#yuki kuma
uloelu · 7 months
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Location: Windslar, Windenburg
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(transcript under the cut)
Episode 2 | Previous | Next
So excited to be back with this series. Episodes 3-5 are going to be a bit shorter than usual, but only because I'm in the process of planning a huge slate of parties, plot-changing events, etc. for summer break. Can't wait to share what I've cooked up with you! No additional parts to this episode, so I'll be back with episode 4 as soon as I finish editing my screenshots.
Episode 3: Suddenly Summer
Scene 1 - 28 Windslar
Irving (narrating a montage of the Brookestone-Walker household enjoying the first few days of summer): I hate summer. Okay, maybe that’s a little strong.
I like that, instead of pacing around in the house because rainstorms have flooded her usual trails, Chloe can go for her morning runs. I like that everyone in the house seems to be happier than in the spring, when the six of us first moved in.
(Cut to a political protest in San Myshuno)
Miki Ojo: What do we want?
Yuki Kuma: A living wage!
Miki: When do we want it?
Josh: Now!
(Cut back to Wes and Morgan making out in her apartment building)
Irving: I like that Josh and Wes have found actual hobbies instead of fighting about who gets to use the household computer (it’s mine). Although I’m not sure you can call what Wes gets up to a “hobby”. (He sneaks into the house at 1AM smelling like weed and cat dander.)
But aside from the awful heat—who knew Germany could get as hot as Willow Creek?—and prom fever at school, summer means I can’t keep avoiding my biggest irritation: Dr. Crêpes.
Scene 2 - Willow Creek Library
Irving: I don’t even know why I have to be here. I’m doing fine in school. Principal Prescott says I’m a shoo-in for valedictorian next year.
Dr. Crêpes: That’s great, Lindsey!
Irving: Irving. Everyone calls me that.
Dr. Crêpes: Right. Irving. (coughs) Child services recommended that I talk to you weekly to make sure you’re settling in well at your foster home. Now that school’s about to let out, it’s important that you receive all the help you need to remain your best self in the summer.
Irving: What if I don’t need any help?
Dr. Crêpes: Well—
Irving: No, seriously. I was told after my diagnosis that nothing had to change. That I’m fine just the way I am. That I get to define what autism means to me.
Dr. Crêpes: That’s absolutely true, Irving. Don’t get me wrong—I’m not here to upend your life. Think of me as a listening ear for whenever life stresses you out.
Irving (unconvinced): …
Dr. Crêpes: Unless you’re one of the lucky people who never get stressed out, in which case I totally envy you.
Irving: I did not say that.
Dr. Crêpes: Well, then, I’d love to hear anything you’re willing to share.
Irving: You promise not to tell anyone? Not even Audreyanna or Evelyn?
Dr. Crêpes: Therapist’s promise.
Scene 3 - Magnolia Park, Willow Creek
[Invited guests: Mila and Wolfgang Metzinger (aka Munch), Rani Anglond, Marissa Collins, Joy Jentanon, Cassandra Gótico (aka Goth), Morgan Landings (aka Fyres), Gene and Matt Whitmore (latter is @aashwarr's original character and won't be shown on-screen/quoted in these screenshots.]
Irving: Fine. Therapy wasn’t all that bad. And neither was the picnic our foster moms threw to celebrate the beginning of summer. I was surprised to see how many friends the other foster kids invited. I sure didn’t have anyone to invite. Not that I minded.
Cassandra (introducing Matt to Irving and Josh): Hey, Irving, come say hi to Matt. He says you’re in the same computer club.
Irving (cloudgazing): No, thanks. I’m trying to find video game characters in the clouds.
Joy (walking up to them): Aren’t you that guy who wrote that political op-ed in the school paper last week?
Josh: Am I?
Joy: Of course you are. I’m never wrong about these things. Josh, right?
Josh: Maybe. And you are...?
Joy: Joy. Chloe invited me. Your foster moms seem cool.
Josh: I’ll pass along the compliment. Didn’t think anyone actually read the paper. You into politics?
Joy: Very. I like to keep on top of things.
Josh: Well, Joy, it’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance.
Joy (smirking): Spare me. I hated your take.
