#akechi is shoving akira away in that frame
twinkuraba · 2 years
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TFW you get an idea in your head you just gotta write down for your new fandom and it then threatens to spiral into a full blown fic.
Wrote the second half first then went back and added to the build up so that’s why they’re slightly contradictory (Namely, why Akechi reacts with shock at what Akira is wearing in both of them lmao).
(transcription under the readmore)
Image 1: One thing is clear; Kurusu is delighted at him being off-balance, not having expected lowly barista Akira Kurusu (Phantom Thief leader, his greatest rival, obstacle, and target) to be prancing around behind the bar of LeBlanc in a maid’s outfit as if he did it every day, even going as far as to give Akechi a mocking little curtsey in greeting, skirt billowing deceptively elegantly around perfectly placed legs, short, curly hair bouncing around his face as a living frame, eyes glittering slyly behind fake glass with a fake smile to match. A pretty picture, almost to be mistaken as demure, if you didn’t know how Kurusu really was.
“How can I serve you today, sir?” shades of Joker’s teasing purr is odd coming from Akira Kurusu’s lips, especially in this context, but Akechi refuses to let himself show his fluster; the situation had already tilted far too much in Kurusu’s favour.
“Lose a bet?” he inquires instead, giving the outfit little more than a small incline of his head. No need to let his rival see just how much the contrast of black draws even Akechi’s eyes to his pale (pretty) legs.
Image 2: Kurusu’s eyes glittered with mischief and mercury, the grey of his eyes seeming to only enhance the pale flesh of a delicate neck (that Akechi knew, was slender enough for him to be able to easily wrap a hand around and choke-) that turned to smooth collarbones that disappeared under the fringe of-
A maid outfit.
Kurusu, damn him, looked perfectly at home in his position between his legs, pinning Akechi’s back to the floor with nothing more than the weight of his smug smirk- a mouse that had toppled the cat.
“You look flustered, detective.” His words drip with honey, but they may as well be amber from how well they serve to pin Akechi to the spot.
It’s a testament to just how badly things have spiralled out of his control that Kurusu can grab one of his wrists lying lax at his side (instead of shoving him away or gripping tight bruises into soft skin-) and placing it firmly on his ass, the fabric of the lifted skirt brushing Akechi’s knuckles as his hand settled on bare skin.
The shock of bare skin at least prompts him to fire off “Not even underwear, Kurusu?” in an attempt to regain lost ground in this strange game the two of them are playing “I wasn’t aware you were that easy access.”
Kurusu’s face pinks, but he doesn’t even lose his smirk, instead pushes his ass harder into Akechi’s palm in one of the least subtle hints Akechi thinks he’s ever witnessed.
He can’t deny a certain amount of curiosity, and here was the perfect opportunity being given to him on a platter, his rival (future blood on already stained hands and another ghost to weigh on his scales at his time of judgement) offering and expecting. And judging by the challenge in his eyes, Kurusu isn’t expecting gentle.
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askprinceakechi · 7 years
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“I had fun while it lasted.”
❣  8: A dying kiss / 14 A sad/crying kiss
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books-and-dragons · 6 years
Unexpected Saviour
somehow i got this written on time, i love the endless potential that comes with the interrogation room, it’s always fun to mess with- i’ll probably do more if i get the chance
Unexpected Saviour
In that Interrogation Room, Akechi expects the dimmed lighting and frigid temperature. He expects the guard at the door, the empty corridors, even Sae Nijima, who he never ended up seeing at all in that underground chamber- he planned for it all.
What he didn't plan for, was finding Akira Kurusu beaten and broken in the corner of the room, barely within coherency.
This certainly made his plan somewhat more difficult to execute- but he refused to let that stop him.
ShuAke Confidant Week, Day 4, Trust
Linky will be here soon
The frigid cold seeped through the linings of his pea-green coat, sending shivers wracking down his spine, which was in no way helped by the empty, military design of the underground floors.
Unnecessarily bright lights hung from the ceilings, providing illuminating moments of brightness before plunging you into the shadows for several steps- it was hardly a design fit for interior aesthetic, but the purpose of the building was hardly to be pleasing to look at, and instead fit its real purpose much more suitably.
