#alabama female model
artwellstudios · 4 months
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martiandmichelle · 2 months
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He guys, Roxy writing. No, that's not me in the photo, unfortunately (I wish I had that figure!), but rather my cousin Vera. We really didn't think she would join us again as she was trending toward a fashion modeling career only to find out that big tits and fashion modeling don't go together. She was getting jobs highlighting her bottom half (great legs and ass) but she wasn't doing what she wanted to do. So finally she just said "fuck it" and decided to show off her whole body again - much to our enjoyment.
A move to the mountains fit Vera's past - she grew up in the foothills of Alabama - a setting that seems to be in her blood even though her life in those days was not pleasant. We're no where near Alabama so she can enjoy the solitude and scenery of the mountains without bad memories destroying it.
A little bit about Vera: she stands 5'6" tall and weighs around 120 pounds which is thinner than normal as she tried to fit into the world of fashionistas. She's current a DDD cup but will surely get back to a G or even H as she gets back to her normal weight. As you can see, she's a brunette with large brown eyes. She's 100% lesbian; Mountain Media asks all models to do a bit of prostitution but are giving her time to adjust - she has done male-female scenes in movies before so it won't be too much of an adjustment for her, we hope.
Vera appeared on this blog a year ago but it's been awhile. Hope you'll send her some love through reblogging, messaging, inbox entries, or just likes. The more you do the more she'll do for you, if you know what I mean!
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anhed-nia · 11 months
BLOGTOBER 10/22-23/2023: SMILE (2022) and BARBARIAN (2022) - In Defense of the Tall Gangly Old Lady Monster
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I've heard a lot of complaints lately (haven't we all) about the recent emergence of a new horror archetype--the tall, gangly, old lady monster--and I always get the feeling that the plaintiffs are willfully ignoring the context of this apparition. I mean sure, if you feel annoyed with the rapid proliferation of a prematurely tired cliche, that's fair; personally I'm pretty sick of scary clowns, even though some of them are still effective, if your main proposal is a scary clown then you're going to have to work harder than usual to get my attention. But vis a vis the tall scary old lady discourse, as far as I've seen, the objection is almost always the same: This monster is an expression of disdain for elderly people, and a reinforcement of the idea that women are worthy so long as they are considered sexually viable, after which point they deserve only disgust and rejection. And like there will surely be boring, misogynistic representations of this monster that are fair to roll one's eyes at, but the most visible targets of this criticism have been SMILE and BARBARIAN, and I would argue that both films are full of ambivalence and irony, and the specific morphology of the monster is thoughtful and deliberate.
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I think that any time you hear a complaint that is based on the assumption that a movie is promoting real-life ideals and ethics, you need to double check that. This is the propaganda model of media analysis, and while nothing is created in a vacuum, not everything has didactic, propagandistic motivations. Certainly some movies ARE doing just that; I see quite a lot of chauvinism and bigotry in action movies, comedies, and (perhaps most of all) romantic comedies, whose content is clearly presented as aspirational. Low-hanging fruit of this kind is found in movies like SWEET HOME ALABAMA, which says that self-made independent career women are just fooling themselves and should stay home and serve whoever gets them pregnant first, or the similarly retrogressive JUNO in which a girl who gets knocked up during high school is universally worshiped and supported by everybody and truly loved by the knocker-upper and there is almost nothing really perilous or concerning about the whole situation, it's all very cute and desirable. Horror movies require a little more investigation. Sometimes the monster does embody some kind of moral mandate, or an unjust injunction against a certain demographic. Hitchcock and De Palma have been accused of transphobia, for instance, and while I don't think we should throw out their movies (which you should never have to do unless you're incapable of critical thought), the charges are fair. But other times, the monster embodies unfinished business, ambivalence, irony, insecurity. It exists not as a symbol of universal evil, but as a foil to the hero. And sometimes the hero is not a hero at all.
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All of the following is extensively spoilery, so proceed with whatever caution is appropriate: Zach Cregger's BARBARIAN is a delightfully twisty, prismatic reflection on misogynistic violence and its consequences. It begins with a simple-seeming situation that prods the viewer to guess what protagonist Georgina Campbell should do about the problem of an unplanned male roommate in her Airbnb. Bill Skarsgård is sketchy and intrusive, but charming enough to create a dilemma for the savvy young woman--a dilemma which ends abruptly with the discovery of a monster in the basement. The building itself has its own polar identity: It offers appealing lodging for hip Detroit tourists in a once-desirable neighborhood devastated by racist, capitalist forces. The home's previous owner was a serial killer (the great Richard Brake!) with a penchant for forcibly breeding his female victims, and it is now the possession of Justin Long, a hot shot actor who is so poisoned by his own witless misogyny that he seems genuinely unaware of what constitutes rape. Lurking in the labyrinthine foundations of his investment property is one of Brake's victims: A tall, powerful, barely-human female who has been warped into believing that her captives are actually her babies. While BARBARIAN is willfully disorienting, and that is part of its charm, a bird's eye view shows its careful orchestration of clear spectrum of forms of abuse--from the institutional, to the constitutional, to the unconscious--alongside a polar pair of potential survivors, one final girl and one twisted victim.
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Much has been made of the scene in which Justin Long is forced to suckle on the pendulous teat of the maternal morlock. The common assumption seems to be that we're supposed to share Long's disgust and pity his violation. I would question any impulse to side with Long as an innocent victim; certainly you're supposed to fear the monster, but that doesn't mean you can't share in the cathartic delight of a selfish, greedy, destructive, gentrifying rapist getting his comeuppance in the form of unwanted carnal contact with a female who shatters all of his fascist beauty standards. Yes, she is meant to be terrifying, but the all-important question is WHY, on what principle? On any close inspection, the motivation of BARBARIAN does not seem to involve reinforcing ageist, ableist, misogynistic values. And one might add that, in general, it doesn't get us very far culturally or artistically to insist that all oppressed-minority characters are always presented unambiguously as heroes or tragic victims. Sometimes we don't mind grossing you out, as long as we get our revenge.
