#aku is a cis guy
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I love comfort sona (Aku) and fursona (JellyBear)
Here is some oldish arts of them from earlier this year and some from last year I can't remember
Also yes Aku is just straight up missing an eye, he had a bad kerfuffle with a nightmare beast once
#little demon gummy bear and his blood moon dragon bf#jelly is specifically nonbinary and goes by all pronouns btw#aku is a cis guy#but doesnt mind being called a girl by accident#it happens sometimes#i shoukd draw jelly using his chest fluff as a pillow to scream into sometime#also if you still reading this#my favorite thing to tell about aku all the time and im sure i have before on my blog#aku is icy cold to the touch!#his breath makes fog in the summed he is so cold#jelly being made of slime like gummy#this is very nice for him#theg loves hugging his icy cold dragon bf
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Betul sekali, mau tidak mau kalau berbicara alam maka akan berbicara Alam. Sebaik-baiknya Alam lebih baik Alam. Terhenyak ku di tengah mimpi bolong.
“Pak mau kemana?” Ternyata Pak Taxi masih diam menungguku menjawab arah tujuan ini.
“Jalanin dulu aja Pak”, kataku singkat.
Sambil melirik lewat spiteng (spion tengah), Pak Taxipun langsung menancapkan gasnya tanpa tedeng aling-aling.
Ini Bandung, kurang lebih sudah dua bulan lamanya aku pergi dari Bandung. Pergi untuk suatu tujuan, tujuannya ya Jalanin dulu aja. Kegiatan Onsite yang lumayan jauh membuatku rindu setengah mati kepadamu, Bandung. Udaranya yang sejuk, motor yang nyusul dari sebelah kiri, pemuda dengan jaket putih-biru muda-biru tua berseliweran di jalan, demam coffee shop di kiri-kanan jalan, tukang roti Cari Rasa yang tidak akan kamu temui selain di Bandung, dan lain sebagainya.
Tepat 1 tahun yang lalu, di daerah Flores ada kejadian unik sekaligus nyebelin yang tidak akan terlupakan. Saat itu hujan gerimis, pukul 19.00 aku melaju dengan sepeda motor Supra X tahun terbaru yang entah kenapa suara rantai keteketeketeknya membuat suara dari headset pro bisa terdistraksi.
Aku ke arah timur dari Kota Komba. Mencari terang bulan, yang mana itu merupakan sebutan khas dari menu Martabak Manis di setiap area timur Indonesia. Tentu ada gerobak Martabak Manis yang bisa aku sambangi untuk melelas nostalgia dengan Martabak Cokelat Kacang. Namun, setelah berjalan 20 menit, jangankan gerobak Terang Bulan, gerobak pecel lelepun tidak kutemui. Aneh, ini sungguh aneh. Pasti ‘by Design’ atau merupakan Master Piece dari Illahi yang memang masih menjadi misteri abad 4.0 ini. “Aneh anjing kok Martabak aja ga ada???”, wajar kan aku bertanya demikian? Toh di dalam kepala ini, suaranya sih ga keluar.
Setelah melihat perkumpulan ibu-ibu berjualan ikan, (Ada ibu ibu guys!) nampaknya aku harus putar balik dan bertanya ke mereka. Daripada bertanya ke rumput yang bergoyang, dapet jawaban engga, kesel iya.
“Bu, ada Terang Bulan kah disini?”, sapaku hangat sambil mematikan sepeda motor.
“Ga ada mas”, jawab seorang dari mereka.
“Ah, masa sih ga ada?”, tanyaku heran.
“Betul mas, kenapa cari Terang Bulan disini? Cari di Bajawa saja mas, kalo disini bulannya ada, tapi belum tentu terang.”, jawaban garing, lebih ke CRINJ, yang merupakan jawaban, tapi tidak menjawab pikirku.
“Lah, masa saya pergi ke Bajawa jam segini??”, timpalku sambil tertawa kecil.
“Betul mas, lebih baik begini saja mas”, tiba-tiba ada penawaran lain dari salah seorang yang lain.
“Apa?”, jawabku yang mulai penasaran apa maksud orang ini.
“Mas cari resep Terang Bulan yang enak, lalu jualan disini, nanti kami yang beli sudah.”, serentak mereka tertawa berjamaah.
Shitmen! Orang cari Martabak manis dan asin, malah DISURUH BIKIN MARTABAK. DISURUH BIKIN MARTABAK SENDIRI? Heloow kalian kenapa sih bu? Aneh anjirittttt.
“Bu, saya kan mau beli martabak, masa malah jadi punya tugas bisnis umkm???”, akupun ikut tertawa, tapi dalam hati ‘tingalikeun we lah ajig, tingali weh’.
“Betul mas, kalo mas jualan martabak, mas kan untung ganda. Bisa makan martabaknya, dan juga malah jadi punya uang.”
Ah anjir, teu dableg ieu mah. Sakit lo buuu! (Tapi ada benarnya sih)
“Hahaha, ah Ibu mah gimana sih”, tanpaku sambil menutup obrolan ditengah tawa Ibu-ibu. Tanpa cas cis cus, aku langsung menyalakan motor dan pergi dari mereka.
Bandung, 19 bulan 4, empat dikali empat? 16. Sempat tidak sempat…. Harus di enambelaskan lah…..
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BINGO TIME! with Distinx.
1. Appreciate yourself for all the effort you've put so far.
Samudra, I know there was a time that was really tough for you. But you know what? You did well handling it. You didn’t let your ego take over, so it didn’t cause you any problems. You’ve accepted your imperfections gracefully. It’s okay not to meet everyone’s expectations. It’s not because you failed, but because nobody’s perfect—and that includes you. You might be the antagonist in someone else’s story, but that doesn’t mean you’re a bad person. Trust yourself, just like the people close to you trust you. I’m so incredibly proud of you! *pats myself*
2. First impression and current impression of seeing Diverge Instinx.
FI: "Wah keren betul ada OA konsep DIVERGENT. Pasti bakal seru banget dah. Editannya juga cakep puol. Coba pdkt, ah."
CI: "Sumpah ga paham lagi sebucin apa gua sama Distinx anjay. Kok bisa secakep ini si? Konsepnya, storylinenya, editannya bahkan rulesnya cocok banget di gua. Keambisan gua dikasih makan mulu disini. Makin penasaran siapa dibalik semua ini. Tapi aslinya ga mau babay. :("
3. The most memorable moment at Diverge Instinx.
Most of the time. Tapi mungkin pertama kali join leaderboard si. Awalnya gua kira karena ga menang kelompok berarti pupus sudah masuk MOTW tapi ternyata hitungannya tetep berdasarkan point individu. I don't know, but manusia macem gua ngerasa kalian considerate banget karena mikir segitunya biar penilaian tetap adil. Dan itu justru bikin gua makin betah di Distinx. Thanks a lot arbiters.
