#akudama drive scenarios
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Hacker adjusts his position on the window sill. A hand moves to activate his scanning device, familiarity the result of muscle memory that comes with the job.
He looks in the distance, then turns. “Swindler? Do you see that?”
She rests at his side, peering out the window to better observe the colorful airship flying past. “Is-is that…?”
“I think it says what I think it says.” Hacker once more adjusts the view through his scanner.
“The hell’s going on.” Courier’s voice carries to the duo from behind. Voice nonchalant, lips having parted from his cigarette only for the duration of the talk.
“It’s imagine-akudama-drive!” Swindler announces. The excitement in her voice succeeds in drawing the attention from the rest of the Akudama, all having been occupied in their own activities. “The sign says they’re back!”
“HELL YEAH!” Brawler’s enthusiasm only catches onto Hoodlum, who stands to join his brother in arms.
“That blog has been gone for so long, I bet they fled because they feared they could never do me justice!” Hoodlum throws an arm across Brawler’s shoulders. “After all, can anyone really capture my magnificence? Me, who has a five trillion year sentence?”
Doctor shoots at a glance at the two men, attention momentarily deviated from her cell phone. “Five trillion?”
Hoodlum stammers for a reply, Brawler hitting his back in encouragement, as Cutthroat rushes to Swindler’s side in quick strides.
“Red! They even made the sign red!” For once his attention rests elsewhere other than on his claimed angel. “Such a lovely color!”
“‘Imagine-akudama-drive is back once again!’” Hacker reads. “So their hiatus is over or what?”
“It must be!” Swindler recovers from Cutthroat’s interference. “They do say third times the charm, so I’m guessing they’re officially back.”
“That shithead will finally be getting things done.”
“Well, this should be interesting. And just when I was getting bored.”
Swindler smiles. “Let’s hope for the best!”
Is it a drone? Is it the Shinkansen (🙏)? No…
It’s imagine-akudama-drive!! 🎉🎉🥳🎉
……i know, the Shinkansen would have been cooler…
Enough with the jokes, yes siree, I. Am. Back. And this is totally not the third time I’ve said that.
That’s right, we’re back in business! Before anything else, let me just give a huge, huge, HUGE apology. I know I’ve made little comebacks only to dip back into my hole. I have had to make some pit stops, and it’s taken me a bit longer than I thought to get out of them. I have had to face some minor struggles, but I am here once again. There are sooo many things I want to do. One of those things is to write more. I want to engage more in this blog and with all of you!
So without further ado, we are back in action! I am currently working on the requests in my drafts/inbox, but if you’d all like you can still send in asks nevertheless! I know that’s a lot to ask considering how many times I’ve vanished, but either way, I welcome any and all of you!
Once again, thank you very much for all of your patience. It truly means a lot to me. Again, I apologize for the long absence, but luckily and hopefully, that is behind us now. I have so many treats planned for you all, and I am just overall super excited to be back!
Here’s hoping for some more writing, because after all, Swindler did say third times the charm! 💜💕💜
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diseasedcube · 1 year
Cutthwoat thwows uppy
Something must have been wrong with you, accepting a meal from a stranger. But hey, when someone offers to buy you mcnuggies, do you decline? Hell no, even if said stranger looked suspiciously like a man you’ve seen on the news many times before, what crime did he commit again? Well, it didn’t matter at the time, free food is free food, even if the coins he used to pay came from what looked to be a woman’s wallet that certainly couldn’t be his, and his fingers had dark flecks of red to match those on the cash. You’d never seen a man scarf down so many nuggets in your life, but who were you to judge when he was feeding you? 
You had nothing to worry about in life except the nuggets in your belly as you thanked him for the meal and turned to walk home. It shortly became apparent that you were being followed, and by who other than the white clad nuggets man himself. The wanted pictures of him started to take shape more clearly in your head as you glanced back, only to see a knife in his hand. Well, your luck for the day could only have lasted so long, hopefully it could last just long enough to outrun him though. 
The holy Shinkansen had other plans for you that day though, giving your short legged figure the tallest murderer in the world to outpace. And really, for as much as you strained, the sloshing nuggets in your stomach were not giving you any strength that they appeared to grant him, for he had already caught up to you. 
His speed and weight sent you both tumbling over the pavement in a roll, he ended up on top. Breathing oh so disgustingly close to your face, his teeth were surprisingly gorgeous and perfect, though his breath stank of processed meat and…was that fresh blood you smelled? Just stab me already, thank you for the meal, I guess this is my payment for trusting strangers, you thought. 
But he didn’t do anything, his breathing became open mouthed and almost heaving, this was quite the pale man, but you could swear he was almost turning green under the red street lights. Beads of sweat dripped onto you, and you wished you could squirm away from the saliva that dripped from his open mouth. A drop landed on your cheek and if you hadn’t been pinned to the floor by a wanted murderer, you’d be wiping it off and maybe screaming and running by now, but you could hardly move away. 
You wished he’d just do something already, kill you, release you, anything. The dry heaving was getting really concerning, more so than the predicament you already were placed in. He could at least move his face a few inches back, it was as if he was going in for a kiss but he never tried to close contact. 
Then, oh god no, retching sounds. With his body pressing upon yours, you felt every convulsion he made, and you were far too close for comfort to watch his pink eyes water and roll back. You wriggled and writhed but there was no escaping your fate. The nuggets you had both enjoyed only minutes earlier were being sent on a projectile course right towards your face. An involuntary gasp at the liquid and chunks splashing your cheeks allowed some to drip in your mouth, and this only led to your gag reflex activating too. Now you felt your nuggets coming up, his vomit scented breath in your nostrils was only quickening the bile making its way up. Laying on your back was the worst position for this, as your own mcdonald’s sludge burbled like a geyser in your mouth, allowing his liquids to seep onto your tongue for your vomits to mix. You could feel yourself choking on it, unable to even turn your head to properly swallow it or spit out this abhorrent mixture of fluids, you felt consciousness fade as the mysterious mcdonalds man hovered over you and you aspirated to death.
