#alberta cash registers
albertacash · 3 months
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thebrottenthusiast · 1 year
Party Brotters in the house with brott headcanons.
Warnings: ANGST, brick has self worth issues, scott has PTSD, mentions of suicide (don't worry it's not for brick or Scott)
Individual hcs:
I fluctuate on his sexuality because on some days I ship jo and brick (*gasp*) he's either gay or bi but I lean towards him being days more
Brick's dad committed suicide when he was young (about 9) so he feels a lot of pressure to be the man of the house and being perfect. He also wonders if he could've noticed his dad's suicidal behavior earlier, because in brick's mind, if he had just been a little more attentive, maybe he'd still be here... His mom always reassures him about it, but brick can't help but stress over the what ifs.
I imagine brick places his self worth on the amount of people he can help, so when his service isn't needed or backfires and does something bad, he can feel a little useless at times. His cadet code always told him to be of use and service! But If he isn't of service or his service ruins everything, than what use does he have, really? :'(
Brick has a younger sister named Lily who is about 7. Brick tries his best to be in her life, even if he is a little overbearing because he wants to be the positive father figure that was taken from him so bad for Lily.
Brick never had any real friends as a child, and was always regarded as the scapegoat to other children. Brick did notice behavior, but went along because he wanted friends. After all, if his service made others happy, that's what mattered the most, right?
Brick got his dog tags at his dad's funeral. He couldn't see his dad's face lifeless even though he knew his mom needed him. Brick has hid himself behind the funeral home and began to cry. Which is when he noticed another kid, who was out here to get away from all the crying noises and told brick to "stop crying like a goddamn baby". This just made brick cry even more. The boy handed brick a pair of dog tags he snagged from his pappy. He said that bricks dad had given it to his pappy in the army, and pappy wanted to return the favor and put it in his coffin. After that, the boy left and he never saw him again. Brick still remembers the day vividly and he hopes to find that same boy and thank him for his service.
Brick has those really loud dad sneezes that you can hear across the world. It has freaked out Jo at least more than once.
Brick also snores like a dad.
Amazing driver. Like near perfect aside from the fact he has shit music taste (that's what Jo said) and played Taylor swift on full volume when Jo (Jo absolutely despises Taylor Swift) was in the car. He never recovered.
Friendly rivals with Jo. She still calls him mean nicknames from time to time, but he gets her back by playing "shake it off" in the car or by getting her morning coffee at Starbucks with an ungodly amount of sugar added
Brick plans on making military styled clothing mainstream and donates to veteran organizations with the money he makes.
Brick likes frogs.
He also knows first aid.
He and Anne maria are best friends and go shopping from time to time. Anne maria will fight someone if they insult brick. She also tells the cash register when they got his order wrong. ("HEY! He asked for NO PICKLES!")
Scott is bisexual. Send tweet.
Alberta is his younger sister who is about 13 years old. Despite their constant squabbling, Scott cares very much for Alberta and tries his best for her not to end up like him.
Scott's parents are not exactly the best, but they do try their hardest to be good parents.
It might not look like it, but Scott actually likes to read. Normally you'd find him reading some of his pappy's guidebooks or his mom's cookbook, but you also might see him reading one of Al's cheesy romance novels under a playboy Magazine from time to time.
You wouldn't expect it from a guy who glues loonies to the floor, but Scott surprisingly artistic and has a keen eye for detail.
He never had friends and never wanted them. Never wanted them until after ROTI, which had isolated Scott from anyone who had ever wanted to give him a chance.
Scott's fear of sharks eventually formed into a fear of water overall. Because of it, he has a hard time trying to go near water and has to be practically dragged by his pappy to take a shower. He's scared that Fang will pop out of nowhere and finish the job for good. It's gotten better though, at least he can actually wash his hands without flying into a manic breakdown.
He also has a hard time getting sleep because of his PTSD and constantly gets nightmares of him and Fang
Scott's hand often trembled as a kid and only worsened after ROTI, which is when he took up whittling. He'll often whittle something simple like a bird or maybe even Al. (or maybe that cute cadet guy who seems weirdly familiar)
When he was a kid, Scott and his family went to a funeral for one of his pappy's army buddies. Scott couldn't stand all the crying, it made them easy targets, but it was really annoying. So when he went outside to escape the crying noises, you can imagine he wasn't too happy to find some kid crying his eyes out. And he only made things worse by telling the kid to "stop crying like a goddamn baby". So in a desperate attempt to stop the kid from crying, Scott gave him a pair of dog tags he snagged from his pappy. The kids dad had given it to Pappy when he was in the army, so pappy came to return the favor and put them in the coffin. Scott was originally going to sell them, but he thought the kid needed it more than he did. Scott got a real mouthful from his parents after they found out he was going to sell it, but to him it was worth it in the end. After all, what use would the damn thing have buried with some dead guy? Scott still thinks about the boy from time to time. Scott hopes that he's okay somewhere.
The reason why Scott is fine with eating nasty food like dirt is because I imagine his family was very impoverished and had little to eat, so he had resorted to eating dirt as an alternative so that there was more for everyone to eat.
Aside from whittling, I think Scott likes to do origami with his dad's leftover newspaper.
Scott and Zoey made up after all-stars and he apologized for manipulating her in ROTI, while she had apologized for taking Mal to the finale after learning that his family is impoverished.
Him and Mike on the other hand? Tension is still there between those two. Mike tolerates Scott for Zoey's sake, but he's not afraid to smack some sense into Scott anymore.
Scott still keeps in contact with Courtney. They're on good terms.
Relationship Headcanons:
Dumbass x "oh no that's my dumbass" (it goes both ways for the both of them)
T4T swag
Scott fell first, brick fell harder.
The idea of Scott falling first is so hilarious to me bc Scott's first response is to go to Courtney and he's just like "oh my God Im in love with the guy I just tried to frame for stealing holy shit holy fuck, what do i do?" And Courtney's like"of course I have to help you, Scott! Besides, as a CIT I underwent extensive training for this!" So she suggests to give Brick a gift and in classic Scott fashion gives brick the piss shoelace ring he gave to Courtney.
