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I just wanted to make an update on here. Last night (Wednesday) night my mom took a turn for the worse. I've kept it pretty close that she had breast cancer and was going through chemo. She went into afib and then stopped chemo then started chemo but that wasn't the reason. She had chemo on Tuesday and she was fine, laughing, and feeling A LOT better than the week before because she was in the hospital last week. Even Wednesday morning she was fine and feeling good. Then she took a nap once she woke up she was talking out of her head. I couldn't understand her at all but she had been doing that for a few weeks now because she was taking painkillers and it fogged her memory. But this time was different and wish I would of called earlier. I came to check on her last night around 5ish and she was awake but flopping over, eyes rolling in the back of her head. She said she wasn't ok and had to throw up so I gave her the trashcan. Then she lay down and never responded again, eyes rolling back in her head. I called 911 and got help but she never responded again. At the hospital, we were told she had a bad brain bleed and was going to be transferred to a better hospital. The doctor at this hospital did another ct scan and it was worse so we had to make the decision to pull the plug and let her go. I don't know when Ill post again or write again. I don't know right now, so If I disappear then that's why.
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Our Story
Type: One shot about Shawn Mendes Rating: Rated PG Word Count: 4400+ Enjoy!
It was early in the morning when she woke up, it was before the sun had risen. Her four-year-old was crying and she knew he needed her. She rushed into his room and cradled him in her arms. Kissing his forehead as he cried against her chest.
"Another nightmare?" she asked.
"Yes," he rubbed his eyes.
"It's not real, baby," she said as she rocked him in her arms.
"But it happened mommy," he said.
"Shhh baby," She said.
She finally got him to calm down and back to sleep. She made her way downstairs and started her coffee maker. It was nearly 5 am so she decided to stay up. She made her cup of coffee and sat down at the table, taking a few sips as she waited for her computer to load. She scrolled through her social media for a few moments before turning her attention to the job search. She noticed that there was an audition for a backup dancer but the artist was disclosed.
"Ok so today at 2 pm, guess I have to take Jackson with me" she nodded as she took a sip of her coffee.
She added her name to the list of dancers for this afternoon and shut her computer down. She was always a dancer growing up but falling pregnant at just 19 killed her dream. Jackson wasn't planning but when she found out she was pregnant she thought it would be full of love. Since she was in such an amazing relationship, she thought everything would work out. She shook her head as she started to think about the past. The tears were building up in her eyes, she sighed as her tears slipped down her cheek.
"Momma?" Jackson asked as he walked into the kitchen.
"Hey baby" she wiped her cheeks before picking him up. "What do you want for breakfast?" she asked.
"Waffles," he said.
"Ok baby," she said as she placed him onto the floor, turning her attention to cooking.
She cooked breakfast for them both and placed it on his high chair before placing him in the high chair. They ate their breakfast and went on with their day. Around 1 pm she got Jackson and herself ready for the audition. She placed him in the car seat and got into the car. They were off to the audition, she parked and went inside with Jackson.
"Can I put him in this room until after the audition?" she asked.
"Of course, you can," the lady nodded.
"Thank you," she said. "I'm Emma," She said.
"Emma McKenna?" The lady asked. "I've heard so much about you, it's a shame you gave up dancing," she said.
"I didn't give up dancing, just timing," Emma nodded. "In room 3?" Emma asked.
"Yea room 3" the lady nodded.
Emma nodded and went into room 3. She took her number and went back to the back of the room. She took a few deep breaths trying to calm her nerves. She could hear a familiar voice coming down the hallway. She swallowed hard hoping it wasn't who she thought it was. Shawn walked into the room and his eyes landed right on her. She looked up and locked eyes with him, she was frozen.
"Shawn comes on, let's start," Shawn's friend said.
"Hold up," Shawn said as he put his hand up. "Emma?" Shawn said.
"Wait, Emma?" Shawn's friend said. "The girl who disappeared," he said.
"Yea that girl," Shawn said as his eyes were locked on Emma.
"This was a mistake" Emma finally snapped back. Walking out of the room and rushed to the room where she left Jackson.
"Whoa wait," Shawn said as he rushed after her.
She was rushing to get to the room and she accidentally went into Shawn's dressing room. He followed her and closed the door so they could be alone.
"Emma?" Shawn said.
"Where is Jackson, ugh I think I went into the wrong room," She said as she turned to face him.
"Who's Jackson?" Shawn asked. "Can we talk?" he asked.
"I need to go," She said.
"Emma" Shawn said as he grabbed her arm. "Can we talk?" he asked.
"Talk about what, Shawn?" She asked as she finally looked at him.
"What happened to you? You just disappeared nearly 4 years ago" he said.
"I didn't disappear Shawn YOU dropped me," she said.
"Who gave you that crazy idea?" he asked. "I was searching for you," he said.
"Yea cut the bullshit Shawn" she crossed her arms.
"I'm serious Emma, you were the most important person in my life, and then all of a sudden you left," he said.
"You wanted me gone," she said. "So I wouldn't hold you back" she looked away.
"Who told you that?" he asked as he tilted her chin up so she was looking at him.
"Your management team," she said.
"What?" Shawn asked. "I'm not with that team anymore. What did they say?" he asked.
"Let me go pleased," she said as she pulled away from him.
She left the room and he followed her into the room where Jackson was. She got him ready to leave and that's when Shawn realizes that Emma left because she was pregnant.
"He's mine isn't he?" Shawn asked.
"Shawn" She looked at him.
"Isn't he?" Shawn asked again.
"Yes," she said softly.
"That's why they ran you away, that's why you disappeared," he said.
She looked down as she fought the tears back but they slipped from her eyes onto her cheeks. Shawn tried to step closer to her but she wiped her eyes and picked up Jackson. She pushed by Shawn and left the building, getting into her car and leaving. Shawn just stood at the door and watched her disappear again.
-Nearly 5 years ago-
"That guy is checking you out," Nicole said.
"Who?" Emma asked as she looked around, spotting Shawn in the crowd.
"That guy," Nicole said.
"He's cute" Emma chuckled slightly.
"Yea he is and he's checking you out," Nicole said as she nudged Emma towards Shawn.
"I'm going" Emma smiled as she walked over to where Shawn was at.
"Well hello," Shawn smiled.
"Hello," Emma said.
"So dreams do come true," he said.
"Excuse me?" Emma asked.
"I've been watching you and was hoping we would run into each other," he said.
"Oh," Emma nodded. "So you are a creep?" She asked.
"Oh of course not," Shawn said. "That came out wrong," he said.
"Yea I think it did," She said.
"Can we go somewhere quiet?" Shawn said. "I promise I'm not a creep," he said.
"Sure" She nodded as she looked at him.
He gently grabbed her hand and led her out of the club. They walked down the street before he pulled her towards the woods. She let go of his hand and followed him but kept a few feet back. Just in case she needed to get away, she would have a few feet to do so. He led her down to a pond and turned to look at her.
"Not what I was expecting," She said.
"Thought I was going to kill you?" He chuckled slightly. "I still could," he said.
"Maybe I should rethink this," she said as she turned.
"I'm joking, please stay," he said as he reached out, touching her arm slightly.
"But I'm keeping my distance," she said as she sat down close to the water.
"Ok" he nodded as he sat beside her but kept a distance between them.
"Ok so you look like someone I've met before '' she said.
"But I would remember meeting you," he said. "But I do videos on vine, you might have heard of it," he said.
"Oh yeah that's where I've seen you before" she nodded.
They continued talking and before they knew it the sun was setting. It was getting dark pretty quickly. He made sure she got home safe and they exchanged numbers. Over the coming weeks, there was plenty of text between the two. They just couldn't ever figure out a day where they could see each other. He decided to show up at her school and surprise her. He was standing out front with a bouquet of roses, just waiting for her.
"Look at that guy," Nicole said.
"Who?" Emma asked.
"That guy standing with the flowers," Nicole said as she linked arms with Emma.
"That's Shawn and you knew that" Emma smiled as she playfully pushed Nicole.
"Of course I knew it was him, go get him," Nicole said.
"Uh huh," Emma said as she rolled her eyes and walked toward Shawn.
"Hey," Shawn said.
"Hey, you" She smiled as she took the flowers before hugging him.
"I just wanted to see you," he whispered in her ear.
"Well here I am," she said.
"Yea here you are" he smiled as he kissed her cheek softly.
"So where are you taking me?" she questioned.
"Have an actual first date" he smiled as he opened the door for her.
"Oh really?" She looked at him and got into the car.
"Yea cant allow your impression of me to be some 'creep' from the bar" he joked.
"Uh-huh," she giggled slightly.
He got into the car on the other side before the driver pulled off. They started talking while on the way to where he was taking her. They pulled up to a mini golf place, he got out of the car and opened the door for her. He offered his hand as she got out of the car, she grabbed his hand and smiled. He laced their fingers together as they walked inside. He paid for their balls and clubs, grabbing a scoring card before returning to her.
"So we are seeing who wins?" she asked.
"I thought it would be fun," he smiled.
"Well, I don't know how to play" she pouted as they made their way to the first hole.
"I can show you," he said.
She nodded as she placed the ball on the ground. He stood behind her, wrapping his arms around her. He guided her arm to swing back and hit the ball. She leaned back against him, taking in his warmth and smell. He kissed the top of her head and slowly let her go. She moved and allowed him to take his turn. He also hit a hole in one, and they continued on the course. He slowly realized that she was better at the game than she let on. When it was his turn she would do cute things to distract him, all is fun in love and war, right?
"Oops" she smiled as she bent over, tying her shoe.
"Uh-huh," he chuckled as he watched her, not watching where he was hitting the ball. Missing the hole altogether.
"Watch what you are doing" she smiled as she walked off.
"You are going to be the death of me" he smiled as they continued to play.
They finally finished the game and of course, she was the winner. He returned the equipment and grabbed her hand. He led her inside. They grabbed a seat and looked over the menu.
"Let me guess what you are going to get," He said.
"Sure" she looked at him.
"The chicken tenders," he said.
"Nope," she looked at him. "I'm getting the pizza and breadsticks" she smiled.
"Oh a girl who knows what she wants," he said.
"Of course, come sit next to me," she said.
He moved to sit next to her, placing his arm around her shoulders. She leaned in against his chest as they looked over the menu. Finally, the waiter came to the table and they placed their order. She played with his fingers as they talked.
"I was wondering about something," she said.
"And what is that?" he asked.
"Would you come to my graduation?" she asked.
"If you want me there, then I'm there" he looked at her.
"I would like that," she nodded.
"I'll put it in my schedule," he said.
"Thank you" she looked at him.
He placed his hand against her chin, locking eyes with her. He slightly leaned in allowing her to lean in if she wanted to. She leaned in as well, their lips touching slightly. He leaned in more and deepened the kiss, as she grabbed his shirt keeping him close. She gently pulled away by pulling his bottom lip, resting her forehead against his. He leaned in and kissed her softly once again. The food finally arrived and they ate in silence. Once they finished eating they played a few games in the arcade before leaving. He told the driver to take them back to his place.
"Unless you want to go home," he asked.
"I would love to spend more time with you," she said as she wrapped her arms around his neck.
"Ok," he smiled as he leaned in, kissing her softly.
She kept the kiss between them, placing her hand against his chest. He wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her closer to him. Soon they were pulling up to his place. He got out and went around to her side, opening the door for her. She grabbed his hand and got out of the car, following him inside.
"Nice house," she said.
"Thanks" he smiled as he led her to his bedroom.
"Can I ask a question?" she asked.
"Sure," he said as he sat down on the bed.
"Do you think Vine will get you a singing career?" she asked.
"I don't know for sure, it's just a fun thing to do at the moment," he said.
"True" she nodded as she sat next to him.
"So I have plenty of movies, Netflix so what do you want to watch?" he asked.
"Let's watch love and honor," Emma said.
"Sounds good, put it on and I'll get snacks," he said as he walked out of the room.
She put on the movie and started it when he returned. He placed the snacks on the bed as they cuddled up, and he wrapped a blanket around them both. She snuggled close to him, resting her head against his shoulder as they watched the movie.
"So what about your prom?" he whispered as he rubbed her back.
"What about it?" she asked.
"Can I take you?" he asked.
"You would want to?" she looked up at him.
"Sure" he kissed her forehead softly.
"It's next Saturday," she said.
"What color is your dress?" he asked.
"It's a blue color, like royal blue," she said as she played with his hand.
"Ok," he said.
They returned their focus to the movie. He was running his hand through her hair as they watched. Soon enough she was fast asleep against his chest. He smiled down at her as he realized that she was asleep. He turned the tv off and pulled the blanket over her more. Softly kissed her forehead before he started to drift off to sleep. In the morning he woke up and she was still asleep against his chest. He eased off the bed making sure not to wake her up. He made his way to the bathroom, to take a leak and brush his teeth. He finally made it downstairs where his friend was in the kitchen.
"Hey mate," Shawn said. "You are here early," he said.
"Who is she?" Shawn's friend asked.
"Who's who?" Shawn asked.
"That girl in your bed," his friend said.
"Why does it matter, Jordan?" Shawn asked.
"Because when you make it big, she will hold you back," Jordan said.
"That's not your concern," Shawn said.
"So you think she can handle this lifestyle?" Jordan asked.
"I'm not even sure I can handle it," Shawn said. "Leave Emma out of this," He said.
"I will if you do!" Jordan.
"I like her so it's my decision, I'll handle it," Shawn said.
"Uh huh," Jordan rolled his eyes.
Shawn finished up in the kitchen when Emma started coming down the stairs. She hugged him, wrapping her arms around his waist. Leaning her head against his chest as he wrapped his arms around her. He gently rubbed her back as he looked down at her. She leaned up and kissed him softly, he smiled against her lips.
"I could get used to this," he whispered.
"I could too" she smiled.
"I was going to bring you breakfast," he said.
"AWW thank you," she said. "What did you make?" she asked.
"Waffles of course and fruit," he said. "What fruit do you like?" he asked.
"Raspberries" she looked at him.
"Then raspberries it is then" he went into the refrigerator to get the berries.
"I'm telling you bad news," Jordan said as he walked out of the kitchen.
"Who was that? and what is bad news?" Emma asked.
"That's a NOBODY and needs to mind his BUSINESS," Shawn said.
"Ok" Emma nodded and kept quiet.
She sat down at the table as he placed the plates down onto the table. He sat down next to her as she started to eat. Once they finished eating he quickly cleaned up as she gathered her things. He made sure she got home safe, making sure she entered her home before pulling away. Of course, she had plenty of questions to answer when she entered the house. She made quick work of the questions before rushing upstairs. Over the next week, she stayed focused on school work, making sure she was going to ace all of her classes. She would sneak Shawn through her window at night time, just so they could spend some time together. Shawn made sure he was ready for her prom, getting a matching tie.
"So who are you going to prom with?" Nicole asked as they were in Emma's room getting ready.
"Shawn" Emma smiled to herself as she said his name.
"That guy from the bar? Isn't he like 25?" Nicole asked.
"No he's only 19," Emma said. "We have been hanging out and I like him," She said.
"I'm glad you found someone who makes you happy but be careful," Nicole said.
"Of course," Emma said as she slipped her dress on.
"Wow," Nicole said.
"Oh hush it," Emma said as she started to blush.
"Shawn's jaw is going to drop when he sees you," Nicole said.
"You think?" She asked.
"Yes I'm sure of it" Nicole smiled.
"Emma? Nicole? The boys are here" Emma's mom yelled out.
"We are coming," Emma said as she fixed her hair. "Ready?" she asked.
"Let's go," Nicole said as she snaked her arm with Emma's.
They came downstairs together, Shawn's face lit up once he saw Emma. He took a step forward reaching his hand out to help her down the stairs. She grabbed his hand as she finished walking down the stairs. She pinned the lapel on his jacket as he slipped the corsage on her wrist.
"You look beautiful," he whispered into her ear.
"Thank you" she kissed his cheek softly.
"Ok get together for pictures," Emma's mom said.
"But only a few, we don't want to be late," Emma said as she stood with Shawn.
Her mom took plenty of pictures and Emma had to pull everyone away so they could make it on time. They all got into the limo and they were off to the prom.
"So what are your intentions with my best friend?" Nicole asked.
"Hopefully spending a lifetime with her" Shawn smiled as he laced Emma's fingers with his.
"Wasn't expecting that" Nicole said.
"I wasn't either," Emma said.
"Well it's true," Shawn said as he picked up her hand, kissing the back of it.
"I hope I get to spend a lifetime with you," she said.
They arrived at the prom and got out of the limo. As Shawn and Emma walked in there were whispers, no one believed Emma when she said she had a date. She was more of a loner in school, she just liked keeping to herself. She always thought if she kept to herself then no one could talk about her private life. Mainly all night Shawn and Emma were on the dance floor, just enjoying the night.
"Let's sit down for a moment," he said.
"Ok," she nodded and followed him over to the table.
"Come here," he said as he sat down, pulling her onto his lap.
"Girl you are the talk of the school," Nicole said as she sat down.
"Wait what?" Emma asked.
"No one believed you had a date and you showed up with him, girl you are the talk right now," Nicole said.
"Oh," She nodded.
"You ok?" Shawn asked.
"Yea I'm ok," Emma said.
"It's not bad, I promise," Nicole said.
"It's ok," Emma said as she leaned back against Shawn.
"So what are you guys doing after prom?" Nicole asked.
"Probably go home," She said.
"I have a hotel room booked, only if you want to," Shawn said.
"Oh I didn't know, I would love to," She said as she looked at him.
"It was a surprise," he nodded.
"What time do you want to get out of here?" she asked.
"Whenever you want to" he looked at her.
"It's nearly midnight and I'll turn back into a pumpkin, so whisk me away my prince" she smiled.
"Your chariot awaits," he said as she stood up.
"Show me the way," she said as she grabbed his hand.
"Have fun you two" Nicole said as they left.
He guided her out of the school and back to the limo and went to the hotel. He checked in at the front desk and got the room key. He grabbed her hand and led her to the elevator.
"This is a nice hotel," Emma said.
"Yea it is," he said. "Did you have fun?" he questioned.
"I was about to ask you that," she smiled. "Yes I did have fun," she said as she entered the elevator.
"I did as well," he said as he followed her. He stood behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist.
"I'm glad you enjoyed yourself," she said as she placed her hand over his.
"I always enjoy myself when I'm with you," he said.
They finally arrived at the floor, he walked to the room as she followed him. He opened the door allowing her to enter first before walking inside. He closed the door, making sure it was locked before watching her. She slipped off her shoes and sat on the bed, turning her attention to him standing at the door.
"I didn't bring a change of clothes," she pouted.
"I got it covered, in the bathroom, there is an oversize shirt and some clean underwear," he said.
"You surely are a gentleman," she said as she made her way over to him.
"I do try to make everyone happy," he said as he placed his hands on her hips.
"I see and do you make yourself happy?" she asked as she rested her hand on his chest.
"I'm happy when the people I care about are happy," He said before leaning down and kissing her softly.
She smiled against his lips before kissing him back. She slowly pulled away and made her way into the bathroom. She quickly got changed and came back into the room. He had also changed and got comfortable on the bed. She made her way onto the bed, moving over the top of him. He placed his hands on her hips as she sat down on his lap. She leaned down and kissed him softly, tugging at his bottom lip. He leaned up slightly to keep the kiss, grabbing the back of her neck. She pulled away from him resting her forehead against his. He pushed his hips up, putting her on the bed. Moving between her legs as he kissed her softly, slowly moving down to her neck.
"I'm sorry," she said as she looked away. "I'm pretty tired," she said,
"That's ok," he said as he lay beside her.
She snuggled close to him, resting her head against his chest. They both started to drift off to sleep. In the morning she woke up to the sound of the shower. She got out of bed and peeped around the bathroom door.
"Mind if I join you?" she asked.
"Sure," he said as he opened the curtain.
She got undressed and got into the shower with him. He moved her in front of him so she was under the water, and they both washed each other. He gently pushed her against the wall, moving his lips against her neck. She rubbed his chest as she leaned her head back, moaning as he moved down to her collarbone. Before he could move down further both his and her phone started to go off. She sighed as she got out of the shower, wrapping a towel around herself. He always got out and wrapped a towel around himself before making his way to the bedroom. They both answered the phone, he went into the bathroom to answer his as she answered her. They both got dressed and left the hotel room, he made sure she got home safe before going to deal with some business. It seemed like after prom time moved very quickly, before Emma knew it, it was graduation day. She was beyond nervous and super busy that morning. Her parents took her downtown to where graduation was being held, she joined her classmates as they waited. After what felt like a lifetime they finally walked into the room and started graduation. There was plenty of talking and tears before diplomas were handed out. All of a sudden there was screaming breaking out in the crowd, everyone was confused about what was going on. Emma spotted Shawn entering the building when a bunch of girls were surrounding him and screaming. A few days before graduation Shawn's vine video went viral and he was signed to a major record label. When Emma saw how girls were throwing themselves at Shawn and screaming. She realized that her life with Shawn wouldn't be a normal one. She even started to question if Shawn would still want her since he was becoming famous. Would he forget about her? What would become of their relationship? She sighed and looked down as security escorted Shawn out of the building and graduation started back up.
#Shawn Mendes#Shawn Mendes Imagines#Shawn Mendes Imagine#Shawn Mendes Preference#Shawn Mendes Preferneces#Shawn Mendes Blrub#Shawn Mendes Blurbs#Shawn Mendes Writing#Shawn Mendes Writings
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Station 242 (pt 2)
Type: One-shot | Imagine about Shawn Mendes Rating: Rated R for BDSM sexual encounters | (18+) Warning: This story is involving BDSM Word Count: 4100+ Part 1 | Part 2 Enjoy!
"Now now kitten that isn't how you're supposed to greet your master," he said in a tone that made her submit.
She swallowed hard and opened the door for him to enter the apartment. She closed the door behind him and sat on the couch with him. Silence fell over the room. Neither one of them knew what to say.
"I never wanted to be the other woman," Kai whispered.
"You aren't," he said as he turned to face her.
"Don't give me that bullshit, Shawn" she said as she looked at him.
"I'm not bullshitting you but you won't let me explain," he said.
"She's your WIFE, what is there to explain?" She said as she stood up.
"Don't carry that tone with me!" he said as he stood up.
"No, you don't get to come in here and try to make me submit '' she crossed her arms. "That only happens in the bedroom," she said.
"I got you to submit to let me in" he chuckled slightly. "Seriously can I explain?" he asked.
"Since this is a joking matter to you, get out of my apartment," she said.
"Really Kai?" he asked.
"Yea really," she said.
"I don't think it's a joke," he said as he moved closer to her. "I'm sorry," he said as he placed his hand on her arm.
"We should just be work buddies and that's it," she said as she stepped back. "Should have never become involved" she said.
"I don't believe you believe that," he said.
She knew she needed space from him so she walked away, into the kitchen. Just to catch her breath because with him so close made her lose her breath. Made her want to submit and let him have his way with her. He followed her into the kitchen but allowed her space. Leaning against the counter as he watched her.
"She's your wife," Kai said as she leaned against the counter as well, across from Shawn.
"Yes she is my wife," he said.
"And you thought it was ok to cheat on her?" Kai asked.
"It's not like that Kai," he said.
"You are committed under vows and you broke them," she said.
"Are you willing to allow me to explain?" he asked.
"Sure," she said as she took a deep breath in.
"She's my best friend, we grew up together" he started. "And then she got sick and her insurance denied her coverage," he said.
"So you two got married so she could be covered," Kai said.
