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rainerrebscheruniverse-blog · 10 months ago
Der Morgen schält sich aus der Nacht,
die Sonne brennt schon heiß.
Der Rhein schaut am Atomkraftwerk
so friedlich aus und silberweiß.
Der Schwarzwald wirkt gerade so,
als gäb`s kein schöner Land.
Am Abend betet einer: Gott
sei Dank hab ich nur Sonnenbrand.
Ein anderer schaut Richtung Strom
und kneift die Augen zu,
ich sehe nix, ich höre nix,
was soll hier sein? Lass mich in Ruh!
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seepweed · 6 months ago
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tigoteus im akw zwentendorf, yippee!!!
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dark-sundrop · 16 days ago
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The background reminds me of sky-?
(Sky: Children of light)
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dzthenerd490 · 2 months ago
File: Mr. Crocket
Code Name: Mr Crocket, the TV Demon
Object Class: Euclid/ Somnum
Special Containment Procedures: Due to the nature of SCP-AKW, none of the anomalous items including the VHS tapes that manifest is to be contained instead they must be destroyed. Mobile Task Force Hermes-11 "Home Videos" is responsible for locating SCP-AKW instances and sorting them out from regular VHS tapes.
The sole exception is the SCP-AKW-Marker that was retrieved from the initial containment incident, which is contained at Site-AR. It is locked in a Cognito Silence safe which is placed in the Magical Items Storage Area of the site. Testing must be approved by at least one Level 3 Foundation staff member or higher. Normally no children are at Site-AR but as a precaution all Foundation staff are to be altered when testing with SCP-AKW-Marker beings and to keep children away from testing areas. 
During a containment breach on Site Security and AFA units are expected to guard the Magical Item Storage Area to prevent the stealing of SCP-AKW-Marker.
Description: SCP-AKW was originally the TV show host for the show known as “Mr. Crocket’s World” which originally aired in the 1970’s but was canceled after the untimely death of Emanuel Crocket, the original creator of the show and “Mr. Crocket” himself. He was killed on October 17th 1979, when he kidnapped a young boy from an abusive home and attempted to raise him to live a happier and safer life. Police answered the call of the boy's parents and killed Mr. Crocket while returning the boy to his abusive parents. 
Shockingly it turned out that while he was alive Mr. Crocket has the Cognito hazardous ability to make people happy but only when they watch him through the TV. It is believed that this is how his show originally became so popular so quickly despite its low quality and often lackluster lessons. This unfortunately caught interest in Entity of Interest: The TV Demon, an Aspect Demon that as the name implies spreads its influence through the TV. If SCP-AKW it to be believed Mr. Crocket made a deal with this demon to be able to return to earth and save children so long as they were always brought back to his hellish dimension and the abusive parents were always tortured to death. This is what led to the creation of the current TV Demon, Mr. Crocket, now known as SCP-AKW. 
SCP-AKW is now a Hell-on-Earth Demon that can be summoned through cursed VHS collection that will manifest around the houses of children suffering from abusive parents. Though the main targets are usually abusive and neglectful parents, the VHS collection can also manifest at the houses of children with struggling or stressed-out parents who unfortunately are seen as bad parents by their kids. Once it manifests around the house normally the parent will take the VHS and show it to their child. Once the child starts watching they will fall under SCP-AKW’s Cognition Hazardous effect of being filled with joy while watching but never wanting to stop watching. 
During this time besides the seemingly hypnotic state the child is under, there will be nothing anomalous happening. However, the moment the parent shows any rudeness, hostility, disgust, or anger towards the child in any way SCP-AKW will activate the same night. When that happens, SCP-AKW will proceed to find the child and give them little gifts to keep them happy. In the meantime, if one of the parents stands in SCP-AKW’s way he will torment them in a sadistic way trying to disguise it as a lesson. While in our world SCP-AKW will be able to display numerous anomalous abilities such as making people freeze, replacing random objects with demonic versions, and even changing the shape or even chemical structure of an object almost like a reality bender. This has been shown when SCP-AKW turned bullets of MTF units into bubbles and made said bubbles into bombs that blew apart anyone too close like grenades. It should be noted such reality warping abilities are not off the table for Hell-on-Earth Demons.
Though it should be noted that SCP-AKW only attacks parents when they retaliate or are able to, if not then SCP-AKW will leave them alone but never allow them to see their children again even if they change for the better.
SCP-AKW will take the children to a hellish pocket dimension, but the child will be under a Cognito hazard that makes them see it as the TV set of the show where they can play and laugh with SCP-AKW forever. Children collected by SCP-AKW normally don’t age but should they start aging for an unknown reason once they reach the age of 21 SCP-AKW will become hostile. Even if a child who used to love SCP-AKW’s original show meets with him, he will see them as monsters who deserve death. 
Once SCP-AKW takes the child he opens a portal with his SCP-AKW-Marker, a seemingly normal marker that can be used to draw and create anything. Though it lacks remarability as an anomaly it should be noted that somehow anyone can use SCP-AKW-Marker making it the most unique out of all SCP-AKW’s items or demonic minions. 