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theanimationalley · 8 months
Hi! Sorry for the message but I saw an old comment/reblog of yours on a Cartoon Orbit post. I just wanted to excitedly share that Cartoon Orbit has been revived as Cartoon Reorbit! We would love to have many OG Orbit players and/or new players. It’s been such a nostalgic blast from the past! We also have a discord server for any questions you may have.
For anyone interested out there.
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gamerzylo · 8 months
Hi! Sorry for the message but I saw an old comment/reblog of yours on a Cartoon Orbit post. I just wanted to excitedly share that Cartoon Orbit has been revived as Cartoon Reorbit! We would love to have many OG Orbit players and/or new players. It’s been such a nostalgic blast from the past! We also have a discord server for any questions you may have.
👀 Definitely gonna check it out; used to love Cartoon Orbit as a kid.
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burningfaith · 3 months
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squipedmew · 2 years
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Here’s my 2022 art summary! It was a year of growth for me, what with switching up my art style to try and be at least a little bit more detailed. There are definitely still some growing pains to work through, but looking at this, I’m happy to see progress! 
(This one also includes some pieces I didn’t post. They were personal pieces about my OC’s, and since this is mostly a fandom blog, I didn’t want to post them, considering that OC art doesn’t usually do very well.)
Here’s to 2023, a year that doesn’t even sound real!
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moose-goosey · 7 months
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Many a doodle
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sasaranurude · 1 year
maybe hero in demon's castle will go up on my list of favorite alltime BL next to yuki to matsu and vanilla chocolate cigarette
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kyu-ura · 6 months
More about names
Just short notes about these names, any puns, or hidden meanings!
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猫屋敷 (Nekoyashiki)
猫 Neko = Cat
屋敷 Yashiki = Mansion; traditional Japanese Mansion. Usually very big and majestic.
ユキ Yuki = Snow ; Mayu explained where the name come from in one of the episodes.
まゆ Mayu = there are so many ways to write her name. It could be 繭, 麻由, 真由, 真優... etc.etc. There are so many. So I won't be able to provide a meaning without seeing the Kanji
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大熊 (Ookuma)
大 Oo = Big
熊 Kuma = Bear
蟹江 (Kanie)
蟹 Kani = Crab
江 E = River
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兎山悟 (Toyama Satoru)
兎山 (Toyama) = Rabbit + Mountain
悟 Satoru = The name 悟 (Satoru) itself means "to learn the truth"
It is important to note that: the character 悟 is often associated with understanding, comprehension, acknowledgement, or realization of something.
From just reading the meaning, the name feels very "intellectual" or "brainy"! But!! It is a "Heart" word.
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The character 悟 is composed of a heart as a Radical. So when we use this word, it's more about understanding, or realization from the heart.
Common vocabulary with the character 悟: 覚悟 Kakugo = preparedness , readiness
大福 (Daifuku)
If we separate 大福 into two words, it's "big" "fortune / happiness",
But Daifuku is actually a popular Japanese confection that is often red bean paste wrapped in mochi. They are soft, fluffy, sweet, and round. So we can definitely see where Daifuku got the name!
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ligbi · 1 year
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Yet Another Comparison Of  ‘90-’99 And ‘14-’23 Anime Girls
Used in-episode screenshots and semi-neutral expressions to keep some semblance of consistency for accurate comparisons, and only used tv anime so no golden boys or makoto shinkais
Feel free to comment on this post or add to it- I know I had a lot more children's anime in the 90s than in the 10ishs but there were also a lot less shows back then
List of series and thoughts under the cut
knights of ramune \ nadia
goldfish warning\ future gpx
dog of flanders\yyh
akazukin chacha\slam dunk
tenchi universe/ eva
escaflone/ those who hunt elves
kero kero chime/utena
akihabara/ devilman lady
tenshi ni narumon/gto
yuki yuna/garo
rakudai kini no cavalry/ nisekoi
kuma miko/ maisou gakuen
urara meirochou/tsugumomo
a place further than our universe/ happy sugar life
endro/carole and tuesday
bna/ interspecies reviewers
drugstore in another world/blue period
lyrocois recoil/birdy wing
revolution magical world yuri/ ice guy and cool colleague
I tried to keep it younger characters/older characters for the 90s and that was not an option for the recent anime series because
There are way too many damn anime nowadays. 