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Much like the dark mother in BARBARIAN, the monstrosity in Parker Finn's SMILE embodies the protagonist's neurotic phobias, rather than making a statement about objective good and evil. Sosie Bacon plays a therapist in an emergency psychiatric unit who makes the unfortunate acquaintance of a transient entity that perpetuates its existence by possessing the witnesses of violent suicides. As the traumatized target begins to perceive the leering entity everywhere, she descends into a self-destructive spiral that will end with her own inevitable death. Bacon makes an especially good victim because, aside from the immediate impact of the horrifying suicide she witnesses in her ward, she is haunted by the childhood memory of having passively allowed her mentally ill, substance-dependent mother to die. As an adult, Bacon has eschewed the challenge of deeper connections in favor of shallow, conditional relationships with people who will not forgive her flaws when they are exposed. The demon exploits her refusal to face herself by incarnating as a version of her mother that is at first pitiful and accusative, then powerful and terrifying. Once again, the dark mother is not here to encourage the audience's prejudices against women who are dysfunctional or physically past their supposed prime; in SMILE she is an avenging spirit who forces the protagonist, and the audience, into a direct confrontation with all that we ignore and avoid.
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There is a lot more I would like to say about SMILE, and I kind of feel like I'm stealing from future me by including it in this abbreviated review! But as I have previously stated, I didn't know this was going to be a speed run of Blogtober until I was completely overwhelmed by life and it was too late to curate accordingly. To be honest, I liked BARBARIAN a lot and I think it's sort of deep in spite of itself, but SMILE scared the absolute shit out of me both times that I saw it. I probably found it even more effective the second time. It is unpredictable and beautifully articulated, with a strong visual personality that perfectly serves its psychological purposes. And like, if you happen to be a high-anxiety person with social problems who withers under too much attention or eye contact, and you have a basic daily fear that you don't really know who people are behind their er um uh smiles, THIS IS THE HORROR MOVIE FOR YOU. I got scared again just picking out images for my blog post! So, I reserve the right to revisit both of these movies on future Blogtobers. There is certainly a lot to say just about the emerging horror archetype of the giantess/ogress--other examples that immediately spring to mind include the vampire from Resident Evil: Village and the final (TERRIFYING!) monster in the original [REC], and I'm sure there are more, and I'm also pretty sure some real-deal academic will scoop me on this! Actually, I hope they do. Please holler at me when you inevitably see the relevant think piece.
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apenitentialprayer · 1 month
Crack. On that 1916 winter day in Alabama, Plinky’s blister burned. She was so close. Just a few more targets, and she would beat the 965-pigeon record she’d been chasing for eight years. Crack. Crack. Crack. Plinky’s shoulder ached, her hand was on fire, her ears rang—but before long, a cheer went up. She had done it. Of 1,000 clay targets, she’d hit 975.  A doctor came over and bandaged Plinky’s hand. But her eyes were on the trap machine. No man or woman had ever shot at two thousand traps in a regulation setting. She was already halfway there. Why not keep going? So Plinky shouldered her Winchester Model 97 again. Six shots in, she ripped off the bandage—it was interfering with her grip. As Plinky worked her way through sets of 100, the blister opened. Blood smeared onto the hot barrel of the gun. She kept shooting. Finally, after a total of five hours and twenty minutes, Plinky had hit 1,952 of 2,000 targets. She did even better in her second 1,000 than her first, shattering 977 clays.
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donnerpartyofone · 2 years
In Praise of Unlikable Women
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I saw the sharp, funny, inventive M3GAN twice in theaters (mild spoiler ahead), and when I realized that it was directed by Gerard Johnstone of HOUSEBOUND fame, it occurred to me that he might have a knack for realizing difficult female characters. HOUSEBOUND tells the story of Kylie, a petty crook on house arrest at the home of her awful mother Miriam, who insists that the place is haunted. Miriam is ignorant, intrusive, and attention-seeking, while Kylie is a bit of a psychopath; their misadventures in the house are highly entertaining, but this was a tough experience when it was on The Last Drive-In with Joe Bob Briggs. Anybody following along on Twitter may remember many, many viewers expressing the sentiment that "Kylie is a fucking bitch and if I were her mom I'd slap the shit out of her" etc. I thought...sure she's a fucking bitch, but why does that have to be such a big problem for us non-fictional humans? If we only tell stories about characters who everyone would want for a best friend, doesn't that severely limit what kinds of stories we can tell? Besides which, I also think it should be possible to like people who don't meet your criteria for civilized perfection. Sure, Kylie has all the moral fiber of a feral tomcat, but she's also assertive, independent, funny, and charming in her own amoral way. ...Isn't she?
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I may be fairly accused of falling for female characters who don't present as dutiful wives and caregivers. M3GAN (whose savvy script is by Akela Cooper) offers a model of the type in Gemma, a hardbitten careerist whose busy schedule of being alone is interrupted when her estranged sister dies, forcing her to foster her traumatized niece. In a way, M3GAN features no less (and possibly more!) than three difficult women: nerdy loner Gemma, angry little Cady, and M3gan herself, a high tech educational toy whose very existence tests Gemma's underdeveloped ideas about socialization. Mercifully, the movie does not conclude that Gemma should give in to the prime directive and just admit that women can only fulfill themselves through motherhood; rather, Gemma evolves by learning to empathize with Cady's hardships. Sure, the implication is that Gemma will raise Cady herself, but the conversation is not about maternity, so much as it is about respect. M3GAN ain't no SWEET HOME ALABAMA, and Gemma doesn't have to give up who she is in order to acquire the new skill of acknowledging other people. I don't know if I've ever been so grateful that a movie has no love interest in it.
