#aka: miss girls who need lots and lots and lots of therapy
sixxtytoo · 2 years
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sleepy city vs reading diary
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hello-nichya-here · 9 months
Did Sia insult topic of autism somehow?
Oh honey, it's sooooooooo much worse than that.
Sia wanted to make a movie about an autistic girl that manages to connect to people/feel safe and confident through music. So far, nothing outrageous, just a simple concept that would obviously put Sia's music front and center while doing something nice and educating people on autism.
There was controversy about her not casting an autistic actress as it would have been nice representation, but she could have totally gotten away with that since, come on, hollywood hasn't even figured out Rain Man isn't exactly true to life, they're not ready to have an autistic person playing an autistic character. Baby steps.
The real problem started when Sia started promoting the "charity/support group" that was helping "educate" her on the topic to make the movie. The "charity" in question was Autism Speaks - which is absolutely HATED by the autistic community for things like:
1 - Spreading the myth that autism is a mental illness that one can develop/catch like the freaking flue and potentially be cured of, instead of a neurotype, aka something starts in the woomb and cannot be "cured" because to do that you'd need to replace someone's entire nervous system, which is impossible.
2 - Using that myth to get outrageous amounts of money from people so they "search for a cure" - that doesn't exist and will never exist because curing autism is biologically impossible, AND despite the fact that the overwhelming majority of autistic people don't even want to be "cured" (plus, since said "cure" would essentially mean giving the person a new brain, it leads to the question of "Would I even be the same person, or would that just kill and replace me?")
3 - Using the myth of "We don't know what causes autism" (we do, it's genetic) to, of course, get MORE money from people so they can "do research to find the missing puzzle piece" (if you ever see autistic people complaining about a puzzle piece being used to represent the condition, that's why, it was started by Autism Speak's massive disinformation campains).
4 - Falsely "confirming" things like soy milk cause autism with one of the world's most ridiculous "research", losing only to "vaccines totally make kids autistic, buy MY vaccine instead, guys, I am totally not an unbelievably biased person, it's ALL the other doctors/scientists lying to you. GIVE ME MONEY!"
5 - Pushing the narrative of "autism is inherently a tragedy" to distract from the fact that all the money they waste on stupid shit could be used to help autistic people and their families. Instead, they focus on creating more and more panic, making parents in particular despair even more - to the point that one of their "awareness videos" includes a mother talking about how she wants to murder her autistic daughter and then kill herself... while sitting right next to said daughter.
6 - Promoting ABA "therapy" - which was created by the same guy responsible for the attrocity that is gay conversion "therapy." Both have led to unbelievably high rates of confirmed PTSD and suicidal ideation in patients (victims), and ABA in particular has been compared to literal dog training. Very fitting since it was created by a guy who famously did not believe autistic people truly counted as thinking, feeling human beings, and said as much several times. Despite that, it is still praised by some utter bastards because "it makes the patients act less autistic when they're not crying in the corner or trying to jump out a window"
So yeah, working with these guys is a genuinely horrible thing to do since they're basically a scam/hate group pretending to be a charity - and people were STILL willing to give Sia the benefit of the doubt, since Autism Speak uses all their resources to make sure they're the first thing people see when looking up how to help autistic people.
Lots of Sia's fans, both autistic and allistic, warned her repeatedly, politely, that she needed to supporting them IMMEDIATELY as their goal was the exact opposite of the one she claimed to have - aka raise awareness through an accurate portrail of autism. People were even kind enough to name organizations like ASAN as replacements to help her fix any damage done to the project.
And instead of being a decent human being, Sia decided to cry on twitter about how the mean retar-I mean, autistics were bullying her even when she was so kindly using them for her vanity project.
Because yes, that's how the movie turned out. An unwatcheable piece of garbage, with the autistic "character" being so fucking bad even the people who actively use "autistic" as insulted being offended on our behalf - and of course, she was used just a prop to show how awesome Sia's character was.
Seriously, it was so bad the actress playing the autistic girl was sobbing in between scenes because she knew how it was horrible and she didn't want to insult anyone, but Sia is literally her godmother and helped her career by putting her in nearly all her music videos so she felt obligated to go along with it.
So yeah, fuck Sia and fuck Autism Speaks.
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aajjks · 10 months
he’s gonna be PISSED 🤭
"hey, man! i've been alright. how are you?" says namjoon in the closet of your apartment.
yes, namjoon is in the closet because he doesn't want you to hear what he's planning to do for you. soon it'll be your birthday and namjoon wants to do something special, he wants to get something big for you. he's done plenty of special things with you but he wants to get you something memorable and who better than to ask than his longtime friend who's the king of memorable gifts: jeon jungkook AKA the ex boyfriend he doesn't know about.
you kept your past vague with namjoon and out of respect, he didn't get too pushy because he could tell that it was triggering for you. all he knows is that your ex is a horrible guy who didn't value what he had because you're an absolute gem to namjoon. a diamond in the rough.
you're a sucker for the movie tangled, loves to listen to pinkpantheress, and you're ambitious. coupled with your awkward yet straightforward nature; you're simply someone he wish he met earlier in his life but he's thankful for you no matter what. you're just as silly as he is and listen to his philosophical rambling without judging him like his other exes. you even join in with your two cents and he loves a woman that listens just as much as you love a man who doesn't mind taking care of you after a long day of work.
no berating, no arguing, just cuddles and laughs all night. you two are the perfect fit.
so here is namjoon talking to jungkook about a gift to give his girlfriend but because its been a while, jungkook doesn't remember namjoon having a girlfriend or even mentioning a girl the last time they spoke.
"i didn't want to tell you guys because i didn't want to jinx it but she's a keeper for sure. she's pretty, she's a dork like me, ambitious, and compassionate, did i mention she's pretty already?" says namjoon and jungkook laughs a little because he sounds like he's head over heels for this girl.
"but listen, i want to get her something for her birthday but i want it to be something memorable, y'know? so i was hoping you could give me some ideas" asks namjoon and jungkook asks just who is this girl? what does she like?
"oh, her name's--"
"NAMJOON!? are you in the closet? what are you doing in there?"
is that…is that YOU?!
Jungkooks so curious about who’s got his friend so whipped like this. “tell me her name first of all.” Jungkook laughs. At least someone is happy and in love.
Just then a voice interrupts namjoon, and Jungkooks eyes, widen as he focuses on the voice. It sounds awfully familiar. His heart skips a beat.
Is that you? Jungkook wonders for a split second but then he just shrugs it off because, of course, that cannot be you, he’s sure he needs therapy because now he even hears your voice.
“Is that her, Hyung??” he asks giggly. “Hmm I think you should get her… it’s been a while since I had a girlfriend..” jungkook speak in an embarrassed tone.
“ I think we should get her something meaningful.. I mean meaningful to her… what does she like?” He asks, tapping on his chin.
“and anyways when are you coming back to South Korea? What are you even doing in Switzerland?” he rolls his eyes because Switzerland just brings up Bad memories.
Jungkook clicks his tongue. “oh my God is your girlfriend a foreigner?? oh my God don’t tell me you’re dating a Swiss woman!!? I mean they are pretty- do you know what come back to South Korean bring her with you? I would love to meet her.” Jungkook misses his friend a lot because he has felt really lonely in the few years.
“No no I don’t know anything you should celebrate her birthday in South Korea. Please book the next flight and just come back.”
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sequinsmile-x · 3 years
Emily is the glue that holds the family together, aka five times the Hotchner family needed Emily.
A story in the “5 times + 1″ format.  
Part of the Whatever Tomorrow Brings universe.
Chapter 1 - Amelia. 
Read on AO3 via this link, or below the cut
March 2010
Aaron wakes to his bed being empty. He rubs his eyes, trying to remove the last remnants of sleep, and he turns to check the alarm clock, groaning when he sees it’s 3am. He touches the other side of the bed and feels that the sheets are cold, indicating that his wife had been gone for some time. Amelia had been off the evening before, their usually happy baby grouchy and sleepy. Which was always the first sign that she was coming down with something. Theo had been ill the week before, a bug he’d picked up from school, and Aaron had naively hoped they’d managed to avoid it being passed on to the youngest Hotchner.
He sits on the side of the bed and spots light filtering out from under the ensuite door. He walks over, opening the door to find his wife laying back in the bath, Amelia dozing on her chest. Emily looks tired, a small smile on her face when she spots him. “Hey.” She rasps out, staying quiet so she doesn't wake their daughter.
“Hey, sweetheart.” Aaron walks in and kneels on the floor next to the bath. “Everything ok?”
“She woke up about an hour ago, she had a fever. I thought a lukewarm bath might bring it down, but she started to cry every time I tried to put her in here herself.” Emily says gently, placing a hand on Amelia’s forehead. “It’s come down a bit.”
“You should have woken me up.” He says, placing a hand on their daughter's back. “I’d have helped.”
“It’s ok, honey.” She says placing her hand over his. “You need your sleep, work has been rough on you lately.”
“Right.” He says, with a raised eyebrow. “Because your job is a piece of cake.” Aaron links their fingers and runs a thumb over her knuckles. “You don’t have to do it all on your own anymore, Em. I’m here now. We’re all here.”
She purses her lips together and nods at him. It was still her instinct sometimes to try and do it all by herself, especially anything to do with the kids. Memories of those months spent alone waiting for Foyet to be stopped were sharp, and sometimes it still took her breath away. How close they had come to losing everything.
“Can you take her?” She asks softly. “She should be fine for now.”
“Of course.” He lifts the toddler off of his wife's chest and wraps her in a towel. Amelia wakes almost immediately, grumbling at being removed from her mother. “Let’s go get you dressed sweetie.”
He takes Amelia to the nursery and puts a fresh diaper on her, and a thin sleepsuit. He frowns at the warmth still on her skin, and soothes her when she starts to cry again. “I know what you want, you want Mommy.” He lifts Amelia into his arms and kisses her forehead. “I don’t blame you, I always want her when I feel sick too.”
Emily is already in bed dressed in one of his shirts when he walks back into their bedroom. Amelia immediately reaches out for Emily, the little girl's face already scrunched up as she cries. He passes Amelia over, lets his wife take him into her arms. “Mama.”
“You’re ok, sweet girl.” Emily says, running a hand over the back of her daughter’s head. She kisses her forehead and frowns. “It’s gone down, but she’s still warm.”
“We’ll call the doctor if she’s still got a temperature in the morning.” He says. Emily nods, settling Amelia so she is resting against her chest. The little girl's favorite place to sleep when she was sick or sad. “Sweetheart, you aren’t going to get any sleep if she’s in here.”
“I know.” She replies, soothing the small coughs coming out of Amelia by rubbing her back. “I’ll get someone to drop some case files and paperwork here tomorrow, work from here until she’s better.”
“And if you get a case?”
She glares at him. “Then I’m sure the team can handle it without me. It’s not like they haven’t before.”
“I’m not leaving her if she’s sick, Aaron.” She says, her voice firm. “She only settles for me if she’s sick and I’m not putting either of you through that.”
He knew his wife somehow felt responsible for his delicate relationship with his daughter. Things were better now, so much better, but he couldn’t say it didn’t hurt when Ameila, or any of their kids, immediately reached for Emily when something was wrong. The six months they had spent alone together had formed a bond he loved, but that he was also, in his worst moments, jealous of.
He wants to argue, wants to say that eventually something would happen with one of the kids when she wasn’t there, but he knows this isn’t the time. That it can wait until it isn’t almost 4am and she has their feverish daughter pressed against her.
“It’s a good thing your boss is so understanding.”
Emily smiles at him. “Well, I do repay his understanding with blow jobs so I think it’s earned.” _________________
May 2024
Ameila was Emily through and through. It was something Aaron, and just about everyone they knew, said frequently. She looked like Emily. She had her nose, her dark eyes and hair, and the same smile that had always been able to convince Aaron to do just about anything. Amelia had inherited her fathers jawline and his seriousness, her frown, a pure ‘Hotch’ look that Penelope had often joked would serve her well in whatever she decided to do in the future.
She also had Emily’s attitude. A need to know everything, to push all the boundaries around her, that often drove Aaron to the edge of his sanity in a way neither of his sons ever had. Elizabeth often commented on how similar Amelia and Emily were, and he never missed the way she smirked at him when she said it.
Emily was fiercely protective of Amelia. Aaron knew it was because their daughter was the only one of their kids who didn’t remember the incident with Foyet. She was so small when it happened, only a few months old when her family was torn apart by the actions of a psychopath, and they were grateful for it. Jack and Theo still bore the scars of what happened, years of therapy had done them wonders, but it still surfaced at times, almost unexpectedly. Leading to Theo calling in the middle of the night, the now 21 year old plagued by nightmares that his mother was dead, only calmed down by the sound of her tired voice over the phone.
The first time Amelia really pushes the boundaries with her parents is when she comes home one day with her nose pierced. The ring in her nose was massive, big enough to allow for the swelling that would follow, drawing her parents attention to it immediately.
“What the hell is that in your nose?” Aaron asks, annoyance clear in his tone.
“It’s a nose ring, Dad.” Amelia answers, her eyes rolling as she hangs her keys up. “I got it done after school.”
“And who said you could do that?”
“It’s my nose. I didn’t realise I needed permission.”
“Ok.” Emily interrupts, placing a hand on her husband's arm to try and diffuse the situation. “I think what your dad is trying to say is that you should run this stuff past us, ok?”
Amelia scoffs. “Well it’s your nose I inherited, surely you understand why I wanted to do something to it.” She walks past her parents and goes up the stairs before the conversation can go any further. “I have homework.”
Aaron walks into their en-suite later that night to find Emily standing in front of the mirror scrutinising her appearance. He leant against the doorframe and watched as she turned her head side to side, running her finger down the slope of her nose. Her eyebrows furrowed as she looked at herself straight on again, her finger pressed into the tip.
She turns to look at him, taking her hand away from her nose as she does. He doesn’t miss the shy look on her face as she wrung her hands together. “Do you think my nose is weird?”
He frowns at her. “What? No.”
“I know it’s ridiculous. I’m 53 for fuck sake.” She mutters to herself.
He kisses the tip of her nose and she smiles at him. “You’re beautiful.”
“And you’re ridiculous.” She wraps her arms around him anyway, pulling him in for a kiss. “It will look better when she can switch to a smaller ring.”
“It will look better when she just takes it out.”
Emily laughs, shaking her head at him. “Come on, let's go to bed. Some of us have work in the morning.”
He raises an eyebrow at her as he always did when she referred to his early retirement, even though it had been years since he left the FBI. “Whatever you want, sweetheart.”
The casual mention of a boyfriend, a boy from Amelia’s art class called Chase, almost sends Aaron orbital. He manages to keep his opinions to himself until Amelia has gone to bed and he’s just in the kitchen with his wife, helping her with the dishes even though it was long ago established as her chore since she never cooked.
“She’s not that bad, Aaron.”
He scoffs at his wife. “She’s going to make me go grey.”
“Honey. Amelia is a teenage girl. A pretty well behaved one in comparison to what I was like.”
“Suddenly I feel a lot more sympathy for Elizabeth than I ever have before.” He mutters as he continues to put dishes away.
“What was that?” She raises an eyebrow at him.
“Nothing, sweetheart.”
She narrows her eyes at him as she passes him another plate, patting his cheek with her spare hand. “You’re already grey, Aaron. It’s got nothing to do with the fact our daughter has a boyfriend. Or a nose ring.” _________________
Emily finally loses her cool two weeks later. They are eating dinner, just her, Amelia and Aaron, when she spots something on her daughter's wrist as she reaches for more salad. Emily grabs Amelia’s arm and pulls her sleeve back slightly to reveal a, admittedly very small, heart tattoo onto her daughter’s wrist. It was crude, slightly wonky and clearly not a professional one.
“What the hell is this?” She asks, staring her daughter down.
Amelia tears her arm out of her mother’s grasp and pulls her sleeve back down. “It’s a tattoo, Mom.”
“A tattoo? When did that happen?” Emily looks over at Aaron, who to her annoyance looked slightly amused that she was finally reacting like he had been all along.
“We did them at school.” Amelia answers, taking another bite of her dinner.
Emily’s initial reaction of telling her daughter how dangerous that was, how stupid, was drowned out by her overriding fear of who exactly had done this. “What do you mean ‘we’?”
“Chase and I did them. We have matching ones.” Amelia says, looking at her mother with a challenge on her face. “I don’t see what the big deal is Mom, you have tattoos.”
Emily glares at her husband when he chokes out a laugh at that, and he quickly excuses himself from the table. She turns back to her daughter. “Amelia, it really wasn’t very safe to do that. You have to let professionals do this kind of thing.”
Amelia rolls her eyes as she takes the final bite of her dinner. “Whatever.” She gets up from the table, already half out of the dining room before she speaks again. “I need to go FaceTime Chase.”
Emily puts her head in her hands as soon as she is alone. Her daughter was too much like her for her own good, independent and wilful almost to a fault. Emily loved that Amelia was like that, that she was so sure of herself in a way that Emily certainly hadn’t been at her age. She took it as a testament to her and Aaron’s parenting, but right now she was struggling with it. She just wanted to sit Amelia down and tell her that not everyone in the world had her best intentions at heart, and Emily had an increasingly sinking feeling that Chase was one of those people.
She blows out a breath and stands up, starting to collect the dishes from the evening meal. Emily hears her husband re-enter the room. “I’m going to get her some antiseptic cream to put on it. Who the hell knows where they got the needle they did it with from.”
“She gave herself a matching tattoo with her boyfriend, Aaron.” She says, putting the dishes she had been holding back down on the dining room table. “They’ve been together for 8 weeks.”
He steps towards her and places his hands on her hips. “What was it you told me last week? That it will work itself out eventually.”
“She thinks she loves him, honey.” Emily lamented, allowing her husband to pull her into his arms. “And I know he’s going to break her heart.”
Aaron kisses her. “Sweetheart, we can’t protect her from that.” He kisses her again, cupping her cheek with his hand. “All we can do is be here for her if it happens.”
Emily rests her forehead on his chest. “Now who's being annoying ok about all of this?”
“This is where I found out I was pregnant with you.” Emily says offhandedly, a wistful smile on her face. It was so long ago now, but she still remembered the joy she had felt when she first saw Amelia on screen. The baby she had always been told she couldn’t have was now this amazing person she couldn’t imagine her life without.
Emily looks at her daughter when she doesn’t get a response, and she stops herself from laughing when she sees how pointedly Amelia is ignoring her. “Oh really, Mom?” She says to herself. “That’s so interesting.”
“Mom, I cannot believe you are doing this.” Amelia seethes, looking at the floor of the clinic they were in. Embarrassment coming off of her in waves. “This is so embarrassing.”
Emily rolls her eyes, and bites back a comment about how if she found birth control embarrassing then she should think twice about having sex. “I just want you to be safe, ok? You’ve got a boyfriend now and whilst I am not exactly delighted at the idea of you having sex.” She says, not missing how her daughter grimaces. “I don’t want you to take any chances.”
“Amelia Hotchner?”
Emily and Amelia look up to see Joanne standing at the door to her office looking expectantly at them. Emily smiles at her, Amelia does not, and the latter sighs as she stands up. She takes a few steps towards Joanne, only pausing when she realises her mother isn’t following her.
“Well you may as well come in. This was your idea after all.” Amelia says, annoyance colouring her tone. Emily sees past it, spotting the way her daughter nervously wrings her hands, fingers digging at her cuticles in a way she had picked up from her.
“Of course, sweetie.” She stands and walks up to her daughter, and guides her into Joanne’s office with a gentle hand on her back.
“You did what??” Aaron asks, seething, as they get ready for bed side by side in their ensuite. He turns to her, a disbelieving look on his face.
“I took her to get birth control.” Emily answers around her toothbrush, spitting into the sink. She rinses it and places it next to his in the holder.
“Why?” He is glaring at her, and she's suddenly more glad than ever that she hadn’t broached this subject with him until after Amelia had a packet of pills sitting in her bathroom cabinet, with very explicit instructions on the importance of taking it correctly from both Emily and Joanne. “Is she sleeping with him?”