"Yes that's what we did but she's just my best friend," he said. "Nothing has ever happened between us" he looked at her.
"Then why did she react the way she did?" Kai asked.
"She was pulling your leg to see what reaction she could get," he said. "She never thought I would be in the dog house for it" he chuckled slightly.
Kai nodded and looked down, playing with the ring on her finger. She didn't know what to say or even if she should believe him. He moved closer to her, pinning her against the counter. Placing his hand on her hip, his other hand against her jaw. Tilting her chin up so she was looking at him. Brushing his thumb against her lips as he looked at her. Her breath caught in her throat as she looked at him. Biting her lip softly as he moved his hand against her neck. Pulling her closer to his chest, leaned down, and kissed her softly. Biting her lip softly making her moan against his lips.
"Right now you are my kitten," he whispered.
He gripped her hips, picking her up and placing her on the counter. Moving between her legs as he moved his lips to her neck. Gently nibbling at her ear before moving down and sucking on her neck. She leaned her head back, pushing her hips towards his as she moaned. He pulled her closer to her, allowing her to wrap her legs around his waist. Moving back up and kissing her softly, placing his hands against her cheek.
"I'm sorry if she hurt your feelings," he said.
"It didn't hurt me, it just made me feel like I was the other woman" she looked at him.
"I promise you, you aren't" he looked at her. "Right now you are the only one," he said.
"I want to believe you," she said.
"We can work on that," he nodded. "I'm sure you've had a bad experience before so whatever you need, I'm here," he said.
"Thank you," she said as she placed her hand against his chest.
"I don't know where this will go but right now I'm happy with what we have," he said.
"Same, I don't want to label it yet" she nodded. "Just having fun" she looked at him. "With each other" she smiled.
"Yea" he leaned in and kissed her softly.
She wrapped her arms around his neck, keeping the kiss between them. He picked her up and moved them to the bedroom, laying her on the bed. He quickly moved away from her. He walked over to her nightstand, grabbing two things out of it. He smirked to himself as he placed the blindfold over her eyes.
"So rules are you have to answer my questions and if you get them wrong you get punished" he whispered into her ear.
"Ok," she said as sat up on her elbows.
"But first I need to strip you," he said as he pulled her pants off.
"I'm ok with that" she smiled as she lifted her hips.
"Ready?" he asked.
"Yes," she said.
"Yes what?" he said.
"Yes sir," she said.
"Good kitten" he smiled as he looked at her naked body on the bed.
He moved between her legs, turning on a small bullet. He placed it against her nub as he started to ask questions. Every time she got one wrong he would stop it, driving her wild. He kept going and edged her closer to the edge each time but would stop it when she got it wrong.
"Shawn" she moaned as he pulled away.
"What was that?" he asked as he placed it back against her nub.
"SIR PLEASE" she bit her lip.
"Then get one right" he smirked as he removed it once again.
"Ok" she took a deep breath in as she gathered herself.
"Alright, what's two plus two?" he asked as he turned on the bullet again.
"Four," she said.
"Good girl" he smirked as he turned the bullet on full speed, allowing her to climax.
She bucked her hips towards him as she climaxed. He moved closer to her so she could lean against him after she came down. He grabbed her chin and kissed her softly. He slowly removed the blindfold allowing her time to adjust to the lights.
"You are full of surprises," she said as she looked at him.
"Yes I am" he kissed her forehead. "Do you need a snack? Water?" he asked.
"No, I feel fine," she nodded.
"Are you sure because we aren't finished yet?" he said.
"Oh really?" she questioned.
"Yea really," he said as he kissed her.
He pushed her back against the bed as he moved over top of her. He moved his lips to her neck as he moved her hands above her head. Pinning them down as he moved his lips down to her collarbone. He let her hands go but she kept them above her head as he moved down her body. He nibbled at her hips before sliding between her legs. Not wasting time as he licked up her slit, moving his tongue against her nub. He moved his fingers down her slit, sliding them in and curling them just right. She arched her back and gripped the bed sheets. He gently nibbled at her nub before slowly kissing up her body. Moving to her neck, sucking and nibbling. He nudged her legs further apart as he moved between them. Rubbing himself against her before pushing his hips towards hers, sliding fully into her.
"Fuck" she moaned.
"Don't hold back, Kitten" he said as he grabbed her hands, pushing them above her head.
She arched into him, moving her hips towards his as they moved as one. He grabbed her ass, pulling her closer to him allowing her to wrap her legs around him. His thrust started to pick up and go deeper, hitting her spot. She edged closer to her climax as he continued to thrust into her. He moved his hand between her legs, rubbing her nub as he thrust. Making her cum faster and harder, he allowed her to ride it out before he chased his climax. He gently pulled out and laid beside her, she rolled over to her side and rested her head against his chest.
"Do you need anything?" he asked.
"Just want this moment," she said as she started tracing patterns on his stomach.
He pulled her closer to him, running his hand up and down her arm softly. He leaned over and kissed her forehead, just enjoying the moment. After a few moments, he got up out of the bed and went into the bathroom. She could hear him running the water so she made her way to the bathroom. Leaning against the door frame as she watched him draw a bubble bath.
"This time you are joining me," she said.
"I would love that" he smiled as he looked up at her.
"Good," she said as she made her way over to him.
"Why do you have this pull over me?" he asked as he pushed her hair behind her ear.
"The same way you have that pull over me" she leaned up and kissed him softly.
"I've never met anyone like you kitten," he said as he grabbed her chin.
"Because there is only one of me" she smirked as she slipped into the tub.
"That is the truth" he smiled as he watched her before getting into the tub as well.
He gently wrapped his arm around her stomach and pulled her between his legs. She rested against his chest, playing with his hands as they relaxed in the water. He took the washcloth and lathered up the soaps, gently running the washcloth over her skin. Placing his lips against her neck as he ran the washcloth between her breasts. She leaned her head back against him, allowing him full access to her. He circled her nipples with his fingers, making sure her nipples were lathered with soap. He smirked as he finished washing her body. Once he was finished she turned to face him and made sure he was clean. He chuckled slightly as he got out of the tub and grabbed a towel.
"After you," he said as he held out his hand for her.
"Thank you" She smiled as she grabbed his hand and got out of the tub.
He wrapped her up in the towel before grabbing a towel for himself. He wrapped the towel around his waist as they walked into the bedroom. Once he was dry he started to get dressed. She also started to get ready for bed as she watched him. Once she finished getting ready for bed she got into bed. He laid beside her allowing her to lay her head against his chest. He played with her hair until she fell asleep. He gently kissed her forehead before leaving her apartment. In the morning she woke up alone but this time she expected it. She sat up in the bed, running her hands through her hair. She grabbed her phone just checking the notifications. She smiled to herself when she saw that Shawn sent a good morning text. She pulled herself out of bed and started to get ready for work. Before she knew it she was running late, she rushed out the door and got down to the station.
"Late bird" Shawn smiled as she rushed inside.
"Uh-huh," She rushed into the station and clocked in quickly.
Once she was clocked in she made her way into the locker rooms. Putting her stuff in the locker before making her way into the bathroom to change her clothes. Shawn snuck up behind her before she got into the bathroom. Wrapping his arms around her waist, and placed a kiss on her cheek. She leaned back against him, just enjoying his embrace.
"Morning" he whispered in her ear.
"Morning," she smiled. "Aren't you scared of people catching us?" she questioned.
"We are alone, don't worry" he whispered.
"Are you sure?" she asked.
"Yes I'm sure" he chuckled slightly as he kissed her cheek again. "Go get ready," he said as he pulled away, smacking her ass as she walked away.
She walked into the bathroom and got ready for the shift. Right after she tied her shoes a call came in. She rushed out to the ambulance. They went on the call, it was a simple and easy call and before they knew it they were back at the station. On that day they couldn't seem to catch a break, call after call came in.
"Hey while we are out to do you want to get something to eat?" he asked as he placed his hand on her leg.
"Sure" she nodded.
"Alright what would you like?" he asked.
"Tacos," she smiled.
"Tacos it is then" he smiled as he stopped by a Taco truck.
They both got out of the ambulance and ordered their food. Shawn was standing by the Taco truck when Kai noticed some of her old friends. They ditched her a while back because of her wild dreams and Kai didn't fit into their friend group.
"Is that Kai?" a girl said,
"Yes, it's Kai," Kai said.
"It's weird running into you here," the girl said.
"Really Nicole?" Kai said.
"Yea it is," Nicole said. "We normally don't see you around anymore," she said.
"Because you guys left me so how would you know where I hang out or where I am?" Kai asked.
"True" Nicole rolled her eyes.
"Is that your boyfriend?" Nicole nodded toward Shawn.
"He's my partner in the ambulance," Kai said.
"Ok good because he's too hot for you" Nicole chuckled.
"Be nice," Sarah said as she nudged Nicole.
"I'm just saying," Nicole said.
"Hello, who are you guys?" Shawn asked as he came over with the food.
"Oh, these girls?" Kai asked. "Just a bunch of nobodies," Kai said as she grabbed her food and walked off.
"Well nice meet you nobodies, hope I don't see you again," Shawn said as he followed Kai.
"What would Jonathan think about all of this?" Nicole said.
Those words sent shivers down Kai's body. She stopped in her tracks, her breath caught in her throat. Just hearing his name made her blood boil. Shawn placed his arm around Kai's shoulders and walked her back to the ambulance. They ate their lunch and drove back to the station in silence. Shawn didn't push her to talk, he knew she would talk to him when she was ready to. It was the end of the shift, she went into the locker room and grabbed her things. She turned the shower on and sat on the floor, still in her clothes as the water washed over her. She allowed the tears to slip from her eyes as she cried. Shawn walked into the locker room and noticed her bag near the shower. He could hear her crying so he rushed into the stall, turning the water off and sitting next to her. He wrapped his arms around her and just held her close to him. She grabbed his shirt and cried against his chest.
"Shhh I got you" he whispered as he kissed the top of her head.
"What's going on?" Sky asked as he walked in.
"Just go, I got her," Shawn nodded.
"Alright, let us know if we can help," Sky said.
"I will," Shawn said.
They guys left the fire station while Shawn just held Kai. Finally, she pulled away from Shawn and wiped her eyes. She got up off the floor and gathered her things. Shawn also got off the floor and stayed close to her, making sure she was ok. He placed his hand on her back, gently rubbing her back.
"Do you want to talk about it?" Shawn asked.
"Those girls used to be my friends," Kai said.
"I meant about what is upsetting you and I know it's not them," Shawn said.
"You mean Jonathan?" she asked.
"Yes Jonathan" He looked at her. "Only if you feel the need to tell me," he said.
"Maybe one day" she nodded.
"Ok," He nodded. "Let's get you out of here," he said.
He walked her to her car and helped her get in. He made sure she was ok to drive and allowed her to leave the station. He got into his car and left the station but he went to the bar as she went home. She went to her apartment and went straight to her room once we got there. She pulled down a box that she had in her closet and sat on the bed. The box was filled with memories of Jonathan. There were pictures, ticket stubs, concert passes, and even a ring. It seemed like her past that she tried so hard to bury was coming back and it was on a fast track. She crossed her legs as she looked through the box, allowing her feelings to come out.
"I hate doing life without you," she said as she looked at a picture.
She looked at a few more pictures before placing them back into the box. She put the box up and decided that she needed to do something to get her mind off of Jonathan. She called a cab and made her way to the bar that Shawn was at. It was a normal bar and she didn't even realize that he was there until she sat down.
"Can I get a whiskey on the rocks?" she asked the bartender.
"Coming right up sweetheart," the bartender said.
"Drinking something away?" Shawn asked as he sat next to her.
"I didn't know you were here," she said as she looked at him.
"I've been here since the end of shift, didn't feel like going home," he said.
"You could have called me or come over," she said.
"I wanted to give you space," he nodded.
"Thank you, I appreciate that," she said.
"Here's your drink," the bartender said as he sat Kai's drink down.
'Thank you," she said as she grabbed the drink and took a sip.
She quickly finished her drink and ordered another one. That's when Shawn realized that tonight would be different and he needed to keep an eye on her. After her second drink, she grabbed his hand and led him out onto the dance floor. He placed his hands on her hips, just trying to steady her. She wrapped her arms around his neck and moved to the music. He just held onto her making sure she wouldn't fall. After the song finished she went back and sat down at the bar, he followed behind her.
"So tell me, what are we?" she asked.
"What do you mean?" he asked.
"What are we?" she looked at him.
"Why label it? Why not just have fun" he said.
"So I'm just having a fun time?" she said.
"Yes but so much more as well, let's not rush it," he said.
"So I'm not worth a commitment," she said.
"I'm not saying that Kai," he said.
"But it is," she said as she ordered another drink.
"Kai it's not what I'm saying" he grabbed her hand. "You mean a lot to me. I just don't want to rush," he looked at her.
She rolled her eyes and continued to drink her drink. Before she had a chance to order another drink Shawn pulled her out of the bar. He called a cab and got her inside of the cab and headed back to his place.
"You can't do this," she said.
"I'm getting you home safe," he said.
"You are kidnapping me," she said.
"And you are drunk," he said.
"Ok, maybe you are right about that one," she said.
"Yea," he said.
"But I'm nothing to you" she crossed her arms.
"I never said that Kai," he said as he paid the cab driver. "Come on," he said as he got out of the car and grabbed her hand.
She got out of the car and followed him inside. She sat on the couch while he grabbed a bottle of water and something to eat. He came and sat next to her, handing her the bottle of water. She started drinking the water before leaning back against the couch. He kneeled uniting her shoes, he slipped the shoe off allowing his hand to brush against her leg.
"Kai are you really upset with me?" He looked up at her.
"No" she whispered.
"Good," he nodded.
"I never wanted to bring my past life into the new one I started," she said.
"I understand," he said.
"Are you too hot to be with me?" she asked.
"Who told you that?" he questioned. "Those girls?" he asked.
"Yea" she nodded.
"And there is a reason why they aren't your friends anymore, they are assholes," he said.
"True" she smiled slightly.
"There's that smile" he stood up and sat beside her.
"Uh-huh," she rolled her eyes. "He was my everything," she said.
"I'm sure he was," he nodded as he listened to her.
"Yea he was and it sucks that I have to do life without him" she took a deep breath in, trying not to cry.
"I know the feeling" he rubbed her back. "What happened to him? If you want to talk about it" he said.
"A boating accident," she said. "He fell off and the water was too much and he never surfaced," she said as she started crying.
"I'm so sorry," he said as he held her close to his chest.
"We all jumped in and searched but no one could find him" she cried and placed her head down in her hands.
"I got you," he said as he rubbed her back.
"He was my high school sweetheart, I could never go back to that small town," she said.
"So you continued to move until you could find a station that felt like home," he said.
"Yea" she nodded.
He allowed her to just spill her guts out, he just listened to her and held her. After a while, he got her into bed and settled for the night. He stayed in the living room for a little bit before taking himself to bed. He got into bed with Kai and cuddled close to her, as he started to drift off to sleep. She woke up in the middle of the night, easing herself off the bed. She made sure she didn't wake him up as she went into the bathroom. Closing the door behind her, making sure it was locked. She had tried so hard to erase her past, to erase the pain she felt but the hearing of his name sent her right back into grief. Kai could feel herself enjoying her life at station 242, enjoying her relationship with Shawn. It also made her feel guilty because she was happy and moving on while Jonathan would forever be 21.
"I hate you for everything you made yourself forget, made yourself not feel," she said to herself as she looked into the mirror. "Leaving him behind and moving on," she said. "Jonathan I'm so sorry for everything," she cried. "I can't do life without you and I was reminded of that today," she said.
"Kai?" Shawn said as he tried to get into the bathroom. "Are you ok?" he asked.
"I'm fine," she said as she wiped her tears away.
"You don't sound fine, open the door," he said.
"I'm ok, really," she said. "Go back to sleep," she said.
"Kai please," he said.
"Shawn I'm fine, '' she said.
"Kai please know I don't want to lose you, I care about you," he said.
"I care about you Shawn," she said. "I'm ok," she nodded.
"Alright," he said as he went back to bed.
He laid back down and ended up falling back to sleep. He was scared that in the morning that he would wake up and she wouldn't be there. That she would d end up hurting herself, so the rest of the night he tossed and turned. In the morning he woke up with her in his arms. He leaned over and kissed her forehead, trying to wake her up.
#Shawn Mendes#Shawn Mendes Imagines#Shawn Mendes Imagine#Shawn Mendes Preference#Shawn Mendes Preferences#Shawn Mendes Writing#Shawn Mendes Writings#Shawn Mendes Blurb#Shawn Mendes Blurbs#Shawn Mendes Smut
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Station 242 pt 2 should be up by this weekend, thank you for being patient with me!
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Station 242
Type: One shot | Imagine about Shawn Rating: Rated R for BDSM Sexual Encounters Warning: this story is based heavily on BDSM Word Count: 4700+ Enjoy!
Kai's life was always fast-paced so it didn't shock anyone when she became a paramedic. She always loved to be hands-on and help people so it was a perfect fit. Since passing the test she would bounce from house to house but nothing seemed to fit for a long period. She was in the floater pool and honestly, she just wanted to find a house that would fit.
"Welcome to house 242, ambulance 120," The paramedic said. "Thank you," Kai nodded. "Nice to meet you," she said. "You too," He nodded. "Let me show you around," he said. "Thanks," she said as she followed him.
He showed her the whole firehouse and then the ambulance. Making sure she knew where everything was and didn't get mad when she asked multiple questions.
"By the way I'm Shawn," he said as he held out his hand. "I'm Kai," she said as she shook his hand. "Well Kai, let's hope you are a perfect match" he smiled. "I sure hope so" she looked at him. "Tired of floating," she admitted. "I bet," he said. "How long have you been a paramedic?" he asked. "Well I passed the test almost two years ago," she nodded. "Been floating ever since" she said. "If I knew you were out there I would have requested you" he smiled. "Really? But you don't know if I'm a good paramedic" she said. "Yea true" he nodded. "But I have a good feeling about you," he said. "Thank you," she said.
Once they finished going over the ambulance she went inside to introduce herself to everyone. For the first time, she felt welcomed. Maybe house 242 would be her new home, but only time would tell. She settled in at the table and started talking to everyone. Until they got a call and she rushed out to the rig with Mendes. It was just a medical call so it was just the ambulance pulling out. Shawn and Kai fit together like a glove, she had everything he needed before he could even ask.
"I need" he started to say before she handed him the gaze he was about to ask for. "Thanks, '' he said as he focused on the patient. "I'm going to get the stretcher," she said. "Alright," he nodded.
They loaded up the patient and she rode in the back. They dropped the patient off at the hospital and went back to the firehouse. She started to stock the ambulance as he went into the firehouse. He went straight to the chief because he wanted to make sure that he would lose Kai.
"We need to talk," Shawn said. "Sure what's up?" the chief asked. "I want to keep Kai," Shawn said. "It's only been one shift, one call," the chief chuckled slightly. "But we mess so well and she's what house 242 has been missing," Shawn said. "Wow, she impressed you," the chief said. "Yea she did," Shawn said. "I'll start the paperwork but I need to talk to Kai first to see if it's what she wants," the chief said. "Sure" Shawn nodded. "Thanks," he said as he left the office.
She closed the ambulance and went into the dining hall. Grabbing her something to eat before sitting at the table. She started to eat when another call came in. She placed the food in the refrigerator and rushed off to the ambulance.
"Busy house," she said. "Something like that," Shawn said. "The chief wants to talk to you," he said. "Oh," she sighed. "Ok thanks" she nodded as she looked out the window. "Hey you aren't in trouble," he said as he placed his hand over hers. "I'm used to it," she nodded.
They arrived at the scene and once again she didn't miss a beat. Everything he wanted she already had. It went by quickly and they were dropping the patient off at the house before they knew it. Arriving back at the station, instead of stocking the ambulance, she went to the chief's office.
"I heard you wanted to talk to me," Kai said. "Yea comes in and sit down," the chief said. "Where am I headed to next?" Kai asked. "Hopefully home and then back here for your next shift," the chief said. "Wait, you want me for more than one shift?" she asked. "We want you to stay at house 242," the chief said. "If you would have us," he said. "I would love that honestly," she said. "I'll start the paperwork, but welcome to your new house" the chief smiled. "Thank you," she said.
She had to sign a few papers before leaving the office. She made it back outside where Shawn was in the ambulance taking inventory.
"Everything looks good?" she asked. "Yes it does" he nodded. "Well house 242 is officially my house" she smiled. "Really?" he asked. "Yea that's what the chief wanted to talk about," she said. "Congrats," he said as he hugged her.
She wrapped her arms around him, leaning her head against his chest. His smell was intoxicating, and her breath caught in her throat. She looked up at him, their eyes met and it was like everyone else melted away. His breath also caught in his throat as he tucked a piece of hair behind her ears. Allowing his hand to cup her cheek, brushing his thumb against her lips. She leaned in, stepping on her tippy toes as she allowed her lips to brush against his. All of a sudden a loud crash happened and they pulled away quickly.
"Guys is everything ok?" he asked as he walked away.
She went inside the ambulance and closed the door. She was finishing up the inventory but had a hard time concentrating.
"Come on Kai you just got this house, don't fuck it up" she sighed as she sat down. "Including being involved with him" she closed her eyes. "Don't fuck this up" she said.
She finished up with the inventory and allowed him to run it through to make sure she didn't miss anything. He was very quiet as she was because they didn't know what to say. Should they address what happened or just push it under the rug and move on?
"Some of the guys are going to the bar later, do you want to join us?" he asked. "I'm not sure" she took a deep breath in. "I thought about going to a club," she said. "Club? Which one?" he asked. "The one not too far from here" she nodded. "We can meet there and have a few drinks," he suggested. "Sure" she nodded. "Thank you for today," she said. "No problem, you deserve this," he said. "Yea," she said. "See you later," she said as she left the station.
She got into her car and pulled off. Making it back to her apartment, and meeting her sister at the door when she entered. Her sister was on the way out to go to her job. They hugged and parted ways, Kai went and laid on the couch just taking a breather. She didn't realize how tired she was as she closed her eyes. She woke up to her phone going off, it was Shawn and that's when she realized what time it was.
"Guess I was tired," she said as she rubbed her eyes. She answered her phone. "I'm sorry I'll be there shortly," she said. "Are you ok?" he asked. "Yea just fell asleep, I'll see you soon," she said. "Ok," he chuckled slightly before hanging up.
She rushed around and got dressed, quickly brushing her hair. Then she was out the door, making her way down to the club. He was standing outside waiting for her. He offered his arm and she linked her arm around his as they entered the club. He ordered them drinks before sitting down at a table.
"I'm so sorry for keeping you waiting," she said. "It's ok," he said as he picked up his glass. "To you," he said. "To me" she smiled as she clinked glasses with him. They both took a sip of their drink. "Can we talk about what happened today?" he asked. "Outside the ambulance?" she looked at him. "Yea" he nodded. "I don't know what came over me, I'm sorry," she said. "Don't be sorry, It was something pulling us together," he said. "I liked it, wish we could have seen where it would have led," he said. "Really?" she asked as she took another sip. "Yes I do" he looked at her. "Did you have something to do with me getting to stay?" she asked. "I told the chief that you were a good fit," he said. "Oh ok," she nodded. "Was it because you like me?" she asked. "I like you as a person and you fit perfectly at house 242," he said. "Plus I've never had a pandemic so quick before," he said. "Are you just saying that?" she questioned. "No, I'm not," he said. "Now dance with me," he said as he stood up, offering his hand to her.
