#akagami no Shirayukihime ocs
meefy · 10 months
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baby it's cold outside 🤭
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onedivinemisfit · 6 days
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Part two of last night’s doodling - Torou and bb Kunai :3
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strawbbiamz · 6 months
Traditional uhhhh stuff... dump...
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Transfem Zen from akagami no shirayuki-hime
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Ocs and such and ,,more??
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More, more
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More mob... psycho...
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randowwriter · 4 months
With Royal Ceremony, We Welcome You
I finished my gift for @noctusfury (or @herbyuki)! It is a "long" oneshot by me, and it is HakiZana! I know you've been working hard to give us a HakiZana Week coming up, and I read your and Els' cowritten first chapter of a fic, and I was surprised to see that you made yourselves into Haki and Izana's children! So, I thought, you would enjoy a fic, with them as parents too! :) Also, you get a bonus side of ZenYuki, which I thought you would also enjoy!
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lynkurosawa · 3 days
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Twisted Wonderland and Akagami no Shirayuki hime crossover AU part 3!
So this is AU created when i'm thinking what if Yuu or Fuyumi is Shirayuki twin sister and she suddenly transported by a black carrige to Night Raven Collage infront of her sister, Zen, Mitsuhide, Kiki and Obi? Her sister married with the second prince so when she got missing all hell would broke loose.
Leona Kingscholar
Because she is a girl Leona respect her, they are around similar age but because she's born in february she could be said older than him. They meet in botanical garden when she actualy pick some herb to made medicine for the student who come to the infirmary.
She could understand his feelings to be compared because she also compared with her sister a lot too, but not like him who give up she don't. She do what she like and make her dream come true as the head pharmacist.
She don't like it when he call her 'red hair' because it remind her with the human trafficking who almost sold her and her sister also the dumb prince who almost make her and her sister his concubine, he stop to call her that after he know the reason and make sure she's protected outside NRC.
Had a soft spot on her, Ruggie joking that he have a crush on her but he isn't he just think of her as pack member. Maybe ?
He like it when she let him sleep on her lap sometime. He like her attention and annoying Riddle would be a bonus.
She talk him out of his problem and ask him did he really want to be a king? Because being a king is not easy. Her brother inlaw prince Izana is a king of Clarines and he don't have any free time for himself. If not because his wife he would over work himself. When he think about it again he don't want to be a king. That too much trouble and he can't be free if he born first. That made him felt better.
She advice him to found his own way in life and don't think about what other people opinion.
Ruggie Bucchi
He think her hardworking personality is admirable, the first time he meet her was in botanical garden because she found the caretaker accidently plant poisonous plant in the wrong place and that poisoning the water made the other slowly die. Ruggie and Jack helping her to replant it and stop the water flow for a while. In exchange she cook for them.
She also feed him a lot and made him not as skinny as before .
Ruggie think Leona had a crush on her despite he always say he isn't.
Fuyumi also give him a lot of food when she hear he was going home even give him medicine for his grandma. In exchange he would give her some herb that grow in his home town.
He think of her as a sister but never say it incase Riddle hear him (Riddle still had a grudge to him after what happend to Tray)
Jack Howl
He think Fuyumi is admirable and her hard working personality is cool. The first time he meet her he end up helping her to replant in the botanical garden with Ruggie and she feed them as thanks. Her cooking is delicious.
Knowing she almost forcefully become a concubine of a dumb prince and almost sold by human trafficking because her hair he would volunteer everytime Rook ask to protect her when he can't and she need to go outside.
Some time would call her nee san and like it when she pat his head.
He also got inside her favorite brother list
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nokaru · 9 days
AnS OCs moodboards
I've stumbled upon this very cool OC aesthetic builder template (at the bottom!) and I knew what had to be done — Nokaru and Shovel aesthetics woohoo
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Nokaru︱Stranger︱Alenian/Clarinesian Underground
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Nora "Shovel" ???︱The Gravedigger︱Alenian Underground
the template!
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clickabletale · 10 months
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Shizu’s Uniform [Colored Version]
I’ve had this on Procreate since 2022, I thought I’d finally share it.