“Rip in peace, my precious nugget darling” he whispered to you as you died. 
@herdisturbedheart big mcthankies from mcspankies for the idea 🥰
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nijigasakilove · 3 months
Stellar episode, even better than the last. This is the best show production wise I’ve seen from Pierrot probably since Akudama Drive. Most underrated this season 👍
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The drama with Yukiya’s past was handled well in my opinion. Yukiya’s totally justified in feeling unnerved now that the prince and Natsuka revealed they know about his origin. He’s always had insecurity issues and been told he’s second best, so finally finding a place where no one knew who he was and just saw him as Yukiya felt nice. Then that whole plot twist last week and his world’s coming crashing down.
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They didn’t let it drag out too long and just had the Prince and Rokon speak openly and bluntly with Yukiya. While things may have started out based on his heritage, Yukiya has become a genuine friend and confidant to the Prince and it’s him, not his blood or noble background that the Prince needs advising him going forward. Beautiful scene.
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Not Astufasa writing fanfics about Natsuka’s potential ascension 💀 bro had the whole scenario planned out in his head. What’s crazier is he ain’t even consult Natsuka about this, just him doing all this on his own to install Natsuka as K’inu. Better luck next time buddy. Maybe consult the person you’re fantasising about next time. Animation was gorgeous during that scene though, they did not have to go that hard on his eyes.
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FINALLY, the prince visits the Sakura palace. He sure kept them waiting long enough 😂 who is he gonna choose(better be asebi)
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dearestones · 1 year
For the writing ask, 8, 28, & 38 please! :) Hope ur having a great day <33
Hey, Devin here!
8. If you had to write an entire story without either action or dialogue, which would you choose and how would it go?
Oh my gosh, what a delightful question! Let's see...
I think it really depends on what characters I'm using and the scenario that I'm using them in! You see, I can write paragraphs upon paragraphs of scenery, building up to the characters interacting, and I can focus on their actions regarding each other. For me, when characterizing characters, it's not just the dialogue that is a part of them, but also their actions.
Do they twirl their hair when they're bored? Play with the uneven edges of old tables? Tap their feet against the legs of their chair?
On the other hand, I absolutely adore dialogue. With the right identifiers, pauses, and context given through words alone, you can convey what a character is doing, feeling, and how they are effecting their environment, others, and even themselves.
I don't know, you can take these elements by themselves and depending on your execution, can come up with extremely good pieces of fiction if need be.
Of course, if you say entire story... do you mean novel length or one-shot, drabble fic style? For my purposes, I can write a fic that is solely based on the descriptions of characters' actions for maybe... 1-2k words. Perhaps? As for dialogue heavy stuff, since we're focusing mostly on dialogue, maybe a little less or more than 1k.
I don't know, I think it would be an interesting challenge hehehe.
28. Who is the most delightful character you’ve ever written? Why?
Don't ask me this question! Hehehe!
Let's see....
In the past, it definitely would have been AE-3803 and U-2001 from Cells at Work, Veneziano (North Italy) from Hetalia, and Alastor from Hazbin Hotel.
As of recent memory, that honor belongs to Hacker from Akudama Drive, Tim Wright from Marble Hornets, and Jade Leech from Twisted Wonderland!
(I know, I'm cheating, but bear with me).
Let's break it down!
She's so cute! Oh my gosh, she's wonderful, resilient, and she is a great foil to U-1146! I went into so many analysis posts between her and U-1146 on my main blog (especially back in 2020-2021) when I was writing my magnum opus of the time, the Abnormalities!verse. I won't get into too many spoilers, but my gosh, I took so many of the characteristics that are canon to her, and then I made her go through it. (What is it, you may ask? Well, I put her through the ringer and she is traumatized). She is delightful in the way that you know at the end of the day, you know she'll get back on her feet no matter how bruised and aching she may be. She'll rise above her traumas and look her tormentors in the eye with both compassion and understanding. But through it all, she will harden her resolve, her weak cell structure turning to steel. She is my baby and she has gone through so much! ;; That isn't to say she isn't wonderful in canon. She is. She serves as one of the more lighthearted aspects of the series and she is a wonderful companion to have when time gets tough, especially in the later chapters.
He's an old man! There's next to nothing about him in canon, but I always headcanon him to be such an old man who loves watching from the sidelines! He doesn't say much, but when he does, you can guarantee that he will be a deadpan snarker and will surprise you with either the world's greatest advice or the dirtiest joke imaginable and you will have to deal with that reality because no one will ever believe you. He is the blorbo that no one else wanted and I adopted way back in 2018. For the real ones who followed from my main blog and used to be bombarded by CAW (mah booiiiii!!!!)
He's an old man with tons of issues buried underneath a concerningly fractured and thin veneer of clumsiness and ineptitude! I won't say more, but my gosh, I made an entire anthology series for him on ffnet and I participated in a week long event based on prompts which you can view on my main tumblr and on my ao3. Long story short, he is someone who you know has layers upon layers of trauma and personality underneath, but the thing you'll notice upon meeting him is that his smile is radiant, one that draws you in. It isn't until you take a step back that you realize that it's empty and quite sad.
He's a radio demon! It's been a while, but someone once requested to have a deaf! reader x Alastor one shot way back when... and let me tell you... The process behind that fic was something else. Just... I don't know what to say. The zaniness behind his radio personality and the evil that lurks behind his ever present smile? That stuck with me while writing him.
