deaddaiers · 6 years
3 day
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picaroroboto · 6 years
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late again with shuake confidant week day 8: acceptance (also day 4: home, and day 6: welcome)
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aysrin · 6 years
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inktober day 29 also shuake confidant week day one: antithesis
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doodleodds · 6 years
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Someone neglected to mention that he’d gotten hurt in that last battle.........
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usedwilliesforsale · 6 years
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Day 3: Death. They’ll give you gallons of the stuff but it’ll never be enough.
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muchmeus · 6 years
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forever is a long, long time
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books-and-dragons · 6 years
Unexpected Saviour
somehow i got this written on time, i love the endless potential that comes with the interrogation room, it’s always fun to mess with- i’ll probably do more if i get the chance
Unexpected Saviour
In that Interrogation Room, Akechi expects the dimmed lighting and frigid temperature. He expects the guard at the door, the empty corridors, even Sae Nijima, who he never ended up seeing at all in that underground chamber- he planned for it all.
What he didn't plan for, was finding Akira Kurusu beaten and broken in the corner of the room, barely within coherency.
This certainly made his plan somewhat more difficult to execute- but he refused to let that stop him.
ShuAke Confidant Week, Day 4, Trust
Linky will be here soon
The frigid cold seeped through the linings of his pea-green coat, sending shivers wracking down his spine, which was in no way helped by the empty, military design of the underground floors.
Unnecessarily bright lights hung from the ceilings, providing illuminating moments of brightness before plunging you into the shadows for several steps- it was hardly a design fit for interior aesthetic, but the purpose of the building was hardly to be pleasing to look at, and instead fit its real purpose much more suitably.
The weight in his coat’s breast pocket felt heavier with every step Akechi took, past each empty corridor, as he neared his destination. The echo from his steps reflected across the empty pathway, nobody in sight but the man standing guard outside of the room. His room.
Black leather gloves clenched into fists, his resolve hardened, as he strode more confidently forward. His personas, for once, silent- all in anticipation.
As he neared, the guard stiffened, noticing the famous teen detective, expecting his arrival, but said nothing.
So far, everything had gone exactly as planned. Except from the arrival of Sae Nijima, but as it happened Akechi hadn’t seen her on his way through the chambers, so she must have left already. Probably for the best, he didn’t want distractions- his task today would already prove complicated enough.
“May I ask that you accompany me? I feel rather uncomfortable going in alone and unarmed to interrogate a murderer.” With every passing word, the weight in his breast pocket felt more and more heavy, but there would be no turning back now. Especially when the man was already opening the door, a slight hesitancy in his movement. Fear.
They had certainly done well to make the leader of the Phantom Thieves appear ruthless and dangerous, if the guard was hesitant simply being in the same room as him.
At least, that’s what Akechi had thought, until he was met with the horrific sight inside.
Light specs of blood decorated the table used for the interrogation with Sae, numerous empty syringes lay forgotten on the floor, patches of water not yet evaporated in the chillingly-cold room reflected from dim lighting. But worst of all, was the shaking figure sat crumpled in the corner of the room, head buried in his arms, only recognisable to Akechi by the messy black hair atop his head.
And in that moment, Akira Kurusu was all Akechi could see.
Within seconds, Akechi had crossed the floor of the interrogation room, kneeling by the broken body on the floor. Up close, he already saw signs that made his blood boil.
Needle picks jutted out from the standard-issue Shujin turtleneck, which was decorated with dirty marks and who knows what other stains, hidden beneath the blazer. Bruises decorated pale, slim hands, and as Akechi allowed his gaze to trail past, he saw the crusting of blood around his wrists, deep cuts from handcuffs pulled too tight. Akira’s breath was short, shallow- there was ribcage damage, at the very least.
Mentally, Akechi kicked himself for not seeing this coming. For not expecting such brutality and cruelty from Shido’s men, from the most corrupt of the police force.
But still, he had a mission- and this wouldn’t stop him from accomplishing it.
Gently, he placed one hand on Akira’s shoulder.
His stomach lurched as the boy desperately flinched away from his touch, finally looking up from where his face had been hidden within his arms.
And the sight he was met with made him want to yell.
Bruises. Blood. A split lip. Perfect, porcelain skin covered by mottled purples and browns, stained with cursting reds. Unfocused, slate-grey eyes stared up at him, wide and full of terror. Akechi felt sick.
Before he could say anything, he was beaten to it, by a horrified whisper, rough from what was undoubtedly hours of yelling and screaming, from torturous dehydration.
“S-so, I failed.” Akechi furrowed his brows in confusion, which sharpened to attention as hazy eyes met his own faze. Nothing but grim acceptance and sorrow shone in them, before he closed his eyes, his shoulders slumped, “Do it.”
Was this the effect of the drugs? Messing with Akira’s psyche, confusing him beyond all comprehension.