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For me, the success of M3GAN is largely dependent on the fact that Gemma is likeable and interesting as an antisocial workaholic, before she ever has to grapple with child care. I suppose there will be viewers who feel otherwise, that Gemma is a cold unfeeling asshole (sorry if that's a little vivid), and she only becomes worthy by transforming into Cady's full time carer. I'd rather avoid such people, but I know they're out there. Apparently there is even a recent New York Times review of TÁR that accuses the film of condoning the predatory behavior of its eponymous antihero. I haven't read the review...and I don't wanna! This attitude is all too familiar to me from the censorious, moralizing atmosphere that has settled over public media dialog recently, which treats every movie as if it were proposing a Constitutional amendment based on its own content.
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That state of affairs has made me intensely aware of my own unusual flexibility regarding what I think makes a character likeable and interesting. For the last couple of years I've been collaborating on a very-TBA fiction project, and I came up against some unexpected opposition to the way I had written a certain woman. My colleagues felt that I'd cast her as too harsh, cold, and adversarial, and I received a mandate to soften her up. The criticism wasn't wrong, or dumb, but I was still disappointed that I had to dial back what I liked so much about the character. She was an outlet for my own proud antisociality, and a screen onto which I projected my desire to be even more pragmatic and cutthroat than I'm capable of being in real life. I liked her the way I wrote her, but I needed to heed the warning that not all audiences will relate. Conversely, I've been commissioned to write a novelization of an older movie (also TBA and no I won't tell you if you guessed it right) featuring a female character who I think was originally written in sort of a misogynistic way: someone whose aversion to motherhood is supposed to be kind of a red flag, something that lays the groundwork for bad things to come. Separating myself from what I perceive to be the filmmaker's intentions, I really like this character. I think it's not hard to see depth in her, and to imagine what made her the way she is. I dig her antisociality, her lack of maternality, her withholdingness, and her amoral devotion to her career. I'm doubling down on that stuff and writing her in a way that I personally think makes her sympathetic and intriguing, rather than making her even more repulsive and culpable...but what the hell do I know! Someone will tell me if I'm doing it wrong, hopefully. And in the meantime, I can study the work of Gerard Johnstone. It seems like the rest of his filmography holds even more of that bad girl shit I crave.
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Reasons we still need feminism (in the US!)
Because out of every 1,000 sexual assaults, only 25 perpetrators will be incarcerated (RAINN)
Because our politicians feel comfortable saying that "if it's inevitable, just enjoy it" (Clayton Williams) and "when you're a star, they let you do it" (Donald Trump)
Because female survivors are routinely accused of lying, even though only 6% of rape accusations are false (meaning that 9/10 are true) (Lisak et al 2010).
Because the US is one of the only countries in the world without maternity leave
Because Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Missouri, North Dakota, South Carolina, and Texas all have abortion restrictions modeled on the scientifically inaccurate heartbeat bill (Scientific American)
Because women are already being prosecuted for miscarriages as a result of these rules- even when experts can't prove that their actions caused the stillbirth (google Marshae Jones, Brittney Poolaw)
Because in Arizona, Arkansas, Missouri, Florida, and Texas, you cannot get divorced while pregnant. Meanwhile, the leading cause of death for pregnant women is homicide because of domestic violence (Healthline).
Because women are frequently blocked from getting their tubes tied because they're young/haven't had enough children/ are unmarried. Men never share similar stories
Because people are already advocating against contraception. Idaho's No Public Funds for Abortion Act includes Plan B. Missouri Republicans tried to ban public funding for IUDs and contraception (along with many other examples from Slate)
Because women's pain is not taken as seriously by doctors- 25% less likely to be prescribed opioids for acute abdominal pain, and 2x more likely to be diagnosed as 'mentally ill' for complaining of heart disease (Washington Post)
Because the "husband stitch" is a thing
Because women are routinely under-represented in clinical trials for medication, and get less effective healthcare as a result (The Guardian).
Because pads/tampons are taxed like luxuries
Because roughly 58% of Americans have viewed porn (Institute for Family Studies). We know this fuels sex trafficking. Moreover, exposure to violent pornography makes boys 2-3 times likelier to commit sexual assault (Rostad et al 19).
Because attending strip clubs and similar establishments is still relatively normalized, even though 90% of sex workers want to leave immediately but are unable to (National Organization for Men Against Sexism). Because sex workers are more likely to be homeless, are frequently assaulted, etc.
Because women aren't educated about their bodies to the extent that only half were told about birth control (Forbes). Because my health classes never discussed pelvic exams or breast self-exams. I bet yours didn't either.
Because magazine images are photoshopped until the models don't even look like the models.
Because women are sold a false image of their bodies to the extent that they feel uncomfortable leaving the house without makeup, and 46% of girls worry regularly about their appearance as compared to 25% of boys (Mental Health Foundation).
Because we're told that over-sexualizing yourself at a young age is 'empowering', even though it has outcomes such as depression, disordered eating, and reduced productivity (New York University).
Because we're more likely to encourage our daughters to break gender norms than we are to encourage boys. We still view the feminine as inferior.
Because in 78% of films, the main character was male. And even when the movie is about women, the majority of the dialogue goes to men (Vox).
Because women are 28.7% of the house of representatives in 2023 (Wikipedia) despite being like 51.1% of the population. Because the US has never had a female president.
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chcrrybcmbs · 1 year
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✼  ʾ   𝑎𝑐𝑡.   𝒊   ,   the   bits   &   bobs   .
FULL NAME: alabama alannis levington. ALIAS(ES): bama , big al , the alabama slamma ( by fans / nascar , early in her career ) , duchess of the tracks ( by fans / nascar ). BIRTH DATE: june ninteenth. BIRTH PLACE: los angeles , california. AGE: twenty six years old. PRONOUN(S): she , her. GENDER: cis female. ORIENTATION: heterosexual , hetromantic. RELATIONSHIP STATUS: single. EDUCATION: graduated from a private high school. OCCUPATION: race car driver , model. CAREER DETAILS: click here.
