#akira takatsuki
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vlksonn · 28 days ago
I’m in love w this series and w the titular associate professor.
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(Also, can u tell that idk how to draw glasses) :P
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javaghoul · 1 month ago
Characters & Book Recommendations
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•Hide wouldn't refer to himself as a "reader", but he isn't allergic to books. He'll mostly be aware of trending titles, but will also read some super obscure stuff.
Go to him for: trending books, self-help/improvement, manga, Hide's Current Obsession Of The Week ™️
•Nishiki is a "I don't read books because I have to read lots already for university 😒" fella. He sneers at fiction.
Go to him for: boringass science books, textbooks, journals
•Of course Rize is on the list! Her taste is diverse, and having a keen mind and a lot of curiosity, she is going to read Most Genre's, with the exception of graphic novels. She isn't going to lend you a book though. Buy your own.
Go to her for: translated literature, thrillers, horror, classics
•Akira is a tricky one. I think she'd read more books if she had the time. Has a tbr list as long as her arm. Very picky with fiction. Has a general knowledge of many books.
Go to her for: non-fiction, social commentary *disclaimer*:: whilst she can recommend books, keep in mind she likely hasn't read them... And she doesn't need to to form an opinion.
•If Banjou is reading a book, it's probably something that is either: 1). Really important. 2). Really good.
Go to him for: Look, he needs the encouragement and support, so go to him to just show interest and be kind, yeah?
• Eto: seriously?
Go to her for: [maybe go to Sen for this, in public] Anything, even her shopping list is going to be a banger
•Saiko reads! She'll read when she has breaks between gaming. She'll happily lend you a book too.
Go to her for: manga and light novels, graphic novels, YA, horror
•How can you not ask Shuu for book recommendations? He's transcended being A Reader, and is A Bibliophile. He has his own library. With a cherry picker. He'll also lend out books (but not the "nice" books. He has dedicated crappy paperbacks that he'll lend out to people like you and me. Doesn't even care/notices if he gets them back. You're welcome.)
Go to him for: free books, translated literature, classics, horror, contemporary, social commentary, poetry, science fiction, basically anything except romantasy. Do not get him started on that.
•Of course Kaneki is on the list! This is self-explanatory. What I will say about him, is he is hesitant to lend out books for two very important reasons: 1). They are incredibly precious to him. 2). He annotates them, so it's kinda like reading his diary. Aww. He'll probably buy you a copy if you're that keen.
Go to him for: anything, you can't go wrong. Go to him and ask for book recs even if you don't need them; it's worth it to watch him come to life and talk about something he truly loves.
•Do you like fucked up books? Books which can only be self-published and sold online? Books where you have to take breaks for your own well-being? Ones that'll make you never want to eat again for fear of vomiting because of what you've just read?
Go to Uta for: the above 👆 and art books.
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bitesu-bitesu-bitesu · 22 days ago
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Sui Ishida: Tokyo Ghoul
10/ I should've read this sooner! I'm pretty sure I would've liked it even more if I was still in high school, but I still couldn't put it down. I haven't seen the anime yet, so apart from knowing that this is Certified Cool Shit I had no idea. The art style at first was a bit repelling for me, I didn't like the face structures but I've grown familiar to it, and I wouldn't care anyway because I really wanted to know what happened next! The story is beautifully written, it's worth to read just for that alone, but we're presented with phenomenal concepts, I love well worked out *creatures* so detailed science of the ghouls was a real treat for me. Surprisingly I found that I could connect to Kaneki really well especially at the notions about sacrifice, destructive altruism, and the motivating desire to provide protection. I loved the exploration of the human condition, and I always love a story that questions what makes us human.
colors: the yellowish purple of a bruise, white linen, pink meat, trembling hands and the smell of coffee and rain
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Sui Ishida: Tokyo Ghoul: Jack
10/ I'm so glad I found this! Almost missed it. It was so refreshing to dip back into this world after a break. I liked the stylized look of this release, I feel like I could learn about the drawing process while reading this, and I'll definitely try to recreate some panels. I love complete stories like this one, for me this is a perfect example, even if it's set in a preexisting world. I love how the conflict of being human, and the essence of being human and longing for that essence is fit in these 7 chapters, with an exciting plot and loveable characters who I could connect to even though I spent only a few hours with them. Even if someone isn't familiar with Tokyo Ghoul I would gladly recommend this manga!