4. Post and show us your favorite selfie.

5. Impression and message for the Arbiters (Four, Mike, Naomi).
Four: "Wah. Karismatik betul ni orang. Auranya macam disegani." Ternyata ga gitu ya guys. Masih bisa diajak bercanda ternyata. Koket jugaan haha. Cocok banget buat jadi 'Father Figure' makannya enak betul manggil Papa. Jadi buat our Mind Master. Boleh spill ga ini ide konsep dan storyline insponya darimana selain dari film dan buku Divergent. Soalnya gua masih seamaze itu tiap buat file-file yang kalian buat ntu. :) Minat berguru. 🙏
Mike: "Oalah. Jadi ini editor keren yang buat gua naksir Distinx." Sumpah dah. Senaksir itu sama editan abang Mike kenapa ya? :( Kelihatan simple tapi keren puol. Mau berguru juga tapi agaknya gua nya ini sih yang ga punya seni 'design' jadi kalau gua yang buat agaknya ga akan sebagus punya abang. *kecewa berat* Tapi habis ini boleh open joki editor, abang? Hehe.
Naomi: "Gemes amat ini ada bocil diantara tetua. Wkwk." Tapi serius deh. Kayaknya Nyomi ini yang bikin Distinx terlihat lebih santai, meski akhirnya terbantai karena di khianati. </3 *ICly* Btw, apa narasi Distinx, Nyomi juga yang buat tah? Kalau iya keren banget si. Soalnya secakep itu penulisannya. Pasti abis ini udah siap kasih wording upchar buat aku, kan? *ngarep*
6. Participating in Woonhak's Bold Agility.

7. Messages for your fellow Outliers.
Greetings to my fellow Outliers. How is everyone? I hope you’re all doing well. Thank you for being friends with Samu for these 2.5 months. I’m happy to have gotten to know you and to have shared ambitions together in Distinx. Really, it’s been something enjoyable throughout my time here. I deeply apologize if I’ve ever disappointed any of you. I know, maybe just saying sorry isn’t enough. But after this, you’re free to end our friendship if you wish. And for those who still want to remain friends, I’m very grateful. Hopefully, whatever happens is the best for all of us. Amen. Wish you all tons of luck!
8. 4 songs that remind you of Diverge Instinx.
9. Mention and greet 10 Outliers who you feel aren't close to you yet.

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The Barbie Tale - Last Mission

1. Pesan dan kesan untuk Ken, Barbie, dan Bibble. Hi Ken, Barbie, and Bibble. Thank you for making this amazing agency yang based on Barbie... lucu banget, gemes! Makasih ya udah mau terima aku jadi anak kalian meskipun isi formnya nekat dikit. Aku seneng bisa jadi part of meillami, because you took care of us well. Semoga di kesempatan lain kita bisa tetep temenan kaya gini ya?
2. First Impression and Current Impression untuk Meillami: ☁️Fourwth FI: jujur waktu pertama ngestalk dulu sempet mikir "duh kita bakal banyak ngobrol gak ya?" soalnya akun lu keliatan keren aja, gue insecure dikit CI: ternyata lucu banget kalo diajak ngobrol kaya RP KOCAK. Apa lagi sekarang layoutnya ijo ijo, jadi minat cemplungin ke mie rebus ☁️BELLP FI: RP keren, upcharnya on top gak ada yang ngalahin. Akunnya aesthetic banget jadi seneng liatnya! CI: Hi, kayaknya kita belum ngobrol banyak ya? Minat banget bonding 100 tweet sama BELLP supaya kita ajdi bff forever. ☁️MlNJIIS FI: Upcharnya cantik kaya ini beneran Minji NJ yang main akun dia apa ya, you potray your muse well CI: Ternyata ada kocaknya juga guys, bisa diajak bercanda ini curiga member OVJ main RP. Tapi pengen ngobrol lebih banyak lagi deh, yuk? ☁️nifngie FI: Noona ini kocak tapi cantik aesthetic gitu, pengen kenalan soalnya you potray your muse well CI: Ternyata beneran kocak, diajak ngelenong sama aku ditanggepin terus. Jadi kapan mau ikutan aku dance tiramisu cake tapi pake hidung? Biar kita jadi pickme ☁️smyungjae FI: Abang Myungjae yang ini keren dah, kayaknya yang lain pada segan sama abang ini saking kerennya CI: Agak kocak tapi minat ngobrol sampe 100 tweet bjil eh btw aku agak kasian soalnya abis kena suspeng akunnya... ☁️jhehee FI: Sebenernya udah ngestalk pas belum kenal dulu soalnya sering ngobrol sama dd Zoa, seru sih jadi pengen follow aja dulu tapi takut dikira bocah freak CI: EH TERNYATA SATU OA DI GENSHIN??? Gak nyangka sama-sama main genshin terus akhirnya banyak ngobrol deh kita, ini sih rp Jaehee one and only yang aku kenal terus kocak ya, udah gitu suka diving... seneng deh ternyata kita cocok! ☁️wonwooceon FI: Abang Wonwoo yang ini easy going deh kayaknya, makanya dulu aku sksd duluan aja CI: Easygoing, baik, anaknya rajin menabung terus kocak aku masa dipanggil adek long hiatus! 3. Appreciation for myself Hi Iyan, thanks for making it this far. It's never been easy for you, you've been through ups and downs but you've conquered the challenges and appreciated the good things this far. Please continue to keep what you're doing best at, smiling. And remember that you have friends to support you too. 4. My own achivement I think my achievement selama sebulan ini itu bisa catch up sama upchar and not missing anything... It makes me happy that someone said that they get to know Leehan because of me, and that motivates me to potray him better. 5. Jika bertemu lagi di waktu yang berbeda, aku akan mengingat semua kenangan yang kita buat dan membuat kenangan baru yang lebih berkesan, dan aku akan lebih banyak ngobrol sama kalian.
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ACTBLANC's BINGO by @xjichu

Pas awal ketrima di blancie, sebagai dream sqd aku bener bener super happy banget. Terus sering nongkrong di member of the week udah 4kali nongkrong disana kaya happy aja ga nyangka tiap minggu selalu ada aku.

Fi : keliatan classy hard to approach, rajin diving.
Ci : jamet semua bjil, divingnya jarang - jarang, super ramah dan sayang anak semua. Bisa jadi temen ataupun ct yang baik.

Rihanna - where have you been
Blackpink - kill this love
Jisoo - all eyes on me

Keenan : baik, jamet, friendly abies. Semoga happy terus ya nan. Say no to NT
Gavril : keliatan kaku dikit kaya vibesnya agak sungkan ada gap sama anak anaknya. Tp baik bgt, akhir akhir ini sering ngajak ngobrol
Sara : cantikku, sipaling cantik dan kalem. Sipaling slow banget suka muji anak - anak cantik cakepnya. Ramah banget. Sangat girlfriend able.

Terimakasih Ansel udah bertahan sejauh ini. Ngelawatin dari happy, terpuruk, galau, feeling lonely dan semuanya. Nano nano banget tapi kamu masih bertahan. Wow keren! You did a good job!

Here is my best of the best photo.
( cantik banget putih - putih )

Simple, elegan, makeup flawless. Super cantik!