“I don’t even know if she is having sex yet. But you know these things happen. I bought the boys condoms when they were teenagers.” She purposely misses out that she had also bought Amelia condoms, thinking that admission might make her husband's head explode. “I wanted to make sure she takes precautions if she takes that step.”
“She’s 15, Emily.”
“Yeah, and so was I.” She closes her eyes and sighs, turning to look at her husband as she crosses her arms across her chest. She looks at him and bites her lip, trying to figure out what she’s been wanting to say. “Aaron, I just don’t want what happened to me to happen to her.”
Emily can see the moment it registers in his head. The way his brow unfurls, his whole body unclenching as the anger seeps out of him, replaced by concern for her. He takes a step towards her. “Sweetheart…”
She shakes her head at herself, wiping a stray tear away that had fallen at the admission. “She deserves better than that.”
He sighs as he drags her into a hug, one she gladly returns, wrapping her arms around his back. “You deserved better than that too.”
Emily buries her face into his neck, breathes in the scent of him that had comforted her for more than half her life. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” _________________
Three days later it becomes a non issue. Amelia is out with friends, and Chase, leaving Aaron and Emily with the house to themselves.
Emily is sitting in her husband's lap on their couch. His hands up her shirt and his tongue in her mouth, when she hears it. A car door slamming on edge of her consciousness, someone running up the steps of their porch. She pulls back from Aaron, the dazed look on his face surely matching the one on her own. “Did you hear that?” She breathes out.
They hear a key in the door and break apart like they’ve burnt each other, both standing as the front door opens.
Amelia bursts in, tears streaming down her face. She drops her bag at the front door, her school things abandoned in the foyer of their home, and as soon as her eyes land on Emily her face crumbles. The steady stream of tears turning into sobs. “Mom.”
“Amelia?” She closes the gap between them, concern for her daughter overriding anything else, any lingering hopes she had of alone time with her husband gone in an instant. Amelia is in her arms in seconds, clawing at her shirt to try and get as close as possible. She buries her face into Emily’s shoulder and weeps. Emily cups the back of her daughter’s head, and runs her other hand up and down her back. “Oh sweetheart, it’s ok.” She soothes. “You’ll be ok.”
Emily exchanges a concerned look with Aaron over the top of their daughter's head and she shakes her head at him slightly when he takes a step towards them, silently asking him to leave it to her. He understands, just like he always had, and leaves them to it despite wanting to know exactly what has upset Amelia this much.
“Mia, honey.” She says gently, hand still tangled in her daughter's dark hair. She tries to pull back slightly, cupping Amelia’s cheek, but she holds on to her tighter, sobs still tearing out of her throat. “Let’s move over to the couch, ok?”
Amelia nods against her but doesn’t separate herself from her mother at all. Emily carefully guides her over to the couch and sits down. Amelia curls into her, wrapping herself around her in a way she hadn’t done in years. Emily wraps her arms around her, and whispers random words of comfort into her daughter's hair.
“Sweetheart.” She says gently, pulling away enough that she can cup Amelia’s face in her hands. She wipes tears away from her cheeks with her thumbs. “You don’t have to tell me what’s wrong, not until you’re ready, but I need to know if you’re hurt.”
Amelia shakes her head. “Not hurt.” She says, her words choked by her tears. She leans back into Emily, pressing her face into her neck.
“Ok, sweet girl.” Emily says the old nickname, one she hadn’t used since Amelia was 9 and turned her nose up at it, slipping out without thinking. She presses a kiss on her daughter's head. “I’m right here.”
It takes almost 30 minutes for Amelia to calm down, for her sobs to dissipate into sniffs and a hoarseness in her throat as she takes in ragged breaths. “He broke up with me.”
Emily frowns, holding her daughter impossibly tighter. “What?”
“Chase broke up with me.” Amelia says, pulling back so she could look at Emily properly. “He said I was boring.”
Emily covers her reaction to that, keeping her surprise away from her face. Boring was not a word she would have ever used to describe Amelia. She tucks some of Amelia’s hair behind her ear. “I’m so sorry, baby. I know you really liked him.”
Amelia snuggles back down into her, sniffing as she lays her head on Emily's shoulder. Emily runs her hand through her daughter's hair, soothing her as she finishes calming down. “What do you want to do?” Emily asks. “We could get Dad to go out and get Taco Bell.”
Amelia chokes out a laugh but shakes her head. “I think I just want to go to bed.”
“Whatever you want.” _________________
Aaron is pacing their bedroom when she enters it, softly closing the door behind her. He stops and looks at her, an expectant look on his face.
“He broke up with her.” Emily says. “She is heartbroken.” She hears how her own voice breaks as she tells him. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen her like that.” She shakes her head at herself. “The worst thing is when she told me what happened I felt relieved. She’s sitting there absolutely hysterical and I’m relieved?”
Aaron closes the distance between them and hugs her. “You’re a fantastic mom, Em. I won’t let you believe anything other than that.”
She chokes out a laugh, somehow still surprised after all these years that he was able to guess what was really bothering her without her saying it outloud. “You’re a pretty great dad yourself, Mr Hotchner.” Emily lets herself relax in her husband’s embrace for a little longer, she pulls back and looks up at him. “I’m going to go in and sleep with her tonight.”
“Ok, sweetheart.” He kisses her quickly before letting her go so she can get ready for bed. He watches as she pulls on pyjama pants and a soft t-shirt that once belonged to him.
Aaron admires his wife as she takes off her makeup from the day and puts her dark hair up, smiling as he catches sight of some grey flecks that she hates as she twists it into a bun. She never believes him when he says it, but he thinks she's more beautiful now than she was when they first met all those years ago. Emily had always been beautiful, from the 22 year old she was when they first met. Teasing smiles and flirty comments as she coaxed him out to a bar with her.
Emily always lamented aging, wondering where the time had gone. More self conscious now than she had been the entire time he had known her. All he saw in lines on her face that she thought made her look old was all the laughter and joy they’d had over the years. She was softer now, her hips wider, evidence that she had given him two of their children that made him find her even more attractive. The grey flecks in her hair, that he knew she’d get dyed again soon, that showed him just how long they had loved each other.
They had been together 31 years and sometimes Aaron felt every moment of it, every single thing that had happened to them since she kissed him at one of her mother’s events. It somehow also had passed in the blink of an eye, decades gone in seconds and he was still somehow lucky enough to have her by his side.
“You’re staring.” She says, pulling him out of his thoughts with an amused look on her face and a teasing tone to her voice.
He pulls her into his arms again, kisses her cheek, then her nose. Making her laugh as she tries to squirm away from him. “You’re beautiful.”
Emily rolls her eyes at him. “You’re ridiculous.” _________________
Ameila smiles shakily at her mother as she walks into her room. Emily walks over to her bed and climbs in on the spare side, settling down for the night. She lays on her side and looks at Amelia, tucking some hair behind her ear. “How are you doing, sweetie?”
Amelia sniffs, suppressing a sarcastic laugh. “I’ve been better.” She settles into her mother’s side, resting her head on her shoulder. In the darkness of her bedroom, with Emily’s arms wrapped tightly around her, she finally feels like she can admit the truth. “It’s because I wouldn’t have sex with him.”
“What do you mean?”
Amelia closes her eyes as she catches the tone in her mother’s voice, the dangerous edge to it that she was so rarely on the receiving end of. She had only ever really overheard it when she was talking to someone about work over the phone, or one the rare occasion her parents had a full blown row, their angry voices soon turning into other noises that Amelia thanked whoever was listening for the invention of noise cancelling headphones.
“That’s why he broke up with me.” Amela says, feeling tears build back up in her eyes. “Because I wouldn’t sleep with him.”
She feels her mother’s hold on her tighten, and the sharp intake of breath that she takes beneath her head. Emily kisses the top of her head. “You’re ok, sweetheart. Go to sleep.”
Amelia drifts off to the feel of her mother stroking her hair, something she hadn’t had happen since she was younger. She was surprised to realise how much she had missed it, regret for how she had started to rebuff her mother’s affection a few years back building in her chest. “I love you, Mom.”
“I love you too.” Another kiss to the top of her head. “Now get some sleep.”
She falls asleep, completely unaware of how Emily laid awake for hours, anger for a teenage boy she had only met once burning through her veins until she came up with a plan. _________________
Emily wakes in the morning to the sound of Amelia’s door opening. She opens her eyes to see her husband standing there, a takeout coffee holder in his hand, and an unsure look on his face.
She smiles at him as she sits up in bed and beckons him in. He switches the light on, which immediately wakes Amelia, her groans the first indication that she was up.
“Morning, sweetheart.” Aaron says kissing his wife before sitting on the edge of the bed.
“Morning.” She murmurs against his lips, before lifting the coffee she knew was intended for her. Cold brew with enough sweetener in it to rot your teeth.
“You guys suck.” Amelia groans from below the comforter, voice still thick with sleep.
Emily chuckles. “I think you’ll change your mind when you see what your dad has brought you.”
Amelia lifts the comforter from off of her face and shoots up when she sees her favourite frappuccino in her fathers hands. “Dad, you are the best.” She takes a sip and moans, the sugar hitting her tongue. “No wonder Mom has put up with you so long.”
Aaron laughs, glad to see that she seemed her usual self after how devastated she had been the night before. “Are you ok, Mia?”
She smiles at her dad, a shaky thing that was always the first indicator from his wife and daughter that tears were on the horizon. “I will be.” ______________
Emily’s first thought is to set Penelope on Chase. Let her hack into his social media accounts and digitally ruin his life for upsetting her little girl. For trying to pressure her into something she didn’t want to do. She knew Penelope would do it without a second thought. She was the most trusted confidant of all of the younger Hotchner's outside of their parents. Jack had asked for her help planning his over the top proposal to his now wife. Theo had come out to her first, a nervous teenager in her office asking for help on how he could tell his parents. Amelia went to her for advice on everything from boys to elaborate hairstyles, and Penelope gently discouraged her from dying her hair bright purple when she was 13, knowing it would have given Aaron an aneurysm.
Emily was finishing getting ready for work, Amelia already on her way to school, as she started to formulate a text to her friend, a cryptic request to come see her as soon as she got to work, when Aaron snuck up on her in the kitchen.
“You can’t get Penelope to ruin his life.”
Emily jumps, cursing under her breath. “Damn it, Aaron.” She turns to look at him, a sheepish look on her face. “I wasn’t planning on doing anything of the sort.”
“Oh really?” He raises an eyebrow at her. “You weren’t thinking of having her hack all of his social media accounts and freeze his bank account?”
Emily flushes and puts her phone down on the counter. “I can’t just let him get away with it.”
Aaron smiles at her and pulls her towards him with his hands on her hips. “Baby, this is something we have to let her deal with ok?” He kisses her cheek, his smile deepening as she narrows her eyes at him. “No getting Penelope involved.”
Plan B it was. _________________
Emily is never happier than when she has all of her family in her house. The boys were coming round for dinner, Jack and his wife Sara and Theo and his new boyfriend Zach, someone he had met at college. Theo texted her that morning, a list of strict instructions of things that absolutely couldn’t happen the first time Zach was meeting the family.
She had just let them in, hugging her son fiercely as he walked in and feeling love bloom in her chest when he hugged her back just as tightly, no embarrassment at giving his mother this affection in front of Zach.
She lets him go and turns to the young man standing next to her son. “You must be Zach, I’m Emily.”
He shakes her hand, a nervous smile on his face. “Nice to meet you.”
Amelia bursts into the house, slamming the front door behind her, and immediately breaks the first rule on Theo’s list. “Мама, какого хрена?”
“Не сейчас, милая. У нас гости. И не ругайся.” Emily replies, tilting her head towards where Theo and Zach were standing.
“Ты должен был подумать об этом, прежде чем угрожать моему бывшему парню!”
Zach leans in to Theo, a confused look on his face. “Are they speaking Russian?”
Theo sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose as he did so, and looks at his boyfriend. “Yes.” He turns to his mother. “Ne pouvons-nous pas le faire? C'est la première fois que Zach rencontre tout le monde.”
Amelia rolls her eyes and Emily smiles at Theo. “Je suis désolé, chérie. On va bien se comporter.”
“Are you speaking French?” Zach asks, looking even more confused at the complete nonchalonce all of the Hotchner’s were showing at the multiple languages being thrown around as if it was nothing. The slight look of amusement on Aaron’s face as he walked into the room. “How many languages does your mom speak?”
Theo grabs his boyfriend's hand and leads him further into the house, away from the rest of the family. “Six. Seven if you include English.” _________________
Emily eyes Sara curiously when she turns down wine with her dinner, a small look passes between her and Jack when she asks for soda instead. Emily shares a similar look with her own husband, a look on his face saying he had spotted what she had too, and she gladly gets an alternative drink for her daughter-in-law.
Amelia sulks all the way through dinner. Rebuffing her brother’s questions about school, a glare fixed on her mother almost the entire time. It’s when she refuses her favourite dessert, cheesecake, that her brother’s interest is piqued.
“Mills.” Theo asks, amusement on his face at his sister’s behaviour. “What’s up with you?”
“Why don’t you ask Mom?” She said, pointedly looking at her mother. “Мама пытается разрушить мою жизнь, вот в чем дело.”
“I did not try and ruin your life, Amelia.” She says, rolling her eyes at her daughter's dramatics. She looks at her sons and their respective partners. “All I did was have a conversation with the boy who made Amelia cry herself to sleep a couple of days ago.”
“Yeah. By explaining that you’re a Section Chief at the FBI, whilst you had your gun and badge on display.” Amelia exclaims.
There was a moment of silence at the table before it descended into laughter, confusion all over Zach’s face on whatever he had walked into.
“Oh sweetheart.” Aaron says, looping his arm around the back of her chair to place a hand on her shoulder. “Not again.”
Amelia frowns, looking at her parents in shock. “Not again? What the hell does that mean?”
“Mom’s crazy, Millie.” Theo says, a laugh bursting out of him.
“Hey, I resent that.” Emily says, sinking back into her chair slightly, glaring at Aaron when he laughs at her and kisses the side of her head.
Jack gives Emily a look with his eyebrows raised before looking back at his sister. “My first ever girlfriend broke up with me the day before homecoming, Mom scared the absolute shit out of her by showing up at her cheerleading practise the following day. She somehow managed to mention that Dad once killed a guy with his bare hands.”
“Your dad did what?” Zach asks, leaning in to Theo who just shook his head. A silent promise that he’d explain later.
“In my defence.” Emily says, crossing her arms across her chest, a slight flush to her face. “This one was really sick at the time and I was pretty sleep deprived.” She says pointing at Amelia. “I wasn’t entirely in control of my emotions, and you were just so sad.”
“She also made me very aware of what she does for a living when Jack and I first moved in together.” Sara pipes up, nothing but amusement on her face when she looks at her mother-in-law. She turns back to Amelia. “I think it’s sweet.”
Amelia shakes her head at them all and turns to Zach. “Run whilst you still can.” __________________
Emily closes the door behind Jack and Sara as they leave, promises of getting together soon uttered in between lingering hugs.
Emily turns to see Amelia standing behind her, her hands in her pockets as she avoids her mother’s gaze. It’s the calmest she’s looked all evening, any frustration she had towards her and her actions having melted away.
“Look, I’m sorry, Amelia.” She says taking a step towards her daughter. “I know I probably shouldn’t have done that. But you were so upset, and he deserved to-”
Her ranting is cut off by Amelia throwing her arms around her waist and placing her head on her shoulder. “Thank you.”
Emily smiles and hugs her daughter back, kissing the top of her head as she pulls her closer. “You’re welcome, sweetie.”
“I always thought it would be Dad, or Theo or Jack who went after a boy for me.” She says against her mother’s shirt before she pulls away. “At least I can tell any future guys that my mom is crazy.” _________________
Emily turns to lay on her side as Aaron joins her in bed, she smiles at him and pushes some hair off of his forehead before running her blunt nails over his temples, the mix of dark and grey hair rasping as she goes. “When do you think Jack and Sara are going to tell us she’s pregnant?”
A laugh peels out of Aaron before he leans forward and kisses her, pulling back only to press his forehead against hers. “Whenever they are ready.”
Emily shifts so her back is against him and pulls his arm over her waist, sighing when he settles his chest against her. “You’d think they’d learn they can’t hide anything from us.”
He kisses the top of her head and holds her a little tighter. “We’ve got some pretty great kids.”
“We really do.”
“You have got to stop threatening anyone who hurts them though.”
“Sure, love.” She says, pulling his hand up to her lips to kiss his knuckles. “I’ll stop.”
They both know she won’t.
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toadwarts · 3 years
Special Delivery
Companion piece to Safe At Last.
After two humans escaped from an abusive home and found a new home working alongside Duke, they have begun settling into their new lives as merchants and their polyamorous romance with The Duke. Our primary character (aka the Reader) is struggling with the way he is perceived by the villagers, but is pleasantly surprised when The Duke returns with a special gift... Just the thing to help him feel better.
Fluffy hurt/comfort poly oneshot written in first person but made so that you can insert yourself if wanted. This story centers on a transmasculine protagonist!
Read on A03 or Fanfiction.net!
I sat in the back of the Duke’s caravan, lonely and bored. Both the Duke and my primary partner had been out for hours, making deliveries around the village and to the factory. I had stayed behind to look after the caravan and make sales to anyone who might approach--not to mention I wasn’t terribly keen on meeting any of the four lords yet. It had been months since we began staying with the massive enigma of a man, and only a few days less of that time since we had become a delightful little polycule. 
Life in the village hadn’t been easy--there were a lot of mysterious dangers, and you had to be cunning with both your words and weapons. Even still, it was as if The Duke commanded respect of all who lived within the confines of this little world, and so the three of us were safe/ When asked, The Duke would simply flash an award winning smile and say, “I suppose it’s one of the perks of having world class customer service!”
Still, The Duke being so...enigmatic could be exhausting, and perhaps a little bit annoying at times. But he was a good friend and even better lover, and always made sure that we were cared for. If he wanted to keep his secrets, I suppose it was his business. One day, after building up plenty of trust...perhaps we would be privy to them. After all, we had our own secrets too.
“Hello? Is anyone there?” 
I startled at the sudden noise, hopping up to my feet. No one had approached the caravan all day, but I needed to make sure my customer service was perfect, else The Duke would be most displeased!
“Hello,” I said, my voice chipper. “How can I help you out today?” The customers seemed to be a couple--a thin man and woman, dressed all in black with their hats pulled low on the crowns of their heads. Their hands were intertwined, both of them shivering in the cold. 
“We were looking for meat. Sausage, if you have it. And a few nails so we can fix our fence.” The man said, fidgeting with his jacket. 
“Of course! Anything to help out a loyal customer. Just let me go and grab them from the back.” I said cheerfully, forcing a big smile. I wasn’t prone to very much facial expression myself, but trying to mimic The Duke definitely helped. It was almost like putting on a costume.
I traversed back into the caravan, rooting around for what was needed. I kept my ears perked to listen to the customers as I unraveled a rope of thick sausages, placing them gently into a pristine paper bag. 
“I wonder where that girl came from. The boy too.” The woman said. “The Duke has seemed to take quite a shining to the two of ‘em, and it looks like The Lords don’t mind them too much either. Surprised Dimitrescu hasn’t taken that maiden for herself.” 
I felt ice shoot through my bloodstream. The girl. The boy too. A sour feeling entered my mouth. My partner didn’t go by any gender, and me… Well, it seems that my binder didn’t work well enough today. Really, I suppose it was my voice that gave me away. I had always felt disconnected from its lilting, high pitch. I hunched my shoulders and huffed, finishing packaging their order. It couldn’t be helped. A lot of people couldn’t understand.
I approached the front of the caravan, wanting this transaction to be over as soon as possible. “Here you go.” I said, doing my best to open up the back of my throat and make my voice sound deeper. Foolish and a waste of time, I’m sure. “Everything is packed up now. I hope that you find it all to be of the highest quality. If you have any qualms, please come back to see us.” 
“Thank you ma’am.” The woman said as her husband dug around in his pockets for the appropriate amount of lei. “Such a sweet young girl. Where did you come from, dear?” 
My stomach twisted, and I did my best to keep the discomfort out of my voice. “Um… Further away. I left home, and stumbled across the village while looking for somewhere to camp.” I didn’t see the point in correcting them and starting up a whole new conversation that they likely wouldn’t or couldn’t want to understand. 
