#akatsuki no yona headcanons
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aritsukemo · 4 months ago
Hello! I was so happy when I found out you writing for Yona of the dawn, and now I would like to make a request. Can you please do sfw relationship headcanons with Hak? Female reader is also in a team. I know it's not original, but since we have so little Akayona content, I think it fine. Thank you in advance!
Relationship Headcanons | Son Hak
Warnings: None.
A/N: So, so sorry this took so long to complete!! I was trying to hold off until I finished the manga to make this, but as recent events have gotten me really into the Windbreaker anime and the Black Butler manga, it uh...doesn't seem like that'll happen anytime soon. Nevertheless, despite going off a pure memory for this ( as I haven't picked the manga up since, like, last summer ) I hope you enjoy this little piece I put together!
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↪ No matter if you're the medic, the cook, or one of the fighters on your team, Hak will always try to protect you in any and all situations.
↪ He's very sensitive when it comes to certain things with you so if you ever got hurt, no matter the circumstances of how it happened, he will blame himself for not jumping to your rescue.
↪ Very sarcastic. All lighthearted jokes between you and any of your team members, of course. He'd fall head over heels for you all over again though if you ever joined in on his antics or had a similar sense of humor. ( None of your or his teammates can share that sentiment though )
↪ He's a gentleman when he wants to be and if he sees you struggling unnecessarily with something ( ex. carrying a bunch of twigs or logs or something ) he'll be by your side to help you in an instant whether you want to be helped or not. ( Depending on how you react to his help though, he may add a snarky comment or two. )
↪ Loves to rile you up. At times when there's nothing dire going on, he tends to poke fun at you until you just blow and start screaming at him. ( Or however you react when your mad ) He finds it cute when you huff and puff at him, but if his comments genuinely hurt your feelings, let him know ( or don't and let him find out on his own ) and he'll tone it down.
↪ If you can fight, he'll spar with you on a good day. Not that you probably want him too. You see, Hak can be pretty..irritating. First off, he tends to hold back out fear of hurting you ( especially if you're a woman ) so if you expect some no holds barred fighting like he does with Kija or his enemies, you're out of luck. Secondly, if you're a novice, he'll nitpick every little thing you do wrong. He means good by it, wanting you to see those mistakes before an enemy shows you and you end up wounded or worse, but just the way he goes about it would get anyones blood boiling.
↪ Does the hottest things at the most random times. You two can be out on a task given to you by Yun or simply sitting by the fire and enjoying the scarce peace and he'll do something like bite your neck or profess his undying love for you out of nowhere. What makes things worse is that he'll pretend it never happened afterwards, leaving you to use context clues to figure out what the hell just happened.
↪ Irritating to deal with when it comes to arguments. Hak is a very stubborn person and when you're arguing, especially if the topic regards your safety ( or really anything that envolves you and your wellbeing ), chances are that he won't back down. He's also blunt to boot so some things he says could easily be taken the wrong way.
↪ That leads us to apologies! While Hak isn't the type to go on some long winded ramble asking for your forgiveness, he will reach out at the very least depending on what he'd be apologizing for. ( Depending on what happened, he may not apologize at all ) Moments like that are the few times you get to peer inside him and see that genuine side that he tends to cover up with sarcasm and nonchalance.
↪ You're his top priority at all times. He's always thinking of you. especially on the battlefield! If you're not in his line of sight, he gets antsy and his mind wanders everywhere. Stuff like "Are you safe?", "Are they injured?", "Are the others with you?", and much more are going through his head with every swing he takes with his glave.
↪ Vulnerable moments with him are short and fleeting. It's in his nature to keep this unbothered persona of his going until the end because he doesn't like it when people are worried about him. He may say things in those moments that'll completely contradict his whole character only to immediately wave you off afterwards, leaving your mind racing as you try to pick apart his words and find the true meaning behind them.
↪ He's not one for cuddles, but if you are, he doesn't mind letting you curl up against him and lay on his chest. He tends to play with your hair at times like that, but only when you're fast asleep and can't feel it or whenever he's trying to tease/fluster you.
↪ Your first kiss will catch him off guard at first no matter who initiated it because, if he were to be transparent, he didn't believe he'd ever actually get to this point with you. That said, after the first kiss, he can't go more than a day without feeling the security of your warm lips on his! That means goodbye, good morning, good luck, and any other excuse he can pull to get a kiss from you is a must from then on!