Blancie & blancers : be happy ya guys! Terimakasih udah nemenin jichu dengan kerandomannya. Terimakasih udah berjuang bersama, bonding bersama dan selalu aktif agar supaya kita deket satu sama lain. I'm so happy kenal sama kalian. Semoga kalian selalu happy dan baik ramah ke semua orang. This jichu loves you so much 💗
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Aneh bin Ajaib - truly God is at work #NP - memilihMu bagian yang terbaik
Prophecy message from Marlene Jie:
- he and Marshella will do God’s Work in Bali
- They will prosper and will do great work in Bali
- God will provide for him. - job wise
- He is to live in Bali
- I see happiness in his face in Bali
Minggu yang aneh, dimana aku emang bogosipo sm GH, tapi at the back of my head aku percaya banget Tuhan lagi kerja, aku percaya banget sama rancangan Tuhan dan waktunya Tuhan. On the other side emang lagi gaada apa2 sm Gwuang Hui, ga katalk an juga, terakhir yg aku msg ga penting n GH love post IG story aku tentang gereja bali.. udah itu aja..
However I keep editing our videos, photos, halu gak jelas, nonton something in the rain sambil kadang2 bayangin kl misal dia ada pacar or cewe lain gmn ya etc.. (which walaupun aku bilang aku akan slalu bahagia untuk kebahagiaan dia, tapi this part aku gak rela, aku maunya ya kita bahagia bareng sesuai rencana Tuhan hehe). Tapi lucunya kok aku bisa PD banget ya cerita ttg Gwuang Hui ke banyak orang: Michelle, Shannen/Lukas, Jentya, Eunice Lagrange, Sarah Chow, Dito, Ibu Abeth, Ci Maurin/Ko Yosa, Kara, Marlene Jie bener2 people all over the world loh.. trus ky seolah olah ya emang sudah terjadi dan akan ada sesuatu yang besar terjadi so you guys my important people better be ready.. Sampe akhirnya beneran cerita sm Marlene Jie, apa terjadi selama di Bali, di Korea dll. Trus da jie ky seneng gt, aku pun kirimin fotonya lg berdua aku, bercanda2 sm lauren dll. Anehnya dia berdoa dan dapet message dari Tuhan. Kamis pagi after semalemnya kita telp dia message ky di foto -_- aku jujur ga ngerti tapi aku reply: I believe if it's God's plan He will make it happen no matter how, and I believe that he is a man of his words, therefore when he told me he plans to come to bali, I also believe him, I believe in quiteness he prays and makes plans (aduh ngetiknya aja pengen nangis). Tapi abis gitu ya aku tetep ga ngapa2in, ga ngepost2 ga ganti2 foto or apapun, dia pun engga. Sampe akhirnya aku kasih prosal lifegroup ke Bella krn aku mau obey Tuhan apapun konsekuensinya, cm apa yg Tuhan taruh di hatiku yang mau aku fokusin dan kebetulan semua jalannya dibukain satu per satu, dari tempat di tintin, time, response dari the youth, support dari Bella & banyak orang juga..
Jumat abis lesin norman ketemu bella, dia tanya: kamu masih sama Gwuang Hui? Aku jawab dengan mantep: eung (MASIH).. dia tau kalo kamu mau start Sun di Bali? Me: eung (MANTEP)... ky halu apa aku merasa kita bener2 bersatu dalam doa & i know i will share with him anyway.. entah kenapa, nomu isange.
Abis gitu ci maurin ajak ketemuan jg, sabtu malem bercanda2 soalnya mau dapet calon adek ipar korea, jadi makan Jejudon. Disitu dia cerita gmn ketemu Ko Yosa, bner2 LDR dan prosesnya cepet bgt, 10 bulan propose, nikah dan lgsg sreg. Ketawa2, aku bilang aku ga pernah kepikiran sm yg lebih muda, trus ko Yosa nyaut: ya aku juga ga kepikiran sama yg tua HAHAHAHHA.. anyway kita ngobrol2 tentang gwang hui, aku liatin foto & video nya, juga ke bhima dan dia bilang dia suka hairstyle nya.. trus aku pas lg katalk sm hakman nanyain ttg Sun dll. Tapi aku sabar aja, aku tau belum saatnya message gwuang hui. Yaudah, seru2an aja sama Pandu juga, mlm itu entah kenapa aku seneng bgt aja, mood jelek krn salah kiriman buku pun, jg nyanyi lagu WRC ceria2 menghibur diri sendiri..
Besok nya hari minggu bu abeth telp 1 jam lebih, cerita tentang Carissa hari itu nikah.. aku inget banget th lalu pas LG dia jg share gmn dia yakin Tuhan masih kasih dia desire for marriage, she didn't know how but she's just following God's step. Ternyata pas aku tau dr bu abeth dia ini dikenalin sm cowo di gereja temen mamanya yg super baik yg gak kecantol2 sm org lain, tadinya mau dikenalin cicinya tp trus pas di k US, ketemu an n cocok. LDR, pacaran, 1 tahun kemudian nikah aja gt, so smooth.. Encouraging bgt ga sih? Trus aku cerita2 lah tentang Gwuang Hui jg sm bu abeth, dia blg gwang hui cute hehe.. trus dia bilang aku ky putri korea lol.. aku yakin dan percaya banget aja sm pas cerita sm bu abeth kl GH beneran pacarku yg ada di Seoul. Unik, ga biasanya.. ngomong k sarah pun gitu pas mg lalu.. Trus aku ntn 237 party di utube, gereja ky biasa walaupun sibuk krn bella gaada, i was just happy sm anak2 youth, nyanyi, buat video, sibuk post2 IG bali yewon, edit2, ngobrol sm hakman, han jibsanim oh jibsanim dll... tiba2 muncul lah message yg sudah kunanti2an: NUNA, I need your help, I'm going to Bali and has resigned from my duty...
I was like: ga ngerti lagi deh kl bukan Tuhan yg kerjain, kasih vision, pengertian, hikmat kebijaksanaan, perasaan di masing2 hati, ketekunan dan keyakinan dalam doa, aku testify banget sih kl ini memang going to lead somewhere (ky jungsoo bilang pas bali camp: gyeolhunae) hahaha idk. Trus aku terdistract krn di agendanya ada tulisan 4 nov gyeolhun love love, dan tentunya pikiranku udah kemana2.. apa iya gwanghui mau nikah dulu sblum ke bali, apa iya dalam 3 bulan dr dia blg ga punya yeochin akan nikah.. males nanya dan juga yakin org yg berplanning panjang ky dia ga mungkin gegabah gitu sih. yamasa nikah, resign, ke bali piye? pdhl english course dan smua aja di plan baik2 banget.. Jadi aku yakin itu pekerjaan setan dan juga mgkn cara Tuhan supaya aku gak mikir yg terlalu berbunga2 ttg GH, let's say kita harus kerjain bersama dulu ladang Tuhan di Bali ini dan gak membuat ketertarikan to each other as something before God's plan God's work. So that our hearts are purely set to Matthew 6:33 Carilah dulu kerajaan Tuhan, maka semua nya akan ditambahkan kepadamu.. that's all that I believe..