colors: mauve purple, tire marks on melting asphalt, piercing sun from a hospital window
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Sui Ishida: Tokyo Ghoul :re
10/ such a beautiful, beautiful story! For me this far surpassed it's predecessor, but I might be partial because I finished this one just now. Either way, I grew to love this manga immensely and I think it's because it moved so much emotion, and called upon the feelings I have in my own life. The story of these characters touched my heart, and the dinamical storytelling kept me interested constantly. Every time I thought the story's gonna plateau there was one more twist, surprising turns and new ways opened to tragedy. I know I'm always taking about the human condition yadayada but honestly, I feel like again, stories like this should bring us together. Being the chainlink between two worlds seems to be a common trope, and I think we find these themes so interesting and hold these stories so close, because we recognize ourselves, and our own torn-apart nature in these characters, and thus we have a way to cope with the conflict of it all. In reality it doesn't have to be ghouls, devils or titans. It's us. And I'm glad to be alive with you all! I'd like to finish with and excerpt from the chapter before the last:
"All those that walk this earth are the main characters of their own tragedies. All steal, and from all, something is stolen. We can't help it. That's who we are. Steal, and be stolen. Imprison, and be imprisoned. Follow, and be followed. Do, and be done unto. Affirm, and negate over and over. And yet we fight ceaselessly to save ourselves from loss. The people and places we love will one day surely be lost. We all will surely be forgotten. Life is sad. Empty. But despite knowing we will one day be bereft, despite knowing we will one day disappear, we still strive in wretched ways. We still wish to be beautiful. And I consider "Which one?". I choose. "This one." Forever choosing. Forever being chosen. Nothing more, nothing less."
colors: half-dried blood on someone's lips, black chitin, white porcelain, grey rubble, wet grass at night
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hatsumishinogu · 4 months ago
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Junkyoju Takatsuki Akira no Suisatsu Vol.11 (light novel)
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aghost-writer · 28 days ago
Love Me ... Until the End Love Interests
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Ken Kaneki
Touka Kirishima
Nishiki Nishio
Koutarou Amon
Renji Yomo
Shuu Tsukiyama
Ayato Kirishima
Eto Yoshimura/ Sen Takatsuki
CCG Affiliated
Hideyoshi Nagachika
Juuzou Suzuya
Akira Mado
Mutsuki Tooru
Urie Kuki
Saiko Yonebayashi
Koori Ui
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imgabysama · 1 year ago
Parallels Akira Mado x Eto Yoshimura
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mangassc · 3 months ago
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faline-cat444 · 1 year ago
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The mailbox was never checked yesterday but it was filled to the point we're joking our mailman must be a Tetris champion in his spare time
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xitty · 5 months ago
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Here's my "trying to desperately find books that scratch the same itch as The Case Files of Jeweler Richard" collection. And I have to say, none of these can top it but two I really like. Three out of four are from Yen Press and one (Onmyoji) from Cross Infinite World. Jeweler Richard is from Seven Seas. So Yen Press is aggressively targeting the same crowd and look at me, it's working. All four have supernatural elements unlike Jeweler and so far I've read only the first books of these series. Noting the BL vibes too because I like handsome men together. ;)
Mikage Sawamura: Associate Professor Akira Takatsuki's Conjecture This is the the best of these four and closest to Jeweler Richard in feel and setting. It's about titular university professor who's a folklore expert and a student called Naoya who hears people's voices distorted when they lie because he stumbled across festival of the dead as a kid and things happened there. Takatsuki is eccentric and harbors a few secrets of his own. They solve cases relating to urban legends and cursed objects etc. There doesn't seem to be any BL vibes even though Naoya notes how handsome and charming Akira is. Enjoyed the book a lot and I like the characters and the urban legends!