“How unfortunate. We’ve been having a lot of problems lately, miss.” The man said, counting up his lei. 
Tch. Did they have to keep gendering literally everything they say?! Geez.
“Like werewolves?” I couldn’t help but smirk a little. “Well, it’s definitely a step up from where I came.” 
“I suppose so. Especially with special treatment from the merchant.” The man sniffed, flinching when his wife elbowed him. 
“I’m sorry about that. He didn’t get enough sleep last night,” The woman apologized, handing me the lei. 
I nodded, smile tight and strained. “No problem! I do hope you get to feeling better.” I handed them their items and swallowed hard. “Have a wonderful rest of your day and good luck fixing your fence!!” 
They waved me off, and I slunk back into the caravan. I knew the village definitely had a few gossips, but I hadn’t imagined it would be so annoying. I had already heard some adolescents talking about how funny it was to see a woman with such short hair and a flat chest, chattering about my partner and I… I’d argue that the most dangerous thing in this village wasn’t the werewolves, but perhaps the strain on the villagers that had them biting at each other’s ankles… Or mine, at least. Maybe they’d eventually warm up to me like they did The Duke though. Even my partner was having an easier time settling in to it all. 
I guess I just felt out of place. The only time I did feel right was when I was curled into The Duke’s soft side, my hand entwined with my primary partner’s across his ample belly, their soft breaths lulling me into a comfortable slumber. 
My ears perked as the door to the back of the caravan opened. My primary partner stood there with a broad grin, eyes shining. “Hey there, dear!” They said happily. “We have a surprise for you. Well, Duke does, I’m just happy and along for the ride!” 
I cocked my head. A gift was certainly something to perk up the mood--and The Duke was certainly top tier at finding the perfect gifts… Who knows what he may have brought?
Speaking of The Duke, he leaned on his cane as he squeezed into the wagon. “Hello, my dear boy!” He said happily. His words sent flutters of delight through my stomach, making me smile. “I’ve got a bit of a gift for you. Something you’ve mentioned a few times. I hope you might like it!” 
I stepped forward, eyes glinting curiously. The Duke turned a bit, shutting the door to the wagon behind him. When he turned, a small black box was in his hands, seemingly procured from thin air. Without skipping a beat I came closer, feeling my cheeks pinken with shyness. “What is it?” 
“Well, you’ll have to open it to find out, won’t you?” The Duke smiled broadly, holding the box out. 
I took the box from his hands as he sat down, my partner bouncing with giddiness. I carefully unfolded the top, seeing that whatever was inside was wrapped in deep red satin, the color of blood. Fitting, for the village. Gingerly, I pulled the satin back, curiosity thrumming through my fingers. 
I gasped. 
A little vial, full of clear liquid, and a set of alcohol swabs, syringes, and band-aids. 
It couldn’t be. 
“Is… Is this…?” The words were so small in my throat, barely breaking out of my mouth. 
“It is.” The Duke nodded, clasping his hands together and smiling softly. “Testosterone.” 
Tears sprung to my eyes, a laugh emerging unbidden from me. Ever since I had come out, I had wanted to transition--but I had never had the opportunity in my old abusive home, and I imagined somewhere out here would never hold the chance either. I had dreamed of the changes for so long--a deeper voice, bottom growth, body hair, facial hair… Hell, even building more muscle easier so I could achieve the musclechub look I had always been enamored by! 
“How did you do it?” I choked out, pressing the back of my hand against my watery eyes. My primary partner was at my side, arm around my shoulders. They planted a kiss on my head, holding me tight. 
“Why, I can procure any goods I need!” The Duke laughed heartily. “It is only a matter of time before an item is in my hands. And now it’s yours, free of charge.” 
I sniffled. “Duke… I don’t know what to say. This is amazing. This is my greatest dream. Thank you. Thank you so much!” I handed the box to my primary partner and ran to him, throwing my arms out. He leaned forward, hulking arms wrapping into me and pulling me into him. “Thank you!” 
“Of course, my dear! Anything for you.” He planted a gentle kiss on my forehead as he pulled me up to his chest. “And I know from our conversations about hormone replacement therapy before that you had concerns about vaginal atrophy and hair loss. Remedies for those are on the way as well!” 
“You are amazing.” I said breathlessly. After all the abuse my primary partner and I had endured over the years, I never could have imagined that we would have ended up in a place so terrifying and yet...so safe. So like home. A place where dreams could come true. 
“Well thank you, my dear. The customer is always right!” He said cheekily. 
My primary partner approached, holding the box as if it were the most prized thing in the entire world. “My good sir,” They said with a flourish. “I believe it is time for your first injection of boy juice!” 
“Boy juice.” I repeated. “Wow.” Then took a deep breath. “Yeah. Let’s do it.” 
“Let me administer the first shot for you, to show you how it’s done.” The Duke said, lowering me into the seat next to him. 
I nodded, suddenly feeling my palms get sweaty. “Yes. That sounds nice. I’m a little scared of the needle.” I laughed nervously. “Hey hon...you think you could hold my hand?” 
My primary partner nodded, fingers intertwining with mine. “I’ll be right here.” 
The Duke took the box, balancing it on top of his belly. Carefully, he loaded up the syringe with the testosterone, making sure to get the air bubbles up and load the approximate dose. “Now now, my boy, the friend I got this from let me know that this is a subcutaneous injection, and we’ll be starting off with a lower dose to start, and then you can choose if you want to go lower or higher from there. If we can get a bit of your blood later, I’ll have another friend of mine run tests on it to make sure it’s safe.”
“Wow, you really can do anything and everything…” I smiled, shaking my head in disbelief. “You’re incredible, Duke.” I lowered my pants, revealing the skin on my thigh.
“Perhaps so, but you must know that you are just as wonderful. It is a pleasure to get to share my life with such a wonderful man.” The Duke said pleasantly, swabbing some skin on my thigh. “Truth be told, I had grown a bit lonely myself. Having you two as companions and then something more… Well, I have to say it’s the happiest I’ve been in a long time.” He sighed. “Ah, to love and be loved. One of life’s greatest joys, right next to lei.” 
My primary partner grinned. “Always with the lei.” 
“I’m a man who knows what he wants in life!” The Duke tapped the syringe with one finger. “Now, are you ready?” 
I looked to my primary partner, feeling as if some holy light was glowing behind my eyes. Starting now, I would be transitioning. I would be something new, something self made. I would be myself. They squeezed my hand, nodding encouragingly. “You got this.” 
I took a deep breath. “Alright, Duke. I’m ready.” 
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hakasims · 4 years
Shitty Luca Movie Recap, Episode 5
The sooner I get this over with, the deeper my breaths will be, and the wider my smile. My friends, today we’re talking about
Slam aka Tutto per una ragazza
This film is about Samuele (who I’m gonna call Sam), a teenager whose entire personality starts and ends with loving skateboarding and idolizing Tony Hawk. Throughout the movie he reads his hero’s autobiography narrated by the man himself, and it’s incredibly annoying, especially because Tony Hawk’s California dude accent combined with the simplistic writing and shallow life lessons make him sound kinda dumb. Sam also has a giant poster of Tony Hawk that helps him time travel. Just go with it. I promise it won’t make sense in context, especially as a narrative device.
Another quirk of Sam’s life is his unusual upbringing. You see, his parents were 16 when they had him, and his grandma was 16 when she had his mom. And you’ll never guess what happens when Sam, who’s not yet 17 at the beginning of the movie, gets a girlfriend, Alice, and becomes sexually active. Speaking of which, skip this movie if you aren’t cool with watching teenagers have sex, including in real time as there’s a running joke about Sam climaxing too fast.
But yes, Sam gets Alice pregnant. You’d think at some point that family would have learned the importance of contraception instead of making jokes about being cursed. But listen, there’s a lot of shit here that I hate. I hate that no one suffers any consequences because Alice comes from a rich home, and Sam’s family is comfortably middle class, despite their history. I hate that Alice wants to keep the baby because she sees motherhood as one of those hobbies she used to start and immediately drop due to not being good at them instantly instead of working hard on improving. I hate that Sam’s decision to stick with her and become a 17-year-old father is seen as the only right and moral decision, even though pro-choice people pretty much agree that condemning a teenager to parenthood is bad, and the movie wastes its chance to have a rare talk about boys in this context. I hate that the film inexplicably parallels the teen pregnancy to Tony Hawk’s unexpected fatherhood at twenty-four and turns it into a movie about a quirky family where the age of the new parents is basically incidental.
I also hate that despite being moderately successful, Sam’s mom believes having a child ruined her life and dreams and constantly says that to his face - all the while remaining a cool mom. You know the type, right? Creative, messy, easily befriending younger people, listening to cool music and not worrying about being proper. I hate cool moms so much. A cool mom is just a manic pixie dream girl who never ended up finding her tortured artist. In Sam’s mom’s case, her ex is about as far from either tortured or an artist as one could get. And that finally brings us to Luca’s character: Sam’s father, Valerio.
Valerio is one of the shallowest characters Luca has ever played. He’s an egotistic man-child prone to aggression who has nothing of value to say or contribute... and yet he’s so much fun to watch. I guess when you aren’t attached to any of the characters, the sarcastic shithead whose attitude towards everything that’s going on kinda reflects yours becomes the only one you can relate to. And Valerio is absolutely a shithead. Want examples?
The first time we meet him is on the day of Sam’s 17th birthday. Like a true dad, Valerio is telling the story of the day his son was born; unlike any normal dad, he’s telling the story of how he missed his son’s birth because he’d forgotten to fill his moped’s tank and had to walk 10 km to the hospital. When Sam’s mom points out she’d been having a much worse day pushing the actual life out of her body, what do you think Valerio’s response is?
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If you chose C, I promise you even more opportunities to have a laugh. For example, next scenario: Sam has done some stupid shit after learning Alice is pregnant, and his mother, who doesn’t know at this point, decides to have a family therapy session. She thinks Sam is acting up because of his parents’ separation.
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See now why I love Valerio and why Valerio is basically me watching this movie? Here’s how this therapy session should actually have gone:
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And then Valerio keeps spouting wisdom after he finds out Sam’s gotten his girlfriend pregnant and decided to stick with her:
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But of course he’s supposed to be a terrible parent no one should listen to, so he says it while smoking a joint and after fully flashing his son in that bathrobe. I’m not joking. Also this:
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O Valerio, why hath thou been written so badly?
But don’t worry, he isn’t a creep. He just doesn’t see Sam as his son. I mean, he knows Sam is his son, but he treats him like his bro. It’s almost like someone who became a father at 16 has no idea what acting like a parent means.
Here’s another example: after the birth of his child, Sam takes both him and his dad out to hang and play video games in some sort of bar/club/arcade/whatever the hell. Valerio notices some women looking at them. What do you think he says to Sam?
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If you chose A or B, what’s it like being an optimist? And no, I’m not fucking with you with that last one.
Valerio is hella fun to watch because of how unself-conscious he is, and if you let go of the hope that this movie will ever become good or not infuriating, you’ll be able to enjoy Valerio’s sarcasm and his cynical outlook on this stupid, stupid plot. Valerio may not be the hero anyone wants or needs, but he’s the hero this movie deserves, and if you decided to watch it, you deserve him, too.
Which shitty movie with a shithead Luca should I do next?
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gravelyhumerus · 4 years
Criminal Minds College AU - Chapter Seventeen
Fandom: Criminal Minds
Title: “I may just take your breath away”
Relationship: Jemily
Exams, pizza, board games... what more could a girl ask for?
Slow-burn Jemily college AU where they live across the hall and despite all odds, the universe pushes them together. AKA they’re silly gay babies who pine after each other for months.
Read it on AO3
Tumblr:  One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, Eleven, Twelve, Thirteen, Fourteen, Fifteen, Sixteen, (bonus scene), Seventeen, Eighteen, Nineteen, Twenty
 “That was a lot of chess,” Emily complained, nearly chugging her latte as she and Spencer left the coffee shop. 
She pulled her beanie onto her head and braced herself for the snow as the taller boy held the door open for her. Emily almost slipped on the slushy tile floor on her way out but managed to keep her balance. 
“Fifteen of the multiple-choice questions to be precise,” Spencer replied. The salted sidewalk crunched under their feet as they made their way across campus. 
“I’m so glad it’s finally over,” she admitted. “I think I’ve had enough philosophy to last me a lifetime.” 
“I’m enrolled in ‘Minds and Machines’ next semester,” he said. “I think I might try and get a double minor this time around.”
“What’s the goal? Three PhDs by the time you’re 24?” Emily quipped. 
He was well on his way, having completed his engineering degree before she managed to graduate high school. He was 17, only two years younger than her, but somehow seemed like a kid. A kid with more education crammed into his brain than she could ever master in her life.
“Something like that,” he replied with a smile. His hair was getting long and he had tied it back during the exam. With last names starting with P and R, they were seated near each other in the large exam hall, and she glanced over at him as he fussed with his hair. 
They stopped at the red light, watching as the cars and busses wooshed past them, sending the slush flying into the snowbanks. It had been a fairly sunny day, but bitterly cold. Now, the sun was setting and the campus was bathed in a warm golden glow. The snow had fallen the night before, leaving fluffy white snow covering their campus. 
Emily had spent most of the day holed up in the library with Spencer, with him quizzing her on fallacies and philosophers. With his eidetic memory, he only really needed to read the material once. Earlier in the semester, she did feel useful when it came to editing each other’s essays. He always got bogged down with detail, word vomiting everything he knew, and she helped him with his structure and argumentation. 
More studying awaited her back in her room. She rubbed at the back of her neck as she thought about the upcoming evening spent hunched over her desk studying criminal justice, a subject that left her questioning her degree half the time as she was forced to learn about the muddled ethics of justice. 
That week, she had survived on minimal sleep, eating mostly bagels and coffee to sustain her. Her body was protesting with each step, and she had suffered from a constant tension headache for as long as she remembered. At least her college had that golden retriever walk around at the library yesterday, she thought to herself, sarcastically. Animal therapy definitely relieved all her stress. As if petting a dog for five minutes would fix the anxiety of finals season. 
Two more exams, she reminded herself. You’ll make it. 
Despite this mantra, Emily was conflicted. While finals were killing her, the end of the semester also meant winter break. Emily would be forced to go “home” for the holidays. For most college students, that meant going back to their respective towns and being surrounded by their loved ones. Emily, on the other hand, didn’t have anywhere she called home. Last winter break, her mom had at least been in DC, and Emily was able to catch up with some of her international school friends who were in the city. This time, her mom was stationed in London, and Emily knew she’d be roped back into her old life. She didn’t know anyone there and knew most of her break would be spent alone. 
The last place she had called home was Rome, and now that was tarnished by her complicated past with that city. 
Emily was good at being alone. Being an only child of a workaholic single mom meant she learned to keep her own company. She read a lot. She got good at running away, escaping her nannies, and skirting security in order to roam free. She’d be fine. 
The problem was that Emily had gotten used to this. She rarely spent a moment alone these days. Whether it was walking to class with Spencer, or Hotch, or Derek, getting lunch with the team, surprise coffee dates with Penelope and spending almost every evening with her girlfriend, she hadn’t been left alone in ages. She didn’t miss it. 
Their residence building had a warm yellow light shining out of the windows and a soft red brick facade. In the summer, ivy grew up the south facing side but in the winter, the ledges were covered in snow and the stone steps were slippery. She trudged forward, excited for the warm embrace of the dorm. 
Spencer had other plans. He reached into the garish yellow plastic newspaper box that was stationed next to their doorway and retrieved this week’s newspaper. 
“Come on Reid,” Emily said. “Just subscribe to the newsletter or something like the rest of us.”
He held up the cover to her in surprise. Usually it reported the news of a recent sports victory, or a change of policy announced by the administrators, or even a fun event held on campus. Sometimes there was even a dramatic protest or an important speaker coming to campus. But this week, the headline surprised her. In large font printed across the page read: “Multiple student politicians fired amid financial scandal.” 
“That sounds bad,” Emily said. It did seem way more dramatic on newsprint than on a website, so maybe Spencer was onto something with his affinity for the printed word. 
Grabbing a copy for herself, she then walked inside to escape the cold. Warm air greeted them as they entered their residence hall, and both students kicked the snow off their boots before trudging up the stairs. They read as they walked, but the route to their rooms was already muscle memory, so neither worried about stumbling on their way. 
Normally, Emily wouldn’t willingly touch this sort of student politics with a ten foot pole. Sure, she was involved with the Criminology council, but there was a difference between the kind of person interested in petitioning for better accessibility to faculty events or running a bake sale, and the kind of students to embezzle thousands of student dollars like what the current student government executive seemed to be accused of doing. 
She quickly ran her eyes down the page, the contents jogging a memory from Halloween, of Hotch and JJ discussing the early stirrings of said scandal. 
“You know,” Spencer said, “I’m surprised they got a lot of this information, it’s notoriously difficult to file FOIAs for student governments, as they’re technically private corporations. So the fact that they got these files means that this is a much bigger scandal than one might assume.”
Corruption, bribery, embezzlement, nepotism. All words that jogged memories of hiding in the corner of political fundraisers, overhearing the worst of politics from too-drunk elites sipping on their wine and munching on charcuterie. 
“I hate politics,” Emily said, stuffing her copy of the paper into her bag. 
“I find it interesting. It’s basically a microcosm of our current political climate. In fact, I have subscribed to the print edition of fifteen student papers in the region,” Spencer said, “I like to keep informed on the coverage of student issues, and compare them to our own.”
“Why?!” Emily said with a laugh. “You know you can just look them up online.”
Spencer gave her a withering look, and she should have known better than asking about his aversion to tech. He loathed having to use his computer, as the LCD screens apparently gave him a headache. Penelope even gave him a pair of blue light glasses to attempt to alleviate the issue.
Then, he began to speak, at length, about the dying printed news industry and why print copies were better for understanding than screens et cetera. She made sure to nod and hum at appropriate points, but her mind kept wandering. 
She wondered if her girlfriend was in her room. Emily missed her any time they were apart and she yearned to hold her in her arms once again. But she shouldn’t. She needed to work. She had too much to do. Her grades had slipped, slightly, this semester. Everyone warned her about how college would be harder than high school, but no one ever warned her how much the expectations were raised in second year. 
Two more exams. She clutched her coffee tighter. She’d rather do anything else besides study at this point. Her body was exhausted, her mind frazzled. She wondered if she could even manage to get through a chapter of revision before conking out on her desk. 
As she said goodbye to Spencer and struggled with her keys that were tangled up in their corresponding university-branded lanyard, JJ’s door opened.  
“Hey girlfriend,” JJ greeted her, sounding way too much like a straight girl greeting her platonic friend for Emily’s taste. She gave her a pass because it sounded cute in her voice. 
“JJ!” Emily said, somehow surprised to see her despite the fact that she lived right across the hall. Her girlfriend was dressed in sweatpants and an oversized sweater, with her straight hair tucked behind her ears and her face bare of make up. Her face was lit up with a smile, and Emily rushed towards her, planting a soft kiss on her lips.
“Hi JJ,” Spencer said as Emily and JJ kissed. 
When they pulled apart, JJ gave Spencer a smile as a greeting and asked them how their exam went. 
Spencer babbled about their Logic exams for a minute or two, as Emily basked in JJ’s presence. She grabbed onto her hand and found that it was so much hotter than her own and wasn’t sure if she held on tight because she was cold, or if she had missed her girlfriend. 
“I’m just glad it’s over,” Emily said. “I never want to hear about fallacies again.”
Spencer seemed to want to say something, but fell silent at Emily’s tired expression. 
“Wanna come in for a bit?” JJ whispered in Emily’s ear. Apparently she said so a touch too loud because Spencer replied instead. 
“Sure!” he said, and then walked into JJ and Penelope’s room. 
“I should really study,” Emily tried to argue, but a single glance into JJ’s deep, blue eyes had Emily melting. 
JJ’s room was much messier than Emily had last seen it. Both desks showed clear markers of the ongoing exams, with papers and books piled high. In addition to this was an assortment of pillows strewn all over the floor.
