Bryant Emmannuel
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writtenbyiyan · 8 months ago
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To my world, Sakha Dewangkara.
Happy first month-sary, my dearest one. As I write this letter and try to remember what we've accomplished so far together, I feel the butterflies again from the moment I knew I fell in love with you. I want you to read this letter with the same feeling I felt, thinking back on the memories we have made and how much you mean to me. For me, it has been beautiful walking this path alongside you, and I wouldn't change a thing even if I could turn back time.
I'm sorry that I puzzled you at first because I was not aware of my feelings, but you were always there and stayed with me. Thank you for showing your patience and making efforts that melted my heart. Since then, you have brought so much happiness and love into my life. You know our path was never easy, and we encountered many obstacles, but I'm so happy that we have made it this far, proving that nothing and no one can ever put us down.
To me, you are unique in a way that makes my simple days feel amazing. I'm so grateful for your presence in my life, for the way you love me, and for being yourself with me. I feel loved by you, and I always said that I felt you put me as your priority. As we celebrate our happy moments together now, I want you to know how happy I am to be able to stay by your side. These past months with you have been something I truly adore. I wish that we could spend 500 years together (just as we promised).
I want to say that my feelings for you grow stronger every day. Thank you for being my trusted person, for loving me unconditionally, and for making my days better just by being in my life. I'm so lucky to have you out of 8 billion people in the world. Once again, happy month-sary, Sakha! I will love you as I always do. I created a playlist for you; please listen to these songs whenever you miss me or when you are in love with me.
Your boyfriend,
Bryant Emmanuel.
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writtenbyiyan · 8 months ago
The Barbie Tale - Last Mission
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1. Pesan dan kesan untuk Ken, Barbie, dan Bibble. Hi Ken, Barbie, and Bibble. Thank you for making this amazing agency yang based on Barbie... lucu banget, gemes! Makasih ya udah mau terima aku jadi anak kalian meskipun isi formnya nekat dikit. Aku seneng bisa jadi part of meillami, because you took care of us well. Semoga di kesempatan lain kita bisa tetep temenan kaya gini ya?
2. First Impression and Current Impression untuk Meillami: ☁️Fourwth FI: jujur waktu pertama ngestalk dulu sempet mikir "duh kita bakal banyak ngobrol gak ya?" soalnya akun lu keliatan keren aja, gue insecure dikit CI: ternyata lucu banget kalo diajak ngobrol kaya RP KOCAK. Apa lagi sekarang layoutnya ijo ijo, jadi minat cemplungin ke mie rebus ☁️BELLP FI: RP keren, upcharnya on top gak ada yang ngalahin. Akunnya aesthetic banget jadi seneng liatnya! CI: Hi, kayaknya kita belum ngobrol banyak ya? Minat banget bonding 100 tweet sama BELLP supaya kita ajdi bff forever. ☁️MlNJIIS FI: Upcharnya cantik kaya ini beneran Minji NJ yang main akun dia apa ya, you potray your muse well CI: Ternyata ada kocaknya juga guys, bisa diajak bercanda ini curiga member OVJ main RP. Tapi pengen ngobrol lebih banyak lagi deh, yuk? ☁️nifngie FI: Noona ini kocak tapi cantik aesthetic gitu, pengen kenalan soalnya you potray your muse well CI: Ternyata beneran kocak, diajak ngelenong sama aku ditanggepin terus. Jadi kapan mau ikutan aku dance tiramisu cake tapi pake hidung? Biar kita jadi pickme ☁️smyungjae FI: Abang Myungjae yang ini keren dah, kayaknya yang lain pada segan sama abang ini saking kerennya CI: Agak kocak tapi minat ngobrol sampe 100 tweet bjil eh btw aku agak kasian soalnya abis kena suspeng akunnya... ☁️jhehee FI: Sebenernya udah ngestalk pas belum kenal dulu soalnya sering ngobrol sama dd Zoa, seru sih jadi pengen follow aja dulu tapi takut dikira bocah freak CI: EH TERNYATA SATU OA DI GENSHIN??? Gak nyangka sama-sama main genshin terus akhirnya banyak ngobrol deh kita, ini sih rp Jaehee one and only yang aku kenal terus kocak ya, udah gitu suka diving... seneng deh ternyata kita cocok! ☁️wonwooceon FI: Abang Wonwoo yang ini easy going deh kayaknya, makanya dulu aku sksd duluan aja CI: Easygoing, baik, anaknya rajin menabung terus kocak aku masa dipanggil adek long hiatus! 3. Appreciation for myself Hi Iyan, thanks for making it this far. It's never been easy for you, you've been through ups and downs but you've conquered the challenges and appreciated the good things this far. Please continue to keep what you're doing best at, smiling. And remember that you have friends to support you too. 4. My own achivement I think my achievement selama sebulan ini itu bisa catch up sama upchar and not missing anything... It makes me happy that someone said that they get to know Leehan because of me, and that motivates me to potray him better. 5. Jika bertemu lagi di waktu yang berbeda, aku akan mengingat semua kenangan yang kita buat dan membuat kenangan baru yang lebih berkesan, dan aku akan lebih banyak ngobrol sama kalian.