The weight in his coat’s breast pocket felt heavier with every step Akechi took, past each empty corridor, as he neared his destination. The echo from his steps reflected across the empty pathway, nobody in sight but the man standing guard outside of the room. His room.
Black leather gloves clenched into fists, his resolve hardened, as he strode more confidently forward. His personas, for once, silent- all in anticipation.
As he neared, the guard stiffened, noticing the famous teen detective, expecting his arrival, but said nothing.
So far, everything had gone exactly as planned. Except from the arrival of Sae Nijima, but as it happened Akechi hadn’t seen her on his way through the chambers, so she must have left already. Probably for the best, he didn’t want distractions- his task today would already prove complicated enough.
“May I ask that you accompany me? I feel rather uncomfortable going in alone and unarmed to interrogate a murderer.” With every passing word, the weight in his breast pocket felt more and more heavy, but there would be no turning back now. Especially when the man was already opening the door, a slight hesitancy in his movement. Fear.
They had certainly done well to make the leader of the Phantom Thieves appear ruthless and dangerous, if the guard was hesitant simply being in the same room as him.
At least, that’s what Akechi had thought, until he was met with the horrific sight inside.
Light specs of blood decorated the table used for the interrogation with Sae, numerous empty syringes lay forgotten on the floor, patches of water not yet evaporated in the chillingly-cold room reflected from dim lighting. But worst of all, was the shaking figure sat crumpled in the corner of the room, head buried in his arms, only recognisable to Akechi by the messy black hair atop his head.
And in that moment, Akira Kurusu was all Akechi could see.
Within seconds, Akechi had crossed the floor of the interrogation room, kneeling by the broken body on the floor. Up close, he already saw signs that made his blood boil.
Needle picks jutted out from the standard-issue Shujin turtleneck, which was decorated with dirty marks and who knows what other stains, hidden beneath the blazer. Bruises decorated pale, slim hands, and as Akechi allowed his gaze to trail past, he saw the crusting of blood around his wrists, deep cuts from handcuffs pulled too tight. Akira’s breath was short, shallow- there was ribcage damage, at the very least.
Mentally, Akechi kicked himself for not seeing this coming. For not expecting such brutality and cruelty from Shido’s men, from the most corrupt of the police force.
But still, he had a mission- and this wouldn’t stop him from accomplishing it.
Gently, he placed one hand on Akira’s shoulder.
His stomach lurched as the boy desperately flinched away from his touch, finally looking up from where his face had been hidden within his arms.
And the sight he was met with made him want to yell.
Bruises. Blood. A split lip. Perfect, porcelain skin covered by mottled purples and browns, stained with cursting reds. Unfocused, slate-grey eyes stared up at him, wide and full of terror. Akechi felt sick.
Before he could say anything, he was beaten to it, by a horrified whisper, rough from what was undoubtedly hours of yelling and screaming, from torturous dehydration.
“S-so, I failed.” Akechi furrowed his brows in confusion, which sharpened to attention as hazy eyes met his own faze. Nothing but grim acceptance and sorrow shone in them, before he closed his eyes, his shoulders slumped, “Do it.”
Was this the effect of the drugs? Messing with Akira’s psyche, confusing him beyond all comprehension.
Akechi leaned slightly closer, not far enough to startle the fragile teen, “Do what ?”
“Kill me, that’s what you’re here for right?” Akechi’s stomach dropped, he felt the blood drain from his face, Akira opened his eyes and met Akechi’s own, a broken plea escaped his throat, “ Please .”
He felt the weight of the gun press against his chest. Questions raced through his mind, too frequent to allow him any moment to possibly contemplate them, let alone begin to answer them. How had he known about the plot? How much did he know? Had he known the entire time? Bile clogged his throat.
None of those questions mattered, not now. He could get his answers later, when Akira was more coherent, when Akira was safe , when Akechi had fulfilled his own agenda tonight.
“Akira...Akira no ,” It was a risky move, and he knew it, but Akechi reached forward, slowly, so Akira could watch, and let one hand near his shoulder, “I’ll explain everything later, but I’m not going to do that, okay?” He spoke every word so clearly, uncaring of the guard that could hear him, only caring that Akira really understood what was going on, “I know everything’s confusing right now, but please, trust me .”