NATIONALITY: american. ETHNICITY: dutch , palestinian. LANGUAGES SPOKEN: english. FINANCIAL STATUS: upper class. FATHER: tyler levington. NATIONALITY: american. OCCUPATION: hollywood filmmaker. MOTHER: noelle levington nee tba. NATIONALITY: american. OCCUPATION: tba. SISTER: aracely levington. NATIONALITY: american. OCCUPATION: tba. PETS: tan and white cavalier king charles spaniel named jill , black and white siberian husky named cersi. PAST RELATIONSHIPS: ford anderson ( tba ).
HEIGHT: 5 foot 11 inches. WEIGHT: 127 pounds. HAIR COLOR: naturally dirty blonde. EYE COLOR: blue - green. TRAITS: loyal , honest , charming , adaptable , cynical , unforgiving , deceptive , cruel. ZODIAC: gemini. HOBBIES: tba. CHARACTER INSPO: naomi clark , regina george , beth dutton , santana lopez.
✼  ʾ   𝑎𝑐𝑡.   𝒊𝒊   ,   the   story   so far   .
the  levington’s  ,  a  prominent  hollywood  couple  who  were  sure  they’d  never  be  able  to  have  children  of  their  own  at  the  time  ,  wanted  to  start  a  family  .  the  second  they  came  across  the  little  girl  ,  they  fell  absolutely  in  love  and  the  adoption  process  started  from  there  .  changing  her  name  to  the  name  at  the  top  of  mrs.  levington’s  dream  board  ,  they  made  a  point  to  include  a  part  of  her  given  name  at  birth  as  her  middle  name  though  ,  a  thanks  to  her  biological  parents  for  giving  them  their  baby  girl  in  a  way  .                       
the  eldest  of  what  would  become  known  as  the  levington  clan  ,  life  for  alabama  was  picture  perfect  .  a  close ( enough  )  bond  with  all  of  her  siblings  and  two  loving  parents  .  not  to  mention  the  money  and  fame  that  came  with  her  last  name  ,  there  wasn’t  much  for  the  young  girl  to  really  ask  for  but  that  didn’t  stop  her  from  doing  so  .  known  to  never  really  be  satisfied  ,  she’s  always  thought  there  was  something  bigger  and  better  around  the  corner  and  can’t  seem  to  stomach  the  idea  of  anyone  getting  such  a  thing  over  her  .  call  it  entitlement  ,  if  you’d  like  .  
growing  up  in  los  angeles  didn’t  do  her  any  favors  ,  submerged  in  a  world  were  who  you  are  and  what  you  look  like  was  all  that  really  mattered  .  her  mother  was  the  first  to  jump  on  any  chance  to  make  her  precious  little  girl  the  absolute  best  .  taught  at  a  young  age  to  always  step  out  of  the  house  like  you  were  walking  the  catwalk  .  you’d  catch  alabama  dead  before  you  ever  caught  her  out  and  about  in  sweatpants ( to  be  honest  ,  i  don’t  even  think  she  owns  a  pair  of  sweatpants  ) .  the  world  really  got  a  glimpse  into  how  image  obsessed  the  young  girl  was  when  she  got  a  nose  job  for  her  sixteenth  birthday  .  truthfully  it  was  like  some  sort  of  right  of  passage  among  her  high school  friends  back  then  .  a  group  of  private  school  girls  who  were  more  cliquey  than  anyone  could  really  stomach  .  
for  as  long  as  anyone  could  remember  she  was  the  most  pristine  of  her  siblings  ,  the  one  who  always  put  her  best  foot  forward  .  that  all  changed  at  sixteen  though  after  a  more  public  break  up  took  place  ,  she  was  left  distraught  .  the  only  way  she  knew  to  numb  her  feelings  was  to  fall  into  the  party  scene  .  she  drank  more  than  her  body  could  handle  ,  sobered  up  with  lines  ,  and  didn’t  get  home  until  the  sun  was  coming  up  .  it  was  a  rather  dark  point  in  her  life  .  the  only  silver  lining  being  she  could  stop  whenever  she  wanted  to  (  no  ,  seriously  )  ,  she  just  didn’t  want  to  at  that  time  .  her  parents  only  taking  it  seriously  when  she  was  arrested  at  school  for  possession  of  drugs  (   truth  is  ,  the  drugs  weren’t  even  hers  she  was  just  taking  the  fall  for  a  friend  but  that’s  something  that’s  never  gone  public   )  .  once  they  bailed  her  out  ,  they  almost  immediately  shipped  her  off  to  some  rehab  facility  in  malibu  .  the  doctors  there  quickly  realizing  they  weren’t  dealing  with  an  addict  by  any  means  just  a  teenage  girl  who  was  upset  and  lashing  out  .  it’s  unfortunately  a  trait  no  one  has  been  able  to  help  her  unlearn  ,  to  this  day  she’s  known  to  be  rather  difficult  ,  especially  when  she  feels  she  has  been  done  wrong  .  she  will  lash  out  -  violently  ,  verbally  ,  you  never  really  know  if  venomous  words  or  a  shockingly  chin  rocking  hit  are  going  to  come  from  her  .  
after  her  stint  in  rehab  ,  she  switched  high schools ( due  to  being  expelled )  and  being  her  quickly  found  herself  a  new  group  of  friends  at  the  top  of  the  food  chain  ,  she’s  a  natural  social  climber  and  doesn’t  really  need  to  put  too  much  effort  into  doing  so  .  soon  enough  she  graduated  and  let’s  be  real  her  grades  were  good  enough  to  get  her  a  diploma  but  that’s  about  it  .  college  had  never  been  in  her  plans  and  thankfully  she  already  had  a  career  lined  up  for  herself  in  race  car  driving  which  she’d  picked  up  around  the  age  of  thirteen  when  she  started  kart  racing  .  it  started  off  as  her  chasing  an  adrenaline  rush  but  quickly  turned  into  so  much  more  ,  after  her  first  major  competition  as  a  teenager  people  around  her  began  making  claims  she  could  break  records  for  women  in  the  world  of  racing  .  she  has  gone  on  to  proving  them  all  right  with  her  career  breaking  barriers  and  winning  races  no  woman  before  her  ever  has  .  alabama  is  the  first  to  say  the  way  she  carries  herself  on  the  tracks  is  much  like  the  way  she  carries  herself  throughout  life  .  a  women  in  a  male  dominated  environment  who  refuses  to  take  on  the  spot  as  anything  less  than  just  as  dominating  as  her  male  counterparts  ,  unafraid  of  whether  that  makes  her  too  much  in  anyone’s  eyes  or  not  .  