Yoshiko Utamine: Onmyoji and Tengu Eyes I like this one a lot too! Misato is an onmyoji who takes a job in a small town of Tomoe, joining a government management unit who deals with abnormal crises. Ryouji is doing a freelance monk work and claims to be . Their paths cross, they end up living together and solving the mysteries together. And their family backgrounds play roles too. Inspiration from mythology, Shinto, Buddhism, Onmyodo etc. Not actual BL but it's very easy to ship them. Liked that the paranormal investigation was a government job, it's not unique setting of course but between these four books it's a different to the others.
Michiru Fushino: The Contract Between a Specter and a Servant A lot of promise here and only marred by unnecessary threats of sexual violence at certain points. Masamichi has failed his university exams, lost his job and then is hit by a car to top it all, about to die. A handsome specter called Shino appears and wants to eat Masamichi but he offers to fix him and eat him only later. Masamichi agrees and they began living together in Shino's antique shop. There are demons and curses and tsukumogami etc. This is BL! First book very slow on that though but it's BL, writer says so. This is actually rewrite of their earlier work.
Yoru Michio: Hell Is Dark with No Flowers Great setup but writing is the weakest of these. Seiji is 20-something NEET who gets lost in the city one day and finds a mansion. The owner, Shiroshi, invites him to tea and offers a place for him as his assistant. Shiroshi sends people who have sinned to Hell and Seiji sees people who have sinned as yokai. Shiroshi doesn't seem to need Seiji's skills though and Seiji feels more like a pet. The links to yokai and the mysteries are interesting but exploring characters' thoughts and reason is a bit lacking and pacing is jumpy. No BL vibes.
So, the first two I absolutely recommend, third with that one content warning attached and fourth not really. I already have more volumes from each except Hell because there's only that first one out. And I don't know yet if I will get the second one.
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priimr · 2 years ago
Just finished the taiwanese drama "Oh no ! Here comes trouble" and I'm feeling so excited and empty at the same time, wanting a season 2 of 100 episodes already so bad !!!
I really want to write a fanfic in french and/or draw the "monster squad" because I will miss them so so much T-T. I'm waiting to download episode 11 and 12 and after I can finish my Guangyan x Yiyong video.
The last episode were so heartbreaking and they leave us just like that ? I loved every drop of it and want to shout at everyone who is willing to listen : PLEASE WATCH THE SHOW and MAKE FAN CONTENTS T-T....I'm so desperate when I think the fandom is nearly inexistant and will probably die so soon.
The first episode I can't stand Yiyong's hair but now I'm just in love. what a great characterisation...!!! and Guangyan who likes cute things, doll, sweets and light color (how can they be more adorable ?)
If anyone can suggest drama like that I will take ANYTHING (and if someone can translate the last episodes of Junkyouju Takatsuki Akira no Suisatsu season 2 I will be forever in your dept : it will help me grieve)
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frogkunlit · 1 year ago
Top 5 New English Light Novels of 2023
It’s that time of the year again! Looking back on this year’s English light novel debuts, there were a handful of titles that I was really looking forward to but which ultimately disappointed me (Agents of the Four Seasons, The Ephemeral Scenes of Setsuna’s Journey, and Days With My Stepsister, to name a few), but I was also blown away by some unexpected surprises, which I’ll talk about below.…
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engshoujosei · 2 years ago
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Associate Professor Akira Takatsuki's Conjecture (Manga)
Volume 1 releases in English on August 22nd, 2023.
Licensed by Yen Press
Naoya Fukamachi is a university student whose ability to infallibly detect lies has left him friendless and isolated. When a paper of his piques the interest of his folklore studies professor Akira Takatsuki, a handsome and eccentric man, he soon finds himself dragged into Akira’s research. Now, as the assistant in charge of common sense, he must help his professor interpret an array of unexplainable phenomena…
Related Series
Junkyouju Takatsuki Akira no Suisatsu: Minzoku-gaku Kaku Katariki (Adapted From, novel, licensed)
Status in Country of Origin
5 Volumes (Ongoing)
Adapted to JDrama
Based on a Novel
Ghost Story/ies
Hearing Things Other Humans Can't
Non-BL with Two Male Leads
Parent-Child Grow Distant
Part-Time Job
Post-Secondary Student/s
Special Ability/ies
Urban Legends
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javaghoul · 2 years ago
TG Character's Writing Love Letters
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Emails are more efficient; do they count?