She grabbed his hand and followed him out onto the dance floor. They moved together to the beat of the music, getting pretty close to each other. She wrapped her arms around his neck to keep him close. He leaned in, allowing his lips to linger against hers to see what she would do. She smiled against his lips before kissing him softly. He grabbed the back of her head, keeping the kiss between them. She tugged at his bottom lip as she pulled away.
"You can't handle me," she whispered in his ear. "Try me" he whispered into her ear. "Are you dominant?" she asked. "What?" He looked at her. "As in dominant in the bedroom?" he asked. "Yes I love to be dominated," she smiled. "Wouldn't you love to find out" he smiled. "Don't tease me now" she said. "Don't question me, kitten" he said into her ear. "So the tiger is willing to play" She smiled as she danced with him.
They finished their dance and went back to the table. They ordered more drinks and time started slipping away. He grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her closer to him. He didn't have to say anything but she nodded and stayed close to him. He paid for the drinks and led her out of the club. He hailed a cab and opened the door for her. She got into the car and he followed, as they were driving to his place. He grabbed her chin to make her look at him, demanding her attention. He leaned in, kissing her softly but showing her his power. She kissed him back keeping the same intensity, he pushed her back against the seat. Nuding her legs open with his hand, running his hand along her thigh.
"What are your rules? and your safeword?" he asked. "Safeword is the color system" she tried to focus on his questions. "And I don't have rules," she said. "Nothing is off-limits?" he asked as he moved his hand up her thigh, edging closer to her center. "Limits um" she tried to slow her breathing but it was hopeless. "No pee or blood, no cutting," she said. "Is that it, kitten? Now give me your full attention" he said as he grabbed her chin again. "Yes that's it, sir," she said as she looked at him. "Speak your safewords kitten," he said as he brushed her center with his thumb. "Red means stop, yellow means slow down and green means go," she said as her breath caught in her throat. "Good girl" he smirked as he knew he was driving her wild. "We are here," he said as the car came to a stop. He paid the driver and got out of the car, reaching for her hand. She grabbed his hand and followed him up to his apartment. He unlocked the door and opened it, allowing her to enter first. He followed and closed the door behind him before grabbing her neck, and pushing her against the wall. He pressed himself against her as he kissed her softly, moving his lips down to her neck.
"No sounds" he whispered before he started sucking against her neck.
She nodded as she didn't want to displease him. Controlling her breathing as she tried not to make a sound. He knew he had her right where he wanted her. He pulled her closer to him, moving her towards the couch. She grabbed his hand and decided to lead him into the bedroom where things would be more comfortable. He grabbed the handcuffs off the table as she lay on the bed. He made quick work of her clothes before handcuffing her to the bed.
"Do you have any toys?" he asked. "In the nightstand" she responded.
He looked through her nightstand and pulled out a small bullet. It was small but it was powerful enough to get the job done. He moved over top of her, nudging her legs open with his knee. He leaned over and kissed her softly, moving to her neck. He turned on the bullet and hovered over her skin with it. At first on her stomach and then down to her thigh moving slowly. She bit her lip so she wouldn't make a sound. He moved the bullet closer to her center, teasing her slightly. He placed the bullet on her nub, sending pleasure through her body. She moved her hips towards him as she wanted more, she wanted him. He smirked as he knew he was teasing her, edging her closer to a climax.
"Whine for me, kitten," he said. "Please I need you" she moaned. "You need what? Use your big girl words" he said. "I need you, I want you inside me," she said.
He moved off the bed and undid his belt, allowing his pants to fall on the floor. He stepped out of them and grabbed a condom from her nightstand. Slipping on himself before moving back over to her. He slipped his tip up and down her slit, rubbing against her swollen nub.
"Don't worry I'm going to give you what you need" he whispered into her ear. "Please," she said as she moved her hips with his.
He shifted his hips and pushed himself into her. She allowed her moans to escape her lips as he soon pulled back up. Then he pushed himself in her again and started to thrust. His thrust was powerful and deep, hitting all of her spots. Even spots she didn't know she had, sent pleasure down her spine.
"Don't hold back, I want to hear you," he said.
She arched her back and allowed her moans to escape her lips. He knew she was close so he angled his hips and hit her deepest spot. Sending her over the edge, he gripped her hips allowing her to enjoy the moment. As she came down he started to thrust into her again. It wasn't too much longer before he also climaxed. He pulled out and threw the condom away. He undid the handcuffs and rubbed her wrist, to soothe the marks. He left the bedroom and grabbed her a glass of water, returning and handing it to her. After she drank the water he went into the bathroom and started a hot bath.
"Come here," he said as he reached for her hand. "Thanks" she nodded as she followed him.
Aftercare was just important as the sex and he wanted to make sure she was taken care of. After the hot bath, they both lay in the bed. She snuggled closer to him resting her head against his chest. He was running his hand through her hair as she drifted off to sleep. He fell asleep soon after, in the morning she was awakened by the smell of coffee. She sat up in the bed and stretched, she was about to get up when he entered with breakfast.
"I thought you would like breakfast in bed," he said as he placed the tray over her lap. "Wow thank you," she said. "A girl could get used to this" she smiled. "And that's a problem?" he asked as he kissed her forehead. "No" she looked up at him. "This didn't happen," he said. "We are just co-workers" he looked at her. "Yea" she nodded. "Of course," she said. "Have a good day" he said as he kissed her cheek and he left her apartment.
She finished eating breakfast and went to clean up the mess. To her surprise, he already cleaned up and all she had was the plate her food was on. He was too perfect for words and she wanted him but she knew she could not have him. Well not in a relationship way anyways, maybe they could have fun at night time again. She should have realized that he was a dom because the club they went to was a BDSM club. They just didn't go towards the back room and kept it up front with the drinks. She took the day to recover from their intense scene. Just curled up in the bed with a good book and took it easy. The next morning she woke up and got ready for work.
"Ok nothing happened," she said to herself in the mirror. "Oh but it did" she smiled to herself.
She finished getting ready for work and headed out the door. She stopped by Starbucks quickly to get her coffee before making it to the fire station. She walked in and put her bag into her locker, sitting at the table just looking through her phone.
"So Kai, that's your name?" someone asked. "Yes it's Kai" she nodded as she looked at them. "Is that short for something?" he asked. "Yes it is, my full name is Katherina but I like Kai '' she nodded. "Cool," he said. "I'm Sky," he said. "Nice to finally know some names," she said. "Of course," he said. "Well you know me," Shawn said as he sat beside her. "Well you are my partner so I had to know it," she said. "True," he said. "We didn't see you at the bar the other night," Sky said. "I had other plans," She said. "It was for you, for you staying at 242," Toby said as he said down. "I'm Toby by the way," he said. "Was it? I had no clue" she said. "I'm sorry, maybe we could redo it?" she asked. "Yea another time," Toby said. "Were you with Shawn?" he asked. "No I wasn't, I had other plans" she nodded. "Just because I wasn't at the bar doesn't mean I was with her, '' Shawn said as he rolled his eyes. "You are never with a girl," Sky said. "And?" Shawn said. "Are you batting for the other team?" Sky asked. "No," Shawn said. "He's private about his private life, give him a break," Kai said. "Exactly," Shawn said.
Before Sky and Toby could say something a call came in. Kai and Shawn both rushed out the door and were on the way to the call.
"Thanks back there," He said. "It's ok," she nodded as she looked out the window. "What's wrong kitten?" he asked as he placed his hand on her leg. "Nothing," she said. "Are you sure?" he asked as he slipped his hand up higher. "Yea just working," she said as she pushed his hand away. "You are playing a dangerous game," he whispered. "And if I enjoy it?" she asked as she placed her hand over his crotch. "I like being punished," she whispered into his ear. "Oh, kitten" he moaned slightly at her touch. "Be careful" he said as he parked the ambulance and grabbed her chin so she was looking at him. "I like playing with fire," she said as she looked at him. "Punish me," she said as she pulled away. "Oh I will kitten," he said as he got out of the ambulance.
They went on with the call like professionals and went back to the firehouse. She stocked up on what they used as he went to hang out with the guys. Once she finished stocking up the ambulance she made her way into the kitchen. It was her turn to cook lunch and she couldn't wait for everyone to taste her cooking. She still wanted to impress everyone at the firehouse, not just Shawn. She called everyone in and serviced lunch and it was a big hit. Everyone loved it and wanted seconds, she sat at the table and just smiled.
"Someone is happy with themselves," Shawn said as he sat beside her. "And what if I am?" she asked. "It's good to be proud of yourself," he said. "You fit in here perfectly" he looked at her. "Yes I do," she nodded.
He patted her back before getting up, moving closer to the guys. She just watched him and she just couldn't figure him out. One moment he was her master and then other times he gave her the cold shoulder. She shrugged it off and went to clean up after lunch. She didn't get that far into doing the dishes before they got another call.
"KAI COME ON" he yelled. "I AM!" she snapped back as she ran out to the ambulance.
He pulled right out and the whole ride was silent. It seems like he was driving more urgently than he has ever to an emergency. They finally arrived at the scene and he just rushed out of the ambulance. Ran inside while Kai got everything ready, trying to rush as quickly as he. Once Kai entered the house she noticed blood right away. She finally made it to where Shawn was, he was over the patient, holding a towel over the wound.
"HELP" Shawn yelled. "I got this" Kai nodded as she kneeled, removing Shawn's hands. "Go!" she said. "I'm not leaving," Shawn said. "It's personal for you so I got this! You need to go" she said as she worked on the patient. "THIS IS MY SISTER, I'M NOT GOING" he yelled. "GET OUT OF MY SCENE NOW" Kai yelled.
The police officer that was on the scene made Shawn walk out of the house. Kai did everything she could to make the patient stable before sending her off to the hospital. Shawn rode in the back of the ambulance with his sister. Kai called the chief and told him what was going on. She sat in the waiting room with Shawn, just being there for him.
"I'm sorry" he whispered. "You have nothing to be sorry about," she said as she rubbed his back. "It's family," she said. "Thanks" he leaned his head against her shoulder. "I got you," she said.
They finally came out and gave Shawn an update, his sister was going to be fine. He went quickly to see her before they left the hospital. He called a cab and helped Kai inside the car. He sat next to her and the ride was silent once again. The cab finally came to a stop, Shawn paid for it and got out of the car. He held out his hand to Kai, she grabbed it and got out of the car.
"Are you sure you want me here?" she asked as she shut the car door. "Of course" he nodded as they walked up to the door, he quickly unlocked it and allowed her to enter. "I don't expect anything," she said. "I just want to be here for you," she said. "Thank you, I appreciate it but I want something to take my mind off it," he said as he grabbed her by the neck, pushing her against the wall. She didn't have a chance to speak as his lips were against hers, the moment she hit the wall. He grabbed her wrist, pushing her arms above her head. Moving his lips down to her neck, gently nibbling as he moved down.
"I want to play a game," he said as he looked at her. "I'm all yours," she said. "Good, repeat your safewords for me," he said as he picked her up, placing her on the sofa. "Red means stop, yellow means I'm confused and green means I'm good," she said. "Good kitten" he smirked as he removed her pants and panties. "So I'm going to eat you out but you can't make a noise and you can move your legs," he said as he looked at her. "Ok," she nodded.
He moved between her legs, kissing down her legs. Moving his lips up slowly over her inner thighs. Moving closer to her center, gently teasing her with his tongue. He ran his tongue up her slit, parting her lips as he started sucking at her nub. She bit her lip as she kept as quiet as she could. He held down her hips as he went between sucking and using his tongue on her center. She arched her back as she was edging closer to a climax.
"Scream," he said as he pushed two fingers into her, bringing her to her climax. "SHAWN" She screamed as she had an orgasm. "Good girl" he smiled as he sat up. "Let me help you out," she said as she sat up. "I'm fine," he said. "Are you sure?" she asked. "Yes I am," he nodded. "Just wanted to please you," he said. "You sure know how to do that" she kissed his cheek softly.
She grabbed her pants and panties, slipping them back on. All of a sudden the front door opened as she was pulling up her pants. She stood up and saw another woman standing in the doorway.
"Who the hell is this?" both Kai and the women said. "Oh, shit," he said as he got up from the couch. "Oh shit?" Kai asked as she crossed her arms. "Who the hell is this Shawn?" the woman asked. "This Kai, she's my new partner at work," Shawn said. "Oh nice to meet you," the woman said. "Doesn't explain who you are," Kai said. "Oh I'm Samantha, Shawn's wife," Samantha said as she wrapped her arm around Shawn. "Nice to meet you," Kai said. "I should go," she said as she grabbed her bag. "I'll see you at work," Shawn said as he watched Kai leave.
Kai slammed the door as she left, calling a cab. She waited for the cab and once it arrived she went to the nearest bar. She needed to drink Shawn off her mind and what they just did. Shot after shot, the minutes turned into hours.
"Bar is closed," the bartender said. "Thanks," Kai said. "You need a ride home?" he asked. "No, I'll be fine, thanks," Kai said as she left the bar.
She finally made it back home and went straight to bed. She knew she would have one hell of a hangover the next morning. In the morning she woke up when the sun started peeking through the curtains. She sat up and placed her head down in her head as everything came rushing back to her.
"He has a wife?" she asked. "That explains why he's so hot and cold and why he said nothing happened," she sighed. "It was too good to be true anyway" she pulled herself out of the bed.
She went on with her day as she normally did. Ignoring Shawn's messages and calls and just rested the day. She started to worry that it would end her days at Station 242. She was finally feeling like she was home, but guess it was short-lived. How could she work along with Shawn knowing what she knew? Knowing that she was a homewrecker, knowing that deep down she wanted him. Would she end her days at station 242? Would she ever listen to Shawn's side of the story? She had so many questions but in reality, she didn't want to find the answers.
"Stop calling me," she said as she placed her phone down as someone knocked on the door. "Hold on," she said.
She made her way to the door and opened it, standing there was Shawn. She tried to close the door because she wasn't ready to face him but he put his foot down. She just stood there and stared at him, not knowing what to say.
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Chasing Love
Type: One shot about Harry Styles Rating: PG Word Count: 4600+ Paring: Harry + Zoey Enjoy
She walked out of the shower and wrapped a towel around herself. She put on a shuffle of music as she was getting ready for tonight. She slipped a pair of panties on and an oversize t-shirt before sitting on the floor. In front of her mirror, she pulled out her hair blower and started to dry her hair. Once it was dried she also curled it, finally getting up and going to her closet. She decided on what to wear and finished getting ready. She left her apartment and went downtown to meet up with her friends.
"Finally," a girl said. "Sorry I like to be fashionably late," she said as she got out of the car. "Where are Rebecca and Dawn?" She asked. "They are late as well, well not late but you know," the girl said. "Calm down Sarah," she said. Sorry, I'm just so excited to be here" Sarah said. "I am too," she said. "The party has arrived," Dawn said as she walked up to the girls. "Hey girl," she said as she hugged Dawn. "First concert in over a year," Rebecca said as she joined the group. "I know right," she said. "Zoey, do you have the tickets?" Dawn asked. "RIght on my phone, now let's go," Zoey said as she linked arms with Dawn.
They walked up to the gate and checked in. They weren't late for the concert but they wanted to get there early enough to see Harry do the soundcheck. He was already on stage when they made their way to their seats. Just watching him do soundcheck, trying not to make a sound to disrupt him.
"Why are you guys like two hours early?" Harry asked in the mic. "To beat the traffic" Dawn replied. "To see you," Rebecca said. "Well come backstage" Harry nodded to security. "Don't want you guys getting cold," he said. "Sure," Sarah said.
Security came to where they were and led them backstage. They stayed backstage while Harry was still on stage working out how he wanted the show to go. He finally got off stage and said hello to everyone. He then took them back to his dressing room and offered them drinks.
"Thank you," Sarah said. "Yea thank you," Rebecca said. "I can't drink," Zoey nodded. "And why is that?" Harry asked as he sat next to her. "Just because," Zoey said as she looked at him. "It's a long story," Dawn said. "Ok," Harry nodded. "Are you sure we should be back here?" Zoey asked. "Yes I'm sure" Harry looked at her. "Hey, Harry" Zayn said as he walked into the room. "Oh hello, ladies" Zayn smiled. "They were early so I let them come back here," Harry said. "Cool," Zayn said as he sat next to Dawn. "Let's play a game," Rebecca said as she took a sip from her drink. "What game?" Harry questioned. "Never have I ever or truth or dare," Rebecca said. "Surely never have I ever," Sarah said. "I'm game," Zayn added. "I'll get Ms. Zoey some water so she can drink without drinking," Harry said. "Why thank you," Zoey said. Harry went to get her water and returned, sitting next to her.
They all went a few rounds and mainly were starting to get drunk. All besides Harry and Zoey, because they were just drinking water.
"Never have I ever been in love with someone," Rebecca said. "Really?" Harry asked as he took a sip. "You have?" Zoey asked as she looked at Harry. "Long story," Harry said. "Fair enough," Zoey said as she took a sip. "Never have I ever been in an accident that killed the person I love," Sarah said. "Sarah!" Zoey said. "Opps," Sarah said. "I'm drunk," she said. "I can't believe you," Zoey said as she got up and left the room. "Sorry Zoey," Sarah said. "We should go," Rebecca said as she grabbed Sarah's arm. "Sorry," Dawn said as they left the room. "Wait a second" Harry said as he ran after Zoey. "Stay for a second," he said as he grabbed her arm. "I'm sorry," Zoey said. "Come in here for a second" Harry said as he pulled into a room. "I should go with them, they can't drive. I'm sorry we ruined your evening" Zoey said. "Stop for a second and breathe," Harry said as he sat her down in a chair. Kneeling in front of her. "I'm sorry" Zoey took a deep breath in, putting her head down in her hands. "It's ok, just breathe," Harry said. "I got them a taxi and they are on their way home," Zayn said as he leaned against the doorframe. "Thank you" Harry nodded towards him. "Is she ok?" Zayn asked. "I'm making sure of it right now," Harry said. "You're on stage in a few seconds," Harry's manager said. "Give me 5," Harry said. "I'm fine," Zoey said as she looked up at Harry. "Are you sure?" Harry asked as he brushed his hand against hers. "Yea, you should go," Zoey nodded. "Come backstage and watch? I mean you did spend money to be here" Harry said as he stood up. "Yeah sure, wait where is everyone?" Zoey asked as she stood up. "Zayn put them in a taxi, they are safe," Harry said. "Thank you," Zoey said,
As soon as Harry walked out of the room everything started to move fast. He has ushered off as well as Zoey, she was placed backstage as Harry was getting ready to go on stage. She stayed backstage and watched the entire show. Harry ran off stage and grabbed Zoey's hand, leading her away from everyone.
"That was amazing," She said. "You liked it?" Harry said as he caught his breath. "Yes you are always amazing" she smiled. "Thank you, I sometimes get so much in my head before going out there," Harry admitted. "But tonight?" she questioned. "I was worried about you before heading out to the stage," he said. "I'm sorry about my friends," she said. "It's ok, it happens but are you ok?" Harry asked. "Yea I'm ok" She nodded. "Didn't like the reminder of what happened" she looked away. "It's ok, I'm sorry that your friend said that," Harry said. "Thanks for tonight, I should go," she said. "Are you hungry?" Harry asked. "I could always eat," She smiled. "Let's go get something to eat," he said, "I don't do fancy restaurants" she looked at him. "Choose wherever you want to go," he said as he went into his dressing room. "And we will go," he said. "Alright" she chuckled slightly as she watched him.
He finished changing and walked her out the back exit. Opened the door for her as they got into a USV. She told the driver where she wanted to go and they were off. The city was such a beautiful place at night. While they were driving Zoey stayed pretty quiet, just looking out the window. Harry reached over and placed his hand over hers.
"Are you ok?" He broke the silence. "Yea sorry" She turned and looked at him. "Can I ask about the accident?" he asked. "You don't have to answer if it's too much," he said. "It was late at night and we were heading to dinner," she said. "We were arguing about something, I can't even remember" she trailed off as she looked out the window. "I never saw it coming" she swallowed hard. "The rest I can't remember," she said. "I'm sorry" he brushed his thumb against her hand. "This is my first actual outing since the accident last year," she said. "I stayed mainly to myself and just sunk into this hole of hopelessness and loneliness" She looked down. "I'm glad you came out tonight," he said. "Are you doing better now?" he asked. "Yea so much better, I started going to therapy a few months ago. It has helped" she nodded. "I'm sorry life has given you such a shitty hand" he pouted as he looked at her. "We are here sir," the driver said. 'Thank you," Harry said as the driver got out and opened the door. Harry slipped out and reached for her, she grabbed his hand as she got out of the car. "Harry over here," the paparazzi said as cameras were flashing. "Who is this?" one asked. "Not tonight guys" Harry wrapped his arm around Zoey to get her inside safely. "I'm sorry about them," he said. "Does that ever get annoying?" she questioned. "Yea like all the time" Harry sighed. "Well welcome to the diner" she smiled as she looked around. "Wow, this is cute and rustic," he said. "My favorite place" she grabbed his arm and pulled him into a booth. "Oh," he chuckled as he sat beside her. "What's good here?" he asked. "Anything" she smiled as she glanced over the menu.
She took control when the waiter walked up, ordering for them both. She turned and crossed her legs as she faced him in the booth. He turned to face her as they started talking. They talked and enjoyed their food without anyone else around. Harry's security team made sure no paparazzi entered and that they couldn't get any pictures.
"So I know a quick exit if you want to ditch everyone," she said. "Really?" He asked as he looked at her. "Should I trust you?" he placed his hand on his chin. "That's up to you" she chuckled slightly. "Well you haven't killed me yet, so I trust you" he smiled as he stood up. "Well you never know" she smiled as she stood up.
She grabbed his hand and led him out the back exit. Running towards the wood, they disappeared into the night sky. He kept a grip on her hand as it was pitch blackout. She took out her phone and led him deeper into the woods. Finally, come up to a cabin and a lake. She let go of his hand and walked over to the lake, sitting down allowing her feet to dangle over the edge. He walked over to where she was and sat next to her, allowing his feet to also dangle over the edge.
"How do you know about this place?" he asked. "Well it's a family secret really," she said. "Oh ok," he nodded. "Thought for a minute you were leading me to my death" he joked. "You said you trusted me" she looked at him. "I do trust you" he looked at her. "I like to come out here and just look up at the stars. Everything just melts away" she said. "I bet you can see the stars better out here than in the city," he said. "Yea you can" she nodded.
She stood up and reached for his hand. He stood up and grabbed her hand, she led him to a place behind the cabin. She grabbed a blanket and laid it on the ground. Laying down on it on her back as she looked up at the sky. He also laid down and looked up at the sky. It was different for him, he stayed silent and just enjoyed the quietness. She closed her eyes for a second just enjoying the moment. He slowly moved his hand towards her, gently intertwining their fingers together. She turned her head and looked at him. He moved closer to her, placing his hand on her neck. His thumb brushed against her cheek. He leaned in closer to her, his lips close to hers. She could feel his breath against her skin as she leaned in. Kissing him softly as she placed her hand against his chest. Gripping his shirt to make sure he didn't go anywhere. He smiled against her lips as he kept the kiss between them. He gently pulled away when he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. He sighed as he noticed so many missed calls and texts.
"Guess you are a wanted man," she said. "Only because of who I am" he rolls his eyes. "They just want to make sure I'm safe," he said. "You should go," she said. "We can go back to my hotel room and just relax," he said. "Thank you for tonight," she said as she sat up. "I don't want tonight to end though," he said as he sat up. "It's ok Harry" she looked at him. "I don't fit into your world," she said. "I want you to fit in my world though," he said as he brushed the hair from her face. "I enjoyed tonight," she smiled. "I'm glad you did" he leaned in and kissed her softly. "But seriously come with me" he pouted. "Alright" she pushed him gently.
