#aka i never finished episode 4
starlitdaydreamer · 2 years
“you left the jellys down here” “mmm bbaq” is such a raw line
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totallynuwonhere · 4 months
2nd Gen Shawpack Pookies
I’ve had them in my notes for AGES and I’ve still yet to finish a design, but i do intend on creating little skits of them cuz of how much I’ve invested giving them all personalities and pinterest boards. (If this isn’t me exhibiting my deep love for the Redactedverse idk what is)
Some descriptions are longer than the others, I’ve obviously put more thought into certain characters
•Shaw Twins
- both children are sadly ungifted in the kitchen, despite the fact that David has made them his little helpers when since they were little. Multiple flames have been put out because of them.
-Both do share a love for nature like their father.
Gabriella Shaw (Gabby)🫶🏻
- Angel carbon copy with a dash of Gabriel’s silliness and courage, which always made David smile.
- Natural born Leader. Despite being the eldest child (4 fucking minutes) David has never burdened them with the responsibility or thought of inheriting the business. She stepped into the leadership role on her own, with more brighter approach, personality wise.
- Rollerskates, Angel started taking her to roller rinks since age 6 and she loves taking Lyss and KC with her
Callum Grey Shaw 🌱
-Yes he’s named after the sweet Caelum. David wanted to commemorate his childhood friend.
- Inherited David’s resting bitch face, if you point it out he’ll even growl like he does.
- Great Observer. Because his sister was the more outgoing one of them, he was always the listener, making him more emotionally aware, noticing things most people miss.
- Loves sitcoms. He’s probably watch Brooklyn Nine-Nine so many times he can name episodes in order. This also translates his love for the security company his dad runs. Always begging David to take him to work with him. (I think we know who inherits the company)
•Talbot Troop
-Asher is the only one I picture having multiple kids with a range of age gaps.
-No doubt the most outgoing ones of the pack.
August Talbot (Auggie) 🍕
- Foodie
- Life of the party, stealin’ hearts with his million watt smile
- DDR is his sport
Kelcee Talbot (KC/CeeCee) 🧠
- Designated driver of the group
- Straight A student. When she was young she’d share all the interesting facts she’d pick up on to her parents and it always astounded Asher, how she can command a room, especially being the SOMEWHAT, mellow one among the three.
Oliver James Talbot (OJ/Ollie) 🪲
- Very inquisitive
- Youngest of the pack (the only 7yr old in a group of 17 year olds)
- Has a special bond with Alyssa
•Greer Icon
Alyssa Marie Greer 💥
-Now while i think of Milo and SW as the D.I.N.K (dual income, no kids) couple, and i will somewhat always think that, but— this name crossed my head and I just cannot let it go. IT HONORS MARIE OK—
-Unsurprisingly is always the best dressed. Milo is very proud.
-Has a very ‘takes no bull personality’ making them the most intimidating out of group.
- Plays archery competitively
- Straightforward
-Weirdly great with babies, explains her close bond with Oliver
Sean Riley Collins 🥐
- aka Peace Officer Collins
- The code name speaks for itself, he is very much like his old man when it comes to ensuring his friends don’t do anything stupid, and in the very common occasions they do, he of course serves them with a patented Collins lecture.
- He may be half vamp, but that doesn’t mean he has to have a mundane food pallet, this man can COOK and bake, a soft, crispy shelled sourdough being one of his specialties
Hugo Solaire 🎭
- theater kid
- sarcastic, confident, somewhat frivolous, despite his royal status, which gets him in trouble for
- May or may not have a thing for the alpha’s daughter.
- Like Vincent, he’s mostly only close to the Collins’ but has occasionally hanged out with the shaw pack.
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autisticlancemcclain · 7 months
my friend @beloveddawn-blog helpfully sent me a list of questions to help me get my creative juices flowing in this massive bout of writing struggles i got going on. ily mwah.
1. Do you prefer in-denial Lance or pining Lance? How about Keith?
basic cop-out answer but it changes from fic to fic. in a more comedic fic, i like to go for lance who is both pining AND in-denial, aka he knows he’s in love and is mad at it, or i like to make keith like so painfully oblivious to lances blatant PLEASE DATE MEs that it’s funny. generally tho i go for gooey whipped mutual pining.
2. Do you prefer Keith to be baffled by Lance's flirting or just baffled Lance is flirting with him?
baffled that lance is flirting with him. the I Do Not Deserve To Be Loved -complex is my favourite complex to give keith bc i have problems and he’s just so easy to blorbo
3. What's your favourite episode and why?
i’m gonna be so real with you voltron was so bad that once i finished s6 at like 15 yrs old i vowed never to watch it again 💀💀 six years later this vow holds true. however i remember liking the first episode, the mermaid episode, the space mall episode, and the episode where keith chases lotor in the black lion and lance is like dude you fucked up. dumbass. but he’s very obviously fond and he’s THERE and they’re gonna fix it together and that is the first time keith realises that lance fully and completely has his back. that is the moment he fell in love to me
4. What's your favourite character beat and why?
i don’t know what a character beat is BUT i am a lance stan as you may have guessed. interestingly, i used to watch voltron with my siblings and as with all character things we did together, we each picked a favourite and then only that one character was allowed to be your favourite. lance was picked before i could pick him but i got keith (and thus have the most merch of him). and honestly….keith is kind of my favourite i never stop thinking about him and also i write in his pov the most (granted, about lance lol).
5. What's your favourite line you've ever written.
oh that’s a hard one! not to toot my own horn or anything but i’ve had some stellar lines, at least i think. i have a lot of lines that are profound or whatever but to this day i’m proudest of the “i’m anaemic” “oh i didn’t know you had an eating disorder” line like i made myself laugh out loud 💀
6. What's your favourite fic you've ever written
eighty percent of my fics are my faves bc i write to indulge myself lol. BUT i’m rly super proud of my look so good longfic, i love the applebees universe, and the beauty and the beast au is dear to me. i’m also obsessed with this fic that only exists in my head bc i have typed nothing yet. it’s a theatre school taming of the shrew au.
7. What is your favourite type of AU? Do you prefer complete AUs (like BatB) or detail AUs (that angsty thing you wrote where Lance leaves after the game show)?
i love modern aus really. i’m a fan of the mundane. as a close second i like redoing movies/songs/books that aren’t usually au’ed. and i like complete aus WAY better, i just have trouble actually completing them 😭😭
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lurkingshan · 1 year
10 Things I Love About Khun Chai
I did it, y’all. I watched my first lakorn, and let me tell you, I had a fucking fantastic time doing it. Now that’s not a blanket endorsement of the genre, because I understand Khun Chai aka To Sir, With Love is pretty unique, particularly in that it’s a period queer love story with a happy ending. But as a different kind of Thai drama than any I’d previously seen, it was truly a great watch.
It has some flaws, sure. It’s a soap opera, so melodrama, repetitive story beats, overdramatic acting, and slow pacing are par for the course. If you go in understanding that, you’ll be fine. And the episodes are long af but don’t be shy about increasing the playback speed - I watched a lot of it at 1.5x and it was perfectly smooth. Now that I’ve finished it, I think the time investment was totally worth it (@bengiyo my final rec - worth going back to finish! It worked better for me when I broke it up in chunks of 2-3 episodes at a time).
Without further ado, the top ten reasons I loved it:
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Look at him. Just look at his beautiful traumatized face!! I hold that it’s impossible to watch this entire show and not come out absolutely loving this man. He is so believably flawed but at his core he is good. He is generous. He is loyal. He is brave. And he looks very good in a three piece suit.
Honestly I could do a whole top ten list just about Tian but let’s move on and give some love to the rest of the show.
2. Did I mention this is a PERIOD ROMANCE??!! Something we get so precious little of in bl. I asked @absolutebl a while back if they knew of any other Thai period bls, and this was the entire list. So good thing it’s excellent!
The show is set in the 1930s and 40s in Japanese-occupied Thailand, and it centers on a powerful Thai-Chinese family (currently leading a cooperative partnership of five families) and the power struggle over who will be the heir (Succession, but make it Asian and queer). The show digs into really interesting family structure, politics, and class struggle stuff.
3. The brotherly bond is unmatched and undefeated. The plot centers on two brothers, Tian and Yang, who love each other so much, like I cannot emphasize enough how willing these brothers are to protect and die for each other. If someone was shooting at them they would both try to dive in front of the bullet. Their bond is so touching and provides an emotional through line when the plot gets wacky.
4. The classic soap opera plots are truly brilliant, all your favorite tropes are here. This show has everything - family secrets, nefarious schemes, murderous maids, mystical poisons, faen fatales, even sex pollen! As I believe @ginnymoonbeam put it at one point - everything is happening so much all the time. It’s truly a delightful romp, especially after the halfway point when the plot machinations really kick into high gear.
5. The queer love story is the main romance and emotional heart of the show. There are actually two romances in this show - each of the brothers gets a love interest. And both of them are lovely. But rather than the typical move where a het drama features a queer side pairing, here the entire story is driven by Tian’s sexual identity, the burden placed on him to keep it a secret, and how increasingly impossible that becomes once he meets Jiu. Over the course of this show, we get to watch Tian fall in love and finally live his truth and see how that changes him. It’s truly beautiful, and the romance between Tian and Jiu is so sweet (and a bit racier than I expected - the show does not shy away from the sexual aspect of this relationship). The romance between Yang and Pin is also very sweet - they are adorable tbh - but entirely secondary.
6. Every frame of this show is absolutely gorgeous. The scenery is lush, the costumes are beautiful, the tailoring is impeccable, the hair and makeup never misses. It’s truly a feast for the eyes.
7. There are so many good female characters in this show, y’all! Tian and Yang have not one but 4 or 5 different mother figures. They are all flawed, complex, and a little nuts. They get up to so much trouble and drive a lot of the plot with their scheming, hijinks, and prolific wielding of murderous sparkle dust (don’t ask, you have to see it to understand). Pin, Tian’s would be fiancé turned sister-in-law, is a total sweetheart, but she’s also smart and fierce with a steel core and not afraid to tell her man when he’s being stupid. There’s even a lady boss at the head of one of the five families.
8. Relatedly, there is so much complex family drama in this show, and so many interesting dysfunctional parental relationships. @waitmyturtles you will have a field day when you finally get to watch this. Both brothers have fraught relationships with their various parent figures, for very different reasons. The various relationships and resentments that form between the wives and the sons in a polygamous family unit (did I mention that yet? there are three wives in the mix here and the brothers have different biological moms) are absolutely fascinating.
9. The resolution to the succession plot and ultimate defeat of the Big Bad was so satisfying. I won’t get into spoiler territory, but let me just say that the characters went through a lot together and to see the way they ultimately had to come together and let go of their baggage to survive was very cool. It felt earned.
10. IT ENDS WITH A BIG OLD HEAP OF GAY DOMESTIC BLISS!!! I will get into spoiler territory here because you deserve to know that if you put in the time to watch this show you will be rewarded with a very happy couple forming a family unit and living peacefully on their own terms. I was so pleased with this ending, I can’t even tell you. The final scenes made me cry real tears, I was so touched. And they even put a literal rainbow in the sky at the end. A literal rainbow! Come on!
Watch it, friends! It’s worth your time.
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romana-after-dark · 1 year
The Wrong Way: Chapter 8
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Dark!Joel Miller x Fem!Reader Tommy Miller x reader (secondary)
Spotify playlist
Summery: You are sold to Joel to clear up some of your fathers' debts, and he takes you back to his house where him, Tommy, and high ranking members of his raiding trope stay. Joel is mean, cruel, and hash, but had small moments of softness that confuse you in your venerable state. Over time, you get to know him and Tommy, and see different sides of each, and both are hiding secrets. Was it possible to fall in love under these circumstances? Or was that just another way Joel was fucking with you?
Aka: my mom sold me to One Direction
WARNINGS FOR FULL FIC, NOT CHAPTER BY CHAPTER UNLESS SOMETHING NEW IS ADDED AFTER MASTER WARNING LIST: DEAD DOVE DO NOT EAT!!!! Fic contains graphic depictions of sexual assault, rape, molestation, dubcon/non con. Blow Jobs, PIV sex, lose of virginity, sex trafficking, past incest, death/people dying everywhere, Stockholm syndrome, falling for your rapist, victim blaming, torcher, branding, physical abuse, rape (not Joel), somno, dub con on tommy? idk he's not really into it but feels like he has to, self-harm/depression/suicidal thoughts (not a lot) but fair warning, major age gaps, love triangle, pregnancy/birth, threats of abortion, major character death, mentions of potential csa/child abuse but does not even come close to happening, forced pregnancy, forced housewife shit, breeding, breeding kink?!?!
I wanna add we're really heavy on the birth/pregnancy, forced birth, choking, domestic violence, threats of hanging and murder. Can't say I didn't warning yuh (unless i missed a warning of course. then please let me know so i cant edit ASAP) Like this is a rough chapter, a lot of violence to a pregnant woman. but I wanna say right now...
The baby will not be harmed in anyway. Baby will be born healthy, and live and have a good life in both the main ending and alt ending.
5k words (sorry not sorry lol)
Also to clarify a few things I guess i didn't make clear enough in previous chapters!
Joel only 'guessed' that Tommy and LO slept together. He had suspicions but thought he could trust Tommy and his 'girlfriend'. When LO rushed to stop Joel from hurting Tommy, that was his 'evidence'. Joel was beating Tommy because he found out about Maria.
Joel only heard part of the conversation between Zach and Little One. Nick said way back in chapter 3 the wall are thinner than she thinks. He didn't know Lorenzo had any part of it, and because LO didn't rat him out, he never will.
Thats my bad for not being clear!
Can you catch the Superstore homage? (aka i rewatched two episodes just to take it line for line lol)
Month 3
No one warned you about morning sickness. 
You knew fuck all about sex before you came to Joel’s, just a thing or two from your friend back at the ranch and how to get a man off with your mouth or hands, but pregnancy and birth was next to nothing. You didn’t even know how pregnancy happened really, other than a penis in a vagina until you asked Tommy early on if you were going to get pregnant. After a very uncomfortable talk for both of you, Tommy explained that Joel told him he pulls out, so you should be good… Lorenzo said you can still get pregnant that way, but thinking back to the night Joel almost killed Tommy and you… Joel finished inside… the timing added up. 