“You guys are back early!” JJ said, after checking her watch, “I thought it was a two hour exam?”
“I finished in an hour,” Spencer said, “and Emily only needed an extra half hour on top of my time.”
Damn straight, Emily thought, feeling somewhat competitive with the boy-genius despite herself. 
She really should study, but the prospect of seeing her girlfriend outweighed the desire to sit hunched over a textbook for another evening. 
Emily and Spencer kicked off their boots, placing them neatly on the mat by the door before peeling their jackets off and hanging them on the back of her door. Emily wasn’t sure if she liked winter. Whenever her mother was stationed in the Middle East she yearned for snow, but now that she was experiencing the Nor’easter for the first time, the desert sounded like a good time. 
“Well there goes my plan,” JJ said, blowing her hair out of her face with a puff of air.
Spencer flopped onto Penelope’s neatly-made bed, collapsing into the assortment of pink pillows while carefully keeping his take-away cup upright. Emily sat down next to JJ on her bed.
“Your plan?” Emily asked. 
“Yeah,” JJ said, sounding a bit shy. “I had this whole plan to make up a blanket fort here for you, and I would surprise you with it when you walked in.’”
JJ gestured with her hands at the mess. Blankets and pillows were strewn about, and a bundle of fairy lights were laying in the middle of the floor. 
“Then you came back early,” JJ concluded. “Spence, I thought you’d keep her occupied longer!”
“You didn’t tell me that,” he replied. Spencer looked quizzically at her, shrugged, then took another sip of his coffee.
“I just wanted us to have a cute date night,” JJ admitted. “I know you’re so stressed, and you deserve a break.” 
Emily grabbed her girlfriend’s moving hands and held them in her own. She felt overwhelmed. JJ was so… thoughtful. Caring. Attentive. So many things that were absolutely foreign to Emily. No one had ever tried to impress her like this. 
“It’s okay,” Emily said. “We don’t need anything special to have a cute date night. You’re cute enough.”
JJ gave Emily a goofy smile in response. 
“Okay,” JJ said. “If you say so.”
“You’re building a blanket fort?” Spencer asked. “I actually have some experience with blanket fort architecture.”
“You do?” JJ asked, raising her eyebrows skeptically.
“Of course,” he replied, seeming almost offended that she questioned him. “It sparked my interest in engineering. I wanted to overcome the problem of chair-tippage when it came to building the structure, so I devised a system of counter-weights that I found increased the structural integrity by 53%. My mom always told me that I could be an architect, but I thought the sciences better suited my intellect.”
“Oh?” Emily asked, genuinely interested. How would someone measure the structural integrity of a blanket fort? 
“Actually, I have some blueprints. Let me grab them,” he said, standing up and making a move for the door. 
“Of course you have blueprints,” JJ laughed. 
“I should probably go feed Gideon, anyway. I’ll be right back!” Spencer  said. Before closing the door behind him.
“Gideon?” Emily asked. 
“His fish,” JJ said, “the one he won at the fair. It’s named after his professor, I think.”
She shrugged. The kid was weird, they tended to just accept that. 
“I guess Spencer’s joining us on date night,” JJ said. “Sorry. I know you’re stressed and probably want to be studying, but I thought we’d order pizza and just have one night off. Just us. And Spencer.”
JJ planted a firm kiss on Emily’s lips, leaving her dazed and blushing. 
“Relaxing sounds perfect,” Emily said, pulling her girlfriend closer to her. “I can’t believe it’s already exams. This semester has flown by. Soon it’ll be winter break, and I won’t get to see you.”
“I can’t imagine you not being right across the hall,” JJ said. “Who will give me kisses when I want them?”
JJ kissed Emily, sucking on Emily’s bottom lip slightly before pulling apart to look at her. 
“I know you’re joking, but I hope you’re not kissing anybody else, no matter the circumstances.”
With that established, Emily pounced on her girlfriend, pushing her onto her bed and kissing her deeply. She intertwined her fingers in the blonde locks that were splayed out in a golden halo and breathed in deep, taking in the warm scent of the lilac candle that burnt on her night side table. 
All her worries melted away at JJ’s touch. Emily’s brain was filled with the feeling of JJ’s lips on hers, with her lithe form beneath her. Exams, student politics and thoughts of home were wiped away, and her stress faded into background noise. 
JJ’s pliant form writhed under Emily’s, her hands sneaking below Emily’s sweater and dancing over her back. They deepened the kiss until they were making out like teenagers in JJ’s dorm with the door still open a crack. 
This was how Spencer, accompanied by Derek, found them when they pushed open the door with blanket fort blueprints and bags of potato chips in hand. 
Spencer made a surprised noise, which made Emily aware of his return. She jumped up and pulled apart from JJ with a dark red blush gracing her cheeks. 
“Woah there ladies,” Derek said with a laugh. “Keep it in your pants!”
“Guys! I was gone for five minutes!” Spencer whined. 
Emily stood up awkwardly, stuffing her hands in her pockets as she watched JJ sit up and pat her hair down in a huff.
“Sorry,” Emily grumbled, not really meaning it. She would never be sorry for kissing JJ, but she was sorry for the awkwardness
“Pretty boy dragged me down the hall,” Derek said in explanation. He had Spencer’s rolled-up fort plans in his hand, and lightly smacked Emily’s head with it, making a comedic thwap noise as it made contact. “Hope you weren’t in the middle of something?”
“Only JJ’s legs,” Emily quipped to everyone’s surprise, even her own. JJ hit her jokingly and blushed. 
“Hey!” Derek laughed, “Let’s keep this PG!”
“You called?” The voice of Penelope Garcia—PG if you will—rang out from the hallway, and within seconds JJ’s room was filled with just about all their friends standing around in a slightly awkward silence: JJ, Emily, Spencer and Derek were joined by Penelope with Hotch in tow. 
The latter two of them had grown closer recently and walked into the room with white shopping bags with the walrus logo printed on the side, looking like they had just returned from out in the cold. Penelope and Hotch going thrifting together, that’s new! Emily thought to herself and decided to file the observation for later. The image of Hotch watching Penelope’s customary fashion show was enough to make her laugh under her breath. 
“We’re building a blanket fort,” Spencer announced, changing the subject to the task at hand. “Are you guys helping?”
“Oh you know I will, boy genius,” Penelope said with an excited smile. 
Emily looked over to her girlfriend. So much for date night.
Without much questioning about why they were building a blanket fort, the team got to work. In college, sometimes things just happened. Impromptu blanket forts were par the course. In their defense, any excuse to not spend the evening burying their heads in textbooks was a welcome reprieve. 
It started with just a few blankets draped in the space between JJ and Penelope’s beds, but with Spencer’s instruction, a verifiable architectural marvel began to take shape. 
While Emily knew that Penelope would be all gung ho for this sort of project, it was certainly amusing to see Hotch in his khakis and dress shirt crawling around on the floor like a child with the rest of them, tying off blankets and very seriously maneuvering the different parts of the structure. 
Sheets were draped here and there, tied together to form ceilings and walls. Two chairs stolen from the common room, loaded with backpacks on the seat for support acted as the entrance to the fort. 
While it was crawling space only, Emily had to note that there was a sense of awe when you emerged into the open space of the main fort-area. It was surprisingly big, fitting all six of them with ease. The key to the whole design was a curtain rod Hotch had stolen from the boys shower that lifted the roof up. 
The design was strangely reminiscent of Baroque architecture, which she was sure was due to Spencer’s designs. This was a fact that Emily kept to herself. She always tried to rein in the ‘I lived abroad’ conversation points so her childhood could remain under minimal scrutiny.
Emily’s exhaustion transformed into excitement as she relished the time hanging out with her friends. Music played from Penelope’s computer as they worked, they began to work as a cohesive group, each member doing their share. It was nice to do something besides sit at her desk and obsess over memorizing facts and statistics, or figuring out the proper argumentation for an essay on a subject. Making sure that a bunch of blankets didn’t crash onto them was treated with the utmost seriousness, and the whole group was focused with intense concentration at their own tasks. 
Spencer did, in fact, have literal sketches of blanket forts in his notebooks, but the details of which were fairly incomprehensible to her. While she believed that he did the math, his chicken scratch was just about indecipherable, and his drawing was little more than a few shapes on a page. Despite this, it was laid out on the centre of the dorm-room floor for them to reference. 
At one point, as Emily stood on JJ’s wheely chair, she feared that the fort had all come crashing down as she lost her balance and grabbed at the blankets to stop her fall before tumbling onto Derek with a yelp. 
“Sorry,” she muttered as she climbed back onto her feet and fought off the blanket that had wrapped her in a shroud. 
She flinched as she realized she had ruined it all, a pit forming in her stomach. She looked at her friends in concern, but instead of yelling at her for her mistake, or shunning her for ruining it for the rest of them, they smiled at her and helped her up.
“It’s okay!” Spencer said cheerfully. “I know exactly how to reinforce that wall.”
“You okay, Emily?” Hotch asked, righting the wheely chair as JJ fretted over her. 
“I’m good,” she answered, still confused as to why they weren’t mad at her. 
Instead of making a big deal over the set back, they went back to work. Soon, the fort filled out and it returned to its former glory. Arguably, better than it was because they had draped fairy lights throughout the inside, making the space glow with a warm orange light. 
Inside was filled with pillows and big enough for all of them to sit comfortably so it was a comfy lounge space. It was cozy and warm, the antithesis of the bitterly cold night air outside. 
“You know what?” Hotch said. “This is a damned good fort, Reid.” 
The group muttered in consensus. They all had piled into the space, and as the excitement wore off, Emily was wondering what happened next. What does one do in a blanket fort? She had vague memories of building one in her room, but she had just sat inside and read a book. 
“I hear the RA’s storage room has a ton of board games,” Penelope said. “They pull them out for socials and stuff.”
“That’s all well and good, but we’re not asking Strauss to let us in,” Derek argued. “I still think she thinks we were responsible for that fire alarm last week. She’s been giving me the evil eye ever since.”
“Who said we had to tell her?” Emily said. “We could just… borrow… them…”
“I mean, they are for us to use, anyway.” JJ’s eyes had a mischievous look in them as she looked at Emily.
“That is true,” Hotch said, the scowl that was usually a fixture on his face turning to a smirk. 
“That’s stealing, guys,” Spencer warned, as if they didn’t already know that. 
“We’ll give them back,” Emily said with a shrug. “Come on!”
Penelope led the way to a dark wooden door on the main floor, it was labelled simply “Storage,” but the computer science student assured them that it was where the RA’s stored all of their supplies.
“It’s locked,” Penelope huffed.
“Do you have a bobby pin?” Emily asked her in a hushed voice. She wouldn’t have gotten this far if she hadn’t learned how to pick simple door locks. She had trouble with deadbolts but a simple latch she could probably do within a couple of minutes.
The blonde pulled a hot pink bobby pin out of her perfectly curled hair. Emily snapped it into two, bending one end into a longer L-shape. Sticking that into the bottom of the lock and holding it in place, she used the other side to feel for the pins that held the lock in place. 
Emily could feel all eyes on her as she confidently knelt in front of the doorknob, the group keeping watch for her as she worked. No one questioned how or why Emily knew how to do this. She had her reasons. 
This definitely broke all sorts of residence rules and if they got caught, they knew they’d get into shit, but no one seemed to care that much. They just wouldn’t get caught. 
After a couple minutes, Emily’s hands began to sweat. What if she couldn’t do this anymore? She tried to centre herself. She had made it through infinitely more stressful situations in the past. It was the eyes of her friends on her that made her nervous. She was finally accepted by a group, and she desperately didn’t want to let them down. 
Then, it clicked, and she was able to turn the brass knob easily. Emily made a noise of excitement, got to her feet and yanked the door open. 
Instead of an empty storage closet, on the other side of the door was Erin Strauss, their RA, in a passionate embrace with David Rossi. Her shirt was unbuttoned and he was in the middle of sucking on her neck. 
“Dave?!” Hotch called out, startling the couple. 
Both groups stood stock-still, neither knowing what to say. While Emily had hid the bobby pins, she wasn’t sure who was in more trouble, them for breaking into the room or their RA for using the space for unofficial purposes. 
The room was small and cramped, with a pile of poster board mostly obscuring the one small window that lit the space. Strauss had been hoisted onto the desk, her legs straddling the other student. Emily could see a shelf filled with the board games stacked on the left side of the room, but they seemed unimportant at the moment. While Emily had known about their illicit love affair, she had never expected to see it in action. 
“Hey guys,” Rossi said after a moment, his unwavering confidence carrying on to this moment as he pulled apart from Strauss, who was furiously buttoning up her shirt and trying to sort herself out. 
“What are you all doing in here?” she demanded, standing up and putting her hands on her hips. “This room’s meant for RA’s only.”
“Well,” Emily said, startled by her own audacity, “Dave isn’t an RA so…”
“We just came for some board games,” JJ said in her most diplomatic voice, despite clearly wanting to laugh at the situation, “then we’ll be off.”
“Take them and go,” the RA said in a strangled voice, her face beet-red and as she avoided eye contact like it was the plague. 
Clearly not as embarrassed as Strauss, Rossi simply smirked, collected a few board games into his arms off of the shelf, then deposited them into Emily’s arms. 
Realizing that given the circumstances, they couldn’t be picky with their choices, the stunned group thanked him then scurried away, back upstairs with their loot. The silence remained until they made it back to their floor, where they all burst into laughter.
“What on earth was that?!” Derek exclaimed. 
“Rossi and Strauss,” Spencer muttered. 
Emily and JJ made eye contact, remembering all those weeks ago when they had caught their friend emerging from the RA’s room down the hall in the middle of the night. They had known that Rossi and Strauss had hooked up that night, but had no idea that it was a whole relationship.
“I see it,” Hotch commented. “I mean, I don’t know your RA too well, but Rossi likes a woman with authority.”
Derek and Emily fake-gagged in an exaggerated manner at the comment. 
“I think I need to bleach my eyeballs after that display,” Emily muttered. 
“Ooo-kay!” JJ said, pointedly changing the subject. “It seems like we have most of the pieces to Clue… I think we could manage a game of that. We also have Scrabble, Yahtzee and Snakes and Ladders. Uh… also a pack of cards.”
“At least it’s not chess,” Emily said, thinking about her seemingly endless exam that afternoon. 
“Agreed,” Spencer said. 
“We do not have chess, no,” JJ said with a quizzical laugh. 
After ordering a couple of pizzas to the dorm, they all settled in to play a board game. After a few minutes of debate, they decided to play Clue (or Cluedo as Emily continuously referred to it as). The board was laid out: it was vintage, with a teal and yellow colour scheme and some scuffs and rips showing its age. In their blanket fort, they were seated in a circle, all secretly looking at their Clue cards.
“Can I be Professor Plum?” Spencer asked before they had even gotten the pieces out of the box. 
“Of course pretty boy,” Derek said, “I’ll take Mr. Green.”
“My sculpted god of thunder looks excellent in green,” Penelope flirted, choosing the white piece for herself. 
“Did you know that in the original version of Clue, Mr Green was a Reverend, but they changed his name for American audience because they believed that the American public would object to a parson as a murder suspect?”
“Good thing you’re on our trivia team, Reid,” Hotch replied.  
Emily was Miss Scarlet, of course, and was seated right next to JJ, who had chosen to portray Mrs. Peacock. Hotch claimed the remaining piece: Colonel Mustard.
Emily loved board games. Her nanny in France, who was a kindly elderly woman that Emily only knew as “Madame,” would play with her each Sunday after church. She has hazy memories from that time, but the warm glow of sunlight streaming into their Parisian apartment as she learned how to play Cluedo. Emily would always try to cheat, but knew better than to try to do so with her immensely observant girlfriend seated to her left, JJ’s hand resting casually on Emily’s thigh.
She looked at her cards and grinned. She had been dealt her own character, she noted, as Miss Scarlet’s name was printed in bold on the top of her first card. It felt weirdly validating to know that she herself was innocent. Also in her hands were the cards for the candlestick and pistol, as well as the observatory. She marked these off of her card and tried to gauge her opponents' reactions. 
JJ was checking her phone with her cards face down, tracking the pizza’s arrival. Spencer was sprawled back, his long legs taking up way more room than was necessary, jotting down notes on some scrap paper. Presumably some statistics and probability for the possibilities of the cards that were sealed in the envelope in the centre of the board. Penelope smiled over at Derek and flirtatiously tried to sneak a peek at his hand. 
After the initial rounds being dedicated to moving around the board, Emily finally made it into her first room: the lounge. There, she decided on her first suggestion.
“I suggest,” Emily said, in her most dramatic, formal voice, which was particularly suited to the role of Miss Scarlet, “that Mrs. Peacock committed this heinous crime in the Lounge with-” she hurriedly grabbed the candlestick, “the candlestick!”
She knew that it wasn’t the correct weapon, but using it would narrow it down to someone ruling out either JJ’s character or the lounge as the scene of the crime. 
“Moi?!” JJ said, sounding almost offended at the accusation. “Your own girlfriend?!”
Emily grinned evilly at her, but internally she felt giddy. It was the first time she heard JJ use that word in front of their friends. JJ moved her piece into the Lounge. The others chuckled lightly at their antics.
“You have no alibi for the crime, Mrs. Peacock,” Emily said, “and I am merely making a suggestion.”
JJ glared at her, but said nothing. Emily turned to Derek, who was seated at her left. 
“What do I do?” Derek asked, looking around the room, slightly confused. 
“Do you have any of those cards?” Hotch asked. 
“Yeah-” Derek said, moving to show his hand. 
“No!” Penelope stopped him. “Just show one of your cards to Emily if you can prove her suggestion was wrong.”
He made an “o” with his mouth and sneakily showed Emily the Lounge card. Emily noted that, and that it was Derek’s card. Mrs. Peacock had yet to be proven innocent, and Emily gave JJ a suspicious glance. 
She loved this game. 
As the game progressed, Emily noted a few things about her opponents. A part of Emily was profiling her friends subconsciously, reading each of their strategies like a book. 
Penelope always seemed to luck out on her dice rolls, covering a lot of terrain and gathering information like it was a cup of tea. But, she seemed to take it personally when someone accused Mrs. White of having killed Mr. Boddy and gasped every time someone made that suggestion. 
Hotch seemed to take the game very seriously, and was at it like he was an actual police officer solving crime. But, it didn’t seem that he completely understood all of the rules, and definitely hadn’t played before, so he spent most of his turn grumbling as he skimmed the rule pamphlet. 
Spencer, on the other hand, had memorized the rules, common strategies and probabilities of the different outcomes, so Hotch often looked over to him nervously as the boy wrote longhand equations in the notebook that he pulled out of his bag for the very occasion. 
Derek also had never played before, and regularly made ‘accusations’ rather than ‘suggestions’ when he entered a room, frustrating Spencer to no end. But, Derek was smart and seemed to be picking it up as he went along. That was until he made the same suggestion twice in a row, both times making Hotch show him the exact same card. He asked Reid endless questions about specific rules, and more than once he made the boy double check in the rule book when Derek tried to make a rather unorthodox move. 
JJ seemed to be the only one genuinely trying to have fun. She munched on the Cheetos that she stored in the bottom drawer of her night stand, and made conversation. Her strategy seemed to be exclusively focused on playing the game like it was the 1985 feature film Clue, playing the role of Mrs. Peacock with a fake accent and treating it like an actual murder-filled dinner party.
After a solid twenty minutes of gameplay, the pizza arrived. With minimal grumbling from Hotch, who was apparently on a roll, they took a break to eat. 
“Did you see this?” Spencer said with his mouth full, lifting up the copy of the newspaper that he had grabbed earlier.
“Don’t get me started,” JJ grumbled and took a sip of her pop. 
“What happened?” Hotch asked, the conversation piquing his interest. 
Spencer explained—with the assistance of JJ who apparently knew one of the people involved through soccer—the entire scandal. Apparently, last year there had been very little interest in the leadership roles, so the President of the student government had simply waltzed into his role. He then hired all of his friends, his girlfriend, his roommate, and together they embezzled thousands of dollars of student funds. 
“I can’t believe they’re getting away with this,” JJ muttered. “Is there no oversight?”
“It’s always the same,” Emily replied. “Who’s going to oversee them? The college? They’re corrupt too.”