Akechi leaned slightly closer, not far enough to startle the fragile teen, “Do what ?”
“Kill me, that’s what you’re here for right?” Akechi’s stomach dropped, he felt the blood drain from his face, Akira opened his eyes and met Akechi’s own, a broken plea escaped his throat, “ Please .”
He felt the weight of the gun press against his chest. Questions raced through his mind, too frequent to allow him any moment to possibly contemplate them, let alone begin to answer them. How had he known about the plot? How much did he know? Had he known the entire time? Bile clogged his throat.
None of those questions mattered, not now. He could get his answers later, when Akira was more coherent, when Akira was safe , when Akechi had fulfilled his own agenda tonight.
“Akira...Akira no ,” It was a risky move, and he knew it, but Akechi reached forward, slowly, so Akira could watch, and let one hand near his shoulder, “I’ll explain everything later, but I’m not going to do that, okay?” He spoke every word so clearly, uncaring of the guard that could hear him, only caring that Akira really understood what was going on, “I know everything’s confusing right now, but please, trust me .”
His words hung in the air, echoed in the heavy silenced that followed them. Akira said nothing, only staring at Akechi’s face, then his outstretched hand, then the other hand, searching, searching , and then his gaze settled back to meet Akechi’s own. Slowly, Akira nodded.
Relief flooded him, as he allowed his hand to continue forward, wrapping around Akira’s shoulders delicately. For a moment, he felt the sharp tension grow under his touch, before it melted away, hesitantly leaning into his hold. In return, Akechi’s grip tightened ever so slightly, pulling him closer.
When he had Akira securely in his arms, Akechi finally tore his attention away- focusing on the other guard. At the sight of the uniform, he felt his anger once again resurface.
Strong hands, ones that could hurl cruel punches at innocent teenagers, a sturdy frame that could hold down any struggling body, push and shove drug-weakened people to the ground and kick them down relentlessly. The power to break bones and split skin. He felt the weight of the gun in his pocket, Loki’s claws curling around it in offering, in reminder of how much the guard would deserve it, how they all would.
But there was no cruelty in those eyes. No hatred to the teen lying fragile in Akechi’s arms, only confusion. Hesitance. Robin’s astuteness locked onto the lack of badges he adorned, the weaknesses in his frame, it was clear to them both. A trainee, an innocent, placed in prime position to die as an unknowing sacrifice, his dreams of righteous law-enforcement to be cut short. He ignored the strong temptation to reach inside his jacket for his gun.
“Go.” His own voice was cold, uncaring. The guard’s gaze switched to him, eye wide, “Leave now, go into hiding, tell nobody of what transpired here tonight unless you want to die as you should have.” His words were cruelly true, but enough to get through to the man, as he shakily nodded, turning on his heels and slowly walking to the door, head bowed. But that wasn’t enough, his justice screamed in his ear, calling for a reckoning.
The guard instantly turned around, head bowed ever so slightly, listening intently.
“If I let you go tonight, I want one thing in return.”
The amount of nods he got in response was almost amusing, “A-anything.”
His grip on Akira tightened, he felt a shuddering breath escape the other boy’s undoubtedly broken ribs, “Names .” The guard didn’t refuse, a good sign, “I want the names of the men in here before Sae Nijima. All of them. Within 24 hours.”
A tall ask, since their identities had been kept a secret, but he was assured it would be possible- especially with the frantic agreement from the guard.
“Excellent, now leave.”
Not another moment was wasted, the door swinging shut beyond the man. The bang made Kurusu jump slightly, and Akechi refrained from running a hand through his hair in reassurance, like he’d seen the other thieves do so many times.
His voice melted into a soft whisper, turning to look at Akira’s shaking form.
He was running on borrowed time, the underground interrogation chambers wouldn’t be so peaceful forever, already he had wasted time getting ‘rid’ of the guard.
He’d have to be a lot more careful than he’d expected, and of course the task would be harder, but Akechi was determined to succeed, just as he had been before arriving in the room.
“It’s okay Akira,” Akechi reassured, repositioning his body carefully so he could carry the other boy, his words a promise shared only between them, in the silence of the empty room, “I’m getting you out of here.”
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kagurayato10 · 6 years
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Day 4 : Domestic/Home/Trust
This is my favorite day, of course!! I'm aware my writing skills sucks but I wanted to make a cute comic with Goro and Akira talking about having a daughter!! uwu
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rnr4ev · 6 years
ShuAke Confidant Day 5
Technically the day isn’t over yet for me... Anyways have some actual Thief Akira and Detective Goro for this one. Rating G-T, Available on AO3 Here
“You know Detective…” Joker started, sprawling out leisurely across Akechi’s couch in front of the pile of case notes between them,
“With a face as pretty as yours, you didn’t have to resort to blackmail to get us to help you.” he continued, smirking down at Akechi’s blank expression.