Pregnancy and birth were entirely unknown to you, and you wished someone would just give you a heads up. Joel had a daughter and no doubt had been through at least once pregnancy, and Lorenzo had mentioned 4 of his 6 older sisters got pregnant before leaving the house… something about no sex education, men too old for them, and their religion not believing in birth control or abortion… but you didn’t know what half those words meant, and after Lorenzo mercilessly made fun of you for days about not knowing Joel’s song for you was actually a very famous song, you didn’t dare ask him about the words, or anything with pregnancy. You didn’t want to ask Joel either, not wanting to give away how terrified you were, not wanting him to think you didn’t want to… But you did! You did want this baby, you reminded yourself again and again and again, because Joel was good to you, Joel took care of you, Joel would care for this baby too. You’d be bound to him, and he’d never get tired of you this way, and he wouldn’t hurt the mother of his child, right?
The birth was something you tried not to think about.
So here you were, puking your gut out before you even had breakfast and Joel held your hair back.
“Shhh, shhhhhhh” he coo’d and you heaved, yellow bile and acid coming up from inside you since the little food in your stomach from dinner had been thrown up 5 minuets ago.
With a final spit into the toilet, you sink back and Joel wipes your mouth for you. “I think that’s it.” You mutter, and Joel carries you into your shared bedroom, laying you down with the care of an infant before kissing your forehead. 
“Don’t worry about breakfast, little one. I don’t need anything this morning.” He says before kissing your cheek. But you were worrying about breakfast, because you wanted it… but the only way you’d be getting food is if you made it. Tommy wasn’t here to care for you anymore. “I’ll be gone until the evening, what's for dinner?”
The thought of cooking, the thought of raw meats and the strong smells of spices made you want to vomit again. “I dunno…”
“I think a few of them chickens is ready to be butchered, you ever made chicken parmesan? We got that cheese I brought back yesterday, you could make something like that.”
You groan a bit, exhausted and tired despite being only 3 months in. You didn’t sleep at all last night, nightmares of the past and the future plaguing you. He knew that you didn’t sleep, you had told him… “Joel I can’t, the butchering, I feel so-”
“I’ll make Lorenzo do it.” He promises. “Chicken parmesan it is then?” He decided for you. What he didn’t understand is it wasn’t just butchering a few chickens. To make chicken parm you need chicken breasts, not the rest of it. You didn’t waste meat, so Lorenzo kills (you could do it on a normal day, but not with your heightened smell) then you pluck, clean, Lorenzo butchers, then you have to separate the different parts and put them into hygienic storage and take them to the freezer locker, then thoroughly clean yourself, all the tools and surfaces (and Lorenzo) to prevent illness. It would take hours. But Joel didn’t see that, he only ever saw the food at the end of his day.
“Okay” You agree reluctantly, and he begins kissing your neck and groping you, no doubt wanting a quicky before a long day of unspeakable violence. “Joel, please, I don’t feel good.” You beg him not to, but you learned in the past that this never got far.
His morning breath wasn’t helping anything as he tugged down your shorts. “I’ll be quick.”
You knew what that meant. Joel slid into you with no prep, no lubrication, and it burned. The steady rocking was the last thing you needed right now, and with his head buried in your neck, you covered your mouth as the nausea took over. You threw up, but like everything the last several months, you just swallowed it down again to deal with when Joel was gone. When he came inside (wasn’t he worried about you getting pregnant again?) you quickly pull up your pants and run to the bathroom, pushing past Lorenzo no doubt on his way to babysitting duties with you. 
As he watched you run past and heard the sounds of throwing up, Lorenzo caught Joel’s arm as he brushed past. “Peppermint or ginger. Find it, whatever form it's in. Oils, drops, whatever. If you can find the leaves or the root we can make it into a tea. Just find it, it’ll help her nausea.”
Month 4
“Okay Lorenzo, I got a question for you, and you can’t make fun of me.” You say as you cook, the swell of your belly beginning to show now.
“No guarantees.” He says, sitting his drink. How did he find so much alcohol?
“Fine. Okay… when Joel and I have sex-”
He visibly cringed. “Since when do we talk about our sex lives?” 
“Fine, go on. But remember I’m not exactly an expert on female anatomy.”
You take a deep breath. “Okay. Well I told you he always pulls out right? Um… ever since I told him im pregnant… he doesn’t.”
Lorenzo waits for you to continue, but you don’t. You think that’s it. “What the problem?”
You continue to avoid looking at him, stirring the soup. “Well.. what if I get pregnant again?”
He stares at you like he’s trying to make sense of your question before the recognition sets in. “OH!” But before he explains what he means… his face shifts… theres something sad in there, a hint of pain in his eyes you only saw once, the face he had as he looked at you in disgust while Joel carried you from the bedroom to the bath while you were covered head to toe in spit and cum and period blood… was it pity? “Jesus kid… No one really taught you anything, did they?”
“C’mon, just tell me.”
Scrubbing his face, he sighed. “No, you can’t get pregnant while your already pregnant.”
Oh. “Wait… really?”
��Yes, really.”
“Ah. Okay then.”
There was a long, long silence before he spoke again. “If you got any other question about, like… pregnancy and birth… I can try and answer.”
Joel had been trying to find a doctor, a midwife, something for you… but it was slim pickings in Wyoming. 
Five minuets later, you were squealing, covering your ears, but laughing. “Ew! What the hell is a mucus plug! You know what, I don’t wanna-”
“IT’S A PLUG FULL OF MUCUS IN YOUR VAGINA WHAT DO YOU THINK IT IS?!?!” He yells loud enough to get past your attempt at blocking your ears. 
“NAH NAH NAH NAH NAH!!! I CAN’T HEAR YOU!” But you still could.
“Honestly in the last month or two all kinds of weird things are gonna come out of you including but not limited to a very slimey and weird looking baby.”
You gasp, feigning indignance. “How dare you insult my unborn child!”
“It ain’t personal, sweetheart. All babies look ugly as fuck as newborns. Now, let’s get back to the gritty details.”
With a squeal, you try to run away. “No! I know enough!” But you’re laughing. It felt like you were messing around with Zach back in your childhood home. 
“My sister Elaina lost like 4 teeth.”
Month 5
Joel had finally found a midwife of sorts. Well, technically, Jack did, as it was his cousin. Maura had been a nurse in the birthing wing a short time before everything went to shit and had been helping women deliver babies ever since. Initially, she told Jack to keep his mouth shut. She hated Joel and didn’t want a thing to do with him, but when no one else showed up and you were in your 5th month, she relented, purely for the sake of the innocent kidnapped girl. 
“Put the fucking gun away, Joel.” She said as she entered your room, grabbing the barrel in Joel’s hands and pointing it to the floor. “Point that shit at me again and I’m not helping your child bride.” She stared him down, head tilted up only slightly to reach his eyes. If she was intimidated by Joel, she wouldn’t
Joel glared at her, but he didn’t have many options. “If you hurt her-”
“From what I hear, you’re doing enough of that yourself. Now, you stand up against the wall and watch if you want to, but don’t interfere, and do not try to intimidate me, understood?”
You watched in awe as she stood her ground… It had been months before you had done anything of the sort against Joel, only standing up to him when Tommy’s life was in danger. Joel gave a curt nod and she turn to approach where you lay, sat up against some pillows.
A gentle smile was on her face, but it was clear she was here for business. Still, her confidence and certainty put you at ease.
“My name’s Maura, I’ll be helping deliver this baby.” She was beautiful, with long black hair and a light smattering of freckles on her face, but got straight to the point. It was clear she knew what she was doing, asking you questions you hadn’t even thought of yet and examining you. When she was done, she stood up, looking at you, not Joel. “It seems despite the circumstances-”
Joel tried to interrupt. “The fuck’s that supposed to mean”
But Maura ignored him, keeping your attention with her bright brown eyes. “Despite the circumstances, everything appears to be progressing naturally, theres no cause for concern as of right now. But you need to keep things low stress.” It was then she turned to glare at Joel, to emphasize her point.
Maura said she’d be staying near-by and Joel was paying her a hefty price for her services. When you’d go into labor, Joel was to send a man on horse to fetch her, preferably Jack, but she warned she would armed, and she’d be there shortly.
That night, Joel held you close as you discussed baby names. 
“How about Loretta? Like that singer you liked?”
Joel hums, none commital. “I always liked Dorothy, we could call her Dolly as a nickname. I know you like Dolly Parton” Joel had been teaching you about old country music, and you certainly had a few favorites. Not knowing many women in general, your pool of girl names was not strong so you drew from singers he’d mentioned. 
You scrunch up your nose a bit at that. “I like Dolly, I don’t like Dorothy.”
“It was my grandmas name, I’d really like to name our daughter after her.” His voice had that tone to it, the one that left little room to argue, but you tried to push past Dorothy.
“Maybe June? Like June Carter?” You knew how particle he was to Johnny Cash, but also... that was the name of the only friend you had before Tommy.
“That’s beautiful, little one, June it is.” He smiles into your skin, and you think you’ve won, when he says. “Dorothy June.” 
He had already decided, and there was no real option to argue or change his mind. You’d just call her Dolly, then.
You had one thing you really, really wanted for boy name, and you desperately hoped you could get it, but you couldn’t tell him why. You didn’t want any more kids so this was your only shot. You hadn’t even wanted this one, but as your stomach swelled with life, motherly love came with it and you decided you’d make the best of the situation. The child inside you was your number one priority. “Okay, boys? I really like Caleab… It’s my favorite boy name…” You didn’t have to tell him that was Zach’s middle name.
“I like it, bebita.” 
You got what you wanted. You knew Joel was hoping for a girl, so you figured he was less particular on the boy name. 
“Got any ideas for the middle name?” You ask him.
“Nothing in mind, really. I’m open…” He kisses your neck.  “Anything you want?”
You keep quiet. The name you wanted… he’d never go for.
Joel pulled you closer, nuzzling his face against you as he whispered. “Ah. I see.” You freeze. Tommy hadn’t been so much as alluded to since he barely made it out alive and you thought for sure Joel would have a fit, and you began to prepare yourself to feel a hand wrapped around your throat… But he tucked your hair behind your ear and kissed into your locks as he settled down for bed. “Caleb Thomas”
Month 6 
Lorenzo was getting on your fucking nerves today, and you were about to fling the frying pan, bubbling grease and all, at his face. 
“Will you shut up?”
“No, I’m not going to shut up because you are being fucking stupid!” Instead of his usual spot sitting at the kitchen table, he’s standing, arms crossed, in the doorway as you tried to get diner done. “I told you the first day, you are a dumb. Bitch.” he was drunk, three sheets to the wind and absolutely no filter.
“You have no fucking idea what I am! I am trying to fucking survive, Lorenzo, I am trying to keep myself and this baby-”
“You are playing housewife to a serial murder and a rapist!” He yells at you, clearly frustrated. “You are rewarding all the bad things he’s ever done you just give positive reinforcement-”
“Don’t fucking blame me! I’m not reinforcing the bad, I’m reinforcing the good!” You storm over to him, glaring Lorenzo down. “You have no fucking idea how bad things were! I used to dream about killing myself, about dying, about Joel finally snapping and doing it! I am doing the best in the conditions I have!”
“You could have left! You could have left with Zach and gone off with him for fucks sake!”
With a burst of anger you didn’t know was even in you anymore, you shove him, hard, causing the drunk to fall over. “You wanna know what he did last time I tried to run? He caught me within 10 minuets, dragged me back and chained me to this table-” You point at the table that you and Joel sit at most evenings now for diner. “And raped me in front of everyone, Lorenzo! Then he branded me and left me to be gang raped by all your little buddies here! And no one could stop him, not even Tommy! All Tommy could do is stand by and watch, and unchain me after Joel left before anyone could do anything more!”
Lorenzo was not deterred. “That’s my fucking point!”
“If I leave and he catches me, I am dead!”
Scoffing, Lorenzo rolls his eyes from where he’s slumped against the floor. “Yeah, that’s why”
Unsure how much more you can take from him, you motion him to continue.
“You just don’t wanna admit you fell in love with your rapist.”
That was enough. You begin to walk away from him, but he follows after you. 
“What about when you give birth, huh? What kind of father is he going to be? Are you going to stand by while he beats your kids?”
“SHUT UP!” You scream, still walking away. 
“And what if you have a daughter? You just gonna let him molest her like your dad-”
You wipe around so fast you don’t even have time to blink. “No, Joel isn’t like that.” 
Lorenzo laughs at you, cruel and loud. “You are 20 years younger than him, he raped you! You really think he’s above-”
“YES! He will not hurt her like that!”
“And if you have a son? Do you really wanna raise a man like Joel? The kind of man who beats and rapes innocent girls?”
Tears prickle at your eyes now, a terrible tightness in your chest bubbling with stomach bile. “N-no, that’s not gonna happen, I won’t let-”
“Oh, because you’ve had so much choice the last year, havn’t you. Sooooo much control.”
“I won’t.” You shake your head vigorously. “I won’t let anything happen to my baby, Joel won’t hurt them.”
“So, say he doesn't. You really gonna raise a kid here? Half the men here would’ve raped you, given the chance! You really think your child is safe here?”
You can’t argue with him when he’s right. But he doesn’t get it. Joel is good now, Joel protects you, Joel will protect the baby… Joel is gentle now… soft, kind… he thinks of you, he sings you songs… he plays music for you, he’ll be a good dad… You’ll be okay…
You shut down, going into autopilot. You don’t look at Lorenzo as you walk back to the kitchen to finish frying the chicken. Joel would be home soon.
Month 7
“JACK! GET MAURA!” Joel shouts as you groan on the bed, the tight contractions hurting.
“Joel, it hurts!” You call for him, and in a flash Joel is at your bedside, letting you squeeze his hand. 
“I know, little one, I know…” He pets your hair, having flashbacks to Sarah’s birth…. He wanted another girl so bad, but god, he just wanted a healthy baby and for his girl to make it out alive. Birth was dangerous in modern medicine, nonetheless a post-apocalyptic shitstorm. 
Lorenzo stood in the doorway, biting his nails. “You’re not due for another 8 weeks!”
Grunting through the pain, you let a rare bout of sarcasm slip. “Oh yeah, that’s right, never mind.”
“Could be false labor, you know? That’s called Braxton-Hicks contractions?” Lorenzo looked more nervous than you.