↪ Can get real jealous at times. I imagine this being a big issue moreso prior to you two getting into a relationship rather after, but Hak can get really possessive when he's jealous. He's def not the type to see everyone as a threat, but I do imagine him being preturbed by one of your team members showing some kind of hint of harboring romantic feelings for you. And in that case, he may act a bit meaner to them ( still overall light hearted though like when he's interacting with Jae-Ha ) and possibly even petty enough to find ways to get you to avoid them. ( Like, for example, asking you to help him out with something that he can definitely do on his own specifically when he notices you conversing with the person causes him to feel so jealous )
↪ Basically he can be bit emotionally constipated at times, but he's not the worst boyfriend one could have. Not in a million years, in fact!
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Dividers were made by me, pictures used are from Pinterest, post formatting is inspired by @xxsabitoxx
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anime-fan-05 · 7 months ago
Could you do the reaction of Kija, Shin-Ah, Jae-Ha and Zeno when the reader cups their cheeks (like that https://i.pinimg.com/originals/39/96/b6/3996b6fe50f88154c97956424d7f59e8.jpg)?
Thanks 💓
Akatsuki no Yona ~Cupping their cheeks~
Manga/anime: Akatsuki no Yona
Warnings: nothing
(Y/N): your name
He'll dead, you'll kill him: Kija.exe has stopped working; press a button to restart
His face and ears will be totally red and his eyes wide open, he'll be shaking madly, and he'll literally leap ten meters (you'll think he lied to you and he's actually the Ryokuryuu (Green Dragon)) and move away from your hands
In addition, his voice will go up an octave and he'll stutter a lot when he asks you what you wanted to do ("W-what's going on? D-do you need a-anything?")
You'll think he doesn't like it, but in reality he'll love it, and he'll let you know ("Sorry, I didn't mean to bother you." "N-no!" "Huh?" "Y-you didn't bother me: I really liked it! N-no, I mean... I meant I liked your hands! N-no, w-wait, that sounds like a maniac...")
The more time passes, the more he'll get used to your touch, although he'll still flinch if you cup his cheeks, but he'll always refuse to do it to you for fear of hurting you with his dragon hand
He'll tilt his head, still into your hands, and look at you with questioning eyes, covered by his mask, not being used to such a great display of affection
Your hands, partly under his mask, will make him relax and melt on them and, if you remove them after a short time, he'll gently grab your wrists and return them to their previous position
That will become one of his favorite forms of affection, although at first he won't understand you mean it romantically (you'll also have to stop him from doing it to Yona or the other Dragons), and he'll try to ask you to do it
Keyword: try, since he'll look at your face, then at your hands and then at your face again, and you'll have to ask him what he wants ("Love, do you need something?" "Your hands... on my cheeks...")
He'll be the most relaxed of the four, rather, instead of being embarrassed, he'll probably come out with words or actions that will embarrass you
In fact, he'll either say something like: "Oh? What's wrong, (Y/N)-chan? I didn't imagine you to be so bold as to try to kiss me", or he'll clasp your hands, still resting on his cheeks, between his and bring his face closer to yours as if to kiss you... and then not do it!
However, don't think your gesture won't make him feel anything, because it's obvious he'll relax thanks to your action
He'll also prevent you from moving away from him by wrapping his arms around your waist and keeping you close to him!
Furthermore, he'll blush slightly (but he'll hide the blush and never admit it) if, after holding his cheeks for a few minutes and making him relax, you give him a short and delicate kiss on the lips
This sweet boy will open his eyes wide for a few seconds, and there's a great possibility he'll be moved, since he won't have received such a sweet touch from someone for many decades until that moment
He'll immediately recover from the tears, though, and rest his face on your hands, and then he'll make a very romantic gesture: he'll bring your face closer to his, cupping your cheeks, until you two rest your foreheads on each other
His eyes will stare into yours for a few moments, as if asking for approval, and then he'll kiss you
"Do you need anything, missy?" "I just wanted to try something new... Did you like it?" "Zeno loved it: it made his heart beat fast fast!"