“This sucks,” Derek said. “Wish someone good would run for government, for once.”
Emily shook her head in frustration. It all just reminded her of her childhood. Embezzlement, corruption and nepotism all were casual topics discussed over family dinner in her home. She had higher hopes for students her own age, would they not break the cycle? Or was it just a microcosm of the outside world? 
“You should run Mr. Lawyer Man,” Penelope teased Hotch. “You could take any of these clowns.”
Hotch raised an eyebrow at her and went back to his pizza, brushing her off. Emily smiled at him. Penelope was right, he might actually do a good job if he set his mind to it. 
The people that surrounded her now were nothing like her mother’s friends—or the kids she had been forced to hang out with when she was younger—they were genuinely kind, supportive, and seemed to like Emily for Emily. When she told them she was an ambassador’s daughter, they had been more concerned with the cool places that she had been able to travel to than whatever power she had. At college, Emily finally exhaled fully, slowly relaxing more and more into herself. 
But, the topic of politics always set her on edge, especially since the semester was ending soon. Her mother had already begun to leave her voicemails about the galas, fundraisers and events that she was required to attend over Christmas break. She pushed thoughts of the future aside and focused on the warmth that surrounded her. With some music playing softly (a song that JJ liked by Vampire Weekend), the softness of blankets under her, and JJ leaning on her slightly as she ate her dinner, Emily felt at peace. She knew she could handle winter break, because she knew that these friends would be here when she came back. 
After years of leaving a school midway through the year only to show up to some new boarding school or international school each time her mom was reassigned, Emily never had a chance to put down roots. But, with each bite of pizza, Emily felt herself becoming even more firmly rooted. Not to this place, but to these people as their lives became more entwined. 
Once dinner was over, the game continued, and thoughts of politics left their minds. By then, Emily narrowed it down to the weapon (the candlestick), two rooms (the kitchen and the billiard room) and she was pretty sure that it was Colonel Mustard that had committed the crime. 
She had a decision to make: walk all the way from the study to the billiard room, or risk being wrong by making an accusation. She was pretty sure both Hotch and Reid were on the right track, as the younger boy’s scribbling in his notebook had gotten even more intense and the older boy was beginning to look around suspiciously, as if the others were trying to read his notes. 
She had pretty much ruled out Penelope, JJ and Derek as competitors, as the trio spent most of the time talking, and genuinely trying to have fun. Emily, Reid and Hotch were all way too into it, but Emily was competitive and this was her game. She wasn’t going to lose to Hotch, no way. Reid winning she could blame on his boy-genius nature, but Emily decided that Hotch was going down. 
The two boys seemed to have come to the same conclusion, all eyeing each other across the board, the tension palatable between them as their competition became heated. 
She nervously tried to move to the billiards room, deciding to play it safe. Better safe than disqualified. But, as soon as she made that decision, she regretted it as Spencer straightened up on his turn and said: “I’d like to make my accusation.”
“Write it down,” JJ prompted, as per the rules. He jotted it down in his paper. 
Then, with bated breath, they watched as he grabbed the envelope out of the centre of the board, and read the cards. His face fell when he saw one of the cards, so he must have been wrong. He placed them back into their envelope and back onto the board. 
“No dice?” Emily asked. 
He shook his head. 
“Statistically speaking that should have been right,” he grumbled. “My math was wrong.”
“Boy genius isn’t a good detective, huh?” Penelope mused. 
A few turns went by, with Derek, Penelope, and JJ moving around the board or making suggestions. 
Emily rolled the dice, making one square from a room. She sighed. She’d make a suggestion next round. 
On Hotch’s next turn, he made an accusation, which he wrote down on a pink sticky note that Penelope had handed out when the game started. He checked the envelope. 
Emily held her breath. She was sure he had it and that the game was over. She should just call it quits now. She went to bite her nails out of stress, but stopped herself, they were starting to get long and she wanted them to look nice. 
A moment passed as Hotch compared his cards. After he saw the third card in the envelope, his expression revealed that was also wrong. 
Boys, Emily thought. Always so overconfident. 
She made a suggestion instead of risking it: “Miss Scarlet—er myself I guess— in the Billiards Room with the pistol.” 
It was a gamble. If she was right, and the people who knew she had her own card and the pistol caught on, they would also know that it was the Billiard Room, because no one would be able to disprove her theory. If she was wrong, someone would have the card for that room, and she would know that the crime occured in the Kitchen. 
The second seemed to be true, as Derek showed her his card with a small illustrated image of the Billiard Room on it. She was right. She knew what it was. But, she would have to wait until her next turn. She was going to win. 
But, it was she who was overconfident, because as she was too busy preemptively celebrating her win, Derek casually made his accusation. 
“Hey I’m right!” he exclaimed, holding up the cards and his own hot pink sticky note. 
In his semi-cursive scrawl read: “Colonel Mustard, Candlestick, Kitchen.” These guesses matched the cards hidden in the envelope, and Emily’s own deduction that she planned to make on her own turn. 
“You guys really thought I hadn’t played this game before?” Derek laughed. “I’ve got two sisters, board games were everything.”
“Were you hustling us, Morgan?” Spencer demanded. 
He smirked. 
“Should’ve put money on the outcome,” Derek said with a laugh. “I’d be rich.” 
Emily threw her cards onto the table in defeat. JJ shot her an empathetic look, and Emily tried to stuff her frustration down to pat her friend on the back for the surprising win. He deserved it.
After the game concluded and the pizza had been completely eaten, the group parted ways, heading to bed, or for more midnight snacks or to finish up some studying, leaving JJ and Emily alone and to start? a game of Scrabble. 
The board was ancient, and quite a few letters were missing, but with music droning on JJ’s laptop, and the soft fairy lights overhead, neither girl minded too much. 
Emily looked at her letters:  O, B, S, O, T, B, W and thought hard, rearranging the wooden pieces to try and formulate a word. After a long day of academia, and investing so heavily into the game of Clue, she probably had only one or two working brain cells and both were telling her to play the word ‘boobs.’  
Her eyes flicked to her girlfriend, who looked absolutely gorgeous in the warm light. Her blonde hair almost glowed, and she had an adorable expression on her face. Emily couldn’t help but glance lower, thinking about the real world examples of her Scrabble word.  
She played the word with a cheeky grin. 
“‘Boobs,’ Emily?” JJ scolded. “Really?”
She sounded angry, but there was a hint of a smile tugging at her cheeks and Emily could tell the girl found it funny. 
“I can’t help it,” Emily said. “I haven’t thought of much else since last weekend.”
She raised and lowered her eyebrows in an exaggerated manner, making JJ laugh and kick her lightly in protest. 
JJ then played the word ‘throw,’ using the ‘o’ from ‘boobs’ to form her word, earning her thirteen points. 
“I don’t think you can throw boobs, babe,” Emily said. “They’re usually attached.”
JJ rolled her eyes. 
Emily made it her mission to find the funniest words possible, working extra hard (and missing out on some good points) in an effort to make JJ laugh. ‘Armpit,’ ‘meaty,’ ‘hoagie,’ ‘urine,’ ‘joint’ and her piece de resistance: ‘boner.’ All while JJ was playing incredibly normal, and often strategic words like ‘axis,’ ‘snow,’ ‘vain,’ ‘snag’ and ‘writings,’ hitting multiple double- and triple word scores on the way. 
“This is fun,” Emily said, sneaking a handful of JJ’s Cheetos out of the family-sized bag next to the blonde, while she was distracted by playing her turn. 
“I don’t understand how you’re winning,” JJ muttered. 
Emily shrugged, “Guess I’m just a genius.”
“Reid? Is that you?” JJ joked. “Why are you disguised as my girlfriend?” 
“Would Reid do this?” Emily said, leaning over toward her girlfriend and pressing kisses all over her face until she fell back. Then Emily straddled her, their lips meeting in a passionate embrace that left both girls panting. 
“I would hope not!” JJ exclaimed with a laugh, making a face at the thought. 
They laughed and went back to making out, with Emily careful not to disturb the game pieces. JJ sucked onto Emily’s bottom lip, making her weak in the knees and she struggled to support herself over JJ’s shorter frame at the motion. 
“We should-” Emily tried to say between kisses, “finish the game.”
JJ kept deepening the kiss, going so far as to grab onto Emily’s butt to hold her in place on top of her.
“You’re trying to distract me,” Emily chided, “because I’m winning! I see right through your plot.” 
She sat up and went back to her tiles before playing another funny word: ‘suck’ for twenty points. JJ grumbled,fiddling with her own tiles, as Emily collected a few out of the bag. 
Emily was preening as she rearranged her own tiles and didn’t notice as JJ put down her word. When she went to play her next word (‘zap’) and only then did she see what word JJ played. 
It was there. Clear as day. Written vertically and connected to the word ‘snow,’ it was unmistakable. Emily looked at it for a long moment, trying to figure out what it could possibly mean that her girlfriend very intentionally played such a loaded word. Was it the only word that fit? Did she only mean that she loved the snow? Was she also reading into it? 
Emily looked up, making eye contact with JJ. The blonde blushed and looked away, nervously fiddling with the necklace around her neck. Emily smiled faintly at the warmth that flooded through her, but alongside that, was the sharp pang of anxiety. Was she supposed to acknowledge that? Would that make it weird? 
‘Zap’ didn’t feel appropriate when her girlfriend may or may not have confessed her love for her. 
She played it anyway, deciding that making a big deal of it would just complicate matters. Besides, did she love JJ? She didn’t know. It was all so new. She liked JJ a lot. She definitely like-liked her in the traditional sense of the world. But Emily had never been in love before. She’d loved people before, Matthew for one, and her mother in a way, and she loved Derek like a brother. But being in love was a whole ‘nother ball game. 
JJ won the game after playing ‘equinox’ for twenty two points near the end, beating any lead Emily had gained from her silly words. JJ deserved it in the end, as the blonde would sit and stare at her letters until they formed the most complex words that Emily had never even heard of. Emily’s eyes drooped and she was barely able to create three letter words by the end, while JJ was still surprising her with her vocabulary. 
Emily shook JJ’s hand to congratulate her for the win. JJ grinned and kissed her. 
Then, they looked around and realized two things: it was past one in the morning and Penelope hadn’t come back to the room yet and that all of the blankets that JJ owned were currently being used in the blanket fort. 
“Can we sleep in my bed, tonight?” Emily asked. “I’ll help you clean up in the morning.” 
JJ nodded but was in the middle of texting Penelope, wondering where on earth her roommate had wandered off to. Within a minute she got back to JJ saying: with derek! will explain tmrw!! 😘 🧚‍♀️ 😳
JJ showed Emily the message and both girls giggled. Emily saw that coming, but didn’t realize it would be a game of Clue that finally sealed the deal.
Exhausted but happy and relaxed after the game night, Emily and JJ tumbled into Emily’s bed and cuddled up together. Between JJ and Emily, the word ‘love’ was left unsaid that night, but Emily fell asleep that night feeling a new warmth in her chest.
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myvividreams · 4 years
[Maribat] Hamilton the Musical AU
When @fsketchart​ started screaming about a Hamilton AU in the discord server, I screamed back with a Hamilton the Musical AU and now it’s a thing. Feel free to scream back to me about it!
First of all, yes, this is Jasonette
At the start of this AU, Jason is two years older than Mari, recovering from Pit Madness, reconciling with the Batfam, attending therapy with the rest of the fam, and recently declared legally alive.
When Jason’s therapist tells him he has to find more hobbies outside of hero-ing, some genii in the batfam decided to ‘help’ by arranging the entire production of a play since, you know, Jason in this AU is very much a thespian in addition to being a literature nerd. Alfred is very proud
Said play is Hamilton the Musical. It’s a charity production funded by the Martha Wayne Foundation, and all proceeds will go towards fixing up and providing aid to the residents of Park Row (which is half of what sold Jason on the plan).
Mari, having just finished her second year of college, is brought in by Tim as MDC to design and create the stage costumes.
On her way to the theater for her first meeting with the cast and crew of the play, Mari is caught in a villain attack---a minor one, as far as Gotham is concerned---that is resolved without needing any sort of intervention from her. It’s Red Robin and Red Hood who resolve it (since Tim and Jason were nearby and on their way to the same meeting as Mari).
Mari negotiated for a workroom in the theater so that she doesn’t have to keep lugging costume parts and cloth around. One night, she stays in a little late and Jason catches her singing to the Hamilton soundtrack while working. He asks her if she’d help him practice. She agrees.
It’s dark out though, and Mari still has to head home. Jason offers to walk her home bc Gotham is dangerous. She agrees. Which is a good thing because they’re held up by some thugs. When they attack, Jason takes down most of them only to turn and find that Mari is a BAMF who took down two of them herself. He’s impressed.
One of the batkids catch them practicing and snitch on them to Alfred who tells Jason to invite Mari over for dinner.
Mari helps Jason practice for a bit and then ropes the other batkids into helping him. Dick has video evidence of Jasonette practicing which he accidentally on purpose posts online. Social media goes wild.
Who is this girl with the second Wayne son?? They’re so cute??
By the way, the Justice League isn’t a thing yet in this AU. For a future JL meets the Batfam trope! (Plus Mari)
A few weeks into rehearsals, Eliza’s actress calls in sick after an encounter with Scarecrow, and Mari is roped into playing Eliza’s part for the day. Mari’s good at it, to the cast’s surprise, and the chemistry between Mari and Jason is great. Mari ends up being cast as Eliza’s understudy.
Meanwhile, Damian is forced into being the Burr understudy after he and Titus repeatedly disrupted rehearsals and destroyed stage props they were still making. Bruce (aka Alfred) hopes it will teach him to appreciate the work the cast and crew are doing.
Damian needs a lot of help. So Mari pitches in and then ropes Jason in, and then they both rope in the rest of the batfam one by one. Soon Mari is visiting the manor regularly to help them practice.
It starts with Steph. She volunteers to play Philip for the chance to play dead and dying again.
They’re singing Stay Alive (reprise) when Bruce walks in wondering what’s happening. Is someone hurt?? Was there an attack he doesn’t know about?? He spies them in the middle of the living room with Stephon the coffee table while Mari and Jason are sobbing over her dramatically.  He walks out. He’s done.
At some point, they convince Bruce to do Washington’s parts and are blown away. Washington’s lines resonate a little too well with the batfam, and it makes things awkward for a while. These emotionally constipated bois
Dick is King George. He relishes the opportunity to trash talk Bruce. Jason is annoyed he can’t join him and breaks character one time to gang up on Bruce
Imagine Dick singing da-dadada-DADAAA while swinging on the chandeliers
Tim sings/raps Jefferson’s parts. What Did I Miss and the Cabinet Battles are amazing to watch. Except Jason and Tim are uber competitive, and they make additional (historically accurate!) rap lines to keep the cabinet battles going.
Cass is still mostly non-verbal, so she helps out by handing the others props or figuring out a way to add special effects (like using a flashlight as a spotlight). She also signals if the acting of the Actual Actors in the batfam is accurate/passable or not.
...Cass is also The Bullet. It’s a very respectable role, what are you talking about!
The family therapist starts wondering why the batfam’s progress suddenly jumped. It’s because they’re working through their issues vicariously through the characters in Hamilton
Dick, Steph, and Tim post videos of the fam and Mari practicing on social media. They start trending.
They also coo over Jasonette singing It’s Quiet Uptown while walking through the manor gardens, dancing on the dining table, and basically serenading each other with broadway songs all around the house. And Gotham.
They have video evidence.
(The production crew create a blooper reel of all their cast and crew’s shenanigans which they later sell on DVDs as part of the charity. Batfam and Mari take up 80% of all the bloopers on the DVD)
After social media realizes that most of the batfam aren’t in fact part of the charity show cast, people start a petition for a show with all the Waynes acting in it.
They cut it too close to the dates of the charity show for it to be possible, but their therapist mentioned to Alfred once that having the family work on a fun (non-violent) project/activity together would be good for them.
So, Alfred convinced Bruce and mentioned it to Mari who convinced Jason who helped convince the rest of the fam, and they agree to hold a concert ala the 25th Anniversary Les Mis concert in place of the final show they had initially planned. Tickets sold out in the first hour.
Damian, seeing the petition’s success, creates his own petition---for Alfred the Cat to be part of the production. Everyone votes for it.
The director tries to talk him out of it but Damian is a stubborn brat. The director finally puts his foot down and says he’ll allow it but only for the concert with the rest of the batfam. Damian agrees.
The director approaches Mari for help in mitigating the “damage” by making the cat a costume. Just in case.
(She does, and it works for about half the song before someone notices that baby Theodosia is strangely mobile. Then the baby meows, Damian coos at it during the instrumental, and the audience slowly catches onto the fact that baby Theodosia is actually a cat.)
(Alfred the Cat goes viral.)
The charity shows go live on the weekend of Jason’s birthday. Opening night is Aug 14, then they have two shows each day on the weekend. The main actor for Burr and Eliza step down on Aug 16, Jason’s birthday, to give Mari and Dami the chance to perform---and so that Jasonette can act together.
They get a standing ovation.
Unlike the full production of the original charity shows, (Mari and) the batfam’s concert was entirely meme worthy.
It had all the wackiness of the blooper reels but cranked up to eleven
Damian’s rendition of Dear Theodosia becomes a meme. Someone was able to get a hold of a video of him singing it with and without Alfred the Cat as baby Theodosia. The difference is like night and day.
Bruce half regrets that he allowed it to be immortalized on film/DVD and sold with the bloopers.
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yumi-michiyo · 3 years
Bird on the Wire [10/?]
Rating: T for a difficult therapy session
Genre: Romance/Humor/Angst/Slice-of-Life/Slowburn
Pairings: Rachel Berry/Quinn Fabray
Links: Fanfiction dot net | AO3
As always, if you're just here for the story, links are above; if you want to read the extended notes, click on the cut below.
Extended Notes and Meta:
Writing miscellany
Surprised to see a new chapter so quickly? No one is more surprised than I am.. Basically, some Internet drama happened, and since my writing is fueled by spite, I ended up with an entire new chapter. Thanks also go to Mike Ownby, my Americanizator and all-purpose beta, who happened to have a free spot on his schedule to zip through the chapter at lightning speed.
Sometimes you may see dumb errors in my fics that cannot reasonably be attributed to autocorrect. That happens because I do about 80% of my writing in Google Docs on my phone, and I have the tendency to be struck by inspiration while trying to sleep (as do we all). Not only that, but I am also awesome enough that whatever stroke of genius I get at night will be completely forgotten the next morning, and I will only remember that I had a really great idea the night before. What that means is I will be grabbing my phone in the wee hours to jot down some arcane note for future me to interpret. Sometimes, weird typos (missing letters and capitals, random autocorrected wrong words, lost punctuation) banged down by hammer thumbs on my phone go unnoticed.
This is a slowburn (and I can't reiterate slowburn enough
As of this chapter, the total word count is roughly 64k words and Faberry have only vague feelings and friendly interactions with each other. Heck, they're both dating men. If you're thinking that slowburn means that they won't make out until chapter 2, and in chapter 3 Quinn takes Rachel on the piano (ooh if only), either you're not familiar with my Glee fics, or you're not familiar with the slowburn genre in general. When I say slowburn, I mean slow. Glacier moving through a valley slow. Glass flowing to the bottom of a window pane slow.
Why isn't the Faberry happening already?
I'm not sure if I've talked about this before, but since this is my Tumblr and my author's ramblingsnotes, I'm gonna go right ahead and talk about it anyway. The main reason why I usually write college-aged or working adult!Faberry is these teens are problematic. Yes, a big part of it is because Glee canon is a mess, but IMO you cannot reasonably expect two hetero teenage girls to recognise their sexual tension for what it is, overcome their prejudices, start making out in school bathrooms, AND form a healthy and lasting relationship. As much as we all love and adore high school fics that have come before, this is my fic, and I reserve the right to write (heh) Faberry as I see fit.
Getting Faberry together isn't just giving them a roadmap and letting them work things out. It's nudging together two extremely skittish creatures with their own unique set of hang-ups and neuroticisms in a way that feels organic. And yes, I made things harder for myself by introducing Beth (and Finn and Sam) into the mix. Femslash fic writers have made beautiful romances happen with even less. That's the proud tradition that I'm happy to be a part of.