Akiras' love-email(?) is going to be direct, full of backhanded compliments, and highly unromantic. Unless you are into that kinda thing
It'll likely start off with "I find emails to be more efficient than a letter..."
Has performance appraisal vibes. Luckily, before hitting send she removes the "areas for you to work on" part
Ha ha ha let's take a cheap shot at TG's #1 reading champ 🙄
But seriously, if you think a mere love letter is what Naki needs to make his intentions known, then the joke is on you
Just ask Miza; they have 754 kids
Fella is doing something right
If you're lucky, you'll get a text with a 😉 emoji
If you're lucky and he's tired, he'll accidentally use the ❤️ instead
Dark horse - he's good
During his absence from Kimi, he wrote numerous letters which he never posted
He kept a couple, which he gave to Kimi when the world started going back to normal
Anyway, the letters were not only lovey dovey, but unbearably sad
He can express himself extremely well when he wants to. He doesn't use flowery words or flattery. His letters are honest and heartfelt
Her letters are much like her novels: open for interpretation
Saucy though
Tend to lean towards being dark, moody, and almost hostile?
They're handwritten (she has beautiful penmanship btw)
Eto enjoys writing them as much as she enjoys seeing the recipient reading them... Even though they can't see her
In a word: cute
It's not going to be something that rivals Shakespeare, but it does 🌟rhyme🌟
Just about
Very sweet, simple, and makes you smile
Written on the back of a Big Girl flyer
Ken is a talented writer... When he's thinking about what to write
When it comes to it, he bottles it and turns to books
He'll find a passage that describes his feelings completely and copy it out
"You asked me how I feel about you, well this is it..."
If he's writing one in the first place, he's likely screwed up somewhere
It won't be asking for forgiveness or apologizing, but it will say how he is a slightly better person for you being in his world
Uses a lot of imagery, especially when describing what he'll do to the world if you and he are not a couple in it anymore
Smiley face on a post-it note guy
I don't think his literacy is the best, which puts him off writing
Which is a shame because his would be similar to Nishiki's
So yeah, smiley face on a post-it note which turns up sporadically on mirrors, or the side of a coffee mug the morning after
May add a "you look beautiful sleeping" if he's in full wordsmith mode
Of course he is on this list, duuuuuh
His letters are extra af
He has the vocabulary, the culture, the creativity, to turn letter writing into a full-sensory experience
Which is precisely what he does
Hand written (in fountain pen, handmade paper), and the ink corresponds with the mood he wants to convey
Very poetic. Flows well. Also NSFW
11/10 contains half a pound of rose petals in the envelope
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hatsumishinogu · 1 year ago
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Junkyoju - Takatsuki Akira no Suisatsu
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beneaththetangles · 2 months ago
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Today’s collection of reviews is all about beginnings and climaxes, as Twwk reviews the opening volumes of four series (including the excellent initial volumes of RuriDragon and Luciole Has a Dream) and climactic ones of two others—Associate Professor Akira Takatsuki’s Conjecture and Rainbow Days. You’re in for an exciting ride with all these manga and light novels, so buckle up, get your reading glasses ready, and cruise right into this week’s Reader’s Corner!
365 Days to the Wedding (Vol. 1) • Associate Professor Akira Takatsuki’s Conjecture (Vol. 5) • Before the Tutorial Starts: A Few Things I Can Do to Keep the Bosses Alive (Vol. 1) • Luciole Has a Dream (Vol. 1) • Rainbow Days (Vol. 13) • RuriDragon (Vol. 1)
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imgabysama · 1 year ago
Ok, ok, listen-read this, what if one of Eto's plans to lead Kaneki to rise as one-eyed king was to destroy that theater the CCG created for him? Of course, this would probably involve cruelly killing or torturing Akira to unlock Kaneki's memories related to his mother figure, and Arima was aware of her plan, just biding his time, letting Akira get closer and closer to Haise
However, Kaneki began to recover his memories on his own, so the plan for him to come to his senses was not necessary and Akira escaped.
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