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writtenbyiyan · 9 months ago
Serenade of Whimsy - The Barbie Tale First Mission.
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So, the fist mission is to write my favorite song(s) and I will also explain the meaning behind the song.
The first song is "Forget About Us" by Perrie. This song reminisces about beautiful memories with a past lover. It is not about wanting to get back together, but rather about cherishing those memories and hoping that the past lover will never forget the beautiful moments they shared. I can imagine listening to this song when you're in a state where you've passed your break up phase.
Next is a song entitled "WHAT WOULD YOU DO?" by Honne. the song os about hypothetical scenarios "If the world ends in a week, What would you do?" in various situations, encouraging listeners to consider confessing their love to someone they love. This is a kind of songs where you can listen to in your car.
"Tsunami" is a song where it uses of water and ocean metaphors enhances the sense of depth and intensity in the romantic connection it describes. You can listen to this song when you feel like in a romantic mood with your partner.
Next song is "if it's not you" by PRYVT. The lyrics is about the main character who loves their lover so much that he doesn't want anyone else beside his lover. You can listen to this song on a cafe or having a good time with your partner.
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writtenbyiyan · 9 months ago
Dear kiowoonhak
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hai dd,
apa kabar? udah ngerjain PR kumon belum? jangan lupa ya, biar nggak numpuk. makasih banyak udah jadi adeknya abang yang paling lucu sedunia. kehadiran dd woonhak bener-bener bikin hari-hari abang lebih ceria. semoga kamu selalu bahagia, sehat, dan sukses dalam segala hal yang kamu lakukan. abang selalu doain yang terbaik buat kamu, dd.
inget ya, abang selalu ada buat kamu. Jangan sungkan buat cerita atau minta bantuan kalau ada apa-apa. abang seneng banget bisa jadi kakakmu dan bisa lihat kamu tumbuh jadi orang yang hebat.
oh iya, btw, bisa bantu abang kuras akuarium? kayaknya udah waktunya nih, dan abang butuh bantuanmu buat ngurusin ikannya juga. pasti lebih seru kalau kita kerjain bareng.
terus semangat ya, dd! jangan lupa selalu tersenyum.
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writtenbyiyan · 9 months ago
Dear Beomgyuvi
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eh abang, kita kok seringnya ngobrol di akun sebelah punya lu ya? padahal di beomgyu juga satu OA. mungkin karena satu squad ya, jadi lebih nyaman di sana. tapi, nggak masalah sih, yang penting kita tetap bisa saling ngobrol WKWKWK.
BTW, makasih banget ya kemarin udah dengerin gue curhat. rasanya lega banget bisa ngomongin semua yang ada di pikiran gue, dan lo selalu jadi pendengar yang baik. kalau misal lo juga mau cerita-cerita, jangan ragu ya abang. gue selalu siap dengerin dan bantu sebisa gue.
semoga lo selalu sehat dan bahagia! tetap semangat dengan semua yang lo lakukan, dan ingat, gue selalu ada buat lo. kita harus tetap support satu sama lain, ya. terima kasih udah jadi teman yang luar biasa!
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writtenbyiyan · 9 months ago
Dear minjeongs
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hai temenku yang paling kocak. maaf ya kalo gue sering bercandain lu, soalnya kalo sama lu gak bisa serius bjil. respon lu lucu soalnya kalo gue bercandain, lumayan mengocok perut. tapi overall lu asik banget anaknya dan gue seneng banget kalo ngobrol sama lu.
gue berharap lu selalu bahagia ya, apapun yang terjadi. dan semoga kita bisa terus seru-seruan bareng. ingat, gue selalu ada buat lu, baik saat senang maupun sedih. makasih udah jadi temen terbaik yang bisa gue punya. jangan pernah berubah, ya!
