xtylkoxdrogiexszlugix · 11 months
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I want to come back after this 3 weeks, but now im in that phase of not caring about anything.
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How do you keep ur Ed secret from friends, family, and partners?
I don't really know how to answer. It's just easy for me because my family and boyfriend (from yesterday ex) just don't care, like my mum yells at me when im not eating breakfast but she is tired to talk me out of it. And when im with friends we are drinking so i dont have self control and i eat normal with them. Its easier to not eat when im at work beacause my coworkers think im skinny so that seems normal to them that im not eating or im just siting alone. My ex was mad about me not wanting to eat with him but we were dating 7 months and he just realize two weeks ago that im trying to lose weight just beacause i didn't want beer because it has calories.
And as you can see at my blog im not restricting too much.
Some advice just eat only when they see, tell your friend that you are not hungry because you ate at home, and tell your parents you ate with friends, when they ask say that you ate something not healthy like McDonald, but don't do it to often cause it will be suspicious.
Sorry for mistakes. Stay safe.
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Ate 1500
Burn 250
Total 1250
I went out with new friend so i don't want to be rude and said yes to ice cream and shake. I'm mad about it. But it is what it is.
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Ate 900
Burn 80
Total 720
I thought i ate more but its looking good. As always not enough workout.
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My weight went down again. It's 51.3. I would like to drop it faster, but I'm afraid that if I start eating less, I'll start binge more.
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I fucked up yesterday. I ate and drink around 1800kcal, because of vine and i burn barely anything. And im hangover af.
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51,7kg after dinner. It's going down. Love that.
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can’t wait for the day when i don’t have to edit photos of myself to make me look skinnier :/
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Please help me stop eating the fuck is wrong with me
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Having a boyfriend who wants you to eat sucks.
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After I fucked up I started again but im hopeless so my 24 hour fast lasted 13 hours. It's better than nothing but it's still shitty.
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I heard today that It's visiblbe that i have gained weight despite that my weight is in the same place. So i'm doing 24h fast. Wish me luck.
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I hope my ed will win with my alcoholizm. I really want to be skinny.
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Just remember, every calorie counts.
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My boyfriend said I didn't seem to exercise in high school at pe lessons. It hurt so fucking much. I was hoping he doesn't think i'm that fat.
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My mum bake some cake and cookies that i like. It's so anoying that i don't what them but i ate one, and probably will eat more.
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