He stood up and offered her his hand, she grabbed his hand and got up. He intertwined their fingers together as she led them out of the woods. Back to the diner where his security was looking for him. They pulled the car around and Harry opened the door for her. She got into the car and he did as well and they were off to the hotel.
"Ok so they are going to drop me off at the front door and then bring you around back," Harry said. "Wait what? "she asked. "The paparazzi are at the front of the hotel," he said. "Ok," she nodded. "I understand," she said. "I wish things were different" she leaned over and kissed her softly. "But to protect you this is how it has to be," he said. "I get it" she rested her forehead against his. "Thank you" he whispered.
The car pulled up to the hotel, she moved so no one would see her as he got out of the car. He walked into the hotel as the car pulled off. They pulled up to the back of the hotel and let her off.
"Have fun tonight, surely it won't last" The driver said as he opened the door. "Thank you," she said as she got out of the car. "Just another girl knocked into his belt," the driver said. "Aw sad you don't get the girls?" she pouted. "Stay in your lane and keep your mouth off of me," she said as she walked off.
Zoey walked into the hotel and made her way to the front entrance. She didn't see Harry nor did she know what room he would be in. He snuck up behind her and placed his hands over her eyes gently.
"Guess who" he whispered in her ear. "The boogeyman," She smiled. "No try again" he chuckled. "Oh, Harry," she said as she grabbed his hands, turning to face him. "You got it right," he smiled. "After you my lady," he said as he offered her his arm. "Of course" she linked her arm in his and walked with him.
Harry led her up to his room, opening the door for her. Once she enters he also enters, shutting the door making sure it was locked. She walked around his room in awe, it was a big room.
"All for one person?" She looked at him. "Well yea but now you are here," he said as he walked towards her. "I'm here only for one thing," She said. "What?" he was confused. "That's all you do right? Bring girls up here for one night" She crossed her arms. "I have no clue what you are talking about," He said. "Like Taylor or any one of your 'Loves'," she said. "What? Did someone say something?" he asked. "It's who you are," she said as she sat on the bed. "I'm not looking for that," he said as he stood in front of her. "If I was then I would have brought you back here right after the concert," he said. "Why didn't you?" she questioned. "Because I was concerned about you," he said. "What happened on the drive to the back?" he questioned. "Your driver had a few choice words," she said. "I'll handle him but no that's not true," he said as he sat beside her. "I'm sure you get a lot of girls," she said. "And the only ones I handpick get to spend time with me" he placed his hand over her hand. "Am I one of those?" she looked at him.
He placed his hand on her cheek, brushing his thumb against her skin. He leans in, placing his lips onto hers, kissing her softly. She smiles against his lips as she kisses him back. She ran her hand through his hair, gripping the back of his neck. He pulls her onto his lap as the kiss turns passionate. She smiled against his lips before pulling away, resting her forehead against his. He brushed the hair from her face and turned her over so he was over the top of her. Leaning down, kissing her softly, caressing her sides with his hands. Gently tugging at her but she grabs his hand stopping him. She's not ready for that step yet and he leans down kissing her softly. He lays beside her as they start to talk. They stayed up the rest of the night talking before they both drifted off to sleep. She snuggled close to his chest, falling asleep to the sound of his heartbeat. His chest rising and falling made her feel safe. Later on that morning, Harry woke up and she was gone, it was like she was never there. He got ready for the day and went to talk to his driver to make things right. He asked everyone at the hotel if they saw her leave but no one knew anything. He went back up to his room and saw a note. He sat down on the bed and opened the note.
'Thank you for last night, it was truly amazing. After everything you made me feel safe, you made me feel like life could go one after him. I'm not sure where I would fit into your life. You deserve the world and I'm not sure if I can give you that. I will always cherish the night I met you. The night you made me feel like a human again. Hopefully, see you soon but I won't hold my breath. Goodbye Harry xo- Zoey'
He held the note in his hand not knowing what to do. He cared for her even though they just had one night. He wanted more, he wanted her to be a part of his life. He just didn't know how to make that happen, he didn't even have her number. LA was a big city but he was determined to find her. He had his team out looking to see if anyone knew Zoey but unfortunately, they didn't even know her last name.
"Someone has to know something" Harry sighed as he got back into the car. "It's like she disappeared," The driver said. "Yea I know," Harry said. "What about the beach?" Harry asked. "We can stop there" the driver nodded and started to drive. "Wait, she's a student at the University of California," he said. "She told me last night that she had not been to classes since the accident," he sighed. "We will find her" the driver nodded and started driving.
They pulled up to the college and Harry rushed inside. He acted like a student and asked if there were any tutors available. He remembers Zoey saying she loved to tutor. It was a long shot but it was worth a shot.
"There is a student that just returned doing tutors," the lady said. "I could give her a ring to see if she has an opening," the lady said. "Thank you," Harry nodded. "Harry?" Zoey said, "Never mind, I'm sorry for wasting your time," Harry said to the lady and turned to see Zoey standing there. "There you are," Harry said. "How?" she asked. "I remembered that you told me that you went here, I wanted to see you again," He said. "You did?" she smiled as she looked up at him. "Of course I did," he said as he pulled her to him, hugging her close to him. "I wanted to stay but I just didn't know," she said as she wrapped her arms around him. "I want this as much as you do" he kissed the top of her head. "We can figure this out," he said. "I'm sure we can" She leaned up and kissed him softly. "NO WAY HARRY STYLES," someone said. "That's my cue to leave, see you later?" he asked. "Of course" she smiled as he rushed out the door and back into the car.
Later on that day Zoey made her way to his hotel again. Making sure no one saw her go up to his room. Knocking on the door he quickly opened it and let her in. He snaked his arm around her and kissed her softly. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kept the kiss between them.
"Hey" he whispered against her lips. "Hey" she smiled. "I'm glad you decided to come back," he said. "I had to think about it," she chuckled slightly. "Of course, I came back," she said. "So I was planning on heading down to this private section of the beach, you want to come?" he asked. "Private beach?" she looked at him. "I could get used to this," she said. "So I take that as a yes?" he smirked. "Yea but I have to get my bathing suit tho," she said. "Sure we can stop on the way," he nodded.
They left the hotel and stopped by her apartment before heading down to the beach. He took her hand in his and led her down to the private beach. He laid a towel down and sat down as did she. She handed him a bottle of sunblock and he rubbed it on her before she rubbed it on him. They spent the rest of the day at the beach, running in and out of the water. Splashing each other, getting swept up in waves. Making sandcastles and eating the food he had for them. She laid between his legs as they watched the sunset.
"Always doing things in the moonlight," she said as she played with his hand. "My favorite time of the day" he kissed her cheek. "Same" she smiled as he pulled her closer. "I enjoy our time together, I want this to work" he whispered. "I do too," she nodded. "We can see how things go," she said. "I like the sound of that," he said. "Come on, there is something I've always wanted to do," she said as she got up, pulling him up as well.
She grabbed his hand and led him into the ocean. Going all the way into the ocean, allowing the waves to crash over them. She pulled him closer to her. Wrapping her arms around his neck, once the waves crashed over again. She leaned in and kissed him as they both went under the water. Once they broke the surface again he held her close to him.
"Kiss underwater?" he asked. "Yea" she laughed as she looked at him. "Well, I'm glad I was your first" he leaned in and kissed her softly. "Same" she smiled against his lips.
They swam back to the shore and got dressed. Leaving the beach he dropped her off at her apartment and went back to the hotel. Over the next few months, they would sneak out and spend time together. He would always fly back to LA when he had a week off so he could spend time with her. He kept her away from the media and fans, protecting her at all cost. He knew the moment that they knew about her things would be different. The media would tear them apart and Harry couldn't stand the thought of that. He was back in London for a few dates of his tour. He came off stage and grabbed a bottle of water, trying to cool off. Someone came behind him and placed their hands over his eyes.
"Guess who?" She said, "No way" he turned and picked her up, spinning her around. "Well hello to you too" she wrapped her arms around him as he spun her. "I didn't know you were coming" he placed her back down on her feet. "I wanted to surprise you" she looked at him. "Well I'm surprised" he smiled as he leaned down, kissing her softly. "I'm on spring break so I wanted to see you," she said. "I was coming back this weekend," he said. "I know but a few more days with you won't hurt" she looked at him. "True," he smiled. "Harry you got a meet and greet," Harry's manager said. "I'm going," Harry said, he kissed Zoey once more before walking away.
Zoey stayed on the sidelines and watched Harry with the fans. Some fans were nice and some fans were more than nice. Harry was always nice back, giving in to the fans and what they requested. One fan asked him for a kiss and of course, he did it. It started to rub Zoey the wrong way as she watched. As the meet and greet went on Zoey decided to leave and go back to the hotel. Once Harry was finished he came backstage to find her gone.
"Not again," Harry sighed. "She's at the hotel waiting for you but I don't think she's too happy," the driver said. "The fans?" Harry asked. "Yea" the driver nodded.
They left the venue and went back to the hotel. He went up to his room and Zoey was sitting on the bed. He walked past her and went to get into the shower. He took a quick shower and wrapped a towel around his waist. Coming out of the bathroom, leaning against the door frame he looked at Zoey.
"Go ahead and yell," He said. "What?" she replied. "I know you are mad about the fans," He said. "I'm not mad," she said. "You're not?" he asked. "No, I'm not," she said as she took a deep breath in. That's when he realized she wasn't mad but upset. "Babe," He said as he slipped on a pair of boxers. He moved in front of her, kneeling. Placing his hand on her leg. "I'm not mad," she said. "I don't want you upset either," he said, tracing circles on her leg. "It's just something my fans and I do," he said. "It's ok," she said. "No it's not, because clearly, you are upset," he said. "You would be too if you saw me with someone else," she said as her tears slipped from her eyes onto her cheeks. "Yea I would but I don't want anyone else baby," he said as he sat beside her. "Why not, you get it thrown at you all the time," she said. "Wait is this about us waiting to have sex?" He wrapped his arm around her. "I'm scared you won't wait" she looked down. "We agreed to wait until WE both are ready" he rubbed her shoulder. "I don't want anyone else," he said. "You don't?" she asked. "Of course not" he tilted her chin up so she was looking at him. "I want you and only you," he said. "I'm sorry," she said. "Don't be sorry baby girl" he wiped her tears away. He leaned in and kissed her softly. "I love you" he whispered against her lips. "I love you" she looked at him.
He finished getting dressed and they went out to dinner. He showed her around London, doing all the tourist things with her. They went to the London eye. Before heading back to the hotel. The relationship was new to them both but they knew they wanted things to work. It would just take a lot of work but he was willing to chase her and be with her, where that may be.
#Harry Styles#Harry Styles Imagines#Harry Styles Imagine#Harry Styles Preference#Harry Styles Preferneces#Harry Styles Writing#Harry Styles Writings#Harry Styles Blurb#Harry Styles Blurbs
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Type: One shot | Imagine about Shawn Mendes Rating: Rated R for Sexual Content Word Count: 4000+ Written in second person Enjoy!
You laid your head back as he leaves a trail of kisses down your body. Biting your lip as he moves between your thighs. He softly kisses up your thighs, looking up at you. Smiling slightly as he placed his hands against your hips, keeping you from moving.
"You know the rules" he whispered against your skin. "No moving, No sound" he slipped his finger down your center. "Of course" You whisper as you watch him.
You arched your back as you felt his tongue pressed against you. Closing your eyes, taking in all the pleasure, but reminding yourself that you can't move. He circles your clit with his tongue, gently nibbling against your skin. Your breath catches in your throat as you try not to moan. He slips two fingers into you, curling them as he hits your spot. The sensation overwhelms you as you whimper. Edging you close to your climax as you struggle to stay silent. He smirks as he looks up at you.
"Let it out" he whispers before placing his mouth back against you. "Fuck" you moan. "But not just yet" he smirks as he pulls away as you were about to cum. "Ugh" you sigh as you sink into the bed, your whole body begging for his touch.
He kisses up your body, making his way to your neck. You move your head allowing him to get to your neck better. You feel his breath against your skin, he gently kisses your neck. Gently sucking at your skin, pushing your hands above your head. He kisses up your neck, kissing your jawline. Leaning down and kissing your lips softly, you part your lips allowing his tongue in. The hunger for his touch grows with each kiss. His fingertips caress your sides, running down towards your hips. Traveling up your thighs, finding your center. You bite your lip as you look at him, he smirks knowing you are wanting his touch.
"Beg for me" he whispers in your ear. "Tell me what you want" he nibbles your ear. "You" you speak softly, trying to catch your breath. "I want you" you look at him. "And what do you want me to do?" he questions as he starts moving down your body with his lips. "Please me" you lay your head back as pleasure runs down your spine, with each kiss that he leaves on your body. "And how do you want me to do it?" he looks up at you. Using his thumb against your clit. "Like this?" he asked as he replaced his thumb with his tongue. "Yes," you moan, moving your hips towards him. "Now you know the rules" he looks up at you. "And since you broke them now I have to punish you" he sits upon the bed. "Punish me then" you look at him.
He grabs your wrist, pulling you to him. He moves you so you bend over his lap. Running his hand down your spine as you whimper knowing what's about to happen. He caresses his hand against your ass before lifting it, spanking you. You count out loud as he spanks you. With each spank makes you want him that much more. He moves you back onto the bed, standing up as he watches you. Your eyes are glued to his body, as he removes his shirt. Slowly undoing his belt allowing his pants to fall to the ground. You can see his bulge through his boxers. You move onto your knees on the bed running your hand down his chest. Playing with his waistband before slipping your hand into his boxers. Slowly taking him into your hand, watching his response. He leans his head back as he moans softly. He pulls his boxers down as you take him in your hand. He places his hand on the back of your head, tangling his hand in your hair. Now it was your turn to tease him, you had the power to make him whimper.
"Don't you dare" he says as he titles your chin up so you are looking at him. "It's just my turn" You smirk as you look at him. "And you'll pay," he says. "Fine by me," you say as you run your hand along his shaft. "Fuck" he groans as you touch him.
All of a sudden you both hear the front door open. He rushes to get dressed as he throws you your clothes. You quickly put your clothes on and hide in the bathroom.
'Hey baby" he smiled as a woman walked in. "Hey, you" she smiled as she hugged him. "I thought you were out of town for the weekend," he said. "That was the plan, but at the last minute they didn't need me," she said. "Oh well I'm glad you are home" he kissed her softly. "Yeah well I'm going to jump into the shower and change into something more comfortable," she said as she started heading towards the bathroom.
By the time she enters the bathroom, you are already downstairs. He quickly makes it down the stairs to meet you to make sure you were ok.
"I thought you left her," you whisper. "It's complicated," he said, reaching for you but you step back. "No, it's not complicated! We talked about this" you cross your arms. "I know and I'll explain but you have to go right now" he looks at you. "Yes, and you'll never see me again" You grab your bag and leave the house.
You walk down the sidewalk, making your way to the car. You get inside your car and make sure the doors are locked before you break down. There was a burning pain in your chest as the tears slipped from your eyes onto your cheeks. The air in your lungs escapes as you scream. You hated him but you loved him. You wiped the tears away from your cheeks and turned the car on. You pull away from his place and head towards your place. You parked the car and went inside your apartment. Make your way upstairs, walking into the bathroom. Your phone was lighting up with text messages from him but you just silence your phone and turn the water on for the shower. You got undressed and stepped into the shower. Allowing the water to run over your body, wanting to wash off his touch. You finished up in the shower and went into your room. Sitting in your towel just looking through social media on your phone.
'See you at work later' a message from him came up. "Go to hell" you rolled your eyes and just ignored his message.
Later on that day you got ready for work. Stopping by your favorite cafe to grab something to eat and a cup of coffee. You got it to go and drove to work. Sitting in your car eating your food, drinking your coffee. You knew you were going to need that coffee because you had an 8-hour shift with him. As soon as you finished eating and got out of the car, he pulled up. Parking right next to your car. You roll your eyes and start to walk up towards the building when he grabs your arm.
"Come on, we need to talk," He said. "No you need to let go of me," you say as you pull your arm back. "Why are you being like this?" He asked as he moved in front of you. "Because you are a two-timing dog, now move," you say as you cross your arms. "You know you are the one I want" he whispers as he places his hand against your chin, tilting your head up. "Stop," you whisper.
You gently pull away from him, knowing if you look into his eyes you would forgive him. You walk away from him and enter the building. You went behind the bar and into the back. Grabbing your apron as he walked in and came back to the break room. He also grabbed his apron and his book before walking out. You look up at him as he walks away. You take a deep breath in and walk out onto the floor. Mainly all night you focused on your customers as he did as well. As you are checking someone out Shawn walks up placing his hand against your lower back. Reaching around you to get a glass, you can feel his breath against your skin. The heat of his breath sends tingles down your spine. Your breath catches in your throat as you still want his touch. You close your eyes for a quick second. Having a flashback of when you two were together.
You turned on the shower waiting for the water to warm up. Take your clothes off as he enters the bathroom. Gently picking you up, placing you on the sink. His lips against yours as he kisses you softly. Moving his mouth down to your neck, gently sucking your skin. Slowly moving down your body, sucking gently against your collar bone. Moving between your breasts, softly kissing in between them. Moving to between them teasing your nipples with his tongue. Kissing down your stomach onto your thighs. He smirks as he looks up at you. Moving between your legs kissing up to your inner thighs. Making his way to your center, using his finger to part your lips. Flicking your clit with his tongue, watching you squirm under his touch. You place your hand on his head as he starts to suck against you. You lean your head back and moan as he sucks against you. He places two fingers into you curling them making sure he hits your spot. Your toes curl as you feel yourself getting closer to an orgasm. You keep your hand on the back of his head, tugging at his hair. Moaning as you edge closer. You climax against him as your legs shake he stays and continues to suck against you. Make sure you enjoy every last moment before coming back up. He picks you up from the counter and takes you into the shower. You wrap your legs around his waist as he moves you both under the water.
"Are you ok?" he asked. "More than ok" you smile at him, leaning in to kiss him,
-End of flashback-
"Hey are you ok?" he asked. "Why do you keep asking me that?" you asked. "Hello?" he grabbed your arm. 'Uh?" you snap out of it and look at him. "Yes, I'm ok" you nod as you pull away from him. "Ok, are you sure?" he asked. "Yes," you roll your eyes and focus back on your customers.
You walk down to the end of the bar to take an order from a guy. Of course, he's super drunk and flirty. You take his order and walk back to make it. Shawn just watches you as you walk past him. You give the guy his drink and walk back onto the floor to a table that you were waiting on.
"Come here baby girl," the guy said as he grabbed your arm. "Let me go pleased," you say as you try to pull away but his grip is too tight. "Don't be like that" he whispered into your ear as he moved closer to you. "Sir please let me go," you say once more. "Let's go" he tightens his grip. "Excuse me, sir, I don't think she wants to leave with you," Shawn says as he walks up to the guy. "Mind your business," the guy says. "Let her go," Shawn said. "Fuck off," the guy says as he pulls you towards the door. "I SAID LET HER GO," Shawn said.
The guy turns around to face Shawn and Shawn just punches him square in the face. The guy lets you go as they start to fight. You rush back behind the bar and grab an empty beer body. You make your way back to where they are fighting. You hit him with the beer bottle, glass shattering everywhere. It knocks the guy out as the other waitress called the police. Shawn turns to face you making sure you are ok.
"Did he hurt you?" he asked as he grabbed your hand. "I'm ok" you nod as you look up at Shawn. "Are you sure?" He places his hand against his cheek. You lean into his touch. "Yes I'm sure," you say.
Shawn walks back to the break room as you follow him. You grab a first aid kit and an ice pack. He sits down on the couch and you sit on his lap. He places his hands against your hips as you tilt his chin up. You clean the cut over his eyebrow making sure there is no glass in it. Placing a bandage over it before moving onto his nose and lip.
'You don't have to do this," he whispers. "I know but you're in this mess because of me," you said as you wiped the blood from his nose. "I would do it all over again" he whines in pain. "What else hurts?" You asked. "Just my ribs but I'm ok," he said. "Let me see," you say as you pull up his shirt. You gently run your finger along his bruised ribs. Make sure none of them are broken. "See I'll live" he tries to laugh but soon regrets that choice. "You should go to the hospital when the ambulance arrives," you said. "Only if you come with me," he said. "I shouldn't" You move to get off his lap but he holds you there. "Please" he pouts. "Ok ok fine I will," you say as you finish cleaning up his face.
Once the ambulance arrives they take you both to the hospital. He gets x-rays to make sure nothing is broken. Of course, it takes hours. You lean your head back against the wall as he lays back on the bed. Waiting for the results and to be discharged.
"So now we can talk," he said, breaking the silence in the room. "No, we don't" you close your eyes. "Are you going to stay mad at me forever?" he questioned. "Yes because you told me that things were over between you two" you sigh. "They are but things are complicated" he sits up in the bed. "I honestly don't want to hear it right now," you say. "Come lay with me, you look uncomfortable in that chair," he says. "I'm fine," you say. "Stop being stubborn," he sighs.
You take a deep breath in and get up. Walking over to the hospital bed and laying down beside him. You snuggle into his chest as he is warm. He wraps his arms around you keeping you close. Kissing your forehead softly as you start to drift off to sleep. It was nearly 5 am and you were exhausted. You can feel his heart beating, feeling his chest under your head. His breathing was shallow but steady as you closed your eyes. You fell asleep against him as he held you close to him. Later on, he started to move out of the bed. He stood up and got dressed as you stayed asleep in the bed. You started to open your eyes, seeing him get dressed. You rub your eyes and sit up in bed.
"Didn't mean to wake you" he said. "It's ok, everything ok?" you asked. "Yea I'm discharged," he said. "So you were going to leave me here?" you look at him. "No of course not" he rolls his eyes. "It's everything a fight with you?" he asked. "No," you said as you stood up and stretched. "Seems like it," he said. "Don't start" you cross your arms. "Come on, let's get breakfast, and then I'll drop you off at your apartment" he grabs your hand, lacing your fingers together. "I'm starving," you say as you follow him. "I'd rather have you but food will do" he smirks.
He already ordered an uber for you both. He took you to your favorite cafe, you both sat on the same side as you looked over the menu. You already knew what you were going to get. You watched him looking over the menu. He reached for your hand, you smile as you take his hand in yours. Lacing your fingers together as the waitress walked over.
"Babe?" she asked. "Liz?" He responded. "Who the hell is this?" Liz asked. "A friend," he said as he let your hand go. "Friends don't sit on the same side and hold hands" Liz crossed her arms. "We work together and just grab breakfast," he said. "I've been calling you for hours!" she said. "He was at the hospital" you respond. "No one asked you to talk," Liz said. "Ok I don't care who you THINK you are but you aren't going to speak to me that way," you say. "I just did," she said. "And your boyfriend goes down on me every night" you cross your arms. "His dick is pretty good too," you said. "Excuse me?" she said as she looked at him. "Move," you say as you push against Shawn to get up. He gets up allowing you to be free. "Hello? Cat got your tongue?" she questioned him. "Clearly" You roll your eyes. "Yea I fuck her on a regular" Shawn said. "And I enjoy it," he said. "Really?" Liz asked. "Maybe next time you can join us, sweetheart," You say as you look at her. "Bitch please" she rolls her eyes. "4 years and you do this?" she questioned him. "Don't start, you know our deal" he said. "It's ok for you to do it but not me?" He looked at her. "Wait what?" you look at him. "It's an open relationship," he said. "You never let me explain," he said as he looked at you. "True," you say as you look down. "I know our deal VERY well but not at my job Shawn," Liz said. "True" he nods. "I'm sorry for bringing her here," he said as he grabbed your hand.