Therapy (AKA Quinn Fabray and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day)
If I had my way, I would put every Glee character in therapy. Even the adults. And no one needs therapy more than Quinn. As much as possible (but without disrupting the focus of the fic) I try to include Quinn's therapy in the story. That's because I think it's important that we see how Quinn's development progresses through the fic, makes the Faberry natural, and puts out issues many of us may be struggling with in a positive way. Personally, a lot of my growth has come through fanfic. I've been privileged to hear from people who have been touched by something I wrote in a fic. Anytime it's possible that something I wrote about two fictional girls making out helps someone, that's a major plus.
Important notice for anyone reading this
I do not take requests, no matter how kick-ass or amazing your idea is. I'm not currently accepting any more help, though I appreciate any offers. I do not take commissions for fic, nor do I have a Ko-Fi or Patreon or whatever the kids are using these days. I will never accept monetary compensation for my fanfic. All my fanfiction is free to access (of course, no minors are allowed to read NSFW work) and will always be free. I do not give permission to any party to monetize my writing (even myself LOL). I will never delete my fics from the Internet. Should the tragic day come when I don't want to participate in fanfic anymore, I will orphan my works, not delete.
Of course, what this all means is that fanfic is my hobby, and I write at my own pace and no one else's. I recognise that I don't write as fast as others, and I certainly don't have definite posting schedules, but that's my prerogative.
That being said, I'm eternally grateful to everyone who's enjoyed my work thus far, everyone who will continue to read and review, everyone who's left wonderful and insightful comments, and everyone who writes to me sharing their personal stories. While I primarily write for myself, I'm happy that so many people are sharing in my happiness. Thank you for reading.
Another important PSA
It is currently Faberry month, so do check out the Faberry month tag and share some love for the amazing writers and artists participating (not me btw).
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z3llous · 3 years
Thoughts on One Piece Whole Cake Arc (part 2)
(part 1 here)
Dumb jokes, language, spoilers, and messed up shit ahead
Poor baby girl Pudding:
I don’t ship her with Sanji
I do empathize with her (Probably because she kinda reminds me of my child self) and want her to be happy
I want her to find someone else to love
like with Baby 5 I want to her be treat the best love and care and as much as I love Sanji I don’t think he’s the best for her
She seems like she’d get jealous and I also don’t think her idolization of Sanji would lead to a healthy relationship
She needs someone to start over with
Maybe leave home and find someone who isn’t associated or connected to her family in any way
she needs some head pats
Nasty ass piss boy(aka Judge):
He only gets worse
He has the audacity to be upset at his sons for being cold even though he made them that way
Sanji saved his ass and he’s still nasty to him
ok shit lord?
fuck this guy
he ain’t worth even a dirt clod
Tall Pink one(Big mom):
bitch you don’t need sweets you need therapy
She gives off special needs/neurodivergent vibes too(I would know cuz I am one)
She needs someone stronger than her to help cuz damn
She had such potential! 
but shitty people and nothing to keep her in check or help her ruined that future
doesn’t excuse the way she treats others tho
I’m still not over the fact that she ate her friends
it’s way more horrifying in the manga (I checked just to see how it was originally shown)
Smaller pink one(Reiju):
Same thoughts as before
there simply isn’t enough known about her
more info needed
again I like her relationship with Sanji
I don’t want them to get along perfectly
If everything was just forgiven and forgotten I’d hate it
that isn’t how people work
that tension, but care for each other is good writing
Tweedle dee, tweedle dumb, and tweedle dumber:
Same as before
They have almost the same personality(shit)
there’s a good fanfic about them loosing the “Special treatment” and how they handle it
Here’s the fic
It’s really good, but it has a lot of dark shit so keep that in mind
Mochi boy:
I understand why Katakuri is popular now
He’s a good boy :>
I loved his fight with Luffy, but the anime made it too long lol
how dare people be so mean to him
give him all the donuts
Rip cat boy:
bro I almost cried
I want Pedro back
how dare that fucker survive Pedro’s sacrifice
that shit hurt
rest in peace cat boy, you’ll be forever missed
Powerful Bunny girl:
Imma cry with her
the head pat she gave Sanji  Q-Q
I’m not ok
She pretty damn strong on a full moon
He was super cool at the end there
He used the boat like a surf board with sails
Our Golden Boy:
Sanji is a good boy and I’m glad he’s back :>
I like this arc way more than most arcs because it was a lil fucked up in a good way. Dark stuff can be really good when used properly and I think Oda used it incredibly well here. I learned a lot about Sanji and I understand him better now. 
The only problems are the usual. The classic pacing issue with fights going on way longer than needed, but I’m pretty sure that’s just the anime. 
Also I’ve noticed a pattern of just Luffy and/or his crew running to get somewhere and others showing up help him get there. I’ll admit I’m a bit tired of this. Dressrosa should’ve been the last time it was used, but that’s just my opinion.
Regaurdless of it’s flaws it’s a wonderful arc and I’m excited for Wano
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sharpegirl · 4 years
Content Warnings for THE GIRLS I’VE BEEN
Hi everyone!
It’s that time again! ARC time! Which means I’m releasing the content warnings for my January 2021 release, the YA thriller THE GIRLS I’VE BEEN. 
Remember: there’s no shame in being triggered, there’s no shame in wanting content warnings for books you want to read, and there is NO shame in not wanting to read my book after you read the content warnings! You will not be a lesser fan of anyone or anything if the book ends up not being your thing. And I will never be hurt because I want you to feel safe and my book might not be safe for you. There are lots of books (and movies and TV shows) that are not safe for me and my triggers. <3 And finally: there is no shame in reading the content warnings, thinking you’ll be fine reading, and then getting the book and reading some and realizing “Nope! Totally not happening!” It’s OK to put a book down that triggers you or has some themes that are too much for you right now (or ever!) or for any reason at all! 
Some information for you:
THE GIRLS I'VE BEEN is about Nora O'Malley, the daughter of a con-artist who finds herself trapped in a bank during a robbery with her girlfriend, Iris and her ex-boyfriend, Wes and as the situation worsens, Nora only sees one safe way out for all of them: the con.
The book is told in a non-linear format, and we see Nora’s life from ages 6-17. 
As a child, Nora is raised by Abby, her reckless and toxic mother, who has already had one daughter run away rather than deal with the terrible risks Abby takes in the pursuit of the con.
Abby runs a sweetheart con that targets criminal men whose wealth and businesses are shady--because they are less likely to report her to the police--and Nora's job in the cons is to be the embodiment of each mark's idea of a perfect daughter. But when a con goes horribly wrong and in the aftermath, her mother falls for the next mark instead of conning him, Nora is pulled into a prolonged nightmare as she watches her mother become a victim of domestic violence, and then becomes one herself. 
As a teenager, Nora is raised by Lee, her older sister who helps Nora escape her abuser when she is twelve. Lee's sole pursuit in life since she discovered Nora's existence is to get her away from Abby and get her sister the help she needs on her journey from victim to survivor. 
When we meet Nora in the present, she has recently turned seventeen. She has lived with her sister for the past five years in hiding as Nora, and only one person knows the truth of who they both really are. 
The book is primarily set over a handful of hours in the present, where the teens are locked in a bank with two robbers who will stop at nothing in the vicious pursuit of their goal. Anyone who gets in their way is collateral damage...so, of course, Nora puts herself in their way. We explore Nora's past through 'the girls'--the 5 daughters that she pretended to be, the lessons they taught her and the repercussions of each con. 
On one hand, THE GIRLS I'VE BEEN is a locked-room thriller about teenagers who had a super awkward encounter the evening before when Wes walked in on Nora and Iris kissing and now are having a really dangerous morning because all three of them have to put aside all the awkward and work together to save everyone inside the bank. 
On the other hand, THE GIRLS I'VE BEEN is an exploration of being a survivor and how people react to the revelation of survivorship. Each of the three teenaged characters is a survivor of some form of abuse or trauma.
As a survivor myself and a writer who explores these themes in various ways in her original fiction for people of all ages, it is always my goal to portray these subjects and healing from them with sensitivity, with honesty and never gratuitously or in a sensationalistic manner. 
The Content Warnings for THE GIRLS I'VE BEEN are below: 
Violence & Abuse: violence related to a bank robbery, violence related to surviving domestic violence, children and teens in peril, surviving psychological & emotional abuse, surviving parental abuse (psychological, emotional and physical), disclosure of being a survivor of childhood sexual abuse in a therapy setting, childhood sexual abuse (off-page), the aftermath of childhood sexual abuse and surviving childhood sexual abuse.  
Assault: verbal threats of physical assault, threats of sexual assault, physical assault (physical intimidation, hand to hand fighting, bullying, gunshot and stabbing wounds, arson, fire, explosions, references to dismemberment) 
Death: murder 
Misc: accidental cannabis ingestion (aka: someone eats a few pot cookies before anyone can alert them as to what's in it), discussion of menstruation, discussion of reproductive health, choice and justice, references to living with chronic pain, menstrual hemorrhaging and endometriosis, mentions of a car accident that puts passengers in the hospital, discussion of a parent with a gambling addiction. 
If you have read THE GIRLS I’VE BEEN and feel like I missed anything and you have the time, please send me an email at [email protected] and let me know. I want to make this list as inclusive as possible and sometimes I miss stuff!
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utterlyinevitable · 4 years
The Conference (Part 4)
Tumblr media
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Rebecca Lao) Word Count: 4.2k Rating: T+  Warning: some cursing and alcohol.  Summary: Becca decided to meet up with him and indulge in the past. 
A/N: i spent the last two days trying to do this chapter justice, i hope’s it’s paid off. also i promise ethan is in this one!
taglist: @ohchoices @rookiefromedenbrook @choicesficwriterscreations @aylamwrites​ @ramseysno1rookie​
Forty minutes and some heavy convincing from Nadia later I met Ryan in the lounge and asked if he wanted to grab a drink at my hotel’s bar. It was 9PM and I already had more alcohol than was probably best - who knows what would have happened if we stayed and indulged some more. Going back to my place gave me enough time to sober up enough and control the outcome should I need to. The sky was dark and starless while here on earth the archetypal lights were at their full glory. Tourists leisurely wandering round and locals bustling and cooling off from the busy day, all minding their own business and enjoying the sleepless city at night. 
We walked the four blocks downtown to my hotel, speaking of times past. I felt like I was walking on air, the ground below me wasn’t real and a mix of dramatic glitter and clouded by memories. I was walking down a hazily lit concrete road of a previous life. This surely was an out of body experience. How long had I hoped to see him again? 
“It’s been what - 8 years?” I asked, knowing full well how long it’s been since we last interacted. “The last time I saw you was at my senior prom,” my nose scrunched up at the memory.
“Yeah we spent the night in this city,” he mused motioning to the buildings around us. 
Keeping my gaze ahead I retorted, “You got absolutely bombed on Four Locos and hooked up with my friend.” 
Was it the senior prom movies made it out to be? Definitely not. There was no happy ending. I brought an underclassman, Kat, as my date because her date dropped her at the last minute. She’d already bought her dress and I had an extra ticket. My best friend brought the guy I had a thing with (aka Ryan) for longer than I'd care to admit as her date. It was dramatic and nobody had sex. Except maybe Ryan and Kat? That I’d never know for sure. 
He shook his head and I could hear the half smirk in his voice at the memory, “And you were drinking vodka straight out of a water bottle.”  
That evening we were just six teens riding hotel elevators completely plastered late into the early morning. I don’t know what I was really expecting but it certainly wasn’t that awkward-fest of events. The sooner I forget it ever happened, the better. 
“What’ve you been up to?” I changed the subject. I spent so much time working on forgetting the person I used to be. High school was almost a decade ago. I’ve grown, changed into someone I actually like, maybe he did too. 
“I got a degree in economics and work at a hedge fund downtown. You?” 
Huh. The Ryan I knew wanted to be a policeman...
“I went to med school and am a second year resident at Edenbrook hospital in Boston. Also the youngest fellow on the diagnostics team,” I recited.  
He turned to look at me, “Wasn’t that your dream job?”
I almost stopped in my tracks. He remembered.  
After all this time he remembered something so minuscule about me? Something that could have been a teenage whim... “It was - is.” 
“Have you seen that- that guy... Doctor…?” Ryan was looking at the dingy gum covered sidewalk as he tried to recall the name. The name that inspired me to pursue medicine. 
“Dr. Ramsey,” I involuntarily smiled. “I’m actually here with him.”  
He raised an eyebrow at me and I can tell he didn’t know what to say. If only he knew half of mine and Ethan’s story. 
“We’re speaking about phange therapy techniques together. It’s a work thing.” 
There was a bit of silence between us as we let my words settle into the crisp, eternally polluted air. 
I broke the silence, “How’s Talia?”  
“She’s okay, I guess. Never made it to med school,” he kicked an imaginary rock as he spoke about his sister. 
“Really?” I was taken aback. Talia Cohen always wanted to be a doctor. She wanted to help people and be financially secure, it was always something we bonded about growing up. We wanted to do what we could to take care of our moms for their rest of their lives. “She wanted to be a neurosurgeon,” I recalled, “I’d never let her anywhere near my brain, but still.”   
“I don’t know what’s up with her; we don’t talk much,” Ryan sighed, the conversation feeling heavy. He tried to laugh it off by saying, “She’s always been a bit mental.” 
The last I heard Talia was a borderline alcoholic - a terrible trait for anyone, let alone a surgeon.  
The memories began rushing back. All the Friday nights spent together at the Cohen house watching movies and playing board games, beach days with the group and helping each other wipe the sand off afterwards, the argument, the ultimate demise of all my high school friendships... Luckily we made it to the hotel bar before it got awkward. 
We found a tall table with those cozy high seats in the vaguely lit bar. 
“What’re you drinking?” Ryan asked as I slid onto the stool, staking our claim.  
“Whiskey. Neat,” I said without a moment's hesitation.  
He rolled his eyes and made his way to the bar as I held our table. 
I took in our surroundings - the checkered marble floor, deep mahogany walls to match the wooden furniture, turquoise velvet curtains pulled to the side, gold accents were everywhere. Where did Edenbrook find this place? 
“Still ever an enigma,” he said with a gleam in his eyes as he set our drinks down on the table. 
His signature crooked smirk was back and the boy I used to know shined through. “You are the only girl I have ever met that drinks whiskey. It’s always pinot or chardonnay.” He said it as if it was a fact of life - girls were meant to drink popular wines and nothing else. 
I shrugged and challenged, “Maybe you just hang out with the wrong girls.”  
“There she is.” Was it possible for his smile to get even bigger? 
I shot him a questioning look as I lifted the crystal tumbler to my lips.  
“The old Becca,” he clarified. “The cynic who always challenged me. That deep and confusing brain of yours is still kicking.” 
“I’ve evolved.”  
“I can see that. But it’s good to know you’re still in there somewhere.” His blue eyes were a color I’ve never seen before, translucent even. There was wonderment, familiarity, and a sense of belonging hidden within his irises.   
I rolled my eyes more so at myself for letting him elicit a small hint of blush on my cheeks. “What about you? How much have you changed?” I made a motion to his physical form, “Besides the obvious.” 
“Not much,” he shrugged, taking a long sip of his drink. “I don’t live at home anymore, that’s about it.”
We sat there talking for a while about anything and everything. Time seemed to stand still around us and the time that past us seemed like no time at all. We reminisced about the past and how our disbanded group of friends always seemed to throw us together. How in every spin the bottle or truth or dare we’d be sent to a closet, bedroom or basement together for at least 10 minutes. Oh naive teenage us not knowing that ten minutes was too short a time to get anything going... Nothing ever happened, there was too much at stake. I also didn’t know how to handle feelings back then. My rusty moral compass told me to stay away from my best friend's little brother. Ryan and I spent nearly three years playing a game of cat and mouse; a flirtationship that didn’t amount to much of anything. 
“I do miss the old times and friends from high school now and again,” I told him in liquid confidence. “But I needed to get away. There was too much toxic energy.” 
Earnestly he responded, “I’m sorry about that.”  
“You shouldn’t be, it wasn’t your fault.”  
His eyes began to cloud over showing how I wasn’t the only one affected by the whole childish altercations that governed those final months of friendship. “Yeah, but it was my sisters. She made your life hell those last few months.” 
“The irony isn’t lost on me.” I took a long swig of what’s left of my whiskey tumbler, debating voicing my next words. “Did… Did you even like me?” 
In an instant he spoke as if he had been sitting on these words for years, “I did. Why do you think Talia and Chris were always pushing us together?”
Chris was my other and oldest best friend. He's the first man I ever really loved, unromantically and viciously unconditionally. We stayed friends a few years after the fallout with Talia, our 18 year history carrying us through. Ultimately with one argument he severed our ties because I planned to move across the country for med school and never return to our small town. Losing Chris was the first bout of heartbreak I have ever endured.  
“To be cunts?” I lamented with a heavy sigh. Realization of his words finally set in as I turned my glass in my hands, “Wow… they’d act on your feelings by pushing us together and castrate me for having the same feelings. Typical.” 
Sitting at the edge of his seat and placing both palms insecurely onto the table he spoke, “I spent a good chunk of my teenage years trying to get you to like me.”  
My eyes fixated on the wrinkles of my damp napkin under the glass. “I did like you,” I reassured. “I liked you a lot. I just… didn’t know what to do with my feelings.” 
“And now?” His hand reached out for mine but retreated just as quickly. 
“I have a better grip on reality.” 
“Good,” he smirked. Any previous indication of uncertainty was now long gone. “As long as you don’t let another good one get away.” 
I scoffed at the thought. 
“I spent a long time wondering if you were the one that got away. But I’ve come to accept that things happen for a reason. You were what I needed then and I’ve learned so much to help me become the person I am today.” It took years for me to finally settle on the fact that the universe had other plans for me; that there’s more to life than wanting to love and be loved by Ryan Cohen. “I don’t think we would have lasted, anyway.” 
My heart’s destined for another…  
“No?” he asked incredulously. “I like to think we would have made a pretty cute couple.” Quickly he added, “Do you still have my letterman jacket?”  
“Oh we definitely would have,” I agreed. “And it’s somewhere in my mom's attic probably.” It wasn’t in my mom’s attic. I donated that jacket to Goodwill before I started my new life in California; it took me four years to realize there was no point in holding onto a trinket from a love that never was. “But we wouldn’t have lasted. I used to think about how different life would have been if we kissed any one of those times. There were so many opportunities.” 
“Too bad neither of us knew how to put those feels into action,” he laughed dryly. “We were emotionally inept back then.” 
“100%,” I nodded in agreement with a small chuckle, lifting my glass in recognition. 
The air changed around us - becoming heavy and serious, things that needed to be said weighing down the atmosphere.  
If I want to indulge in the what-ifs now was the time… 
Meeting his eyes I sheepishly asked, “If we kissed would we have started something? Would it even have been a good kiss!?” 
He laughed. “Knowing younger me, if we kissed and it was remotely decent I would have wanted you to be my girlfriend. Heck, I wanted you to be my girlfriend even without the kisses.” 
“Oh simpler times,” I chuckled letting the room temperature liquid calm the small flutter I felt in my chest.  
We paused for a moment both thinking about what could have been. 
What could have been? 
“In an alternate universe I think we could have been something,” I began describing my thoughts out loud. “But in this universe we were both too big for the small town that would have kept us hostage if we were together.” 
“You think?” 
Pausing for a second to finish the last of my whiskey, I began to rationalize, “I don’t think I would have gone so far away for undergrad if we were together. I’d want to stay close and be with you. And I feel once you started applying to colleges we’d break up and I’d resent you.” I looked away from his curious demeanor. “There was no way we would have been happy with each other back then. And that’s okay now. We were a blip in time to help each other grow and that was beautiful.” I took a pause for breath. “You made me feel things; I didn’t know what they were then and now I do. You made me happy, Ry. Regardless of your sister’s meddling.” 
We sat for a small moment in silence, letting my words set in and finding the last sips of our drinks the most interesting of companions. 