He's a maverick in a world filled with other mavericks! In my fics, I always think him more of the cycnical, younger brother archetypes. It's such a shame that Akudama Drive was short as it was, but from what little of what I've seen of Hacker, he is such a neat charaacter??? I love him so much. His snark, deadpan delivery at times, and snark was a definite bonus when viewing the anime for the first time. Furthermore, his relationship with the main character was also great? They were such an iconic sibling duo who I would die for because the feels! All of the feels! Not only that, but his character plays off the other zany and almost nonsensical rules and other players in the anime. Back when a lot of people used to request me for Akudama Drive, interactions besides x readers were in high demand and seeing some of the weirdest combinations for interactions were the highlight of my day. Seeing him play off with other character archetypes was always a joy to me because he could range from disgruntled, tsundere little brother to someone who can be gigantic thorn in someone's side because he's a little shit who knows too much.
Tim Wright:
He is a man who I can project my fears and mental issues on. That's it. Okay, I kid, but there are so many other people who can write an analysis on him and be loads better than what I can say. What I will admit, however, is that he showed me that life is possible even after years of trauma and repression. That it is worth keeping moving forward, to seek help when possible, and to face the past in order to ultimately heal. In one of my fics, I had to put myself in his shoes and when I did... I just felt simultaneously bittersweet and sad, but at the same time, determined to move forward--to be compassionate and kind.
Jade Leech:
He is the eely perfect character. Nothing else should be said. Hahahah! I'm not sure how obvious it is, but I love Octavinelle as a whole. The aesthetic, the non-human characteristics, the strange things they say or do that denotes them as merfolk and therefore other than humans... It's all there! I could have easily said the same for Azul and Floyd, but with Jade, there's also the underlying philosophy of how the sea works underneath his veneer of a gentleman. He's somewhat cold and calculative, like a scientist who doesn't have the moral or ethical wherewithal to stop experimentaing, hahah! Yet, at the same time, he isn't cruel or needlessly malicious, he's bored and just wants to have fun. He tickles my brain just right and writing his internal observations and what he takes note of is what really gets me.
Have you figured out what are my favorite aspects are when writing characters? ;D
38. What is something about your writing process YOU think is Really Weird? If you are comfortable, please share. If you’re not comfortable, what do you think cats say about us?
I... I don't have a writing process?
I know there are lots of people who say that you have to use outlines or write blurbs or jump back and forth in the timeline, but like...? I don't?
I usually just write as a train of thought and then it happens to turn into a story. Of course, there's the proofreading part, but that usually occurs after I let the fic simmer for a day or two before posting.
Also, I downloaded this extension where everything I type makes a typewriter sound.
It's awesome and it helps me focus.
And the inclusion of listening to the same song on repeat is also a great addition to the writing process.
Thanks for the questions and I hope that you have a wonderful day! :D
Feel free to ask more! :D
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hisredhysteria · 2 years
hii I hope your doing fantastic today it’s very beautiful outside today I also saw your resent post and I enjoyed reading that :)
Can you maybe do a scenario with cutthroat and a pregnant reader if you don’t wanna do this this one feel free to skip
I’m so sorry for the horrible English I’m not used to speaking so much yet ૮₍ ˶ ߹ ꤮ ߹ ˶ ₎ა
But thank you so much ❕
∠| ̄∪ ̄ ̄|\/
Note: ...Now THIS ONE I've thought about before too...and let me tell you, how interesting I find it.
Also, I should probably explain what a dried wreath is or looks like...it looks like the one here! They're like Christmas wreaths, except made out of twigs and dried flowers.
TW: ....is there any? No— I don't think so, surprisingly not—
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♡ Cutthroat w/ a pregnant s/o ♡
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Your racing heart could only hold your tongue captive at the dining room table for a few more lonely seconds. The desperate urge to let loose devoured you whole and even his ever so soft humming melody couldn't drag you back from the clouds covering your head. As his fingers picked about a sickly dried rose, he fumbled with a hot glue gun needed to decorate the tussled arrangement of thin twigs. Staring at your own dried wreath in progress, eventually your voice aired out the rehearsed words so familiar to your lips.
"I'm pregnant..."
It came out as a whisper, calm and unprovoked, however time must have stopped, or maybe it was just his hands that had been busy at work. Lifting his head to you, a curious purple eye met your own and you'd watch his eyebrow tilt in question.
Catching on to the hint that he didn't quite hear your confession the first time, if it was possible, your heart pounded even harder. "I'm... having a baby." You repeated after a heavy exhale, unsure of how the choice in different wording would affect him.
"A baby...!?" His eyes lit up from the puzzled glance you earned before. The sound of his scorchingly hot glue gun fell to the table and two excited hands clasped together in shear delight at the words he'd been presented. A smile only the sun could envy began to spread across his curling lips "Huh....? Where is it..? I don't see it..." His eyes narrowed left to right hurriedly, having ignored the context in which you spoke about yourself.
Pleased by being thrown off guard with his all too eccentric reaction, you fought the urge not to let out a small laugh. "Of course you don't..." Eyes squinted reading his confusion very carefully. "It's....right here..." You let your gentle hand caress at your lower abdomen like a ghost. Hidden underneath the cloth of your shirt was a barely tiny bump, undetectable for just the few months you'd had it.
Only becoming further fascinated, his chin slowly lifted to take in a better view of where your hand was placed. Finally grasping the gravity of what you were trying to tell him, Cutthroat's legs slammed into the back of his chair as he stood, causing an uncomfortable thud when the chair fell to its back.
"It's mine, right...!? Ah-! It's mine....which means... you are too..." With little thought of his immediate surroundings, his knees banged up across the table, as if he was in a position to start crawling towards you. Dried roses shook and the hot glue gun fell to the floor, you instantly leaned back in your own chair with anticipation.
"Cutthroat..! Be careful...!' You shouted, hearing the clangs of your project items drop. Something in him must have heard you, for his body suddenly sat still.
"Oh...right." His gaze set down at the stance of the table and he shot you an innocent smile. "You're not hurt though, are you my angel..?"