His words hung in the air, echoed in the heavy silenced that followed them. Akira said nothing, only staring at Akechi’s face, then his outstretched hand, then the other hand, searching, searching , and then his gaze settled back to meet Akechi’s own. Slowly, Akira nodded.
Relief flooded him, as he allowed his hand to continue forward, wrapping around Akira’s shoulders delicately. For a moment, he felt the sharp tension grow under his touch, before it melted away, hesitantly leaning into his hold. In return, Akechi’s grip tightened ever so slightly, pulling him closer.
When he had Akira securely in his arms, Akechi finally tore his attention away- focusing on the other guard. At the sight of the uniform, he felt his anger once again resurface.
Strong hands, ones that could hurl cruel punches at innocent teenagers, a sturdy frame that could hold down any struggling body, push and shove drug-weakened people to the ground and kick them down relentlessly. The power to break bones and split skin. He felt the weight of the gun in his pocket, Loki’s claws curling around it in offering, in reminder of how much the guard would deserve it, how they all would.
But there was no cruelty in those eyes. No hatred to the teen lying fragile in Akechi’s arms, only confusion. Hesitance. Robin’s astuteness locked onto the lack of badges he adorned, the weaknesses in his frame, it was clear to them both. A trainee, an innocent, placed in prime position to die as an unknowing sacrifice, his dreams of righteous law-enforcement to be cut short. He ignored the strong temptation to reach inside his jacket for his gun.
“Go.” His own voice was cold, uncaring. The guard’s gaze switched to him, eye wide, “Leave now, go into hiding, tell nobody of what transpired here tonight unless you want to die as you should have.” His words were cruelly true, but enough to get through to the man, as he shakily nodded, turning on his heels and slowly walking to the door, head bowed. But that wasn’t enough, his justice screamed in his ear, calling for a reckoning.
The guard instantly turned around, head bowed ever so slightly, listening intently.
“If I let you go tonight, I want one thing in return.”
The amount of nods he got in response was almost amusing, “A-anything.”
His grip on Akira tightened, he felt a shuddering breath escape the other boy’s undoubtedly broken ribs, “Names .” The guard didn’t refuse, a good sign, “I want the names of the men in here before Sae Nijima. All of them. Within 24 hours.”
A tall ask, since their identities had been kept a secret, but he was assured it would be possible- especially with the frantic agreement from the guard.
“Excellent, now leave.”
Not another moment was wasted, the door swinging shut beyond the man. The bang made Kurusu jump slightly, and Akechi refrained from running a hand through his hair in reassurance, like he’d seen the other thieves do so many times.
His voice melted into a soft whisper, turning to look at Akira’s shaking form.
He was running on borrowed time, the underground interrogation chambers wouldn’t be so peaceful forever, already he had wasted time getting ‘rid’ of the guard.
He’d have to be a lot more careful than he’d expected, and of course the task would be harder, but Akechi was determined to succeed, just as he had been before arriving in the room.
“It’s okay Akira,” Akechi reassured, repositioning his body carefully so he could carry the other boy, his words a promise shared only between them, in the silence of the empty room, “I’m getting you out of here.”
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thecorpulentbeagle · 6 years
P5 Shipping Round Robin: Day 3
I know both of these characters are HUGELY popular in the fandom, so I definitely put a little bit more effort into this one to make sure that it’s fantastic! It’s a little longer to make up for the first two being rather short.
Here is the fanfiction.net link.
Please enjoy this next part of the P5 Shipping Round Robin Challenge!
P5 Shipping Round Robin Challenge:
Movie Date:
Futaba x Goro
-Phantom Thieves-
“The movies?”
“Like a date?”
“W-what do you mean date?”
“Futaba and… Akechi?”
An explosion of disbelief was currently rocking the Phantom Thieves hideout. Every person was shocked to learn about what was going to be happening later today.
Akira nodded, looking a little stunned. “I’m not sure. All that I know is that Futaba and Akechi will be going to the movies later today. Together. With each other.”