I tried to just get a general assortment of different character designers for both but feel free to tell me what a bad job I did for the modern stuff. Pretty sure I don’t have any dupes for the 90s ladies
personally the issue with modern anime is less ‘uwu moe moe kyun isekai harem bullshit’ and more ‘heres a single cour cheaply made no ending adaptaion of a manga or light novel why don’t you go check those out’ big budget ads of which there are too many
i’d like to run the numbers to see if the percentage of original anime has gone down or if the original works are just being flooded out by the sea of overworked nothings that are being constantly rushed out the door
yes obviously not all original works are good (or finish well rip wep) and there are good adaptations but when people think anime once they're past shounen jump series 1-500 the biggest names are original works and sure you might end up with an fma or ouran but your bebops your evas your utenas are originals. or media mixes which are weird collabs we could get into but let’s not today 
i won’t disagree that there’s too many anime nowadays targeting lolicons (yeah yeah any anime for them is too much but we’re talking about comparing eras not judging content here) but I /think/ 80s and 90s relegated that type of stuff to OVAs generally. Don’t have the data to back that up but between ovas nowadays being only just for porn and the lemony history of ovas since the 80s.... there were just More ovas back when as well
doing a loose count on mal of all ovas from 90-99  1050 to about 750 total for 14-23. given the tv ratio for 95-19 being  around 1:6
yes yes these numbers are fast and loose and theres chinese animation in there and we can get finicky about What Is Anime but this was a conversation about what era of anime stylization is better
it’s the late 90s btw
but that’s a personal preference of course because art is subjective blah blah blah 90s character driven comedy fantasy/scifi ova are peak
did I have more thoughts?
i started this over two hours ago make less anime
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Make less anime and put more effort into what you do make
less anime. more episodes. more pay. more breaks. take longer. more original stuff
stop remaking shittttttt. you already wasted time and money and effort on a mid anime adaptation of a manga. don’t do it againnnnnn
anyway watch kero kero chime 
appended thoughts the next morning less on art style and more on volume
as of mid 2023 for completed series we are at halfway of all anime having been made after ~2011 this adds up to a reddit post I found with some very nice data https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/lvvexe/chart_of_number_of_anime_per_year_over_time/  40 was a nice number of series a year about 10 a season starting and older ones continuing. 200+ is. 
yes numbers are iffy with second seasons listed as different series like sailor moon r s supers stars and mha 2 3 4 5 6 ect so for accurate numbers a human touch would be needed there is semi-finite air time to work with- obviously some companies could make new tv and satellite stations just to house their garbage but i think there is a cap somewhere in sight if anyone did crunch the numbers more accurately, total episode count is necessary. one 80s robot show of 60-80 epis is equal to 4-6 modern single cour isekais
make less anime
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yuripoll · 1 year
Propaganda Tags Used
Not tagging every alternate title and the like on propaganda posts, so here's a list of the tags I'm using for each series, for easier browsing :P
(25/02/24: updated to include season 3)
Season 3 Contestants:
2DK, G-Pen, Aftertime. || A Kiss and a White Lily || A Lady's Table || Aoi Hana || Ayaka is in Love with Hiroko! || Because You Are a Red Rose || Blooming Sequence || Composing Spring in This Room Where Cherry Blossoms Bloom || Dark Forest, White Road || Destroy It All and Love Me In Hell || Handsome Girl and Sheltered Girl || I Married My Best Friend to Shut My Parents Up || I'm Not Cut Out to Be a Princess, so I'll Elope With the Villainess! || Indigo Blue || Kakegurui || Kanojo ni Naritai Kimi to Boku || Mahou Josei Chimaka || Makoto no Momoka || Maria-sama ga Miteru || Muted || Netsu wo Obiru Veil || Ohana Holoholo || Sakura Namiki || Savior || Serendipity || Soulmate || That Time I Was Blackmailed By The Class's Green Tea Bitch || The Girl That Can't Get a Girlfriend || The Moon On A Rainy Night || To Die in June || You Are My Angela || Yuki and the Authoress