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starryseadragon · 3 years
hello! can I request a fluff scenario of courier × reader, with courier wants to recharge himself when he's tired from all his work by hugging the reader👀 perhaps a gender neutral reader would do, thank you in advance!
Of course, dear! Gotta give love to my 2nd favorite AD character :pensive:
Series : Akudama Drive
Character(s) : Courier
Genre : Fluff
Warning(s) : None
Word Count : 498
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"You got the goods?"
Courier sighed, handing over a briefcase containing god-knows-what to his last client of the night. In an instant, he got an alert for a completed transaction. With no further exchange of words, they parted.
Hopping back onto his bike, Courier started up the engine and began making his way home. He felt his entire body relax as the cool air brushed against his face, finally having a grasp at how exhausted he was. The entire duration of his ride was silent, save for howling wind and rumble of the motorcycle.
Eventually, he'd arrived home. Despite it being late, you were still awake, telling from the interior lights being on.
Courier waited a bit to go inside. As he parked his bike, he took out his pack of cigarettes and placed one stick between his teeth. Lighting it and taking a puff, he sat there for a few minutes to finish up. He knew you hated the smell of cigarette smoke, so his routine involved having a smoke outside before he went in and greeted you.
Once the cigarette had dissipated into a mere nub, he hopped off his bike and snuffed it out.
You were in the kitchen when you heard the front door open and close. Glad to see he made it home safe, you went over to welcome your boyfriend back home.
"Welcome home!" you beamed at him, and damn, even though it was the middle of the night, your smile made it seem like the sun was directly in your spot instead. He remained silent as he removed his boots and jacket.
When you received no reply, you tilted your head as you studied Courier. If he wasn't so tired, he'd be pinching your cheeks right about now.
The bags under his eyes were evident and you knew he wanted to rest. "How about you go get ready for bed? I'll make you some tea, or maybe you'd prefer-" before you could finished, you were entrapped between Courier's arms.
You were stunned, as he isn't normally one to initiate physical contact. Just goes to show how drained he is.
As he kept his arms around you, he mumbled into the crook of your neck, "'M fine. This is all I need."
Though you couldn't see for yourself, you felt him smile against you. You hummed as you began rocking the both of you, swaying to an imaginary melody. "Alright, but I've got one more job for you, okay?"
Courier mumbled out a quiet "yeah?" as your meager swaying evolved into a silent waltz, prompting you to continue.
You gently spun the both of you. "I need you to deliver yourself right to bed."
Your soundless dance came to an end as you two stood in place. All was quiet for a bit as Courier simply kept you in his embrace, relishing in your presence. The only move he made was to plant a gentle kiss on your lips.
"Consider it done."
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Felt like bringing up/reacting to some content from interviews about RAIN CODE! the first excerpts are from nintendolife's interview with Kazutaka Kodaka.
Shinigami, the one you saw in the trailer, in the world their abilities are not really known to other people, so nobody believes her ability.
Yuma, the main character, doesn't have the ability, but teaming up with the Shinigami, he becomes a detective apprentice.
Interesting. So Yuma doesn't normally have "Master Detective" abilities, and manages to become one through Shinigami's help. Could their "pact" have something to do with Shinigami wanting to show off her abilities through Yuma? Of course, the "no talent" narrative reminds me of at least three Danganronpa protagonists. (Four if I'm being mean.)
Of course, I read the next lines right after I typed this.
What do you think draws you to these characters who are, on the surface, seem very normal or like an underdog who ends up rising up?
Kodaka: I want to create a protagonist that is as plain as possible so players can also empathise with that character. Yuma has memory loss, so that's another way that players can sympathise (because they're finding out events about the game and characters at the same time as he is).
Not too surprising, we were mostly aware of this already. The interview brings up Makoto, but it also applies to Hajime, Shuichi, or the OTHER Makoto, from Death Come True.
Anyway... Are they pretending Danganronpa Another Episode doesn't exist, or am I insane?
And when I thought of detectives, I didn't think of anywhere that was bright or shiny! I thought of a city like London that was cloudy and all that. I thought this would go better with detectives.
At least since he's making up a Japanese city that's hopefully going to be a worse London, I won't have to deal with another Sherlock Holmes adaptation. (She says as if it's a guarantee she'll even play this game.)
Then I thought of a city where people wear raincoats — not code, coats *laughs*
Wow that's so funny Kodaka
It's actually a little bit funny that to Kodaka and the interviewer, London is just rain and red bricks. Are they wrong, though?
I actually don't know why [Danganronpa] was received well or why everybody likes it!
Why is this a MOOD though
I'm glad that everybody all over the world gets to play this game, but I don't necessarily target overseas audiences.
That's actually interesting, though. You'd think that after Danganronpa and Akudama Drive's success overseas, Kodaka/Too Kyo Games would focus their attention on their overseas audience, but Kodaka himself claims the contrary. Still, that he'd mention it shows that he's aware he could.
That's a really fantastic way of putting it. To end, have you ever considered writing something that doesn't involve murder or crime, or do you have an ideal story you'd like to write?
Kodaka: Oh yeah, everyone just so happens to die in my stories... *laughs*
So, no.
As for the rest, I will be reacting to @kaibutsushidousha's thread on Twitter, where they translated excerpts from 4Gamer, Game Watch and Famitsu's interviews! L-ink to their entire thread in replies.
4gamer interview [...] mentions an interesting thought about wanting to make the investigation game that defines the decade, the same way Ace Attorney defined the 00s and Danganronpa the 10s.
Kodaka has a tendency to shoot for the moon. (Insert DR1, DRV3 and Akudama Drive joke.) He must have a lot of confidence to be aiming for Ace Attorney's wig. Truth be told, I don't share his + Spike Chunsoft's confidence that RAIN CODE would be *this* good, but someone has to believe in the project, and it's better off being its own Scenario Writer. May I mention that I'm not that enthused by Komatsuzaki's design work..? Ace Attorney's character designs do a lot for the series. That being said, RAIN CODE's monster/boss designs are a first for Kodaka+Komatsuzaki, and I would be happy to see them shine.
adding that the game is set in the 2020s.