From then on, he'll cup your cheeks whenever he can (or rather, every time he wants a little affection, because he could do it even in some inappropriate moments, like in the middle of a fight with bandits, then taking a huge scolding from both you, Yona and the other Dragons), hoping you'll do the same to him and maybe even kiss him
💮 Rules 💮 Masterlist 💮
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thewritetofreespeech · 1 month ago
Could I request Jaeha and Hak cheering up their lover when they start putting themselves down?
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Jae-ha takes the ‘overthrow’ approach. He would shower his partner with compliments & affection.
He would compliment their hair, their body, their smile. A lot of it is physical, but he does also compliment their kindness and personality.
Seeing them put themselves down is really hurtful to Jaeha, because it reminds him of the deep seeded insecurities and hatred he had has for himself.
Jaeha knows that it hurts and doesn’t want the person he loves & cares about to feel that way.
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Hak doesn’t really get it. He thinks they are amazing, so why are they putting themselves down?
He does understand that things get to people sometimes. Even he has his doubts and days of desperation. He just didn’t think that they felt that way.
Hak tries to be comforting, but he’s really bad at it. More of the ‘buck up and move on’ kind of pep talk, which is not that inspiring.
He does sit with them though, providing comfort in what way they can and assuring them that they are enough for him.
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cozymoko · 2 years ago
Hello, since request is open how about gen yandere hc of yoona, son hak and the rest of the dragons?
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Includes: Yona, Son Hak, Ki-Ja, Jae-ha, and Zeno
Format: Headcanons, 2nd person
WARNING(S): Yandere themes, unhealthy relationships, not proofread.
LINKS: Akatsuki No Yona Masterlist
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Manipulative, Dependent, Clingy
You grew up with YONA in the palace and have been by her side since. You being a few years older than her led you to have many responsibilities of your own, leaving you very little time to coddle the young princess. She hated it. Being her elder, you always kept her in check, essentially raising her into the woman she is today and she had fallen for you long ago.
Whenever you left her side it felt like a part of her died. The young princess grew less lively and even snappy to those around her because they just weren’t you. What was the point in trying to be perfect when you were nowhere in sight? How annoying…
YONA will latch onto you like a koala if it means you won't leave her. She’ll kick, scream, and weep if it means you won't leave her. Nothing is off the table if it means you’ll stick close to her; she adores your attention. In her mind, you love hers just as much. But being the spoiled girl she is, I suppose this isn’t too far-fetched.
Despite being shy about it, YONA finds it hard to not have her hands on you in some way, preferably holding your hand. It takes her back to a time when things were simpler, where you were with her and no one else, cooing sweet promises merely to soothe her worries. A princess always gets what she wants, and she'll cut down anyone who gets in her way.
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Possessive, aggressive, protective
As seen in canon, HAK does have a pretty strong jealous side toward Yona. Think of that but times a hundred in your case. It's not hard for him to conceal his distaste for your friendly interactions with others but everyone has their breaking points. When intervening he'll step in front of you, pushing you behind him and out of your "acquaintance's" sight. If you ask him about it later Hak will most likely try to label it as him protecting you.
Being as tall as he is, it's usually easy to keep creeps out of your personal space. After all, who wants to deal with an imposing, scowling man with a Hsu Quandao strapped to his back? But of course, some people still try their luck. Asking you for directions is off limits, let alone allowing a man to speak so familiarly with you. It's always, “Ask me, not them” with Hak.
HAK forever has an arm tossed over your shoulder. He claims it's "to make sure you don't get lost" but the vacant street says otherwise. Leaving the village on your own is forbidden unless you want your neck smothered in deep purple bite marks beforehand. The idea of you completely giving in to his affections makes his heart beat.
If it came down to it, murder isn't something Hak is opposed to. But as a pitiful attempt to keep his reputation, he'll settle for beating them black and blue, until his knuckles are covered in a deep rouge. Jealousy is a terrible disease and once he reaches his limit don't try and stop him.
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Jealous, insecure, delusional (worship)
One of the few good yanderes you could be paired with. Ki-Ja is very attentive to his lover and their feelings no matter what he's doing. The dragon is quick to side with you even over his own master because, in his mind, you're never wrong. Everything you say is law and Ki-Ja follows every command without a second thought.
When he’s jealous it’s so painfully obvious. Ki-Ja’s emotions come in waves so when he dislikes something it's hard for him to bite his tongue. The white dragon practically worships the ground you walk on and follows you every step of the way. His loyalty runs deeper than his own blood so he'd rather not see people referring to you so familiarly. (Is he Yona's dragon or yours atp?)