“What the hell, man?” Ryuji shouted, standing up from the chair that he had been leaning in. “She knows as much as we do that the guy’s sketchy as hell! What is she thinking?”
“Clearly there must be more to the story than this,” Yusuke pondered, rubbing his chin. “Futaba is an intelligent individual, and we’ve expressed our concerns to her.”
“Perhaps she’s trying to extract information from him?” Makoto asked hopefully, tapping one of her textbooks nervously on her leg.
“Yeah! That’s exactly what’s going on!” Ann nodded her head furiously. Morgana was currently sitting in her lap, and he shook his head dejectedly.
Haru took notice. “Mona. What do you mean by that? Do you know something that we don’t?” All heads turned towards the cat advisor.
He lifted a paw. “Futaba was talking with me a few minutes ago. She seemed… really pumped. Like she couldn’t wait for this to happen.”
There was a full minute of silence at his words. Everyone in the group fidgeted uncomfortably. Futaba couldn’t really be going on a romantic excursion with Akechi… could she?
“Well, I don’t like it!” Ryuji raged, punching the table and causing it to shutter. Yusuke’s snacks fell to the ground, which caused the artist to look at the blonde in annoyance. Ryuji shrugged sheepishly.
“Whether we like it or not doesn’t matter. This is clearly happening,” Makoto reasoned, trying to calm everyone down, though she felt a bit of anger herself. “I suggest that we obtain more information before jumping to conclusions.”
“Hm. When does Futaba leave for her potential date, Akira?” Yusuke asked, turning to look at their leader, as did everyone else.
The boy was currently staring off into space, clearly distracted. When he did not respond, Haru tapped his shoulder.
“Akira? Did you hear Yusuke?” She looked at him with concern.
Akira started. “I… uh… Sorry, Yusuke. What did you say?”
The group looked at each other. They had never seen their leader so out of it before. Apparently, this was affecting him a great deal.
Yusuke cleared his throat. “Do you know when Futaba is to depart for the theater?”
Akira nodded. “She told me that the movie starts at noon, and that they wanted to meet each other 15 minutes before it started.”
Ann looked at her phone. “Got it. So that means we have about 10 minutes to figure out what’s going on.”
Haru moved her hand from Akira’s shoulder to rub his back with soothing motions. “But before that, what’s wrong, Akira? You seem… deeply troubled by this.”
The group waited to hear his response.
Eventually, Akira sighed. Sitting up a little straighter, he murmured, “It’s… well… I think I’m just bothered that Futaba is going out with someone.”
Ryuji winked, trying to break some tension. “Gotcha. You jealous of Akechi, dude?” Ann slapped the back of his head, which caused him to sputter and shove her back.
Akira barely noticed their squabble. “No, not really. I just…. want to make sure that she’s safe. I know she knows what she’s doing but… I don’t know. I can’t help but worry.” He scratched the back of his head. “I know that doesn’t really help, but I’m not really sure what’s going on myself.”
Makoto shook her head gently. “Don’t say that. You know the best out of all of us that emotions are complicated, but they all deserve to be felt. Besides,” she sighed herself. “I think I understand what’s going on.”
Yusuke, Ann, Haru, and Morgana nodded. Ryuji looked at them with confusion. “How’s that?”
Makoto continued gently. “She’s your family.”
Akira flinched. True, they were close, but could they really be considered that? He had always felt somewhat intrusive, like he had butted into the family dynamic between Futaba and Sojiro, but he loved being able to be a part of their relationship. He had never really been close with his parents, and Sojiro really did feel like a father to him. Which meant that Futaba was…
“Like a little sister?” Ryuji finished Akira’s thought for him. The blonde looked hard at the leader of thee Phantom Thieves. “Yeah! I could totally see that! Yo, that’s adorable!”
Haru giggled. “I agree. In truth, I feel that way about Futaba sometimes myself.”
Ann, Makoto, and Yusuke nodded. “Agreed.”
“And I think that’s why you’re all so bothered by this.” Everyone snapped their heads to look at Morgana. “True, Akechi’s a little scummy… but you guys don’t want your little sister going out on a date with someone. You want to protect her!”
The group stared, wide-eyed. Could that be the case?
Makoto nodded. “I think I see your point. Perhaps we all want to be the protective older sibling to her.”