Kodaka acknowledges the rain is very important to the plot but deflects by giving the English interview's exact reasoning of how the rain is there because it's a detective game.
Something interesting again, which we can thank Comun's detective/summarising work for! But now I'm thinking about bad takes I've read from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure fans in the past. Hmm. But I've written a short poem about rain! ...iirc. A while back. What language was it in? Am I losing my mind? Did I mention I'm oversensitive today?
Kodaka puts a lot of thought into how a city's architecture correlates with the culture of its citizens, and the finer details of their livelihoods, for example, how the streets in this game are all full of drains because it's raining all the time in their city.
Again, good to know this kind of care and thinking has been put into the writing and game design. Possibly something interesting to look into as part of Kodaka branching out from the Danganronpa formula.
The Mystery Labyrinth is tied to the comment about decades. Danganronpa evolved Ace Attorney's court battles into action puzzles so Rain Code should go a step further into the dungeon-crawling elements, changing visuals, traps, and monsters as you advance deeper into the mystery.
But Ace Attorney has Apollo Justice staring very hard at witnesses with bloodshot eyes! ...Admittedly not my favourite mechanic. Go on, please make it interesting.
Aside from the specialized investigative abilities, all the master detectives will also have their own epithets, like Super High School Level titles.
No shit.
The idea behind Shinigami was to roll the mascot, the investigation partner, and the female lead into one single character. What if Monokuma was your buddy cop teammate instead of your enemy.
Literally the worst idea I've ever heard, which I sort of stan? No, really, this is horrible in a lot of ways.
Shinigami is a troublemaker. She spent centuries possessing detectives, and now she claims she'll make a respectable detective out of Yuma, but she doesn't give a damn about human common sense.
Yeah, yeah, Junko Enoshima, Danganronpa Kirigiri, we know.
Although the side quests are there, Kodaka is not confident that people will play them because the nature of mystery games makes players want to proceed with the main story first.
Replayability, my man!
Final message to 4gamer: Rain Code is made for the fans who want more Danganronpa out of the Danganronpa man.
... Which personally, I technically don't, but the fact that he would take that and try to expand on it is actually encouraging.
(Game Watch)
Now to Game Watch, with interviewer Aida Nayu, who will hopefully be less distractingly horny about Shinigami in her article.
... Huh?
As for how the multiple different areas compose the city, how much you can explore with them, and how time-consuming that will be, Kodaka states the closest point of comparison will be the Persona series.
No surprise here, right?
[Kodaka] also mentioned that [the master detective's] abilities have been fostered by the organization the master detectives belong to, which is also a familiar plot point.
Indeed. Indeed. Indeed...
the sidequests exist to let you know these master detectives better, exactly like DR's free time events.
Something else I found interesting!
Despite the visuals, Kodaka insists this is not a cyberpunk game because cyberpunk needs to be in the near future and this game is in the present.
Oh, sorry.
Aida called Yuma's weapon a katana but Kodaka corrected her that it's a saber.
Oh, sorry.
"Is there a new Danganronpa game also in the works?"
"I don't know, I asked Spike Chunsoft and they said they won't tell me (laughs)"
I screamed in horror reading this.
The investigation sequences in Rain Code last until the megacorporation that rules the city decides to cover up the case.
Love a mean megacorporation. Which makes me think... Isn't it difficult to write a detective story that's not at least partly copaganda? Which is a shame when, you know... Akudama Drive.
Yuma is more weak-willed than any of the Danganronpa protagonists due to the buddy cop format of his game. The protagonist needed to be someone unable to say no to Shinigami's antics, and the Danganronpa protagonists aren't like that.
Some of the replies to the thread brought up that Makoto, Komaru and Shuichi are more weak-willed than Kodaka lets on in this claim. Which I would disagree with - what makes Makoto and Komaru beautiful characters IS their strong will. Having a kind or soft personality doesn't contradict that. But I've already been over how much I love Makoto's strengths in the past. Rather than assume Kodaka doesn't know what he's talking about, I think the fact that their writer brings that up himself should be reason to look back into these characters and what about their writing means they have a strong will, if you'd missed that before. As for Shuichi... long-time jadyjads fans know he's not my favourite character, so I would personally argue that his writing failed on that front, but I can't deny that the *intent* to make his will a major element of who he is as a protagonist in the end was there. So it *is* interesting in my opinion to bring up that Yuma will be different from that. (Plus, definite confirmation that he's not a Naegiri lovechild imo ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°) )
Kodaka is putting all of his energy into Rain Code, so all other Too Kyo projects being made alongside it are currently in Uchikoshi's hands.
TRIBE NINE be like...
This is everything I wanted to react to, but again, please read the interviews + Comun's thread yourself since there are elements I didn't focus on but other people might find more interesting!
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anacecherry · 2 years
wgat dthe hell is a danganromps
Danganronpa (Japanese: ダンガンロンパ) is a Japanese video game franchise created by Kazutaka Kodaka and developed and owned by Spike Chunsoft (formerly Spike). The series primarily surrounds various groups of apparent high school students who are forced into murdering each other by a bear named Monokuma. Gameplay features a mix of adventure, visual novel, detective and dating simulator elements. The first game, Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc, was released for the PlayStation Portable in 2010.
The original scenario was written by Kodaka, who aimed to create a dark adventure game. The original concept was rejected for being too gruesome, but it was later approved after retooling. The series has morphed into a franchise that includes manga, anime, and novels. The franchise became one of Spike's most successful works since they previously outsourced their works.