Joel ignored him. “It’s gonna be okay, Maura’s on her way and I think even out here 32 weeks is gonna be okay.” Joel wasn’t entirely sure about his own words. 32 weeks meant a premature baby, and pre-mature usually meant NICU… but there was no NICU to go to… if the babies lungs were under developed or anything like that, there were no options. 
Lorenzo was chewing through his nails enough to draw blood. “Or maybe it’s Braxton-Hicks”
At that, Joel finally acknowledges Lorenzo. “Okay, we get it, you know the term Braxton-Hicks, we’re all very impressed.”
“AHHHHHHH” You yell, wishing to get there was something for the pain.
Lorenzo wouldn’t shut up. “Okay, contractions are getting longer, that means your in active labor?”
“Her water hasn’t broke yet!” 
“Is she dilated?”
“Does it look like her pants are off to you?”
“Well check!”
“I don’t know how to tell! Weren’t you bragging last month you helped your sister give birth in a Walmart?”
“That doesn’t mean I know how to check if she’s dilated!”
“You know more than me!”
“I’m not sticking my fucking face between legs!”
“Oh, because you’re gay you’re suddenly scared of vagina’s?”
“What are you talking about?”
“So you’d rather let her just die?”
“DIE? Joel she’s not gonna die because I’m not looking at her fucking cu-”
“GUYS” you shout, causing both to turn and look at you. “The contractions stopped.”
There’s a moment of silence before Lorenzo speaks. “Oh. Huh. That’s uhhh… Braxton-Hicks I guess. False labor.”
As Joel kissed you that night, sex was the last thing you wanted, but you knew there was no point in fighting it.
Joel sucked on your throat, already bruised with dark marks from the night before, now sore and aching with new licks and bites, his hands roaming to expanse of skin presented before him. Gripping, feeling, pinching, tugging, some things felt good, some hurt, but that didn’t matter. He’d get you off, he always did, at night anyway, but you knew sometimes he just liked to feel you, feel what he owned.  The pain is mine. Your cries are mine, your cunt is mine. And if you bleed? Your blood is mine.
Your belly round and swollen with child, he could not hardly keep his hand off it, every time his hand traveled to explore, it quickly found itself returning to its home, never wanting to miss a kick. He slithered down, nestling his face between your legs and devouring your pussy the way he did your neck, the way he did every piece of you, body and soul and until there was nothing left but this subservient version of you, weak and obedient to his hands. He lapped you up, skilled tongue exploring through your folds only pausing to nibble at the soft skin of your thighs or kiss the round stomach above him. He felt extra possessive today, a desperate, anxious way about him as he devoured you so hungrily you wondered if he intended to eat you, swallow you whole to keep you with him forever; a communion, and you were the eucharist, a matrimony of cannibalism. 
You wanted to tug at his hair, you wanted to entangle yourself in him but your belly was in the way, so you simply laid back and enjoyed as he tongue fucked you, prodding at your entrance, his hands on the globe where your child waits to be born.
“Fuck, Joel, need you, need to cum, please.”
You beg for him, plead, and he devours. Joel knows you love when his perfect, plus lips such at your mound and your clit with long fingers fingering into you, and you yelp when they curl up and hit that spot inside you. “Keep moaning, little one, let me hear you.”
You obliged. Sometimes you wondered how sick everyone in the house was of hearing you, but they weren’t the ones you needed to please; pleasing Joel kept you alive.
“I need you inside me, please” Nudging him with your leg as you cry for his cock. “Joel, I gotta have you inside me, I need to cum on your cock, please? Please, Joel-”
A wet, sloppy sound as he detached from you, and his eyes looked just as hungry as he acted while he crawled up. “You beg so pretty, little one, such a pretty little cock whore.”
But you didn’t have time for his talking, you needed him inside you, now; the hormones of the pregnancy had a mind of their own. You take a chance and push him down, watching Joel smile as you straddle his waist. “God, I just- just need you.”
“The take me, little one, take me” 
You cry out as you sink down onto him, feeling your cunt split on him. “Fuuuck!” Sobbing, you take him fully and begin to fuck yourself on him.
“Just like that, pretty girl, fuck, taking me so well, gonna have you all stretched out to have this baby, huh? Gonna give me a child, little girl? A baby of our own? Fuck, fuck you look so pretty like this, swollen with my child, stretching your stomach as I stretch your cunt, fucking perfect, my perfect wife.”
You knew Joel was delusional… but fuck, Lorenzo was right… you were playing house wife. Joel thought of you as his wife… 
“Gonna fuck you full of my cum, again, and again, keep you constantly knocked up, make our happy little family, you and me and a dozen little kids running around, FUCK, our family, our family.”
You continued the pace, you couldn’t falter, you couldn’t slow down, you couldn’t hesitate; you couldn’t give any sort of reason for him to think you didn’t want this…
But it suddenly struck you
You were trapped. Joel trapped you with a baby, knowing you’d need him to protect it, knowing you’d never leave your child… and now he was going to keep you pregnant. You could never leave with 5,6,7 kids, it would be impossible. 
“Yeah, fuck yourself on my cock little one, just little that…” Joel reached out to touch you, roughly manhandling your tits that were swollen and engorged.
You begin to cry, but that wouldn’t give away anything for Joel; he fucking loved that shit.
One hand on your breast, one on your clit. “Cry on my cock, baby girl, cry when you cum.”
You did, you sobbed as you came, your body betraying the horrors you felt at his hands.
Month 8
“Hey Joel? Can I talk to you about something?”
You had to do it. You had to. And it had to be now. You two had fucked less than half an hour ago and he was currently eating your food, humming contently. He was always lovey-dovey after sex, and was always much happier after food… The pair didn’t line up often, so now was your chance. 
“What’s on your mind, little one? Nervous about being a mother? You’ll be a great mom; I just know it.” He smiled at you with puppy dog eyes, looking up from his plate, and you couldn’t help smiling back, not when he showered you with compliments.
“Well… you’ve said before you wanted lots of kids… but we… well this little baby was an accident.”
“A miracle, not an accident.” Joel corrected you. You didn’t see how conceiving a child the night he was threatening to blow your brains onto a wall for sleeping with his brother if you didn’t shoot said-baby’s uncle was a miracle… but you digress
“Right. Well… we never really talked about more kids… and although I’m over the moon about this baby, I did initially not want to have it.” Joel’s face began to darken, but you powered through. “Maybe we could see how we feel about one kid after a few years before thinking about-”
Joel slammed down his silverware. “What are you trying to say.”
But you freeze. This was a bad idea, you needed to placate immediately, you needed to calm him down. “N-nothing, Joel, just thinking out loud.”
He stood up, a deadly, blank stare on his face, so far removed from the adoration as he bestowed kisses on your ever-growing belly. Joel walked around the table, standing behind you and placing firm hands on your shaking shoulders, leaning into your ear. 
“You say’n you don’t want my kids? Don’t wanna be their mama? You don’t wanna be my wife?”
“No, no that’s not-” But you don’t get a chance to finish, his hand is wrapped around your throat and insane strength pulling you up and out of the chair, the wooden furniture toppled to the side in a loud clatter. He slams the back of your head against the drywall, you’re toes barely touch the ground; struggling to breath, you claw at his hand, but he doesn’t even blink.
The panic begins to set it.
“YOU ARE NOT IN CHARGE! YOU DO NOT GET TO MAKE CHOICES!” He screams, and out of the corner of your eye you watch as a few men hesitantly gather, like vultures waiting on the next piece of deadmeat. You couldn’t see who, but it didn’t matter. Even the good ones couldn’t intervene.
Joel’s face was suddenly right in front of yours. “Everything you have, any freedom, any luxuries, any power you think you have is because I have given it to you.” Black spots appeared, your vision blurring, sinking into the unknown and god, did it feel sweet. Was it finally over? “I bought you, I own you, you have no rights! You are nothing! You are nothing but a toy for me to play with, a breeding bitch and you should be so lucky to sit at my table!”
He let go, but as you gasped for breath, Joel yanked at your hair and patched you across the room, not letting go of his grasp on you as you flung into the counter. What he didn’t know, what he could never understand was how the handle of the draw rammed into the brand on your side. Suddenly, all sense, all rational went out the window, and you were violently thrust back to last year as he burned his initials into your skin. The flashbacks were triggered, and the result was nothing short of hysteria. You cry out for the only person who would step in.
“TOMMY!TOMMY!TOMMY!TOMMY!TOMMYYYY” You scream, the fact Tommy was miles away didn’t matter, nor did the fact this would only anger Joel more. This didn’t matter; you wanted him, no one but him, and all sense was knocked out of you.
Joel pulls you up by your hair and slaps you hard enough that you taste blood and screams at you to not say Tommy’s name, but you can’t stop, you scream and scream and scream for him to come save you and your baby, the precious little life inside you that has never done anything wrong. 
You fight and claw and panic, hysterics drowning out the one or two voices telling Joel to stop; who they belonged to, you couldn’t say. 
Joel stopped listening, and the voices grow louder as Joel drags you, kicking and screaming, outside; rope and a chair in his hand, your hair in the other, and Joel walked with long strides to a tree outside.
YEEEEEEESSSSHHHHHHHHHHH Cliiiiiff hanger, hanging from a cliiiiiiffff thats why he's caaaaallled, Cliff Hangers!
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Who else used to watch Inbetween The Lions? Anyway.
Who wanna guess what happens!
Only two chapters left!
For the sake of credit, if you didn't find the superstore reference or dont watch the show, most of the dialogue between Joel and Lorenzo and LO was between Amy and Jonah from two birth related episodes of superstore
Also, Maura is named after my dear dear friend @maura-honey who although is not generally a fanfiction girlie, made a tumblr so she could read, like and reblog this series and always sends me such lovely messages <3
Reblogs are the best way to spread and support, but comments mean the world. I know not everyone likes to share dark content on their blog, but even a kind anon is such support!
for those who voted you dont like or hate or Lorenzo, I hope that doesn't mean you hate him as n he's a bad character. I got a comment on AO3 that said "i cant tell if i like lorenzo or not, but i like him in the story" which makes sense! His victim blaming is really fucking shitty.
no poll today, sorry!
MoonBanana said they think LO copes by lying to herself until she beleives it, what do y'all think? is she as delusional as joel?
@my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @howaboutcastiel @tidlewav3 @bunnnyy-dummy @slutfortimotheechalamet @foggymoonbanana @dinsbaby @miraclesabound @jenna-ortega @primosworld @marclovers @threeheadedlamb @secretwriterpp @the-fox-den
@bitchyglitterfox @0bsessedwithfictionalcharacters @alloftheboysivelovedbefore @not-a-unique-snowflake-blog @lunar-ghoulie @pedritosdarling @dreamonseems @alwaysdjarin @amoramorquetepintas @milla-frenchy
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fumifooms · 6 months
Marchil crumbs part 5
Part 1 - Part 2 - part 3 - part 4 - part 6 - part 7
The anime has come and since I have my shipping goggles on I am going to notice so much. This part will be less spoilery for anime onlys (tho if you want to see me talk about why I ship them and why they’re complementary this is not a good part to start with haha). Edit: After completing this part I can confirm it’s fully anime-onlys friendly and spoiler-free! For manga veterans though there are still some fun tidbits to be found, some recontextualisations and new extra content.
Holy shit guys they’re mirroring each other in the mural and reaching out to each other AND looking towards each other?!!!! Their pose is so striking and like perfectly align?! Which means it was so intentional and the staff wanted to highlight them (for an aesthetic and/or narrative purpose I’m sure but it happened)! I will never let this go we won so fucking hard let’s goooooo we are so back
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Character foils!! Dynamic duo!!
In the opening at 1:16 he looks at her to see if she’s really going to it as the most critical of monster food & muster up courage to dig into it himself lmao… "Marcille doesn’t look too grossed out, she’s picky so this food must be fine then" Aka treating her as a poison taster/good cuisine judge lmao
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Doodle from the animation director (source). I should translate it but I’m procrastinating on it so uh director’s brotp? Anyways they hanging out look at them :]
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Laios is thinking to himself there (he’s the one saying the subs), and in the meantime Marcille and Chilchuck talk, likely figuring out the money situation. Strategizing duo back at it again not wasting a second
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In the beginning of ep 1, when Marcille is rambling about where they could go to get food and what to grab, Chilchuck listens with a big smile & even closes his eyes as they walk. The implication is that he’s thinking about food, but man the scene hits different now that it’s voiced and I remember that indeed Chilchuck is closing his eyes to her voice and enjoying hearing her talk and ramble. I may be too far gone into the marchil pit
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I feel like already they’ve come far from when Chilchuck dreaded being alone with Shuro and Marcille, waiting for the Toudens and Namari to arrive.
Ok this might actually be smth I’m gonna complain about but I feel like blushes have been drawn too vividly so far. Why does Chilchuck look like he’s confessing when he tells her she’s not a burden and he didn’t mean to make her feel that way. It almost comes across as "Woah she cares what I think?" 💀 The banter ensuing is of course also great
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Ep 2 was an episode centered on them both that had the "Magic/Traps are my domain, don’t interfere!" parallel… And now with ep 3 we’re back to them being haters together. That’s her emotional support man
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In ep 4, it doesn’t show well with a screenshot but when Senshi talks about his unmanned vegetable stand with a treasure chest, while in the manga Marcille and Chilchuck both think the same thing, "That’s why that treasure chest akways had money in it…", but in the anime instead they literally finish each other’s thought. Talk about being on the same wavelength.
Ep 5 is a marchil goldmine actually, it showcases perfectly how much of a package deal they are lol. Always sticking close to each other. Glancing at each other during meals… They literally nod at each other before they try a bite to steel themselves. They exchange a serious thoughtful glance when Laios talks about Falin truly being gone atm. They argue a bit but they go right back to sitting right next to each other after the meal <3 My god I can’t deal with them they are so…… "Hate this bitch, not my friend" 3 secs later "Heyy bestie!!" Also he’s worried he brought her mood down after mentioning Falin. Made a post about ep 5 collecting even more screenshots.
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Episode 6 my hero my beloved… Again I made a post about the ep collecting all my screenshots here, and even a clip! But this IS the marchil crumbs masterpost thus I must collect the major ones here as well. First of all, fun staff drawings for the first screening!
