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acilykos · 8 years ago
Me trying to stop myself from adding another ship into my Armada
Them: *doing something ship worthy together*
Me: *trying not start shipping* Ok, that's cute, but I don't need to ship them
Them: *doing more ship worthy things together*
Me: *trying harder to not start shipping* Th-they're just.. Friends.. That's normal for friends helping each other and-
Them: *Do even MORE things together*
Me: *giving my best* I don't need to I don't ne-
Me: I... I...
Me: *crying and searching for the ship* I was too weak.. Again..
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egrettacaerulea · 8 years ago
But seriously I've been thinking about KagaMuro prabatai where Himuro realized that his feelings for Kagami was beyond brotherhood and he wanted Kagami. But Kagami met Aomine and Himuro knew that he couldn't confess. Kagami's feeling was so sincere for Aomine. Himuro didn't like Aomine, but Kagami looked so happy whenever he was with Aomine and Himuro knew that he couldn't ever bring the same happiness to Kagami's face. So. Himuro decided to break the prabatai bond.
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19silvermirrors · 8 years ago
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10/12 KagaHimu Day ❤ - The Ringmaster
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murdorkatlaw · 9 years ago
Kagami gently caressing Himuro's mole as he's about to kiss him ಠ_ಠ
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hama208 · 10 years ago
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thefangirlinh · 11 years ago
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Even the film maker ships them...
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nekkocchi · 11 years ago
and they can sing their first full-length ENGRISH song in KnB history!
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antidotum · 11 years ago
FIC REC: It's Hot
Title: It's Hot Author: bexara Rating: NC-17 Pairing: Kagami/Kuroko Summary: “Geez, who gets heat exhaustion walking home from the store and then has to be wiped down like a five-year old who played too long in the sun?” Why: Another one by the same writer, where the heat gets to the boys and the result is them fooling around. I like Kagami's character here because he's kinda adorably hesitant even tho he really wants Kuroko and Kuroko who knows this and is kinda sorta no really seducing Kagami with being himself. I also love the dialogues between them. When a fic has the speech patterns on characters down it rarely can fail. 
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acilykos · 8 years ago
Soulmate (+ Reincarnation) AU
Where when you touch your Soulmate for the first time, you remember your shared past life again. And touch can mean everything a brush, a handshake, a slap, etc… (Bonus if only skin to skin contact counts!) (I hope this hasn’t been done yet, or else it would be really awkward..)
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omoidaseru · 12 years ago
[00:39:10] Kyle: nope~ go ahead~
[00:40:47] Homoro: MuraMuro.. it's a gentle relationship, really. It kinda makes Himuro wanna better himself, and I guess if there was any hate it would be towards himself for getting into the situation with someone he admires, idk.. It's hard to explain, but it would be the smooth type, teasing and generally being adorable little messes together. I can't think of a reason they'd seriously fight, unless yeah it involved basketball, cause Himuro like dedicates himself to practising and is all like skdhf about it and like you said, Muro is just born with natural talent. While it'd cause friction, I don't think it's hate, though, I think it's jealousy and they aren't necessarily the same thing.
[00:41:53] Kyle: hmmmm i get~
[[00:43:09] Kyle: you win again teri OTL
[00:43:21] Kyle: jealousy and hate aren't the same thing
[00:45:13] Homoro: With Kagami, you have the evident canon things, of course, but.. I don't know. I guess they're such a bittersweet little couple that I can't help but love them? Kagami admired Himuro for his easy going nature and his ability to attract people, and Himuro admires Kagami for his natural skill, but they both envy each other for the same reasons. If Himuro wasn't such a stubborn bitch, they could be so good together, cause they just.. Go, you know? They're aligned, and working together I don't think anything could break them apart, 'cept for the nagging insecurities they'd both have for their different reasons. It'd take a lot of work, and commitment, for them to be together.
[00:46:12] Homoro: aaaand aomine?
[00:49:01] Homoro: Like you said, Aomine would be protective, and it could be cause he's suspicious about Himuro's every move. I mean, he's the ~brother~ of his friendly rival, and he may not be able to understand him because he doesn't understand how two people who were so close could be so different. So it'd start as curiosity when he realises Himuro exists, and Himuro would put up with it cause Mura makes him or some reason idk. I see it as like, to begin with, kind of childish? Like Aomine doing his usual POKE PROD OI HOW DO YOU WORK thing and Himuro barely avoiding the urge to throw him down the stairs, but sooner or later they'd find a balance and would be hot as hell together uwub
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