So for now, kita jadi bs sering contact and punya context karena mempersiapkan Gwang Hui literally comes to Bali, by God's grace, seijin Tuhan dan sesuai rencanaNya.. sesuai waktu dan untuk kemulianNya..
Kebetulan hari ini aku ke rumah patrice dan tanya ke Yogi untuk lowongan di BIH sesuai vision da jie n me, trus ada ternyata chance nya.. Aku kirim gwuang hui deh, aku bilang kita berdoa ya, km coba aja gaada salahnya dan jangan jiper dulu krn english mu. Jadi sebelum kita melangkah cari english course yang bener dan sesuai, siapa tau Tuhan siapin untuk yg lebih besar, di april 2024 kamu bisa kerja di BIH, dan in the meantime, di jan-mar 2024 kita bisa siapin english course yang tepat, OK.
That's all curhatanku yang mencengankan ini.. Dear tumblr, kamulah saksi kebesaran Tuhan dan temen ceritaku yang setia.. dan untuk Gwang Hui, Nuna akan selalu mendukungmu, doa untuk kamu, membantu yg Nuna bisa, encourage kamu waktu kamu not confident dan aku akan cariin jalan yang sesuai, prepare sebelum kedatanganmu dan support apapun yang aku bisa.. Semoga ya, dalam nama Tuhan Yesus, kita berdua bisa jadi small bartizan yg walaupun kecil di bali yg gelap ini, tapi sungguh benar jadi alat Tuhan untuk memancarkan sinar ke 237 bangsa... Amen..
Yang sabar, yang tekun dalam doa, yang confident, yang kuat terhadap gangguan/cobaan, cari terus kerajaan Tuhan sampai kita berdua tiba di waktu kl Tuhan berkenan untuk satukan demi kemuliaanNya.. I trust You Lord, that you're working even in the area that I always think You don't. Thank you for the blood of Jesus, for your love that's so big to me, grace upon grace that You pour to show how deep you love me, how deep you love Gwang Hui. Aku tidur dulu, let's meet in prayer Gwanghuiya..
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Gods of chaos playing a chaotic game; DnD
It looks blurry here so click for better quality
#mlp#my little pony#mlp fanart#my little pony fanart#mlp discord#my little pony discord#discord fanart#aku samurai jack#samurai jack#samurai jack fanart#aku fanart#villianous#black hat villainous#black hat fanart#villainous fanart#black hat#bill cipher#bill ci the triangle guy#bill cipher fanart#gravity falls#gravity falls fanart#bill cipher gravity falls#the collector#toh collector#the collector toh#toh#the collector fanart#the owl house fanart#the owl house#dnd fanart
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I know that I'm lazy XD
Question by
Evil gang, whose the evilest of them all?
Whose the most evil in group?
And this also answers another question:
Whose the smart one in the group. (To me its Toffee, )
Toffee from Star vs the forces of evil (stvtfoe) Bill Cipher from Gravity Falls Aquamarine from Steven Universe Lord Dominator from Wander over Yonder Black hat from Villainous CROSSOVERRRR StvfoexSteven Universex Gravity Fallsx Wander Over Yonderx Villainous crossover Other possible characters: The Beast (Over the Garden Wall), Yellow Diamond, Blue Diamond, Jasper (Steven Universe), The Lich (Adventure Time). And scientist like Dr. Flug, Rick, Stanford. And sometimes could appear the heroes of each world.
#bill cipher#bill cipher x aquamarina#bill ci the triangle guy#bill ci the demon guy#bill#aku#sans#rick sanchez#rick and morty#aquamarine#askaquamarine#crystal gems#steven universe#black hat#black hat villainous#ask black hat#black hat x dr flug#black hat x demencia#Villainous#villanous#bendy the dancing devil#bendy#Bendy and the Ink Machine#bendy the demon#bendy the dancing demon#lord dominator#yelllow diamond#asklorddominaitor#ask
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my bnha love children bios pt 1
(I’m a multi-shipper with bnha..I have my main canon ships and then my side ships that I could live for..also these are my main kid ships. Also trigger warning has mention of rape, murder, and abuse)
Azori Kirishima is a young male who's 5'11, with lightly tanned skin, blood red eyes, his hair is straight shoulder length with red high lights that look a little more hot pink. He has sharp teeth like Eijirou, he's got big hands like Katsuki as well as a temper and attitude. Azori is still a pretty sweet guy, though he cusses like Katsu, he's a lot like Katsuki but has more patience and does smile a lot more. He loves spicy food, music, hanging out with friends, singing, sparring, playing basket ball, and video games. He also likes to cook, Katsu didn't want two crappy cooks in the house. His quirk is basically called pop rocks, Azori has both of their quirks but its more combined. Azori can harden any part of his body like a rock, he can use it defensively or offensively. He can cause explosions if he's hit or hits someone else. Still he's able to use the quirks separately. He's pansexual cis male but is a little more into boys, but still doesn't mind anything else. (Iidaraka) Jasuma Iida is a young male around 5'6, medium tanned skin, light blue eyes. His hair lands to his lower jaw kinda a pixy cut that's brown cascade to blue. He has soft pink cheeks, his face is a little rounded out, he's not chubby but has a similar structure to Uraraka. He's very sweet and smart, he does his best to keep his straight A's in school and is commonly called 'Dork' by Azori who uses it as an affectionate nickname. Jasuma is a femboy, but also likes sports and plays lacrosse. He loves to eat sweets but has a weak stomach like Uraraka's quirk draw back, he also can't handle spice at all and dies a bit inside when he watches Azori eat. Jasuma's quirk is called earthquake, he's got some pretty powerful legs and stomping the ground can make the it shake or collapse out from under you. Kicks to any body parts can be lethal for said victim of Jasu's quirk. He's very fast as well but its not really his quirk just from the training. His legs don't look that strong but like his father, he's the opitemy of 'never skipped leg day' His quirk is stamina based. Jasuma is a gay Femboy, he doesn't cuss much but if you get him in the mood he wont hesitate. (tododeku) Tomiko Midoriya is a young male around 5'8, some what pale in complexion and has light blue eyes. A mix of light green, dark green, and black ear length hair. He does have freckles scattered more around his face and not just his cheeks. He can be a bit shy but wont hesitate to freeze someone an ice capsule. Tomiko loves to read, listen to music, play with his bunny 'shibun', loves the dark academia aesthetic and his dorm is decked out in it. His quirk is ice, like Todoroki's ice side he can use ice how ever he pleases. Tomiko is still questioning himself. He feels asexual but is developing feelings for Ruki. (tododeku) Amilia Midoriya is a young female around 5'7 is Tomiko's twin, sharing the same complexion with freckles, but she has emerald eyes. Long shoulder length slightly wavy green ombred down to white hair. She's very out spoken and protective of her younger twin brother who she nicknamed 'Tomo'. Amilia is into both fem and butch like clothing choices. Her quirk is fire and fire manipulation, she can breath fire, heat up her hands to warm things up and and can burn things. Its basically a mix of Mido's bio dad and Todoroki's quirk. Amilia is bisexual (Dabi’s boy..I lowkey ship twice and dabi, but for now its platonic) Kenji Todoroki is a young male around 5'6.5, has a not dark but still tanned skin. He has turquoise eyes. He has an emo-ish style red and turquoise hair, that reaches the base of his neck. He's kind and caring, he's