SCP-AKW was discovered in 1993 when the number of missing children started piling up suspiciously in poor neighborhoods as well as houses where the parents were known drug addicts, abusive, or criminals but no one ever reported them. Of course, the police did some investigation but because the families and parents were either poor or of color they were neglected and often written off. However, Foundation agents were able to find that SCP-AKW’s cursed VHS tapes were involved in every scenario and thus when it was found yet another family made the tapes manifested Mobile Task Force Hades-10 “Grow up Already” was created and mobilized to strike that night. Shockingly the MTF Hades-10 units encountered several parents that were trying to stop SCP-AKW thus the two groups indirectly helped one another in getting to SCP-AKW’s pocket dimension and getting the kids out. 
Shockingly the one who seemingly took down SCP-AKW was a mother named Summer who only did this to save her son Major. After she got out of the pocket dimension she was asked to surrender SCP-AKW-Marker which was what she used to harm SCP-AKW. As a reward for her contributions, she was gifted with $50,000 in compensation for her troubles and lifted off the burden of being given amnestics. Instead, she and her son just agreed to a contract of secrecy, though she had been told that if she desires, she is within her rights to make a movie about it in a few decades. 
After it was initially contained at Site-AA it was confirmed that children passing by its Storage area heard SCP-AKW whisper to them to use the marker and set him free. Because of this SCP-AKW-Marker was relocated to Site-AR. It should be noted that no other families have been attacked by SCP-AKW since, meaning that SCP-AKW can’t come back to our world without SCP-AKW-Marker but is certainly not dead. It is for this reason SCP-AKW as a whole is labeled Dual Object Class Euclid and Somnum.
SCP: Horror Movie Files Hub
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slutcore-starships · 2 months ago
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indihome-suck · 8 months ago
halo bako 🏳️‍🌈
Halo Surya 🏳️‍🌈
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kristailine · 1 year ago
Seriously tho, where do Kazuya and Jun start their conversation with? Seems like they've got so much to explain to each other so I made a list. Maybe they can start off by talking about:
- How and why the hell is Kazuya alive
- How and why the hell is Jun alive
- Of all people, why did Jun send Jin to Kazuya's very loving father
- Where did Jun get all the flashy shiny powers from
- Kaz's long lost half brother who's apparently babysitting Jin rn
- Kaz's long lost half sister who apparently dislikes all of them
And many more probably...
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know-news-is-good-news · 1 year ago
What they have failed to mention IS they don't have any other choice ! ! The Japanese politeness would be to act like you tried to ask the world if it's OK knowing the answer but having no other alternative as the containment facilities are full and overflowing.
What you won't want to believe is the company responsible for the uncontrollable contamination of the area and has dumped contaminated fluids into the Pacific already and that have been detected along the Alaskan coast from their first dumps, have already received approval to build 3 more Nuclear Power Plants in Japan ! !
Humans are incapable of learning ANYTHING ! !
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aktionfsa-blog-blog · 2 years ago
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Gedenken zum 12. Jahrestag von Fukushima
Schluss mit strahlender Gefahr - weder von AKW noch von Atombomben
Wie in jedem Jahr waren auch wieder Aktive von Aktion Freiheit statt Angst auf der Gedenkveranstaltung am Brandenburger Tor, gestern dem 12. Jahrestag zur Atomkatastrophe im japanischen Fukushima. Auch in vielen anderen Städten in Deutschland und Europa gab es Demonstrationen gegen Atomkraftwerke und gegen Atomwaffen.
Die Forderungen der Demonstranten - unter ihnen viele Menschen aus Japan - sind klar
Keine weiteren AKW-Laufzeitverlängerungen in Deutschland,
 einen weltweiten Ausstieg aus der unverantwortlichen Atomenergie,
sofortige Stilllegung der Atomanlagen in Lingen und Gronau,
keine Einstufung der Atomenergie als nachhaltige Energieerzeugung/Streichung von Nuklear aus der EU-Taxonomie.
EURATOM-Vertrag kündigen!
Keine Einleitung von radioaktivem Wasser ins Meer, egal ob in Fukushima oder anderswo!
Dem Atomwaffenverbotsvertrag der UN beitreten!
Die RednerInnen, egal ob vom BUND, den Naturfreunden, Sayonara Berlin, den IPPNW, ...machten alle klar, dass sich AKWs und Atomwaffen gegenseitig bedingen. Der Wunsch nach AKWs entstand in allen Ländern - auch durch Verteidigungsminister Franz-Josef Strauss in Deutschland - wegen dem Begehren nach Uran und Plutonium für die Atomwaffenproduktion.