The series received many positive reviews from critics, praising the series' characters, tone, and atmosphere. Rui Komatsuzaki's character designs became popular for cosplay. Kodaka's work also inspired staff members from the studio Pierrot in the making of an anime titled Akudama Drive. By 2021, the Danganronpa series reached 5 million copies sold worldwide.[2]
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hopeymchope · 3 years
Akudama Drive
I feel like I should say something about Akudama Drive now that I’ve caught up on it. Kazutaka Kodaka (the creator/lead writer of the Danganronpa series) is credited as the “Scenario Writer” on this anime and Rui Komatsuzaki (the character designer on the whole Danganronpa franchise) designed all the characters here. Plus Kaihō Norimitsu, who adapted much of Danganronpa 3 into scripts from Kodaka’s written story, also collaborated with Kodaka to script this series. So all of that compelled me to check it out. 
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Just like a lot of things Kodaka has touched lately, the exact level of his involvement is unclear. Some sources say he came in after the anime was already in the works and just rewrote the characters. Others say the entire central concept and setup was his to begin with. There are certainly things that feel like Kodaka here — the overt influence of Western films, the collection of quirky weirdos that make up the cast (with one “ordinary person” at the center of things)  — but I don’t know how much of that is really him. Maybe it was already there before he got involved. Or maybe not. Kodaka did say that regardless of what he wrote out or suggested or collaborated on with Norimitsu, the director (Tomohisa Taguchi, whose credits include two of the Persona 3 anime movies and the Persona 4 Golden anime) had final say. Which only muddies the waters of his involvement further.
Either way, I really enjoyed it. It didn’t ever turn into a “Oh my god I’M IN LOVE with this” kind of anime that I was obsessed over, but it was consistently, increasingly compelling as I went along. The basic setup is “team of eccentric, super-powered (?) criminals called ‘Akudama’ are brought together to pull a big job in a dystopian cyberpunk setting,” and the less you know beyond that, the better. It started out feeling kind of basic and generic, but the more I watched, the more I found myself sucked into it. It’s got a bangin’ OP and the visuals are pretty gorgeous. If you’re at least somewhat versed in the various movies that the episodes are named for — especially the more cynical, darker films cited — you can probably predict a lot of the twists and turns along the way. But even when I knew what was coming, I was interested in the characters and setting enough that it was worthwhile to see it play out. And they definitely still surprised me in a couple of ways. 
Plus it’s always nice to see an anime about actual adults instead of high schoolers. That doesn’t come along too often. 
If I have any gripes, it’s that the ending left me wondering too much about the how, and there’s one specific way that the world’s internal logic seems inconsistent. But those were pretty minor complaints.
This seems like a largely self-contained story, but I’d love to see them do another season where they expand further on the setting. There’s a really rich society with a lot of interesting implications set up in here, and only 12 episodes seems like selling it short. Since these characters had a satisfying wrap-up, I think each season could focus on all-new group of Akudama struggling to make their way. But I’m just fantasizing here; I think this is very likely to be one-and-done. And as a standalone 12-episode story, it’s pretty strong. 
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Oh, and Komatsuzaki created this Danganronpa/Akudama Drive crossover art for a magazine cover. Which is awesome. 
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We’re officially open!
Welcome to Imagine Akudama Drive!
Here, you can submit requests on scenarios/headcanons on how the characters from Akudama Drive would react to you!
So please, feel free to drop by and ask away!
General Rules
NSFW allowed
Don’t be rude to others
Please don’t spam your ask!
Character x Character allowed
Maximum of seven characters allowed per ask
Headcanons or scenarios; for now, please ask for one or the other
[i will be making an official rules page soon, but the blog is nonetheless officially opened! 🎉]
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queensconquest · 2 years
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@ofheresy​ said: ‘ aftermath ‘ (Courier & Hacker)
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   “  Shit  !  “
   Pain  shot  through  Hacker’s  body  as  he  struggled  to  push  himself  up  from  where  he’d  fallen.  At  least  his  small  size  had  come  in  handy  ,  miraculously caught in the gap between two  large  chunks  of  debris  without  being  pinned  down.  But  smoke  and  ash  filled  the  air  ,  making  each  labored  breath  all  the  more  difficult.  Where  the  fuck  was  Courier  ?  
   The  akudama  looked  around  before  he  spotted  Courier  about  thirty  feet  away  on  the  ground.  Looking  very  pissed  off  (  albeit  he  usually  looked  annoyed  )  at  the  scenario   ,  a  sentiment  Hacker  could  share  when  they’d  only  barely  escaped  from  the  explosive  trap  that  some  bastard  had  set  up.  And  this  was  why  high  ranked  akudama  usually  went  solo.  Everyone  was  out  for  their  own  gain  ,  but  some  were  especially  fucked  up.  
   Hacker  crawled  out  before  he  stood  up  ,  and  was  nearly  sick  at  the  intense  pain  that  shot  through  his  right  leg  when  he  tried  to  put  any  weight  on  it.  He  scowled  but  managed  to  limp  his  way  over  to  Courier  ,  cybernetic  eye  glancing  him  over  to  assess  the  injuries.  “  Nothing  fatal.  “  Though  he  might  sport  some  new  scars  after  they  healed.
     Hacker  was  Hacker  ,  not  Doctor  or  Surgeon  or  someone  who  know  what  the  fuck  to  do  when  it  came  to  injuries.  But  he  could  at  least....wrap  some  of  the  worst  ones.  Which  was  what  he  decided  to  do  ,  fishing  out  spare  bandaging  he’d  learned  to  keep  in  one  of  his  many  pockets.  If  the  bike  wasn’t  totally  fucked  (  and  he  doubted  it  was  )  it  at  least  shouldn’t  be  bad  enough  the  other  couldn’t  drive...though  his  drones  were  out  of  commission.  And  with  his  broken  leg  ,  he  wouldn’t  be  able  to  stand  on  them  anyways.  And  if  Courier  decided  to  comment  on  Hacker’s  abnormal  decision  to  help  by  tending  to  his  wounds  ,  it  was  fully  with  the  excuse  that  Courier  and  his  bike  was  his  only  way  from  the  scene.