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I already posted a screenshot from the trailer of when Chil had his head on his knees sitting next to her, but after seeing episode 5 I think it’s a fun and interesting trend to notice that they sit next to each other way unnecessarily close wow. They continue to banter a ton, she continues to be very casual with touch, and they’re really cute! I love just how much Marcille blushed damn- It’s really cute too when you remember with the bicorn chapter that Chilchuck teases Marcille BECAUSE he enjoys getting a rise out of her, flustering her and seeing her reactions. I support the teasing -> laughing because her reaction is over the top all-Chilchuck economy. Also she apologizes for having let him go alone and be gone for so long by helping him with sewing his cowl… Cuties
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She looked so happy when he opened up about his age!… And then seemed… Disappointed? When he "truly was just a kid". "So you really are a kid! How boring…" This implies that her intent was to tease him for funsies… Ok lads we reached 30 pics see you next post, I’m gonna cover the "wake up clumsy head" manga-anime differences and we’re gonna go back to our usual spoilers yummy schedule.
Here’s Marcille cosplaying as a succubus in the newest Daydream Hour… She may not be a half-foot or have deep-set eyes but let’s be real I think he’d explode
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part 6 here!!
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xxoxobree · 6 months
Here’s my little take as a person who is now reading the Percy Jackson books. I’m halfway through book 3. Update I’m done with book 3 now on book 4
Reading the books kinda ruined the show a little for me 👀 I love the characterization of Ares and the pure rage he gives anyone standing close to him and I was waiting for Percy to feel that and be a smart ass to Ares and we never got that and I was disappointed 😭😭😭 (still loved he episode and the amazing acting from Leah & Walker.)
Luke pisses me off so bad 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️ I’m hoping for a redemption for him tho, maybe.
We love Tyson 🫶🏽🫶🏽
Bro Ares is a piece of shit literally and hugs for my girl Clarisse, i actually love her.
Crossing my fingers that my girl Zoe makes it through the quest 🤞🏽(she didn’t 😭😭😭)
I love the Hermes kids, why ? Because I love a little chaos.
Percy being able to only talk to horses is hilarious 😂😂.
Hades isn’t mentioned a lot and I’m really interested in him after the first book.
Thalia liking Apollo aka her brother is also hilarious 🤣🤣. (Im black 👀 that’s her brother we don’t care about halves of nothing.)
Would i join Artemis in eternal youth? absolutely.
Annabeth wanting to redesign the world is so wholesome 🥺🥺🥺
I’m from the Caribbean so Grover’s Rasta hat 😭 makes me wonder if he would be a Rastafarian. Maybe that’s the whole point ? 🤷🏽‍♀️
I thought Thalia would be a bigger part of the overall story 👀 her being in one book is surprising.
Annabeth’s step mom can go to hell 🤣🤣 I’ll give her dad grace tho because Athena kinda just dropped a baby on his front porch.
I should have more thoughts on Percy but I kinda don’t 🥲.
I call Percy, Perc because i thinks it’s funny 🤷🏽‍♀️🤣
Nico my little baby boy 😭 has my heart and he deserves better.
Someone mentioned on tik tok Percy and Annabeth being an incestuous relationship and I can’t stop thinking about it 🤣🤣. Still team Percabeth tho.
Okay that’s all 🙂 I’ll go finish read
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wanderlust-in-my-soul · 6 months
Currently Watching - January
aka The Masterlist
Because I love a good little list - in alphabetical order! 😊
Regularly updated during the month, latest update 27.01.2024
A little link to my favorite bl-tropes-collection 💙
I am happy about gif-requests 🌼
Here you can find all of my gifs.
And if you want to show me something, just let me know with #josistag
At the end you can have a look at what we can expect in January with a MDL link and a link for a trailer (if avaible).
This is guaranteed to contain spoilers!
1. Cherry Magic (7/12 on Viu - Thai)
I love the japanese version and I try to not compare those two with each other. And I really like this version. I love TayNew together and the chemistry is so chemistrying. Even though I don't like GMMTV and the japanese network for their contract and copy right shit, I appreciate the english subtitles on Viu so we international fans still can enjoy the show. And I do enjoy it so much!
2. Cityboy_Log (11/? on Youtube - Korean)
Soon-to-be Idols, actors and models vlog their days of photo shoots and meetups and how they fall in love with each other. It is surprisingly good and the acting is excellent. It really feels like a "real" vlog and that is what we are all here for. I really enjoy those four men on my screen.
3. Cooking Crush (6/12 on Youtube -Thai)
I have to admit beside Not Me, I am not the biggest fan of OffGun. Their slapstick humour is just not mine. The episodes got quite better with time. It is not a much watch for me, but I like it.
4. Dead Friend Forever (1/12 on iQiyi - Thai)
Do I like horror? Nope, not at all. But so far I had fun with the first episode. Everytime there was some suypence I just looked away and as long as there are no creepy sounds I am good. The plot gives such a typical highschool/college horror vibe and I kind of like it.
5. For Him (1/12 on iQiyi - Thai)
I don't know if I will keep up with this one. Actingwise it is not that bad. We have to wait a bit for a deeper story. Right now it is just friends with benefits and I really hope there is something more to come. But a safe-sex-policy! I like that. And I forgot about this one... Guess it was a little bit much these past weeks. I don't know if I'll drop this at the end of the month or not...
6. Happy Ending (1/3 on Youtube)
In Strongberry we trust. Do I have to say more? I enjoyed the first episode. It is a miniseries about two highschool classmates who obviously like each other. One of them is remembering their time together in school as he is scrolles though his old diary. It has a nostalgic feeling.
7. Love for Love's Sake (6/8 on Gaga)
Oh I love this one so much! I missed a good korean bl! And now I wish I could have waited until it finished airing so I don't have to wait for them to finally fall in love. And I loooove Tae Myung Ha's voice so much! I love is character. And the plot is something unique and I am really interested where this is going! Just so good!
8. Pit Babe (11/13 on Youtube - Thai)
Ladies and Gentlemen! We have an Omegaverse! I am still in shock! I usually don't dive into the omegaverse, but I did read some webtoons. I am curious how they'll play it out. What the hell was this conversation about wanting kids? Is there mpreg? Why do I have to think about such stuff... It would be something different indeed. And as far as I can tell, this is going a direction I never thought I would go, but I go down that road anyway.
9. Playboyy (9/14 on Gaga - Thai)
I am intrigued! I needed to call my best friend and tell her about what I have seen. Not just the amount of sex and masturbation and wet dreams, but the way it is filmed. I am intruígued! It looks like a romantic dream combined with porn. It is so artsy and it feels like watching a ballet. In it the dance explains the plot and here the sex, the camera, the lightning and everything around the plot describe the plot. It is so good!
10. Sahara Sensei to Toki-kun (5/8 on Gaga - Japanese)
Toki is a little bit over the top for me, a little bit too goofy, but the obverall first impression was not that bad. And to be honest who didn't have a crush on a teacher during their school time? Mine was my german teacher in 10th grade. He was young and he wore leather pants. He was cool and really good at his job. I loved learning at that time.
11. Sukiyanen Kedo Do Yaro ka (2/10 on Gaga - Japanese)
Love at first sight and a confession in the first episode. I hate the MDL comment section, saying Soga isn't pretty, and having a not so good looking actor playing that role seems interesting. What is wrong with people? First of all: He is damn pretty and second: Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I liked the first episode and I am looking forward to the next one.
12. The Sign (10/12 on Youtube - Thai)
This series is so stunning. Visually very pleasing and storywise interesting. Does the latest conflict bewteen Phaya and Tharn was solved too smooth, to easy? Yes. Do I hate the doctor? Yes. Am I rooting for Phaya and Tharn? For sure! But I want more of those mystical creatures!
Finished in January
BL Drama no Shuen ni Narimashita: Crank Up Hen (3/3 on Gaga- Japanese)
I loved this one so much! This series gave me so much joy! I wasn't expecting this being so funny! It is hilarious, a little bit cringy, but for the right amount and not over the top. The characters are lovable and the managers are the best 😂 I want a spin-off please! This is a 10/10 for me
Twins (12/12 on Gaga - Thai)
It started strong for me, but after the main couple got together and there was this whole plot with Sprite not telling First the truth and Zee being a total asshole and this whole story, it lost me a little bit. I love a good enemies to lovers plot and til them became lovers, everything was fine. And they did reconsile really fast... it felt too rushed. But I still like the show. So I give this a 7 out of 10 for now.
Last Twilight (12/12 on Youtube - Thai)
I really wanted to love this til the very end. I really want to give this series a 10. I really only want to say nice things about it 😭 I loved everything about this series, he acting, the story, the main couple, the side couple, everything... until episode 11 happend. It just lost me. First I thought it was because of me, because I was a little bit cold hearted that day, but no. The feeling didn't go away that everything was to much... to over-emotional. And then episode 12 aired. And I yelled Fuck You at my screen. And every good emotion I had about this series was gone in a second. Perhaps I just pretend that the series ended with episode nine and Day going full blind and they managed their life together as a happy couple and their normal obstacles to overcome. 10 out of 10 for episodes 1-9 and 4 out of 10 for episode 10/11 and 1 out of 10 for episode 12.
Short Film
Dropped/On-Hold in January
7 Days before Valentine (1/12 WeTV)
I only watched the first episode and I couldn't stand Sunshine. After that I didn't come back. Perhaps I'll give it a try when it's finished airing. I don't know yet...
Looking forward to in January
Ossan's Love Returns (Jan 5th)
Time - Trailer (Jan 9th)
Sukiyanen Kedo Do Yaro ka (Jan 11th)
Beside You - Trailer
Love For Love's Sake
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gunsatthaphan · 6 months
🏆 Top 10 of 2023 💫
a few anons have requested this and I was also kind of indirectly tagged by @blneobin, @elizabethsebestianhedgehog and @khaotungsfirst for slightly different posts but I decided to just combine them all into one 😄 hope that's fine with everyone ✌🏻
My watchlist wasn't very extensive this year due to time reasons but here are my personal highlights:
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Don't think I have to explain much about this one lol (she says as she proceeds to write a whole paragraph) After the masterpiece that was The Warp Effect and the disaster that was Never Let Me Go, I was nervous about what Jojo was gonna cook up with this one lmao but luckily my fears were unjustified. The watching experience was absolutely insane and it turned me into a different person in the time between August and October lmao. It wasn't perfect, I got annoyed at times but overall it's undoubtedly my number 1 this year. SandRay my loves, my babes, my roman empire lmao. I loved their story so much, they were the main characters for me lol but it was such a good ensemble in general and each cast member was the perfect fit for their respective characters, including Mond as Boeing who was the cherry on top of all the madness and also my boy Mix as the first Only Friends Stay guest, leaving room for imagination lmao. It was raw, real and unapologetically chaotic aka my favorite kind of plot. pure perfection. Jojo outdid himself once again. 10/10.
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No words just vibes. It went by SUPER fast and I'm still mad that they chose to air an 8 episode show twice a week like whose idea was that?? To air a treasure like this in the course of 4 weeks is more homophobic than Jim's family lmao. But anyway. Doesn't change the fact that it was an incredible production, so visually stunning, so carefully written and so well executed down to the tiniest detail. It deserves every single award it won because what a masterpiece. It made me extremely emotional but in the best way. I'm still in awe. amazing. life changing.
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I kinda hate to admit this bc it was SO full of crack lmao but it was SO much fun?? I had low expectations but I had the best time from start to finish. It made me laugh so hard I frequently dislocated my lungs lmao, the overall watching experience was just incredible. Story-wise it was sprinkled with the typical Domundi nonsense, the surreal cartoonish vibes were dominating and it was overall another show where I couldn't tell you what the plot was afterwards lmao - but everyone who lived through the Cutie Pie experience wouldn't expect anything less from these people lol. I loved it.
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We're only halfway through but I'm so obsessed with it that I'm including it lmao. It's SO adorable and pure, offgun are back with the puppy honey vibes in all of their fully evolved glory lol, the writing is excellent imo and it's the perfect balance between silly, cheesy and honest emotions, good communication and the notorious offgun magic lol. Whenever I say I want a good romcom, this is what I mean. I was so annoyed when it was announced as I was convinced it was gonna be a downgrade from Not Me but it's really not. It's just another show where OG can showcase their dynamic in a completely different setting. I love it.
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I'm still having mixed feelings about this one due to obvious reasons but looking at it from the outside I have to include it because objectively speaking this was an excellent production. The narrative was intelligent and worked so well, my boy Gawin was shining so much as Pisaeng, I still can't believe he wasn't the first choice because he's literally the perfect fit for this. I loved the symbolism, the blossoming romance and just Pear. that's it. just. Her. she was incredible. G&K had good chemistry, I was struggling with K.'s presence but the show was just so good that it overshadowed the rest. Loved it.
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This show got a lot of hate which I sort of understand as it was low budget, cheesy and with heavy lakorn vibes but on god it really hit the spot for me lmao. JaFirst are my runner-up babes lol, I love their dynamic so much and seeing them make their comeback in this with completely reversed roles had me squealing lol Punn was the most adorable cookie, others cringed, I blushed lmao I loved the setup so much and him and Achi were everything. period.
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Another show that's still airing but I'm really liking it so I'm including it as well lol. It's surprisingly well written and Pavel is doing fantastic in his comeback, I had lowkey written him off after the disaster that was Coffee Melody but he's back stronger than ever. Love that for him. The rest of the cast is very solid too, a lot of familiar faces who all stepped up their acting game since I last saw them with a special shoutout to Thanapon who is doing amazing. The story is super interesting and goes so far beyond just the racing stuff which was my apprehension when starting it. And even the omegaverse stuff is not as bad as I thought (so far.. don't wanna jinx it lmao). It's overall doing very well. Love it.
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This one also got a lot of backlash lol but I loved it!! JoongDunk are my second FirstKhao lmao they're very dear to me, their on-screen dynamic is good actor carries weak actor and I'm aware of that lmao but to me they just work so well. Idk what it is. Even though Dunk's acting leaves room for improvement, they have a ton of chemistry and they're mastering the secret crush plot. This was fun and light, not too serious and I found it very enjoyable. the only thing that irritated me was the butchering of AouBoom like what in the world was that. Tee probably added them because he had to and disregarded them in the process but their story was abysmal. But putting that aside, it was a very nice show.
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This was very brief for Mame standards lol and I was considering dropping it after episode 2 but then it surprisingly picked up, I started to really get into the story and SunnyPak worked very well for me. I was surprised that they just disappeared afterwards as I was expecting MMY to milk them like the rest of their couples but oh well. Mame made her GL debut in this which I appreciated but I wish they had casted someone else as Marine because sorry sweetie but she was terrible lmao rip. Yiwa was a very sweet and likable character and she deserved a better partner. That plus the special episode being stupid as hell, It's getting raking #9 lol.