Your praise is forever rewarding, regardless of how small it may be. Just being by your side is the greatest honor one could have, in his eyes. You could look down on him, subjecting him to being nothing more than entertainment, and he would somehow tie it back to you being a kind person. Ki-Ja sees himself as not only your lover but your loyal companion, prepared to stick by your side no matter what happens.
He would never kidnap you, that's out of the question. The thought of you hating him for his selfish acts submerges him with panic. If you were to leave him, he'd wish for death on the spot. But that's only an IF. And killing would only be justifiable if someone has hurt you.
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Manipulative, Possessive, flirty
Jae-ha flirts solely for his own pleasure. No true feelings lie behind his words no matter how beautiful the individual may be. But with you, he felt like a wild animal chasing a female in heat from the way his eyes followed you. You were beautiful, more than the many others he gave his time to, and he was a bit too determined to make you his.
Once a ladies' man always a ladies' man. As I’ve said, he could give two fucks about the women he banters with, they mean nothing to him, but somehow seeing your face contort into a harsh scowl turns him on more than you'd ever know. If looks could kill, he’d be six feet under and he knows that. But I have a sneaking suspicion that he wouldn't mind.
However, your talking to another man leaves him quite bitter (hypocrite). The passive aggressiveness this man dishes out is unmatched; he will rip them a new asshole for even breathing the same air as you. None of your friends compare to you and he tells you that every day. Jae-Ha worships the ground you walk on, satisfies and pleasures you every evening so why was your attention elsewhere?
On a regular day, Jae-ha can be seen by your side, trying his hardest to get under your skin. Placing a hand on the small of your back, biting several of the plush areas of your skin that he can reach. He doesn't shy away from PDA. Mainly due to the curious stares you receive from men that pass you by, their eyes hastily lingering on your figure. It vexes him to no end but he won’t bother getting his hands dirty. Perhaps you can help him let off some steam.
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Emotionally attached, clingy, dependent
An attention whore at its finest. But seriously, this man thrives off your love and time. It's like a drug to him and he craves it. Whenever he isn’t tending to Yona he tends to you instead. If he could have it his way, every waking moment would be spent in your arms, sleeping the days away.
He's one of the better yanderes of the dragons due to the many centuries he's lived. Don't get me wrong he's completely infatuated with you and is hung up on every word you speak. But he's not one to control your decisions as long as he gets to tag along. Zeno trusts you with his entirety, he just enjoys invading your personal space.
Zeno gets jealous of people like Hak quite often. He's strong physically and mentally even as a human and as much as Zeno admires his strength, he doesn't need you doing that too. So if you plan on interacting with Hak, be prepared for some pretty embarrassing things. Zeno will place slow, wet kisses on your skin until he has your attention again.
The only real downside of this relationship is his clinginess. He never leaves your side. Oh, you have to get changed? He'll help you. You have to use the bathroom? Cool, he’ll wait ‘till you're done and sit right in front of you. Personal space doesn’t exist in your relationship and at times it gets really suffocating. You couldn’t reject him if you wanted to in fear that his reaction will leave your heart aching in regret.
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windrelyn · 7 months ago
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I had a dream of Kye-sook running along a burning alley (due to the earthquake or the fire?) Then Joo-doh found him, rushing to grasp his hand and asking if he was okay. This is exactly what I saw~
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aretheyqueer · 2 months ago
Is he bi?
disclaimer: this is a hc, not speculating on what the writers intentions were.
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fictionblossom · 2 years ago
My Eyes On You
“So that’s the kind of expression she puts on your face” [Itasaku][Non Massacre AU]
Short drabble in which Itachi recalls the time Shisui pointed out his behaviour that one morning (I was also inspired by a scene in Akatsuki no Yona. I wish there were more eps! :S)
Itachi stares at the hot steaming bowl of rice in front of him. He sees a feminine delicate fingers coming to and from his line of vision as Sakura takes the chopsticks in her hand and passes small bits of fish and vegetables into his bowl. His eyes dart towards her face, to her hand and to the food she lays for him. He hears her muttering words on the fish, telling him that the multiple nutrition today’s lunch is. The words don’t seem to register in his mind as he observes the sparkle in her eyes as she speaks. 