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writtenbyiyan · 9 months ago
Dear taessni
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hoi taesan reptil! lu gak usah sok galak ya, kocak, gue tau aslinya lu tuh badut. haha serius deh, gue gak tau gimana hidup gue tanpa lu bff (lebay). btw, makasih banget ya udah jadi temen gue selama ini. lu tuh selalu ada buat dengerin semua teh yang gue bawa dan gosip bareng tanpa bosen. tapi itu kan yang lu suka dari gue?
inget gak, waktu kita pertama kali kenal? gue pikir lu bakal susah dideketin karena lu sok sok galak. ternyata, dalemnya badut. tapi semoga lu bahagia selalu ya. kalo nanti ada gebetan jangan lupa cerita ke gue ya kocak.
gue bener-bener seneng punya lu jadi temen gue di rp. lebih sering berantem yuk mulai sekarang?
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writtenbyiyan · 9 months ago
Dear Minjj.
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hello, thank you for being my best friend! without you, my roleplaying life would be black and white and it was you who bring the color.
makasih ya udah dengerin curhatan dan semua cerita gue. lu lucu banget tau, selalu bisa bikin gue ketawa kenceng sama lawakan lu WKWKWK.
mulai sekarang, bahagia bareng yuk? wish that this month will treat you well, jangan sedih sedih lagi ya. kalo misal ada yang perlu lu ceritain, boleh ngomong ke gue ya. i will always be right by your side.
with love, iyan.
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writtenbyiyan · 9 months ago
From Iyan to Sakha
hai sakha! aku balesnya lama ya? nungguin jawaban aku gak? maaf aku ngetiknya agak lama soalnya tremor.
kita dari yang awalnya cuma bercanda, jadi suka beneran. awalnya aku gak percaya waktu pertama kamu confess ke aku, terus aku sadar kalo aku juga suka sama kamu.
makasih ya udah sabar nungguin aku? udah nemenin aku terus padahal dulu akunya susah percaya sama orang, tapi kamu yang bikin aku bisa percaya lagi kalo buka lembaran baru ternyata nggak serem kaya yang aku pikirin. meskipun banyak banget halangannya buat kita bisa sampe disini, tapi kamu tetep nemenin dan perjuangin aku.
i would love to spend forever with you, sakha. i am officially your boyfriend now!
with love,
iyan aka your boyfriend.
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writtenbyiyan · 9 months ago
First Mission - Spring day, It's a lovely day
Ashley's flower (@ofYouka) : Black Rose
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Mawar hitam, yang sering kali dikaitkan dengan kematian dan kehilangan, juga memiliki makna misteri dan keanggunan, melambangkan pemberontakan dan perubahan radikal, serta mewakili akhir dari suatu fase dan awal yang baru, atau bahkan cinta yang abadi namun tak terbalas, sekaligus simbol perlindungan dan kekuatan dalam menghadapi tantangan hidup.
Madeline's flower (@choiyujuc) : White Lily
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bunga lily putih melambangkan kesucian, kepolosan dan kemurnian. warna putih yang bersih dan cerah pada bunga ini menggambarkan keanggunan dan keindahan yang tak tercela. bunga lily putih juga sering dikaitkan dengan pernikahan, keharmonisan dan kebersamaan. bunga ini sering digunakan dalam rangkaian bunga pernikahan atau sebagai hadiah untuk merayakan momen-momen istimewa baik itu sebagai dekorasi maupun buket bunga. bunga lily putih juga memiliki arti pengabdian atau ungkapan rasa sayang yang tulus kepada seseorang.
Isa's flower (@taessni) : Hydrangea
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Secara umum, bunga ini melambangkan rasa terima kasih, kejujuran, dan ikatan emosional yang kuat. Namun, Hydrangea biru melambangkan permintaan maaf dan penyesalan, sedangkan yang berwarna pink melambangkan kebahagiaan dan kasih sayang. Salah satu fakta menarik tentang bunga Hydrangea adalah kemampuannya untuk mengubah warna berdasarkan kualitas tanah tempat ia tumbuh. Tanah yang asam cenderung menghasilkan bunga dengan warna biru, sedangkan tanah basa akan menghasilkan bunga berwarna merah atau pink. Selain itu, bunga ini juga memiliki kemampuan adaptasi yang baik, sehingga dapat tumbuh di berbagai kondisi lingkungan.
Astra's Flower (@aoerichi) : Lily of the Valley
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lily of the valley melambangkan kesucian dan cinta. Bunga ini juga menjadi simbol suka cita, kejujuran, kebahagiaan, dan cinta. bunga ini selain memiliki arti kesucian, bunga lily of the valley ini juga diberi arti sebagai lambing kesederhanaan, pesona keindahan, pesona kerendahan hati, kemurnian, dan juga beberapa orang mempercayai bahwa bunga ini dapat membawa keberuntungan dalam dunia perintaan, maka dari itu bunga lily of the valley ini sering di temukan di dalam penataan di pesta-pesta pernikahan.