“You know full well, that I have neither the money to bribe you nor the social standing to take on this case on my own, regardless of how pretty my face may be.” The detective responded, frowning as the smirk grew larger. “And besides, this gives me the rare chance to observe a criminal organization from within.”
Joker tsked, “details, details… and besides, what’s stopping me from going to the police and turning you in? I can see the headlines now, ‘Blackmail and Thievery, Disgraced Detective Working With The Phantom Thieves’”. He leaned back into the couch, long gloved fingers reaching up to twirl his hair.
“...and in the process, you’d get yourself thrown in jail, now are you going to help me come up with the escape route or not?” Akechi continued unimpressed. Joker huffed and jumped off the couch, coming over to Akechi’s side.
“I meant it you know. You really didn’t have to blackmail us.”
“I doubt you or your teammates would be willing to help the person responsible for tracking them down, especially without pay.”
Akira chuckled, a sound that caused the hairs on Akechi’s forearm to stand on end.
“Oh detective, what makes you think we’re doing this for free?”
“Are you telling me, you did all of this” Goro gestures wildly around to the burning mansion before them, “all of this, on a misguided attempt at- at SEDUCTION?!”
“That depends, did it work?”
The detective let out a barely restrained yell of rage.
“I tried to KILL YOU” he continued, pointing his empty gun accusingly at Akira.
Akira shrugs and takes a step forward.
“I tried and have been continually trying to get you arrested! You stupid, smug little man, what the hell are you thinking? I BLACKMAILED YOU” Akira takes another step forward.
“Well, detective I was thinking that the price for this heist would be your heart, since we established already that the blackmail was unnecessary.”
Akechi makes a strangled sound in the back of his throat before reaching forward to pull Akira towards him, slamming their lips together.
He breaks the kiss off, shoving Akira back towards the thieves.
“Don’t you ever do that again.” He lets out a huff and regains his composure, adjusting his cuff-links.
“Now if you all will be so kind as to excuse me, I have to do my job and you” he points to the Phantom Thieves, “need to make a daring and untraceable escape.”
“And you didn’t see them escape?” Sae asks, massaging out the headache building in her temples.
“No, by the time I got the alert, both the contents of the safe and the Thieves were gone.”
“And the fire?”
“A parting gift, or so I was told from their calling card.” Akechi pulls it out of his briefcase, handing it over to her. She sighs.
“Alright, you’re free to go Detective; take the night off; go out with your boyfriend or whatever it is you do.” Akechi frowns, looking up at her face.
“Are you sure?” he asks in genuine confusion. Sae glances up at him frowning briefly.
“I figured he’d want to celebrate. Shido is the one who brought the assault charges against your 'Akira' to begin with, I’m sure he’d be happy to hear his mansion got torched. Didn’t you know?”
To his credit, his smile never waivers.
“No, I was unaware of that fact.”
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cobaltcandi · 6 years
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Shuake confidant week! Day 2 Teamwork/Partnership/Compatibility
Thx PARTNER I’m glad our TEAMWORK has the type COMPATIBILITY!
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mituni-art · 6 years
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Shuake Confidant Week Day 3: Death
characters © ATLUS
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deaddaiers · 6 years
I am late ;_;
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picaroroboto · 6 years
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shuake confidant week day 3: death
After all that happened, Ren wasn’t sure how he felt towards Goro, if he hated him or understood him or even loved him - before that partition closed and there was suddenly an empty space where a person used to be.
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Day 4 - trust. Unfortunately I didn’t have time to do a full story today, so take this instead (maybe I’ll do it some time in the next few days)
"Akechi. Do you trust me?"
"On a fundamental level I do trust you, but given you have to ask it seems like you’re about to do something stupid." Akechi didn’t look over, but knew exactly how extra this guy was.
"Hey, don’t say that..."
"What are you going to do, surf down the staircase using a dustbin lid?"
"Nooooooo..." Akira quickly hid the dustbin lid behind his back.
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doodleodds · 6 years
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After the school festival incident, Goro is very wary of eating any takoyaki ;u;
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i-w-p-chan · 6 years
ShuAke Confidant Week, Day 8
Title: Rivalry, Take II - Recollection
Rating: T
Warnings: Suggestive Themes.
Summary: ShuAke Confidant Week Day 8: Acceptance. Goro and Ren spend some time together in Goro’s apartment after Shido’s arrest, and Goro has some things to tell Ren about the past couple of years.
Ren climbed over Goro to settle himself down on the bed between Goro and the wall (less risk of getting accidentally kicked off the bed during the night), and Goro immediately wrapped his arms around Ren’s waist, hands slipping under Ren’s shirt and fingers idly tracing circles on Ren’s hips. In response, Ren entangled his legs with Goro’s and encircled Goro’s neck with his arms.
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