Ryan leaned forward, putting his glass down and speaking softly to me across the table. His bubbly blue eyes locked with caramel brown orbs as he gently spoke, “I didn't realize how much I missed this.”  
His words enveloped me, hugging me in a reassurance I didn’t know I needed. 
“Our banter?” I asked, needing confirmation he felt more than the all encompassing feeling too.  
“Yeah. Even if we’re just rehashing the past, you’ve always had a mind I admired,” the sincerity of his tone made my stomach flutter and adrenaline course through my veins.   
“Thank you.” What else am I supposed to say?  
He pointed to my empty tumbler, “Another?”  
I sat there alone and took out my phone. Briefly turning the camera on to take in my appearance - my brown hair a bit frizzy and more strands than normal were framing my face, my red lipstick had vanished and left a shadow of pink in its wake, my face was flush and my eyes were wide and filled with courage. As best and quickly as I could I put my face back together so as to not look like too much of a mess. Ryan’s seen you at your worst. He watched you go through puberty and still liked you. 
Letting my inner monologue win I stopped primping and scrolled through my messages and emails, grounding me back into reality. I wonder if Ethan finished the presentation outline… 
As if my drunk thoughts had the power to summon him, his voice pulled me out of my mind, “How was dinner?”
Turning to the ghostly voice on my right I saw Ethan standing there with a small, friendly smile tugging at the side of his lips. 
How long has he been standing there?  
“Ethan, hey,” I greeted, shoving my phone back in my bag. “It was good. Lovely to see the girls again, it’s crazy to think how much people can change in four years. Have you finished the outline?” 
He crossed the distance between us, placing his balled up fist on the table. “Yes,” he said with a single satisfied knock to the wood. “We can go over it later if you’d like.”  
“Definitely. I don’t want to look like a fool on my first panel. I'm nervous enough as is,” I smiled back at him. 
I don’t know if it’s the copious amounts of alcohol in my blood or the high I’m on from reconnecting with old friends, but there’s something different about Ethan. Something foreign and… lighter? I searched his form looking for any indication of the change in presentation.  
Sooner than expected Ryan placed the tumbler down with a clink next to me bringing me out of my trance. He asked, “Who’s your friend?” 
Looking between the two men I responded, “Ryan, this is Dr. Ramsey. Ethan, Ryan’s a good friend from high school.” Looking at Ethan I explained, “We ran into each other in the restaurant and decided to grab a nightcap.” 
Like the gentleman he is Ethan held out his hand. “Pleasure.” After their handshake he had a mischievous gleam in his eye when he asked Ryan, “Was she always so stubborn?” 
“More so if you’d believe it,” Ryan laughed. “She’s lightened up a bit, definitely much happier now.”  
Ethan shook his head, returning the chuckle at my expense, “No, I wouldn’t believe it.”  
I looked between the two men that held special places in my heart. The sandy blonde, effervescent blue eyed ghost of lovers past on my left, and the brown haired, stormy eyed man standing a few inches above on my right. Both men had the power to make me blush and laugh like no tomorrow. Both men made my heart ache for a million different reasons. My eyes lingered a bit longer on Ethan. He changed from his travel chinos to jeans and a new baby blue button down. The color he looks the most irresistible in. 
“You’re a thousand times worse than I am, Ramsey,” I playfully chided.  
He rolled his eyes and Ryan watched our exchange. Could he tell there was some notable tension between us two colleagues? I could still feel the tension between us - I wish we could have the do-over Ryan and I are finally having. But we’re too complicated for that. Although these two men meeting is something I never could have predicted in even my wildest of nightmares, we all are friendly nonetheless.
“Do you want to join us, Doctor?” Ryan asked.  
Ethan’s eyes moved between the two of us, obviously considering the options and facts laid out before him. “No, I don’t want to intrude. You two must have a lot to catch up on.”
Thank fuck.  
Extending the offer just like earlier in the tavern Ryan added, “If you change your mind we’ll be here.” 
We spoke and laughed, continued to talk about anything and everything. Conversation is still flowing so freely and without any noticeable effort. I forgot just how easy simply being with Ryan was without all the complications. It was bliss.  
Out of the corner of my eye I noticed Ethan went to the farthest edge of the bar, a scotch already in hand. He was looking down at the glass and folding a cocktail napkin a few times over. I thought about the similarities between Ryan and Ethan, the stinging feeling of history repeating itself taking homage in my muscles. This time I’m adamant not to have any regrets. I took the opportunities to show Ethan how much I care for him and wanted more, alas it was him who couldn’t understand his feelings. I’m exiting this chapter with my head held high. Then why did I still feel so low? 
It took so many years to get over the one that never was, how long do I have to suffer with the pain of the one that got away?
Ryan took the trek up with me to our 26th floor apartment door. A silent understanding between us of knowing it meant nothing other than not wanting the night to ever end. We both knew he would not be staying the night. Our time had passed. No point in knotting the timeline further. But that didn't stop us from wanting closure. To finally put all the what-ifs and could-have-beens to bed once and for all. 
I stood with my keycard in my hand, back mere centimetres from the door and looking up at Ryan not sure what else to say or how to properly say a long awaited proper goodbye. Unsure of who leaned first we kissed. 
A long awaited decade-in-the-making kiss. A tender and peaceful kiss. Two experienced tongues coming together to find solace in the unknown. There were no fireworks, no passion. Just a comfort of knowing we made the right decision; we didn’t need to regret anymore. The lust wasn’t there no matter how attracted we still were to one another. Our bodies have moved on. Ryan traced my curves like he’d done so many years ago when he’d hold me close on the couch. My hands ran down his chest noting just how much it’s changed - toned muscle replaced the post pubescent chub. I didn’t need him and I didn’t want him. But tonight for some reason or another I’m glad he’s here. 
Once we parted Ryan breathlessly asked, “More than satisfactory?”  
I gave him a true, unencumbered smile, “I’ll give it an 8 out of 10.” 
He kissed me again. A light and feathered goodbye.  
We stared at each other for more moments than necessary, taking in each other's everlasting silhouette. 
“Bye, Ryan,” I said softly, as if it were the ending of a prayer.   
As he began retreating backwards to the elevators he asked, “Let’s not wait another decade to meet up, alright?”  
“No promises,” I called back.  
Once in the comfort of the empty apartment, I dropped my purse by the door still dizzy from the kiss. I rested my back against the nearest dining chair to keep me steady and touched my tingly and swollen lips. How long had I been waiting for that kiss? Much longer than I’d like to admit, that’s for sure. It finally happened and I… 
I felt nothing. 
As if on cue to my overwhelming realization, Ethan walked in not a moment later.  
“Hey,” I breathed out, biting my lip.  
He nodded in acknowledgement of my greeting as he swiftly walked past me, “Rookie.” 
“Do you want -”  
And just like that he was in his room with the door slammed shut. 
What’s gotten into him? 
I knew I should leave him alone, he doesn’t owe me any explanation or attention, and maybe it was the alcohol talking but I just couldn’t let it go. 
The night was still young and we have work to do, I rationalized.  
I knocked on his door, “Ethan?” 
No answer. 
“Ethan? Are you okay?” 
Annoyed I deadpanned, “If you don’t open the door in 5 seconds I’m coming in.”
And just like that he opened the door a crack, exposing me to the sight of Ethan Ramsey’s bare chest and sweatpants hanging low on his hips. 
Ethan doesn’t sleep in sweatpants, I recalled. 
“Can I help you?” he asked venomously.  
I closed my slack jaw back up and deadly replied, “Are you okay? Did something happen?”  
“It’s late. You should go to bed.”
He wasn’t looking at me. He was looking around me. I could see his eyes dart to the top of my head, the generic painting hanging on the wall to my right or the table in the distance. They were erratic and full of… torment? 
“It’s midnight,” I retorted. “And don’t we have to rehearse?” I’m not sure how much of the presentation I’d remember but I know I didn’t want to lose this high - I didn’t want to go to bed with Ethan angry, nor did I want to fall asleep without spending an ounce of normalcy with him today.  
“We’ll rehearse in the morning.” He used that authoritative hospital voice that took me aback.  
“Oh, okay…”  
“Is that all?” he huffed.  
I looked at my feet feeling unbelievably stupid. “Um… yeah.”  
He began to close the door, “Goodnight, Dr. Lao.” 
“Night,” I mumbled back. 
I shuffled to my room next door not fully understanding his outburst and what I could have done to upset him so badly in the short space of time. Things seemed almost normal in the bar, right? 
Sitting on my bed bundled up in the thick navy duvet I thought about the last few months. Rafael, Bryce, random bar-goer, Ethan, Ryan… God I’m a ho. In under a year I’ve been entangled with the heart strings of five men. So much for being at the helm of my emotions... 
I’m not a ho. I’m not in a relationship. I’m not sleeping with just anybody. I’m not bad. And if I was it’s ok. We’re all consenting adults, I can make my own choices. 
The one choice I wanted more than anything was to not push Ethan away the way he has done to me. I wish I was strong enough to make the choice to push past his door and cuddle up to the warmth I’ve been starved from. If seeing my long lost Ryan Cohen taught me anything tonight, it’s that I cannot have any regrets. Alas I nailed the final spike one in me and Ethan’s coffin not too long ago. Because I gave up no so long ago there was nothing else to save between us. Right?
I went to sleep thinking back to that night I turned the table around and, for the first and final time, pushed Ethan Ramsey away. 
______________ A/N: let me know what you think and if you want to be tagged/removed 😊
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Another Top 10 Male TV Characters (In no particular order)
I posted something like this before but I added some favorite characters and I had to get my feelings down in writing :) You can read my other post, but in summation, the characters I mentioned before were: Gilbert Blythe, Lenny Bruce, Logan Echolls, Mike Wheeler, Steve Harrington, Shawn Spencer, Burton Guster, Stanley Barber, Luke Danes, and Jim Hopper.
Pacey Witter (Dawson’s Creek)
I’ve found that my top 3 favorite male characters have something in common. They’re all funny men with a deep sadness underneath. Logan Echolls, Gilbert Blythe, and Pacey Witter. Pacey is such a kind guy. He is so caring and comforting. He is also so funny, snarky, and sarcastic. But then there is that vulnerability that he has and it’s so appealing. Pacey is this strange combination of complete confidence but also having a strong streak of insecurity. There’s this scene in season 1 where Pacey opens up to Joey and tells this story of how when he was 8 years old he lost a game of baseball and his father yelled and screamed at him and called him a disgrace. The next day he overheard him tell Pacey’s brother about the events and his father said “at least I have you.” The way that Joshua Jackson delivers that is so heartbreaking and makes you want to give him a hug. Joey and Pacey are far and above the most entertaining and interesting characters in all of Dawson’s Creek.
Jim Halpert (The Office)
Jim is such an important part of The Office in my opinion. He's the type of character that all those mockumentaries need. There are so many crazy characters and they need some normal characters that you can relate to. Yet Jim is also far from boring. He's hilarious and an extremely entertaining part of the show. Also John Krasinski is the freakin best :)
Ben Gross (Never Have I Ever)
Ben  Gross is another character like Logan and Pacey who is funny and yet also has a deep sadness beneath all of it. You really don't start the season feeling too much sympathy for his character. Though I don't believe it's right to demonize Ben more than Devi. When the show starts they are very antagonistic to each other and they both say hurtful things to each other. But when Ben starts caring about Devi, he does not look back. Ben would do anything for her, even drive in bumper to bumper traffic even though he's terrified of it. In episode 6, we see Ben's home life for the first time. That's when collectively so many people started to feel immeasurably sad for Ben. He puts forth this facade at school, but we find he just a sad and lonely boy who deserves all the love in the world.
Nick Miller (New Girl)
Nick Miller is iconic. There's a reason that he was trending on Twitter 9 years after New Girl began and 2 years after it ended. I could never find the reason he was trending aside from the fact that he some classic and iconic lines and a lot of people are discovering the wonderful world of loving Nick Miller. Nick is an absolute gem and in my opinion the best character in New Girl.
Maxwell Smart (Get Smart)
Maxwell Smart is such a deservedly beloved TV character. Max and Get Smart are so important. So many of Max's lines have entered the English lexicon and taken on lives of their own, such as "Would you believe...," "Missed it by that much," "Sorry about that Chief," and "I asked you not to tell me that." He's hilarious and no can play him as well as Don Adams.
Lucas Sinclair (Stranger Things)
Lucas is such an underappreciated character. On Youtube there is next to no tributes to his character. He's always been amazing but season 3 really brought him up to a new level for me. Lucas saved the day at the end of the season. I would also say that El's humanity and how she got through to Billy helped save the day. But it was Lucas' idea to use fireworks on the monster and that was huge. Plus he had the heroes entrance. When they reveal who is throwing the fireworks and Lucas says "Flay this, you ugly piece of shit!!" It's a truly iconic line for an iconic character. Actually Lucas continually saved everyone's asses in Season 3. Also he's so funny... especially in season 3. I feel like the writers did a good job of shining a light on Lucas and giving a lot more to do. I love that we got to see Mike and Lucas' friendship as well, we've heard so much about it in past seasons, but to finally see the friendship in action was supremely important.
Dustin Henderson (Stranger Things)
Dustin is a precious ball of sunshine and must be protected at all costs. He has the sweetest smile and the kindest heart. He’s also a literal genius. If your ever in a bad mood just google his name it’s just what you need to brighten your day :) Side note. Gaten is a comedic genius already!!
Winston Bishop (New Girl)
Winston Bishop AKA Prank Sinatra!!! Lamorne is such an amazing addition to New Girl. There are so many classic Winston moments, like his love of “puzzling.” His inability to do a prank without going way overboard or not going far enough. I also love the scene where he gets the glasses that counteract his color blindness, his excitement at seeing different colors for the first time is so pure!!
Jerry Helper (The Dick Van Dyke Show)
Jerry Helper is such a dynamic person and a lot of that is thanks to the fact that Jerry Paris (who plays him) is so dynamic. I think the saddest thing about TDVDS is that Jerry had less of a big part of show as it went on, because Jerry Paris became the main director of the show. It was his dream to be a director, so i’m happy for him, but it just means that he directed more of the episodes and acted in less of them. Jerry and Millie were perfect for each other, they were both such entertaining people and I loved their relationship on the show. In a lot of shows there’s always the token couple who seems to hate each other and fight bitterly. Jerry and Millie were the type of couple who fought all the time, but the unique part is they truly love each other as well. The way it’s written you get the impression that they fight passionately but they also make up passionately.... do I need to write Jerry and Millie fanfiction? I think I do ;) Side note: were Jerry and Millie the first couple on TV to go to marriage therapy? I feel like they were, which is another way that The Dick Van Dyke Show was ahead of it’s time.
Arthur “The Fonz” Fonzarelli (Happy Days)
The fucking Fonz!!!!! Icon!!!!! I don’t think there has ever been a more iconic character in all of television. It’s been said that after The Fonz talked about getting a library card in an episode the amount of library cards being issued spiked dramatically. Supposedly the library association said that it spiked by 500%, whether or not that exact amount is correct, it points to just how popular The Fonz was. His leather jacket is in The Smithsonian museum. But the The Fonz is not just cool, he’s also an extremely interesting character. Sadly he was abandoned by his father and by the sounds of it also his mother. He was largely raised by his grandmother since the age of 6. He dropped out of high school and he joined a gang. Fonzie is an incredible man and he adopted a son out of wedlock because he wanted to give a kid a better childhood than what he had. He truly was a symbol of kindness and he was the coolest fucking character to ever exist. He was a proponent of civil rights and advocate for people with disabilities, and he even learned sign language so that he could communicate with a woman who was hearing impaired. Henry Winkler was nominated 3 times for that role. Since then Henry has gone on to other amazing roles. He had a part in Arrested Development, he plays Jean Ralphio’s father in Parks And Recreation. And most recently he finally won a much deserved Emmy for his role in “Barry.”
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trensu · 5 years
Episode 27: The One where I Want to Punch Basically Every Sect Leader in the Face. Repeatedly. With a Chair.
And we start off back in the rain, AKA OUR ENDLESS TEARS
Wwx is like, do you remember our promise?
Wwx: i wished to stand with justice and live without regrets. But tell me now, who’s strong, who’s weaker? Who’s right and who’s wrong?
Lwj: wei ying! 
Oh god, his voice! HE’S DISTRESSED
Wwx: is this the promise we pledged our lives to keep?
Oh, look, lwj is doing the deathgrip of gay yearning on bichen again. We haven’t seen that in awhile AND I WISH WE WEREN’T SEEING IT NOW
Okay, but for real, how can lwj look so hurt here when the actor is literally doing nothing with his face??
I know i’ve mentioned that before, BUT C’MON, HOW?? HOW DOES THAT EVEN WORK??
Wwx: my only regret is that i didn’t stop the jin clan who took living people as bait
And now wwx is all, i missed my chance to protect wen ning before so now i MUST leave to save him
Oh no
Oh noooo
He’s pulling out his demon flute. We’re gonna get THAT SCENE
Wwx: lan zhan, if i finally have to fight them, i’d prefer to fight with you
Wwx: if i am doomed to die, at least i can be killed by you. That would be worth it.
Oh god, he’s doing the bichen deathgrip again
He tears his gaze away from wwx and turns to the side TO LET THEM ALL GO PAST
And now he drops his umbrella to the ground AS HE TRIES TO DROWN HIMSELF IN THE RAIN
And after all that emotional torture we get Plot Stuff happening
Blah blah wwx at the burial mounds blah blah sect leader banquet blah blah
Ugh, gross, they’re letting the idiot sect leaders talk again
They’re all blah blah wwx is evil blah blah he murders ppl blah blah we hate him blah blah
This whole part here is so difficult to watch. They’re literally just trash-talking my PRECIOUS SUNSHINE BOY
Jc, lwj, and lxc look visibly uncomfortable with what’s going down and they kind of sort of tried to defend wwx but they didn’t present a united front or hold their ground
Instead they let yao and ouyang run their stupid mouths
Here’s little itty bitty bits of almost wangxiantics in the middle of this mess
Jgs: yeah, jc, i know wwx is your trusted bro and all but idk if wwx actually respects your authority. Do something about it, maybe
Lwj: *subtly glares at jgs*
And then everyone joins in on dragging wwx’s name through the mud bc apparently that’s the hot new thing in the cultivator world
If you look closely while this is happening, you can see that lwj legit GRINDS HIS TEETH with how much he’s holding back. MY POOR BB HAVING TO SIT THERE AND LISTEN TO EVERYONE DISPARAGE HIS SOULMATE
Jgs: wwx totally doesn’t respect you, jc, my bro. Everyone here heard him say how much he thinks you suck or whatever
Lwj: No I didn’t.
Jgs: what??
Lwj: i never heard wei ying say that, nor did i see him disrespect clan leader jiang
And ugh, disgusting, jgy steps in to be all “oh, well, wwx said so many awful things that day, who can possibly remember the specifics?”
Lwj visibly swallows here, as if he’s choking back a response, and his lips are all pursed. 
That’s all the wangxiantics we get from that terrible awful sect leader banquet
Oh, wait a minute. Wait a minute! 
This isn’t a wangxiantic
But it is an EPIC MOMENT that should be commemorated.
Because here we get…
*drum roll*
Jz: blah blah wwx kills our people indiscriminately blah blah
Mm: not indiscriminately
Mm: indiscriminate is not accurate
And everyone around her is like, confused and offended because they’re assholes
Mm: in this specific case, if the overseers did abuse the Wen prisoners and kill wen ning, then what wwx did was not “killing indiscriminately”
Ouyang: nah, the overseers said they never abused/killed anyone
(okay, she didn’t call him an idiot outright or swear, but it was totally there in her tone of voice and also ouyang is an idiot so there)
Mm: you all think you’re so smart and voice your opinions so loudly
And she throws down her jin robes and mARCHES RIGHT OUT OF THAT SHITHOLE WITH HER HEAD HELD HIGH
Lwj watches her do that and two seconds later follows her out bC HE RECOGNIZES BADASSERY WHEN HE SEES IT (and also she defended the love of his life)
And that badass moment ends
But the banquet of idiots keeps going
The jin clan needs to learn how to shut the fuck up
God, they just go on and on and on
Why are they torturing me like this
We see lwj and mm standing together on a terrace, talking to each other
Oh, side note to let you all know this direct quote from nmj - “that girl really has a backbone.”