“That’s… interesting.” Ann chuckled nervously, looking at everyone else’s somewhat apprehensive expressions.
“Well then. I think that decides it. We must learn more about this situation in order to protect Futaba!” Yusuke declared. “We must be her responsible older brothers and sisters!”
Suddenly, the group heard footsteps coming up the stairs. They all quieted down at once, wondering who was approaching. Even though they weren’t talking about official Phantom Thieves business, it was a habit to immediately shut down a conversation when an outsider was within potential earshot.
Sojiro’s head popped up, looking over the group with mild annoyance. “Keep it down up here, you kids. You’re gonna scare away all of my customers”
The group sheepishly apologized. But Akira used this as an opportunity. “Sojiro! Has Futaba left for the movies yet?”
Sojiro nodded. “She did. She seemed pretty excited. You missed her by about two minutes.”
Akira turned towards his friends, his face becoming serious. The members of the Phantom Thieves felt the shift in the atmosphere. Akira had just become Joker, and they were ready to follow his orders.
“Let’s go, everyone!” Akira commanded. Everyone who wasn’t already standing stood up immediately.
“Hey! W-what the –?” Sojiro was suddenly shoved out of the way as the group of teens suddenly surged downstairs. Rubbing the back of his head, he muttered, “Those damn kids…”
Luckily, the theater was the one close to Leblanc, so the group did not have far to travel. Their serious demeanor attracted a few stares, but it also caused everyone to stay out of their way.
After a few minutes, they approached the ticket counter. It was then they realized that they wouldn’t be able to storm the movie theater like a palace – they would have to pay for entry.
Haru stepped forward. “Leave this to me, everyone!” She flashed a credit card towards the young woman at the counter. “Six tickets, please!”
Once the large group had taken care of their tickets, they made their way to the theater that held the movie Futaba would be seeing with Akechi.
They hadn’t even stopped for concessions, although Ryuji and Yusuke had attempted to. The girls and Akira had to physically drag them away from the counter.
They finally approached the theater, and they quietly snuck inside. They scanned the area.
“Man, I wish we had Oracle for this one,” Ryuji muttered, trying to see through the darkened theater.
“I agree. Hm… oh! There she is!” Makoto kept her voice low but excited as she pointed through the crowd. Everyone’s head snapped over.
Towards the front of the theater, they could see Futaba sitting by herself, skimming through her phone.
“The bastard abandoned her! I’ll kill him myself!” Ryuji cracked his knuckles threateningly.
“I’ll help,” Ann growled.
“Everyone, please calm down!” Haru waved her arms frantically. “Look, Akechi is right over there, see?”
The group directed their gaze towards the stairs, where Akechi was currently descending, with a large bowl of popcorn in his grasp. He sat down next to Futaba, who immediately began to take some.
“Oh. Well then… never mind.” Ryuji lowered his hands back down to his sides, and Ann lost her threatening posture.
“Anyway, the film is about to begin. We should find our seats,” Yusuke pointed out.
Akira nodded. “Agreed. We’ll sit a few rows back behind them. That way, we can watch them, but they won’t be able to hear or see us.”
Morgana, who was currently in the boy’s bag, nodded. “Good thinking, Joker.”
The group stealthily walked down to the aisle that was three rows back from the couple. They took their seats, glaring daggers at Akechi’s back.
“If he lays one hand on her, he’s dead!” Ryuji muttered.
“I might have to have Sis start a comprehensive investigation on him,” Makoto added.
“Or I might have to miss my target and accidently… shoot him with my grenade launcher the next time we’re in a palace.” Haru’s eyes gleamed.
“Or I might have to slip him something in his coffee the next time he orders one.” Akira leaned forward in his chair, not blinking.
“All of these ideas sound perfect to me. Perhaps I could illustrate the result.” Yusuke was doing his finger-framing, and this time, he was focusing on Akechi.
Meanwhile, Futaba and Akechi were currently munching on some popcorn, watching the opening advertisements.
Futaba giggled. “I wonder if they know that we can hear everything that they’re saying.”
Akechi chuckled. “Most definitely not. Though I must say, I am somewhat fearful for my life after hearing all of this.”