Nao's Flower (@kiowoonhak) : Chrysanthemum
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Chrysanthemum, bunga krisanthemum atau lebih dikenal sebagai bunga krisan adalah bunga yang menggambarkan sebuah kegembiraan dan optimisme yang tinggi. Bunga ini merupakan lambang kelahiran bulan November. Orang yang memiliki bunga kelahiran seperti ini akan cenderung memiliki sifat ramah, menyenangkan, jujur, dan sangat sensitive terhadap perasaan dan emosi. Makna bunga krisanthemum berbeda setiap warnanya, krisanthemum perak memiliki makna cinta kepada sahabat, krisanthemum merah memiliki makna cinta kepada lawan jenis, krisanthemum kuning memiliki makna cinta bertepuk sebelah tangan, krisanthemum putih memiliki makna kejujuran dan kesetiaan, krisanthemum ungu memiliki makna keinginan kuat untuk sehat.
Iyan's flower (@Levhan) : Daisy
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Bunga daisy memancarkan kesederhanaan dan kecantikan alami yang menawan. Bunganya yang berbentuk simetris dengan kelopak berwarna putih cerah mengelilingi pusat kuning ceria melambangkan kesucian dan kepolosan. Dalam bahasa bunga, daisy kerap diasosiasikan dengan ketulusan hati dan cinta yang murni. Keindahannya yang sederhana namun anggun sering kali memberikan kesan damai dan kebahagiaan bagi siapa saja yang melihatnya. Kehadirannya di alam liar atau dalam rangkaian bunga dapat memberikan sentuhan kesegaran dan semangat baru, mengingatkan kita pada keindahan yang ada dalam kesederhanaan hidup.
Yaya's flower (@parkminnu) : edelweiss
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Bunga edelweiss memiliki makna simbolik yang kaya. Biasanya dianggap sebagai lambang keabadian, ketahanan, keberanian, dan kecantikan yang langka. Bunga ini sering dikaitkan dengan daerah pegunungan tinggi, di mana keberadaannya menjadi tanda keindahan alam yang teguh dan kekuatan dalam menghadapi tantangan.
Anya's flower (@jiheou) : Tulip
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Jika biasanya warna pink melambangkan rasa kasih sayang dan cinta, arti bunga tulip pink justru melambangkan sebuah harapan bahagia dan penghargaan kepada seseorang. Bunga tulip pink dikenal memiliki arti kasih sayang, perhatian, harapan baik, dan cinta. Tulip pink sangat bagus untuk dikirimkan kepada teman dan anggota keluarga untuk menunjukkan kepada mereka bahwa kamu peduli.
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writtenbyiyan · 10 months ago
What I like about the Ocean Prince, Leehan.
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The first time I know BOYNEXTDOOR was from 'Serenade' Music Video and I find that the group has the concept that suits my taste, and the music is really catchy too as I was already addicted to it on my first listen (I still listen to Serenade until now). Can't lie, the first time I saw him, I was mesmerized by his charming visual. His face sparks calmness that catch my eyes with a single look.
2. Stage presence
I feel like he knows how to control his facial expression to the audience that it makes the stage "alive". He also knows how to use his visual whether through dynamic movements, striking costumes, or engaging gestures. This combination of expressive control and visual impact ensures that every moment he spends on stage is mesmerizing and unforgettable for the audience
3. Characteristic
He does some random acts and no one can control it. He is calm yet he has he moves around a lot. His unpredictability adds a layer of complexity to his demeanor, making it difficult to anticipate his next move. Despite his tranquility, there is an underlying energy that propels him as if he is driven by an invisible force???
4. Him and his own world
As most people know, he adores water so much that he keeps fish as pets and spends countless hours tending to his aquarium. His love for water it has shaped his lifestyle and hobbies. From a young age, he excelled in various water sports. He has also been practicing Taekwondo since his childhood.
5. Fashion sense
His fashion sense leans towards minimalist styling, characterized by wide pants and basketball shoes as his go-to choices. He also has a penchant for Dr. Martens shoes, often pairing them with bootcut pants to create a look that seamlessly blends casual comfort. His fashion sense reflects his unique approach to fashion, making his style look effortlessly cool.