He leads you out of the cafe and starts walking down the street. You two found somewhere else to eat and as promised afterward he dropped you off at your apartment. You watched him drive away and you didn't know if you would ever see him again. You weren't sure if you wanted to, to be honest. You sat down on the couch and just laid back to relax. It was a lot to take in, Shawn being in a relationship but an open relationship. If it was an open relationship then why didn't he tell her about you? Why were you the secret? There were so many questions but you truly didn't care to find out. You weren't looking for anything serious anyway, he was a fun time. You finally pulled yourself off of the couch and made your way upstairs. The moment your head hit the pillow you fell asleep. You start to dream about him, you are transformed into your dream. Wanting his touch, just wanting him close to you.
-In your dream-
You run your hands through your hair as you move your hips to the beat of the music. He moved behind you, placing his hands against your hips. Moving with your movements, moving his head closer to yours. You feel his breath against your neck as you place your hand against his. You lean your hips back as you grind against him. His lips grace over your neck, slowly kissing your skin. You lean your head back against his shoulder, allowing him full access to your neck. He sucks against your neck as you both move together. Gently nibbling against your ear as his hand slides up your sides. You turn to face him, placing your arms around his neck.
"God, your body is amazing," he said. "And you look like my next toy" you smile as you lean up, kissing him softly. "Toy?" he whispered against your lips before teasing your lips with his tongue. "My play toy" you pull his bottom lip. "I'm at your command" he smirks as he places his hands back against your hips. "I like being controlled" you look at him as you grab his shirt. "Now that's my game," he said as he placed his hand against your neck. "Take me," you say.
He grabs your hand leading you upstairs. He pulls you into a room, locking the door behind him. You look around the room, it sure looks like a playroom. You walk around and you smirk as you see a pair of handcuffs. You pick them up, turning to face him. He makes his way over to where you are standing.
"My room, my rules" he whispers against your ear. "Codeword is yellow '' you say as you press the handcuffs against his chest. "And to end it all the word is green" he moves his hands behind you, undoing your dress. "I'm game" you smile as your dress falls to the floor. Leaving you naked in front of him. "I see" he smirks as he steps back, taking you all in. "Your playroom?" you questioned. "No questions until afterward," he says as runs his hand down your sides. Gripping your hips in his hand.
He picks you up, you wrap your legs around him. He moved you to the bed laying you down. He puts the handcuff on your wrist and links it to the bed before handcuffing your other wrist. You move to make sure you couldn't get free, he smirks as he stands up watching you.
"Now since I'm your new toy, you should know I don't like using toys," he says. "I want you to use yourself," you say as you look at him.
He moves over you, placing his hands on either side of you. He leaned down kissing you softly, moving down to your neck. Gently sucking your neck as he slowly moves down to your collarbone. You lay your head back and moan as he can tell he's driving you crazy. He leaves a trail of kisses down the center of your breast, to your stomach. He spreads your legs apart as he lays between them. Kissing up your inner thigh making his way to your center. He parts your lips with his tongue, flicking it against your clit. You move your hips towards him but he places his hand against your hips. Pinning you down as he sucks against you. You lay your head back and moan, as your toes curl you can feel yourself edging closer. He goes from sucking against your clit to going up and down with his tongue. He brings you over the edge, you can't help but scream. You try to catch your breath as he moves up your body. His phone started to ring and he moved off the bed and grabbed the phone. He unlocked the handcuffs as he answered the phone. He sat on the edge of the bed as he took the car. You moved behind him, wrapping your arms around his stomach. Resting your head against his shoulder. He quickly moved from the bed and handed you your dress.
"There is an emergency," he said as he hung up the phone. "Oh ok," you nod as you put your dress back on, he helped you zip it up. "Can you stay up here?" he asked. "Uh, yeah sure" you looked at him. "I'll be right back" he kissed you softly before leaving the room.
He left the room and made his way downstairs. Once he opened the door you can hear screaming and a panic set in. You peeked out the door and there were people with guns. Your breath got caught in your throat as you watched. Your heart pounding out of your chest as you lost sight of Shawn. You heard a few gunshots…..
-end of the dream-
Your eyes flash open as you sit up in the bed. Breathing hard and your heart pounding in your chest. The tears run from your eyes onto your cheeks once you realize it was all a memory. A dream of what you two had because that fatal night Shawn was taken from you. You wipe your eyes and check your phone, it was the day you were dreading. The day when you had to say your final goodbye.
#Shawn Mendes#Shawn Mendes Imagines#Shawn Mendes Imagine#Shawn Mendes Prefernece#Shawn Mendes Preferences#Shawn Mendes Blurb#Shawn Mendes Blurbs#Shawn Mendes Writing#Shawn Mendes Writings#Shawn Mendes Smut#Shawn Mendes Smuts
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Contract Love
Type: One shot | Imagine about Harry Styles Rating: PG Word Count: 4000+ Pairing: Harry and Ava Enjoy!
She was known for having the best voice in her town. Always the first one to get up to do karaoke. Unfortunately, since she was in a small town no one noticed her. That was until she went viral on social media. After the video of her singing went viral, her little town wasn't so little anymore. It seemed like the little town came back alive, people coming in and out of the town.
"Did you know that tickets are sold out at the karaoke bar tonight?" Brady said. "Wait what?" she asked. "Yea people have come to see you," Brady said. "Wow," she said. "You deserve the world" he placed his arm around her shoulders. "I'm a small-town girl," she said. "With a voice of an angel," he said. "Stop," she said as she started to blush. "Seriously Ava you have the voice of an angel, the world deserves to hear it" he stopped walking. "Bradly, things are getting crazy and I'm not sure," Ava said. "I'll be with you every step of the way," he said. "You got this" he looked at her. "Only with you by my side" she looked at him. "Always and forever," he said as he held out his hand. "Always and forever," she said as she hooked her pinky with his.
He placed his arm around her shoulder once again as they started walking again. They finally made it to the bar that was holding the karaoke night.
"You're the girl from the video," someone said. "Yes I am," Ava nodded. "Thanks for coming," she smiled. "Nice to meet you," the person said. "You too," Ava said.
A car pulled up and security guards got out. Opened the back door and Harry Styles got out. Ava couldn't believe her eyes, an actual celebrity was in her town.
"Is this the girl?" Harry asked. "Yes this is Ava," Bradly said. "Nice to meet you," Harry said as he held his hand out to her. "Nice to meet you," Ava said as she shook his hand. "Can't wait to see you tonight" Harry smiled slightly before walking away. "Oh my god," Ava said. "Breath," Bradly said. "That was Harry Styles," Ava said. "I can't do this" she started to panic. "You can do this," Bradly said as he placed his hands on her shoulders. "Just breathe," he said. "I'm going to make a fool out of myself," she said. "When have you ever?" Bradly questioned. "But Harry Styles isn't normally watching," she said. "Just ignore the fact that he's here," he said. "I'll try," she nodded. "You got this," he said. "Thanks," she said as they walked into the building.
Everyone started cheering as they saw Ava walking in. She went up to the stage and sat down on the stool. The owner of the bar handed her her guitar and she started to play. Ava ended up playing a few songs before calling it a night. She left the stage and went to the bar.
"Can I get a beer please?" Ava asked. "Sure thing," the bartender said as he handed her a beer. "You were amazing," Harry said as he walked up to her. "Thank you," Ava said. "I want you to come back to L. A with me, record a few songs," Harry said. "Feature on a song with me" he looked at her. "Wait what?" she looked at him. "Are you serious?" she questioned. "Yea I am" he nodded. "I'm not sure about going to L. A" she admitted. "Give me a few days?" she asked. "Of course, I know how that is," he nodded. "have your whole world changed because of a viral video," he said. "I know you do, I just need a few days," she said. "Sure, let me give you my number so you can let me know," he said. "Sure" she nodded and handed him her phone.
He put his number in her phone before they both left the bar. She went home and went straight to her room, laying down on her bed. Looking up at the ceiling trying to decide what to do. Does she take the chance and chase her dream or does she play it safe? It was easy to stay where she was because it's what she's used to. She knew she had to do something that scared her. She finally contacted Harry.
"About time I hear your voice," he said when he realized who it was. "Just needed time," she said. "So do you need a ride to L.A?" he questioned. "Yea I do but wouldn't it be easier to get on a plane?" she questioned. "True but I like driving" he chuckled into the phone. "Are you the one that's going to come to get me?" she asked. "Yes I am but with my bodyguards as well," He said. "See you soon I guess," she said. "See you soon," he said before hanging up the phone.
Later on that week Harry finally came into town. Ava said her goodbyes to her parents and Bradly before leaving with Harry. His driver drove most of the road trip. They had a few stops before they got to L.A. They had to end up stopping at a hotel room for the night.
"Hey Harry, can I talk to you and Ava for a quick second?" Harrys manager said. "I didn't even know you were here," Harry said. "Yea I tag along without you knowing" he nodded. "Hello," Ava said. "Let's go to the room so we can talk," Harry's manager said. "Sure," Harry said as they went into the hotel room. "Our management team has talked about you two being together," Harry's manager said. "Wait what?" Ava questioned. "Yea what?" Harry asked. "Just for the public, it would be good for both of your careers," Harry's manager said. "This is crazy," Harry said. "Yea I know but it can be really good, especially for her career," Harry's manager said. "I'm not sure about this," Ava said. "It's just for the media, not in private," Harry's manager said. "Like photos, red carpets, and stuff like that," he said. "A contract relationship" Harry rolled his eyes. "It sounds good on paper but what if we don't like each other" Harry asked. "Like I said it's just for the media '' Harry's manager said. "Can we think about it?" Harry asked. "Sure," Harry's manager said.
He left the room so Ava and Harry could talk. She sat on the bed trying to figure out what to do. Of course, she wanted to jump-start her career but was it worth it to bring Harry in on it.
"Is he serious?" Ava asked. "Yea he is," Harry said as he sat down on the bed. "But it would be a lie," she said. "I know but it could help you," he said. "So you are asking me if I would sell my soul to the devil" she crossed her arms. "That's Hollywood unfortunately" he looked at her. "It's all up to you," he said. "Yes," She said. "Yes?" He questioned. "Are you sure?" he asked. "Yes I am sure, If I didn't want to further my career I wouldn't be here. Plus you're not the worst person to be tied to" she said. "Alright," he nodded.
Harry went out into the hallway to get his manager to come back into the room. She told him that she agreed and that she would sign the contract but only if she got a record deal. Of course, they agreed to sign her onto the label. The next day, while they were driving to L.A, Ava and Harry were in the backseat talking.
"Can I ask you something?" she asked. "Yes you can," he said. "What if we fall for each other?" she looked at him. "Then we fall for each other," he said. "Then what about the contract?" she asked. "It would still be valid but it would just be real for us," he said. "Ok," she said. "Do you think we would fall for each other?" he asked. "Maybe" she shrugged her shoulders. "You like me," he smiled. "Yea I do but you would never," she said. "Who said that?" he asked as he tilted her chin up to look at him. "I'm just a small-town girl," she said. "So?" He looked at her. "You like me?" she asked. "Maybe" he smiled slightly.
He brushed his thumb against her cheek as she looked at him. They finally arrived at Harry's place. The driver pulled up to the gate. There were media at the gate, waiting to catch who Harry was with or just to snap a picture of him. They got through the gate and the gate closed behind them as the driver pulled up to the house.
"Are you ready?" Harry asked. "For?" Ava replied. "The media, they are at the gate so they will take pictures'" Harry looked at her. "This is when everything changes," he said. "I'm ready" She nodded and grabbed his hand. "Are you sure?" he asked, kissing her hand softly. "Yes," She smiled as she looked at him.
The driver got out and opened the door for them. Harry got out first and held his hand out to her. She grabbed his hand and got out of the car as well. He waved to the crowd of people before going inside with her. He led her upstairs to where she would be staying. It wasn't for a long stay, just a few days in L.A.
"So this is your room for next week," Harry said. "Thank you for allowing me to stay with you," she said. "It's ok really" he nodded slightly. "If I stay longer than this week then I'll get a hotel room," she said. "Don't worry about it, stay however long you want to stay" he smiled slightly. "Thanks," she said as she walked into the room.
He was left alone to get adjusted, he lay in his bed just thinking about things. She finally got settled into her room, she made her way downstairs. Trying to find the kitchen, it was easy to get lost in this huge house. She finally found the kitchen.
"Whoa," she said as she looked around. "I don't think I could ever get used to this," she said as she opened the fridge. "You will," the maid said. "Oh I didn't realize someone was in here," she said as she jumped a little. "Didn't mean to scare you," the maid said. "I'm sorry," Ava said. "Beautiful house," she said. "Yea it is," the maid said. "You found the kitchen," Harry said as he walked into the kitchen. "Yea barely though," Ava said as she looked at him. "You'll figure it out," Harry said as he walked over to her. Leaning over to get a cup from the cabinet, she looked at him as they were close. "Sorry I should move," she said. "No I should move," he said as he stood back slightly, looking at her. She looked up at him, their eyes met. "So clearly you don't live here alone do you?" she questioned. "No, I have a maid and security," he nodded. "I bet it gets lonely being in such a big house," she said. "It does but now I have you" he smiled slightly. "Just for the week", she looked at him. "So why did you come into the kitchen? What were you looking for?" he asked. "Oh, just something to snack on," she said. "Be my guest" he smiled as he sat down at the kitchen table. "Technically I am" she smirked as she went into the pantry. "You have these? These are my favorite," she said as she walked out with a box of her favorite snack. "Those are my all-time favorites," he said. "Really?" she questioned as she sat at the table. "Yea really," he said as he watched her.
She started eating the snack as they talked. He grabbed the box from her and got himself some as well. They laughed and talked for hours, just at the kitchen table. Before they knew it, it was nearly 3 am.
"It's getting pretty late," he said. "Yea it is" she yawned. "You should go to bed," he said. "If I can find my way back," she said. "Well come on" he stood up and put his hand out. "Alright," she smiled as she grabbed his hand. He led her back to her room. "There you go," he said. "Thanks" she looked at him. "No problem," he said as he tucked her hair behind her ear. Brushing his thumb against her cheek as he looked at her.
She leaned in towards him, allowing her lips to softly touch his. Not knowing if he wanted to kiss her or not. He leaned in slightly, kissing her softly. Placing his hand against her neck as she rested her hand against his chest. She pulled back slightly, looking at him.
"I'm sorry" she whispered. "I'm not," he said as he leaned in, kissing her again.
He placed his hands on her hips, pulling her closer to him. She wrapped her arms around his neck as she kissed him back. He pushed her against the wall, keeping the kiss between them. She slowly pulled away, tugging at his bottom lip. Resting her forehead against his as she looked at him. He smiled as he brushed his thumb against her lip.
"Wow," she smiled. "Yeah wow," he smirked. "Why did you say sorry?" he questioned. "Didn't know how you felt" she looked down. "Since we are in a contract," she said. "Hey" he tilted her chin up. "This has nothing to do with the contract, I like you," he said. "You do?" she looked at him. "Yes I do" he peeked at her lips softly. "I could care less about the contract, it would still be you," he said. "I should get some sleep," she said. "Sure" he kissed her forehead before leaving to go to his room.
She went into her room, closing the door behind her. Laying in her bed just thinking about everything and how everything was about to change. When she woke up in the morning and checked her phone, she saw the pictures of her and Harry. Her social media was blowing up with good things but also with a lot of hate. Ava tried to focus on the good comments but the negative ones were pulling at her as well. She turned off her phone and made her way to the bathroom. Turning the shower on, while waiting for the water to heat up. She stood in front of the mirror and just looked at herself. She got undressed and went into the shower. Once she finished in the shower she got out and wrapped her towel around her. Going through her bag and finding something to wear. She put on a pair of black skinny jeans and just a tee shirt.
"Ava are you ok?" Harry asked as he was outside her door. "Yea I'm fine," she said as she opened the door. "Did you see social media?" he questioned. "Yea I did," she said as he looked at him. "And you are ok?" he grabbed her hand. "Yea," she said. "Ok, well we have breakfast in the kitchen and then we are off to the studio," he said. "Sounds good" she nodded as she followed him into the kitchen.
They sat down at the table and the cook put their plates in front of them. They started to eat and once she was finished she put her plate in the sink. She wanted to clean up but the maid stepped in.
"Sorry, I'm just used to doing everything by myself," Ava said. "It's ok," Harry said as he stood up. Pulling her to him, wrapping his arm around her waist. "Hey" she wrapped her arms around his neck. "Hey" he looked at her, leaning in slightly. Kissing her softly, she smiled against his lips before kissing him back. "Sir, the car is ready," the guy said. "Thanks," Harry said as he pulled away from Ava.
He grabbed her hand and led her out of the house. Opening the door for her and helping her into the car. He got in and sat beside her as the driver got inside. They went to the studio and there were a bunch of fans and media standing around.
"This is going to get crazy," Harry warned her. "What do you mean?" she questioned. "Just stay close to me and you will be ok," Harry said. "Ok," she nodded.
The driver opened the door and Harry got out. Reaching back for Ava's hand, she grabbed his hand and got out of the car. The fans and media crowded around them. They could barely move, she held onto Harry. He kept a hold of her as they made their way into the studio.
"Are you ok?" he asked. "I don't know," she said as she tried to catch her breath. He can tell that she was overwhelmed and needed a quiet space. "Come on" he pulled her into a room, where they could be alone for a second. "Just sit down and breathe," he said. "Ok" she nodded as she sat down at the table. He moved her chair so he was in front of her. He kneeled, placing his hand on her leg. "I know it's a lot but it's ok," he said. "How do you get used to that?" she asked as she started to play with his fingers, calming herself down. "I don't," he admitted. "Are you ok?" she looked at him. "Yea I'm ok, it doesn't bother me anymore but you never get used to it," he said. "Who looks after you?" she placed her hand on his cheek. "I look after myself," he said, leaning into her hand. "Well now you have me" she leaned over and kissed him softly. "Yes I do" he smiled as he kissed her.
She calmed down and they went upstairs to the studio room. He went in and laid down vocals as she watched him. A few other people came in to help with the session. Harry called her into the booth, placing the headphones over her ears. Wrapping his arm around her waist, resting her head against her shoulder.
"You got this, it's just us" he whispered. "Just us" she smiled as she looked over the lyrics. "Yea" he spoke softly.
She started singing the song, it took a few takes for her to get her voice right. Harry left the room to hear how she was doing. After she finished laying down the vocals she left the booth. Sat down next to Harry as they played the song.
"Wow, it's pretty amazing," Harry said. "Yea just a few touches and it will be done," the producer said. "Wow, that quick?" Ava asked. "Yes, it is," Harry nodded as he placed his hand on her leg. "So we are going to get you, Ava, to start writing some songs," the producer said. "Wait really?" Ava said. "Yea for your album," the producer said. "Once this song is out, people are going to want more of you," he said. "Yea they will," Harry smiled. "Ok" Ava nodded.
They went into another room so it was quiet. They both started writing songs, they got into it. They didn't realize that it was getting late.
"We got pizza in the break room," the producer said as he walked by the room. "Thanks," Harry said without looking up from his notebook. "What time is it?" Ava asked as she reached for her phone. "Damn, is it midnight?" She asked. "Yes, it is," the producer said. "Wow" Harry smiled slightly. "I'll grab us something to eat" he got up from the table, stretching his arms. "Thanks," Ava said.
He brought them food back to the room. They ate and then started writing again, while Harry was writing Ava went to lay down. She ended up falling asleep on the couch. He looked up from his book and smiled as he saw her. He got up grabbing the blanket from the chair and covered her up. She woke up slightly and grabbed his hand before he could walk away. He smiled and laid beside her, wrapping his arm around her. She snuggled close to him as she started to fall back to sleep. He also started to drift off to sleep. He woke up in the morning and eased off the couch, making sure not to wake her up. He stretched and went into the break room. Pouring himself a cup of coffee as the manager walked in.
"You two were here all night," the manager said. "Yea we were," Harry said as he took a sip from his cup. "Got involved in writing," he said. "What are you doing?" the manager asked. "What do you mean?" Harry asked. "With her?" the manager asked. "It's just a contract," he said, "Yea I know that but maybe something is there" Harry shrugged. "Maybe I want it to seem real," Harry said. "So you're going to make her fall for you and then what?" the manager asked. "Maybe I have feelings for her as well," Harry said. "Ever thought about that?" Harry said as he placed his cup down. "Sure we will go with that" the manager rolled his eyes. "It's new, we don't know what it is yet," Harry said. "But I know the contract and I won't do anything to make her hate me," he said. "Good," the manager said. "Don't worry you'll get your story and whatever else you want to come out of this" Harry said. "It's just a contract," Harry said as he walked away. He ran into Ava as she was walking down the hallway. "Just a contract?" she asked. "What?" Harry asked. "I'm just a contract?" She looked at him. "No, I said this was new and I didn't know where it would go," Harry said. 'I'll remember it's just a contract," she said. "God, why do people only hear what they want," Harry said as he walked off. "What?" Ava asked as she ran after him. "Harry waits" she grabbed his arm. "Stop" he pulled away and when he did he pushed her. "Ava" he looked at her. "Maybe this was a bad idea," she said as she left the studio. She forgot there were fans and media outside so she was surrounded when she went outside.
Their driver helped her through the crowd and got her into the car. They waited for Harry to get into the car as well. They left and went back to the house, she went straight to her room. Locking the door so she was alone. She sat on her bed and hugged her knees to her chest. She was questioning everything, why did she come here? Why did she sign the contract?
"Ava?" Harry knocked on the door. "Go away," She said. "Come on, we have to talk," he said. "No go away" she fought back her tears. "Please," he said. "Fine" She sighed as she got up and opened the door. "I'm sorry that's what you hear but you aren't just a contract to me," he said as he walked in. "I don't know what to believe," she sat down. "Look I know it's scary" he kneeled in front of her. "Being in a town you know nothing about, and around people, you don't know," he said. "It's a lot but I thought we were more" she looked at him. "I want us to be," he said. "But like I told my manager, it's still new and I don't know where this will go," he said. "I know that but I don't just want to be a contract, '' she said. "You aren't Ava" he grabbed her hand. "At the end of the day you will still be my friend if we don't work out," he said. "OK,'' she nodded as she played with his fingers. "Are we ok? he asked. "Yeah we are," she said. "Good" he leaned up and kissed her softly.
She smiled against his lips before kissing him back. Slowly pulling away as she rested her forehead against his. She was still questioning did she sell her soul to the devil?
#Harry Styles#Harry Styles Imagines#Harry Styles Imagine#Harry Styles Preferences#Harry Styles Preference#Harry Styles Blurb#Harry Styles Blurbs#Harry Styles Writing#Harry Styles Writings
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Type: one shot | imagine about Shawn Mendes Rating: Rated R for Sexual Content Word Count: 3000+ Paring: Shawn + Vanessa Enjoy!
Vanessa finished putting on her lip gloss and she was out the door. Grabbing a ride with her friend to their favorite nightclub. She quickly fixed her hair in the mirror before getting out of the car. Her friend threw the keys to the valet as she got out of the car.
"Take care of the car," the girl said as she linked arms with Vanessa. "Let's have fun Nicole," Vanessa said. "Let's" Nicole smiled as they walked in.