   “  I  doubt  either  of  us  want  to  sit  around  for  those  police  or  executions  to  come  crawling  all   over  the  scene.  “  Hacker  commented  ,  staring  at  Courier.  But  he  wasn’t  expecting  for  the  other  to  start  looking  at  his  broken  leg  beyond  on  it  being  a  pain  to  both  of  them  now  with  limited  mobility.  
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dearestones · 2 years
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princeasimdiya12 · 4 years
Akudama Drive Episode 6 Spoilers
So I already watched Episode 6 of Akudama Drive. As most of you would know from my previous posts, I wasn’t very content with how Brawler was written in the series in regards to his characterization and how he was treated by his colleagues. And this episode didn’t help by using that trope. So I was fairly disappointed but not entirely surprised that they went there.
That said, I can’t say that I hated the execution of it.
 In regards to that trope, my issues with it are how black/dark skinned characters are unceremoniously killed off in the beginning in order to showcase how dangerous or high stakes a situation is and then they’re forgotten by the rest of their peers as the plot progressed. But suffice to say, that doesn’t exactly happen with Brawler in this scenario.
For starters, he’s managed to live through half of the series. Rather then being killed off in Episode 1-2, Brawler was alive and heavily involved in the grand heist and action.  And of course he left an impact in the hearts of the fandom considering how many of us fell in love with him.
And for his death, he doesn’t take it without a struggle. Brawler literally gives everything he has during his fight against Master and it is brutally spectacular. The choreography of the two men landing fists and kicks to each other mixed with the animation for his expressions and the changing scenery adds a sense of beauty to the whole debacle. 
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There’s even a sense of connection between the two men; particularly with Brawler calling out to Master that he’s the same as him. That he too longs for a grand fight and wants to give it his all without having to hold back his darker tendencies. It’s pretty enriching in regards to their character development as they form a strange and unofficial bond between the Akudama and the Law.
And for how he’ll be forgotten, that won’t happen either thanks to Hoodlum. All this time, the pompadour chicken intended to use Brawler for his strength as a way of protecting himself from his new situation. But it isn’t until this episode, both before and after his death, does Hoodlum start to recognize Brawler as an actual friend and care for him. 
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He was even presented an opportunity to run away like he often does. But instead, he ran from the direction of main group and straight to where the fight was heading. Where his bro was. And we all saw what happened when he realized what happened to his bro.
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And based on how he was presented in the preview for Episode 7, Hoodlum clearly took Brawler’s death to heart and feels genuine heartbreak over it. So Brawler’s death does have value and won’t be forgotten so easily.
Of course, that isn’t to say that I completely enjoyed how this turned out. The only dark skinned character on this show is considered dead and his death was used as a catalyst for his light skinned bro as a means of kickstarting his character development. So that kinda sucks. At the very least, Brawler was able to maintain a significant impact on the story through and through and went out in a spectacular fashion. 
Thank you once more for reading my thoughts on this matter. Considering that we still have 6 more episodes left, my thoughts on Brawler’s situation could change based on new information. For the time being, if you agree or disagree with any of my thoughts presented here, you’re more than welcome to reblog this post with your commentary. 
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hisredhysteria · 2 years
Courier with a reader who loves hugging him and being really close to him! 0W0
If you feel like it; Courier getting hugged while he's emotional (like he's in distress, sad, mad, whatever - this man needs more comfort and love)
Note: Admittedly, Courier is one of my favorite characters to write angst for...I feel a little bad making him suffer, but I agree! He definitely needs more love and comfort. I tried to do both, one hcs & the other a scenario. Anything for another Courier lover—
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♡༄┊Courier Hugs ~ !
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Courier doesn't tend to crave physical affection, although that doesn't mean it wouldn't do him some good.
Perhaps he doesn't crave it much because he never got a lot of it as he grew older. He's not too sure what he's missing out on and he's not gonna go out of his way to find out either—
Despite the slightly apathetic look he wears, Courier is very okay with his s/o sitting close or near him. In fact...having them within his presence is quite comforting. He knows where they are and it gives him solidarity to know that they are safe.
...And that if you were to ever not be safe at some point, he knows right away and can quickly change that...as well as having a little less anxiety about the possibility of something happening to you while he's unaware..
Being very close to him however, might cause a little claustrophobia because he's not used to having people sit right on top of him or you know...so close their legs are practically touching—
The first few times he'll be slightly iffy with it as he begrudgingly let's you sit so close your legs threaten to brush.
As the relationship progresses, he's very vocal about needing a little space and he'll ask for it in the only loving way he knows how: "there's a seat over there for you shithead, why don't you take it?" or "Close enough for you yet?"
It's a joke....hopefully—
He's just trying to point out that you're a little too close for comfort at the moment
Hugs are something he has to get used to. He's not going to easily initiate one unless you've already established a specific level of intimacy with him.
When his s/o is doing the hugging however...
He's okay with them—
Side hugs are met with a quick glance away like he's a stubborn mule as he clicks his tongue and allows it...maybe he'll throw in a sigh to spice it up for you too.
Don't tell anyone else this, but his favorite kind of hugs are the ones from behind. Particularly his s/o hugging him while he feels their cheek brush up against his back, his hand hesitant for a moment to touch the ones you have clasped around his waist.
Front facing hugs are often not reciprocated until about 7 seconds into the hug when he finally decides to wrap his arms around them... and maybe even rub their back.
When he does initiate a hug with his s/o, it's usually in times where long over due comfort may be needed to them and if he's going out of his way to give them a hug, he's not making it flimsy.