pretty chill and liked to hang out with his friends as well as his dad (Dabi). This kid is based off of an AU where the villains who are able to be captured are given the choice to 'restart' or take the death penalty. Dabi chose restart, as did twice..Twice is like the fun uncle who humors Kenji with his clones. Kenji's quirk is the same as Dabi's creamation/blue fire. Kenji is a transgender male who's bisexual. his dead name is Hana (shinkami) Makuyama Shinsou, a young male around 5'8, not pale but in the middle. He has golden yellow eyes, and yellow and purple hair that's messy and kinda curly, he does have the lightening strike in his hair. He puts some of his hair back when he skate boards. Maku also has a plus and minus symbol on both sides of his neck. Maku's very joking and sweet (think lance from voltron), still he can get serious when he needs to. Maku's quirk has a dark past to it. Maku was a rape baby, Denki was raped by a creep who had a quirk that allowed him to break locks, make someone's body paralyze on them or have them pass out. With Denki's electrical quirk and creep's quirk combined. His quirk is called Scrambled, the plus and minus symbols are actually charging points like a battery and he can use it to charge up his quirk to make electricity. When electrocutes someone hard, the victim will end up with hickey like burn marks. He has orange pads on his finger tips and palms to hold the electricity. The draw back to his quirk is that he coughs up blood since the electricity stems in his throat which can irritate the lining and cause him to cough up blood. It's alarming but by now he acts casual about it. Makuyama is pansexual (adoptive shinkami) Akuma Shinsou, is a young male 5'8, he's a bit pale but not unhealthily pale. He has grey-ish silver eyes, and medium length black and purple hair, some sticks up Dabi's hair style. Akuma is shy and introverted due to his past. akuma used to be homeless after the death of his parents. His father was a side kick hero who died of suicide while his mother tricked Aku into using his quirk to kill her. He was on the streets when he was six until he was eight or nine. Aku is quiet and prefers to be alone but can be around people. He likes spooky things, halloween, horror movies, pumpkins, and other things. Akuma's real name is Gaara Yamashita but earned the name 'Akuma' due to his quirk which is called soul control. Aku is able to control a person by using their soul to control any part of them even their shadow. Akuma's name was given to him by parents of his old school and the name started to stick and erase his old one. Akuma is Demisexual (erasermic) Ruki Aizawa is a young person, 5'6.5, they've got the same complexion as Aizawa. With dark green eyes, they have shoulder length black to blond hair, they had a bit of an under shave design that allows them to style it depending if they want to look a lil more masculine, feminine or neither. Ruki is a bit introverted like Shota but will get a bit loud and excited over small things like books. Ruki is a book worm and is also into dark academia like things. Ruki's quirk is called 'Audio erase' they can erase sound just by glaring, he has a pretty chilling glare and he likes to use his quirk on Hizashi when the blond gets way too loud in the morning. Ruki likes naps, reading, cats even though he's mildly allergic to them. Ruki's dead name was Ezra, they're genderfluid, mainly going by he/him and they/them still Tomo uses they them and refers to Ruki as his 'book baby' than boyfriend or girlfriend. Ruki prefers a little mor masc, neither, or both but will wear skirts and dresses.
#bnha love children#bakushima#Kiribaku#kiribaku love child#Tododeku love children#Shinkami love children#erasermic love child#more to come#fan made ocs
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2 years are passed since the end of Samurai Jack...
Yesterday @daronnefcy’s Star vs. the Forces of Evil Season 4 wrapped up--just a day before the date when EPISODE CI aired (SvTFOE Season 4 was announced a day after the date when Samurai Jack Season 5 was announced, and SvTFOE Season 4 began a day before the date of Samurai Jack Season 5′s premiere). As for SvTFOE, that may not be the ultimate end of Star’s story, whereas Samurai Jack (spoiler alert) returned to the past. HBO’s Game of Thrones also ended yesterday--I wish that Samurai Jack was as popular these days.
In the second passing year:
[adult swim] provided, for free, the entire series online!
Samurai Jack began to re-run (first time in HD on TV) on October 1st, 2018 on the Toonami block (Saturday nights into Sunday morning); it was moved to weeknights at 8PM on [as] since December 31st, 2018. (Support the airings with this post)
A Samurai Jack strategy game (based on Season 5) was released in August 2018.
Phil LaMarr celebrated the 2-year-old date of Season 5′s premiere.
On George Lucas’ 75th birthday, Genndy Tartakovsky’s next project, Primal for [as], was announced. (post here)
On May 2nd, 2019 A.D., major creative Chris Reccardi “died doing what he loved”, and one of his episodes (XXXIII) aired on [as] that night. I celebrated this guy the next day when I found out (post here). I drew a memorial sketch for Chris Reccardi and Memorial Day.
Long-time collaborator of Tartakovsky, @crackmccraigen announced his upcoming Netflix cartoon, Kid Cosmic.
Genndy Tartakovsky began to write and direct more Sony Pictures Animation projects, including Black Knight.
Titans Vinyl Figures announced Cartoon Network: The Classic Collection figures for August 2018, including Samurai Jack and Aku.
This month, I decided that another season of one of Cartoon Network’s greatest series ever was important, as I noticed the future depiction of Jack at the end of an epic battle in EPISODE XXXII. Luckily, @screenrant made an article in which they said that Genndy would "be open to other creators jumping in to explore those story gaps (”50 years of unexplored stories between season 4 and 5”?), but it won’t be him". The next season could turn the Samurai Jack comics into actual episodes, plus we could see the rise of Scaramouche, the predicted battle of Jack (shown in XXXII) and what became of Princess Mira after XLIV. I got a post of IMDb lists I made with which you can help support and lead creatives into the future of Samurai Jack!
Most of the times in my life since March 2018 aren’t as sweet as the times before, but I was satisfied with all that I had and did for Samurai Jack at the end of Season 5. I wasn’t broken to tears with the end of Samurai Jack, but my deep love of Star Butterfly and desire for episodes more like Season 1 of SvTFOE caused me to think hard about the end of Star vs. the Forces of Evil (you can see my lamentation/support post here). In either event, I remember the words of Phil LaMarr (voice of Samurai Jack) to an artist seeking inspiration for her fan art:
"Life is pain; life is hope. Fight the good fight, and know there are no guarantees, but find love and joy where you can."
As always, I hope and pray for any future content and merchandise! Thanks @adultswim / @cartoonnetwork for the coolest, most nostalgic final season that you made and gave to all of us, and to Genndy Tartakovsky and his wonderful team, including Joel Valentine and @stephendestefano, for the show that they made in the first place.
1-year-old celebration post here.
3-year-old celebration post here.
4-year-old celebration post here.