the  tabloids  often  have  alot  to  say  about  her  and  her  antics  but  one  thing that  can  never  be  said  about  this  nepotism  baby  is  that  she  doesn’t  hold  loyalty  and  honesty  in  the  highest  regard  .  a  true  rarity  in  the  world  she  lives  in  but  alabama  will  fall  on  a  sword  for  those  closest  to  her  (  i.e  her  arrest  back  in  highschool ) ,  she  may  have  a  cool  hard  shell  covering  her  at  all  times  but  she  cares  immensely  about  her  family  and  those  she  deems  her  friends  .  she’s  the  girl  who  is  still  close  with  most  of  her  childhood  friends  just  simply  because  you  never  turn  your  back  on  someone ( unless  they  give  you  reason  to  ) .  
known  for  having  a  terrible  track  record  when  it  comes  to  the  men  in  her  life  ,  leaving  her  to  be  deemed  a  scorn  women  by  many  tabloids  at  just  the  age  of  twenty  -  six  .  her  bad  luck  started  at  seventeen  and  has  recently  been  topped  off  with  her  rather  distasteful  split  with  ford  ,  in  which  the  whole  world  watched  him cheat  on  her  .  to  say  she  is  the  leading  champion  of  the  men  suck  club  would  be  an  understatement  .  she  doesn’t  trust  men  to  save  a  life  and  frankly  she  feels  she’s  entitled  to  those  feelings  .
✼  ʾ   𝑎𝑐𝑡.   𝒊𝒊𝒊   ,   the inner   circle   .
coming soon !
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shesholy · 1 year
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𝖑𝖆𝖞𝖊𝖗 𝖔𝖓𝖊     .     initial     .
full     name:   alabama     kara     levington     . nicknames,     aliases:
karawek     rattanakosin     .     (     name     at     birth     :     before     adoption    )
bama     .
big al     .
duchess     of     the     tracks     .     (         by     fans     /     nascar         )
the     alabama     slamma     .     (         by     fans     /     nascar     ,      early     in     her     career         )
age:   twenty     -     six     . date     of     birth:   june     nineteenth     . place     of     birth:   pattaya     city     ,     thailand     . hometown:     los     angeles     ,     california     . nationality:     american     . languages     spoken:     english     ,     some     thai     (          started     learning     recently          )     .
zodiac     sign:    gemini     . hogwarts     house:    slytherin     . myers     -    briggs:   esfp     -     t     .
occupation:    supermodel     and     race     car     driver     . notable     career     details:
race     car     driving     :     first     elite     tier     race  was     the     2016     indy     500     where     she     placed     20th     .
became     the     first     women     to     win     the     daytona     500     in     2020     .
became     the     first     women     to     earn     more     than     five     pole     positions     in     2021     ,     currently     has     seven  .
has     been     voted     the     most     popular     driver     in     a     single     race     eleven     times     .
currently     holds     the     most     wins     by     a     women     with     thirty     -    six     wins     to     date     .
currently     drives     #13     ford     mustang     gt     for     nascar    cup    series     and     #20     chevrolet     silverado    for    nascar    craftsman     truck     series     .  
most     recent     race     was     the     xfinity     500     in     october     of     2022     ,     where     she     placed     5th     .
modeling     :     did     her     first     vogue     cover     at     the     age     of     eighteen     ,     has     been     on     the     cover     of     sports     illustrated     three     times     since     2014     ,     became     a     victoria     secrets     angel     in     2016     ,     has     walked     for     ralph     lauren     ,     givency     ,     chanel     ,     balenciaga     ,     tom     ford     ,     prada     ,     and     more     ,     currently     the     face     of     chanel     n.     5     .
height:   five     foot     seven     . weight:   120     lbs     . tattoos,     piercings:   same     as     faceclaim     .
adoptive     father:   tba     levington     (         tba         )     ,     tba     .     relationship     :    she     is     her     father’s     daughter     ,     that     doesn’t     mean     she     agrees     with     everything     he’s     done     but     she     will     always     back     him     and     the     same     can     be     said     for     how     he     feels     about     her     .     she     considers     him     her     best     friend     even     if      they     don’t     talk     everyday     .   adoptive     mother:   tba     levington     -     tba    (         tba         )     ,     tba     .   relationship     :    they’ve     always     gotten     along     very     well     ,     they’ve     always     been     more     like     friends     than     mother     and     daughter     though     and     sometimes     alabama     feels     a     little     bit     of     resentment     for     that     . biological     parents:     fah     tanchanok     (          mother     ,      unknown          )     ,     mick     rattanakosin     (          father     ,     deceased          )     .     relationship     :     she     doesn’t     know     the     woman     who     gave     birth     to     her     and     neither     one     has     ever     reached     out     to     each     other     ;     she     did     meet     mick     toward     the     end     of     his     life     and     got     to     know     him     and     spent     his     last     days     with     him     but     that     was     all     .             siblings:       aracely     levington     (          21          )     relationship     :     tba     .      pets:     jill     (         rottweiler     ,     seven     years     old          )     ,     cersi     (         rottweiler     ,     six     years     old         )
gender:   cis     female     . pronouns:   she     /     her     . orientation:   heterosexual     . status:   single     . past     relationships:
tobias     forester     (          d.     2014     -     2018          )     
ford     anderson    (         d.     tbd         )
𝖑𝖆𝖞𝖊𝖗 𝖙𝖜𝖔     .     background     .
inspo     :     maddy  perez ( euphoria )  ,  naomi  clark (  90210  )  ,  danica  patrick ( race  car  driver  )    .