I had to spruce it up a bit but I still really love how Shizu looks in her work outfit! 😭🩵✨
I’m hoping to push out more sketches of Shizu this year, along with her lore and other characters. 🫶
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lxii. Beauty and Her Beast
<<Previous || first arc || second arc || third arc || fourth arc || AO3 || Next>>
How could she forget him —dangerous, grim, standing guard over her men in the caves?
The cave had been dark, the battle fierce, but Umihebi knew this man – how otherwise, when he had been the first to challenge her, to intervene between her and the redheaded prize that had proven herself a snare?
For a moment, she is back inside that cave, her empire in ruins as surely as her ship lists, smashed asunder in the water.
Again, as she has few times in her life, she feels fear. Not again, she thinks.
In the next breath, though, she has steadied herself. He is back, like a phantom from the past, but this time is different.
This time, she is holding the rope.
Umihebi hesitates no longer. She trusts to her instincts, even as she did on the open water — gut, fists, and a dark hiding place had all served her well over the years.
Not thinking too hard, then, about what would follow, she jerked a thumb at her grounded seamen and barked her command:
“Get him inside.”
The men exchange furtive grins. Too much time has passed since they’ve seen action; she had dispatched their hunting party in part to relieve them of the necessity of lying low, give them a chance to bloody their hands a bit.
They bundle the prisoner down the path, none too gently.
As they cross the first courtyard, the Crab intervenes.
As is his way, he stands not against but aside them, hands raised in a cartoonish gesture of shock and dismay. “Too much!” he cries. “Viper, your men have sullied my gardens with this refuse, and now here, in the inmost tranquility of my home — diseasing the air as the evening draws now, and even now my kitchens prepare our evening repast—”
Umihebi plants a hand against his chest and shoves. She would have hit harder, but a bruise would cost her in this land that exacted blood for blood.
The Crab staggers back, purpling, this time in real shock.
“You– you— in my own home—”
“Shut up,” she snaps. “That man takes his coin from the crowns of two kingdoms.”
He cast a disbelieving glance at the slumped and bedraggled figure, barely upright in the hands of his captors.
Umihebi lowered her voice, locking her eyes on his. “He was there the day they grounded me — he fought alongside the princes of Tanbarun and Clarines.”
The man had sense enough to understand her, she saw it flitting through his eyes. Then he drew himself up and began to wave his hands again.
“Ah! ah! Ill chance—unlucky stars that frowned on me the day I brought you into my gates — a curse, a pox on all false friends— out, out, I say—”
“You fool,” she cuts across him. “Don’t you want to know if there are more coming?”
He falls back, suddenly white.
Umihebi knows from that moment that her time there has come to an end. No longer is it safer for the Crab to keep her close: it is him or her now. 
The question is who will strike first.
She brushes past him, thoughts fixed on more immediate matters. 
Umihebi knew one way to get what she wanted, and that way was simple: pain.
Men might be led astray by love or carnal lusts; empty bellies ached for gold. Fine things tempted fine eyes, true, and on the surface she had traded in such --- but the real power lay in pain.
Simple, unqualified: hurt a man, and he would give you what you wanted.
Beauty, riches, he might find elsewhere and decide he had no further need of you. Relief from pain, though, only you could provide.
Hurt a man, and he would give you anything.
She selected the tools of her craft carefully. It wouldn’t do to hurt too much too soon – it was a question of finding the right threshold and driving a man there again and again without pushing him past the point where pain ceased to matter.
This was a tricky case besides because the man in question was dangerous, a trained killer to whom pain was no stranger. She had fought him hand to hand and knew he posed a threat, additionally, that was not to be taken lightly.
She knew the dark-haired man was not a warrior to trifle with. He was quick, fast enough to match her; and he was strong, powerful enough to overmatch her men.
He was also loyal – had taken no spoil for himself when set to watch over their captivity, shown not a flicker of interest when the more pathetic of her crew had wheedled and whined, proffering bribes.
Umihebi had him stripped to the waist and bound to a post, secured in a room not unlike her ship’s cabin: a heavy desk and luxurious chair, with a space for interrogation cleared before it. 
It lacked only windows, even the round-eyed portholes that all a ship’s luxury could just afford to offer, for now the sea snake found herself burrowing ever deeper underground. 
