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xanandhix · 7 months ago
On MK love triangle
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Reference images under cut
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The amount of time Aoko remarks how beautiful Akako is is insane, also the amount of time Aoko compliments women… she’s sapphic me think
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It’s kinda funny how Akako tried to compete with Aoko for exactly 1 chapter and then immediately be Aoko’s friend and teaches her spell while simultaneously switching to trying to kill KID in the same chapter (she’s gay)
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First time Kaito lost the invited by Aoko race.
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It’s kinda funny cause Hakuba-Akako have very little build up beside a little blush here and there. Aoko is very much projecting (“how can anyone *not* like Akako?!” -Aoko, probably)
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zetsu--bou · 10 months ago
a short aoaka fic (it was supposed to be a crackfic but I'm not funny)
Deja vu
Winter Cup. Third year. Deja vu, everyone thought, as Touou and Rakuzan stood against each other in finals... And another deja vu, as neither Akashi nor Aomine could be found. This time, however, no one was injured, so there was no reason for them to be absent, like in the first year Inter High. Unless it was another one of those moments where the author made two characters so overpowered they can never face each other because it's impossible to decide who would win.
Rakuzan and Touou coaches were standing in front of each other, wondering about the absence of two Aces.
"I have an idea", Satsuki sighed, after yet another failed try to call Aomine. "But I'm unsure it would work."
"The match starts in ten minutes, I guess we will take every option we have", Harasawa admitted.
With that, Momoi left the court and ran over to one specific place. Deja vu, she thought as she entered the man's restroom next to the currently unused exit. She walked over to the last stall and pulled out a thin nailfile and unlocked the door from outside.
"Dai-chan, Akashi-kun", she looked at the two boys in the stall. "I understand you felt the need for some physical contact after not seeing each other for so long, but I'd say that doing it five minutes before the match is quite a bold move."
Aomine quickly swallowed and stood up from his knees while Akashi pulled his pants back up. "Uhh, Satsuki, I can explain—"
"I don't care", she closed the stall door. "You have one minute to get ready and still make it to the court."
Deja vu, she sighed as she left the restroom. Except, in the first year Inter High, they weren't playing, and when she entered, they were kissing. Deja vu, she had thought as she had seen their face expressions.
Two minutes later, both boys were at the court, panting from running across the entire stadium. And after the match, Momoi dragged both of them out and sat them on the floor, while she scolded them. Deja vu, they both thought.
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kurokonobrainrot · 1 year ago
Guys, it's April next month, do you know what it means ? Akashi ships days. Actually all the captains in KnB have a lot of ship days in April but i'll probably only do something for Akashi's days.
The problem is that some days have multiple ships at once (like the 6th where it's AkaAo, AkaMibu and AkaMido day) so i'll have to make difficult choices.
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x0401x · 3 years ago
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“A... Akane-kun...? Is that really you?”
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debrisyume · 5 years ago
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According to TBHK, shit-talking is a expression of love.
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sunny16504 · 4 years ago
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Not so Normal Day
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kaitoisapowerbottom1 · 4 years ago
I think we all know that the Ekoda PolyAmFam is gonna end up where Saguru has to go and buy new hoodies every few weeks because his keep on "mysteriously" disappearing.
I mean he has to share his Hoodies with not one girlfriend, not two girlfriends, not even two girlfriends and his boyfriend but two girlfriends his boyfriend one of his girlfriends best friends and all of their pets. (and I just know they have a small zoo at their home)
So yeah new sweaters every few weeks.
They'll eventually figure out a nice pattern of recharging and sharing.
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zetsu--bou · 1 year ago
Date The Freak fanarts:
Seijuurou - Masaomi deja vu
Seijuurou and Daiki on a beach
5:37 (March '24 practice sheet)
Spin-off comic, in a bar
The Chronicles of Akashi Household: The First (number of parts: 4)
Practice sheets:
February '24
April '24
May '24
June '24
July '24
August '24
September '24
October '24
November '24
December '24
MiraGen in rainbow dresses
Kagaao wedding
Mamamine and the ring that doesn't fit anymore
Breaking Bad Ball
KagaAo anatomy study
Early riser Aomine
Aomine the bug guru
[KagaAo] Tiger!Kagami doesn't purr
[KagaAo] Aomine's waist
[AoAka] Akashi's morning hair
Casual insults
[KagaAo] Clothes thief
Aomine would be a lawyer
Knb characters as cars/vehicles
Knb characters as valorant players
Insomnia KagaAo (v1) (v2)
[KagaAo] Aww, are you jealous?
[KagaAo] One hundred and twenty-six nautical miles away
[AoAka/AkaAo] Deja vu
[KagaAo] Make your choice!
[KagaAo] Savoir-vivre
[KagaAo] His kids
[KagaAo] You're not into me
[FemKagaAo] The fearless hero and the "clumsy" witch
[KagaAo] Strawberry panties
[KagaAo] Kinktober
[KagaAo] Aomine Daiki and his malicious red kitten
[KagaAo] If KagaAo were an overrated typical romance fanfiction, who would be the nerd and who would be the bad boy?
Canon vs fanon Akashi
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knb-rarepair-hell · 5 years ago
bro this blog is even less active than my writing blog. bro. we are so good at this. high five!! also. gimme those sweet sweet aoaka headcanons if u feel up to it
Bro we're so amazing at this. Absolutely stellar.
AoAka headcanons
Neither of them are really good at talking about their feelings, so they tend to just avoid talking about them, but they have a sixth sense for when the other is doing badly and do movie/cuddle nights
Akashi is a cat person and Aomine is a dog person and they bicker over which one is better all the time. All. The. Time.
After a while of dating, their organization styles kinda mesh together. Akashi used to be neat and tidy all the time. Aomine didn't organize at all. But now their styles are both kinda "it's a mess but I know where everything is"
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incorrectdetectiveconan2 · 6 years ago
Aoko: Oh? There's a witch in this school? Is she single?
Aoko: brb, going to ask the red witch on a date.
Aoko: My first born child has been stolen.
Kaito: Ahoko, your wife taking care of your child is not "stealing."
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zen-koi · 6 years ago
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x0401x · 5 years ago
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“I was lying when I said I hated you. I’m sorry. Do you actually hate me? Or do you... like me at least a little bit?”
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pensamientosoff-blog · 7 years ago
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#akashi #seijuro #kurokonobasket #pensamientos #akashiseijuro #en #ti #kiseki #AkaFuri #akaao #akakaga
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acilykos · 8 years ago
Soulmate (+ Reincarnation) AU
Where when you touch your Soulmate for the first time, you remember your shared past life again. And touch can mean everything a brush, a handshake, a slap, etc… (Bonus if only skin to skin contact counts!) (I hope this hasn’t been done yet, or else it would be really awkward..)
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fakashimeme · 8 years ago
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Akashi and Aomine doing Bunny V hand sign to each other゚
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wizzkepper · 4 years ago
Arts of Valentine’s Day
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Please ask before reposting. Thank you so much! Support me on Twitter @/wizzkepper
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