#samurai jack#samurai jack season 5#cartoon network#cartoon network studios#hanna-barbera cartoons#hanna barbera cartoons#genndy tartakovsky#toonami#nostalgia#nostalgic#adult swim#[adult swim]#fight the good fight#find love and joy#phil lamarr#chris reccardi#christopher reccardi#samurai jack season 6#primal#craig mccracken#kid cosmic#[as]
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Tadi katanya mau bulan hantu. Aneh ya, malem-malem kesananya 😔
Tapi aku sebenernya cukup senang dengan bermain stumble guys. Meskipun aku tidak pro dan yang lain sangat pro sih😔😔😔
Ga tau kenapa jariku emang kurang lentur atau kurang jago? Aneh sih, tapi its okay. Aku emang ga suka main game sih dasarnya☺️👍
Tadi juga anaknya ci Ela lucu banget. Kaya gembil, pipinya kaya tumpah, kaya Puyo gitu teksturnya meskipun aku ga pegang sih.
Hiksrot keinget cerita yang bayi pipinya iritasi parah gara-gara banyak orang dengan tangan kotor asal megang gitu aja. Kesian aku mikirnya teh 😔☝️
And, you know what? Saya disana sampai jam 12an gara-gara stumble guys doang😭😭😭✋ oh my God, ya Allah 😭😭😭🙏

(dokumentasi ; ini ko Justin ya)
Fyi, sebelah saya itu mama dan sebelah mama itu clay. Di depan saya itu ciKhem.
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What a kebetulan
Hari yang gak panjang tapi seperti biasa,i hurt some people around me.. wkaka..
Jadi ceritanya yg dari awal aku curcol aku sakit,tapi yg didapat bukan elusan tapi repetin (ok next) ditambah pergi going church waktu super duper singkat,disini pacar ogut sibuk pake banget cui,sampai restoran 17.45 dan jam 18.00 mesti sampe di lokasi..alhasil jam 18.11 jalan..and kebetulan pertama terjadi, emang ibadah teen lelet,jadi saya lelet pun enggak ngaruh amat..and kebetulan bgt manusia sombong mendadak baik hatinya..
Kebetulan kedua,besok rencana anak anak main basket pagi hari..pengennya jam 7..tapi liat ada lapangan nganggur kagak? liat di lapangan tersebut nganggurnya jam berapa??dari rencana Metal,Cemara Hijau sampaiiiii Taman Anggrek..rencana awal makan mie kampak,mie balap wahidin sampaii yg paling jauh tau kua he ci Sunggal..bahkan diajak sister buat sarapan di pasar beruang..
Karena apaan???! Emak gue ada rencana buat breakfast jam 10 di Cemara Asri lucky..sedangkan anak anak rencana makan pagi di Mie Kampak jam 11 bila basketnya di daerah Metal,cemara Hijau..dan ini fix Basketnya di Metal(dari info terfix jam 00.58) cucok meong bgt dong.. apakah ini pertanda Tuhan tau saya gak ada ojek engkolan,sengaja di tempatnya di daerah sekitar..kalo menurut skripsi ini ma da ciamik bgt..smoga besok smua berjalan dengan baik..
Lets See Guys..
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Samurai Jack, CI
Let me be clear: I am a fan of Samurai Jack. I have been since I was a little girl. I grew up watching this show. Jack’s character is one of my childhood heroes and role models. For me, as a young girl, he was an example of righteousness and justice in the face of cruelty, ignorance, and literally pure evil.
A righteous person is one who lives their ideals; who doesn’t compromise their beliefs. I remember clearly the day I learned what real righteousness was, and it was from a Samurai Jack episode.
I’ve always been headstrong and outspoken and that made being a kid really difficult at times; I found it hard - still find it hard - to turn the other cheek when I should or to remain polite in the face of pettiness. But Jack demonstrated those things for me.
Samurai Jack was an informative, important part of my childhood. Persevere in the adversity and injustice; do not stoop to cruelty when others are cruel to you; stick to your guns even when it’s hard and inconvenient - all are things Samurai Jack taught me.
And I love this show. I really do. I’ve seen every episode, and I re-watched the first four seasons in preparation for the release of the fifth and final season. I know the jokes, the running gags; I have favorite characters and episodes; in my family we quote the Scotsman on a daily basis - yes, we really do.
And I enjoyed the HELL out of the last season and the last episode. When I saw the Canine Archaeologist I actually shouted; the “jump good” throwback had me cackling; when the Scotsman burst onto the screen in the final showdown I just about pissed myself with excitement; and Ashi’s insight which led to Jack and Aku’s final confrontation was just AMAZING.
It was a great episode, a great final season, and a great show.
Ashi is the first recurring female character Samurai Jack has ever featured, apart from his own mother, who has literally no dialogue throughout the entire series.
Seeing her demolish that entire army in episode XCVIII was like seeing Rey turn her lightsaber on for the first time in The Force Awakens. I got to watch my childhood dreams come true. I got CHILLS.
My favorite childhood TV show finally said it: a girl can be powerful, too. A girl can fight. A girl can win. A girl is just as good. A girl is equal.
Ashi was an important character to me. She wasn’t just a love interest to me.
Genndy Tartakovsky, I want an apology.
I want you to apologize for how you’ve made me feel. I don’t care if Ashi’s ending makes sense given everything else that happened. I don’t care if it’s only logical. For fuck’s sake, the Scotsman survived because of Celtic Fucking Magic. There’s no room for blame-shifting or backing out of what you chose to do.
Ashi just wasn’t as important as one of the guys, and that’s why she didn’t survive to the end. You killed off your only developed female character for the sake of emotional impact.
Ashi is more than the plot device you turned her into.
Or at least, she was.
#samurai jack#ashi#cartoon network#genndy#genndy tartakovsky#tartakovsky#childhood#adult swim#samurai jack spoilers#me speaks#feminism#sexism#jashi
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So Samurai Jack ended, but there’s one thing that stills bothers me. It’s not Jashi (some folks me that they didn’t like that, but i didn’t care at all), it is not the timeline and wibiliby wobily problems that a friend told me, or (insert your nitpick/problem here). No, my problem is this: WHO WAS THIS CHARACTER???!! For some, this would be like “pfft, no biggie, it’s just a character that pointed a direction to ashi, that’s all”, but for me it should be something more. Remember, this character appears in Episode 6, where the former leader of “Daughter of Aku” meets Jack’s old encounter: the Woolies, the Blind Archers, Olivia, DA SAMOO-RAI, and Demongo (but with no interaction), and then she encounters this misterious figure where she or he asks Ashi if she was a friend of Jack. She said yes and for that answer, this character tells her where the samurai was. This was important, cause if it wasn’t for him/her, Ashi would still searching for Jack, our main character would commit seppuku and Aku wins, THE END. So for me (and I believe some of you), this misterious enigma should have some weight in later, becuase I was thinking that his appearance was going to be revealed in the final episode. So when I watched CI and see how many characters returned (the dogs, spartans, those fish guys, etc.), I was hoping to see the mistery character, but alas, it didn’t show up. Although I really liked the ending, I was bumped just for this. Tomino Tomato, the show ended, Jack can rest, and this character will still be a mistery….just like Soos’ secret. (if you really read all this, wow, thanks, i just wanted to express something that i felt, now to study more accounting)
#samurai jack#samurai jack season 5#samurai jack s5#sj#sjs5#sj spoilers#samurai jack spoilers#My Thoughts
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Winda Aris Maya, partner satu divisi selama 9 bulan. Satu almamater, junior angkatan 2012.Data Scientist. “Ka, jangan tinggalin aku.. ntar yang ngebantuin aku disini siapa..” Winda yang lulusan statistika ini merasa terjebak ketika dia masuk tim Product Developer yang ternyata lebih banyak ngoding dibanding analisisnya. Termasuk belajar Data Science mulai dari Machine Learning, Deep Learning dan kelurganya. Hehe, sabar ya sist. Alhamdulillaah sekarang dia udah mulai agak menikmati kerjaannya meskipun tambah absurd lagi karena sekarang kerjaannya lebih mirip back end(?) Hans or Nicolaus Hans, partner satu divisi selama 9 bulan. Data Engineer yang kerjannya malah kayak Data Scientist.