Brick however, is genuinely touched by this and decides to return the favor by giving him a bunch of forget-me-nots ("They match your eyes." He says). Outwardly, Scott is aloof and just replies "whatever" and then five minutes later he's rolling around Courtney's apartment and squealing like the loser he is and Courtney's like " Holy shit i've created a monster."
So some time passes and brick notices he starts to feel weird. Mainly around Scott. His cheeks light up, his stomach feels fluttery, and he gets all shy. So brick being brick immediately assumed he's dying up until Anne Maria suggests that he's in love.
So now brick's even MORE confused because who on earth would he be in love with?? Jo?? It's not until he looks at Scott's piss ring that he realizes he's in love with him and Anne Maria's like "WHAT"
They both confess their feelings at the same time.
Scott has a bunch of little cousins and they all flock to Brick when he comes around. Scott isn't sure how he does it.
Brick does scott's nails.
Scott is a horrible dancer. Lucky brick is always there to lead him.
Brick's the big spoon most of the time because he likes the feeling of 'protecting' Scott.
Scott's the one who hogs the blanket though.
Where Brick likes to kiss Scott: his hand, his scars, his forehead.
Where Scott likes to kiss Brick: his neck, his cheek, his lips.
Scott gets insecure of his scars so sometimes Brick will just hug him from behind and kiss his scars. Scott loves this (he always denies this of course.)
When Scott gets a nightmare, he will lay himself down on brick's chest to feel his heartbeat and brick will run his hand through Scott's hair and maybe hum him a little tune.
When Brick gets a nightmare, Scott tries to do the best he can but he's not really a people person so he just tells brick everything's okay.
How people reacted to their relationship:
Zoey's shocked at the reveal of their relationship but eventually comes around. She's mostly just worried about if Scott's going to manipulate brick into doing something bad.
Mike is not pleased. Why would a good guy like brick go for someone like Scott? He tries to stay open minded for the sake of Brick and Zoey, but it still feels weird to him. When asked why by Zoey, he replies "trying to frame someone for stealing is NOT a love language" he comes around in the end though, but not after lots of reassurance from Zoey.
Jo does not care, she doesn't need to hear more lovey dovey stuff about Scott from brick. She still supports their relationship, just doesn't want to hear about it.
Anne maria thinks Brick can do better. Seriously, brick could get any guy he wants, why settle for the dirtboy? Regardless, she's still supportive.
Lightning don't judge
Dawn knew about them the whole time and was just sitting in the corner watching it all unfold. She had a bit of doubt in Scott but as time passes she knew he would find his way.
Courtney is ultimately happy for them. When Courtney noticed the similarities between her and Duncan and Scott and brick, she couldn't help but feel nervous that it would just be another repeat of their relationship, but when things start to unfold, shes happy that Scott found someone that made him happier than she did.
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tonyjonesnews · 5 years
B.C. government seeks to seize properties allegedly linked to $165-million stock fraud
B.C. Civil Forfeiture Office alleges a $1.6-million house on Mission Ridge Road in Kelowna and a $524,000 condo at nearby Big White ski resort are the proceeds of crime
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The B.C. government is suing to seize properties in the B.C. Interior that it alleges were linked to a $200-million-plus international stock fraud.
In a lawsuit filed in B.C. Supreme Court this month, the B.C. Civil Forfeiture Office alleges a $1.6-million house on Mission Ridge Road in Kelowna and a $524,000 condo at nearby Big White ski resort are proceeds of crime and should be forfeited.
The properties are owned by Cuatro Cienagas Inversiones Ltd., incorporated in Hong Kong in January 2017 and registered in B.C. three months later as an extraprovincial company.
Named in the suit are Benjamin Thomas Kirk; Kayley Tyne Johnson, the current or former spouse of Kirk; and Carlos Gomez Brana. Kirk and Johnson’s last known address was at the Mission Ridge home and Brana is believed to live in Mexico.
None of the defendants has responded to the civil lawsuit. It contains allegations that have not been proven in court.
Among the allegations of unlawful activity against the trio are breaches of the U.S. Securities Act and the B.C. Securities Act, possession of proceeds of crime, fraud, manipulating stock prices, laundering money and tax evasion, according to court documents.
The forfeiture office alleges that Cuatro Cienagas Inversiones is owned and operated by one or more of Kirk, Johnson and Brana and was set up in B.C. to receive and distribute money from a stock fraud investigated by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.
In the fall of 2018, the SEC said it halted the penny stock fraud scheme by freezing assets of two individuals, including a British citizen, Roger Knox, and their companies.
The SEC said the scheme generated more than US$165 million in illegal sales of shares of at least 50 micro-cap companies, those with a value of $50 million to $300 million. Knox, and his Swiss-firm Wintercap SA, formerly Silverton SA, concealed stock ownership, allowing stocks to be pumped up in price and dumped for a profit, according to the SEC.
Knox faces criminal charges in the United States for the scheme.
The SEC’s complaint alleges Michael T. Gastauer aided the fraud by establishing several U.S. companies, including virtual financial firms, and allowing Knox to use the bank accounts to disburse the proceeds of his illegal stock sales.
According to the forfeiture office’s court filings, proceeds from the scheme were transferred to or on behalf of one or more of Cuatro Cienagas Inversiones, Kirk, Johnson and Brana.
Cuatro Cienagas then used that money to buy the properties in the Interior, according to the civil forfeiture office’s claim.
On March 22, 2017, Cuatro Cienagas used accounts set up by Gastauer to transfer $101,000 to Norwich Real Estate Services Inc. in Kelowna. On May 10 and 11, another $1.529 million was transferred in three instalments to an unnamed Kelowna law firm.
On May 18, Cuatro Cienagas bought the Mission Ridge home for $1.6 million in cash.
From May 30 to Oct. 23, 2017, Cuatro Cienagas transferred in three instalments $250,500 to a Bank of Montreal account. In December, Cuatro Cienagas also directed the Swiss firm, formerly known as Silverton, to transfer in three instalments $548,000 from another Bank of Montreal account to the unnamed Kelowna law firm.