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This whole season was... a very wild rollercoaster ride lmao. I would say it was a 50/50 for me, half of the episodes were fun and the other half were horrendous lol. My personal highlight were The Eclipse episodes, they were pure fluff and adorableness, paired with some minor dumb fights but overall this was exactly what I was craving after the ordeal AkkAye went through in The Eclipse lmao but also I could easily sit through 10 episodes of Akk and Aye just being cute and cuddly and doing absolutely nothing else because duh. They're my comfort couple 🥺 I also quite enjoyed the ATOTSxBBS crossover and also surprisingly the ABAAB and NLMG episodes were a lot of fun!
thank you 2023 for - once again - giving us good gay food lmao. here's to an even better 2024 🧡
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player-1 · 2 months
And speaking of the Mandrass Incident, there is no end to the levels of comedy Nexomon Extinction fans don't know if they've only played the newest game for now. (The only playthrough I can find is w. commentary though, but it's still funny to see the reactions.)
Besides that, the Mandrass Incident goes as followed (with relevant context and spoilers below):
The Nexomon 1 protag defeats Omnicron and his kids in the main game, but post-game story makes our plucky hero travel to the literal afterlife (ie. the Netherworld) to destroy Omnicron's soul and ensure he never returns for vengeance in another doomsday plot. However, the door to Omnicron is guarded by Ziegler's Wardens; confidants of the Netherworld King that will do everything and more to stop anyone that threatens their job of keeping the dead safe and secure in their realm, since the Wardens' lives are tied to their prisoners while said prisoners live in a Inception-like dreamscape that keeps them unaware of their previous demise (and yes, the game references Inception too). Also Ulzar is there cause finishing overdue ghost business (and previously building each Nightmare prison), Deena out of obligation of being the guard between the border of Life and Death, and your usual partner-in-crime Atlas.
Because of this roadblock, Protag is forced to deal with the Omnicron fam all over again and send their souls to the Vortex (possibly the portal/birthplace/permadeath of all Nexomon) in order to get rid of the Warden they're attached to. Even the linked episode (at 8:47) mentions Ulzar previously making a prison for Nara before he realized she's on the side of humans (ouch), the one time Metta/Nexolord is mentioned by name; and how yes, he went MIA after Ulzar's previous fight against Omnicron and even his temporary Nightmare is still empty in the current age...so the N3 Metta theory is still valid >:).
At this point, the gang went through the gauntlet with Arqua (the "weakest") -> Fona (too angy to forget why he's angy at everyone that wronged him) -> Grunda (now Ulrich w. his jacked village chief vibe) -> Zetta (trigger-happy goober that treats humans (aka. Spencer) like a dog) and getting into Ventra's Nightmare for the second-to-last Nightmare (and Atlas is not at all thrilled about facing the bird-woman again).
But their path is blocked by a noticeably large Mandrass, a talking one at that, that refuses to move unless they find his 4 friends that were swept about the place from Nadine/Ventra's powerful winds. After a somewhat lengthy search through the area, they finally procure the missing Mandrasses and bring them back to the main 'mon. The Mandrass is overjoyed and grateful, and then the group (and player) realize far too late why it seems larger than the other four they've met...
He eats them. He eats the other Mandrasses...And absolutely everyone is shocked at the spectacle, stunning Ulzar so bad he legit forgets they were supposed to fight Nadine's Warden and obviously driving Deena to tears. But they still have a job to do, and they push through the troubling memory regardless...
Now after all of their loose ends with Omnicron's Children are dealt with, the Protag opens the massive door holding the King of Beasts inside...and finds nothing. Yet the confusion fades for now as a wall is broken away to find a trio of familiar faces; Atlas, Deena, and Ulzar... Wait a minute-
After a bit of back and forth (before Ziegler appears to rain on the parade), its revealed that the entire story of the Netherworld (minus the Omnicron kids' Nightmares) was a Nightmare all along; keeping the Protag oblivious of the mortal sin of travelling to the Netherworld without actually dying, failing the task of destroying Omnicron and letting him escape to the real world, and getting trapped in his stead with Ziegler himself being the Warden in charge as he crafted a world of dreamlike sights and fabricated allies to aid them in their journey...-Oh yeah, and all that happened two weeks before the story even began, so the real team were scrambling to find Protag while battling Omnicron by tooth and nail.
Yet the Protag perseveres despite it all, fighting off the fake Deena that's been with them since the beginning, the king of Death and the revived Wardens, and finally Omnicron himself as his soul is snuffed out for good...Yet all good things come with a cost, and with the Beast King's death comes the death of his monstrous subjects, starting a slow and painful extinction of all Nexomon that were bound to his command. Minus Nara for being the embodiment of Nature and Life, Metta out of spite, and the rest of his kids in undead limbo cause of mystical Netherworld magic, it's not a great time for everyone involved here.
Now after all of that, as the Protag is forced to process this monumental burden that's placed on their shoulders, they eventually go to talk to the real Deena/Nara for advice and emotional support. At some point, Protag would've mentioned the Mandrass Incident since 1. It's the first time they met another Nexomon that had human-like intelligence besides Omnicron's kids, 2. Questions how/why Ventra's Nightmare was built around a dog-eat-dog world unlike everything Nexomon was before, and 3. Most likely a "you'll never believe what I went through" story to laugh about in the future and mention how surprisingly accurate the fake/Nightmare Deena reacted.
And despite it all, even if the real Deena only got a second-hand account of the event, was just as horrified about the story as well. And after all of that, after a literal millennia until Nexomon Extinction takes place, she's still salty about the whole thing. Whether it's from the Protag not realizing anything is wrong about the world until the final stretch (which was the whole point of a Nightmare) or being dumb/complacent in leading those poor Mandrasses to their death (even if they were already in the afterlife?), she still held onto that horror/betrayal of her new human friend the entire time. Even after she started her own plot of getting her kid to become Omnicron's heir through extreme mental gymnastics and a whole lot of dumb luck...
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And that's what I love about the series so far. If you know the joke they were winding up in a previous game, you'll understand the punchline in another.
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ask-missparker · 25 days
—Reality meet fiction… / Marvel x Fairytale AU Fic ✨🍎💜⚔️
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Platonic Pairing: Liane Felton & Amelia Snow
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Summary: What happens when a fan gets hit with knowledge of another universe where her dreams existed…
Setting: Avengers Tower
Note: Who’s to blame for this little accident? Was it Cole or Cassie? 🤔
Characters mentioned: The Young Avengers, King Alexander, Alex Summers and etc
It was a early Tuesday night.
Some people were eating going out for dinner.
Others were lucky enough to have plans with friends.
Today Liane was just glad she could stay home at The Tower, watch Netflix and eat some popcorn.
Rochelle and Michelle were out on a double date with Luna and Rick. Cole was hanging out with Mia. Rei decided to go see a certain guy he had his eye on for a while, and Ethan was still out at the mall with his sister. He promised he would get his girlfriend a pretty necklace as a gift and needed his sister’s advice.
Thank heavens The Mall was opened 24 hours.
So Liane had the place all to herself, for the most part. Some of the gang members were still at the tower, either in their rooms, in the kitchen or outside on the balcony.
In result, Liane looked over her shoulder to make sure no one was coming in to use the TV, and grinned. She pressed play on Netflix’s Once Upon A Time. It was a little guilty pleasure of hers, she wasn’t ever ashamed to reference the series with friends and family, but she would never tell anyone in particular at a party about the shows she watches.
Yes, the show was good but it wasn’t ashamed to be a little silly and intriguing with its characters or plot-lines. Plus she adored the ships very much!She was in the middle of episode 3 of season 4. Aka The Frozen season, when she heard it.
A little crash and stumbling action in the hallway.
She assumed it was probably Melissa being clumsy or maybe Petra who accidentally trying those two high heels.
She shrugged not assuming much.
After a couple of minutes, she paused Netflix after finishing the episode, switched to checking any notifications from her social media feed. She hoped that Rick did not post any embarrassing photos from last Friday’s party.
She looked up hearing her name, seeing the short brunette with long brown locks, a blushing reddish lip, and wearing a dusty rosey pink jacket and pants. Hell, she saw the girl wearing flats too. It wasn’t uncommon for Mia to wear something colorful, but she wasn’t seen in pink very often unless she brought a certain shade of pink with jeans to match. But she was more of a casual red wearer.
Honestly if Liane had to be honest, she looked pretty good. Maybe she had a date or some unexpected event coming up tonight? Oh my god was she supposed to be getting ready for a party?! Oh my—
“Liane?” She repeated.
The blonde looked up, “Huh? Yeah, what? Oh hey Mia!”
“Hi? Um what happened?”
“What do you mean? Oh god don’t tell me I forgot about a party! Don’t worry give me 5 minutes to change and get my purple heels ready!”
“Wha..no? We’re not scheduled to go to Grandpa’s Diner with Roch or the girls until Thursday I think.”
“Grandpa’s Diner? Is that a new fast food restaurant that I remember signing us up for?”
“No? That’s the dinner Bruce owns?”
“Bruce?! As in our Bruce? Rick’s dad Bruce Banner!”
“Uh yes, why do you sound so surprised?”
Mia looked around seeing the view, of the area she was in. She was only ever once in front of Liane’s house, everyone usually goes to her home or somewhere where to hang out. She looked at the photos on the walls and such, not recognizing much, noticing how Liane was acting so surprised. She wondered if she was under a memory spell or something.
Maybe she was drinking?
Then she saw something that seemed more than odd to her.
A photograph selfie of the gang wearing clothes she doesn’t seem to remember seeing them in. She looked out the window noticing the view of town but instead she saw the clear view of the city—New York City?! They don’t live in a city!
“Where am I? Where was i accidentally sent to?” Amelia asked.
Liane raised an eyebrow, “Mia you’re home in New York City. In the living room, aren’t you supposed to be out or something?”
“No, I was in Cassie’s shop as she was using something of Cole’s to update her transformation spells. Using wands, magical items and other things.”
“Wands? Cassie’s shop? Mia have you been drinking? Girl, I told you not to drink too much lately.”
“No I was not drinking! I was eating some fries and drinking a soda.”
“Okay, Mia, I think you’ve been not quite ready to go take a nap yet..”
“No, no naps. I slept well and it’s not like I am taking a forced nap again…remember what happened last time..”
“What happened last time?”
Mia groaned and pinched the bridge of her nose, “A year ago, you were in the fire room after falling under a sleeping curse, it was our only way to communicate while you were in the forest..that wasn’t pretty. You didn’t sleep well..neither did I after a while.”
“Sleeping curse..? Fire room post-sleeping curse..?” Liane said, looking at her tv screen and back at her friend, not wanting to get excited or worried about anything just yet.
“Yeah..it was wild. But we’re fine now because they’re all together again, especially you and Ethan! It took everybody a while, weird times…weird times..”
“Me and Ethan? Sleeping curse..? Forest?…oh my gosh! No freaking way! Wait, no it can’t be right? I mean we have seen crazy stuff in our lives..and the alternative universe thing exists..but that’s wildly different..o holy cow! M-Mia, where do you think you are right now?”
Mia raised an eyebrow and pointed at the room, “Not in your house that’s for sure. I am clearly in New York City and you’re not remotely acting like yourself..like I asked before, Liane where am I?”
“You’re in New York City, in Avengers Tower. I know it’s weird but you will be fine.” Liane said, trying to hold back a squeal but failed, “This is so cool! I mean not cool for you, wait wait um..are you from Storybrooke or something?”
“By that question, you’re not my Liane, huh? Okay weird but I can handle it. And no, I am from Fighter Town. Knowing that this is a spell, sometimes will use magic and pop me back to my original home..”
“Original home? Oh my god! You said that I’m not your Liane? Wait what do you mean? And how are not weird about this?”
“Since my whole life was turn upside down years ago, and I’ve been to a few places unexpectedly before. But it’s wild, The Avengers exist here…hehe my nephew is gonna flip knowing that.”
“Nephew? Okay, better that i don’t know. What about me?”
That’s when Mia actually smiled and chuckled, “Now you sound like my Liane. My Liane is smart, a little slow at times, clever about her surroundings and quick to following along or firing up her skills. And she’s always asking questions about things.”
“Huh? Kinda weird but sounds like me.” She repiled lightly chuckling, curious about this particular thing.
“And she gets herself into trouble a lot.”
“Now that definitely sounds like me! Woah, even in another land I am getting myself into trouble..”
“Haha but we forgive you for it. Not everyone in the world forgives you or gives you a chance to prove yourself, but they eventually warm up to you.“
“Aww! That sound sweet, okay I’mma cut to the chance cause I think I know what universe your from..”
Amelia sat down on the couch curious about this hearing Liane point out her outfit, hair, what she heard about her talking about the land and how she might have a good guess onto who she is. Liane even talked about her universe too.
“Fairytales? Like the Disney movies?” Mia asked, grinning.
“Well yeah, I mean, I could be wrong—wait you know about the Disney stuff?” Liane asked, curious about that part.
“I mean yeah, our kids are pretty smart and well educated on things, hell we have them package at the store in our town…wait a minute, in my world you guys are just comic books and movies…I’m movies and children stories..”
“What story are you from?”
Liane was silent, looking over her shoulder to make sure no one came in and looked back at Mia. She looked over her clothing closely, trying to remember her knowledge of her favorite series, what she heard Mia said eariler and what types of fairytales could she be referring to.
“Umm, sleeping beauty?” Liane said taking a wild guess.
She shook her head, “No, but I do know her and so do you, in our land. Try again.”
“You said sleeping curse? Am I sleeping beauty?…wait unless somebody else got hit with a curse too?”
“No..but you did have a hand in creating sleeping beauty.”
“I—what?! Wait wait wait what princess has had a sleeping problem?”
“Hint, lips as red as blood and skin soft as..”
“Snow! Your Snow White!”
“Well it’s Amara Snow..but people like to add the white part.”
“Damn who cursed you?”
“My brother in law.”
“Brother in law?!”
Liane took a moment to reflect on her words and glanced down at Amelia’s hands by accident, as her eyes caught onto a darling ring, as she gasped. She looked at her friend from the other side and squealed.