“Mbak, ayo mba ajarin kita dulu deep learning sebelum keluar. Parah nih, ga mau berbagi ilmu” “Lah, bukan ga mau berbagi. Tapi emang saya tau diri kalo belum paham ga bakal berani ngajarin orang. Sesat entar’ Dan akhirnya saya ngajarin mereka sedikit teori Convolutional neural network yang satu tahun lalu rencananya jadi topik improve algo untuk research proposal menuju s2. Hans ini walaupun tampangnya kayak ga ngerti, otaknya encer banget. Yak maklum lah doi ini alumni Teknik Komputer UI yg lulusnya cuma 3.5 tahun. Paling inget kata2nya dia “Gue heran, di kontrak jadi Data Engineer, tapi kerjaan malah Data Scientist” Oh iya, bedanya engineer sama scientist itu sebenernya sih ada di letak memperlakukan datanya. Yang engineer lebih ke akuisisi data dan nyoba2 software/teknologi nya. Semisal crawling atau scrapping data dari internet, nyimpen dan agregasi data di Spark. Yaah maen2an sql lah pokoknya. Terus selain SQL, juga musti bisa bahasa pemrograman lain semisal Java, Python, dll. Beda dengan scientist yang kerjaannya ngulik data atau rumus2. Mirip yang lagi riset gitu lah. Gimana caranya transformasi data, cleansing, seleksi fitur, reduksi dimensi, modelling, sampe nanti divisualisasi agar hasil analisis mereka itu bisa dimengerti oleh orang2 non teknis. Case nya bisa regresi, klasifikasi, spatial data, time series, anomaly detection, dll. Yang paling penting adalah optimisasi algo biar prosesnya cepet tapi akurasinya optimal. Nah, karena notabene yg dapet posisi ini biasanya anak Computer Science, Mate, ato Statistik atuh lah bapak Hans ini merasa outlier. Kayaknya karena dia ambil spesialisasi machine learning pas kuliah jadilah otaknya juga lebih nyambung ke sana ketimbang maenan database. Nur Siti Muninggar, dulunya divisi Graph. Jadi deket gara2 saya sama dia itu satu tipe, sama2 kurang pekaan dan agak maskulin wkwk. Sering banget ngomongin berbau Jepang dan beasiswa gegara dia berencana lanjut kuliah ke Tokodai. Orang yg isi kepalanya itu penuh sama Graph juga bernasib sama kayak Hans. Lulusan Matematika UNAIR yg job title di kontraknya Data engineer tapi kerjaannya semi Data Scientist. Malah lebih banyak ngoprek teknologi graph dan bahasa pemrograman Java. Ka Dewinta Aqmarina, Quality Assurance yang kalo ngomong teratur banget. Lulusan Sistem Informasi salah satu univ di Malaysia yang benci ngoding. Eh semakin lama menghindari malah disuruh belajar Python juga. Jadi deket gara2 sering ngobrolin masa depan. IELTS nya 7.5 guys dan berencana lanjut ke Sweden/UK. Sampai ketemu yaa di sana :“ *padahal mah ga tau kapan*
Ka Damiann Muhamad Mangan, Lulusan Computer Science ITB 2010 yang punya blog di git isinya pembuktian rumus untuk masalah kehidupan semua. Definisiin happines aja pake rumus dong. Supervisor saya sama Hans dan Winda (dulu) yang tingkat kemahiran ngodingnya udah level dewa. 2 hari kelar tuh project Auto Machine Learning. Suka banget sama geometri, machine learning, dan deep leaning yang kadang bawa novel atau buku2 IT berbahasa inggris ke kantor. Tampangnya sangar tapi sebenarnya sangat perhatian ke anak2nya.
Juwita Wina Dwiastuti, Data Engineer (dulunya) masuk tim NLP/Natural Language Processing).
Dia yang kerjaannya paling istiqomah di antara kita semua. Maenin scala, spark, java dan python dengan riang gembira. Women Coder. Seneng banget sama text processing karena skripsinya pas di Gunadarma itu. Jadi deket sama dia gara2 suka ngobrolin berbau Jepang juga. “Mbak whin, beneran mau pindah? Yaah kenapa ninggalin aku…” Dengan senyumnya yang khas agak ga tega sebenernya jawabnya. “Iya.. kontrakku kan mau abis..” Yap, 1 hari lagi berpisah dengan kalian semua rasanya nano-nano. Walaupun udah 1.5 tahun satu kantor, tapi baru kenal 9 bulan di departemen Technology Development rasanya kok terlalu singkat ya. Kalo bukan saya dipindahin dari CI Agri, ga bakal kenal orang2 keren kayak kalian.
Sempet ditanya 3 kata pengalaman bekerja di swasta sama junior saya di ilkom 2012 adalah: Amazing, Challenging, Inspired! Ga nyangka teori yang diaplikasikan pas kuliah itu penerapannya ga semudah yg dibayangin. Berhadapan dengan banyak kepala dari berbagai disiplin ilmu, data yang hancur2an karena lack of meaning, sampai menginspirasi apa yang akan saya lakukan dalam jangka panjang setelah menempih studi. Bekerja di startup itu menantang, kadang pasang dan kadang surut menghadapi tuntutan client sementara data yang tersedia tidak bermakna sama sekali yang hasilnya bisa sangat bias dan memperburuk akurasi. Saatnya bergelut dengan tantangan baru! Bermula dari tawaran job via linkedin yg siapa sangka bisa jadi alasan perpindahan saya. Bukan karena alasan gen Y yang katanya suka jadi kutu loncat, lebih tepatnya sih saya suka tantangan dan pengen tantangan yg lebih dari sekarang sekaligus ningkatin skill juga di ranah yang berbeda untuk ngembangin Data Science untuk Fraud Investigation / Forensic Technology yang jarang banget di Indonesia ini. Saya yakin, pengalaman di industri yang jauh lebih stabil dari startup bisa memperkaya wawasan dan pengalaman. Soal rencana kuliah? Sambil menyelam minum air. Bisa ko whin, bisa lah…
Value apa sih yang menurut kamu penting untuk bisa bertahan di dunia kerja? Kolaborasi, salah satunya. Instead of competition dan berdebat soal jurusan apa yang paling hebat dan susah, saya yakin semua sangat penting untuk dipelajari. Toh anak IT aja ga bakal hidup tanpa aplikasi di bidang lain. Berkolaborasilah, maka suatu produk akan tercipta dengan mengagumkan!
