post-inspiration) I own your fucking asses both sides anarchists and goverments authoritative-state way (we should simplifi speling - from Spain with love (karina I wanna fuck your brains out)(conotation (the word "conotation" is written with 1 letter "n" because we must not end words with letter "n" (conotation: idipodio siblegma (fuck with mother)))(conotation: Peta Wilson (Passenger 48))(Colour Haze - Love (after 4:21))) of controling crowds (isokinezix) (post-inspiration headquarters in Japan biomecanimal Corporation Corp) Otsuka Foundation dead (tha kopsnoune tis fleves tous) Abilify dead (tha kopsnoune tis fleves tous) (conotation: & everything rimes with it (Spotify dead (I own it)/Sidify dead (I own it))) Je nerob obirs (ancient vampire language) ****violation lefxemia must be put as term in human speeces (former "spieces")  as a concept on human planet that is ....................................************* CONTACTS Mecico wants to legalize ALL drugs (including psychedelic drugs) even for recreational purposes (progression - control of the market by the goverment) potential danger/threat: massive casualties by junkies & civilian experimentation. After a while people get used to it & casualties get down hillary clinton (purple Lips - I gave her her fucking nickname "purple lips" & she accepted it & she suggested it/proposed it to me refering to ME(cyberyogi))(the last nonGap is intented & in purpose in order to BE tight as partners/professionals(proz)(prozak conotation: farmaceuticals included IncLd ((big pharma) farmaceuticals dead: Otsuka dead Abilify dead - "tha kospoune tis fleves tous"(primaLtek)(isokinezix)))/colleague/peer/associate/profesional relationship/team-mate/ally - next president of united states)white supremasist (showing enough lower) (cyberyogi)(primaLtek)(isokinezix) the true core of USA (united states of america (usa) from now on united states (US)) is white supremasist ((so racism "primaLtek"(with capital leter "L")) so racism involved "HiLary Clinton"(with capital leter "L" the first word of the name)) James Hetfield - Metallica (RepreZentative of Music Industry (TooL) (ISIS (conotation: terrorizm (there is a proverb saying "TERRORIZM is a nececity" in order to have PROPAGANDA/Brainwash in our lives BUT Barack Obama said (His propaganda): ISL (islamic state) & I thought he meant the old isis the terrorists meaning he wants to move america's foreign policy regarding terrorizm to that region/area (geopolitically speaking (I like the term & I heard it 1st from Putin but maybe I'm wrong)) & Vladimir Putin confirmed the previous statement I made/did/wrote & Gorbatsof & Angela Merkel & Christine Lagard (wanabe LagaAard/LazaAard) εγνεψαν συγκαταβατικα τα κεφαλι τους/τις καζανες τους (primaLtek : κεφαλοκαζαναξ  γεματη τρυπες (inspired by κεφαλι γεματο χρυσαφι (Τρυπες)))))). (Massive Attack)) ThimioSelf Zegocha KonsIousnes IreIzor (Συνειδησιακο Ξυραφι | Ξυραφι Συνειδησης ) Them LazaAard MetalliCa (conotation: CocaCola & conotation cocaine (argo/slang: cocaine (the drug))) Vladimir Putin (war russia vs turkey win russia of course (кома́нда;) (Ertogan: hakimiΓet) christiano ronaldo & zizou (champions league) saul williams lauryn hill dalek Brad Pitt & Angelina Jolie key information: madoX child (biological) //  (wine business: He owns 51% & She own 49%) He: alcoholizm / charity work (building houses after tsunami) so tax reduction (Bill Gates confirms it) /  She: embassador United Nations (UN) - I read somewhere about vampirizm in a village in Africa & UN confirmed it) vampiriZm : drinking blood (methods: bite another human being / packaged straight from blood banks /hospitals) (conotation: farmaceuticals included // conotation: medicine is all about drugs (both &)) What IF: smart drugs are allowed gun ownership is allowed in humans over age __(complete age) (knife is considered a deadly weapon/gun BUT/although it is used in cooking) training&evaluation(psycological) (judgement & sevir_penalty to whoever abuses the 2nd subject of What IF) 3rd World War nuclear distraction artificial intelligence (THREAT: destruction of human population & planet earth // ethical boundaries re-inforced for restraining/captivating high-Tek companies)// CONOTATION I was restrained/captivated/lost my freedom AGAINST MY (fucking) WILL. So as a result 8 policemen dead (the ones who took ME to the room of pain in Stavroupoli & another 2 σκατομπατσοι dead (the ones who entered my house/home AGAINST MY WILL & took me in Papageorgiou)). So as a consequence I AM filling report/sew(μυνηση) against Greece. Sobayef VS Greece (AlexandR PUTIN (Russia)) ThimioSelf Zegocha Konsiousnes Ireizor VS GREECE (WIN I/MySelf&ME of course) ΕΥΘΥΜΙΟΣ ΛΑΖΑΡΟΥ ΕΝΑΝΤΙΟΝ ΕΛΛΑΔΑΣ - ΑΠΟΖΗΜΙΩΣΗ 1 ΤΡΙΣΕΚΑΤΟΜΥΡΙΟ EYRO - ΜΗΝΥΣΗ κατα του σκατομπατσου που εισεβαλλε στο σπιτι μου χωρις ενταλμα & με χτυπησε. ΘΕΛΩ ΝΑ ΚΑΝΩ ΜΗΝΥΣΗ ΣΤΟΝ ΠΑΤΕΡΑ ΜΟΥ english version: EFTHYMIOS LAZAROU AGAINST GREECE - (RE)COMPENSATION  1 TRILLION MONEY UNITS IN ALL/EVERY POSSIBLE CURRENCIES BOTH PHYSICAL/FYSICAL (term progressive of word "physical" now AND/& from now on "fysical") SUCH AS BANKNOTES AND/& COINS AND/& DIGITAL CURRENCIES/CRYPTOCURRENCIES (LIBRA/BITCOIN/ETHEREUM (ETH)/LITECOIN (LTC)/ ZCASH (ZEC)/DASH (DASH)/RIPPLE (XRP)/MONERO (XMR) MARK ZUCKERBERG (COMPLETE DIGITAL CURRENCIES) AS WELL AS 1 TRILLION UNITED STATES DOLLAR AND/& 1 TRILLION RUSSIAN RUBLE AND/& 1 TRILLION EURO AND/& 1 TRILLION NORWEGIAN KRONE AND/& 1 TRILLION IRANIAN RIAL AND/& 1 TRILLION COLOMBIAN PESO AND/& 1 TRILLION UNITED ARAB EMIRATES DIRHAM AND/& 1 TRILLION NEW ZEALAND DOLLAR  MAGNUS CARLSEN (COMPLETE CURRENCIES) - PRESS CHARGES AGAINST/SUE AGAINST THE FUCKING COP WHO ENTERED AND ADVANCED UPON ME AND/& (IN) MY HOUSE/HOME WITHOUT WARRANT/AUTHORIZATION/OFFICIAL DOCUMENT/CREDENTIAL/SUMMONS/CERTIFICATE/SUBPOENA/SECURITY/PASS/TESTIMONIAL//PASSPORT/PERMIT/LICENCE/PERMISSION/CHIT/VERIFICATION/AUTHENTICATION/MANDATE (ALL THESE SYNONYMS JUST HAVE BEEN MENTIONED JUST RIGHT ABOVE THIS LINE THAT IS THE PREVIOUS LINE ARE FROM HTTPS://WWW.WORDREFERENCE.COM (FROM THIS NOW ON https://www.wordreference.com)) I WANT TO PRESS CHARGES AGAINST MY FATHER Bruce Lee (1st) Jet Lee (stealth) When bullshit starts & I want to fuck the system I am saying "what does he saying?" I think the new profession of the future is police thought & they say "what does he saying?" ****continue with GodNames****FUNDING/FUNDED****I have to fund this thing****: iban: GR3101102120000021251852113 GodNames potential investors/sponsors: primal primaltek ThimioSelf Zegocha Konsiousnes Ireizor usbforthesoul primalgrey DownLar Them LazaAard LazaAardian societycolapsed99 societycreated99(but we're not there yet) tmachine77 Tmachine77 Animal777 Human88 GodLike99 cyberyogi cyberpunk chevechelcheve GoDragon Masif44 piroklanis66 piroklanis99 titan33 isokinezix Sadach Epivatis Noumero 48 katsavidiobetonokarfopinezazopinezas & tezas zooz marduk  defaulder universalis IMION1ONIMI IMIONION48&48ONIONIMI IMIONION48&48NOINOIMI Godiliki SALIEL (HeadQuarters in Japan (biotechnology)) (ziperziperziper galactical) (vazovgazovazo psiches&psiches) (vazovgazovazo psichon&psichon) vgazovazovgazo psiches&psiches vgazovazovgazo psichon&psichon) biotectonical HumanRace99 omega omega-masif(whenever it is written-spelled/spelled written  next to omega in the same line/sentence it is differentiated by the following symbol "-" (underscore uper) from omega (normally omega masif is written-spelled/spelled written  without the previous mentioned symbol that is "-" which was mentioned above)) metrikanimal metrikanikal 0010elko(binary) personal growth junkie eXpsycosis biomecanimal (evolution of Human88 & HumanRace) igon post-inspiration sequencer odio&vizual biomekanikanimal biomekanikanikal sinidisiako-xirafi xirafi-sinidisis Them LazaAard   GodNames (Vazo opious thelo) primal primaltek ThimioSelf Zegocha Konsiousnes Ireizor Tolkin nike asix isokinezix coby bryant michael jordan NBA usbforthesoul Magnus Carlsen (grandmaster) Woovenhand 16Horsepower redbull Ferrari Daryl Hanibal(Mads Mickelsen) yingyang (I own my fucking symbol) asian woman DJ Krush Angelina Jolie Deftones ISIS Massive Attack Portishead Rotting Christ(you are I) Joyride(Omen) Athina Onasis Foundation Carusella(there is no star quality) Bruce Lee (grandmaster 9) Foundation  parabola sad but true KoRn World Economic Forum (China is the new champion of the entire fucking worLd) Ltd(limited) Champions League Christiano Ronaldo McLararen Zinedin Zidan Michael Schoumacher primalgrey  Beneton(owned by Magda Chatzinaki (I OWN Magda Chatzinaki) We'll eat (her father will cook)) Tesla EdX(Harvard&MIT) SpaceX facebook  Mark ZuckeRberg Del-pc Windows-os (unix is dead) Xiaomi-mobile (I have my fingerprint here) Vodafon Skype Metallica (Metallica family) metallica google system ov a down Tool (Tool army) Weapon Industry (loby) Parabel Vizions MosDef (with the fucking chevelle) Aubrey De Grey Brad Pit YouTube MyTube Byetone(plastic star) Prodigy Skunk Anansie (My lifestyle you'll be smoking) GooGle(Google personel are on strike) CS version 1.6(Russian servers) Jack Daniels Maori- Tribe 2spirit tattoo(Roxxxy) The New Alfabet (farmaceuticals are dead) iluminati-buildeberg-yakuza fbi-sector5-cia-mosad-mi6 pokerstars chess.com&chessbase  Them LazaAard   ****continue with GodNames****FUNDING/FUNDED****I have to fund this thing****: iban: GR3101102120000021251852113 GodNames potential investors/sponsors: primal primaltek ThimioSelf Zegocha Konsiousnes Ireizor usbforthesoul primalgrey DownLar Them LazaAard LazaAardian societycolapsed99 societycreated99(but we're not there yet) tmachine77 Tmachine77 Animal777 Human88 GodLike99 cyberyogi cyberpunk chevechelcheve GoDragon Masif44 piroklanis66 piroklanis99 titan33 isokinezix Sadach Epivatis Noumero 48 katsavidiobetonokarfopinezazopinezas & tezas zooz marduk  defaulder universalis IMION1ONIMI IMIONION48&48ONIONIMI IMIONION48&48NOINOIMI Godiliki SALIEL (HeadQuarters in Japan (biotechnology)) (ziperziperziper galactical) (vazovgazovazo psiches&psiches) (vazovgazovazo psichon&psichon) vgazovazovgazo psiches&psiches vgazovazovgazo psichon&psichon) biotectonical HumanRace99 omega omega-masif(whenever it is written-spelled/spelled written  next to omega in the same line/sentence it is differentiated by the following symbol "-" (underscore uper) from omega (normally omega masif is written-spelled/spelled written  without the previous mentioned symbol that is "-" which was mentioned above)) metrikanimal metrikanikal 0010elko(binary) personal growth junkie eXpsycosis biomecanimal (evolution of Human88 & HumanRace) igon post-inspiration sequencer odio&vizual biomekanikanimal biomekanikanikal sinidisiako-xirafi xirafi-sinidisis Them LazaAard Them LazaAard: The evolution of human speeces is no more. (bio-soul)MetallicaThemis Lazarou(post-inspiration) ThimioSelf Zegocha Konsiousnes Ireizor (sinidisiako xirafi/xirafi sinidisis)) fuckbudies (Women/Sluts): jesica biel jenifer aniston magda chatzinaki sofia apanozidou sharon stone DEATHS reject ⦁ michael jackson icon pedofile ⦁ religion dead (religion is over) ⦁ otsuka dead Tha kopsoune tis fleves tous ⦁ abilify dead Tha kopsoune tis fleves tous ⦁ computer science dead ⦁ fragou dead ⦁ souper market ipalilos dead ⦁ black olympians dead ⦁ 1 jew dead ⦁ 1 psixiatros dead ⦁ 1 predator dead ⦁ 1 prideitor dead ⦁ 1 prideitor kills something (a lesser being)(primaltek)(bruce lee)(isokinezix) ⦁ programming dead ⦁ coding dead ⦁ all programming languages are dead ⦁ al pacino owns a slave named larry king ⦁ violence in sports (close combat)(usbforthesoul) ⦁ weapons in sports (close combat)(usbforthesoul) ⦁ internet dead (dark web) ⦁ 1 jedi dead ⦁ cryptostocks dead ⦁ digital currency dead(IMION1ON48&48ON1ONIMI) ⦁ ||| policemen dead ⦁ the bastard/piece of scum (male nurse) who scared me (1st psychotic episode) dead ⦁ invega dead otsuka dead Tha kopsoune tis fleves tous ⦁ akineton abilify dead Tha kopsoune tis fleves tous ⦁ eleni thimioselfezegocha dead ⦁ prime minister of izrael dead (from new york to izrael) ⦁ war russia vs turkey (win russia) start 22/7/2021 ⦁ war turkey vs greece (win turkey of course) start 7/8/2020 ⦁ karamalis dead (coded language) ⦁ alex grey dead ⦁ velopoulos dead (yakuza) ⦁ tipos lithinoi (3rd eye) dead (bruce lee) ⦁ pokerstars dead (primaltek) ⦁ sizegain deadotsuka dead Tha kopsoune tis fleves tous ⦁                          abilify dead Tha kopsoune tis fleves tous ⦁ nuclear disaster in America (north america) (isokinezix) ⦁ terrorist atax in Europe (isokinezix) ⦁ veneti dead ⦁ ||| travelia dead ⦁ spirakos psixiatrio dead ⦁ The pope is dead.next pope is black (darker skin). the next one is woman ⦁ plaisio computers dead ⦁ public dead ⦁ mediamarkt dead ⦁ cosmote(former ote) dead (I made a lot of money there) ⦁ Christina Chasou dead (cancer) ⦁ blioska thriskeftikos dead (tafoplaka) (primalgrey) ⦁ Pope (Vatican) dead. next Pope darker skin. next Pope woman. (john travolta 44)(eloumInatI) (bio-soul)MetallicaThemis Lazarou(post-inspiration) Christiano Ronaldo I own nobel prize. I own turing machine prize. They belong to me. I against I (Massive Attack)(Banksy). artificial intelligence(threat: destruction oh human race). Umbrella Cor (biowarfare) (biosoul). I own internet. I consume it like an ordinary product. I AM your true champion. (no sponsors) robert de niro's punchline "vaxines emvolia". he is dead private armies. united states of europe. argentineRrrr brainstorming: definition: procedure of expanding an idea/concept such as the above (I AM brainstormer) Ego Ime o ethizmos. I dikia mou i agapi sfazi. I Am your Icon .You are free to do as I tell you (times4 I/we/I comand) .tell the truth pig (refering to cop). Reject recomendations from family Dark Budizm (levitation) sevir penalty ⦁ viazmos apo 9 ⦁ aferesi erotogenon zonon (thiles genitika organa) ⦁ aferesi nichion ⦁ kopsimo glosas ⦁ vgalsimo dodion ⦁ tiflosi ⦁ aferesi akois ⦁ stirosi ⦁ breaking bones ⦁ death ⦁ death from above ⦁ CONTACTS ⦁ hillary clinton (purple lips)(next president of united states) ⦁ james hetfield (music industry) ⦁ vladimir putin (war russia vs turkey (MASSIVE CASUALTIES) win russia of course (кома́нда;) (ertogan: hakimiΓet) REASON: PSYCOTIC EPISODE caused by putin & ertogan ⦁ christiano ronaldo & zizou (champions league) ⦁ saul williams ⦁ lauryn hill ⦁ dalek ⦁ ⦁ ORDERS/DEATHS ⦁ First of all ⦁ I reject the term schools as an official representation term of formal education. PhD=PiAidsDi People=Shit (Slipknot) God=Dog (BehemoTh) ⦁ Katourao tin pedia sas - I piss on education - I reject education. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m3I3-KTJbtY ⦁ PhD=PAidsD (celine dion said that)(chevechelcheve) ⦁ ⦁ simos platia dead (gypsy) (ThimioSelfezegocha tsitosan ta routhounia mou) dub fx "step on my trip jazz" "in england we have crime" prodigy (queen) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OEPEleJVjOo (magnus carlsen) (isokinezix) ⦁ ⦁ stavros dimitriadis is dead. executed by human who knows crav maga (yakuza)(isokinezix) ⦁ ⦁ I own dimitra sirdari who owns argiri sirdari company & I fuck her once\month & I fuck the company ⦁ (destroying the company (whoever company I /dis/like)) & I fuck the mother of dimitra also\/too ⦁ ⦁ PhD=PAidsD (celine dion said that)(chevechelcheve) ⦁ ⦁ Arios Pagos (soupreme court of greece dead) dead (sobayef)ThImIoSelf Zegocha Konsiousnes Ireizor VS Greece (win I/ME/MySelf)(Vladimir Putin) ⦁ ⦁ Metallica <--> Tool - A <-->Z (gia ti mizeria sou ftes mono esi) ⦁ Massive Attack A <--> Z (banksy)(primaltek) ⦁ ⦁ VIOLATIONS (if such thing exists on/in/at internet (youtube/mytube) it is forbiden // it is restricted) VIOLATIONS ⦁ links: search for https(secure):\\(dark web)(anonymous (spelled with sound "ou" - english language has the greek mouth-sound "ου")) REWARD : TURING MACHINE PRIZE - I WIN (απαγορευεται {[IT 50.000 $. tmachine77 Tmachine77 Human88 Animal777 GodLike99 ⦁     1) https:\\www.youtube.com/watch?v=M1ommoLVLgw & https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5IrHzrg4qdQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2i1cW0YdP5g (same category) (abomination - mickey rourk)]}) ⦁     2) ⦁ ⦁ ⦁ SLUTS ⦁ jenifer aniston ⦁ sandra bullock ⦁ sharon stone ⦁ peta wilson ⦁ sofia apanozidou (no business no money involved) ⦁ jesica biel ⦁ victoria chondrouli (no business no money involved) ⦁ liv tyler ⦁ robin right ⦁ angelina jolie ⦁ ⦁ ⦁ sarliz theron(I say the word "sarliz" when I am cuming inside her mouth & inside her pussy @ she sais "je nerob obirsh" (ancient vampire language with the voice of Nomak (We spoke with mariana pronouncing "je nerob obirsh & she put the last sound") (reject promotion))") ⦁ jenifer aniston (I say the word "cyberyogi" when I am cuming inside her mouth & inside her pussy & she replies "Ν ΘΜΘ Ν ΜΝ ΞΧΣ Ν ΘΜΜ ΠΣ Μ Γ "[true nature] &(puffing with her ears ⦁  command [kəˈmɑːnd] n (order) кома́нда; (control) контро́ль) ( CYBERYOGI )") ⦁ ⦁ ⦁ ⦁ ⦁ ⦁ ⦁ ⦁ ⦁ COMPANIES ⦁ ⦁ prohibition/\/prohibitioν (pronounced with "vita" ⦁ (sounds:*(see star section)"ve""vita" beta-test-beta mode(reminder by defaulder(hevitek partners - heavy industry ⦁ (reminder from Steven King (writer) about english-language("So I stop the fucking code & complete the whole fucking sentence as a whole.") ⦁ )())) french) touching/unite/my-lips(possible wrong meaning (suicide): the upper underscore in the word-fraze "I speak/think/hunt(therefore I am(James Hetfield) ⦁ ||FIRST STOP of my way of thinking(excellent procedure! this iz my profesion: I think therefore I am as a result I feel therefore I AM.. )|| ⦁ connotation: )say now: cutting the lips of my human body")) I say now "I Hunt therefore I AM" spoken by James Hetfield ( Metallica ) ⦁ ⦁ Digital Currencies ⦁ equiLibrium the new digital currency ⦁ ⦁ ⦁ PΌKER (DANGER/THREAT (loss of my-money) ⦁ (potential threat even if I AM the best on the planet & even if pokerstars is fake/staged. So if staged I can take advantage ov it?!) ⦁ ⦁ deposit options: paysafe/tranfer_bank ⦁  paysafe: quicker/faster because its next to my house. EXCLUDED ⦁  tranfer_bank: it takes 3-4-5 days for pokerstars to receive my money. So this option gives me time to play slower & not get addicted in [GUMBLING (TZOΓOS) owned by Gumbling Ltd]. I WAS HACKED by Alexis Tsipras ⦁   So 2 cazino dead (Jews own most of the cazino) ⦁   Alexis Tsipras dead (asasination (maybe in a convention) (KGB)(Kamora (italian mafia))) ⦁    So I MUST find SPONSORS to sponsor/promote ME & MY game in pokerstars & in that way I can promote my sponsor as well (from now on "pokerstars") ⦁     My sponsorship: 110 euro per month for 1 year (pokerstars)(phil hellmouth) ⦁ Phil HeLLmouth (poker-stars is dead) ⦁  He gave the question: straight-flush (bigger vs smaller & highest)? ⦁  I gave the answer (primaltek) : pun by Phil Ivey & Daniel Negreanu agreed with his threat ⦁ primaltek (poker-stars is dead) ⦁ phil ivey (poker-stars is dead) ⦁ daniel negreanu (threat: poker-stars is dead)
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alcoholizm · 7 years
I used to be thightbumsandhotcrumbs but have been reborn as alcoholizm.