He catches sight of her finger tapping at her chin, whilst the chopsticks are in her hands as she thinks of what other food that she could make for him when he goes to her home after a gruesome mission or the Hokage tower or his clan’s meeting. He takes in the fact that her mind is a whole library of its own, even bigger that the infamous Uchiha library, that Itachi hasn’t been able to fully discover even as they have been speaking almost every day now.  They are not lovers of any kind at this point, but he would very much want to shower (more like, drowning) his feelings, his explosive, enormous, ardent, I-can’t-contain-it-any-longer feelings that he has been harboring for her. 
His stress lines fade slightly into his face as he gives her a small smile of his own. 
He nods at her occasionally, assuring her that he is listening to her, acknowledging her presence and all the sunshine she carries everywhere. He could not grasp how this kunoichi could express so much of her emotions on her sleeve yet she’s one of the most accomplished medic nin Konoha has ever seen. His peeks at her byakugou, her years of grit, hard work and resilience in harnessing not just physical skills expected of a Konoha shinobi, but also one of the many jutsu that seemed like only she could pull off for the entire village. 
“You’re staring! Lunch wouldn’t be good if it’s cold!” she grins at him. In the privacy of their presence, he chuckles and returns her grin. “Itadakimasu,” he whispers. He picks up the chopsticks laid by her, and gathers a negligible rice onto and captures in his mouth. Something so simple yet so much skills poured into a small lunch. So very Sakura.   
His lips curved and he savors the taste of the rice he picked up earlier.  
“So that’s the kind of expression she puts on your face” he recalls his meet up with Shisui earlier that morning as his cousin points out that he seemed different, less agitated, less brooding, after telling Shisui that he had plans with Sakura that afternoon. 
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caramacchito-corner · 11 months ago
name: cliza prns: they/she/he (any prns is fine with me) age: 18+ interests: - arknights - hypmic - paradox live - revue starlight - akatsuki no yona - fairy tail this acc is for me to ramble about my little self interests as well as dabble in ocxcanon and yumeshipping so feel free to follow or interact!
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arturgrzyb · 11 months ago
Lil' thingy about requests
Requests : OPEN
You can ask for hcs/scenarios/drabble (?)
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Tmnt 2012 + Rottmnt
Bungou Stray Dogs
Attack On Titan
Akatsuki No Yona
List will be updated
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Some rules
I do not write smut If characters are minors
No non-consensual things, yanderes, or pedophilia/zoophilia ect. No stuff with those themes will be written (They can be mentioned briefly though)
I will put a TW in any materials that include disturbing stuff
I can write romantic and platonic stuff with any type of reader however I mostly prefer gender neutral or male ones
List will be updated If there is a need
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lostusagis · 1 year ago
( it's like 2:30am but i had this headcanon in mind. If Kamui ever lost someone important to him, 50/50 chance of him either having a panic attack OR losing control of his blood and destroying everything in sight. Although once he's back to his senses the panic attack happens anyway so yeaaaaaaaaaaaaah.
Going to get a little dark, but there's a scene in this series called Akatsuki no Yona, where an immortal character watched the woman he loved die in front of him, and he stood there holding her hand, up until her body completely decayed and turned into bones.
That's Kamui btw, if this is someone he was in love with deeply, he'd do the same thing. )
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aritsukemo · 4 months ago
My Yona of the Dawn Headcanons Masterlist💙🎭
Last Updated: Nov. 3, 2024
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General Relationship Headcanons w/ Son Hak | Mostly Fluff
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Dividers were made by me, pictures used are from Pinterest, post formatting is inspired by @xxsabitoxx
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anime-fan-05 · 7 months ago
Hello, can you please make sfw alphabet for Hak from Akatsuki no Yona? Thank you in advance!