alabama  ,  born  karawek  at  birth  ,  was  born  to  a  thai  politician  and  his  mistress  .  naturally  ,  the  last  thing  he  wanted  was  for  it  to  get  out  that  he’d  been  unfaithful  to  his  wife  and  so  when  his  mistress  turned  up  pregnant  he  sent  her  off  on  her  way  with  a  bundle  of  cash  (  expecting  she’d  end  the  pregnancy  )  and  the  issue  would  be  settled  .  she  did  no  such  thing  though  ,  wanting  to  capitalize  on  having  the  child  of  a  prominent  figure  .  her  plans  quickly  fell  by  the  wayside  though  when  she  realized  she  simply  was  not  cut  out  for  motherhood  ,  no  amount  of  money  could  make  her  even  slightly  decent  at  it  .  despite  that  she  wanted  the  best  for  her  daughter  ,  even  if  she  couldn’t  give  her  that  .  at  just  under  six  months  ,  she  put  her  daughter  up  for  closed  adoption  .  the  levington’s  ,  a  prominent  hollywood  couple  who  were  sure  they’d  never  be  able  to  have  children  of  their  own  at  the  time  ,  wanted  to  start  a  family  .  the  second  they  came  across  the  little  girl  ,  they  fell  absolutely  in  love  and  the  adoption  process  started  from  there  .  changing  her  name  to  the  name  at  the  top  of  mrs.  levington’s  dream  board  ,  they  made  a  point  to  include  a  part  of  her  given  name  at  birth  as  her  middle  name  though  ,  a  thanks  to  her  biological  parents  for  giving  them  their  baby  girl  in  a  way  .                       
the  eldest  of  what  would  become  known  as  the  levington  clan  ,  life  for  alabama  was  picture  perfect  .  a  close ( enough  )  bond  with  all  of  her  siblings  and  two  loving  parents  .  not  to  mention  the  money  and  fame  that  came  with  her  last  name  ,  there  wasn’t  much  for  the  young  girl  to  really  ask  for  but  that  didn’t  stop  her  from  doing  so  .  known  to  never  really  be  satisfied  ,  she’s  always  thought  there  was  something  bigger  and  better  around  the  corner  and  can’t  seem  to  stomach  the  idea  of  anyone  getting  such  a  thing  over  her  .  call  it  entitlement  ,  if  you’d  like  .  
growing  up  in  los  angeles  didn’t  do  her  any  favors  ,  submerged  in  a  world  were  who  you  are  and  what  you  look  like  was  all  that  really  mattered  .  her  mother  was  the  first  to  jump  on  any  chance  to  make  her  precious  little  girl  the  absolute  best  .  taught  at  a  young  age  to  always  step  out  of  the  house  like  you  were  walking  the  catwalk  .  you’d  catch  alabama  dead  before  you  ever  caught  her  out  and  about  in  sweatpants ( to  be  honest  ,  i  don’t  even  think  she  owns  a  pair  of  sweatpants  ) .  the  world  really  got  a  glimpse  into  how  image  obsessed  the  young  girl  was  when  she  got  a  nose  job  for  her  sixteenth  birthday  .  truthfully  it  was  like  some  sort  of  right  of  passage  among  her  highschool  friends  back  then  .  a  group  of  private  school  girls  who  were  more  cliquey  than  anyone  could  really  stomach  .  
for  as  long  as  anyone  could  remember  she  was  the  most  pristine  of  her  siblings  ,  the  one  who  always  put  her  best  foot  forward  .  that  all  changed  at  seventeen  though  after  a  more  public  break  up  took  place  ,  she  was  left  distraught  .  the  only  way  she  knew  to  numb  her  feelings  was  to  fall  into  the  party  scene  .  she  drank  more  than  her  body  could  handle  ,  sobered  up  with  lines  ,  and  didn’t  get  home  until  the  sun  was  coming  up  .  it  was  a  rather  dark  point  in  her  life  .  the  only  silver  lining  being  she  could  stop  when  she  wanted  to  (  no  ,  seriously  )  ,  she  just  didn’t  want  to  at  that  time  .  her  parents  only  taking  it  seriously  when  she  was  arrested  at  school  for  possession  of  drugs  (   truth  is  ,  the  drugs  weren’t  even  hers  she  was  just  taking  the  fall  for  a  friend  but  that’s  something  that’s  never  gone  public   )  .  once  they  bailed  her  out  ,  they  almost  immediately  shipped  her  off  to  some  rehab  facility  in  malibu  .  the  doctors  there  quickly  realizing  they  weren’t  dealing  with  an  addict  by  any  means  just  a  teenage  girl  who  was  upset  and  lashing  out  .  it’s  unfortunately  a  trait  no  one  has  been  able  to  help  her  unlearn  ,  to  this  day  she’s  known  to  be  rather  difficult  ,  especially  when  she  feels  she  has  been  done  wrong  .  she  will  lash  out  -  violently  ,  verbally  ,  you  never  really  know  if  venomous  words  or  a  shockingly  chin  rocking  hit  are  going  to  come  from  her  .  
after  her  stint  in  rehab  ,  she  switched  highschools ( due  to  being  expelled )  and  being  her  quickly  found  herself  a  new  group  of  friends  at  the  top  of  the  food  chain  ,  she’s  a  natural  social  climber  and  doesn’t  really  need  to  put  too  much  effort  into  doing  so  .  soon  enough  she  graduated  and  let’s  be  real  her  grades  were  good  enough  to  get  her  a  diploma  but  that’s  about  it  .  college  had  never  been  in  her  plans  and  thankfully  she  already  had  a  career  lined  up  for  herself  in  race  car  driving  which  she’d  picked  up  around  the  age  of  thirteen  when  she  started  kart  racing  .  it  started  off  as  her  chasing  an  adrenaline  rush  but  quickly  turned  into  so  much  more  ,  after  her  first  major  competition  as  a  teenager  people  around  her  began  making  claims  she  could  break  records  for  women  in  the  world  of  racing  .  she  has  gone  on  to  proving  them  all  right  with  her  career  breaking  barriers  and  winning  races  no  woman  before  her  ever  has  .  alabama  is  the  first  to  say  the  way  she  carries  herself  on  the  tracks  is  much  like  the  way  she  carries  herself  throughout  life  .  a  women  in  a  male  dominated  environment  who  refuses  to  take  on  the  spot  as  anything  less  than  just  as  dominating  as  her  male  counterparts  ,  unafraid  of  whether  that  makes  her  too  much  in  anyone’s  eyes  or  not  .  