On Jan. 10, 2018, Cuatro Cienagas bought the condo at Big White ski hill.
The unnamed law firm acted as Cuatro’s lawyer in the property purchases, according to the court filings.
According to the civil claim, Kirk was charged in 2013 of violations of the U.S. Securities Act. In 2015, Kirk admitted to breaches of the Alberta Securities Act and agreed to pay a fine of $100,000.
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metamoonshots · 11 months
The Calgary Police Service issued a warning to residents to watch out for fraudsters who promise excessive returns on crypto investments, noting that Calgary victims have misplaced greater than $22 million largely to funding scams thus far in 2023. In the meantime, authorities consider crypto scams are nonetheless underreported regardless of enormous losses. Calgary Police Obtain Extra Crypto Rip-off Experiences in 2023 Residents within the metropolis of Calgary, Alberta, Canada, have misplaced over $22.5 million to crypto-related scams in 2023, a big enhance from round $14 million recorded in 2022, in line with a report from the Calgary Police Service (CPS). The CPS stated there have been 321 reported circumstances of cryptocurrency scams in 2022, adopted by a rise to 340 circumstances thus far in 2023. Nevertheless, the police consider these figures don't characterize the whole loss suffered by victims, stating that crypto scams are underreported. With the regular rise in fraud circumstances, the CPS has requested Canadian buyers to train warning, asking them to be cautious of the assorted implies that scammers use to steal their cash. Based on the police, funding scams have been the commonest kind of scams suffered by Canadian buyers. As outlined by CPS, guarantees of hyperbolic returns on their crypto investments needs to be seen as a purple flag, stating that it's only fraudsters that will assure such excessive earnings. Additionally, authorities famous that authorities businesses won't demand full cost over the cellphone, particularly in crypto, or provide threats and requested residents to report any suspicious exercise. The assertion by Employees Sergeant Graeme Smiley of the Calgary Police Service Cyber Forensics Unit reads: “It is crucial for residents to know that whereas cryptocurrency can be utilized legitimately, fraudsters usually lure victims with guarantees of a fast solution to make cash[…]For many who have fallen sufferer to a cryptocurrency fraud, we now have the Blockchain Investigative Staff who're devoted to investigating a lot of these scams.” Canadian Buyers Cautious of Crypto Exchanges A earlier survey printed by the Toronto Metropolitan College’s suppose tank, the Dais, revealed that one-third of crypto holders in Canada, amounting to about 35%, have been victims of crypto fraud. Additionally, nearly half of the Canadian respondents stated they'd low belief in crypto exchanges. Impersonating professional firms is one other notable tactic employed by scammers to defraud buyers. As beforehand reported by CryptoPotato, on-chain researcher ZachXBT found that scammers have been establishing faux accounts on X with gold verification checkmarks normally reserved for professional enterprise organizations to rip-off customers. Based on ZachXBT, the $1,000 monthly subscription price for the gold verification badge is just not sufficient to discourage fraudsters, contemplating the quantity they'd get from their illicit actions. SPECIAL OFFER (Sponsored) Binance Free $100 (Unique): Use this link to register and obtain $100 free and 10% off charges on Binance Futures first month (terms).PrimeXBT Particular Supply: Use this link to register & enter CRYPTOPOTATO50 code to obtain as much as $7,000 in your deposits.
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todaypress · 3 years
Two Kelowna properties seized as part of international money laundering scheme
Two Kelowna properties seized as part of an international investigation into a multi-million dollar insider trading scheme that involves money laundering, shell companies, a Swiss banker and a known fraudster, will remain in the hands of the province.
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In a Dec. 11, 2020 B.C. Supreme Court decision, the defendants in the case failed to get their hands on the $1.3 million the province made after it seized the two properties in 2019 and then sold them.
The properties in question are at 1214 Mission Ridge Road, Kelowna, and 403-5259 Big White Road, and had previously been purchased in cash for a combined total of $2.1 million, as part of an extremely complex US$165 million insider trading scheme.
In the decision, the Justice highlights several times how highly complicated the fraudulent scheme is.
The decision says an international investigation was launched in 2017 into a man called Roger Knox who operated a Swiss asset management firm known as the Silverton Platform. The Silverton Platform allowed shareholders in publicly-traded companies to hide share ownership and illegally sell shares while evading securities laws. It’s estimated the Silverton Platform generated US$165 million between 2015 and 2018.
“The investigation is extremely complicated in light of the many tentacles of the scheme reaching across international boundaries,” Justice Kathleen Ker said in the decision. "Tracing the transfer of proceeds of the alleged unlawful scheme is complicated by the global scope of the enterprise that includes an asset manager based in Switzerland, shell corporations around the world, and virtual financial firms operating like private banks being used to wire funds away from the asset manager to bank accounts held elsewhere.”
In Kelowna, the case involves Benjamin Thomas Kirk, and his spouse Kayley Tyne Johnson, along with Mexican businessman Carlos Gomez Brana.
Brana, who is a Mexican national with no ties to B.C., used a company he registered in Hong Kong to purchase the two properties and then hired Kirk and Johnson to manage them.
Kirk, Johnson, Brana, and his company Cuatro Cienagas Inversiones are all defendants in the case.
The decision says that Kirk, Johnson, and Brana, were beneficiaries of the extremely complicated "pump-and-dump" insider trading scheme.
While an international investigation is underway and multiple people have been charged and some have pleaded guilty, none of the defendants in this case are facing criminal charges in Canada and the three deny any involvement in the scheme.
However, the Justice says the province does not have to prove that the money used to buy the properties was part of the fraudulent scheme only that there is sufficient evidence that could support that claim.
And the Justice called the transactions "highly suspect” and points towards a multitude of other factors.
The decision says Kirk is a "known fraud artist" who was previously fined $100,000 in Alberta and ordered to cease trading. He has also been charged by the United States Securities and Exchange Commission.