Okay nmj, i’m slightly less angry at you now. I won’t try to beat you with bichen or a table or a chair.
(but now i kinda wish mm would join the nie clan. I think she’d do well there and also i want to see her carry a gigantic saber)
We get some chitchat with the Official Bros™ but idc let’s move on 
(tho i do appreciate the look nmj gives jgy, like, HOW DARE YOU TALK TO ME lolol)
Ooooh, now we’re getting lan fam time
ANGRY lan fam time, uh oh.
Lqr: lwj, have you regretted it? I didn’t punish you when you broke into the Forbidden Chamber bc i thought you’d self-reflect 
Lqr: you shouldn’t have gone to qiongqi way and let wwx go. Should you make one mistake after another?
And lwj is kneeling in front of him this whole time with a blank face
Lqr: what’s the use of getting you to memorize the Great Big Book of Lan Fam Rules?? Tell me, what is rule 52?
Lwj: No association with evil
He answers immediately and without any inflection to his voice.
Lqr: did you forget what happened to your father???
Lwj practically gasps and lifts his gaze to meet his uncle head-on
Lwj: my mother, she…!
Lqr: hold your tongue!
And just like that, lwj shuts down again; expression flat and gaze lowered
Basically the entire lan clan needs to go to therapy, like, STAT
Oh, i just noticed, lwj has his fists clenched at his sides. He’s clenching them hard, too. I think they’re trembling a bit, actually…
Lqr: i’ve been taking care of you since you were a kid; you’re like my son.i was strict bc i wanted you to stick to the right path and avoid your father’s tragedy
Lqr: that’s what i wanted to say to you. I hope you choose the right path. You may leave.
Lwj still bows respectfully before taking his leave
And i’m sure y’all are wondering, hey trensu, why did you make us endure that angry lan fam time that hurt us deep in our soul?? That wasn’t wangxiantic at all!
That’s where you're wrong, my friends!
It’s actually SUPER wangxiantic bc lqr kept drawing parallels to lwj’s dad the practically whole time
You know, the dad that married their mother who murdered some guy and had the whole world turn against her. 
(Sound familiar?)
The same mother that dad loved with his entire being and did what he could to keep her safe from the ramifications of her actions? By marrying her? And hiding her in the cloud recesses?
Bc, you know, that’s a totally hetero comparison to make lol
Oh, now we get to see our favorite Disaster Het be less of a disaster
We’re not going into detail here bc we’re not here for hetero shenanigans, yuck (actually, i’m apparently weak to Pining Idiots of all kinds bc this whole jzx/jyl scene is giving me tender feelings)
Also, how the HELL did jzx end up being the one who was able to express his intentions clearly? He was all “please don’t go to the burial mounds, stay here with me so i can protect you from all who would want to hurt you”
Jzx accomplished this before you did, YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED.
Huh, okay, i guess i did go into a bit of detail with that hetero nonsense. Oh well.
Now we’re at the burial mounds again with wwx
Lol, wwx is all if you don’t let go i’ll plant you like a turnip
And a-yuan plops himself down in the dirt like YOUR THREATS DON’T WORK ON ME, OLD MAN, I LIKE BEING IN THE DIRT
Then he asks wwx for 3 elder brothers and 2 elder sisters, awwww. He thinks wwx can grow them in the garden (like cabbage patch kids!!!)
Plot stuff happens
Blah blah wwx and wq share moment blah blah jc shows up blah blah
Jc sees that glowing talisman door thing and is like THAT SIGN WON’T STOP ME BC I CAN’T READ
And then whips it down with zidian
Now we get some feelings-laden Yunmeng bros time
A-yuan shows up and leg-grabs jc and it’s ADORABLE
But jc yells at him bc he’s a JERK
Wwx scolds jc and then is a Dad to a-yuan: don’t put your hand in your mouth, you were just touching dirt!
Awww, we get to see jc fight back a smile at this! HE WANTS TO BE AN UNCLE, I JUST KNOW IT.
Plot plot plot stuff happens
More plot stuff happens
And the episode ends with us still in the burial mounds with the yunmeng bros
And you know what, i’m just gonna focus on our BAMF mianmian moment bc quite frankly the rest of the episode either had me in tears of anguish or spitting mad. There was no inbetween. 
I’m gonna end up having blood pressure problems at this rate.
I’m too poor young to have blood pressure problems.
The Jin clan better pay for any medical bills I get because of them, I'm just saying
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xsugarysweetsx · 4 years
Bam! Im gonna hit you with more various Honoka hcs.
⁃ So when Noka was a baby, neither her dad or Shirou knew what the hell to do with her wings.
⁃ Her first word was "Siro" which was exposed to be "Shirou"
⁃ She would fly around and their dad would make Shirou chase her down.
⁃ When Shirou and Noka were taken in by their uncle, he just slept and let her do whatever.
⁃ Their uncle, also known as Eraserhead, was a very kind guardian
⁃ He went to each of Shirou's ballet concerts, and did Noka's hair for picture day
⁃ If you looked through his search history it would be filled with "how to do a braid for beginners"
⁃ Aizawa bought Noka various art supplies and bought Shirou new shoes whenever they needed them
⁃ Didnt want them to become heroes
⁃ Cause he didnt want to see the two children he practically raised to be hurt
⁃ But because of their ties to All for One, the government forced both of them to become heros to "prove" that they had severed their bonds with All for One
⁃ Shirou's dream was to become a professional dancer and Noka's was to become a professional artist
⁃ And Aizawa was not happy that the two lights in his life were torn from their dreams
⁃ And so Shirou got accepted into the hero program, in class 1-A
⁃ He chose the hero name Shifter
⁃ Cause he could shift into any organic form
⁃ When he got 3rd place at the sports festival, Noka ran around her uncle's apartment screaming with joy
⁃ Noka is literally his biggest fan
⁃ Noka's first friend was a small purple haired boy name Hitoshi Shinsou
⁃ So naturally, she called him Toshi
⁃ And she refused to call him anything else all throughout middle and high school
⁃ Shinsou and Noka have sleepovers all the time and you can't tell me otherwise
⁃ When people would tell Shinsou that his quirk was villainous, Noka would always speak up cause she knew Shinsou wouldnt contradict them
⁃ Noka is always like that
⁃ Speaking up for others and herself. And her smart mouth tends to get her in trouble
⁃ Shinsou would fuss over Noka's wings. Like if they were dirty or a few feathers were out of place, Shinsou would sit her down and fix her wings.
⁃ "Toshi, your inner mom is showing"
⁃ "Its not my fault you cant take proper care of your wings"
⁃ When she told Shinsou about her acceptance into U.A's med course, he couldn't have been prouder
⁃ Noka is actually the one who encouraged Shinsou to train with her uncle.
⁃ But before that lets talk about Noka's time at U.A. so far
⁃ She was first introduced to class 1-A during the first combat training
⁃ Healed everyone who got very minor injuries
⁃ At the USJ attack, Shigiraki deteriorated part of Noka's hip. But her extremely enhanced natural healing abilities stopped the deterioration
⁃ So she has this big ass scar on the back side of her left hip
⁃ She wanted to absolutely murder Shigiraki for letting the Nomu loose on her uncle
⁃ But she doesnt have any damaging fire power
⁃ So she just tried to heal her uncle's wounds the best she could
⁃ Nearly gets herself killed many times with her smart assery
⁃ And gives everyone around her a heart attack in the process
⁃ During the sports festival, she helped RG heal all the students
⁃ Reprimanded Deku for overusing OfA
⁃ Oh yeah, she learned about AfO and OfA from her time with All for One
⁃ Is kind of like to Deku like Recovery Girl is to All Might
⁃ So fast foward to the internships
⁃ She interns with another oc of mine, Snow
⁃ Who is a healer but with incredible attack powers
⁃ Coincidentally, Noka was patrolling Hosu when the nomus hit
⁃ She recieved Deku's distress signal and ran to the scene
⁃ She didnt attack the hero killer, but ran to help Native and made sure he didnt bleed out
⁃ The hero killer didnt bat a single eye at her, deeming her not a threat
⁃ In the end, she didnt harm Stain so her hero guardian? didnt have to take any blame for her actions
⁃ Noka however did get nearly ripped in half by a nomu, so she had to stay in the hospital with Todo and Deku
⁃ So— Summer training arc
⁃ She just looked at her class and said "fuck this" and flew over the whole forest
⁃ She actually beat the wild wild pussycats back to the camp
⁃ She got to know Kota, telling him how she never wanted to become a hero
⁃ Kota may or may not have developed a kiddie crush on her 😳
⁃ But anyways, when everyone else saw her all nice and refreshed, needless to say they were upset
⁃ Some more than others
⁃ *remembers Bakugou nearly blowing off Noka's face because she cheated*
⁃ Aizawa just smirking at his niece cause shes so much like her mother
⁃ "They said to use our quirks. Its not my fault your quirk is too grounded"
⁃ "No I wanna eat, goodbye—"
⁃ Focuses on her attack and the healing capabilities of her quirk
⁃ Let me set the scene
⁃ At the beginning of UA, our Noka could barely heal up a small cut
⁃ But now, she can close up major wound with little to no effort
⁃ P r o g r e s s people
⁃ N e ways
⁃ So when they do the haunted quirk thingy
⁃ Hairi and Noka are paired up, to their delight
⁃ But they aren't able to go into the forest before the attack happens
⁃ Apparently, the league came for Bakugou and Noka
⁃ Cause the "master" wanted his first nomu to return to him
⁃ But all Deku knew was "they are after Kacchan and the master's first Nomu"
⁃ Nobody knew who the first nomu was except for Noka
⁃ See, AfO took and gave Noka various quirks, eventually ending up with her current quirk(s)
⁃ Eventually, Noka is cornered by Dabi
⁃ His fire power vastly out matches hers
⁃ But she puts up one hell of a fight
⁃ And Kurogiri took her before she woke up and fought back even more
⁃ So everyone was panicking when they couldnt find Noka
⁃ Aizawa was panicking them most
⁃ His precious niece was missing, no, taken by the league
⁃ The students had never seen their teacher so frazzled
⁃ The thing that broke Aizawa more was the look on Shirou's face when he told him that his baby sister was missing
⁃ His precious baby sister
⁃ His whole world
⁃ Shirou didnt go out of his room for days
⁃ He was there when they were to save Bakugou and Noka
⁃ All Might fought AfO, and won
⁃ But there was no sign of Noka
⁃ Shirou nearly tackled Bakugou, demanding, no, more like pleading for him to tell him where she was
⁃ Bakugou merely said "She's gone, and I dont know where she went"
⁃ The whole class was in a panic
⁃ Where was Noka? Was she hurt? Was she scared? Was she in danger?
⁃ And the question that hung on everyone's mind the most was
⁃ Is she alive?
⁃ The emptiness of Noka's desk was deafening
⁃ Their smart ass classmate was nowhere to be found
⁃ And they all felt guilty
⁃ But none more than Bakugou
⁃ For he was the last to see her alive so to speak
⁃ And her last words to him were "Forget about me ya big oaf, you hear me? I don't want you sulking, or I'll personally beat your ass."
⁃ Forget about her? How could he do that?
⁃ Noka was the only person who didn't put up with his bullshit
⁃ From day one she put him in his place
⁃ And honestly shes the closest thing to a sister he has
⁃ During the hero license exam, all of class 1-A decided that Noka would be really upset if they all sulked and failed their exams
⁃ But the fact that only Todoroki and Bakugou failed would make her fall into hysterics
⁃ When class 1-A met the big three, Mirio told them that Noka was strong and stubborn to a fault, so they shouldnt worry about things that arent in their control
⁃ To which they asked how he knew her
⁃ Apparently Shirou, Amajiki, and Mirio have all been friends since elementary school
⁃ So Amajiki and Mirio had been there a lot for many crucial parts of Noka's childhood
⁃ When the work studies started, Deku went on patrol with Mirio and Shirou, AKA Lemillion and Shifter
⁃ Shirou couldnt help but feel so much guilt crushing him when Eri jumped out of Deku's arms
⁃ Cause Eri reminded him of his little sister
⁃ Speaking of little sister
⁃ For the last 2 months, Noka had been experimented on by Kai Chisaki
⁃ In the mean time trying to protect Eri and building a loving friendship with the young girl
⁃ But ive alreadly talked about this part
⁃ So skipping to when they save her
⁃ It was a total shock for them
⁃ To see this wingless, pale, frail, bandage wrapped girl
⁃ And even more so when she spoke
⁃ Not having that bite that their Noka had
⁃ But a softer, more broken voice replaced her normally boisterous and confident voice
⁃ In the big battle agains Chisaki, Noka got slammed against a wall
⁃ Which in normal circumstances would be fine, but with her body in such a week state it immediately cracked her ribs and spine
⁃ Ochako helped get her friend to the ambulance as quick as she could
⁃ Shirou saw a fluff of pale pink hair out of the corner of his eye
⁃ He immediately turned to run towards the medical stretcher, but was stopped
⁃ He kicked and screamed something along the lines of "THATS MY BABY SISTER. PLEASE LET ME SEE HER"
⁃ In the most broken voice you would ever hear
⁃ In the hospital, after Sir. Nighteye had passed, Deku, Kirishima, Amajiki, Shirou, Ochako, Tsu and Aizawa were all waiting anxiously for Noka's surgery
⁃ When all of a sudden the door explodes open and the nurses and doctors are shoved out by an invisible force of heat
⁃ Noka was using her ability to set herself aflame and be healed in the ashes
⁃ But no one knew wtf was going on cause she learned the trick at the Hassaiki hideout
⁃ So p a n i k
⁃ But after the doctors confirmed her stablility, they all went back to school
⁃ The whole class bursted into tears when they told them about Noka
⁃ Jirou, Kaminari, Momo and Mina all being the most emotionally impacted
⁃ Bakugou was almost crying witb relief but he disnt show jt
⁃ They weren't allowed to see Noka for a whole month
⁃ Only family were allowed
⁃ She was hard at work recovering and going through therapy and they didnt want to disturb her
⁃ But when they (Kirishima, Deku, Ochako, and Tsu) did visit, they were shocked
⁃ There was this soft spoken, trembling, woman, and this was after a month of intense therapy
⁃ They hadnt event started physcial therapy yet, they wanted to get her tk the point she could be around others without going into a panic mode
⁃ Thus she needs the wheelchair
I have a bunch more random hcs but this is so long anyways. Im so sorry >_<
It’s fine anon but seriously you gotta start posting!
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aro-culture-is · 4 years
1)I'm aro & even tho I came to know about that term just recently I've alys had the 'aro' personality & those who know me knows it. I'm 23 & never been in a relation. I'm also introvert so I don't really have close friends & i don't desire other's company whether romantic or not. When I was 14 I had this guy frn & I guess we were pretty close. I stopped talking to him over some argument about he wanting me to be his gf. I wasn't planning on not speaking with him forever but he died a week later
2)So since I'm in 20s and suddenly everythings about finding the missing piece crap I always get pressured into seeking it. I tell my mom time and again that it's not for me but she keeps pointing out that I'm shy introvert and I don't know what I'm missing and the story of that guy. I honestly don't have much memory of him now but she tells me that I was devastated and she was worried sick for me cause she thought he was my bf. So now I'm confused and try to look at myself w/o those things
3) but I can't. I don't know if I need therapy and this aromantic is sth in me that can be fixed. I don't mean to degrade the word. And I don't know if I want it fixed even if it's fixable. I don't know how to answer to my mom bringing up possible trauma that may be possible for me being aro. There has to be other people with similar situation. What is on the other side?
4) sorry this this getting too long but I want to add about how he died to get a gist of how fucked up it was. I used to help him with studies and we often had extra classes where I used to go with him insisting that he go since he had difficulty getting decent grades. That day I didn't call him as I said I wasn't talking with him. He had gone for swimming when we had class. He drowned in a river nearby. It was never known if it was accidental or not.
TWs: trauma, implied suicide (as a possibility), internalized arophobia
okay... so, i’m going to preface this with the fact that regardless of the aromantic side of things, the language that you used throughout this would make me inclined to suggest therapy regardless. i’m not a professional, i’m just a 20yo who’s seen a lot of the growth of the aro community on tumblr over the last 7 years.
the reason i’m saying this is specifically that you mention “i guess we were pretty close”, “don’t have much memory of him now”, etc., especially paralleled with how you keep mentioning that you’re getting info about this from your mother. again, i’m not a professional, but that speaks to me of a traumatic situation (aka: something that you were not emotionally capable of processing when it happened) in which you either didn’t form memories well (a stress response, but this seems unusually severe in my limited understanding) or possibly have repressed it to some degree. both are totally normal responses, but nonetheless it might help to speak to a qualified professional about your experience with this if it’s distressing you enough to ask me, a random internet blog, about it in this detail.
additionally, in all honesty, i’m concerned that your only source of info seems to be your mother. while i’ll say in full disclosure that my view is impacted by my own (shitty) relationship with my mother, many parents want their children to lead what they picture to be a perfect life, to the point of causing damage in their attempts to mold their children into those lives. if this specifically is only being brought up when you talk about being aro / in conjunction with conversations about dating, that would lead me to suspect this is the case.
with regards to the aromantic side of this ask:
1) being aromantic is first and foremost about attraction. if you don’t think you’ve ever, or rarely, felt romantic attraction? you’re aro. you don’t have to claim the label if you don’t want to, but I think in your case it sounds like you do want to.
2) with ppl assuming that you were dating someone especially when you were 14, i’d disregard anything they say. at least in USA culture, mothers especially are poor judges of who is and is not dating in my experience, and typically assume any friends who happen to be a guy and a girl must actually be dating. literally it’s so rare for parents, especially mothers in this culture not to assume that that i actually cannot think of a person who i know who didn’t have their parents make that assumption at least once when it wasn’t true.
3) the relationship between aromanticism and trauma is often personal. ppl who have experienced trauma that they believe caused them to be aro are still aromantic if they chose to label themselves such, and it is directly unhealthy to take that control away from a trauma victim. while again, i am not a professional, i was given basic training about how best to support a victim of trauma, and the number one thing is that you must give them the reigns. they ultimately must have power over what happens to them. empowerment is extremely important.
that said: studies do find that the average alloromantic person experiences their first crushes around the age of 10. if you personally don’t recall having had any crushes before this experience, I wouldn’t be quick to describe your aromanticism as stemming from trauma. if you did have crushes, but you recall picking a person to have a crush on, that’s not what an alloromantic person calls a crush, that’s what an aromantic person who is trying to fit in calls a crush. so. there’s that to think about.
4) from the last point: “curing” aromanticism. if and only if your lack of attraction stems from trauma do i believe there is a chance that therapy could help to unlock any form of attraction you used to have. in all honesty, though, I would strongly advise that if you do believe this is the correct course of action for you, you cannot go into this with a therapist who isn’t respectful of queer identities. you cannot go into this with the expectation that everything will “return to normal”. trauma is complex. therapists with no knowledge of aromanticism could easily do harm simply because they aren’t familiar with the fact that people who don’t experience romantic attraction can live fulfilling lives.
this ask is complex. i’m really hoping i’ve answered it the best i can, but ultimately, all i can do is say this:
i’m sorry that you experienced this. what happened was not your fault, and you deserve to be able to move forwards with your life regardless and feel content with your life.
for as long as you want it, the label aromantic is yours to claim. no one can take that from you. sometimes, well-meaning people may try, because they don’t know better than to assume it is harming you. that does not mean that they know you better than you know yourself.
trauma is complicated, and healing from it can feel daunting. however, therapy can help you process what happened then, what is happening now, and come to a conclusion about how best to move forwards. it sounds to me like you harbor a feeling of guilt about a situation that, no matter what, was not your fault. accident or not, anyone who tries to imply that it was your fault is wrong. i know that my words as a stranger might not carry much weight, but if nothing else I want you to know that you are allowed to stop carrying this weight.
this ask is complex because in all honesty? i don’t think is about aromanticism. as someone who is currently in therapy, and who regularly discusses my own trauma with my therapist, i’m reading a lot of the same types of feeling i’m currently confronting in your ask.
best wishes
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