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Day 10 - 6 Aug 2023
Goodmorning, started with drive thru McD, Yoora & Imo got ready and first we drop Imo to Hyundai Dept Store as she had to work. Then we're headed to church, parked and I directly headed to the main room to sit with Bella. Was quite sleepy and just follow through.. Kamcagi Bella bilang suru ikut berdiri -__- aigooo.. afterwards, we're heading to Indonesia worship where I met ci Yenny for last and Sisco + Salomo aswell.. Ada Jihoon, ada Hakman juga, and ofcourse hihii nemenin Yoora.. then we went to have lunch with Erica Onni, discussing whether the food is expensive place/not etc, tiba2 dibayarin sm Jei Appa ChangSejin huhu kamsahamnida.. Twas very nice meal, and suddenly gw ditelp orang arsitek temennya Pak Ferry (ora jelas). Minum vitamin dari hakman yg ok bgt langsung poop coy.. then buru2 gitu we're headed to Chongnyeon Yebe.. I sat next to Yoora and Salomo, twas a blessed time that I will remember forever, I was quite sad that was my last Youth Service during that summer in Korea.. Yoora ajak joget2 and finally it finished, we had to have Sun with 237 darakbang genk.. twas nice to share with Wiliam, Oz guy, The US girl, Jinny, Sungchan, etc. I went pretty fast, we said goodbye and again directly dianter Salomo ke tempat ibadah Indo because the youth members + Han Jibsanim has prepared many gifts for us.. So happy to see familiar faces again (didn't expect GH to be there and true he wasn't, hakman too). I was so happy to see Seungmin, Donghyun, Jungsoo + husb, Gukyeong (yg of course flirty and nempel2), Ire, Yeneung, Byeonghu, Zion and many more.. Bella gave another farewell message, we took picture and said byebye.. They gave me many seonmul, notes, pair of clothes, necklace+bracelete huhuuu terharu mereka pasti banyak ngumpulin uang untuk patungan..
Afterwards, rasanya capek banget but yet I have to stay strong because we have to go to Ha Ok Sun Jangronim's house.. sekenyang apapun, I was so amazed by her huge and fancy apartment (Yoora dropped us off). She was already busy preparing many foods for us, her husband also so busy talking to Bella and gave many questions. Twas very special dinner.. we had galbitang yg aku inget banget, jamur, salad, and many any things that Jangronim prep herself from the scratch.. huhuu terharu banget.. abis gt dia kupasin buah2 korea yang enak banget... she let us use her fancy bathroom and fancy toileteries.. but then I also found out how hard her husband is..
He also asked us to watched makjang drama together as it was majimak episode -___-'' ngakak lah, otak gw udah gak berfungsi sebenernya.. then I left my phone on the room, didn't touch because we're busy with answering both jangronim and jibsanim.. I mandi and pinjem gunting kuku, ngobrol2 bentar and nyobain duduk di cafe jangronim huhu.. seneng bgt dianggep ky anaknya sendiri.. trus dikasih celana and dress bekas anaknya dong, seneng banget akutu mesti koperku makin berat aahhaha

Kamchagi, I checked my phone ada message dari shannen lah tentang oppa korea bla3 1 jam lalu, but what made me most surprised is: Kakaotalk from Gwang Hui 43 menit lalu HAHAHAHAHA even now that I typed it, I'm smiling so wide 2:30 PM 23 Oct 2023, wow what a timing..
Gwanghui tanya gmn schedule aku minggu depan, karena dia libur tgl 7 & 8 (as he said early last week when I first arrived in Korea, I still remembered but I didn't think that he truly mean it and will follow up to spend time with me^^). So the fact that he did, just made me more interested in him. So we're talking and I said let's do on 8th because on 7th I will be occupied with my Singaporean friend.
(The one who loves me - J-Us, played on my background, aneh bgt ini lagu di hp jadul aku dari jaman baheula n kita ktemu lagi krn gw dnger Kyungju kmaren nyanyi Just as I am and I suka banget), Tuhan emang suka bercanda and speak to me in a very personal way hehhe..
I said my schedule was quite full gwanghuiya, so maybe let's just meet at myeongdong hotel after I shift my luggage. But he said: but nuna, who will help you? I said, it's okay I will do it myself. But he said: noona, ti-da-apa-apa (means he wanted to help me shift hotels) sigani mana.. huhuhuhu.. terharu :''') so I said: thank you Gwanghui, for you to ask me and willing to spend time with me, I'm already so thankful hehe... and then he was shy, gwaenchana noona.. I have a car to help you...
Then he said: noona mau apa? pgen makan apa? i was only thinking that we had a quick coffee time before I headed to Gangnam and meet jibsanimdeul, but he asked: what about meeting at 12PM? Lunch, watch theather... He even made a sort of presentation of what kind of food to choose (so cutee).. I of course choose the cheapest one that hopefully not burdening him..
And I said: ok I want to watch theater hehe.. then he called me with Kakao talk ahhaaha..oh my I was so nervouse.. Bella was in the room, Jangro/Jibsa went to their room already, so I hide and go to outside room to not make a noise.. sumpah ky anak remaja ngumpet2 telepon pacaran :''''''D sumpah ngakak ngetiknya pun, aduh darah aku langsung naik seperti adrenalin di pump.. abisnya kamchagi banget gwanghui telp.. yg aku inget cuma: noona, jal deurojotso? aku bilang eo, awalnya putus but now i can hear.. trus ngom apa, pake bahasa apa aku juga ga faham kok bisa nyambung and kita telp hahahihi lumayan lama.. yg aku inget dia tanya: noona mau nonton apa? thriller? romantic comedy? then I said romcom chua.. trus dia tanya noona dimana? Aku di rumah HaOkSun Jangronim.. dia bilang gpp besok pas ketemu aku jemput aja di rumahnya.. then I said engga, besok aku udah pindah hotel di sheraton sama chinggu (bolak balik lama baru dia ngerti)... trus gatau ngom apa lagi sumpah gainget tp seneng banget and I smiled all the time, gatau berapa lama ga pernah ky gitu.. and the best thing always happened when it's unexpected ya.. hixx Tuhan makasih banget ya kasih aku pengalaman yg bikin my heart flutters again ky gini dan its towards a very nice guy from church, who means of what he said and treated me special huhu.. pokoknya aku inget malem itu aku gabisa tidur, panas dingin bahagia, liat hp terus, and try to recall what's going on and think about it as something that's extra special, specially orchestrated/arranged by God Himself huhu.. Tuhan I want to have faith like the Samaritan woman, even though I don't understand fully, I believed. Like the royal guardian, who believed of what you said and promised, and apply it to my relationship with Gwanghui.. May I & him follow your step only to make Your will be done through us..
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