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“Snow White married Prince Charming! Oh my god that’s so cute! Who’s your prince? Wait wait I know…Nikolai! Aww he saved you. Wait how?” Liane said, rambling trying to comprehend this new information.
Amelia chuckled, “It’s a long story but Nikolai is the brother of a king, so he’s the prince of light. And we both saved each other..well it was months after our first meeting.”
“Aw he hung you by a tree after you stole his jewelry?”
“How did you—? Never mind. Well no, it’s the opposite actually. He stole from me and I hung him by the tree.”
“Oooh a plot twist! How about me? Who am I? You said me and Ethan are a thing, or at least I assume we are.”
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Amelia laughed feeling better about her surroundings at the moment, felt nice not to be chanced by an ice monster or a giant for a while, and no evil people in her presence at the time being.
“Well you’re Maleficent, but you’re actually a really good person! Your a fairy in my land who’s more or less human, you had stuff happened to you and whatnot.” Amelia started to explain, “You were upset and made a deal with King Alexander to help you curse a princess due to her father’s crimes against your forest.”
Liane connected the dots and nodded, “But the sleeping curse didn’t stop true loves kiss from breaking it. I see, I know the whole tale, and it’s smart plot point. What happened next?”
“The bad King Alexander saw how your spell didn’t work out like it was intended to and that deal was flipped on its head, as you were made to live out your days as a purple dragon, guarding a crystal item he stole from Cole years before.”
“Oh geez…how was I so foolish? I mean I get it was upset and heartbroken about something, so I wasn’t thinking straight but still!”
“Hey, you were hurt and people tend to do things differently when they’re not in the right mindset. But you were saved, twice in one month.”
“Really? How? Tell me, I like where this is going.”
“Well Nik—Nikolai was on a quest to look for an special item that belonged to Cole, so he searched until he entered the castle and fought his brother, King Alexander, there he found you as a dragon…and instead of slaying the dragon, he decided to help from the kindest in his heart. Once he unchained you, you turned back into human.”
“Liane grinned, “Awww! I was saved by my future friend! Let me guess we escaped and I got to live in a castle with you guys?”
“Not yet, Lia.” Mia chuckled, “Haha, um, if my memory serves me right, after your escape, the two of you parted ways. Nikolai went to return the item to Cole and return a little jew to help finish his quest. You decide to head home and live your days in your old castle, you were sad..but then a certain Prince or Knight from Wonderland arrived..”
“A knight from Wonderland..? But that doesn’t add up?…ohhh I get it now! I think?”
“The knight was Ethan, he was originally on a journey to find a dragon that lived there and bring it back to his homeland..but when he arrived at the castle he saw his childhood best friend there instead, as you two looked at each other, sparks flew once again..”
“And we lived happily ever after! Hehe he saved me!”
Liane just sat there squealing and gushing over how she imagined that tale to go, mentioned how she hoped they lived together in a beautiful house with a lovely view of the mountains and flowers too, and how she pictured them riding horses then visiting wonderland.
Amelia just sat there giggling and smiling at her reaction, she was willing to tell the blonde more but she rather wait for another time.
Then the brunette took her moment to ask about life here in Liane’s world. She read some Marvel comic books and binged watching the stuff she found on Netflix, with her friends and family. Hell, her red headed nephew adored them. Liane then explained things here and there, how The Avengers saved the day, how their lives are, who’s dating who, the missions they been on and etc.
It was all very interesting to the young brunette as she asked questions about things she wondered.
Soon enough they were both chatting with one another on the couch, not realizing the time went by.
Liane went to use the restroom and once she returned Mia was nowhere to be found. She looked around the living room, glanced at the hallway and kitchen, even called out for her brunette friend.
She sighed and huffed, noticing when she returned to living room, there were sparkling specks of green dust in the air, it was almost magic. One dust of the shimmering dust was left on the couch where Amelia last sat. Her eyes fell onto a small note that was left on the coffee table.
She picked it up.
‘Thank you for the wonderful gift of spending time with a friend. Sorry I had to go I was fading into green sparks, realizing it was Cole and Cassie’s magic bringing me back home. But don’t worry, you’ll see a verison of that tale i told you in your dreams tonight.’ ~ A.S. ♥️
Liane smiled finishing off the small reading, gushing to tell her friends about what happened as squealed hoping to dream about fairytales once again…
Ahhh! I couldn’t resist not doing this short story!
Please let me know what you guys think! 💭
Tags: @missstrawbs2001 @gcthvile @gaminggirlsstuff @cherrysft @meiramel @rickb-chaos @unicornempress606 @thecavalrywife
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thelediz · 2 months
Sonic Underground episode 30: Wedding Bell Blues
AKA: the ‘first’ episode
I’m watching Sonic Underground in search of inspiration to finish a fic I’ve been writing forever. It’s a sad state of affairs. See the recap of the first three episodes here, if you're interested!
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The plot (for want of a better word): To legitimise his claim to the throne, Robotnik plans to wed Queen Aleena! It sounds like a trap, but the Sonic Underground need to be sure. Can they save their mother from Robotnik’s clutches, and avoid capture themselves?
Before I get started on the episode notes, I should explain what I mean by the ‘first’ episode. Like a lot of kids’ shows still are (lookin’ at you, Miraculous Ladybug), Sonic Underground was intended to have self-contained episodes so that you didn’t need to watch them in order. There are a few reasons to do this:
Kids are not expected to be able to follow a long-form story. At most, an arc should be five episodes or less, except for an overarching story that they can be caught up on in thirty seconds. (This has actually gotten WORSE over time, which you can see from the evolution of Pokemon. Back in the 90s, Ash would have six-on-six battles that lasted five episodes. By his retirement, the majority of his battles were at most three-on-three and they were won and done in two episodes or less.)
Animation is hard, and if you don’t have a good producer/show runner (ie, project manager), you probably aren’t going to keep to time and therefore release schedules. To ensure you meet deadlines, you need to be able to release episodes as you have them ready, NOT in their production order.
Reruns! Reruns are big, big money, and when networks need to randomly fill a half hour slot, they want to be able to pick a random episode and throw it on the air without drama.
In the original run, Wedding Bell Blues was the first episode up and ready to go. It got aired first. Even in my country, which is certainly not the original French, I remember this being the first episode, because the first run followed that original airing order (yes, I did watch the first run as a morning cartoon before school, I am that old).
Reruns almost never did, and narratively speaking it makes no sense for it to be first. I THINK the order my episodes are in match the video release, but who the heck knows. They are old and I couldn’t find them again if I lost them.
Moving on.
“Queen Aleena here”. Still a weird start to an episode. We last heard it on episode 4, if you recall.
So we have some additional examples of this being the first episode finished, and how some… some choices were made. For example, Jaleel White’s voices (especially Sonic and Sonia) are often sped up in this episode – I don’t know what happened, because the cadence is fine, but my guess is dubbing issues.
The animation is wonkier than usual, too. It varies between being shockingly dynamic and atrociously cheap.
On an actual character and plot front, if this is your first introduction to them, you don’t know who Sonia and Manic are, but you immediately have their characters: Sonia is describing a hair appointment they’re trying to get her to as ‘an important mission’ (and calling the boys ‘low class’), Sonic’s stuffing his face with chilli dogs and proclaiming himself cool, and Manic is… swiping sauce packets. Because. But he puts them back when Sonic tells him.
In an unusual twist, when Robotnik announces (via video bot) he’s going to be marrying Aleena, Manic is the one to call it out as a trap (he's going to be unusually self-sufficient this episode). But they decide they’re going to spring it anyway because (as per episode 21) sometimes Aleena has Plans that they’re not privy to, so… maybe?
Poor Bartleby. Not only does he have Sonia using him to get in, Sleet suggests Robotnik use Bartleby to fund the wedding. Has anyone noticed this poor mink is everyone’s bank book?
And Manic’s stealing everything that’s not nailed down from Bartleby’s mansion. Sonic makes him put most of it back, but still.
But Bartleby is being a particular jerk this episode, in a wonderfully hopeless aristocratic way, talking about it’s about time Aleena ‘came to her senses’ and married Robotnik. Which is delicious world building and absolutely WOULD have been a real-world solution to a twelve-plus-year conflict if not for the people involved!
But Bartleby is not actually a horrible person, and will do anything for his girl, so he gets the Sonic Underground into the wedding as musicians. The fine line, folks.
The Song: When Tomorrow Comes. Another… choice. It’s literally two lines of lyrics “When tomorrow comes, we’ll be walking in the sun” and some ‘na-na’s. Mostly instrumental. Good classical start though, very high-brow.
While the song was going, Sonic was running recon through the palace. Robotnik caught his blur on the cameras. The trap is proceeding nicely, but the triplets don’t know this yet. They do some pretty slick moves to avoid getting caught, I have to say, covering cameras with clothing and conversation with sounds, and Manic opens a secret passageway (not sure how he knew it was there, but okay… let’s call it the Thieves Highway and move on), while Sonia pulls a quick change worthy of Katniss Everdeen in the Capitol to ‘infiltrate the bridal party’. They are not usually this sneaky.
And in return, Sleet pulls his own trick on Sonic, by turning Dingo into a chilli dog cart to tempt the bottomless pit. It works until Sonic decides to fight back, at which point it goes as you would expect.
So Sleet and Dingo switch gears and head for the bridal chamber, where they put Dingo in a dress, and all three triplets are quietly convinced (in their defence, either from behind or via silhouette) that they’ve found their mother. Seriously, sometimes I think Sleet and Dingo could have won the whole war by transforming Dingo into Aleena and calling it a day. Not sure anyone would have questioned the colouring.
I do have to enjoy Sonia’s reaction to Dingo revealing himself though “Oh, thank goodness it’s only a trap!”
Though… you guys knew it was a trap. You should not be surprised to be proven right.
And oh no, they have captured Sonia. Whatever shall we do.
Again, though, as Bartleby points out to her, she IS a legitimate solution to the war, with Robotnik trying to adopt her. BUT, if we ignore the fact he’s trying to force her through threat of robotocisation, and the fact it’s Robotnik, who wouldn’t actually give her freedom ANYWAY… In a real world scenario, remembering the world building here. For all his many flaws, Robotnik IS the aristrocrats’—the governing peoples’—preferred leadership. But Sonia, if she declared herself heir to the throne, would be the traditionalist choice, and supported by the masses. This is what real world kingdoms have done since time immemorial.
WORLD BUILDING. IN A TERRIBLE EPISODE. Oh, finally, we’re back to proper form, friends!
And for the purposes of my fic, I make way too much of Bartleby pointing out there’s an ancient law pointing out that Aleena has basically abandoned her throne by not making public appearances for so long.
So the boys have to save Sonia. Manic defies all past experience and says he’s got it, and runs off to steal a dress so he can pretend to be Aleena. Only he gets immediately caught, because this is Manic and He Does That.
Luckily, Aleena herself steps up for once and forbids the ceremony, thereby fulfilling her duties with a public appearance (however brief), before running off.
The triplets belatedly realise they actually did see their mother for real, Sleet and Dingo are thrown in the dungeons for a few days as punishment for screwing up, and everyone carries on, life unchanged.
It sure was an episode.
The counters:
Sonic implying less than 100% American heterosexuality: 5
Sonia in love with Bartleby: 5/37
Sonia in love with someone who is not Bartleby: 3/37
Sonia’s got super strength: 4
Manic’s thieving Is A Problem: 5
Come back tomorrow if you’re interested for more!
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uloelu · 4 months
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Location: Windslar, Windenburg
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(transcript under the cut)
Episode 2 | Previous | Next
So excited to be back with this series. Episodes 3-5 are going to be a bit shorter than usual, but only because I'm in the process of planning a huge slate of parties, plot-changing events, etc. for summer break. Can't wait to share what I've cooked up with you! No additional parts to this episode, so I'll be back with episode 4 as soon as I finish editing my screenshots.
Episode 3: Suddenly Summer
Scene 1 - 28 Windslar
Irving (narrating a montage of the Brookestone-Walker household enjoying the first few days of summer): I hate summer. Okay, maybe that’s a little strong.
I like that, instead of pacing around in the house because rainstorms have flooded her usual trails, Chloe can go for her morning runs. I like that everyone in the house seems to be happier than in the spring, when the six of us first moved in.
(Cut to a political protest in San Myshuno)
Miki Ojo: What do we want?
Yuki Kuma: A living wage!
Miki: When do we want it?
Josh: Now!
(Cut back to Wes and Morgan making out in her apartment building)
Irving: I like that Josh and Wes have found actual hobbies instead of fighting about who gets to use the household computer (it’s mine). Although I’m not sure you can call what Wes gets up to a “hobby”. (He sneaks into the house at 1AM smelling like weed and cat dander.)
But aside from the awful heat—who knew Germany could get as hot as Willow Creek?—and prom fever at school, summer means I can’t keep avoiding my biggest irritation: Dr. Crêpes.
Scene 2 - Willow Creek Library
Irving: I don’t even know why I have to be here. I’m doing fine in school. Principal Prescott says I’m a shoo-in for valedictorian next year.
Dr. Crêpes: That’s great, Lindsey!
Irving: Irving. Everyone calls me that.
Dr. Crêpes: Right. Irving. (coughs) Child services recommended that I talk to you weekly to make sure you’re settling in well at your foster home. Now that school’s about to let out, it’s important that you receive all the help you need to remain your best self in the summer.
Irving: What if I don’t need any help?
Dr. Crêpes: Well—
Irving: No, seriously. I was told after my diagnosis that nothing had to change. That I’m fine just the way I am. That I get to define what autism means to me.
Dr. Crêpes: That’s absolutely true, Irving. Don’t get me wrong—I’m not here to upend your life. Think of me as a listening ear for whenever life stresses you out.
Irving (unconvinced): …
Dr. Crêpes: Unless you’re one of the lucky people who never get stressed out, in which case I totally envy you.
Irving: I did not say that.
Dr. Crêpes: Well, then, I’d love to hear anything you’re willing to share.
Irving: You promise not to tell anyone? Not even Audreyanna or Evelyn?
Dr. Crêpes: Therapist’s promise.
Scene 3 - Magnolia Park, Willow Creek
[Invited guests: Mila and Wolfgang Metzinger (aka Munch), Rani Anglond, Marissa Collins, Joy Jentanon, Cassandra Gótico (aka Goth), Morgan Landings (aka Fyres), Gene and Matt Whitmore (latter is @aashwarr's original character and won't be shown on-screen/quoted in these screenshots.]