On the desk waited an oak chest, the lid thrown back to reveal shining coils of leather. Umihebi took her time selecting one, raising the edge of now one, then another, against the backdrop of her prisoner at his post, as if trying out jewels for him.
At last she chose a short and brutal rawhide, its ends wickedly split and belled.
Hefting the whip, Umihebi turned on that solitary figure – and paused. She came closer, whip in hand, and he did not shiver.
Umihebi leaned forward, eyes narrowed in the flickering lantern light, and examined the skin of his back.
Scars crisscrossed the muscle, some light and glancing, delicate as the cracks in broken glass, but others ran deep.
She laid a finger against one where something barbed had bitten into the skin, feeling the warped and ropey texture where healing had failed and made a mockery of the tissue it sought to repair.
“So,” said Umihebi, surveying the patchwork, “this would mean nothing to you.”
She was the serpent of the seas, twistier than a weed and deadly to all who crossed her path — she had been trapped and outmaneuvered once by the might of two kingdoms — but she would not be outwitted by one man.
Everyone had their pressure points, soft places in their defenses. 
She would find the key to this man’s spirit — apparently indomitable, hovering somewhere between dead and alive — and she would break him.
“Tell me who sent you here.”
Obi shrugged, eyes roving around the cell. “Who knows… I seem to remember that fine gentleman with the eyepatch showing me in —”
“And you want one to match?” Umihebi was on him in a flash, seizing a handful of his hair and forcing his head back. “Don’t lie to me. Tell me why you came here.”
No perspiration, no quickening of the breath – Obi looked away as if bored. 
‘There’s nothing to tell,’ he shrugs.
Umihebi’s lip curled. ‘Knights never work alone.’ 
‘I’m not a knight,’ he answered unhesitating, with something like a smile. 
“Oh, no?” she asked softly, feeling how precarious her position was, with the Crab agitated and unknown enemies lurking she knew not where. 
Umihebi leaned forward, fixing her mad eyes on Obi. He smiled grimly back.
“Then where,” she asked, “is your master?”
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redmemoirs · 1 year
thinkin about my oc hours again: canonverse retsu, captain of the lilias knights circle, sister-in-law to the current viscountess sion.
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— wedding greetings.
“You can’t rely on the Viscountess’ generosity forever!”
But I can yours? Retsu thinks, but does not say. She must be nice, because the Vice Captain is standing right outside the door ready to deliver her to the Lord of Lilias’ terrible, terrible, unending lectures the moment she missteps. She already apologised for playing hooky, can’t he let her off just the once? But no, he’s standing vigil with a goddamn vengeance, and she’s stuck in this stupid soap opera of a life.
You can’t rely on the Viscountess’ generosity forever. As if she ever has. If anything, it’s Arleon’s shoes she’s been licking, and loudly at that. Then again, that’s why she’s in this situation, isn’t it? Why she’s been in this situation, again and again. It really is so hard being such an eligible bachelorette.
Because the Lady of Arleon is getting married.
Because Haki is getting married.
“Probably not,” she says instead, hiding her scowl in a demure sip of stale tea. If Dorji’s trying to poison her like this now he better have given her guest the same treatment.
Alas, Lady Silk’s tea remains untouched. The prim composure that she wore into the room has chosen to abandon her, leaving her with a furious frown so starkly different from the condescending smile that she first greeted her with.
She kind of gets it. Someone of her stature probably isn’t used to being refused - worse still by another’s discarded goods. The title of Captain can’t quite obscure the truth of her identity, Arleon’s guard dog and runaway and whatever else.
“Even so,” she adds, just as the lady’s lips part, “I’m afraid I’m quite comfortable where I am.”
There’s a resignation letter in her desk drawer, but she doesn’t need to know that.
Well, she’ll find out eventually, Retsu thinks, watching her storm out of the humble greeting room, her attendant scrambling to keep up. Dorji glares at her.
She gets her revenge within the hour, slipping out while he’s buried under the piles of paperwork she’s been neglecting that are too urgent to wait on forcing her to work. Hah.
There’s a resignation letter in her desk drawer, and Dorji will be the first to know when it’s time. Even she can admit the poor guy deserves it.
Tucked under it, unopened, is the wedding invitation.