The decision says Brana, through his company, transferred money to Kirk and Johnson, who bought the properties paying $1.6 million in cash for the Mission Ridge Road and $524,000 in cash for the home at Big White.
The defendants argue the evidence is purely circumstantial and that the Civil Forfeiture Office is being used as a "substitute" for a police investigation.
The Justice didn't agree.
"To add to the contextual framework, CCIL, a foreign company solely controlled by Mr. Brana, a foreign national, purchased two properties by means of an all-cash purchase in a country they have no prior ties to. The defendants then employed the spouse of an individual who has a charge history in both the United States and Alberta for securities violations. Ms. Johnson managed the properties and controlled the funds for the properties," the Justice said.
The Justice highlights that the RCMP is investigating the case, and much of the evidence against the defendants have come from testimony from a RCMP officer involved in the investigation.
"The point to remember is that there is an ongoing investigation that is complex, relating as it does to international securities trading, internet-based financing, and the complex web of wire transfers of funds from Silverton," she says.
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atlanticcanada · 1 year
"People are maxing out their credit cards" – Evacuees call for extra emergency money in wildfire aftermath
Westwood Hills resident Johanne Thompson wrote a letter to Premier Tim Houston and Halifax Mayor Mike Savage, calling for more financial aid for wildfire evacuees who still haven’t been able to go back home.
The $500 in emergency funding provided by the province at the outset of the emergency is now long gone.
“It was gone with the first trip, to get essentials at the store, just to get those essentials of everyday life that got left behind,” she says. “Especially for the families that have lost their houses completely, they really need additional support.”
She considers herself lucky as her family of six has been staying with friends, but she knows there are others from her neighborhood that are in tight spots.
Thompson says some residents are still waiting for the $500, and like herself, haven’t received any insurance payouts yet.
“A lot of people are in hotels, they don't have friends, family to rely on, so they're sort of figuring it out on their own,” she says. “The neighborhood chat has been (that) people are maxing out their credit cards paying for hotel rooms, and at this point they don’t know what else to do.”
“The funding that’s been offered to people who are reeling from the wildfire, it's just inadequate, and it's unfair,” says the Liberal MLA for Hammonds Plains-Lucasville, Ben Jessome.
He sent his own letter to the PC Premier, pointing to the $1,000 per household in relief handed out to Nova Scotians forced from their homes by Fiona.
Jessome says what Nova Scotia has offered so far is far less than what other provinces are providing in the wake of their own wildfires.
“The government of Alberta is offering $3,500 for families of four,” he explains, “so it just doesn't really add up.”
“I’m hoping for ongoing, more meaningful support,” he adds.
So far, the province hasn't committed additional funds.
The Canadian Red Cross wants evacuees who haven't registered with them already to do so in order to access both the emergency money and any long-term assistance.
The acting vice-president for the Red Cross in Atlantic Canada, Bill Lawlor, says almost 8,900 households have done so to this point, and it’s handed out the $500 emergency payment to just over 6,344 households.
The money is designated for residents affected by mandatory evacuation orders during and since the wildfires.
It has also raised $2.4 million so far in its Nova Scotia – Atlantic Fires Appeal. All the money raised in total will then be matched by both the province and the federal government.
But Lawlor says details on how that will be handed out are still being worked out.
“For this, it is likely that we would focus exclusively on those mandatory evacuation zones, but again, we’re still working through some of those details,” he says. “We know the impact has been great for so many throughout both of the affected areas.”
He says anyone who needs assistance in the interim should reach out.
“We’re working everyday not only with the non-profit sector, but with provincial and local authorities to get a really good sense of what’s happening on the ground,” he explains.
“That's why we're in both HRM as well as Shelburne county and Barrington, to make sure we can provide some good support for those who have more pressing needs beyond the $500,” Lawlor adds.
The United Way Halifax is also raising relief money through its Wildfire Recovery Appeal, which goes to charitable organizations to address different needs.
Funding will soon be distributed to organizations in the Tantallon area, Sarah White, the non-profit’s communications manager, said in an email.
The cash will be used “to help with food, transportation, PPE for cleanup and other identified needs. This will just be the first round of funding to meet those immediate needs,” White said.
White says the United Way has raised more than $870,000 so far.
In the meantime, residents of evacuated areas are calling on the province to do more.
“We need leadership,” says Jacob Killawee, an evacuee from Westwood Hills.
“(Some people) are eating into, beyond their savings and their credit, and even if they don't have that, they're in a difficult spot,” he says. “Communicate to us what is being done, and make sure we see an increase in supports for those individuals who need it.”
The president of the Westwood Hills Residents Association, a community still largely under the evacuation order, agrees time is of the essence.
“It’s been really challenging and unfortunately it’s not getting any easier,” he says. “Even though the $500 was a tremendous help to people at the time, some folks are on day eleven right now, renting Air BnBs or hotels, and $500 doesn’t take you a long way.”
from CTV News - Atlantic https://ift.tt/tGwQi0n
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chophouse22 · 2 years
Thrive Provisions Wagyu Beef Bar Honey Lime & Black Pepper 43g
A Sanjiro 3 son lately bought on the Bar R Production sale for a formidable $95,000USD. 41F is sired by our herd bull Kuntzide Comet who is an own son of HIRASHIGETAYASU J2351 and out of an own daughter of WORLD K'S SANJIROU frame and marbling superstars. 41F is a daughter of our 41X cow from the Bar R program. 41X is a grand daughter of TF 148 ITOSHIGENAMI, WORLD K'S YASUFUKU JR, TF ITOMICHI 1/2 and WORLD K'S SANJIROU. This pedigree is stacked with marbling power. TF 148 is considered to be one of the best sires for carcass and marbling production and his calves common 8.6 out of 9 on the Australian grading system.