Irving: Fine. Therapy wasn’t all that bad. And neither was the picnic our foster moms threw to celebrate the beginning of summer. I was surprised to see how many friends the other foster kids invited. I sure didn’t have anyone to invite. Not that I minded.
Cassandra (introducing Matt to Irving and Josh): Hey, Irving, come say hi to Matt. He says you’re in the same computer club.
Irving (cloudgazing): No, thanks. I’m trying to find video game characters in the clouds.
Joy (walking up to them): Aren’t you that guy who wrote that political op-ed in the school paper last week?
Josh: Am I?
Joy: Of course you are. I’m never wrong about these things. Josh, right?
Josh: Maybe. And you are...?
Joy: Joy. Chloe invited me. Your foster moms seem cool.
Josh: I’ll pass along the compliment. Didn’t think anyone actually read the paper. You into politics?
Joy: Very. I like to keep on top of things.
Josh: Well, Joy, it’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance.
Joy (smirking): Spare me. I hated your take.
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natsumi-no-hotaru · 6 months
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Chihayafuru #55: Karuta is so unpredictable... and fun!
AKA. I was completely blown away by how AWESOME this episode is. 
[Previously: The four-on-four team match and all hail the Shiranami Offensive!]
Gosh, what an episode. Absolutely wild, chockful of surprises and oh so meme-able! The pacing is faster and so much happened in 20 minutes. Seriously, a lot and wow, I haven’t felt that energized after watching Chihayafuru in a long while. Not that the last couple of episodes were dull or anything, but they kind of lack a certain spark that makes them truly memorable and leaves viewers at the edge of their seats. This is definitely not the case with Chihayafuru #55. As soon as I finished watching, I felt compelled to start writing, and had it not been for the intense workload and pressure at the office, this post would have come out much sooner. 
Picking up from where we left off, the match between Chi-chan and Haruka entered its most critical juncture, as Chi-chan snatched back the Chihayafuru, the one card that Sakurazawa never managed to take from the former Queen. 
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Why she plays karuta
The loss of Chihayafuru was a considerable blow to Haruka, whose inner tumult gave Chi-chan the chance to reduce the card difference and turn the tides in her favor. Facing a fearless young opponent who played with such tranquility and enjoyment, Haruka became trapped by strenuous thoughts of having to “throw off [her opponent’s] pace and not let her have fun”. 
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Her elder kid is so cute!!!
Instead of making the overly enthused Aki a burden to Haruka and her pursuit of karuta, the narrative took a step far from the beaten track, in turning his curiosity and budding interest into a source of strength and encouragement for the young mom. 
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The game was momentarily interrupted but it gave Haruka just the needed headspace to recall her karuta origin story. Turns out that her parents were also karuta players and she, along with her sibling, joined their karuta practice ever since they were little. Haruka grew into a successful player, as proven by her holding the Queen title for 4 consecutive years, and became a young mom with two adorable kids. Convention would dictate that she should be satisfied with what she had, with the implication of giving up karuta, akin to a part of herself, to focus on her kids. But that was not the choice that her parents made, and this is the one case where “history repeats itself” does not mean a negative thing.
“But the realization that parents can have something they treasure as much as their kids set me free.”
I am once again blown by the bold and mold-breaking direction taken by Suetsugu-san (the mangaka), and subsequently honored by the animation, with regards to Haruka’s storyline and character. At first glance, Haruka had all the family trappings that, in your run-of-the-mill competition narrative, would have weighed her down and turned her into a past-her-prime mom player. But this is definitely NOT the case here. Previously, we have seen how supportive her husband was of her karuta to the point of sharing in the child-rearing and caretaking responsibilities and how Haruka herself was not content to rest on her laurels. All of that culminates in this episode, where she demonstrates a solid conviction to be a model for her children, to show them that a rewarding lifelong pursuit does not need to come at the cost of family. She plays karuta because she wants to stay true to herself and believes that by not giving up on her passion, she is passing on her parents’ gift to her children - a chance to embark on the journey of self-validation and self-affirmation from a young age. 
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To this end, there was no other way for Haruka to proceed but to play the karuta that she excels and enjoys. Instead of dwelling on how to break Chi-chan’s momentum, she recovered herself in time to showcase the top-tier hearing that carried her through past games and astonished all. 
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In a battle over a multiple-syllable card, Haruka emerged victorious when she swiped at Chi-chan’s card after hearing only the first syllable, which, technically, should not be enough to let her know which card the reader was reading: hers or her opponent’s. Yet it was not a grab made in desperation or blind luck. Haruka knew which card was read with dead certainty because she could pick up on the tonal variations of the card reader (who is from the west like her). There was simply no contest possible for Chi-chan in this regard.
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Just as the match was about to take a more serious turn, a curveball came out of nowhere in the form of a card being slightly moved upon the reading of a dead card. 
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A moment of confusion gripped the room as everyone tried to figure out who moved the card. 
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But for the two persons in question, it was no more than an amusing incident, a much-appreciated reliever of tensions that brought them closer. It is also another instance that highlights Chi-chan’s growing maturity as a karuta player; she would have been so flustered had this been a year earlier. The fact that she could laugh about it and enjoy a bonding moment with her opponent, a former Queen for 4 consecutive times no less, speaks volumes about her mindset and approach to the game. Her little routine of wiping her face, fixing her sleeve ties and hair, and exhaling deeply before returning to the game without a hint of stress viscerally reflected Chi-chan’s inner composure and enjoyment of the game itself.
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“I’d thought she’d tense up against a former Queen, but right from the start, and even this close to the end, she’s not getting worked up. Maybe in Ayase’s mind, the only Queen is Wakamiya Shinobu.”
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Damn, this moment gave me the shivers. It is precisely why I ship Shinochi - this fleeting yet tenacious connection between two very talented and quirky players, both in search of personal fulfilment through competitive karuta. Previously, Shi-chan found in Chi-chan a promising rival who wants nothing more than going head to head against a Queen that went all out. In Shi-chan, Chi-chan found an indomitable will to aspire to, a constant source of inspiration that buoys her up at challenging moments. If Chi-chan can face Shi-chan after a merciless match and came out all the more gratified for it, then how can she lose heart in front of an opponent lesser than the latter?  
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What puts the cherry on the top for me is how these insightful observations do not come from the usual sources, like Kana-chan, Tsutomu, Taichi or more recently, Sakurazawa-sensei, but from Nishida. The fact that he could grasp this facet of Chi-chan’s psyche so well speaks to the bonds between Mizusawa karuta club members. It’s a very beautiful and understated way of showing how much they care for one another’s progress.
“This is it, Taichi”
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“Even Wakamiya Shinobu isn’t invincible.”
Mentions of Shi-chan and her defeat at the hand of Arata made for a smooth transition into Arata’s unanticipated loss against the unfavorably compared Tsuboguchi. The latter’s victory was such a major upset that left everyone dumbfounded in the most hilarious of ways. 
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LOL, look at their faces. I absolutely DID NOT foresee this turn of event at all, too. Kinda bet on Chi-chan facing Arata in their first official match in this tournament. Turned out that would have to wait. 
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Me very glad that it was not an actual bet me made. Would be a major loss here lmao. Who would have thought that Arata would lose here, to high school karuta coach Tsuboguchi-san of all people, cursed or not by the latter’s student? 
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Nothing seemed to go according to plan for opponents of the Shiranami Society. Murao-kun, Arata’s senpai, managed a win against Harada-sensei, but at great expense to his stamina. Imagine the kind of unyielding battle Harada-sensei must have waged against this much younger player, to have brought the card gap from 10 down to 4 at the end. 
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It was a vicious tug of war for Chi-chan and Taichi, both locked in a tie against their opponents. At a juncture where many would play cautiously, our beloved President and Vice President persisted with the Shiranami-famous offensive style, living on the edge as their sensei and senpai would have it. 
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The imagery is a little silly in how it made Harada-sensei and Tsuboguchi-san the dearly departed, instead of the still kicking members of the Shiranami Society; but the emphasis on the bond between all members and the influence they had on each other’s mentality, playstyle and decisions rendered depth to the story, neatly harking back to the team-tournament spirit espoused by Harada-sensei before the quarter-finals, as well as to the desire to stay true to oneself in karuta, as embraced by Haruka at the episode’s beginning. 
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Chi-chan ended the game victoriously on the poignant note of “Since I could not hide my love” (remember when Taichi himself pulled through the class A ascension game with this same card?) and promptly fell into sleep on the spot, to the joy and dismay of Kana-chan and Nishida. The only match undecided left was Taichi’s, and as per his usual luck, it came down to a luck of the draw, again. Good thing this was not a cliffhanger cos I was literally holding on to my tea mug for support. 
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Feels like Taichi is becoming a Master on his own at luck of the draw...
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The instant the reader started reciting, Taichi reached for the card on Sudo-san’s side, before the latter even reacted. It was not that he could hear a decisive sound as the basis for his judgement. It was simply a move borne out of much arduous experience.
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Lmao, it was too outrageous even for Sudo-san.
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Regardless, GO, Taichiiiiii!!!! *exhaled in relief* Semi-finals, here we come!
Well, before the semi-finals was a somewhat out-of-the-blue segue about Chi-chan’s mother, who sought to juggle between doing her own work and supporting her daughters in their career/pursuit. 
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It did find its way back to an unconscious Chi-chan cradled in the arms of friends but still, bit disjointed, albeit an interesting glimpse at the dynamics among the Ayase women.
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“I’ll take the loss by default.”
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In another surprising turn of event - well not the post-march dead-to-the-world Chi-chan, Hiroshi chose to lose by default to Chi-chan, instead of making her lose by not being able to show up for the match. Certainly one may chalk this up to team spirit but that would not be ... sufficient. Hiroshi’s concern for Chi-chan - “just let Chihaya-chan sleep” felt very brotherly, which is nice because it didn’t seem like she was showered with enough familial care and affection at home.
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Taichi is a different story though. It’s not that Hiroshi did not care for Taichi but like a big brother, he knows exactly which button to push to get his sibling fire up, the way he did back at the Omi Jingu team tournament as a karuta high school coach. Hiroshi knew that Taichi needed someone to acknowledge his efforts and progress without sugarcoating the thornier parts.
“Most people here think you’re just a kid who rode a wave of momentum to get here.”
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As Hiroshi rightly said, Taichi could never rely on momentum or luck, but pure skill. This helped to bolster his spirit but also placed the weight of expectations on him, as someone with the skill. Thankfully, he was motivated by the fact that Arata would be watching him - a chance to show Arata what he could do now. 
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An easy win is not gonna help Taichi mentally and I think that’s partly why he said that he would not have yielded to Taichi, the way he did to Chi-chan, in response to Harada-sensei’s question. Certainly, rivalry also fueled this answer but at the core of it is Hiroshi’s desire to show that he takes Taichi seriously as well as his deep awareness of Taichi’s inferiority complex. 
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“This is my first time watching Taichi play.”
Gosh, that cute chuckle of Arata. This is, if memory serves me well, the first time that we got to see Arata showing an interest purely in Taichi, without being occupied by other considerations such as forming his own karuta club or joining group tournaments. His flashback was of the few interactions with Taichi that did not directly involve Chi-chan too - the incident with Arata’s glasses in their early days and Taichi’s tsundere attitude towards playing karuta with his childhood friends. I personally enjoy very much these brief moments of camaraderie between Taichi and Arata and look forward to more of them, be it in the rest of season 3 anime or in the post-s3 chapters of the manga. There is a lot of potential to flesh out meaningful character developments from these interactions, not just from Aratachi or Taichihaya moments. 
Before getting back to Serious Land™, and I do mean it, cos oh boy the ending, here are Chi-chan’s lovely selves.
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I do want to see Chi-chan and Shi-chan decked out in all their goofy glory for a karuta game lol.
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The perfect defense
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In previous episodes, Taichi has shown a certain affinity towards incorporating others’ techniques into his own mentally rigorous playstyle. Against a Murao-kun whose "simple-minded aggressiveness” has been whittled away by the attrition battle waged by Harada-sensei, Taichi held his own and maintained a large card difference against his opponent, even finding opportunities to test out a new pull-back move (which is Sudo-san’s move right?).  
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While this battle’s outcome is more or less decided, especially with the large card difference and Chi-chan already being slated for the final, it would be nice to be able to delve deeper into Taichi’s state of mind here. Seemingly in response to the unvoiced question from Tsutomu-kun and Nishida, Taichi mentally pointed to the presence of Arata in the audience, Harada-sensei’s previous whittling effort, and Chi-chan’s absence. I am not quite sure how all these pieces fit together to bring about this version of Taichi; hopefully we will get some insight in the next episode. The most ominous piece is Chi-chan’s absence... considering what several people already said regarding Taichi’s performance in her absence. 
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In the meantime, Harada-sensei clearly sensed that in spite of the offensive karuta he was taught, it is defensive karuta that increasingly defined his playstyle and brought him victory this time. I vaguely recalled someone already making an observation to similar effect, was it Sakurazawa-sensei, during the team tournament in season 2? 
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And here we go, the match that has been hinted at for quite sometime now - an official match between Taichi and Chi-chan!! 
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Chi-chan certainly is the better player and she has proved herself against very strong players, from Queen candidates to actual Queens, so I think there should be no surprise as to the final outcome of this match. Nonetheless, I am certain that Suetsugu-san would not have this important turning point to be without its share of twists and drama. 
Can Taichi hold his own against Chi-chan? Will he lose to himself? And more importantly, what will he do to improve his karuta, especially the defensive playstyle, in the aftermath? I eagerly await the next episode (or episodes, since the match may take longer) and what it has in store for Taichi.
Before ending this post, I just wanna drop a quick note for all readers, new or regular (gosh, do I have any left after more than a year of hiatus). Thank you so much for your support and I am sorry for disappearing for so long. Life has been putting me through the wringer ever since and drained me of any interest in putting out my own written word. This is not the first time this happened, unfortunately. But regardless of my pre-occupations, be it professional, gaming or anime-wise, I remain invested in seeing my series of posts on Chihayafuru to its completion. So buckle up, cos this train is resuming service, to the next episode of Chihayafuru and beyond!
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ottonevermore · 6 months
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NRB Plays Call of Cthulhu - Part 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 River Proletariat
he's totally normal, don't worry about it extra words + art info under the cut!