Season 2 Contestants:
2DK, G-Pen, Alarm Clock || Always Human || An Absurd Relationship || Asagao to Kase-san || Asumi-chan is interested in lesbian brothels || Can't Defy the Lonely Girl || Cirque Arachne || Even the introverted gals wanna get out there! || Fly By || Futari Escape || Gunjou || Hana to Hoshi || Hard Lacquer || Her Tale of Shim Chong || Himitsu no Hanazono || I Love Amy || I See You, Aizawa-san! || I won 300 million yen in a lottery so I started raising a freeloader pretty girl || Lonely Wolf, Lonely Sheep || Love My Life || Mai no Mushigurashi || Nomura Nao to Kyougaku Hina || Pink Ribbon || Sexual Education 120% || Tamen de Gushi || Teppuu || The Ends of a Dream || The guy she was interested in wasn't a guy at all || There's weird voices coming from the room next door! || Yoru to Umi || Young Ladies Don't Play Fighting Games || Yuri Espoir
Season 1 Contestants:
A Monster Wants to Eat Me || Black & White: Tough Love in the Office || Bloom into You || The Blue Star On That Day || Can I kiss you? || Catch These Hands || Doughnuts under a Crescent Moon || Goodbye My Rose Garden || Hana ni Arashi || Hanamonogatari || Hello, Melancholic! || How Do I Get Together with My Childhood Friend♀️? || How Do We Relationship? || I'm in Love with the Villainess || It would be great if you didn't exist! || Liar Satsuki Can See Death || Love Allergy Syndrome || Moonlight Flowers || My wish is to fall in love until you die || Not So Shoujo Love Story || Rock it, GiRL!! || Run Away With Me, Girl || Octave || Oniisama e... || Otherside Picnic || Pietà || Sasameki Koto || She loves to cook, and she loves to eat || Shiroi Heya no Futari || SHWD || Still Sick || Yuri Kuma Arashi
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hakodate-division · 11 months
Happy Halloween! 🎃
From Kuma no ie
Kotan - Fox Demon
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*Sighs* "How did I let my younger sisters talk me into dressing up like this? I know the suit is my father's, but where they did get the fox ears and wings from?" *sighs* "Well, at least it suits our heritage, I guess. I would have liked to have been a bear, though. Oh well. Maybe next time. ...Oh, please excuse my rambling. Here, take this. And please be safe."
You received a treat!
Ainu Animal Cookies. The Ainu tribe of Hakodate has bequeath you these adorable cookies shaped like bears, foxes, owls and other important animals to them.
Ted - Oni/Ogre
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"Don't ask me where I was going with this costume. Apparently, Kotan and his tribe suggested I dress up like some monster called an 'ogre', so I did some research and this was the end result. ...Maybe I went a little too far with the eyes, though. Almost every kid I've opened the door for has run away at the first sight of me. But I guess that's the whole purpose of Halloween. Anyway, here. You're the first person(s) not to run in sight of me, so I guess you can have this leftover candy."
You received a treat!
Ogre Paw Cookies. Soft and well-baked vanilla cookies with a gooey chocolate bear ogre paw in the middle of them. Be sure to enjoy them with some ice-cold milk!
Kokomi - Yuki-onna
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"You like my outfit? I'm Snegurochka! Or "The Snow Maiden" in Russian. Kotan says that here in Japan, they are instead called, 'Yuki-onna', which is a Japanese snow maiden that appears during winter days and nights, luring travelers to their home in exchange for warmth. It's funny how different cultures have the same fairy tales, just with different names and endings. It makes me want to learn more about them, you know? But anyway! Please take these from The Snow Maiden, and enjoy yourselves this night."
You received a treat!
Snow Mints. Small, white circular hard pieces of candy with a spearmint flavor to them. As you pop one in your mouth, you feel your entire body hit with a sudden freeze that clears up after a few seconds. On the bright side, your mouth is minty fresh.
Thanks to @saitama-division for Kokomi's outfit!
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uloelu · 1 year
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An early-May Tuesday in-game...
Last but not least is Josh! His story takes a little longer to get started than some of the others, so you might not see him much in the first couple of episodes of The Fosters. Still, I wanted to play with him before I caught up to the date that episode 2 starts on.