They taste the cuts blindly, then vote on them to decide the one steak to rule all of them. Consider it a warmth verify on Canada’s culinary scene. One latest "kobe beef" i discovered was from "kobe beef canada co"... So kind of like how mcds buys from an organization called "one hundred wagyu beef canada pc real canadian beef co" and then they are saying issues like our burgers are made with one hundred pc actual canadian beef. None of the kobe slaughterhouses are registered with the canada food inspection company . But I somewhat spend my cash on a premium minimize of grass fed , dry aged rib eye.
We have seen the carcass outcomes from her half siblings and to use the words ‘Impressive’ can be an understatement. Another distinguishing mark of quality is the licensed fullblood status of Iwate Wagyu. Most wagyu outdoors of Japan is cross-bred with cows other than Japanese wagyu cattle and can only be called F1-F4 wagyu. 2.1.1 Meat and meat merchandise derived from bovine of Japanese origin - see sections 3.1, three.2, and 4.1 for extra certification attestations required. The distinctive taste and tenderness of extremely marbled Wagyu beef makes for an unrivalled consuming expertise.
Kuntzide Darelene can be an extremely appropriate cow with a deep heart girth and long loin. This young cow shall be a powerhouse for carcass production. We have a restricted variety of Grade 1 frozen embryos available from her. In 1985, Ken and Brian Woodward began Woodward Meats as a small steak cutting operation with a robust give consideration to quality and service. With dedication to these core values, the company gradually reworked into a big scale commercial butcher shop servicing foodservice establishments. Otter Creek Farms raise the very highest quality Wagyu beef to satisfy the discerning palate.
Embryos can be a more economical approach to get into the ... SEMEN FOR SALE Here's a Fullblood black Wagyu bull that checks all the boxes! He's AA10 which is the best wagyu beef canada achievable for SCD and Tenderness. He also has the highest achievable adele's for carcass ... Famu sells tenderloin at $20 for 100 grams for instance.
Then, when you arrive at the retailer of your selection, use the Instacart app to notify us. Depending on the store, a consumer or retailer worker will bring the groceries to your automotive, or you can pick them up at the designated area. A crisp green salad with a light wagyu beef canada oil French dressing pairs properly with the richness of Wagyu. Miso mushrooms also supply a complimentary flavour pairing that permits the Wagyu to shine. Before you truly want to eat, pull the meat out to relaxation at room temperature. Try not to drool in anticipation as you stroll by the kitchen.
Although crossbred, this beef still comes at a premium above even the most effective Canada Prime. It also has a higher fat content material and packs big, scrumptious, flavour. This beef is raised on grass and given small amount of grain to finish. The Wagyu/Angus breed makes for a full flavoured beef.
But in Dana's eyes, Wagyu seemed like the future of cattle in North America. He bought a couple of head and established BowVal Ranch on 665 sprawling acres outside Turin, a small hamlet outside of Lethbridge, Alberta the place Dana was born and raised. Named after its pristine location in a valley alongside the Little Bow River, Dana began elevating his outsider cattle confident that science and genetics have been on his facet. According to Dana, within the Nineteen Seventies four heads of Wagyu cattle were gifted from Japanese Emperor Hirohito to the Hawaiian Royal Family. The story goes that the Hawaiian Royals didn't suppose a lot of their prized—and admittedly delicious—gift, and in 1976 surreptitiously sold them to Texas A&M University, residence to a world-renowned beef research centre.
A minute steak is a thin, quick-cooking steak that typically is normally a bit powerful. But that's not the case thanks to the tenderness of Wagyu beef. Since 1993, Brant Lake Wagyu has been elevating Wagyu cattle in southern Alberta. Choose a minute steak over the Wagyu ribeye or striploin if you want one thing particular but not too wealthy.
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albertacash · 5 months
Upgrade Your Business: Touch Screen Cash Registers from Alberta Cash Register
Alberta Cash Register offers a wide variety of touch screen cash register to simplify your point-of-sale system. Find the perfect fit for your business and upgrade your checkout experience today!
To know more Visit: https://albertacashregister.com/pos-systems-cash-register-scales-hardware/
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Go to cash
Go spoke to a definitive AI challenge since it's an amusement with an extraordinary number of conceivable proceeds onward a given turn. For instance, in chess a player can think about 35 proceeds onward a given turn. In Go, a player has in excess of 300 moves to consider. The sheer volume of situations to think about each turn earned Go its heavenly vessel assignment.
To vanquish Go, Hassabis and Silver consolidated profound learning with tree look abilities to pare down the measure of data AlphaGo expected to filter through. Profound learning calculations depend on counterfeit neural systems that work comparably to the associations in our cerebrum, and they enable PCs to recognize designs from hills of information at a speed people would never get.
Go to cash
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  Hassabis and Silver begun by sustaining AlphaGo an accumulation of 30 million moves from amusements played by talented human Go players, until it could effectively foresee a player's best course of action 57 percent of the time; the past record was 44 percent. At that point AlphaGo played a large number of recreations against its own neural systems to improve its abilities through experimentation. AlphaGo's prosperity is in its mix of two systems: an esteem organize and an approach arrange.
(Credit: Saran Poroong/Shutterstock)
"The strategy arrange chops down the quantity of potential outcomes that you have to take a gander at with any one move. The valuation organize enables you to stop the profundity of the inquiry," says Hassabis. "As opposed to looking all they path as far as possible of the amusement, you can take a gander at a specific move in the diversion and judge who is winning."
This is the key achievement. To this point, unraveling recreations like chess or checkers included tossing more assets at the issue to look further. Past calculations have depended on increasingly registering capacity to run perpetually reenactments of an amusement right to the end — or beast constrain — to advance a system. A chess program like Deep Blue utilized animal power, however joined that strategy with windowing procedures to limit the hunt and invest less energy analyzing awful moves. In any case, pruning moves at shallow dimensions of the pursuit can prompt blunders. However, AlphaGo is extraordinary. It utilizes profound learning systems to assess board positions in disengagement and figure out who's triumphant — with no look-ahead seeking. Scientists distributed their outcomes Wednesday in the diary Nature.
"They had the capacity to fabricate an assessment work that evaluates its position that is considerably more exact than anything we've seen previously. Also, that is astonishing," says Jonathan Schaeffer, senior member of personnel of science at the University of Alberta.