They went straight into the club and went up to the v.i.p room. Vanessa orders a drink before sitting down, checking out the scene. She grabbed the drink from the bartender when it was ready, taking a few sips.
"I'm going down to the floor, see who's here," Vanessa said as she stood up. "Be careful girl," her friend said. "Always" Vanessa smiled as she walked downstairs.
Vanessa made her way to the bar, leaning against it just looking around. She noticed a guy standing at the bar, he was wearing a suit. He spotted her and started to make his way towards her. He nodded at the bartender and got two drinks sent down to where Vanessa was standing. He finally made it to her, standing by her sliding the drink towards her. She bite her bottom lip and grabbed the drink, taking a sip as she looked at him.
"Did I get the right drink?" he questioned. "It's alright," Vanessa said. "Oh really," he asked as he took a sip from his drink. "Yea" she smiled slightly. "Sorry for being so rude, My name is Shawn," he said. "I'm Vanessa," she said. "You are beautiful," he said. "Thank you" she took another sip from the drink. "I'm sure you've hear that all the time," he said. "And?" she asked. "Just saying" he looked at her. "Guess you just have to come up with something better," she said as she walked to the dance floor. "Guess so," he said as he placed his drink down and followed her.
She started dancing to the beat of the music. Running her hand through her hair, down her body. He smirked and moved closer to her, placing his hand against her hip. Moving with her to the beat of the music. She turned to face him, grabbing his tie keeping him close to her. Once the song finished she led him up to the VIP lounge.
"Who are you?" he asked. "Someone very important" she whispered in his ear. "Nice" he smiled and looked at her. "Yea very important," she said before leaning in closer to him. "Very" he pushed her hair back behind her ear. Tilting her chin up with his thumb, kissing her lips softly.
She kept the kiss between them as she moved closer to him. Grabbing his tie once again as he placed his hands against her hips. He smiled against her lips as he softly pulled away, resting his forehead against hers. Placed his hand against her neck, as she looked at him. She leaned back in and kissed him softly, pulling at his bottom lip.
"Whoa, who is this?" Nicole asked as she entered the VIP room. "Uh?" Vanessa said as she pulled away from Shawn. "Who is this cutie?" Nicole asked. "This is Shawn," Vanessa said. "Shawn, this is my friend Nicole," Vanessa said as she looked at him. "Nice to meet you" Shawn nodded towards Nicole, without taking his eyes off Vanessa. "I'm over here," Nicole said. "I know but I have the best view in front of me," Shawn said. "Getting better" Vanessa smiled and placed her hand against his chest. "Thank you" He smirked. "Whatever" Nicole said as she rolled her eyes.
Shawn sat down and pulled Vanessa to him, allowing her to sit on his lap. She leaned in and kissed him as she rested against him. When the bartender made his rounds Shawn ordered them a few more drinks. She took him back down to the dance floor, their bodies moved as one. Vanessa turned and danced against him, leaning her head back against him as his hands were on her hips. He slid his hand up her body placing it against her neck as he moved with her. Placing his lips against her neck as she moved. She turned to face him, grabbing his chin and kissing him passionately. He placed his hand against her neck as he kept the kiss between them. Pulling on her bottom lip, driving her crazy as he pulled away.
"Let's get out of here" he whispered in her ear. "Yea let me go tell Nicole," Vanessa said as she looked at him. "Alright," he said. "Come on" she grabbed his hand and led him back upstairs.
They went up to the VIP lounge and said their goodbyes, especially to Nicole before leaving. He led her outside and waited for the car to come around.
"You can't drive, we are drunk," Vanessa said. "I'm not driving," he said as he opened the back door. "Oh," she said as she got into the car. "Yea" he chuckled slightly as he got into the car as well.
She moved closer to him resting her head against his shoulder. Playing with his fingers as they arrived at his place. He got out of the car and held his hand out for her. She grabbed his hand and got out of the car. They went into his house and he slipped his shoes off at the door. She followed him and also took off her shoes.
"I'm going to get some water, make yourself comfortable" he kissed her cheek before going into the kitchen. "This is your house?" she questioned as she started to look around. "Yes," he said. "Wow," she said as she started to go into his room. "Must make a lot of money," she said. "Something like that," he said as he followed her into his room. "Something like that?" she looked at him. "Yea" he smiled and pulled her to him. "You are a mystery," she said. "So are you" he leaned in and kissed her softly.
She smiled against his lips before kissing him back. Wrapping her arms around his neck, he grabbed her hips. Lifting her onto the dresser, moving down to kiss her neck. Sucking gently against her neck, leaving a mark as he slowly started to move down her body. He placed his hand on her back and started undoing her dress. She started to undo his tie, unbuttoning his shirt as she wrapped her legs around him. Keeping him close as she pushed his shirt off his shoulders. She leaned in and kissed his neck, slowly kissing down his collarbone. He moaned slightly as he pushed her dress off her shoulders. Moving his lips down to her breast. She leaned her back and started to moan as he moved between both boobs. He wrapped his arm around her waist, picking her up and moving them onto the bed. She pushed her hips up so he was laying on the bed and she was on top. She stood up and slipped her dress off before making her on top of him. He smiled and leaned up kissing her softly, rubbing his hand down her sides. Grabbing her ass as he started to suck against her neck again. He pushed his hips up pushing her down on the bed. Moving her hands above her head as he started to kiss down her body. Slowly making his way down to her panties, looking up at her. He smirked and grabbed her panties with his mouth, slowly pulling them down as she raised her hips. Pulling them down the rest of the way with his hand, throwing them onto the floor. He kissed up her legs, up to her thighs as she started to moan. He kissed up her stomach, making his way back up to her neck.
"I won't show you everything" he smirked as he kissed her. "What?" She questioned. "Don't worry" he said as he stood up and undid his pants "When could I see everything?" she asked as she sat up. "When I make you mine" he tilted up her chin and leaned down kissing her softly.
He helped her up to her feet and bent her over the bed. Spreading her legs, placing her hands behind her back. He slipped a condom on before moving behind her. Sliding himself into her, pulling her up with her arms. His lips against her neck as he started to thrust into her. He placed his hand against her neck, keeping her close to him. Thrusting deeper into her as she laid her back against him.
'Fuck" she moaned. "Like that?" he moaned in her ear. "Yes, don't stop," she said. "Bend down and arched that back for me" he gently tugged at her ear lobe.
She bent down and arched her back, moving her hips back towards his. He grabbed her hips and thrust into her, harder and faster. She edged closer to a climax as she started to squirm from his thrust. He held her hips tighter so she couldn't get away from him, making her climax against him. She grabbed the sheets and screamed into the bed as she came. He slowed his thrust down so she could enjoy her climax. Once he knew she was over the first one he pulled out, turning her over pushing her back against the bed. Pulling her towards him, resting himself on her pussy, leaning down kissing her softly.
"Don't tell me you are done after just one" he smirked. "No one has ever made me move then once," she said as she tried to catch her breath. "Guess you never had the right guy," he said as he slipped himself back into her. "Fuck" she moaned as she arched her back. "Good girl" he leaned in and kissed her, pulling at her bottom lip.
He thrust into her, slowly but going as deep as he could. Making sure he hit her spot with each thrust, driving her crazy. She moaned as she grabbed the bedsheets again.
"This time I wanna hear you scream," he said as he looked at her. "Yes," She moaned as she looked at him.
He leaned down and started to suck on her neck as he started to thrust harder. He grabbed her ass as he continued to thrust. He could feel her getting closer to another climax.
"Cum for me baby" he moaned into her ear. "I'm close," she moaned. "Let it out, don't hold back" he nibbled at her earlobe again.
With a few more thrusts she climaxed against him again. He held her hands above her head as she screamed, moving her hips towards his. He was close as well so he continued to climax, allowing her to ride hers out. He climaxed as well and pulled out, laying on the bed beside her.
"Wow," she said as she tried to catch her breath. "Yeah wow," he turned onto his side so he was facing her. "You are amazing," she said. "You are too," he said as he traced little patterns on her stomach.
He pulled the blanket around them as he placed his arm around her. They both fell asleep in each other's arms. In the morning she woke up with a splitting headache. She shuffled in the bed and realized he was gone. She sat up and looked for her phone, which was on the nightstand with a cup of water and pills. She took the pills and took a few sips of the water, checking her phone as well. She had a bunch of missed calls and texts from Nicole. She texted her quickly letting her know that she was ok. Vanessa got out of the bed and put her panties and his shirt on. She made her way downstairs where she found him in the kitchen.
"Good morning," he said. "Morning," she said as she leaned against the wall. "How did you sleep?" he questioned. "Like a baby," she replied. "I have clothes ready for you in the bathroom, and breakfast is on the table," he said. "Clothes?" she questioned. "Since you didn't go home, I just thought you wanted something else to wear" he kissed the top of her head. "But my shirt looks good on you as well," he said. "Thank you" she nodded. "Alright well I have to go, see you soon?" he asked as he tilted her chin up. "Yeah maybe" she nodded as she looked at him. "Alright," he said as he left the house.
She ate the breakfast he made for her and got dressed. She grabbed her phone before heading out the door. She called a cab to get home. She rushed into her apartment and grabbed her bag for school, she was going to be late. The moment Vanessa left the apartment Nicole pulled up. They always rode together to class, Vanessa got into the car and they took off.
"Explain," Nicole said. "What?" Vanessa asked. "Last night," Nicole said. "I was at my apartment," Vanessa said. "You were not, now spill," Nicole said.
While Nicole was driving Vanessa told her everything about the night before. How amazing Shawn was in bed and just everything that happened. They pulled up to the school and went inside, they stopped by Vanessa lock quickly to switch books.
"Mr. Henry retired so we have a new history teacher," Nicole said. "Good, Mr. Henry was horrible," Vanessa said. "Yeah, he was. Seriously hope this teacher is hot" Nicole laughed. "Stop it, you know that is against the rules," Vanessa said as she shut her locker. "I know but a forbidden romance is so hot," Nicole said as she linked arms with Vanessa. "It would be, plus the thought of being caught would make the sex amazing," Vanessa said. "Sounds like you had an amazing time last night," Nicole said. "I did," Vanessa smiled.
They went into their normal classroom and took their seats. Still talking about the new gossip around campus.
"Did you hear about Luke?" Nicole asked. "What about him?" Vanessa asked as the new teacher walked into the classroom. It was Shawn from last night. "Whoa," Vanessa said. "Uh oh," Nicole said. "He can't be," Vanessa said. "No, he can't be" She took a deep breath in. "Good morning class I'm Mr. Mendes and I'm the new teacher," he said as he wrote his name on the board, when he turned around he saw Vanessa and he froze for a second.
Vanessa avoided eye contact with him throughout the whole class. He tried to ignore that she was in the classroom as well but it was difficult. Once the class was over he asked for her to stay back for a second.
"How old are you?" he asked after everyone else left. "I'm 21," Vanessa said. "How old are you?" She questioned. "I'm 28," he said. "This is so wrong," he said. "We are both of age so what's the problem?" she crossed her arms. "There isn't a problem with us but with the school," he said. "No one has to know anything," she said. "No one can know," he said. "Does this change anything" she questioned. "What do you mean?" he asked. "About last night and wanting to see me again," she said. "Of course not," he grabbed her hand. "I enjoyed last night," he said. "I did too, clearly," she smiled. "I know you did," he said. "Plus I want to see 'everything that you said last night," she said. "Once I make you mine" he sat down in his chair. "So make me yours," She said as she sat on his desk. Opening her legs slightly allowed him to see she wasn't wearing any panties. "Bad girl" he smirked. "Yea I am," she said.
He moved his chair closer to her, placing his hand on her thigh. He moved his hand under her skirt, brushing his thumb against her. She gasped softly as she looked at him, he moved her legs further apart. Resting her foot on his lap as he moved closer. His phone went off and he realized they couldn't do this in school.
"You should go," he said. "Can't just turn me on and leave me hanging," she said. "We can't do this here," he said. "Now I want you" she pouted softly. "I know but not here," he said as he stood up. "See you want me," she said as she rubbed against his boner. "I do but not here," he said as he grabbed her hand. "But I'm a bad girl," she said. "I'm sorry, you should go," he said. "Fine," she said as she walked out of the classroom.
He watched her walk away, the ache of wanting to touch her grew stronger. He started to walk behind her, grabbing her arm and pulling her into the teacher's bathroom. Locking the door before picking her up and placing her onto the sink. Pushing her legs off as he undid his pants. Allowing himself out as he kissed her, placing his hand around her neck.
"Don't make a sound," he said. "Of course not," she said.
He pulled her hips towards him and slipped himself into her. Thrusting deep into her and fast, sucking against her neck. He continued to thrust into her, she moaned against his neck to stay quiet.
"Shh," he said as he continued to thrust into her. "Sorry" She whispered, trying not to moan.
He continued to thrust into her bringing her to a climax first, this time he wasn't too far behind her. He climaxed as well and pulled himself out of her. Slipping himself back into his pants. He moved back between her legs, placing his hand against her neck.
"Wow," she said. "You have got to learn how to be quiet," he said as he brushed his thumb against her cheek. "Sorry, this is my first time sneaking around," she said. "I know, you'll learn," he kissed her softly.
They both left the bathroom and she went on her way. Making her way back to her locker switching books. When she closed the locker this time someone was standing there. It was the dean and she knew she was in trouble.
"You need to come with me," the dean said. "Yes sir," Vanessa said.
She took a deep breath in and walked with him to his office. She sat down and started to wonder what was going on. Mr. Mendes also walked in and sat next to her. Did the dean know about them or was it something else?
#Shawn Mendes#Shawn Mendes Imagines#Shawn Mendes Imagine#Shawn Mendes Preference#Shawn Mendes Preferences#Shawn Mendes Blurb#Shawn Mendes Blurbs#Shawn Mendes Writing#Shawn Mendes Writings#Shawn Mendes Smut#Shawn Mendes Smuts
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Troubled Move
Type: One shot | Imagine about Shawn Mendes Rating: Rated PG Word Count: 2900+ Pairing: Shawn & Lilly Enjoy!
She would be the new girl, the girl no one knew. Lilly and her family were moving from a small town to a big city. At first, she didn't know if she wanted to continue with being homeschool or go to a public school. Lilly was packing up her stuff, putting it in the moving truck. It was her last day in her town. She sat in her empty room, hugging her knees to her chest. Tears built up in her eyes as she realized her life would change. She pulled herself off the floor, grabbed her jacket, and headed out the door. She quickly told her parents she would be just around town, saying goodbye. She walked down to the market, picked out a few flowers as well as some fruit. Once she paid for her things she made her way down to the farm. To say goodbye to her best friend Jackson.
"Hey Lilly" he smiled as he saw her walking. "Hey Jackson," she said. "Thought you were leaving today," he said. "We are leaving today, just wanted to walk around for the last time," she sighed. "I wish you could stay," he said as he sat down. "Same," she said as she sat down next to him. "Promise we will always be friends?" Jackson asked. "Of course we will be '' she looked at him. "Good," he smiled softly. "text every day, all day plus calls at night," she said. "Right?" she asked. "Of course" he nodded and placed his hand on her leg. "I'm going to miss you" she sighed as she felt the tears build up again. "I'm going to miss you," he said. "This sucks" she laid her head down on his shoulder. "You will do amazing at your new school," he said. "I don't have my sidekick though," she said. "I know," he said. "I should get going," she sighed as she sat up.
They both got up and he pulled her to his chest. She wrapped her arms around his waist and held him close. Allowing her tears to slip from her eyes as he rubbed her back. He kissed the top of her head before she pulled away, walking away from him. She made her way back to the house and got into the truck, not saying a word to her family. It was a nearly 6-hour drive but they finally pulled up to their new house around midnight. They all went inside with just what they packed for the night, they would unpack everything else in the morning. Lilly made her way upstairs to what would become her room. Laying on the floor just staring at the ceiling, drifting off to sleep. In the morning she woke up and made her way downstairs.
"Good morning," her mother said. "Morning" Lilly said as she grabbed a bottle of water. "How did you sleep?" her mother asked. "The floor was hard but I slept fine" Lilly responded. "I know you hate the idea of moving," her mom said. "It is what it is at this point" Lilly shrugged and walked off. "I'm sorry, it's just what had to be done," her mom said. "As I said, it's done now. We just have to make the best of it" Lilly said. "You guys are finally here," Lilly's Aunt said as she hugged Lilly. "Yea arrived last night," Lilly said as she hugged her back. "Thanks for allowing us to stay here Dawn," Lilly's mom said. "No problem," Dawn said. "What else do you guys have in the truck?" she asked. "Just random stuff, we didn't bring much," Lilly's mom nodded.
Lilly went into the garage and started to unpack their things. They didn't bring much, just a few things to make them feel like they were at home. She brought all of her things up to her room, putting her clothes away in the closet. She blew up the air mattress and placed it against the wall. She put a few of her pictures up on the wall. Using the dresser that was in the room to put her jewelry and little things. Lilly went back downstairs to help her mom set up her room.
"I'm going out for a walk, see what's around here," Lilly said. "Be careful," her mom said. "I will" Lilly nodded as she headed out the door.
She walked down to where they were having a farmer's market. She kept to herself and just looked around. As she was walking she saw the popular kids talking. Well, she just assumed they were popular, she didn't know. Lilly picked out some fruit and got her something to drink. She looked down at her phone as she continued to walk around. Bumping into one of the girls, spilling her drink all over herself.
"Watch it," the girl said. "Excuse me," Lilly said. "Look what we got here guys" the girl laughed. "A cowgirl," the girl said. "I'm not a cowgirl," Lilly said as she tried to clean up the mess she made. "Yea we know that," the girl said as the group laughed. "A wannabe at its best," the girl said. "I'm Lilly, I'm new here," Lilly said. "We can tell, go home to your farm cowgirl," the girl said. "Brooke, be nice," a guy said as he moved to the front of the group. "She bumped into me," Brooke said. "I'm sorry," Lilly said as she walked away. "Hey you dropped your lemon," the guy said as he picked it up, going after Lilly. "Oh thank you," Lilly said as she stopped walking. "I don't want to be missing this," she said as she grabbed the lemon from him. "I'm sorry about those girls back there," he said. "Not your fault" she responded. "I know but I just feel bad," he said. "Did you just move here?" he questioned. "Yes, unfortunately," she said. "I'm sure you will love it here," he said. "Shawn come on," Brooke said. "You better go," Lilly said as she turned to walk away. "See you around," he said before walking back towards Brooke.
Lilly walked back to her aunt's place. She put the fruit away in the kitchen and then went into her room, grabbed a change of clothes, going into the bathroom. She took a quick shower and changed, making her way back to her room. She laid down on the mattress and stared at the ceiling. After a while she got onto the phone, scrolling on social media for a while. She was able to find Shawn on social media, followed him. They started talking through messages, keeping things as private as they could.
"So you start at our school tomorrow?" he asked through messenger. "Yea I do" she typed back. "Good luck," he wrote. "Thanks," she replied. "Can I ask why you moved here?" he asked. "It's complicated," she said. "Well I hope things get better for you," he said. "I hope so too," she said.
She logged off and got ready for bed. She didn't sleep much, tossing and turning mainly all night. Finally, it was time to get up and get ready for school. She picked out a simple outfit before making her way downstairs.
"Good Morning," her mom said. "Morning" Lilly said as she sat down at the table. "Ready for today?" her mom asked. "As ready as I can be" she nodded. "You will do amazing," her mom said. "I sure hope so," Lilly said.
Her mother placed breakfast on the table, they ate in silence. They both got up from the table and left the house, getting into the car. Leaving and heading towards the school, there was still some paperwork that her mom needed to sign. Once they arrived they stayed in the office for about an hour. Trying to get everything straight and making sure Lilly was placed in the grade that she was in. Lilly finally got her schedule and a map of the school. She left the office and started down the hallway, trying to figure out where to go.
"Ok so is my class this way?" she asked herself as she looked at the map. "Need help?" someone asked. "What?" She turned and saw Shawn standing there. "Do you need help?" he asked as he grabbed her schedule. "Yes please," She said as she looked at him. "So Ms.Harrisons is this way," he said. "Ok," she nodded and followed him. "Excuse me," Brooke said as she stood in front of them. "I'm just showing her around," Shawn said. "She can figure it out, just like the rest of us," Brooke said as she grabbed Shawn's arm. "I'll figure it out," Lilly said as she grabbed her schedule from Shawn. "Go along little farm girl," Brooke said as she rolled her eyes, pulling Shawn away from Lilly. "Thank you," She said as she looked at Shawn. "I'm sorry," he said as he walked with Brooke, pushing her hand off of his arm.
She went on with her day, trying her best not to get lost. She finished her last class and made her way to her locker. Putting her books in it that she didn't need. Grabbing her notebook and a few other things before closing her locker. She made her way out of the school when Shawn caught up with her.
"How was your first day?" he asked. "It was fine," she nodded. "That's good, I'm sorry for this morning," he said. "Look you seem nice but I'm not looking for drama so please keep your distance," she said. "What?" He grabbed her arm to stop her. "She has her claws in you and honestly I don't want the problem," Lilly said as she looked at him. "There is nothing between Brooke and me," he said. "She's problematic" he looked at her. "I'm sure she is and she has her eye on you," Lilly said. "It was nice to meet you," she said. "I would like to get to know you more, please," he said as he grabbed her hand. "You would?" she questioned. "Yea, don't allow Brooke to get to you," he said. "I'll try to remember that," she said. "Want a ride?" he asked. "I'm going on a hayride later, wanna join?" He looked at her. "What hay thing?" she questioned. "We do it every year around this time," he said. "Just a fall thing," he said. "We have haunted hayrides from where I'm from," she smiled. "It sounds fun," she nodded. "Want me to drop you off at your place and I could come back later to pick you up," he said. "Sure" she nodded and walked with him towards his car.
They left the school parking lot, not noticing that Brooke was watching them from the door. Shawn dropped Lilly off at her place and left. She went inside making her way to the kitchen. She grabbed a water bottle before sitting down at the table. She started on her homework and the papers that needed to be turned in. Catching up would be the hard part but luckily her new school wasn't that far ahead of her old school. Her mother walked in right after Lilly finished the last paper she needed to fill out.
"How was school?" her mom asked. "It was good," Lilly said. "You want to get dinner?" her mom looked at her. "No I have plans, '' Lilly admitted. "Oh with who?" her mom asked. "A boy from school" Lilly said as she put the papers back into her backpack. "Does this boy have a name?" her mom asked as she sat down at the table. "His name is Shawn and I met him yesterday," Lilly said. "He showed me around today," Lilly said, trying to hide her smile. 'Oh," Lilly's mom said. "Seems like you are happy about it," her mom said. "Yes I am," Lilly nodded. "Well go and have fun," her mom said. "I hope I do," Lilly said.
Lilly got up from the table and went into her room. Changed out her pants and shoes, grabbing a jacket before leaving. Shawn was just about to knock on the door when Lilly opened the door.
"Hey" she smiled as she saw him. "Hey," he said. "Right on time," she said. "Take care of my daughter," her mother said as she walked to the door. "Of course ma'am" Shawn nodded. "What time should I bring her back?" he asked. "Whenever she says she's ready to go home," her mom said. "Alright," Shawn said as he grabbed Lilly's hand, leading her to his car.
He opened the door for her allowing her to get inside. Closing the door behind her before walking around and getting on the driver's side. He nodded towards her mother and took off from the driveway. He pulled into the parking lot of the pumpkin patch. He got out of the car and walked over to her side, opening the door for her.