Akatsuki no Yona ~SFW alphabet~
Manga/anime: Akatsuki no Yona
Warnings: nothing
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
If you two are in public, he's basically not affectionate at all: the most affection you get from him is an arm around your waist. If you're alone, instead, he becomes much more affectionate: hugs, cuddles, sweet words... His main way of showing affection is physical gestures, and his favorite physical gesture is hugging you.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Probably, your friendship would have started through Yona, who had introduced you to him; that's why I think at first he's considered you a bit annoying like her. However, he soon changed his mind, and so you two became best friends. As your best friend, he would be very provocative (really, he would always make fun of you, especially if you did something that had embarrassed you), but also extremely protective and sweet if he knew something bad had happened to you.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
He really likes to cuddle you, that's his way of making you feel close to him; you two don't have much time for cuddles anyhow: in fact, those only happen for a few minutes and not even every day. Typically, you two cuddle while lying down, and he's almost always the big spoon, as he wraps his arms around your waist and his legs are intertwined with yours.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
I think he wants to settle down one day, but only after helping Yona to create a prosperous kingdom for you two (and maybe also for your children!) to live in. He's definitely capable of providing for you two: he knows how to cook, find supplies (hunting and fishing), he would even be able to build a small wooden house... However, I don't know how good he can be at cleaning (we also have to remember the period in which the manga/anime is set and Hak's social class)!
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Quick and frank. If he were to break up with you, he wouldn't mince words, but he would be very clear in letting you know he no longer loves you; in addition, his tone would be very moderate and he would apologize to you for the pain he's causing you.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
I think he plans to marry his partner if he's committed to a relationship, so he gives you all the time, love and affection he can. And, speaking of marriage, he would like to get married to you soon since he realized you're the one, but he first wants to help Yona to revive the kingdom; in fact, after having done that, he'll immediately propose to you.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Despite the many battles he fought, the many chaos and blood he saw, he's very gentle: his touches are delicate and soothing and he's never rough with you, both physically and psychologically. Furthermore, he always tries to moderate his words when he's with you for fear of hurting you emotionally, and he reassures you whenever you feel sad.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Hugs are his way of both showing affection and feeling like you're safe and sound in his arms, so he loves hugging you. His hugs feel like he's protecting you from all harm: they're tight, but also soft and sweet, and make you feel like you're wrapped in a blanket. He hugs you every time you or he feels the need, which happens very often, at least on his part: are you going to sleep? Hug. Are you feeling sad about something? Hug. You risked your life, but did you save yourself at the last minute? Funny of you not to assume he'll hold you for at least five minutes.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
He takes forever to tell you he loves you! First he wants to make sure he truly loves you, since he doesn't want to delude you, and you love him back too: indeed, he won't say it until you do first... Furthermore, his confession will be short, but still very sweet, and in private (even if Yona and the Dragons may be behind trees and bushes spying).
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they're jealous?)
He doesn't get too much jealous, since he knows you're more than capable of fending off any unwanted suitors. Furthermore, he put a lot of trust into you. Despite that, though, he isn't above the occasional side eye, or the arm around your waist and the harsh tone if someone is getting a little too buddy buddy.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
In public, he almost never kisses you and, if he does it, his kiss is so light on your lips and quick sometimes you might not even notice it. In private, his kisses are slightly more feral, but on only one occasion they're truly passionate, that's if you're in a situation where you risked dying: the anxiety of having almost lost you is reflected in the kisses, which is like it's the end of the world.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
He's well liked by the children he grew up with and considered a big brother to many, so I can assume he's pretty good with them. However, in my opinion he prefers to be with slightly older children, like four or five years old and up, so he can do many more activities with them, such as simply teaching them to fight.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Mornings spent with him are pretty rare: most of the time you two don't really get to sleep in or even spend mornings together, after all you're very busy saving the kingdom and not getting captured by the guards. If it happens you two have the morning free, he'll make the most of it: he'll stay in bed (or rather, in the subspecies of sleeping bag you create with your cloaks) for a while to hug you, and then you'll spend the whole morning together, walking through the woods and looking for twigs to light the fire or berries for breakfast.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Nights with him alone are also almost impossible as either you keep moving, or you camp, but you've guard shifts, or stop at an inn to rest but you all stay in a group. If the first possibility happens, you walk together, talking about various topics and holding your hands; if the second happens, you take your guard shift together and cuddle; if the third happens, you sleep close.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
I think his openness about his past with you depends on what he tells you: he told you quite early on about his childhood with his grandfather and friends from the Wind Tribe, but he'll take a really long time to tell you about his relationship with Yona and Soo-Won, because he wants to wait to understand if you're the one he wants to spend the rest of his days with. Once he understands that, he'll gladly tell you about his past in full.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
He's one of the most patient people: it really takes a lot to make him angry and, if that happens, you don't notice it, because the most he does is tighten his tone and speak a little more sarcastically than usual. The main ways to make him angry are to insult or hurt you or Yona.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
He's the king of remembering details you mention in passing: you may have told him just once and even in passing you like a certain thing, and years later he'll bring it up in a conversation ("Oh, by the way, do you know I saw bouquets of white camellias while I was walking in Awa? I got you one, since you told me you like them so much." "Did I tell you?" "Two and a half years ago, when your father gave you them for your birthday.").