Haki had delivered it in person.
She’d known it was coming. Was flattered, even, to see Haki here, to know she’d come all this way just to let her know, because Wistal is more her home these days than Lilias. Well, she probably had to be here, anyway, official business with Makiri and the Countess and all but- it was nice. To see her. To have her near, as if this meant nothing.
Haki is getting married. She’d known it was coming. It still feels so sudden.
“Oh,” she’d said, bland as even Haki can’t make her not be. “That’s good,” she’d tried, because it is. The Countess must’ve been ecstatic. “Congratulations?”
Haki had smiled, that patient, familiar thing. “I wanted to tell you myself,” she’d said, like it was a secret. Like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
Before she left (left her behind, left her office for the last time because without her here there’s no point to Retsu being here either, to clinging to the nearest thing she can find without asking for something she doesn’t deserve), she had asked what Retsu wanted.
Because Haki was going to be Queen and it was not the King’s choice alone. She is happy. She wants this.
Retsu’s never wanted much. Peace and quiet sometimes, the ruckus of the training hall and the bustle of the city other times. A home to come back to. Haki, close as she’s always been.
(Take me with you, she does not say.
She could. She could.)
Lilias is cold and unforgiving and so very far from Wistal, even though it had been just far enough from the Arleon estate.
Haki is leaving, so she will, too. The other way.
It’s not some eternal farewell, but when she sees her off, all the way to the city’s edge, after she’d spoken to Makiri and the Countess and whatever other business she’d had to tend to (long gone are the days when Haki’s business was her business, yet it aches like yesterday) - she feels something break.
She hands in her resignation after the wedding. The way Makiri instantly curses her out almost cheers her up. Dorji breaking down in tears screaming, “Fucking finally!” does not. Rena’s crying is even worse for how utterly sincere it is. Really, you do a good deed once and you never hear the end of it.
Haki of Arleon is crowned Queen Consort. Her sister’s generosity will have to serve her for now.
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demonicparalysis · 9 months
Heyo 👋 thanks for stopping by
Name: Crowley
Pronouns: he/him
Age: 19
Interests: art, anime, manga, dc (especially batfam), music
Fave book: the outsiders by s.e. hinton
Fave book series: death and the devil by l.j. hayward
Currently watching: one piece, oshi no ko s2
Currently reading: iron flame (i dont like this series im just forcing myself to finish it😭), akatsuki no yona, akagami no shirayuki-hime, spy x family, kusuriya no hitorigoto
Fun facts: I'm a multifandom artist and I draw ocs. I will mainly post dc drawings here but I might share my other stuff once in a while
I have a cat named loki (which is ironic since im into dc not marvel💀 but there's a handful of marvel characters I love don't get me wrong)
My user "crowley" is based off a character from supernatural. It being a reference to crowley from good omens is just a plus :)
My art insta👇
My cara 👇
My art fight 👇
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kitkat1128 · 2 years
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Mireya and Tsuruba 🧣
Commission by naman_doodles (IG)
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meefy · 1 year
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Someone was not as enthusiastic about the lighted tents as Féanne...
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onedivinemisfit · 7 months
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Some more Poisoner!yuki doodles~
- sexy obiyuki cover bc now they’re two people with sekrits
- kind prince zen offering poor “kurayami” some velvet with which she can show her mourning the loss of her country’s crown prince… he means well, and she understands that - in fact, zen’s support has helped her ruse a lot
- (metaphor) obi goes by a lot of names. In this AU, reaper seems to be shirayuki’s nickname for him
AnS (c) Akizuki Sorata
Art: Me
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sailormoon167 · 11 days
prince raj x autistic fem reader
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1 at first the prince was rude and snotty to you because he thought you couldn't be smart but as he spends more time with you he'll love you for you
2 The prince will become more softer and sweet around you
3 Raj will let you fidget with his hands
4 If you feel overstimulated then he'll take you to a quiet place and play his violin to help you calm down
5 The prince is fascinated by your special interest
6 Raj maybe too shy to said it sometimes but he truly loves you
7 When your away from him he is very lonely
8 Will give you kisses all over your arms
9 sometimes he'll fall asleep standing up holding you
Prince Raj x autistic reader theme kiss the girl cover Jonathan young.