Why Poker Poses a Challenge
Amusements like chess, checkers and Go are played inside a structure of all around characterized rules. Players have "total data" on some random turn: You can see the entire board, and the circumstance is clear. PC calculations flourish in this condition. Then again, in an amusement like no-restriction poker, players are working with inadequate data.
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snapcarcash · 2 years
Turn Your Car Title Into $50,000 Today!
With Snap Car Cash, you can now borrow up to $50,000 over your car’s title. No credit check or cash down is needed.
We are an equity-based lending company that provides car title loans Alberta to people with car titles as collateral. We are different from traditional lenders in that we don’t care about your credit score and offer quick, hassle-free approvals for loans with low-interest rates.
What Do You Need To Get Qualified?
To qualify, you need to have a car title in your name, which is currently registered and insured in Canada. 
You need to be able to prove that you make your car payment on time, but we allow you to apply for a loan even if you have arrears in the past or if you have defaulted on another loan.
Your car must not be older than 10 years, and the KMS over it must not exceed 2,50,000km. 
Having a job or without a job doesn’t concern us. We do loans with bad credit history as well.
You need to have a valid Canadian driver’s license and be a Canadian resident. 
If these conditions are met, you can easily qualify for a title loan with us.
What Do You Get From Us?
You will get car title loans British Columbia from us with these attractive terms: 
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1. No Credit Check 
No credit check means that we won’t bother to check your credit score. Because we use the title as collateral for our loan, it is important for us that you own the car you want to borrow money on. So, we trust that your word is much better than a credit score.
2. Fast Approval Process 
We approve car title loans in Saskatoon in just an hour so that you can get your money instantly. Our streamlined approvals make the process easy and quick, and you will get the loan faster than from any other lender.
3. Attractive Rates 
We offer an attractive interest rate for all our title loans, so you can save some cash on interest compared to what other lenders offer on car-title loans in Canada.
4. Keep Your Vehicle
We don’t keep your car with us during the loan with our loan terms so that you can use your vehicle for normal purposes. You can keep driving your car and make payments as usual without worrying about getting behind in payments since you have a lender with a no-arrears policy.
5. No Credit Check and No Collateral
Some lenders don’t provide loans without credit checks and require you to have collateral in a car or a house. We can make vehicle title loans or car title loans in London without credit checks because we use your car as collateral for repayment of the loan. Your car is the security for our loan, and we aren’t going to repossess your vehicle so long as you keep making your monthly payments on time.
6. Accepts Applications from All Provinces
We are national lenders, so that you can apply for a title loan from any province. However, if you want to get a loan, you need to have a car title in your name registered in Canada.
7. No Credit, No Problem
We provide loans to people with bad credit or no credit history. We have terms that will work for you regardless of your credit score and don’t require proof of collateral. Title loans are the best option for people with past arrears because we can give you a loan irrespective of whether you have defaulted on a previous loan. We approve lenders with bad credit history, so no worries about qualifying for our title loans in Canada if you have a spotty financial past.
If you own a car and want to get an equity-based loan, you can apply with Snap Car Cash for loans and get financing of up to $50,000. You can apply from anywhere in Canada, no matter where you are, because we do car title loans Victoria online. We approve loans fast so that you can have your money in less than an hour. Apply online or call us at our toll free number 1-888-886-7627.
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 3 years
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“Police Hold Three Suspects in Murder of City Japanese,” Vancouver Sun. January 17, 1942. Page 17. ---- Youth Shot During Holdup Struggle ---- Three men are held by police and were to face an identification line-up this afternoon in connection with the cowardly murder of Yoshiyuki Uno, 27, Japanese furniture manufacturer, during a holdup in his parents' confectionery store at Fourth Avenue and Alberta Street Friday night. 
Uno was shot as he struggled with one of the bandits to protect other members of his family. 
Five minutes before the shooting; three men, thought to be the slayers, held up Chapman's confectionery store, 2333 Columbia Street, and escaped with $30 after on of them fired a wild "shot into a shelf."' 
The three suspects were brought in by police after they investigated an assault complaint at a West Pender Street rooming house. Two men and a 17-year-old girl who were in the same rooming house are held for investigation in connection with the assault.
ASKED FOR CIGARETTES At the Japanese store, the leader of the three thugs grabbed $2 from the cash register before pumping three shots into Yoshiyuki Uno.
Uno, left lying in the middle of the floor, was taken to Vancouver General Hospital in an Exclusive Service ambulance, and died at 9:10 p.m. 
The victim's parents, two sisters and brother saw him shot down as, his left hand bleeding from the first shot," he tried to wrest a revolver from the gunman.
Mrs. Oiyo Uno, Yoshiyuki's mother, was in the front of the store when the three men entered. 
As she started to serve one of them with a package of cigarettes he produced a revolver and said, "This is a holdup." 
THREE SHOTS The woman shouted to her family in living quarters at the rear, and the gunman leaped forward: 
He shot through curtains hanging in the doorway. The bullet hit Yoshiyuki Uno, who was sitting on a chesterfield, in the back of his left hand. 
Uno jumped up, ran through to the store and grappled with the man.
The murderer fired two more shots and Uno slumped to the floor, a bullet in his left temple and another in his left arm above the elbow. 
His slayer ran out of the store with his two companions, one of whom also handled a gun. 
The dead man's brother, Yukio Uno, 24, saw them dart north on Alberta Street, then west in a lane running parallel with Fourth Avenue. 
SHOE DROPPED Police and ambulance were summoned by Mrs. Uno. 
Detective-Inspector E. A. Pettit and Detectives L. M. Munn and Arthur White were early on the scene. 
From Mrs. Uno they took a black oxford she had picked up on the sidewalk 100 feet north of the store. They believe it dropped from one of the holdup men's feet. Inspector J. F. C. B. Vance and Detective E. B. Smith of the police science bureau took photographs of the scene and, examined blood stains on the floor, a flour sack and a curtain. 