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
His favorite memory is when you two had laid under the stars and talked about the future and living your life in the future; hearing you so passionate and optimistic, hearing your desires to live the rest of your life, get married and start a family with him gave him hope things would be okay.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Despite knowing and trusting you can defend yourself, he's still super protective of you, one of the few people he cares about in the world, and he would give everything to see you safe and protected: it's like having a bodyguard as a boyfriend. Literally. As for keeping him protected, I think the best way to do that is to remind him not to overdo himself, since he has the bad habit of overstepping his boundaries to protect both Yona and you (and the other Dragons and Yoon too).
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
On the outside, his dates are very simple (they generally consist of you two either walking together through the forests where you camp or taking turns on guard shift together), but he puts so much effort into so may aspects of those anything bigger would lose the personal touch they've; his gifts also appear very simple, but in reality they've great sentimental value, for instance a bouquet of the same flowers he gave you on the day of your meeting.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
His main bad habits are two: the first is his tendency to overwork himself without saying anything to anyone, and that makes you worry a lot; the second is being very attached and protective towards Yona, almost as much as he's towards you (of course, you know he loves you, but sometimes you've doubts...). With time, though, he grows out of the situations and realizes it isn't selfish to want the best for himself, and he also understands he must make you more aware you're the one he loves.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
I would like to write he doesn't care at all, but I think that's not true: he's concerned with his appearance, not that much, but enough to make himself decently presentable. He doesn't do it out of vanity, though, but just because he wants to be on your level (he always thinks you're truly beautiful, even in the morning with messy hair or with dark circles under your eyes after sleepless nights).
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
It depends: he feels he needs his space, so he wouldn't feel incomplete without you if you two are apart for a short time; nevertheless, if he has to spend a long time without you, he misses you so much and is likely to desperately seek your presence.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them)
I'm pretty sure he taught you some self-defense moves: as much as he doesn't want you to go to the front lines to fight, he wishes you to know how to defend yourself at least a little, also because he knows there might be moments when he can't protect you. If one day you knock someone out with one of the moves he taught you, he'll look at you with a proud and smug face.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn't like, either in general or in a partner?)
If there's one trait he doesn't want in his partner, it's malice: he would never forgive you if you treated others badly or did some evil action. Regarding other physical or character traits, he doesn't have great demands, although perhaps he wouldn't love a too weak partner, since he wants you to be at least a little able to protect yourself.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
As I wrote previously, you can't sleep for a long time but, for what little you can, he prefers doing it with you. Generally, he sleeps on his side while one arm wraps around your waist to keep you close to him and the other acts as a pillow; instead, your legs are intertwined.
💮 Rules 💮 Masterlist 💮
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thewritetofreespeech · 2 months ago
Could I request Son Hak comforting his lover who's insecure because she believes she's not feminine enough?
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Hak is not the best comforter.
He seems to always say the technically correct, but completely wrong thing when it comes to these situations.
Like he doesn’t understand why they would be insecure about being feminine. They are a girl, right? That’s the most feminine thing of all.
Plus, they are so good at so many other things. Like fighting, training exercises, the bow.
Hak of course tells them all of this but again, though correct, it’s not what they want to hear.
He apologizes and tells them that he likes them the way they are. Which is much better progress.
A lot of the girls at court Hak never liked because they were too delicate. With them he doesn’t have to worry about it
Eventually he will get there on the comfort part but he still doesn’t understand why they feel insecure.
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cozymoko · 2 years ago
Hello OP ヾ(๑╹◡╹)ノ" I was super excited to see someone writing for AkaYona in 2023, it was such a dead fandom last I checked two years ago. I was reading your rules and it seems you exclusively write for yanderes? But I’ve seen you write non-yandere content too. So if it’s okay…maybe a platonic reader and Yoon who sees Yoon as her child and is fiercely protective? Bonus points if it makes Yoon cry because he remembers when he lost his mother and is unused to having someone care for him since he’s usually the one caring for the group? Sorry if this offensive, I’m rereading the manga and have a lot of feels
Note: Hi hi hi! I do not exclusively write for yanderes but it seems like those type of posts get the most interaction. I'll be sure to go back and make it more specific.