This was the second-to-last piece that I finished and while I'm pretty happy with it, I feel like I definitely could have made it a bit more exciting. I do think the face looks a lot like sullivan though so thats nice. This was another one I drew where he was originally facing forward, and I had to change it for consistency 😔
River was another fairly passive character, so I chose to draw the very last scene, where the body of River finds Harry out in front of the house. Of course, I took some liberties, hence the blood on the hands (symbol of guilt, deceit, betrayal) and the bright beam in the background (aka the eponymous Angel of that episode)
I gave him a beret (french, artistic) a sweater (1920s, artistic), and a falling-off scarf thingy (french, artistic). I also intended for him to have short pants, like Harry Peeps, but they got cut off so perfectly that you would never know.
R'lyehian text inspired by this font! The words say "River" and "Angel" for those who don't feel like translating themselves.
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Currently watching - January
Because I love a good little list - with an alphabetical order this time! 😊
Regularly updated during the month, latest update 31.01.2023
This may contain spoilers!
1. Ameiro Paradox (6/8 on Viki and Gaga)
An enemies to lovers story with journalists and cute smiles. I am a little bit confused by Kaburagi, just like Onoe is. It is not bad, the acting is quite nice.
2. Bokura no Micro na Shuumatsu aka The End Of the World With You (1/8 on Gaga or Viki)
This feels depressing and heartbreaking and I love it! Done right this can become a little sad gem.
3. Cutie Pie 2 You (1/4 on Youtube)
Well, I haven't been waiting for this and the first season left without a deeper impact on me. So right now I am very much unimpressed with this one.
4. HIStory 5: Love in the future (5/20 on Viki)
It is starting to grow on me. Both storylines. Seeing Hai Yi being nice, caring and less arrogant is kind of sweet. And all the flirting between Liang and Wynn is very much entertaining. Besides that, the main story is kind of confusing and I can't stop myself from asking, why doesn't He Bo Wei search himself in the internet?
5. Individual Circumstances (4/8 on Viki)
After years spending their lives apart from each other an almost worn out movie director and a famous writer meet again. The past has to be processed and the writer deals with their history and present in one of his stories. I like this one a lot. Can it be please next week, so I know what they were talking about in the preview?
6. My School President (8/12 on Youtube)
I loooove this one so much!!!! It is my favorite watch of the week! Set in highschool we meet Tinn (the school president) and Gun (head of the music club). Tinn has a huge crush on Gun and Gun sees in Tinn the enemy who is standing between the success of his music club and the win of the Hot Wave Music Contest. Sometimes you just need a good old high school bl to be happy. I enjoyed this series so much. And the music is so good!!!
7. Never Let Me Go (7/12 on Youtube)
The tension and chemistry between the two mains is definitely there and noticeable. I am hooked with the story and at this point really anxious about what's to come. There are so many layers to unfold and I love reading all those metas here on tumblr! So well written analyses.
8. Physical: 100 (2/10 on Netflix)
Okay, listen...my best friend told me, I should watch this and after 15 minutes we were on the phone with each other and for the next 1,5 hours we had the time of our lifes! This show is insane and so much fun to watch!
9. The New Employee (6/8 on Viki)
I love the manhwa and I really enjoy this adaptation. It is funny and cute and not so far from the original material. The two mains have a wonderful chemistry.
Finished in January
1. 2 Moons the Ambassador (12/12 on Youtube)
It was just bad. The acting was not good. The plot was...lame and there was too much going on with the amount of couples to deal witj. And there was just too much dull drama without reason and so many plotholes and logical errors... 2 out of 10 for the sweetness sometimes
2. Till the world ends (10/10 on Youtube)
This one was such a pleasant surprise for me. A story about the end of the world with explicit and brutal scenes, decent acting and a kind of good story! The chemistry was there and with episode eight they said, well lets show world what we can do. I won't talk about physics nor the ending. Well the latter would explain the first issues, but I don't care. I liked it! 8,5 out of 10 dystopian ideas
3. Remember Me (14/14 on Gaga)
Okay, this one is so complicated for me. First I found it boring. With episode three I was hooked and totally into it. Around episode 10/11 I just got bored again and the story became...difficult to like anymore and the last one was just meh...I really liked the storytelling, but some parts could have been cut short and others needed more story time. I felt like they have forgotten that there were like four other stories beside Champ's in the last episode so everything felt rushed. And yes, the big problem with Name's decision to speak. Like as it is just so easy to overcome your fear and barrier and mental health problem and just speak. One day, after you notice it would be better for others if you speak, you just do it...well, that is not how it works. And yes, thinking about it, this is a really big problem of the show in general. Just presenting mental health problems as something you can overcome with enough selfcontrol and some words of encouragement...or the sight of others who feel unwell in your depressed presence...damn...It could have been such a nice 7, but thinking about those flaws really hurts...there is no real working with the problems. Champ just decides to forgive his family and his depression is healed...Name speaks because he just decided to do so...Gun and Golf broke up and just a few days later Golf says sorry and pulls out a ring and everything is fine again...Well no...that is not how life works. 4 out of 10 stories to tell
4. Zettai BL ni Naru Sekai VS Zettai BL ni Naritakunai Otoko Season 1 (4/4 on Gaga)
A man who tries to avoid the world of BL, by reading Yaoi mangas to get to know all the tropes he has to avoid in order to not get involved with the world as a main character. It is hilarious. I had a really good time watching it. 8 out of 10 tropes to avoid
5. Love Bill (10/10 on Youtube)
A vietnamese drama about a young man falling in love with a screenwriter. Well, of course there are some other things happening in between, but this is the heart of the story. Our boy Nguyễn Bá Vinh is doing a great job! I really enjoyed this drama. And the ending is so perfectly fitting for this drama. Thien is a screenwriter and known as the king od sad endings. So yeah, the ending is sad, but at the same time perfect and bittersweet. 7 out of 10 rainwater barrel showers
6. The director who buys me dinner (10/10 on iQiyi)
Okay, I read the Webseries, so I do know what Dennis was up to and what his story was. I liked the story between Yudam and Dongbaek. The ending? I wish they would have stick more to the original, but I am not mad about it. They had a fresh start and it is not that open of an ending for me. Yudam agreed to have dinner with Dongbaek and I believe that those two will be happy in the end. 7,5 out of 10 pills to swallow
7. Island (6/6 non bl)
I have never thought I would say I like a horror series, but here I am. I hate horror besides Vampires, Aliens and Witches, so this was a surprise, especially when I think about my despise and horror for The Exorcist. But this one is really good! And now I can't wait for season 2!! There is so much to unpack and I am hooked! 9,5 out of 10 lust demons
8. War of Y (20/20 on Gaga)
I finally watched it. I don't know. It was good imo, without a doubt. But it is a little bit paradox. The series tries to go against the industry and the fanservice and the working conditions, but in the end it is just another bl. Most of the stories have their happy ending and are kind of unrealistic. I enjoyed my time watching it, even though it was tough at some times. 7 out of 10 two-faced media
9. Gaya Sa Pelikula aka Like in the Movies (8/8 on Youtube)
What a perfect little series! I loved every second of this and I wish it had more episodes. But they managed to tell the story in the time they had without cutting something short or anything. It is a deep story with a light storytelling that fits the tone perfectly. The story is about Karl and Vlad who become fake boyfriends to help each other and who happen to fall in love with each other for real. But nothing is that easy in this world and the process of coming out and coming to terms with who you are needs time. Absolutely love this one! 10 out of 10 dishes to wash
10. Ingredients (21/21 on Gaga)
This was the perfect thing to watch while laying down with a cold. It warms your heart and makes you smile. It is such a cute and wholesome story and I believe they will manage to overcome all obstacles in their relationship. I am very grateful for this recommendation! 9,5 out of 10 desserts
11. My Engineer (14/14 on Youtube)
Well this one was a ride. I liked the beginning, but my patience died at some point. So Bohn and Duen became a couple, but they didn't touch each other, no hand holding, no kind of showing affection and the only one who does shows them through words is Bohn, but he becomes so jealous I wanted to slap his face. He is sulking the whole second part of this series! That was so annoying. The only bright spot were RamKing. I get it, they are cute and the only ones with at least two brain cells! 5,5 out of 10 sulking faces...
12. The Tuxedo (8/8 on Gaga)
This was not good. I think it is cringy and there was no chemistry between the mains or a plot I could really follow. I mean there are short films out there, which can transport a better story with a better feeling for time and substance than this series. The amount of times I cried noooo...Not good... 3,5 out 10 what the hell was this blue tuxedo?!?!
13. History 4: Close to you (10/10 on Viki)
Yeah, close to you...what a perfect titel. Best friends to lovers, stepbrothers to lovers. And I liked it. I don't know what else to say. I know there are some scenes that are just bad. There is no excuse for that, but you know what? I watched KinnPorsche, I watched Dangerous Drugs Of Sex...And besides those scenes I really enjoyed the stories. Yes, also the stepbrothers. 8 out of 10 Cardigans
14. Between Us (12/12 on Youtube)
Well, in the end it was boring and I couldn't care less about WinTeams relationship or their traumas, which is really sad, because it plays such a big role in the series. I liked them in UWMA, but here, in their own series, they were blank and boring. 4,5 out of 10 swimming pools
15. The Devil Judge (16/16 on Viki)
Why so good? I couldn't stop watching in the end. You know the feeling when you are so tense, you just want to spoiler yourself the ending, but you don't want to, but you want to and in the end you are sitting there in tears, because the drama is so sad and you're so tense. And still, since the beginnen of the show, you question yourself if you want to hate Jung Sun Ah, feel pity for her, fuck her or let her fuck you. In the end I let her fuck me out of pity while I hate her with all my guts. But the drama is just so fucking good. So thrilling and with some really good (and some not so good) plot twists. And in the end, every meme is true, gay sex would be less gay than what ever was going on between Kang Yo Han and Kim Ga On and I respect them for that. 10 out of 10 intense eye contacts
16. Zettai BL ni Naru Sekai VS Zettai BL ni Naritakunai Otoko 2 (3/3 on Gaga)
A man who tries to avoid the world of BL, by reading Yaoi mangas to get to know all the tropes he has to avoid in order to not get involved with the world as a main character - Part II (yes, I copy paste this one...). It is hilarious. I had a really good time watching it. 7,5 out of 10 tropes to still avoid
New Category: Dropped/On Hold
1. I will knock you (1/12 on Gaga)
Well, I don't like it. It brings me no joy so far. So for now it is on hold until I have nothing more to watch...
2. To Sir, with love (2/17 on Youtube)
I know that it is good, but I don't know. I just can't find the energy to watch it. Perhaps some day in the future.
3. Something in my room (3/10 on Youtube)
I saw people talking about this one and how good it is. Well, it is quite okay. I guess it will get a little bit deeper with more episodes, but I haven’t had the time to watch more or the motivation to watch it...so for now it is on hold
4. Hit Bite Love (on Youtube)
I couldn't get over the first half of the first epsiode. It just made me uncomfortable. So this was a dropped for me...
Short films
1. Invitation (on Gaga)
A short film about a jobless person who finds binoculars and breaks in a stranger's home. There is a good twist in the end. The acting was okay, the story was okay...the ending was good. 6,5 out of 10 binoculars
2. Fragile Souls (on Gaga)
I like this one a lot. It has depth and a really deep story for a movie under 10 minutes. The acting is good, too. It is a story about opening your heart to someone and not keeping you inner demons all to yourself. You are allowed to be vulnerable and it gets better. 8,5 out of 10 grainy metaphores
3. Jay (on Gaga)
Jay is a 13 years old boy who is fascinated by his older brother's physique what somewho change into attraction. He is discovering his own sexual orientation while his brother doesn't keep his own a secret from the younger brother (he has sex with his girlfriend while the door to his room was open). It is a complicated film which ewokes complicated emotions. Jay is in an early stage of puberty and his hormones and emotions are going crazy. He can't bring himself to like the girl who has a crush on him. Instead he fantasises about his brother, or his brother's body, a male body to whom he has easy access. The acting is not bad, the subject difficult, but all in all not a bad short film. 7 out of 10 pants
4. Going South (on Gaga)
What a ride. This movie was tense and uncomfortable to watch. I guess you can start a discourse about the question wether the sexual encounter is consensual, dub con or just simply r*pe...With all I have seen it is r*pe for me. There was so much aggression between those two and I understand both sides, which doesn't mean that ones actions were justified. 5,5 out of 10 chasing scenes
5. Suddenly Last Summer (on Gaga)
It is the story about a student, who stalks his teacher after he discovered the latter is gay. The student goes so far that he blackmails the teacher to do everything he wants for a day in return he would keep his secret safe. Well it was a slow and quiet movie. The acting was good. The story itself was okay. I liked it. Did I liek the student? Nope...But his behavior fits his character and his role in the movie. 8 out of 10 headphones
6. Kiss Of The Rabbit God (on Gaga)
This is such a beautiful and good short film! I loved every second of it and I was hooked to the very last scene. The following is all you need to know. Oh I love some good stories! A long time ago in the Qing Dynasty a young soldier fell in love with a handsome official and was sentenced to death for confessing his longing. When his spirit travelled to the Underworld the soldier’s crime was forgiven as one of passion and he was ordained The Rabbit God, the god of secret lovers. The god now travels through eternity answering prayers of forbidden love. 10 out of 10 crimson-hair
7. Langit Budak Biru (on Gaga)
It is not easy to watch, it is not easy to think about, but it is important to think about, to talk about. A movie about two boarding school students in a very religious and very homophobic country trying to understand why they are here and how to survive. My highest resprect for this movie. 10 out of 10 !
1. Gameboys: The Movie (on Gaga)
Well I haven't seen the first season, but you can indeed watch this without knowledge of the things that happen before (imo). I thought it was a decent movie. The acting was good, the stroy was there and I liked it. But I can't with "Baby" as a term of endearment. At some point all I could hear and concentrate on was this term and I am honest, I hated it. 7 out of 10 ... baby ...
What I’m looking forward to in January:
Beautiful Scars (2nd)
Stoma (4th)
Cutie Pie 2 You (6th)
Utsukushii Kare: Special Edit Version (16th)
Individual Circumstances (19th)
Hit Bite Love (21st)
Kare ga Boku ni Koishita Wake (23rd)
Bokura no Micro na Shuumatsu (30th)
Langit Budak Biru (30th)
The Luminous Solution
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