This last Tuesday of Spring was a holiday in their world called the Day of the Worker (aka May Day in real life). Everyone was off from school and work, meaning it was a perfect time to get everyone out of the house. Evelyn took Haven, Chloe, Irving, and Heather to meet her family in Willow Creek, while Audreyanna spent time catching up with some of her old friends. Wes left to go hang with Morgan in San Myshuno, meaning Josh was left to do whatever he wanted. He decided to take a trip to Mt. Komorebi to visit a historical, restored temple in Wakaba. He's all about history and learning about the world, though his Komorebigo is nonexistent. There, he met a girl named Yuki.
Yuki Kuma (aka Yuki Behr) is a freshman and fellow student at Copperdale Prep. Josh was excited to meet someone around his age who could show him around. They got lunch together at a restaurant nearby, and it was there that Josh learned some hidden secrets about Yuki's biggest hobby. What those are, I can't reveal quite yet 😉 but let's just say that Josh isn't the only politically minded teen at their school. They exchanged contact info before he caught a train back to Windenburg, and he's excited to see what the future might bring.
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haruthinks · 2 years
olá pessoal, tudo bem? escrevi essa masterlist pra quem, como eu, curte fazer uns personagens japoneses em seus 1x1 e em comunidades e sempre tem que ficar procurando uns nomes no google. aqui tem alguns dos meus nomes femininos, masculinos e neutros preferidos que coletei pela internet afora. espero que gostem!
obs: alguns nomes da lista dos nomes femininos e masculinos também podem ser considerados neutros, assim como alguns neutros são ditos como masculinos/femininos em alguns sites, então não levem tão ao pé da letra!
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nomes femininos:
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nijigasakilove · 7 months
Shushu v Koko was decided from the moment Koko bragged about licking Yuuki clean lmao. Having just seen invincible s2 e5 her shrinking and exploding kuma from the inside hit different.. IYKYK
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Yachiho and Himari team up was just what I needed. Their abilities really complimented one another in the fight. Hopefully one day Himari will come home. It’s so cute how protective Yachiho gets about her little sister.
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Tenka in a massive battle vs Aoba and instead of going for the finishing blow she just worried about her future with Yuki lmao. Could’ve been a disastrous ending there if Kyouka wasn’t there to save her. At least Tenka gained a new sister in law 😂 the visions of the future better be worth it. Hopefully they come true since she’s best girl
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Uh oh, the “gods” are here and the unicorn is in a murderous rage. Will be a wild finale next week. He was hard enough to beat when he was tamed by Aoba, now that he’s full strength and boosted it’ll be tough.
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As usual some pretty mediocre animation mixed with the subpar CGI.. but it is what it is at this point. Just gotta enjoy this for what it is.
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nimbusnomade · 9 months
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35+ Awesome Japanese Winter Words
Fuyu (冬)
 Fuyu is the Japanese word for winter. It’s one of the four seasons in Japan. The other Japanese seasons are haru (spring),��natsu (summer) and aki (autumn).
Samui (寒い)
Samui means cold in Japanese – and it is one of the most useful Japanese words for winter! If you’re in Japan during the winter months, you will hear almost every conversation start with samui desu ne – cold, isn’t it!
Yuki (雪)
Yuki is the Japanese word for snow. Snow is a symbol of winter in Japan, the same as many other northern hemisphere countries.
Japan is a large country with several different climates, so it doesn’t snow everywhere in Japan. The northern regions (especially Hokkaido) can be covered in snow for several months each year. But other parts of Japan (especially south of Tokyo) rarely see snow. Still, snow is a popular theme for winter cards, art and decorations.
Here are a few other snow related words in Japanese for you:
大雪 (oo yuki) – heavy snow
初雪 (hatsu yuki) – the first snow of the season
雪遊び(yuki asobi) – playing in the snow
雪合戦 (yuki gassen) – snow ball fight
雪祭り (yuki matsuri) – snow festival. The most famous snow festival is held in Sapporo, Hokkaido each February.
Kazahana (風花)
Kazahana is the Japanese word for snow flurry. If you are studying kanji, you might recognise the two characters that make up this word – 風 (kaza, wind) and 花 (hana, flowers). So a flurry of snowflakes is like little white flowers drifting in the wind. What a romantic image!
Ski (スキー)
Skiing is a popular winter hobby in Japan. The Japanese word スキー (ski) has been borrowed from other languages, so it’s easy to remember! It is written in katakana – the Japanese script used for foreign loan words.