“Aw don’t worry! They’re just worried we’re on a date.”
“Ah I see. So that’s how you incorporated my reward into your reward?”
“Exactamundo! You pay for the outing, and I make them squirm. But next time, we won’t end things in a tie!”
“Oh. You seem to have a lot of confidence for someone who was almost beaten at her favorite video game.”
“You are so on. We’re totally having a rematch after this!”
“Perhaps we can advertise it to your group as… Netflix and Chill?”
“You are so evil, Akechi.”
So this was technically not a “true” romance one-shot, but there were elements of it because they thought she was on a date. Kind of flipping the idea of this challenge on its head. By the way, I totally imagine Last Surprise starting up once Akira enters Joker mode. See you tomorrow!
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i-w-p-chan · 6 years
Rewind - To Meet Earlier
Summary: Goro Week Day 2: Favorite Quote/The Moment He Became (One Of) Your Favorite Character(s). Goro spends a day with Akira at the gym.
Note: am I even following the prompts at this point?
I have no idea.
Picking the prompt ‘favorite quote’: If Only We Met Earlier.
Warnings: AKIRA BE BLUSHING THIS IS NOT A DRILL, Dangers Of Zero Stats Akira, INTROSPECTION AGAIN, Unlike What The Prompt May Imply This Fic Is Fluffy/Funny, That Epic Failure Moment With The Treadmill (You Know The One), Akira Doesn’t Have The Guts To Deal With This, Excessive Description Of The Characters’ Actions, Question Of The Day: When Will Akechi Realize That He Be Gay?.
Disclaimer: Don’t own P5.
“If only we met earlier.” Goro remembered saying this to Joker, inside his father’s Palace, defeated and kneeling on the floor.
Goro still maintained the sentiment, the wish that he met Kurusu Akira earlier in his life, even after he found himself in the past with knowledge of what would happen to him should he make himself available for Shido, the knowledge that directed him away from contacting his cursed father.
His self from a couple of years ago would have thought that perhaps there was no need any more to have Kurusu in his life that much earlier, but here and now, observing Kuru- Akira (as he insisted he be called, with much more blushing than Goro could have ever expected or imagined) as he trained at the gym, he realized that he’d had a selfish need, a powerful desire, for Akira’s presence in his life that differed from just deterring Goro from throwing his life away.
Goro liked having Akira around, liked talking with Akira, liked Akira’s presence and companionship, even if the two were just silently working through another shift at one of their various part-time jobs.
Hell, even Morgana’s presence was enjoyable when he had no reason to be suspicious of Goro, even though the cat didn’t even suspect that Goro could understand him.
The wonderful differences not being Shido’s puppet in the Metaverse made in his life would never cease to take his breath away.
In front of him, Akira didn’t seem to be able to keep up with how fast the treadmill was going and tripped, falling in a defeated heap on the gym’s floor.
Morgana stared at Akira in surprise, and while Goro was surprised, he was busy hiding his spontaneous snort.
The sight was hilarious, so sue him.
“A-are you alright?” Goro moved to Akira’s side, but Akira merely stayed slumped on the floor, “Akira?” Concern slipped into Goro’s voice as he reached a hand to shake Akira; did he hit his head harder than Goro thought?
“You’re laughing,” Akira mumbled, and Goro sighed in relief.
“I’m not.”
Akira pushed himself into a seated position but kept his head averted to the ground, causing Goro to frown and reach a hand to Akira’s face.
Akira let him check for a bump without any protest, merely taking his glasses off to allow Goro easy access, and Goro’s heart nearly burst from his chest at the trust.
Goro couldn’t feel any bump, so he framed Akira’s face in his hands and raised it to check for any scraps.
That was when he saw the luminous red coloring Akira’s cheeks.
It took him a few seconds longer than it should to realize what it meant, and that was only when he saw that Akira kept his gaze averted to the ground.
“You’re blushing,” He said in disbelief.
Morgana grumbled exasperatedly, “Oh, come on.”
Akira’s blush merely intensified as he ducked his head, causing his bangs to hide his face from view, and shoved his glasses back on.
How cute.