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writtenbyiyan · 10 months ago
Wishes Came True - @ByHarbingers first mission/
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In the bustling, water-logged city of Fontaine, where the sound of rushing streams intertwined with the hum of life, I found myself in a peculiar situation. Fontaine, known for its beautiful aquatic architecture and intricate justice system, had always fascinated me. However, my visit took a rather unexpected turn.
I had been caught in the act of stealing several dogs from the good people of Fontaine. In my defense, I thought they needed a bit of adventure, but the law did not see it that way. Arrested and promptly escorted to the infamous Fortress of Meropide, I was now a prisoner.
The Fortress of Meropide was as intimidating as the tales suggested, a massive underwater penitentiary where criminals of Fontaine were sent to pay for their misdeeds. Upon arrival, I was processed and assigned to a cell, but soon found myself in the canteen, ready to eat and ponder my unfortunate fate.
As I picked up a tray and scanned the room for a place to sit, I noticed a young man sitting alone at a table, seemingly deep in thought. His striking features and contemplative demeanor stood out. I decided to join him, hoping for some conversation to distract me from my predicament.
"Mind if I sit here?" I asked, trying to sound casual despite the setting.
He looked up and offered a small, welcoming smile. "Not at all. I'm Hyunjin."
I introduced myself and we started talking. The conversation quickly turned to why we were both there. It was an unspoken rule in the Fortress: everyone was curious about each other's crimes.
"So, what landed you in here?" I asked, genuinely curious.
Hyunjin chuckled, a hint of embarrassment in his eyes. "Believe it or not, I stole Furina's cake."
I couldn't help but laugh. "The Hydro Archon's cake? That's bold."
"Yeah, it was her favorite too. I didn't realize it was hers until it was too late. The punishment was swift," he said with a shrug.
I nodded, understanding the severity of such a crime. "Well, I was caught stealing dogs. I thought I was giving them an adventure, but the law saw it differently."
Hyunjin raised an eyebrow. "Dogs, huh? That's quite a story."
Our conversation was interrupted when a figure approached our table. It was Neuvilette, the Chief Justice of Fontaine. His presence commanded attention, and we both fell silent.
"Hyunjin, Leehan, I have some news for you," Neuvilette began, his voice calm yet authoritative. "After reviewing your cases, I've decided to offer you both compensation and a way out of the Fortress of Meropide."
Hyunjin and I exchanged surprised glances. "Really?" I asked, almost not daring to believe it.
Neuvilette nodded. "Yes. Your actions, while misguided, do not warrant continued imprisonment. Instead, you'll perform community service and attend a series of educational programs on the laws of Fontaine."
Relief washed over me, and I could see the same emotion mirrored on Hyunjin's face. "Thank you, Neuvilette," we both said, gratitude evident in our voices.
After completing the necessary paperwork and formalities, Hyunjin and I found ourselves free from the fortress's cold grasp. To celebrate our newfound freedom, we decided to do something special.
"How about we go to the theatre and watch an opera?" Hyunjin suggested.
I agreed, eager to experience one of Fontaine's cultural highlights. The theatre was a grand building, its architecture a blend of elegance and aquatic themes. As we took our seats, the lights dimmed, and the curtain rose, revealing a stunning set.
The opera was mesmerizing, a tale of love, betrayal, and redemption, performed with such passion and skill that it transported us to another world. As we watched, I couldn't help but feel grateful for the strange series of events that had led me here.
Hyunjin and I, once strangers bound by our criminal misadventures, had found a friendship forged in the unlikeliest of places. As the final notes of the opera filled the theatre, I realized that sometimes, even in the depths of misfortune, one could find unexpected joys and new beginnings.
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writtenbyiyan · 10 months ago
favorite song mission
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hi there! iyan spearking here. i want to share my top 5 current favorite song. i hope you enjoy it!
first of all, i will pick a song from my group, boynextdoor entitled "so let's go see the stars". the reason is because this song is really romantic with a cathy melody. when i listen to the song, i feel like i'm drown in romantic vibes as if i fell in love.
next, i pick "hari bersamanya" by sheila on 7. this song is really cute as the main character felt nervous for their fist date. this song always reminds me of the feeling when i prepared myself for a date too.
next song is "airplane thoughts" by dhruv. this is my go to song for a night drive. even though this is a sad song but i would love to jam this song with my loved ones.
fourth song is "you in my heart" by twice. this song is really romantic and graceful. honestly i can't choose between this song and someone like me by twice. but i think this one wins my heart the most.
last song is "galaxy" by BOL4. another romantic song where the main character is willing to take their loved ones take a look around galaxies to show the beautiful side of the universe, just like their precious one.
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