Yukimi (雪見)
If you already know something about Japanese culture, you probably know that in Japan, people love to honour the changing seasons with different rituals that celebrate nature. Maybe you’ve heard of hanami – the spring time tradition of going to view the cherry blossoms. Well, yukimi means viewing the snow! Japanese people will often take the time to drink tea while admiring the snow.
Yukidaruma (雪だるま)
Yukidaruma means snowman in Japanese. Just like any other country, children love to build cute snowmen when it snows.The first part of the word, yuki, means snow. The second part, daruma, is a kind of round Japanese doll. Yukidaruma do look more like a ‘daruma’ than a ‘man’!
Bonus word: yukiusagi (雪うさぎ)
As well as snowmen, Japanese children love to make yukiusagi – snow bunnies! Usagi means rabbit in Japanese. Yuki usagi are smaller and easier to make than snowmen. Usually they are decorated with red berries for eyes and green leaves for ears.
Shirokuma (白くま)
Shirokuma means polar bear. Literally, it means white (shiro) bear (kuma). There aren’t any polar bears living in Japan, but a lot of people love them because they look cute, so they are kind of a symbol of winter and snow.
Kurisumasu (クリスマス)
Kurisumasu is Christmas in Japanese. It’s written in katakana, and of course it comes from the English word Christmas. Merry Christmas in Japanese is メリークリスマス (merii kurisumasu).
Christmas is not a big event in Japan because the country does not have a big Christian population. In fact, December 25th is a normal working day.
And it’s not considered a family day like in other countries. Christmas (or more especially, Christmas Eve) are actually thought of as romantic days in Japan! Christmas Eve is the hottest date night of the year – similar to Valentine’s day.
However, lately celebrating a western-style Christmas is becoming more and more popular in Japan.
Learn about some unique Japanese Christmas traditions here!
Oshougatsu (お正月)
Oshougatsu is New Year in Japanese. As we mentioned, New Year is much bigger than Christmas in Japan. In fact, many people consider it to be the most important holiday in the year. A new year represents a fresh start, and new hopes for the year ahead.
Most companies in Japan are closed from January 1 to January 3, and sometimes longer, to allow employees to spend time with their families.
The New Year period is typically a family time in Japan, with lots of traditions and special food.
Here are some other words associated with the New Year in Japan:
大晦日 (oomisoka) – Oomisoka means New Year’s Eve in Japanese.
年越しそば (toshikoshi soba)  – Toshikoshi soba is one of many traditional dishes served at New Year in Japan. Soba are buckwheat noodles, and toshikoshi is another word for New Year. They are traditionally eaten on New Years Eve because the long shape symbolises long life.
おせち (osechi)  – This is traditional food served on New Year’s day. All the ingredients of the meal have some special meaning for good luck over the next year.
 初夢 (hatsuyume)  – the first dream of the New Year
年玉 (otoshidama)  – New Year’s gift, typically money given as a gift to children at New Year in red envelopes
年賀状 (nengajou)  – New Year’s greetings cards
There are actually different greetings, depending on whether you say it before or after the new year!
Hatsumode  (初詣)
Hatsumōde is an important New Year tradition in many Japanese families. It means the first visit to a shrine or temple in the New Year. Many people try to go on January 1st, but any time in the first three days is OK.
Due to this tradition, Shinto shrines in Japan are extremely busy in early January. Many of them have a kind of festival feel, with food stalls outside and lots of activity.
During hatsumode, people buy omikuji (pieces of paper with fortunes written on) and pray for their wishes for the next year.
Kotatsu (炬燵)
If you’ve ever spent a winter in Japan, the kotatsu will be your best friend! A kotatsu is a low table with a heater underneath. You can sit around it to keep your legs warm and toasty in the cold weather. They usually have a blanket attachment to keep the heat in, and for extra coziness.
Most Japanese homes don’t have central heating, so the kotatsu is an important way to stay warm in winter! Usually the family will all gather around the kotatsu and hang out on cold evenings.
Mikan (みかん)
Mikan are Japanese mandarin oranges. They are a common winter fruit in Japan. They are grown in the south of Japan, especially Ehime prefecture. It has lots of vitamins and keeps people healthy in winter.