Take heed heathens
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Are you into rökt lax my guy
It’s ok on some hårdbröd i guess
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bagged-a-bazooka · 6 years
You would be kin with whatever character is the most gay
Nagito Komaeda
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50shadesofabc-blog · 11 years
road so far.
for about a week, i have stopped taking my anti-drinking medications. i didn't eat much but alcohol is full of sugar and i drank plenty. right now i'm 56,5 kg. i'm way behind my goals. i also need to study for my finals. tonight we made a 'mean girls' night, we watched the movie and drank a couple of drinks. but that's it. i will not drink& i will eat healty rest of the month. i need to be 54 by the end of this month.
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fmk: Joey Kaiba Pegasus
kill kaiba fuck joey marry pegasus, he’s got the money for a castle n shit
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oligrinder · 13 years
Today is just another day.
So today I literally slept the day away. I woke up at 7:31pm and after, my roommate followed suit, I did drink yesterday and went to bed after sunrise but still that is no excuse for me to NOT get up and live like the rest of the world right?
So it's 12:25 and I think that tonight and tomorrow will be pretty much the same way. But I don't want that to be the case for the rest of my life so here I am trying to waste up that 10,000 hours someone is supposed to take to get phenomenal at something. On that same note, why does that have to be the case? I cannot remember who came up with the 10k rule but I am starting to hate them.
It is so hard for me to write knowing that it won't be as good as it should be. I think maybe for the sake of sanity that I will continue to write my books, blogs and manuscripts because without them I feel kind of dead inside. Oh god, it's only Tuesday.
Actually, it's now 28 minutes past Tuesday... But still. KMN.
This weekend was extremely uneventful, save for the blow-up me and my roommate had. On Friday night me and her went to drink with friends and needless to say I got so drunk I fought with her. We exchanged words and she didn't come home the whole day after. I felt like shit about it but the worst part was that I didn't even fucking know that it happened. I woke up to someone knocking at the door, it was her brother and he repeatedly threatened to kick my ass... I didn't know what I did and he filled me in on a little bit of it but I can't even see past the haze of half of a bottle of vodka and half a bottle of rye to remember how it went down. As of now, we are back to our old selves but she told her parents she was going to move out:/ I honestly feel horrible that I act this way and the whole day I spent trying to retrace the steps with no luck.
Drinking was actually doing something for me with my blog but now I fear having more then a cup of alcohol... I don't want to be one of those people who lose everything because of a few stupid mistakes with a bottle... So now what? Rehab? In the back of my mind I am thinking that if I share this story people will make fun of me and tell me about how they've sucked cock for meth and shot up in a McDonalds bathroom stall.
I just don't know... But part of me knows that if I get any worse while drinking that I will lose more friends and even family.
Drinking is a big part of a bartenders life but I am not really a bartender, I am a writer...
How profound:) That I actually think of myself as a writer haha. I know that it really isn't the case until your published but if nothing what am I doing after I tag this 'post'?
I guess that is all I have to say for now on this blog but I will be continuing my rounds of other blogging sites.
Goodnight friends, randoms and haters.
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bagged-a-bazooka · 7 years
incest roleplay dressed as rednecks in a local cornfield
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Whats your favorite Yu-Gi-Oh card my dude?
my guy zombie master
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bagged-a-bazooka · 7 years
Hey big boi have you heard of the sith lord Botha?
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