Goro quickly banished that thought to the deepest recesses of his mind and tentatively placed a hand on Akira’s shoulder, “Hey.”
Akira merely made a vague noise in response.
“It’s okay. I was just surprised.”
Slowly, Akira raised his head, only one eye visible through the glare of lights reflected off his glasses (at this point, Goro had stopped questioning the light trick Akira’s glasses did on regular basis), and blush still obvious on his cheeks.
It was strange to know Akira had basically no guts to just keep going like the Kurusu whom Goro had known in the past, or would come to know in the future.
“Let’s take a break.”
Akira nodded and climbed to his feet, and Goro did the same, heading for his bag to take out a bottle of water to throw it Akira’s way.
Akira fumbled to catch it, and ducked his head in embarrassment again, “Thanks,”
“No problem, Akira.” Goro smiled lightly at him, and this time, his smile was more natural, more genuine, than it had been a month ago when he’d first met Akira.
Akira raised his head slightly to peek at Goro, and Goro noticed his blush intensify before he ducked his head again.
Goro chuckled fondly, how was Akira so cute? Goro couldn’t even stop himself from thinking such things, and he didn’t think he could in the future.
Or maybe he could? He mused, if Akira graduated from being cute to being a handsome devil, then Goro could keep up with Akira’s physical appeal.
He’d done it once before, he could do it again.
(Or, well, he hoped he could do it again; it wouldn’t do to be a blushing incoherent, non-functioning mess in front of Akira in the future, he had a reputation.)
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baetakemi-blog · 7 years
physical interactions
ryuji is shy when akira leans his head on him on the subway. seizes up, tenses, blushes. akira is shoved off once or twice, but then he pretends to be clingy and hugs ryuji just so he can keep leaning on him, which is even More embarrassing. but eventually he starts to put an arm around him or sighs and plays a game on his phone and finally leans his head on akira's. the leader simply claims, "you're just so comfortable." ann isn't initially flustered when akira holds her shopping bags for her or ties her laces on her boots when they're loose or even when she laughs as she makes him try on her big jackets and they fit. she sticks her tongue out at ryuji when she monopolizes him for the afternoon. she gets a little blushy now when he confesses, "it's just nice to see you smile. i don't mind it." yusuke frames the world around him by focusing the field of view within his fingers. sometimes akira is captured in his lens, in real life and in the cognitive world. smiling fondly, assertively glaring, rolling his eyes, running away with true turmoil. one day, akira holds up his fingers and frames yusuke. "oh, sorry. you looked great just sitting there." yusuke suddenly gets the urge to hide behind the side of his hair that can cover his eye. makoto has knotted shoulders and a sore neck. she's constantly rolling her arms back and circling her head, keeping the best posture as possible. akira asks if she needs a massage, and god, she's a little desperate through her embarrassment but she says yes. his hands are strong despite his fingers being slender. when she offers to massage him as repayment, he says, "your hands are so much stronger than mine. i normally feel safe with you, but i'm a little afraid you'll break me." she's extremely gentle. futaba hugs akira from behind, latches onto his arm, pretends to punch him. she never thinks much of being near him. it just feels so natural and safe and he never gets the wrong idea. unless there is an idea and she's unsure of it... but in the moment, it's just nice and assuring to be able to touch someone she's sure won't hurt her. he draws the line when she tries to suplex him. "what??? i can't even at least try? i don't get to fight!" haru isn't afraid of getting her hands dirty when it comes to gardening. it's something she has total control of taking care of and raising. akira helps her move things around, also to her total command. she gets a little devious and asks him to get her some water, pass her something, give her the next seed packets. when he goes off to bring her something back, she stops him and gives him a big hug. "i was being mean, i'm sorry. thank you for being my helper today." akechi wonders when it'll be his turn to be touched. it isn't so much of a desire as a genuine wonder, and he doubts it because he's hardly friends with anyone. the cat gets idle touches because it's so easy to reach out for morgana and be rewarded with him purring and eventually becoming annoyed. he doesn't count on it until drinking coffee at night, he's going through files. akira peers over after yawning, leaning his chin into his shoulder, clearly dozing off. akechi laughs to himself. "doesn't morgana tell you enough to go to bed?" akira groans.
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