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randowwriter · 4 months
Renewal Of An Offer
@hisakikiweek Here's another late fill to HisaKiki Week 2023! This time for Day Seven; it is a bit of an alternative AU to the series, post-canon with a twist. :)
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sakurafairymage · 2 years
Chapter 3: Forgotten connection.
Akagami no Shirayukihime fic.
Obi x Oc Ayla
Warning: slight blood.
Once the door was closed Shirayuki grabbed Ayla's hand and dragged her to the bed. They both sat down looking like excited school girls at a sleepover.
“Now that we're alone. Spill,” Shirayuki commanded.
"I will I will, but first I got a present for you…” Ayla stuck her hand in her pocket and pulled out the bracelet.
“Oh, how pretty! Thank you,” Said Shirayuki as she put it on her wrist. It was a little big, not big enough to fall off, just to move up and down her wrist freely when she moved. Ayla smiled, twirling the end of her braid in embarrassment. Finally she decided that it was about time to tell Shirayuki about when she met Obi.
“Shirayuki, you wanted to hear about when I met Obi, didn't you?” She prompted the conversation back to that topic.
Shirayuki nodded and got comfortable.
“So four years ago, remember how I told that on the way back from a job I found someone hurt,” She paused and Shirayuki nodded. “Well that was him.”
Four years ago.
Ayla just finished a delivery job and was walking through a forest. She was headed to a little cottage that she found shortly after she started staying with Shirayuki, It was in a sorry state when she found it and she had spent months restoring it. Thinking back to how it looked the last time she stopped by, it has improved a lot; the windows that were broken are now replaced and the roof doesn't leak anymore. I still have some things that need fixing like-
Her thoughts were interrupted by the faint sound of a groan. She froze, listening intently for another sound. The birds whistling, the wind in the trees, where? Where did it come from?
She ran towards a clump of trees. As she got closer the figure of a man came into view, he was sitting crumpled against a tree, his clothes stained with blood coming from a gash in his chest. He was barely conscious but when she approached the glare he gave her made her stop in her tracks. She put her hands up in a friendly manner.
“I won’t hurt you,” She said, approaching him slowly. He lashed out weakly and there was a flash of metal just before she caught his wrist.
“Woah! Careful.” She said as she grabbed the knife that was clutched in his hand. Too weak to resist he gave up the knife before slumping to the ground unconscious.
Obi could hear sounds drifting in and out of his consciousness and something cool was placed on his forehead. His first instinct was to lash out, to protect himself, but he couldn't move. He tried to open his eyes but his eyelids were like lead.
“Shhh, shh…. It's alright it's alright,” said a soothing voice before everything got far away and he slipped back into unconsciousness.
He's asleep again. That's good. She thought changing the cool cloth on his forehead. It's been two days since she found him and his fever hasn't gone down at all. She pulled back the cover to check the bandages wrapped around his chest. Shirayuki had taught her basic first aid and it's a good thing too because if she hadn't found him, he would have been in worse shape than he was now, possibly dead. She pulled the blanket back up and sat back in her chair in thought. Even delirious he was guarded, the first day whenever he was awake she asked him question after question but all she learned was that his name is Obi and he got injured doing some sort of job. She rubbed her temples, she hadn't slept for the past three days and was starting to get a headache.
“Only for a few minutes.” she muttered, closing her eyes and drifting to sleep.
It's so hot… My throat is so dry..
Obi opened his eyes, his vision was blurred and shifting like the room was alive around him. He tried to focus and the room stopped shifting. Good. That's when he noticed the person sitting next to him. On instinct his hand flew to his waist where he kept one of his daggers but all he felt was cloth. He could feel himself panicking but he fought the panic back and tried to focus again. The person hadn't moved an inch the whole time. Are they asleep? He tried to get up but his body wouldn't work right and he ended up falling to the floor with a soft thud. With that movement the room around him swirled again and faded to pinpoints in his vision. He grabbed the bed frame, hoisting himself up he staggered forward, he saw a counter in front of him and when he reached it he leaned against it trying to get his breath again.