CARTRIDGES IN CAR Discovery of an auto on Kit-silano Beach, near the foot of Whyte Avenue, gave the police the first clue to the thugs' movements. 
An unidentified citizen informed police of the car about midnight. 
Detectives Kenneth McKay and Peter Lament found footprints leading from the car to the water 200 yards away. 
They believe one of the men walked to the water to throw the gun away. 
In the auto they found four empty .22 revolver cartridges and one full cartridge. Three $2 bills were lying under the back seat. 
The car had been driven down a lane and over a sidewalk.
The detectives think the men took it to the beach to dump the revolver, then abandoned it when it became firmly lodged in the sand.
YOUNG BANDIT The car, a convertible cabriolet, had been reported stolen at 10 p.m. from the 500 block, Howe Street, by the owner, A. L. Hullah, 1534 Harwood Street. 
The man who shot Uno was described by the Uno family as about 31, and five feet 10 inches. He was wearing a green sweater. His gun was said to be "blue or black with a long barrel." The age of one of the other bandits was estimated at between 20 and 21. No description of the third man was available.
Two suspects picked up by Constables Ralph Booth and Lawrence McCulloch in a Hastings Street cafe were released after witnesses of the holdup at Chapman's Confectionery Store, failed to identify them. 
One of the three bandits who robbed the Chapman store brandished a revolver and another a jackknife, witnesses told Detectives Lamont and McKay. 
The leader of the trio menaced G. R. Chapman, proprietor, with the knife. 
The man took $30 from the cash drawer. 
While he was dumping the money into his pockets the man with the gun fired a shot into a shelf, breaking a soft drink bottle. 
Mrs. Winnifred Chapman, wife of the proprietor, and Mrs. C. Garnett, 2243 Columbia Street, were in the store during the holdup. They described the bandits as between 23 and 25. Two, they said, looked like brothers. 
SISTER'S STORY Haruko Uno, 22, sister of the gun victim, told The Vancouver Sun that her brother ran to the front of the store to defend his mother, after he was shot in one hand. 
"My brother tried to get the revolver from the tallest of the three bandits, and was shot in . the temple as he struggled," she said. 
The other two bandits, one of whom carried another gun, made for the door, Miss Uno recounted. 
When Uno slumped to the floor, the murder bandit also ran for the front door.
Uno's father, Kosabuko Uno, rushed from the little sitting room and knelt over his son while his mother telephoned for an ambulance. 
Miss Uno, a sister, Yaeko, 20, and a brother, Nukio, 34, were also In the rear room at the time. 
The men fled to a car which was stopped with its engine running in a lane back of the store off Alberta Street, according to witnesses. SAW BANDITS Masyoshl Sugie, of 509 West. Fourth Avenue, ran to the store with his mother, Yoshi Sugie, and his father, Shoshaku Sugie, when Mrs. Uno called to them.
"There was nothing I could do when I got in," he said laconically. "Mr. Uno was holding Yoshiyuki's head as he lay on the floor." 
M i y e k o Sugie, Masyosh’s brother, said that young Uno was a part owner of the Advance Furniture Manufacturing Company, 975 Vemon Drive. 
Mr. and Mrs. John Ellis, who live at 1943 Alberta Street, across the corner from the Uno store, told police that they heard the shooting. They looked through the front door in time to see the bandits running to their car.
Yoshiyuki Uno was born in Vancouver, and was a graduate of Fairview High School of Commerce.
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albertacash · 4 months
Advanced POS Cash Register Software by Alberta Cash Register
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Discover Alberta Cash Register's top-rated POS cash register software, designed to streamline retail operations and boost sales with cutting-edge features and user-friendly interface.
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pharmaslots511 · 2 years
Live Bingo
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Live Bingo Caller
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After you log-in to GRFN Bingo Login, Click on Live Bingo at the top of the screen. There are now 4 video cameras set-up in front of the caller’s stand so you can see the bingo board and caller, all the bingo balls and see the bingo number on a small TV screen. There is a chat feature (go to bottom of your screen, past your bingo cards). Bingo Live Steaming near you Bingo in Alberta has a new option for players to get their bingo on! Click on the links below to find out which Bingo Hall is currently live streaming on Youtube, with instructions on how to get your cards and winnings.
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Our virtual bingo system is packed with features and includes everything you need to run a virtual bingo game:
Randomized bingo cards
Bingo caller
Automated winner verification
Tools to send out virtual bingo links to players
Virtual bingo cards that can be played on-sreen or printed
All bingo cards made on myfreebingocards.com can be played virtually.
Our virtual bingo games are totally free for up to 30 players.For more than 30 players our prices start at $10 for 100 bingo cards, which gives access to our virtual bingo system for 31 days.
To get started right away with our bingo card generator choose an option below:
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We also have a number of ready-made bingo games that you can explore and customize.
If you want more info before you get started then read on to find out more about our bingo card generator and our virtual bingo system.
How to use our bingo card generator
If you haven't used it before then please watch this video showing how to use our bingo card generator to make 1-75, 1-90 or any other type of bingo cards.
How to send out virtual bingo cards
We offer several methods to send out virtual bingo cards to your players.Paid-for bingo games include a tool to automatically send out links to a list of email addresses you provide.
How to call your bingo game
Everyone gets free access to our amazing bingo caller. The caller picks out the next call for you to read out, and can also be used to check if a player has won.Watch this video to see how it works.
Our free bingo cards come with three different call sequences so you can play three different games of bingo using our caller.
Paid-for bingo cards for more than 30 players come with 100 call sequences, and include the ability to call the bingo yourself in any order you want.The caller is available for 31 days from the date of purchase.
Frequently Asked Questions
Does every player get a different bingo card? For paid games we guarantee that each player will get a different bingo card.For free games played using the 'Virtual Link' it is possible that two players will get the same bingo card.However even if each player has a different bingo card it is still possible for two people to get 'bingo' on the same call.
You should plan for what to do in case several people win on the same call,e.g. by having enough prizes for several winners, a prize that can be shared, or by giving the prize to the player who responded with 'bingo' first.