Sayonara Berlin stellte fest:
Wer hätte gedacht, dass der deutsche Atomausstieg kurz vor der vollständigen Abschaltung der restlichen Meiler verschoben werden würde, ausgerechnet von der Regierung, an der die Grünen beteiligt sind! Plötzlich wird überall Stimmung gemacht, als wäre der Weiterbetrieb von AKW die Lösung der Energiekrise. Dabei zeigt vor allem die Atommacht Frankreich – wo zuletzt über die Hälfte der AKW stillstanden - deutlich, dass auf Atomenergie kein Verlass ist. In der Debatte wird zudem seltsamerweise gern vergessen, welches Sicherheitsrisiko von Atomkraftwerken ausgeht und warum der Atomausstieg hierzulande nach Fukushima beschlossen worden war.
Während die Befürworter behaupten, mit der Atomenergie wäre man energieunabhängig, blenden sie gern die Tatsache aus, dass EU-Staaten Uran aus Russland für die Brennstäbe weiterverarbeiten. Die Atomlobby hat erreicht, dass der Atomsektor von Sanktionen der EU verschont wird.
Im Ukraine-Krieg wurde auch klar: Atomkraftwerke werden in Kriegen Angriffsziele. Das größte AKW Europas Saporischschja war immer wieder unter Beschuss und wird oft von Notfall-Dieselgeneratoren betrieben. Sollte die Stromversorgung unterbrochen werden, besteht die Gefahr eines neuen Unfalls wie in Fukushima.
Kettenreaktionen und radioaktive Strahlen kennen keine Grenzen zwischen Freunden und Feinden. Sie machen auch keinen Unterschied, ob die gleiche Technologie militärisch oder zivil verwendet wird. Die einzige sichere und klimagerechte Lösung heißt, so schnell und konsequent wie möglich grüne Energie in der ganzen Welt auszubauen.
Alex Rosen, Kinderarzt und Sprecher für IPPNW, wies darauf hin, dass inzwischen mehrer hundert Kinder aus der Umgebung von Fukushima an der Schilddrüse operiert werden mussten. Die Dunkelziffer ist noch größer, weil es, wie bereits nach den Atombombenabwürfen über Hiroshima und Nagasaki als Schande empfunden wird, ein Opfer dieser Menschheitsverbrechen geworden zu sein.
Die Demo ging dann in einem Rundkurs durch Mitte und endete mit einer Abschlusskundgebung wieder am Brandenburger Tor.
In unserem Artikel Atomstaat = Überwachungsstaat haben wir bereits vor vielen Jahren erklärt, warum wir als "Datenschützer" an diesem Thema interessiert sind. Auslöser war für uns die unrechtmäßige Überwachung von Dr. Klaus Robert Traube, einem Atomwissenschaftler und deutschem Staatsbürger, bei dem deutsche Behörden rechtswidrig mehrmals eingebrochen sind, um ihre Überwachungstechnik zu installieren.
Mehr dazu bei http://www.kazagurumademo.de/
Kategorie[49]: Aktivitäten Short-Link dieser Seite: a-fsa.de/d/3sW Link zu dieser Seite: https://www.aktion-freiheitstattangst.org/de/articles/8333-20230312-gedenken-zum-12-jahrestag-von-fukushima.htm
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bauerntanz · 4 months ago
AKW-Abriss genehmigt
Niedersachsen: Umweltministerium genehmigt AKW-Abriss Kernkraftwerk Emsland (KKE) in Lingen (Ems) wird zurückgebau
Das Kernkraftwerk Emsland (KKE) in Lingen (Ems) wird zurückgebaut: Am gestrigen Donnerstag hat das Niedersächsische Ministerium für Umwelt, Energie und Klimaschutz die nötigen Genehmigungen erteilt. Die Anlage war 1988 in Betrieb gegangen. Der atomrechtliche Abbau solle in der zweiten Hälfte der 2030er-Jahre abgeschlossen sein, hieß es aus dem niedersächsischen Umweltministerium. Als…
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seepweed · 7 months ago
also i will never get over the fact that austria very nearly operated a full blown nuclear power plant 20 meters next to the donau and hour from vienna by train. what.
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harleydirkbieder · 5 months ago
Ex-Grüne: "Denke, das war ein grottenschlechter Fehler" - Marc Friedrich
Heute ein geballter Doppelpack im Interview. Gemeinsam mit den ehemaligen Grünen Politikern Antje Hermenau und Dr. Valerie Wilms kommt die große Abrechnung. Wieso haben sich die Grünen verändert und wohin ist dieser Trend gewandert? Warum haben sie es satt Politiker zu sein und was müsste in der Politik passieren, um wieder auf dem richtigen Pfad anzukommen? Alte Interviews: Hermenau –…
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channeledhistory · 5 months ago
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slutcore-starships · 11 months ago
I Could Be A New God (absolutely drunk on insomnia and allergy meds)
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fizzle-fag · 6 months ago
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Little April… Designs for everyone have changed a twinge, more on that in the future :p
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blofeldt · 8 months ago
Der Skandal "AKW-Files“ - Fragen für einen Untersuchungsausschuss - TE W...
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