He keeps his embrace gentle, careful not to squeeze tightly ...but warm like sunlight nonetheless.
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Dreams and nightmares melted together, fine like dull colored waxes into one. Plagued by horror's of gruesome details left unsaid, Courier's mind had been favoring just one of the two colors longer.
Drifting to the surface were nightmares, happening often more than not. Illusions of his past were kept locked away, tight as the seal he hid. Nothing seemed amiss when the night first started, only you'd notice he was much more distant in the bed. However, in his unwavering need for space, debate with Courier about it again, was forced to be left unsaid.
Halfway through the night it happened, stirring gently as it did, you'd turn to face your partner recklessly jolt up from his pillow. A heavy inhale as if bracing himself for a prick at the doctors discretion, Courier held it all in for just another minute.
"Something wrong..?" Your soft swirling voice yanked at his thoughts. Eyes wide, full of dismay for having woke you though, Courier turned his head to an opposite direction.
"No." He whispered back, swallowing dry nothingness down his sore throat.
"Are you sure..?" Trying one last time was destined for failure, to no avail would your attempts prove.
"I'm fine." He lied with such ease. Had he really known it was a lie however, perhaps he'd choose it over denial. Still, you let it sit because badgering Courier when he wasn't ready to speak would knock your trust bar down a meter. A meter more than you'd be comfortable with at that. You let the situation hold on edge for a while, sneakily shutting both eyes closed.
"I'm getting water." Startled you slightly, despite it being less than a murmur. Pretending to be groggy as to avoid any awkward altercation with Courier, you let out a feigned sleepy hum in response.
Hearing his weight across the floor and then a door creak open, you hurried to sit up, curious with care as you tip toed towards the exit frame. At first you'd hear nothing but a black void of silence, and it would continue like that until just around five minutes sat. Worried enough to investigate the lack of his return, you stepped into the hall yourself.
Greeted with his soft labored breaths as he leaned face towards the kitchen sink, your footsteps stopped just passed the table. Rarely unaware, Courier of course heard you, but for the moment he'd allow you to stare. A bit humorous to wait so long with little but the clock ticking in the background though, he finally rewarded you a clicking tongue.
"...What is it, shithead..? Shouldn't you be asleep." He asked, brave enough to break the silence.
"I was worried..." Admitting it, you slowly crept in towards his body, a sweating mess. "....You're not okay, are you?"
His stomach turned into a knot at your observation and how vulnerable he'd feel to confess it was a no. "I already told you, I'm fine. Got any other questions for me?" He bluntly asked, rather rhetorically so.
You testing his boundaries now, it was better to try than perhaps it would be to not. "Can I hug you..?"
Courier's eyes became large, but soft, with his heart begrudgingly aching at the daring request. He didn't speak a word, but he wouldn't leave you completely hanging as he turned from the kitchen sink to face you. A sigh emitting his lips as he did so, his arms spread for your yearning embrace. Quicker than a cookie cutter into thin dough, there was no way you could hide the small smile on your lips as you hurried your arms around him.
At first it was just you and it felt a bit lonely, but Courier would only let seconds pass before his arms hugged safely around you. "Thank you.." He whispered, closing his eyes for at least the small moment of intimacy he allowed.
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starryseadragon · 3 years
Hey! Brand new start! Time to go over some stuff
This blog will include :
- Headcanons
- Scenarios
- Drabbles
Rules :
- Please be patient with me! This blog is just for fun and along with being in school, I also have ADHD so things are hard
- When requesting, please specify the series, character(s), and genre (fluff, angst, etc.)
- Nsfw asks are okay, but no smut scenarios because I have no idea how to write them-
Series I will write for :
[This will change as I get into new series or change my mind]
- Genshin Impact
- Jujutsu Kaisen
- Chainsawman
- High Rise Invasion / Tenkuu Shinpan
- Tokyo Revengers
- Hell's Paradise / Jigokuraku
- Mars Red
- Hamatora
- Akudama Drive
- Nanbaka
- Dr. Stone (anime only for now)
- Hypnosis Mic
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Today’s hot take is:
Boss is a great, textbook grey character. I often see the term “grey character” applied to characters who are, like... A light grey. Mostly good but had to take one tough decision that the protagonist doesn’t like, but it’s also kind of subjective.
Boss isn’t represented as 100% evil, and yet, has done horrendous things. The scene of her and two other Executioners killing the civilians was nightmarish, and she’s at the origin of this decision... but it makes sense. It bores me whenever someones says something to the extent of Boss bad bad evil ugly bad and refuses to even talk about her, because what she did was cruel, but also revealed her incredible intelligence and efficiency. 
In a real-world scenario, what she did would have most likely worked. And if Sagishi weren’t so determined (and Hacker a literal genius), it would have in Akudama Drive. She efficiently put an end to the civilian uprising, and legally got away with what she did.
The first introduction to Boss’ intelligence was her decision to force Executioners to work in duos. She showcases her observation skills, but also her knowledge and understanding of the human mind, by taking a decision that undeniably works and makes sense. And that image of her intelligence is a rather positive one, that makes her appear to care for human lives and feelings.
And is it fair to say that she turns out not to care? She does take the decision to kill a group of innocents, so there is a good chance that she does not. But why does she take that decision? To her, putting an end to this uprising was saving Kansai and its inhabitants. So did she take that decision out of caring for the majority? It’s hard to tell, and I think it’s an interesting conversation to have, so I think Boss shouldn’t be excluded from the conversation just because of the atrocities she has committed.
I mean, I would exclude her if she were trying to have a conversation with me, but being that she’s not, in fact, real-- I don’t think any harm would be done to the victims by wondering why Boss does the things she does. 
If I had to give an even hotter take - at that point in time, I personally feel like we have no canonical reason to believe that Pupil is any better of a person than her Boss, as she doesn’t question her orders. So why talk about one, but not the other?
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