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Live Bingo Caller
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Can players use the same card again? Yes. Each virtual bingo card can be reset by the player, and can be reused as many times as you like (for up to 31 days for paid-for bingo cards).Watch this video to see a demo.
Can I send more than one bingo card per player? Yes, you can send up to 20 bingo card links at a time to each player. If you need to send more you can repeat the process.
How do I verify that someone has won? Ask the player for their Bingo Card ID and enter it into our card verifier. You will see what that player's card should look like at the current call.Watch a demo here.The system works with any winning pattern - you can immediately see if a card is a winner just by looking at it.
Live Bingo Near Me
Can I add more bingo cards? Yes. If your game turns out to be more popular than expected you can add more bingo cards.Watch this video to see how.A discount of 20% is automatically applied.You must add the new cards from within the set you want to add them to - do not simply buy a new set of bingo cards.
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Can I get more than 500 bingo cards? Yes. Start by buying 500 bingo cards, then add more bingo cards to the set. You can add 100, 250 or 500 cards at a time.See the previous question for help adding more cards.
Can I use your site for a fundraiser? Maybe. It's essential that you read the disclaimer section of our terms before you consider charging players for a bingo game.If you do go ahead, Ticket Tailor are currently offering free ticketing for online events.
Can you play bingo and listen to Zoom on the same device? Yes - on the devices we have tested. On most mobiles and tablets it's possible to have Zoom, WhatsApp, etc running in the background while the browser is open.So you can listen to the bingo calls and mark your card on the same device. We cannot guarantee this will work on all devices.
Can you play several virtual bingo cards at once? Yes. This works on computers, tablets and mobiles. Watch this video for a demonstration.
Can players print virtual bingo cards? Yes. Players can choose which bingo cards to print and what size to print them. Watch this video to see how it works.
Do I get printable bingo cards too? Yes. With all games you get access to run a virtual bingo game andyou can download a single PDF file with bingo cards to print off for an in‑person game.
With free bingo cards, depending on how you share the cards, players might be able to cheat by opening several bingo cards in different tabs. If it's important that your players can't cheat then choose a paid option.
Does the virtual bingo game expire? Paid-for bingo games expire 31 days after the date of purchase, which should give you plenty of time to play your bingo games.If you want to keep playing after 31 days you can extend your virtual bingo cards - watch this video to see how.Free virtual bingo games do not expire - just make sure you bookmark or save the link to the bingo caller so you can come back to it.
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Voluntary Disclosure Program - A Generous way to come Clean and have a Fresh start!
The Voluntary Disclosure Program is intended to encourage conformity with Canada's existing tax regulations. Its goal is to encourage people to come forward voluntarily to resolve their tax issues with the CRA. It's a legitimate way to avoid understatement fines and other administrative penalties for income, sales, property, and other forms of taxes. Many people have been able to resolve their tax issues & obligations through a voluntary disclosure program. Thanks to this convenient program & a very generous way to come clean and have a fresh start!
Residents of Canada, as well as non-residents in certain circumstances, are required to file tax returns. They just pay sums owed to the Canada Revenue Agency for each tax year. These tax filing and payment duties are sometimes missed or incorrectly met. It may be purposeful or accidental! When it comes to paying taxes, mistakes happen. If they aren't rectified correctly, then you or your business might face additional penalties. There is the possibility that you may even invite a criminal procedure as well. It's simple to get caught. Did you comprehend with the fact that the CRA possesses records from Canadian banks, corporations, traders, and other entities that reveal how much and for what you were paid? Countries are increasingly agreeing to automatically share international data. It means that even overseas accounts and transactions are easier to track down.
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Are you worried about the fact that your hard-earned money will be taken away from you and your family? Consider asking yourself the following questions:
• Did you fail to report your income when you were paid in cash?
• Have you taken any personal expenses into account when calculating your earnings?
• Did you make some error while calculating your taxes?
• Have you been taken advantage of by a dishonest tax preparer?
• Did you missed out on any legitimate tax payments that must have to get reported?
• Did you misunderstand or get the legislation wrong?
Are you responded yes to any of the above questions? Are you knowingly or unknowingly failing to filed your taxes yet? The CRA's Voluntary Disclosure Program might be the most viable opportunity before you to come out of several worries. The Voluntary Disclosure Program is a way for Canadian taxpayers to address previous tax errors. It is a second opportunity before you. You must ensure that your disclosure comes in ahead of the CRA's audit. You have bad luck if you're being audited or asked to file returns that haven't been filed before. Don't wait for the CRA to catch the mistakes. You are safeguarded from penalties and prosecution only if you use the Voluntary Disclosure Program. Your tax counsellor or a certified public accountant can help you decide which approach is best for you.
The taxpayer is at a disadvantage if back taxes are not disclosed but are discovered during an audit. It will result in a variety of fines as well as interest on any past-due taxes. Filing a VDA regarding your past sales or income taxes could be a wise business option. If you own a small business, the penalties imposed by governments resulting of an audit could bring significant impact on your financial stability. In most cases, a successful voluntary disclosure will simply compel you to pay the taxes you were required to pay anyway. The CRA and the courts give the business a waiver of some fines and other incentives in exchange for voluntarily reporting the unsettled taxes.
Are you hoping to accomplish a fair & clean tax filing and save from penalties? A voluntary disclosure program may be the right way you can proceed! If you need help understanding what is best for your business or would like to discuss if you qualify for a VDA, reach out to Maroof HS CPA Professional Corporation, A CPA firm registered with CPA Ontario and CPA Alberta in Canada. Let them manage your VDA for you!
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 3 years
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“Lone Bandit Holds Up Alberta Chain Store,” The Province (Vancouver). January 25, 1932. Page 3.  ---- CALGARY. Jan. 25. Bandits were busy in Calgary over the week-end, police revealed today with the announcement that two holdups occurred. A lone bandit cowed the staff of a chain store with a revolver and escaped with $299 from the cash register. Two armed and masked men obtained only $11 when they held up the proprietor of a confectionery store.
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