sometime  in  2017  ,  she  was  reached  out  to  by  a  man  who  claimed  to  be  her  biological  father  .  a  shock  to  her  system  ,  not  because  she  didn’t  know  she  was  adopted  (  that  much  was  clear  to  her  ;  and  her  parents  had  been  rather  upfront  about  it  )  but  because  she  knew  it  was  a  closed  adoption  .  convinced  her  whole  life  they  wanted  nothing  to  do  with  her  and  by  that  point  in  her  life  she’d  come  to  terms  with  that  .  he  had  disclosed  that  he  only  had  so  much  longer  on  the  earth  (  he  was  very  sick  )  and  wanted  to  meet  the  daughter  that  he  never  got  to  know  .  initially  she  ignored  him  entirely  .  it  was  her  turn  to  shun  him  from  her  life  --  she  couldn’t  miss  someone  she  never  knew  and  she  refused  to  be  disloyal  to  her  parents  ,  the  two  people  in  the  world  who  chose  her  and  loved  her  .  after  a  few  months  though  her  dad  explained  to  her  that  he  thought  it’d  be  best  for  her  to  meet  her  biological  father  .  she  sat  on  the  idea  for  a  couple  weeks  before  deciding  to  reach  out  .  a  few  days  later  she  was  on  a  flight  to  thailand  .  what  was  only  supposed  to  be  a  weekend  trip  turned  out  to  be  a  month  and  a  half  long  .  she  connected  with  him  and  a  piece  of  her  wanted  to  be  there  for  him  in  his  last  days  .  soon  after  his  funeral  she  returned  back  to  the  states  .  going  back  to  life  as  she  knew  it  pretty  much  without  a  bat  of  her  eyes  .  given  a  sort  of  closure  she  never  realized  she  needed  in  her  time  in  thailand  (  even  though  her  biological  mother  has  never  reached  out  ,  although  before  he  passed  he  did  give  alabama  the  woman’s  name  )  .             
the  tabloids  often  have  alot  to  say  about  her  and  her  antics  but  one  that  can  never  be  said  about  this  nepotism  baby  is  that  she  doesn’t  hold  loyalty  and  honesty  in  the  highest  regard  .  a  true  rarity  in  the  world  she  lives  in  but  alabama  will  fall  on  a  sword  for  those  closest  to  her  (  i.e  her  arrest  back  in  highschool ) ,  she  may  have  a  cool  hard  shell  covering  her  at  all  times  but  she  cares  immensely  about  her  family  and  those  she  deems  her  friends  .  she’s  the  girl  who  is  still  close  with  most  of  her  childhood  friends  just  simply  because  you  never  turn  your  back  on  someone ( unless  they  give  you  reason  to  ) .  
known  for  having  a  terrible  track  record  when  it  comes  to  the  men  in  her  life  ,  leaving  her  to  be  deemed  a  scorn  women  by  many  tabloids  at  just  the  age  of  twenty  -  six  .  her  bad  luck  started  at  seventeen  and  has  recently  been  topped  off  with  her  rather  distasteful  split  with  ford  ,  in  which  the  whole  world  watched  him cheat  on  her  .  to  say  she  is  the  leading  champion  of  the  men  suck  club  would  be  an  understatement  .  she  doesn’t  trust  men  to  save  a  life  and  frankly  she  feels  she’s  entitled  to  those  feelings  .  
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usalatestwebstories · 3 months
Concerning Video of Former Alabama LB Surfaces
A concerning video has surfaced allegedly featuring former Alabama linebacker Terrell Lewis. On Saturday, OnlyFans model MIA💞 on X posted an explicit video of a female chasing a male down a hallway in a hotel. The video includes a naked woman chasing after a man she alleges to be Lewis with the caption “We got a runner”. If you choose to view the video, you can watch it here on her X account. In…
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The Family Support of the Vietnam War
Pasha (Charlebois):
Diane: MI-6 airways, out of Amsterdam; support through D-Company, into Thailand, out of Bengal.
Michael: Raytheon NFL, out of Attleboro; the jeweler's industry, as fomenting the Jets-Patriots rivalry, to prevent MI-6 from favoring the Steelers as the league chaplins, MI-6, instead of the Jets as league stewards, NYPD.
Steven: Vatican CIA, out of California; the saviorship, of Chinatown, as an anti-rape movie, and with it, the other films, the Vietnam War veteran support of female roles for male rapists, out of the frame of Roman Polanski, as police lieutenant Charles Manson, and the switch of identities.
Ellen: DC Comics African Poverty Fund, and the saviorship of the Batman title, outside of Mossad holding, and instead inside British calumny, the Wayne Family written as the Falcones, the Charleboises.
Sullivan (O'Neill):
Gene: The support of the Sino-Soviet Split, through President Nixon, and the sales of the Stretch Armstrong figure, to Cambodia.
Marie: The study of rare autists, produced by Japan, "The Greys", and the prevention of the MI-6 myth of alien invasion, through MUFON.
Roberta: The NSA housing fund, for irregular soldiers, as engineers, to counter any infiltrator in an unit, as requesting alcohol and liquor, otherwise murdering the failure to violate Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous protocols; such protocols, being Saudi and Malay.
Evelyn: The trans-axis between Texas, and Tennessee, through Alabama. The State Police office, in rare insects, "bugs", to be hunted by arachnids.