"Thank you," she said as she got out of the car. "No problem" he smiled as he closed the door behind her. "So where too?" she questioned, "This way," he said as he offered his arm. "Show the way" she smiled as she placed her arm around his.
He led her inside of the pumpkin patch. They went walking around, just talking to get to know each other. They went through the corn maze which took forever since they couldn't find their way out.
"Are we seriously lost?" she asked. "I think so," he laughed. "It's not funny," she said. "It's ok, we will be fine" he tried to reassure her. "Are you sure about that?" she looked at him. "Yes I'm sure" he wrapped his arm around her shoulders. "It's ok," he said. "I want out of here" she wrapped her arm around his waist. "I got you," he said as they continued to walk around. Finally finding their way out of the corn maze. "Finally," she said. "See told you" he smirked as he kept his arm around her shoulder. "I can now trust you" she chuckled slightly as she held his hand. "Good," he said.
They continued to walk around the pumpkin patch. Getting food and just looking around, until the sun started to go down. It was time for the hayride. He led her over to the truck and helped her up into the truck and got in behind her. Grabbed a blanket from the worker and sat next to her. He wrapped a blanket around her shoulder, she placed it on his shoulders as well. Leaning her head down on his shoulder, making sure he was covered as well. He wrapped his arm around her keeping her close to him while the ride started.
"It's a pretty night," she said. "Yea it is" he kissed the top of her head. "Are you cold?" he questioned. "No I'm not cold, I have you keeping me warm" she smiled slightly. "Really?" he asked. "Yea really," she said. "I wouldn't want to be anywhere else" she looked up at him. "I wouldn't want to be anywhere else" he looked at her.
He leaned down and placed his lips against hers. Making sure she wanted this as well as him before kissing her. She moved slightly, kissing him softly. He smiled against her lips before kissing her back. She placed his hand against his leg as she kept the kiss between them. He placed his hand over the top of hers and smiled against her lips. Slightly pulling away resting his forehead against hers.
"Maybe we shouldn't," she whispered. "It's what we both want" he placed his hand against her chin, brushing his thumb against her cheek. "I know," she sighed as she looked at him. "But" she started to say but he kissed her again. "No buts," he said when he pulled away. "I'll deal with Brooke, but I want this," he said as he looked at her. "I want this," she said. "We can do this," he said.
She nodded and kissed him once more before the ride was over. He helped her down and led her back to his car. Opening the door for her once again, making sure she's in before shutting the door. Making his way to the driver's side and getting in, turning the car on. Making sure the heat was on before taking her hand. She smiled and laced their fingers together as he started to drive. He pulled up in her driveway and parked the car. She leaned over and kissed him before she got out of the car. Waving bye as she made her way inside of the house. Maybe moving wasn't such a bad thing, after all, maybe things would finally turn around for her and her mom. She put down her bag and slipped off her shoes as she made her way into the kitchen. She grabbed a glass from the cabinet and poured herself some tea. She took a sip from the glass as she turned. She dropped the glass as she saw someone standing in the doorway. She pulled out her phone but the guy grabbed it, smashing it down to the ground.
"Please leave," She said as she tried to stay as calm as she could. "What's the fun in that?" the guy said.
She tried to ease to the back door but he slammed the door shut as he grabbed her arm. Placing his hand over her mouth as he dragged her into the bedroom. Where her aunt and mother were tied up, she couldn't tell if they were alive or dead. He tied her hands behind her back and put a scarf over her mouth so she couldn't scream. The guy left the room and looked out the window making sure everything was cleared. She looked around the room trying to figure out how to escape but there was nothing. She was starting to lose hope.
#Shawn Mendes#Shawn Mendes Imagines#Shawn Mendes Imagine#Shawn Mendes Preference#Shawn Mendes Preferences#Shawn Mendes Blurb#Shawn Mendes Blurbs#Shawn Mendes Writing#Shawn Mendes Writings
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Type: One shot about Shawn Mendes Rating: Rated R for Sexual Content Word Count: 2900+ Enjoy!
He woke up in a bed, with a fireplace going. He rubbed his eyes trying to figure out where he was at. He sat up in the bed and looked around the cabin. He shifted in the bed and placed his feet on the floor. He didn't know where Isobella was nor did he truly remember what happened. He stood up and stretched, moving towards the window.
"You're awake," Isobella said as she stood in the doorway. "Isobella?" He turned to see her. "Yea it's me," she said. "I thought you were dead, well honestly I can't remember anything," he said. "A lot has happened but we are ok," she said. "Are you ok?" he asked. "Yea I'm fine" she moved closer to him. "How is your head?" she looked at him. "Fine," he said as he grabbed her hand. "Good" she smiled slightly. "What happened?" he asked. "Your father invited us on a boat, had his guard pick a fight with you" she looked at him. "And knocked you off the boat," she said. "Because he thought you were a witch," he said. "Yea" she nodded slightly. "I'm sorry" he pulled her closer to him. "It's ok" she looked at him.
He placed his hand against her cheek and leaned down kissing her softly. She rested her hand against his neck and kept the kiss between them. She pulled away slowly, pulling at his bottom lip before resting her forehead against his. He brushed the hair from her face and looked at her.
"I'm so glad I have you," he whispered. "I thought I lost you," she said. "Why?" he questioned. "The fall knocked you out plus the water was cold" she looked down. "I got you to the shore before I blacked out," she said. "Hey" he tilted her chin up. "We are ok now, that's all that matters," he said. "I know" she looked up at him. "So where are we?" he questioned. "Some small village," she said. "I gathered some food, I didn't know you would be hungry or not," she said. "Sounds good, what did you get?" he questioned. "Some ham and potatoes," she said. "Sounds good," he said. "Do you want me to cook?" he questioned. "We can cook together," she replied.
They walked into the kitchen and started to cook. Once they finished cooking they sat down to eat. After she finished eating she took her plate to the sink. She started to wash the dishes but he came up behind her. Wrapping his arms around her, resting his head against her shoulder. She leaned back slightly against him but continued to wash the dishes. He grabbed her arm and turned her to face him. She wrapped her arms around his neck. He rested his hands against her hips, keeping her close. He leaned down kissing her softly, she smiled against his lips. She kept the kiss between them as he picked her up, placing her onto the counter. She wrapped her legs around him, pulling on his shirt. He slipped his hands up her skirt, smiling as he realized she didn't have any panties on.
"Oh, such a bad girl" he smirked. "Only for you" she whispered in his ear.
He kissed her softly, moving his lips down to her neck. Sucking gently as she leaned her head back, letting out a few moans. He started to pull up her shirt but she stopped him,
"What's wrong?" he asked as he looked at her. "People are watching," she nodded towards the window. "Well let's give them something to watch" he smirked as he kissed her. "No" she smiled as he started sucking against her neck. "Come on, be scandalized with me" he looked at her.
He placed his lips against her neck, sucking gently. Nibbling at her ear as he knew that was her weak spot. She bit her lip and leaned her head back. He ran his hands up her legs, brushing his thumb against her clit. She let out a moan as he started to rub her softly. He picked her up from the counter and laid her on the bed. Kissing her softly as he moved over top of her. Moving down her body, pulling her skirt off. He looked up at her, she giggled slightly as she looked at him. He kissed up her thighs, running his tongue down her slit. Making her squirm he grabbed her hips keeping her still. She placed her hand on the back of his head as he used his tongue to part her slit. Running his tongue around her clit, gently sucking on it driving her crazy. He sucked gently against her clit, edging her closer. He smiled and came back up, kissing her softly.
"No fair," she pouted. "Don't worry" he kissed her. "I always make you cum" he smirked as he pushed his pants off.
He moved back between her legs, lining himself up with her. Pushing slowly but making sure she felt every inch. Pushing himself fully into her before thrusting. She arched her back and started to moan as she moved her hips with his. She pushed her hips up and flipped them over.
"Oh so that's how we are doing it today" he smirked as he sat up. "I'm in control today," she smirked.
He sucked on her neck as he moved his hands onto her hips. Helping her move as she moved her hips towards his, sliding him in and out of her. He moaned against her neck as she started to pick up the pace. He started to thrust up into her, matching her movements. She climaxed against him and stopped moving for a second. He pushed her back down on the bed, pushing her hands above her head. Smirking as he pushed himself back into her. Making sure to hit her spot making her climax quickly again against him. She screamed as it started to get more intense with each thrust. He made her cum once again before he climaxed. He slipped out of her and laid beside her trying to catch his breath,
"Wow," she said as she laid back trying to catch her breath. "Told you I always make you cum" he said. "Yea you do" she turned to her side to face him. "God I love you," he said as he looked at her. "I love you" she rested her head against his chest. "I'm truly sorry for my father," he said. "We can't control other people" she traced patterns on his chest. "I know but I hate how he treats you," he said. "I know but I don't fault you," she said. "I love you" he kissed her forehead and kept her close.
He ended up falling asleep, while she got up and got dressed. She cleaned up the cabinet and left to gather supplies. Now she was talk of the village, that was until they found out he was a prince. After gathering the things she wanted she went back to the cabin. She made a hot bath with candles around it, waiting for him to wake up. Once he smelt the candles he started to wake up and he saw the bath.
"For you my love," she said. "Wow," he smiled as he walked into the bathroom. "I gathered some supplies we need for the next few days," she nodded. "Join me?" he asked as he got into the hot water. "Sure" she smiled and got undressed, joined him in the bath.
She laid back between his legs as he wrapped his arms around her. They talked about what they were going to do and how long they would stay in this village. They stayed a few days before heading out and going back to his village. Where his father was looking for him, there were flyers all over the place. He took Isobella to the cabin before going to the palace, just to make sure she would be safe. He entered the palace and went into his father's room.
"Looking for me?" he asked. "Yes son, where have you been?" the king asked. "I've been worried sick," the king said. "Worried sick? When you were the one that planned this whole thing" Shawn asked as he crossed his arms. "I wanted to prove that she was a witch, but I was wrong," the king admitted. "Yea you were and damn near had me killed to try to prove your point," Shawn said. "When you should have just trusted me," Shawn said. "I know and I'm sorry," the king said. "I don't want her to come between us, '' Shawn said. "But dad I love her and I'm going to ask her to marry me," Shawn said. "I will support whatever you decide," the king said. "Finally" Shawn sighed in relief. "Where is she?" the king asked. "In the cabin where I knew she would be safe," Shawn said. "Ok, you can bring her home and I'll tell the guards that she is welcomed" the king. "Thank you," Shawn said as he hugged his father. "Have you asked for her hand?" the king asked. "Not yet but don't say anything, I want to do this right" Shawn nodded. "Ok son," the king said.
Shawn left the palace and went back to the cabin. He saw Isobella asleep on the couch, he grabbed a blanket and placed it on her. He packed up their stuff and placed it near the door. Sitting in the chair just watching her sleep, was the most peaceful thing to him. He got up and went into the kitchen, making her a cup of tea. She started to wake up, she rubbed her eyes as she sat up. She quickly rushed off to the bathroom, throwing up in the toilet. He rushed in behind her, pulling her hair back and rubbing her back.
"Was it something you ate?" he questioned. "Probably," she said as she grabbed a towel, wiping her face. "I made you tea," he said as he helped her get up. "Thank you" she walked with him.
She sat down on the couch and wrapped the blanket around her. He bought her tea and placed it on the table in front of her. She grabbed it and took a few sips as he wrapped his arms around her. He told her what his father said and that he packed their stuff already. She agreed to go back to the palace but if anything like that happened again she would leave. He loaded up the horse with their stuff and helped her onto the horse. She kept the blanket around her but also held onto him. They made their way to the palace and she went up to his room. He bought the stuff into the palace and went into the room with her.
"Still not feeling good?" he questioned as he placed the bag down. "Not really," she said as she laid down. "Can I ask you something?" he asked. "Yea" she looked at him. "Could you be pregnant?" he questioned. "There is always a chance of that," she said. "When is your monthly?" He looked at her. "Um," she said as she pulled out her notebook and counted. "It was supposed to be here last week," she said. "So there is a chance" he nodded. "Yea there is but I just thought I was late because of stress," she said. "Guess we will know by next week if I am," she said. "Ok," he sat down next to her. "It will be ok if you are" he took her hand. "I trust you," she said.
A few weeks went by and she didn't get her cycle. It was likely she was pregnant so he took her to their doctor. He ran some tests and took her blood, the results wouldn't be back for a few weeks. Maybe even longer but she kept busy in the palace. She found the love of painting so Shawn bought her plenty of supplies to make her happy. While she was at the palace Shawn excused himself and went back to her old village. He went to her parent's house and of course, they invited him in.
"Good evening," Shawn said. "Hey, Shawn" Isobellas mother said. "How are you guys doing?" Isabella's father asked. "We are good," Shawn nodded. "She might be pregnant," he said. "Congrats," her mother said. "That's why I'm here actually," he said. "I wanted to ask for her hand in marriage" he looked at her father. "Of course," her father said. "You have my full blessing," he nodded. "Thank you, sir," Shawn said. "I wanted to move you guys closer to where we are," he said. "That would be amazing, I miss her," her mother said. "I'm sure she misses you guys too," Shawn nodded. "I'll figure everything out and get back to you guys," Shawn said. "Thank you," her mother said.
He smiled and left their house. He made his way back to the palace and went to his father's room. He wanted his mother's ring so he could propose. He had no issue with getting it and he put it up so he could plan how he would ask. He talked to the kitchen staff as well as the guards. Before making his way up to their room, she was painting. He leaned against the door frame and just watched her for a few seconds.
"It's beautiful," he finally said. "Thank you" She smiled as she looked at him. "We have dinner plans tonight," he said. "Sounds good" she looked at him as he walked over to her. "Yea I already talked to the kitchen staff" he leaned down and kissed her softly. "Something easy for you to eat," he said. "Thank you," she said. "What should I wear?" she asked. "A simple dress is fine" he brushed the hair from her face. "A dress, of course," she smiled. "Panties?" she smirked. "All up to you," he said.
She finished up with her panting before getting ready for their dinner plans. She finished getting ready as he was waiting for her in the hallway. He offered his arm before going down the stairs. She grabbed his arm and went downstairs with him. He led her out to the courtyard, where they had everything set up. A bunch of flowers as well as candles, he pulled out her chair for her.
"Thank you my love" she smiled as she sat down. "Anything for you," he said as he sat down.
With a quick nod from him, the food came to the table. They had a small talk as they ate. Once they finished the kitchen staff cleaned up and bought out dessert. Slipping him the ring without her noticing.
"Hope you like chocolate" he smiled. "You know I do," she smiled as she took a bite. "I know" he leaned back and watched her. "What?" she questioned. "Nothing, just admiring how beautiful you are," he said. "Stop it" she started to blush. "It's true," he said. "There is something I wanted to talk to you about," he said. "What is that?" she looked at him. "What do you think about your parents moving closer?" he questioned. "What? Really?" she said. "Yes really" he smiled. "Oh my god, I would love that," she said. "Good," he said. "And there is something else," he said as he stood up. "What?" she watched him. "You are like no other woman I've met before, you are sweet and kind but also hard-headed as well' He chuckled slightly. "You stood by me no matter what and I love you for that" he looked at her. "You are the love of my life" he got down on one knee. "Will you marry me?" he asked as he held out the ring. "Are you serious?" she asked as she placed her hands over her mouth. "Yes I am," he said. "Will you?" he asked again.
She nodded her head yes and held out her finger. He slipped the ring on her finger and picked her up. Spinning her around before placing her back onto the ground. Cupping her cheeks, wipe her tears away with his thumbs before kissing her. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back.
"Yes," she whispered against his lips. "I love you" he smiled against her lips. "I love you," she said before kissing him. "She said YES," he said.
His family as well as hers came out to congratulate them. She hugged her mother and father, talking to them about moving. They were going to move next store. Isobella was just excited that her family would be closer, especially if she was pregnant. It would be easier with family around her. Even his father hugged her and congratulated her. Isobella and Shawn ended up moving out of the palace but didn't go far. Just down the street, still close to everyone just wanted to be on their own. She had a wedding to figure out as Shawn had work to do. Shawn still worked for his father and did what he was supposed to do as a prince. After a few weeks, the doctor sent a letter to them, letting them know their test results. Baby Mendes was on its way, they were over the moon with the news. Finally, things were settling down for them and they could be together. Without his father trying to break them up or trying to kill Shawn. They could live happily ever after…..
#Shawn Mendes#Shawn Mendes Imagines#Shawn Mendes Imagine#Shawn Mendes Preference#Shawn Mendes Preferences#Shawn Mendes Writing#Shawn Mendes Writings#Shawn Mendes Blurb#Shawn Mendes Blurbs#Shawn Mendes Smut#Shawn Mendes Smuts
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Part 4 of 1869 is in the works and it will be the final
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Type: One shot about Shawn Mendes Rating: Rated R for Sexual Content Trigger Warning: Death Word Count: 3100+ Part 3/? Enjoy!
His father's guards pulled him away from the king. Shawn pulled away from the guards and picked up her body. Placing her body in the carriage and leaving for the palace. He had the helpers take her body to his bedroom. Locking them into his room so no one could bother them. He wanted her to wake up but honestly, he had no idea what his father did to her. He sat down next to her, taking her hand into his. Kissing her hand softly, brushing the hair from her face.
"I'm so sorry," he said as he fought back tears.
He covered her up with the blankets before heading out of the room. He knew that he had to tell her parents, he didn't know what to say. He made his way to the stables and got his horse. By that time his father just made it back to the palace. Shawn just got onto his horse and left the palace. He made his way to her parent's place, he stood outside for a while trying to figure out what to say. He was just about to get back on his horse when her Isobellas mother came outside.
"Hey Shawn," she said. "Hey," he said. "Where is Isobella?" she questioned. "About that" he rubbed the back of his neck. "I need to tell you something," He said. "Come in please," She said as she held the door open for him. "I don't know how to say this" he took a deep breath in. "Just say it '' she grabbed his hand. "Isobella is dead," he said as his tears slipped from his eyes. "Where is her body?" she questioned. "In the palace, whatever funeral arrangements you want to make, I'll cover it," he said. "Thank you," she said as she started to cry.
Shawn left the house as Isobellas father walked in. He didn't know what to say so he made his way back to the palace. Over the next few days, Isobelals parents made arrangements. Shawn kept his word and covered everything. On the day of the funeral, Shawn was in his room getting ready. He requested a few moments alone with Isabella's body, to say his peace.
"Her body is through those doors," the guard said. "Thank you, please do tell my father that this isn't over '' Shawn said as he entered the room.
He shut the doors behind him and made his way to the coffin. She was laying there so peacefully, he took her hand into his. Kissing her forehead softly, still wishing she would wake up.
"I'm sorry that this happened, I never wanted this," he said as his tears slipped from his eyes. "I love you" he whispered.
He leaned down and kissed her softly before leaving the room. Allowing her parents a few moments with their daughter before the service started. They closed the coffin and started the service, it was a quick one. They took the coffin to the site where she would forever rest. They already had the hole dug, they placed the coffin into the hole. Starting to put the dirt on the coffin to cover it up.
Isobella started to wake up inside the coffin, confused about why it was dark. As she tried to move she slowly started to realize what was going on. She started to panic and scream, just hoping someone was close enough to hear her.
"HELP!" She screamed. "Wait did you guys hear that?" Shawn asked. "What?" the guards said. "Someone was screaming," Shawn said. "SOMEONE HELP ME" Isobella screamed as she tried to get out of the coffin. "It's Isobella," Shawn said as jumped down into the hole.
He cracked open the coffin and sure enough, she was alive. He helped her out of the coffin and got them both out of the hole. She just held onto him as he rested on the ground.
"Shhh I got you" he whispered in her ear as he rocked her in his arms. "W-What happened?" she questioned. "We will talk later, let's get out of here," he said as he stood up. "Ok," she said as she held his hand.
They caught up to her parents, there were a lot of tears but also joy. Her mother didn't want to let her go neither did her dad. She grabbed Shawns hand and they walked off.
"What kind of sorcery was that?" the King asked his guard. "I have no clue, is she a witch?" the guard question. "We need to find out," the king said.
Shawn and Isobella made their way to the palace. He had his cook make her something to eat, pulling out her chair for her to sit. She sat down and he sat next to her, just grinning from ear to ear. He couldn't believe that she was truly right in front of him. He took her hand in his, kissing it softly.
"So what happened?" she questioned. "You left the woods and then by the time I got to the cabin, you were lying there lifeless," he said. "I only remember leaving you in the woods," she said. "So nothing about my father?" he questioned. "I can't remember '' She looked at him. "That's fine, as long as you are fine" he spoke softly. "I'm ok, kind of shaken up but I'm ok," she said. "I'll take care of you," he said as the food was brought to the table.
They ate and once she finished he got up and held his hand out for her. She smiled softly and took his hand, getting up from the table. Leading her up to his room, closing the door behind them. He placed his hands on her hips and pulled her towards him. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him softly. He smiled against her lips before kissing her back, resting his hand on her neck. She slowly pulled away as she looked at him.
"Tonight I just want to lay with you," she said. "Of course," he nodded. "Thank you" she smiled softly.
He grabbed her hand and led her to the bed. Laying down with her, she laid her head down on his chest. He covered them up with the blanket before holding her close to him. They both started to drift off to sleep, that was until there was a knock on the door. He gently moved her over so she would stay asleep as he got up. Making his way to the door, opening it slightly, seeing his father standing there.
"What do you want?" Shawn asked. "We need to talk," the king said. "I don't have anything to say to you," Shawn said. "Just come to the courtyard," the king said.
Shawn slipped his shoes on and went out to the courtyard with his father. He could tell his father was concerned but at this point, Shawn didn't want anything to do with his father.
"What is this about?" Shawn asked. "It's about Isobella," the king said. "You are not touching her! Nor or your guards" Shawn said as he crossed his arms. "Or there will be war" Shawn looked at his father. "No one is touching her, we are just concerned," the king said. "About?" Shawn asked. "Don't you think it's weird that she woke up?" the king questioned. "No," Shawn said but then started to think. "It is weird but I'm glad she's back," Shawn said. "We think she's a witch," the king said. "She is not a witch! Stop making shit up!" Shawn said. "Weirdly, she woke up after being dead for three days," the king said. "Maybe she was in just a deep sleep," Shawn said. "Just think about it," the king said before walking off.
Shawn rolled his eyes and made his way back to his room. Slipping back into bed without waking her up. He fell asleep quickly but couldn't seem to stay asleep. In the middle of the night, he got up and went into the kitchen. Fixing himself a hot cup of tea and sitting at the table. Thinking about what his father said, could it be true. He took a sip of his tea as he looked out the window. Even if she was, why would it matter? He knew he was in love with her and didn't want to lose her. He sighed as he sat back in the seat just trying to wrap his mind around it. She shuffled in the bed and noticed that he was gone. She got up and grabbed his robe. Pulling it over her shoulders as she makes her way down towards the kitchen.
"Shawn?" she spoke softly. "I'm in the kitchen," he responded.
She made her way to the kitchen and saw him sitting there. She made her way to him and sat on his lap, placing her hand on his cheek. He looked up at her and brushed the hair from her face. She leaned down and kissed him softly but he hesitated.
"What's wrong?" She looked at him as she pulled away. "Nothing, just stuff on my mind" he nodded. "Do you want to talk about it?" she questioned. "Not really," he said as he rubbed her back. "I'm here if you do," she said as she looked at him. "I know," he nodded. "What are you drinking?" she nodded towards his drink. "Just tea," he said. "Oh," she said as she picked up the cup, taking a small sip. "Strong tea," she said. "How I like it," he said. "Are you angry with me?" she questioned. "No," he responded quickly. "Ok, I'm going back to bed, join me?" she asked as she stood up. "I'll be up shortly," he said. "Ok" She kissed his cheek softly before going back to the bedroom.