“..ait you shouldn't…Obi,” He heard someone's voice behind him through the ringing in his ears. There was a knife next to his hand, grabbing it he slash out behind him blindly. He felt it connect and then heard a scream before the knife was knocked out of his hands. His legs gave out and he felt someone catch him, wrapping their arms under his arms to keep him steady. He was pulled to the bed and set down gently. The woman made a pained sound, red blood was dripping down her right arm and he saw the long gash where his knife had caught her. He reached out and gently brushed the arm he had cut. I shouldn't have done that.
“It's okay. It's not bad,” She said almost as if she had read his mind. She pulled a roll of bandages from a bag by the head of the bed and started to wrap her arm up. His eyelids felt heavy so he closed them, listening instead. He listened to her slightly uneven breathing, after a minute or so it evened out. He felt a feather light touch on his forehead.
“You're not well enough to get up yet,” Something cool was placed on his forehead. “I understand the instinct to leave and protect yourself, but know that if I had wanted to hurt you, I already would have,” another cool patch was laid on his wrist, another one on the other wrist a second later.
“Go to sleep, you need rest,” She said gently, then started singing, "Laa la la~ na na~ na na~ laa laa~da na na na~laaa la laa~"
He fell asleep.
When she noticed him fall asleep she let her voice drift off. Her arm ached, red stained the bandage that she messily wrapped around it. Should take care of that later. She thought absently while she pulled back the blanket to check his bandages.
“Well, you didn't open it back up.” She said more to herself than to Obi. She looked at the knife on the kitchen floor, her lips turned down into a frown. I've got to be more careful. She thought as she picked up the knife and tossed it into the sink.
She got him to eat some soup, one spoonful at a time till the bowl was half empty and he fell into a deep sleep. It's been five days now. His fever seems to be going down which she had noticed with relief. She glanced at her near empty cabinets, this cabin is her hideout; a pit stop to wherever she was headed, she only stored up enough food to last a week or so for one and she was feeding two.
“I need to get more supplies….” She mumbled to herself. But, she looked back to Obi sleeping, but that would mean she would have to leave him alone. He wasn't in any danger from the fever anymore and she knew he would be safe here if she left him for a few hours. So with that thought she grabbed some money from her stash hidden in a can in her cabinet. On the way out the door she grabbed a tall basket with two straps attached to carry it on her back, with one last glance back she closed the door.
Obi woke up with a start. Sitting up quickly made his head spin, but it wasn't as bad as before and it stopped within a minute. He searched the room for the woman; the kitchen, out the windows, she was nowhere in sight. Where did she go? He wondered. Looking around at his surroundings he noticed his jacket, shirt, and knives were piled neatly on a chest at the foot of the bed. There was a cup of water with a note propped up against it on the nightstand. Written on the note in looping handwriting was ‘Went to town to get supplies. I'll be back soon’. So now he knew where she went. He touched the glass of water, it was still cool so she had only been gone for a short while. He drank quickly and put on his clothes which he noticed were cleaned and mended. She's a good person. He hesitated to just leave after she had been so kind to him. He went to the small desk, put the note in his jacket pocket, and opening the drawer he found a pen and some paper.
Present time.
"When I got back he was gone and there was a note on the nightstand that said 'Thank you'," Ayla told the last bit of her story.
"So that's how you two meet, and Obi doesn't remember because of the fever,"
"Can I ask you something Ayla? Did you fall in love with Obi when you were taking care of him?" Shirayuki asked carefully.
"What made you think that?" Ayla's eyes widened in surprise.
"I remember back then you had acted sad for a while,"
Ayla tilted her head thoughtfully with a sad look in her eyes, "You know how I feel about love, Shirayuki. I think it was more of a kinship, he reminded me a lot of myself back before I met you," She gave Shirayuki a grateful smile.
"I see…,"
"So, now that I've shared my story, it's time you tell me yours."
"Hmmm, where should I begin…" She told her about everything that happened were prince Raji tried to make her his concubine.
"That Raji! I swear he never learns. I hope you put him in his place,"
"I had trouble with him at first but now he's trying to change. We're friends now,"
"Hahaha, leave it up to you! You always amaze me. If he's really changed maybe I'll go pay him a visit sometime, it's been a long time."
"Maybe if you go I'll go with you."
Shirayuki continued her story and they talked late into the night before falling asleep together.
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