I never really liked Yoon so this might be a little strange to read. I read the manga years ago.
Pairing: Yoon x (platonic) Mother-figure! reader
Format: Headcanons
WARNING(S): slight angst
LINKS: Akatsuki no Yona Masterlist
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You were only a couple of years older than YOON; less than eight to be precise, and it took very little time for the two of you to grow close. After the unfortunate passing of his mother nonetheless, you became his main source of support from there forward. And although similar in numerous ways, you were also differe nt.
It was hard for him to adjust to the idea of someone caring for him as much as you did. You reminded him of his mother in so many ways, it was comforting, to say the least. Not that he would admit it. He didn’t want to come across as weak or soft in front of others as the thought left his ears a font shade of pink. But as he expected, you did not care one bit
At times he finds your nagging to be such a pain, which is quite hypocritical on his behalf. But he never verbally complains, he wouldn't dare. You cared for him, deeply, and you were never scared of showing it. He's grateful for you even if he doesn't express it too often.
But once he gets attached, it's over. The two of you are inseparable, nearly spending every waking moment together.
You found yourself fixing his hair every morning, brushing through it with the utmost care. You’d make breakfast solely for him as he always forgot about himself whilst tending to the others. Your actions were brimming with affection, so much so that he could feel it with every touch. It made his heart swell with a foreign warmth that he hoped would stay forever.
The idea of calling you mom or mother isn't all that strange to him, and at times it comes as second nature. You entered his life at a very young age thus, he thinks of you as nothing more than a second parent.
He's grown pretty reliant on you in little time, though he'd never admit it. When seeking comfort or solutions he'd look for you. When annoyed and at his wits end with Yona and her dragons, you're always there to lend a helping hand and he's not opposed to it.
You are as protective as you are kind and his friends learned that the hard way. If they wouldn’t listen to Yoon, they sure as hell listened to you (strange sentence).
Your glares were deadly like a snake staring through its prey. You did not attempt to hide your protectiveness, there was no use. Seeing you practically seeth when Hak even slightly raised his voice at the young boy sent you spiraling out.
YOON was more than capable of taking care of himself, you were aware, but the thought of leaving weighted you with ineffable grief. You didn’t want to, you would never. He’s been hurt enough and you knew that your absence would crush him into pieces.
Restless nights had become scarce for him thanks to you. You never left his side, leaving him something — someone to wake up to. Occasionally, the two of you would take amongst yourselves as YOON was gradually lulled to sleep by the steady beating of your heart.
“You don't have to pretend in front of me, know?” Your voice was soft as you gently pat his head, swaying to the whispers of the ocean touching the salty coast. “I'll always be here for you Yoon, no matter what.”
You sit on the edge of a sharp peak, its warm surface faintly grazing the cold skin beneath your legs. A faint smile captured your lips as you gaze to your side. Yoon watched you, eyes wide, fingers coiled into tight fists; but not out of rage, oh no, but happiness rather.
“D...don't say embarrassing things like that, of course, you'll be here! Where would you go anyways? Hmph, you said you wouldn't leave me so I expect you to keep your promises!”
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windrelyn · 7 months ago
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[AnY][Comicstrip] Are you still there?
What if someday Kye-sook is no longer around Soo-won.
I'm so sorry for this angsty idea but I had a rough day with their haters...
I love them with all my heart. If you don't like them please let me alone!!!!
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flowerywreaths · 28 days ago
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Starting off strong, consumers of: pedophilia, incest, abuse, domestic abuse, sexism, racism, homophobia, ableism, non-con/rape, etc, are not welcomed in my page. I will neither write any content that depicts the topic directly.
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Please be kind and respectful when you're requesting a snippet, prompts, headcanons, etc. I have the right to decline your request if I notice it goes against my established boundaries.
I only write for the fandoms that I'm interested in: Love and Deepspace, Genshin Impact, Yona of the Dawn / Akatsuki no Yona, Snow White with the Red Hair, and more!
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