She sat on the bed trying to figure out what was going on. She laid back staring into the dark still wondering. She couldn't seem to fall back to sleep and he never came back to the bed. In the morning she got out of bed and got ready for the day, going to the kitchen to get breakfast. The cup of tea was sitting on the table but he was nowhere to be found. He was in the courtyard with his father.
"Hello madam," the maid said. "Good morning," Isobella said. "What do you fancy this morning?" the maid asked. "Oh, just some eggs are fine," Isobella said. "For someone in your condition you need more," the maid said. "Just eggs are fine," Isobella said. "My condition?" she questioned. "Aren't you with child?" the maid asked. "No I am not," Isobella said. "Sorry, my mistake," the maid said before going into the kitchen. "Is that why Shawn was angry?" she asked herself.
The maid brought the food to the table and Isobella started to eat. Once Shawn was finished talking to his father he entered the palace. Making his way to the kitchen and noticing that Isobella was eating. He smiled softly walking over to her, kissing the top of her head. He sat down and the maid brought his food to him. They sat in silence and ate, Isobella was finished first so she got up from the table.
"Hey, where are you off to?" Shawn asked as he grabbed her arm. "I'm going back home" she pulled away from his touch. "Wait what? why?" he asked as he stood up. "It's clear that you are angry with me so I should go," she said. "I'm not angry," he said. "Do you think I'm with child?" she looked at him. "Wait, are you?" he asked. "No! would everyone stop assuming that!" she crossed her arms. "I'm sorry, Who said you were?" he asked. "Your staff," she said. "I'm sorry for their mistake, but I'm not angry with you," he said. "Sure could fool me," she said as she walked away.
He caught up with her and wrapped his arms around her shoulders. She leaned back slightly and placed her hands on his arms. He kissed her cheek and just held her close to him.
"Please don't go," he whispered. "I don't want to," She closed her eyes and took a deep breath in. "It's just things with my father," he said. "Let me in," she said as she turned to face him. "Are you a witch?" he questioned. "What type of question is that?" she looked at him. "A question," he said. "A question with no answer," she said as she pulled away from him. "Wait what does that mean?" he asked as he grabbed her hand. "No, I am not a witch," she said. "Oh ok," he sighed "good" he kissed her softly.
She smiled against his lips and gently tugged at his bottom lip. He pushed her against the wall, placing his hands against her cheeks. She lifted her leg and wrapped it around him, just keeping him close to her. She started undoing his shirt as she kept the kiss between them. He reached under her skirt and pulled down her panties. He pushed her leg off of him and went down to take her panties off. She placed her hands on his shoulders and helped him take off her panties. He stood back up and kissed her softly before moving to her neck. Gently sucking against her neck as he ran his leg up to her leg. She moaned and picked her leg up, resting it on his hip. He placed his hand between her legs, pressing his thumb against her clit. She squirmed slightly before he placed his hand on her hip to keep her from moving.
"Shhh," he whispered in her ear. "Baby" She moaned as he moved his finger faster.
He covered her mouth as she edged closer to cumming. He made her climax and held her against the wall. He quickly unbuttoned his pants and picked her up. Allowing her to wrap her legs around his waist. He laid her down on the kitchen table and took himself out of his pants. Quickly but gently pushing himself into her, leaning down kissing her softly. She kept her legs around him as she started to move her hips towards his. He thrust into her, moving his hands down her side. As she arched her back he started to suck against his neck again. She edged closer to another climax with each thrust. He was close as well, he pulled her up. She held onto him as they both climaxed together. She rested against him as they both tried to catch their breath. He pulled out and pulled his pants up as she fixed her skirt. He helped her down off the table and grabbed her panties off the floor.
"Can I have those back?" She questioned. "No, I like you like this" he smirked as he placed his hand between her legs. "Not fair," she said as she bit her lip. "Just means I can have you whenever I want" he kissed her cheek. "Uh-huh," she rolled her eyes. "So truly are you a witch?" he chuckled slightly. "Can't believe I believed my father" he said. "Wait what?" she looked at him. "My father is the one who questioned if you were a witch," he said. "Oh" She nodded slowly. "Is that a problem?" he asked. "If people believe I'm a witch, that could end badly," she said. "You would be hung," he said. "Yea" she swallowed hard. "Would that change things between us?" she questioned. "No it wouldn't, I still love you" he grabbed her hands. "I love you," she said. "Why am I not getting a straight answer from you?" he asked. "I'm not a witch, but I know one," she said. "Oh, how did you come back from the dead?" he asked. "I can't tell you," she said. "I trust you" he kissed her softly. "No one can know," she said. "Alright," he nodded. "So we were going to take the boat out later," he said. "Who are we?" she questioned. "The family, come with me," he said. "Only for you" she smiled slightly.
He went to his bedroom to collect his things for the boat trip. She rushed out into the courtyard trying to figure out what to do. They were onto her but they couldn't know the truth. She took a deep breath in as she saw Shawn coming out to her. He grabbed her hand and led her outside of the palace. They went down to the dock and got onto the ship, his father and stepmother were already there. She stayed as far away as she could from her father. They sat on the edge of the boat as they went out to see. Shawn pulled her closer to him as she rested her head against his shoulder. As the sun started to set, that's when things started to get weird. Shawn's father kept his eye on Isobella the whole night, while they were eating. With the King's nod, one of his guards started a fight with Shawn. They were arguing and then it got physical. Shawn pulled away and grabbed Isabella's hand and led her to their room. The guard grabbed Shawn pulling him onto the deck. There was more arguing and once again things got physical. Isobella came out trying to get them to stop but there was no stopping them.
"Stop your guard!" Isobella said as she looked at the king. "Not my problem," the king said. "That's your son!" Isobella said.
Before the king could say another word Shawn went overboard. Isobella rushed over to the rail to see if she could see Shawn. She was screaming for him but she couldn't see him.
"Use your powers," the king said. "You are CRAZY" Isobella yelled out. "You are a witch, so use your powers," he said once more. "Go to hell," she said as she jumped off the boat.
She finally found his body, she grabbed him making sure his head was above the water. She pulled him back to the shore, laying him in the sand.
"Come on breath," she said. "SHAWN" she screamed. "HELP" she screamed. "Please" she started crying as she held him close to her.
The wind started to pick up and it became cold. She was shivering but she wasn't going to leave him. She was so tired and cold that she couldn't move him. She covered his body with hers and just hoped that he would wake up. She ended up passing out from the cold.
#Shawn Mendes#Shawn Mendes Imagines#Shawn Mendes Imagine#Shawn Mendes Preferences#Shawn Mendes Preference#Shawn Mendes Writing#Shawn Mendes Writings#Shawn Mendes Blurb#Shawn Mendes Blurbs#Shawn Mendes Smut#Shawn Mendes Fanfic
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Part 3 of 1869 is in the works, just give me a few days to get it up for you guys!
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Type: One shot about Shawn Mendes Rating: Rated R for Sexual Content Word Count: 3000+ Enjoy! | part 2 / ?
She kept quiet in her cell, only eating enough to survive. She didn't have small talk with the guard but she did start wondering where the older woman was. She pushed that thought out of her head since she didn't want to make things worse. Her parents were worried sick about her since she never returned from the woods. Search parties were trying to locate Isobella but no one could find her. No one knew the trouble that she was in. Late one evening she heard someone shuffling in the room heading to the cell. She could see a light coming towards her cell, it was Shawn.
"Are you ok?" he questioned. "Ask yourself that, you are the one to throw me in here," she said as she turned to face the wall. "It wasn't my idea, but I had to be there because I'm the prince," he said. "A prince full of shit," she said. "You don't know," he said. "Clearly you kiss and run in the forest, come back and do a little more than run away when daddy comes home" she crossed her arms as she turned to face him. "That's not fair, I didn't expect to have feelings for you," he said. "Feelings for the poor girl," she said. "I don't see you like that and you know that,'' he said. "You should leave before daddy catches you," she said. "Stop it, please" he sighed. "I know I screwed up," he said. "I'm sorry" she whispered. "I'm going to do everything in my power to get you out" he reached his hand through the bars, taking her hand in his. "I believe you" she looked up at him. "Don't give up hope" he cupped her face in his hand. "I'll get you free," he said. "Go before you get caught," she said. "See you soon," he said before he left.
She ended up falling asleep in her cell. She was awakened when the sun started peeking through the window, plus there was a bunch of noise. She rubbed her eyes and leaned against the wall, just waiting for anything or anyone to come into the room. The guard came in and opened her cell, putting cuffs on her arms. Pulling her out into the main room, making her kneel to the ground as the king walked in. She kept her head down knowing she didn't want to make anything worse for herself.
"Isobella isn't that your name?" the king questioned. "Yes sir it is" she replied. "And killing my men for?" he asked. "Do I get to tell my side or are you assuming?" she looked up at him. "Excuse me?" he said. "Do I get to tell my side of the story?" she asked once more. "Sure, let's see what you have to say," he said as he nodded the guard away. "The guy was attacking me" she started to say but Shawn walked in catching her attention. "Go on," the king said. "He um" she took a deep breath in. "Was trying to force me" she said as she looked down at the ground. "I don't believe your story, see there were other guards around and they said something different," the king said. "Don't ask for her side if you aren't going to believe her '' Shawn said. "Excuse me?" the king said as he turned to face Shawn. "If you aren't going to consider her side of the story then don't ask," Shawn said as he crossed his arms. "You don't run this palace so you can hush," the king said. "I'll be a better king than you" Shawn snapped back. "Enough!" the king said as he stood up. "Get him out of here and Isobella back in her cell!" he said. "Please I have a family" she pleaded. "Should've thought about that before you stepped foot in this area and killed MY men" he said.
The guard grabbed Isobella and pulled her back to the cell. They also took Shawn out of the room and he was furious. He couldn't believe what they were doing. He was especially angry at his dad, he couldn't understand why his dad was doing this. Shawn pulled from the guards and marched himself into his dad's chambers.
"I want an explanation," Shawn said as he slammed the door shut. "Who do you think you are?" the king asked. "Why won't you let her go?" Shawn questioned. "Because she needs to pay for her crimes," he said. "Yet you won't believe what she says, you know these guards of full of it," Shawn said as he rolled his eyes. "I just can't let her go," he said. "And why not?" Shawn asked. "Because," he said. "THAT'S NOT GOOD ENOUGH!" Shawn yelled. "Watch your tone, '' he said. "I care about her," Shawn said. "That's why," he said. "Wait what?" Shawn asked. "She's not the type of girl you need to be around," he said. "I'll make that choice!" Shawn said as he crossed his arms. "What do you think you are going to turn a poor girl into a princess?" the king asked. "If I do then that's my choice and you should be glad it's not someone out for our money," Shawn said. "It wouldn't look right, different people," he said. "I don't care what people say! This is what I want to let her go" Shawn said. "I'm not changing my mind," he said. "Fine I'll do what I have to do '' Shawn said as he left the chambers.
She was thrown back into her cell, she fell onto the ground. Skinning her knees up but she kept quiet as she heard the door shut and lock behind her. She tried to clean up the blood from her knees with the blanket. She laid down in the bed and started drifting off to sleep. They bought her food but she didn't touch it as she stayed laying in the bed. Night had fallen and the guards had left the cell room. It was quiet but with a few sounds from the animals outside. She laid back on the bed, looking out the small room seeing the moon. She heard someone shuffling around in the other room, hearing keys ringing. She sat up as she saw a light coming towards the cell. It was Shawn and this time he had the key. Unlocking the cell opening the door as he came inside. Grabbing her hand and kissing it softly, getting on his knees asking for forgiveness.
"Please forgive me" he whispered. "I do," she said as she stood up, pulling him up with her. "You do?" he asked. "Yes I do," she said as she wrapped her arms around his neck. "Good" he smiled softly as he placed his arm around her waist. "So shall we leave?" she questioned. "Yea just don't know where too yet, surely can't stay in the palace," he said. "Wait, your father doesn't know about this," she said. "No he doesn't, this is a jailbreak," he said. "Even sweeter," she said as she kissed him softly. "You love this stuff," he said against her lips. "Yea I do," she said as she grabbed his hand.
He started to lead her out of the cell room. Making sure they didn't get caught, surely his father would throw them both in a cell. They finally left the palace and started running towards the forest before being spotted. She ran with him, not letting his hand go. Once they were clear she pulled him closer to her, catching her breath slowly. She placed her hand against his cheek and looked at him.
"We should keep moving, try to find somewhere before morning," he said. "Can we stop by my village so I can tell my family I am ok?" she asked. "Of course," he said.
They walked by the creek to clean up a little bit. They kept moving through the forest and by the time they made it to her village it was morning. She went to her home and found her mother and father worried sick.
"Isobella," her mother said as she walked through the door. "I'm ok mother," Isobella said as her mother hugged her. "Oh my you are ok," her father said as he walked towards them. "Yes I am," Isobella said. "Where have you been?" her father questioned. "It's complicated but I'm going away with Shawn for a few days, please don't worry," she said. "At least we will know you are safe," her mother nodded.
Isobella grabbed a few of her things and said her goodbyes to her siblings. She left with Shawn as they still didn't know where to go but they were finally together. As they were walking he remembered that his family had a small cottage up in the mountains. No one ever went there so he knew they would be safe from the king's wrath. They finally arrive at the cottage. She sets her stuff down on the chair and sits down, resting her feet as it was a long walk. He made sure no one was there and went into the kitchen. He wasn't the best cook in the world but he did know how to make a few things. He cooked them dinner and they sat down to eat together, after they ate he cleaned up. He went into the bedroom as she started to look around the cottage.
"Such a cozy place," she said. "Yea my parents were once so simple," he said as he leaned against the door frame, just watching her. "Once so simple" she smiled as she turned to notice him. "Yea once so simple, wish my life was still simple" he admitted. "It can be, your life is in your hands" she walked towards him. "Maybe I can" he reached for her hand. "Of course you can" she moved closer to him, resting her hand against his chest. "Will you join me for a bath?" he questioned. "Sounds amazing, after today" she smiled slightly. "This way my lady," he said as he grabbed her hand and led her to the bathroom.
The bathroom had candles lit around the tub. He had already drawn the bath and was waiting for her. They both started to get undressed and he entered the bath first. She soon followed and laid between his legs, with her head against his shoulder. He wrapped his arms around her and just enjoyed the moment between them. He took the bath sponge and started to wash her, squeezing slightly so the soap would run down her body. Between her breast as he started to nibble at her ear. She giggled slightly before starting to moan. She could feel him underneath her as he started to get hard. Running his hands down her body, sucking against her neck. Placing his hands on her thighs, gently pulling them apart. His hand disappeared between her legs under the water, using his thumb to find her clit. He gently rubbed her as he continued to suck on her neck. She let out a few moans as he continued to move his thumb against her.
"Let's move to the bedroom" he whispered into her ear.
She nodded as she got out of the tub. Wrapping a towel around her as she moved to the bedroom. He wasn't too far behind but he didn't even bother with a towel. She turned to face him as he moved closer to her. He undid her towel and allowed it to fall to the floor. Placing his hands against her hips, lifting her slightly, and laying her back on the bed. Moving between her legs as he laid over her, resting on his elbows. Leaning down, kissing her lips softly, then moving down to her neck. She placed her arms on his shoulders, as she laid her head back moaning. He ran his hand down her side, pulling her leg up around him. Moving closer as his dick rubbed against her softly, he moved his hand down between her legs. Rubbing himself against her clit, making sure that this was what she wanted.
"Are you sure?" he asked as he looked at her. "Yea I am," she said as she leaned up and kissed him softly.
He slowly started pushing himself into her, taking her innocence. She closed her eyes from the slight pain of him entering her. He grabbed her hand and leaned down kissing her softly. Slowly moving inside of her waiting for her to be ok with his movements. She finally opened her eyes and leaned up kissing him softly. Placing her arms around his neck as she started to move with his movements. He smiled gently and leaned down kissing her neck as he thrust into her. She moved her hips towards his as it started to feel good for both of them. He moaned against her neck as he slipped his hands down grabbing her ass. She placed her hands on his shoulders, digging her nails into his back. He continued to thrust into her bringing her close to her first climax as he was close as well. He bought her to a climax and allowed her to enjoy it. He moved her hands above her head as she climaxed.
"Good?" he smirked. "Oh god," she tried to catch her breath. "I'm glad you enjoyed it" he leaned down and kissed her softly. "Did you?" she questioned. "Yea I did," he said as he moved from between her legs.
He excused himself to the bathroom where he finished himself. He didn't want to risk the chance of her getting pregnant but he surely enjoyed himself. He made his way back to the bedroom and laid next to her. She shifted so she was lying on her side facing him. Running her hand through his hair as she looked at him. He smiled and closed his eyes as he enjoyed her touch. She leaned over and kissed his lips softly before snuggling against his chest. He wrapped his arms around her to keep her close. They both started to drift off to sleep. In the morning he woke up without her in the bed. He sat up in a panic thinking something happened while he was asleep. He got dressed quickly and went into the living room. He saw her standing in the kitchen cooking, he sighed in relief that she was ok. He moved behind her and wrapped his arms around her. Resting his head against her shoulder.
"Morning," she said as she leaned back in his arms. "Morning," he said as he kissed her cheek. "I thought I would make you breakfast," she said. "That's sweet but I could have made breakfast," he said. "If this relationship is going to work then it has to be equal," she said. "Fair enough," he said as he spun her around kissing her softly.
She smiled against his lips and went back to making breakfast. He sat at the kitchen table and waited for the food. She placed it in front of him, kissing his forehead before making her plate. She sat down next to him and they started to eat. Since she made breakfast he made sure that he was the one that would clean up. He grabbed her plate once she was done and made his way to the sink.
"Hey," she said. "Rules are rules, you cook and I clean," he said. "But I'm used to cleaning," she said. "I didn't make the rules," he said. "Ok fine," she said as she crossed her arms. "Don't do that," he smiled. "you are cute" he said, "You are too," she said as she moved closer to him. "I know" he smiled as he splashed her with water. "Hey!" she said as she splashed him back.
Before they knew it they were splashing water at each other. Getting water everywhere in the kitchen, was all fun and games. She went to splash him and her foot slipped, knocking them both to the ground. She landed on her back as he landed near her.
"Ok ouch," she said as she laid there. "Are you ok? he asked. "Yea I am, are you?" she asked.
She sat up and looked at him, they both started to laugh. He got up off the floor and helped her up. He cleaned up the kitchen as she went to get dressed. She got ready for the day and reentered the living room. He was sitting on the couch writing in his book. She came and sat next to him, resting her head on his shoulders. He kissed her head as he put his book down. Wrapping his arm around her as she placed her hand against his chest.
"So what are we doing today?" she questioned. "I want to take you around and show you some stuff," he said. "Like sightseeing?" she asked, "Yea something like that," he said.
She slipped on her shoes and waited for him to catch up. He grabbed her hand and led her out of the cottage. He took her around town and showed her where he grew up. All the same, spots that he loved when he was growing up were still there. She could see how happy he truly was and she wanted to keep it that way.
"Look, it's the prince," someone said. "I'm not the prince today," Shawn said. "You will always be the prince," someone said. "Just don't tell anyone else please" Shawn begged. "Of course not," the person said. "Thank you," Shawn said as he grabbed her hand.
He led them down a trail where no one would dare follow them. They finally made it to where he wanted to be, on top of the cliff looking out to the lake.
"Wow," she said. "Yea I've always loved it here," he said. "Can I ask you something?" she looked at him. "Of course," he said. "Why did you guys leave here?" she asked. "My father always wanted more and of course my mom would follow him anywhere," he said. "But how did he become a king?" she looked at him. "It's complicated,'' he said. "Ok" she smiled softly and sat down on the edge. "I hate talking about it," he said as he sat behind her. "I know, you don't have to," she said. "I just want to give you the world" he pulled her between his legs. "I just want you happy," she said as she leaned back on him. "I am when I'm with you," he said. "I know," she said as she played with his fingers.
She just laid back against him as they became quiet. Just watching the view and enjoying each other's time. Before it started to get dark they left the cliff and started to head back to the cottage. He started to notice a big fuss going around town. That's when Shawn noticed that his father was in town with his guards. He guessed the person from before just couldn't keep his mouth shut. Shawn pulled her back behind a building trying to figure out what to do.
"What's wrong?" she asked. "My father is in town, so he must know we are staying in the cottage," he said. "How does he know?" she looked at him. "The guy from before when we made it to town" he sighed. "oh," she said as she sat down. "Give me a minute, I'll figure out how to get us out of this situation," he said.
She tried to stay patient with him but she knew that it would be her life at risk. If they were to be caught she knew the king wouldn't forgive her and hang her. She stood up and tried to figure out the best way to leave.
"Where are you going?" he asked. "Away from here," she said. "Stop, I'll figure something out," he said. "Sorry, I can't wait for that because if we get caught it's MY life," she said, "I know that and I'm going to figure it out," he said. "I can't wait," she said as she left the spot where they were.
She went into the woods by herself, he tried to follow her but ended up losing her. He also ended up getting lost in the woods. He stopped and made camp for the night, well until the sun started coming up. Then he was back on his feet trying to find her. She didn't know where she was, she was lost and confused. To make matters worse it started to rain, so she found shelter under a tree branch.
"At this point, I think I'm just going around in a circle" she sighed to herself.
She gathered herself and started walking, finally finding a trail. She made it to the main part of town, she had no clue where Shawn was. She finally made her way back to the cottage where she was met with the King. He was waiting for them to return and she finally did.
"I must say you two are hard to find," the king said. "Where is he?" she questioned. "I thought you knew," King Mendes said. "No I don't, I think he got lost in the woods," she said. "I will go find my son, you stay put," he said as he left the cottage.
Of course, she wasn't going to stay and wait for her death. When she did try to leave the cottage guards were stopping her. She sighed and sat down trying to figure out a way to get free. She ended up falling asleep on the couch since she didn't get any rest last night. Meanwhile, Shawn was still in the woods and he was in full panic mode because he couldn't find her. Finally, he made it to the trail and he was met with his father.
"What did you do to her?" Shawn asked as he saw his father. "Nothing," his father said. "Where is she?" Shawn said as he fought back tears. "Up in the cottage" his father looked at him. "Did you hurt her?" Shawn asked as the tears slipped out of his eyes. "You truly care for her," his father said. "I have been saying that since you had her" Shawn took a deep breath in. "Maybe we can figure something out," His father said.
Shawn pushed past his father and made it back to the cottage. He entered the cottage and found her laying on the couch. He thought they had done something to her, he shouted as he rushed to her side.
"NO!" He yelled. "Please wake up" he held her body close to his.
He held her tight against him but there was no response from her. He started crying just hoping she would wake up. He laid her back on the couch and stood up, wiping the tears from his eyes. Standing face to face with his father, ready to start a war. He couldn't believe that his father would hurt the girl that he was in love with. He wanted blood for her, his anger grew as he looked at his father's face.
#Shawn Mendes#Shawn Mendes Imagines#Shawn Mendes Imagine#Shawn Mendes Prefernece#Shawn Mendes Preferences#Shawn Mendes Blurb#Shawn Mendes Blurbs#Shawn Mendes Writing#Shawn Mendes Writings#Shawn Mendes Smut#Shawn Mendes FanFic
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Part 2 of 1869 is being posted today, hope you guys enjoy!
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