Japanese people especially love to enjoy mikan while sitting around the kotatsu!
Here are some other winter foods in Japan:
ゆず (yuzu) – another Japanese citrus fruit with a kind of lime/lemon taste
かぼちゃ (kabocha) – Japanese pumpkin
おでん (oden) – kind of stew with boiled ingredients such as boiled eggs, fishpaste cakes, potatoes and daikon
鍋 (nabe) – a warming hotpot dish full of vegetables and meat or fish
焼き芋 (yakiimo) – roasted sweet potatoes which are often sold by street vendors or food trucks in winter
いちご (ichigo) – strawberries. Strawberries are considered summer fruits in many other countries, but in Japan they are most popular in winter.
もち (mochi) – rice cake sold and eaten especially at new year, and also used in new year decorations.
Fuyu gomori (冬ごもり)
Do you like to escape from the world and stay indoors all winter? If so, you’re taking part in fuyu gomori – winter confinement or hibernation! The kotatsu is the perfect place for fuyu gomori 🙂
Setsubun (節分)
Setsubun is considered the last day of winter and beginning of spring in Japan. It takes place on February 3rd.
On setsubun, many Japanese families take part in a tradition to scare away evil spirits before the new season starts. For this tradition, the father of the household dresses up in a demon mask and comes to the front door of the house. The other family members throw soy beans at him, shouting 鬼は外! 福は内! (Oni wa soto! Fuku wa uchi!), which means ‘Demon out! Luck in!’, to chase him away. This is supposed to bring happiness for the new year.
Some people also attend a shrine on this day, or eat a special sushi roll called ehō-maki facing a lucky direction.
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ichinisankaku · 2 years
Backstage Translation - The Only Suitcase of it's Kind (Part 3)
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Tenma: I'm home- ...hm?
Muku: You'll be able to tell right away with this!
Yuki: I mean, yeah, but aren't they putting on too many?
Tenma: Why are you all gathered at a time like...
Wait, hey, what are you doing! That's my suitcase, isn't it!?
Kumon: Ah, welcome home Tenma-san!
Misumi: Right now, we're putting marks on your suitcase so it doesn't get mixed up at the baggage reclaim~
Tenma: No, you're saying that why you're covering it in triangle seals...?
I told you to treat it carefully, since it belongs to me.
Kazunari: It's fine♪ We're using seals that can be taken off cleanly☆
Kumon: You can take them off no matter how many times you use them!
Tenma: ...Huh, so that kind of thing exists.
Misumi: And, making seals looked fun, so Kazu said he'd let us all have a go while we're here~
Muku: Kazu-kun prepared blank seals, and we've been drawing what we like on them.
Yuki: Though the Trianglian's just been covering it with the triangle seals Kazunari made.
Kumon: There's still some space, so you should draw one too, Tenma! Here's a coloured pen!
Tenma: Geez, guess I may as well...
Muku: Yours is so cute, Yuki-kun! It's Kuma-san, right?
Yuki: Yeah. This one's a sheep, and that one's a rabbit.
Muku: That's lovely! Maybe I should draw some animals too.
Kumon: I drew a dragon egg!
Kazunari: Ooh, just what I'd expect from Kumopi! It's colourful and super rad!
Misumi: What'd you draw Tenma?
Tenma: Fufun, I drew this. Look, it's amazing, right?
Misumi: ...What is it?
Tenma: What do you mean "what", it's clearly Sankaku-kun no matter how you look at it! I drew it for your sake, you know.
Misumi: Eeeh~! This isn't a triangle...
Kazunari: Ahaha, it's fine, it's fiiiine! Because it was made with Tenten's love!
Yuki: In that case, should we stick it in the place that stands out most? Since it was made by the owner.
Misumi: I see~ Then... here!
Kumon: Ooh, front and center!
Yuki: Well, quality aside, it's definitely the best choice for a mark.
Tenma: Oi, what's that supposed to mean.
Kazunari: It definitely won't overlap with someone else's!
Muku: It won't get mixed up at the baggage reclaim with this!
Tenma: My seal is right in the middle... that's somehow a bit embarrassing.
Misumi: Ehehe, thank you everyooone!
Now I won't lose Tenma's suitcase! I'm looking forward to Hokkaido~
Part 1 | Part 2
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