Danny: The formation of "The Cult of Subgenius", to hunt Che Guevera and library cops, those police officers and operatives working out of factories and warehouses, seeking prisoner inmate labor as slaves, to train transgender surgeons for male republics out of France.
Timmy Jr.: The practice of maps and trails finding, in Vietnam, to counter Nixon's attempt at killing the police services, with sperm steals and game theory modeling, through primitive video games, later film and tobacco reference inside Nintendo Systems.
Jimmy: The chaplin stewardship, of Indochina, into the Boston prostitution scene, dominatrixes and dominants, the latter gay, to women, female submissives; spread to Indochina, with trail shootings of Catholic ARVN priests, for Australian MI-6; infiltrated inside the Marine Corps.
Francis: The use of ultraviolet spectroscopes, to analyze schizophrenic birth defects, from police officer marriages, outside of the actual parents; the loss of the "childhood sweetheart" policy, of the Freemasons, to philosophy texts; the modification of "Awake" magazine, "The Watchtower", to "Dr. Spock", the falsely marked Gadze child, a politician with no bearing for being German Homesteader.
Alice: The SIS MI-6 sniper's corps; DEA, on a five person team, lead by Sanjay Gupta, interdicting IDF cocaine dealers out of Colombia; service to the Colombian Army, against sweatshop labor, in garments districts.
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rpgadverts · 6 months
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Writing-centric, thread-based plots (model pref) for an active NYC real life site…
Complicated, casual fwb for an ice hockey player (mlm) for an organic plot where they navigate iffy territory. There’s a mix bag of potential stories and interests so this is open to development & organic chemistry.
Fake celebrity girlfriend & her publicist as potential love interests for an NHL hockey player trying to strengthen his brand and step out of the shadows of a sports family dynasty.
Female sports co-host/podcaster colleague for an obnoxious sports podcaster for a love-hate-love vibe based on sports fanaticism and rivalry – themes: sports rivalry but make it a ship
Old Alabama friends for a guy who came to NYC for film school. This includes an ex and her twin sibling and a plot about reconciling as friends after a mental health crisis and life tears up a close bond – themes: mental health, imposter syndrome
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artwellstudios · 4 months
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lboogie1906 · 7 months
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Cynthia Denise Bailey (born February 19, 1967) is a model, reality television personality, and actress. Born and raised in Alabama, she moved to New York City to pursue a modeling career. She signed a five-year contract with Wilhelmina Models and appeared as a model in various magazines and advertising campaigns. She worked as a runway model in Paris and Milan.
She has acted in films, including Without You I’m Nothing (1990) and For Love or Money (1993), and on television programs, such as The Cosby Show. She joined the The Real Housewives of Atlanta. She married Peter Thomas (2010-17), and they have a daughter. She married sportscaster Mike Hill (2020-22).
She was born in Decatur, Alabama, and raised in Tuscumbia. Her father, Elijah, worked at an auto factory, and her mother, Barbara, worked at a sewing factory. She was inspired by her grandmother, Mae Frankie Ford, who worked in a sewing factory, sold hotdogs and hamburgers, cleaned houses, and volunteered to care for an elderly woman. She described Ford as “the first female Black entrepreneur in [her] life”.
She enrolled in freshman-level courses at the University of Alabama in Huntsville and competed in local beauty pageants. She was the first African American homecoming queen at Deshler High School. After winning the event, she participated in a homecoming queen pageant. Even though she did not win, she was contacted by a Wilhelmina Models talent scout. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence
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allthingsroleplay · 2 months
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Writing-centric, thread-based plots (model pref) for an active NYC real life site…
A Yves Mathieu bffl & fellow tattoo artist, foster bros needed for a rough around the edges tattooist with a dark background, a soft streak, and an eye for trouble – themes: a backdrop of vulnerability vs violence
Old Alabama friends for a guy who came to NYC for film school. This includes an ex and their twin sibling reconciling after a mental health crisis.
Female sports co-host/podcaster colleague for an obnoxious sports podcaster for a love-hate-love vibe based on sports fanaticism and rivalry.
A Broadway enthusiast/researcher as a love interest for a fellow enthusiast, an Art Photographer and single dad. Some elements of history diving & au.
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rpings · 3 months
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Writing-centric, thread-based plots (model pref) for an active NYC real life site…
Old Alabama friends for a guy who came to NYC for film school. This includes an ex and her twin sibling and a plot about reconciling as friends after a mental health crisis and life tears up a close bond – themes: mental health, imposter syndrome
A Broadway enthusiast/researcher as a love interest for a fellow enthusiast, an Art Photographer and single dad. Some elements of history diving, maybe fun au threads and lots of character development
Female sports co-host/podcaster colleague for an obnoxious sports podcaster for a love-hate-love vibe based on sports fanaticism and rivalry – themes: sports rivalry but make it a ship
A Cyrano de Bergerac love interest for a wlw plot with an awkward, anxiety-ridden gal but it’s Cyrano and Christian. Essentially Cyrano helps Christian woo Roxane but in this plot Cyrano & Christian are the real ship. From online buddies to confidantes, to ‘hey girl’
Don Quixote spirits love interest requests that center on chivalric romance, courtly love, and platonic love for organic concepts with open range and flexibility.
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jcinktinder · 3 months
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Writing-centric, thread-based plots (model pref) for an active NYC real life site…
Old Alabama friends for a guy who came to NYC for film school. This includes an ex and her twin sibling and a plot about reconciling as friends after a mental health crisis and life tears up a close bond – themes: mental health, imposter syndrome
Woman needed for an epic love told through years of letter-writing. Content warning includes an age gap. For a romance with a man and his mentor’s daughter over several years, with twists, turns, and pitfalls.
A Broadway enthusiast/researcher as a love interest for a fellow enthusiast, an Art Photographer and single dad. Some elements of history diving, maybe fun au threads and lots of character development
Female sports co-host/podcaster colleague for an obnoxious sports podcaster for a love-hate-love vibe based on sports fanaticism and rivalry – themes: sports rivalry but make it a ship
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